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UK Against Fluoridation

Sunday, August 30, 2020


Largest Anti-Lockdown Demo So Far

The pictures from yesterday’s anti-lockdown demo in Trafalgar Square are quite impressive. Some reports put the turn-out at 35,000. The Express was one of the first newspapers to report on the protest.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Friday, August 28, 2020

From A Wills

 A good letter below on the scrapping of Public Health England (PHE).   PHE wanted Britain to be fluoridated!  Let’s hope its members don’t just appear in other quangos. Ann


Uxbridge Gazette 26.8.20  Letters.  “AXEING PHE IS GOOD NEWS FOR TAXPAYERS” (Shortened)

It’s very welcome news that Public Health England will be scrapped.  For too long taxpayers have propped up this nannying quango. PHE’s woeful performance has signified the problems with our vast quango-state in which money is spent frivolously with little accountability.  The National Institute for Health Protection must prioritise real health emergencies & ensure taxpayers get maximum possible value for every pound spent.

By: John O’Connell, Chief Exec., Taxpayers’ Alliance. 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

British Fluoridation Society gathering momentum

"While Barry worked tirelessly as CDO to introduce it in Southampton."

And he failed despite spending up to a million £s. The people rejected it.
http://hampshireagainstfluoridation.blogspot.com/ It was a long struggle but we won and despite the new evidence that it is a neurotoxin they still advocate it.

I can remember at a meeting he was informed fluoridated Coventry was to get a huge sum of money to improve the health of the populace. He was like a politician and shrugged off the question why did Coventry need special treatment if they had fluoride in their water.

Web results

19 May 2004 - Thousands of extra NHS dental care places could be created in Coventry if regional health bosses give the go-ahead. ... PCTs by the government to improve the number of places for patients to receive NHS dental treatment.

 Two high profile and highly experienced advocates for community water fluoridation are now joining the British Fluoridation Society.

Alan Johnson, former Labour MP and a Secretary of State for Health, is vice president and Barry Cockcroft, former chief dental officer for England, is joining the BFS council.

Both have history championing the fight for fluoridation in parliament. Alan Johnson supported the proposal to introduce it in Hull. While Barry worked tirelessly as CDO to introduce it in Southampton.

‘Alan joins a long line of high profile social justice campaigners who have added their name to a BFS vice president role,’ chair of the BFS, Steve Bedser, says.

‘Both Alan and Barry have a great record as water fluoridation advocates. I am confident that both will be great assets to the society.’

Quickest and easiest way to improve our health

Jo Churchill MP called on dentists and dental professionals to back water fluoridation at the inaugural Conservative Dentists meeting earlier this year.

The meeting was a chance for dentists and those in the profession to discuss future dental care for children.

During the meeting, conversation turned to water fluoridation after it was mentioned in a parliamentary debate.

‘It is the quickest and easiest way to improve our oral health,’ Jo Churchill, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Prevention, Public Health and Primary Care, said.

‘But we would really like your (the dental profession’s) help.

‘We need dentists to talk to their patients about the benefits of water fluoridation.

‘We need to move the dial, so the next generation can benefit from great oral health.’

A ‘unique opportunity’ for water fluoridation

Along with Ms Churchill, Sara Hurley England CDO and Sir Paul Beresford MP also made a plea for dentists to back fluoridation.

Ms Hurley also highlighted the disconnect with medical colleagues, explaining we need to put the mouth back in the body.

She pointed out if you invest in the smile, you invest in better overall health, and GPs don’t always understand this.

‘We’ve had some successes,’ Sir Paul Beresford MP, Conservative MP for Mole Valley and practising dentist, concluded.

‘But at the moment there’s an atmosphere that we can push through water fluoridation in this government.

‘We have a unique opportunity.

‘Let’s grab it.’

Monday, August 24, 2020

Job Vacancy

 Public Health England logo

Programme Manager (Fluoridation)


Civil Service: Grade 7

Public Health England (PHE) is an executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care providing; strategic leadership, research, advice and support for Government, local authorities and the NHS in protecting and improving the nation’s health..............................

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Friday, August 21, 2020



Professor Emeritus, former Head of Preventive Dentistry, University of Toronto. Licensed dentist for 37 years. Fluoridation is unsafe, ineffective & immoral.

TorontoJoined October 2009

4,108 Following


hardy limeback

Professor Emeritus, former Head of Preventive Dentistry, University of Toronto. Licensed dentist for 37 years. Fluoridation is unsafe, ineffective & immoral. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

From A Wills

I’m glad Public Health England (PHE) appear to be being scrapped, as a few weeks ago PHE circulated emails promoting the “benefits” of water fluoridation & calling for more fluoridation. Ann. 
 Below are 2 good letters from Daily Mail 20.8.20: 

 The scrapping of PHE must not follow the usual course. A fortune is spent on a replacement logo & new headed notepaper, but the suits play musical chairs & the same incompetent nincompoops stay in their jobs. 
 Maurice O’Brien, Berks. - “BONFIRE OF THE QUANGOS” 
 Now PHE has been ditched, the Govt should consider its promise to rid us of other dubious quangos. This would demonstrate its acumen in sorting out useless, expensive, organisations that are a burden (on the taxpayer) & without worth. Mike Brady, Sheffield Ann

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Fluoride in Our Water Might Be Draining Your Thyroid — Here’s How to Fix It

 American ingest four times as much fluoride as we did in the 1940s, when the government first started adding the trace mineral to water supplies to prevent cavities. Today, it’s added to 70 percent of the country’s water supply. Fluoride can also be found in soda, soups, tea, and other foods, which may explain why, according to the CDC, nearly 200 million Americans are exposed to high levels of the mineral. And all this exposure is wreaking havoc on the thyroid, asserts thyroid expert Richard Shames, MD, author co-author of Thyroid Mind Power ($18.99, Amazon).

“Fluoride is a hormone disruptor that negatively affects thyroid function,” says Dr. Shames. “When this happens, the first problem people tend to notice is fatigue, but everything form how fast the brain works to how well the muscles work depends on thyroid function.”

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, author of From Fatigued to Fantastic! ($13.94, Amazon) observes, “Fluoride overload contributes to as many as three out of four female fatigue cases I treat.” And according to research in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, high rates of hypothyroidism (and the fatigue, brain fog, and weight gain it typically causes) are nearly twice as common in areas where fluoride is added to the water.

Fluoride saps energy by competing with iodine, a nutrient that’s crucial to the thyroid’s ability to produce metabolism-revving hormones. “Iodine is the key that turns on the thyroid’s ‘energy engine,’ but when fluoride intakes are high, thyroid cells pick up fluoride instead,” says Dr. Teitelbaum. “That’s a problem, because fluoride acts like a miscut key that fits in the ignition, but jams it so your engine can’t turn on.” As fluoride builds up in the body, it depletes iodine stores, causing the thyroid to become sluggish.

What’s more, many healthcare providers aren’t aware of the link between fluoride and thyroid health, so they attribute the symptoms of a sluggish thyroid, like irritability, weight gain, and depression, to aging or other health problems like fibromyalgia.............................

Monday, August 17, 2020

Haven't seen this video for a long time.

USA - In Spokane's latest fight over fluoride, advocates are making their case to leaders, not voters

 Aug. 16--After decades of failure at the ballot box, proponents of adding fluoride to the city of Spokane's water supply are taking a different approach.

They are pleading with city leaders to circumvent voters and take immediate action, counting on a renewed prioritization of public health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dental health experts and fluoridation proponents argue that the coronavirus has demonstrated the importance of science-based public health measures and highlighted the inequities caused by their absence.

"People understand more about public health right now, so maybe this is a good time to go in and push on the City Council to say, 'Hey, you can do something about this,'" said Dr. James Sledge, a retired Spokane dentist who previously served on the state Board of Health. "We don't have to hash through another (voter initiative) campaign."

While fluoridation has historically been divisive in Spokane, the same cannot be said of the scientific and public health communities, which overwhelmingly endorse the practice of supplementing drinking water with fluoride. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Dental Association and countless others all trumpet water fluoridation as an effective and efficient means to reduce tooth decay...............

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Dr Mercola


  • Nurse Erin Marie Olszewski blew the whistle on the horrific maltreatment of COVID-19 patients at Elmhurst Hospital Center, a public hospital in Queens, New York, that was the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S.
  • Elmhurst did not isolate COVID-positive from untested patients, instead rooming them together, thereby ensuring maximum spread of the disease
  • Some patients who tested negative for COVID-19 were listed as positive and placed on mechanical ventilation, thus artificially inflating the case numbers while condemning the patient to death from lung injury
  • One such case involved a male patient admitted for high blood glucose, which is easily remedied and under no circumstance would require ventilation
  • Some of the doctors treating COVID-19 patients at Elmhurst were first-year residents who were treating without supervision. Most also ignored the expert advice of more experienced nursing staff, choosing to use patients as test subjects and “cash cows” instead

Saturday, August 15, 2020


Effort to remove fluoride from Green Bay's drinking water ...

Video for fluoride
It was ultimately rejected by the EPA and the city council voted to keep fluoride in the city's drinking water ...
6 hours ago

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Fluoride Mouthwash Solution Side Effects by Likelihood and Severity

RARE side effects

If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression

  • A Skin Rash
  • Canker Sores
  • Excess Fluoride In The Teeth Causing Discoloration
  • Hives

If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression

  • Skin Inflammation

Full Drug Information 

‘No fluoride for me thanks’: a brief guide to holistic dentistry

 dentist offering holistic dentistryAsha Pandya-Sharpe discusses holistic dentistry, what it involves and what conventional dentists should be aware of.

It is not entirely uncommon to stumble across a patient who refuses to use fluoridated toothpastes.

The use of fluoride has for years been considered to be the holy grail of dentistry, having played the most pivotal role in reducing caries rates (Kanduti, Sterbenk and Artnik, 2016).

It is our job as dentists to promote the best oral health and hygiene practices for our patients. So an adamant rejection of fluoride is frustrating.

A conversation that initially starts as routine oral hygiene instruction fast becomes a ‘debate’. These anti-fluoride views often belong to those with an interest in holistic dentistry.

When taught ..............................

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Monday, August 10, 2020

Sunday, August 09, 2020

Friday, August 07, 2020

Herald Sun

 Push to reintroduce fluoride in Qld water supplies. | The ...

Video for fluoride

Thursday, August 06, 2020

F.A.N. Newsletter

Federal Trial Status Hearing

This Thursday, August 6th, at 10:30AM (Pacific US) / 1:30PM (Eastern US) Judge Edward Chen will hold a status hearing on our TSCA case in federal court.   

At the end of the trial, Judge Chen urged FAN and EPA attorneys to consider a new assessment of an updated TSCA petition by FAN, giving the EPA a chance to correct the errors they made during their previous assessment.  At Thursday's hearing, the judge will hear if any progress was made by the parties, or if it will be left to him to make a final ruling.

The proceeding will be open for public viewing on Zoom.   Below is the sign in information provided by the judge to watch or listen to his meetings:


Meeting ID: 161 991 1861
Password: 912881

Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Find your local number:https://zoom.us/u/ac4JkPfcjo

New Video Series: Witness Spotlight

FAN’s Outreach and Education Director, Jay Sanders, has created a new video series putting the spotlight on the four expert witnesses our attorneys called to the stand to testify at trial.  The short videos feature information about the qualifications of each expert along with their opinions on the neurotoxicity of fluoride taken from their declarations for trial. Click on the link below to access the YouTube playlist and view them all.



Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network

Video for fluoride

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Fluoridated Water Criticized as Socialized Medicine

“Many people, particularly scientists, believe that we are suffering in the U.S. from a national epidemic of irrationality—what Senator J.W. Fulbright of Arkansas has called the ‘swinish blight of anti-intellectualism.’ Fluoridation of public water supplies has been recommended by an impressive list of scientific organizations. However, from the beginning there has been opposition. The anti-fluoridation argument has three main themes: 1. fluoridation is an experiment which has not proved its value and may hold unknown dangers; 2. fluorides are poisons; 3. treatment by public agencies of the water that everyone must drink is a step in the direction of socialized medicine and an invasion of individual rights.”
Scientific American, February 1955

Monday, August 03, 2020

Sunday, August 02, 2020

Dr Mercola

Annual Fluoride Awareness Week Update

02 Aug 2020
An abundance of research now shows it's doing more harm than good. Studies have shown toxicity from this substance is linked to serious health problems affecting many areas of the body - including your bones, brain, thyroid, pineal gland and even your blood sugar levels. Over 2,500 pages of scientific documentation detail the associated health risks of this dangerous practice that is being forced on whole populations.

Human exposure to fluoride from tea (Camellia sinensis) in a volcanic region—Canary Islands, Spain


The results obtained in the present study show that the greatest contribution of the fluoride intake is found in the mixed and black teas. The preparation of the tea with tap water confers higher fluoride levels than the fluoride contents in tea. Statistical analyses revealed the existence of significant differences between the mixed and black teas and the rest of the analyzed teas.
The consumption of mixed and black teas prepared with deionized water by children aged to 4–8 years confers high contribution percentages, considering that they are from the consumption of two cups (250 mL/cup) of tea daily. The global fluoride intake from the diet could overpass the UL value established in 2.5 mg/day by the EFSA with the consequent health risk. In addition, just one teacup more of the mixed and black teas prepared with La Laguna tap water is enough to reach the 100% of the UL. According to the obtained data, it is not recommendable the consumption of two teacups by children aged to 4–8 years. A minor consumption is advisable.
The consumption of mixed and black teas prepared with tap water from La Laguna by teens and adults confers contribution percentages under the 30% of the UL set in 7 mg/day by the EFSA. Then, the consumption of two teacups daily does not pose a health risk. However, it is necessary to consider other fluoride sources because the fluoride intake from the total daily consumption of food and beverages could reach the UL values with the consequent health risk. In addition, the consumption of some of the analyzed tea brands during pregnancy would cause neurological harm to an unborn child. It should be recommended to reduce the fluoride intake during pregnancy.