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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, February 28, 2013

UK - Questions in the Lords

Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley

To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Earl Howe on 16 January (WA 127) about the merits of policies to improve children's dental health, how, in weighing the balance of advantage in water fluoridation, they assess the opposition of many of those who receive it. [HL5614]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Earl Howe): We have addressed this issue in the regulations we have laid on the public consultations that local authorities will have to undertake on fluoridation proposals. In response to representations we received to our consultation on the content of the regulations, we have decided that the overarching consideration should no longer be that, "the health arguments in favour of proceeding with the proposal outweigh all arguments against proceeding". We consider a wider range of factors should be taken into account including the extent of the support for the proposals, the strength of any scientific evidence or ethical arguments advanced and any evidence of benefit to the health and wellbeing of individuals who would be affected by the proposal.

That could mean their preselected peer reviewed evidence again outweighs the democratic vote and the ethical arguments that the under privileged kiddies dental health is paramount. The ethical argument that it is wrong to force people to drink it could be ignored.

Ireland - The Fluoridation of Water Supplies

Australia - To fluoride or not to fluoride: the water treatment question

Nine Queensland councils have stopped water fluoridation with more considering a similar move, as a war of information is waged between health authorities and anti-fluoride groups.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Understanding Your Water Quality Report - Fluoride in Water

USA - McKinney councilman seeks halt to fluoridation

Monday, February 25, 2013

USA - More than half of 3rd graders in Minnesota have cavities

Report: More than half of 3rd graders in Minnesota have cavities
Minnesota's first comprehensive oral health plan includes new information that while tooth decay is nearly 100 percent preventable, it is still one of Minnesota's most common chronic childhood diseases, with 55 percent of third graders surveyed in 2010 experiencing tooth decay.Minnesota's first comprehensive oral health plan includes new information that while tooth decay is nearly 100 percent preventable, it is still one of Minnesota's most common chronic childhood diseases, with 55 percent of third graders surveyed in 2010 experiencing tooth decay. This compares to the national rate of 53 percent for children six to eight years old........

99% of Minnesota is fluoridated

Australia - Mackay's water supply has been fluoride-free since July

Australia - Cloncurry opts out of water fluoridation

Cloncurry opts out of water fluoridation
By Kate Stephens
The Cloncurry Shire Council says health and cost issues played a major role in its decision to abandon plans to fluoridate the water supply.
Mayor Andrew Daniels says councillors were very strongly against fluoridation.
He says they decided the benefit for dental health was not great enough to justify the large cost involved.
"We've done a hell of lot in the last five or six years to put our well-earned, hard-earned money into the right places and I think it's just as easy for someone to buy toothpaste as it is, you know it's a lot easier to do that than a fluoride pumping station," he said.
"The councillors were very strong about no fluoride.............

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Peanut oil in vaccines behind widespread peanut allergy

More than one million children living in America today suffer from peanut allergy, and a significant percentage of these have such severe symptoms that they must carry around self-injectable epinephrine just in case they accidentally become exposed to the food. According to available records; however, virtually nobody had peanut allergy prior to 1900 despite the fact that people have been eating peanuts for ages, which begs the question, why do so many people have peanut allergy today, and from where did this potentially-deadly allergic condition emerge?
In his book The Doctor Within, Dr. Tim O’Shea argues that vaccines are largely responsible for both the advent and increased prevalence of peanut allergy, noting that many vaccines and even antibiotic drugs contain excipients derived from peanut oil. Since it is a relatively inexpensive oil to produce, refined peanut oil became widely adopted as an excipient of choice in the production of vaccines during the 1960s, and it is still widely used today for this purpose....

Fraser Coast Council in Australia Votes To Remove Fluoride From Town

Saturday: Another Group Joins Flouridation Struggle
Story Published: Feb 23, 2013 at 8:03 PM EST
Story Updated: Feb 23, 2013 at 8:03 PM EST
The great fluoride debate isn't likely to end anytime soon.
A second group of fluoride opponents has surfaced in Watertown. Mothers Against Fluoride seeks to have the city stop adding fluoride to the water supply, something that's been done since 1962......

Saturday, February 23, 2013

UK - Daily Echo letter

Fluoridated water

Jesse Ventura: "It Was The Nazis That First Put Fluoride Into Water!"

There is no proof of this according to Prof Paul Connett but I'm sure they would have have used it if they had known. Come to think about it I wonder if they put bromide in my tea when I did National Service. Like that joke on TV when Ronnie Corbett tells Ronnie Barker he said it is beginning to work.

USA - Clean Water Portland - Vote NO to Drinking Fluoride!

Friday, February 22, 2013

NZ - The Case Against Fluoride

The Case Against Fluoride
Professor talks about city's water supply
Chris Hillock/FAIRFAX NZ
Dr Paul Connett is in Hamilton to talk about fluoride in the city's water supply.

USA - Bill dealing with fluoridation causing some waves

Bill dealing with fluoridation causing some waves
Health » Davis lawmaker gets bill through House but Senate proving more difficult.
By Kelsey Koenen | The Salt Lake Tribune

Rep. Roger Barrus, R-Centerville, wants to ensure that Utah communities with fluoridated water know precisely what’s in the water.....

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Investigators - Series 1 - Episode 1 - Cancer

All about treating cancer giving longer healthier lives while living with cancer. More money needed. One in three to get it. But isn't it better to live a healthier life style so that you don't get it in the first place. Better diet for a start, no smoking or excessive drinking and adopt a belief that is positive. Practise the law of attraction.

Australia - Council slammed for removing fluoride

Council slammed for removing fluoride
The decision by another Queensland council to remove fluoride from its drinking water has been slammed by federal Health Minister Tanya Plibersek.
Fraser Coast is the sixth council in Queensland to make the controversial decision.
Ms Plibersek has challenged Premier Campbell Newman to take control back from regional councils.
"This will mean people will have unnecessary fillings and extractions of teeth down the track," she said.
She said if Mr Newman really did believe in the science behind fluoride, his actions in allowing local councils to decide the matter were bizarre.
"He's allowed councils to take this incredibly irresponsible action. He should act and show some leadership as premier."
In the past Mr Newman has said he "totally, unequivocally" supports fluoridation.

But some members of his Liberal National Party government clearly believe that fluoride is a health risk.
Government MP Jason Woodforth last week said he'd rather spend the rest of his life taking the banned performance-enhancing substance IGF-1 than drink fluoridated water.
Fraser Coast Mayor Gerard O'Connell criticised his council for voting on Wednesday to remove fluoride from the water, saying the issue should be decided by the state government.
He supports fluoridating water, citing the overwhelming amount of medical and scientific evidence that it's a safe and sustainable way to reduce tooth decay among the population.
"I voted not to cease fluoridation. I've been defeated," Mr O'Connell said.
Councils which have removed fluoride:

Tablelands Dec 20
South Burnett Jan 16
Cairns Jan 30
Burdekin Feb 12
Bundaberg Feb 16
Fraser Coast Feb 20

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

5000% More Fluoride in Toothpaste than Fluoridated Water

USA - Criteria for substances added to public drinking water

Water additive bill going before Senate committee Wednesday

Tuesday, February 19, 2013
LITTLE ROCK -- Arkansas Senate Bill 255, sponsored by state Sen. Bryan King, R-Green Forest, is scheduled to be debated Wednesday by the Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee.
The bill was filed on Feb. 6 and read twice that day.
The bill, known as the Water Additive Accountability Act, establishes criteria for substances added to public drinking water that are not required to make it potable. It puts the onus on water operators to ensure that any substance, such as fluoride, added to drinking water can be traced to its country of origin and is proven to be free of contaminants.
The bill follows a long controversy in the state over adding fluoride to public water systems. In 2011, Gov. Mike Beebe signed Act 197 into law, requiring it be added to those systems serving 5,000 or more people. The Act mandates that startup costs not come from taxes or water fees, but from private sources...

Ireland - Poots should heed warning over fluoride

Poots should heed warning over fluoride

FAIR play to S McMurray (Write Back, February 18) for focusing attention on the risk of adding to tap water hydrofluorosilicic acid – a product that is not medically licensed, nor a permitted food-additive in the EU.
Only public health backwaters, like the Irish Republic, tolerate such wholesale regulatory infringement.
And as for Edwin Poots' declared intention to add this illicit substance to the food chain, why did he not heed the warning of the World Health Organisation: "Dental and public health administrators should be aware of the total fluoride exposure in the population before introducing any additional fluoride programme for caries prevention." (Fluorides and Oral Health, WHO, 1994)?
I believe it is because he would find that people, even in unfluoridated areas, are already over-burdened with fluoride, as revealed by the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (2003).
Whatever about a media blackout north of the border, down here in the south neither the national broadcaster, nor the mainstream print media, inform people about this discredited practice.
Ireland Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ireland - The Girl Against Fluoride

Human beings are getting dumber

Human beings are getting dumber
by: By Lucy Kippist
February 19, 2013 3:17PM
Modern life making us dumb
Instincts and emotional stability out of whack

.........Our over-processed diet is not doing us any favours, either. British researchers recently discovered that a steady intake of foods high in fructose can quickly reduce IQ. Pesticides and fluoride found in water supply are also said to have a negative impact on brain development.

But all is not lost. Dr Crabtree argues that our superior education and progress means we'll have figured out how to overcome these weaknesses in another 300 years or so.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Ireland - What the hell is in my water?

<iframe width="440" height="248" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/n9un4DkOrcQ?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Tooth decay bacteria evolved as diet changed

No laughing matter: bacteria that causes dental disease became more frequent with the introduction of farming, and even more so after the Industrial Revolution (iStockphoto: crossbrain66)
No laughing matter: bacteria that causes dental disease became more frequent with the introduction of farming, and even more so after the Industrial Revolution (iStockphoto: crossbrain66)
Mesolithic hunter-gatherers living on a meat-dominated, grain-free diet had much healthier mouths that we have today, with almost no cavities and gum disease-associated bacteria, a genetic study of ancient dental plaque has revealed.......

Queensland Australia - Speak out on fluoride

Speak out on fluoride
Feb. 18, 2013, 1 p.m.
IF you want to know what happens to a nation that fluoridates its population for a long period, you need look no further than the US where fluoridation started. For the latest information, Google "fluoridegate".
You have been misinformed about the benefits of ingested fluoride.
Fluoride's action is topical and should not be swallowed.
The American Dental Association, in November 2006 stated: "Baby formula made up with fluoridated water is no longer considered safe."
Not one word from the Australian Dental Association, which aggressively promotes fluoridation.
What can you do about this? Write to your politicians state, federal and local councillors and voice your opinion and concerns.

Bill Snoddy, Cleveland

Norther Ireland - Fluoride is the real danger in food and drink

Fluoride is the real danger in food and drink
18 FEBRUARY 2013
IT is amazing newspapers are outraged by the fact that there is horse meat in so many meat products when Edwin Poots, Health Minister, is planning to put fluoride into our water and not one newspaper will print the story.
There is concern at the slight chance of 'bute' – a cancer-causing drug – being present in horse meat. Yet the fact hydrofluorosilicic acid, the form in which fluoride will be added to our water, is a hazardous waste containing arsenic, lead, mercury and uranium and has been proved to cause cancer, osteoporosis, arthritis, thyroid problems and lowers your IQ, does not warrant a column-centimetre.
Never mind horse meat – eventually all burgers made from meat here will have toxic waste in them.
And it won't just be burgers: every drink of water and bite of produce grown in the country will be poisoning you, too.
Where is the media outrage over the mass-medication of the population against their will?
Is it acceptable, because it is the Government doing this, rather than industry? Why does there appear to be a self-imposed media blackout on this issue?
Association for Protection of Family Health
Newtownabbey, Co Antrim

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Queensland council fights adding fluoride to water supply

Bundaberg Regional Council is refusing to fluoridate the town’s drinking water, going against a 2008 decision by the Queensland Government designed to improve the state’s dental health.

Click to go to see video about Australia's Queensland attempt to keep fluoridation out of their water. Wish our lot were as astute and fearless as these citizens.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Fluoridated yet still lots of youngsters have cavities!

Children set to be targeted in a bid to boost dental health

A DENTIST from Solihull, is offering special children's clinics after having to treat "lots" of local youngsters for fillings before they even have adult teeth.
Satinder and Joanna Kelley, owners of Dickens Heath surgery, Heath Dental, said childhood cavities were such an issue, they were now offering foaming fluoride treatment Flairesse, to help repair cavities in youngsters' pearly whites.
They also offer a dedicated child's clinic, with face painting, films and an education corner, as well as using the latest technology, to help reduce pain and fear.
"If we can teach them at a young age, they are more likely to keep good dental habits for life," said Satinder.
"It tends to be the older generations that have phobias......

The whole of Solihull is fluoridated.
Map of fluoridated area in UK

nyscof Comment from USA
02/15/2013 01:47 PM
Infant formula should not be routinely mixed with fluoridated water to avoid the risk of baby developing dental fluorosis (fluoride-discolored teeth)
Fluoridation Opposition is Scientific, Respectable & Growing
More than 4,293professionals (including 343 dentists and 538 MD’s) urge that fluoridation be stopped because fluoridation is ineffective and harmful. See statement: http://www.fluoridealert.org/researchers/professionals-statement/text/
In 2006, a National Research Council expert panel published a fluoride report which revealed that fluoride, even at low doses added to water supplies, can be especially harmful to the thyroid gland, kidney patients, babies, seniors and people who drink high amounts of water. They also revealed critical fluoride safety studies have never been done and studies linking fluoride to cancer and lower IQ are plausible.
Thirty-six human studies now link fluoride to lowered IQ, some at levels considered safe in the US. See: http://www.fluoridealert.org/articles/iq-facts/
After 68 years of water fluoridation, the Centers for Disease Control reports that up to 60% of 12-15 year-olds are affected with fluoride overdose symptoms – dental fluorosis, white spotted, yellow, brown and/or pitted teeth. Yet, the CDC says More young kids face cavity crisis in US
Tooth decay crises are occurring in all fluoridated cities and states because Americans can’t afford dental care. New dental professionals are being created. New dental schools opened, dental expenditures have gone up substantially and tooth decay has become big business. Fluoridated toothpaste, alone is a multi-billion dollar international market.
New Hampshire passed first ever state-wide fluoride warning law that 6-month-olds should not be routinely fed infant formula mixed with fluoridated water to avoid dental fluorosis.

UK - Daily Echo letter

Friday, February 15, 2013

Six UK water firms paying zero tax

'British water companies are evading millions of pounds in tax by the fraudulent method of getting loans from their owners abroad and listing themselves as under debt.

Following a public outcry over billions of pounds of corporate tax avoidance in Britain, involving names such as Google and Starbucks, research group Corporate Watch said that six British water companies have taken out high-interest loans from their owners through the Channel Islands stock exchange so that they could dodge tax using a legal loophole that reduces taxable profits in proportion to interest payments abroad.

That means their owners get fully untaxed profits from Britain by pretending that their subsidiaries in the country are under debt.'

Transformation Dental Partners Launch Ground Breaking Cavity Prevention Program that Can Lower Tooth Decay Rates by 74%

Tooth decay is the number one chronic disease affecting American youth. In response to this crisis Dr. Milos M. Boskovic of Tustin California is launching a proven program that will slash decay rates by 74%.

Number one chronic disease, surely not, America is mainly fluoridated?

Scientifically nuanced fluoride decision not for laymen?

Scientifically nuanced fluoride decision not for laymen
Comments (16) » 15th Feb 2013 11:07 AM
EDITORIAL: The sheer volume of mail received by this office on the topic of fluoride shows the matter is a grave concern to a vocal segment of our community.
In the past two weeks alone, we have received numerous letters, emails and phone calls about the chemical's addition to our water supply - on both sides of the debate.
We also have at least three copies of Christopher Bryson's The Fluoride Deception sent in by readers who are keen to convince this paper's editorial staff that fluoride is nothing more than a poison.
Under pressure from readers, I have read the book, and it is indeed riveting.
It reads like a whodunnit, with conspiracies and government cover-ups galore.
It harks back to a Cold War era of paranoia - a fitting analogy considering the book points the finger squarely at the US government, the military and public health officials - even tying in the scare factor of the atom bomb.
In the edition I read, at least a third of the book was taken up with footnotes, so it's well-researched to say the least.
By the last page, I must admit that I was still not convinced that the fluoride that is put in our water is the enemy it's made out to be.
For all the evidence quotes, there is a lot more that has not been included, because it is not favourable to the author's conclusion.
Isn't that the case in most scientific studies?
But I have realised one important thing from reading this book.
Namely, that it is nothing short of ludicrous for an issue so contentious, and scientifically nuanced as fluoride, to be decided by a local government council - laymen in regards to such chemicals and their effect on public health.


PaulH580755638597217148174380 from Australia
"Scientifically nuanced fluoride decision not for laymen" ... but then fourteen Nobel Prize laureates in Chemistry and Medicine are on record as opposing fluoridation, which constitute excellent grounds for any layperson to make a decision based on the best science has to offer.
This should be enough, in a sane world, to have fluoridation banned for ever and ever ... Amen.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fluoride Girl Aisling Fitzgibbon public meeting, Cornacopia, Restaurant, W

Portland Fluoride Facts vs. Fiction

The pro fluoridation lobby must be running scared to launch this attack - Who would you trust?

Australia - Burdekin council votes down fluoridation

Burdekin council votes down fluoridation
By Jessica Nairn
Posted 7 hours 36 minutes ago
The Burdekin Shire Council has become the latest council to vote against fluoridating its water supply.
Last year, the Queensland Government changed laws to give councils the option not to fluoridate local supplies.
Yesterday, Burdekin councillors voted four to three not to start the practice.....

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

USA - CT Senator Markley: Repealing Mandatory Water Fluoridation

Good man.

Australia - Fluoride in drinking water worse than performance drug, says Nudgee MP Jason Woodforth

A NEWMAN Government MP says he would rather spend the rest of his life taking a banned performance-enhancing substance than drink fluoridated water.
Nudgee MP Jason Woodforth made the statement after The Courier-Mail raised the fact his bodybuilding supplement store sold a protein powder with an ingredient that is banned by sports anti-doping authorities and linked to heart, lung and liver damage.
BodiZone at Geebung stocks Body Ripped Superior Protein System, which contains growth factor 1 (IGF-1).
IGF-1, which is sold legally, is named in an Australian Crime Commission report as a substance athletes take to grow muscle and mask doping test results. The hormone is listed as an ingredient of Body Ripped by both the wholesaler and BodiZone on their websites, but is not mentioned on the product label.
Mr Woodforth agreed buyers should be told of any IGF-1 content on the label but he backed claims from the product's wholesaler that the concentration was small enough to have ``no metabolic effect''.
He claimed the health risks of peptides and hormones, which are at the centre of a national sports doping scandal, paled beside fluoride, a "toxic waste chemical''.
"If you gave me the choice of taking IGF-1 or fluoride for the rest of my life, I tell you which one I'd take right now,'' he said.
The Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority warns that "non-therapeutic use'' of IGF-1, which is banned for athletes in and out of competition, can raise the risk of "cardiovascular disease, liver damage and hypoglycaemia''.
Queensland's chief health officer has accused Mr Woodforth of "scaremongering'' on fluoride.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Ireland - Declan Waugh on Water Fluoridation PART 1

USA - Is Durham Water Management Division Preparing Pro-Fluoride Propaganda?

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/OIbYYqm_Ktw?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Australia - Council claims it could cost $50m to take out fluoride

Redland Water and Waste general manager Gary Soutar said the whopping cost included a $45 million estimate to build a "reverse osmosis plant" on Heinemann Road, Redland Bay, to remove fluoride.Once built, the council would also be up for ongoing charges and would have to pay Seqwater to maintain and operate the plant.
Added to those costs would be an extra $7.5 million to "decommission" Seqwater's five fluoride administering plants operating within Redland city............

 $7.5 million to "decommission"?

USA - Fluoride. Studies Show Frightening Results!

The Critical Thinker

My name is Kristan T. Harris. I have run for political office and have worked a political grass roots campaign for Ron Paul. I was nominated and elected to the GOP platform committee in 2012. I am a huge advocate for liberty and freedom.I am a libertarian at heart. I am also a news junkie and love a good mystery.

Fluoride. Studies Show Frightening Results! Get Involved Locally! There Is Poison In The Tap Water! Updated!

I want to tell a little story on how we got here. That is fluoride in our drinking water. I thought it was more recent that we discovered the bad affects on humans. I found this not to be true. My grandfather Thomas Harris sat on the Ontonagon City Council In Michigan and fought relentlessly to keep both Fluoride & Hi-Fructose Corn Syrup out of food and water for years in the 60's. So what happened? Over years people of the older public servant generation retired and where replaced by lobbyist funded politicians who where fed slighted facts to justify these uses. The medical feild adopted these tactics and adobted these slighted benifets. For generations to come lobbyists have propped false propaganda and are basically poisoning us knowingly. 
Another odd belief my grandfather had was to not trust the medical field. I believe some of this to be handed down bias as most medicine men back in the late 1800's would sell bogus medicine. So has much changed? Studies are starting to come out that many vaccines do not help at all. Isnt that the same as  the 1800's? As the CDC just came out and admitted Flu shot does not work. You can read it for yourself here. CDC admits to flu vaccine's ineffectiveness as huge influx of flu victims fills hospitals across the country.
In recent news not covered by the general media is this fantastic article on fluoride. Fluoride recently has been linked to lowering childrens I.Q  and causing thyroid problems among a large list. We should be outraged that this information is readily available at our fingertips and yet government rubber stamp scientists and lobbyists seem to have us all thinking its ok to take our daily dose of poison...................

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Rainey

By Dr. Mercola

It’s very difficult to achieve high-level physical health if your dental health isn’t effectively addressed. I’ve been involved with alternatives to regular dentistry for quite some time. I think many people fail to appreciate how important dentistry is to our total health.
Most tend to separate these two components, but both need to be considered as working in tandem.
Contrary to conventional dentistry, minimally invasive dentistry, like biological dentistry, is not about “drilling and filling;” creating an endless loop of revisits and retreating the same tooth again and again.
Instead, by using dietary prevention to create a healthy cavity-fighting bioflora in your mouth; dental prophylaxis such as brushing and irrigating with baking soda, and oil pulling; combined with minimally invasive restorations starting as early as possible, you can prevent about 80 percent of future dental problems.

Saturday, February 09, 2013

FLUORIDE Reduces IQ Huffington Post Special Report

Don't suppose Prof Newton, Dr Jeyanthi John or Dr Mortimer in Southampton UK would take note - didn't think so.

Fluoride is good for the SHEEPLE ??! Watch this AND SHOW THE SHEEPLE

Old video but worth seeing again.

Justin Trudeau: Fluoride/Bilderberg/Bank of Canada Are Conspiracy Theories (round 2)

Friday, February 08, 2013

USA - Raleigh City Council 2013Feb 5 Marcus, Katie, Fluoride, 2nd Amendment

Published on 7 Feb 2013
Marcus Hill reissues the order to cease and desist the addition of hazardous toxic waste products to the water supply. The order has twice been issued to the Raleigh City Council. Marcus also asks the Council to preserve and defend the Constitution and the right to keep and bear arms. He presents a drafted resolution for consideration.
Katie Haberman encourages the Council to end the practice of adding toxic waste to the water. Katie cites dozens of U.S. cities that have done so in the past 2 years. She also asks City Attorney McCormick for documentation of the resolution granting the Council the ability to add persistent bioaccumulative toxins to the water, again.

NZ - Fluoride showdown thwarted

The Bay's health boss is being criticised for refusing to take part in a public debate on the pros and cons of adding fluoride to the Hastings water supply.
International toxicologist and expert on fluoridation Paul Connett will be in Hawke's Bay this month to talk at public meetings about his research into fluoride.
He's been invited by Fluoride Free Hastings which is campaigning to remove use of the chemical leading up to a referendum on the matter in October. The group had invited the district health board's chief executive Kevin Snee to take part in a debate with Dr Connett.
Mr Snee, in a letter to the group's spokeswoman Angela Hair, declined the offer and said the debate would not provide any additional information to help better inform people before they make a decision on how to vote at the referendum.

"We strongly believe a debate with Mr Connett will minimise the importance of the issue and the need for clear scientific facts and focus, instead, on a theatre-style debate which will further propagate myths and unscientific reasoning."...............

Thursday, February 07, 2013

USA - Raleigh NC Violates State and Federal Drug Laws by Practicing Medicine wi

Published on 6 Feb 2013

According to [FD&C Act, sec. 201(g)(1)] the Food and Drug Administration defines a drug as: "articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease" and "articles (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals"

Since the City of Raleigh's official position on public water fluoridation is that it is introduced to the water supply to prevent dental cavities (source), they are admitting openly to adding a medically intended drug directly into the water supply -without medical license -without prescription -- and therefore are in violation of their own state medical laws by practicing medicine without a license. The water department is not our doctor.

Katie Haberman calls on Raleigh City Council join the 21st century and End

USA - Graham wants to remove fluoride from drinking water

Graham wants to remove fluoride from drinking water
By Jay Ashley / Times-News
Published: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at 15:33 PM.
GRAHAM — If Mebane follows the lead of Graham, drinking water both municipalities draw upon will no longer be fluoridated.

Graham’s city council voted unanimously Tuesday night to discontinue adding fluoride to the Graham-Mebane Lake water supply, contingent on their partner-city’s action.
The decision came after the council heard a presentation from its utilities director, Victor Quick, who presented an argument for discontinuing the addition of the chemical to the water supply.
“Back in the 1970s, it was a selling point,” Quick said. Fluoride has been a topic of controversy since the 1940s. In the 1950s and 1960s, it was also linked to communist plots to undermine public health through its introduction into the water supply.
Today, Quick said, fluoride is being linked to some cancers and other health ills, “according to the research you believe.” Although fluoride is not mandated for use, Quick said many cities in the U.S. use it and some are beginning to question its need.
“Today we have so many products for dental care with fluoride in it,” he said. While “I don’t know the answer,” Quick said he has done some research and talked with other professionals in the field of water treatment and believes the time has come to discontinue its use. He said fluoride is “one of the most dangerous products” used at the water treatment plant. Workers wear special suits and masks when dealing with the product.
Mayor Jerry Peterman said he has seen the chemical room at the plant and fluoride “eats stainless steel.” Quick said it also “etches glass.” Quick said fluoride is a by-product of the fertilizer industry....

Swapping the butter for margarine 'may be bad for your health'.

Swapping the butter for margarine 'may be bad for your health'.
U.S. scientists claim polyunsaturated fat 'doubles heart risk'
Men who eat margarine over butter could be more prone to heart disease
Findings come from new analysis of study done four decades ago

Eating margarine instead of butter may not be good for you after all, scientists have warned.
For the past 50 years, we have been advised to reduce our intake of saturated animal fats, and eat more of the polyunsaturated vegetable fats found in margarine.
But now scientists in the US claim to have turned that conventional wisdom on its head, with a new analysis of a study carried out between 1966 and 1973. Some of the data had been missing for decades.
The study, conducted in Sydney, followed 458 men aged 30 to 59 who had recently had a heart attack or suffered from angina...

One day they will have to admit they are wrong about fluoridation it is not safe or effective.

Daily Echo letter

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

USA - Salina group wants fluoride out of water

By Samantha Anderson
4:53 p.m. CST, February 5, 2013
Water. Your mom said to drink it growing up, your coaches told you to drink it after practice, and your doctor says to drink plenty of it. But Salina Cares worries that its city's water may actually be bad for people's health.
"Right now, our focus is on keeping flouride out of the water supply for two reasons," member John Boesen said. "One because its unsafe and ineffective and two because so much of it is wasted that it's damaging the environment."
The city of Salina has been fluoridating the water for 45 years, but members of Salina Cares wants them to stop. They believe it can have adverse health effects.
"When I'm at home I want to be able to swish and swallow when I drink water," Boesen said.
Members of Salina Cares have been talking with the city commission about removing fluoride from the water. City manager Jason Gage says they plan on keeping it.
"At this point the city commission hasn't expressed any interest in removing fluoride from the water system," Gage said.
He says they look to national organizations like the American Dental Association and the Center For Disease Control and Prevention for guidance.
"The predominate opinion of main stream public safety agencies and the American Dental Association, is that fluoride is still safe, if provided at proper levels, and can actually have a good impact with regards to dental condition, particularly with children," Gage said.
Gage points out that fluoride naturally occurs in the environment.
The city says it stays at proper levels, allowing just .7 milligrams of fluoride per liter of water, but Salina Cares worries that isn't good enough.
"If there is a doubt, leave it out," Boesen said.
Salina group wants fluoride out of water

Videos on web page.

India - Madhya Pradesh directed to pay compensation to 7 Fluorosis-hit children

Madhya Pradesh
MP directed to pay compensation to 7 Fluorosis-hit children
Last Updated: Wednesday, February 06, 2013, 16:34
New Delhi: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on Wednesday directed the Madhya Pradesh Government to pay Rs 10,000 each as compensation to seven children, who suffered from Fluorosis due to consumption of water with high content of fluoride.Taking cognisance of a complaint filed by a human rights activist, who quoting a media report, alleged that 29 children became physically handicapped in Jasoda Khumji village in Jhabua district after drinking water with high fluoride content. .....

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Ginger Jane, Colorado River Fluoride Free Yuma

Nazi bit not proven.

Monday, February 04, 2013

USA - The city is dosing us all

The city is dosing us all
Dear Editor:
If the Aspen City Council is still making New Year's resolutions, it would be nice if they would consider not mass-medicating the residents and guests of Aspen. This would especially be good since there is no monitoring that is done regarding the dosing of fluoride that is given to people.
Many consider fluoride to be a toxin with serious side effects. Since the only source of fluoride that is put into the drinking water is an industrial-grade source from China, it should raise serious concerns about ingesting fluoride.
Here are some other facts about fluoride from the Fluoride Action Network that people might not be aware of.

Fluoridation's role in the decline of tooth decay is in serious doubt. The largest survey ever conducted in the U.S. (more than 39,000 children from 84 communities) by the National Institute of Dental Research showed little difference in tooth decay among children in fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities (Hileman, 1989).

The survey found an average difference of only 0.6 decayed, missing and filled surfaces in the permanent teeth of children ages 5 to 17 residing their entire lives in either fluoridated or unfluoridated areas (Brunelle and Carlos, 1990). This difference is less than one tooth surface and less than 1 percent of the 100-plus tooth surfaces available in a child's mouth. Large surveys from three Australian states have found even less of a benefit, with decay reductions ranging from 0 to 0.3 of one permanent tooth surface (Spencer, 1996; Armfield and Spencer, 2004).

A National Institutes of Health-funded study on individual fluoride ingestion and tooth decay failed to find a significant correlation. A multimillion-dollar, U.S. National Institutes of Health-funded study (Warren, 2009) found no relation between tooth decay and the amount of fluoride ingested by children. This is the first time that tooth decay has been investigated as a function of individual exposure as opposed to mere residence in a fluoridated community.

Tooth decay is high in low-income communities that have been fluoridated for years. Despite some claims to the contrary, water fluoridation cannot prevent the oral-health crises that result from rampant poverty, inadequate nutrition and lack of access to dental care. There have been numerous reports of severe dental crises in low-income neighborhoods of U.S. cities that have been fluoridated for more 20 years. In addition, fluoridation has been repeatedly found to be ineffective at preventing the most serious oral-health problem facing poor children, namely “baby-bottle tooth decay,” otherwise known as early-childhood caries (Barnes, 1992; Shiboski, 2003).

Putting a controversial substance into our water is incongruent and deceptive with Aspen's image of being a health-conscious community. This issue really comes down to an individual's right to have the choice of what is put in their own bodies.

Tom Lankering


Sunday, February 03, 2013

USA - 20130130_Nightly News for Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fluoridating Hawaii's water

Saturday, February 02, 2013

UK - Daily Echo letter

The fluoride debate continues in our region

USA - Proposed bill would eliminate state mandate to add fluoride to drinking water

KSFY News - Sioux Falls, SD News, Weather, Sports

Friday, February 01, 2013

Windsor ON Mayor: Why he Voted NO to Fluoridation

Senator Landy speaking on the levels of fluoride in Irish water

Not much of a debate going by the few people there. Bottled water normally gives fluoride content.

The Great Culling, Our Water 2012 - Fluoride Poisoning

The full video.

Australia - Cairns to abandon fluoride program

Cairns to abandon fluoride program
BY: SEAN PARNELL From: The Australian February 01, 2013

QUEENSLAND is retreating from water fluoridation, despite warnings from its own health officials and new research showing fluoride helps shield children's teeth from the damage caused by soft drinks.
The former Labor government overturned the long-held policy that required councils to hold a plebiscite if they wanted water fluoridation, compelling them to act on the issue without community support but with the benefit of state funding.
After lobbying from Rosa Lee Long, a former One Nation MP turned mayor of the north Queensland council of Tablelands, the Liberal National Party government cut $14 million in funding and ruled councils could opt out of the program.
Cairns has now followed Tablelands' lead and will withdraw from the program, citing the high maintenance costs, divided community opinion, and the Local Government Association of Queensland policy that states that "involuntary medication" requires explicit community consent. Bundaberg is also due to hold a plebiscite......