Low Thyroid Levels And Fluoride In Drinking Water Plus
(2010-11-29) Low Thyroid Levels And Fluoride In Drinking Water Plus The CDC And ADA
Most fail to understand the damaging effects of fluoride in drinking water actually h
In October of 2010, the journal of the American Dental Association warned of the feeding of children powdered baby formula and adding tap water to it. Significant levels of denture damage are incurred by this practice. Other practices should be warned against. Most have no idea how this relates to low thyroid levels.
They are fluoride treatment of teeth and use of fluoride enhanced tooth paste. The condition that results is called fluorosis and leads to tooth destruction. In May of 2010 the Center for Disease Control announced and confirmed the same conclusion.
This information alerts me to the total ignoring of the damage that fluoride does to thyroid function as it is accumulated in the body. Research has shown the toxic nature of the Fluoride. Also that, over 6 years a person can accumulate enough fluoride to reduce the activity of the thyroid gland. Some have estimated up to 50%. Would you like your body speed to be slowed by as much as 50%? Would you like to be visited by fatigue, hair loss, obesity, dry skin, depression, chronic pain syndromes, elevated cholesterol, cardiac irregularities, mental fog and early senility? Well all that and more is available from the fluoride in drinking water and in toothpaste turning down your thyroid.
So what has this to do with baby formula?
Actually it has quite a bit. What about fluoride in drinking water? A lot. The FDA reporting the damaging effects of Fluoride starts early and continues as long as you drink fluoride in your drinking water.
In the days before thyroid surgery and radioactive Iodine to kill an over-active thyroid, you were admitted to a hospital and a "proper dose of fluoride" was given to you. It was presented in a Dixie cup and you were watched very closely for 48 hours. During that time many patients went through a thyroid storm. Your heart raced, you sweated, your blood pressure went up and you went into extremes. Many convulsed, all from killing your thyroid and being released into the blood stream. So what is the point? You get half that dose over 6 years of drinking tap water that is fluoridated. No you don't have a thyroid storm, but half of your thyroid is gone. You don't know it and chances are slim to none that your doctor knows it. So you get all of the above symptoms and it is all so unnecessary and a definite poisoning of all subjects that drink water from the city municipality. That stupid, sophomoric science has kept in place for over 50 years. Well let’s take a look at the proof that this is so stupid and now reported dangerous by the FDA, the ADA and any one who is an alternative natural based practitioner (We have been screaming about this for over 30 years).........................
Most fail to understand the damaging effects of fluoride in drinking water actually h
In October of 2010, the journal of the American Dental Association warned of the feeding of children powdered baby formula and adding tap water to it. Significant levels of denture damage are incurred by this practice. Other practices should be warned against. Most have no idea how this relates to low thyroid levels.
They are fluoride treatment of teeth and use of fluoride enhanced tooth paste. The condition that results is called fluorosis and leads to tooth destruction. In May of 2010 the Center for Disease Control announced and confirmed the same conclusion.
This information alerts me to the total ignoring of the damage that fluoride does to thyroid function as it is accumulated in the body. Research has shown the toxic nature of the Fluoride. Also that, over 6 years a person can accumulate enough fluoride to reduce the activity of the thyroid gland. Some have estimated up to 50%. Would you like your body speed to be slowed by as much as 50%? Would you like to be visited by fatigue, hair loss, obesity, dry skin, depression, chronic pain syndromes, elevated cholesterol, cardiac irregularities, mental fog and early senility? Well all that and more is available from the fluoride in drinking water and in toothpaste turning down your thyroid.
So what has this to do with baby formula?
Actually it has quite a bit. What about fluoride in drinking water? A lot. The FDA reporting the damaging effects of Fluoride starts early and continues as long as you drink fluoride in your drinking water.
In the days before thyroid surgery and radioactive Iodine to kill an over-active thyroid, you were admitted to a hospital and a "proper dose of fluoride" was given to you. It was presented in a Dixie cup and you were watched very closely for 48 hours. During that time many patients went through a thyroid storm. Your heart raced, you sweated, your blood pressure went up and you went into extremes. Many convulsed, all from killing your thyroid and being released into the blood stream. So what is the point? You get half that dose over 6 years of drinking tap water that is fluoridated. No you don't have a thyroid storm, but half of your thyroid is gone. You don't know it and chances are slim to none that your doctor knows it. So you get all of the above symptoms and it is all so unnecessary and a definite poisoning of all subjects that drink water from the city municipality. That stupid, sophomoric science has kept in place for over 50 years. Well let’s take a look at the proof that this is so stupid and now reported dangerous by the FDA, the ADA and any one who is an alternative natural based practitioner (We have been screaming about this for over 30 years).........................
You might also choose to find out more about other beneficial supplements, such as natural thyroid supplements .
Candy, at 01 July, 2011
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