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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ireland - Problems with fluoride

Sir, – The problem with fluoride just got a whole lot bigger now that Harvard University has published a study in a peer-reviewed journal by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences demonstrating how fluoride in water can cause permanent neurological damage to children. The Harvard study joins 26 other scientific studies in finding that fluoride is a dangerous neurotoxin.

This supports the findings noted in the esteemed Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons in its review of water fluoridation by Prof Joel M Kauffman, PhD, which concluded: “There is evidence that fluoridation increases the incidence of cancer, hip fractures, joint problems, and that by causing fluorosis it damages both teeth and bones. Other medical problems may also occur, including neurological damage. Fluoridation of municipal water should cease. Individuals should remove fluoride from their tap water if fluoridation cannot be stopped.”

It also supports the observations in the recent Irish risk assessment of water fluoridation titled Human Toxicity, Environmental Impact and Legal Implications of Water fluoridation which was submitted to the Government in March 2012. – Yours, etc,
Doherty’s Road,
Co Cork.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Fluoride Liberation (Freedom from Water Fluoridation)

Only view if you believe we are more than just a body.

USA - Fluoride Lowers IQ in Kids, New Study Shows

Fluoride Lowers IQ in Kids, New Study Shows
Written by Alex Newman
A review of some two dozen studies by Harvard University researchers published this month in a peer-reviewed federal journal suggests that fluoride added into water supplies “significantly” decreases the IQ of children, leading to renewed calls by activists to end the controversial practice of fluoridation. Most public water supplies in the United States still have the chemical added in by authorities under the guise of preventing tooth decay.

"The children in high fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ than those who lived in low fluoride areas," noted the Harvard research scientists about the results of their study, echoing claims by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that there is substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity associated with the chemical. “The results support the possibility of an adverse effect of high fluoride exposure on children’s neurodevelopment.”

The researchers also expressed concerns about the potential of fluoride to cause irreversible brain damage in unborn children. "Fluoride readily crosses the placenta,” they observed. “Fluoride exposure to the developing brain, which is much more susceptible to injury caused by toxicants than is the mature brain, may possibly lead to damage of a permanent nature."

The study, which was published on July 20 in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives of the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, also called for further studies on the issue. While fluoride may cause neurotoxicity in animals and adults, not enough was known about the chemical’s effects on the neurodevelopment of children, the researchers said.

“Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain,” noted senior study author Philippe Grandjean, a professor of environmental health at Harvard. “The effect of each toxicant may seem small, but the combined damage on a population scale can be serious, especially because the brain power of the next generation is crucial to all of us.”

Of course, the latest study is hardly the first to document the toxic effects of fluoride on the human brain. Even recently, after some two dozen studies documented the problem, scientists and experts spoke out about the dangers of fluoridation.

“In this study we found a significant dose-response relation between fluoride level in serum and children’s IQ,” observed Fluoride Action Network director Paul Connett, Ph.D., after a previous study was released showing the same effects. “This is the 24th study that has found this association, but this study is stronger than the rest.”

Numerous other studies, including a 2006 report by the U.S. National Academy of Science, have concluded that fluoride affects brain function and can cause other health problems. Most of the research so far, however, has been conducted abroad — much of it in countries without government fluoridation of public water supplies.

In the United States, authorities have been fluoridating the water for decades, and very few proper investigations have studied its potential effects — especially on the developing minds of children. But opposition to the practice is growing quickly, with each new study adding fuel to the fire.

A broad coalition of American attorneys, doctors, dentists, and activists has long demanded that authorities stop adding fluoride to the public’s drinking water. And like other recent studies highlighting the myriad dangers, the latest research — especially because it was published in a federal journal — has already been seized on by opponents of water fluoridation.

"It's senseless to keep subjecting our children to this ongoing fluoridation experiment to satisfy the political agenda of special-interest groups," said attorney Paul Beeber, president of the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation. "Even if fluoridation reduced cavities, is tooth health more important than brain health? It's time to put politics aside and stop artificial fluoridation everywhere."

Alleged dental benefits aside, other critics of water fluoridation oppose the controversial practice in principle, pointing out that, instead of being used to purify the water supply, it is instead used to treat people and amounts to the mass-medication of populations without lawfully required individual consent. Some experts even challenge the supposed usefulness of fluoride in preventing cavities.

As evidence about the dangers of fluoridation continues to build, however, communities across America have been debating whether or not to stop medicating people through the water supply. More than a few municipal governments have already stopped the controversial practice altogether. But as analysts have noted, officials and much of the mainstream medical establishment have tended to ignore the growing amount of research exposing the toxicity of fluoride.

“Will the latest Harvard-backed study be ignored by major public health organizations, or will serious change be initiated?” wondered Natural Society’s Anthony Gucciardi, citing decades-old evidence that the toxic chemical leads to a wide array of health problems including brain damage, accelerated tumor growth, and even death. “This should come as no surprise to those who have followed fluoride research over the past several years.”

The most recent study on fluoride relied on more than two dozen previous studies documenting the effects of the chemical on the brains. Researchers concluded that future investigations should examine information on exposure by unborn children and neurobehavioral performance.

Activists hope the latest research may be the beginning of the end for proponents of mass medicating Americans through the water supply. However, considering the vast amount of research already available that has been largely overlooked or even concealed by public health authorities, it remains unclear whether any significant reforms will be forthcoming.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ

UK - Luton -Kids’ health hit by poverty – review

Kids’ health hit by poverty – review
Published on Saturday 28 July 2012 09:55
POVERTY-STRICKEN and suffering a range of health problems – that’s the reality for thousands of children living in Luton, a new health review has found, writes Connie Primmer.
Statistics from the Health and Social Care Review Group show 28.4 per cent of Luton children live in poverty, and there is a significantly higher prevalence of certain health problems than in the rest of England.
For example, 11.2 per cent of age four-five children are obese, compared with the Bedfordshire average of 8.6 per cent. Nearly half of Luton’s five-year-olds have tooth decay, missing and filled teeth (44 per cent) compared with the England average of 31 per cent.
Deputy Director of Health Morag Stewart said: “There is a link with social deprivation – it tends to be families with social deprivation who have poorer health.
“What affects them as children tends to follow them in adulthood and this is what we want to prevent.”
It’s not just weight that’s a problem in Luton. The prevalence of mental health disorders in children and young people is estimated to be 25 per cent higher than the national............

Seven out of 10 Indian kids suffer from gum disease: Study

Seven out of 10 Indian kids suffer from gum disease: Study
Pratibha Masand, TNN | Jul 29, 2012, 10.38AM IST
MUMBAI: A new nationwide survey conducted by the India Dental Association (IDA) shows that 70% of children under the age of 15 suffer from gum problems. The IDA surveyed four lakh children across the country and found out that 40% are suffering from a faulty jaw line.

The survey also pointed out that the problems of dental decay are rising amongst the children. Moreover a recent study showed that 92% students were found to be suffering from dental decay. Majority kids have dental problems with irregular teeth that need to be straightened and aligned, bad breath, or teeth that need cleaning - polishing and fillings.

According to Dr Veejay Deshpandey, consultant dental surgeon and implantologist, almost 70 per cent of their dental problems are due to consumption of junk food, soft drinks and lack of good brushing habits. "The usage of package food and junk food habits in children are increasing due to the fast life. Children, who are addicted to junk foods like candies, chips, cookies, french fries, chinese dishes, burgers, pizzas, ice creams, sodas, desserts as well as packaged drinks, cannot resist having them, and are more prone to problems such as toothache, problem in the gums, decays in milk teeth and newly erupted permanent teeth. The food particles tend to get stuck between the teeth which increase the bacteria in mouth and lead to tooth problems. This results in early tooth decay and possible loss of teeth. Hence these habits of eating are hazardous for children's teeth."

This is happening despite all the calcium fluoride found in the water that cripples villagers. I wonder if Prof Newton (SHA) would have an answer?

USA - Dale Carson Takes a Break From Cooking and Ruminates on Water

Dale Carson Takes a Break From Cooking and Ruminates on Water
......Can you imagine living in a third world country where there is little but wastewater containing sewage and other bacteria-laden forms of waste? Much wastewater can be put through filtration systems and treated to make it potable again.

One of the worst pollutants is pharmaceuticals used by humans. Not long ago in our town, a developer wanted to build over a hundred housing units for people 55 and older on the edge of a fragile marsh where birds nest and lay their eggs. The nearby salt water contained irreplaceable aquatic life. The sewage treatment container the developer wanted to use was proven to be inadequate to ensure that no pharmaceuticals would get into this marsh and seawater. His proposal was denied. Good.

Naturally, my rumination on water lead me back to how our ancestors used water, and how clean it was. They drank fresh spring water, and consumed no milk, sugar or alcohol, and they certainly had no fluoride in their drinking water. They were strong, straight and could run miles on a handful of parched corn, and rarely had tooth decay.

Wow! What progress we’ve made!

Dale Carson, Abenaki, is the author of three books: New Native American Cooking, Native New England Cooking and A Dreamcatcher Book.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

USA - New Hampshire passes first state-wide fluoride warning law

New Hampshire passes first state-wide fluoride warning law
Beginning August 4, 2012, New Hampshire will require notification that 6-month-olds should not be routinely fed infant formula mixed with fluoridated water to avoid discoloring babies' unerupted teeth (fluorosis), reports the Fluoride Action Network (FAN).

Passed by the House, 253-23, unanimously by the Senate, and signed by the Governor, HB-1416 reads: "If a public water supply is fluoridated, the following notice shall be posted in the water system's consumer confidence report: 'Your public water supply is fluoridated. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if your child under the age of 6 months is exclusively consuming infant formula reconstituted with fluoridated water, there may be an increased chance of dental fluorosis. Consult your child's health care provider for more information.'" The bill was introduced by Rep. Anne Cartwright (R-Alstead), and had four co-sponsors.

"Neither a nutrient nor required for healthy teeth, fluoride chemicals are added to public water supplies in a failed attempt to reduce tooth decay," says Paul Connett, Ph.D., FAN's Executive Director. "Current science shows that fluoride hardens teeth topically. Swallowing fluoride delivers risks without benefits," says Connett.

Fluoridated water contains 100-200 times more fluoride than breast milk. And all infant formula already contains some fluoride....

Friday, July 27, 2012

'Harvard University researchers' review of fluoride/brain studies concludes "our results support the possibility of adverse effects of fluoride exposu

'Harvard University researchers' review of fluoride/brain studies concludes "our results support the possibility of adverse effects of fluoride exposures on children's neurodevelopment." It was published online July 20 in Environmental Health Perspectives, a US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences' journal (1), reports the NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF)

"The children in high fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ than those who lived in low fluoride areas," write Choi et al. Further, the EPA says fluoride is a chemical "with substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity."'

Thursday, July 26, 2012

UK - Echo letter

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Interview with Walter Grahams on Flouridation of Water and the Dangers!

Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Background: Although fluoride may cause neurotoxicity in animal models and acute fluoride poisoning causes neurotoxicity in adults, very little is known of its effects on children’s neurodevelopment.

Objective: We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies to investigate the effects of increased fluoride exposure and delayed neurobehavioral development.

Results: The standardized weighted mean difference in IQ score between exposed and reference populations was -0.45 (95% CI -0.56 to -0.35) using a random-effects model. Thus, children in high fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low fluoride areas. Subgroup and sensitivity analyses also indicated inverse associations, although the substantial heterogeneity did not appear to decrease.

Conclusions: The results support the possibility of an adverse effect of high fluoride exposure on children’s neurodevelopment. Future research should include detailed individual-level information on prenatal exposure, neurobehavioral performance, and covariates for adjustment.

When Prof Connett during the 3 month consultation gave details of Chinese papers showing lower IQ in fluoridated areas the SHA rejected them now Harvard University indicates that there is a link. Meanwhile the SHA are steaming ahead to introduce this toxic waste into Southampton's water with money taken from their own budget that was ear marked for other medical services.

Monday, July 23, 2012

USA - Oral health epidemic persists

Oral health epidemic persists, former surgeon general says.
Atlanta, GA - Twelve years after issuing a landmark report that offered a framework for improving access to oral health, formerSurgeon General David Satcher says profound oral health problems still exist for large portions of the population and has issued a renewed call to expand access to oral health care, especially to the millions of children expected to gain dental benefits through the Affordable Care Act in 2014.

Poor oral health can lead to serious health consequences later in life, including diabetes and heart problems. Satcher emphasizes that oral health can dramatically affect how we speak, eat, or smile. He also stresses that children, minorities and the poor are disproportionately affected by the oral health care crisis:

• 37 percent of African American children and 41 percent of Hispanic children have untreated tooth decay, compared with 25 percent of white children

• American Indians and Alaska Natives have the highest rate of tooth decay of any population: five times the national average for children ages 2 to 4.

• Seventy-two percent of American Indian and Alaska Native children ages 6 to 8 have untreated cavities - more than twice the rate of the general population.

• More than a third of all poor youngsters ages 2 to 9 have untreated cavities, compared with 17 percent of children who are not poor.

Fluoridated USA

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Send This To The Fluoride Ignorant - A Basic Introduction To The Truth

Published on 21 Jul 2012 by 2WAYFM
A basic, entry-point conversation about the dangers of fluoride. Send this to anyone who says, "all I know is, it's definitely good for teeth". Send it to anyone who says, "well it hasn't done me any harm". Send this to anyone who says, "oh that's just a conspiracy theory". Send this to anyone who says, "if it was so bad for us, we'd all know about it by now". Send this to anyone who says, "My parents' teeth were awful but mine are pretty good thanks to fluoride".

Saturday, July 21, 2012

India - Seven in 10 children suffer from gum disease

Seventy per cent of children under 15 suffer from gum diseases, a nationwide survey found out. Conducted by the Indian Dental Association (IDA), it shows dental decay and oral cancer is rising among children.
Dentists said that dental hygiene in children is always neglected and overlooked as compared to lifestyle diseases like obesity and stress. The IDA surveyed 4 lakh children across India, as part of its community health initiative, and found 40% suffering from faulty jawline.
Dr PD Joshi, consultant dentist at Lilavati hospital in Mumbai, said, "At least 75-80% children come to me with cavity problems. Early cavities are leading to more and more children undergoing root canal." The procedure is difficult to do in children as their jaws are not properly formed, which leads to a prolonged treatment, he adds.
Dr Karishma Jaradi, aesthetic dentist, Dentzz dental care centre, said, "There's a rise in number of children in the 0-6 age group going for the root canal procedure. Cavities are mainly linked to not brushing the teeth properly."

"Junk and sugary food items are the main culprits. Children wake up early and are in a hurry to leave for school. In their rush, brushing teeth properly takes a backseat," said Dr Ashok Dhoble, IDA secretary.

And that is despite India having so much natural fluoride in their water!

Friday, July 20, 2012

UK - Lymington Times

Fluoride debate rages on as county leader steps in
THE leader of Hampshire County Council has written to the Secretary of State about controversial plans to add fluoride to Southampton's water supply.
Coun. Ken Thornber urged the health secretary Andrew Lansley MP to bring forward new legislation that will give local authorities the power to make such decisions, rather than strategic health authorities.
The South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) gave its approval for the chemical to be added to Southampton's supply in 2009 after the local primary care trust said it was needed to combat child tooth decay.
The plan affects 190,000 people around the city, including 8,000
Totton residents because of the layout of the pipes.
Coun. Thornber's letter said: "We are pleased to note that the Health and Social Care Act 2012 will instigate a change to the Water Industry Act 1991 (as amended by the Water Act 2003) and in future will place the responsibility for considering fluoridation proposals with democratically elected local authorities.
"I understand that the commencement of the relevant sections of the act is on such day as the [Secretary of State] may by order appoint.
"May I respectfully request that this part of the act be brought into force as soon as possible."
He added that once the act was in force the county council would seek to submit a termination proposal in relation to the scheme, in recognition of the 72% of respondents who were against the proposal during the consultation by SHA.
He continued: "If the powers to do so are implemented forthwith, this could avoid any further expense from the public purse being expended on this scheme which does not enjoy local support.
"It would clearly be most reasonably practicable to terminate a scheme prior to implementation."
Responding to the SHA's consultation, the county council previously voted against fluoride being added to the water supply, with just one abstention.
Lib Dem county councillor for Totton and Marchwood, Coun. David Harrison welcomed the morals of Coun. Thornber.
He said: "I have been working cross-party on HCC to try and stop local people from being medicated against their will, via our tap water.
"I asked that we write to the Secretary of State, reminding him that there is no democratic mandate to force these plans through and asking that he use the new legislation that will put a stop to this once and for all."

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Canada - Fluoride off the table

ORILLIA - A proposal to fluoridate Orillia's water is down the drain. The measure recommended by the public health unit to combat tooth decay failed to muster majority support around the council table this week. The decision follows on the heels of a months-long campaign by a local group that opposed the measure, with members citing concerns over potential health effects and what they claimed was mass medication of the population.....

USA - Sweet tooth trouble: More cavities being seen in younger kids

Sweet tooth trouble: More cavities being seen in younger kids
By Jeanne Millsap For The Herald-News July 17, 2012 12:58PM
A dentist checks the jaw of a 1-year-old. | Submitted by Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation
Updated: July 18, 2012 2:42AM
Dr. Gina Mueller, a Shorewood dentist, said she’s not surprised when she sees young children coming in her office with six or eight or even a dozen cavities. It seems like the past few years, she said, it’s becoming more common for toddlers to develop a mouth-ful of cavities even before their first dental checkup.
“It’s almost more surprising to see a kid without cavities,” she said.

Her fellow dentists at Shorewood Family Dental Center say they are observing the same trend, and they are not alone.

A recent report issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed an increase in cavities in American children ages 2 to 5. With all the dental health and preventative treatment progress in recent decades, that’s the first increase in cavities seen in any age group in 40 years.

Other age groups continue to show improvements in dental health. There are fewer cavities in adolescents. Adults also have fewer cavities, better tooth retention and better periodontal health. Seniors are losing teeth at a slower rate and also have less periodontitis.
‘Acid attack on their teeth’
Some come in to their first dentist appointment with several cavities, many so extensive the little patients must go under general anesthesia to fill them all, as they are too young to sit through the work. Some have to have root canals before they even begin school.

“I do baby root canals all the time,” Mueller said. “When they’re around 3 or younger or if they have multiple cavities, I usually refer them to a pediatric dentist. It depends on how severe the decay is and their age.”

It’s a wake-up call to their parents, Mueller said.

The reasons for the worsening dental health of young children are pretty clear, she said. Many parents today allow their children to snack, or graze, all day long. That gives oral bacteria a rich growing environment, bathed in sugars and carbohydrates.

Constant sipping on fruit juices is just as bad, she added. Many parents think of juice as a healthful alternative to soft drinks or other sugary drinks, but juices also contain a lot of sugar.

“I’m against the whole sippy cup concept,” Mueller said. “They play some, then sip their juice, they play, they sip more juice … It rots their teeth so fast. It’s like an acid attack on their teeth.”

Juice is fine with meals, she explained, when they are going to drink a small quantity along with food, then leave the table and not drink any more. If they are thirsty between meals, parents should give them water.....

Fluoridation is state mandated in Illinois:NYSCOF

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

KPTS Impact Interviews Michael Hicks • July 12th, 2012

Canada - Fluoride off the table

Frank Matys
Jul 17, 2012 - 12:17 PM
Fluoride off the table

ORILLIA - A proposal to fluoridate Orillia’s water is down the drain.
The measure recommended by the public health unit to combat tooth decay failed to muster majority support around the council table this week.
The decision follows on the heels of a months-long campaign by a local group that opposed the measure, with members citing concerns over potential health effects and what they claimed was mass medication of the population.
“I’m stunned, in a good way,” Susan Schweitzer, of Orillia Citizens Against Fluoridation, said of council’s decision not to fluoridate. “I’ve always had faith in them.”.......

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

UK - House of Lords

Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley

To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Earl Howe on 25 June (WA 17), whether members of the working group on Water Fluoridation in England-Monitoring Health Effects will declare any affiliations to the British Fluoridation Society when their final recommendations are published.[HL1390]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Earl Howe): Yes. We will include details of any relevant interests that members of the working party have in any report we publish.

Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley

To ask Her Majesty's Government how wide the consultation will be on the content of regulations to be brought forward on water fluoridation under the Health and Social Care Act 2012; and when they expect the consultation to take place.[HL1391]

Earl Howe: The consultation will be on the changes we propose to make through regulations on the legal and technical aspects of the process for considering proposals for the fluoridation of drinking water as well as for the variation and termination of existing fluoridation schemes.

This consultation will be an opportunity for the department to obtain the views of local authorities, National Health Service commissioners, public health professionals, service providers, equality representatives and all other interested parties on the future arrangements for considering proposals for fluoridation schemes. The consultation, which is expected to start over the summer, will run for a period of 12 weeks.

Consultation first then they do what they intended in the first place if the Southampton fiasco is anything to go by.

Monday, July 16, 2012

To study the effect of vitamin D and E on sodium-fluoride-induced toxicity in reproductive functions of male rabbits

How to cite this
Kumar N, Sood S, Arora B, Singh M, Beena, Roy PS. To study the effect of vitamin D and E on sodium-fluoride-induced toxicity in reproductive functions of male rabbits. Toxicol Int [serial online] 2012 [cited 2012 Jul 16];19:182-7. Available from: http://www.toxicologyinternational.com/text.asp?2012/19/2/182/97220
Fluorosis is an endemic public health problem in many nations around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) guideline is that 1.5 ppm of fluoride is the desirable upper limit in drinking water and the recommended levels are 0.5 to 0.8 mg/L. [1] Extensive data on skeletal fluorosis are available. However, the effect of fluoride on the structure and metabolism of several soft tissues has been reported recently and convincing evidence from fluorosis patient is now available to demonstrate the damage or involvement of human spermatozoa. [2] Chinoy and Sequeira reported that sodium fluoride treatment in mice caused alteration in histology of reproductive organs, morphology of sperm, and induced biochemical changes. [3],[4] In fluoride-treated male rats there was decrease in sperm motility. [5] In an Indian study, infertility was reported among married men in a highly endemic area with fluoride concentration up to 38.5 mg/L. [6] Sodium fluoride treatment (20 mg/kg/day for 29 days) results a significant diminution of relative wet weight of the testis, prostate, and seminal vesicle, without alteration in the body weight. [7] Susheela and Kumar have shown that chronic fluoride toxicity caused regression of seminiferous tubule and cessation of the spermatogenesis in the rabbit. [8] Fluoride treatment leads to oxidative stress as indicated by an increased level of conjugated dienes in the testis, epididymis, and epididymal sperm with respect to control. [7] Vitamin D (vit D) hormone plays an important role in reproduction. [9],[10],[11] Sood et al. suggested that deficiency of vitamin D produces retardation of spermatogenesis due to disturbances in sertoli cell functions, and these changes are reversible and can be corrected by supplementing an optimal dose of vitamin D. [12] Vitamin E (vit E) is believed to exert its protective effect at the cellular - molecular level, primarily through destruction of cell damaging free radical oxygen species. [13] Chinoy and Sharma reported that the supplementation of vitamin D and E during the withdrawal period of sodium-fluoride-treated mice was found to be very beneficial in recovery of all sodium-fluoride-induced effects on reproductive functions and fertility. The extent of recovery was more pronounced with vitamin E as compared to vitamin D and was most significant with the combined treatment. However, not many studies are available to show the effect of vitamin D and E in fluorosis. [14]

Considering that fluorosis is a public health issue and the very fact that the fluoride exposure has a definite effect on reproduction. The following study was planned to observe the effect of fluoride on the sperm count, motility, and histology of testis and to study the ameliorative effect, if any of vitamin D and E either alone or in combination.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

TaJnB - Doctor Retracts Endorsement of H1N1

Not about fluoride but about trust. Scary.

Poison for parched throats:

Poison for parched throats: Water in Andhra district is high on flouride content
By A. Srinivasa Rao
PUBLISHED:00:46, 15 July 2012 | UPDATED:00:46, 15 July 2012
Crooked bones, twisted limbs and deformed bodies sat in the doorways, eyes vacant, staring into the horizon.
Movement for them is a curse, each day a torture, as they struggle to find answers to government apathy that has left them dwarfed and shrivelled, thanks to fluoride poisoning of ground water.

Most people living in Nalgonda district of Andhra Pradesh have to survive on contaminated ground water, which is high on fluoride content. In fact, the amount of fluoride is as high as 10 parts per millilitre (ppm), as against a permissible limit of 0.5 to 1 ppm....

We are told that fluoride at 1ppm has no affect on the body apart from teeth - do we believe it?

Saturday, July 14, 2012

High exposure to fluoride may make men infertile

High exposure to fluoride may make men infertile
07/14/2012 03:42:00admin
By david Liu, PHD
Friday July 13, 2012 (foodconsumer.org) -- Food consumers are often led to believe fluoride helps prevent dental disease, but know little to none about what this toxic chemical can do to damage their health.
A new study released in the May 2012 issue of Toxicology International suggested that fluoride can signficiantly decrease sperm count, motility, and progressive notility and epididymal weight...........

When Treatment is Poison

By Dr. Mercola
In 1994, a tanker truck carrying fluorisilic acid lost a set of wheels, causing its 4,500-gallon load to spill onto Interstate 4 in Volusia County Florida. Forty-seven people were sent to the hospital as a result, and 2,300 in the area had to be evacuated.

The highway was closed for two days, and those who happened to be nearby had breathing troubles and burning sensations on their skin.

Even vehicles that drove through the spill had to be professionally decontaminated, as the chemical was so noxious it could cause respiratory problems to bystanders.i

That chemical -- fluorosilicic acid – is one of the fluoride variants currently added to about two-thirds of U.S. drinking water supplies – what amounts to pure poison in your tap water, under the guise of protecting your teeth.......

Friday, July 13, 2012

Wichita's Race Against Fluoride • Infowars Nightly News • July 9th, 2012

Published on 12 Jul 2012 by WACWichita

Aaron Dykes covers Wichita's Race Against Fluoridation on the Infowars Nightly News

Signatures wanted to petition White House to ban fluoridation

Signatures wanted to petition White House to ban fluoridation
07/13/2012 03:39:00admin
Editor's note: This is a letter from a reader. Food consumers who believe they have a right to clean, natural and healthy drinking water are encouraged to sign the petition. Those who believe dentists or dental business organizations do not have any right to put any toxic chemical in the municipal drinking water system should also sign it.

Dear friends,

I wanted to let you know about a new petition I created on We the People, a new feature on WhiteHouse.gov, and ask for your support. Will you add your name to mine? If this petition gets 25,000 signatures by August 07, 2012, the White House will review it and respond!

We the People allows anyone to create and sign petitions asking the Obama Administration to take action on a range of issues. If a petition gets enough support, the Obama Administration will issue an official response.
You can view and sign the petition here:

Here's some more information about this petition:
Please outlaw city water fluoridation. Fluorine is a carcinogenic neurotoxin. It kills 10s of thousands every year.
Our nation's city water lines are injected with hazardous wastes, which includes fluoride compounds, which are generated from steel and fertilizer industries.
Since it is illegal to dispose of these wastes products via air or ground, industry arranged to sell it to cities for injection into the public water supply.
Fluoride compounds are purported to protect teeth. All valid scientific evidence shows that teeth are damaged. There is no established safe level of fluorine in the human body. In toxicity, it sits between lead and arsenic.
Diseases associated with fluoride are cancer, ADD, ADHD, autism, lower IQ, dental and skeletal fluorosis. It can destroy nearly 100 different enzymes.
It interferes with thyroid function. There are many more. It's practice is guaranteed by very heavy lobbying.
For supporting information in addition to my scientific research, please visit and explore these sites:

www.informationliberation.com/?id=14949 ( good summary of the history of fluoridation)

www.fluoridealert org

Thursday, July 12, 2012

FAN: Two Misused Quotes In Fluoridation Debate - #1

USA - Santa Fe will discontinue its longstanding practice of adding fluoride

City Council votes to stop adding fluoride to water supply
Julie Ann Grimm | The New Mexican
Posted: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 -
The city of Santa Fe will discontinue its longstanding practice of adding fluoride to municipal drinking water.

The City Council late Wednesday amended the city code to stop fluoridation and require water managers to monitor naturally occurring fluoride so it doesn’t exceed the maximum level recommended by federal standards.

The city has added the mineral to its water supply since 1955 because of the belief that it helps reduce tooth decay.

Today, the city fluoridates by measuring small amounts of a dry chemical compound at its water treatment plant on Canyon Road and at wells, and the same practice takes place at a treatment plant for Rio Grande water drawn into the joint city/county Buckman Direct Diversion project. But, following Wednesday’s City Council vote, that practice will cease.

“What’s happening is you are fluoridating 100 percent of the water, and anywhere from 95 to 99 percent of it does not get ingested,” said Councilor Chris Calvert. “So you are basically dumping most of it into the environment one way or the other.”.....

Daily Echo

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

No stopping them

From Communications and Engagement Manager
NHS South of England
I can confirm that Southern Water has been instructed to progress planning and the project has not been cancelled.
Funding has also been allocated for implementation of the scheme.
The Strategic Health Authority has consulted on the scheme with a wide range of stakeholders, including local authorities, and is now implementing the scheme in accordance with the prevailing legislation laid down by Parliament.

The Strategic Health Authority remains confident that the decision made by its Board was carried out in the best interests of the health of people living in Southampton and parts of south

west Hampshire.

The logo conveys their message

Ireland - Council warned of future fluoridation compensation claims

Council warned of future fluoridation compensation claims - Query over adequate insurance cover
Tuesday, 10 July 2012 12:32
MAYO County Council is being warned about possible future claims over what the Fluoride Awareness Mayo group describe as the failure by local authorities to protect consumers with adequate legal, technical and safety assessment of chemicals added to public water supplies.
Members of the council’s water supply and sewerage special policy committee have been asked if the authority has adequate insurance cover for potential claims.

In a presentation, Mr. Stephen Kerr said there is growing concern in Mayo and nationally about the associated risks of Irish water fluoridation policy.

Under Irish law, water supplies must undergo fluoridation. However, every other country in Europe had stopped the practice, as have a number of Canadian cities in recent months.
Mr. Kerr highlighted a number of health facts. Ireland has the highest incidence of neurological and cardiovascular disease in the world, as well as being high up the rates list for osteoporosis, epilepsy and cancer of the intestinal tract. All these conditions have been linked to water fluoridation.
Canadian and American health authorities have advised parents that fluoridated water should not be mixed with concentrated formulae or foods intended for babies.

Mr. Kerr revealed the United States Institute of Medicine has set an upper daily fluoride dietary intake level for babies of 0.01 parts per million. In Ireland, bottle fed babies are exposed to fluoride levels 8,000 per cent higher.

Mr. Kerr said the fact councils have now been made aware of the risks, they are obliged by European law to protect the interests of consumers. To continue adding this chemical without seeking evidence that it is safe was professional negligence.

“Has Mayo County Council adequate insurance for future claims that will come against individual councils for failure to protect consumers in undertaking adequate legal, technical and safety assessment of chemicals added to public water supplies?” he asked. Councils could ask the HSE to provide scientific evidence of testing to give themselves cover.

A template of a letter the local authority could send to the HSE to safeguard itself against any future liable case, seeking details risk and toxicological assessments, was circulated to committee members as part of the presentation.

Fluoride is added to water to prevent dental cavities. Mr. Kerr made the point that it should in fact be applied topically to the teeth’s surface, not ingested.

Committee members agreed there was a need to have a full debate on the matter, with full, accurate information on the differing views. A proposal was passed to invite a representative of the HSE to a meeting to explain their position and outline why fluoridation is necessary.

No local authority in Ireland has yet stopped fluoridation as to do so would be against the law.

USA - King working on new fluoride rules bill

King working on new fluoride rules bill
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
By Kathryn Lucariello, Carroll County News
BERRYVILLE -- State Rep. Bryan King, R-Berryville, said Friday he is working with Rep. Loy Mauch of District 26 to sponsor a new bill requiring full disclosure of fluoride products in their raw state for use in drinking water.
This new bill will follow an attempt by Mauch last year to introduce House Bill 1205, the Arkansas Water Additive Act. The Act established criteria for disclosure of content, impurities, testing and origin of anything added to drinking water supplies beyond those required by law for disinfection.

The bill stated these disclosures are essential so the safest products can be chosen for public health and so effective emergency response can be mounted should the need arise.

According to René Fonseca, a water operator with the Carroll-Boone Water District who went to Little Rock to testify in favor of the bill, Mauch was not able to introduce it because the wrong bill was put forward when it came his turn to speak.

The house committee overseeing the bill was going to cancel testimony, but committees chairmen allowed testimony as some had traveled long distances to speak.

Fonseca, one of 12 Carroll-Boone water operators who all oppose adding fluoride to the drinking water supply, as mandated by Gov. Mike Beebe in Act 197, testified that as a water operator he wanted specific information about any products the water district must add to the water to ensure he is complying with American National Standards Institute 60 with regard to adding contaminants to the water. Carroll-Boone must comply with the Clean Water Act, the Enhance Surface Water Treatment Rule and the state's rules and regulations pertaining to public water systems....

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

UK Press Release

Embargo Date : 10.7.12

Two Pronged Attack

A leading campaigner against fluoridation of water supplies has initiated a two pronged attack, aimed at sinking the plans before the chemical is added to thousands of homes in the area.

County Councillor David Harrison, a member of Hampshire's Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee, has welcomed the actions of Councillor Ken Thornber, Leader of Hampshire County Council, in writing to the Secretary of State for Health, asking that new laws be implemented right away to stop the Strategic Health Authority from forcing through plans to fluoridate water supplies, before it is abolished next year.

Councillor Harrison says “ I have been working cross-party on Hampshire County Council to try and stop local people from being medicated against their will, via our tap water. I asked that we write to the Secretary of State, reminding him that there is no democratic mandate to force these plans through and asking that he use the new legislation that will put a stop to this once and for all”.

In a second move, Councillor Harrison has revived a joint complaint he has made, along with local MP, Dr Julian Lewis, against the Strategic Health Authority and the failure to carry out a fair and proper consultation. The complaint is being considered by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.

Councillor Harrison adds “ One way or another, I'm hoping that the Strategic Health Authority will get the message that the public money they plan to spend forcing through these unwanted plans would be better directed elsewhere”.


Copy Letter from Cllr. Thornber :

H1.2/hg/0748 2 July 2012
Rt Hon Andrew Lansley Secretary of State for Health Richmond House 79 Whitehall
London SW1A 2NL

Dear Secretary of State

Fluoridation of Water Supplies

As you are no doubt aware, the South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) took a decision in February 2009 to go ahead with adding fluoride to the water supply covering parts of Southampton and Hampshire. You may also be aware that Hampshire County Council, having given in-depth consideration to the issues through the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC), took the view that fluoride should not be added to the drinking water, and responded to the consultation undertaken on the subject to that effect (following an almost unanimous [one abstention] vote at full council).
We are pleased to note that the Health and Social Care Act 2012 will instigate a change to the Water Industry Act 1991 (as amended by the Water Act 2003) and in future will place the responsibility for considering fluoridation proposals with democratically elected Local Authorities. I understand that the commencement of the relevant sections (35 to 37) of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 is ‘on such day as the [Secretary of State] may by order appoint’. May I respectfully request that this part of the Act be brought into force as soon as possible.
Implementation of the proposals to fluoridate the water in parts of Hampshire was delayed by a Judicial Review challenge. The high court ruled that the decision of the SHA was lawful in February 2011. From the Hampshire HOSC’s most recent communications with the SHA (September 2011), I am given to understand that the details of the scheme were yet to be confirmed and the proposals have yet to be implemented.
Once the Health and Social Care Act 2012 provisions are in force, I anticipate that Hampshire County Council would seek to submit a termination proposal in relation to the scheme affecting Hampshire residents (subject to approval through full County Council), in recognition of the 72% of respondents who were against the proposal
during the Strategic Health Authorities consultation, and our own assessment of the case. If the powers to do so are implemented forthwith, this could avoid any further expense from the public purse being expended on this scheme which does not enjoy local support. It would clearly be most ‘reasonably practicable’ to terminate a scheme prior to implementation.
I have copied this letter to colleagues in the other Local Authorities affected by the fluoridation scheme in question. I look forward to receiving confirmation of when you anticipate the relevant legislation will come in to force.

Yours sincerely

Ken Thornber Leader

cc. Leader, Southampton City Council Leader, Eastleigh Borough Council Leader, New Forest District Council Leader, Test Valley Borough Council Chief Executive, South Central Strategic Health Authority Cllr Pat West, Chairman Hampshire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairman, Hampshire Local Involvement Network

From : Councillor David Harrison, 25 Rushington Avenue, Totton, Hants S040 9DD
Telephone 02380 864500 E-Mail : dharrison100@aol.com
Website : www.dharrison.co.uk

Have Scientists Finally Discovered a Cure For Tooth Decay?

Have Scientists Finally Discovered a Cure For Tooth Decay?
Sam Gibbs -
Some Chilean researchers might have just put the humble toothbrush out of business. They’ve found a molecule that nukes the bacteria that cause cavities in just 60 seconds, and it can be put in gum or just about anything.

The molecule, Keep 32, kills Streptococcus mutans within 60 seconds, stopping it from rotting your teeth. The beauty is that it can be included in all manner of products, from toothpaste, mouthwash or a dental cream that can be slapped on over night, to a gum, sweets, or other type of chewy food that stays in your mouth for more than 60 seconds.

I don’t know about you, but I really like the idea of a mouthwash, or even gum that you can chew for 60 seconds to nuke the bacteria and clean your teeth better than a brush. Apparently the Chileans are currently in talks with the likes of Colgate and P&G, so hopefully we’ll see this on shelves soon. I’m not sure whether it’ll do anything for your stinky breath, mind you, but at least your teeth won’t rot

India - Boiling Point

...Groundwater at Pavagada is available only at a depth of 1,500 ft, and this is what the entire population is drinking. All children at Palavalli village in Pavagada, part of the worst-affected Nagalamadike hobli, have lines of decay on their teeth. They are losing hair, while eminent eye hospitals like Narayana Nethralaya from Bangalore have drawn up several lists of school children going blind.

Older people are unable to bend, as their waist, knees and ankles have huge deposits of fluoride, making any movement impossible. And everyone, be it age 25 or 50, complains of pain in the joints. But more than the pain, it's the travails of day-to-day life that are disconcerting. Villagers laugh, shrug or shake their heads when asked about water for bathing, washing clothes and utensils. "I haven't had a bath for months now," says Anjamma, 28. She finds it hard enough to store water for drinking for her husband, three children and herself.......

Is there a margin of safety with fluoridation to protect all people here in the West?

Monday, July 09, 2012

THE GREAT CULLING RADIO: the truth denied

Fluoride in drinking water - GET IT OUT! Why? July 8, 2012 Edmonton Rally

Citizen Media News/ Civil Information Activism
http://www.ciactivist.org/ Youtube my Doug Brinkman
Protest/Rally during the Street Performers Festival in frony of Edmonton City Hall July 8, 2012. Pro's and Cons of fluoridating city drinking water.

Related: Watering Down 9/11 Truth with Poisonous Tap Water

Sunday, July 08, 2012

'60 Minutes' Reports on the Dangers of Sugar

Saturday, July 07, 2012

USA - Tooth decay in children on the rise

USA - Other ways to get fluoride

Other ways to get fluoride
Letter to the Editor
Updated: 07/06/2012 03:47:15 PM EDT
The controversy about fluoride is in the news again.
I remember hearing this debate as a child growing up at Sonnewald, and I recall seeing my very busy father hand writing letters to the editor. Over 50 years later, we are still having this discussion.

Is fluoride a byproduct of aluminum smelting and more toxic than lead? Does it decrease oxygen at the cellular level, inhibit enzyme activity, and suppress thyroid function? Is aluminum often high in hair analyses of dementia and Alzheimer's patients? Is fluoride a toxic, non-biodegradable, environmental pollutant?

Do your research. If you conclude you want fluoride in your body, there are many ways to get it. Your dentist will probably provide fluoride treatments or your doctor can write you a prescription for tablets. You can even swallow some of your toothpaste and mouthwash.

There are numerous ways to add fluoride to your diet without adding hazardous waste to mine.


Friday, July 06, 2012

Fluoridation Debate is Back • KSN News


A familiar debate surrounding the fluoridation of Wichita water is back. Those for and against are raising awareness of the issue and want you to know more about your drinking water.

Nearly 500 medical professionals have joined together to raise awareness of what they see as benefits and the need for optimal level fluoride in Wichita's drinking water. "We believe the CDC says this is good for our community and we stand by the sound scientific research and feel it would be beneficial to all our citizens in the Wichita area," advocates Dr. Sara Meng, a dentist in Wichita.

"Everything else we put in our water is treated water to make the water safer. Putting fluoride in the water doesn't do that," says Michael Hicks, who is the executive director of Wichitans for Pure Water, a group opposed to fluoridation. "Healthy diet and proper dental hygiene are the keys to preventing cavities in children and keeping this community safe," says Hicks.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

The lottery of off-label drug prescription

The lottery of off-label drug prescription
The competition for ‘world’s worst company’ has just become fiercer – and the wider implications are unsettling for users of pharmaceutical-based healthcare. But the pharmaceutical model of healthcare, vaccines and all, may soon change forever.

GSK vs. Monsanto

In the grand All-Fat Cat Corporate Race-to-the-Bottom Sweepstakes for Worst Company in the World, Monsanto has been way ahead for some time. But who’s this making a late run on the outside? Why, it’s UK pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline, surging forward on the news of a record US$3 billion fine for defrauding the USA healthcare system............

Submitted by Robert Pocock (not verified) on Thu, 05/07/2012 - 14:03.

Don't forget that other great chemical experiment in Ireland and the UK Midlands. Nine million EU consumers here are the hapless victims of off-label prescribing via their tap water of untrialled, unlicensed, industrial-grade fluorosilicates. The culprits are cowboy chemical suppliers such as Derivados del Fluor in Spain.

Australia - Fluoridation put on hold

Fluoridation put on hold
Posted July 05, 2012 10:09:56

The Tablelands Regional Council has voted to defer the fluoridation of the Kuranda and Malanda water supplies until the Queensland Government makes its position clear on the issue.

The council's CEO will write to the Premier and Local Government Minister requesting not to be forced to begin fluoridation of either water supply.

In a letter endorsed by the council yesterday, CEO Ian Church says the high community opposition and future maintenance costs make the imposition of fluoride dosing unjustifiable.

Crackhead Olympics

Wednesday, July 04, 2012


I wish the EU bit was right.

USA - Fluoride equals poison

Dear Editor:

It is interesting to note that Palisade removed fluoride from its water in May, citing concerns that it has serious health hazards and does not make the water better. Is it time for Aspen to follow actions that Palisade and Grand Junction have taken. What do these towns know that Aspen still has not come to terms with?

Swallowing fluoride provides no

(or very little) benefit.

Benefit is topical not systemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has now acknowledged that the mechanisms of fluoride's benefits are mainly topical, not systemic. There is no need whatsoever, therefore, to swallow fluoride to protect teeth. Since the purported benefit of fluoride is topical, and the risks are systemic, it makes more sense to deliver the fluoride directly to the tooth in the form of toothpaste. Since swallowing fluoride is unnecessary, and potentially dangerous, there is no justification for forcing people (against their will) to ingest fluoride through their water supply.

Fluoridation is not necessary. Most Western, industrialized countries have rejected water fluoridation, but have nevertheless experienced the same decline in childhood dental decay as fluoridated countries.

Fluoridation's role in the decline of tooth decay is in serious doubt. The largest survey ever conducted in the U.S. (over 39,000 children from 84 communities) by the National Institute of Dental Research showed little difference in tooth decay among children in fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities (Hileman 1989).

According to National Institute of Dental Research, the study found an average difference of only 0.6 DMFS (decayed, missing and filled surfaces) in the permanent teeth of children aged five to 17 residing their entire lives in either fluoridated or unfluoridated areas (Brunelle & Carlos, 1990). This difference is less than one tooth surface, and less than 1 percent of the 100-plus tooth surfaces available in a child's mouth. Large surveys from three Australian states have found even less of a benefit, with decay reductions ranging from 0 to 0.3 of one permanent tooth surface (Spencer 1996; Armfield & Spencer 2004). None of these studies have allowed for the possible delayed eruption of the teeth that may be caused by exposure to fluoride, for which there is some evidence (Komarek 2005). A one-year delay in eruption of the permanent teeth would eliminate the very small benefit recorded in these modern studies.

This summer we are being made even more aware of how precious our water is. It is time to stop putting a poison in our water.

Dr. Tom Lankering

Seaweed toothpaste 'to stop tooth decay'By Michelle Roberts

Seaweed toothpaste 'to stop tooth decay'By Michelle Roberts
Health editor, BBC News online
Adding enzymes from seaweed microbes to toothpaste and mouthwash could provide better protection against tooth decay, a team of UK scientists have said.
Researchers at Newcastle University had been studying Bacillus licheniformis to see if it could clean ships' hulls.
But the scientists now believe it could protect the areas between teeth where plaque can gather despite brushing.
Their lab tests suggest the microbe's enzyme cuts through plaque, stripping it of bacteria that cause tooth decay.
Dr Nick Jakubovics, of the university's school of dental sciences, said: "Plaque on your teeth is made up of bacteria which join together to colonise an area in a bid to push out any potential competitors.
"Traditional toothpastes work by scrubbing off the plaque containing the bacteria - but that's not always effective - which is why people who religiously clean their teeth can still develop cavities.
Decaying bacteria
"We found this enzyme can remove some of these undesirable bacteria from plaque."
Plaque is made up of lots of different decaying bacteria.
When bacterial cells die, the DNA inside them leaks out and makes a biofilm that sticks to the teeth.
Instead of removing the plaque entirely, Dr Jakubovics believes the treatment could strip away the harmful bacteria, like Streptococcus mutans, that cause tooth decay.
"Ultimately we hope to harness this power into a paste, mouthwash or denture-cleaning solution."......

Monday, July 02, 2012

Linda Greene: The High & Hidden Costs of Water Fluoridation - ACC June 28, 2012

Australia - Tableland residents rally against fluoride

Tableland residents rally against fluoride
Liam Parsons
Monday, July 2, 2012
KURANDA dad Clayton Grove says it is the fear of the unknown that concerns him most about having fluoride added to his family's drinking water.
"It’s forced medication really," he said.
Mr Grove and his daughter Lani, 2, were among a group of about 50 Kuranda residents who met at Centenary Park yesterday armed with drums to protest against the fluoridation of the area’s drinking water.
Rallies of similar size were also held at Malanda and Yungaburra yesterday, in a region-wide protest.
Mr Grove remains sceptical about the advertised health benefits of fluoridation.
"What about for families who use baby formula, what is the correct amount for a baby and how do you know if it’s more than enough?" Mr Grove said.
"I drink a lot of water so how will I know if I’m having too much and what will it do to your body?"
Tablelands Regional Council Mayor Rosa Lee Long, who attended the Malanda rally, had good news for the protesters.
She said Local Government Minister David Crisafulli had committed to taking the issue to Cabinet and had indicated he was confident the decision-making process on fluoride would be returned to local councils.
The previous Labor Government was a supporter of introducing fluoride to water supplies.

"We’re hoping to have the ruling overturned for Kuranda, Malanda and Atherton so we don’t have to put fluoride in the water, so that’s good news," she said.....

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Australia - Tableland rallies against fluoride in water

Tableland rallies against fluoride in water
Tony Stickley
Saturday, June 30, 2012
AT rallies on the Tableland tomorrow, the drums will be beating for the end to further fluoridation of the region's drinking water.
Kuranda and Malanda are due to have fluoride added to reticulated water supplies from July 11.
But opposition from some residents, who are supported by the Tablelands Regional Council, and sympathetic noises from Premier Campbell Newman and Minister for Local Government David Crisafulli could signal a halt to the process.
The anti-fluoridation campaign under way since the announcement of a fluoridation program last year will reach its climax at drum-beating protests at Kuranda’s Centenary Park and Malanda’s Memorial Park at 2pm tomorrow.
opponents say the case for adding fluoride has not been made, claiming it is harmful to teeth and health in general.
But many dentists say fluoride in water has seen a dramatic decline in tooth decay and dismiss claims of health risks.
Dr Michael Foley, a spokesman for the Queensland branch of the Australian Dental Association, dismissed this saying: "All these claims are complete rubbish."
Kuranda councillor Jenny Jensen will move a motion at next week’s TRC meeting to defer dosing the water until after the state’s position on the issue has become clear. Meanwhile Michael Trout, the MP for Barron River, has put forward a motion to the LNP’s state conference next month calling for the decision on whether to fluoridate to be left in local government hands.
At present, the TRC is bound by the Fluoride Act requiring it to fluoridate supplies.
But buoyed by recent comments from the Government and the support of local MPs, including Dalrymple member, Shane Knuth, TRC Mayor Rosa Lee Long has formally written to the State Government asking it to put a stop to fluoridation.
Premier Newman told Parliament last week he would be willing to look at stopping fluoridation where local communities did not want it, but he would not consider removing it from communities that already had it.............

Ireland - Problem with fluoride

A chara, – Fluoride’s safety for human consumption (June 20th, 26th, 28th 29th) has never been tested by the Irish Medicines Board. In Ireland the fluoride added to our drinking water is regarded as cosmetic. This means it does not have to go through the rigorous testing that a normal drug would go through.

The fluoride we ingest on a daily basis is intended to prevent tooth decay, which is a disease. Therefore, there is a strong argument that the fluoride added to our water should be re-classified as a drug. If it is reclassified as a drug then water fluoridation should cease until its safety for human consumption is fully analysed by the Irish Medicines Board. – Yours, etc,

Kevin Street Upper, Dublin 8.