New EU legislation -
THE COUNCIL of 31 March 2004 amending Directive 2001/83/EC
(see 9 below) has an impact on all existing fluoridation schemes which currently affect 6 million people in the UK who are forced to drink, cook with and bathe in fluoridated water.
All ingestible substances are either foods or medicines, when fluoride - in ANY form - is added to water with the intent to medicate then that water becomes a medicine, and must comply with the regulations relating to the registration, licensing, sale and administration of medicines.
This is now an absolute requirement, and enforceable under EU legislation, the UK Government's dispensation for silicofluorides to be used to medicate dental caries is without substance.
Douglas Cross - Environmental Analyst - EurProBiol,CBiol,MIBiol,BSc also comments
'From 31st October '05 it will be illegal to to use silicofluorides with the intent to medicate. Nomination of silicofluorides by the UK government for fluoridation does not constitute the issue of a marketing authorisation which is mandatory for any substance used with the intent of treating or preventing any medical condition.'
Professor Vyvyan Howard, toxico-pathologist in the Centre for Molecular Bioscience at the University of Ulster said "I am glad that there now appears to be a legal framework to test the dubious practice of mass medication via the water supply. There are so many unanswered questions relating to the addition of hexafluorosilicic acid to the water supply, particularly to the unborn and infants, that it is my personal and professional opinion that the practice should cease until the basic
toxicological research required has been performed".
Cllr. Susan King - Secretary of NAMAF is delighted that the new EC legislation will bring to an end the deliberate pollution of water supplies with hexafluorosilicic acid at the rate of 1 part per million. For the last 60 years fluoride has been condoned as the 'protected pollutant' with unknown effects on our general health and the health of the environment.
She added 'There is now compelling evidence from the US that fluorides are carcinogenic linking them with bone cancer affecting young males. Water suppliers are not pharmacists! Its totally unacceptable to add a known cumulative protoplasmic poison to our tapwater. The fluoride dosing equipment must be switched off now!'
For more information please contact:
Cllr. Susan King - Secretary NAMAF Mobile Tel: (07976) 255364
(01455) 828778 e mail:
or Margaret Cooper - Co-ordinator
National Register of Children with Dental Fluorosis
Mobile Tel: (07930) 810630 or Tel: 0115 9652 948.
Notes for Editors
1) Press release on first Consumer Council for Water meeting -
Birmingham Nov 1st 2005
Water supplies top the agenda at first CCWater meeting in public
2) DWI - Press release on formation of Consumer Council for Water -
( replacing Water Voice)
3) Doug Cross - analysis of implications of Codified Pharmaceutical
Directive in relation to
EC definition of a food.
The medicinal regulations are essentially unchanged from the wording ofthe 2001 Codified Pharmaceuticals Directive. However, the Food Directivehas more recently been updated,and now provides additional confirmation of the status of 'normal'
drinking water, and therefore of fluoridated water as a medicine. Remember, any ingestible substance is either a food or a medicine. Note the use of the phrase 'Water is ingested directly or indirectly like other foods,' in section 6 of the Preamble. This is also saying that water is a food, like any other. The key ruling is the European Court of Justice's decision that the intent to medicate renders any chemical so used a medicinal substance.