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UK Against Fluoridation

Friday, September 30, 2016

The Truth About Phosphate Mining

Australia - Click here to go to Web Page to hear radio debate.

Cr Richie Bates on fluoride consultation


Hugh Mungus 
Get rid of fluoride in our water. It rots your pineal gland, lowers the IQ of children at a young age & impairs bone strength. There's a reason why 98% of Europe have banned fluoride.

NZ - Anti-fluoride DHB candidates are standing up and down country, but not always revealing their stance

A Fluoride Free protest in Hamilton.Many candidates for District Health Boards across New Zealand say they are against public fluoridation of water, but don't reveal this in their candidate profiles.

District Health Boards (DHBs) don't currently control the fluoridation of water, but they will soon after a coming law change.

Half of the 62 DHB candidates who responded to a survey from anti-fluoride group Fluoride Free NZ said they opposed water fluoridation. There are 362 DHB candidates competing for 133 places across New Zealand in total.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Councillors ignore request for JCU presentation on fluoride science

Cr Richie Bates insists Cairns Regional Council should to listen to evidence about fluoridation from dentistry experts at JCU - with which it has a memorandum of understanding. Picture: Marc McCormackCAIRNS regional councillors have ignored a formal request for James Cook University to explain the scientific evidence about water fluoridation.
Division 5 Councillor Richie Bates moved a motion in a council meeting yesterday for the council to ask the faculty of dentistry at James Cook University to present the scientific evidence relating to fluoridation.
Cr Bates’ rationale pointed to the memorandum of understanding that exists between the council and JCU and said there was overwhelming support for the public health measure from peak medical organisations.
But the responding silence was deafening.
Not one of his eight fellow councillors seconded the motion and it lapsed.
Cr Bates was scathing in his response after the meeting.
“It’s hard to believe that not one other councillor was even prepared to listen to the experts in the field,” he said.
“Even more disturbing was the unwillingness to honour the memorandum of understanding between council and JCU that specifically states that the partnership between the entities is for the enhancement of informed decision making and governance to deliver better outcomes”.
Cr Bates said the refusal by councillors to allow the motion “makes a mockery of the MOU”, which was celebrated and symbolised by two public art sculptures at Munro Martin Parklands and JCU’s Smithfield campus this year.
“It is a shame to see such hypocrisy from my fellow councillors and unacceptable that they couldn’t find time on their $100, 000 wage to consult with the experts,” he said.

Australia - Call for State Government to control fluoride in water following Mackay Regional Council ban

DENTISTS are demanding the State Government take over responsibility for the fluoridation of public water supply following another council opting to stop adding fluoride to its drinking water.
Mackay Regional Council yesterday voted to stop fluoridation. Mayor Greg Williamson said a lot of councillors were “quite passionate” about the decision. “Everybody made a decision based on their research and the people they’ve spoken to along the way.”
The motion was passed six votes to five. According to Queensland Health figures, the move places Mackay alongside another 52 councils out of the state’s 77 that decline to add fluoride................................

NZ - Fluoride Free Hamilton Press Release

Launch of new non-fluoridated water outlet

Fluoride Free Hamilton
29 September 2016

Fluoride Free Hamilton supporters were pleased to see the launching of a brand new, custom-made non-fluoridated water outlet at Claudelands today, provided by Hamilton City Council. It has been keenly anticipated and will finally enable many local people to access a free alternative water supply to meet their family’s needs. Pat McNair, spokesperson for FFH said, “We are very pleased that Hamilton City Council has finally co-operated with us on this.”
”Of course, what Hamilton’s residents really need is non-fluoridated water coming out of their own taps at home, but in the meantime, the two public non-fluoridated outlets that are now available (at both Claudelands and the Taitua Arboretum), are better than nothing. In the circumstances, we feel it is the very least the Council could do for us.”
Fluoride Free Hamilton considers that each outlet has both advantages and disadvantages, which provides the public with choices to suit their individual needs.
The Claudelands outlet, which is at a handy, central location, uses a Reverse Osmosis filter to treat the public water supply. This takes everything out, including fluoride, chlorine, minerals and trace elements. Chlorine is then added back in to kill any disease-causing bacteria. Pat adds, “We have been advised that a good mineral supplement (e.g. Himalayan or Celtic Sea Salt etc) should replace the minerals lost in the filtration process.”
This outlet has two taps at different heights as well as a drinking fountain. The lower tap has a hose connection suitable for connecting ordinary flexible garden hoses for easy filling of large containers that are too heavy to lift.
The Taitua Arboretum outlet, which is 5 kms out of town, past the Dinsdale shopping centre (take SH23 - the road to Raglan - and turn left into Howden Rd), uses natural bore water and has no chlorine added – using a UV light filter instead, to disinfect the water. There is a single tap supplied at this site.
Fluoride Free Hamilton encourages all Hamilton residents to make good use of the new tap facility at Claudelands, which is conveniently placed near the new venue for Hamilton’s Sunday Farmer’s Market. To find the tap, use Gate 2 off Heaphy Terrace, which leads to the historic Grandstand building. There is plenty of parking and the tap is in the carpark just by the children’s playground and the public toilets.
If the popularity of the existing Taitua water outlet is anything to go by, then Fluoride Free Hamilton predicts there will be a steady stream of enthusiastic “pure water” users queuing up at Claudelands on a daily basis from today onwards.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fluoride will be taken out of the region’s public water supply, after a 6-5 council vote at today’s Ordinary monthly meeting.

The Mayor used his casting vote to support the motion to discontinue water fluoridation.

Why you should get fluoride free toothpaste

NZ - Letters

Fight fluoride
Re fluoridation: Are you aware that the National Government intends to take away our right of choice as to whether Whangarei water is fluoridated or not?
A referendum was held in 2002 when 70 per cent voted against fluoridation.
The current elections are very important to those who have educated themselves on the toxic effects of drinking this poison.
We have contacted as many nominees as we could and have six replies to date, five are anti-fluoride or pro-choice on this.
A Freedom of Information Act request by Fluoridealert.org has uncovered an explosive document from the American Dental Association (ADA) calling for research on the health effects of drinking fluoridated water.
Proponents of fluoridation admit they lack research showing "optimally" fluoridated water is safe for kidney patients, minorities, diabetics, and seniors, as questions swirl in burgeoning scandal.
Fluoride is known as an endocrine disruptor and damages the thyroid.
Other research shows a decline in IQ of 7 points in children, which is enormous.
Pam Blowers

Australia - Mackay council votes to remove fluoride from water supply after divisive debate

Tap waterMayor of regional council in Queensland, Australia, says opinion polls showed most residents opposed fluoridation

Queensland’s Mackay regional council has voted to remove fluoride from its water supply.
The 6-5 vote was returned after “a good debate” on Wednesday morning and a number of opinion polls indicating residents were in favour of the move, its mayor, Greg Williamson, says.
“Everybody made a decision based on their research and the people they’ve spoken to along the way,” he said.
Legislation was passed under Anna Bligh in 2008 for Queensland towns with populations of more than 1,000 to have their water supplies fluoridated but the Liberal National government led by Campbell Newman reversed the requirement in 2012.
A report was attached to the council’s meeting agenda on Tuesday which concluded both sides of the “fluoride debate” had been heard and the council should make a decision that is in the best interests of the community.
The issue had been a controversial one, with 170 people attending a town hall-style meeting last month to discuss fluoridation.
A recent phone survey showed 46.7% of the community opposed fluoridation while 39.1% supported it and 14.2% were undecided, the Daily Mercury reported.
A poll on the council’s Connecting Mackay site showed 262 respondents support water fluoridation in Mackay, while 309 did not and two people were unsure.
According to Queensland Health, 24 of Queensland’s 77 councils still add fluoride to one or more of their water supplies.
The department supports the fluoridation of drinking water as an effective, efficient and safe measure to prevent tooth decay.
Mackay Regional Council considered the views of a range of bodies opposed to fluoride, some of whom believe it’s an “outdated form of mass medication”.
More than 150 major health organisations, including the World Health Organisation, the Australian Medical Association and the Australian Dental Association, support water fluoridation.
A three-year University of Queensland study released last year showed levels of tooth decay in children dropped 19% in the Logan-Beaudesert area since the introduction of fluoridation.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Untitled (109)

Wales - Concerns over the future of the Designed to Smile programme raised

Designed to SmileThe future of the Designed to Smile programme, the oral health improvement programme in Wales, has been called into question.
Oral health was not given any mention in the Welsh government’s Taking Wales Forward document, which has raised concerns over the future of the Designed to Smile programme that, according to Cardiff University, has reduced dental decay rates in children by a quarter between 2007/08 and 2014/15.
The Designed to Smile programme helps to establish good oral health habits in children by supervising brushing and fluoride programmes, funded by the Welsh government.


‘Dentists have welcomed leadership from the Welsh government on tackling our nation’s deep oral health inequalities in recent years,’ Katrina Clarke, chair of the BDA’s Welsh General Dental Practice Committee, said.
‘So we are both saddened and disappointed to see this pioneering oral health scheme has not made the cut for the new programme for the government. 
‘When it comes to combating tooth decay, Wales is setting an example that puts ministers in England to shame.
‘The Designed to Smile programme works, our children are already reaping the benefits, and we believe it offers firm foundations this government should build on.
‘We therefore cannot understand why even a passing reference failed to make it into this document. 
‘We are seeking reassurances that the Welsh government has no plans to part ways with an ambitious and successful initiative that all Wales can be proud of.
‘Ministers need to show commitment to a tried and tested formula, so the next generation of teenagers can really reap the benefits.

Canada - Time to rethink fluoridation issue

Tony Hall
The failure of the political push to re-introduce fluoride into Calgary tap water should renew pressure on Lethbridge City Council to terminate forced fluoridation here.
Recently Calgary City Council voted nine to five against a notice of motion that would have re-opened the fluoridation debate. The majority of city councillors did not buy the extravagant claims being pushed based on the findings of a very limited study of cavity rates in Calgary and Edmonton.
This welcome decision constitutes a strong re-affirmation of the continuing force of the vote that in 2011 saw 10 city councilors opt to remove hydrofluorosilicic acid from Calgary’s communal water supply. This result culminated a 20-year campaign led by schoolteacher Fay Ash. She fought forced fluoridation in Calgary since its introduction in 1991.
Ms. Ash brought many Albertans into an international network of research and activism that has identified the injection of a notorious industrial pollutant into tap water as a liability rather than an asset for public health. The effects of forced fluoridation have harmful impacts on brains, bones, kidneys and thyroids. As asserted by Dr. Hardy Limebeck when he was head of preventive dentistry at the University of Toronto, “it is illogical to assume that tooth enamel is the only tissue affected by low daily doses of fluoride ingestion.”
Fluoridation’s oral disfigurations have profited those dentists that have made lucrative businesses of cosmetically covering over the damage. Rather than pretending forced fluoridation is an insurance policy for disadvantaged youth, surely it’s time the privatized dental profession make an accommodation with Canada’s system of public health care.
Fay Ash was joined in her public health advocacy by Dr. James Beck, currently professor emeritus of medical biophysics at the University of Calgary. In the words of Lethbridge Herald reporter Nick Kuhl, Dr. Beck was “the principal witness for the committee that recommended Calgary City Council end fluoridation.”
A long-serving faculty member of the U of C’s medical school, Dr. Beck is a co-author of the 2010 book, “The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There.”
Drawing on their success in helping to end forced fluoridation in Calgary, Dr. Beck and Ms. Ash both spoke in Lethbridge in the spring of 2013. Looking back, Ms. Ash remembered a time when no city councillor attending any public gathering in Calgary could avoid the question, “When are you going to get the poison out of our water?”
In Lethbridge Ms. Ash asserted, “The major issue here is ethics. Medical ethics.” She referred to the forced fluoridation as “out-dated and unethical,” a formula for “disease and harm.” The front-page report in the Lethbridge Herald ran under the headline, “People should have a choice.”
This simple observation highlights that forced fluoridation imposes a controversial chemical into communal water supplies without the personal consent of those on the receiving end. Individuals are denied the right to choose what they ingest orally and also through their skin while bathing. Forced fluoridation makes no provision for case-by-case administration of a substance that many see with good reason as a dangerous toxin. Developing fetuses, babies and those that may have allergies to fluorine compounds all get the same treatment. How can public health officials justify the mass application of a medical procedure without any monitoring whatsoever of its specific effects on different individuals?
Dr. Beck’s contribution to the Lethbridge fluoride debate highlighted “safety, efficacy and ethics.” Most jurisdictions in Europe, he explained, do not impose forced fluoridation on their citizens. Nevertheless, national populations on both sides of the Atlantic show similar propensities. A survey of 18 countries, four of them fluoridated and 14 of them not, all showed decreasing numbers of cavities “at the same rateÉ there was no difference.”
The renowned practitioner, teacher and researcher of medicine in Alberta cited the results of many studies showing lower IQ rates in fluoridated children together with negative effects on thyroids, hip fractures, and reproductive health. “People do suffer because of these effects,” he said. Forced fluoridation “has got to be stopped.”
Dr. Beck emphasized the precautionary principle. The onus of proof lies with forced fluoridation’s proponents to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that adding hydrofluorosilicic acid to public drinking water has no harmful effects whatsoever. Dr. Beck asserted that this basic test has never been met.
In April 2011, Lethbridge City Council voted to retain water fluoridation by a margin of five to four. The decision to add the chemical to Lethbridge water goes back to a plebiscite in 1974. The vote just squeaked through with a plurality of one quarter of one per cent more than the required one-half of those that voting. Plebiscites in 1957, 1961 and 1967 all failed. Then a change in provincial law lowered the electoral bar to open the way for forced fluoridation.
When she spoke in 2013, Ms. Ash underlined the problematic nature of deciding public health issues by plebiscite. She was right. It is time that Lethbridge City Council simply follow the progressive lead shown by the Calgary municipal government.
There are a number of ways to make fluoridation available in many formats for those who want it. There is no real justification, however, to force fluoridation on those of us who have plenty of good reasons to see the addition of a toxic industrial byproduct into our communal water supply as a health hazard.
It’s not good enough to tell constituents to “just take fluoride out.” It is expensive and difficult to take fluoride out of drinking and bathing water. Its very easy to add it. This prolonged controversy must be brought to an end. We, the citizens of Lethbridge, all have a right to choose for ourselves.

It’s In The Water: The Debate Over Fluoridation Lives On

Filling glass of water from stainless steel kitchen faucet
Many people take for granted the addition of fluoride into public drinking water systems that aims to prevent tooth decay. It’s a seven-decade-old public health effort. But it’s not nearly as universally accepted as one might think.

At least seven cities or towns across the country debated it just this summer.For example, Wellington, Fla., decided to add fluoride back into the water in July after the city council voted two years ago to remove it. Across the country in Healdsburg, Calif., voters will revisit a ballot question in November regarding whether to stop adding the mineral to the water supply. “There has always been periodic discussion,” said Steven Levy, a dentistry professor at the University of Iowa. Levy is involved in an Iowa-based longitudinal study that tracks fluoride intake and its effects on children’s bones. “We are seeing more challenges now because of the communication explosion with the internet.”
The debate started well before 1945 when Grand Rapids, Mich., became the first U.S. city to add fluoride to its water supply. In the decades since, opposition usually stems from studies linking fluoride intake by children with lower IQs, higher rates of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and potential toxicity.

Still, fluoridation has become a fairly common practice, with about 74 percent of the population receiving fluoridated water from community water systems, according to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. But the intervention, which is considered by the CDC to be one of the 10 top public health achievements of the 20th century and backed by the American Dental Association and the World Health Organization, also continues to raise grass roots concerns. These arguments range from casting fluoride as unnecessary and ineffective to efforts to paint the mineral as “mass medication” and a “damaging environmental pollutant.”

“Fluoridation is not safe or cost-effective,” said Bill Osmunson, director of the Fluoride Action Network, a national organization against fluoridation of water supplies, adding that people should be given the freedom of choice so they can avoid ingesting excess fluoride.

In Wellington, Mayor Anne Gerwig often fields angry emails on this issue.............

Monday, September 26, 2016

Doug Cross's view on Syria's conflict

Water is life – but in Syria, it is also death.
Incidents of accidental contamination of public water supplies (the Camelford Poisoning) and deliberate contamination aimed at promoting health (fluoridation) attract controversy and even fury. But the targeting of water pumping stations, hospitals and medical facilities and supplies in Syria by Putin and al-Assad is different. These attacks are NOT separate random assaults on vulnerable targets, but part of a deliberate strategy to produce a lethal environment that will kill thousands of their opponents, and demoralise many of those who survive, even if only briefly.
This evil practice constitutes a new form of biological warfare, in which modern technology - aircarft able to deliver their missiles against 'soft' targets with unprecedented precision - are deployed to let loose biological agents that are already present but under control (marginally, perhaps) in the war zone. They may argue that this is not biological warfare, because they do not manufacture the deadly agents, nor deliver them in their missiles, but such wrangling is despicable. Their actions are in flagrant defiance of both the Geneva Convention and Article 1 of the Convention Prohibiting Biological Weapons. Spineless politicans wring their hands but remain silent, so for a less inhibited commentary, see Doug Cross' article on his web site, www.ukcaf.org


Fluoride 101 With Activist Ashley Jessica

NZ - Healthy Habits Aotearoa group to focus on positive solutions to health problems

Sara Cooper is a member of Healthy Habits Aotearoa, promoting health through reinforcing positive habits like brushing ...Sara Cooper is a member of Healthy Habits Aotearoa, promoting health through reinforcing positive habits like brushing teeth. Her son Will Cooper demonstrates his teeth brushing skills.

A grassroots organisation is forming in Nelson to combat the rising rates of tooth decay and obesity in children. 
Healthy Habits Aotearoa has been started by a group of people who believe that working with children to reinforce positive habits will help to address a range of health problems. 
Healthy Habits Aotearoa board chair Trevor Lawrence said that concerns over the potential water fluoridation in the region had sparked the group's formation.
The Fluoride Free Nelson group was evolving to become Healthy Habits Aotearoa as Lawrence said they wanted to be part of an effective solution to address the issue of tooth decay. Lawrence used to work as a psychotherapist and said as a grandparent, he now had more time on his hands. He said the Childsmile programme implemented in Scotland to combat rising rates of tooth decay was an example of how focusing on habits could improve health outcomes. 
Starting at pre-school age, children had supervised tooth brushing sessions and were given dental care packs to practice at home. There were also a range of preventative care interventions for children who were at increased risk of dental disease. Lawrence said the group were keen to recruit volunteers and implement some of the same techniques here. 
While Healthy Habits Aotearoa was still in its inception phase, one of the first initiatives would be to work with the breakfast club at Victory School to demonstrate tooth brushing and hand washing. The aim was then to expand out into other schools. "It's not about inventing the wheel, it's about working with what is already there," Lawrence said. "It's about being proactive and preventative."
Healthy Habits Aotearoa member Sara Cooper said a focus on educating children with health, hygiene, nutrition and fitness habits would not only improve rates of tooth decay, but it would also address other health issues like obesity and diabetes. 
With a background in fitness and exercise science, she said it was important that people took ownership for their health and she was keen to be part of a solution in the region. 
"There is a need to protect the water that flows into our homes, that will always be necessary," she said. "We also have a very real need for a solution to our vast array of health issues. 
Hampden Street School principal Don McLean said he thought that demonstrating tooth brushing in schools was a good idea. When he became principal at Hampden Street nine years ago, the school had a dental clinic, and the dental nurses used to do teeth brushing demonstrations for the students which had been very successful.
He said now the kids had to visit a centralised dental clinic with their parents they were no longer given the same assistance. 
"All our kids would benefit from learning how to brush their teeth properly because kids don't know how to do that, they don't have the dexterity when they are young enough to do it properly so they need to learn how to do it properly."
He said it was important to demonstrate to kids and send the message home but parents needed to be encouraged and reminded that they had a role to play too.
"At the end of the day it should be parents who say to their kids, go and brush your teeth before you go to bed."
Healthy Habits Aotearoa are holding an event, Hear the Solution and Vote 2016 on Friday September 30, 6pm at 107 Nile St, Nelson for those who want learn more about the organisation. 
 - Stuff

Toothpaste Makers Increase IQ Crushing Fluoride Dose

Study confirms that fluoride causes weight gain and depression

Water fluoridation(NaturalNews) The debate over water fluoridation goes back to the 1940s when communities began fluoridating water to prevent tooth decay. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the fluoridation of water was one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th century.

Fluoride is a natural mineral found in soil and water in varying amounts. It is believed to combat tooth decay and cavities by making enamel more resistant to bacteria. However, previous studies have shown that exposure to high levels of fluoride inhibits the production of iodine, which is crucial for a healthy thyroid.

It is for this reason that adding extra fluoride to water for the purpose of medical treatment has become a controversial topic of heated debate. For decades, fluoride has been forced upon us by governments who have spiked our drinking water to improve oral health. However, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that fluoride-spiked water may do more harm than good.

Is fluoridated water better for oral health or not?

This forced medicine has been shown to increase the risk of hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid. An underactive thyroid gland fails to produce enough hormones, which may result in extreme fatigue, aching muscles, obesity, memory loss and depression.

A study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health found that certain areas of England with fluoridated community water had increased rates of hypothyroidism. It was one of the largest studies to examine the adverse effects of elevated fluoride exposure.

The scientists discovered that areas with fluoridated water – such as the West Midlands and the North East of England – were 30 percent more likely to develop hypothyroidism than communities with low, natural levels of fluoride in their water. The scientists from the University of Kent warned that around 15,000 people in the U.K. could be suffering from preventable depression, fatigue, memory loss or weight gain.

"The difference between the West Midlands, which fluoridates, and Manchester, which doesn't was particularly striking. There were nearly double the number of cases in the West Midlands," lead author Professor Stephen Peckham of the Centre for Health Service Studies said.

He added that an underactive thyroid is a particularly nasty thing to have, and it can lead to other long-term health problems. Women in particular should be concerned, as they are 15 times more likely than men to develop the condition.

Professor Peckham further noted that councils need to reconsider putting fluoride in the water, and added that there are far better and safer ways to improve the dental health of citizens.

As the case against fluoride continues to grow, for your thyroid's sake, don't trust your water supply and filter your drinking water before use.

Nearly 70 percent of Americans at risk of fluoride poisoning

As reported by Holistic Dentistry, fluoride is added to approximately 10 percent of England's drinking water, while two-thirds of America's tap water is spiked with the chemical to prevent cavities.

In 2014, Public Health England released a report saying fluoride was a "safe and effective" way of improving dental health. Despite the fact that there is little evidence that communities with fluoridated water have fewer cavities than communities without, governments keep pushing this thyroid damaging chemical on us.

Holistic Dentistry added that the results of the study shouldn't be too surprising, given that fluoride was actually used in the 1950s to treat hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid. If fluoride can be used to ease an overactive thyroid gland, then it is only pure logic that too much of it can lead to an underactive gland.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Tasmania's fluoride source and cost is uncertain

Hayden Johnson

TASWATER has refused to reveal where Tasmania’s fluoride is sourced from after the Kentish Council raised concerns about it being obtained from China.
In February the Kentish Council wrote to TasWater chief executive officer Mike Brewster and questioned the source of fluoride used in Lake Barrington.
Mr Brewster confirmed an Australian supplier contracted to provide the chemical sourced it “from multiple locations around the world”.

This revelation raised the ire of Kentish councillor Rodney Blenkhorn, who claimed Tasmania’s fluoride was being sourced from China and could contain impurities. “A lot of these fluoride chemicals contain heavy metals,” he said.“It’s a waste product and the talk is, it contains contaminants.”
He raised the concerns about fluoride with Health Minister Michael Ferguson but was unhappy with his response. Cr Blenkhorn recalled: “I asked the question, what do you know about fluoride and where is our fluoride sourced from?” “He never got back with the information about where our fluoride chemical is sourced from – he didn’t answer the question.”

The Advocate put a serious of questions to TasWater about the cost and source of fluoride in the state’s water but the organisation did not answer, claiming the contract details were a matter of commercial confidence. “Strict supply agreements are in place for both suppliers to ensure the quality of the ingredients and the continuity of supply,” a TasWater spokesman added.

Cr Blenkhorn said fluoride should be sourced from Tasmania and called on the state government to allow councils to make fluoride-related decisions. “I’d like to see it head down the path like in Queensland where the Premier at the time gave the powers back to local government regarding the addition of fluoride in their town’s water supplies,” he said.

“People have shown overwhelming opposition to fluoride in Tasmania’s water supply.”
A legislative change driven by the Queensland Liberal Government in 2012 saw more than 16 councils end fluoridation of their water. Mr Ferguson failed to respond directly to Cr Blenkhorn’s calls but instead reaffirmed that he would continue to support water fluoridation.
“A number of international and national organisations support the addition of fluoridation of drinking water,” Mr Ferguson said.

Fluoride Journal

Open source - Quarterly Journal of The International Society for Fluoride Research Inc.

Can too much fluoride create a health risk? Read more at http://www.star2.com/living/viewpoints/2016/09/25/fluoride-friend-or-foe/#HACFdZZvLCSbFHmz.99

A man drinking water on a hot summer day in Brussels, Belgium. Belgium, along with countries like Austria, China, Denmark, Japan and Hungary, do not add fluoride to their water supply.
Can too much fluoride create a health risk?
There have been huge changes in the field of dentistry over the past 30 years.
My generation (born in the 1970s) is probably the first where a high percentage of those aged 40 and over still have all of their own original teeth.
Most people in my parents’ generation had partial dentures or metal braces by the age of 40, while most of my grandparents’ generation had complete sets of dentures from as young as 30 years old.
These false teeth were commonly referred to as a “28 set dinner service”, and were traditionally given as a wedding gift to the bride and groom by their parents on their special day.
Such a wedding gift would certainly be considered bizarre today, thanks to the progress in dental care.
This means that we are really the first generation of people to have to consider the implications of long-term oral hygiene on our own original teeth.
Hopefully, you have been flossing and brushing every night, and visiting the dentist twice a year for scaling and polishing!
While most of the changes in dentistry have resulted in great improvements in overall dental health, there have also been challenges and controversies.
For example, the FDI World Dental Federation has for years, stood by two laws of practice:
• Fluoride is the best way to protect teeth from cavities, and
• Silver amalgam fillings containing mercury are the safest and most effective way to fill cavities.
Unfortunately, both fluoride and mercury have recently made medical journal The Lancet’s list of toxic substances that are harmful to human health.
While some dentists have changed their practices in the light of these developments, there are others who still hold firm to their belief in the safety and benefits of these two laws of practice.
What is fluoride?
Fluoride is a naturally-occurring substance that is found in drinking water.
Many observant dentists over the years noticed and documented the beneficial effects of fluoridated drinking water, and some even worked out the optimum levels in parts per million (ppm) for preventing cavities.
One such dentist was Dr H.T. Dean, whose 21 city study, published in 1942, showed that fluorosis was extremely rare at fluoride levels of 1ppm or below, which was also the optimum baseline for cavity prevention.
Based on this, the American town of Grand Rapids, Michigan, became the first in the world to have their drinking water artificially fluoridated on Jan 25, 1945.
In 1955, the British Department of Health followed by selecting three sites for pilot fluoridation schemes.
Their huge success in reducing cavities inspired other cities to follow by fluoridating their own water systems.
Currently, some 40 countries have artificial water fluoridation schemes in existence, including Malaysia.
This global initiative was proven to be so effective that in the early 1970s, fluoride was added to toothpaste. This move is thought to have been a major contributor to the fall in tooth decay rates experienced in developed countries in the past three decades.
The problems with fluoride
However, fluoride is cumulative and the body can’t remove or detoxify it.
This becomes a problem, especially for the brain and neurological development of young children.
It’s in the water we drink, the toothpaste we use daily and the processed foods we eat, meaning that so many of us are consuming dangerously higher levels than the recommended 1ppm by Dr Dean.
Added to these complications is the fact that artificially adding sodium fluoride to water has a vastly different effect on the body than drinking the naturally-occurring levels of calcium fluoride found in well water.
There is evidence to suggest that fluoride is:
• Carcinogenic
Dr Dean Burk, who was the United States National Cancer Institute chief of cytochemistry for over 30 years, received multiple research papers showing that fluoride increases the cancer death rate.
When comparing the 10 largest US cities with fluoridation and the 10 largest without, researchers found that following fluoridation, deaths from cancer went up immediately. The shift in numbers was dramatic, even within just a 12-month period.
• Neurotoxic
A February 2014 study in the journal Environmental Health stated: “A multivariate regression analysis showed that after socioeconomic status was controlled, each 1% increase in artificial fluoridation prevalence in 1992 was associated with approximately 67,000 to 131,000 additional ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) diagnoses from 2003 to 2011.”
• Disruptive to the endocrine system
The first report suggesting the negative effects of fluoride on the hormonal or endocrine system dates back over 160 years ago (Maumené, 1854).
Since then, there have been multiple research papers done on the impact of fluoride on the thyroid and pineal gland.
Calcification of the pineal gland is undoubtedly one of the most talked about and researched problems associated with fluoride.
Fluoride accumulates there more than in any other organ and leads to the formation of phosphate crystals that inhibit melatonin production.
Melatonin is a natural antioxidant, which also regulates our sleep patterns.
Hence, a calcified pineal gland leads to insomnia and other sleep-related disorders that greatly affect out mental and physical health.
Detoxifying fluoride
Here are a few tips on how to detoxify fluoride from your body:
• Reduce the fluoride entering your body
Stop consuming fluoridated public water.
Most filtering systems use simple carbon filtration methods that ineffectively filter fluoride from public/tap water.
Reverse osmosis and ionizer filters do remove more fluoride than common carbon filters, but not all of it.
It is best to stop brushing teeth with fluoridated toothpaste.
Even using the recommended pea-size amount is problematic as small amounts of sodium fluoride will end up getting into your bloodstream, even though you spit out the toothpaste.....................................

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Mike Adams - Hexavalent chromium (chromium-6) was just found in 75% of drinking water... the mass chemical suicide of America is under way

America's infrastructure collapsing into Third World status

As Donald Trump said recently at a rally in Michigan, we used to make cars in Flint and you couldn't drink the water in Mexico. Now the cars are being made in Mexico, and you can't drink the water in Flint. Nor can you safely drink public water almost anywhere in America, as it's almost universally contaminated with chromium-6, heavy metals or other toxic chemicals.

This doesn't even cover the deliberate poisoning of public water systems with fluoride, a neurotoxic chemical purchased in bulk from Chinese chemical plants (or sometimes acquired as a waste product from fertilizer manufacturing factories). Fluoride is dumped into public water supplies under the quack science claim that every person in the nation is deficient in fluoride -- a blatantly false and highly irresponsible claim. In reality, many children suffer from fluorosis, a dark mottling and discoloration of the teeth caused by too much exposure to toxic fluoride.

Avoid fluoride. A highly toxic metal, fluoride accumulates in certain areas of the brain (the pineal gland and hippocampus) and has been shown to significantly lower IQ and interfere with memory and complex brain functions. Studies have shown that even concentrations of 0.5 parts per million (ppm) can damage cells and microvessels in the brain. Yet, 60 percent of our public drinking water is fluorinated at higher levels of 1 to 1.3 ppm. - Dr. Blaylock's Prescriptions for Natural Health - 70 Remedies for Common Conditions by Russell L. Blaylock

What's astonishing in all this is just how quickly America's infrastructure is collapsing into "Third World" status under the rule of a corrupt political establishment. The education system has become nothing more than a propaganda indoctrination system; the food supply is inundated with unlabeled GMOs and toxic herbicides like glyphosate; and now the water is too toxic to drink almost everywhere.

California, a corrupt regime run by incompetent communists and "progressive" idiots, went right along with the toxic chemical industry to allow an astonishing 500 times higher levels of chromium-6 than what's known to be safe.

Chinese Suppliers Admit Fluoride is Poison

UK - Just four in ten children have seen an NHS dentist in last years

Child having teeth examined Professor Nigel Hunt, dean of the faculty of dental surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons, said: "There is nothing to smile about in these woeful statistics.

"With the average five-year-old now eating their own weight in sugar each year, it is alarming that 42.1 per cent of children failed to visit an NHS dentist at all in the last year.

"It is appalling that in the 21st century, tooth decay remains the most common reason why children aged five to nine are admitted to hospital. In some cases, these children undergo multiple tooth extractions under general anaesthetic - despite the fact that tooth decay is almost entirely preventable.

Izzi Seccombe, from the Local Government Association, said the figures were “deeply worrying”.

"Regular dentist trips can ensure tooth decay is tackled at an early stage, and avoid the need for far more invasive treatment in hospital later on,” she said.

The statistics reflect visits to NHS dentists. Experts pointed out that in some areas- such as Kensington and Chelsea – low numbers of visits to NHS dentists might be because families were more likely to pay for treatment.

Extractions were most common in South Tyneside and least common in Richmond upon Thames. The data also shows a 20 per cent rise in a year in fluoride varnish treatments for children. This is when a varnish is painted on to the teeth to strengthen the enamel, making it resistant to decay.

Henrik Overgaard-Nielsen, from the British Dental Association said: "When half of adults - and nearly five million children - fail to see the dentist, ministers have some very serious questions to answer.

"This isn't patient apathy, this is what you get when governments treat oral health as an optional extra. Effective prevention is impossible without regular check-ups, and to date ministers have been unwilling to get that message across."

Dr Sandra White, Director of Dental Public Health, Public Health England, said: “Tooth decay is a largely preventable disease that can lead to dental problems throughout life. For children, tooth decay can cause pain, problems with sleep, days off school and problems eating and socialising. Treatment can involve having teeth removed under general anaesthetic.

"Parents and carers can help reduce dental decay by reducing the amount of sugary foods and drinks in their children’s diet and offering just milk and water to drink. Parents should supervise young children and encourage older children to brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day, especially before bed, and take them to the dentist regularly.”