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UK Against Fluoridation

Friday, September 14, 2012

The world can't handle the truth

The world can't handle the truth
Science and medicine in the United States are a complete hoax, and for those who don't believe there is ALREADY A CURE for cancer, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, think again! If you have any or all of these "diseases," or one of your loved ones is suffering from them, you won't get "prescribed" the cure in a pill or a vaccine; in fact, medication actually worsens them, and it's time to pat the people on the back who are screaming "conspiracy" when it comes to Western medicine, because they are right.

Cancer, the disease that's attacking one in every three Americans, and Alzheimer's disease, the fourth leading cause of death in the Western world, are both driven by the consumption of chemicals, so no matter how far medical science delves into "boondoggling" research, the only cure for polluting the rivers (a.k.a. human blood) is to stop polluting the rivers. Fluoride and other heavy metals in tap water and aluminum and mercury in vaccines are the LEADING CAUSES of Alzheimer's, yet Americans live in complete denial, and they keep filling their glasses and pitchers from the tap, and running to clinics to get flu shots, HPV vaccines, mumps and measles shots, and other unnecessary injections, all in the blind name of furthering diseases that Western medicine QUIT TRYING TO FIND CURES for about 75 years ago. The human genome project is nothing more than "another brick in the wall" that's blocking the path to curing disease, and keeping the H.O.V. road to sickness and chronic care profits wide open.

Why in the world would modern medicine snuff out cures which are right in front of us, screaming for exposure and simple solutions? The money making machine called politics and disease are rolling over the masses like a tractor rolls over ants in a field, and there's no way the pharmaceutical industry, who makes the tractors and the pesticides (medical equipment and chemotherapy) is going to just come to a grinding halt by curing millions of people who are dying from diseases that they themselves fuel and foster


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