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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Dr M Boyask BDS hits out at Gary

Dental parable
Let's run this "action of fluoride on teeth" past Gary Kemp again - it might sink in one day.Suppose you have a bare, mildsteel garden chair whose owner doesn't know much about looking after garden chairs.
He leaves it out in the garden and even pours his household waste over it occasionally. It soon shows signs of rust but he is a lazy owner and only when the chair collapses on his foot, hurting him, and needs to be disposed of does he do anything - while blaming everyone but himself and screaming blue murder at the cost of disposing of the chair and getting a new one.
This represents the typical British tooth, "looked after" by the typical British owner. It accounts, in part, for the relatively high incidence of dentures in Britain. Now rewind to the chair being new. This owner takes a little more care and paints the chair with undercoat and gloss paint, which protects it a bit, and this owner doesn't empty quite so much acid waste over the chair, quite so often.
The chair keeps better but the rust will show through.
So he keeps repainting it until, after a longer life than the unpainted chair, this one too may have to be replaced.
This represents the tooth which developed in the absence of sufficient fluoride ion during its formative years, when its enamel was being laid down.
It has been better looked after and perhaps treated preventatively by a dentist.
The third owner buys a chair made of stainless steel.
Yes, it still needs care for it to look good and to not sink into the earth it stands on but it is a lot tougher and rust resistant from day one.
This represents the tooth whose owner was receiving one part per million of fluoride ion in his drinking water when the tooth formed.
So if the owner is still the typical average Brit, whose idea of dental care is to chew sweets every five minutes, there is a lot better chance of it surviving.
Dr M Boyask BDS, New Church Road, Hove


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