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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Australian Opinion Poll needs support

We, the undersigned call on the Australian Government to support and enact the United Nations resolution of July 2010 that declared access to clean water a human right. We call on the Australian Government to immediately stop the fluoridation of water and that fluoridation contamination be removed from Australia.

We further call on the Australian Government to provide the scientific evidence used to support the use of fluoride in Australia's water supply and provide evidence that fluoridation is perfectly safe for all people.

We demand the right to clean water as outlined in the United Nations resolution of July 2010. The choice to use fluoride should be the individual's choice as fluoride is readily available in toothpaste.

Sign the petition

We Are Change Brisbane - Anti-Fluoride Flyer handout

Low Thyroid Levels And Fluoride In Drinking Water Plus

(2010-11-29) Low Thyroid Levels And Fluoride In Drinking Water Plus The CDC And ADA
Most fail to understand the damaging effects of fluoride in drinking water actually h
In October of 2010, the journal of the American Dental Association warned of the feeding of children powdered baby formula and adding tap water to it. Significant levels of denture damage are incurred by this practice. Other practices should be warned against. Most have no idea how this relates to low thyroid levels.

They are fluoride treatment of teeth and use of fluoride enhanced tooth paste. The condition that results is called fluorosis and leads to tooth destruction. In May of 2010 the Center for Disease Control announced and confirmed the same conclusion.

This information alerts me to the total ignoring of the damage that fluoride does to thyroid function as it is accumulated in the body. Research has shown the toxic nature of the Fluoride. Also that, over 6 years a person can accumulate enough fluoride to reduce the activity of the thyroid gland. Some have estimated up to 50%. Would you like your body speed to be slowed by as much as 50%? Would you like to be visited by fatigue, hair loss, obesity, dry skin, depression, chronic pain syndromes, elevated cholesterol, cardiac irregularities, mental fog and early senility? Well all that and more is available from the fluoride in drinking water and in toothpaste turning down your thyroid.

So what has this to do with baby formula?

Actually it has quite a bit. What about fluoride in drinking water? A lot. The FDA reporting the damaging effects of Fluoride starts early and continues as long as you drink fluoride in your drinking water.

In the days before thyroid surgery and radioactive Iodine to kill an over-active thyroid, you were admitted to a hospital and a "proper dose of fluoride" was given to you. It was presented in a Dixie cup and you were watched very closely for 48 hours. During that time many patients went through a thyroid storm. Your heart raced, you sweated, your blood pressure went up and you went into extremes. Many convulsed, all from killing your thyroid and being released into the blood stream. So what is the point? You get half that dose over 6 years of drinking tap water that is fluoridated. No you don't have a thyroid storm, but half of your thyroid is gone. You don't know it and chances are slim to none that your doctor knows it. So you get all of the above symptoms and it is all so unnecessary and a definite poisoning of all subjects that drink water from the city municipality. That stupid, sophomoric science has kept in place for over 50 years. Well let’s take a look at the proof that this is so stupid and now reported dangerous by the FDA, the ADA and any one who is an alternative natural based practitioner (We have been screaming about this for over 30 years).........................

Group urges end to fluoridation

Group urges end to fluoridation
DANIEL LYNCH - Taranaki Daily News Last updated 05:00 30/11/2010SharePrint Text Size Relevant offersSupporters backing the removal of fluoride from New Plymouth's drinking water are preparing for a long fight.
The Fluoride Action Network of New Zealand (FANNZ) was in the city last night drumming up more support to end what they say is the unsafe addition of a toxic substance into our water.
FANNZ spokeswoman Mary Byrne said almost all of Western Europe had abandoned water fluoridation and it was time New Plymouth also gave up the senseless 60-year-old practice.
"Havelock North and Kapiti have both reduced their fluoride intakes, we need to do the same here," she said.
The group held an information evening at the Tasman Social Club rooms last night, attended by a dozen concerned residents. Films were shown that demonstrated dangers and misinformation surrounding fluoridation of drinking water.

The community will get its say on the controversial issue at some stage in the New Plymouth District Council's current term.

But exactly when is still up in the air.
Corporate policy and strategy manager Kate Macnaught said the public would be invited to make submissions for or against the continued fluoridation of city's water supply "some time in the next three years" but could not go into any more detail.
"Council have yet to determine when and how this will take place," Mrs Macnaught said.
Earlier this year, European Commission figures showed fluoridation levels in some North Island districts were too high for bottle-fed babies, prompting a flurry of debate around the issue.
The New Plymouth district has maximum fluoride content of 0.7 milligrams per litre of water.
The European Commission stated that water with 0.8 milligrams per litre of fluoride could lead to mottled teeth. The Ministry of Health website says water fluoridation is a proven public health measure to reduce dental decay.

The Tiessen Report: Fluoride

Monday, November 29, 2010

There's no excuse for so much tooth decay

There's no excuse for so much tooth decay
By Miriam Stoppard 29/11/2010
Dr Miriam Stoppard's health focus
It may be good news that tooth problems in children have decreased since 2001 but I still find it depressing that a third of 12-year-olds have decayed, filled or missing teeth.
A report by the NHS Dental Epidemiology Programme found that the proportion of 12-year-olds with these problems has dropped from 37% in 2001 to 33% in 2008/09. But to me it's just not good enough that a third of kids have bad teeth!
*Levels varied up to four times between regions and while this could partly be down to a lack of tooth-strengthening fluoride in some water supplies, this overall level of decay shouldn't be happening.
Last year, another report revealed that one-third of five-year-olds have similar dental issues. This suggests a lack of good care from the start.
Milk teeth are incredibly important for three reasons: they help kids learn to speak; they help them learn to eat; and they guide the mature teeth into the gums correctly so they grow straight.
Follow my five golden rules to make sure your child has the chance of strong, healthy teeth throughout life: Take vitamin D in pregnancy.

*And maybe not. I believe Kent has the best record for healthy teeth and they do not fluoridate, wealth and intelligence coupled with education is the main factors

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Heal your brain to recover from chronic fatigue syndrome

CFS Recovery
Heal your brain to recover from chronic fatigue syndrome
with Nadine Saubers, R.N., B.S.N.
................Here are some steps to take to combat inflammation, decrease cell damage, heal your cells and increase your glutathione levels.

• Eat a real whole food diet incorporating a variety of foods but primarily plant foods.
• Wash all produce to remove pesticide residues.
• Decrease animal fats in your diet, they are high in pesticide residues, and omega-6 fats that will increase brain inflammation.
• Drink only filtered or distilled water that has added magnesium.
• Stay away from fluoride; fluoridated water, toothpaste, fluoride treatments.
• Have dental amalgam fillings removed.
• Avoid eating fish high in mercury.
• Increase antioxidants in your diet to reduce inflammation, increase brain energy, improve brain blood flow, reduce free radical damage, and promote repair of damaged brain cells.
• Take a high quality well-compounded multivitamin/mineral in capsule form.
• Natural vitamin E and tocotrienol.
• Vitamin C (as magnesium or calcium ascorbate) increases brain energy and stimulates the generation of neurotransmitters.
• Grape pip from the seed of the grape contains anthrocyanadins that inhibit free-radical damage, strengthen blood vessels and suppress microglial activation.
• White tea extract contains highly protective brain chemicals called catechins including epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). White tea extract has a higher concentration of catechins and is free of fluoride and aluminum.
• CoQ10 is used by all cells to produce energy.
• L-carnitine has been shown to improve neuron function, protect neurons against excitotoxicity, increase the level of braingrowth factors that promote brain repair.
• Bioidentical hormones for menopausal women: estrogen (estriol) is protective of brain cells, even against excitotoxicity and inflammation.
Hesperidin is a flavonoid found in many fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits that offers very powerful protection against a damaging free radical called peroxynitrite.
• Curcumin and quercetin are flavonoids that are very powerful anti-inflammatories that reduce microglial activation and excitotoxicity.
• DHA is a component of fish oils found in a pure state from algae. DHA is used by the brain to function and also for protection. DHA protects against excitotoxicity, reduces inflammation, calms microglia, and repairs the injured nervous system.
• Silymarin (on Milk Thistle) has been shown to significantly calm microglia.
• Magnesium Citrate/Malate protects the brain from inflammation. It raises glutathione levels, reduces excitotoxic damage and improves blood flow to the brain.
• N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) increases brain levels of glutathione. Take 500 milligrams twice a day.
• Lipoic Acid is a powerful antioxidant found in all cells. It raises glutathione levels and increases brain energy levels.
• Melatonin is one of the brain’s most important protective antioxidants that also dramatically increases other her protective antioxidant enzymes in the brain. Aging causes brain levels of melatonin to fall.
• Vitamin D-3 deficiencies play a major role in neurodegenerative diseases. D-3 protects against inflammatory cytokines and against excitotoxicity. It calms microglial overactivity reducing brain inflammation.
• Regular exercise reduces brain degeneration and promotes brain healing. Excessive, intense, and compulsive exercise worsens brain degeneration increasing free radical and lipid-peroxidation generation. Go for moderate exercise like brisk walking, weights, and yoga.
• Adequate rest and restorative sleep.
• Regular mental activity and exercising your brain by learning new things.
• Having fun, spending time with friends.
• Spiritual devotion.

I truly believe that healing your brain is part of recovering from CFS.

how fluoride effects your body

Saturday, November 27, 2010


THE CASE AGAINST FLUORIDE: how hazardous waste ended up in
our drinking water and the bad science and powerful politics
that keep it there*
By Paul Connett,a James Beck,b and H Spedding Micklemc
Reviewed by C Vyvyan Howardd
University of Ulster, Coleraine, UK
SUMMARY: A review of The case against fluoride: how
hazardous waste ended up in our drinking water and the
bad science and powerful politics that keep it there by
Connett P, Beck J, and Micklem HS summarises the
historical, political, ethical, toxicological, and
epidemiological scientific data behind drinking water
fluoridation. The book concludes that, if proposed
today, fluoridation of drinking water to prevent tooth
decay would stand virtually no chance of being
adopted, given the current status of scientific

Fluoride debate rages on

Fluoride debate rages on
In light of the recent news that residents in a Canadian town have voted in favour of stopping the fluoridation of water supplies, the debate surrounding fluoridation has become increasingly fervent.

For many years dental organisations, such as The British Dental Health Foundation, have promoted fluoride as a means of reducing decay; according to the BDHF, water fluoridation reduces decay by between 40 and 60 percent. Most areas of the UK do not have sufficient quantities of fluoride in the water to benefit the teeth. However, most toothpaste contains fluoride and this is the way the majority of people get the recommended amount of fluoride. The Centers for Disease Control and the American Dental Association have also reported that fluoridated water supplies are a cost-effective means of reducing cavities and their research suggests a reduction of between 35 and 60 percent.

Researchers, including Michael Easley from the National Center for Fluoridation Policy and Ariel Thompson a former researcher from the National Institute of Health, have stressed the importance of fluoridating water supplies and quoted research studies which have proven that rates of decay are lower in communities where the water supply is fluoridated.

In some areas, fluoride is added to the water supply and this has become a contentious issue, as many people feel they should have the right to choose whether or not they take fluoride into their bodies. Many believe that fluoride is a form of poison, which is potentially dangerous and can contribute to health issues, including thyroid problems and an increased risk of cancer. Warnings on tubes of toothpaste have further cemented people’s opinion, as toothpaste tubes warn against the ingestion of the product and advise people who do swallow toothpaste to seek medical attention.

While the majority of dentists and public health officials promote fluoride, there is an increasingly strong resistance to fluoridation and many communities are starting to vote against fluoridated water supplies. In contrast to the research quoted by large dental organisations, campaigners are highlighting studies that have found fluoridated water supplies to be ineffective when it comes to preventing cavities. Studies, such as the one conducted by John Featherstone, a cavity researcher at the University of California, suggests that fluoride is only effective in the prevention of cavities when it is applied topically, meaning that people can protect their teeth by using toothpaste, if indeed, if they wish to use fluoride. Reports also suggest that some people are allergic or highly sensitive to fluoride, in which case adding fluoride to community water supplies may be deemed unjust and potentially harmful.

Many anti-fluoride campaigners are angry that the focus of the fluoride debate is on oral health, rather than general health. Research by Hileman has suggested that fluoride can contribute to chronic insomnia, while studies carried out by Dr Barry Durrant-Peatfield have suggested a strong link between fluoridation and thyroid problems.

Canada - Fluoride vote leaves bitter aftermath

Fluoride vote leaves bitter aftermath
November 26, 2010
By Jeff Outhit, Record staff
WATERLOO — Waterloo’s fluoride referendum is over but the hard feelings remain.
Fluoridation supporter Dr. Harry Hoediono has complained to police about a hateful telephone message left at his Kitchener dental office.
In the message, an anonymous caller affecting a Jamaican accent calls the dentist “a piece of garbage” and suggests he should “drink the poison and die.”
“I recognize the voice,” said Hoediono, incoming president of the Ontario Dental Association. He declined to identify the suspected caller.
The Waterloo dentist says he received other nasty voice mails and was also sent computer viruses attached to emails. Sgt. Mike Allard of Waterloo Regional Police said the voice mail is under investigation.
Meanwhile, fluoridation foe Robert Fleming is pursuing a court action against Hoediono, Dr. Ira Kirshen, and the dental association.
Fleming accuses both dentists and the association of breaking the law governing referendum spending. Dentists deny his allegation and say it’s an attempt to intimidate them.
Fleming has declined to discuss his court action. The next court date is Jan. 10.
Bitter feelings were on display Nov. 24 as Yes and No sides addressed regional council, before council voted 10-3 to stop fluoridating Waterloo tap water.
Dentists accused fluoridation critics of seeking to silence them ahead of the Oct. 25referendum by lodging frivolous complaints with their governing body, the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario.
That’s after dentists drew fire by refusing to participate in two of three public forums requested by city council, a tactic critics saw as an attempt to stifle debate.
Dentists say they wanted to deny their foes the credibility of sharing a platform. They later held their own information forum.
Fleming told council he has never exchanged an email with Hoediono. He suggested dentists were impugning his reputation.
Council is ending water fluoridation Nov. 29 after residents voted 50.3 per cent against a longtime public health practice meant to reduce cavities. Only 195 votes separated the Yes and No sides out of 30,727 ballots cast.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Canada - Waterloo confirms end of fluoridation

Waterloo confirms end of fluoridation
November 25, 2010
Record staff
WATERLOO — Regional council voted 10-3 Wednesday to confirm that it will stop adding fluoride to Waterloo drinking water on Nov. 29.
Waterloo confirms end of fluoridation
A trio of dentists who lost the recent fluoride referendum pleaded again with council to ignore the non-binding results, in which 50.3 per cent of voters said No to a 43-year practice meant to help prevent cavities. Dentists accused council of abdicating its public health role and allowing a vocal minority to direct health policy.
Politicians stressed again that they promised before the referendum to respect the majority vote.
“Democracy is messy at times,” Kitchener Mayor Carl Zehr said.
Elmira and St. Jacobs will also lose fluoride, which has never been added to tap water in Kitchener or Cambridge.

Truth 2 Power - Water Fluoridation - David Kennedy DDS

Thursday, November 25, 2010

USA - A closer look at fluoridation

A closer look at fluoridation
By Lauren HeatonPublished: November 18, 20101 Comment »
At a Village Council-sponsored forum on fluoridated water last weekend, some lesser known facts were shared by several scientists who were invited to speak on the sometimes controversial issue. While ingesting fluoride is not recommended for infants, for example, children between the ages of 1 and 5 who are exposed to fluoride show a greater resistance to dental caries. But whether it’s about the benefits or the dangers of fluoridated water, most of the studies conducted around the world over the past 50 years on the subject have produced inconclusive results. ..........

James Reeves says:
November 24, 2010 at 3:03 pm
It is immoral to medicate people against their will. Isn’t it strange in the U.S., doctors cannot force one person to take a drug, yet the government wants to put it in our drinking water and force everyone to be drugged with fluoride, a prescription drug, against their will and with no medical supervision, no control over how much you consume and no treatment for side effects.
If fluoride were “proven,” there should be evidence of its glory in Kentucky, which has been 100% fluoridated for over 40 years. Kentucky, however, leads the nation in the number of dental cavities in children, and in the number of completely toothless adults, according to government records. The same ineffectiveness is evident in many states.

Most of Europe (16 countries) has rejected fluoridation and is 98% fluoride free. and the WHO reports that they have a better tooth decay rate than any fluoridated country.
There are many large scientific studies to show that that drinking fluoridated water has no effect on cavity reduction and to show that it causes cancer and other health problems. The best source for scientific information on the health hazards and ineffectiveness of fluoridation can be found here: (www.fluoridealert.org).

UK - daily Echo - Pride in the job

Pride in the job
May I thank Southern Water for allowing a small group from the U3A to look around the Testwood Water Supply Works.
I was struck by the genuine pride in what they do and the enthusiasm of those who toured he site with us. I asked them their views on fluoridation and all of them were against, as one of the operators said we provide the purest water and do not want to add chemicals to it that are not there to treat the water.
We know the Southern Water Board are of the same mind and it is disgraceful that the Strategic Health Authority and the City Primary Care Trust are adamant that they are right to trample over the majority of people in Southampton who have taken the trouble to research this ineffective, wasteful and harmful enforced medication.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fluoridated Australia - Dental decay putting more children in hospital than asthma

Dental decay putting more children in hospital than asthma: report
Breanna Tucker
Canberra Times (Australia)
November 24, 2010
Dental decay is hitting regional children twice as hard as their city counterparts, a new report says.
Children as young as 12 months are getting cavities while some primary school pupils are having all 20 of their teeth removed.
Dentists say the problem needs to be addressed as the decay can lead to heart disease, strokes and diabetes later in life. Their comments come as Oral B issued a report today showing dental decay accounted for more childhood hospital admissions than injuries or asthma.
It also found eight in 10 children from regional Australia did not brush their teeth twice a day, a third had never seen a dentist and 88 per cent hadn't been a dentist before the age of two.
Meanwhile, more than half had experienced dental problems such as a cavity or toothache by the time they turned 11.
The report was prepared by the Melbourne Dental School, Australasian Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, the Children's Hospital at Westmead and Barnados Australia.
David Manton, of the Melbourne Dental School, believes a lack of education among parents could be responsible for some of the figures.
"There is a common misconception among parents that an oral hygiene regime should only begin once their child reaches school age but I've treated children as young as 12 months old," he said.
"In some cases we've had to take eight, 10, 12 or even 20 of a child's teeth out because they've decayed so badly.
"Some parents think they only have to take their child for a dental check-up if something goes wrong but there are signs that tell dentists of early decay.
"If we pick them up early enough, we can actually take measures to help that decay heal."
The study found that cost (37 per cent) was the main barrier for parents seeking dental help for their children while 25 per cent said distance was an added factor.
To combat the problem, Oral B is launching a health program aiming to educate or provide monetary assistance to one million Australians.
A mobile clinic tour will be launched on Monday providing free check-ups for children and families in regional locations.
Any parent or carer of a child found to require dental work during the check-ups will be urged to apply for an Oral B grant, which will be distributed by Barnardos Australia.
Susan Tregeagle, of Barnardos, urged parents to book their children in and to take the opportunity to learn more about best practices.
"Ongoing chronic pain, embarrassment at losing teeth and hygiene problems stand in the way of children developing well," she said.
"Their ability to concentrate at school and to feel accepted by other children are amongst some of the consequences."

Should Infants Drink Fluoridated Water?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Prevalence and Severity of Dental Fluorosis in the United States, 1999-2004

NCHS Data Brief
Number 53, November 2010
Prevalence and Severity of Dental Fluorosis in the United States, 1999-2004
Eugenio D. Beltrán-Aguilar, D.M.D., M.S., Dr.P.H.; Laurie Barker, M.S.P.H.; and Bruce A. Dye, D.D.S., M.P.H.

Key findings
Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2004 and the 1986-1987 National Survey of Oral Health in U.S. School Children

•Less than one-quarter of persons aged 6-49 in the United States had some form of dental fluorosis.
•The prevalence of dental fluorosis was higher in adolescents than in adults and highest among those aged 12-15.
•Adolescents aged 12-15 in 1999-2004 had a higher prevalence of dental fluorosis than adolescents aged 12-15 in 1986-1987.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Just a little bit extreme but........

Contaminated water in major Texas city has radioactive elements

Dr. Joshua Hamilton, a toxicologist who has a specialty in drinking water, says there is no safe amount of alpha radiation, even if the radiation is below that federal legal limit.

“This particle is highly energized, and it's coming in at high velocity. If DNA is in its path it will basically attack the DNA,” he said.

Hamilton is the Chief Academic and Scientific Officer at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Massachusetts and he received his PhD from Cornell University in New York. He previously taught as a professor with tenure at Dartmouth Medical College, and has been a visiting scientist at Harvard. He was also the director of the Center for Environmental Health Sciences at Dartmouth.

Hamilton says attacks on your DNA by any amount of alpha radiation can lead to mutations, which can produce “wild cells.” The EPA has stated in its 2000 rule for regulating radiation in water that, “a single ‘‘wild’’ cell can give rise to a cancer. For alpha particles, it has been shown experimentally that a single alpha passing through a cell is sufficient to induce a mutational event.”

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Vaccines are Safe and Effective and Prevent Disease?

............The Cochrane Collaboration, described as an international, independent, non-profit organization of over 28,000 contributors from more than 100 countries, dedicated to publishing current and accurate information about the effects of health care worldwide, puts health care practices to the test. They are considered to be a world leader in evidence based health care. An epidemiologist named Dr. Tom Jefferson performed a study to review the scientific evidence behind the influenza vaccine.

The objective of the study was to; “identify, retrieve and assess all studies evaluating the effects of vaccines against influenza in healthy adults.” The Cochrane Collaboration assessed randomized controlled trials comparing influenza vaccines with placebo or no intervention in healthy individuals aged 16-65. The scope of the study encompassed 36 clinical trials involving over 70,000 people between 1990 and 2010. It must be noted that these trials may be biased in favor of the vaccine industry as 15 of the 36 trials were performed by the vaccine industry.

The findings: In a best case scenario, where the vaccine virus matched the virus found circulating in our surroundings “uncommon”, there was a 3% difference in the vaccinated versus unvaccinated groups. (i.e. you would have to vaccinate 100 people to protect 3 people from getting the flu, 97 received no benefit.) In average conditions, partially matching vaccine, 100 people would need to be vaccinated to avoid one set of influenza symptoms. Putting this in perspective, seasonal flu vaccines have no benefit in 99 out of 100 people. In addition, the study results went on to say that vaccination had no effect on transmission rates, hospital admissions, complication rates (pneumonia), or lost work days..................

Why do they fluoridate water? Stuff they don't want you to know!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sparta, NC Town Council Meeting - Nov 2, 2010

USA - Philadelphia has been fluoridated for decades

Temple school of dentistry will open a 10-chair clinic
Philadelphia Business Journal
Philadelphia has been fluoridated for decades. Yet, they need a new facility to handle the large number of people who need dental care.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Committee Votes To Turn Off Fluoridation CTV News 16 Nov 10

The Poison in Your Water is Fluoride

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Australia - Calls for fluoridation review

Fluoridation concern: Ann Bressington, MLC in South Australian Parliament, outside Port Macquarie-Hastings Council's proposed water fluoridation dosing plant, Wauchope, highlighting the high hazard warning which applies to fluoride.
Calls for fluoridation review
17 Nov, 2010 11:59 PM
A SOUTH Australian Upper House member of parliament visited the Hastings, Coffs Harbour, Ballina and Lismore districts to meet with core groups opposed to water fluoridation.
Ann Bressington is hoping to gain the support of state and federal politicians in her crusade to help citizens overturn the undemocratic mandatory water fluoridation policy, historically endorsed by all levels of government.
During the local leg of her tour, Ms Bressington met with local politicians and candidates.
"I intend to call for a parliamentary inquiry, and I encourage those who oppose artificial fluoridation to do the same," Mrs Bressington said.
The water fluoridation issue poses a confronting dilemma for incumbent independent politicians, said local anti-fluoridation spokesperson John Lusk.
"This policy has been in force for about half a century and is demonstrably undermining the health of all Australians, and especially the very young, the aged and frail, and also sick people with impaired immune systems.
"There is an abundance of good science to prove this claim," Mr Lusk said.
"It is no accident that mainland Europe has rejected water fluoridation for scientific and ethical reasons."

Canada - Why fluoride-phobia refuses to go away

Why fluoride-phobia refuses to go away
TwitterLinkedInDiggBuzzEmail.Jonathan Kay, National Post · Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010

'My greatest fear here is with the advent of the Internet, and with the advent of social media, that a small vocal minority of individuals who are perhaps misinformed are able to reach a great number of people." So said dentist Harry Hoediono, the incoming head of the Ontario Dental Association, in response to this week's news that Waterloo, Ont.'s council has voted to stop fluoridating the city's water supply.

Dr. Hoediono is correct when he says that anti-fluoridation activists are "misinformed": Fluoride helps protect billions of Canadian teeth -- particularly those owned by poor people who can't afford proper dental care. But it's wrong to suggest that opposition to fluoride is a creature of the Internet. In fact, anti-fluoridation quackery has been with us, in one form or the other, since the early days of the Cold War. And Waterloo is hardly the first town that these quacks have conned...................

Doesn't address any arguments against fluoridation just calls us quacks.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dr. Paul Connett ("The Case Against Fluoride") @ Brave New Books on 11.6.10 Pt. I

USA - Health report: Income a 'really significant factor' in wellness

Health report: Income a 'really significant factor' in wellness
By Kristi L. Nelson
Knoxville News Sentinel
Posted November 15, 2010 at 11:16 p.m.
..........The biggest risk across the board may be being poor.

As income decreases, the survey shows, the percentage of people with health problems rises. If you're poorer, you're more likely to lose your teeth, be diabetic, have asthma, smoke cigarettes, have a stroke and feel worried, tense or anxious.

You're less likely to get enough sleep, exercise or social and emotional support, have insurance and go to the doctor when you're sick.

More than race, age and gender, 'all the different things we look at, income plays out as that really significant factor' influencing physical and mental health, said Dr. Kathy Brown, director of Community Assessment and Health Promotion for Knox County. 'It just reinforces how important the issue of poverty is. Although there are certain categories in which race is a huge factor, if you're low-income, regardless of race, you're more likely to have poor (health) outcomes … and (health care) access issues.'

In many categories the survey looked at, the dividing line seemed to be around the $15,000-$24,999 annual salary mark, with bad health indicators increasing even more once the annual income dropped below $15,000. The only thing comparable was education; those who lacked a high school diploma or equivalent were by far more likely to experience health problems and less likely to get regular care.

For example, 1.7 percent of Knox County adults with a household income of $50,000 a year or more, and 6.7 of those with annual income between $35,000-$49,999, reported having had all their teeth pulled because of infection, tooth decay or gum disease. But 14 percent of those with annual household income of $15,000-$24,999 had; at $15,000 and below, it jumped to 18.5 percent. More than a quarter of non-high school grads had had their teeth pulled...........

Knox County, Tennessee is fluoridated:NYSCOF

Fluoride doesn't do much to end social inequalities.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

UK - Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley

Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley

To ask Her Majesty's Government, with regard to the statement on the website of the National Fluoride Information Centre in the section Water, "Like 'York' [the British Medical Research Council] concluded that areas of concern in the past no longer required any further investigation", (a) which areas are referred to, and (b) in which sections of the York report these conclusions can be found. [HL3571]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Earl Howe): We understand that the National Fluoride Information Centre is referring to concerns about whether the fluoridation of water is effective in improving oral health. A Systematic Review of Water Fluoridation published by the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at the University of York concluded that "The best available evidence from studies on the initiation and discontinuation of water suggests that fluoridation does reduce caries prevalence, both as measured by the proportion of children who are caries free and by the mean dmft/DMFT [decayed missing and filled teeth]".

Not according to this http://www.york.ac.uk/inst/crd/fluoridnew.htm

What evidence we found suggested that water fluoridation was likely to have a beneficial effect, but that the range could be anywhere from a substantial benefit to a slight disbenefit to children's teeth.

This beneficial effect comes at the expense of an increase in the prevalence of fluorosis (mottled teeth). The quality of this evidence was poor.

The end of Irish Water Fluoridation Part 1

Terrible video but you may like to hear one of the speakers.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Australia - Molong push for fluoridated water

Molong push for fluoridated water
15 Nov, 2010 11:12 AM
MOLONG residents are among the minority of people in NSW without access to a fluoridated community water supply, but this may soon change.
Cabonne Council will begin investigating the possibility of fluoridating Molong’s water supply, as the Rural Dental Action Group (RDAG) continues to push for fluoride for dental benefits.

The RDAG said the move was vital to help prevent tooth decay in the local population, especially among younger children.

“The RDAG is concerned about the rate of tooth decay in rural communities without fluoridated water, particularly in young children,” RDAG co-founder Marj Bollinger said.

‘The benefits far outweigh any disadvantages.”

Fluoride prevents cavities from forming by promoting stronger tooth enamel and helping to rebuild it when it breaks down.

Cabonne Council this month agreed to begin looking at the process and asked the community to consider the issue as well.

“There are always two sides to the fluoride debate,” Cabonne Council engineering and technical services director Rob Staples said.

He said adding fluoride to the town's water supply would be done through a basic dosing apparatus.

The water would need to be tested daily and an alarm system would be installed to monitor the fluoride levels.

The cost of fluoridating the Molong water supply is not yet known to council, however, the installation cost would be covered by a NSW Department of Health grant.

Council would be responsible for ongoing costs associated with the purchase of chemicals, water sampling and testing.

In 2008 about 7 per cent of the state's population did not have access to fluoridated water supplies.

The state government estimated that only 3.6 per cent of the NSW population did not have access to fluoridated supplies last year.

Paul Connett PhD In-Studio- The Case Against Fluoride - Alex Jones Tv 2_3

Sunday, November 14, 2010

USA - CDC and ADA Now Advise to Avoid Using Fluoride

CDC and ADA Now Advise to Avoid Using Fluoride
Posted By Dr. Mercola | November 13 2010
PreviousA new study in the Journal of the American Dental Association finds once again that, contrary to what most people have been told, fluoride is actually bad for teeth.

Exposure to high levels of fluoride results in a condition known as fluorosis, in which tooth enamel becomes discolored. The condition can eventually lead to badly damaged teeth. The new study found that fluoride intake during a child's first few years of life is significantly associated with fluorosis, and warned against using fluoridated water in infant formula.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is of a similar opinion. According to their website:

"Recent evidence suggests that mixing powdered or liquid infant formula concentrate with fluoridated water on a regular basis may increase the chance of a child developing ... enamel fluorosis."


You may have seen this but the camera now shows the reaction of those who should be listening instead share jokes and are not interested in what is being said.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Silent Enemies Trailer.flv

USA - Dental Sealants: A Cost Effective Approach to Sealing Out Tooth Decay

Dental Sealants: A Cost Effective Approach to Sealing Out Tooth Decay

HARRISBURG, Pa., Nov. 12, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Tooth decay affects more than one quarter of children ages two to five, half of those ages 12 to 15 and countless adults in the United States. In fact, tooth decay is the most common chronic disease in children; five times more common than asthma and seven times more common than hay fever. While daily brushing and flossing are essential to maintaining healthy teeth and gums, there are other things you can do to further prevent tooth decay from occurring. The good news, tooth decay is preventable.

The Pennsylvania Dental Association (PDA) wants to educate the public about the benefit of dental sealants as a cost-effective, preventive measure to combating tooth decay. Though sealants are most effective in reducing the number of cavities in children whose primary teeth have recently erupted, they also can be beneficial to adults. According to the 2000 Surgeon General's Report on Oral Health, sealants have been shown to reduce tooth decay by more than 70 percent.

A dental sealant is a thin plastic coating that your dentist can apply to the chewing surfaces of your back teeth (premolars and molars) to help protect them from decay by sealing out plaque and food particles. Sealant application is quick and painless. First, the teeth to be sealed are cleaned and a special solution is applied to help the sealant stick to the tooth. The sealant is then painted onto the tooth. Sometimes a special light is used to help the sealant harden. Sealants typically last several years before a reapplication is needed. Your dentist will continue to monitor the condition of your sealants during your regular dental checkups and reapply when needed.

"With sealants and community water fluoridation, the prospects for a cavity-free lifetime have never been greater," said Dr. William Spruill, a general dentist from Carlisle and president of PDA.

In addition to dental sealants, PDA recommends the following tips to keep your teeth and gums healthy:

•Brush your teeth, morning and night, with a fluoride toothpaste.

All that fluoride can't be good for your long term health?

USA - New W.Va. Dental Statistics Are Nothing to Smile About

New W.Va. Dental Statistics Are Nothing to Smile About - State Journal - "According to government statistics, West Virginia ranks dead last in the nation for dental health."

West Virginia is one of the most highly fluoridated states: NYSCOF

Friday, November 12, 2010

UK - Lymington Times - MP warns minister of fluoride 'weasel words'

MP warns minister of fluoride 'weasel words'
A GOVERNMENT minister has been accused by a New Forest MP of "weasel words" as be challenged her to give local people the final say over adding- fluoride to their water.
The NHS scheme would affect 8,000 people in Totton and is part of a wider effort in Southampton to combat child tooth decay. But protesters are angry at what they see as "enforced medication" and fear side-effects on their health. They have launched a legal challenge for which the South Central Strategic Health Authority has set aside £400,000 to fight.
Julian Lewis, of New Forest East, exchanged letters with Conservative junior health minister Anne Milton in which she said NHS changes would mean a new method of consultation over fluoride, which could give councils a role.
But Dr Lewis wrote back: "That sounds suspiciously like the weasel words inserted in the existing regulations about public opinion having to be consulted. "Such is the arrogance of the pro-fluoridation fanatics that they are perfectly capable of trying to design new rules which would prevent democratically elected and accountable local authorities from having the final say.
"If the government believes in localism, at the very least the final say should lie with the local authorities — or, preferably in my view — with the people themselves where drinking water is concerned."
Mrs Milton said the government's policy on fluoride would be developed with the "lessons learned" from the outcome of the judicial review. That is expected to be heard in January next year.

Ontario News Conference part 1

Australia - ROUS Water may rescind its controversial decision to add fluoride

Oshlack offer to drop action
Peter Weekes | 12th November 2010
ROUS Water may rescind its controversial decision to add fluoride to drinking water on the Northern Rivers as soon as next Wednesday, and could vote again on the issue.
The authority’s new chairman and Byron councillor Richard Staples yesterday told The Northern Star he would discuss the move with staff and councillors before the board’s scheduled meeting on Wednesday after Lismore anti-fluoride campaigner Al Oshlack offered to drop legal action if Rous consented to orders and not proceed with the construction of proposed dosing plants.
“It is certainly an option,” Cr Staples said.
“We have to consider all information available, but at this stage I am not prepared to call the shots.
“I will be consulting with the general manager and with councillors, probably before the next meeting.”
Mr Oshlack launched legal action following the April decision to add fluoride to the water supply, naming Rous and the Ballina and Lismore councils as respondents.
Lismore council has confirmed it would submit and not contest the case, simply accepting the decision of the court.
The original vote was mired in controversy when Rous Water deputy chairman and Lismore councillor David Yarnall changed his position after he and other councillors were presented with legal advice that they could be personally fined up to $500 a day by the Health Department until they approved the addition of fluoride.
Evenly split, this then gave the casting vote to then-chairman Col Sullivan, mayor of Richmond Valley Council.
Cr Staples, who has consistently fought fluoridation, has since taken over as chairman, meaning a new vote would likely result in a different outcome.
Mr Oshlack said it was up to Rous Water if they decided to take another vote on the issue, adding that if it consented to orders – essentially that the April vote was invalid – it would save ratepayers up to $200,000 in possible legal fees.
He said he intended to send Rous a formal offer to drop the case if they consent to orders within the next couple of days.
In his claim to the Land and Environment Court, Mr Oshlack said the vote was invalid because councillors failed to take account of environmental considerations and that they voted under duress after receiving the legal advice.
“The original decision was tarnished and the decision-making process corrupted by the standing over and bullying of councillors,” he said.
“What I am finding is the majority of councillors in Lismore and on Rous are opposed to fluoridisation, so you have this ridiculous situation where they are defending a decision they don’t agree with.”

Smile baby, smile

Smile baby, smile
...........The consumption of sugar, especially in sticky forms or in a baby bottle while sleeping, contributes to the rapid development of dental decay. The trace nutrient fluoride, may not be adequately supplied by bottle or municipal water supplies. Supplementation with oral tablets and topical application will reduce the incidence of dental decay by more than 60%. Together, a balanced diet, daily use of fluoride, effective brushing, and sensible eating habits can reduce the risk of, or even prevent, infectious dental disease. Have you been swigging those energy drinks?....

Nutrient? Babies should not have fluoride.

UK - A third of UK 12 year olds have rotten teeth

A third of UK 12 year olds have rotten teeth
A survey has revealed that 1 in 3 British 12 years old have rotten teeth.

The national NHS Dental Epidemiology Programme, which was conducted by a team at the Liverpool John Moores University, revealed that a third of UK 12 year olds suffer from tooth decay. The study also found that there were significant differences between regions, with half of children in some areas suffering from decay.

The figures, although alarming, show an improvement in general standards of oral health; the percentage of 12 year olds with decay has fallen from 37 percent in 2001 to 33 percent in 2008/2009.
A third of UK 12 year olds have rotten teeth
Southwark, London was one of the best performing regions, with only 13 percent of 12 year olds suffering from decay; in stark contrast, more than half of children in Knowsley, near Liverpool had tooth decay.

The figures show an overall improvement in standards of oral health across the UK, which suggests that campaigns and programmes to encourage healthy living and investment in NHS services is paying off; however, health officials are aware that more still needs to be done, especially in underserved areas.

Lord Howe, Health Minister, said that investment in oral health must continue and the government is currently drawing up a new dental contract, which will aim to improve standards of oral health amongst both adults and children and ensure that everyone can access local NHS dental services.

Wonder what is special about Southwark London, wealthier, more intelligent or better NHS facilities?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

USA - Fluoridation Under the Microscope

Fluoridation Under the Microscope
Paul ConnettLocal anti-fluoridation activists brought in heavy scientific reinforcements last week, with several Austin appearances by Paul Connett, professor emeritus of environmental chemistry at St. Lawrence University, director of the Fluoride Action Network, and co-author of the recently released The Case Against Fluoride (Chelsea Green Publish­ing), in which he and two academic colleagues review the current science and institutional politics of the use of fluoride in municipal water systems. Connett spoke briefly at last Thursday's City Council meeting – the council has thus far declined to take up the issue directly – and that night lectured an audience of about 40 people at the Univer­sity of Texas' Thompson Conference Center, followed by a panel discussion..................

...... Near the evening's end, Connett angrily rejected a suggestion that he was largely ignoring the strenuous political history of the U.S. fluoridation battle – and its roots in hysterical, anti-communist campaigns against any and all public health measures, the legacy of which we endure to this sorry electoral day. A few moments after Connett's dismissal, an audience member rose to declare that she had been blind to the sinister political implications of fluoridation until her eyes had been opened – by a John Birch Society video.
Alas, with enemies like these, fluoridation still doesn't need many friends.

Doesn't that give the impression that Paul Connett was dismissed?

USA - Sheridan discusses resuming fluoridation

Sheridan discusses resuming fluoridation
SHERIDAN -- The city of Sheridan is considering adding fluoride to its drinking water for the first time in 56 years.
The City Council held a work session on fluoridation Monday.
A fluoridation expert with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention took part in the work session by videoconference.
Mayor Dave Kinskey said Sheridan stopped fluoridating its water in 1954 because of opposition. He said nearly every dental office in Sheridan has signed a petition asking the city to look into fluoridation.
Kinskey said Sheridan officials want to find out what would be involved in resuming fluoridation and how much it would cost.

Just when the tide for fluoridation is turning and people are waking up to its ineffectiveness and dangers they now want to start it up?

Mary Harney reported for spiking Irish water supply with toxic drugs

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Australia - H2O: Chemical-free zone in FNQ

H2O: Chemical-free zone in FNQ
Alita Pashley
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Chemical reaction: Cairns Regional councillor Julia Leu fights for chemical-free water.
A NATIONAL precedent for chemical-free water supplies may be set in the former Douglas shire if two separate campaigns are successful.
Cairns Regional Council Division 10 councillor Julia Leu said phone calls and emails had come from across the country since mandatory fluoridation was successfully delayed at a council meeting last week.
The council has sent a letter to Premier Anna Bligh asking to defer adding fluoride to the drinking water supplies at Mossman and Whyanbeel, which is due to be introduced before the end of the year.
"The campaign, and support for it, is definitely gaining momentum," Cr Leu, who has been appointed community spokeswoman, said.
"We are currently investigating taking the Queensland Government to the international court to overturn any legislation. The bottom line is that we want our water free of chemicals including chlorine and fluoride."
Cairns and Hinterland Health Service District director of oral health, Dr Robyn Boase, said the decision to implement water fluoridation would bring Queensland into line with other states and territories and was based on credible scientific evidence and a public health need.
The region also is awaiting the final protocol on chlorine-free trials in Mossman to be completed and handed to Queensland Health.
Residents of the small town have been fighting to reverse the decision to chlorinate water for more than a year and Cr Leu said advice from the consultants hired to draft the protocol showed there was no reason trials should not go ahead.
Tropical Regional Services senior director Brad McCulloch said although Queensland Health had previously rejected the protocol, the department supported the council’s decision "to maintain a safe ongoing water supply to the Douglas region".

UK - A third of 12-year-olds have rotten teeth despite recent improvements in dental health among children

A third of 12-year-olds have rotten teeth despite recent improvements in dental health among children, a survey has found.
By Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor 8:00AM GMT 10 Nov 2010
The proportion of children with decayed, missing or filled teeth has dropped from 37 per cent in 2001 to 33 per cent in 2008/9, a survey found.

The national NHS Dental Epidemiology Programme (NHS DEP), conducted by Liverpool John moores University, found large regional variations however and more than half of children in some areas had bad teeth.

In Southwark in London, 13 per cent of 12-year-olds had decayed, missing or filled teeth, compared with 56 per cent in Knowsley in the North West – a fourfold difference.
Sue Gregory, Deputy Chief Dental Officer at the Department of Health, said: “We have good evidence on which to base our professional and public approach to tackling these problems.
"Strategies which support eating healthily, tooth brushing twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and following the personal advice offered by dental professionals offer the best chance of securing further improvements in dental heath and a reduction in inequalities.”
Lord Howe, Health Minister, said: “Even though there have been improvements in children’s oral health, there is more that can and should be done to tackle persistent inequalities.
"The NHS White Paper sets out our commitment to improving the oral health of schoolchildren. We are reviewing the current dental contract closely looking at changes that might support this, and talking to the profession and patient groups for their views.”

The Alex Jones Show LIVE - November 9th 2010 - Part 10 of 13

Alex talks with Paul Connett, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at St. Lawrence University. Mr. Connett has voiced his concern over the dangers posed by fluoride and the very poor science underpinning its supposed efficacy in protecting children's teeth. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Posted by: nyscof

Mon, 11/08/2010 - 1:01pm - Posted by: nyscof A recent review in The Lancet describes fluoride as "an emerging neurotoxic substance" that may damage the developing brain. The National Research Council has identified fluoride as an "endocrine disrupter" that may impair thyroid function. A recent Harvard University study links fluoride to bone cancer.

This and other little-known adverse fluoride health effects led Paul Connett, PhD to co-author, "The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics that Keep it There," with James Beck, MD, PhD, professor emeritus of medical physics, University of Alberta and Spedding Micklem, DPhil, professor emeritus at Edinburgh University.

More than 3100 professionals (including over 280 dentists) urge the US Congress to stop water fluoridation citing scientific evidence that fluoridation, long promoted to fight tooth decay, is ineffective and has serious health risks. See statement:

Also, eleven Environmental Protection Agency employee unions representing over 7000 environmental and public health professionals called for a moratorium on drinking water fluoridation programs across the country, and have asked EPA management to recognize fluoride as posing a serious risk of causing cancer in people.

Approximately, 80 US communities rejected fluoridation since 2008. The CDC reports that 225 less communities adjusted for fluoride between 2006 and 2008.

USA - North Dakota launches new programme to reduce rates of decay

North Dakota launches new programme to reduce rates of decay
A new dental health programme has been launched to combat high rates of tooth decay amongst children in North Dakota.

The North Dakota Department of Health has joined forces with Bridging the Dental Gap to launch the new campaign, named Seal! North Dakota. The programme will help to ensure that underprivileged children are given sealants to protect their teeth. Dental sealants help to protect the teeth against decay and cavities and are being offered to children across the world as a means of trying to reduce the cost of dental care in the future; focusing on preventative dental care will help to reduce the number of people requiring complex, expensive dental treatment further down the line.

Dental treatment is becoming increasingly expensive in America and many families are struggling to afford regular dental appointments; as a consequence, many people are missing out and there dental health is suffering. A recent study revealed that 55 percent of 3rd grade students in North Dakota have decay. Marcia Olsen, from Bridging the Dental Gap said that the scheme was important because tooth decay is becoming increasingly common and can contribute to serious medical issues; numerous studies have shown a strong link between poor oral health and medical conditions including heart disease and strokes.

The sealant programme has already kicked off and yesterday 21 students from the second and sixth grades were treated in Bismarck. The programme will benefit children from an underprivileged background from towns across the state.

Despite North Dakota having a 96% fluoridation rate: NYSCOF

UK - Daily Echo - Unwanted and totally misconceived

Unwanted and totally misconceived
By Stephen Peckham
Reader in health policy at the Department of Health Services Research and Policy.
SOUTH Central Strategic Health Authority continues to argue that its decision to fluoridate water supplies is both justified and "will benefit the people of Southampton for generations to come".
How they can continue to take this line and spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on fighting the judicial review beggars belief, particularly when there is increasing evidence that water fluoridation is both ineffective and harmful.
In September I attended a hearing of the European Union Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risk to discuss the most recent research on water fluoridation.
The committee, made up of leading European scientists has already published an interim report in which they described water fluoridation as "a crude and rather ineffective form of systemic fluoride treatment to prevent dental cavities without a detectable threshold for dental and bone damage".
It was refreshing to be involved in a discussion where those raising genuine scientific concerns about the effects of water fluoridation were not dismissed by NHS apparatchiks as misguided and deluded. In areas where water is fluoridated, babies and young children are getting too much fluoride.
This has led to a huge rise in dental fluorosis and means, at the very least, that some children's teeth will be damaged. But then the dental community has known this for nearly a century -as even the first proponents of water fluoridation in the 1930s were concerned about the harmful >
effects of too much fluoride, even before the widespread use of '
fluoride toothpaste, mouth washes and pesticides.
For a decade dental health researchers have been publishing the results of studies that show that we have reached a point when water fluoridation is known to cause harm. This evidence has been conveniently ignored by the SHA. The fact that the American Dental Association and the American Pediatric Association recommend that babies and young children's exposure to fluoride should be limited has also been ignored in this country.
The report by the European Scientific Committee concludes that "There is no obvious advantage in favour of water fluoridation compared to topical application which is the most effective method for prevention of tooth decay." Perhaps our local NHS will finally accept that they got it wrong and abandon their plan for imposing this unwanted scheme.

Monday, November 08, 2010

UK - IOM - Isle of Man residents urged to give feedback on oral health strategy

Isle of Man residents urged to give feedback on oral health strategy
Health ministers on the Isle of Man are urging residents to give their feedback on the new oral health strategy.

The document was published online in September and residents were invited to leave comments and ideas; they now have just one day left to submit their comments. Health Minister David Anderson said he would like to remind members of the public about the closing date and encourage them to give their feedback on the oral health strategy.

The principal aim of the strategy is to improve children’s oral health on the island; this goal comes in light of worrying statistics, which revealed that more than half of five year olds suffered from tooth decay. Standards of oral health are poor in comparison to England and Wales and ministers are trying to find new ways to improve standards and promote good oral health.

The new strategy also suggests improved access to dental care services, better emergency dental services and focusing on prevention rather than cure.

Ministers are planning to focus on children and provide preventative treatments, including sealant and fluoride treatments; currently, the Island does not have fluoridated water supplies and this has been identified as a possible cause of poor oral health. Fluoride helps to strengthen the teeth and protect them against decay; numerous studies have linked fluoridated water supplies to better standards of oral health. There are no plans to establish fluoridation plants; however, fluoride varnish treatments will help to protect children’s teeth and reduce the risk of decay.

Children will also be taught about oral health from an early age so that they can learn to look after their teeth and gums properly. Educational sessions will provide information about healthy eating, visiting the dentist and oral hygiene.

They never give up trying to ram fluoride down our throats!

Saturday, November 06, 2010

USA - Citizens should speak out against fluoride in water

Citizens should speak out against fluoride in water
November 05, 2010 2:00 AMOct. 31 — To the Editor:
Portsmouth and many of our neighboring towns have added fluoride to water supplies for over 30 years. At 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 8, Portsmouth residents will have the opportunity to speak out against the fluoridation of our water at the City Council meeting at City Hall. Sign up is required by 6:45 p.m.
Why would we want fluoride out of the water? The reasons are many.
First, the evidence is now clear that fluoride ingested through drinking water has been shown to have little to no positive effect on our teeth.
Second, fluoridated water has been shown to have very serious health effects: quadrupled risk of bone cancer in teenage boys, as well as damage to the thyroid and other organs, which could explain the explosion in hypothyroidism, which itself has been linked to heart disease, mental decline and other illnesses.
Most frightening among the health effects is hard evidence showing a significant decrease in intelligence quotient scores among children from ingesting fluoride at the levels many children ingest. In November 2006, the American Dental Association advised that parents should avoid giving babies fluoridated water, either directly, or in baby formula, and similar advice was published in The Lancet. How many parents have even heard this?
The fluoride added to our water is not pharmaceutical grade medicine. It is industrial waste from phosphate fertilizer and aluminum production, often contaminated with lead, arsenic and other dangerous chemicals, and much of what is used in the United States is now imported from China.
In Europe, only 3 percent of the population live in areas with artificially fluoridated water. In the United States, it is more than 70 percent, and in Portsmouth it is 100 percent if you use the public water supply. Fluoride cannot be removed by regular water filters, and filters that do remove fluoride are expensive and cause other potential health problems. The intent of the fluoridation of water was as a dental "medication."
However, FDA safety studies have never been done, and unlike all other medications, we and our children have no choice in taking this medication.
This is just plain wrong, and it must stop. Please join us on Nov. 8 at Portsmouth City Hall to speak out. Show your support, bring signs, speak out. Call our city councilors. It's way past time to stop this ill-advised program.

Rick Horowitz


Don't Hesitate Fluoridate!

Very amusing.

Dr. Paul Connett Speaks To Austin City Council - The Case Against Fluoride

Friday, November 05, 2010

UK - Asked by Baroness Gardner of Parkes

Asked by Baroness Gardner of Parkes

To ask Her Majesty's Government where and when water fluoridation was first introduced in the United Kingdom; whether water fluoridation is continuing in that location; what is the decayed, missing, filled (DMF) rate for this area; and how this compares with non-fluoridated areas.[HL3098]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Earl Howe): Following three small-scale pilot schemes undertaken over the period 1955 to 1962 in Watford, Kilmarnock and part of Anglesey, the first substantive fluoridation scheme in the United Kingdom was started by Birmingham City Council in 1964, covering most of Birmingham and some adjacent areas. The scheme continues in operation, serving a population of over a million people, and is now part of a much wider fluoridation coverage in the West Midlands, the most extensively fluoridated area of England.

In the 2007-08 NHS epidemiological survey of dental health of five year-old children, the average number of decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) for the City of Birmingham was 1.35. Children in the City of Manchester, in the same Office for National Statistics local authority cluster group as Birmingham, but which does not have fluoridated water, had an average DMFT of 2.39. This compares to a national average for England of 1.11 DMFT.

So fluoridated Birmingham has a higher dental decay in five year olds than the national average.

Australia - Regional tours by Anti-fluoride crusader

Regional tours by Anti-fluoride crusader
When Ann Bressington, South Australian Independent MP got to know some people concern about the use of fluoride in their drinking water, she studied the effect of fluoride and started touring the nation to co-ordinate a campaign by different anti-fluoride groups to bring awareness among the people. She compares the effect of fluoride with tobacco, DDT and asbestos.

Yesterday, she arrived in Lismore and will be there till tomorrow. After that, she is scheduled to meet some anti-fluoridation groups at Gold Coast. She said that the concerns of the groups were sound and she agrees with them.

She further said that she had met several health professionals, who have claimed that they have been intimidated and bullied when they tried to express their views on the issue.

Further, their careers were also threatened. She said that these health professionals consisted of several dentists, nurses, dental nurses and doctors. She refused to name them as to protect their identities. She admitted that there has been a cool response from the South Australian Parliament on the issue, but she is committed in pushing the issue.

Fluoridation debate continues in Nebraska

Fluoridation debate continues in Nebraska
Amy West
Story Created: Nov 4, 2010 at 7:03 PM CDT
The Fluoride issue still stirs debate around the world, but in Burwell, Nebraska it almost meant a recall for the town mayor and two city council members.
All recall efforts failed in Tuesday's election. The unofficial results said Mayor Charles Cone and city council members Terry Cone and Carolyn DeBaetes will continue to represent the community.
Residents raised a petition to recall the three saying they didn't allow the community to vote on whether or not to put fluoride in the water.
Both Cones and DeBaets said they thought the time for a public vote occurred before they took office.
The situation reminds us that the debate on fluoride is alive and well as it has been for more than 60 years.
It is an ongoing drinking debate. They're closing debate on the fluoride question. While some hail the dental benefits of water fluoridation others say it comes at a cost.
The debate has been raging for more than 60 years. The people are intelligent enough to decide for themselves whether they want a rat poison shoveled into their drinking water.
It's a conflict between the common good and individual rights.
Using fluoridation to prevent tooth decay – especially in children and the poor. Isn't it a fact that every reputable medical and dental organization in North America favors fluoridization of water?
Or for people like chiropractor James Widhelm it's his right to chose.
"I would really like to choose what chemicals I'm putting into my body if it's something that's really supposed to be healthy for me so if you can mass medicate for dental problems then what's the next thing going to be?" said Widhelm.

Dr Widhelm talks about the Fluoridation debate

Thursday, November 04, 2010

UK - House of Lords

Asked by Baroness Gardner of Parkes
To ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the effect of water fluoridation on the general health of the population in areas where water fluoridation has occurred; and how this compares with areas where the water has not been fluoridated.[HL3099]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Earl Howe): Fluoride offers the best prospect for reducing inequalities in oral health. In areas where the water is fluoridated, dental decay is lower than in comparable un-fluoridated areas.
3 Nov 2010 : Column WA415
Nevertheless, it is also important to provide assurance that the general health of the population is not adversely affected. Water fluoridation has been in operation in England for over 45 years, serving some 10 per cent of the population. Routine health monitoring has not revealed any adverse effects in those areas. In addition, the department monitors relevant research and also commissions research. There is no evidence of risk to people's health from the fluoridation of water at the level permitted in the United Kingdom.

Do we believe it?

Australia - Fluoride policies outdated

Fluoride policies outdated
Liina Flynn | 4th November 2010
Ms Ann Bressington MLC visited Lismore this week to voice her opposition to the fluoridation of drinking water supplies.
Sparked by a deep concern with state fluoridation policies, independent South Australian parliamentarian Ann Bressington has been touring the NSW North Coast this month to touch base with anti-fluoridation groups. Ms Bressington is hoping to encourage coordinated, nationwide opposition to the fluoridation of water and wants the Australian public to educate themselves about the dangers of fluoride. She is hoping to instigate a parliamentary inquiry in South Australia as well as a national inquiry into fluoridation.

Ms Bressington said that three weeks ago in Mt Gambier, the South Australian government ignored widespread public opposition to the fluoridation of water, including a hunger strike by one citizen, and went ahead with dosing the drinking water.

“The government had the gall to say that after extensive consultation it would go ahead anyway,” Ms Bressington said. “They have covered themselves by putting a ‘get out of jail’ clause in legislation saying that if anything happens to anyone from water fluoridation, the government is not responsible.

“If people want to ingest fluoride, they should go to chemist and buy fluoride tablets.”........................

USA - Debate over fluoride continues

Debate over fluoride continues
Reported by: Josh Witsman
WICHITA, Kansas - Wichita’s water supply has sparked debate for decades. It’s a debate that has pitted health professionals against everyday Kansans. The issue is to fluoridate or not.“It's one of the most highly studied chemicals we've ever had," Wichita dentist Dr. Brick Scheer said.
Dr. Scheer has worked on Wichitans’ teeth for his entire career, and he is a proponent of adding fluoride to the city’s water supply. It’s a process Dr. Scheer and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says is not only safe but beneficial.
"Fluoridating the water will eliminate approximately 25 percent of the cavities a person will have in their lifetime," Dr. Scheer said.
Fluoridating the water supply is considered one of the ten biggest public health accomplishments by the Centers for Disease Control; however, Wichita remains one of the country’s largest cities that has turned its back on the idea. Wichita is not alone; however, Portland, Oregon has also decided not to fluoridate its water.
It’s because of views like this.
"Fluoride is a poison,” Wichitan Travis Crank said. “It is a known poison."
Travis Crank and his supporters made their views known this summer with their Poison in the Tape Water campaign. It is a campaign that has worked in the past.
Wichita debated the issue several times, and as of now fluoridating appears to be off the table....................

Video on Web page.

USA - Downside of Fluoride?

Downside of Fluoride?
City Council's Citizen Communi­ca­tions period – when speakers address council for three minutes on a topic of their choice – is a hotbed of anti-fluoridation activists who say that the fluoridation of Austin's tap water fails to provide health benefits and may be harmful, especially to infants (see "Unstable Element," Nov. 27, 2009). Now they've enlisted some big (water) guns in their fight. At noon, Thursday, Nov. 4, Fluoride Action Network nationwide Director Paul Connett will address council on the supposed ills of the additive. It's part of a multistop swing through Austin Nov. 4-9 in support of his new co-authored book, The Case Against Fluoride. "If you picked up a book that described a government plan to put a hazardous industrial waste product in the public water supply to deliver a topical medical treatment ... you might well think you had picked up a science-fiction novel," reads the book's introduction. Fiction or fact? Depends who you trust. Panel discussions: Thu., 7pm, UT Thompson Conference Center; Tue., 7pm, Huston-Tillotson University, King-Seabrook Chapel. Book signings: Friday, 4pm, Borders Books (3309 Esperanza Crossing); Saturday, 2pm, Casa de Luz; Saturday, 7pm, Brave New Books. See www.caseagainstfluoridebook.com. – W.D.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

American dentists stocking up on left over candy

American dentists stocking up on left over candy
Halloween has been and gone but for many dentists the days after the Halloween holiday are amongst the busiest in the year.

Across America, dentists are collecting left over candy to raise money for local charities and contribute to supporting troops abroad. A huge number of dentists in the USA are offering buy back schemes, which encourage kids to exchange their left over candy for money or small toys.

The aim of the buy-back scheme is to encourage children to consume fewer sugary treats and raise money for good causes as a result; the consequences are positive for both the children involved, because the scheme promotes good oral health and the charities benefitting from the buy-back programmes because they get money and a higher profile, which will help to raise more money in the future.

The period after Halloween is also a busy time for dental professionals because many children complain about tooth ache and sensitive teeth; over the course of Halloween most children indulge in a huge amount of sugar, which damages the enamel surfaces of the teeth and can contribute to tooth ache and oral health problems such as tooth decay and gum disease in the long-term.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Water Fluoridation: Ann Bressington MLC

Minority, Poor, and Special-Needs Children More Prone to Toothache

Minority, Poor, and Special-Needs Children More Prone to Toothache
Nancy Fowler Larson
November 1, 2010 — Toothache is more likely to plague children who are minorities, from low-income families, or have special needs, according to a study published November 1 in the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine......

I thought we all knew that? I would think it is the unintelligent and the uneducated families. Even if you have little money you can still buy food that is good if you are bright enough to know. Same with oral health.

Waterloo Votes NO To Fluoride! Do The Same In Your City!

Letter: Everyone should get a flu shot ... suckers

Letter: Everyone should get a flu shot ... suckers
I would like to encourage everyone reading this to get the flu shot this year. Please tell everyone you know to get the shot as well.
You see, as you all become dumb, stupid and mentally eroded from the ethyl-mercury (thimersal), ethylene glycol, squalene, phenol, formaldehyde and aluminum that will slowly deteriorate your neurons, my family and I will gain.
My children will be smarter, more athletic and healthy because they will not get the flu shot. I will be giving them multivitamins, D3, fruits, vegetables and elderberry just to name a few ways that will boost their natural immune systems.
Please ignore what I will be doing. Get your shot, and if you have been a good parent you will have been giving your children fluoridated water, fluoridated mouthwash, fluoridated toothpaste, fluoridated dental floss, fluoride tablets and fluoridated chewing gum, and on and on.
You see, the fluoride in conjunction with aluminum will weaken the blood brain barrier that protects the gray matter from bad metals in the foods and especially the shots thereby making wonderful things like autism possible.
Fluoride is a great thing; it’s good for you. You will not believe me when I say fluoride was used as a rat poison, but in a really, really small dose; it’s great for your teeth! I digress ...
Get the flu shot, or your kids will die! Yeah, and al-Qaida and the boogie-man will kill you if you don’t! Don’t believe me; I’m crazy, just laugh and snicker and get your shots.
Inject yourself with the inactivated or weakened virus. It’s only cultivated in animal proteins such as rabbit brain tissue, monkey kidney tissue, pig blood, chicken embryos, embryonic guinea pig cells and calf serum. Will you be surprised if you get Guillain Barre Syndrome, Steven Jacobs Syndrome, vasculitis or anaphylaxis? You will most likely be lucky and see no ill side effects. No, you won’t even know if your neurons are breaking down.
Where does the U.S. rank educationally? You see, it will be easier for my children to get into better colleges, get better educations and better jobs when all the competition is dumbed down from excess use of vaccines. In the land of the blind, the man with one eye rules.
Oh, and grandmas and grandpas, get your shots also. There’s absolutely NO neurological side effects for you! Alzheimer’s isn’t caused by shots (yeah). Cancer isn’t caused by shots (that’s why there is virtually no record of it in ancient history and no sign of it in thousands of mummified remains). Our government didn’t inject people with syphilis in Guatemala and Tuskegee, Ala.
Don’t read the flu shot inserts. Don’t research the facts on the ingredients for the flu shots. Don’t research information on fluoride. Don’t believe a word I say. Get your shot today at the shopping center nearest you! Don’t worry if you get a bad batch (they probably can’t track them anyway). Why should they? You can’t sue thanks to our government exempting vaccine makers from litigation.

Matthew Boyea,


UK - Smiles all round as Health Minister Lord Howe launches Smile4Life

Smiles all round as Health Minister Lord Howe launches Smile4Life
Submitted by editor on November 2, 2010 - 12:33
Smile4Life sees Lancashire County Council join forces with NHS Central Lancashire, NHS North Lancashire and NHS East Lancashire, to combat the regions poor record on tooth decay in children by educating pre-school children about the importance of looking after their teeth.

The programme involves members of the local NHS dental team visiting pre-schools across the county to provide advice to young children and their carers on tooth brushing, the importance of regular visits to the dentists, and encouraging a healthier diet.

After the official launch at the Woodlands Centre in Chorley, Lord Howe paid a visit to Ribbleton Childrens Centre in Preston where he met with staff and children to see first hand how members of the local NHS dental team and nursery teachers work together to encourage better oral health in children...........

Thankfully no mention of fluoridation

UK - Camelford water poisoning: the search for answers

Camelford water poisoning: the search for answers
Carole Cross died 16 years after Camelford's drinking water was contaminated The resumption of the inquest into the death of Carole Cross has once again turned the spotlight on the small Cornish town which became the scene of the country's worst mass water poisoning.
It is more than two decades since 20,000 homes in Camelford were affected when a relief delivery driver accidentally tipped 20 tonnes of aluminium sulphate into the wrong tank at the Lowermoor water treatment works.
The chemical, used to treat cloudy water, went straight into the town's main water supply.
The acidity in the water also released chemicals in pipe networks into people's homes
The water company was inundated with around 900 complaints about dirty, foul-tasting water but no warnings were given to the public on the night of the incident on 6 July, 1988.
Local residents subsequently reported suffering health problems, including stomach cramps, rashes, diarrhoea, mouth ulcers, aching joints and some even said their hair had turned green from copper residues............

Over dosing always happens, criminal neglect or intentional but with fluoride it would be deadly.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Study Shows Fluoride from Tea & Toothpaste Weakens Bones

Study Shows Fluoride from Tea & Toothpaste Weakens Bones
NEW YORK, Nov. 1, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Fluoride consumption from tea and toothpaste damaged a woman's bones, report researchers in Osteoporosis International published online October 9, 2010.
Fluoride, added to water intending to reduce tooth decay, accumulates in and can weaken bones. To prevent bone damage or skeletal fluorosis, in 1986 EPA set 4mg/L as water fluoride's maximum-contaminant-level. In 2006, the National Research Council reported that 4 mg/L is too high to protect health. Some brewed teas contain almost twice that concentration.
This case describes a 53-year-old British woman with a broken bone in her foot and abnormally dense bones and badly decayed teeth.
"A striking feature of our case was the very high serum, urine, nail and bone fluoride levels, to our knowledge the highest ever reported in a patient with [skeletal] fluorosis," the research team writes.
Her standard breakfast tea measured 7.6 mg/L fluoride. She drank six 8-ounce-cups daily, made with low-fluoride water (0.3 mg/L) and therefore 11 milligrams of fluoride daily.
She brushed her teeth 8-10 times a day. "...it is not uncommon to swallow about 25% of the toothpaste applied to the brush," report the researchers estimating their patient's fluoride intake from toothbrushing at 4 mg/daily.
Adding 2-3 mg of fluoride from other dietary sources, this woman ingested "a chronic daily dose of 17-18 mg [daily], an amount sufficient to cause the skeletal changes...," the researchers report.
Bone sample analysis revealed fluoride at a greatly elevated 15,144 mg/kg bone ash, above the level the National Research Council reports is indicative of stage III crippling skeletal fluorosis.
Since this patient didn't complain of usual skeletal fluorosis symptoms – stiffness, joint pain, etc., or dental mottling, "[t]he case emphasizes the need to exclude [skeletal] fluorosis in individuals with unexpectedly high BMD [Bone Mass Density] levels," the researchers conclude.
Skeletal fluorosis afflicts millions worldwide from industrial pollution or drinking water with naturally high fluoride levels, e.g. India, China, and Africa.
Previously published European and North American skeletal fluorosis cases were caused by excessive consumption of fluoride-containing tea or wine, fluoride-containing mineral water or fluoridated toothpaste.
"These studies report the effects of excessively high daily fluoride intake, but detrimental effects are also documented to occur gradually and insidiously at much lower levels," says Attorney Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation.

Oral health care was identified as a top priority need in Logan County in a five-year assessment conducted by the Logan County Department of Public Health in 2005.

The health department and Healthy Communities Partnership began addressing that need through a mobile unit with the 2006 launch of the HOPE Mobile, named for Healthcare – Oral health – Prevention – Education.
This month Mark Hilliard, administrator of the health department, told Logan County Board members that the department has received a grant amount of $128,000 that would allow the opening of a new dental clinic.

Illinois, where water fluoridation is state mandated: NYSCOF