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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, June 30, 2016



Iodine is a fairly rare element in nature. While it’s found in large quantities in the ocean and is present in soil, it’s very low in many places around the world, including the soil in the United States. But iodine is essential to life, and is detected in every organ and tissue. It’s crucial for brain development in children, plays a central role in healthy function of the thyroid gland, and facilitates an efficient metabolism.

Over the past 40 years in the developed world, iodine deficiency has increased more than fourfold, with nearly 74 percent of normal, “healthy” adults thought to no longer consume enough of this important element........................

Government :: Fluoride fiasco: City hears from dental advocates after 'huge miscommunication'

By Dean Close

One of the funniest government stories I have ever encountered starts with one of the most boring statements ever made about a government policy: The city of Vinton adds fluoride to its water. It has for years. It always will.

Vinton, like just about every other city, has put fluoride in its water for decades, as an effort to help fight tooth decay.

So, you can imagine the surprise that City Manager Chris Ward must have felt when he got a phone call from an official health agency demanding to know why Vinton is NOT putting fluoride in its water.

Then he got another call. And then some emails. And then more phone calls.

In fact, within a week or so, nearly 20 people from Vinton to Washington, D.C., were calling or emailing to ask Ward why Vinton had stopped adding fluoride to its water.

(Again, I remind you of the statement in the first two sentences of this story.)

Ward, who has a great sense of humor for a government guy, managed to laugh as he explained, after a recent council meeting, the process by which he explained to the Centers for Disease Control, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources – and even his own personal dentist – that yes, the City of Vinton continues to put fluoride in its water supply.

It all started innocuously enough, with a regularly-scheduled visit to the Vinton water treatment plant from the Iowa DNR.

One of the DNR inspectors – a man who “shall remain nameless,” says Ward – asked why Vinton is adding fluoride to its water, which already has high levels of naturally-occuring fluoride.

In fact, a recent test shows that water entering the treatment plant has .59 parts per million of fluoride – close to the .7 parts per million that is currently recommended for city water supplies.

Ward said that increasing the level by .11 parts per million basically requires adding “an eye-dropper full” of hydrofluorosilicate, or fluorosilicic acid (FSA).

But somehow – Ward does not know for sure how – the question from that unnamed DNR inspector got twisted into a report that the city was no longer adding fluoride. Soon the inaccurate information reached watchdog groups and government agencies – all of the whom had something to say – or to ask – the city manager.

The Iowa Dental Association (IDA) contacted an adjunct professor at the U of Iowa Department of Family Dentistry – Vinton dentist Sara Stuefen –and asked her to contact City Hall.

“My dentist called me,” Ward said after the first city council meeting in June.

“I have a teeth cleaning with her at the end of the month, and I hope she doesn’t take it out on me,” he joked.

She didn’t.

"I really do give kudos to Chris. He was transparent with evertything, didn't try to hide anything (not that there was anything to hide) and took action right away."

Stuefen described Ward's response to the situation and queries as "very impressive."

As a member of the IDA, Stuefen also received many calls about the issue, which she described as a "huge miscommunication."

"I think Chris handled the situation very well," she said, adding a comment that indicates her sense of humore as well: "Chris knows I don't mess around with fluoride!"

The American Dental Association has this to say about fluoride:

"More than 70 years of scientific research has consistently shown that an optimal level of fluoride in community water is safe and effective in preventing tooth decay by at least 25% in both children and adults. Simply by drinking water, Americans can benefit from fluoride's cavity protection whether they are at home, work or school. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention named community water fluoridation one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century."

Like virtually all dentists, Stuefen can cite many reasons for the use of fluoride in both drinking water and toothpaste.

There are many organizations (and government health agencies) which monitor issues like fluoride additives in an effort to promote oral health.

"These groups monitor community water fluoride levels and tries to promote that communities continue to optimize water fluoridation," explains the dentist.

Soon, the city manager was able to explain to Stuefen – as well as the CDC, DNR, IDA and everyone else who called, visited or emailed – that Vinton had been, still was, and always would be adding fluoride to its water.

The issue has been put to rest; Mayor John Watson said simply during that first June meeting: "We are putting fluoride in the water."

And, Ward said, his visit to the dentist wasn’t so bad.

Flouride does present challenges for municipal water workers, said Ward.

“The fluoride we use is actually an acid, and it does not play well with other chemicals, he explains.

And, he adds, if there is too much fluoride in a city water supply – a problem that has affected other Iowa communities, but not Vinton – it can be a challenge to add chemicals to lower those fluoride levels.

Moms against fluoridation

We wonder how do the acidic fluoridation chemicals interact with BPA? Do soups and foods made with fluoridated water leach more BPA? ------ We imagine that the researchers and scientists have never even asked this question, and that is scary!
The Moms' Team
A new study reveals which types of canned food result in higher concentrations of BPA than others.

Investigation Finds Widespread Failure by Texas Regulators

Investigation Finds Widespread Failure by Texas Regulators
to Notify Residents of Toxic Fluoride Levels
Texas water systems with high levels of naturally occurring fluoride failed to warn consumers about the hazards of fluoride-contaminated water for years, in clear violation of the Safe Drinking Water Act. The violations, revealed in a five-month investigation by the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), resulted from systematic failures at the local, state, and federal levels, placing Texas children at risk for disfiguring dental fluorosis and other potential harms.
High levels of fluoride in water cause a disfiguring tooth condition called dental fluorosis, also known as “Texas Teeth” due to the high levels of fluoride that have long plagued the Lone Star state. In its advanced forms, fluorosis produces extensive brown/black staining, pitting and crumbling of the enamel.  Elevated fluoride levels have been linked to other health effects as well, including learning problems, thyroid disease, and bone fragility.
To protect against disfiguring fluorosis, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established a “Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level” (SMCL) for fluoride, which requires water systems with more than 2 mg/L of the contaminant to warn consumers that children under nine should not drink the water. However, FAN’s investigation reveals that Texas water systems with  more than 2 mg/L fluoride have consistently failed to provide the federally-required warning, dating as far back as 2000.
“Every Texas water system with a fluoride SMCL violation for which we were able to obtain annual water quality reports (19 in all) failed to provide the federally required warning,” states attorney and FAN Executive Director, Michael Connett. “The real culprits, however, are not the local water operators, but the state regulators upon whom the local officials rely when drafting the water quality reports.”
Most annual water quality reports in Texas are prepared by state regulatory officials at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TECQ). “There is no excuse, therefore, for TCEQ to have ever allowed fluoride SMCL violations to go unreported, let alone for so many years,” notes Connett.
In fact, TCEQ specifically told at least one local water operator (Jason Biemer from the city of Kyle) that SMCL notifications are no longer required. Based on TCEQ’s advice, Kyle ceased providing notices for fluoride violations.
The city of Kyle’s experience shows that “TCEQ not only ignored, but actively undermined, the notification requirement for fluoride SMCL violations, which is a key safeguard in the Safe Drinking Water Act for protecting against fluoride harms,” states FAN researcher Doug Cragoe. 
FAN’s investigation also revealed a surprising degree of misinformation at the federal level about the requirements for fluoride SMCL violations, with one EPA webpage falsely implying that the fluoride SMCL regulation is completely voluntary, and Outreach Specialists at EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Act hotline repeatedly assuring FAN that notifications are not required for SMCL violations.
Fortunately, FAN’s investigation into Texas’s Safe Drinking Water Act violations has already sparked change, with both local and state officials scrambling to correct the glaring and longstanding violations.  In April 2016, the TCEQ posted an “update” to its website to remind local officials of the need to include SMCL notifications for fluoride, and in June, TCEQ followed up by calling water systems with high levels of fluoride to directly inform them of the SMCL requirement.
“While we are happy our investigation has sparked vital and necessary changes, these changes will be too little, too late for the children who have already been harmed by the widespread negligence of Texas officials,” concludes Connett.

For FAN’s full report, see: http://www.fluoridealert.org/texas/

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Is fluoride in drinking water safe?

Seen before but worth reminding us again about the York Review.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

USA - Wellington to decide on controversial fluoride in water issue Tuesday

020214-fluoride-1A decision on whether to return fluoride to Wellington water will likely be made Tuesday night in what is expected to be a large turnout at the Village Council meeting.

The council will listen to both sides of the controversial issue before taking a vote. To read the latest headlines from Wellington, go to palmbeachpost.com/wellington

Wellington had been using fluoride since 2000 but in January 2014 the council voted 3-2 to eliminate it in Wellington’s public drinking water. Since then controversy has sparked in Wellington. The United States Public Health Service has determined that water fluoridation is the most cost-effective practical and safe means for reducing occurrence of tooth decay in a community.

Mayor Anne Gerwig said members of the community go to the internet that carries false information to form opinions. “The problem is people are using data that is not proved scientifically or studies that use enormous amounts of fluoride,” she said. “If someone could show me scientifically that this isn’t right then I wouldn’t vote for it.”

Reports, however, from the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoride, Inc. say the US National Toxicology Program plans to review studies linking to adverse brain effects that could signal an end to the fluoridation program. Then Council member Matt Willhite still stands with his decision back in 2014. “I still object to it,” he said. “I take my sons to the dentist and they ask if I want my kids to receive the fluoride treatment and I read the bottle and it says do not inject this chemical, so my question is why would I long-term inject something that says this?”

Palm Beach County is split. Some municipalities like West Palm Beach and Delray Beach have it in the water. Others like Jupiter and Palm Beach Gardens do not. The county water supply, which serves more than 400,000 people also includes added fluoride. Naturally, fluoride occurs in the county’s water supply at 0.2 milligrams per liter. In the past, the county’s fluoridation system increased that amount to 0.7 milligrams per liter.

The Fluoride Action Network says that adding fluoride in water can cause problems with teeth as well as unknown long term effects on bones and kidneys. Carol Kopf, Media Director of Fluoride Action Network said their information is all science based. “There are hundreds of well known peer reviewed articles that fluoride gets in the brain. Fluoride is a drug regulated by the FDA but the FDA never approved fluoride for ingestion,” she said.

Future, Time, and Forwardsfromgrandma: The older generation
 Robbed us of our future
 In Europelll
FWD: Remember the war next time you complain about Brexit

Fluoride in our drinking water is it such a great idea ?

Monday, June 27, 2016

get-attachment (10)

We all smell sometimes right ? Well heres some tips to not stink and still stay healthy. Use Tom's Deoderant! A great way to smell fresh and not put chemicals into your armpits! Also be sure to use fluoride-free toothpaste ! Fluoride is terrible for your brain and if you don't believe me research the Harvard Medical journal study on the negative effects of fluoride on the brain !.
Have safe and healthy travels! Keep adventuring


27th June 2016
Following the recent water crisis in Flint, it’s no wonder that the U.S. public has begun to question exactly how safe our drinking water actually is. What was once taken for granted — the idea of safe, pure, and drinkable water for everyone — is now in serious question.
In addition to the continuing problems with lead contamination, it has come to light in recent years that public water supplies are now contaminated with trace levels of pharmaceutical drugs, including oral contraceptives and mood stabilizers.
These drugs end up in our water somewhat inadvertently; however, there’s one pharmaceutical that is intentionally added to our tap water: Fluoride.

Fluoride Is a Neurotoxic, Endocrine-Disrupting Drug

Fluoride is an endocrine-disruptingneurotoxic, and bone-weakening substance that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines as a drug when used to prevent disease, because unlike the minerals we need (e.g. calcium), humans have no known physiological requirement for fluoride...................
FDA Issues Warning Letter
On January 13, 2016, the FDA sent a “Warning Letter” to Kirkman Laboratories, Inc., demanding that the manufacturer immediately discontinue the marketing of its fluoride drops and tablets.
The FDA’s Warning Letter clearly states that fluoride drops and tablets are “unapproved new drugs” because: (1) they are not generally recognized as safe and effective for caries prevention purposes, and (2) no manufacturer has ever provided FDA with adequate studies to demonstrate the drugs’ safety and effectiveness................................

Pharmacies Are Violating Federal and State Law

It’s not just the fluoride drug manufacturers who are violating the law. The nation’s largest pharmacies are culprits as well. FAN recently conducted an undercover investigation of the nation’s four largest pharmacies: WalgreensCVSRite Aid, and Walmart..................................

Fluoride Exposure Can Impact Early Brain Development

Dental fluorosis is not the only risk from early ingestion of fluoride. Fluoride exposure can also negatively impact brain development, resulting in both learning and behavioral disorders. Fifty studies of human populations have linked fluoride exposure with reduced IQ scores, while over 30 laboratory experiments have confirmed (under carefully controlled conditions) that fluoride exposure can impair learning and memory capacity in rats and mice...................................

Public Water Supplies and the Drug We Drink

Adding fluoride to prescription drops and tablets for ingestion is bad enough, but adding prescription-strength doses of fluoride to public water supplies is even worse. No other drug — let alone an unapproved drug — is purposely added to water, and there is no reason to make an exception for fluoride.
Indeed, most Western industrialized nations have rejected fluoridation precisely on this ground: that the public water supply is a fundamentally inappropriate and unethical way of medicating a population. As summarized by Dr. Arvid Carlsson, the pharmacologist who won the Nobel Prize for Medicine/Physiology in 2000:................................

Help End the Practice of Fluoridation

There’s no doubt about it: fluoride should not be ingested. Even scientists from the EPA’s National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory have classified fluoride as a “chemical having substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity.”
Furthermore, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 41 percent of American adolescents now have dental fluorosis — unattractive discoloration and mottling of the teeth that indicate overexposure to fluoride. Clearly, children are being overexposed, and their health and development put in jeopardy. Why?
The only real solution is to stop the archaic practice of water fluoridation in the first place. Fortunately, the Fluoride Action Network has a game plan to END water fluoridation worldwide. Clean pure water is a prerequisite to optimal health. Industrial chemicals, drugs, and other toxic additives really have no place in our water supplies. So please, protect your drinking water and support the fluoride-free movement by making a tax-deductible donation to the Fluoride Action Network today.

Internet Resources Where You Can Learn More

I encourage you to visit the website of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) and visit the links below:
In my opinion, there are very few NGOs that are as effective and efficient as FAN. Its small team has led the charge to end water fluoridation and will continue to do so with our help.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

USA - Help us persuade the city to get the fluoride out of Durango’s water

The fluoride we add to Durango’s water supply, is Hydrofluorosilicic Acid(HFSA) and is not natural by any means. It is the filtered waste gathered from the smoke stacks in the industrial production of fertilizer, containing trace amounts of arsenic, mercury and lead. HFSA is not the pharmaceutical grade fluoride that any studies have ever been performed with, but is a neurotoxic poison that comes in a bag with a scull and crossbones on the label! William Hirzy, senior vice-president of EPA Headquarters Union and an Environmental Protection Agency scientist states “The public water supply should not be used as a means of getting rid of hazardous waste.” We agree.

Children are at the highest risk for this developmental neurotoxin. Arrested brain development, increased levels of attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, decreased IQ levels, autism, learning disabilities and cancer are at epidemic proportions in the U.S. More than one in six children are effected by these conditions.

Is water fluoridation the cause of these unresolved problems? We think so, and so do thousands of doctors, dentists and scientists across the country, who are involved in a nationwide effort to stop this draconian practice.

Save our children by ending water fluoridation in Durango.

— Jim Forleo

In 36 years of practicing dentistry in water fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities, I have never seen a fluoride deficiency of the teeth! In fact, fluoride is not a part of the tooth structure naturally. However, I have seen many cases of fluoride excess. This is where the teeth are discolored by white or brown spots. These actually make the teeth weaker.

Practicing in multiple communities and hospital settings, I have never been able to distinguish which children (or adults) grew up in a fluoridated community or a non-fluoridated community. The bottom line is: Kids get cavities if they consume sugar products and don’t brush their teeth properly. It is the sugar that causes cavities! Fluoride in the water doesn’t prevent them.

A June 2015 Cochrane review on water fluoridation research said: “There is very little contemporary evidence, meeting the review’s inclusion criteria, that has evaluated the effectiveness of water fluoridation for the prevention of caries (decay).”

Dentists place fluoride in children to prevent cavities. This fluoride is pharmaceutical grade and is very acidic besides being poison if a child swallows a quantity of it. The fluoride in the water is a different chemical, which is contaminated and is a waste product recycled.

If indeed fluoride incorporates into tooth structure, you think that is the only place in the body this highly neurotoxic (affects brain and nerve tissue) and corrosive mineral gets absorbed? Think again!

— John A. Rothchild

It is now too obvious that the myth of fluoride as a solution to tooth decay has to be set aside. An enormous body of evidence now points out that the ingestion of this neurotoxin is the root cause of many human health problems.
In addition to fluoride’s role as an endocrine disruptor that is wreaking havoc with our thyroid glands, researchers have connected dental fluorosis, weakened bones and joints, ADHD and the decline of children’s IQ’s among the more prominent health issues that are now linked to this neurotoxin we should not be swallowing.
Today, the top selling drug in this country is one that is trying to repair underactive thyroid glands. I, and others, believe we have a major epidemic; especially among women. Many researchers are pointing to the practice of adding fluoride to our drinking water as a major cause.
While many cities have woken up to the dangers of fluoridation and dropped the practice of drinking this poison, Durango has not done so. Critics of the practice are now asking the City Council to remove it since we are not given the choice to keep it out of our bodies.
You should educate yourselves on this poison. Some excellent sources are:
Mercola.com — Just insert fluoride in its search box. This site provides a lot of worthy resources.
Google search — Fluoride Action Network
Google search — Our Daily Dose and watch an excellent abbreviated version of a longer documentary.
— Bob LiebDr. Jim Forleo is a chiropracter practicing in Durango. Dr. John A. Rothchild is a dentist practicing in Durango. Bob Lieb is president of Durango Threadworks, Inc. and a former La Plata County commissioner. To reach the Anti-Fluoride Coalition, call Bob Lieb at (970) 759-5479.

Clean-water campaigner Erin Brockovich urges people to question water fluoridation while visiting Australia

1423783587816Erin Brockovich, the internationally renowned clean-water campaigner who is visiting Australia to talk about water contamination, has urged her Facebook followers to question water fluoridation.
In several posts, the most recent of which was added on Thursday morning, Ms Brockovich posted anti-fluoride material and urged her followers to read research claiming that fluoride is dangerous.
“Do your own reading,” she urged when posting a link to research claiming that fluoride accumulates in the human pineal gland to very high levels.
Australia’s top fluoride expert, Professor Wendell Evans, disputes claims that fluoride damages this gland, while Australian and American health authorities and governments say there is no proof that fluoride is dangerous.
Ms Brockovich came to fame when Julia Roberts played her in the movie Erin Brockovich in 2000. Roberts won an Academy Award for the role.
The film dramatised the single mother’s investigation into Pacific Gas & Electric in Hinkley, California, which revealed the company had poisoned the town’s water for more than 30 years by leaking toxic chromium 6 into the groundwater. It resulted in a massive settlement for the people of that town. Since then, Ms Brockovich has been a campaigner for a range of issues, including oil spills and compensation for women who claim to have been suffered side-effects caused by depo-provera birth-control injections.
In Australia, she appeared as an ambassador for Shine Lawyers at a meeting in Oakey, Queensland, to talk about water contamination. On Thursday morning, Ms Brockovich posted a new update detailing “why the United States’ Environmental protection Agency (EPA) Headquarters’ Union of Scientists Opposes Fluoridation”.The post says that most of its members had thought that fluoride’s only effects were beneficial – such as reductions in tooth decay – until recently.
Ms Brockovich’s posts have been seized upon by the Fluoride Action Network Australia, which has reposted and shared Ms Brockovich’s comments to its own members. Her comments coincided with a renewed campaign by local anti-fluoride activists ahead of a forum on the topic by US-anti-fluoride activist Paul Connett  at the University of Technology, Sydney, on February 21. Dr Connett argues that fluoridation’s role in the decline of tooth decay is in doubt, even saying that where fluoridation of the water had been stopped, tooth decay had decreased – an assertion disputed by all public health associations.
Leading health and dental experts have refused to attend the forum, claiming the panel is stacked with those opposed to fluoride and biased. In Sydney, Ms Brockovich recently told lawyers: “What will be our legacy? Our lasting legacy will be our fight for cleaner water, good land and respect for society.”
Ms Brockovich was not available for comment on Thursday.
When asked whether there were any doubts about the efficacy of fluoride, NSW Health said the “overwhelming weight of scientific evidence does not link water fluoridation at optimal levels to any short- or long-term health-related problems, or any environmental impacts”..............
They've never seen fluorosis?

NHS dentist ‘conscripted into SNP’s army of state snoopers’


NHS dentists have been conscripted into the growing army of state snoopers required inform on families under the SNP's controversial Named Person scheme.

NHS dentists have been conscripted into the growing army of state snoopers
NHS dentist
Dental practices in Scotland are now expected to notify young patients’ state guardians if their appointments are cancelled or treatment declined. 
Even where appointments are missed due to illness and re-scheduled, details are passed to the Childsmile programme set up by the Scottish Government for under-12s.
From August, every child in Scotland will be assigned a Named Person, usually a health visitor or teacher, to oversee their wellbeing until they turn 18. 
Although the scheme does not yet have statutory backing, it has already been rolled out in many areas including Highland, Angus, Ayrshire and Fife. One mother in Highland council area has described how she was called by Childsmile after her 15-year old son cancelled his dental appointment due to illness. Despite a new visit having been booked, she was warned that her son’s Named Person would be informed if it was missed and was quizzed about any issues that "might need to be resolved".
Since young people over the age of 12 are generally deemed competent to give or decline consent for medical and dental treatment, she was angry about the breach of her son’s right to confidentiality. The mother - who asked not to be named - said: "I had never heard of Childsmile, but they are also chasing my daughter who is about to turn 17 and is more than entitled to make her own decisions about treatment.
"My son is not happy and wants to be removed from the dentist’s list, but we live in a remote area and there is little choice." A father from Fife said his family had moved to a different dental practice after a missed appointment, which had been made for their child without telling them, was reported to the Named Person.........


Saturday, June 25, 2016

Our Daily Dose - Press Clip 3 from Jeremy Seifert on Vimeo.

Our Daily Dose - Press Clip 1 from Jeremy Seifert on Vimeo.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Will NZ Be Forced To Have Fluoride In The Water? Dr Stan Litras

Fluoride: There Must Be Something In The Water

Yellow Card Reports on adverse reactions to fluoride varnish

Joy Warren made this Freedom of Information request to Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.

Dear Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency,
Since January 2006, how many adverse reactions have been reported to the MHRA following administration of fluoride varnish. Could you please provide an annual breakdown. Could you also state whether the information applies to England or to the entire UK.
Is it also possible to state how many of these patients who suffered an adverse reaction were seen in A&E? An annual breakdown of visits to E&E would be appreciated.
Finally, were any of those patients who attended A&E admitted to hospital. If so, how many. An annual breakdown would also be appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Joy Warren

My son was violently sick both times it was applied  which got me involved in the fight against all forms of fluoride in dental care.  In both cases the dentist was told but I doubt if he reported it.

The same dentist died of a heart attack aged 42 soon after. Too much fluoride and mercury may not have been the cause but it can't be healthy breathing those toxins  in during the course of the day.

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It's a quick, reliable, up-to-date service showing you where we're working in your area and what it means for you. It will tell you all about the quality of your water, any incidents that have occurred in your area and all the latest investment happening around you.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Man Made Epidemic 1080p Trailer

UK - Mobile dentist visits Durham to talk about teeth

TEETH were the top conversation of the day as children spent time learning how to look after their pearly whites.
Pupils from Gilesgate Primary School in Durham City spent a day in a mobile classroom which is touring the country to promote better dental health among children.
During the visit pupils got the opportunity to identify which food and drinks were good for their teeth and which were not.
The day was organised by mydentist, which has a practice in Framwellgate Bridge.
Manager Melissa Nicholson said: “Statistics show that 30 per cent of children didn’t see an NHS dentist between 2012 and 2014 and dental issues continue to be the main reason for children being admitted into hospital.
“Our aim is to change this trend by raising awareness of the free dental care which is available to children on the NHS, including fluoride varnish which should be applied to children’s teeth twice a year from the age of three, and also by showing children that looking after your teeth is not only really important, but it can also be fun.”

USA - Health district to pursue fluoridation in Springfield,

New Carlisle The issue may go before voters in 2017.
Staff Writer
The Clark County Combined Health District may ask voters to fluoridate the public water supply in Springfield and New Carlisle next year, which health officials say will improve dental health for more than 85,000 residents.
The Clark County Board of Health voted unanimously last weekto pursue the issue. As part of the Community Health Improvement plan, a work group has been formed to decide when the issue may go before voters, Health Commissioner Charles Patterson said, which could be in November of 2017.
More than 32 percent of Clark County residents have had between one and five permanent teeth removed because of tooth decay or gum disease, according to the Community Health Assessment completed last year.
If approved, the initiative will affect more than 85,000 people in Clark County, as well as the rest of the region through bottled water, Patterson said.
“Very rarely in public health can we do something that we’re not asking to change a behavior, or do something very difficult like quit smoking or lose 40 pounds,” Patterson said. “This intervention doesn’t care if you’re poor or rich, it doesn’t care if you’re black or white. It affects everybody in the same positive way.”
About 85 percent of Ohio residents have access to fluoridated water, Patterson said. Of the 22 Ohio cities without fluoridated water, Springfield is the largest, said district intern Tanya Khan, a first-year medical student who is researching fluoride for the district.
Several communities in Clark County, including Northridge, Medway and Park Layne, add fluoride to their water supply, which affects about 16,000 people, Patterson said.
The district will offset the costs of any equipment needed to fluoridate the water through grants from the Ohio Department of Health.
Dental care is also a big need in Clark County, where there is one dentist per every 2,200 residents in Clark County, according to the 2016 County Health Rankings. That’s well below the state average ratio of 1,170 residents per 1 dentist.
About 38.1 percent of Clark County adults don’t have health insurance, while 14.5 percent of children here have never been to the dentist, Khan said.
In 1969, Ohio legislators passed a law requiring fluoridation of public water supplies that serve more than 5,000 people. However, Springfield voters approved being exempt from the law later that year.
Fluoridation of the public water supply was placed on the ballot in 2005, but was defeated as 57 percent of voters came out against the issue. Many of those opposed expressed concern about adding a potentially toxic chemical to Springfield’s water.
This time around, the district will spend the next year educating the public about the issue, Patterson said. There are many misconceptions about fluoridated water online, he said.
“Unfortunately, not everything posted on the Internet is true,” Patterson said. “Not all of it is factual. We want to deal with facts and reputable sources for those facts. I think that’s going to be the difference.”
Yellow Springs rejected a fluoride measure in 2011, while Xenia has rejected fluoride twice since 2005, according to the Fluoride Action Network, a national group which opposes fluoridated water.
Springfield resident Shirley Whitacre voted against the issue 11 years ago. If put before voters again next year, Whitacre won’t support it this time around either, she said.
“I just feel we’re exposed to enough chemicals,” Whitacre said. “There’s fluoride in toothpaste and you don’t swallow the toothpaste. If you have it in your water, you’re not going to have an opportunity to not digest that.”

USA - Buffalo City Council decides to forgo fluoridation

After more than a year of discussions and public meetings, the Buffalo City Council decided, at its June 21 meeting, to repudiate supplementing the city’s water source with fluoride.
A 2010 study from the Wyoming Department of Health found that Johnson County had the highest rate of untreated tooth decay in the state, which became the impetus behind fluoridating the city’s municipal water supply.
Buffalo City Council first heard the proposal to fluoridate the water in July of last year. Dr. Mark Schueler, a physician at the Johnson County Healthcare Center, discussed the potential benefits of fluoridation at a July 21, 2015, council meeting.
Schueler said that the naturally occurring rate of fluoride in the city’s water supply is far below that of the U.S. Department’s recommended amount. Schueler, along with various health organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local, statewide and national dentists, maintain that fluoride protects teeth from tooth decay and can result in fewer cavities, less need for filings and tooth extractions and less pain and suffering from tooth decay. They say that fluoride remineralizes the tooth surfaces, preventing cavities from forming.
Mayor Mike Johnson was intrigued by the idea at the time but first wanted public input on the subject, and public input is just what he received. Following Schueler’s suggestions, numerous stalwarts on both sides of the issue began to vocalize their apprehensions and abutments.  

Local dentists came out in favor of fluoridation but understood that some residents may not agree with the idea. Dr. Brian Cotant, DDS, proposed an alternative idea, one that would involve taking the money to fluoridate the water and instead providing topical fluoride treatments, or pills for those who favor it, to community members.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Biggest Myth in Medicine

The Biggest Myth in Medicine

by Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc

The biggest myth in medicine today is that life expectation is soaring. Young medical journalists (who really should know better) frequently perpetuate the myth that we are all living much longer than our ancestors. This is nonsense – but it is a myth which is very popular with the drug industry and the medical establishment.

The reality is that people were living into their 80s and 90s a century or two ago. (Just look in a history book and you will find plenty of supporting evidence.)

There are two reasons for the mistake.

First, infant mortality was much higher in the 19th century and at the start of the 20th century. Many babies died before their first birthday. If, out of ten people who are born, five live to be 100 and five don’t reach their first birthday then the average life span will be 50 years. Today, very few babies die and so most people reach mature adulthood – this pushes up the average life expectation.

Second, there are more people alive today and so there are bound to be more 80 and 90-year-olds around. This sounds ridiculously simple but it is a truth which is often forgotten.

The sad fact is that medicine has made very little progress in the last century. Doctors and drug companies do not like people to know that.

I first explained this misconception about 40 years ago but I have, sadly, failed to push the truth into the brains of journalists and politicians. (Who are, to be fair, constantly being fed the more commercially advantageous theory that we are all living longer.)

Readers who want to know more about potent medical myths may like to read my books How To Stop Your Doctor Killing You and Doctors Kill More People Than Cancer. Both books are available as ebooks on Amazon.

Copyright Vernon Coleman May 2016 

From Edward Priestley.
I agree that different forms of fluoride can be more or less dangerous to consume, but even if as free from contaminants as possible it can still have adverse effects on health.   Fluoride displaces iodine & thereby causes endocrine disorders including hypothyroidism.  Any form of fluoride can act synergistically with other chemicals increasing their potency. This is especially bad when it is combined with organic chemicals in drugs & pesticides etc.   Millions of people worldwide are affected by naturally occurring fluoride in water supplies.  India has a problem with 60,000 of its people suffering health problems from natural fluoride. 


36 dead in Jharkhand village of skeletal fluorosis

220 kilometres from Jharkhand's capital Ranchi, in Garhwa's Pratapur village, 55-year-old Ram Patiya Devi's family feels she is dying. They feel she will soon be the 37th, in a list of deaths in the village in the last decade, due to skeletal fluorosis, a disease caused by excessive fluoride in ground water that accumulates in bones and weakens them considerably. Doctors say there is no cure for the disease and that purifying the water is the only way out. (Audio in Hindi)

Dr. Mercola Discusses a Simple Oral Health Technique

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The pineal gland, fluoride, and why you should avoid it!

6 Reasons You Might Want to Seriously Rethink Your Toothpaste

How much thought do you put into the toothpaste you use? When it comes to picking one from the shelves, the majority of us probably go little further than whether we want to add whitening benefits to the mix or protect our sensitive gums. But should we be putting more thought into the fluoride versus fluoride-free toothpaste debate?According to the experts, maybe.

While there’s still plenty of professional backing for including fluoride in toothpaste—it’s long been considered the key ingredient in preventing tooth decay—the backlash has indeed begun.
Holistic health practitioners have advocated natural and fluoride-free toothpastes for years, advising that, just like organic foods and skincare, fewer chemicals come with far fewer health concerns. For the free-from supporters, fluoride and sodium lauryl sulphate (the foaming agent that’s also present in soaps and shampoos, often linked to allergies) have been two key toothpaste ingredients to avoid.
More scientific research is needed to establish the long-term effects that fluoride could be having on our health, though concerns have been piqued by The Lancet’s official classification of the mineral as a neurotoxin (arsenic, lead and mercury also fall into this category).

So is it time to explore the alternatives? Happily, natural toothpastes are currently enjoying a serious moment thanks to improved formulas and innovative new brands.
Need the low-down? We’ve consulted Harley Street dentist Dr. Giacomo Favero to help us take a look at all the reasons natural toothpastes are now a better option than ever.


Acid from fluoride, an industrial waste put into the water to protect tooth enamel, corrodes this storage room door. (Photo David Tulis)
Acid from fluoride, an industrial waste put into the water to protect tooth enamel, corrodes this storage room door. (Photo David Tulis)
Steve Roark is an award-winning water plant operator in Soddy-Daisy, Tenn. Fighting damage caused by the acid fluoride is a dreary part of his job. (Photo David Tulis)

Steve Roark is an award-winning water plant operator in Soddy-Daisy, Tenn. Fighting damage caused by the acid fluoride is a dreary part of his job. (Photo David Tulis)
This room stores three fluoride tanks, the smaller one containing the 60 to 80 pounds of fluoride daily that is dripped into drinking water in Soddy-Daisy. (Photo David Tulis)

This room stores three fluoride tanks, the smaller one containing the 60 to 80 pounds of fluoride daily that is dripped into drinking water in Soddy-Daisy at the North West Utility District. (Photo David Tulis)
Drips from hydrofluorocilicic acid eat away at a concrete floor at the Soddy-Daisy water plant run by North West Utility District. (Photo David Tulis)

Drips from hydrofluorocilicic acid eat away at a concrete floor at the Soddy-Daisy water plant run by North West Utility District, whose board is considering ending the voluntary use of the chemical. (Photo David Tulis)

Award-winning water plant operator Steve Roark works in his office at the Soddy-Daisy plant operated by Falling Water Utility District, whose board votes July 19 on whether to ditch fluoride. (Photo David Tulis)Steve Roark has run a Tennessee water plant more than two decades, and while happy with his job he’s eaten up by a part of it.
That is the injection of fluoride into water from lake and well that he readies for human consumption in North Hamilton County.
By David Tulis
A man charged with things physical, Mr. Roark recounts a leak from the chemical whose rhythmic drip ate a hole in a cast iron pipe: “I seen the hole the fluoride ate through it.”
In a brief tour of the Soddy-Daisy plant’s small fluoride dispensary, he talks amid the clack of pumps in the background. “It’s an acid. We inject this into the water. We feed roughly on average 60 to 80 pounds a day. In my opinion it’s very corrosive and it’s something we don’t need to be drinking.” I ask Mr. Roark if his comment is based on opinion or observable fact. “Just what I see that it does to this plant.” He persists: “It’s very corrosive. As you can see. It eats the concrete up. The door behind you, the glass has turned white — it is etching the glass.”
Mr. Roark’s board at North West Utility District board votes July 19, a Tuesday, on ending the voluntary custom of fluoridation in the area north of Chattanooga. The board is soliciting public comment. The fluoride room contains two storage tanks and a smaller “day tank” in which the fluoride content is weighed daily and reported to the state. Into 2 million to 3 million gallons a day go up to 80 pounds of liquid fluoride acid.
The levels of fluoride are are 0.7 parts per million, down from 0.9 ppm just recently.


“All of my operators complain about having to deal with this stuff because of the corrosiveness of it. Everybody feels like they’re breathing this stuff through the plant. You know, they try to wear respirators when they deal with it in the rooms, but it does get in the air through the filters. In the cleaning process we have blowers that come on and actually you can see a mist from the water coming up. We just feel we’re getting doses of this stuff when we shouldn’t be breathing it.”
Is illegal for him to have to breathe fluoride fumes, not just dangerous?
“It’s recommended” to not inhale fumes. “You can see on the placards of the tanks that it is a health hazard.”
Mr. Roark is a 24-year veteran at the plant and holds a Class 4 water treatment license, the highest level. He’s been nominated for plant operator of the war and has won awards in Tennessee and Kentucky for plant operators, he says. “I really care about this system and want to provide the best water that we can.”

Mr. Roark is offhand in telling how the drip came to American drinking water.

It’s about dental health — “that’s what they claim. What happened was they had a bunch of surplus stuff they couldn’t get rid of” after WWII “so they talked a few doctors into putting it into the water system.”
The companies monetized and offloaded what he describes as an “industrial waste.”


I ask about keeping value of capital investment for the ratepayers and the district.
“As far as the fluoride goes, it’s so corrosive we’ve lost a lot of equipment in this plant, the piping — valves, we’ve had to replace a lot of those. We’ve got two more we’re in the process of getting prices on to replace that, that where we feed it in, it’s so corrosive, it eats up the disk in the valves where it drips into the water. Right underneath that it’s eating holes in the pipe and it is so corrosive that really it that there’s not a lot you can do. We’ve spent a lot of money to get lined pipes and it still eats holes in it.”


Mr. Roark indicates that fluoride is distributed evenly among the millions of gallons he treats daily. Still, there’s a worry. A properly hydrated person drinking eight glasses a day gets a lot more of the chemical than someone who gets a single glass a day, he says. “There’s really no way to controlling the dosage you’re getting” unless you avoid water or drink less.
“You really don’t know what sort of dosage you’re getting. Because a lot of it depends on how much water you do drink. A lot of children don’t drink much water; they’re always drinking juices. And colas and stuff. I think maybe it needs to be applied to your teeth. You get it in toothpaste. I just don’t feel we should be drinking it. What’s it doing to the rest of our body?”
In our visit I suggest fluoride is a “medical treatment” given without prior consent, informed consent or any other sort of consent. The dosage is unknown, but presumably the same for everybody, whether 30-pound tot or 190-pound high school wrestler. “A lot of people are concerned about a child’s teeth,” Mr. Roark says. “But they’re letting them drink cola products, you know, Mello Yello, which is very corrosive to your teeth.” Toothpaste, mouthwash have fluoride. Maybe that’s enough, he says. “We’re force medicating people, and I don’t think it’s our place to do that.”