Fluoride linked to lowered blood pressure in adolescents
Two studies that examined data from the United States 2013–2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) have found a significant association between fluoride from drinking water and decreased systolic blood pressure (SBP) in adolescents, 12-18 years old.
Researchers from Seoul University, reporting in Pediatric Research February 21, 2022, controlled for age, sex, race and poverty, and found the significant lowering associated with fluoride in water, but not in plasma.
They concluded,
“Higher concentrations of fluoride in water were associated with low SBP only among adolescents. Fluoride alone cannot be responsible for BP as several biological metabolic processes may influence its physiological effects. Fluoride consumption should be considered in conjunction with these processes.”
In a second analysis of the same survey results, investigators from Zhengzhou University found a similar association, including with fluoride in plasma.
In their report in the International Journal of Environmental Health Research February 15, 2022, the scientists write,
“For a 1-mg/L increase in water fluoride concentration, the participants’ SBP decreased by 0.473 mm Hg.”
They also found
“Every one-micromole per liter increase in plasma fluoride concentration was associated with a 1.183 mm Hg decrease in SBP among [non-white participants].”
“This study suggested that fluoride exposure may affect childhood blood pressure,” they concluded.
Source: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41390-022-01982-4
and https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09603123.2022.2040449
On FAN: https://fluoridealert.org/studytracker/41899/
and https://fluoridealert.org/studytracker/41807/
Fluorosilicic acid found to damage chromosomes in bone cells
Bone cells (osteoblasts) grown in culture suffered reduction in length and other damage when exposed to fluorosilicic acid (FA)at levels commonly found in plasma, according to a new report in Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis.
Investigators from the Lutheran University of Brazil and other institutions found that fluorosilicic acid at 0.3 milligrams per liter shortened the telomeres or ends of chromosomes, and caused an increase in micronuclei (fragments of chromosomes or misplaced chromosomes), according to the report.
Noting that,
“Data on smoking have been published that smoke constituents can indirectly influence bone mass and interfere in the metabolism of fluorides in humans,” the scientists also found that cotinine (COT), a breakdown product of nicotine, has similar effects on the bone cells.
The authors concluded,
“Our study showed that FA and COT (mainly alone) at concentrations found in human plasma induced oxidative damage and genetic instability in human osteoblast cells.”
Source: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mrgentox.2022.503474
On FAN: https://fluoridealert.org/studytracker/41900/
Latest proposal for lithium in drinking water cites fluoridation but displays little understanding
Three writers from the Catholic University of Chile are the latest to suggest that lithium be added to drinking water to reduce the risk of suicide among consumers.
While their paper in Frontiers in Public Health cites the claimed success of water fluoridation as a model, they do not consider the adverse effects of ingesting fluoride as seen in the peer reviewed literature over the past 60 years.
The authors suggest a reduction in outcomes (tooth decay or suicide) coincident with the use of doctored drinking water (fluoride or lithium) would convince the public of its effectiveness, as was done with water fluoridation, but they seem unaware that tooth decay rates declined in non-fluoridated countries also, hence disproving the claim that the decline was due to fluoridation.
The authors mistakenly think that the reported therapeutic effect for fluoride in drinking water is 0.1 mg/L while until recently it was 1.0 mg/L and is now said to be 0.7 mg/L.
Their discussion of the history of fluoridation ends in 1958, and does not consider the considerable body of evidence showing prenatal fluoride exposure associated with a measurable decline in intelligence, as seen in IQ tests.
The authors also lack an appreciation of the extent of endemic fluorosis in the world, writing somewhat incongruently, “Among the countries where this public policy has been implemented, it has been reported that some groundwaters contain particularly high concentrations of fluoride above the optimum level.”
In reality nearly 200 million people in India, China, the African Rift Valley and in many other non-fluoridated places suffer from endemic fluorosis.
Ironically, at a time where the right to vote on fluoridation has been taken away in many places such as New Zealand and the United Kingdom, the authors conclude, “democratic decision-making procedures at the level of the different localities would constitute one of the most appropriate ways to validate the implementation of a measure like this.”
Lastly, the authors also state:
“According to the Nuffield Council on Bioethics (60), any measure that involves water supplies must consider three elements:
(I) The balance of risks and benefits;
(II) The possible alternatives that require lower range of intervention to achieve the same goal
(III), and the role of consent in case of possible damages. These are summarized in Table 2.
Source: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2022.805774/full
On FAN: https://fluoridealert.org/studytracker/41901/
Fluoride exposure causes extensive, but reversible damage to sperm cells in rats
Reflecting the widespread concern in India over the health effects of exposure to fluoride in drinking water, three zoologists from the University of Mysore in that country exposed male rats to sodium fluoride or fluoride-containing ground water, and found that fluoride caused significant decline in total sperm count, sperm motility, serum concentration of testosterone, and other adverse effects in a dose-dependent manner, but that the effects were reversed after several weeks without exposure to fluoride. This study was published in 2019.
Writing in the peer-reviewed journal Biological Trace Element Research, the authors recount the extensive list of adverse effects associated with fluoride consumption.
“Fluoride has a tendency to accumulate in the body, and higher concentrations of fluoride in drinking water is known to cause dental fluorosis, skeletal fluorosis, kidney stones, myocardial infarction, impaired signaling, bone disorders, and diminished cognitive abilities.
“Studies on laboratory animals and human populations showed that fluoride can affect normal endocrine functions and responses. Decreased thyroid function, increased calcitonin activity, increased parathyroid activity, secondary hyperparathyroidism, and impaired glucose tolerance are the primary effects of fluoride exposure on endocrine system.
“Experimental evidences suggest that exposure to a high level of fluoride may cause serious toxic effects in different systems of the body including reproductive system. Clinical investigations and animal experiments clearly indicate that exposure to high level of fluoride impairs male reproductive functions. For instances, structural and functional defects in spermatozoa, decreased sperm count and motility, decreased levels of testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), histological alterations in testis and accessory reproductive glands, and reduced fertility are the effects of fluoride on male reproduction. Further, fluoride impairs spermatogenesis and capacitation of spermatozoa, thereby adversely affects male reproductive system,” write the authors.
They conclude their report, noting,
“The present study for the first time reveals that exposure to fluoride-contaminated groundwater affects spermatozoa, steroidogenesis, and spermatogenesis by inducing oxidative stress. The alterations induced by sodium fluoride on the male reproductive system are dose-dependent and increased concentration of sodium fluoride causes severe damage to the system.”
Source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12011-019-01994-y
On FAN: https://fluoridealert.org/studytracker/36008/
“Children and bovine calves are excellent bio-indicators for chronic fluoride intoxication”
Domesticated water buffalo calves are highly susceptible and have little tolerance for fluoride poisoning, making them ideal indicators of endemic fluorosis, according to a review by S.L. Choubisa in the Journal of Biomedical Research and Environmental Sciences January 29, 2022.
Writing from the Indian state of Rajasthan, where nearly all rural water supplies have fluoride concentrations above the Indian maximum allowed level of one milligram per liter, Choubisa reports that nearly two-thirds of calves display dental fluorosis from water supplies with 1.5 to 1.7 milligrams per liter of fluoride. From the reports’ photographs it appears this dental fluorosis would be considered moderate to severe, with deep brownish staining.
The author is particularly concerned with controlling fluorosis in water buffalo to protect the rural economy, noting
“It is well documented that chronic fluoride exposure decreases milk production in animals, which directly affects the income of animal keepers. On the other hand, due to severe dental fluorosis, animals also die at a young age,” causing uncompensated economic losses to the owners.
The author favors using water buffalo calves as bioindicators of fluoride-contaminated water supplies.
“The most ideal bio-indicators for chronic fluoride poisoning are those who have less tolerance and higher sensitivity and susceptibility to fluoride. Based on these criterions, for humans and animals, children and bovine calves are excellent bio-indicators for chronic fluoride intoxication. However, buffalo caves are relatively better bio-indicators for endemic fluorosis. In fact, both children and calves are highly susceptible to chronic fluoride poisoning and reveal the earliest clinical or pathognomonic sign of fluoride toxicosis in the form of dental fluorosis. Secondly, both children and calves are easily available in every fluorosis endemic province and they do not cause any problem to observe evidence of dental fluorosis,” writes Choubisa.
Source: https://www.jelsciences.com/articles/jbres1407.pdf
On FAN: https://fluoridealert.org/studytracker/41904/
Cities and towns
New Zealand district faces $1.3 million bill to fluoridate five supplies
It will cost the Tasman district of New Zealand $1.3 million to install the fluoridation equipment to its five community water systems that serve a total of 11,328 connections, according to Stuff.co.nz.
The district will have to pay $140,000 per year to operate the five fluoridation programs.
On FAN: https://fluoridealert.org/news/fluoridation-of-five-largest-tasman-water-supplies-tipped-to-cost-1-3m/
No fluoridation in sight for Northern Ireland
“While all four UK Chief Medical Officers recently issued a joint statement underlining the benefits of water fluoridation – which can save £20 for every £1 spent – there is no indication Northern Ireland will follow the lead of England that is moving to embrace the schemes at scale.”
Source: Derry Journal, Mar. 7, 2022.
On FAN: https://fluoridealert.org/news/dentists-facing-massive-hike-in-costs-to-deliver-nhs-services-in-northern-ireland/
Girdwood, AK, fluoridation offline for two years
Efforts to repair the broken down fluoridation equipment in Girdwood, Alaska have failed, so the system has discontinued fluoridation for two years until a new project to rehabilitated the well is completed, according to the Anchorage Daily News.
On FAN: https://fluoridealert.org/news/girdwoods-fluoridation-system-has-been-offline-for-months-and-wont-be-fixed-until-2024-water-utility-says/
•• Michael Dolan can be contacted at <mdolan.ecsn@outlook.com>
•• The archives of The Fluoridation Review are available at: https://fluoridealert.org/about/fluoridation-weekly-review/