NHS dentist ‘conscripted into SNP’s army of state snoopers’
NHS dentists have been conscripted into the growing army of state snoopers required inform on families under the SNP's controversial Named Person scheme.
NHS dentists have been conscripted into the growing army of state snoopers
Dental practices in Scotland are now expected to notify young patients’ state guardians if their appointments are cancelled or treatment declined.
Even where appointments are missed due to illness and re-scheduled, details are passed to the Childsmile programme set up by the Scottish Government for under-12s.
From August, every child in Scotland will be assigned a Named Person, usually a health visitor or teacher, to oversee their wellbeing until they turn 18.
Although the scheme does not yet have statutory backing, it has already been rolled out in many areas including Highland, Angus, Ayrshire and Fife. One mother in Highland council area has described how she was called by Childsmile after her 15-year old son cancelled his dental appointment due to illness. Despite a new visit having been booked, she was warned that her son’s Named Person would be informed if it was missed and was quizzed about any issues that "might need to be resolved".
Since young people over the age of 12 are generally deemed competent to give or decline consent for medical and dental treatment, she was angry about the breach of her son’s right to confidentiality. The mother - who asked not to be named - said: "I had never heard of Childsmile, but they are also chasing my daughter who is about to turn 17 and is more than entitled to make her own decisions about treatment.
"My son is not happy and wants to be removed from the dentist’s list, but we live in a remote area and there is little choice." A father from Fife said his family had moved to a different dental practice after a missed appointment, which had been made for their child without telling them, was reported to the Named Person.........
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