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UK Against Fluoridation

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Why We Changed Our Minds About Water Fluoridation

from Richard L. Shames MD & Karilee H. Shames PhD, RN
Apr 27 2006
The Fluoride/Thyroid Connection
Like many of our professional colleagues, we long held a belief that the practice of water fluoridation was highly beneficial and relatively low-risk. Currently, we feel otherwise. We are now convinced that it is of small benefit, and carries an unacceptably large risk.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

How come - they're fluoridated?

Dental dilemma:

Plainfield is in Illinois which is a fluoridation mandated state: NYSCOF

PLAINFIELD – Plainfield School District's nurses are asking to bring dentists into the schools, saying they are seeing an increase of students with tooth pain and dental decay which prevents them from focusing on learning.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Adding fluoride to water may pose health risks

Posted by the Asbury Park Press on 04/28/06
Scary news travels fast. Within weeks after the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences released a study citing adverse health effects of fluoride in water supplies, the Hightstown Board of Health introduced a draft recommendation to the Borough Council supporting a ban on water fluoridation.
Dylan Ross, an alternate Board of Health member, told the Hightstown council "there is a possibility we might be poisoning people." Hightstown adds 1 part per million (ppm) of fluoride to its public water supplies.Hightstown is not the only town in New Jersey that should be concerned. Other New Jersey towns fluoridate their drinking water and could be putting the public's health at risk.
Although the Research Council study focused on drinking water supplies that have naturally occurring fluoride at levels of 4 ppm and higher, the study is highly relevant to municipalities that add 1 ppm fluoride to water supplies. What the study shows is a disappearing margin of safety for fluoride ingestion.
The Research Council found that the current 4 ppm standard for fluoride is too high and has asked the Environmental Protection Agency to make the standard more stringent in order to protect children against severe dental fluorosis and all age groups from bone fractures.Jennifer Vickers is an organizer and communications director of the New Jersey Environmental Federation, Belmar.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Radio Solent this morning now the Echo, last week MPs told about the wonders of fluoridation what next

Page 2

Even Horses suffer

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Letter: Time to get the facts straight about fluoride

From the archive, first published Tuesday 25th Apr 2006.
We are writing as a group of concerned homeopaths in response to your article on fluoride in The Argus (April 17).
We would like to take issue with the stated opinion of the British Fluoridation Society when it compared the use of diluted fluoride in the water supply with the use of diluted homeopathic remedies. Firstly, homeopathic remedies are not simply "extreme dilutions of poisons". The dilutions used when administering a homeopathic remedy are both infinitely varied and very precise, different levels of dilution having different medicinal effects and therefore used for different medical reasons. The manufacture of a homeopathic remedy is also more than just simple dilution of a substance, as each stage of dilution involves an energy process known as "succussion".
Secondly, a diluted poison does not necessarily mean a safe poison. Homeopathy clearly demonstrates how the potential healing (or damaging) properties of a medicinal substance can be used in two ways ñ not just by the ingestion of significant amounts, as for example, with traditional painkillers, but also by frequent repetition of minute amounts.However, in homeopathy, once the desired effect is produced, the remedy is discontinued. No homeopath would ever advise multiple daily doses of the same remedy for months or years on end, as would occur to each of us if fluoride was added to our water. On the contrary, such indiscriminate, long-term use of a substance would most probably lead to considerable health problems. Adding fluoride to our water would therefore, in our opinion, cause more health problems than it seeks to cure and your article rightly listed the serious health risks associated with fluoride.
The issues involved in fluoridation are hotly debated and contested by both sides in the argument.However, it is interesting to note Switzerland has now removed fluoride from its drinking water after many years because there has been no discernible benefit to the population. And in Ireland, for example, 50 per cent of children living in fluoridated areas suffer from dental fluorosis ñ an unsightly mottling of the teeth which occurs as teeth absorb fluoride.This is one of the outward signs of fluoride poisoning ñ there will also be internal damage occurring to bones, organs and metabolic processes which we will not see until it is too late.

Finally, we believe fluoridation of water supplies is effectively mass medication of the population and as such violates our human right to refuse any medication unless we consider it to be needed, to have been appropriately chosen for each individual and to be given with our full, informed consent.There are other delivery methods which can be targeted specifically at children without involving the whole population in a mass medical experiment.
-Liz Brynin MARH MSECH,, Veronica Walton LCH MARH, Kate Diamantopoulo RGN MCH RSHom AROH, Jane Prisley RGN LCPH MARH, Jeannette Adair RShom, Janet Miles SDSH MARH, The Homoeopathic House, Hove

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

If he said it, it must be right.

Water authority says Robinvale fluoridation part of wider plan
Lower Murray Water's Ron Leamon says the fluoridation of Robinvale's water supply is part of a State Government commitment to add fluoride to all reticulated drinking water. Mr Leamon says his authority does not make decisions on where the fluoride will be added, but provides a service for the Government.
However, he says 90 per cent of Australians now consume fluoridated water and, from a health perspective, it is quite safe.
"Really the issues are around dental cavities and potentially the improvements to oral health and particularly for children ... there's no evidence, contrary to health issues, as have been reported by various people," he said.

Fluoridation, sealants and still disparities.

Tooth decay persists for many Seattle and King County children, according to “2005 Smile Survey”
Sealants, fluoridation help, but disparities seen among the poor and vulnerable
Monday, April 24, 2006

KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON - Children in King County and Seattle are less likely to have tooth decay than in other parts of the state, but troubling rates of preventable dental disease continue, particularly among poor and vulnerable populations, according to the most recent statewide “Smile Survey” of children’s oral health.

Major local findings of the study include:

Nearly 60% of Washington state elementary school children outside of King County were found to have cavities and/or fillings, while King County and Seattle rates were lower, at 47.1% and 49.5%, respectively. The 2005 rate of dental decay or fillings in King County children was about the same as in 2000.
Preschool children in King County have significantly lower rates of dental disease when compared to preschool children in other areas of the state: 45.1% of three to five year olds in Washington state had cavities or fillings, compared to 26.6% in King County.
Over 75% of the population currently has access to fluoridated water systems in King County, which likely contributes to children having healthier teeth with less decay. Statewide, water system fluoridation is available to about 50% of the population.
“Chronic dental disease can impact a child’s health and well-being, self-esteem and school performance,” said Dorothy Teeter, Director and Health Officer for Public Health – Seattle & King County. “This is a preventable problem, but more children and their families need access to the tools that can improve their health.”

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Fluoride creates abnormal and weaker bones

Fluoride, known for fighting dental cavities, stimulates bone building, but studies in osteoporosis patients have found that the structure of the new bone was abnormal and weaker than normal bone.

And humans.

Human toothpaste should be avoided because it contains detergents that can irritate a dog's stomach when swallowed, as well as fluoride, which can be harmful to pets. I use and recommend CET fish or poultry flavored toothpastes (www.virbaccorp.com).

Dr. Marty Becker is the veterinary contributor to Good Morning America.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Southampton Echo gives prominent position to Andover letter supporting us in the fight against fluoridation.

Canada: It's a start but zero amount is better

The amount of fluoride -- as hydrofluosilicic acid -- permitted in Ontario water is much lower than four mg/L.

The City of Hamilton website says, "The level of fluoridation in municipal drinking water has been recently reduced by the MOE from 1.0-1.2 mg/L to 0.5-0.8 mg/L."

Wish our water managers were as outspoken.

Reached after the meeting, Beacon Water Superintendent Jamie McCollum said he opposes fluoridating Beacon's water.
"I just think as water purveyors, we're here to provide safe, potable water," he said. "I don't think we should play surgeon general and tell people what they should be drinking."

Friday, April 21, 2006

From Portsmouth PCT (Click to enlarge image)

Attached is the reply from Jonathan Montgomery, Chair, Hampshire & IoW SHA, to my letter of 31st March regarding fluoridation. As you will see the advice Jonathan gives that the PCT needs to feel "fluoridation is the most effective solution" is in fact not the decision that the Board took. The Board took the decision that a feasibility and consultation were appropriate. This was discussed at our Board meeting today (21/4/06) and it has been agreed that Paul Edmondson-Jones will seek absolute clarity as to whether the tPCT is taking a decision about a feasibility study or about whether they believe fluoridation is an effective solution to our oral health needs. Once we have received confirmation we will bring the issue back to the full Board. If our initial understanding was correct we will continue to seek the cost of feasibility and consultation, if however the advice in his letter is correct, we will need to organise a formal Board discussion about the issues directly relating to the advantages and disadvantages of fluoridation in Portsmouth water. You have my assurance that I will continue to keep you informed with regard to this matter and any decisions will be taken in public.

USA: Protest

City of Phoenix, stop poisoning our water!
Posted by markyannone on Thursday April 20, 2006 at 5:56 pm
There are more than 500 peer-reviewed studies documenting the adverse effects of fluoride, and NONE proving the benefit of it. http://www.bruha.com/fluoride/
The City of Phoenix buys this industrial waste and rat poison with our money and adds to our water supply.
The union representing all EPA scientists in Washington has now filed a grievance demanding fluoride-free bottled water for their offices. http://www.bruha.com/fluoride/

Click title to see full report

Australia: Dismisses osteosarcoma link

No alarm on fluoride: cancer risk unproven
Medical Studies/Trials
Published: Thursday, 20-Apr-2006
Suggestions that fluoridated water supplies may be linked to a rare form of bone cancer have not been scientifically established, Victoria's Chief Health Officer Dr Robert Hall said this week."A thorough review of a recently published paper on a possible association between fluoride and osteosarcoma has not diminished the view that water fluoridation is a safe, effective public health measure for preventing tooth decay," Dr Hall said.

"The incidence of osteosarcoma in Australia is very low, with an average of nine to ten cases diagnosed each year in children under the age of 15. In Victoria, an average of two to three are diagnosed each year.

"A thorough reading of the recent report shows that the authors say their work is an 'exploratory analysis' that will require further scientific confirmation to validate or refute the findings.

"Further, the data in this paper is part of a much more comprehensive 15-year study by the Harvard School of Dental Medicine which is yet to be published. The principal researcher of the larger study has warned against drawing any conclusions before seeing the full study, which will not suggest an overall association between fluoride and osteosarcoma.

"From our perspective there is nothing in this study which should prevent the public from continuing to enjoy the proven health benefits of optimally fluoridated water.

"The overwhelming scientific consensus is that water fluoridation does not increase the risk of osteosarcoma and major systematic and expert reviews have not identified any increased risk of cancer associated with drinking fluoridated water," Dr Hall said.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

My letter to the NFIC

Professor A Blinkhorn OBE

I've just seen your glossy annual report 2005 sent to all MPs and no doubt many other august bodies with promises of further information leaflets for the MPs surgeries.
You say you are impartial but what is your point you have experts you have the information yet you expect ordinary people to do a better job than you can? I'm no expert but I've examined fluoridation for the last 20 odd years since my son became ill from fluoride painted on his teeth and the more I see of what goes on in the way of money channelled to prove fluoride is Gods gift to man makes me more than a little angry. There is doubt about its efficacy and its safety. In New Zealand and parts of the USA they have horrendous dental rot and these are fluoridated. Diet - too much sugar - is the cause of caries and many other diseases which are far more damaging.
There are people who are sensitive to fluoride - you ignore them. You won't know how much fluoride I will take in if water is fluoridated you don't know how much I am getting now from other sources. Has the peer published osteosarcoma in boys link in the USA been examined by you? Do you ever look at what Dr Connett publishes or the dentists against fluoride in Ireland? Did you see the report that cancer in fluoridated Southern Ireland is much higher than the North?

William Edmunds

This is bad enough but if it had been fluoride rather than aluminium it could have been worse. What if Islamic terrorists took over an unguarded water company and turned on the fluoride tap for 12 hours? Mind you enforcing us to drink it in the first place will be a form of terrorism.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The letter to all MPs promising lots of information leaflets with no mention of the findings of the York Review even though it does put the What the 'York Review' on the fluoridation of drinking water really found on its web pages.

From the glossy National Information Fluoride CentreAnnual report sent to all MPs.

Paul Connetts extensive rebuttal of Gregory's criticism

Pro-fluoridation campaigner needs to look in mirror

April 19, 2006
Chuck Gregory (Letters, April 18) is clutching at straws if he thinks that he can dismiss Bassin's findings on fluoridation and osteosarcoma by claiming that this important article has not been peer-reviewed. Turning to the rest of his letter, which consists largely of personal attacks on me, I have responded to each of his 10 points below.

Gregory 1) The Fluoride Action Network, FAN, is a family business run by Paul Connett, Ph.D., whose son, Michael, made the initial pitch in Bellows Falls at Ms. Light's behest;

Paul Connett's response: While it is true that my wife and I and our son Michael are fully involved in opposing water fluoridation and researching other aspect's of fluoride's toxicity, it would be quite wrong to describe this as a family "business." Neither my wife nor I are paid for our efforts. Michael on the other hand receives essentially minimum wage for his superlative work on behalf of the Fluoride Action Network, particularly for his mastership of our Web page at http://www.FluorideAction.net

Click title to see full report

Fluoridated New Zealand dental decay getting worse

Kids' dental decay figures fuel fluoride debate WEDNESDAY, 19 APRIL 2006 By GEOFF TAYLOROpposing sides of Hamilton's fluoride debate have contrasting spins on Health Ministry figures showing young children's teeth are getting worse.
The 2004 figures showed that nationally the average five-year-old had 2.1 decayed, missing or filled teeth compared with two in 2003 and 1.83 in 2002.
Sampling done on children at about the age of 12 showed a slight improvement in their teeth.
Waikato medical officer of health Felicity Dumble indicated the figures showed the importance of the poll being held in Hamilton on fluoridation this month.
"At a time like this the last thing you would want to do is remove fluoride and exacerbate the problem," she said.
"We have seen from places like Morrinsville and Tauranga what you get when you take fluoride out is an increase in dental decay in children.
"We consistently promote fluoride as part of an oral health strategy which includes regular brushing and a good diet."
Fluoride Action Network spokeswoman Caren McConnell said children's dental health had also deteriorated in fluoridated areas. Health authorities were failing to address the real causes of decay.
"It's about time the Ministry of Health admitted that dental decay is caused by excess sugar in the diet and poor oral hygiene."
Health Ministry chief adviser oral health Robin Whyman said the decline in the oral health of young children was a worldwide issue that appeared to be linked to significant changes in western diet and more consumption of juices, sugared drinks and snack foods.
"Previously the focus of school dental services has been on the primary school age group, but with disease occurring more severely in this younger group, the new challenge is about how to best meet the needs of pre-school children."

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Letter from Margaret Reichlin who also wrote to the Allergy newslettter

Attack on Paul Connett and supporters

Fluoride tract a scare tacticApril 18, 2006
Bellows Falls Trustee Luise Light ("Distorted debate on fluoride," Letters Apr. 10) has certainly done her share to distort the Bellows Falls hearings by preventing me from speaking, while allowing the few (and imported) opponents at the August and October hearings all the time they needed. Her own letter shows some of the movement's fondness for distortion when she writes fluoride should be banned based on "some reports" and on research that "suggests" it. She also misleads the reader by implying that a study claiming a link between bone cancer and exposure to fluoridated water was peer-reviewed and thus valid, when actually the journal it appeared in, not the article itself, is identified as "peer-reviewed."

Goes on to greater detail - click title.

Alarm at rotten state of children's teeth

Auckland District Health Board children's dentist Dr Callum Durward said some children aged 5 or younger were having all their 20 primary teeth removed under general anaesthetic at the Green Lane Clinical Centre because they had so much decay.

Isn't Aukland fluoridated?

Click title to see full report

Monday, April 17, 2006

ARGOS Newspaper: "Do we really need fluoride in our water". NO!

FLUORIDE, or hexafluorosilicic acid, is a by-product of the agrochemical manufacture, too toxic to be disposed of in landfill sites and instead sold on to water companies for use in ten per cent of the UK’s water supply. It is for this reason, in part, that Brighton and Hove City Council passed a motion three years ago, expressing its united stance against water fluoridation. Councillors’ motion stated: "Fluoride, more toxic than lead and only slightly less so than arsenic, can be harmful to health even in small quantities." Dental fluorosis, tumours, thyroid complaints, irritable bowel syndrome and brittle bones are among the suspected side effects. But The British Fluoridation Society says there is no evidence adding it to ourwater supply has any side effects, other than a positive contribution to the health of our teeth, and the fact it is a poison is not harmful itself –after all, homeopathy is based on the extreme dilution of poisons. Campaigners at the National Pure Water Association disagree. Gary Kemp, who lives in Brighton, said: "It is not even a registered medicament, which means it has never been safety tested. The one part per million asserted asthe optimum dose is pure speculation." Responsibility The York Review, a report requested by the Government to carry out a scientific review of fluoride and health and which surveyed fluoridated areas of the UK in 2000, concluded 48 per cent of people suffered from dental fluorosis, pitting and mottling of the teeth through excess fluoride. Councillors, however, cannot stop fluoridation. Since the 2003 Water Act, it is the responsibility of Strategic Health Authorities to decide. Green councillor Sue Paskins said: "The cure for children having bad teeth is better dental hygiene."We’ve got lots of dentists opting out of the NHS and the Health Authority thinks the answer’s not to provide us with dentists but to shovetoxic chemicals into our drinking water. "Unfortunately, a lot of people think their kids won’t have holes in their teeth but you achieve that by not feeding them a junk diet of sugar and salt." More NHS dentists would certainly help stop the decay setting in. A public education campaign to encourage children and adults to look after their teeth would do the same. There are other solutions too. Brighton dentist Nigel Jackson uses ozone technology. He said: "We use an ozone machine with little suction caps which have no pain at all. "The machine eradicates all viruses, bacteria andfungi and we seal the teeth with resin to stop decay altogether."It’s not available on the NHS. I don’t know why, it would save them a fortune."New technology has made fluoridation redundant. But like most dentists, Mr Jackson remains in favour of fluoridation in principle. He said: "The case for is hugely better than the case against." The British Dental Association agrees but it has its detractors. Hardy Limeback is the most renowned example, a Canadian dentist who was in favour but now speaks vociferously against fluoridation. He believes most dentists are well-intentioned, they just do not know the facts about health problems caused by fluoride. Dentist Tony Lees, from Herefordshire, agrees. He is one of the few dentists in the UK to speak out against fluoridation. He said: "Dentists are not being given both sides of the argument. No one will doresearch into the other side of this. "Dentists know no better. There are quite a few anti but most just want to get on with their job. "If people make up their baby milk with fluoridated water, they’re putting huge amounts of fluoride into children and their sensitive, growing bones where fluoride accumulates. "It’s mass medication, you can’t control the dosage and at least two per cent of the population are very sensitive to these things."I think it’s disgraceful, they won’t get away with it, people are too clever in Sussex." It is difficult to ascertain the whole truth. A Freedom of Information request found the Government gives money to fund the British Fluoridation Society, which then lobbies the Government. Whatever the health implications, there are many who are against fluoridation in principle. They say it is unethical and contrary to the European Convention onHuman Rights and Medicine. Preposterous Dr Peter Mansfield, Director of Temple Garth Trust UK, a medical foundation, said: "No physician in his right senses would prescribe for a person he has never met, whose medical history he does not know, a substance that is intended to createbodily change, with the advice, ‘Take as much as you like but you will take it for the rest of your life because some children suffer from tooth decay.’ It is a preposterous notion." Campaigner Mr Kemp added: "If a doctor were to force medication on a patient, that doctor would bestruck off and possibly even jailed. "It is a monstrous violation of medical ethics." Reverse-osmosis machines, which prevent fluoride gettinginto your household supply of water, can be obtained for about £400. Whatever the answer, the early outcome is clear: There will be a fierce fight if a feasibility study by Mid-Sussex Primary Care Trust goes ahead as reports suggest. Sonja Bescoby, Mid Sussex director of family health services,revealed the trust was to conduct a feasibility study into fluoridation. Chairman of the Patient Public Involvement Forum for Mid-Sussex PCT, TonyReynolds, said: "There must be a public consultation over something like this. "It definitely would be a divisive issue, a real hot potato." claire.truscott

Minnesota is 98% fluoridated: NYSCOF

Yet plenty of public money is being spent on health crises that could have been averted with good dental care. Unlike some other ailments, cavities and dental disease never cure themselves, said program director Linda Jorgenson. Emergency rooms are seeing more cases of virulent infections that started with tooth decay, she said.
"It's seen as a crisis," she said. "People don't have access to care, and it's going to get worse."

Surely not, are they admitting fluoridation is not that effective!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Southampton Echo keeps fluoridation in the forefront. That's the third letter published this week. All against but can fluoridation be stopped by voicing our opinions?

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Not common yet but without us protesting it would be. This is in "Townsman" who writes in the Lymington Times.

USA - one of the most importans public health achievements of the 20th Century. He didn't read the York report.

Health board mulls addition of flourideBy Jeffery Smith CORNING Fluoridating the city water supply would improve the condition of children's teeth and could ultimately save taxpayers money, according to information released Wednesday by the city Board of Health. The Health Board began discussing the pros and cons of adding fluoride to the city water supply. The board will review the issue and make a suggestion to the City Council. “I want to make it clear, this is something the board is considering,'' said Mayor Frank Coccho, a board member. “No decision has been made. I'm not saying fluoridation is right or wrong.''Coccho said the board would make the determination if fluoridation is right for the community in the coming months. “I don't know where the board stands,'' said Dr. Gary Enders, board president. “But I think we should do it.' Dr. Maureen Gonta, a board member and pediatric dentist, said fluoridation has greatly improved the condition of children's teeth in Painted Post and Elmira, two communities with fluoridated drinking water. “Kids from Painted Post and Elmira have teeth that are in excellent shape,'' Gonta said. “The surgeon general calls fluoridation one of the most importans public health achievements of the 20th Century.'' Jennifer Fais, a board member, stressed the money fluoridation can save a community by limiting future Medicaid costs. “That's an important element,'' Fais said.The board began outlining a procedure Wednesday to determine if fluoridation is right for the community. The board plans to invited Tom Klauses of state Department of Health to a workshop next month. The board will next meet at 7 p.m. May 16 at City Hall. The city has considered fluoridating its water supplies for more than 50 years. The latest effort came in the late 1990's. Advocates of fluoridation say it is similar to fortifying salt with iodine, milk with vitamin D and orange juice with vitamin C. They claim it to be an effective way to prevent tooth decay and improve oral health over a lifetime for both children and adults.
Opponents claim that if fluoride is mixed with other toxic chemicals and that adverse health effects outweigh beneficial effects. Some say that fluoridation of water supplies is a ruse to dispose toxic industrial byproducts.The day was busy with phone calls at City Hall on the fluoridation issue, officials said.

Friday, April 14, 2006

We thought we had problems.

Take this: Every third person deprived of clean water in the world is an Indian. About 86 per cent of total diseases in the country are directly or indirectly related to poor quality of drinking water. Figures revealed by Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS) state that a shocking 70 per cent of India's water is polluted. Lakhs of people in West Bengal are suffering from arsenic contamination in ground water. As many as 13 states are identified as endemic to fluorosis due to abundance of fluoride bearing minerals in water. Dangerously high levels of mercury have been found at certain places in Haryana, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh. Not only this, excessive iron elements have been found in a river in Madhya Pradesh. Owing to its red colour it is known as ‘khooni nadi’. Naturally occurring contaminants are also found in drinking water. The radioactive gas Radon-222 occurs in certain types of rocks and can get into ground water. Toxic effluents from industries are also causing a hike in cardio vascular diseases, hypertension and cancer.

Still you can't have too much fluoride.

Tracing the roots of illegible handwriting

Some blame fluoride, but the roots of illegible handwriting, also known as cacography

Are they serious? I blame schools.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Southampton Echo prints in full John's letter

What two major studies? There are none according to York University

Hands off our water
SOUTH Yorkshire pensioner Elizabeth McDonagh is dedicating her golden years to making sure tap water in God's own county remains heavenly pure.
With water companies across the country starting to add fluoride to the supply, the Doncaster 70-year-old fears it's only a matter of time before Yorkshire Water follows suit. While dentists say fluoride is good for children's teeth, Elizabeth believes it contributed to an illness which put her life on hold for five years. She was diagnosed with Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome, a neurological illness, in 1990. But further research led her to believe her symptoms may be better matched to Chronic Fluoride Toxicity Syndrome. She explained: "I began reading about it in a book called Fluoride: The Great Dilemma by Dr Waldbott. "Although there were a number of factors in my becoming ill, like stress and using chemicals at work, I came to believe fluoride was also a factor. I consumed a lot of things which contained fluoride, like tea and fish skins." The former food lecturer at Rotherham College of Arts and Technology was often too weak to even walk up a flight of stairs. Headaches were constant. Now she admits spending half her life giving health chiefs a headache while campaigning against fluoridation. She even travels to Brussels to lobby the European Parliament. "It is an obsession. I'm desperate that people aren't subjected to it. It's wrong to try to medicate the population through the water supply," says the grandmother of one. Elizabeth is a member of the National Pure Water Association, which claims excessive fluoride can cause digestive problems, infertility, hypothyroidism, reduced IQ and muscle pain. She hands out leaflets and organises meetings to raise awareness, and has even made a CD stuffed with fluoride facts. The pensioner claims Yorkshire Water refused to add fluoride in 1993. But new government legislation means the company can no longer refuse if the health authorities ask them to consider fluoridation. A spokesman for Doncaster's three primary care trusts told The Star: "Fluoridisation is not being considered at this stage." But not everyone is against the idea. A spokesman for the British Dental Association said: "We campaigned for a change in legislation so communities could choose to have fluoride in their water. "We believe it can have positive benefits and reduce health inequality." The spokesman said two major studies had proved fluoride in tap water was a safe way to reduce tooth decay.
13 April 2006

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Off subject but they don't worry about having too much fluoride from all sources. Makes you wonder if this action to withdraw apricot kernels is because they do work. I've taken 10 every day for the last 5 years with no harm that I know of and I've certainly lived to a longer age than my 2 brothers and now my father's life time - they all died from cancer.

USA Health board to discuss fluoride

“We're in the discussion stage,” said Dr. Gary Enders, chairman of the Board of Health. “Personally, I think it's a good idea, and if properly managed is an effective way to help limit tooth decay.”
Mayor Frank P. Coccho said the board is currently collecting information on fluoridation.
Advocates of water fluoridation say it is similar to fortifying salt with iodine, milk with vitamin

Amazing, everyday somewhere somebody is pushing fluoridation - "collecting information" Isn't there enough information on the Internet to demonstrate there is a risk that makes saving the odd tooth surface not worth the risk of killing or injuring others.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Daily Mail letter from Ann

Monday, April 10, 2006

Distorted debate on fluorideApril 10, 2006

In his letter of April 6, 2006, Dr. Steve Arthur, director of the Office of Oral Health in the Vermont Health Department, tells us that fluoride purposely added to drinking water is not what the National Academies' National Research Council (NRC) was referring to in their landmark 560-page study, released on March 23, 2006, on the health impacts of fluoride consumption. The study, commissioned by the EPA, on the overall safety of fluoride in tap water, reports that the EPA's current standards for fluoride in tap water are inadequate to protect the public's health.

This letter is well worth reading.

Earl Baldwin's letter

Additives and our daily bread
Sir, Whether bread should be fortified with folic acid (report and leading article, Apr 5; letters, Apr 6) is not a straightforward question, and what you describe as a “wholly spurious” argument in favour of choice reflects a tenable point of view. A key issue is whether people should be forced to do something for their own (or others’) good. The answer will tell what sort of society we live in.
Relevant factors will include whether this is a medical treatment — ingesting folic acid is, wearing seatbelts is not — because more restrictive rules apply to the former than to the latter (see the European Biomedicine Convention and the General Medical Council’s ethical guidance in seeking patients’ consent). Whether a substance is an essential nutrient is important (folic acid is, fluoride is not), together with how difficult it may be for a person to get the requisite amount and how else it might be delivered. The inherent uncertainty of science is a good reason for caution: evidence and interpretations change, and synthetic forms of a nutrient do not always equate with the natural. Protection of the unborn child, as here, may sway the balance for some.
You don’t have to be a “fundamentalist libertarian” to observe that, in the words of a scientific journal editorial some years ago on fluoride in water, “those who perceive themselves as doing God’s work tend to be very intense about it”. A certain intolerance can be seen on the interventionist side when a universally desirable end-point is focused on to the exclusion of broader concerns.

Australia: And a mountain of evidence that doesn't

But Ben Hart, spokesman for Health Minister Bronwyn Pike, said the jury on fluoridation was well and truly in.
"There is a mountain of evidence to support fluoridation, both scientific and medical," Mr Hart said.
"Fluoridation also has the support of dentists and doctors. "

Extract, click title to see full report.

What cave has this health minister been in?

Sunday, April 09, 2006

From New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (USA)

Cavities occur in sixty-percent of U.S. preschool children, and more often in the poorly nourished, according to the January 2004 Journal of the American Dental Association. Those skipping breakfast and fruits and vegetables have more cavities, according to researchers, Dye et al. Because skipped breakfast is associated with higher caloric intake, poor nutrient intake and obesity, Dye and colleagues used skipped daily breakfast as an indicator of poor nutrition along with not eating required 5 fruits and vegetables daily. Over sixty years ago, dental researcher Weston Price examined various countries' inhabitants and their diets and reported that bad teeth and health are linked to poor diet. 'In their zeal to promote fluoride, dentistry, ignoring diet, may have helped create a billion-dollar toothpaste industry while enabling an appalling tooth decay national epidemic to fester and grow like the unfilled cavities in Medicaid patients who are often refused dental treatment,' says lawyer Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (NYSCOF). Federal statistics back up the poor health/more tooth loss association, regardless of fluoridation levels.

USA - Dentist against fluoride

Anti-Fluoridation Portland Dentist Hails New Harvard Study
Dr. Kyung L. Boen is among a sprinkling of dentists in the Portland Metropolitan area that are against adding fluoride to the water supply known as fluoridation. Dr. Boen believes that anti-fluoridation advocates in the United States have been partially vindicated by a new Harvard study and a recent National Academy of Sciences report. Dr. Boen is confident that a complete vindication of her anti-fluoridation stance and an ADA fluoridation support reversal will come within the next decade.


Saturday, April 08, 2006

Echo letter 8th April 06

Fluoridated Ireland - bone cancer levels in the Republic are 40% higher

Govt urged to reconsider fluoridation of water supplies 07/04/2006 - 11:00:00
Dentists are calling on the Government to reconsider the fluoridation of drinking water supplies in light of a new US study linking the practice with bone cancer.Since the 1960s, fluoride has been added to all public water supplies in Ireland with the aim of improving dental hygiene.Several groups, including the Irish Dentists Opposing Fluoridation organisation, have been campaigning for an end to the practice for several years, claiming its health effects are unknown.The IDOF says a new study conducted in Harvard University has now found links between fluoridated water and an increased risk of teenage boys developing osteosarcoma, or cancer of the bone.The organisation said such links had previously been suspected and its own research had already found that bone cancer levels in the Republic are 40% higher than those in the North, where fluoride is not added to drinking water.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Study Examines Boyhood Drinking of Fluoridated Water and Possible Links to Osteosarcoma

According to the American Cancer Society, every year some 900 Americans -- 400 of them children and teens -- get osteosarcoma.

Australia Anti water fluoridation campaigners to use cancer link research

Anti water fluoridation campaigners to use cancer link research
Friday, 7 April 2006. 14:09
Wangaratta's anti water fluoridation campaigners will use new research to fight the chemical being added to their water supply.
Protester Norm Ryan says he has new US research linking the chemical to cancer.
He plans to take it to the Victorian Government to stop the chemical being added to Wodonga and Wangaratta's supplies. "It has now become journalised, that means that study that was done over in the States is now verified and through Harvard University that fluoride causes cancer," he said.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

It does cause bone cancer in boys.

Wed Apr 5 14:26:28 2006 Pacific Time
Harvard Study: Strong Link Between Fluoridated Water and Bone Cancer in Boys; Department Chair With Industry Ties Misrepresented Results to Federal Authorities
WASHINGTON, April 5 (AScribe Newswire) -- Boys who drink water with levels of fluoride considered safe by federal guidelines are five times more likely to have a rare bone cancer than boys who drink unfluoridated water, according to a study by Harvard University scientists published in a peer-reviewed journal.
The study, led by Dr. Elise Bassin and published online today in Cancer Causes and Control, the official journal of the Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention, found a strong link between fluoridated drinking water and osteocarcoma, a rare and often fatal bone cancer, in boys. The study confirms studies by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the New Jersey health department that also found increased rates of bone cancer in boys who drank fluoridated tap water.
Bassin's study comes on the heels of a National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report that found the federal "safe" limit for fluoride in tap water did not protect children from dental fluorosis or increased bone fractures. The NAS recommended that the allowable limit for fluoride in tap water be lowered immediately.
"This study raises very serious concerns about fluoride's safety and its potential to cause bone cancer in teenage boys," said Richard Wiles, EWG's senior vice president. "The findings raise fundamental questions about the wisdom of adding fluoride to tap water."
The Bassin study is also at the center of a joint federal and Harvard ethics investigation into whether Dr. Chester Douglass-the chairman of Oral Health Policy and epidemiology at Harvard Dental School and Bassin's doctoral thesis advisor-lied about the results of her work when reporting the results of his federally funded research to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).
Last year, Environmental Working Group (EWG) obtained documents strongly suggesting that Douglass may have misrepresented Bassin's findings. Douglass has received large federal grants to study the relationship between fluoridated drinking water and bone cancer, and is on the payroll of Colgate, the toothpaste giant, where he has edited their dentists' newsletter for more than a decade.
When pressed recently by an investigative reporter from Fox News in Boston as to the quality of Bassin's findings, Douglass had nothing but praise for the work. "She did a good job. She had a good group of people advising her. And it's a nice-it's a nice analysis. There's nothing wrong with that analysis," he said.
"It's nice to see that Dr. Douglass has finally come clean on the quality of Dr. Bassin's work. It's just a shame that he was not so forthcoming when reporting on his work to the NIH," Wiles said.
Fox filmed Dr. Douglass waving a draft copy of Harvard's investigation of his conduct, and saying the university's report will be coming out soon. Last year, EWG asked the NIEHS, which funded Douglass' research, to investigate whether he misrepresented his findings.
EWG urges communities not to add fluoride to tap water, and advises parents to avoid fluoridated water for their children, particularly bottle fed infants. "Fluoride is fine in toothpaste, where it is directly applied to the teeth, but provides almost no dental benefit in water, while presenting serious health risks, particularly for boys," Wiles said.
Environmental Working Group is a nonprofit research organization based in Washington, D.C., that uses the power of information to protect human health and the environment. The group's work on fluoride is available at http://www.ewg.org/issues/siteindex/issues.php?issueid=5031. stattrax.com

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Bread of life Adding folic acid to flour will bolster the nation's health

Protesters will point to the analogy with fluoride, which still has not been introduced everywhere despite its efficacy in reducing tooth decay. The circumstances are slightly different: fluoride, in many places, is found naturally in water, and its addition is not always necessary.

This editor wants to be educated on fluoride's dangers and the different fluorides. If they can be that ignorant perhaps folic acid is also as bad as fluoride.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Really? - couldn't he stretch it to 100%

"If you fluoridate a community, you have 50 to 70 percent less disease and you cut your community's dental bill in half," he said. "Your kids have twice as much tooth decay, and twice as much untreated dental disease, as the rest of the state. You have to prevent a disease, and the best way to prevent a disease is fluoridation."

City residents express skepticism By AARON NICODEMUS, Standard-Times staff writer

I don't blame them.

Australia: Not very democratic!

Fluoride snubJessica HarrisTuesday, 4 April 2006
A STATE Government plan to fluoridate Horsham's water supply will go ahead despite calls from the city's council `to put the issue to bed' with a public referendum.
The government would put fluoride in the city's water and no municipal referendum would reverse its decision, Ben Hart, spokesman for Health Minister Bronwyn Pike said.

Monday, April 03, 2006

USA: Good letter

Fluoride risk evident
Linda Sherrod
In a front-page article on March 23, a fluoride study by the National Research Council reported that the current upper limit for fluoridated tap water at 4 parts per million is too high. At the upper limit, adverse effects were seen in bone fractures and tooth decay. While a little may be beneficial, too much is harmful. The fact that Fort Collins currently fluoridates at 1-1.7 ppm does not mean that people living here are safe from being overdosed with fluoride. Infants and children are particularly at risk, because their intake is three to four times more fluoride than adults.
In addition to tap water, we are all exposed to fluoride in food and beverages, dental products and industrial discharges. Claims of benefits made by dentists and the American Dental Association are greatly exaggerated. In fact, unfluoridated cities have exactly the same or similar rates of dental caries as fluoridated ones. Massive funds and a well-organized campaign by the fluoride industrial lobby were successful for last year's election. Many doctors and dentists were coercedinto sign endorsements they really did not believe in.
As people get more educated on this issue, change will happen. They need to know that their trusted dentists have a biased opinion based on the ADA and their industrial backers who have skewed the scientific literature to fit their agenda.
Linda Sherrod,
Fort Collins

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Stop press: we now have the healthiest teeth in Europe!

While fewer children have their decay treated by a dentist, more are avoiding developing dental problems. Dentists believe this is due to better dental hygiene such as use of fluoride toothpaste. Thirty per cent of children in England now have decayed, missing or filled teeth compared with 37% four years ago.
A spokeswoman for the Department of Health said: “We welcome confirmation in this report that overall, children in this age group now have the healthiest teeth in Europe. We do however recognise there are regional variations both in dental decay experience and the uptake of treatment.”

Now Scotland claims to have worst dental health!

Half of all Scots children have decay in their adult teeth
By Judith Duffy, Health Correspondent
CHILDREN in Scotland have the worst dental health in the UK, according to a new report which reveals that almost half of all 11-year-olds are already suffering from decay in their adult teeth.
Forty-seven per cent of children leaving Scottish primaries have dec ayed, missing or filled.

Click title to read full report - more calls for fluoride. How much does the BFS get for promoting this poison?

Southampton Echo's report
on Portsmouth's PCT meeting.
No further mention of fluoride
on pages 22 & 23.
(Click image to enlarge)

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Pennsylvania American Water to Implement Corrective Actions, Pay $25,000 Fine for December Fluoride Spill

Even with the government indemnity water boards in the UK would still be responsible for "accidents" like this where a tap is deliberately jammed open.

Warnings were not repeated frequently enough for most residents to have been informed. Moreover, the advisories were scattershot and inconsistent. Many people were not watching televisions or listening to radios that Saturday afternoon. Many customers were dismayed that they were not aware of the advisory, or that they were not notified in a timelier manner.
