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UK Against Fluoridation

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Canadian City Votes NO To Fluoride In Water

Southampton UK voted 72% against but they still insist on fluoridation!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Australia - Fluoride to be added in December

Fluoride to be added in December
Belinda Scott | 30th October 2010
BELLINGEN Shire Council will begin putting fluoride into town water on December 1.
The council said the NSW Department of Health had approved the Bellingen Shire’s fluoride dosing units and instructed the council to commence dosing.
As a result, the council will be turning on the fluoride dosing plants in Dorrigo, Bellingen and the seaboard (Urunga, Repton, Raleigh, Fernmount and Mylestom).
Anyone who is on the reticulated water supply will receive fluoridated water from December, although in the Mylestom and Repton areas, fluoride is not expected to be noticeable within the water supply for seven-10 days.
The council said further information regarding fluoride was available on the website www.fluoridenow.com.au.
Not everyone is delighted with the news, but local opponents are now shifting their sights to a larger target.
“We’re stuck with it until the Fluoridation Act is changed in Parliament,” said Bellingen resident Fiona Crosskill.
“I’m lined up with all the others still battling the bureaucracy.
“Australia-wide, the health departments have managed to silence everyone and force it (fluoridation) through.
“Everyone who raises their voice is marginalised and made to look like freaks, but 70 per cent of people here voted against it, and that is a pretty high number given that about 30 per cent of people are on water tanks.”
Ms Crosskill said Bellingen Council had “washed their hands of it” because NSW Health was paying to have the fluoride dosing plants put in and maintained for the first few years.
She said although NSW Health reassured councils there could not be any complaints against them, there was still a lot of opposition to fluoridated water, with some countries banning it and other reversing the decision to fluoridate.
She said there was particular concern about using fluoridated water to make up formula for babies, since it accumulated in the body and it had also been implicated in problems experienced by older people, including brittle bones.
She said those who refused to be “mass-medicated” also paid a high price, with her osmosis filter costing her $1000 to install.

UK - Daily Echo letter - Fluoride can affect the biosystem

Fluoride can affect the biosystem
WITH the 'ecological disaster' in Hungary, we need to be aware of similar dangers in south Hampshire. A particular peril here is, of course, the Fawley Refinery. If a major accident happened then not only would there be pollution from the potential petrochemical explosion, but also from the fluoride gas released.
Whilst there has been a lot of discussion about the major health dangers of fluoride in water, what many do not realise is that children may already ingest too much fluoride. The EU scientific committee currently looking at fluoride has said as much in its preliminary report.
• Fluoride is in our food from pesticide residues. Fluoride is used as it is lethal to buy in tiny doses.
• It is in the air from emissions of fluoride gases by industry (eg hydrogen fluoride)
• It is in our tea
• In future it may also be added to our water
• Not to mention the massive levels of fluoride in toothpaste, levels that could kill a small child if he or she were to eat just one tube.
Many aquatic animals cannot live in fluoridated water from our taps (e.g. frogs die very quickly). One of the first things to die when we have just a few parts per billion of airborne fluoride poisoning is bees.
As a gas hydrogen fluoride (HF) is more dangerous than the
First World War poisonous gases, and HF one of the most toxic gases known to man. If we had a major emission of hydrogen fluoride, such as from the Fawley refinery or from a water treatment plant accident, then that could be as big a disaster as Bhopal in India in 1984.
Now we also have the danger of terrorist attack. If they attack a fluoride store, then that could trigger this Bhopal style poisonous gas disaster we fear.
Storing fluorides at water treatment plants adds to the probability of accidents or attacks, especially transporting fluoride. We need to reduce our exposure to fluorides generally and to the possibility of fluoride related accidents specifically.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Waterloo's Fluoridation Referendum Results & Commentary CTV News 25 Oct 10

Daily Echo - Watchdog warns Southern Water over leaks

Watchdog warns SW over leaks
HAMPSHIRE'S water supplier has been warned it could be fined if it doesn't do more to tackle burst pipes.
Southern Water was one of six companies that missed their target this year for reducing leakage.
Ninety five million litres of water are wasted through the company's pipes every day, which is enough to fill 38 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
Regulator Ofwat says Southern Water could face penalties if their performance doesn't improve. Environmental campaigners say the company needs to do more to stop water being wasted.
John Spottiswoode, who ran as a Green Party parliamentary candidate for Southampton Itchen, said: "What concerns me more is that it's an indication of a lack of being careful with our water supply
"They want to introduce fluoride and it worries me that they may not be able to deal with chemical leakage from treatment
Southern Water missed its target for reducing leaks by 3.3 per cent, and the company says they had to deal with a record number of mains bursts during last year's harsh winter.
They're now increasing the number of staff dedicated to detecting leaks, replacing 50km of ageing water mains and launching a programme to install leak alarms on water meters in houses across the south east.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Australia - Residents take fluoride fight to UN

Residents take fluoride fight to UN
By Brad Ryan
The Cairns Regional Council says it will try to delay the addition of fluoride to water in the region's north as residents prepare to take international court action.
A group of residents in the former Douglas Shire is planning to take action in the United Nations' International Court to prevent fluoride being added to their supply.
The area's councillor Julia Leu says the council will write to the Queensland Government requesting fluoridation be deferred for two years, pending the outcome of the action.
"The intention of the court proceedings is still in its early stages and I think it will be very interesting to see what is the outcome and it could well be some sort of landmark case," she said.
"I mean I think essentially it reflects the fact that the Douglas community is very opposed to chemicals in the water supply.
"They've done some research and they've informed me that they intend to take the Queensland Government to the Hague, which is the international court, on the basis that it is a violation of human rights to be subjected to the forced medication of fluoride."

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

UK - Parliament - Earl Howe: Yes, we are planning to issue new guidance

26 Oct 2010 : Column WA257
Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley

To ask Her Majesty's Government , further to the Written Answers by Lord Darzi of Denham on 20 July 2009 (WA 278-9) and Baroness Thornton on 4 March 2010 (WA 272-3), whether in issuing revised guidance to the National Health Service about the evidence surrounding water fluoridation they will give due weight to the findings of the "York" systematic review in 2000 concerning potential health risks including dental fluorosis, and to publications about the study on the bioavailability of fluoride in water by the University of Newcastle that have appeared subsequently to its first report in 2004.[HL2622]

Earl Howe: Yes, we are planning to issue new guidance based on all the evidence now available after the outcome is known of the judicial review of South Central Strategic Health Authority's decision to fluoridate Southampton and parts of south-west Hampshire. We will be consulting interested organisations and individuals about the guidance including the noble Earl.

Australia - Fluoride to be added to another north coast public water supply

Fluoride to be added to another north coast public water supply
Posted 6 hours 8 minutes ago
A controversial project to add fluoride to the Bellingen shire's public water supply will begin in December.
Six years ago the Bellingen council surveyed residents to see if they wanted fluoridated water and more than 70 per cent of those responding said 'no'.
But the New South Wales Department of Health has now approved the Shire's dosing plants and instructed the council to start adding the chemical to its water supply.
The council says from December 1, fluoride will be added to water supplies for Dorrigo and the seaboard towns of Urunga, Repton, Mylestom, Raleigh and Fernmount.

It concedes the move is likely to be unpopular with some.

72% responding said NO in Southampton UK but they still ignore us. Democracy in action

USA - Moorhead receives water quality award

Moorhead receives water quality award
Moorhead Public Service has been awarded a Water Fluoridation Quality Award from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
By: Forum staff reports, INFORUM
Service has been awarded a Water Fluoridation Quality Award from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Water fluoridation is the adjustment of fluoride in the drinking water supply to a level that safely and effectively reduces tooth decay and promotes good oral health.

The award recognizes those communities that maintained a consistent level of optimally fluoridated water throughout 2009.

What about the companies that don't meet safety guidelines?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

UK - Water poisoning legacy?

Water poisoning legacy?
4.28PM Thu Oct 7 2010
22 years on, there are fears about the long term legacy of the Camelford water poisoning scandal. Next month an inquest will open into the death of a woman from the Cornish town who died from a rare form of Alzheimers. In an exclusive interview a leading scientist has told us that people in the area may be at risk from brain diseases.

By: Eli-Louise Wringe

Canada - Green Party's refreshing stance on fluoridation

Green Party's refreshing stance on fluoridation
The Green Party recently became the first Canadian political party to adopt a policy position opposing the fluoridation of public tap water. This milestone is noteworthy to me as I have followed the fluoride issue since starting in the bottled water business almost 30 years ago. Of particular interest is the Green's statement: "...no statistical difference exists in rates of dental caries between areas that use artificial water fluoridation chemicals and those that do not (Statistics Canada)." The entire motion can be found on the Green Party website and also at fluoridealert.org.

It is no wonder that many researchers, including Dr. Hardy Limeback, head of preventative dentistry at the University of Toronto, have also concluded that fluoridation's benefits have been overstated and the risks downplayed and under-studied.

After 60 years of "bought science," it appears a revelation is at hand.
David Green
Rocky Ridge Water
Cottonwood Dr.

Thyroid-damaging fluoride may also be harmful to teeth

Thyroid-damaging fluoride may also be harmful to teeth
A new study suggests that infants who are fed formula that is reconstituted with fluoridated water are at greater risk for developing discolored teeth, which is also known as dental fluorosis. The compound is also classified as an endocrine disruptor that can cause impaired thyroid function, according to the National Research Council.

The study by Stephen Levy, which is published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, confirms his earlier studies, which show "fluoride intakes during each of the first 4 years were individually significantly related to fluorosis on maxillary central incisors, with the first year most important," and that "infant formulas reconstituted with higher fluoride water can provide 100 to 200 times more fluoride than breast milk, or cow's milk."

Fluoride's potential to impair thyroid function can be illustrated by the fact that up until the 1970s European doctors used fluoride as a thyroid-suppressing medication for patients with hyperthyroidism (over-active thyroid), according to ThyroidAlert.org. The compound was utilized because it was found to be effective at reducing the activity of the thyroid gland - even at doses as low as 2 milligrams (mg) per day.

Today, many people living in fluoridated communities are ingesting doses of fluoride that fall within the range of doses (2 to 10 mg/day) once used by doctors to reduce thyroid activity in hyperthyroid patients

USA - Substantial consumption of fluoride increases chance of mild fluorosis

Substantial consumption of fluoride increases chance of mild fluorosis
by bjs on October 25, 2010 in Blog Entry
CHICAGO, Oct. 25, 2010 — Young children who consume substantial amounts of fluoride through infant formula and other beverages mixed with fluoridated water or by swallowing fluoride toothpaste have an increased chance of developing mild enamel fluorosis, according to research published in the October issue of The Journal of the American Dental Association and supported by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Children can continue using fluoridated water and fluoride toothpaste because fluoride has been proven to prevent tooth decay, and mild fluorosis does not negatively affect dental health or quality of life.

“Nearly all of the fluorosis in our study participants was mild. A recent review of the effects of mild dental fluorosis on oral health — related quality of life concluded that the effect of mild fluorosis was not adverse and could even be favorable,” according to the study. “This suggests that concerns about mild dental fluorosis may be exaggerated. Therefore, no general recommendations to avoid use of fluoridated water in reconstituting infant formula are warranted. ”

Could even be favorable?

Canada - Voters say no to fluoride, K-W merger talks

Voters say no to fluoride, K-W merger talks
October 25, 2010
By Jeff Outhit, Record staff
WATERLOO REGION — Residents have voted narrowly to remove fluoride from tap water in Waterloo, St. Jacobs and Elmira. And enough of them have said no to defeat merger talks between Kitchener and Waterloo.......

USA - Delaware Valley schools spitting out fluoride program

Delaware Valley schools spitting out fluoride program
By Beth Brelje
Pocono Record Writer
October 26, 2010 For years, elementary school teachers throughout Delaware Valley School District have reached into their desks just after morning announcements, pulled out bulk-sized bottles of prescription medicine and dispensed pills to students.

But the practice of dispensing fluoride tablets — the supplement for kids who drink well water at home — will likely stop in November...........

Monday, October 25, 2010

Alaska - No to fluoride

No to fluoride
by Coert Olmsted, Ph.D., Data analyst for Fluoride Free Fairbanks, Fairbanks Oct. 20, 2010
To the editor:
Pro-fluoridation lobbyists say “... there are no adverse health effects associated with fluoridated water.” This is simply false.
The fluoridation orthodoxy tolerates no doubt, dismissing opposition as quackery after cursory review, holding faith in “expert opinion” of public health bureaucrats.
Nobel laureate Arvid Carlsson is as qualified as any, but is strongly opposed to fluoridation. He believes fluoridation violates pharmalogical principles — medications should be tailored to individuals.
In the early 1990s, the National Toxicology Program found that rats exposed to fluoride were likely to develop osteosarcoma. The National Cancer Institute found that young males living in fluoridated communities were at higher risk of osteosarcoma. Independent researchers confirmed these results.

In 2006, Elise Bassin published peer-reviewed science showing strong evidence that fluoridation increases osteosarcoma risk. WebMD: www.webmd.com/cancer/news/20060406/does-fluoridation-up-bone-cancer-risk?print=true

The National Research Council reported (2006) environmental standards on fluoride are weak and “not protective” of public health, and “... the evidence on the potential of fluoride to initiate or promote cancers, particularly of the bone, is tentative and mixed.”

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention website states: “... a large study, based out of the Harvard School of Public Health and due to be published soon, should add important information ... further research ... is needed...”

Plainly, there is good evidence that fluoridation is carcinogenic. Other studies are inconclusive, so obviously it is not clearly known that fluoridation is safe. It’s imperative to assess this real risk. Nonetheless, policy makers invert logic, saying it’s not obvious that fluoridation is carcinogenic, thus it’s OK because of “no adverse health effects.” Working this astounding reversal of common sense and medical practice is masterful propaganda, but is standard at public health policy agencies.
The Harvard study by Chester Douglass has not appeared after 4.5 years. Douglass is compromised, serving on dental industry editorial boards, and administering National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research grants, a conflict of interest as both groups are biased pro-fluoridation.
Don’t believe everything you see on the internet, especially big brother government saying “Trust me, fluoridation is good for everybody and perfectly safe.”
Read more: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - No to fluoride

UK - Daily Echo - little confidence after fluoride issue

DR Andrew Mortimore, public health director, is a signatory of a current 108-page NHS Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Southampton.

In the document Dr Mortimore, who instigated the threat of fluoridation to Southampton water supply, describes this unwelcome very expensive folly thus: "A water fluoridation scheme proposed by Southampton was supported unanimously by the SHA Board after a public consultation.

"The consultation included an independently commissioned telephone survey of a random sample of patients to assess the level of support for the scheme."

The findings, illustrated by a pretty graph showed that 38 per cent were against while 32 per cent were for it, not a conclusive vote.

What he conveniently leaves out is that during the consultation 72 per cent of informed unsolicited people responded with a resounding NO to fluoridation.

I would ask Dr Mortimore if 72 per cent had voted yes would you have left that out of your one-sided information pact. Gives little confidence in any other information your department promulgates.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Children should not over consume candy and sweet food

..........Children should not over consume candy and sweet food and rinse their mouths with water after nibbling. Dr. Scott Navarro, dental director at Delta Dental of New Jersey, explains: “Cavities and tooth decay are caused by prolonged exposure to sugar. Parents can help their kids fight cavities by decreasing the amount of time sugar comes in contact with their teeth, as well as moderating the amount of candy they consume.”

The main advice to adults is that Smoking and drinking are the causes of several diseases such as periodontitis and cancer and should be limited or avoided. Older patients should use additional floss and treatment against mouth-dryness that fosters the decay of teeth.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

UK - Dennis the fluoride rebel dies at age 84

Dennis the fluoride rebel dies at age 84
22 October 2010
By Michael Peel
CALDERDALE'S most fanatical anti-fluoride campaigner, Dennis Edmondson, has died at 84.
A former council gardener and forester, he lived at Duck Hill, Pecket Well, Hebden Bridge.
Mr Edmondson began his crusade against putting fluoride indrinking water in 1975 and founded the Calderdale Citizens' Protest Against Fluoridation. He organ
ADVERTISEMENTised a petition in 1977 signed by 23,000 people and spent thousands of his own money on scientific tests.
In the 1980s, fluoride was being added to supplies in Kirkless and half of Stainland and would have been extended to the rest of Calderdale had it not been for Mr Edmondson, who helped to persuade Yorkshire Water to call a halt. He claimed fluoride was to blame for stillbirths and infant deformities.
His determination often made him a thorn in the side of politicians whom he thought were not doing enough to highlight the dangers of the chemical.
During the last war, Mr Edmondson was in the King's Royal Rifle Corp and he took part in a special exercise during which he was exposed to chlorine gas.
He told a Social Security tribunal in 1995 that it had caused a variety of medical ailments including asthma and osteoporosis and had made him impotent.
A friend of Mr Edmondson, Edward Priestley, who lives in France, said: "Dennis was very knowledgeable and a campaigner on many medical issues. I owe him a great debt.
"I phoned him every day and he told me the day before he died he was writing to the Courier on hypothyroidism, which he suffered from."
Widespread public consultation has been promised on a study authorised a year ago into the feasibility of adding fluoride to all or selective water.

Fluoridation facts

Fluoridation facts
Written by Kelley Atherton, The Triplicate October 21, 2010 04:00 pm
How it’s done, and its history, in local water
.......A report by the Center for Disease Control states: “since the chemicals used for water fluoridation are co-products of the man­ufacture of phosphate fertilizers, and the raw material used is a natural resource (rocks excavated for their mineral content), water fluoridation could accurately be described as environmentally friendly, as it maxi­mizes the use made of these natural resources, and reduces waste.”..................

Reduces waste? Co-products?

Water Fluoridation is Stupid!

Friday, October 22, 2010

"No Fluoride Please...We're British"

Old film but I've never seen it - the SHA needs our support before going ahead - that's a laugh in Southampton where 72% said NO - they still said yes.

Why polluted coal is poisoning people in the Chinese countryside

Why polluted coal is poisoning people in the Chinese countryside
In rural areas of Southwestern China, villagers' habits of picking up loose coal for use in their homes has lead to an epidemic that may have poisoned millions. The coal is exposed through erosion, and then picked up by locals and used for cooking and heating. Unfortunately the coal is unusually high in fluoride, which is then burned, and enters the system through inhalation of particles, and through food which absorbs the pollutant.

This leads to an incredibly high incidence of fluorosis, both of the skeleton and the teeth, which can lead to crippling joint problems, deformed bones and severely damaged teeth............

Fluoride Reccomended by Birmingham MP Roger Godsiff

Poor sound and video but worth listening to on fluoridated Birmingham's awakening.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Uk - whether consuming fluoridated water affects children's IQ

Asked by Lord Colwyn

To Ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of whether consuming fluoridated water affects children's IQ.[HL2399]
Answered by:
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Earl Howe): We are not aware of any robust evidence of a detrimental effect on children's IQ from water in which the fluoride content has been adjusted to the one-part-per-million level used in fluoridation schemes in England.

Have they looked for evidence?

USA - ADA study confirms dangers of fluoridated water

ADA study confirms dangers of fluoridated water, especially for babies
Thursday, October 21, 2010 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
Advocates of fluoridated water insist that the chemical additive is good for teeth, but actual science routinely shows otherwise, including a new study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association confirming fluoride as a toxic substance that actually destroys teeth, particularly those of developing young children and babies..............

Polluted Coal Likely Cause Of Disease In Rural China

In remote, rural areas of southwestern China, villagers cook and dry their clothes by burning pieces of coal they pick up off the ground. This fuel releases a toxin that may be poisoning millions of people, according to an ongoing investigation by chemists at the University at Buffalo in New York. The researchers presented their work at the AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition, which takes place this week at the Albuquerque Convention Center in New Mexico.

The toxin in question is fluoride, which binds to calcium in the human body and causes the disease fluorosis. This condition, which affects millions in China's Guizhou province, can cause dental problems, such as discolored and pitted teeth, as well as joint pain, muscular degeneration, and deformities in joints and the spine....

Poisoned Horses with Cathy Justus 1 of 3

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oral health promotion programmes

No mention that 72% of the informed people who actually responded during the consultation voted against. The following extract signed by Dr Mortimore who began this sorry affair once again proves that they bend the truth and refuse to accept that almost everybody who looks into the practice of fluoridation, and don't just accept the BMO and the BDA propaganda, reject it.
This is extracted from a Southampton Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
(JSNA) refresh consultation 2010

Oral health promotion programmes (OHP) have achieved small behavioural improvements at local level but no oral health improvement at population level.

A water fluoridation scheme proposed by Southampton was supported unanimously by the SHA Board after a public consultation. The consultation included an independently-commissioned telephone survey of a random sample of patients to assess the level of support for the scheme. The results are shown below.

Figure 3.3 Level of Support for Fluoridisation in a Random Telephone Sample of

Film taken of the SCSHA early 2009

Film taken of the SCSHA Board meeting 26th February 2009 hearing the evidence for and against fluoridation and coming to their unanimous decision including the chairman to fluoridate Southampton.It ended in uproar from the audience who were mainly opposed. During the three month consultation 72% of those who responded voted NO.
In January 2011 a Judicial Review will decide if the consultation result is upheld so no further work to implement fluoridation has proceeded. In 2012 the SCSHA itself will be abolished and future fluoridation schemes will be decided by democratic Councils.
Film taken of the SCSHA early 2009

USA - Schoeffler helped make the case against fluoride

One major contribution to Lafayette's well-being was overlooked in listing reasons why Harold Schoeffler was given the "Living Legend" award. Everyone who bathes in or drinks Lafayette's water should be mindful of Schoeffler's role as leader of the Sierra Club.
Dr. Jim Reeves was invited to speak to the Sierra Club in February 2009. Reeves, as a UL dean of engineering, has been opposing fluoridation of municipal water for 20 years. Reeves was joined by D. Paul Connett from St. Lawrence University in New York. In their visit with the Lafayette City-Parish Council one night in April 2009, the council members voted, 8-1, to reject Louisiana's mandatory fluoridation law passed in 2008. Every time we drink or bathe in local water, we might feel gratitude for the action of Reeves, Connett and not least, Harold Schoeffler for making their appearance possible.
"Fluoride" is actually a toxic waste and known neurotoxin that affects brain development, causes thyroid problems and causes brittle bones in later years. Cancer levels are higher in areas where fluoride is in the water. The American Dental Association issued a warning in November 2006 telling parents not to prepare infant formula with water containing fluoride. Breast milk contains 200 times less fluoride than "safe levels."
Sodium fluoride comes in bags clearly marked with skull and bones and "toxic." It is too deadly for ocean or river dumping but blindly put into our water supply.
Along with the medical cost, each bag of "fluoride" costs over $800. If Lousiana's budget is $100 million in the red (The Advocate, Oct. 6, 2010) why throw money into a project that adds more toxicity to our daily lives?
Louisiana could become the first state in the U.S. to enact legislation that bans fluoride completely.

Canada - Listen to the dentists Fluoridation?

Listen to the dentists Fluoridation
Yves Marchand
Waterloo Region Record
October 19, 2010

|I have followed the commentary on the fluoridation of Waterloo's water supply and conclude little has changed since the debates I followed back in the 1960s when Kingston put the same question to the voters.

Freely available information is not necessarily balanced or accurate. Information from anti-fluoridation websites is similar. There are quotes from "peer reviewed journals" such as the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, but I dug a little deeper and discovered such journals to be nothing but a platform for lobbyists to publish their opinion pieces - opinion based on little or no research, presenting results that are invalid or irreproducible.

The information I find that supports fluoridation comes from government websites and accredited medical and dental groups, the same groups mocked by the anti-fluoride lobby. That information is properly researched, peer reviewed and published in credible scientific journals. That research shows that fluoride added to the water supply, regardless of the compound from which it was derived, is safe and effective in reducing the rate of dental caries by five to 40 per cent depending on the age of the individual.
On balance, I find the opinion of dentists and doctors more credible and will vote to continue with fluoridation.
Yves Marchand
Sounds reasonable but not good advice many dentists are against fluoridation but are too frightened to speak out. And the official pro fluoridation authorities tell spout fibs including the 40% reduction of tooth decay and they ignore the rampant fluorosis.

USA - More join in court fight over PA fluoride

More join in court fight over PA fluoride
October 19th, 2010 - 6:19am
(Port Angeles) -- Seven groups have now joined an effort to overturn a state Supreme Court ruling dealing with fluoride in the Port Angeles water.
They're supporting Port Angeles based "Our Water-Our Choice!" and "Protect Our Waters" in a request the court reconsider its denial of allowing two initiatives on the ballot.
The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Fluoride Action Network, Oregon Citizens for Safe Drinking Water, Washington Action for Safe Water, Whidbey Environmental Action Network, Protect the Peninsula's Future, and Clallam County Citizens for Safe Drinking Water signed on to the petition for reconsideration.
Last month, the state's high court ruled 5-4 it agreed with the Port Angeles city council that the two initiatives filed in 2006 concerned administrative matters and fell outside the scope of the initiative process.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


This Report should ring strong alarm bells in the minds of mothers who ought to know already that they should not use fluoridated water to make up infant formula. The combination of dietary aluminium and fluoride from the water represents just the same kind of neurotoxic hazard that Isaacson and his colleagues in New York have studied in rat brains, after exposing the rats either to aluminium fluoride in water at 1 ppm or to sodium fluoride at 1 ppm and dietary aluminium - the results are essentially the same. Under some conditions it became a lethal combination. George Glasser wrote a pamphlet about this research. Ian Packington


Formula milk has been found to contain 40 x more aluminium than breast milk, potentially putting babies health at risk. Traces of the metal were found in some leading baby milks & were 16 x higher than levels legally allowed in water. A team from Keele Uni in Staffordshire tested 15 ready-made & powdered formula milks for aluminium. "In both types of milk, levels were unacceptably high, says lead researcher Dr. Chris Exley. He said "Previous research strongly suggests aluminium could cause some toxicity in premature babies with illnesses such kidney disease. In a healthy baby you wouldn't see any symptoms or problems but my concern is that it can accumulate & cause issues in later years." Aluminium exposure has been linked to anaemia & neurological disorders in adults. When Dr. Exley spoke to the baby formula companies they said no aluminium is added to formula milk, leading him to conclude that the milk is contaminated during manufacture or storage. "Formula tends to be packaged in aluminium tubs or foil packets" he said

USA - ‘The Case Against Fluoride'

‘The Case Against Fluoride' —Dr. Paul Connett, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Chemistry at S. Lawrence University, will discuss the genesis and effects of fluoride in our drinking water. 7 p.m. Nov 4. Thompson Conference Center, University of Texas, 2405 Robert Dedman Drive. 7 p.m. Nov. 9. King Seabrook Chapel, Huston-Tillotson University, 900 Chicon St. 371-3786, www.fluoridefreeaustin.com.

Poor Lifestyle and Diet are Behind the Dementia Explosion

Poor Lifestyle and Diet are Behind the Dementia Explosion
The rapid increase in Alzheimer`s cases over the past 50 years is due to the excessive amount of processed foods that are consumed at every meal. These foods have been stripped of the essential nutrients and antioxidants that are found in natural food sources and are required by our brain to function optimally. Our poor diet is combined with a lack of physical activity that promotes cognitive decline. There is solid evidence that exercise promotes the development of new brain cells and can prevent memory decline.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Dementia: Look at Startling Costs and Understand Prevention

Dementia: Look at Startling Costs and Understand Prevention
Monday, October 18, 2010 by: Kim Evans, citizen journalist
..........Fluoride, in toothpastes and often in our water, also causes brain damage. Actually, fluoride helps aluminum cross the blood brain barrier, so that aluminum enters the brain very easily. Both fluoride and aluminum in the body are dangerous alone, but together they're lethal for your brain.

Cooking fluorinated water in aluminum cookware concentrates aluminum - by hundreds of times - making it a far more potent poison. Fluoride is also in soft drinks, if the maker is in an area using fluorinated water, and restaurants often use aluminum cookware.

When you understand the causes, you can now work backwards to understand prevention. For starters, toss fluoride toothpastes and deodorants and find natural alternatives. If you're cooking on aluminum foil or aluminum pots and pans, use glass or high heat fired lead-free ceramic instead. Then, buy organic foods and stay away from other habits that promote brain damage, including junk food, smoking and pharmaceutical drugs........

Australia - Pegler defends water safety

Pegler defends water safety
Posted on October 18, 2010, 7:07am
MOUNT Gambier MP Don Pegler is convinced residents will not suffer any adverse impacts from consuming fluoridated Blue Lake water after meeting with SA Health water quality principal Dr David Cunliffe yesterday.
Mr Pegler questioned the health expert after discussing fluoridation with various people on both sides of the argument in Mount Gambier.

“I have looked into it thoroughly and I can assure residents that if it was bad, I would be the first one to stop it,” Mr Pegler said.
“I have made my decision on the fact there is anecdotal evidence that fluoride reduces tooth decay.”Mr Pegler said he had asked questions on the testing process of fluoride, how the chemical was sourced and about possible adverse health effects.
“They told me that the fluoride used in our water is a byproduct from the fertiliser industry; they dig it up from the ground and it is one of the chemicals that naturally occurs in fertiliser,” he said.
“Rigorous tests are done on it before it is added to water and only small, safe amounts of 1mg per litre are added.”
Mr Pegler said there was no difference between “natural” and “chemical fluoride”.
“Fluoride is a chemical that occurs naturally in the ground,” he said.
“To say they are two different things is like saying that iron we get from green vegetables is good, but iron we get from the dirt is bad — vegetables get iron out of the ground.”
Fluoride sceptics claim that the chemical could cause skeletal and dental fluorisis, but Mr Pegler said evidence indicated that these conditions occurred only in countries where the dosage was too high.
“There is problems with skeletal fluorosis in countries such as India and Kenya where between 35 and 50mg of naturally occurring fluoride have been measured in water, but the dosage is too low here to cause any problems,” Mr Pegler said.

No difference in Calcium fluoride found in some water and Hexafluorosilicic acid they use mainly to fluoridate?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

USA - What is fluoridation and should you care?

What is fluoridation and should you care?
10/16/2010 11:42 PM

...........Q: Does fluoride put into municipal water supplies really do any good, and is it safe to drink?

A: Some sources said that the fluoridation of drinking waters in cities is an excellent way to reduce cavities in the general populace. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website lists the fluoridation of drinking water as one of "10 great public health achievements" in the United States during the 20th century.

According to the CDC, the process of putting fluoride in water began in 1945, and by the beginning of the present century fluoride was being consumed by more than 140 million people. The CDC states that fluoridation is a safe and inexpensive mechanism to prevent tooth decay in all the adults and children of a community. They cite a book, "Dentistry, Dental Practice, and the Community," by Brian A. Burt and Steven A. Eklund indicating that fluoridation has reduced tooth decay by as much as 70 percent in children and decreased tooth loss by more than 50 percent in adults.

On the other side of the issue are those who advocate against the use of fluoride. One book on the topic is "The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There" by Paul Connett, James Beck, and H.S. Micklem.

A review of this book by Ralph Nader, the consumer advocate, political activist and four-time presidential candidate, said that the "characterizations of science and democracy are the reasons for reading this book. Especially if you and your family are drinking administratively mandated fluoridated water."

Another book with a similar bent is called "The Fluoride Deception" by Christopher Bryson. Either of these sounds like they would provide the ammunition for someone searching for the darker side of municipal water fluoridation.

I have not read any of these books, pro or con, and do not know if the facts given and the positions taken are plausible or not.

I did ask six ecologists with a background in chemistry, environmental health or biology what they knew about the merits of municipal fluoridation of drinking water. All admitted knowing too little to take a strong position one way or the other.

This is an intriguing topic, and it has generated intense feelings on both sides of the issue. Like the ecologists I spoke with while writing this column, I do not have enough information to take a well-researched position for or against fluoridation of municipal water supplies. But clearly information is available for those who want to do their homework before deciding whether fluoride in the water is a boon or a curse.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Alex Jones Tv We Are A Fluoride Head Nation It Could be Too Late for The USA!

Friday, October 15, 2010

UK - The Case Against Water Fluoridation

The Case Against Water Fluoridation
A new look at the scientific evidence A public talk and question time with one of the world’s leading experts on fluoridation: Professor Paul Connett PhD
Director of the Fluoride Action Network Emeritus Professor of Chemistry
St Lawrence University, New York

Tuesday 26th October 2010
2 – 4.30pm
University of Bristol
Wills Hall Parry’s Lane BS9 1AE
Stoke Bishop
Free Admission – Light Refreshments

All Welcome
Bristolians Against Fluoridation
0117 962 1364
National Pure Water Association www.npwa.org.uk

Cancer 'is purely man-made'

Cancer 'is purely man-made' say scientists after finding almost no trace of disease in Egyptian mummies
By Fiona Macrae
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1320507/Cancer-purely-man-say-scientists-finding-trace-disease-Egyptian-mummies.html#ixzz12QyDdlfI
..........'About one in three people in the UK will get cancer so it is fairly commonplace in the modern world.
Scientists now say a healthy diet, regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight can prevent about a third of the most common cancers so perhaps our ancestors’ lifestyle reduced their risk from cancer.'

And avoid fluoride?

We Are Change Chicago - Fluoride Street Action

They ought to copy this tactic in Birmingham UK.

The Case Against Fluoride: Toxifying the Tap

The Case Against Fluoride: Toxifying the Tap
October 14th, 2010
By Rady Ananda
In July of this year, the United Nations declared access to clean water a human right. The United States was among 41 nations that abstained from supporting the resolution. Since October 15th is Blog for Water Day, a close inspection of a common US practice – fluoridating city water supplies – is in order.

The subject of water fluoridation has been controversial for decades, but a new book, The Case Against Fluoride, won the accolades of a Nobel Laureate:

"Sweden rejected fluoridation in the 1970s and, in this excellent book, these three scientists have confirmed the wisdom of that decision. Our children have not suffered greater tooth decay, as World Health Organization figures attest, and in turn our citizens have not borne the other hazards fluoride may cause."
~ Arvid Carlsson, Nobel Laureate in Medicine or Physiology (2000) and Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology, University of Gothenburg...............

Sludgy secrets of the aluminum companies

Sludgy secrets of the aluminum companies
Production of the metal has exacted a huge toll.

By Madhusree Mukerjee
Last week, a toxic red sludge poured into three Hungarian villages, killing nine people, threatening the Danube River, and bursting the dam around a well-kept secret: The production of aluminum - vast quantities of which are used in cars, aircraft, packaging, weaponry, and more - is highly poisonous to living creatures. The devastation caused by the aluminum industry is usually invisible, however, because it's wreaked on some of the most remote corners of the Earth.

In an unusually frank 1951 report, industry analyst Dewey Anderson observed that the social and environmental costs of aluminum production were such that "the U.S. cannot any longer afford to make aluminum if it can be obtained in large enough quantities and on favorable price terms from other sources." As a result of such considerations, the mining, refining, and smelting of the metal has moved largely to corrupt, resource-rich countries where environmental and human-rights protections are weak.

Accidents are common in the industry. Caustic, radioactive red mud from the waste pond of an aluminum refinery in Lanjigarh, in eastern India, often contaminates the nearby Vamsadhara River. Several people have died of burns after bathing in the river. In 2000, the white-ash pond of an aluminum smelter in Angul, also in eastern India, breached its wall and swallowed 20 villages, causing many deaths and a toxic flash flood.........................

The Dangers Of Fluoride

Thursday, October 14, 2010

to be addressed by
Professor Paul Connett
and Professor H Spedding Micklem
co-authors with Professor James Beck of their new book:
The case against fluoride:
how hazarous waste ended up in our drinking water and the bad science and powerful politics that keep it there.

Saturday October 23rd at 5.00 p.m.
The Bar Convent
17 Blossom Street
YO24 1AQ

USA - Terminal cancer patients routinely exploited

Terminal cancer patients routinely exploited by high-profit screening scams even as death approaches
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
NaturalNews) Want to know the disturbing truth about the greed-driven cancer industry? I've written about it using blunt language here on NaturalNews, and awareness is spreading. People are sick of pinkwashing nonsense, and they're wising up to the fundraising "run for the cure" scams that only funnel more money into corrupt, Pharma-dominated cancer non-profits.

Now a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association sheds new light on just how cruel and greedy the cancer industry really is. It turns out that even when cancer patients are terminal -- meaning they're expected to die soon -- the cancer industry herds them into yet more screening, mammograms, biopsies and lab tests in order to generate more profits from Medicare before the patient expires.

It turns out they're still irradiating women with mammograms even though these women already have "incurable" cancers! (Incurable by conventional medicine, that is.)

Even according to cancer industry doctors, patients who have less than 10 years left to live receive no benefit from cancer screening. So why are such patients being subjected to a barrage of cancer screening tests? Because the tests make more money for the cancer industry!
Hurry, make more money before they die!.....

.....I am confident that one day this present era of medicine will be characterized as a "Dark Ages" of medicine, driven by egos, profits and greed. Chemotherapy will be seen as utterly senseless, and radiation therapy as barbaric. Future generations will look back upon the pinkwashing, the "Run for the Cure" fundraising and the free mammogram drives and just shake their heads in disbelief, wondering, "How could they have all been so stupid?"

The answer to that is complex, of course. Some people aren't stupid. They're the ones reading NaturalNews and taking charge of their health to prevent cancer in the first place. There are lots of smart, informed people around who don't buy into the cancer industry's ridiculous propaganda and disease fear mongering. It's the masses, however, that fall for the cancer industry quackery that has now become so routine that almost no one questions it.

And in understanding their stupidity, you have to remember that they've all been dosed with fluoride in the drinking water and injected with brain-harming seasonal flu vaccines. They're also living on chemically-altered, genetically modified processed junk food. Thus, they probably don't have their full mental faculties up and running, and it's difficult for them to think clearly enough to resist cancer industry propaganda.

USA - Do Not Use Fluoridated Water When Mixing Infant Formula

Warning to Parents: Do Not Use Fluoridated Water When Mixing Infant Formula
Wednesday October 13, 2010
Fluoride use, especially when added to public drinking water, is perhaps one of the most debatable topics in dentistry. Many opponents to water fluoridation balk at the advice of The American Dental Association and other prominent organizations that support and even advocate for water fluoridation.

With the intent of preventing tooth decay, fluoride is added to water to help prevent cavities, but when you turn on the tap, most people have no clue whether or not their water has been fluoridated. Most people don't drink bottled water at home or use a water filtration system. The simple fact remains that most of us, including myself, drink water straight from the tap without any additional filtration. What are we using water for besides drinking and replenishing our bodies? Sounds like a dumb question, yes, but I promise you its relevant. We cook with it, clean with it, and some of us prepare beverages with it, for instance juice and infant formula. Yes, don't be shocked, people actually do use tap water to prepare their infant formula. Guess what? I did the very same thing with my first child. But now I'm sitting here fuming because of a press release that was sent to me recently. Being a naive first-time parent in 2003, I have no idea that fluoridated water was not an acceptable source to prepare infant formula with. Thank you American Dental Association, for informing dentists in 2006 to advise their patients about the risks associated with fluoridated water and formula preparation, but I didn't learn this until now... and it's 2010......

STOP Feeding Babies Fluoride!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Australia - Water bill boycott urged

Water bill boycott urged
Posted on October 13, 2010, 8:08am
Mount Gambier’s SA Water customers have been urged to resort to civil dissent by not paying their water bills as fluoridation of the Blue Lake water supply goes online on tomorrow.
SA Water notified Mount Gambier residents by mail on Friday that “controlled amounts of fluoride will begin to be introduced” to the lake’s water supply as part of the state’s oral health initiative.
MLC Ann Bressington called on about 300 people who attended a public fluoride meeting at the Saint Martin’s Lutheran College on Saturday evening to encourage the entire community to not pay their SA Water bills.
“Fluoride is rat poison,” she said.
“If you can’t drink it, you can’t pay for it.”
Ms Bressington said residents had done everything from signing petitions to a hunger strike and protests to stop fluoridation, but all their efforts to be heard were ignored.

UK - Fluoride study first phase should be done by end of year

Simon Morritt who requested the study
Fluoride study first phase should be done by end of year
10:00am Tuesday 12th October 2010
By Claire Lomax
The results of a study to determine whether water fluoridation is technically possible and how much it would cost are still not available almost two years after it was commissioned.
Shocking levels of dental decay in young children in the district prompted Simon Morritt, chief executive of NHS Bradford and Airedale, to request that Yorkshire and Humber Strategic Health Authority commission the study in November 2008.

It was due to be completed in April this year, but six months later it remains unclear if fluoridation of the region’s water supplies is possible.

Support for the fluoridation of water is key to NHS Bradford and Airedale’s oral health-action plan as it believes the move would reduce tooth decay.

A spokesman for NHS Yorkshire and the Humber said: “The Department of Health published guidance in 2008 to help improve dental health and reduce health inequalities by considering the option of fluoridating the local water supply, alongside other options. “The feasibility study is the first step in an extensive process and will establish if topping up the natural level of fluoride is technically feasible.

“The first phase of the study is under way and we are expecting the completion of this stage later this year.”

A spokesman for Yorkshire Water said: “Fluoride is not added to the water supply in Yorkshire at the moment. It is important to recognise that, although we supply the majority of residents, Yorkshire Water plays no part in the decision-making process.

“The company has no view on the issue but is obliged to act on a decision by the Strategic Health Authority, following consultation with the public.

“If the study indicates fluoridation is possible, then the Strategic Health Authority has the option of consulting the public. If the majority support the addition of fluoride, then the next step would be for the Strategic Health Authority to approach Yorkshire Water to request it. The Strategic Health Authority can request that fluoride is added to the water supply, even if the majority of the public oppose it.”

Australia - Fluoride release looms

Fluoride release looms
Posted 4 hours 38 minutes ago
Map: Mount Gambier 5290 SA Health has confirmed it will release fluoride into Mount Gambier's water supply from Thursday.

The Health Department has reiterated its statement that the tap water will remain completely safe to drink and expects that people should not notice any changes in taste or quality.

The move brings Mount Gambier's water supply into line with other major centres around South Australia that also add fluoride to the water for oral health reasons.....

USA - Caring about health

Caring about health
By GARY DEMUTH Salina Journal
Tracie Linzenmeyer was stuck with a mouthful of rotten teeth because she couldn't afford to have them pulled.

Medicaid would pay for the stay-at-home Salina mom to get her teeth cleaned, but because of the cost, it wouldn't pay for such dental services as root canals, crowns, deep-cleaning or tooth removal -- all of which Linzenmeyer needed.

"My teeth have gotten so bad that they have to be pulled, but I can't get them pulled because I can't afford it," she said during a recent visit to get her teeth deep cleaned at the Salina Family Healthcare Center dental clinic

Salina, Kansas is fluoridated:NYSCOF

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How toothpaste is speeding up the spread of superbugs

How toothpaste is speeding up the spread of superbugs
By Jane Symons
An antibacterial chemical commonly added to some toothpastes may pose a threat to health
Good dental hygiene is important not just for your teeth but your heart, too - but you might want to check the ingredients in the products you're using.
For it seems an antibacterial chemical commonly added to toothpaste, including Colgate's Total range, may pose a threat to health. It is also widely used in handwashes and cosmetics.
The EU's Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety has warned that triclosan may promote widespread bacterial resistance to antibiotics and has called for further safety studies.
Meanwhile, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration is worried about bacterial resistance, as well as evidence that the chemical is a hormone disruptor.
Triclosan was developed almost 50 years ago and was first used as a surgical scrub.
There is no doubt that it has potent antibacterial and antifungal properties, and in toothpaste trials it outperformed fluoride-only products in preventing plaque and gum disease.
There is much less evidence to support its use in soaps and other products, however.
Today, triclosan is so commonly used that the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention report it is found in the urine of 75 per cent of the American population.
The figures in the UK and Europe are likely to be similar. Laboratory studies have shown triclosan can trigger gene mutations in bacteria, enabling them to protect themselves against it................................

Dr. Joseph Mercola.Physician and author

Dr. Joseph Mercola.Physician and author
Posted: October 11, 2010
The Health Hazards of Water Fluoridation (VIDEO)
Comments 138 I recently interviewed Dr. Paul Connett, who is trained as a chemist and specializes in environmental chemistry. He is known throughout the world as a leader in the movement against water fluoridation because of his knowledge base, and during our sit-down, he shared the information I'll cover in this article.

Amazingly, the United States is only one of eight countries in the entire developed world that fluoridate more than 50 percent of their water supply. (The other seven are Australia, Colombia, Ireland, Israel, Malaysia, New Zealand and Singapore.) In Europe, Ireland is the only country that fluoridates more than 50 percent of its drinking water, and England fluoridates 10 percent. Most of mainland Europe is not fluoridated, and yet, according to World Health Organization data, their teeth are just as good, if not better, than those of Americans.....................

Canada - Is fluoridation the way to go?

Is fluoridation the way to go?
By Tyler Clarke - Lake Cowichan Gazette
Published: October 11, 2010 9:00 PM
Updated: October 11, 2010 10:21 PM
The fluoridation of water in Lake Cowichan’s water supply should not continue, Town of Lake Cowichan councillor Tim McGonigle told council during their Tuesday, October 5 meeting.

“Some say it’s more poisonous than arsenic and can has a negative impact on learning abilities in young children,” he said. “Although fluoride in the 50s and 60s was a good deterrent for tooth decay, do we not have better methods today?”

With Fort Saint John recently taking the injection of fluoride out of their water treatment process, only a few communities in the province continue to follow this practice.

The Town of Lake Cowichan is the only community on Vancouver Island that still injects fluoride into its drinking water.........

UK - Earl Baldwin of Bewdley (Crossbench)

House of Lords
Written answers and statements, 27 September 2010
Earl Baldwin of Bewdley (Crossbench)

To ask Her Majesty's Government, in the light of the 1999-2000 systematic scientific review into water fluoridation commissioned by them from the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at the University of York, which found that the evidence about reducing inequalities in child dental health was of "poor quality, contradictory and unreliable", what subsequent high quality controlled trials were relied on by the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Public Health, Anne Milton, in her statement of 7 July (HC Deb 344W) that the potential for reducing inequalities was "well illustrated".

Earl Howe (Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Quality), Health; Conservative)

The justification for the argument that water fluoridation offers the best prospect of reducing inequalities in oral health is that, in contrast to alternatives for applying fluoride to the teeth such as regular tooth brushing with fluoridated toothpaste, its effects do not depend on individual compliance. In the absence of controlled studies, which are very difficult to design for population-wide interventions, I find the evidence quoted by the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Public Health (Anne Milton) in her reply to the honourable Member for Pendle persuasive.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Australia - MPs to get fluoridation forum feedback

MPs to get fluoridation forum feedback
Feedback from a water fluoridation forum attended by more than 200 people in Mount Gambier on Saturday night will be delivered at a State Parliament briefing today.
Queensland's Dennis Stevenson will give a 12 page summary of the issue to MPs at the invitation of South Australian independent MLC Anne Bressington.
Mr Stevenson says he took part in a Canberra-based inquiry into fluoridation that sat for more than a year and the evidence is strong that fluoridation does more harm than good.
"This is actually criminal culpability in my understanding when you refuse to look at evidence of harm and then take actions which are going to harm your population," he said.
"No doctor should ever do that - we always know that their creed says first do no harm."

Australia - Campaigner slams fluoride response

Campaigner slams fluoride response
Posted on October 11, 2010, 1:01pm
A long-time anti-fluoride campaigner from Warrnambool has called Health Minister John Hill’s refusal to face Mount Gambier residents at a public fluoride meeting tomorrow evening an “utter disgrace” and demanded the minister be “sacked”.
Peter Hulin, a Warrnambool councillor and spokesperson for the Warrnambool Fluoride Action Group, said politicians had lost sight of the fact that they have been put in their positions to represent the wishes of the people.
“Politicians everywhere in Australia decline invitations to prove that fluoride is good for dental health,” he said.
“It’s an utter disgrace and Minister Hill should be sacked — it’s the worst case of Big Brother. To think, people have died for our democracy.”
Mr Hulin will be one of the speakers at the public meeting, organised by MLC Ann Bressington, at St Martin’s Lutheran College at 7pm tomorrow.
Ms Bressington has invited Mr Hill and SA Health’s water quality principal Dr David Cunliffe to attend the meeting, but they declined the invitation.
Mr Hulin said he was not surprised they declined.
He said when a public meeting was held in Warrnambool in 2007 ahead of fluoridation of the city’s water supply, 800 residents attended, but not one of the 34 people invited to give a pro-fluoride view was prepared to face the crowd.
Those invited included the Victorian premier and health minister, heads of the Department of Human Services, members of the dental profession and the Warrnambool City Council.
Mr Hulin said they did not attend because “their arguments do not stack-up”.
“Governments make it look as if they are doing something good about dental health by adding fluoride to water supplies, but there is not one review study in Australia that shows it is safe,” he said.
Mr Hulin will be joined on stage by Ms Bressington, Dr Natalie Ryan, also from Warrnambool, Dennis Stevenson from Queensland and a former Australian Dental Association member.
Mr Stevenson, a former parliamentary member of the ACT Legislative Assembly, was a member of the ACT Government Fluoridation Inquiry in 1989 – 91 and compiled a 177-page dissenting report as a major part of the inquiry’s final report.
He has self-published “If You Don’t Look After Your Body, Where Will You Live?” and is working on four other books covering democracy, success, fluoridation and life.

What Do Healthy Arteries Have To With Good Dental Hygeine

What Do Healthy Arteries Have To With Good Dental Hygeine
11.10.2010 | Author: KeithHenry | Posted in Health & Fitness
A new study led by an University of California, Berkeley, researcher could give women just a little added motivation to go to the dentist much more often. The study suggests that women who get dental attention diminish their danger of coronary heart attacks, stroke, along with other cardiovascular issues by at least one-third....

Perhaps the people who look after their dental health also look after their health and eat sensibly - they may be more intelligent

Fluoride in the water toxic

Sunday, October 10, 2010

USA - Coastal Voices: Keep fluoridation, save teeth

Coastal Voices: Keep fluoridation, save teeth
Written by John Tynes
John Tynes is a local obstetrician/gynecologist.

.................I have reviewed the scientific research which has been done over the past several decades on flouridation (there is a lot of it!) and virtually all of it confirms that flouridation is not only safe, but that it also greatly improves the quality of life of the people who have access to it.

Years ago, as a young medical student, I was trained to evaluate scientific research with a skeptical eye, to demand ample amounts of solid data and thorough analysis before recommending results to my patients. I can say without hesitation to you, my patients and my friends, that flouridation is safe and, equally important, it is also good for our health......

I don't think so - "and virtually all of it confirms that flouridation is not only safe, but that it also greatly improves the quality of life" No mention of fluorosis

USA - Block to preventive health is discouraging to dentists

Block to preventive health is discouraging to dentists
DENTISTRY IS all about prevention. As dentists, we are trained to do everything possible to keep every tooth healthy. That’s why your story on fluoride (“Fluoridation is still a hard sell in Mass.,’’ Page A1, Sept. 29) is so discouraging to those in the dental profession who have tirelessly advocated for fluoride for more than a half a century. As a state, we pride ourselves on being leaders in science and medicine. Yet, as your story accurately indicates, Massachusetts ranks a dismal 36th in the country when it comes to community water fluoridation.

More than 65 major health organizations worldwide have endorsed water fluoridation. Clinical studies continue to show that fluoridated water reduces tooth decay by up to 60 percent in children and 35 percent in adults. But we also have come to realize that the issue of fluoride, to some, is less about science and more about emotion. The groups and individuals questioning the safety of fluoride tend to forget that many dentists are parents, too. Why would we advocate for water fluoridation if we believed that it would be compromising our own children’s health in any way?

One of the biggest issues in Massachusetts is access to health care for the underserved. That includes oral health care. With less dental disease, there is less need for access. Prevention is less expensive than treatment — for the individual and for the Commonwealth.

Dr. John P. Fisher
Massachusetts Dental Society

Really? "60 percent in children and 35 percent in adults." No mention of fluorosis. Not all dentists believe the propaganda but a lot are scared to give an opinion

USA - We have a right to unaffected drinking water

We have a right to unaffected drinking water
October 10, 2010
“FLUORIDATION is still a hard sell in Mass.’’ (Page A1, Sept. 29): I find it ironic that, with battles over government-controlled health care, women’s reproductive choices, and regulation of lead, fluoride is added to the water supply in many communities without opposition. This really is big government at its least democratic and responsible.

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Yahoo! Buzz ShareThis .Fluoride was not meant for the entire population for the rest of their lives. The National Academy of Sciences has long been concerned about the toxic effects of too much fluoride. Beyond pitting and enamel damage (fluorosis), the academy found that some children are getting excessive amounts in water-based beverages, infant formulas, juices, dental products, and food. Relative to body weight, infants and young children may be exposed to three to four times as much fluoride as adults.

The chemical accumulates in bone over time. Groups likely to have increased bone fluoride concentration include the elderly. This can contribute to osteoporosis and other bone maladies. Further, government and scientific reports link fluoride to several harmful side effects, including cancer; genetic, kidney, and immune system damage; gastrointestinal problems; and arthritis.

Fluoride is not a magic pill. Other factors have to be taken into account when measuring its so-called benefits. The reporter should have looked at the dental records for each state rather than how many states are fluoridated.

The health department in Springfield has the right idea by opening a dental clinic for those who need care. But leave the rest of the population to their right to unaffected drinking water.

Marilee Boyd Meyer

Friday, October 08, 2010

Fluoridated Water is Not Recommended for Infants

Parents Should be Warned: Fluoridated Water is Not Recommended for Infants
Paul Connett, Director of FAN, at media@fluoridealert.org
Stuart Cooper, FAN's Campaign Director at stuart@fluoridealert.org

A new study confirms infants fed formula reconstituted with fluoridated water are at greater risk of developing discolored teeth (dental fluorosis). (1) The American Dental Association (ADA) warned dentists about this in 2006 but has done little or nothing to inform the nearly 200 million Americans who live in communities with fluoridated drinking water.

The study by Levy et al., a Journal of the American Dental Association cover story (October 2010), confirms Levy's earlier studies, which show "[F]luoride intakes during each of the first 4 years were individually significantly related to fluorosis on maxillary central incisors, with the first year most important," and that "[I]nfant formulas reconstituted with higher fluoride water can provide 100 to 200 times more fluoride than breastmilk, or cow's milk." (2, 3)

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 32% of American children have dental fluorosis, an increase of 23% from the 1980s. (4) Black and Hispanic populations have even higher rates. Dental fluorosis is a visible sign that a child was overexposed to fluoride. Pictures of fluorosis: http://www.fluoridealert.org/health/teeth/fluorosis/moderate-severe.html

"The message from Dr. Levy's work is loud and clear: Don't give babies fluoridated water," says Paul Connett, PhD, Executive Director, Fluoride Action Network (FAN). "Unfortunately the ADA has known about these risks for more than four years. Researchers are telling dentists; but dentists are not telling parents."

This and other little-known adverse fluoride health effects led Connett to co-author, "The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics that Keep it There," with James Beck, MD, PhD, professor emeritus of medical physics, University of Alberta and Spedding Micklem, DPhil, professor emeritus at Edinburgh University.

A recent review in The Lancet (5) describes fluoride as "an emerging neurotoxic substance" that may damage the developing brain. The National Research Council (NRC) has identified fluoride as an "endocrine disrupter" that may impair thyroid function. A recent Harvard University study links fluoride to bone cancer (6).

"Approximately half of the newborns and infants I see in practice are fed formula reconstituted with fluoridated water, which I find alarming since the blood-brain barrier is not even developed until 6 months of age, placing these young infants at risk for neurotoxic effects that can be severe and permanent," says Dr. Yolanda Whyte, a pediatrician in Georgia. "Parents should be warned not to give fluoridated water to babies and children, and they should know that fluoride is also present in juice and other water-reconstituted beverages. I diagnose dental fluorosis on average 5 times daily, but fluoride doesn't only affect teeth, it can potentially affect the brain and nervous system, kidneys, bones, and other tissues in young children during their critical stages of organ development. A public awareness campaign is urgently needed."

FAN will launch a campaign in November to urge water companies and public-health officials to inform parents that fluoridated water should not be mixed into infant formula. "If the ADA and CDC won't educate parents, then FAN will," said Connett.

FAN is the leading science and advocacy group focused on health issues surrounding fluoride in water, food, air, pesticides, and industrial exposures. Dr. Connett was an invited presenter at the initial meeting of the NRC panel and FAN researchers submitted extensive scientific information throughout the panel's proceedings. Visit: http://fluoridealert.org/

Thursday, October 07, 2010

USA - Fluoride vote anything but praiseworthy'

As You See It, Oct. 6, 2010: Fluoride vote anything but 'praiseworthy'
Posted: 10/06/2010 01:30:22 AM PDT
Fluoride vote anything but praiseworthy'
I am saddened that the Sentinel has allowed the Praiseworthy column to be used to render accolades upon the council members of Watsonville who have decided to medicate the residents whether they have teeth or not, whether they want it or not, and regardless of its questionable efficacy "[L]aboratory and epidemiologic research suggests that fluoride prevents dental caries predominately after eruption of the tooth into the mouth, and its actions primarily are topical for both adults and children," CDC, 1999.

As evidenced by past vote, the people of Watsonville have said no to fluoridation. The fluoride-supporting council members have decided they know better. They do not deserve praise for circumventing the will of the people. To me, freedom means freedom to choose. In Watsonville, there will soon be no choice.

Robin Tuson, Santa Cruz

Briefing: Hungarian sludge flood - October 06, 2010

Briefing: Hungarian sludge flood - October 06, 2010
Posted on behalf of Yana Balling
Hungary yesterday declared a state of emergency in three of its 19 counties after the catastrophic release on Monday of at least 700,000 cubic metres of toxic sludge from a containment basin at the Ajkai Timfoldgyar Zrt aluminium plant near Ajka, around hundred kilometres southwest of Budapest.

At least four people died in what appears to be the worst chemical accident in Hungary’s history, and at least 120 were injured. The government ordered evacuation of hundreds of residents of the seven hardest-hit villages.

The torrent is currently heading towards the river Danube where environmentalists fear it may cause an unprecedented ecological disaster. What makes the situation worse is that many rivers in the region are flooding because of unusually high rainfall in the last few days.......

Yana Balling spoke with Rainer Wennrich of Germany’s National Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig about what ecological impacts might be expected and decontamination strategies that could be undertaken.

How does the sludge get produced and how could it escape?

When aluminium is extracted from bauxite via the so-called Bayer process, red sludge forms as a by-product. The sludge is normally kept in large reservoirs where its fluid and solid components separate into water and mud.

What caused the accident is yet unclear, but it is likely that heavy rain has caused the dam containing the reservoir to break.

It is also possible that the reservoir was just not large or strong enough to hold the sludge it was filled with.

What is the chemical composition of the sludge?

It contains mainly fluoride, sulphate and aluminate, but also chrome, nickel, manganese and heavy metals such as lead. Its arsenic concentration is at least a hundred times above the allowed threshold for drinking water.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Hungary declares a state of emergency

Hungary declares a state of emergency after sludge disasterToxic flood from ruptured reservoir at alumina plant claims third life amid fears for Raba and Danube rivers

The Hungarian government has declared a state of emergency after a third person died today in flooding from a ruptured red sludge reservoir at an alumina plant. Six people were missing and 120 injured in what officials said was an ecological disaster.

The sludge, a waste product in aluminum production, contains heavy metals and is toxic if ingested. Many of the injured suffered burns as the sludge seeped through their clothes. Two of the injured were in life-threatening condition. An elderly woman, a young man and a three-year-old child were killed.

The chemical burns could take days to reveal themselves and what may seem like superficial injuries could disguise damage to deeper tissue, Peter Jakabos, a doctor at a hospital in Gyor where several of the injured were taken, said on state television................

Most likely fluoride as well?

US government deliberately infected Guatemalans

US government deliberately infected Guatemalans with STDs in medical experiment
Saturday, October 02, 2010 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) The U.S. government made an interesting announcement this week, admitting it purposely infected hundreds of Guatemalans with gonorrhea and syphilis back in the 1940s as part of an "inoculation study". Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius jointly made a public apology for the experiment, which they dubbed "unethical" and "abhorrent".

According to reports uncovered by Susan Reverby, a professor of women's studies at Wellesley College in Massachusetts, U.S. government medical researchers secretly infected institutionalized mental patients in Guatemala with the STDs, without their knowledge. They then prompted those patients to spread the disease around to others as part of their study.

"We deeply regret that it happened, and we apologize to all the individuals who were affected by such abhorrent research practices," said Clinton and Sebelius in a statement. However, according to a recent MSNBC report, the Guatemalan government was in on the experiment as well............

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Advancing Science and Promoting Understanding of Traumatic Stress

Advancing Science and Promoting Understanding of Traumatic Stress
October 4, 2010 posted by Michael Leon
The National Center for PTSD has an update featuring resources advancing understanding PTSD.......................

I strongly recommend that every vet suffering from PTSD begin researching FLUORIDE and its effects on the brain and endocrine system. It is highly toxic, a fact that the National Academic Press established in 2006, and it should not be put into the drinking water or anywhere else. It turns out that fluoride doesn’t help dental health and that the original “study” was more like anecdotes about a completely different variety of fluoride than the one deliberately put into our drinking water.

Fluoride is highly destructive to the thyroid which regulates metabolism and the endocrine system. If you do a little research into the effects of thyroid or hormone dysregulation, you will quickly find that a problem like that affects mood, emotion, ability to think etc. In fact, one of the symptoms of fluoride toxicity is DEPRESSION.

Now that you know all of these things, ask yourself why the VA is giving drugs that contain fluoride/fluorine as an active component to military? SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) often contain fluoride or fluorine. I strongly encourage everybody with PTSD to take some time researching fluoride’s effects as well as all the lawsuits and problems directly relating to SSRIs.


Health Ministry: Fluoride levels in Israeli drinking water are insufficient

Health Ministry: Fluoride levels in Israeli drinking water are insufficient
Tests show the level of fluoride is not enough to prevent tooth decay; meanwhile, excessively high levels of fluoride were found in drinking water in Ashdod and Kadima.
By Dan Eve
...............The issue of water fluoridation is controversial in Israel. In March 2007, a government committee recommended to annul the requirement to add fluoride to drinking water, following claims that water fluoridation harms the environment.

However, the health ministry did not accept the committee's recommendations and continues to require water fluoridation........

Monday, October 04, 2010

Teeth care for kids: Lawrence pediatric dentists offer tips

Teeth care for kids: Lawrence pediatric dentists offer tips
....“You should brush your child’s teeth when the teeth first erupt — around 6-9 months,” Jacobs says. “You want to get bacterial plaque off the teeth twice a day with either a washcloth or cotton swab. Water is fine, or a nonfluoride toothpaste. We don’t want children swallowing fluoride.”

He adds, “Some studies say white spots on permanent teeth might be linked to kids swallowing too much fluoride. When the child can spit out the toothpaste is when you can switch to fluoride toothpaste. Most kids learn to spit out toothpaste by 4 years.”.............

"We don't want them to swallow toothpaste", but they want to put it in the water we all have to drink!

Australia - Fluoridation for Mount Morgan

Fluoridation for Mount Morgan
4th October 2010
River Water is installing fluoridation equipment worth $1.3 million at the Mount Morgan and Woodbury Water Treatment Plants.

This will help meet the State Government’s requirement of adding fluoride to the water supply of Mount Morgan and the Capricorn Coast by December 31.
Rockhampton Regional Council Mayor Brad Carter said the $1.3M total project cost was eligible to be fully refunded via the State Government fluoridation capital assistance program.
Cr Carter said the introduction of fluoride to our drinking water was a legal requirement the Water Fluoridation Act 2008 has placed on public water suppliers servicing communities of more than 1000 people.
“In February 2008 Premier Anna Bligh announced the requirement for councils to fluoridate Queensland’s water supplies between 2008 and 2012,” Cr Carter said....

There's always money for forced fluoridation.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

USA - Pediatric Dental Caries in the US: Current Status

Pediatric Dental Caries in the US: Current Status
Oral disease, including dental caries, is the most common pediatric disease and a significant cause of morbidity in adulthood.1 As much as half of American children have caries. Reducing caries prevalence among children was one of the objectives defined in the Healthy People 2010 initiative.3 However, this objective is far from being achieved;1 recent epidemiological data suggest that caries prevalence is increasing in the US.2 Several reports of child deaths due to complications of oral disease were recorded in the last decade.2 Further, tooth decay has been identified as a silent epidemic.2...................

After 65 years of water fluoridation in the US:NYSCOF

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Comment from NYSCOF

More than 3100 professionals (including over 280 dentists) urge the US Congress to stop water fluoridation citing scientific evidence that fluoridation, long promoted to fight tooth decay, is ineffective and has serious health risks. See statement: http://www.fluorideaction.org/statement.august.2007.html

Also, eleven Environmental Protection Agency employee unions representing over 7000 environmental and public health professionals called for a moratorium on drinking water fluoridation programs across the country, and have asked EPA management to recognize fluoride as posing a serious risk of causing cancer in people.

Approximately, 80 US communities rejected fluoridation since 2008. The CDC reports that 225 less communities adjusted for fluoride between 2006 and 2008.

The Fluoride Action Network is working with Dr. Mercola to educate legislators about the health hazards associated with water fluoridation which isn’t revealed to them by those lobbying in favor of fluoridation: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/07/03/paul-connett-interview.aspx

USA - BexarMet to defy ordinance

BexarMet to defy ordinance
By Colin McDonald
Express-News Web Posted: 10/02/2010 12:37 CDT
The Bexar Metropolitan Water District board’s decision this week to stop adding fluoride to its water would violate a San Antonio ordinance and has put the public health debate back in the spotlight.
The 4-1 vote might have legal consequences. The city attorney’s office and Metro Health are considering their options to enforce the law, which took effect in 2002 after a pro-fluoride citywide vote.....

Friday, October 01, 2010

USA - Dental clinics provide oral care for low-income families

Dental clinics provide oral care for low-income families
Updated: 9/30/2010 7:00:00 PM
Approximately two thirds of children who come from low-income families in the U.S. and are between the ages of 12 and 19 have tooth decay, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Some areas are creating more facilities to help provide dental services for these individuals.......

After 65 years of water fluoridation in the US:NYSCOF


THE British Dental Trade Association’s (BDTA) campaign to promote the benefits of swapping sugary foods with healthy alternatives has been backed by the UK’s largest dental charity.

The British Dental Health Foundation has fully supported the ‘Kick out the sweets, bring on the healthy treats’ campaign, which was rolled out earlier this month in association with the Department of Health’s Change4Life scheme.

The campaign is set to focus upon promoting the benefits of a healthy mouth on a healthy body and ultimately encourages families to continue to visit the dentist.
Chief Executive of the Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter, hoped the campaign would have a positive effect on how the public view their diet in relation to their oral and overall health.
Dr Carter said: “The UK in general has developed a very unhealthy food environment, where sweets and sugary foods and drinks have become the norm.
This is making it even harder for us to improve the dietary habits of people, especially children. It is therefore extremely pleasing to see that the BDTA, along with the Government campaign have made pro–active steps to address this.
“The main point to remember is that it is not the amount of sugar you eat or drink, but how often you eat it.
Sugary foods can also contribute to a range of health problems including heart disease and being overweight, with the rise in obesity largely down to factors such as the overall increase in snacking and the growth of fizzy drinks.

“Let’s also think about what foods contain sugar. It is not only sweets we should be looking out for – hidden sugars in our diet, such as in cakes, biscuits, baked beans, tomato ketchup and so on, heavily contribute to dental problems as well as increasing our calorie intake.

“Children do not naturally have a sweet tooth and very often only develop this when they are offered sweets as rewards by parents and grandparents. Trying to offer other rewards can reap benefits for both dental and general health of the child.”........

About time they did something to get at the cause of ill health rather than treat the effects.