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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Ending Fluoridation: An Impossible Dream?

By Paul Connett, FAN Director
Many things appeared impossible once and yet they were eventually made to happen. The fall of the Berlin wall was one. The release of Nelson Mandela was another. As Mandela said, “it always seems impossible until it’s done.” Ending fluoridation after 68 years may also “seem impossible.” So, how close can we get to our “impossible dream” in 2014?
It is not going to be easy

We know that we will be outspent by at least 1000 to 1 by the pro-fluoridation lobby. This lobby includes the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Oral Health Division; the health departments in every U.S. state and the heath agencies in every other fluoridated country. These all use taxpayers’ money to push this practice on their citizens. It also includes the American Dental Association (reputed to raise $100 million a year) and the dental organizations in other fluoridating countries. Surprisingly to some, it now even includes the Pew Charitable Trusts, a multi-billion foundation. Less surprisingly, it also includes the American Council on Science and Health (ACSH) an industry-funded group that has never found a chemical it couldn’t defend (including dioxin) and is a long-term and aggressive supporter of fluoridation.....

Monday, December 30, 2013

Phuket Opinion: Beware the water

Phuket Gazette - Sunday, December 29, 2013 4:38:00 PM

And not just the water: fluoride lurks here too. Photo: Leslie Porterfield
PHUKET: I’ve been losing sleep lately thinking about all the poison I’ve subjected myself to during 12 years in Thailand – alcohol, sugar, fatty and acidic foods, traffic smog, secondhand smoke and perhaps the biggest culprit of them all: water.

I’m referring to fluoridated water, and the “forced-medication” of the planet’s prime life supply – drinking water.

The practice, which the US Centers for Disease Control once called “one of the 10 greatest achievements of the 20th Century”, is now one of the most heated health debates of our time, called by activist groups such as the Fluoride Action Network an “outdated form of mass-medication; an unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe practice”.

The more I researched, the more alarming I realized the topic was… is. Governments around the world are adding artificial and highly toxic forms of fluoride – sodium fluoride, fluorosilicic acid and sodium fluorosilicate – to water and food supplies.

According to the British Fluoridation Society, as of November 2012, roughly 5% of the world’s population was receiving artificially fluoridated water; 70% in the US, 80% in Australia, and 100% in Singapore and Hong Kong.

Fortunately, according to an employee at the Phuket Provincial Waterworks, Phuket’s tap water is not artificially fluoridated. However, that doesn’t mean it’s fluoride-free. The Thai Dental Association, in one test of locally-bottled water, found trace amounts between .08 and .16mg per liter.

And you can’t escape with bottled water either – a 2010 Chulalongkorn University study showed that all commercially bottled water sampled in Bangkok had fluoride levels ranging from .04 mg to Thailand’s maximum allowed amount of .7mg per liter. Whether this was artificial or natural fluoride is not clear, but I’m willing to bet that, at least for the brands with higher concentrations, it is artificial. Most European countries have outright banned water fluoridation.

Proponents of water fluoridation are quick to cite unqualified and even invalidated studies about how fluoride prevents cavities and tooth decay. But does it really?

Try reading more current studies about the causes of skeletal fluorosis and all of its advanced conditions including osteoporosis and osteosarcoma (bone cancer). While you’re at it, read about the effects of fluoride on the thyroid and pineal glands.

Or easier still, just read the warning label on your tube of toothpaste.

The Naked Truth from Ireland

By Aisling Fitzgibbon, The Girl Against Fluoride

In 2013, The Girl Against Fluoride campaign began to pierce through the armour of unawareness through a series of various actions, including stripping to pink underwear on the main street in Dublin and serious scientific presentations throughout the country.

Hot Press breaks through press barrier

The campaign was catapulted into the mainstream mindset through the efforts of Hot Press investigative journalist, Adrienne Murphy, who highlighted the endemic corruption surrounding the mandatory water fluoridation policy.

Feeble response from the Department of Health
Although the Department of Health was given the opportunity to retort, their answers were based on the flawed science that underpins this archaic policy. Hot Press also gave a platform to environmental scientist Declan Waugh, whose research on water fluoridation was used to help end the policy of water fluoridation in Israel, but whose work has been ignored and derided by the pro-fluoridation zealots who strongly influence the media and the political system. Two political parties have made statements against fluoridation while in opposition (the Fiona Gael party and the Green Party, but then forget it when they get into office).

Protest against Chemifloc
There have been many memorable moments in this campaign, notably when we held a protest outside the company that distributes the water fluoridation chemicals in Ireland. This was a fun protest. We were joined by musicians, singers and even a comedian. Our posters – Chemifloc: Chemicals for the Flock with pictures of sheep were applauded by passers by.

Protests in pink underwear
Our protest in Dublin in pink underwear with my mum dressed as the pink panther giving out pink balloons to children with the name of the campaign on them was an astounding success as we hit three main media outlets. People who had no interest in water fluoridation were led to the issue through the power of the pink bikini-go figure!!!

Main political parties let us down
Politically, 2013 saw us reach an impasse when the three main political parties in Ireland voted to retain the water fluoridation policy – opposing a bill introduced by the Sinn Fein party. Although we were unfazed by this, we now know that our only chance to get this policy banned is to take the matter to court.
Raising funds for the court case
To help raise funds for expert witnesses for this court case we created the “Naked Calendar” that so far has helped us raise a third of the funding needed. The calendar has also helped to raise awareness among people who would never have heard of this issue were it not for the scientific points, which we strategically placed near the beautiful images. 
Our Facebook page now has over 16,000 followers and this continues to grow on a daily basis.

Court case proceedings will begin in January 2014 when we will attempt to overthrow a Supreme Court ruling in 1963 (see Paul’s tribute to Gladys Ryan above) that mandated water fluoridation in the Republic of Ireland.  We are fighting for our democratic right to clean safe water.
A victory in Ireland will help everyone
Happy New Year to all of you wonderful fluoride fighters.
I believe that our joint efforts will pave the way for clean water for generations to come – not just for Ireland but throughout the world in those countries that blindly follow this practice as if there was no such thing as scientific research! Let’s hope that common sense and justice prevail in 2014.

Aisling, Aka “The Girl Against Fluoride”    

Sunday, December 29, 2013


Saturday, December 28, 2013

UK - Echo letter

Friday, December 27, 2013

Arginine, Calcium Toothpaste Combats Dental Caries

Laird Harrison

Adding arginine and calcium salt to fluoride toothpaste makes it more effective in preventing dental caries, a large new clinical trial shows.
Children using the experimental toothpaste for 2 years had 17.7% fewer decayed, missing, and filled teeth than children using a standard fluoride toothpaste, researchers from Colgate-Palmolive reported in an article published in the November issue of Caries Research.
"It is clear that arginine, [sodium monofluorophosphate], calcium-salt formulations do reduce caries over time," Clifton Carey, PhD, a professor of cariology at the University of Colorado in Aurora, told Medscape Medical News. Dr. Carey was not involved in the study.
Public health researchers have credited fluoride with dramatically reducing the prevalence of dental caries, but the disease remains very common worldwide, spurring researchers to look for new compounds to use against it.
Although researchers do not completely understand how arginine combined with insoluble calcium affects caries, evidence suggests it changes the acid balance in saliva.
In dental caries, bacteria metabolize sugar to produce acids that dissolve calcium phosphate in tooth enamel. When the bacteria metabolize arginine and insoluble calcium, they produce ammonia, an alkali, making saliva less acidic. Formulations of arginine and calcium may also replace calcium that has dissolved from tooth enamel.
Previous clinical trials in people at high risk for caries have shown that toothpastes with fluoride, calcium, and arginine could reverse small early carious lesions more effectively than toothpastes with only fluoride as an active ingredient after 6 months of use. However, these studies did not show whether the arginine toothpastes could prevent actual cavities from forming during a longer period in a population at low to moderate risk for dental caries. Researchers have also wondered whether arginine was more effective when combined with dicalcium phosphate or calcium carbonate........

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Newsletter Fluoride Alert

New Zealand Fluoridation Fraud
With all the new information of cover-up and collusion between US Public health officials and the industries using or producing fluoride emissions being dug up by Michael Connett, and the revelations in David Kennedy’s new DVD “Fluoridegate” it is intriguing to revisit another example of fraud in the promotion of fluoridation – this time from New Zealand.
The Smoking Gun
This NZ fraud begins with a smoking gun letter (dated Oct. 12, 1962) from G. H. Leslie the director of NZ Government dentistry – who EIGHT years into the 10-year Hastings-Napier trial (1954-64) complains that they cannot find the evidence to convincingly demonstrate a relationship between fluoridation and lower tooth decay. It is amazing to me that people in NZ who have been made aware of this letter and its aftermath still “believe” in fluoridation and blithely continue to trust NZ dental health officials.  But for how much longer?
Here is a copy of that letter containing a very candid assessment pertaining to the Hastings –Napier trial. :

I have typed out this letter to make it easier for people to read, as some of the letters are not clear: 
12 October, 1962
Mr. Swann,
I have delayed acknowledging receipt of Dr. Roche’s letter to you and replying to your minute in the hope that I would by now be able to give a positive reply to your enquiry. I still cannot.
No one is more conscious than I am of the need for proof of the value of fluoridation in terms of reduced treatment. It is something which has been concerning me for a long time. It is only a matter of time before I will be asked questions and I must have an answer with meaning to a layman or I am going to be embarrassed and so is everyone else connected with fluoridation. But it is not easy to get. On the contrary it is proving extremely difficult. Mr. Espia is conferring with Mr. Bock and Mr. Ludwig and I am hopeful that in due course they will be able to make a practical suggestion.
I will certainly not rest easily until a simple method has been devised to prove the equation fluoridation = less fillings
(G.H. Leslie)
DirectorDivision of Dental Health
With this letter we have what amounts to a “smoking gun” as far as the inability of NZ dental officials and researchers to show the effectiveness of fluoridation – some eight years into the ten-year Hastings-Napier fluoridation trial. The Mr. Ludwig, who Leslie refers to, is the lead researcher for this trial. 
The miraculous turnaround
However, miraculously, two years later this trial was proclaimed a great success in demonstrating that fluoridation resulted in a large reduction in tooth decay (over 60%) and the result was used to push for fluoridation throughout the country. So how in the space of two years was this dramatic turnaround achieved?
The answer came from the late Dr. John Colquhoun, the former Chief Dental Officer for Auckland, who after retirement did a PhD thesis on the history of fluoridation in New Zealand (Colquhoun, 1987). As part of his doctoral research he was allowed access to the official files on the Hastings-Napier trial (though according to his thesis advisor Professor Robert Mann, it became evident that some were incomplete, especially regarding Napier).  Based on these official files he was able to see how the deception was orchestrated.
In his thesis and in an article published in The Ecologist (Colquhoun and Mann, 1986) he showed that the massive reduction in tooth decay claimed for Hastings was a complete artifact.
According to Colquhoun the Hastings deception was in three parts:
1) After about two years the control city of Napier was dropped for bogus reasons. 
2) The reduction in tooth decay claimed was based on comparing tooth decay in Hastings at the beginning and the end of the trial (and not a comparison between tooth decay in Hastings and Napier).
3) The method of diagnosing tooth decay was changed during the trial.
Colquhoun describes this third aspect of the deception:
The school dentists in the area of the experiment were instructed to change their method of diagnosing tooth decay…
 Before the experiment they had filled (and classified as "decayed") teeth with any small catch on the surface, before it had penetrated the outer enamel layer.
After the experiment began, they filled (and classified as "decayed") only teeth with cavities, which penetrated the outer enamel layer.
It is easy to see why a sudden drop in the numbers of "decayed and filled" teeth occurred. This change in method of diagnosis was not reported in any of the published accounts of the experiment.” 
What qualifies these activities as scientific fraud, in my view, is the last sentence: “This change in method of diagnosis was not reported in any of the published accounts of the experiment.”

No rebuttal, No refutation
To the best of my knowledge the evidence that Colquhoun and Mann put forward for this rigged trial has never been refuted. In an email I received from Robert Mann (Dec 22, 2013), he wrote:
“I have never been aware of any attempt at rebuttal, let alone a refutation.”

I would be anxious to hear from anyone who can persuade us that the whole fluoridation program in NZ was not based on fraud.

Editorial: the sugar menace

Heavy consumption of soft drinks is adding to the country’s obesity problem. It’s time to take action.

...There’s more evidence in our dental statistics. More than 40% of five-year-olds are still suffering dental decay, a third to the point where they cannot eat and sleep properly, according to Ministry of Health data from 2011. Children who need major dental treatment are four times more likely to have further problems as teens. And for them, adulthood holds the likelihood of hardship and ongoing health bills....

Fluoridated New zealand

UK - Improvements highlighted but Bradford district still fourth worst for child dental health

The dental health of five-year-old children across Bradford is improving, but the district still has the fourth worst results nationally, according to a new health survey.
The research shows the number of five-year-olds suffering from some degree of tooth decay has dropped from 52 per cent to 46 per cent in the district over the past five years, with the average number of teeth affected dropping from 2.42 to 1.98.
However, this figure remains the poorest in the region, higher than the 34 per cent average for Yorkshire and the Humber, and the national average of 27 per cent.
Swarngit Shahid, clinical director at Bradford District Care Trust, said: “Improving children’s oral health across Bradford remains challenging.

“Despite an overall improvement in the number of children free from tooth decay, we know more work needs to be done as Bradford children continue to have the poorest oral health in Yorkshire and the Humber.
“Research suggests there are clear links between levels of deprivation and poor oral health, and many of the factors that cause this also cause poor general health.”
Bradford District Care Trust’s dental team is working with other organisations to help improve the oral health of youngsters, including running a scheme called Building Brighter Smiles, that places an emphasis on disease prevention for children aged eight months to five years. Elements of the scheme include a fluoride varnish programme, found to reduce tooth decay by up to a third in first teeth, healthy teeth awards, promoting nutrition and a sugar-free diet, and a toothbrushing in schools plan.
Dr Swarngit said: “For any significant change in oral health of five-year-old children, improvement programmes need to be in place from birth. Children participating in these initiatives have the potential to be free from tooth decay, and the programme builds stronger foundations for future oral health.”

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The success story of the 'right2water' European Citizens Initiative

A new Citizens Initiative development in the EU has enormous potential for exerting pressure on politicians everywhere to stop hi-jacking the pure water that is expected to be provided to the public, by the State suppliers and their Agents, for medical uses for which the public water supplies were never intended.
The European Parliament now MUST respond to all challenges to the subversion of the quality of drinking water by fluoridating Member States, so if we can force the issue of the impropriety of State-sanctioned (or Local Government mandated, for that matter - Oz, are you listening?) compulsory OR voluntary fluoridation being incompatible with the concept of drinking water as a 'public good', then that precedent will have to be respected elsewhere.
So check out this report - it's official - and my Comment at the end. Spread it around, too. And then think how you can take advantage of this development where you live. This has the potential to open up a real crack in the shell of the fluoride-promoters, so get your thinking into gear and go for it!


The American Awakening: Fluoride Exposed 12/23/2013

How to Help Fluoride Toxicity - Dr Mercola

Do You Drink Fluoridated Water? Eat More Lycopene

One of the ways that fluoride does damage is by inducing oxidative stress and altered antioxidant defenses. Oxidative damage is, in turn, associated with the development of degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
One study found that fluoride administration induced oxidative stress, but when lycopene, an antioxidant, was also given, it helped to minimize the toxic effects of fluoride.2 Lycopene, a carotenoid antioxidant that gives fruits and vegetables like tomatoes and watermelon a pink or red color has long been suggested to be more powerful than that of other carotenoids, such as beta-carotene. It’s found in tomatoes (especially cooked tomatoes), apricots, guavas, watermelons, papayas, and pink grapefruits.
If you drink fluoridated water, it makes sense to try to increase your intake of lycopene and other dietary antioxidants to potentially decrease the fluoride’s toxicity.
Another option is to purchase a water filter that removes fluoride. The three types of filters that can remove fluoride are reverse osmosis, deionizers (which use ion-exchange resins), and activated alumina. Each of these filters should be able to remove about 90% of the fluoride. By contrast, "activated carbon" filters (e.g., Brita & Pur) do not remove fluoride. For more information on water filters, click here. You can also help to take action to get fluoride out of drinking water on a larger scale…

Join the Fight to Get Fluoride Out of Drinking Water

There's no doubt about it: fluoride should not be ingested. Even scientists from the EPA's National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory have classified fluoride as a "chemical having substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity.” Furthermore, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 41 percent of American adolescents now have dental fluorosis—unattractive discoloration and mottling of the teeth that indicate overexposure to fluoride.
Clearly, children are being overexposed, and their health and development put in jeopardy. Why?
At least when it comes to topical application, you have a choice. You can easily buy fluoride-free toothpaste and mouthwash. But you're stuck with whatever your community puts in the water, and it's very difficult to filter out of your water once it's added. Many do not have the resources or the knowledge to do so.
The only real solution is to stop the archaic practice of water fluoridation in the first place. Fortunately, the Fluoride Action Network has a game plan to END water fluoridation, both in the United States and Canada. 
Clean pure water is a prerequisite to optimal health. Industrial chemicals, drugs and other toxic additives really have no place in our water supplies. So, please, support the anti-fluoride movement by making a donation to the Fluoride Action Network today.

Monday, December 23, 2013

For full film go to www.fluoridegate.org

Fluoride-contaminated water debilitates hundreds in Indian district.

An Indian tale of 'twisted' existence
Fluoride-contaminated water debilitates hundreds in Indian district.

Thirty-three-year-old Amshala Swami is taken care of like a child. He can neither walk nor do things himself. He sits in one place and stares at the ceiling or at people walking on the streets. Swami is not alone in his plight. In Sivannagudem, a village just 70km from the southern Indian metropolis Hyderabad, there are hundreds like him. The reason: fluorosis, a crippling disease caused by the contamination of ground water by the chemical fluoride.
A pipeline transporting the Krishna river water runs past Sivannagudem in Nalgonda district of Andhra Pradesh state. But the water does not cater adequately to the needs of the village. The pipe is mainly for cities further down the line, and so, people in Sivannagudem extract fluoride-contaminated ground water for their needs.
Fluorosis-struck people are barely able to move their limbs, and are incredibly dependent on others for support [M.A.R. Fareed]
Swami says he would have died much earlier if his father had not taken care of him. His mother is mentally unstable. "I depend on my father for everything, including bath and food. I can barely move my limbs," Swami said, emotionally.
Swami was fine at birth. When he was five, fluorosis struck him. "Now, my bones are so brittle they can easily break if someone pulls my hand or hugs me tightly. Only my father knows how to handle me."

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Saturday, December 21, 2013

One in Five American Deaths Now Associated with Obesity

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Fluoridated USA
(Dr Mercola)
A new study found that nearly one in five US deaths is associated with obesity, which is nearly three times higher than previous estimates
The number of Americans who are overweight or obese is probably much higher than studies suggest because the tool most often used is BMI, which is flawed and doesn’t take into account body fat distribution
Obesity-related deaths include those from type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, liver disease, cancer, dementia, and depression because nearly all have metabolic dysfunction as a common underlying factor
The only effective way to reverse these trends is to make changes in your diet and lifestyle; drugs are definitely not the answer

Parliament Votes To Increase Fluoride Content In Drinking Water

Parliament Votes To Increase Fluoride Content In Drinking Water

fluoride-water-1WILLEMSTAD – Members of Parliament have accepted the proposal of the Minister of Health, Ben Whiteman, to increase the dose of fluoride in drinking water. The motion passed by 12 votes for and 3 against. The dose will be increased by up to 1.5 mg of fluoride per liter. At present, there is less than 0.5 mg per liter in drinking water.
According to the Parliament, the current dose is not enough to prevent caries effectively. Fluoride itself can be harmful to humans. Action group Committee Anti-Fluoride advocates for a fluoride free water.
Willemstad is the capital city of Curaçao, an island in the southern Caribbean Sea that forms a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. 
1.5 and in a hot country where people will drink a lot.
Holland is not fluoridated! 

Is your medication making you sick? Check for fluoride

Dear Pharmacist, You said that some drugs are related to fluoride and may cause hypothyroidism or other diseases of the reproductive tract. Which medications and why? — D.L., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
Some of the most popular medications are "fluorinated" meaning they were created using a backbone of fluoride, the same fluoride used in toothpaste, insecticides and some supplements.
The situation with fluoride is that it competes with iodine in your body. It tricks the cell into thinking it is iodine. Once enough fluorine atoms hook onto your cell, you become deficient. That could make you thyroid deficient because your thyroid gland cannot produce any thyroid hormone without iodine.
Chronic fluoride ingestion could spell side effects, which unfortunately won't get spotted as a "side effect," rather they will be diagnosed as some new disease that you don't have.
You can ask your doctor if you need to continue your medication or if you can switch to something in the same therapeutic category that is not fluorinated. Never suddenly stop taking a medication because some cause dangerous withdrawal reactions.
Here are some popular fluorinated drugs:

  1. Some statin cholesterol drugs such as atorvastatin (Lipitor), fluvastatin (Lescol)
  2. Fluoroquinolone antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin (Cipro) and levofloxacin (Levaquin) implicated with dangerous "floxing."
  3. The antidepressants fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), citalopram (Celexa) and escitalopram (Lexapro).
  4. The popular antifungal fluconazole (Diflucan)
  5. Steroids like dexamethasone (Decadron), fluticasone (Flonase) and flunisolide (Nasarel and Nasalide)
  6. The medication used for major depression and obsessive compulsive disorder called fluvoxamine (Luvox)

Tanzania: Imported Toothpaste Under Microscope

Tanzania: Imported Toothpaste Under Microscope

Dental Association President, Dr Rachel Mhavile  ...........................She said that there were some people who think that just because they live in endemic fluorosis areas like Arusha and Singida, they don't need to use toothpaste with fluoride and that they were wrong.
"What a lot of people don't know is that fluoride is systematic and goes inside one's body and not the teeth. It is fine to use free fluoride toothpaste until a person is six years old after that it is vital that they do," she explained.................

Friday, December 20, 2013

‘No fluoride or no water charge’ call to council

 | December 19, 2013
240x160_orlamcloughlinWITH Limerick householders due to start paying for domestic water usage next year, Labour Party councillor Orla McLoughlin told City Council this week that she did not want to pay the new charge if there was fluoride in her water.
Excessive exposure to fluoride in drinking water has been linked by the World Health Organisation to a number of adverse affects from mild dental fluorosis to the risk of development of Alzheimer’s disease and osteoarthritis. The Department of Health revealed last month that it is to conduct a review into fluoridation, which has been in place in Ireland for over 50 years.
Speaking at City Hall this week, Cllr McLoughlin expressed growing concern on the use of fluoride in our water supplies.
“We are moving into a new era and this is an issue that is not going away. I don’t want to pay water rates if there is fluoride in it. I filter my water because it doesn’t taste right. We are putting this into people and you have to understand this is a really big issue,” she said.
Cllr Pat Kennedy (Ind) said that 97 per cent of countries across Europe did not use fluoride and the council needed to be kept up to date.
On a phased basis from January 2014, Irish Water will bring the water and wastewater services of local authorities together under one national service provider. It will take around five years for Irish Water to be fully established, at which point it will be responsible for the operation of public water services.
Cllr John Gilligan (Ind) likened Irish Water to the Anglo Irish Bank.
“It’s a case of give us your money or else. They are trying to squeeze as much money as possible out of people. They would do Anglo Irish Bank proud. Limerick City Council will continue to do the same work and someone else will take the money. Irish Water? No way José,” he said.
Director of Water Services, Josephine Cotter-Coughlan said they were working closely with Irish Water to ensure quality of drinking water is maintained to the highest level while City Manager Conn Murray said they had to implement legislation as there were “higher authorities operating.”

An Inconvenient Tooth - Fluoride Documentary

Not brand new but worth seeing again.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Establishment Lies about Vitamins With Hoax Study!!!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Fluoride Action Network

Professionals' Opposed to Fluoridation

In 2007 the Fluoride Action Network began circulating the Statement Calling for an End to Fluoridation for professionals to sign. We now have 4,564 signers. We urge any of the readers of our bulletins who are professionals (MD, PhD, DDS, RN, etc.) to sign this statement.

PHR - 12/3000/40: An evaluation of a water fluoridation scheme in Cumbria
An evaluation of a water fluoridation scheme in Cumbria
Research typePrimary Research
StatusResearch in progress
Start dateOctober 2013
Publication date
April 2021
This is the estimated publication date for this report, but please note that delays in the editorial review process can cause the forecast publication date to be delayed.
Cost£ 1,549,347.00
Chief InvestigatorProfessor Iain Pretty
Co-investigatorsDr Richard Emsley (University of Manchester)Professor Michael Kelly (National Institiute for Health & Clinical Excellence),Professor Matthew Sutton (University of Manchester)Professor Martin Tickle (University of Manchester)Dr Tanya Walsh (University of Manchester)Dr Eric Rooney (NHS Cumbria)Dr William Whittaker (University of Manchester)Dr Rebecca Wagstaff (NHS Cumbria)Ms Julie Fletcher (Barnardos)

Money that could be spent on child smile that would make a difference.
Can't they accept people don't want it and it is not safe you can't control the amount drunk, people are getting too much fluoride now.

Canada - Dental impact of no fluoridation in Calgary's water studied

Study will be based on dental exams performed on Grade 1 and 2 students

A new study is looking at how Calgary's decision to pull fluoride from drinking water is affecting children's teeth.
Dental exams will be performed on hundreds of students from grades 1 and 2 at Calgary schools. The results will be compared with children in Edmonton, where the water is still fluoridated.
A researcher from the University of Calgary is investigating children's teeth roughly two years after the city pulled fluoride out of the drinking water. (iStock)
"A theme that comes up is how do we know what to do if we don't have local evidence?" said Lindsay McLaren, head researcher of the study at the University of Calgary.
"This will serve as some local up-to-date evidence that will help to inform these decisions."
While more and more Canadian communities are opting to get rid of fluoride, most studies on the subject are out of date, McLaren says.
The research project will run until June.
Alberta Health Services plans to present the findings at that time to Calgary's city council.
Dr. Richard Musto, Calgary's medical officer of health, said he hopes the new evidence convinces councillors to revisit the issue. 
"Impact" sounds biased before it starts.

Monday, December 16, 2013

I Wish I'd looked After my Teeth - CBSE English Poem Class 9 and an English lesson thrown in.

A 20% sugary drink tax would cut number of UK obese adults by 180,000

A 20% sugary drink tax would cut number of UK obese adults by 180,000
As biggest consumers, under 30s likely to be most affected
Research: Overall and income specific effect on prevalence of overweight and obesity of 20% sugar sweetened drink tax in UK: econometric and comparative risk assessment modelling study
Editorial: A substantial tax on sugar sweetened drinks could help reduce obesity
A 20% tax on sugar sweetened drinks would reduce the number of UK adults who are obese by 180,000 (1.3%) and who are overweight by 285,000 (0.9%), suggests a study published on bmj.com today.
Although this is a relatively modest effect, people aged 16-29 years, as the major consumers of sugar sweetened drinks, would be impacted the most, say the authors.
Regular consumption of sugar sweetened drinks increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay. The idea of a sugar sweetened drink tax as one way to reduce consumption and raise revenue is gaining traction in the UK, but its effect on health remains uncertain.

So researchers at the universities of Oxford and Reading set out to estimate the effect of a 20% tax on sugar sweetened drinks on obesity in the UK – and to understand the health effect on different income groups.
Using data from surveys of dietary purchases, the price of drinks, and body weight, they estimate that a 20% sales tax on sugar sweetened drinks would reduce the number of obese adults in the UK by 180,000 (1.3%) and the number who are overweight by 285,000 (0.9%).
The health gains would be similar across all income groups, but would decline with age. As the major consumers of sugar sweetened drinks, young people (under the age of 30 years) would experience the greatest reductions in obesity.
The tax would be expected to raise £276m (€326m; $442m) annually (around 8p per person per week) and would reduce consumption of sugar sweetened drinks by around 15%.

This revenue, say the authors, “could be used to increase NHS funding during a period of budget restrictions or to subsidise foods with health benefits, such as fruit and vegetables.”

War on dementia akin to moon landing mission

David Gethin’s photo of the moonThe biggest medical challenge of them all? Daily blogger Peter Rhodes on why curing dementia could take longer than putting a man on the moon.
DAVID Cameron says the developed world could produce a cure for dementia within 12 years. And how many of us, 12 years from now, will remember his words?

OFFICIALLY, the main cause of dementia is our increasing lifespan. Yet how can that account for the tidal wave of Alzheimer's and other brain-affecting conditions threatening to bury the NHS? It certainly can't explain the increase in early-onset dementia seen in people aged under 65. Remember those panicky days in the late 1980s when BSE, mad-cow disease, erupted and some scientists were claiming this terrifying disease could cross from cattle to humans? Back then the food expert Professor Richard Lacey famously forecast: “If our worst fears are realized we could virtually lose a generation of people.”

LACEY was roundly rubbished and the BSE threat seems to have gone away. But at various times, other researchers claim to have found a link between dementia and excess alcohol, raised blood pressure, high cholesterol, mobile phones, fluoride in the water, high blood sugar and mercury fillings in our teeth. We live in a complex and most unnatural world, and the fact that so many potential cause of dementia have been proposed reveals how little the experts really know. President Kennedy gave his top scientists 10 years to put a man on the moon. The timetable for beating dementia is two years longer. That's how vast the challenge is.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

How to Heal Cavities Naturally

cavityDerek Henry) The world is slowly waking up to the fact that, when you give the body what it needs, it can heal things we previously thought were impossible. A fine example of what is often deemed as an incurable health problem is dental cavities, but extensive research is now becoming more public about the true nature of tooth decay and the fact that there are proven remedies that can remedy it.
The lies perpetrated about tooth decay
According to the American Dental Association, the reason we have tooth decay is as follows:
“[Tooth decay] occurs when foods containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches) such as milk, pop, raisins, cakes or candy are frequently left on the teeth. Bacteria that live in the mouth thrive on these foods, producing acids as a result. Over a period of time, these acids destroy tooth enamel, resulting in tooth decay.”
There are a few problems with this theory, including:
Groups of indigenous people who had fermentable carbohydrates stuck on their teeth all the time
that did not brush or floss were mostly or completely free of tooth decay.
Bacteria do not consume processed sugar or flour because of the lack of nutrients in them.
Foods that bacteria like to eat, such as milk, vegetables, meat, fish and fruit, are not commonly implicated in causes of tooth decay.
So if the modern explanation of tooth decay is not accurate, what is actually the cause of tooth decay?
What actually causes tooth decay
Tooth decay, as researched by Dr. Weston Price and other dental pioneers, boiled down to three factors:
Not enough minerals in the diet.
Not enough fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) in the diet.
Nutrients not being readily bioavailable, and your intestinal system not properly absorbing them.
The presence of phytic acid largely influences this factor.
Over a period of time, if your diet lacks vitamins and minerals from a poor diet and/or contains high levels of phytates (from grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes), the blood chemistry and the ratio of calcium and phosphorous become out of balance, which results in minerals being pulled from bones, causing tooth and bone loss.
So, the long-standing belief that sugar causes tooth decay is true, but as a result of it depleting nutrients from the body, not because bacteria eat it and produce acid that ruins your teeth.
The food remedies that can heal cavities and tooth decay
In order to restore the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in our blood, and to enable minerals to bond to our teeth, it is not enough to just avoid eating too many sweet or processed foods. We must also eat health-building foods, containing copious amounts of minerals and vitamins that will build a glassy hard tooth structure.
Foods to focus on are:
Coconut oil, grass-fed organic dairy (especially butter), grass-fed meats, seafood and bone broths.
Organic cooked vegetables (soups with bone broth are ideal).
Organ and gland meats, like liver.
Limit foods that are high in phytic acid, like grains, beans, nuts and seeds, as well as limiting processed food intake full of processed flours and sugars that upset blood sugar balance.
Supplements to consider are:
Fermented cod liver oil – very high in fat soluble vitamins A, D and K.
Magnesium – required to use calcium and phosphorous effectively.
Gelatin – if you don’t have time to make bone broth, this is a good alternative and is great for gums and digestion.
Now go get your pearly white smile back.

Could it be true?

Water shortage now a thing of the past in Karnataka

Residents of seven districts get potable water round the clock

Over five lakh people are benefiting from the NABARD-funded project. File Photo: K. GopinathanConsumption of safe and potable drinking water has become a reality for residents of seven districts of the State, a change from the fluoride-contaminated water that had been imbibing.

A drinking water project, funded by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) in Bijapur, Davangere, Gadag, Tumkur, Chitradurga, Mandya and Raichur has made drinking water shortage a thing of the past in 140 villages of the seven districts. Today, drinking water is available round the clock in villages.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Australia - Peter pulls the pin over fluoride

Peter pulls the pin over fluoride
 Andy Parks

BYRON CALLING: Peter Lehner is leaving Lismore in response to the council decision to add fluoride to the drinking water. With him are Linda Whitefeather, Lee Ryan, Jill Garsden, Heather McDiarmid, Ros Irwin, Helen Coyle, Vicki Findlay and Louise Somerville.
BYRON CALLING: Peter Lehner is leaving Lismore in response to the council decision to add fluoride to the drinking water. With him are Linda Whitefeather, Lee Ryan, Jill Garsden, Heather McDiarmid, Ros Irwin, Helen Coyle, Vicki Findlay and Louise Somerville.Cathy Adams
PETER Lehner has been awarded for his services to the community by Lismore Council, but now the popular choirmaster is packing up and leaving Lismore in disgust after council's position on fluoride.
"It's a human rights issue. These six people have waived the precautionary principle to mass medicate us all. I don't want to see them or be around them ever again. I don't believe in them. I'm disgusted and leaving," Mr Lehner said.
He moved to Lismore from Sydney five years ago. He had been running a choir for homeless people there called the Sydney Street Choir and after connecting with people through the Winsome Hotel, he started a similar choir there that became known as the Bridge Street Choir.
It has been so successful that it spawned other community choirs including the Healing Voices Choir (for people with mental health issues and their supporters); the Winsome Lose Some Gospel Choir (for anyone) and the One Breath Choir (for advanced singers).
Mr Lehner plans to move to Mullumbimby early in the New Year.
"We'll have to see how things unfold," he said.
Mr Lehner said he will not spend any money when he comes to Lismore.
"I'm very good at boycotting. I've been boycotting Nestle for 23 years and I'm a vegetarian. I have very strong beliefs and work with my heart and with my integrity," he said.
Mr Lehner is particularly upset with Mayor Jenny Dowell whom he previously thought was a great community advocate.
"I really believed she cares for people, but now I'm not sure. I was trying to reach her heart, but she wouldn't listen. She said she made up her mind six years ago."
He said he won't participate in any events where Mayor Dowell will be.
Another Lismore resident of 13 years, Taran Tula is also threatening to leave Lismore.
"If I could live in Byron Shire without fluoride, that would be a very attractive proposition," she said.
Ms Tula said there should be a referendum on fluoride to accurately gauge community feeling.

Genius reinvents candy by eliminating cavity-causing bacteria

Genius reinvents candy by eliminating cavity-causing bacteria

Candy isn't good for you. Eat too much of the sweet stuff and you're likely to puke, gain weight, increase your risk for type 2 diabetes and rot your teeth. The stuff just tastes so dang good, though. Thankfully, a group of scientists have come to the rescue, bent on saving us from the dangers of candy's sweet seductive embrace.
These heroes hail from Berlin, where they work for a biotech lab called ORGANOBALANCE. In their lab, these geniuses have actually created candy that won't give you cavities. In fact, the new lab-designed candy is actually good for your chompers. It may still make you puke if you eat a couple pounds of it, but your enamel will be a-ok. That's because it was never really candy's fault that it gave you cavities at all.
The real tooth decay culprit is a bacteria called Mutans streptococci, which you release into your mouth as you chew. It attaches itself to your teeth, releasing acid, which is what damages your enamel. To combat mutans streptococci, the folks at ORGANOBALANCE laced their candy with another bacteria called Lactobacillus paracasei. This interesting little bacterium has a harmless sugary coating that gloms onto Mutans streptococci and smothers it in a bear hug of tooth-protecting justice.
Plain and simple, the offending bacteria simply can't attach itself to your teeth when bonded with the good guys, saving your mouth from damaging acid. Your teeth are saved, candy is vindicated, and the real culprit is brought to justice. Hooray Science!

Friday, December 13, 2013

You might find it interesting.

USA - Reader says fluoridation nothing but bad news

Anyone who actually studies the issue of water fluoridation learns that (1) it does not help your teeth, (2) it is composed of a collection of industrial waste chemicals, (3) it has been shown to be harmful to humans in scores of recent studies around the world, and (4) the practice of “fluoridation” has been banned in 90 percent of the developed world.
But if you drink a glass of water from your kitchen faucet in Asheville, you are drinking industrial waste. If you drink water from any public water fountain in Asheville, you are drinking industrial waste. If you take a bath in Asheville, you are bathing in industrial waste.
If you drink coffee from any commercial seller, you are drinking industrial waste.
People who learn the truth about “water fluoridation” become advocates for stopping it.
You never find people going the other way — people who were once opponents of fluoridation who then study the issue and then become proponents. That never happens. Learning the truth about it always produces opposition to it.
Please learn the truth and join the efforts of Fluoride Free Asheville to stop this harmful practice. Your taxes are being used to poison your drinking water.
Michael Ivey, Asheville.

Good point.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

UK - Bradford children shows slight improvement

Dental health of Bradford children shows slight improvement
The dental health of five-year-old children across Bradford is improving, but the district still has the fourth worst results nationally, according to a new health survey.
Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Dental health of Bradford children shows slight improvementThe research shows that the number of five-year-olds suffering from some degree of tooth decay has dropped from 52 per cent to 46 per cent in the district over the last five years, with the average number of teeth affected dropping from 2.42 to 1.98.
However, this figure remains the poorest in the region, higher than the 34 per cent average for Yorkshire and the Humber, and the national average of 27 per cent.
Swarngit Shahid, clinical director at Bradford District Care Trust, said: “Improving children’s oral health across Bradford remains challenging.
“Despite an overall improvement in the number of children free from tooth decay, we know more work needs to be done as Bradford children continue to have the poorest oral health in Yorkshire and the Humber.
“Research suggests there are clear links between levels of deprivation and poor oral health, and many of the factors that cause this also cause poor general health.”
Bradford District Care Trust’s dental team is working with other organisations to help improve the oral health of youngsters, including running a scheme called Building Brighter Smiles, that places an emphasis on disease prevention for children aged eight months to five years.
Elements of the scheme include a fluoride varnish programme, found to reduce tooth decay by up to a third in first teeth, healthy teeth awards, promoting nutrition and a sugar-free diet, and a toothbrushing in schools plan.
Dr Swarngit said: “For any significant change in oral health of five-year- old children, improvement programmes need to be in place from birth.
“Children participating in these initiatives have the potential to be free from tooth decay, and the programme builds stronger foundations for future oral health.”

Wednesday, December 11, 2013



If you had a business selling something that made you well over a hundred billion dollars per year, would you take steps to eradicate the need for your business? Or would you make every effort for that money continue rolling in?
Take cancer, for example.  Don’t let all the media hype about “The Cure” fool you.  No one who is in a position to do so wants to end cancer because they are all making a killing on the big business of treatment, while ordinary people go broke, suffer horribly, and die.
There will never be a “cure” brought to market because there just isn’t enough profit in eradicating the disease entirely.  There will never be a governing body that protects consumers from being subjected to known carcinogens, because that too, will stop the cash from rolling in. A great deal of research is covered up and many potential cures are ignored and discredited because there is far more money in perpetuating illness than in curing it. In 2012, the reported spending on cancer treatment was 124.6 billion dollars.  Blood money...........
........Avoid tap water.  If you have municipal water, drink it at the risk of ingesting loads of toxins. First, there is the willful addition of sodium fluoride, a pesticide which is labeled as “deadly to humans.” Not only has the consumption of fluoride been linked to cancer, but it also lowers IQs, causes infertility, and causes hardening of the arteries. Then there is the addition of chlorine, which is used to kill bacteria that could make us sick. Unfortunately, according to Dr. Michael J. Plewa, a genetic toxicology expert at the University of Illinois, chlorinated water is carcinogenic. “Individuals who consume chlorinated drinking water have an elevated risk of cancer of the bladder, stomach, pancreas, kidney and rectum as well as Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.” 

Chlorine is easily filtered out not like the Sodium fluoride or the Hexafluorosilicic acid  they use in the UK.