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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Prof Connett Part 10

Prof Connett Part 9

USA - Council vote in favour of fluoridated water

Council vote in favour of fluoridated water
Councillors in Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, have voted in favour of building a system to add fluoride to the water supply.

Watsonville will become the first town in the county to benefit from fluoridated water supplies after councillors voted 4 to 3 in favour of the new water system; the vote took place last night after ten years of debate.

The fluoridated water initiative will be funded by a 1.6 million dollar grant from the California Dental Association; the money will be used to build and manage the fluoride system for two years.

Last night, around sixty people gathered to debate and discuss the initiative before the council finally voted; many residents claimed that they did not want fluoridated water because they saw it as a form of pollution and felt it could potentially be harmful.

Those in favour of the fluoridation system tried to convince the sceptics of the incredible health benefits of fluoride; numerous studies have confirmed that fluoride is highly beneficial for oral health and people who live in areas with fluoridated water supplies generally have much better standards of oral health than those who live in areas with fluoride in their water supply. Fluoride helps to strengthen the protective enamel surfaces of the teeth, which makes them more resistant to decay.

Health officials and dentists from the area stood up and urged people to support the fluoride campaign in a bid to improve the standards of oral health; many dentists claimed that the new water system would make a huge difference to people’s oral health. Dentists also claimed that the move was essential as standards of oral health are generally poor in the area and resources are already stretched.

"incredible health benefits of fluoride" incredible is right.

Canada - Anti-flouride expert speaks Oct. 6

Anti-flouride expert speaks Oct. 6
An environmental expert will be in Oakville to present his case against the use of fluoride in tap water on Wednesday, Oct. 6.
Paul Connett will speak at Oakville’s Town Hall in the Trafalgar Room from 7:30 to 9 p.m.Connett is the director of the Fluoride Action Network and the executive director of its parent body, the American Environmental Health Studies Project. He has made presentations throughout the United States and in 52 countries on the issue of waste management and the hazard posed by adding fluoride into drinking water.

Health Canada and the Ontario ministry of the environment are currently reviewing fluoridation of tap water.

Connett is an author on the subject, received his Ph. D in chemistry from Dartmouth College and is a retired professor of environmental chemistry and toxicology.

The free event is sponsored by the Oakvillegreen Conservation Association. Everyone is welcome.

Fluoridation row in Fiji splits health officials and activists over oral health

Fluoridation row in Fiji splits health officials and activists over oral health
10:12 September 30, 2010Articles, Fiji,
A move to bring back fluoridated water across the Fiji Islands for the first time in three decades has a lobby group up in arms claiming the mineral is “toxic”.
Pacific Scoop:
Report – By Jessica Tasman-Jones.
A controversial debate over fluoridation of water supplies has sprung up in Fiji in the past few months with plans to reintroduce the public health measure.

Last month, the Ministry of Health revealed it is working with the Water Authority of Fiji to fluoridate water supplies across the country.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) fluoride is beneficial for oral health when consumed in limited concentrations.

But international lobby group Fluoride Action Network says the mineral is toxic and campaigns for non-fluoridated water..........

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hampshire Against Fluoridation Newsletter

HAF October 2010 Newsletter

Click Fullscreen to see in larger format

Fluoride Imbalances in Estonia's Drinking Water Lead to Tooth Decay

Fluoride Imbalances in Estonia's Drinking Water Lead to Tooth Decay
Published: 28.09.2010 12:32
A recent doctoral dissertation at the University of Tartu finds that drinking water for more than half of Estonia’s residents lacks fluoride, leading to tooth decay among children. Other areas have an overabundance of fluoride, which is dangerous for children under two years of age.........

28.09.2010 13:22
New York State Department of Health dentist J. V. Kumar published national statistics in the July 2009 JADA which show similar cavity rates regardless of water fluoride content, However, dental fluorosis rates increased along with water fluoride levels. See analysis “Fluoridation No Benefit; Definite Harm,” by Kathleen M. Thiessen, Ph.D., SENES Oak Ridge, Inc., Center for Risk Analysis 65 years of water fluoridation (the purposeful addition of low levels of fluoride chemicals into drinking water), the US Centers for Disease Control reports that 49% of 6-11 year-olds have cavities and 40% have dental fluorosis. Science has proven fluoridation to be a complete failure at its stated purpose - reducing tooth decay; but it has increased dental income by sending more children to the dentist to get their fluoride discolored teeth covered up

Ireland’s Drinking Water – Poisoned By Design

Ireland’s Drinking Water – Poisoned By Design
We are Change Ireland
Sept 28, 2010

The other day I was looking at recent photos from from a younger relative’s album, and I noticed something as I turned page after page of the smiling faces of their friends. Something jumped out at me immediately as being painfully and obviously wrong. In every picture, every one of these smiling teenagers had brown and yellow teeth. Not one good white set amongst them and yet these are all middle class families with good dental hygiene. All of those handsome young adults’ smiles were destroyed by discoloured enamel. I was shocked and decided to investigate because this was not how I remember teeth when I was growing up, nor is it what I see from people I meet from other countries.

What I was seeing was the results of a lifetime of drinking fluoridated water, from the bottle to the pint. The staining, flaking and pitting of the teeth enamel caused by the interference in the laying down of the enamel layers during the formation of the teeth by the compound commonly known as Fluoride, that is added to our water supply..................

Wales - Study aims to identify best way of preventing child tooth decay

Study aims to identify best way of preventing child tooth decay
A £1M study designed to identify the most effective way of preventing child tooth decay in some of South Wales’ most deprived communities has been given the go-ahead.

Experts from Cardiff University, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board’s Community Dental Service and Swansea University have been awarded £1.1M by the National Institute for Health Research to compare the effectiveness of two methods of preventing dental decay................

USA - Fluoridation is still a hard sell in Mass.

Fluoridation is still a hard sell in Mass.
Resistance strong despite (believed)benefits
By Stephen Smith
Globe Staff / September 29, 2010
SPRINGFIELD — Massachusetts, the birthplace of public health, has long led the nation in disease-fighting crusades, vaccinating children at high rates and crafting antismoking campaigns exported around the world. But it ranks 36th when it comes to providing residents with fluoridated water.
Fluoridation in Mass.Nearly 150 cities and towns that could add the substance don’t, a state study released this year found — even though fluoridation is hailed by disease specialists as one of the 10 seminal public health triumphs of the past century.

Voters in Springfield, Worcester, and elsewhere have repeatedly, and sometimes resoundingly, thwarted bids to put fluoride in their water, rejecting the entreaties of dentists and health directors that the chemical prevents rotten teeth...

USA - Mouthwash Manufacturers Cautioned Against Unproven Claims

Mouthwash Manufacturers Cautioned Against Unproven Claims
By MARAH S.D. RUIZSeptember 29, 2010, 3:56pmThe Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning letter to Johnson & Johnson, CVS Corporation and Walgreen Company, cautioning these three mouthwash manufacturers against unproven claims about their respective products.

These three companies claim that their mouthwash can help prevent gum disease, but the FDA refutes this saying that while sodium fluoride, an ingredient found in all three mouthwash brands, can help prevent cavities, there is no proof that it can prevent gum disease or plaque.

The FDA has ordered the three companies to take appropriate actions in 15 days or their products would be seized in addition to the possibility of facing civil or

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Prof Connett Part 8

Press Release and copies of letters

Press Information Friday

Prof Connett Part 7

Australia - WA toddlers endure multiple tooth extractions

WA toddlers endure multiple tooth extractions
Katherine Fenech
September 28, 2010 - 7:11AM
...................."It's a preventable disease if you watch what your child eats and drinks. We're lucky that we've got fluoridated water in WA but parents should restrict the amount of (sugary) drinks. Children should only be given water at night."

Dr Gregory recommended brushing a child's teeth with water until they are 18-months-old then switching to a small amount of half-strength toothpaste until they are six.

Lucky? But the headline is toddlers endure multiple tooth extractions.

USA - Watsonville Council to decide on water fluoridation

Watsonville Council to decide on water fluoridation
By DONNA JONES - Sentinel Staff Writer
WATSONVILLE — Watsonville's nearly decadelong fight against water fluoridation could end Tuesday as the City Council votes on whether to accept a $1.6 million grant to build a system.

The decision comes two days before a $200 fine imposed against the city by state public health officials for not fluoridating kicks in.

“If I could name one issue that's most controversial, most divisive, it's fluoride,” said Councilman Manuel Bersamin.

Bersamin's been involved with the issue since he joined the council in 2003, a year after city voters effectively banned fluoridation through an initiative known as Measure S.

He favors fluoridating, which backers say will reduce tooth decay, particularly among the city's many poor children.

But Bersamin said he also tried to uphold the will of the voters, backing the city's battle against a state order to fluoridate all the way to the California Supreme Court. The high court declined to hear the case, letting stand a state appeals court decision that state law took precedence over municipal ordinance.

According to state law, cities with 10,000 or more people must fluoridate if costs are covered by an outside agency. There are no municipal water systems in the county with fluoridated water.

In Watsonville's case, the California Dental Association Foundation is offering money to design and build a fluoridation system and operate it for two years.....

Monday, September 27, 2010

Australia - Water pressure builds

.............Ms Bressington has undertaken eight years of research into the health effects of water fluoridation and said she was convinced enough proof existed that fluoride was a dangerous chemical.
“It is a waste product, a neurotoxin that governments dump into our water because they are not allowed to dump it anywhere else — and there’s enough proof for that,” she told The Border Watch when she attended a fluoridation meeting in Mount Gambier earlier this month.
Ms Bressington said although the construction of the fluoridation plant continued, it was not too late to act.
“Let them spend millions on the construction of the plant,” she said during her visit.
“It can be reversed easily — it’s a matter of flicking off a switch.”
The fluoridation plant was initially scheduled to go online in August, but has been postponed numerous times.
It is currently uncertain when fluoridation will begin, but residents will be notified, according to SA Water.

The public meeting will be held on Saturday, October 9, at 7pm in the St Martin’s Lutheran College gymnasium.

Poor oral health is so common in (fluoridated) America

Watch Your Mouth: The Link Between Oral and General Health
Sunday, September 26, 2010
.....It’s a big deal because poor oral health is so common in America. Bissada says 60 percent of adults have moderate or severe gum disease - and 40 percent of children have gingivitis - gum disease’s early precursor. Gerald Ferretti is a pediatric oral surgeon at Rainbow Babies and Children’s hospital and a professor of pediatric dentistry at Case Western.

FERRETTI: Early childhood decay is the number one chronic infection in childhood - it’s 7 times higher than asthma, much higher than ear infections. In the greater Cleveland area we’ve looked at thousands of head start children ages 3 to 5 and we’ve found that 45% of these children have early childhood decay.

Tooth decay can be dangerous, even fatal. Statistics show that nearly half of all dental related pediatric emergency room visits are due to infected teeth, and mostly to underserved patients who lack access to dental care....

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Prof Connett Part 6

If the dentist who made the previous comment is is still logged on look at this - Prof Connett covers the evidence you ask for.

FAN Bulletin 2031: Fluoride book due out Oct 4 & Updates

Fluoride Action Network
FAN Bulletin 2031: Fluoride book due out Oct 4 & Updates
September 25, 2010
The new book, "The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That keep it There" by Connett, Beck and Micklem, (Chelsea Green publishers) should be at Amazon.com by October 4. You can place advanced orders there or with the publisher's website Chelseagreen.com .
For a review of the book by Professor Vyvyan Howard go to
This review appears in the latest issue of the journal Fluoride. The whole issue can be accessed for free online at http://www.fluorideresearch.org/433/files/FJ2010_v43_n3_p00i.pdf

Ellen and I have just returned from a working trip to Europe. I gave waste talks in Merthyr Tydfell, Wales; Plymouth, Devon; York, Yorkshire; and Derby. We also had a splendid meeting on fluoridation in Southampton (which is the eye of the storm as far as future of fluoridation in the UK is concerned - see news reports at http://www2.fluoridealert.org/Alert/United-Kingdom/England ).

The Southampton meeting was held at Solent University and was organized by Stephen Peckham of the group Hampshire Against Fluoridation. The attendance on a busy Saturday afternoon was very good, attracting about 150 people. At the meeting I went through the arguments we present in our book, focusing particularly on three areas:
1) It is a bad medical practice,
2) It is Ineffective, and
3) There are many potential health risks for which there is a totally inadequate margin of safety.
The Southampton organizers have arranged for a local bookstore (October Books) to stock the book and have a window display for it.
At this meeting were some of the key organizers from Southampton and the UK. These included Bill Edwards and his wife, who runs an excellent website on the issue, and their son who videotaped the presentation (available on this site). Also present was John Spottiswoode, the Green party candidate who ran on an anti-fluoridation platform at the last election. John Graham, of the National Pure Water Association, came down from London accompanied by Dr. Jennifer Luke, the British researcher who found that fluoride accumulated in the human pineal gland (Luke, 2001) and that it also lowered melatonin production in animals (see Luke's 1997 thesis, The Effect of Fluoride on the 
Physiology of the Pineal Gland at http://fluoridealert.org/luke-1997.pdf - it takes a minute to download).

Luke's work has been steadfastly and outrageously ignored by those countries that continue to promote fluoridation. A pleasant moment came in the meeting when I was able to present FAN's 2009 Albert Burgstahler Award for Scientific Integrity to Dr. Luke in recognition of her courage in researching and publishing these studies. I do not say courage lightly because both she and her husband are dentists. They knew that publishing this work would not make them popular among their colleagues in the dental community. However, there will come a day when they too will honor her work. Hopefully, that day will not be too far off.
On Sept 16, Ellen and I travelled to Brussels, Belgium to testify before the European Commissions Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) on their preliminary report on water fluoridation. I will report on that meeting in the next bulletin, "High Noon in Brussels."

* * * * * * * * *
The CDC released the 2008 water fluoridation-by-state statistics - see http://www.cdc.gov/fluoridation/statistics/2008stats.htm
The California Dental Association responded with a press release stating: "California now has the largest total number of residents of any state receiving fluoridated water… 58 percent of Californians (21.5 million) receive fluoridated water, up from 27 percent in 2002…"
Meanwhile, more and more communities around the world are attempting to fight off new fluoridation proposals. Two recent articles give a flavor of the fightback.
From Mount Gambier, South Australia - see http://www2.fluoridealert.org/Alert/Australia/Mount-Gambier-Water-inquiry-pledge
From Watsonville, Calfornia: Speak Out Now or Happily Accept Fluoridated Water - by Nick Bulaich.

Prof Connett Part 5

Dentists tell the facts

Dentists tell the facts
Waterloo Region Record
September 25, 2010
Re: Dentists arrogant Sept. 22 Dentists make their living filling cavities due to tooth decay. The fact is that the widespread presence of fluoride reduces the frequency of decay and is thus responsible for the reduction in the income of dentists worldwide. It is a testament to the honesty of the profession that virtually all dentists (and physicians) promote the use of fluoride, both as a public health initiative and in proprietary dental products such as toothpastes and mouthwashes. There is no indication there is any difference in the overall health of children raised with the benefit of fluoride in their drinking water at recommended levels, other than a high resistance to tooth decay, and those raised in areas without this benefit. Despite attempts to confuse the facts, this is one statistic that cannot be denied. Allan Patterson, DDS Kitchener

So no extra income from repairing the disfigurement of fluorosis and you are ignoring all research that indicates that there are health risks for very little benefit.

National Average Salary
•General dentists earned an average annual salary of $154,270 and an average hourly wage of $74.17 as of May 2008, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Professionals in this occupation earned a median annual salary of $142,870 and a median hourly wage of $68.69 as of May 2008. General dentists normally work 35 to 40 hours each week.

Read more: The Average Salary for a General Dentist | eHow.co.uk http://www.ehow.co.uk/about_6504262_average-salary-general-dentist.html#ixzz10cZwPfSS

USA - Dentists provide free treatment for needy patients in Lansing

........."Proof of the [dental] need was in the length of the line in the morning. People stretched up the stairs from the basement clinic at 5135 S. Pennsylvania Ave., out the door and almost to the street."

"The six volunteer dentists and team of assistants saw 110 patients by the end of the day and had pulled 262 teeth. They remained open after the 5 p.m. close, because people still needed to been seen."..............

Lansing, Michigan is fluoridated:NYSCOF

Saturday, September 25, 2010


AFTER new research suggesting that more American adults may have gum disease than previously thought, the UK could find itself in a very similar position, says a dental expert.

Chief Executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter, issued new fears following a study that suggested the prevalence of periodontal disease in the US may have been underestimated by as much as 50 percent.

Dr Carter said: “The study shows that gum disease is a bigger problem than we previously thought and although this news comes from across the Atlantic it could well apply to us here in the UK as well.
The research was conducted as part of a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) which involved a full–mouth and comprehensive periodontal examination. Over 450 American adults over the age of 35 were tested. ....

450? That is not many against the population of USA. Not many for one State. Was it in one city, a fluoridated city or not? Poor district or rich area? All races? At least they can't claim fluoridation is the answer as the States is mainly fluoridated.

USA - Speak out now or happily accept fluoridated water

Speak out now or happily accept fluoridated water
Posted: Saturday, Sep 25th, 2010
Remember the Wendy’s TV commercial with the little old lady asking “Where’s the beef?” in regard to hamburger chains not having much of a beef patty between the hamburger buns? The line has become a common one to use to question the validity of a product claim or statement by politicians.

In respect to the issue of water fluoridation, we ask “Where’s the substance?”

For more than nine years we have been opposing the fluoridating of our water supply, mainly on the grounds that no chemical manufacturer will state that their fluoridation substance has been proven to be safe and effective for fighting tooth decay.

It is a fact that the main fluoridation substance used in this country is a by-product of the phosphate fertilizer industry and it contains lead, arsenic and other contaminants. It is a fact that no chemical manufacturer will state that its fluoridation substance will fight tooth decay. All we hear are repeated statements about some substances being labeled as “accepted” fluoridation substances, but never a peep about the substances actually being able to fight tooth decay. This is why we repeatedly ask, “Where’s the substance?”

Obviously, fluoridation proponents are not interested in fighting tooth decay and are far more interested in pushing for the injection of a toxic sludge into our water.

Earlier this year the city formed an ad hoc committee to further study the issue and report back to the City Council with an acceptable funding contract. To no surprise, after numerous meetings the committee came back with a contract proposal that is even worse than the earlier one. The contract contains numerous areas that could stick the city with a bill.

The contract contains no requirement that the city will use a proven and tested substance to fluoridate our water. Almost every single point of concern that we brought up was ignored by the committee. Your rights, your wishes for safe water are being sold down the river.

Many of you have heard that the state Department of Public Health has threatened the city with fines unless the city proceeds with a fluoridation program. Such a threat has the appearance of being an orchestrated stunt in an attempt to give some council members cover for their upcoming sell-out vote. No city can be legally compelled to use an untested and unproven substance to fluoridate the water supply, yet the council will probably go ahead and voluntarily do it.

If the council would only tell the state that it is unable to find a substance that fights tooth decay and that it will not implement a fluoridation program until it finds such a substance, then this entire issue can be put on hold. For some sick reason, the majority of the council refuses to do so.

I have repeatedly challenged the city to hold a forum on this issue and said I would be willing to debate anyone on the legality of the issue. I asked the city to bring in the state Department of Public Health to a forum in order to answer questions from the public. I have dared our county health official to debate me on the issue. To all of these requests, the answer has been “no.” Obviously, the fluoridation proponents are scared of debating the issue and being forced to answer valid questions from the concerned public. On Tuesday, the Watsonville City Council will be deciding on the future of your water supply. You better wake up and let the council know that you do not want our precious water supply to be injected with some untested, unproven toxic sludge. If you don’t, you will have a new question to ask in the future: “How did all this lead, arsenic and other toxic waste get into our water supply?”

The answer will be that some rotten and dishonest politicians voted for it and you let them get away with it.

Stop the city from contaminating our water supply, tainting our bodies and destroying our environment by urging the council to vote no on the latest fluoridation contract.

Mount Gambier Fluoride forum.mpg

Friday, September 24, 2010

Prof Connett Part 4.wmv

Prof Connett Part 3.wmv

UK Cumbria - letter

Times & StarHome
Fluoride dumping in otherwise healthy water should be stopped
Japan and all of continental Europe have rejected the idea for reasons of safety and medical ethics. Experiments in poor countries produced harmful results that were quickly halted.

The belief that fluoride compounds reduce the incidence of tooth decay is dental religion today, in spite of the fact that fluoride’s original champion, H Trendley Dean, DDS, admitted under oath 40 years ago that his data purporting to prove the efficacy of fluoridation for dental health were not valid.

So why does this experiment in Cumbria go on when there is overwhelming evidence that fluoride is harmful in the long term. This is not natural fluoride, this is toxic industrial waste.

I have a solution, treating water with fluoride is an expensive operation. In these days of cost cutting and saving energy, I suggest stopping the fluoridation of water and if you feel adamant you need fluoride, then buy some fluoride toothpaste or fluoride tablets simple!

Think of the money we can save the tax payer. In USA fluoride toothpaste has a health warning. In case of ingestion they recommend you see a toxicologist.

In this country the same toothpaste has no warning. We need people power to get on to our local MP and ask that this crazy fluoride dumping in our otherwise healthy water be stopped.


Croftfield Road

USA - High court sides with Port Angeles in initiatives

High court sides with Port Angeles in initiatives
The Washington Supreme Court says two initiatives seeking to stop the addition of fluoride in Port Angeles's public waters are beyond the scope of the initiative process.
Associated Press Writer
The Washington Supreme Court says two initiatives seeking to stop the addition of fluoride in Port Angeles's public waters are beyond the scope of the initiative process.
In a 5-4 ruling Thursday, the court agreed with the Port Angeles City Council that the two initiatives filed in 2006 concerned administrative matters.
The council had declined to enact or refer to the ballot two separate initiatives filed by Our Water-Our Choice! and Protect Our Waters. The council sought a judgment that the initiatives were beyond the scope of the local initiative power.

A dissent written by Justice Richard Sanders says the initiatives should be allowed to go to the ballot and "the right of the initiative must be preserved here."

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Prof Connett Part 2

EU Commission hearing exposes fatal flaws in water fluoridation.

Dublin, 21st September 2010
EU Commission hearing exposes fatal flaws in water fluoridation.
International scientists, health and environmental campaigners have presented detailed evidence of the adverse effects of adding fluoride to drinking water at an EU public hearing held in Brussels. Its effects on bone and tooth enamel, the brain, kidney, thyroid function and the endocrine system regulating the body’s hormones were confirmed by reference to extensive scientific research.

Ireland and the UK are the only EU member states to deliberately fluoridate their citizens. The European Commission’s scientific committee on health and environmental risks (SCHER) is critically reviewing fluoride and fluoridation chemicals following repeated questions from Irish and UK MEPs. The committee’s preliminary opinion has already stated that water fluoridation is ‘a crude and rather ineffective form of systemic fluoride treatment to prevent dental caries without a detectable threshold for dental and bone damage’.

At the hearing all committee members agreed with Prof Vyvyan Howard, a leading international researcher in molecular bioscience based in the University of Ulster, that if regulatory approval for fluoridation chemicals was being sought today based on the data presented to the hearing by SCHER, the chances of obtaining it were extremely remote.

A key concern of those attending the hearing was the overexposure of their populations to fluoride. In Ireland there is an epidemic of dental fluorosis in children as confirmed by the North South Survey of Children’s Oral Health in Ireland 2002, two of whose authors were present at the hearing. This survey revealed a seven-fold increase in dental fluorosis in Irish 15-year-olds from 1984 to 2002. Dental fluorosis, which manifests as mottling or pitting of tooth enamel, is a sign of bodily overload of fluoride.

The committee was also alerted to the fundamental contradictions between the advice from another EU scientific committee, monitoring the safety of cosmetics including toothpaste, and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). While fluoride toothpastes must carry labels warning children under six-years not to swallow it as it contains sodium monofluorophosphate, EFSA recently approved the same substance as a permitted food supplement under the Food Supplements Directive. This was cited as indicative of the serious flaws in most of the advice on fluorides provided to the committee by EFSA.

The public hearing on fluoridation on Sept 17th 2010 attracted delegates from only Ireland and the UK as the sole EU member states permitting water fluoridation. The only other EU nationals in attendance were a leading supplier of fluoride toothpastes in Europe, the Spanish shipper of fluorosilicates to Ireland and an Austrian physicist and son of Europe’s most successful fluoridation opponent, the late Rudolf Ziegelbecker who demonstrated the statistical artefacts behind fluoridation’s supposed benefits.

With five of the seven- member scientific panel themselves coming from member states that do not accept these supposed benefits either, the isolation of the Irish and UK government representatives was self evident.

The Irish government was represented by four members of the Irish Expert Body on Fluorides & Health and the UK by the chairman of the British Fluoridation Society (BFS) and another BFS director and member of the European Association of Dental Public Health. Within the UK only a few areas of England are fluoridated because neither Wales, Scotland, the Isle of Man nor Northern Ireland permit it.

The eight campaigners committed to stopping fluoridation including Prof Vyvyan Howard were Dr Paul Connett, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry in the US and executive director of Fluoride Action Network, the National Pure Water Association’s Elizabeth McDonagh and John Graham, Dr Stephen Peckham of Hampshire Against Fluoridation, Austrian physicist Rudolf Ziegelbecker and Robert Pocock of Irish environmental group VOICE.

UK Councils Against Fluoridation(UKCAF) did not attend on the grounds that as a medicinal intervention, fluoridation is a medical issue and as such is not within the remit of a scientific committee. UKCAF has written directly to European Commissioner ultimately responsible for the public hearing John Dalli, demanding immediate enforcement of the relevant medicines directives.

Dr Paul Connett’s soon-to-be-published book The Case against fluoride has just been reviewed by Prof Howard in the open access quarterly research journal Fluoride.


Australia - The worst thing to come out of children's mouths

The worst thing to come out of children's mouths
Courtney Trenwith
September 23, 2010 - 3:27PM
Poor eating and hygene habits are causing dental problems in children as young as four. Children as young as four are having all of their baby teeth removed because of poor oral health, dentists say.
Hundreds of youngsters - some yet to attend school - are forced to undergo surgery to have rotting teeth removed or root canal.
In the worst cases, children are put on intravenous antibiotics to save their lives.
Yesterday, an Ipswich woman was jailed for 12 months after pleading guilty to child cruelty. Her nine-year-old daughter had 12 teeth extracted because she had given the girl only cordial to drink and had failed to take her to a dentist for more than three years....................

Health officials trying to improve oral health on the Isle of Man

Health officials trying to improve oral health on the Isle of Man
The Department of Health are meeting to discuss ways to improve standards of oral health amongst children on the Isle of Wight.

Standards of oral health are very low amongst young children; figures suggest that half of children under the age of 5 suffer from tooth decay. Tooth decay has been highlighted as a major health problem on the island and ministers are keen to implement new strategies to improve standards of oral health and reduce rates of decay.

The Department of Health has recently published a thirty page document detailing ways to promote good oral health and reduce tooth decay; the document is available to view online and members of the public have been invited to submit feedback comments. The new strategies will include encouraging parents and children to focus on oral hygiene from a very early age and improving education about oral health.

According to health officials, many people are unaware of the importance of good oral health and neglect oral hygiene; many children do not visit a dentist until they are four or five years old and a large proportion of children do not brush their teeth twice a day. Representatives from the health department and dentists are particularly keen to promote a good oral hygiene routine from an early age as there are no fluoridated water supplies on the island; fluoride helps to strengthen the teeth and many studies have confirmed that people who live in areas with fluoridated water supplies have better standards of oral health than those who live in areas where no fluoride is present in the water.

Numerous studies have confirmed a link between oral health and general health; poor oral health can contribute to serious health problems, including an increased risk of heart disease and strokes.

Are they trying to get fluoridation after only 2 years ago it was rejected?

Canada - Dentists arrogant (Not all)

Dentists arrogant
Peter Mansell
Waterloo Region Record
September 22, 2010
Fluoridation scare tactics condemned - Sept. 15

Denstist Harry Hoediono arrogantly dismisses his opposition in the fluoride debate, making a "straw man" of the word "acid" in hydrofluorocilicic acid, claiming this substance when dissolved technically ceases to be an acid.

Hoediono, the next president of the Ontario Dental Association, is obscuring the point - that what goes into the water, however it reconfigures itself, all goes into the body. So, the trace contaminants of arsenic, lead, mercury and radioactive materials, much of which builds in the body over time go in as well. Thats the real objection - the industrial waste in our water along with fluoride.

Hoediono calls his opposition fear-mongers, as every dentist has for the last 60 years.They claim they have presented the science and have no more to say.

Peter Mansell

Not every dentist.

Australia - Fluoridation date under review

Fluoridation date under review
Posted 5 hours 31 minutes ago

Map: Mount Gambier 5290 SA Water says it is reviewing the date of the addition of fluoride to Mount Gambier's water supply.

The city is the only remaining major regional centre in South Australia that does not have the chemical added and the building of a plant to include it has been opposed by the anti-fluoride group Choice.

The fluoride plant was to come online at the end of this month, although SA Water has told the ABC it is now reviewing the date.

A spokesman says the work schedule is still being finalised.

Pediatric dentistry about more than just cavities

Pediatric dentistry about more than just cavities
Originally published September 23, 2010
By Krista Brick
.........A third pediatric dental myth has some parents buying into special toothpaste for children.

"Some baby toothpaste brands don't have enough fluoride in them to help prevent tooth decay. Choose a brand that contains at least 1,000 ppm of fluoride. Check the packaging to see if it contains enough fluoride and ask your pediatric dentist how much toothpaste to use for your child," Sivakumar said.

Parents should start brushing their babies' teeth as soon as they erupt and wipe their baby's gums with a cloth before that occurs.

In addition to using the right toothpaste, Camps said it is equally important to adequately fluorinate water to help prevent tooth decay...........

Babies just can't have enough according to him.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Investigators 'Beyond The Fluoride Debate'.mp4

An old video but well worth watching

How to reduce sugar consumption in kids

How to reduce sugar consumption in kids
by Katarzyna Radzka
Kids eat too much sugar these days. Unless you buy fresh vegetables and lean grounds of meat most of the prepackaged products are likely to contain excessive amounts of sugar and should be avoided as much as possible. Sugar is a form of energy but should be limited as it also acts like a poison that leads to tooth decay, diabetes and other conditions.

1 – Make your pantry and fridge free from any biscuits, cakes, sweets and other sugary products that are unhealthy for children to eat. Food that contains sugar is addictive and the more children eat it the more they crave it. By not feeding it to them you will put a stop to the constant sugar cravings and demands for a chocolate treat. If your child does want something sweet give them an apple or pear instead.

2 – Stop adding sugar into the meals that you prepare for your children. So you might not put a tablespoon of sugar on to the salad or the cutlet, but what about the sauce and dressing that you use? That may have more sugar than you think. Check the ingredients of the products you use before adding them to your meals and that way you’ll be more aware of how much sugar your child is eating.

3 – Prohibit sugary drinks. Kids won’t drink cola or other fizzy drinks if parents don’t buy them, it’s as simple as that. When your child is thirsty don’t just reach for the first thing that comes to hand. Water is the best way to quench thirst, if you need flavor you can add a slice or two of orange or lemon. 100% fruit juice is also better than fizzy drinks as it contains less sugar.

4 – Limit the amount of junk food your children consume. Burgers in fast food restaurants also contain sugar, and lots of it. The buns and sauces are the culprits. If you add a soft drink or milkshake it adds up to far too much sugar than anyone should have in a day. Make your own burgers at home by using whole grain buns, lean chicken breast, lettuce, tomato and tomato sauce for a healthier, more delicious and low in sugar lunch or dinner.

Parents are responsible for their child’s diet and they are the only ones who can reduce the amount of sugar children consume. The more conscious parents are of what food contains sugar the better choices they can make when it comes to meal preparation.

I.o.M. take note.

UK - I.o.M. Half of Under 5's on Island Suffer From Tooth Decay

Half of Under 5's on Island Suffer From Tooth Decay
The Department of Health yesterday began a major consultation process regarding their updated Oral Health Strategy.
Over 30 pages the strategy highlights how the Department intend to tackle the problem of tooth decay in young children, it also focuses on modernising primary care dental services.
The Island has been identified as having a major tooth decay problem, specifically in children under 5 years old, with half of that age demographic suffering from dental problems.
The document will flag up ways in which parents and children can become more aware about the importance of self care, which it says is especially important given the absence of water fluoridation on the Island.
You can find a copy of the consultation document by clicking here any feedback must be submitted by Monday 8th November.

Still smarting over losing the fluoridation battle? Why don't they introduce methods that Gwent propose and other forms of education about reducing intake of sugar?

Wales - Gwent schools teach youngsters to clean their teeth

Gwent schools teach youngsters to clean their teeth
7:20am Tuesday 21st September 2010
CHILDREN across Gwent are taking to brushing their teeth in school as part of a Wales-wide project to improve youngsters' dental health.
The Designed To Smile programme targets three-seven year-olds to try to reduce rates of decay that in some parts of Wales are 10 times worse than the best in England.
It involves community dental health teams going into nurseries and primary schools to set up supervised tooth-brushing sessions, supplying toothbrushes and fluoride toothpaste, and offering dental health advice.
Toy animals with wide smiles and bright teeth, and big toothbrushes, are used to get over to the children the importance of brushing their teeth every day.
"In a school environment the children learn from, and copy, one another," said Jane Baker, oral health co-ordinator with Gwent's community dental health team.
"Our teams go into nurseries and schools to work with the children and teachers....

USA - Low-cost dental work in demand

Low-cost dental work in demand
By Jim Totten and Frank Konkel
"There's so much need — really, an incredible need — for dental care in our area," said Kellogg. "There are so many patients we see that have dental issues that are so painful, they just stay home. There's such a need, with people losing their insurance or even their jobs."

"An elderly couple who can't afford dental care. An unemployed landscaper with no dental insurance. A factory worker on disability. A young couple who used to live the good life and had to cut back on everything when the husband, a bank executive, lost his job.....

Michigan is 90% fluoridated:NYSCOF

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Australian towns set to benefit from fluoridated water supplies

Australian towns set to benefit from fluoridated water supplies
Five Australian towns will soon benefit from fluoridated water supplies, it has been announced.

The New South Wales Health Department has announced plans to supply fluoridated water to residents of Warrumbungle Shire; so far tenders have been accepted for fluoride works in the towns of Baradine, Mendooran, Binnaway, Coolah and Coonabarabran.

The announcement comes in the light of worrying statistics relating to oral health in the area; figures suggested that residents of Warrumbungle Shire were suffering from much poorer oral health than residents in other areas of New South Wales....

No opposition?

MOZAMBIQUE - BHP Billiton Plans Six Month Bypass of Smelter Smokestack Scrubbers

BHP Billiton Plans Six Month Bypass of Smelter Smokestack Scrubbers
Nastasya Tay
MAPUTO, Sep 20 (IPS) - Civil society groups are challenging a six-month authorisation granted aluminium giant BHP Billiton to emit potentially dangerous fumes from its Mozal smelter into the air without treating them first.

In May, the government gave BHP Billiton’s Mozal smelter, located in the town of Matola, 17 kilometres from the capital, the go-ahead to bypass two Fume Treatment Centres (FTCs) at its carbon plant, which re-processes and produces anodes for use in producing aluminium.

Authorisation for the bypass, which Mozal says is required to rebuild and upgrade the FTCs, has been granted for a period of six months, and is due to begin in late October 2010.

Environmental groups opposed

Civil society groups in Maputo and Matola filed a court action Sep. 14 to reverse the government’s decision, which they say is based on insufficient information about the potential impact to human health and the environment around the smelter.

The presence of fluoride in the anode production process means that compounds which pose both short and long-term threats to health are part of the cocktail of fumes during reprocessing. The purpose of the FTCs is to filter the carbon plant's emissions of potentially harmful pollutants, before it is released into the air.

Bypassing the FTCs means that compounds including hydrofluoric acid and sulphur dioxide - which in sufficient quantities can cause hypocalcemia, cardiac and respiratory arrest, and death - will be released into the atmosphere in greater concentrations.................

Don't think they would get away with that in Europe or the USA - I forgot! They do, they put it in our water

USA - Hundreds flock to White Lake for free dental care

Hundreds flock to White Lake for free dental care: 125 uninsured patients get relief and one says it saved her life.
WHITEHALL -- For months, Ashley Houston endured painful tooth decay, putting off dental care that would have cost hundreds of dollars because she had no insurance. Her family could not afford to pay cash for the work she needed, she said. Instead, the Muskegon teen used over-the-counter pain relief. The decision nearly proved fatal..............

Muskegon is fluoridated and so is 90% of Michigan:NYSCOF

Monday, September 20, 2010

What hidden dangers lie in toothpastes?

What hidden dangers lie in toothpastes?
by Angela Mdlalani
Although we don’t swallow it, not intentionally at least, we do trust toothpaste, don’t we? We rely on it for dazzling smiles.
But the paste we have come to trust as offering us better oral hygiene and preventing tooth decay may be more dangerous than we care to notice.
The Internet is awash with claims that some of the dental hygiene products widely used by families today contain toxins that have, among others, been linked to cancer and blindness.
It is accepted that toothpaste should not be swallowed, hence the need to monitor youngsters when they are brushing their teeth.
Doctor Itumeleng Kalane, a General Dental Practitioner at the Dental Clinic in Gaborone, says that children should not use toothpaste before their second birthday.

Fluorosis, Dr Kalane said, is a researched and documented effect of excessive toothpaste swallowing.

“This is a discolouration of the tooth enamel from exposure to excessive fluoride during enamel formation, particularly during the maturation phase,” said Dr Kalane. “Toothpaste swallowing is usually associated with a mild form of this condition, which presents as white flecks or spotting. In other cases the enamel assumes a diffuse cloudiness in colour. This problem is a concern, especially in children below 2 years of age as they tend to swallow significant amounts of toothpaste during brushing.”

He said that it is around this time that the enamel matrix of the permanent incisors in the tooth crypt matures, and any incorporation of fluoride during this time leads to esthetic impairment when they eventually erupt.

However, it is claimed that many of these toxins need not be swallowed to cause harm to the human body because the potentially harmful ingredients are made up of very small molecules that may penetrate through the tissue of your mouth to enter the blood stream and build up in the liver, kidneys, heart lungs and body tissues...........

12 Medical Myths Even Most Doctors Believe…

Dr. Mercola's Comments:
With all the medical misinformation we’re currently exposed to on a daily basis, it’s disappointing to see CNN waste time and space on yet another entertainment-style fluff piece, discussing “health myths” that have no real bearing on your health whatsoever.

Because, believe me, there is no shortage of real health myths that can, and do, have a massive impact on tens of thousands if not millions of people.

Here is my list of the top 12 health myths, none of which CNN bothered to mention

USA - Veterans Get Free Dental Care

Veterans Get Free Dental Care
Dentists Volunteer Time To Help Veterans
"Just being able to get the teeth fixed, get the work done, and not have the expense makes a big difference," Frank said.

The Cincinnati Dental Society estimated that less than 10 percent of U.S. veterans are eligible to receive dental benefits, and many fall through the cracks.

"A lot of these guys cycle though the emergency room for infections, and they knock the infection down with antibiotics then, they come back two months later never having the source of the infections taken care of," said Dr. Ken Brandt, one of the dentists who volunteered their time on Saturday.........

Cincinnati is fluoridated:NYSCOF

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Brussels - EC hearing advances water fluoridation debate

EC hearing advances water fluoridation debate
By Lorraine Heller, 17-Sep-2010
Stakeholders are gathering in Brussels today to discuss a preliminary opinion on the fluoridation of drinking water in a European Commission hearing.
Organised by the EC’s Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) the hearing will provide a ground for the examination of criticisms, comments and concerns to the conclusions already presented in a pre-consultation opinion.
This had followed a request from the EC for SCHER to evaluate any new evidence surrounding the health effects or possible risks that may be linked to adding fluoridating agents to drinking water.

Fluoride in water

Fluoride is not considered to be essential for human growth and development but it is considered to be beneficial in the prevention of dental caries or tooth decay.

However, excessive intake of fluoride thought to lead to flurosis, which can stain or damage teeth.

Public concerns about the negative health effects of an increased consumption of fluoride prompted the EC request the examination from SCHER.

In its preliminary opinion, the committee considered previous opinions delivered by EFSA and SCCP but also reviewed the newest information in the area on risk and benefit of using fluoridated drinking water and intake of fluoride from all sources.
Key findings included:
There is no obvious advantage in favour of water fluoridation compared to topical application which is the most effective method for prevention of tooth decay;
Human exposure to fluorosilicates due to the use of hexafluorosilicic acid or hexafluorosilicate is very low because of their rapid and complete hydrolysis in water forming fluoride ions;
The upper tolerable intake level of fluoride may be exceeded in children under the age of 12 living in areas with fluoridated drinking water;
Fluoride intake from drinking water does not hamper children's neurodevelopment and does not impair IQ at the level occurring in the EU;
Studies do not suggest adverse thyroid, skeletal, reproductive or cancerogenic effects of fluoride at realistic human exposure levels in drinking water;
Exposure of environmental organisms to levels of fluoride as used in fluoridation of drinking water is not expected to lead to unacceptable risks for the environment.
Today’s hearing is expected to complement the internet consultation on SCHER’s preliminary opinion, for which the deadline for submission of comments is 22 September.

USA - McMinnville Council still looking at fluoride issue

McMinnville Council still looking at fluoride issue
Government | Fri, 09/17/2010 - 8:13 am | Read 321 | Commented 8 | Emailed 0
By Nicole Montesano
McMinnville City Manager Kent Taylor has recommended the city council to schedule a joint work session with the McMinnville Water & Light Commission in October to discuss fluoridation.
Considering the matter during its informal dinner session Tuesday, the council took no official action. But it agreed to continue looking into the issue.
Mayor Rick Olson, who sits on the Water & Light Commission, told the council the commission does not take an issue on fluoridation, believing that falls under city jurisdiction.
Taylor is recommending the city use the work session to investigate the issue further, and decide whether to schedule a public hearing, proceed with a referral to voters or decide to let interested residents pursue the issue on their own.
The city has been fluoridating local water for decades. The program is currently running about $36,000 a year..........


By Shane Ellison M. Sc.
The People's Chemist
September 18, 2010
...........Fluoride debates are rampant online. But there’s very little room for argument in biochemistry. Consuming the biological foreigner can leave thirst quenchers “brain sick” - leading to significant emotional and mental duress as well as severe impairment, causing poor focus and weak memory, even Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. This is partly due to its ability to chaperone aluminum – also found in tap water – from the stomach into regions of the brain where mental transmission can be plugged permanently by the noxious metal.

Water isn’t the only thing exposing you to fluoride. Many people ingest it daily – about 1,000 ppm – from their toothpaste, putting them at risk for the same poisonous outcome as water drinkers.......

Friday, September 17, 2010

Paul Connett in Southampton

Daily Echo - letter - Did fluoride trigger my coeliac condition?

Did fluoride trigger my coeliac condition?
I WAS diagnosed with coeliac disease at the age of 60 soon after a short stay in Birmingham.
Coeliac disease is a condition where the gluten in some grains such as wheat is attacked by the immune system and in the process damages the gut.
I was surprised by this as it is a condition I would have had from birth and would have expected to have been aware of it, especially as I had been a very fit paratrooper, so suspected that something had kick-started a dormant condition.
I also subsequently discovered that there has been an increase in the number of people diagnosed with the condition in recent years.
At a lecture recently I was informed of some of the dangers of
adding fluoride to the drinking water I discovered that the water in Birmingham has been fluoridated for years and now consider that this may have been the trigger to activate the condition.
Just recently the condition appears to have eased and I do from time to time consume bread and biscuits that I should not, in small quantities, and am so far not showing signs of allergy to this food.
Should my drinking water be fluoridated against my will and my symptoms return, I foresee a very expensive legal action against the Strategic Health Authority, the result of which will see me able to afford bottled water, and a decent Scotch, for the rest of my days.

Joe Connelly on Calgary Water Fluoridation

MEPs Launch Call to Action for Better Oral Health

MEPs Launch Call to Action for Better Oral Health to Commissioner Dalli
Broad Support to Improve Oral Health Prevention and Access to Dental Care in Europe
Dr Thomas Ulmer MEP and Dr Cristian Silviu Busoi MEP marked the 3rd annual World Oral Health Day by issuing a Call to Action for Better Oral Health in Europe to John Dalli, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy, challenging the European Union (EU) to make progress in combating oral diseases and reducing the burden of oral health maintenance for all citizens. ............

Australia - Emergency crews work to contain chemical spill

Emergency crews work to contain chemical spill
Updated 6 hours 21 minutes ago
Map: Maffra 3860 Country Fire Authority crews are working to contain a toxic chemical spill outside the water treatment plant at Maffra in Gippsland.
An acid used to add fluoride to the water supply is leaking from a tanker parked outside the plant.
Police have set up road blocks and children at a nearby primary school have been confined to their classrooms.
Ambulances are on stand-by at the scene.

USA - Emergency crews work to contain chemical spill

Emergency crews work to contain chemical spill
Updated 6 hours 21 minutes ago
Map: Maffra 3860 Country Fire Authority crews are working to contain a toxic chemical spill outside the water treatment plant at Maffra in Gippsland.
An acid used to add fluoride to the water supply is leaking from a tanker parked outside the plant.
Police have set up road blocks and children at a nearby primary school have been confined to their classrooms.
Ambulances are on stand-by at the scene.

USA - Kentucky is among the worst states in the nation for tooth decay

Posted on September 11, 2010 at 9:43 AM
(WHAS11) -- Kentucky is among the worst states in the nation for tooth decay and tooth loss, even among children.
So groups like Delta Dental are fighting back. They are teaching students in the classroom all about their teeth, and how to take care of them.
Steve Day is with Delta Dental of Kentucky and he came by to talk to WHAS11’s Kelsey Starks about a poster contest the group's sponsoring in elementary schools.

Kentucky mandates fluoridation:NYSCOF

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Canada - Dentists won’t be participating in final two debates

Debate over?
Dentists won’t be participating in final two debates
By Bob Vrbanac, Chronicle Staff
Sep 15, 2010
Something will be missing from the final two water flouride forums in Waterloo — the dentists representing the pro side of the debate.
“We think the debate is over and we’re not participating in it,” said Dr. Harry Hoediono, the president elect of the Ontario Dental Association. “We were asked to provide scientific information and we did do that.”
A total of three community debates were proposed in the lead-up to the Oct. 25 plebiscite question that will ask the public: “Should the Region of Waterloo fluoridate your municipal water? Yes or No.”
The first one came in June and featured Dr. Ira Kershin, past president of the ODA, and Hoediono, a local dentist, who defended the practice first started in Waterloo in 1967.
They were initially challenged by Paul Connett, a PhD in chemistry who heads the Fluoride Action Network out of the U. S., and Peter van Caulart, who trains water operators in Ontario....................

USA - Letter to Washington Governor Re Water Fluoridation

Letter to Washington Governor Re Water Fluoridation
Contributor: James Robert Deal James Robert Deal Attorney PLLC SUMMARY: The fluoridation materials used to fluoridated drinking water are not tested or approved by any federal or state agency. Fluoridation materials are added to drinking water for health reasons - to prevent tooth decay, and so by law FDA approval should be obtained before adding them to drinking water.
The FDA has shirked responsibility to regulate fluoridation, allegedly having transferred this responsibility to the EPA pursuant to an illegal memorandum of understanding between the FDA and the EPA.
However the Safe Drinking Water Act - which pertains to the EPA - says:
"No national primary drinking water regulation may require the addition of any substance for preventive health care purposes unrelated to contamination of drinking water."
This limitation flows down to the states and to municipalities.
The EPA could not require fluoridation, so it assigned this role to the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) a private trade organization largely controlled by chemical industries that have excess fluoride as toxic waste which they need to dispose of.
In 47 states departments of health allow municipalities to fluoridated drinking water only if fluoridation materials meet the specifications of NSF Rule 60. However, NSF Rule 60 is a fraud. The rule requires that toxicological and health studies be done, but none are done.

USA - Red Bay stops putting fluoride in water

Red Bay stops putting fluoride in water
Posted: Sep 16, 2010 1:15 AM
Updated: Sep 16, 2010 1:18 AM
RED BAY, AL (WAFF)- The Franklin County town of Red Bay recently stopped putting fluoride in the water.
Town leaders say it was an economic decision. They had officials look at several studies and never found any evidence that supported keeping the fluoride in the water.
"I guess we wound up saving about 50-thousand dollars a year in the production of our water, and we're a small system so 50-thousand dollars a year is a big savings," said Joe Beasley, Red Bay Water and Gas Department.
Leaders say because they're not adding fluoride, they also were able to cutback on other chemicals used in the system.

NZ - Fluoride Meeting For Auckland Mayoralty

Fluoride Meeting For Auckland Mayoralty
Thursday, 16 September 2010, 3:33 pm
Press Release: Fluoride Action Network
Fluoride Meeting For Auckland Mayoralty "Fluoride is more toxic than lead and only marginally less toxic than arsenic" - Quoted from the Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, 5th Edition.
"If someone were to tell you that you were being subjected to a known poison, without your consent, that the substance could lead to an increased risk of cancer and osteoporosis, and that it was used as a commercial rat poison, you would probably think they were mad. And if they discovered that this medication was being administered with the full knowledge and cooperation of government and the medical profession, you would be sure they were mad. Yet this is exactly what is happening to well in excess of a million New Zealanders today, for that poison is fluoride!" says Barron Braden................

Dr. Scott Johnson 8-15-10 Pt. 1 - 13

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ireland - New bid to cut tooth decay in children

By Fiona Dillon
Monday September 13 2010
A NEW Irish research project hopes to address the alarmingly high rate of tooth decay among pre-schoolers.
It has emerged that more than one in five children in the greater Dublin area who needed to have a tooth extracted under general anaesthetic were aged four and under.
A new Irish research project, supported by funding from the Health Research Board (HRB), is set to develop a practical intervention to increase tooth brushing and reduce the high incidence of tooth decay and extraction in this age group.
In the greater Dublin area, 2,294 children underwent general anaesthetic for dental extractions in 2008 -- 22pc were aged four or less.
The goal of the new project is "to develop an intervention designed to increase the frequency of toothbrushing among disadvantaged children from age two years in Ireland."
It is believed that targeting this group will have a major impact on the overall burden of tooth decay in the population as the vast majority of the disease is found among the less well off.

- Fiona Dillon

Ireland is the only country that requires fluoridation:NYSCOF

British Dentists Wary Of Solar Powered Toothbrush "Gadget"

British Dentists Wary Of Solar Powered Toothbrush "Gadget"
by Energy Matters
A solar powered toothbrush has been given the thumbs down by the British Dental Health Foundation.
Developed by University of Saskatchewan College of Dentistry students J.H. Lee and K.Y.J Li, the Soladey-J3X solar powered toothbrush incorporates a solar panel that transfers electrons to a titanium oxide semiconductor located at the neck of the brush. The electrons stimulate a reaction that facilitates the disruption of plaque and helps reduce gum inflammation.
A recent clinical trial U of S College of Dentistry has found the Soladey-J3X is more effective at reducing bleeding associated with gingivitis when compared to a control brush. Investigators are currently preparing their findings for publication.
However, the British Dental Health Foundation has issued a statement saying that using a fluoride toothpaste twice a day when brushing teeth is by far the best form of dental hygiene.
According to Chief Executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter, the ingredients in modern toothpastes are too complex for "what is essentially 'a gadget'" to replicate. Dr Carter says more tests are needed to be performed to see if the solar powered toothbrush can do what it claims and to measure any potential long–term effects of not using toothpaste.
"As we know of, there is yet no substitute for brushing our teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste – and I cannot see that changing."
The Soladey-J3X toothbrush is already being sold in parts of Asia and Europe and is also available online.

It isn't April 1st? Solar powered? If the dentists who endorse toothpaste are against it?

Canada - Water fluoridation critics accused of using scare tactics

Water fluoridation critics accused of using scare tactics
By Jeff Outhit, Record staff
WATERLOO — Opponents of water fluoridation are distributing misleading information intended to scare people, says the next president of the Ontario Dental Association.
Dr. Harry Hoediono is critical of a brochure urging Waterloo residents to vote no to fluoridation in the Oct. 25 referendum. It states residents are drinking and swallowing an acid that’s added to drinking water.
“It doesn’t provide correct scientific information,” said Hoediono, a Waterloo resident who practises dentistry in Kitchener. “To a degree, it was really fearmongering.”
He explains that when the chemical hydrofluorosilicic acid is added to tap water, a reaction occurs and the chemical breaks apart to fluoridate the water. It is therefore not present for anyone to drink or swallow.
“That is scientific fact. And it’s empirical. In fact, it’s basic chemistry,” Hoediono said.
Chemical engineering professor Bill Anderson agrees “it’s against all known chemistry” for residents to be drinking the acid in tap water.

That’s because when the chemical is added to water “the product of the reaction is fluoride,” he explains.
“As far as the chemical literature shows, the reaction is complete under normal drinking water conditions.”
Antifluoridation activist Robert Fleming defends the brochure. “I don’t see anything wrong with it,” he said. “That’s what we are putting in the water to fluoridate our water.”
He’s concerned about impurities in the additive, which is a byproduct of fertilizer production.
The chemical used to fluoridate tap water is certified safe by an international agency that reviews water additives. Authorities contend its impurities are so small they pose no hazard.
Water is commonly fluoridated in Ontario to reduce cavities. Critics argue it’s unsafe and unnecessary but the public health department and other health organizations endorse it.
Waterloo is the only local city to fluoridate its drinking water, which also goes to Elmira and St. Jacobs. Waterloo residents have twice endorsed fluoridation in referendums.
Hoediono assumes presidency of the dental association next year. He debated fluoridation in June and said dentists will promote it at a public event Oct. 21.
Critics of fluoridation are expected to participate in two other public events, this month and next. The first is Thursday, Sept. 16 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in Room 200 at the Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex.


USA - Is Fluoride Good for You?

Bill Chameides.Dean of Duke's Nicholas School of the Environment
Posted: September 14, 2010 05:15 PM The Chemical Marketplace Series - Drinking It In: Is Fluoride Good for You?...................

So, What to Conclude About Fluoridating Water?
Fluoridation, controversial in the '50s, is still controversial today. Maybe fluoridation fights cavities, maybe not. Maybe it's safe, maybe not. But there's one more wrinkle.

When the U.S. policy to fluoridate our drinking water was first developed, scientists and dentists believed that only ingested fluoride benefited teeth. We now know that that's not true. Topical application (e.g., from brushing teeth with toothpaste) is also effective at reducing cavities, by about 24 percent on average, though it's not without its own risks. In the decades since 1955 when Crest with stannous fluoride first hit the market, it's become hard to find a toothpaste without fluoride. Do we need fluoridation if we've got fluoride toothpaste?

All this makes me wonder, could fluoridating drinking water now be as anachronistic as fears of a communist plot?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Propaganda for New Zealand

Propaganda for New Zealand, it's safe, it's natural, it's manufactured to exacting standards!

This is from the Chief Medical Officer's description of the permissable fluoride used in the UK.
"For H2SiF6, limits are given for a number of possible impurities, including for iron, heavy metals, sulphate, phosphate, and chloride The specification for Na2SiF6 powder requires a minimum of 98% m/m of the pure chemical, and gives maximum limits for impurities, including heavy metals (as lead) and iron. No other substances are allowed to be used in the fluoridation process, other than an anti-caking agent (the identity of which must be disclosed) in the case of Na2SiF6. Synthetic detergents are not permitted."

Fluoride from The Church on Vimeo.

UK - Daily Echo - Its politics not science

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Its politics not science
THE case for fluoride is based on politics not science, a US chemistry professor told campaigners trying to stop health chiefs adding it to the tap water of 200,000 homes.
Paul Connett, founder of the Fluoride Action Network, threw his support behind Hampshire Against Fluoridation when he spoke to members on Saturday at Southampton Solent University. He used the event to launch his new book, The Case Against Fluoride: how hazardous waste ended up in our drinking water and the bad science and powerful politics that keep it there.
Prof Connett also praised the Daily Echo's coverage of plans by South Central Health Authority, which it claims will improve children's teeth in Southampton, Eastleigh, Totton and Netley
He said: "The Daily Echo's wonderful coverage on the subject is being read across the world and it has helped educate politicians and the public. That's why I chose to launch the book here."

From the Lymington Times

Monday, September 13, 2010

New Book - The Case Against Fluoride

Chelsea Green Publishing
P.O Box 428, Suite 120,
White River Jet., Vermont 05001

25% Pre-Publication Offer

Finally! The Real Facts About Fluoride

The Case Against Fluoride is a scientific repudiation of 60 years of
government supported medication of U.S. citizens without their
knowledge. The authors conclude that fluoridated water not only
fails to protect your teeth, but also threatens your health.

Alfred North Whitehead said the scientific method means
leaving 'options open for revision. 'An ancient Roman adage
says that 'whatever touches all must be approved by all.' These
characterizations of science and democracy are the reasons for
reading this book. Especially if you and your family are drinking
administratively mandated fluoridated water.

— Ralph Nader

Order your copy today at: http://www.chelseagreen.com
Save 25% by entering the coupon code* TCAF at checkout. You can also call to order at: 1 800-639-4099

Offer expires Oct 31st, 2010.

USA - 18 water systems in state stopped adding fluoride

18 water systems in state stopped adding fluoride
By Markeshia Ricks • September 12, 2010

But money woes and a tight economy could be making it harder for some water systems in the state to provide the service that has proven to help prevent tooth de­cay across the country.
Sherry Goode, interim director for oral health with the state Department of Public Health, said most Alabamians -- nearly 83 percent -- enjoy the benefits of fluoridated water whether they know it or not. Though fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that could be found in water, when added to water at certain levels, Goode said that it provides significant protection against tooth decay.
But in the past decade, Goode said, 27 water systems have discontinued the serv­ice. Of those 27, nine water systems have started back, but 18 have not.
Goode said that unlike some states that mandate by legislation that public water systems add fluoride to their water, Alaba­ma does not.
"Water systems may decide to discon­tinue fluoridating, which is a concern for the department and the communities."
A big concern

In fact it was so much of a concern that the state's top doctor, Don Williamson, ex­pressed his concern to the State Commit­tee on Public Health.
He told the members of the committee that the state might be "losing the battle on fluoridation."................

I hope they are.

Australia - Water inquiry pledge

Water inquiry pledge
Posted on September 13, 2010, 9:09am
Mount Gambier’s longstanding campaign against the fluoridation of the Blue Lake’s water supply has been boosted with promises of a parliamentary inquiry and yet another street protest.
Legislative Council member Ann Bressington has vowed to call for an inquiry into SA Water’s apparent refusal to release water purity certificates which contain information on the products used to artificially fluoridate South Australian public water supplies.
Choice Mount Gambier leader Alex Young had previously called on Dr David Cunliffe of SA Health to publicly release the documents, but was referred to SA Water, which refused the release.
After attending a meeting on fluoridation in Mount Gambier on Tuesday evening, Ms Bressington told The Border Watch she intended to call for an inquiry by the end of next month.
She said a national working party would be established and research conducted into the matter.
“Why aren’t they releasing the information in those documents? These are public documents,” she said.
“If the documents are not provided, it would be in contempt of parliament.”
Mr Bressington said she also planned another street protest for Mount Gambier, which she would lead with a megaphone in hand.
“We also want to know what happened to the public meeting Dr Cunliffe promised during a radio interview and which was to be held in Mount Gambier before fluoridation goes online,” she said.
“The fluoridation plant is expected to be switched on by the end of this month, so when is this meeting going to be held?”
With eight years of research into the health effects of water fluoridation, Ms Bressington said she was convinced enough proof existed that fluoride is a dangerous chemical.
“It is a waste product, a neuro-toxin, that governments dump into our water because they are not allowed to dump it anywhere else — and there’s enough proof for that,” she said.
Ms Bressington said although the fluoridation of Mount Gambier’s water supply will happen soon, it was not too late to fight.
“We may have lost the battle, but not the war,” she said.
“Let them spend millions on the construction of the plant. It can be reversed easily; it’s a matter of flicking off a switch.”
Warrnambool Councillor Peter Hulin, accompanied by the Warrnambool Fluoride Action Group convener Peter Sycopoulis, also attended Tuesday night’s fluoride meeting with Ms Bressington.
They spoke about the frustrations of Warrnambool residents in 2008 when their protests against water fluoridation were ignored by the Victorian government.

Mr Hulin said about 800 residents attended a public protest meeting and although 40 government officials and people in support of fluoridation were invited, none of them turned up.
“There will come a day when people will want to ask the government where their health problems came from,” he said.
“We are talking about a waste product here which can’t be put into the ground, but that is put into our drinking water.”

Sunday, September 12, 2010

NZ - Super city candidate wants fluoridation poll

Super city candidate wants fluoridation poll
Updated at 9:56 am today
A candidate for the Auckland mayoralty says there should be a binding referendum on whether to remove fluoride from the water supply.
Colin Craig says evidence is growing which suggests fluoride causes health damage, so he says Auckland should follow the European approach and remove it.
The Auckland District Health board, which supports fluoridation, says it has a important role in reducing tooth decay and the benefits far outweigh the risks.
It says without fluoridation, the average person would lose or have filled between two and twelve teeth.

How you're wrecking your kids' milk teeth

How you're wrecking your kids' milk teeth
By Octavia Walker 12/09/2010
Even if you have the best healthy intentions for your children, you could unwittingly be putting their delicate baby teeth at risk. We talk to some of the UK’s top experts about some of the more surprising causes of decay…....

Some useful advice bar this:

What to brush with: Use a child’s toothbrush (small enough to get to the back teeth) and a fluoride toothpaste. Yes, fluoride is essential, according to Nigel. ‘It first came into UK toothpastes in the early 70s and was responsible for reducing decay levels by 30-40%. It’s hugely protective.’ Children under three need a smear of toothpaste containing fluoride. After that, a pea-sized amount will do.

Babies are not able to spit it out

NZ - Children's dental health improves - health ministry

Children's dental health improves - health ministry
Updated at 8:11 am today
The Ministry of Health says there has been a reduction in the level of tooth decay in five-year-olds and 12-year-olds over the past three years.
In 2007, five year olds had an average of 2.3 fillings which has dropped to 1.9.
The average number of fillings for 12-year-olds was 1.5, which has lowered slightly to 1.3 fillings.
The ministry says the improvements are linked to investments in new dental buildings and mobile dental clinics.
It says $40 million has already been spent on infrastructure and a further $80 million will be spent over the next two years.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dr. Mercola Interviews Houston Tomasz on Alkaline Water (Part 1 of 2)

Healthy Toothpaste is The Only Solution for Your Dental Health

Healthy Toothpaste is The Only Solution for Your Dental Health
September 10th, 2010, By Dental Health Magazine Staff
Modern toothpaste is rarely good for health, it is a mix of synthetics and chemicals that are meant to maintain, polish, whiten, and clean in order to maintain healthy gums and teeth. However there is some question as to whether those “healthy” toothpaste ingredients are necessary or safe.

These days, many people are trying to live a healthier lifestyle. They reduce their refined sugar intake by replacing it with artificial sweeteners and their bad fat intake. They try to avoid processed foods that have artificial chemicals, sweeteners, and colors like Monosodium glutamate (MSG), Splenda, sodium saccharin, and aspartame. They try to eat more fruit that is grown without pesticide and herbicide radiation or spraying or radiation and more certified organic vegetables.

However, most people don’t stop to consider what they are brushing their teeth with. Toothpaste is as old as teeth and people for the early times used abrasives such as crushed eggshells, bone, and oyster shells that were mixed with powered charcoal and flavoring. Later on, essential oils of cinnamon, spearmint, and peppermint helped to kill germs and bacteria at the same time and made brushing more pleasant.

Most commercial toothpastes contain ingredients like sodium saccharin, sodium larthe sulfate, PVMMA copolymer, sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS), and artificial color and they may not be considered as healthy toothpastes. Here’s what these ingredients really are:
Click on title to read article

Friday, September 10, 2010

Australia - Kununurra town meeting planned on fluoride treatment

Kununurra town meeting planned on fluoride treatment
Posted 4 hours 33 minutes ago
Map: Kununurra 6743 The Western Australia Department of Health wants the community's input on a plan to fluoridate the public water supply in Kununurra.
A meeting will be held at the Kununurra Leisure Centre Hall on September 20 to discuss the plan.
Ninety-two per cent of people in Western Australia have access to fluoridated water which significantly reduces dental decay.

Does it and at what expense in other forms of ill health?

UK - Public misled over fluoride in West Cumbrian water

Times & StarNewsHealth
Public misled over fluoride in West Cumbrian water
Last updated at 07:50, Friday, 10 September 2010
PEOPLE in West Cumbria have been misled for four years about whether chemicals have been added to drinking water.
Critics are demanding answers about why the public was not told that work to add fluoride to the supply at the Cornhow water treatment works, near Loweswater, was stopped more than four years ago.
Workington MP Tony Cunningham last night called it a “scandal”.
Mr Cunningham has written to Health Secretary Andrew Lansley and the chief executive of NHS North West demanding answers.
Since the late 1960s fluoride has been added to the Cornhow supply, with health bosses stating that its presence helps to help prevent tooth decay.
People have been under the impression that they have been receiving fluoride, which some opponents claim can cause health problems.
However, it has been revealed that the process stopped at Cornhow in April 2006 because United Utilities, which adds the fluoride on behalf of the health authority, needed to upgrade equipment to prevent health and safety issues for workers.
The Cornhow treatment works supply water to most of Workington, Seaton, High Harrington and Great Clifton, the coastal areas from Silloth, through Maryport, to Flimby, and inland to Cockermouth.
Salterbeck receives its water from the Ennerdale, along with much of Copeland, and that supply remains fluoridated.
The disclosure followed a spot check on the water supply of anti-fluoridation campaigner Dianne Standen. Ms Standen, co-ordinator for pressure group Cumbrians Against Fluoridation, said the NHS’s failure to inform people of the change undermined health bosses’ calls for people to take responsibility for their own wellbeing.
Ms Standen, of High Street, Maryport, said: “A lot of people go to a lot of expense to avoid taking on the extra fluoride they’re getting in the water. They won’t brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Some go to the expense of installing filters.”
She said the pressure group had continued its campaign calling for more research into the effects of fluoride.
The pressure group had been in correspondence with Cumbria’s director of public health Dr John Ashton but had never been told that fluoridation was not happening in part of West Cumbria.
A search of NHS Cumbria’s website by the Times & Star revealed that the health trust itself might not have been informed.
An agenda for a trust board meeting of September 2008, which featured an item about fluoridation, contains a map with the area served by the Cornhow works listed as “current area of fluoridated water”.
Workington MP Tony Cunningham, who has written letters on behalf of Cumbrians Against Fluoridation, was equally surprised to learn about the change.He said: “It is appalling that they have not been informed. If the argument is that fluoridation is of vital importance for keeping children’s teeth in good condition, I’m certain that some parents would have taken other measures if they have been told.
“It’s a scandal. If the NHS is trying to provide partnership for health a very big part of that is the public and the public needs to know what’s going on.”A spokeswoman for NHS North West said: “We are aware that this is a cause for concern and it is not an issue that we take lightly.
“We are working closely with United Utilities to establish the exact details.”The authority hoped to make more details available to soon.
A United Utilities spokesman said: “We continue to work with the strategic health authority on a decision about when fluoridation should resume at Cornhow.”

Thursday, September 09, 2010

BBC5.tv eyePlayer - Is fluoride in UK drinking water safe.flv

BBC5.tv eyePlayer - Is fluoride in UK drinking water safe.flv

Green Party initiative could put an end to water fluoridation in Canada

Green Party initiative could put an end to water fluoridation in Canada
Wednesday, September 08, 2010 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
NaturalNews) The Green Party of Canada recently passed a resolution within its ranks that seeks to end water fluoridation in Canada. The party plans to introduce and support legislation that will outlaw fluoridation in Canada at the federal level, effectively overriding any and all local mandates that say otherwise.

Much of North America's water is fluoridated, meaning that water utilities add hexafluorosilicic acid, sodium silicofluoride or sodium fluoride to local water supplies. These toxic substances are said to prevent tooth decay, but many medical and dental professionals disagree, citing fluoride's many harmful effects on the body and teeth.

Unlike the element fluorine which can occur naturally in water, the artificial fluoride added to drinking water is a toxic byproduct of the phosphate mining industry. Aluminum factories, for instance, create fluoride waste that is commonly used to fluoridate water.

In addition to being a dangerous poison, the Green Party initiative cites the fact that fluoride is not removed by sewage treatment plants, and that much of it ends up in lakes and rivers. The Great Lakes contain as much as ten times the maximum safe levels established by the Canadian Water Quality Guideline standards for aquatic life, for instance.

Artificial water fluoridation is technically illegal since fluoride is a toxic chemical. At best, it is an unapproved drug by which governments are unlawfully medicating the public. At worst, it is a toxic poison that is wreaking havoc on public health.

Perhaps the most damning indictment of fluoride is the fact that cavity rates are generally the same among areas that fluoridate and areas that do not fluoridate. So the purported benefits of water fluoridation are entirely unsubstantiated based on scientific evidence.

It is also generally known that too much fluoride causes dental fluorosis, a condition in which tooth enamel becomes mottled, and brown and white stains form. In extreme cases, dental fluorosis literally rots the teeth.

It remains to be seen whether or not the Green Party of the U.S.--or any other party, for that matter--decides to take on water fluoridation with similar legislation...........

Despite FDA report, dentists don't see the harm in sealants

Despite FDA report, dentists don't see the harm in sealants
By: Adrianne Flores
CHARLOTTE -- Millions of children get sealants every year to protect their teeth against cavities.
"A sealant is like a mechanical barrier. It's like putting a cover or a lid. Typically, we do sealants on six-year molars in general because they're really about one of the best preventative things in dentistry besides fluoride," said pediatric dentist Scott Weinstein,
The FDA has warned consumers to limit their exposure to Bisphenol A, a chemical found in sealants, but Weinstein, who has placed sealants on countless teeth over the past decade, says parents shouldn't panic.
"There’s typically a very, very low level in there," he said. "When you look at the risk-reward of a sealant, the pros outweigh the cons."
In much higher doses, some studies have shown BPA could affect brain and gland function in children and adults. The FDA recommends anyone getting a sealant that contains the chemical -- some manufacturers are making BPA-free sealants -- to wipe any excess from their mouths first then rinse.
The FDA reports pregnant women should wait until after they have their baby before having the procedure done