As one of the few rare and unlucky people to be allergic to fluoride, mandatory inlcusion of fluoride in the water system has a real consequence to my daily life. I'm living in Canberra, in a town with compulsory mass medication of fluoride, and due to my allergy, I can't eat anything boiled in the water (eg rice/pasta). I can't drink the water, or anything mixed with the water (ice, post mix), or anything cooked that uses local water (sauces). It's not an easy task to find a safe meal in a town with containminated water. From a selfish point of view, I want the water of Brisbane to still be drinkable, the food edible, and the personal responsibility for my teeth to remain mine. Really, if we won't be trusted to clean our own teeth, what other basic task will the government think we need to be mass-medicated about next?
Posted by: Stephen Dann of Canberra 7:50pm October 07, 2006
Comment 13 of 13
As the Facts behind Fluoridation Waste become Public Knowledge, it will likely become a Health Policy Forever Marking an Embarrassment on Behalf of our Public Health Agencies Lunatics and those Believing their every Word without Independent Follow-Up!!
It Boogles the Mind, as the so-called Health Experts continue, in their Absurd Claims, it's 100% Safe; Dumping a Diluted Toxic Industrial Waste-by Product into the Precous water, or through any other means into the Food Supply! What a Miracle that would be, if that were to be True!!
If People Truly Realized the Connection, between Fluoride and say Arthritis & many other Diseases related to it (what did one expect from a Toxic Sludge?!), they may be able to Sue the Maniacs responsible for it!
Indeed, those Profiting from Selling their Toxic Litter, are the ones who're mainly benefiting from all this with Huge $$$ Profits Involved, so Instead of Paying for it, they get Paid!!!...
Posted by: Joe Engleheart of Melbourne Vic. 6:56pm October 07, 2006
Comment 12 of 13
Pity that Armfield and Spencers most recent research released in August 2006 wasnt included in the article. In that they find that the main cause of high rates of dental decay is lack of access to good dental health programs, dentists and socioeconomic disadvantage. The report was funde by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and the researchers found that "at any given age, children from lower socioeconomic areas had more deciduous decay experience than those from higher socioeconomic areas". Their study aligns with a 2004 WHO study conducted in 17 countries that found that children who were educated in good personal dental health practices (brushing, flossing etc) and whose diets did not include an excess of sugary and fatty foods had better teach than those who did not have good dental hygiene and ate sugary and fatty foods. The WHO styudy found that regardless of whether the child lived - fluoridated or unfluoridated water area - good dental hygiene practices and a balanced diet was the key. In short, fluoride has neve been 'proven' to be "Safe and effective". However, there is ample science to show it is, at best, only a marginal factor and at worst has massive negative health outcomes.
Posted by: Shane Elson of Morwell VIC 5:50pm October 07, 2006
Comment 10 of 13
The claim by pediatrician John Peam that "credible studies---suggest increase in dental decay in Qld childrens teeth is due to the fact that they haven't got the correct levels of fluoride in their water." is just that, a claim, no proof, no acceptance of other causes and no quoting of research or credibly/ adequate statistics. What credible studies have been carried out to prove whether the teeth of residents in Townsville, Dalby, Maraba, Moranbah, & Bamaga are any better than in a similar list of towns,- probably none. The ADA Robert McCray should be prepared to give a balanced overview of international research linking fluoride in drinking water with dubious advantage to teeth but with disturbing links to other illnesses, including cancer of the bones. Manditory fluoridation is undemocratic, it is forced medication without informed consent, fluoride is a poison and therefore dangerous. Let's hope the Qld. Government sticks to it's guns and 'mandates" fluoridation only where there is "informed public discussion" as proposed by Peter Forster, followed by referendum as in Warwick.
Posted by: Harry Kilminster of Wangaratta Vic. 4:51pm October 07, 2006
Comment 9 of 13
I see Porter Novelli have been handing out the publicity material for the Chemical companies again? With most people now drinking spring water or having tanks and with the restrictions we have on reticulated water due to lack of availability, when is someone in the media going to wake up to this con and expose it for what it is? The "medical evidence" in support of fluoridation only seems to exist in the minds of the spin "doctors" employed to sell this chemical to Councils. If you'd like to do a bit of investigative journalism, why not see who supplies this info to the Dental Association and who employs them. The company named above appears with monotonous regularity; hardly "medical evidence" in my opinion and that of a lot of others.
Posted by: A Smith of Hervey Bay 3:11pm October 07, 2006
Comment 8 of 13
Qld ADA president Robert McCray wants the Beattie Government to forcibly fluoridate the drinking water of all Queenslanders(7.10.06). Dr McCray says the evidence stands right behind his claim that it works. How could he be so out of touch with reality.
Due to strong doubts about safety and effectiveness, countries throughout Europe like Holland, Sweden, Austria, Finland and Germany do not fluoridate their water. Yet the evidence shows they have better dental health than Australians. The Dutch government ceased fluoridation after medical researchers showed people were getting sick drinking fluoridated water.
Given the recent USA studies also showing toxic effects of fluoride on bones, endocrine system ( particularly the thyroid gland) and teeth, it is clear fluoride in our water could actually be making our health a lot worse.
But it is not just Queensland that has been awake enough to avoid getting fluoridated. In my Victorian hometown of Geelong we have long been aware of the toxic effects of fluoride as Geelong industry supplies the industry fluoride by-product sent to other cities and put in drinking water. So we have certainly made sure this cocktail of fertilizer waste with its fluoride, arsenic, cadmium and lead is not going into our drinking water.
So wake up Dr McRay and wake up Australia. The time for this obsolete idea has finally come and gone.
Philip Robertson BHSc ND Carmoora Clinic Geelong Victoria 3220
Posted by: Philip Robertson of Geelong 12:20pm October 07, 2006
Comment 7 of 13
No Government has the right to medicate members of the public without the individuals concent. Make flouride tablets freely available to all citizens who wish to take them and please leave the rest of us alone.
ian smith ( Health professional)
Posted by: ian smith of Mt Fox 11:33am October 07, 2006
Comment 6 of 13
Objection. Human beings need to be more cautious about making any change to the nature. The water we drink is part of the nature though fluoride is added to the water supplied.
Posted by: Linda Ni 8:03am October 07, 2006
Comment 5 of 13
Get tablets or drops from your chemist but think about those who can't have it. Most water filters won't remove it, so what happens to those people? Are they forced to buy distilled water for the rest of their lives. If you want it you can have it but don't force medication on everyone.
Posted by: Annette Reid of gold coast 7:39am October 07, 2006
Comment 4 of 13
When do we want it,,,NOW............ Never had a problem with my teeth,until I moved to Brisbane 20 years ago,from Townsville...
Posted by: Bill Grieve of Enoggera 6:27am October 07, 2006
Comment 3 of 13
Study shows fluoride lowered the levels of dental decay, but maybe another problems turned up by the fluoride (or will later) but they were out of the field of the study. We have fluoride in the toothpaste, do we really need to drink it? How can we "set up" the demanded daily level from it?
Posted by: Laslo Bezdan 5:05am October 07, 2006
Comment 2 of 13
I must admit to having strong reservations about adding flouride to our water. For a start, why would we add a listed, high ranking poison to our dwindling water supplies? Also, as we actually drink only about 1 percent of the water we use, I wonder what else in our susceptible environment would be affected by the added fouride? Last, I would like a choice on this issue as we already have the option of buying tootpaste with added flouride, why do we need to take more of it, without option, in our tap water?
Please let's have less populist science on this one more common sense. Look at Europe, why don't they do it?
Posted by: Mervyn Hyde of currently in New York 3:04am October 07, 2006
Comment 1 of 13