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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Embattled Irish senate fails citizen

Embattled Irish senate fails citizens opposed to tap water fluoridation.
By admin on January 30, 2013

A private members motion calling on the government to review the 50 year old policy of water fluoridation was cynically amended by a majority of coalition-member senators intent only on protecting the government. While many senators protested their support for Senator Norris’s motion, they then fell in line with the coalition agenda, thus missing a rare opportunity to bring the real concerns of their many voters to proper democratic debate and scrutiny. If this was the best the upper house can do to hold executive power to account, then the Seanad’s likely demise will not be lamented by the many thousands of citizens who are concerned about the continued fluoridation of their tap water. Even the Irish food industry is taking its duty of care to Irish consumers more seriously and with appropriate response than this ‘upper house’ of a self-serving parliament.
While several senators said they had received voluminous representations against fluoridation, they themselves demonstrated that they had failed to actually investigate these concerns. Many of those supporting government policy spoke of ‘fluoridization’, Senator John Gilroy even spoke of spotty teeth (dental fluorosis) as “dental fluoridization er – dental fluoridosis”, so superficial was his grasp of this serious condition affecting every third fluoridated teenager here . Residents of Dublin would have been under-whelmed by Senator Cait Keane’s admission that she was just as confused about fluoridation as 15 years ago when she put down a futile motion against fluoridation in South Dublin County Council; futile for the simple reason that the right of councilors to protect their electorate was taken away in 1963 by the national parliament of which she is now a member!................

USA - Water Worry: Fluoride Levels in the Tap Water

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

USA - Fluoride a Neurotoxin

Fluoride a Neurotoxin
Your readers in the fluoridated towns of Amherst, Holyoke and Longmeadow may like to know that an analysis from the Harvard School of Public Health has confirmed that fluoride in drinking water is a neurotoxin, and that ingesting it lowers the IQ of children.

Our understanding that fluoride is a neurotoxin began 20 years ago, when the Harvard-affiliated Forsyth Dental Center reported that pregnant rats fed fluoridated water gave birth to babies that were hyperactive, and remained hyperactive throughout life. In the intervening years Chinese scientists have documented the effect of fluoride on the brains of children. This new meta-analysis from Harvard concludes that the Chinese studies are accurate.

According to the report’s senior author, Philippe Grandjean, quoted in a Harvard press release, “Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain. The effect of each toxicant may seem small, but the combined damage on a population scale can be serious, especially because the brain power of the next generation is crucial to all of us.”

In light of this confirmation that fluoride is a neurotoxin, the practice of adding fluoride to drinking water should be discontinued.
Michael F. Dolan
Adjunct Professor, Microbial Communities
UMass Geosciences

Australia - Cairns council to stop fluoridating water

Cairns council to stop fluoridating water
The Cairns Regional Council has voted to stop fluoridating its water supplies by early next month.
Mayor Bob Manning says it recognises involuntary 'mass medication' must not proceed without community consent.
The Queensland Government last year changed laws to give councils the option not to fluoridate local water supplies.

"It costs about $300,000 or $400,000 a year to fluoridate all the supply, so that won't occur but this is not an issue of cost and we're not talking about millions of dollars here," councillor Manning said."We should have the process completed, the taking out of the fluoridation, by about mid-February."

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

<iframe width="440" height="248" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/92qmQFkYILM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Canada - Fluoride no longer to be added to Windsor water

Windsor's water will no longer have fluoride added to it.
Council made that decision late Monday last night after a marathon meeting to deal with this issue at a special meeting.
Approximately 30 delegations addressed council at a meeting that lasted six hours.
The advice from multiple dentists and doctors, including the President of the Ontario Dental Association and Windsor's medical officer of health was to keep fluoridating the water.
Arthur Worth, a Chatham dentist and president of the Ontario Dental Association, warned of future troubles.
"Well, we know that there's a fall-off effect, that it takes some time for these effects to be seen when fluoride is withdrawn," he said. "But there's no doubt in my mind, at some point in time, you will see the demand for dental services and dental decay increase in this area. There's no doubt of that in my mind."
In the end, council disagreed and voted 8-3 to stop adding fluoride.
Hilary Payne was one of three councillors who voted against the motion.
"The vote went against the experts, so why have experts?" Payne asked. "Why have medical officer of health and so on and so forth if we're just going to toss them aside like that, but that's the way it is, the fluoride is going to be taken out of the water."
Fulvio Valentinis and Jo-Anne Gignac cast the other two dissenting votes.
Mayor Eddie Francis voted to eliminate fluoride.
"The children in Leamington, the children in Kingsville, have been part of this region for some time now and they've had the benefit of no fluoride in their water and I haven't heard from the health unit, from the Ontario Dental Association, or the dentists in Leamington, Kingsville. I haven't heard a large cry saying we should add fluoride to their water. That was the key for me," Francis explained.
Some dentists and doctors told city council the anti-fluoride crowd was fear mongering.
Ayesha Drouillard, with the group Fluoride-Free Windsor, disagreed.
"They're calling us the fear mongerers. They're trying to scare council into voting their way by saying, if you remove the fluoride then all our teeth decay is going to get higher and all these bad things are going to happen to our health," she said. "They're the fear mongerers."
Fluoride has been added to Windsor's water for more than 50 years.
The city spends $125,000 a year to add fluoride. The savings will now be used for oral health and nutrition education in the region.

USA - Fluoride still stirring debate

USA but applies to us

Monday, January 28, 2013

An Inconvenient Tooth: Fluoride & It's Negative Health Affects

Published on 27 Jan 2013
An Inconvenient Tooth is a documentary film about fluoride. It was released September 6th, 2012 at the City Hall in Portland, Oregon. http://AnInconvenientTooth.org

UK - Daily Echo letters

Don't medicate us against our will!

IN reference to the letter "Children Missing Out On Fluoride" by Dr Jeyanthi John.
Firstly, children are not missing out. Putting fluoride into our drinking water is not the answer to children's decayed teeth. Has Dr John not heard of the Childsmile Programme that is successful in other parts of the country which doesn't involve contaminating our drinking water? Has Dr John not read the many letters against fluoride which will be mass medicating us all if it goes in? Has Dr John not read that Canada, the USA and other countries have stopped fluoridating their water supplies (we wonder why?). Has Dr John read that babies cannot drink fluoridated water as it is very very harmful to them?
Dr John also comments that every child will benefit if fluoride goes in. That is hardly possible even if fluoride was good, as most children drink fizzy drinks anyway.
Also as a doctor, Dr John cannot force medication onto any patients that she treats. So will she please stop trying to force fluoride onto us. If she wants fluoride to go ahead it becomes a medication.
So please, Dr John, read this. We don't need or want fluoride in our water supply.


■ DR Jeyanthi John says fluoridation is still needed to reduce tooth decay in children.
I had all my teeth removed before I was two years old, so why was that? Mother's milk no good?
On BBC 1 recently there was a programme on the lack of water in India.
They are now being forced to dig their wells deeper and deeper to find water, which is poor drinking water.
This water is doing very bad things to their children's bones. One of the causes is the natural fluoride in the water.
Please ask Dr Jayanthi John, why in Southampton fluoride will not be natural. It will be added by someone who thinks he or she knows best.
I am proud to be a "Hampshire Hog" born in St Elmo Nursing Home, Junction Road, Totton, on October 7 1933.1 have no teeth but have lung cancer and great bones at the moment.
When you poison my drinking water you will do what lung cancer can't: Kill Me
I have to pay Southern Water for the water they supply to my house. It is nice water, very very nice water - without fluoride - from the River Test.
I won't be paying for something I can collect in my nine water butts - it is called rain water - without fluoride.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Fluoride Safety Results Rigged by UK Health Authorities

Old video but worth seeing again. The Nazi bit is unproven and the advice to take action by fighting the consultation we now know was ineffective as they ignore public opinion.

Corporate science whores exposed: GMOs, vaccines, fluoride and other q

Saturday, January 26, 2013

13-05 Fluoridation of Portland Water System

USA - Health Unit Advocates For Fluoride In Water

The Truth About Fluoride

Friday, January 25, 2013

Uk _ Daily Echo letter

No, those nashers still won't be any good, fluoridation doesn't even work despite the claims of the SHA.

Piers Morgan Says He Got A Flu Shot And Ten Days Later He's Sick!

Australia - Poll shows 90% oppose adding flouride to water supply

Poll shows 90% oppose adding flouride to water supply
Tracey Joynson 25th Jan 2013
OVERWHELMING majority of people are against fluoride being added to the Fraser Coast water supply, according to a poll on the Chronicle website.
After 280 votes, the results showed 90% were opposed to council adding fluoride to the water supply, 7% were in favour and 1% needed more information.

Mayor Gerard O'Connell has confirmed the issue will go before a council vote next month.

Is 90% big enough majority, in Southampton 72% wasn't.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Gold Coast rids fluoride from drinking water

UK - Dental milk fluoride levels could increase in Winsford primary schools

Dental milk fluoride levels could increase in Winsford primary schools
23rd January 2013 in News By Matthew Taylor

FLUORIDE levels in Winsford primary school children’s dental milk will be increased under Cheshire West and Chester (CWAC) proposals.
In a bid to reduce the estimated 31 per cent of 5-year-olds suffering dental decay, CWAC are supporting recommendations to up fluoride content from 0.5 to 0.8 mg per 189ml carton.
Parents will be sent notification forms asking whether they want to continue or opt out of the dental milk scheme, currently operated by eight primary schools in the town, with 81 per cent of drinkers consuming fluoridated milk.
Winsford Town Council is to consult widely with schools and parents on whether to back the increase, which has been advised by the National Fluoridated Milk Advisory Group (NFMAG), following studies by Newcastle University scientists.

Town clr Don Beckett said: “I think we should do another check with residents receiving it and whether they think it should be upped. The juries out on whether it’s better for everyone.”
The fluoridated milk scheme was introduced in Winsford in the early nineties. Winsford Town Council is the only authority in the borough to offer infant and nursery classes free, mid morning dental milk - which has been proven to fight tooth decay.
CWAC’s report on the increase states: “Dental decay in young children continues to have considerable public health significance in areas of high deprivation in England. The disease and its consequences are very expensive to manage.

“The appropriate use of fluoride has been the major reason for the improvement in oral health over the last 40 years, but unacceptable inequalities remain.”

The report adds that ‘it is expected that an adjustment of the fluoride in milk will have a positive impact on child dental health.’

NZ - Waikato DHB Refuses to Present Fluoridation Case to Public

Waikato DHB Refuses to Present Fluoridation Case to Public
Thursday, 24 January 2013, 9:47 am
Press Release: Fluoride Action Network
Waikato DHB Refuses to Present Fluoridation Case to Public

Despite the DHB being an avid proponent of fluoridation, Craig Climo, Waikato District Health Board CEO, has turned down an opportunity for Principal Dental Officer, Rob Aitken and Dr Felicity Dumble to present the case for fluoridation at two upcoming public information evenings in Hamilton and Thames.

Mr Climo has advised Fluoride Action Network NZ (FANNZ) that “The only meetings the DHB is likely to attend regarding fluoridation are those held by territorial local authorities to make decisions about the use of fluoridation in public water supplies.”

This was the response to an invitation by FANNZ for the DHB to be part of a public Information Evening, run along the same lines that the South Taranaki District Council held recently in Patea and Waverley. “The fact that the DHB is not willing to stand in a public forum, in a neutral setting, should ring alarm bells for anyone whose water currently has hydrofluoroscilic acid (HFA) added to it due to the advice given by the DHB” says Mary Byrne, National Coordinator for FANNZ. “It also shows a complete disregard for the people living in the communities as it would seem the DHB does not give a toss about what the people think, so long as the councillors vote to keep adding this class 7 poison, HFA, to the community’s public drinking water.”
On the 18th of February, International fluoride expert, Professor Emeritus Paul Connett begins his speaking tour of New Zealand. A series of public information evenings are planned throughout the country with details on the FANNZ website and Fluoride Free New Zealand Facebook page. He will be speaking in Thames on the 18th of February and Hamilton on the 21st.

Both the Thames District Council and Hamilton City Council will be consulting with their residents on whether they want fluoridation to continue or not through this year’s draft annual plan.

“It is unfortunate that the DHB will not give people the opportunity to hear their case and be able to ask questions in a public setting. We urge people to attend these public forums so they can be well informed about this issue, although perhaps by attending they may understand the DHB’s reluctance to be in the public arena defending such an out dated, harmful and actually downright silly practice of adding a highly toxic chemical to everyone’s drinking water in the pursuit of saving a miniscule amount of dental decay in some children at the very best” concludes Ms Byrne.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Fluoride in Calhoun County-WDNG 1450 AM Feature Report

Australia - Gold Coast rids fluoride from drinking water

Local Vet Warns of Frostbite on Your Animals [AUDIO]

February is Pet Dental Health Month, so Dr. Nancy also covered dental hygiene for our carnivorous pets, “The key is to be consistent and make it part of their routine. You should brush your cat’s, dog’s or ferret’s teeth once a day.”, she said. Dr. Nancy told us she uses a poultry flavored toothpaste that her cats love, but warned against using human toothpaste, as the fluoride and other chemicals in it can be dangerous to your pets.

UK - Daily Echo letters

Click with mouse to enlarge.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

UK - House of Lords

Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley

To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answers by Earl Howe on 12 December 2012 (WA 230-31), whether the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, which conducted the systematic review of water fluoridation in 2000, will be among the interested parties to be consulted on revised guidelines for possible new fluoridation proposals.[HL4466]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Earl Howe): Yes; the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at the University of York has relevant experience in reviewing research studies on the effects of fluoridation.

USA - Westmoreland customers getting flouride out of their water

By Bob Stiles

Published: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 12:01 a.m.
Updated 4 hours ago

With a few twists of his wrist, Charles Gallo of Ligonier Township says he can protect himself from a harmful substance in his drinking water.
He recently attached a reverse-osmosis purification device to his kitchen tap to rid his water of fluoride.
He and about 1,500 Ligonier Valley customers of the Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County will soon get fluoridated water through a 14-mile pipeline from the Johnstown Municipal Authority.
The Westmoreland authority doesn‘t add fluoride to its water, but the Johnstown Municipal Authority does.
Customers in Ligonier Borough, Laughlintown, Laurel Mountain and parts of Ligonier Township will receive the Johnstown water once line testing is completed, probably this month, said John Ashton, assistant manager of the Westmoreland authority.
Gallo, who works as a clinical psychologist in Monroeville, said the water at his home will be modified by the purification device.
“What it does is remove contaminants such as fluoride, chlorine, and makes it safe to consume,” Gallo said.
He maintains fluoride is potentially harmful, although the American Medical Association, the American Dental Association, the Pennsylvania Dental Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say fluoridated water helps to prevent tooth decay.
The CDC calls water fluoridation “one of the 10 most significant public health achievements of the 20th century.”
More than half of Pennsylvanians served by public water systems drink fluoridated water, according to the CDC.
Although the Westmoreland authority doesn‘t add fluoride for its 400,000 customers, it will begin adding it in a few years to the supply going to Monroeville and Plum — at the municipalities‘ request, authority manager Chris Kerr said.
“It won‘t affect any other customers,” Kerr said.
The authority serves parts of Westmoreland, Indiana, Fayette and Allegheny counties.
Removal of the fluoride from water coming from Johnstown‘s system is “cost prohibitive,” Kerr said.
Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel, making it more resistant to acids that cause decay, advocates say.
“Nobody with any scientific credentials has ever said it‘s not safe,” said Dr. Bernie Dishler, president of the Pennsylvania Dental Association.
Opponents rely on “junk science,” said Dishler, a Montgomery County dentist...

How can Dr Berni Dishler say such a thing. How ignorant is he?

NZ - Health Ministry Clueless about Tooth Decay

Health Ministry Clueless about Tooth Decay
Tuesday, 22 January 2013, 8:30 pm
Press Release: Fluoride Action Network
Health Ministry Clueless about Tooth Decay
Even after decades of fluoridation, a new Government report is showing severe tooth decay in fluoridated areas. The same is happening in the birthplace of fluoridation – the USA. The 2009 NZ Oral Health survey showed tooth decay increasing in fluoridated areas but decreasing in unfluoridated areas, The Ministry admits it cannot explain this.

The South Wairarapa DHB recently announced that more children in fluoridated areas required multiple tooth extractions under general anesthetic than those in unfluoridated areas, who also have less total tooth decay.

Parents are striving to do the right things by limiting soft drinks, other sugary foods, and ensuring their children brush their teeth twice a day, but still their children have ended up with dental decay.
“The recent Stuff article[1] does identify real issues – baby-bottle decay (which fluoride cannot stop); sweet drinks, snacks at night and insufficient checkups (a recent Canterbury programme showed a 30-50% reduction through regular checkups).”, points out Mary Byrne, National Coordinator of health group, and fluoridation experts, Fluoride Action Network NZ.“Instead of wasting thousands of dollars on a so-called Fluoridation Information Service, the Ministry of Health needs to use this money to do real research into what can be causing the current increase in dental decay” suggests Ms Byrne.

“For instance, it may actually be that another Ministry of Health initiative is at least one of the reasons. It is well known now that most New Zealanders are likely to be vitamin D deficient, and vitamin D plays a crucial role in bone and tooth development. Exposure of the skin to natural sunlight is been the body’s primary source of Vitamin D. Therefore the Slip Slop Slap message may be having unintended consequences” concludes Ms Byrne.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

NZ - 'Shocking' state of toddlers' teeth revealed

'Shocking' state of toddlers' teeth revealed
Published: 8:41AM Sunday January 20, 2013 Source: Fairfax
Toddlers as young as two years old are having all their teeth removed and hospitals are struggling to keep up with dental surgery as sugary drinks take a huge toll on children's teeth.
A new government report on dental care has for the first time revealed the full extent of the problem: 34,000 children under 14 had teeth removed due to decay or infection in 2012.
Dental surgery services are so stretched, there are reports of waiting lists of up to 100 children at some hospitals.
In the worst cases, dentists are forced to extract a mouthful of baby teeth from preschoolers, often because toddlers are given bottles of juice or fizzy drinks.
Top dentists have vented frustrations that severe tooth decay is one of the most common and costly diseases of children, yet also completely preventable.
Auckland children's dentist Nina Vasan - who treated a three-year-old with 10 cavities last week - said it's not just a disease of the poor. She treats children of all ages and demographics.
Vasan, a Kidz-teeth paediatrician, said parents are often shocked to discover the extent of the problem.
"Parents feel really guilty because it may have been a lack of their knowledge. Sometimes parents are crying and really upset because they feel they are to blame."
A condition dubbed "baby bottle teeth decay", midnight snacks and a lack of dental check-ups are all chipping away at children's teeth.

Vasan says most parents change their habits to stop decay recurring, but a Waikato Hospital dentist says some parents are not getting the message.
Waiting list
Senior dentist Graham Jull spends his day performing extractions and root canals on children suffering rampant decay and infection, yet the hospital's oral surgery department still has a waiting list of 100 children at any one time.
In some cases brothers and sisters return with the same horrifying problems.
Toddlers come in with teeth so rotten from sugar that they are no longer recognisable.
"Some of them have decayed right down to the gum level so it's just roots.....

Fluoridated NZ

A Pediatrician Speaks Out on Fluoridation

Are there any local paediatricians brave enough to speak out against harming babies with fluoride?

Saturday, January 19, 2013

UK - ITV Meridian Fri 18th Jan - Fluoride application in schools

Daily Echo letters

Friday, January 18, 2013

An Easy Way to Understand Why Drinking Water that has been Medicated

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Fundamental Rights do NOT extend to Irish Citizens

Published on 16 Jan 2013
The first EU Citizens Dialogue of 2013, took place on January 10th in Dublin. Billed by Taoiseach Enda Kenny in the event brochure as 'this European Year of Citizens' he wrote "We want to raise public awareness of the extent of EU citizen rights and how they can have a direct impact on our daily lives. He went on to assure citizens of his "fullest attention in what citizens are saying about what it means to be a citizen of the European Union". So much for the promises ... the reality was rather different.

Outside Dublin's famous City Hall a few intrepid EU campaigners for Ireland Against Fluoridation and The Girl Against Fluoride wanted to discuss these same EU citizen rights and their direct impact on our daily lives. They braved the rain for hours in their futile attempt to engage with Commissioner Viviane Reding, Taoiseach Kenny or Tanaiste Gilmore about the daily impact of their EU citizen rights being denied.

~ FLUORIDEGATE ~ A Film by Dr. David C. Kennedy

Published on 16 Jan 2013
FLUORIDEGATE the Film is a new documentary film that reveals the tragedy of how the United States government, industry, and trade associations protect and promote a policy known to cause harm to our country and especially to small children who suffer more than any other segment of the population. While the basis of their motivation remains uncertain. The outcome is crystal clear: fluoridation policy is destroying our nation.

An American TRAGEDY ! This information relates to Canada and any other Country that continues to artificially fluoridate their community and city water supplies.


UK - House of Lords

Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley

To ask Her Majesty's Government what is their assessment of the implications for water fluoridation policy of the findings of the systematic review of developmental fluoride neurotoxicity, published in October 2012 by the Harvard School of Public Health. [HL4465]

Earl Howe: The authors of the review concluded that their results:

"support the possibility of an adverse effect of high fluoride exposure on children's neurodevelopment. Future research should include detailed individual-level information on prenatal exposure, neurobehavioral performance, and covariates for adjustment".
Bazian, an organisation of independent health researchers, also reviewed the Chinese research studies on behalf of South Central Strategic Health Authority and found that the study design and methods used by many of the researchers had serious limitations. The researchers reported,

"the lack of a thorough consideration of confounding as a source of bias means that, from these studies alone, it is uncertain how far fluoride is responsible for any impairment in intellectual development seen. For example, the amount of naturally occurring fluoride in drinking water and from other sources, and the socioeconomic characteristics in the areas studied was different from those found in the UK".
Nevertheless, we agree that this is an issue which merits further research and the department will be monitoring the results of further studies closely. A copy of the report has been placed in the Library.

Australia - Fluoride debate continues

QUEENSLAND'S chief health officer Jeanette Young has implored Bundaberg Regional Council to consider the facts when making its decision regarding fluoridation, saying the science is "indisputable".

When the NewsMail asked councillors for their personal views on the science of fluoridation, the overwhelming majority were either against it or had yet to be convinced.

Cr Vince Habermann said he was opposed to fluoridation because only "0.8% of the water that it would go into is consumed by humans."
Just two councillors - deputy mayor David Batt and Cr Danny Rowleson - believed the science for fluoridation was sound.
But all the councillors were united in their opposition to fluoridation based on the costs involved.
"Health is a State Government issue and I do believe that fluoridated water will reduce long-term health costs, so the State Government needs to come to the party and fund both the initial infrastructure and the ongoing costs," Cr Batt said.

Cr Greg Barnes said he "felt unqualified" to comment on the fluoride science, but added: "My GP has provided me with professional medical advice for over 20 years and neither he, nor my dentist or orthodontist, have ever mentioned or recommended it."........

UK - Daily Echo headlines

You will have to wait until the Daily Echo has this news item on their web site to read this. I'll get into trouble if I print it before them.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

All smiles as new product looks to have child tooth decay licked

All smiles as new product looks to have child tooth decay licked
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Derby Telegraph

RESEARCH by a county dental practice could "prove vital" in preventing thousands of children suffering from tooth decay, according to experts.
Sixty children who are patients at the Hafren Dental House Practice, in Alfreton, had a special sealant used on some of their permanent teeth before they came fully through.
This was because studies have shown that, if dentists wait until a tooth is fully through before applying a protective coating, the tooth is exposed to possible decay for longer.
But, since 2011, the Cressy Road's dental therapist – Laura Rose Brady – has applied this special sealant to the ridges and grooves of 172 teeth.
And, during check-ups with each patient a year on, findings showed no tooth which was sealed went on to develop dental decay.

Miss Brady said: "We're delighted with the findings, which ultimately could protect thousands of people's teeth from serious decay and a lifetime of fillings and drillings.
"We're now looking at putting a proposal together to see if other NHS dental practices in Derbyshire would be interested in trialling the sealant – as these are potentially significant findings."

The practice completed the study with support from the universities of Nottingham and Sheffield, with Miss Brady chosen by the Colgate and the Oral and Dental Research Trust 2011 DCP award programme to carry out the research.
Dr Bhupinder Dawett, lead dentist at the surgery, said he now planned to put together a bid to National Institute for Health Research for more research to be done on the sealant – which is made by dental manufacturer GC Ltd.
He said the practice would approach others in the county to see if they would be interested in trialling the sealant, before aiming to submit the bid in the summer.

The role of the NIHR is to fund research and develop evidence which can then help health bodies make decisions at a national level.
Dr Dawett said: "These are exciting findings but more needs to be done to establish the effectiveness of the sealant.
"This product has been available for a while but we don't think it is used that often.
"The project was about getting the ball rolling to see if this product shows promise and it does. But we now need to do further work before we can definitely say it does make a difference."

Keith Mann, head of primary care for NHS Derbyshire County, said: "This has been an enormously successful project, led by a highly skilled team of professionals.
"I look forward to seeing if the trial's 100% success rate can be replicated in other studies as it could prove vital in combating child tooth decay."

Alfreton fluoridated since 1985

Fluoride Increases Heavy Metal Accumulation in Your Body

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

UK Parliament

Health Authorities

Dr Julian Lewis: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what guidance his Department has issued to strategic health authorities on the initiation of policies which their successor local authorities are deemed likely to reverse; and if he will place in the Library a copy of any such guidance; [136179]

14 Jan 2013 : Column 614W

(2) how many strategic health authorities are in the process of initiating schemes to fluoridate drinking water; what steps their successor local authorities would have to take if they wished to cancel any such schemes; whether such successor authorities would need to undertake another consultation exercise before cancelling such a scheme; and if he will make a statement. [136180]

Anna Soubry: The Department has not issued any such guidance, but we are aware of one strategic health authority that is proceeding to implement a fluoridation scheme. NHS South of England is implementing a scheme to cover parts of Southampton and South West Hampshire. Last November the Department completed a consultation on the content of regulations on the arrangements for consideration of proposals on the fluoridation of water including proposals to terminate a fluoridation scheme. Our intention is to lay the regulations in February, in time for them to come into force on 1 April 2013 when responsibility for consultations on fluoridation proposals transfers to local authorities.

fluoride removal day 1

Bit new age but why not?


Updated January 15, 2013, 2:26 pm

Queensland Health Minister Lawrence Springborg has defended his department's decision to write to councils touting the benefits of water fluoridation.
The State Government has recently given councils the power to stop putting fluoride in the water.
However, the state's Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young has implored councils not to be swayed by the anti-fluoride lobby.
The Local Government Association (LGAQ) says Queensland Health is wrongly intervening, but Mr Springborg says it is entirely appropriate.
"What we want to do is to actually make people aware that they do have that flexibility of choice, but to also understand that there are positive benefits of actually having fluoridation in our water supply," Mr Springborg said.
"That's totally appropriate from a Queensland Health perspective to encourage councils to consider that fact as a part of their decision-making process."
The LGAQ's Greg Hallam says Queensland Health's comments are not necessary.
"We are not needing to be advised on these matters - councils have already well advised by their own environmental health officers and there's been an enormous amount of information in the community now for a number of years," Mr Hallam said.
"It just seems quite strange that Health would buy into this when the Cabinet has made a decision that it is a council matter."
Former President of the Dental Association Doctor Greg Moore says the decision is too important to leave to councils.
"It's just such a difficult thing to imagine that a public health issue like fluoridation is allowed to become a political football," Dr Moore said.

Monday, January 14, 2013

ADA Says Fluoridated Tap Water is Not Safe for Babies!

OBE for NHS South of England Chairman

31 December, 2012 | News
The Chairman of the Board of NHS South of England, Dr Geoffrey Harris, has been awarded an OBE for services to healthcare.
Dr Harris, from Buckinghamshire, was appointed in October 2011 as the Strategic Health Authority cluster Chairman for NHS South of England, having previously served as NHS South Central’s Chairman since July 2006.
He is a former Chair of Buckinghamshire Mental Health NHS Trust and was a Non-Executive Director at the merged Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust.
Dr Harris said: “I am very surprised and delighted to receive this honour. It has been immensely rewarding to contribute towards the running of the NHS which is often challenging but always interesting.”
A former medical research scientist, Dr Harris has worked for Wellcome Foundation, HM Diplomatic Service, and as Director of the British Overseas Trade Group for Israel. He also has served as a Member of the Public Health Laboratory Service (now the Health Protection Agency).
The NHS South of England Chief Executive, Sir Ian Carruthers, OBE, speaking on behalf of Board said: “We are absolutely delighted that Dr Harris has been recognised for his considerable and outstanding contribution to the NHS. He has very successfully led the regional NHS during a period of unprecedented change; and this honor is testament to Geoff’s leadership and commitment. As a Board we are extremely proud of Geoff for all his efforts, and for achieving such a well-deserved honour.”

For alienating the public and destroying all faith in the credibility of the NHS

Sunday, January 13, 2013

January 12th, 2013
In this special guest edition, Jim Ronan of Solutions Radio, Ireland, interviews Walter Graham about the dangers and myths of water fluoridation.

United Communities of Southampton

Press Release to all Media Outlets
United Communities of Southampton Statement on fluoridation

We firmly believe that it is our GOD given right, and responsibility, to choose what medications and food we consume .
Whilst we understand the plight of those suffering from tooth decay; and our hearts go out to all those affected .We most firmly do NOT support the addition of hydrofluosilicic acid commonly referred to as fluoride to our water to address this issue .
There is no good science to show that fluoridation is effective in reducing tooth decay, nor is there good evidence to prove that it is safe .
In fact, we have solid PROOF that fluoridating the water is both ineffective and dangerous - to the health of humans and to Nature too . In Birmingham the water has been fluoridated for some time; despite this, Birmingham is still carrying out dental extractions on 15 children per day under general anaesthetic.
Dr Dean Burke , chief scientist at the National Cancer Institute (USA) , stated under oath at a Congressional hearing ‘Nothing causes or makes cancer explode faster in the body than fluoride.’Dr Burke calculated that adding fluoride to the water would increase the cancer rate by at least 10%. No-one has challenged his figures.
In 2007 the American Dental Association warned parents not to make up formula milk with fluoridated water. In Southampton the reckless SHA has deemed any such warning as unnecessary.  
We have many , many concerns about the safety of ingesting an accumulative poison ; there are too many to list here .You need to understand that very few medical or dental ‘professionals’ are fully aware of the toxicity of fluoride.
But fundamentally, the enforced medication by means of fluoridation is absolutely against our religious beliefs and is an insult to our Freedom. We feel most strongly that this is breaking the Law of the land. You do NOT have our consent to force our community to consume this awful toxin.
Furthermore we have PROVEN methods that will safely and significantly reduce tooth decay , if not entirely eradicate this disease. We would very much like to share these proven measures with our communities and health authorities alike. Therefore we most strongly urge you to ‘cease and desist’ with any plans to fluoridate our drinking water .
We urge you to meet with us in the near future so that we may work together to resolve this issue.
For further info contact organising members of UCS
Dr Zac Cox (Dentist), Mr Harjap Singh, Mr Ziarat Hussain, Mr Arshad Sharif, Mr Prithipal Singh Roath – p.singhroath@hotmail.co.uk

Dr. Paul Connett talks about Impact of Fluoride on Brain

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Echo letters and comment

UK - Children are "missing out on fluoride"

The Echo tries to be unbiased by publishing both sides for and against.
8:26am Saturday 12th January 2013 in News

Children are "missing out on fluoride"
EVERY day that goes by without fluoride in Hampshire’s tap water, children are missing out.
That is the message from health professionals who insist the delayed controversial scheme is the best way to improve dental health in Southampton.
It is nearly four years since NHS bosses unanimously approved plans to add the chemical to tap water delivered to nearly 200,000 people, but it is still not in place.

A lengthy legal challenge by opponents and work to finalise details of how the scheme will work mean health chiefs admit they still don’t know exactly when it will be implemented.
And that delay is causing frustration among some dentists and health professionals in Southampton.
Dr Jeyanthi John, a consultant in dental public health for Southampton and Hampshire, said fluoridation is still needed to reduce high levels of tooth decay in children.
She said: “We’re missing out on the benefits every day and year that goes by without it in place.
“We still have 450 to 500 children having teeth extracted under general anaesthetic every year – that hasn’t changed.
“We have teams going out to carry out health promotion in the community and they’re still seeing high levels of decay, and dentists are still seeing high levels of decay.

“The local dental community ask me every time I go out to them when the fluoridation scheme is going to be in place and why it hasn’t happened.

“Our local health professionals have reiterated their support for the water fluoridation scheme.”
Despite claims from opponents that fluoridation is not effective and carries the risk of health problems, Dr John said she believes it will bring major benefits.
She said: “Over the last ten years Southampton children’s dental health has always been shown to be poor compared to other places.
“We would like to see Southampton children have the best dental health in the country.
“We’re halfway down the list at the moment, which is very poor from our point of view.
“We looked at areas around the country to see who has achieved the best dental health and it’s in the West Midlands, where they have a combination of methods using a population-wide measure like water fluoridation supplemented with targeted oral health initiatives that encourage children to brush their teeth.
“We looked at that and thought we wanted it for us.
“We have those community measures and will continue them.
“Fluoridation reaches everyone in the community, whereas all the other things we do it ends up with only those people who attend.
“Poor dental health is more prevalent in people from more deprived backgrounds.
These are the groups who are least likely to access some kind of health care.

“They will benefit even if they don’t eat the right foods all the time.”

Four of us went to see the Dr Jeyanthi John and the Primary Care Trust board to put our case forward right in the beginning, giving them documents of evidence against fluoridation including a DVD. Six months later when I spoke to her again I asked her had we influenced her decision and she said no they were more determined to go ahead than ever!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Infants are the Most At Risk to Fluoride Toxicity

Alan Watt 8th Jan, 2013 Dysfunction s About from Marxist Fallout High

Dental decay remains a problem for Utah, USA

By WENDY LEONARD, Deseret News
Bubble gum-flavored toothpaste and electric spinning toothbrushes have made a big difference in how often and how willingly Cindi Barraclough's kids brush their teeth.
But it helps to have the added assurance that their teeth are protected, should any sugar get past the burgeoning brushing habits.
A dental assistant at Kidz Dental Works in Syracuse placed sealants on 6-year-old Braxton Barraclough's teeth Tuesday, forming a plastic shield to protect surfaces on his molars furthest back. It's something each Barraclough family member has had done as soon as they are old enough, and "it really cuts back on the number of cavities they've had," the Farmington mother said.
"It's nice to feel like you have that protection, but you still have to brush all the time," she told the Deseret News. "I think of it as a really good backup plan."
According to a Pew Center report released Tuesday, more Utah kids are in need of the preventive dental treatment. However, some insurance plans don't cover it and for other individuals, dental care is out of reach altogether.
"It really is a problem," said Michelle Martin, a hygienist and oral health specialist for the state of Utah. She said fluoridated water has helped prevent cavities in some kids, but a recent survey found that 23 percent of Utah kids drink only bottled water, circumventing the benefits available in public water sources in various counties....

Utah just like Birmingham both fluoridated both have cavities.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Fluoride sold as pesticide; Chinese factories export to U.S. cities for wate

<iframe width="450" height="253" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1X0a8xSL8s4?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

UK - Answers from the SHA

1. Does the SHA still intend to implement a water fluoridation scheme before it is abolished on 31st March 2013?
The Strategic Health Authority (SHA) is in discussions with Southern Water regarding the implementation of a water fluoridation scheme for Southampton and parts of Southwest Hampshire. The process is on-going and will be taken over by Public Health England from 1 April 2013.
a. If so will a scheme be operational before 31st march 2013?It is anticipated that the water in Southampton and parts of south west Hampshire will be fluoridated in 2014.
b. If not operational by 31st March 2013, what stage does the SHA believe it will have reached by 31st March 2013?The SHA is currently in discussions with Southern Water regarding the implementation process and is working towards implementation of the scheme in 2014.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Robert Pocock

The Dumbing Down of Americans


Stage 1 to Ban Fluoride: Warn of Health Risks

UK - Daily Echo

Sorry for poor image but the Echo does not like it if I let you read it first before it appears on their web page and at the moment isn't published. dailyecho.co.uk

This weekend's public meeting is being held at the Gurdwara Nanaksar, Peterborough Road, Bevois Valley at 6.30pm on Saturday with representatives from many of the city's religious organisations attending to combat the plans.
All are welcome.

Monday, January 07, 2013

Canada - Brushing up on fluoride

Nick Kuhl
Lethbridge Herald
If a local group has its way, the fluoridation of Lethbridge water could be discontinued.
But it won't happen overnight says Mark Benson with Fluoride Free Lethbridge, a group of concerned citizens calling for an end to forced fluoridation of local water supplies.
"Our main goal right now is not so much to get it before council as soon as possible, but rather we feel like it's our duty to provide access to information so people can be informed," he said.
"Then we'll see where things go from there. This isn't just about council. It's about having people informed so they can make their own choice and then express it publicly through whatever form."
Lethbridge began adding fluoride to the water following a plebiscite in 1974.
City council last debated the issue in April 2011, when a motion to have fluoride removed from the water supply was voted down 5-4.
Those councillors voting in favour of removal cited doubt on the ethics, safety and effectiveness of fluoridation in preventing tooth decay.
Those against cited their legal responsibility under the Municipal Government Act to protect the health of the public.
That same year, the City of Calgary and the Town of Taber both voted to have fluoride removed.
"Considering the scientific evidence available to us now, this needs to be looked at," Benson said......

South Central Strategic Health Authority continuing plans to fluoridate Southampton water

South Central Strategic Health Authority continuing plans to fluoridate Southampton water months before being axed in NHS reforms
By Jon Reeves

Click title to go to Echo web page

THE race has begun to put fluoride into Hampshire water – even though most people may not want it.
With less than three months to go before they are abolished, health bosses have told the Daily Echo they are still determined to pump the chemical into water supplies – much to the disgust of an MP who has branded them pigheaded.
Southampton City Council does not want fluoridation to go ahead, but has admitted it does not have the money to fight the scheme.
Critics have repeated their calls for the “pig-headed” South Central Strategic Health Authority – which is being axed by the Government on March 31 – to scrap its plans to fluoridate tap water in and around Southampton.

Despite campaigners’ claims of side effects and better alternatives, the health body said it still believes the controversial scheme is the best way to improve dental health in the city.
And even though the SHA admitted it still does not know how much it will cost or exactly which areas it will affect, it is hoping its national replacement will finish its work once it has gone.
The power to create or remove fluoride projects will pass to councils when SHAs are scrapped, as part of the coalition government’s NHS reforms.
Both Southampton City and Hampshire County councils have previously passed motions saying they disagree with the existing plans.

But even though fluoridation isn’t up and running, with an instruction to Southern Water in place, the Southampton scheme is deemed to have already begun and responsibility for administering it will fall to the new body Public Health England.

That is likely to mean if they want the scheme abandoned, councils would have to carry out an expensive public consultation similar to the 14-week one the SHA spent £166,440 running in 2008 before they could request the Secretary of State cancels fluoridation.

Nearly three-quarters of respondents told the SHA they were against the scheme.

Southampton council leader Richard Williams said there is no way the cash-strapped authority could spare money on a move to reject fluoride.

The Labour boss said although he believes a referendum would be the best way to judge whether the scheme should go ahead or not, the experience of attempts to have a public vote over the city docks biomass plant plans show that would be hugely expensive.

That poll, which would only have been of residents in two of Southampton’s 16 council wards, was scrapped after estimated costs rose from £5,000 to £75,000.

Cllr Williams, whose administration is currently attempting to find £20m of savings to balance this year’s budget, said: “We’re having to make such difficult choices that further expenditure is not an option. “The council has made its representations and we don’t have the money to get involved in this when we’re looking at such a terrible crisis.”
But Cllr Williams added he believes the new health body is unlikely to move forward with fluoridation in the face of public opposition.
“Is it going to be a priority for Public Health England? It’s my view that it won’t be.
“My view is that the SHA has kicked this into the long grass, and just because an agreement is there, they won’t want to do it because it’s not a popular scheme – there’s no dispute about that – so therefore is it something a new body is going to want to do and put people’s backs up? “The issue is with Public Health England – they’re going to have to negotiate and work with us, and that’s a time when we will be in a position to say actually the council position is opposed to this.”

Opponents of fluoridation said last night they believe the SHA should “admit defeat” and abandon its plans now.
Public health expert and former chairman of Hampshire Against Fluoridation Stephen Peckham said SHAs were told last October they needed to take on board the views of the bodies that are replacing them.
He said: “If you’re being abolished you don’t carry on as if you’re going to be around forever.
“It just seems to fly in the face of all good public service practice.
“We reckon they have spent half a million pounds – what could have been done with that money? It’s astonishing and it’s outrageous.”

New Forest East MP Julian Lewis said it would be absurd of health bosses to force councils to go through the formal process of having to reverse the decision.
He said: “It would be sheer pigheadedness on behalf of the SHA to force local authorities to waste money on another consultation after they have been abolished, when everyone knows what the outcome would be.
“The SHA should recognise that the game is up, they’ve lost it and they ought to be big enough to admit defeat.”
A spokesman for the SHA said the organisation is still working with Southern Water to finalise plans for the scheme, and intends for it to still cover parts of Southampton, Eastleigh, Totton, Netley and Rownhams.

He said: “The SHA board unanimously decided that the health benefits outweigh all of the arguments against water fluoridation for the population described in the consultation and remains confident with this decision.”

Sunday, January 06, 2013

FLUORIDE in the water Aussie Beach T.V

Episode 005 Fluoride and aluminum cookware

Saturday, January 05, 2013

How Safe is Fluoride in our Water? ABC 11 News Report

Friday, January 04, 2013

UK - Echo - In my View

Click twice to enlarge picture.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Dr Julian Lewis MP acknowledgment

HAF Jan 2013 Newsletter

USA - What They Really Think of Us

What They Really Think of Us
Subjects of The Stranger's News Coverage Regret the Things We've Said About Them
James Robert Deal, who ran for lieutenant governor on a platform of banning fluoride and was endorsed by us in the primary (it's a long story involving our hate for incumbent Brad Owen), regrets that even though we endorsed him, we still said his fluoride feelings are nonsense. He sent us this link-laden missive, which you can enjoy more fully online:

"Thank you for endorsing me as candidate for lieutenant governor. I stress progressive values. See JamesRobertDeal.org/why-i-run. On the other hand, your dismissal of fluoridation as a 'batshit' issue shows you did not read the detailed information I provided you. See Fluoride-Class-Action.com/hempfest-2011. This elixir added to our water is not naturally occurring calcium fluoride. It is industrial grade fluorosilicic acid, straight out of the wet scrubbers in the smokestacks of the phosphate fertilizer industry. It contains hydrogen fluoride, lead, and arsenic, and leaches lead out of pipes. It is filth masquerading as medicine for our teeth. It is medication forced on everyone without our informed consent. Fetuses and infants are most sensitive because their cells are still dividing. See the recent Harvard study which shows that fluoridation lowers the IQ of children. Others who are highly sensitive are diabetics, arthritics, and those with kidney and thyroid disease and chemical sensitivities. So-called fluoridation makes a lot of people a little sick and a few people very sick. Fluoride, lead, and arsenic accumulate over a lifetime, and the body has a hard time excreting them. These toxins can shorten lives and make old age a demented experience. Everett wastes $300,000 per year on this vice. See Fluoride-Class-Action.com/sham. Sometimes The Stranger seems to prefer to be clever even though its cleverness makes no sense. The Stranger shows great sensitivity to other minorities. It should show sensitivity to those who are harmed—some of us right away, all of us eventually—by this fraud."

Pew group, Kansas Taxpayers Network gave thousands of dollars in fluoride vote

By Hurst Laviana
The Wichita Eagle
Published Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013, at 7:42 p.m.

The Pew Charitable Trust and the Kansas Taxpayers Network were the biggest financial backers in Wichita’s November vote on fluoridation, campaign finance reports filed with the Sedgwick County election commissioner’s office show.

Although the reports list dozens of small contributions on both sides of the issue, the biggest spender in the campaign was a group called Wichitans For Healthy Teeth, which said it raised $168,340 to promote the fluoridation of Wichita drinking water.

The fluoride measure was defeated by a vote of 60 to 40 percent.

The bulk of the pro-fluoride money came from the Pew Charitable Trusts, which contributed $68,000 in cash to the campaign and listed $35,000 worth of in-kind contributions that came in the form of Internet ads.

A Pew Foundation spokesman said the contributions were made as part of the organization’s Children’s Dental Campaign, which was launched in 2008 to promote cost-effective policies that expand children’s access to dental care.

The Healthy Teeth report also listed a $50,000 contribution from the United Methodist Health Ministry Fund, which had vowed earlier to contribute $250,000 to help pay for the cost of fluoridating the water had the measure been approved by voters.

The only report filed on behalf of an anti-fluoride group came from Wichitans for Pure Water, which listed $92,040 in contributions, all of which came from the Kansas Taxpayers Network.

The Kansas Taxpayers Network was formed in 1991 as a tax watchdog group, but it has not played an active role in shaping public policy since its executive director, Karl Peterjohn, resigned after being elected to the Sedgwick County Commission in 2008. Records from the Kansas Secretary of State’s Office show that the corporation is still active, with James Garvey listed as the president and Brad Smisor as secretary. Neither was available for comment Wednesday.

Wichita pediatrician Larry Hund, who was one of the main faces of the pro-fluoridation campaign, said he paid little attention to the financial side of the election but said he was aware that the Pew Foundation was the big financial backer.

Mark Gietzen, one of the most visible fluoride opponents, said he didn’t realize that the Kansas Taxpayers Network was a major financial contributor, but he said he knew that members of the Garvey family were helping the anti-fluoride forces.

Gietzen also said he knew of the involvement of the Pew Foundation, which he said made sure the pro-fluoride groups “had all the money they could possibly use.”

Nearly all of the expenses mentioned in the reports went to advertising and bulk mailing.

Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/2013/01/02/2622534/pew-group-kansas-taxpayers-network.html#storylink=cpy

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

USA - No. 4 News Story of the Year

No. 4 News Story of the Year: The furious fight against fluoride: State mandates rile opponents, may be on hold now

Tuesday, January 1, 2013
By Kathryn Lucariello, Carroll County News
EUREKA SPRINGS -- One of the biggest issues countywide in 2012 was the state-mandated fluoridation of the drinking water supply, and the issue comes at No. 4 on our Top Ten list of news stories for the year.
While Carroll-Boone Water District's water is not yet fluoridated, questions remain over whether it will be, as funding has been put on hold, and bills may be introduced in 2013 putting strictures on fluoride products.

For Carroll County, the issue goes back well before 2012.

CBWD was established to provide drinking water to its four member cities of Eureka Springs, Berryville, Green Forest and Harrison in Boone County. The CBWD plant in rural Eureka Springs draws water from Beaver Lake, chlorinates it and pipes it to the cities and their subsidiaries. On two separate occasions in the past, the city councils of all the member cities except Eureka Springs voted to fluoridate the water. Eureka Springs turned the matter over to its citizens for a vote, and both times they turned it down, which vetoed it for the other member cities as well because such policy changes must be unanimous.

The late Jim Allison, CBWD office manager, wrote a letter in 2005 to a state senate committee after the House passed legislation to fluoridate water "under a cloak of secrecy," he said. He said he and the water operators had begun to research fluoride after the two Eureka votes to defeat it and "became disturbed by the information we were finding," citing the potential harm to customers and operators in handling and consuming "a poison more toxic than lead and just slightly less toxic than arsenic, made from industrial waste."......He also had critical words for fellow Republicans, however.

"I have trouble understanding why the Republicans would vote for it. They didn't want health care mandated, and then turn around and mandate fluoride in our drinking water? What's that about?".....