Ann Wills
“DON’T DRINK THE (FLUORIDATED) WATER” “What Doctors Don’t Tell You” (WDDTY) April 2022. By Bryan Hubbard (3-page article)
‘The UK decision to fluoridate its public water from this year has put the focus on a health policy that is way past its sell-by date.’
Fluoride can reduce thyroid gland function & cause hypothyroidism (Hashimoto’s disease.) There are concerns fluoride can interfere with child brain development & this could be a reaction to the chemical hexafluorosilic acid, a neurotoxin added to public water to create the fluoride. More than 50 studies have found a link between high fluoride & low child IQ. This was found in Toronto, Canada, & researchers in China looked at 26 studies involving over 7,000 children & concluded that high fluoride levels were strongly linked to lower IQ. Apart from Ireland almost no other European country fluoridates its water to any large extent. The public is against it with 72% of people in a poll of some 10,000 Southampton residents opposing it. Dental decay is now a disease of neglect & education is a better way forward than this “state-imposed form of non-consensual mass medication.” References given. (My comment: When this chemical is added to tap water no-one can opt out & there is no “informed consent.” Consider writing to your MP & the press.)
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