Australia - Fluoride debate continues
QUEENSLAND'S chief health officer Jeanette Young has implored Bundaberg Regional Council to consider the facts when making its decision regarding fluoridation, saying the science is "indisputable".
When the NewsMail asked councillors for their personal views on the science of fluoridation, the overwhelming majority were either against it or had yet to be convinced.
Cr Vince Habermann said he was opposed to fluoridation because only "0.8% of the water that it would go into is consumed by humans."
Just two councillors - deputy mayor David Batt and Cr Danny Rowleson - believed the science for fluoridation was sound.
But all the councillors were united in their opposition to fluoridation based on the costs involved.
"Health is a State Government issue and I do believe that fluoridated water will reduce long-term health costs, so the State Government needs to come to the party and fund both the initial infrastructure and the ongoing costs," Cr Batt said.
Cr Greg Barnes said he "felt unqualified" to comment on the fluoride science, but added: "My GP has provided me with professional medical advice for over 20 years and neither he, nor my dentist or orthodontist, have ever mentioned or recommended it."........
When the NewsMail asked councillors for their personal views on the science of fluoridation, the overwhelming majority were either against it or had yet to be convinced.
Cr Vince Habermann said he was opposed to fluoridation because only "0.8% of the water that it would go into is consumed by humans."
Just two councillors - deputy mayor David Batt and Cr Danny Rowleson - believed the science for fluoridation was sound.
But all the councillors were united in their opposition to fluoridation based on the costs involved.
"Health is a State Government issue and I do believe that fluoridated water will reduce long-term health costs, so the State Government needs to come to the party and fund both the initial infrastructure and the ongoing costs," Cr Batt said.
Cr Greg Barnes said he "felt unqualified" to comment on the fluoride science, but added: "My GP has provided me with professional medical advice for over 20 years and neither he, nor my dentist or orthodontist, have ever mentioned or recommended it."........
The facts are that Tasmania added fluoride to their water 60 ago years and now in 2013 has the worst tooth decay anywhere in Australia, the fluoride chemicals used to fluoridate drinking water are not pharmaceutical grade they are: unpurified industrial by-products that are collected in the air pollution control systems of certain industries, Hydrofluorosilicic acid, sodium fluorosilicate, and sodium fluoride.
Even Colgate sponsored researchers Armfield and Spencer from Adelaide University found a saving in two states of ONLY 0.12 - 0.3 permanent tooth surfaces, there are numerous modern studies to show that there is no difference in dental decay rates between fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas, the most recent one being conducted in Australia also by Armfield & Spencer, 2004 Community Dental Oral Epidemiology. 32:283-96.
One of the little-known facts about fluoride toothpaste is that each tube of toothpaste - even those specifically marketed for children - contains enough fluoride to kill a child; if you use these kids’ fluoride toothpastes the safe maximum recommended amount you use is one pea size, a pea sized amount of tooth paste contains a quarter of a milligram of fluoride, which is equivalent to 1 large 250ml glass of water at 1ppm of fluoride they want to add to our drinking water, so how much water can we safely consume in one day.
Lots of Burdekin people have high blood pressure yet I don’t see council or the Govt. adding Perindopril Erbumine into our drinking water to mass medicate us and reduce our blood pressure.
Say NO to adding poison to our water
Frank Ayr Nth Queensland, at 18 January, 2013
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