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UK Against Fluoridation

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fluoride in Fish and the Environment

Interview with Howard Patterson, MEM, Master of Environmental Management..
Howard discusses the effects of fluoride on fish, the food chain, and the environment.

Dentist Opposing Fluoride

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Camelford Water Poisoning - Doug Cross

Day 2...Irish Fluoride Free Campaign Ploughing Championships

Water fluoridation may affect children's IQ

Water fluoridation may affect children's IQ
By Dr. W. Gifford-Jones, QMI Agency

Why, in 1974, didn't authorities learn from this terrible tragedy? A 3-year-old Brooklyn boy, during his first dental checkup, had fluoride paste applied to his teeth. He was then handed a glass of water, but the hygienist failed to inform him to swish the solution around in his mouth and then spit it out. Instead, the boy drank the water and, a few hours later, he was dead from fluoride poisoning. A report in Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products calls fluoride an acute toxin with a rating higher than lead.

I was severely criticized by dentists when I issued a warning about fluoride five years ago. Now, researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) say that fluoride may be linked to a decrease in children's IQ.

Published in the journal, Environmental Health Perspectives, the study looks at children from two communities located close to each other. Researchers discovered that children in the low-fluoride area had a 28% chance of being normal, bright or of high intelligence. In the high-fluoride area the figure was 8%. Researchers also found that, in the low-fluoride community, 6% of children suffered from mental retardation compared to 15% in the high fluoride community.

The HSPH says that there are now 23 human and 100 animal studies that link the use of fluoridated water to brain damage. These findings show an increase of aluminum and beta amyloid plaque in the brain, both of which are associated with Alzheimer's disease. Researchers have also noted a decrease in acetylcholine receptors, which help to transmit nerve messages. These changes could have an adverse effect on a child's neurological development.

The sole argument in favour of fluoridation is that it reduces tooth decay. But several studies have found no increase in tooth health in fluoridated communities when compared to non-fluoridated communities. In fact, one study showed tooth decay was greater in the fluoridated areas. Moreover, dental health in Europe has improved since 1970 without fluoridation.

So why North American communities continue to add fluoride to drinking water is hard to fathom. After all, 98% of Europe is fluoride-free. Sweden, Germany, Norway, Holland, Denmark and France all stopped fluoridating their water 30 years ago. These countries are hardly backward nations.

In 1980, a New Zealand dentist who was an ardent supporter of fluoride therapy was sent by the government on a tour to study fluoridation. He returned an outspoken critic of the treatment.

Later, in 1999, Dr. Hardy Limeback, a dentistry professor at the University of Toronto and former supporter of fluoridation, reported that fluoride might be destroying our bones, teeth and overall health. He claimed that children under the age of three should never use fluoridated toothpaste or drink fluoridated water. He also said mothers should never use tap water to prepare baby formula.

Most parents are not aware of dental fluorosis, a discolouring of teeth due to excess fluoride that can occur in children between the ages of three months and eight years. In 1940 this mottling of teeth occurred in 10% of children. Today, in some areas, it's as high as 55%. One possible reason for the increase is that children's toothpaste tastes good and they swallow too much of it.

I'm not alone in thinking there is no persuasive evidence that water should contain 1.5 parts per million (ppm) fluoride when our bodies have no use for it, especially when the risk is greater than the benefit. Toothpaste has as much as 1,500 ppm fluoride and the treatments in a dentist's office can be as high as a whopping 20,000 ppm!

I believe it's dangerous for health authorities to brush aside the Harvard study. So-called experts are not always right. As noted astronomer Carl Sagan once remarked, "Arguments from authorities do not count. Too many authorities have been mistaken too often." I say amen to that.

This is just my opinion about fluoridation and, since I'm not related to the Almighty, I could be wrong. But it appears that since the 3-year-old boy died, experts have continued to ignore the dangers.

Over the years, I've learned one thing: To be prepared for the criticism that invariably descends on me about this issue.

Visit docgiff.com for more information and email info@docgiff.com with comments.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Irish Fluoride Free Campaign Ploughing Championships Info Day

More Studies Link Fluoride to Brain Damage

Following Harvard University Lead, More Studies Link Fluoride to Brain Damage
September 28, 2012 2:25 PM EST

Science continues to provide more evidence that fluoride, which is added to most public drinking water systems in the U.S. as a way to fight tooth decay, causes more harm than good.

The Fluoride Action Network said in a press release that a newly discovered and translated study found that fluoride is linked to lower IQ, even at ranges added to U.S. water supplies. Moreover, the group said, fluoridation promoters "misrepresented" data from a recent Harvard fluoride/IQ study.
Fluoride is added to 70 percent of U.S. public drinking water supplies. A study found a significant dose-response relation between fluoride level in serum and children's IQ.
In all, FAN said, 34 studies now link fluoride to lower IQ levels in humans, while scores of other studies correlate fluoride to learning and memory impairment, fetal brain damage, altered neurobehavioral function and altered thyroid hormone levels.

"Legislators who mandate fluoridation without carefully considering this research are doing a profound disservice to the health and welfare of their constituents," attorney Michael Connett of FAN said.

In a macro review of 27 fluoride/IQ studies, Harvard researchers concluded recently that the chemical's effect on children's developing brains should be a "high research priority," especially in the United States which, they concluded, has never investigated the effects of fluoride on the brain.
Advocates of fluoridation; however, misinterpreted the research, then misled investigators in Phoenix, Portland, Ore., Witchita, Kan., and other locations by stating the Harvard research isn't relevant to Americans, FAN said.

The advocates claimed that the Harvard study found only a one-half-point difference in IQ, and that the fluoride levels were much higher than Americans normally encounter.

"That's wrong," said the group, in its press release.

FAN says the Harvard team found that fluoride exposure was associated with statistically significant reductions of seven IQ points - far more than the half-point drop claimed by one advocate, Dr. Myron Allukian.

He, along with the Pew Children's Dental Campaign and other advocates like Portland Mayor Sam Adams, have all said the Harvard study focused on fluoride levels of 11.5 mg/l. But, FAN says, only one of the studies was at 11.5 mg/l.

The group said the majority of water studies looked at by the team of Harvard researchers examined fluoride levels the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says is safe - fewer than four mg/l.

The group noted:

-- One study, which was sponsored by UNICEF, found that IQ was reduced at just .88 mg/l of fluoride, a level within the "optimal" range added to U.S. drinking water systems for about 200 million Americans.

-- Seven studies found reduced IQ levels among children who drank water containing between 2.1 mg/l and 4.0 mg/l, or levels that 1.4 million Americans consume daily.

-- Four studies found effects at levels between 1.8 and 2.0 mg/l - levels that over 200,000 Americans drink every day.

What's the right thing for government to do?

The EPA's conventional approach to risk assessment generally limits exposure to chemical levels that are 10 times less than those known to cause adverse effects. With fluoride levels and IQ, the levels of the chemical in water and urine are, at most, just two or three times more than the amount to which tens of millions of American kids are exposed, the group said.

What's more, FAN points out that children who have iodine deficiencies are particularly susceptible to harm by fluoride, adding that iodine deficiency has risen significantly in recent years, now affecting some 12 percent of the U.S. population.

"The question legislators should be asking themselves is, 'Do I wait until public health officials catch up with the scientific literature that now shows fluoride can cause serious neurological harm to children, or do I take my leadership role seriously and stop fluoridation immediately,'" said FAN Executive Director, Paul Connett, Ph.D. "I think the latter is the only ethical answer."

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/037339_fluoride_brain_damage_studies.html#ixzz27kjLKZNK

Thursday, September 27, 2012

NZ - Fluoridation to end in Central Hawkes Bay

Fluoridation to end in Central Hawkes Bay
Fuseworks Media
Thursday, 27 September, 2012 - 13:25
The Central Hawkes Bay District Council voted this morning 6-2 to end fluoridation in Waipukurau, the only local community with fluoridation.

A survey in 2009 revealed that 80% of residents did not want the fluoride chemical added to their water, but the results were withheld from councillors until the last minute, and fluoridation was retained at that time. This time, 95% of local submissions were to end the practice.

Waipukurau resident Graeme Rees attended this morning?s meeting. I was very impressed with the thoroughness with which councillors had independently and objectively investigated all aspects of the issue, he says. I congratulate the councillors for their due diligence regarding the facts and for respecting the voice of the Waipukurau community in making the right decision, he adds.

Fluoride Action Network NZ also congratulate the councillors on making a sound decision on behalf of their residents, says National Co-ordinator Mary Byrne Local body councillors throughout the country are finding that the touted benefit of reduced dental decay is not what it was thought to be and that fluoridation comes with serious risks to health which are simply not worth taking, especially when it is now known than fluoride works when applied to teeth, not swallowed.

There are now only 23 councils out of a total of 69 that continue fluoridation in New Zealand., she conclu

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Call Joe Duffy Everyday about Dangers of Fluoride - Tuesday 25th Sept 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Conversation Opposing Water Fluoridation

USA - Three more communities to end fluoridation this year

Three more communities have voted to end fluoridation this year, increasing the number of fluoride-free citizens by another 5,000 people. All three towns are in Indiana--the Hoosier State—including the towns of Walkerton, North Liberty, and Lakeville. Walkerton was the first to vote the toxic chemical out of their water, and they did so because of the health concerns associated with overexposure to fluoride; a problem that now affects more than 41% of America’s adolescents. North Liberty ended fluoridation also due to concerns over health issues, but primarily because they border Walkerton and had purchased fluoridation chemicals in bulk along with Walkerton. When Walkerton ended fluoridation, the cost of chemicals was too high for North Liberty to purchase on their own. Separately, Lakeville councilors voted to end the practice solely due to the increasing cost of fluoridation chemicals. ..............

Stuart Cooper, Campaign Manager


Monday, September 24, 2012

USA - Support for dental education, not fluoride, is needed

Support for dental education, not fluoride, is needed
Mary Budinger - Sept. 23, 2012 05:53 PM
I watched a Phoenix City Council subcommittee this month decide to spend $582,000 a year to keep adding fluoride to its tap water in an effort to reduce cavities.

Scientific studies in the past few years make it clear that all of us are consuming too much fluoride. It's in everything made with tap water -- bread, beer, rice, soda, juice, cereal and even vegetables.

Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Dental Association agree that infants less than six months of age should receive no fluoride. Phoenix council members seemed unconcerned that parents making baby formula cannot avoid fluoride when it is in the tap water. Carbon filters don't remove it.

As former National Institutes of Health scientist James B. Patrick told Congress, "It is a scientific disgrace that a well-organized lobby of the American Dental Association ever managed to stampede American legislators into ignoring the highly technical but very cogent objection to fluoridations."

The Nobel and Pasteur institutes have rejected fluoridation; Sweden, France and most of Europe remain unfluoridated. The Environmental Protection Agency's scientists, through their union, came out against fluoridation. The CDC admits "there are no randomized, double-blind, controlled trials of water fluoridation." The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology reports that "any honest appraisal of the risks and benefits of water fluoridation must end with the conclusion that it must be stopped." The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has come out against fluoridation.

What fluoride supporters and opponents usually agree on is that fluoridation alone won't solve dental problems. In that context, fluoridation is a controversial and inefficient Band-Aid on a much larger problem.

Americans are fluoride-overdosed and dentist-deficient. Many medical-insurance plans do not include dental coverage, and many dentists do not take Medicaid. In about half the states, Medicaid now covers dental care only for pain relief and emergencies, according to a recent report by the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured.

Dental associations have fought efforts to let mid-level providers called dental therapists do common procedures like filling cavities. In doctors' offices, for example, nurses serve as mid-level providers and it keeps health-care costs down. Only Alaska and Minnesota allow dental therapists.

People on both sides of the fluoride debate also usually agree that parents must stress proper dental hygiene and stop giving their children drinks loaded with sugar. Bacteria in the mouth feed on that sugar, and the stage is set for cavities to set in.

The American Heart Association recently released new guidelines for sugar consumption in an effort to give people an idea of what a healthy daily sugar intake really is. The AHA found children as young as 1 to 3 years old already surpass the daily recommendations, and typically consume around 12 teaspoons of sugar a day -- much more than the recommended 4 teaspoons.

The dental journals have been telling us for 25 years that 84 percent of cavities occur in the groves of the molars, and while "fluorides cannot be expected appreciably to reduce our incidence of caries on these surfaces, sealants can." Where is the push for sealants and dental-education programs?

Daily Echo letter

Click on image to enlarge.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Nadler-Olenick & Greene@Austin Public Health & Human Services Committee 9-18-22

Fluoridation in dirnking water linked to increased risk of many cancers

Fluoridation in dirnking water linked to increased risk of many cancers
09/22/2012 16:21:00admin
By Jimmy Downs
Saturday Spet 22, 2012 (foodconsumer.org) -- A study in Journal of Epidemiology suggests that drinking fluoridated top water or water with added fluoride chemicals can increase a number of cancers including bone cancer and "cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx, colon and rectum, hepato-biliary and urinary organs." In the U.S., about 75 percent of the general population is using fluoridated drinking water.
K. Takahashi of University of Tokyo in Japan and colleagues associated age-specific and age-standardized rates of registered cancers in nine communities in the U.S. where 21.8 million people, mainly white people resided during the period from 1978 to 1992 and the percentage of people who used "optimally fluoridated drinking water.
The researchers found cancers of about two third of sites of the body were positively associated with drinking water with fluoride. Of the 36 sites, cancers of 23 sites or 64% were positively significant, 9 or 25% insignificant and 4 or 11% negatively significant.
Particularly drinking water with added fluoride were positively associated with "cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx, colon and rectum, hepato-biliary and urinary organs." Bone cancer in males was also associated with drinking fluoridated water, which was demonstrated in rat experiments, according to the authors. A Harvard study released later also found fluoridated water is associated with bone cancer in boys.
In addition, drinking fluoridated water also increased risk for "brain tumors and T-cell system Hodgkin's disease, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple myeloma, melanoma of the skin and monocytic leukaemia."
The researchers suggested that "The likelihood of fluoride acting as a genetic cause of cancer requires consideration."

Fluoride causes insulin resistance
By Jimmy Downs
Saturday Sept 22, 2012 (foodconsumer.org) -- Fluoride can help prevent dental caries, which is the reason to fluoridate public drinking water system. But a growing body of evidence suggests that water fluoridation can cause more harm than good. Adverse effects of drinking fluoridated water that have been revealed include increased risk of multiple cancers such as bone cancer in boys, dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis, compromised intellectual quotient or IQ and damaged learning memory and reproduction.
A new study in Biological Trace Element Research has now found that exposure to fluoride causes insulin resistance, which is a feature of type 2 diabetes mellitus, and the harmful effect is dose responsive.
M. Lupo of Rosario National University in Santa Fe, Rosario, Argentina and colleagues conducted the study and found the association between increased risk of insulin resistance and exposure to fluoride added to drinking water.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Portland Approves Fluoridation by 2014 -Alex Jones Infowars Nightly News 2012-09-18

Friday, September 21, 2012

Australia - Council loses battle on fluoride

21st September 2012 5:21 AM
BUNDABERG Regional Council has been told it has lost its fight against being forced to fluoridate the water supply after a week of confusion about the issue.
The council has been mounting strong resistance to legislation put in place by the previous Labor State Government forcing it to put fluoride in the water by the end of the year.
And councillors thought they had won the fight when Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett said on Monday they would not be forced into the move.
But Mr Bennett said yesterday he had misheard a statement by Health Minister Lawrence Springborg on the radio.
He said the decision to force Bundaberg to go ahead with fluoridating its water was made at a Cabinet meeting in Cairns on Tuesday.
But he said he was hearing from his constituents they were very unhappy about the region being forced to go ahead and fluoridate its water.
Council water and wastewater spokesman Alan Bush was "very disappointed" yesterday to hear about the State Government decision.
Cr Bush said after discussions with Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney and Local Government Minister David Crisafulli he was under the impression the government would not force the issue.
"This is a real backflip," he said.
Cr Bush said after discussions between senior staff on both sides the council had not made provision in this year's budget for fluoridation, which had to be carried out by the end of December.
He said he could not understand the decision given the cost-cutting exercise the government was engaged in.
"Here's a perfect chance to save $6.5 million and everybody will be really happy," he said.
Cr Bush said if they were going to be forced to go ahead with the scheme the council would have to put off some other capital works it had scheduled.
He said the council would have to increase its water charges by 10% to cover the cost of the infrastructure and the annual running costs.
"I believe if the State Government can't fully fund it why do we have to be forced to put up $1.3 million," he said.
A spokeswoman for Mr Springborg said she did not know why the council thought Bundaberg would be exempt from fluoridating.
She said the scheme was in line with the legislation and was for the benefit of all Queenslanders.
"There's no reason why they can't apply for an extension," she said.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

War on Health Teaser - USA

Reducing Fluoride Toxicity

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I Think Water Fluoridation Is Bad

I Think Water Fluoridation Is Bad High by moldytoaster

The Nazi part is not right, no proof exists according to http://www.fluoridealert.org/

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ken Ciboski Talks Fluoride on This Week in Kansas • September 16th, 2012

Published on 17 Sep 2012 by WACWichita
Political Science professor Ken Ciboski of Wichita State University appears on This Week in Kansas with Tim Brown to discuss water fluoridation.

This Week in Kansas is a half-hour program that reviews major political events and issues in our state every week. Hosted by well-known local journalist Tim Brown with guests that includes newsmakers, legislators, politicians and journalists. This Week in Kansas builds upon the foundation KAKE started back in 1954", said KAKE VP/General Manager Dan Wall. "It's further evidence of our dedication to imaginative local programming, distinguished news coverage and leadership in community service."

Not a good debate. Why didn't they get some one who knew what they were talking about.

Fluoride sold as pesticide; Chinese factories export to U.S. cities for water fluoridation

Published on 17 Sep 2012 by TheHealthRanger
Fluoride warning! Much of the fluoride dumped into U.S. water is imported from chemical factories in China. Those factories warn that fluoride is TOXIC to human health.

Fluoride is sold as a PESTICIDE, a nuclear industry chemical and more. SCARY information!
Learn the truth about fluoride.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Links Video — Ireland Againt Fluoridation

Good to see young people taking part in the protest.

A cavity-fighting jab may end tooth decay forever

A cavity-fighting jab may end tooth decay forever
PTI | Sep 17, 2012, 05.33AM IST
In a finding that could soon render dentists out of business, scientists have discovered a new vaccine that can rid us of tooth decay for ever. Researchers at the Forsyth Institute in the US are developing a vaccine that targets the bacterium 'mutans streptococci', which causes tooth decay.

When the bacteria break down food, they produce lactic acid, which wears away tooth enamel, producing cavities. The new cavity-fighting vaccine teaches the immune system to make antibodies that kill enzymes which enable bacteria to stick to teeth, the 'Daily Mail' reported.

Unable to cling to tooth enamel, the bacteria are washed away by saliva, and the teeth are protected.

Rats given the vaccine in experiments developed almost no cavities. Trials on people have also found the vaccine to have a similar effect. Ultimately the vaccine would be given to children under the age of one while their teeth are developing, but before the plaque bacteria have become established, researchers said. "If given to children at a young age, we think it may prevent colonization of plaque bacteria altogether," said Dr Daniel Smith of the Forsyth Institute

Heard this before and nothing happened.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

How to cure a sweet tooth

How to cure a sweet tooth
by: Fiona Baker
From: National Features
September 15, 2012 6:00PM

IT'S natural for children to crave sugar, but is it a true addiction or merely a bad habit?
It would be a rare Australian child who is not eating up to twice as much sugar than is recommended. Whether it is hidden in the cereal they eat or making their break-time muesli bars extra tasty, our children are used to eating highly sweet food.

In the US, they have come up with an easy-to-understand figure to explain just how much sugar their kids are eating on a daily basis – and while it could be argued that their eating habits are worse than ours, with Australian being the fifth-fattest nation in the world, maybe our kids’ diets are not all that different from their American counterparts.

A study by the American Heart Association found children aged between 12 months and three years are already consuming about 12 teaspoons of sugar a day. By the time a child is aged between four and eight, sugar consumption jumps to an average of 21 teaspoons a day. Teenagers ingest a whopping 34 teaspoons of sugar a day......

Proves really that governments don't give a damn about anybodies health to allow manufacturers to do this. Lots of money generated by treating all the ill health that follows and a good way to get rid of the fluoride.

Irish Nationwide Fluoride Free Campaign Info Day Sep 15th 2012

More action on the streets of Co.Wexford. Today the fluoride response team swarmed the streets of Gorey for another information blitz.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Australia - Fluoride program rollout left to decay in Queensland

Fluoride program rollout left to decay in Queensland
BY: SEAN PARNELL From: The Australian September 15, 2012 12:00AM
A FORMER One Nation MP has almost single-handedly halted the fluoridation of Queensland's water supply, convincing the Newman government to let rural councils opt out of the public health program.

This week's state budget cut $14 million that had been set aside by the former Labor government to complete the rollout of water fluoridation in the state.

When Anna Bligh took over as premier in 2007, she delivered a solution to the state's appalling dental health record, providing capital funding to councils to fluoridate their water supplies without any need for a plebiscite. That was despite anti-fluoridation campaigners, including former Brisbane lord mayor Jim Soorley, rallying against the move and councils worried they would be left with maintenance costs.

About 95 per cent of the population was expected to have fluoridated water by this year, compared with 5 per cent when the issue was put on the government agenda seven years ago. However, the budget papers show progress has slowed, with 87 per cent of the population covered.

While some councils complained on cost grounds, Tablelands Mayor Rosa Lee Long has fought fluoridation on both cost and ideological grounds, even surveying ratepayers in her north Queensland council to demonstrate community's opposition.

Ms Lee Long, a former One Nation MP turned independent in the state parliament, said she had read of the government backdown in The Australian but had yet to receive written notification.

"It's a big issue up here and it's sounding positive," she said.

"A lot of our populous is dead against fluoride being put in the water. They've let us know loud and clearly that we don't want it."

Ms Lee Long said a survey of Mareeba residents found two-thirds were opposed to it. She said there was resentment of the former Bligh government for imposing the program on councils with no consultation. "I personally don't think it should be forced on anybody. I think if you like fluoride and are really keen on the idea, you should go and get the tablets," she said..

"I don't like dictatorship."

Premier Campbell Newman was the lord mayor of Brisbane when Labor began discussing fluoridation, and he demanded the state take the political pain instead of leaving the decision to councils. One of his cabinet ministers, former dentist John-Paul Langbroek, at one point introduced a private member's bill to mandate that councils fluoridate their water supplies, but it was opposed by Labor until Ms Bligh came up with a solution.

The about-face by the Newman government will allow the Cairns, Cloncurry, Mackay, Blackall-Tambo, Murweh, Barcaldine, Maranoa, Balonne, Burdekin, Carpentaria, Cassowary Coast, Paroo, Tablelands, Toowoomba, Townsville, and Whitsunday to shelve plans to fluoridate.

More Studies Link Fluoride to Brain Damage

More Studies Link Fluoride to Brain Damage
09/14/2012 17:34:00admin
Editor's comment: It's not just brain damage that fluoride can cause. Fluoride can also cause dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis and other health conditions.
Legislators Are Mislead About Gravity and Extent of Fluoride Brain Risk
New York – September 13 -- Newly discovered and translated published studies reveal fluoride is linked to lower IQ, even at levels added to US water supplies, reports the Fluoride Action Network (FAN). Further, fluoridation promoters misrepresented newly published Harvard fluoride/IQ research.
Thirty-four studies now link fluoride to reduced IQ in humans. Dozens of other studies correlate fluoride to impaired learning and memory, altered neurobehavioral function, fetal brain damage, and altered thyroid hormone levels. Full studies available at FAN’s website http://www.fluoridealert.org/articles/iq-facts/
“Legislators who mandate fluoridation without carefully considering this research are doing a profound disservice to the health and welfare of their constituents,” says attorney Michael Connett of FAN.

Harvard researchers recently concluded, after reviewing 27 fluoride/IQ studies, that fluoride’s effect on children’s developing brains should be a “high research priority” especially in the US which has never investigated brain/fluoride effects.

Fluoridation activists, however, misinterpreted this research and mislead legislators in Phoenix, Portland, Wichita and elsewhere by stating the Harvard research isn’t relevant to Americans. Advocates claimed the Harvard study found only a ½ point difference in IQ, and that the fluoride levels were much higher than Americans experience.

That’s wrong. The Harvard team found that fluoride exposure was associated with a statistically significant reduction of 7 IQ points, not the ½ point claimed by advocate, Dr. Myron Allukian. The Pew Children’s Dental Campaign and other fluoridation advocates, including Allukian and Portland Mayor Sam Adams, have stated the Harvard study focused on fluoride levels of 11.5 mg/l. Only one of the studies, however, was at 11.5 mg/l.

The majority of water studies examined by the Harvard team investigated fluoride levels which the US EPA says is safe – less than 4 mg/l.
One study, sponsored by UNICEF, found reduced IQ at just 0.88 mg/l – a level within the “optimal” fluoride range added to the drinking water of over 200 million Americans.
Seven found reduced IQs among children drinking water with fluoride levels between 2.1 and 4 mg/l — levels that 1.4 million Americans drink everyday.

Four found effects at levels between 1.8 and 2.0 mg/l — levels that over 200,000 Americans drink everyday.

EPA’s conventional approach to risk assessment limits chemical exposure to levels ten times less than those known to cause adverse effects. With fluoride and IQ, the levels of fluoride in water and urine are — at most — just two or three times more than the amount experienced by tens of millions of American children

Children with iodine deficiencies are particularly harmed by fluoride. And iodine deficiency has increased significantly and now affects up to 12% of the US population.

“The question legislators should be asking themselves is ‘Do I wait until public health officials catch up with the scientific literature that now shows fluoride can cause serious neurological harm to children, or do I take my leadership role seriously and stop fluoridation immediately,” says FAN Executive Director, Paul Connett, PhD. "I think the latter is the only ethical answer."


UK - Daily Echo letter

Friday, September 14, 2012

Fluoride Info/Action: Dr. Bill Osmunson

Like us in Southampton they lost the battle, like us the decision was unanimous despite arguments like this put forward by Dr. Bill Osmunson.

The world can't handle the truth

The world can't handle the truth
Science and medicine in the United States are a complete hoax, and for those who don't believe there is ALREADY A CURE for cancer, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, think again! If you have any or all of these "diseases," or one of your loved ones is suffering from them, you won't get "prescribed" the cure in a pill or a vaccine; in fact, medication actually worsens them, and it's time to pat the people on the back who are screaming "conspiracy" when it comes to Western medicine, because they are right.

Cancer, the disease that's attacking one in every three Americans, and Alzheimer's disease, the fourth leading cause of death in the Western world, are both driven by the consumption of chemicals, so no matter how far medical science delves into "boondoggling" research, the only cure for polluting the rivers (a.k.a. human blood) is to stop polluting the rivers. Fluoride and other heavy metals in tap water and aluminum and mercury in vaccines are the LEADING CAUSES of Alzheimer's, yet Americans live in complete denial, and they keep filling their glasses and pitchers from the tap, and running to clinics to get flu shots, HPV vaccines, mumps and measles shots, and other unnecessary injections, all in the blind name of furthering diseases that Western medicine QUIT TRYING TO FIND CURES for about 75 years ago. The human genome project is nothing more than "another brick in the wall" that's blocking the path to curing disease, and keeping the H.O.V. road to sickness and chronic care profits wide open.

Why in the world would modern medicine snuff out cures which are right in front of us, screaming for exposure and simple solutions? The money making machine called politics and disease are rolling over the masses like a tractor rolls over ants in a field, and there's no way the pharmaceutical industry, who makes the tractors and the pesticides (medical equipment and chemotherapy) is going to just come to a grinding halt by curing millions of people who are dying from diseases that they themselves fuel and foster

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fluoride In The Water: Is It Helping Or Hurting Us?

The flouride debate is heating up, as several American cities consider banning it from the water supply. Opponents of flouride say it's toxic and bad for the environment. Supporters say it saves kids' teeth, especially poor kids who can't afford to go to the dentist on a regular basis. 75 percent of us are drinking water that has it. Should we be concerned? HuffPost Live's Janey Varney hosted a segment digging into both sides of the argument.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fluoride Interview

Water Fluoridation - "No Evidence of Beneficial Effect" (5 Year Study of 51,683 in Portland

READ ALL "...the effects were generally small". "In Portland metro, there was no evidence of a beneficial effect of fluoridation on total costs; in fact, costs were generally higher among members living in the community water fluoridated (CWF) than in the (NF) nonfluoridated districts of the metropolitan area."

"A comparison of dental treatment utilization and costs by HMO members living in fluoridated and nonfluoridated areas" (J Public Health Dent. 2007 Fall;67(4):224-33)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

UK - Daily Echo letter

USA - Portland Resident Speaks To City Council On Water Fluoridation

Published on 10 Sep 2012 by StarWitnessTime
If it's so good for everyone's teeth, especially the poor little children's teeth, then why do they want us to waste this "dental care" product every time we wash our cars, water our lawns and flush our toilets?

The corporate PR machine has arrived in Portland, Oregon to try and dump the toxic waste product known as fluoride in the city's water supply. In the past the city was always given a vote and has voted it down 3 times. This time lobbyists and less than trustworthy civil servants are doing everything they can to try and ramrod the issue through without even giving people a chance to vote. No matter what your position is on the stated benefits of fluoride in relation to dental care, you're hopefully able to respect the basic right of every human being to consent to being medicated. Most people only hear one side of the fluoride story. If you're someone who values forming your own informed opinion on an obviously controversial issue and would like to learn more about the other half of the fluoride story we wholeheartedly recommend that you watch "The Fluoride Deception".

Natural Health Sherpa named bromine, fluoride, and chlorine as three chemicals that hinder iodine absorption

Natural Health Sherpa named bromine, fluoride, and chlorine as three chemicals that hinder iodine absorption, thus leading to deficiency in the mineral. Iodine is a vital nutrient that helps prevent goiter, depression, mental degradation, and many other conditions. “It is essential for the production of the hormone thyroxin, which your thyroid uses to regulate many bodily functions, including metabolism,” Natural Health Sherpa reports.
According to the website, there were fewer problems with iodine deficiency in the past, since it was used as dough conditioner.
However, the site reported that iodine was replaced by a compound called bromine in bread. This is where things changed. “That’s because bromine interferes with the absorption of iodine, contributing to iodine deficiency. And since bromine doesn’t convey the same benefits that iodine does, that’s not a good thing for your health,” claims Natural Health Sherpa.
Natural Health Sherpa reports that “bromine isn’t alone. Other members of this halide compound gang include fluoride and chloride, both of which have the same obstructing effect on iodine.”
After reviewing research about iodine’s effects on the body, naturalhealthsherpa.com encourages the use of iodized salt to reduce goiter cases, but also clarifies that further measures need to be taken.
“Start by reading labels and choosing fluoride-free toothpaste. You can also install a water filter for your kitchen and shower alike to reduce the amount of chlorine and fluoride you drink, as well as absorb through your skin,” advices Natural Health Sherpa.

Monday, September 10, 2012

USA - Nearly all conventional food crops grown with fluoride-laced water, then sprayed with more fluoride

Nearly all conventional food crops grown with fluoride-laced water, then sprayed with more fluoride
(NaturalNews) The average American today is exposed to a whole lot more fluoride than he or she is probably aware. Conventional produce, it turns out, is one of the most prevalent sources of fluoride exposure besides fluoridated water, as conventional crops are not only irrigated with fluoride-laced water in many cases, but also sprayed with pesticide and herbicide chemicals that have been blended with fluoride, and later processed once again with fluoridated water.

This fact may come as a surprise to many who have bought into the idea that eating more fresh produce is automatically beneficial for health, regardless of how that produce was grown. Thinking that they are doing their bodies a favor, millions of Americans have incorporated conventional fruits and vegetables into their everyday diets, not realizing that the resulting cumulative effect of fluoride exposure from these foods could be harming their health........

UK - Westcountry's soft water 'adds to liver risk'

Westcountry's soft water 'adds to liver risk'
Sunday, September 09, 2012Western Morning NewsFollow
The soft water supply in the Westcountry could put people at a higher risk of developing alcoholic liver disease, a study has claimed.

Professor Roger Williams, who helped carry out the UK's first liver transplant in 1968 and was George Best's surgeon, helped co-author the paper.

It found those living in soft-water areas may be more at risk of developing the disease because of lower levels of magnesium which can help to protect the liver from alcohol.
The study was based on hospital admissions in 28 English regions between 2003 and 2006.
Six areas with soft water – including the South West – had rates of alcoholic liver disease 21 per cent above the national average. The 13 areas with hard water had rates 13 per cent below the average.

The figures conflict with research into published this year, based on statistics from 2001-09, which showed that the region had one of the lowest mortality rates from alcohol-related liver disease (ALD) in the country.
Prof Williams, director of the Institute of Hepatology, has suggested that magnesium could be added to the water supply in soft water areas to lessen the risk.
Medicating water supply with magnesium would prove controversial. Campaigners who have opposed adding fluoride to tap water are likely to oppose any such measure.

John Graham, spokesman for the National Pure Water Association, said: "This sounds like nonsense. Why would we want to dose all of the water and all of the population for a tiny number of people who have a problem with alcohol?
"Recommending supplements for those at risk seems much more sensible."

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Video from 1975 arguments for and against fluoridation. How refined the speech was just 37 years ago do we thank TV for this?

USA - water fluoridation: adding inorganic chemical to your organic gardens

Sign petition for public vote on water fluoridation in Portland, Oregon by visiting:
Greetings from my organic garden where I made a public service announcement about water fluoridation. Adding inorganic chemicals to your organic garden would technically not allow you to be truly organic. Pesticides are made of Fluoride. Washing organic produce with fluoridated water....well....u get the picture....
Learn more about fluoride at Fluoridealert.org

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Arizona Fluoride Debate 2012

Debate about fluoridation of Phoenix municipal water supply between Dr. Paul Connett, renowned toxicologist and author of "The Case Against Fluoride" and Dr. Howard Farran, DDS, winner of the Arizona Department of Health Service Dental Public Health Award for his efforts in fluoridating the City of Phoenix.

Friday, September 07, 2012

An Inconvenient Tooth - Fluoride Documentary

Published on 7 Sep 2012 by DistractMedia
An Inconvenient Tooth is a documentary film about fluoride. It was released September 6th, 2012 at the city hall in Portland, Oregon.

Lawyer argues against Portland fluoridation

Portland attorney Kim Kaminsky and long time activist Roger Burt of Oregon Citizens for Safe Drinking Water announce opposition to fluoridation of city water.

UK - More than one million under-fives have two or more fillings

More than one million under-fives have two or more fillings... because mothers can't get them to brush their teeth
One in six parents say their child has at least three fillings
Fifth of mothers haven't taken their youngsters to the dentist in the past two years
By Daily Mail Reporter

PUBLISHED:10:47, 7 September 2012| UPDATED:10:47, 7 September 2012
More than one million children under five have at least two fillings because mothers cannot get them to brush their teeth, according to a new study.
Researchers found almost a quarter of parents said their little ones only cleaned their teeth once a day, with half saying they found the whole experience too stressful.
As a result, one in six admit their child has at least three fillings and almost half of children under 12 have been told they have tooth decay.........

NZ - Fluoride issue too hot for Royal Society?

Fluoride issue too hot for Royal Society?
Home › Health
Fuseworks Media
Friday, 7 September, 2012 - 20:14
As the Ministry of Health is steadily losing the battle to keep adding hazardous waste fluoride to public drinking water, the Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand (RSNZ) decided to prepare an advisory paper on the issue.

On 20 July the RSNZ said it was "preparing a statement on the risks and benefits of the treatment of public reticulated water with fluoride for oral health, and the research that underpins this. To assist this work, the Society would welcome information about research that could inform this risk-benefit statement."

The RSNZ received information from the Government’s $1.25 million lobby group, the NFIS, and from those opposed to fluoridation, notably Fluoride Action Network and the independent NZ Fluoridation Information Service (94 pages, with hundreds of pages of scientific attachments).

Following the 20 August deadline, the RSNZ issued a statement on 31 August that "[following initial evidence gathering, initiated to inform decisions on whether to develop a statement on the risks and benefits of the treatment of public reticulated water with fluoride, t]he Council of the Society has now discussed the matter and decided not to include that topic in its current work programme."

But the initial request stated clearly the Royal Society had decided to prepare such a statement; not deciding whether to do so or not.

"Perhaps this reversal means the RSNZ took heed of our following recommendation", says Mark Atkin, speaking on behalf of the Information Service:

"In light of the expenditure of time, resources, and money, and the commitment of international expertise, over the last 50 years, the Society cannot realistically contribute in any meaningful way to the scientific knowledge in this debate, or analysis thereof.

In this information age, many members of the public are already far better versed in fluoridation science than the statutory decision makers in NZ - local body councillors.

The reality is that this issue will not be resolved without open public debate. We therefore recommend that the Society recommend that a national public debate of the science be inaugurated as the only feasible way of resolving this debate."

The Royal Society stands for scientific integrity. At the same time it has, through its Advisory Panel, indirect links to the fluoridation lobby service, the NFIS.

"NFIS was preparing a submission from day 1. One has to wonder if vested interests prompted the original decision to produce a paper, but the Royal Society realized, on the information received, that it would scientifically have to condemn fluoridation if it proceeded, against the interests of some Panel member organisations, not to mention the Government at large. If so, its easiest way out would be to not proceed with the paper, as now decided, but which was a ‘done deal’ according to its original request for submissions. Or perhaps it just accepted the task was beyond its resources, as was apparent from my original conversation with the Society’s reviewer", muses Mr Atkin.

Thursday, September 06, 2012


Ignore voice over - worth watching.

Fluoride fight is on in Phoenix

UK - Fluoridation battle engulfs Wichita, Kansas

Fluoridation battle engulfs Wichita, Kansas, Part I
By Dr. Stephen C. L'Hommedieu
(Extract from long article worth reading)
There's a major storm brewing throughout the Wichita, Kansas area. Although this storm won't produce the obvious immediate destruction of an F5 tornado, many experts argue it has the long-term potential to be just as destructive to our health and environment — it's water fluoridation.............If fluoridation is a "proven form of health prevention" that Dr. Meng claims, why are rates of tooth decay at epidemic levels in cities fluoridated for decades? And why are more and more communities fighting to stop the "benefits?" The examples of Georgia and Tennessee are among many others that demonstrate the dichotomy between fluoridation presented as a "proven form of health prevention" and the statistical realities. The public is quickly learning that there are far more effective and safer options for preventing tooth decay. They emphasize the importance of a nutritious diet absent of junk food and excessive carbohydrates, nutritional supplements and better dental oral care and education.

Rather than being pro-fluoridation activists, dentists and medical physicians may want to consider becoming teeth brushing activists and promote Teeth Brushing Awareness campaigns. Educate children and parents to the importance of brushing and flossing their teeth after meals. Better yet, become nutritious food activists and teach children how sugar, soda and processed foods contribute to tooth decay. Practicing real health care may not be as profitable or politically correct, but it would serve to produce overall healthier children with decay resistant teeth.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

USA - No more fluoride in Phoenix water?

Bones need fluoride? How come there is almost no fluoride in Mother's milk?

UK - Daily Echo take on new fluoridation regulations

Government unveils scheme to avoid costly legal fights
Fluoride plans
THE Government has unveiled plans to avoid a repeat of the costly legal battle that blighted plans to add fluoride to Hampshire's water supply.
Health bosses ran up a £350,000 legal bill fighting a High Court challenge to
■ By TomMoseley
their controversial decision to back the scheme to put the chemical in tap water delivered to homes and businesses in Southampton, Eastleigh, Totton, Netley and Rownhams.
South Central Strategic Health Authority last year finally defeated the judicial review brought by Southampton mum Gerri Milner, but the process delayed the project by 18 months.
Ministers yesterday published proposals on how to do a better job of consulting residents when control of the thorny issue is handed to local councils once SHAs are scrapped next spring.....

"Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Consultation on the arrangements for consideration of proposals on the fluoridation of drinking water" which was published today and is available at:


Rules, laws and regulations have no magical powers. They are fictional constructs of society.

Rules, laws and regulations have no magical powers. They are fictional constructs of society.

They do not exist in the real world. They only exist in the minds of those who share in the delusion of their existence. As you are a being with free will and a soul, you can choose to reject delusional thinking and operate according to the fundamental principles of honesty, ethics and civility.

If you practice this, what you'll find is that most people in society today are technically insane. They have an almost fanatical belief in fictional constructs called "laws." They believe laws have magical powers and that regulations bind their thoughts and actions. In an effort to comply with all these laws, rules and regulations, they enslave themselves in a matrix of control. They are the desperate rule followers who ultimately drive every nation to ruin.

These are the people who always do what they're told: They line up for flu shots, they vote on voting day, they have their children vaccinated and they agree to undergo chemotherapy if their doctor tells them to. They are the great mindless masses that George Carlin called "Obedient workers!".........

Hope Southern Water reads this.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Liberty Tactics 11: Walter Graham on the Dangers of Fluoride

Monday, September 03, 2012

Chinese Suppliers Admit Fluoride is Poison

The Fluoride Deception...The deliberate poisoning and "dumbing" down of western civilization HD.

Must be old but I've never seen this actual video before.

Fluoride & Arthritis

Published on 2 Sep 2012 by fluoridealert

Current evidence strongly indicates that some people diagnosed with "arthritis" are in fact suffering from low-grade fluoride poisoning. Joint pain and stiffness are well known symptoms of excessive fluoride intake. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, too much fluoride causes "chronic joint pain" and "arthritic symptoms." (DHHS 1991). U.S. health authorities have long dismissed the relevance of this by insisting that fluoride only causes arthritic symptoms in patients with advanced forms of skeletal fluorosis, a bone disease caused by fluoride. Modern research clearly shows, however, that fluoride-induced joint pains can occur in the absence of obvious skeletal fluorosis. This makes fluoride's effects on joints extremely difficult to differentiate from common forms of arthritis. In cases where fluoride is the cause of a person's arthritic problems, reduction in daily fluoride intake for a period of several weeks or months can eliminate the symptoms in the absence of medical treatment. Correct diagnosis is thus critical to effective recovery

UK - Daily Echo letter

Saturday, September 01, 2012

12-36 Water Fluoridation

Published on 31 Aug 2012 by PopulistDialogues

Portland Oregon is the largest city in American without fluoridated water. Suddenly there is a powerful push to change that. We talk with two representatives from Oregon Citizens for Safe Drinking Water about the origins of the push, the dangers of fluoridation and how people should response in order to show opposition to the plan.