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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Something to think about.

Dental decay and gum disease are widespread these days and affect more than just the mouth: gum disease is linked to heart problems, and there are stronger risks of strokes, osteoporosis, respiratory diseases and diabetes. Several of the active ingredients on toothpastes are apparently worrying. Widely used industrial strength detergent sodium lauryl sulphate is a suspected gastro-intestinal or liver poison, mouth ulcers could occur. Abrasives in toothpaste, such as silica, are also potentially harmful but the most controversial ingredient in toothpaste is fluoride, which many people mistakenly believe protects the teeth. An alternative theory is that fluoride is actually a poison, causing allergic-type reactions and is a suspect in many illnesses including bone problems, diabetes, thyroid malfunctions and bone impairment. It would be healthier to concentrate more on buying a better toothbrush, use a low-fluoride paste and brush for longer.

There have been problems with some holistic dentists concerning modern dental floss, which may be contaminated with mercury-containing antiseptics. Some flosses are also coated with flavourings derived from petrochemicals and waxes of petrochemical origin.
Said to fight plaque, strengthen teeth, combat tooth decay and freshen the breath, in addition to killing germs. Mouthwashes are a complex mix of chemicals that in the long term could do more harm than good. They may also contain alcohol, which could cause an increased risk of throat and mouth cancers because the pH of the mouth will be changed, stripping away the protective mucus membrane of the mouth and throat. Make your own mouthwash by adding a couple of drops of peppermint oil or sage tincture to a cup of water.


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