USA - Terminal cancer patients routinely exploited
Terminal cancer patients routinely exploited by high-profit screening scams even as death approaches
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
NaturalNews) Want to know the disturbing truth about the greed-driven cancer industry? I've written about it using blunt language here on NaturalNews, and awareness is spreading. People are sick of pinkwashing nonsense, and they're wising up to the fundraising "run for the cure" scams that only funnel more money into corrupt, Pharma-dominated cancer non-profits.
Now a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association sheds new light on just how cruel and greedy the cancer industry really is. It turns out that even when cancer patients are terminal -- meaning they're expected to die soon -- the cancer industry herds them into yet more screening, mammograms, biopsies and lab tests in order to generate more profits from Medicare before the patient expires.
It turns out they're still irradiating women with mammograms even though these women already have "incurable" cancers! (Incurable by conventional medicine, that is.)
Even according to cancer industry doctors, patients who have less than 10 years left to live receive no benefit from cancer screening. So why are such patients being subjected to a barrage of cancer screening tests? Because the tests make more money for the cancer industry!
Hurry, make more money before they die!.....
.....I am confident that one day this present era of medicine will be characterized as a "Dark Ages" of medicine, driven by egos, profits and greed. Chemotherapy will be seen as utterly senseless, and radiation therapy as barbaric. Future generations will look back upon the pinkwashing, the "Run for the Cure" fundraising and the free mammogram drives and just shake their heads in disbelief, wondering, "How could they have all been so stupid?"
The answer to that is complex, of course. Some people aren't stupid. They're the ones reading NaturalNews and taking charge of their health to prevent cancer in the first place. There are lots of smart, informed people around who don't buy into the cancer industry's ridiculous propaganda and disease fear mongering. It's the masses, however, that fall for the cancer industry quackery that has now become so routine that almost no one questions it.
And in understanding their stupidity, you have to remember that they've all been dosed with fluoride in the drinking water and injected with brain-harming seasonal flu vaccines. They're also living on chemically-altered, genetically modified processed junk food. Thus, they probably don't have their full mental faculties up and running, and it's difficult for them to think clearly enough to resist cancer industry propaganda.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
NaturalNews) Want to know the disturbing truth about the greed-driven cancer industry? I've written about it using blunt language here on NaturalNews, and awareness is spreading. People are sick of pinkwashing nonsense, and they're wising up to the fundraising "run for the cure" scams that only funnel more money into corrupt, Pharma-dominated cancer non-profits.
Now a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association sheds new light on just how cruel and greedy the cancer industry really is. It turns out that even when cancer patients are terminal -- meaning they're expected to die soon -- the cancer industry herds them into yet more screening, mammograms, biopsies and lab tests in order to generate more profits from Medicare before the patient expires.
It turns out they're still irradiating women with mammograms even though these women already have "incurable" cancers! (Incurable by conventional medicine, that is.)
Even according to cancer industry doctors, patients who have less than 10 years left to live receive no benefit from cancer screening. So why are such patients being subjected to a barrage of cancer screening tests? Because the tests make more money for the cancer industry!
Hurry, make more money before they die!.....
.....I am confident that one day this present era of medicine will be characterized as a "Dark Ages" of medicine, driven by egos, profits and greed. Chemotherapy will be seen as utterly senseless, and radiation therapy as barbaric. Future generations will look back upon the pinkwashing, the "Run for the Cure" fundraising and the free mammogram drives and just shake their heads in disbelief, wondering, "How could they have all been so stupid?"
The answer to that is complex, of course. Some people aren't stupid. They're the ones reading NaturalNews and taking charge of their health to prevent cancer in the first place. There are lots of smart, informed people around who don't buy into the cancer industry's ridiculous propaganda and disease fear mongering. It's the masses, however, that fall for the cancer industry quackery that has now become so routine that almost no one questions it.
And in understanding their stupidity, you have to remember that they've all been dosed with fluoride in the drinking water and injected with brain-harming seasonal flu vaccines. They're also living on chemically-altered, genetically modified processed junk food. Thus, they probably don't have their full mental faculties up and running, and it's difficult for them to think clearly enough to resist cancer industry propaganda.
That was a really knowledgeable post. I often find that this topic is complicated to get your head round but you have summed it up really well.
Dharmendra, at 14 October, 2010
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