UK - Daily Echo - little confidence after fluoride issue

In the document Dr Mortimore, who instigated the threat of fluoridation to Southampton water supply, describes this unwelcome very expensive folly thus: "A water fluoridation scheme proposed by Southampton was supported unanimously by the SHA Board after a public consultation.
"The consultation included an independently commissioned telephone survey of a random sample of patients to assess the level of support for the scheme."
The findings, illustrated by a pretty graph showed that 38 per cent were against while 32 per cent were for it, not a conclusive vote.
What he conveniently leaves out is that during the consultation 72 per cent of informed unsolicited people responded with a resounding NO to fluoridation.
I would ask Dr Mortimore if 72 per cent had voted yes would you have left that out of your one-sided information pact. Gives little confidence in any other information your department promulgates.
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