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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

NZ - Council backs lower fluoridation level

Council backs lower fluoridation level
By TASHA BLACK - Kapiti Observer
Kapiti councillors have voted to drop the level of fluoride added to drinking water in Raumati, Paraparaumu and Waikanae from 1 milligram per litre to 0.7mg..........

USA - Fluoridation pact ready for approval

Fluoridation pact ready for approval
Posted: Tuesday, Aug 31st, 2010
BY: Jon Chown
..............Fluoridation has been an issue ever since 2002, after the City Council passed a resolution accepting a grant to fluoridate. In February 2002, Flouridation 2010 Workgroup offered the city $946,000 to fluoridate, but in November of that year, Watsonville residents concerned about the safety of fluoridation passed Measure S, banning all substances from the water not specifically approved by the Food and Drug Administration, which includes fluoride.

But a state law requires cities to fluoridate if given the funding to do so, and Watsonville lost its battle in court to honor the voters’ wishes. Since then, the city has sought indemnity from costs associated with fluoridation, such as a lawsuit.

At a quick glance, the contract does appear to give the city some protection in such a case. Section 23 section (a)(2) reads “The scope of the duty to defend and/or indemnify includes and may arise from or in any manner related (directly or indirectly) to:

• The City’s decision to fluoridate and the City’s compliance with the legislative intent and specific requirements set forth in state statutes, regulations or legislative materials or case law, excluding those claims specifically enumerated in Section 23(b)(2).

• Any damage or injury resulting from the sole negligence, willfull act(s) or criminal conduct of the Foundation, its principals, officers, agents, employees.”

The proposed contract was approved on a 2-1 vote Monday with City Council member Nancy Bilicich voting against and councilmembers Manuel Bersamin and Kimberly Petersen voting to approve it.

Bilicich said she was not satisfied with the indemnification clauses.

“It’s very complicated, but we did not have as much protection for the city as I wanted to see in there, but I know we had to negotiate what the CDAF would accept,” she said. “It was a long process. We had a lot of meetings. We definitely worked diligently on it.”...........

Wonder Woman Mother Good Health Story Hard to detect diseases!

Excessive exposure to fluoride causes an arthritic bone disease called skeletal fluorosis. It is a difficult disease to diagnose and can be readily confused with various forms of arthritis including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Treatment of skeletal fluorosis involves removal of the source of the problem. If it is the drinking water, then that needs to be removed and the drinking water de-fluoride. The person's diet may also have to be changed but unfortunately fluorosis is an irreversible illness with permanent damage to the bones.

We Are Change Chicago Fluoride Street Action

UK - Daily Echo - Crucial High Court hearings are put back until January

SOUTHAMPTON: Crucial High Court hearings are put back until January
Fluoride hearing is delayed until 2011
By Jon Reeve
NO DECISION on the fluoridation of water in Hampshire can be taken until next year because a legal bid to block it has been delayed again, the Daily Echo can reveal.
High Court hearings challenging the way health bosses gave the controversial plans for Southampton and the surrounding area the green light have been put back until January
The first part of judicial review proceedings - an appeal against a judge's refusal to examine whether South Central Strategic Health Authority should have looked at more evidence against fluoridation - had originally been due to be heard in November.
But that has now been delayed to form part of a two-day hearing also incorporating a full probe of whether more attention should have been paid to public opinion during the consultation. The SHA had said it didn't want to have both an appeal and full hearing at once because it could mean wasting taxpayers' cash preparing a legal case it didn't need to.
But last night bosses, who have set aside £400,000 to fight the challenge and have consistently argued they met or exceeded all their legal requirements, insisted they are happy to have the hearing in one go because it speeds up the legal process.
The scheme has already been on hold for 14 months - the judicial review was launched just four months after the SHA board unanimously approved the plans despite 72 per cent of affected residents who voiced their opinion during the consultation objecting.
An SHA spokeswoman told the Daily Echo they welcomed the judge's decision to combine the appeal and full hearing.
She said: "Prior to this, the SHA argued that permission should be dealt with separately because of the cost implications. What the SHA did not expect, however, was the delay in a hearing date being set.
"Indeed, the judge deciding that the permission hearing should be heard at the same time as the substantive hearing expressed concern about the delay in the listing of this case for hearing.
"Consequently, the SHA is happy with a joint hearing."
But chairman of Hampshire Against Fluoridation, Stephen Peckham, said he doesn't believe the SHA should even fight the review.
As revealed by the Daily Echo, the Government is to hand powers over fluoridation to councils after it scraps SHAs in 2012. It is also looking at the rules over how consultations are conducted, and whether more weight should be given to people's opinions.
Dr Peckham said: "I can't see any logic in holding a judicial review based on discussions of regulations that the Department of Health seems to have under review anyway.
"It seems totally crazy that in spite of that they're continuing with the scheme and spending nearly half a million pounds of taxpayers' money fighting the judicial review. It is just becoming an absolute nonsense."

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hate Mail on "Is Fluoride Part of Globalist Plot?" - Part 1 of 2

Just being fair, Phil thinks we who are opposed to fluoridation are all mad.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

USA - Are Virginia's Children Really Prepared to Start School?

Friday, August 27, 2010
Are Virginia's Children Really Prepared to Start School? - Health News - redOrbit
"According to the CDC, more than 51 million school hours are lost each year nationwide because of dental-related illness, and more than half of children aged five to nine have had at least one cavity or filling, with 78 percent of 17-year-olds having experienced tooth decay."

This after 65 years of water fluoridation in the US reaching 70% on public water supplies and virtually 100% via the food supply made with fluoridated water:NYSCOF

USA - Scientists Grow Disillusioned Waiting for 'Clear Guidance' From Obama

Scientists Grow Disillusioned Waiting for 'Clear Guidance' From Obama
By EMILY Published: August 27, 2010
William Hirzy, a former U.S. EPA chemist, has a favorite example when discussing the role of science in government policy: fluoride in drinking water.
His view -- and that of the EPA chapter of the National Treasury Employees Union -- is that the chemical can be dangerous, possibly increasing the risk of bone cancer in young boys. But EPA has yet to change its 4-milligrams-per-liter drinking water standard (though a spokesman said the agency is "actively moving ahead" with an assessment).

Hirzy worries that EPA officials are dragging their feet because the U.S. Public Health Service has long touted fluoride as a beneficial additive to drinking water. And to him, that slow response is indicative of the Obama administration's failure to fulfill its promise of scientific integrity in federal agencies.

President Obama first directed that a scientific integrity directive be released in July 2009. By July 2010, White House officials promised it was forthcoming; almost two months later, there's no indication of when it will emerge.

"Why this administration has taken so long, I don't know," said Hirzy, who is now an adjunct professor at American University. "I don't know the motives. I just know the effects."........................

NZ - Kapiti council lowers fluoride level

Kapiti council lowers fluoride level at its Waikanae water treatment plant
August 27, 2010Politics, PressRelease0 comments
Media release – Kapiti Coast District Council
Fluoride dosing at the Waikanae Water Treatment Plant is to be reduced to 0.7 mg/L following a Council resolution yesterday. The current dosing target is 1.0 mg/L.

The treatment plant supplies water to residents in Waikanae, Paraparaumu and Raumati. Ōtaki and Paekākāriki residents are on separate water supplies which are not dosed with fluoride.
The issue of continued fluoride dosing of water for Waikanae, Paraparaumu and Raumati has been hotly debated..............

Scotland - Poverty link to Scots child tooth decay

28 August 2010
Poverty link to Scots child tooth decay
A third of three-year-olds living in poverty in Scotland suffer from poor dental health, a new study has suggested.
Researchers at Glasgow University said that while one in every four children tested showed signs of tooth decay, the figure rose to 33% among the poorest.
They have called for deprived children to be given dental help from birth.
The two-year study, involving more than 4,000 children, is published in the British Dental Journal...................

Friday, August 27, 2010

UK - Lymington Times - Doomed health body defends fluoride bid

Doomed health body defends fluoride bid
AN NHS body has defended its decision to continue to fight for fluoride to be added to the water supply of Totton residents despite plans for the authority to be axed in 2012.
The South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) gave its approval for the chemical to be added to Southampton's water after the city's Primary Care Trust said it was needed to combat child tooth decay.
The plan affects 190,000 people around Southampton, including 8,000 Totton residents because of the layout of the pipes.
But its powers to add fluoride are due to be axed after the government announced plans to give GPs more responsibility for spending, resulting in the abolition of primary care trusts and strategic health authorities.
Now campaign group Hampshire Against Fluoridation is calling for the SHA to abandon its expensive defence of a High Court legal challenge over the way the project was approved. Chairman Stephen Peckham told the 'A&T' it was "crazy" that the SHA was continuing with the scheme.
But a spokesperson for the authority defended the decision and said: "The Strategic Health Authority still has the responsibility to promote good public health in the region and therefore our position on fluoridation remains unchanged."
Mr Peckham added that the Department of Health (D.o.H) had written a letter to campaigners stating it would examine whether the law needed to be changed to ensure people have more of a say on any similar proposals.
The letter said: "This will ensure that there is a democratic basis for decisions on fluoridation. In drawing up the legislation that will be required for the new arrangements, the D.o.H will be giving further consideration as to how more account can be taken locally of the views of the people who would be affected by any proposals for a new fluoridation scheme."
Opponents claim their concerns about the chemical's side-effects have been ignored, despite gathering a 15,000 name petition objecting and a Mori Poll by the SHA showing 38% opposed against 32% in support.

Run This Town-Toxic Tap Water and Tooth Paste Truths.

USA - Water is safe, officials say

By Teresa Lee
Wellington Daily News
Posted Aug 26, 2010 @ 02:00 PM
Wellington, Kan. — Posters claiming poison is in the City of Wellington’s drinking water are unfounded and untrue, city officials say.
Bright yellow posters claiming “There is Poison in the Tap Water” have been spotted on the north side of Wellington. The posters claim fluoride in the water system is dangerous and could cause neurological damage, an increased risk of bone cancer and even death.
An open letter published on the group’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/DemandSafeWater says it will only be a matter of time before the city will be forced to answer to the dangerous effects of fluoride.
“The fact that sodium fluoride (and other chemicals) is a very dangerous substance is well established. It has no business in our drinking water. The City of Wellington concedes that sodium fluoride is an deliberate additive, meant to prevent tooth decay and nothing could be further from the truth. This long-time deception will end – regardless of any federal incentives that have made this operation so appealing to the elected public servants.”.........................

Lindsay Lohan Poisoned! Along with 300 Million Other Americans

Thursday, August 26, 2010

UK - Daily Echo - Fighting talk on fluoride

Fighting talk on fluoride
By Jon Reeve
A LEADING international critic of water fluoridation is to give a special presentation in Hampshire next month.
Professor Paul Connett's visit comes as campaigners claim there is gathering momentum in their fight against controversial plans to add fluoride to water supplies in and around Southampton.
As revealed by the Daily Echo this week, the Government wants to take the power to authorise fluoridation away from health chiefs like those who approved the Hampshire scheme, and give it to elected councillors instead.
All local authorities governing the affected area - which covers parts of Southampton, Eastleigh, Totton, Netley and Rownhams - say they oppose the existing plans.
Professor Connett will talk about claims fluoridation is based on faulty evidence, focussing on scientific and ethical arguments against the practice.
South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) has approved plans to fluoridate water supplies delivered to nearly 200,000 people.
Despite opposition that saw 72 per cent of respondents from the affected area say they were against the plans during a public consultation, SHA board members approved fluoridation convinced it will improve dental health.
Professor Connett, a founding member of the international Fluoride Action Network, was one of the panel members when the SHA held Question Time-style debates during consultation process.
He argues the evidence used by those promoting fluoride is flawed, and claims it is a dangerous poison that causes serious side effects including mottled teeth, brittle bones, cancers and lowered IQ in babies.
During his talk, the Emeritus Professor of chemistry at St Lawrence University in New York state will discuss topics raised in a book he has co-authored.
The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That keep It There is due to be published in October. The presentation at Southampton Solent University's conference centre in Above Bar Street will be hosted by Hampshire Against Fluoridation chairman Stephen Peckham.
He has invited Hampshire MPs and councillors to the event, as well as key members of NHS Southampton and the SHA. Dr Peckham said: "We hope that SHA board members will take this opportunity to come and listen to Professor Connett's talk which will set out why the scientific and ethical case against water fluoridation is so strong."

City receives citation for not fluoridating water supply

UK - Project targets dental health of babies and tots

Project targets dental health of babies and tots
25th Aug 2010
UK university, in partnership with the NHS, is launching a two-year project to prevent tooth decay in young children and babies.
The project – by the University of Salford – is in partnership with Salford City Council with funding from the National Institute for Health Research.
Children in the North West have one of the highest levels of tooth decay in England.
By the time children in Salford start school more than half of them will have experienced tooth decay, and nineteen children every month are admitted to hospital to have teeth extracted under general anaesthetic.
The project aims to prevent rather than cure tooth decay by targeting the parents of babies and following them until the children are three years old.
The participants will be split into three groups, all of which will have access to dental services via a dental practice linked to their local children's centre.
Two of the groups will be given an additional service. This will be either the application of fluoride varnish to teeth every six months or educational work with parents designed to establish good oral hygiene and diet routines.
The university will analyse data on the number of decayed, missing or filled teeth that children develop and use the results to decide which of the services is the most successful.
Professor Cynthia Pine is the principal investigator and executive dean of the Faculty of Health & Social Care.
She says: 'A project of this size has never been carried out in very young children before. Our focus is to improve children's dental health in Salford and I'm delighted we can work in partnership across the city.'
Lindsey Bowes, of NHS Salford, says: 'I'm pleased that we are able to work with Cynthia and her team to promote dental health in Salford. The programme will encourage families to register with a local dental practice and make visiting a dentist a normal part of growing up.'
NHS Salford is funding the £250,000 study through a grant from the National Institute for Health Research's Research for Patient Benefit programme.
Partners include Salford City Council, local NHS dental practices in Salford, the University of Liverpool, the University of Bangor and the Medicines for Children Research Network.

For more information or to take part, call 0161 295 5095 or email fhsc-salfordbrightsmiles@salford.ac.uk.

Babies - fluoride? I thought it was decided that babies should not be exposed to it.

USA - Peoria County concerned about high obesity rate.

Peoria County concerned about high obesity rate.
By CATHARINE SCHAIDLE (cschaidle@pjstar.com)
Journal Star
PEORIA — The rate of obesity in Peoria County is higher than that of Illinois, which ranks fourth in the nation.
"Obesity is one of Illinois' top health issues and 30 percent of Peoria County adults are classified as obese, which is significantly higher than the 25 percent adult obesity rate for the state of Illinois as a whole," said Curt Fenton, director of child and family health at the Peoria City/County Health Department.

"'A critical factor in Peoria County is that many citizens lack access to, or don't make effective use of preventive dental care and treatment,' Fenton said. 'Access to care and numbers of people under-served are a real issue.'"................

In fluoridation-mandated Illinois:NYSCOF

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

USA - What in the world are they putting in the water

What in the world are they putting in the water
...........Risks for certain types of cancer are now being correlated to the use of chlorinated drinking water. Suspected carcinogens make the human body more vulnerable through repeated ingestion and research indicates the incidents of cancer are 44% higher among those using chlorinated water.”

That’s twice now that you have read that the very process that is designed to treat our municipal water also has the unintended consequence of polluting it – with a carcinogen. We encourage all readers of this article to further research this matter so that, by becoming well acquainted with a fairly unknown issue, they can provide their local water authorities with this critical information.

What other toxic side effects does chlorination produce? Did you know that there is a direct correlation between chlorine and depression? Repeated exposure to chlorine, in both its liquid and gaseous form, can greatly contribute to physically induced chronic depression. How de we know this? Many allopathic and alternative healthcare practitioners have recommended to their clients to stop drinking the tap water and begin drinking distilled or activated carbon filtered water, which are both free of chlorine. Much anecdotal evidence and clinical observation has revealed that, in many cases, the months or years of depression go away very quickly, never to return again, when such depression is in fact due to chronic exposure to chlorinated water. This phenomenon is even more dramatic when the often-female client installs a whole house de-chlorination system in her garage and eliminates her exposure to the previously chlorinated bath water.

Uk - Daily Echo - Tell us what's happening

Tell us what's happening
By J.W.E.Pope
IT'S all very well for John Denham to say "Tell us what is happening" when, during 2005, John's Labour Government introduced us all to Statutory Instruments (SI) 2005 no.920 and 921, and amendments to the Water Act 2003. As a result of these actions, the introduction of fluoride nationally is unstoppable without amendments to this biased legislation.
So, how to introduce a fluoride scheme? To start with, a Primary Care Trust (PCT) that has failed statistically in the care of children's teeth, contacts a Strategic Health Authority (SHA) for help and assistance. The SHA tells the PCT it can legally help via the Water Act 2003 fref, 87c Fluoridation arrangements: compliance') by introducing non-medical compounds of fluoride into its local water supply to cure this problem using either hexafluorosilic acid or disodium hexafluorosilicate.
Before doing so, the SHA has to consult with the local water supplier, advising them of its proposed consultation, in line with SI 920, and that the water company must comply/agree to fluoridate its supply. By doing so, the water company will be indemnified by the Government against all claims made against it, unless of course the company over-fluoridates us all via a "mechanical failure". Once SI 920 has been agreed, the SHA then consults with the population in line with SI 921.
So, now we come to SI 921, Section 5, Outcome of Consultation. This style of exclusive legislative consultation, where only positive feedback is acceptable in line with the author's script, sets a dangerous precedent by excluding all opposition to a proposal. Nowhere within this section is it written that a vote outcome of a consultation overrides all other arguments.
So, look out. One day there may be something that you all hold dear to your hearts. Today it's fresh water. Tomorrow - well, who knows what it may be.... Mr Denham, your local population did not call for this Fluoride Consultation. It was foisted upon us by the PCT and SHA. Will you please now ask all local MPs, interested groups and individuals to come together to demand that SI 921, Section 5 Outcome of Consultation be amended, to ensure that a vote outcome of a consultation overrides all other arguments? This is a national issue. We locally are a test case. Should the SHA win here, the rest of England and Wales will be fluoridated. So, as a re-elected MP for Southampton Itchen, will you 'Tell us what is happening' so as to restore our confidence in the power of our locally elected MPs?

USA - Water Fluoridation Causing Political Issues

The California Department of Public Health has issued a citation to the city of Watsonville for failing to comply with the state order to fluoridate the water supply.
The citation, received on Thursday, instructed the city to reply in writing by August 29th that it will comply and begin fluoridating the water by September 19th.
Watsonville’s city attorney, Al Smith, said the citation appeared “out of the clear blue.”
“We have been in communication with the Department of Health Services,” he said. “I was surprised … but it is what it is.”
Fluoridation has always been a political football since the city council agreed to accept it in February 2002 when Flouridation 2010 Workgroup offered the city $946,000to fluoridate.
However, Watsonville residents have always been concerned about the presence of substances/poisons in the water not specifically approved by the Food and Drug Administration, which of course includes fluoride.
State law requires the city to fluoridate if it is given funding to do so, and that is the precise issue at hand. The residents of Watsonville DON’T want poison in their water. It begs the question: Can you blame them?

REALITY REPORT #58 - Mosque-ing the Tension at Ground Zero

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

UK - Daily Echo - Fluoride dead in the water?

Fluoride dead in the water?
Councils to be given final say on fluoride
-By Jon Reeve,
PLANS to fluoridate Hampshire's water could be axed as health chiefs lose powers to approve the controversial scheme.
The Government has revealed councils are to be given responsibility for fluoridation as part of a shake-up of the NHS that will see strategic health authorities (SHAs) axed.
Every local authority in the area affected - covering parts of Southampton, Eastleigh, Totton, Netley and Rownhams - has already said it should not go ahead.
And after the controversy over the Southampton scheme, the Department of Health (DH) will also examine if the law needs to he changed to ensure people have more of a say on any similar proposals.
Pressure is now mounting on South Central Strategic Health Authority to scrap its plans, and abandon its expensive defence of a High Court legal challenge over the way the project was approved.
Chairman of Hampshire Against Fluoridation, Stephen Peckham told the Daily Echo he believes there is now no future for the Southampton scheme, which has already been on hold since last June until the outcome of the judicial review.
He said: "With SHAs being abolished by April 2012 this is just becoming an absolute nonsense. "We want to know how they can justify this. "It seems totally crazy they're continuing with the scheme and spending £400,000 fighting the judicial review."
In a letter to campaigners, the DH revealed that, by scrapping SHAs, councils would take responsibility for public health measures, including fluoridation.
The letter said: "This ensure that there is a democratic basis for decisions on fluoridation.
"In drawing up the legislation that will be required for the new arrangements, the DH will be giving further consideration as to how more account can be taken locally of the views of the people who would be affected by any proposals for a new fluoridation scheme."
During the consultation, in which more than 10,000 people had their say on the plans, 72 per cent of respondents said they opposed fluoridation.
Hampshire county, Eastleigh and Fareham borough and New Forest and Test Valley district councils all passed motions saying they also disagreed with adding the chemical to tap water supplies.
Southampton City Council voted in favour of the plans, but councillors have since called for a binding referendum to be held before fluoride could be added to the water.
City council leader, Royston Smith said the Government's announcement could now spark a public vote.
"I have consistently supported the proposal to hold a referendum to ensure that the majority of the population can decide for themselves.
"In light of the Secretary of State's letter I will be investigating how a vote could be held in the future - perhaps to coincide with a local election." The SHA has consistently argued it believes fluoridation will improve dental health, and that it met or exceeded all its legal requirements during the public consultation.
A spokesman said: "The SHA is fully aware of the DH's plans for the future, however the SHA still has the responsibility to promote good public health in the region and therefore our position on fluoridation remains unchanged.

Scotland - Fluoride varnish to be painted on to children's teeth

23 August 2010
Fluoride varnish to be painted on to children's teeth
Children in the trial will have fluoride varnish painted onto their teeth Children taking part in a new health initiative in the Lothians will have their milk teeth painted with fluoride varnish in a bid to stop decay.
About 150 dentists have signed up to the Childsmile scheme to improve the oral health of the under fives.
The youngsters will have the varnish applied every six months and be monitored during regular check-ups.
Edinburgh dentist Ian Fenny said he backed the move to provide preventative treatment to stop teeth decay.
He added: "Bringing Childsmile into general dental practice is an important link in ensuring every child in Lothian from birth to school is not allowed to fall through the net of not being provided with any form of dental health education or preventative treatment.
"It will hopefully remove preconceived views that many parents have of dentists' surgeries; fears that are often relayed to the child."
The scheme forms a key part in a plan to protect the teeth of Lothian children from the time they are born until they leave primary school.

NHS Lothian's Robert Naysmith said: "Child dental health has been a problem for years - and sadly we are still doing general anaesthetic on children who are too young to go to school to remove decayed teeth.

"Encouraging the parents of very young children to register them with a dentist will bridge the gap between birth and nursery."

Monday, August 23, 2010

NZ - Fluoridation was an issue

Parker-Anderton race lures TV
By GLENN CONWAY - The Press Last updated 05:00 23/08/2010
The race for the Christchurch mayoralty has attracted the attention of the two main television networks.
Mayor Bob Parker and his main challenger, Wigram MP Jim Anderton, yesterday appeared on TVNZ's Q+A political programme. Both men are scheduled to feature on TV3's Campbell Live show tonight.
Mediated by broadcaster Paul Holmes, yesterday's debate involved both men outlining their vision for the city in a 30-second address before being questioned on key issues.
Anderton talked about the urgent need to inject life into the "dying" inner city and doing away with secret council decisions and big-spending projects.
Parker said he had reversed massive rates rises in the past three years, started to revitalise the inner city and made the city safer.
Fluoridation was an issue raised during the 15-minute segment. Anderton said he was not "leading the charge" for fluoride to be added to Christchurch's water supplies, but believed the issue of teeth decay was an urgent one. Parker said he would not add fluoride to the water............

Sunday, August 22, 2010

UK - Interview with Rob Lowe of Fluoride Free Austin

Saturday, August 21, 2010

USA - Watsonville cited for failing to fluoridate water

Watsonville cited for failing to fluoridate water
The Associated Press
Posted: 08/20/2010 11:18:18 AM PDT
WATSONVILLE, Calif.—The city of Watsonville has been cited by state health officials for failing to fluoridate its water supply.
The state Department of Public Health issued the citation Thursday, seven months after the Watsonville City Council put off signing a contract for a $2 million grant to pay for a fluoridation system.
The city must provide written assurance by Aug. 29 that it plans to comply with a 2003 state order to fluoridate. And it must submit a schedule for implementation by Sept. 19.
The citation says failure to comply could result in fines of $200 to $1,000.
City Attorney Al Smith says he will discuss the citation with city council members Tuesday
Health advocates have been pushing fluoridation as a way to reduce tooth decay among Watsonville's low-income population.

FLUORIDE Issue in Toronto Politics

Friday, August 20, 2010

UK - Local Authorities will assume responsibility

With the abolition of SHAs, Local Authorities will assume responsibility for fluoridation. This will ensure that there is a democratic basis for decisions on fluoridation. In drawing up the legislation that will be required for the new arrangements, the Department will be giving further consideration as to how more account can be taken locally of the views of the people who would be affected by any proposals for a new fluoridation scheme.

Extract from D.o.H. letter in reply to a letter to Andrew Lansley.

Fluoride Death - Just Add Water! Dont Swallow Your Toothpaste or Toxic Fluoride Acid Water


the truth about fluoride and mercury in vaccines and water.avi

What's the one thing in your kitchen you just couldn't live without?

A Visit to My Kitchen: Max Goldberg
What's the one thing in your kitchen you just couldn't live without?
Without question, it is my 4-stage water filter under my sink. I am kind of a water fanatic.

My good friend is the top water filtration expert in New York City, and I have one of his custom-made machines. The smallest of the four filters is 0.0135 microns. (To give some perspective, the tip of a strand of hair is about 100 microns.) The filter traps everything bigger than 0.0135 microns.

The ultrafiltration system takes out all the bad stuff (rust, chlorine, trihalomethane gases, fluoride, heavy metals, chemicals, etc.) and keeps all the good stuff (magnesium, calcium, other naturally occurring minerals).

No wonder the rich don't care if water is fluoridated.

USA - "known to have effective cavity-fighting properties"?

Posted by Mary Sparrowdancer on 08/19 at 11:45 AM
"known to have effective cavity-fighting properties" - people like to say this, but no one can provide a clinical study to back up the claim. If fluoride had the ability to fight cavities, nowhere would this fabulous myth be more apparent other than the Commonwealth of Kentucky, which has been almost 100% fluoridated for some time now. The CDC gives Kentucky awards for being so very "optimally fluoridated." However, for their efforts, the population of Kentucky now has one of the highest rates of dental cavities, as well as one of highest rates of complete toothlessness in the entire US. Presumably, their cavity rate drops after their teeth all fall out.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

USA - Fluoride’s day is over

Fluoride’s day is over
The Spokesman-Review
Years ago, it was the thing to do – fluoride dental treatments for the kids. Later came fluoride toothpaste and cities were told that water fluoridation would benefit citizens. After becoming more knowledgeable, I now realize that water fluoridation is indeed harmful, regardless of what the CDC or ADA or some local dentists recommend.

Guest columnist Jennifer Ekstrom (Aug. 7), has done all of us a huge favor by pointing out the findings of NSF International, namely, that “fluoridation chemicals contain contaminants including arsenic, lead, mercury and other heavy metals.” And what levels are safe, if at all?

To become informed and have one’s eyes truly opened, read “The Fluoride Deception” by Christopher Bryson. Author Derrick Jensen writes in a review that Bryson’s research “compellingly and inescapably exposes the murderous fraud that heads of state and industry have for decades perpetrated on an innocent public.”

Sandpoint was right in voting down water fluoridation. May Spokane continue to do the same.

Natalie Buchberger

UK - Minister doesn't care about ethics

Minister doesn't care about ethics
By Jenny Johnson
SO former health minister Andy Burnham now thinks the views of local people on fluoridation should be respected.
Coming from the man who was instrumental in changing the law to deny people the right to choose, what could be more politically cynical and opportunistic? But then, of course, Mr Burnham was vice-chairman of the British Fluoridation Society (a position he was forced to resign prior to his promotion, after failing to mention this conflict of interests).
Is this really a man of the people, or a ruthless climber of the greasy pole, willing to ignore medical ethics and human and democratic rights?
Mr Burnham wants to lead New Labour. When a politician can turn a blind eye to scientific facts that prove health risks, what else might he be capable of?
This is someone whose pet policy is state-enforced, non-consensual mass medication. It speaks for itself. It is a matter of extreme concern that even now, Burnham is saying fluoridation is safe and beneficial. This is factually untrue and he should retract the claim. [HL1964] Baroness Hayman responded, in a Written Answer, for the Government: "We accept that dental fluorosis is a manifestation of systemic toxicity" - Hansard, April 20, 1999: WA 158,
Shock findings
In 2000, the findings of the York Review sent Shockwaves through New Labour. Fluoridation was NOT proved safe. Its unconfirmed benefits had to be weighed against potentially far more serious harms. The Review also stated that fluoridation failed in its core purpose of dental equality between rich and poor.
New Labour propaganda hurtled into overdrive, forcing Professor Sheldon, chairman of the Review, to publicly denounce the lies and shocking misinformation that was being giving out to the public.
Mr Burnham's sycophantic boast that he is a man of the people is particularly insulting to the thousands in Southampton threatened by his legislation. Fluoridation is an industrial policy, not a health measure.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Australia - Fluoride protest ends with vow to keep fighting

Fluoride protest ends with vow to keep fighting
Posted on August 18, 2010, 9:09am
Alex Young ended his hunger strike against fluoridation of Mount Gambier’s water on Sunday after he offered to eat in return for cooperation from his supporters for the next stage of his campaign — a “people’s mandate” against the State Government.

The crowd of around 100 people cheered for Mr Young to break his 17-day strike, with several people shouting encouragement, including Mount Gambier’s Florence Grinter, who said the community needed Mr Young alive to continue fighting.
But the day was not without disruption, with an anti-Choice Support Day protestor also making an appearance during the opening of Mr Young’s speech, waving a sign which read “we want fluoride”.

Mr Young ignored the protestor and continued his 50-minute speech to the crowd.

He also called for donations to take his case to the Supreme Court and for “any damn lawyer in Mount Gambier who has the guts to fight for the people” to represent him voluntarily for the public good...........

UK - Meeting with Prof Paul Connett

Flyer 11 Sept

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fiji - Flouridation a 'fake science'

Flouridation a 'fake science'
Peter Mackinlay
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The article 'Decay statistic in children 'alarming" in last Thursday's (3 August 2010) Fiji Times must be read with considerable scepticism.
No European countries (except the UK) and China fluoridate, due to a respect for the individual's right not to be compulsorily medicated, and a mass of evidence as to the harm it causes. Australia, Canada and the USA are the main countries that do.
Fluoride is waste from fertilizer plant filters and contains lead, arsenic and cadmium, all killers.
It is a primary constituent of Sarin nerve gas and rat poison.
It reduces the IQ of growing children.
Fluoride is not a nutrient as despite what some 'experts' say nobody has ever suffered ill-health for lack of it.
To the contrary, some people in India and kangaroos in Portland, Australia suffered severe bone deformation from airborne fluoride from chemical works and aluminium smelters.
Fluoride only works when applied to the outside of the teeth, and then only on children from two to 12 years.
If swallowed, it damages the bones (embrittlement leading to fracture), kidneys and thyroid.
Only 50% of ingested fluoride is excreted in urine, the other 50% builds up in the tissues. It must never be used to make up baby formulas as 0.01 ppm is 250 times the amount present in breast milk.
Many people, including some I know personally, suffer skin ulceration when showering in fluoridated water.
Geelong in Australia was fluoridated recently, and it's still going on with other towns and cities, despite no proper consultation with citizens, who in the main, oppose it.
My children have never had fillings after living in unfluoridated Geelong for 30 - 40years.
Dental decay is best prevented with proper dental hygiene, i.e. regular brushing.
Fluoridation is fake science. Don't let it happen here. Please!

UK - Daily Echo - Fluoride: 'Tell us what is happening'

Fluoride: 'Tell us what is happening'
SOUTHAMPTON MP John Denham is calling on the Government to spell out its policy on fluoridation, once and for all.
Mr Denham has written to Tory Health Secretary Andrew Lansley, asking him to explain whether the coalition is going to intervene in the controversial scheme to add the chemical to tap water supplies in Hampshire.
The Labour MP, who says he supports fluoridation in principle but has called on South Central Strategic Health Authority to put its plans on hold in the face of public opposition, said the Conservatives have gone quiet on their election pledges to scrap it.
As revealed in the Daily Echo, anti-fluoride campaigners in Hampshire " have already , expressed disappointment at the lack of action since the More than 10,000 people took part in the consultation, with 72 per cent of those living in the affected area - covering parts of Southampton, Eastleigh, Totton, Netley and Rownhams saying they were against it. The scheme is currently on hold while a judicial review into the way the scheme was approved is fought in the ,, High Court. The SHA, which has consistently
t argued it met or exceeded all of its legal requirements during the consultation, has set aside £400,000 to fight the legal bid, which may not be fully heard until next year. Mr Denham, MP for Southampton Itchen, said in his letter it is still unclear if the Government supports the SHA in its decision to proceed with fluoridation. He said: "In my judgement, a full consultation process failed to produce the necessary levels of support, even for a beneficial act of mass medication.
"Prior to the election there were a number of statements made by Conservative spokesmen who led people to believe that plans would be dropped if the Conservatives came to power. "It is now urgent that you clarify the position and, in particular, if you would require a greater level of public support before this policy is implemented.
"If fluoridation is not to proceed then it is important that attention is focused on other ways of ensuring child oral health."
Mr Denham's intervention comes after Tory Hampshire MPs Julian Lewis and Caroline Nokes both called on their party to honour their pre-election pledges on fluoride. Despite those promises, the Leader of the House of Commons, Sir George Young, said earlier this year the Government had "no immediate plans" to change the law surrounding fluoridation schemes.

Monday, August 16, 2010

UK - Southampton News Extra head lines

WATER chiefs have admitted for the first time they do not want to put fluoride in Southampton's supplies.
Bosses at Southern Water have said they would not add "unnecessary chemicals" if they didn't have to, but their hands are tied by a change in the law giving the final say to health officials.
The declaration has been hailed by anti-fluoride campaigners as further proof South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) should abandon controversial plans to fluoridate almost 200,000 homes" tap water.
Until now, Southern Water had insisted it had a "neutral" opinion of the scheme, which will affect residents in two-thirds of Southampton and parts of Eastleigh, Totton, Netley and Rownhams.
The firm only gave technical advice and information on the water supply system during the public consultation on the plans. But company secretary Kevin Hall has admitted in a letter to a local campaigner that the company would not add fluoride to the water if it didn't have to.
He said: "We would choose not to have to add chemicals that are not directly necessary for the provision of drinking water.
"However, there is a statutory process for the requirement of the addition of fluoride to drinking water we supply, and, if this is met, we have a statutory duty to comply with the requirement."
The law was changed in 2003 to put the decision on fluoridation in the hands of health authorities. The chairman of Hampshire Against Fluoridation been leading the campaign fighting the Southampton scheme, said he welcomed the company's position as further evidence of the opposition to the plans.
Stephen Peckham said: "They're in a sense caught between a rock and a hard place - whatever they think they'll be forced to do and what they're told by the health authority They're a water provider. That's their concern, not to add anything that isn't there to make the water suitable for consumption. From that point of view, adding fluoride changes their whole role. Lots of people have written to Southern Water and I think it just shows that they are paying heed to their customers."
An SHA spokeswoman said Southern Water had been invited to comment as part of the consultation, and insisted the organisation still believed in fluoridation.

USA - Council vote to quit flouride

August 15, 2010 in Idaho Voices
Council vote to quit flouride hurts Sandpoint’s youth most
Patty Hutchens Correspondent PrintEmailretweet
If there is one word that pushes buttons for Sandpoint residents these days, it is fluoride.

After years of debate, the Sandpoint City Council voted 4-2 last month to remove fluoride from the city’s water supply.

Council President John Reuter, one of the two dissenting members, said not only does he support keeping fluoride in the water, but he also is disappointed that a decision affecting virtually every citizen was not put to a citywide vote.

“Local citizens should have been given the opportunity to vote rather than have a few politicians overturn nearly 60 years of a successful policy,” said Reuter, who has suggested two times – once to a previous council and again to the current members – that the issue of water fluoridation be put to a public vote..........

Australia - Smelter moves to reduce emissions

Smelter moves to reduce emissions
By Shelley Old
Posted 8 hours 11 minutes ago
A central Queensland aluminium smelter has acknowledged it needs to substantially reduce its emissions to meet tough new environmental guidelines.

Boyne Smelters Ltd (BSL) in Gladstone has been told it needs to reduce fluoride emissions by 20 per cent and particulate emissions by 30 per cent to meet new licensing requirements by the Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM)......

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fluoride Fluoridation Dr. John Yiamouyiannis

If he couldn't stop it then what chance have we? I forgot we have the Internet Part 2

Part 1

USA - Dr. Bartecchi responds

Dr. Bartecchi responds
I feel obligated to respond to the misinformation provided by the Aug. 8 letter of Alice M. Eichelberger in The Pueblo Chieftain. Her raves against pharmaceutical companies and their influence on physicians most likely comes from the Mercola Web site which she endorses.
Joseph Mercola, referred to as a fraud, a scam artist and a quack (gently defined as a person who pretends to be knowledgeable in the medical field), is much more than that due to his anti-vaccination stand which will result in children and even adults dying from diseases which vaccinations could have prevented. Mercola also opposes fluoridation of water and pasteurization of milk, claims that amalgam fillings are toxic and makes unsubstantiated recommendations for dietary supplements.

Mercola promotes many forms of unproven alternative medicine and believes in unproven therapies such as chelation, acupuncture, auriculotherapy, cranial osteopathy and the ultimate hoax, homeopathy.

More than once, Mercola has run afoul of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for making illegal claims for products sold through his Web site, which appears to be there to sell his books, products and worthless supplements.
Space does not allow criticism of Mercola's incorrect, unproven and often ridiculous comments on cancers and their treatment.
Carl Bartecchi, M.D.

Dr Mercola told us about mercury in fish long before it was in the news. He told us that the sun is good and stops cancer long before it was in the press.

Health benefits of tomatoes

Health benefits of tomatoes
by Vilie Farah
Tomatoes are exceptionally tasty. Everyone loves tomato salads and many people enjoy drinking fresh tomato juice. Apart from being a very delicious treat, the tomatoes are packed with vitamins and useful substances.

Many people fail realizing it, but tomato consumption is related to numerous health benefits.

Tomatoes contain nearly as much vitamin C as lemons and oranges. Further, tomatoes are rich in carbohydrates and beneficial acids (among which folic acid), which diminish fatigue and the chance of anemia.

Other useful ingredients include vitamin E, carotene, calcium, phosphorus, fluoride, copper, iodine and zinc. The potassium found in tomatoes allows the body get rid of excess fluids. As a result, tomatoes are seen as an excellent diuretic. Tomatoes can be used in the treatment of various kidney conditions.

In tea, now tomatoes, toothpaste, mouthwash and yet you can't get enough, we got to have it in the water!

USA - Hundreds pack free dental clinic in Asheville

Hundreds pack free dental clinic in Asheville
By Nanci Bompey • August 14, 2010
PageASHEVILLE — Most people hate going to the dentist, but Taylor Reed drove 250 miles just to see one.The 21-year-old drove four hours from Raleigh on Thursday to be the first person in line for the N.C. Dental Society's Missions of Mercy dental clinic at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College.
Reed, accompanied by his girlfriend and best friend, was in line at 6 p.m. Thursday and spent the night outside on the concrete sidewalk.
“It's worth whatever I have to go through. I can hardly eat anything,” said Reed, whose four impacted wisdom teeth are causing him too much pain to care about the needles and drills. Reed went to college for massage therapy but hasn't been able to find much work. Without a steady income and insurance, he can't afford the dental care he needs.
“This is absolutely amazing,” Reed said as he waited to be seen Friday morning. “It's a blessing.”
Hundreds of people spent the night outside A-B Tech's gym in hopes of having teeth extracted, cavities filled and dentures made at the free two-day clinic that got under way Friday morning and continues today.
The clinic hopes to see 300-400 people each day, making it the largest free dental clinic held in Western North Carolina and the second-largest in the state....

Asheville, North Carolina is fluoridated and so is 88% of North Carolina:NYSCOF

Saturday, August 14, 2010

UK Andover Advertiser - Fluoride fanatics'

Fluoride fanatics'
"NO plans to change the law on fluoridation", says Sir George Young, while Health Minister Andrew Lansley promises: "No decision about me, without me".
Are we back to the con of the Blair years? Mr Lansley has made a grave political error in tacitly approving the unelected SHA spending £400,000 on a Judicial Review, fighting against the taxpayers ' to whom that money belongs.
Now there is talk of a referendum on fluoridation. But why insult the people and waste millions by putting them through this farce again, only to achieve the same result - a resounding no.
All that's needed is the abolition of the law which will cost the Department of Health nothing.
Fluoridation is a waste of moneys We've been held hostage by the fanatic fluoride brigade for too long.
We cannot sacrifice vital frontline services and lifesaving drugs to a practice that falsely claims to be safe, when, among other illnesses,
it causes the serious systemic disease, fluorosis.
This has never been denied not even by the Government. [HL1964] Baroness Hayman responded, in a Written Answer, for the Government: "We accept that dental fluorosis is a manifestation" of systemic toxicity." (Hansard, 20 Apr 1999 : WA158.).
Can the fluoridation pushers be trusted? The British Dental Association follows the lead of the American Dental Association which wrote in 1979: "Individual dentists must be convinced that they need not be familiar with scientific reports and field investigations on fluoridation to be effective participants and that non-participation is overt neglect of professional responsibility"
In other words, in blind ignorance, indiscriminately promote mass medication on unwilling communities. Do not research to see if it is safe and ignore all evidence of harm. Administer the same concentration to babies and to 20 stone adults.
Improve your local career prospects by reverentially treating fluoridation like a fundamentalist religion that .you do not question, and damn anyone who does, especially the most dangerous, like Nobel Laureates and the world's leading experts. The influence of the powerful fluoride polluting industries infiltrates professional bodies and stretches into the highest echelons of politics.
Just look at the legislation that protects these industries. Hexafluorosilicic Acid (the industrial waste used in fluoridation) is so toxic it cannot be dumped in the sea, in rivers or in landfill sites. But industries can dump it in our drinking water and make a profit. Fluoridation is State Enforced non-consensual mass medication with a Grade 2 listed poison that has no medicinal licence.
The measure of this administration win be judged on its ethical response to this' human rights abuse.
Jennifer Godschall
Upper Clatford.

UK - Daily Echo - Government should step in and stop this

Government should step in and stop this
FAR from lamenting that their hands are tied by legislation, as reported in the Daily Echo (August 7), the managers of Southern Water should have strenuously opposed the possible introduction of fluoridation.
They should have pointed out that the legislation is severely flawed, being a gross interference with their functions as a water supplier, an abuse of the natural rights of their customers and a form of mass-medication which the Health Department admits, although carefully avoiding the term using an unnecessary chemical to which some of the population are actually allergic.
They should have pointed out that such a requirement is detrimental to their professional reputation and contrary to their expressly published aims and commitment to water quality.
There is no need whatever to pursue the costly court proceedings. The Government should step in and stop matters immediately.
G PAYNE, Woolston, Southampton.

USA - Dental care for needy gets an 'F' in Florida

Dental care for needy gets an 'F' in Florida
NYT Regional Media Group
Published: Friday, August 13, 2010 at 1:00 a.m.
Last Modified: Friday, August 13, 2010 at 12:37 a.m.
Taylor Neely, 4, squirmed and giggled as she waited for a light sedative to make her relax before University of Florida pediatric dentist Dr. Michael Tarver put two crowns on her back teeth.

"I don't feel it," said Taylor, who in the past seven months has had one tooth pulled and two fillings put in at the UF College of Dentistry's Pediatric Center. She also will have spacers put in soon. "I never feel it," she said.

Experts from around the state say so much work on such a young patient is common in Florida, where many disadvantaged children have limited or no access to a dentist....

Florida is 70% fluoridated:NYSCOF

UK - ‘No decision about me without me’

‘No decision about me without me’
4:26pm Thursday 29th July 2010
THE new White Paper on Health seems to have resolved the question of enforced fluoridation of our water supply.
“Shared decision making will become the norm: No decision about me without me”.
So if you or I do not want it, as was the case with 72 per cent of those consulted in Southampton, we will not have to have it?
Of course, Gordon Brown said that ‘It’s up to the local people’ two days before it was clear that under that government, it wasn’t.
But surely this government cannot possibly want to be tarred with the same mucky brush at the start of their term?
Margaret J Reichlin MacCallum Road Upper Enham.

Friday, August 13, 2010

UK - Water firm comes off the fence to join ranks of anti-fluoride campaigners

Lymington Times 13th August
Water firm comes off the fence to join ranks of anti-fluoride campaigners
SOUTHERN WATER has admitted it does not want to add fluoride to Southampton's water supply, which would affect around 8,000 Totton residents.
The controversial decision was approved in February last year by the South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) to combat child tooth decay in the city. It will affect 190,000 people in total and includes Totton because of the layout of the pipes.
Under the 2003 Water Act strategic health authorities have the powers
to instruct water companies to add fluoride to their supplies as a way of improving the oral health of their populations and to reduce inequalities. This is the first time it has been used.
Cadnam resident Bill Edmunds, who wrote to Southern Water to complain about the issue, received a reply from company secretary Kevin Hall who wrote: "Our position is clear that we are statutory water suppliers and our expertise lies in engineering and water treatment for this purpose.
"We would choose not to have to add chemicals that are not directly necessary for the provision of drinking water."
However, he added there was a statutory process for the addition of fluoride to drinking water and if it was met, the company would have a legal duty to comply.
Mr Edmunds told the 'A&T': "Now that Southern Water has revealed it too is against, surely it should be enough for the SHA to accept that it made a wrong decision and use the funds for more direct remedial dental care on those who are now in need of treatment."
A spokeswoman for Southern Water told the 'A&T1: "Our position on this issue remains the same. By law, if requested by a strategic health authority to add fluoride to the water supply, then we must do so.
"We cannot take a medical or ethical view on the subject. The decision to add fluoride was not taken by us and it is not our place to make such a decision, as stated in the letter."
A spokeswoman for the South Central Strategic Health Authority told the 'A&T' it remained confident that the decision made by the board "was carried out in the best interests of the health of people living in Southampton and parts of south-west Hampshire and in accordance with the relevant legislation laid down by parliament".
Opponents claim their concerns about the chemical's side-effects have been ignored, despite gathering a 15,000-name petition objecting and a Mori poll by the SHA showing 38% opposed against 32% in support.

Australia - No fluoride or no food threat nearing its end

13 August, 2010 9:06AM ACST
No fluoride or no food threat nearing its end
By Tim Gerritsen An anti-fluoride protestor is planning to end his hunger strike if there's one last show of public support.
It has been two weeks since Alex Young started his hunger strike in protest to plans to add fluoride to Mount Gambier's water supply.
But his strike could end with a bowl of soup this weekend.
"There's a lot of other factors that must come together before I decide to do that," Alex Young says.
Mr Young leads the anti-fluoride group Choice, which says plans to fluoridate Mount Gambier's water supply denies residents a choice on whether they consume fluoride or not.
The group argues fluoride can cause adverse health problems, the community hasn't been properly consulted and a forum, attended by Health Minister John Hill, should be held............

USA - “Stop Fluoride” group holds kick-off meeting

August 12th, 2010 04:55pm
“Stop Fluoride” group holds kick-off meeting
by watchdogs
It started small, but a group of activists on Thursday began an effort to convince the public and, eventually, the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority to stop putting fluoride in drinking water.
While fluoride has been inserted into drinking water for decades, it has always courted controversy and concerns that people are being medicated with a toxic chemical against their consent.
But water fluoridation has been called one of the greatest public health successes in history and is seen as a way to bring dental health care to the general public.
Evan Folds of Progressive Gardens, one of the founders of the group, said they don’t dispute fluoride’s effects on the mouth, but the need to ingest it and have it forced on people through the water supply is problematic.
The group – which includes former Wilmington Councilwoman Pat Delair – intends to meet on a monthly basis, and has other plans to reaching out to dentists, walking neighborhoods and other outreach efforts.
Awareness of fluoride use became an issue again recently when the utility authority began putting into the water at its nano-filtration plant in Ogden. Water from the Sweeney plant had been fluorinated for decades.

Fluoride Could be Contributing to Early Puberty, Studies Show

Fluoride Could be Contributing to Early Puberty, Studies Show

NEW YORK, Aug. 12 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The medical and public health community is shocked by the news that young American girls are reaching puberty at ages as young as 7 years (1). However, according to Paul Connett, PhD, Director of the Fluoride Action Network, "If fluoride's dangers had not been taken off the scientific radar screen by the US Public Health Service when it prematurely endorsed fluoridation in 1950, maybe key warning signals would not have been ignored for over 50 years."

In 1956, it was reported, after one of the first fluoridation trials (1945-55) had been completed in Newburgh/Kingston NY, that young girls were starting to menstruate on average five months earlier in fluoridated Newburgh compared to non-fluoridated Kingston (2). This result was ignored and there was no follow-up research.

In 1997, Dr. Jennifer Luke in the UK, as part of her PhD thesis (3), reported that fluoride accumulates in the human pineal gland. The pineal gland produces the important hormone melatonin which acts like a biological clock. One of the processes it is thought to control is the onset of puberty. Luke published this work in 2001 but the result has been ignored and no fluoridating country has attempted to repeat her findings, something which would be easy to do if there was the will to do so.

Luke also found that animals exposed to fluoride had lowered melatonin levels and showed signs of reaching puberty earlier. Again this result has been ignored and no fluoridating government has attempted to repeat Luke's work.

Connett says, "We are not saying that exposure to fluoride is a definite cause of early puberty in girls, but not pursuing this possibility is bad for science, bad for medicine and bad for public health."

Simply put: if you don't look, you don't find. The medical community is being kept in the dark on the possibility that fluoride, a highly toxic substance, which is deliberately added to the drinking water of 184 million Americans daily, is causing a variety of harms from the subtle to the serious.

Connett says, "Apparently, it has become more important for the American Dental Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other agencies of the US Department of Health and Human Services to protect this outdated, unethical, ineffective and the dangerous practice than it is to protect the health of the American people. Key research is not being done. Doctors are not being warned."

This and other tragic aspects of the US's peculiar obsession with fluoridation are to be documented in an upcoming book co-authored by Connett. The book, titled "The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep it There," will be published by Chelsea Green in early October of this year.

fluoride and dental health truth

Thursday, August 12, 2010

It's in the Water: Brooklyn Bagels Coming to Beverly Hills

It's in the Water: Brooklyn Bagels Coming to Beverly Hills
For all those in Los Angeles who swear there's no bagel like a New York bagel, you might have something local to chew on soon. "The Original Brooklyn Water Bagel Co. plans to open its first West Coast location on South Beverly Drive by year’s end," reports the Beverly Hills Courier.

There's a lot of science around this particular food item, and it's not the molecular gastronomy the BH diners might be used to. In order to mimic the taste of New York water without the "chlorine, ammonia and fluoride" that's added in, the bagel company's president, Steven Fassberg, explains that they've come up with a patented formula for water treatment of "two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen to produce laboratory grade water with the perfect taste profile of a New York product."

It's all about the water, and "replicating the New York water to make the perfect New York bagel has become the holy grail of bagel bakers outside of New York," remarks their company website. Customers can also taste the water in the upcoming location "in coffee, soda, ice cubes, soup stock and every other item on the menu that uses water."

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How do we quickly determine what the best clinical evidence is?

Aug 9, 2010
by Hope Saltmarsh, RDH, MEd
Do you know what evidence-based dentistry is? I thought I knew...............

How do we quickly determine what the best clinical evidence is?

There are two excellent journals that you can turn to for critical summaries of current research: The Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice and Journal of Evidence-Based Dentistry. Issue 1, 2010 of JEBD is free online at www.nature.com. I am sure you will quickly find information that you can use.

The National Library of Medicine and the National Institute for Dental Craniofacial Research awarded a grant to the ADA to develop a Web site that is a practical resource for evidence open to the public: ebd.ada.org.

At the Web site, systematic reviews and summaries are available that are grouped into 28 topic headings, including preventive dentistry, cariology and caries management, community oral health and health policy, oral and systemic health relationship, geriatric dentistry, periodontics, and pediatric dentistry. Click on a topic of interest, and you see a listing of recent systematic reviews linked to the article abstract.

There are all kinds of different study designs. Systematic reviews use “rigorous and explicit methods to search for and critically appraise the entire body of clinical research evidence related to a question.” (1) Systematic reviews (SR) are at the top of the pile for evidence. Yet, the quality of the evidence found in systematic reviews does vary.

An essential part of EBD is “critically appraising” the evidence. This is hard to do well and requires training. A tremendously important feature of the web-site is that a rigorous process is in place that facilitates the writing of critical summaries (CS) of the systematic reviews that are posted. You will see a little icon next to the title of a SR that has a critical summary. This means that you could click on the article, read a 1-page CS that clearly spells out the clinical question investigated, methods, conclusions, quality of review, strengths and weaknesses of the evidence, and tells you the clinical implications. You are also linked to the article abstract if you want to find out more.

I recommend that you test this new opportunity to quickly and easily add a dose of evidence-based dentistry to your own practice. Follow this link to the EBD website.

Click on the lower left image for Systematic Reviews & Summaries.

Under the Topic Index for Database of Systematic Reviews, click on Preventive Dentistry.

The 9th SR title displayed, under the first subheading Fluoride, is Fluoride supplements, dental caries and fluorosis: a systematic review. You will see a small icon beside the title that indicates a CS is available.

As you roll your cursor over the title, a box displays the following:

Review Conclusion: There is weak and inconsistent evidence that fluoride supplements prevent dental caries in primary teeth and consistent evidence that they prevent caries in permanent teeth; however, there is an increased risk for mild-to-moderate dental fluorosis associated with the use of supplements.

Critical Summary Assessment: A thorough systematic review of 12 trials finds evidence that fluoride supplements prevent caries but may be associated with the increased risk of fluorosis.
Evidence Quality Rating: Good

If you wish to read the full CS, click on the title. If you want to read the study, click on the linked title in the CS. This takes you to the abstract at PubMed.gov. Look over at the right of the page to see an icon that you can click to see the full text for free from the Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA). Click the icon and you can view/print the full article from the November 2008 issue of JADA.

I hope that I have piqued your interest in EBD and motivated you to visit the EBD website that was developed for all to use.

Hope Saltmarsh, RDH, MEd is an ADA Evidence Reviewer and 2010 EBD Champion. She can be contacted at hopesal@comcast.net.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Facing pet cancer

Facing pet cancer
By Dawn Armstrong
Lake Tahoe
My smiley, happy dog, Cher, has been diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma. It is one of three main types of canine pet cancer. The silent disease was hiding in her bone marrow until a slight limp which disappeared in 24 hours returned as a painful leg she lifted off the ground without complaint. The day Cher was diagnosed, another patient also was, and a third came for euthanasia with a like condition. All three dogs at the same veterinarian on the same day had cancer in the same left rear limb.

During the past six weeks, I have learned that up to 50 percent of cats and 65 percent of dogs are being diagnosed with cancer. Pet cancer research is limited, and has been concentrated on large, at-risk purebreds like golden retrievers and German shepherds. Cher is an adopted medium sized “mutt,” but she is within a typical age range of 7-9 years for adult canine cancer. There are fewer feline studies.

What is causing this dramatic increase?

In working with pets and people, my lay person theory was that our pets drink the same water and breathe the same air that we do. It turns out that, in fact, scientists are looking at every possibility including the toxins we put on our lawns and store under our sinks, fluoride in water and the effects of second hand smoke on pets.

With amputation for immediate pain relief and follow up chemotherapy to blast the large cancer cells, Cher's life expectancy is about 6 months. The cost of her treatment is prohibitive, but as long as she continues to smile and enjoys a normal quality of life without being drugged numb, I'll figure it out. Accepting and simply adapting to her new “tri-pawed” status, Cher is back to normal activity, including bringing her ball for fetch. The squirrels in the yard remain at risk. She has handled this ordeal better than I have. While my tears may flow, I try to stay in the moment with her and map ways to the water where the walk isn't far.

UK - Study nears completion on fluoridation of water supply

Study nears completion on fluoridation of water supply
The results of a £50,000 study into fluoridating water supplies should be finished later this year.
Health officials have been working with water companies since early 2008 on the costs and practicalities of adding fluoride to public water supplies.
They are now deciding whether the benefits of fluoridation would outweigh the cost – which would be borne by health trusts.
Supporters of fluoridation said it was necessary to reduce tooth decay.
Critics said it might harm people's health and was not effective enough to justify the cost.
The study is being led by officials at NHS Nottingham City on behalf of all nine primary care trusts in the East Midlands.
Alison Challenger, a consultant in public health who is involved in the study, said: "The technical assessment work is done. This looks at how and where fluoride might be added to water.
"We have had to look at the cost of setting up plants, where they would be and the cost of ongoing maintenance.
"Each primary care trust area is different and some may decide they do not want to fluoridate supplies.
"It may be that it is decided health promotion is more cost-effective. Those decisions will be down to individual trusts.
"The feasibility study will produce a report for each area so that it can discussed and debated locally."
Philip Martin, a dentist in Braunstone and chairman of Leicestershire local dental committee, said: "The dental profession is very keen on the idea of fluoridation of water supplies as a method which would benefit patients and prevent the early loss of teeth and other problems.
"I'm disappointed that it didn't happen years ago."
The National Pure Water Association campaigns against fluoridation.
A spokesman said: "There is no high-quality scientific evidence that fluoridation makes a difference. American research shows that for disease control fluoride has to be applied to the tooth surface and that doesn't happen with drinking water.
"It should also be remembered that fluoride is a toxin."
The British Dental Health Foundation website said studies carried out for the Government by York University and the Medical Research Council failed to find any evidence that fluoride added to water caused harmful side effects.
It said: "Opponents of fluoridation claim they have firm evidence that fluoride added to water is harmful.
"Scientific analysis has not supported their claims."
Worldwide, more than 300 million people drink fluoridated water supplies which has "led to improved levels of dental health", it said.
A spokesman for Severn Trent Water said: "All decisions on whether to fluoridate are made by strategic health authorities and fluoridation can only happen under their direction. Water companies are obliged to fluoridate if directed to do so."
He added that it was possible to fluoridate only parts of a county's water supply.
To read the Medical Research Council's report, go to:

Naked Truth, Fluoride Poison, 9 11 Responders Strike Back - Sunday Update

USA - Care void takes toll on kids' teeth

Care shortage takes a toll on Florida kids' teeth | Gainesville.com
Children in fluoridated Green Cove Springs, Florida have loads of cavities "'I see a lot of cavities in really young children...At 3 or 5, they come in with cavities, and you hate to see it in that age group. You really shouldn't see any cavities in that age group.'"
Hackney said for older children, it's even worse. Teeth have gone untreated for so long that the dentists have to pull them rather than fix them.

"We did have a 15-year-old boy from St. Johns County that lost both of his front teeth, and I felt really bad for him because he was a nice-looking boy," she said about having to pull his teeth. "It was so unnecessary ... if he had gotten to a dentist at an earlier age, but now he's on dentures for the rest of his life."

Florida is 70% fluoridated:NYSCOF

Monday, August 09, 2010

Alex Jones TV 3 Alan Watt- Ghost in The Machine - How You're Being "Medically Lobotomized"

UK - Nottingham Attacks Proposal To Scrap Free Milk For Kids

Nottingham Attacks Proposal To Scrap Free Milk For Kids
09 August 2010
Nottingham East MP Chris Leslie has attacked the Government’s proposal to scrap free milk scheme for children under five.
The Government was considering getting rid of the scheme as it costs an estimated £50m a year. Although spending cuts are needed to reduce the national deficit, David Cameron has ruled out the proposed to remove free milk.
Chris Leslie was incensed by the proposal as it would hit the poorest families and deprive children of much needed nutrition.
He said: "In my Nottingham constituency, child health concerns remain extremely high as I set out in a recent Commons adjournment debate, with tooth decay the second worst in England and children in some schools with typically three missing, decaying or filled teeth.
"The calcium provided by a regular milk intake is essential for healthy teeth and bones, given that the body cannot produce calcium independently.
"This Government's opportunistic approach to scaling back public sector investment has reached new depths."

UK - Daily Echo Comments

IN Saturday's Daily Echo we reporter how former Health Secretary Andy Burnham had repeated his belief that fluoridalion would be a positive step for children in Southampton.
The Labour leadership hopeful said that, although in favour of the chemicat being added to Hampshire taps, tie views of people had to be respected.
Mr Burnham said that the amount of fluoride that was added to the supply was "negligible" and that better dental health would promote "self-confidence" in city youngsters.
The MP stopped in Hampshire to thank party supporters in Southampton and the New Forest for their backing in the leadership race, now entering its final
Mr Burnham said: "It's often the poorest kids in society that suffer the most without it Fluoridation has been proven to be a safe and effective way of improving not just children's but everybody's dental health and one part per million is neglible.
"Having said that I am very aware that there are strong views on the matter. There's been very robust debate and the views of local people have to be respected."

Here are some of your comments...
The Edge of Reason, Southampton says...
I don't think anyone has listened to the public about putting fluoride in the water. If they had the debate would be finished. After consultation those who said no outweighed those who said yes.
Using the excuse that it will improve everyone's dental health is in my opinion absolute garbage. Giving people access to NHS dentists will improve dental health.
If parents cannot be bothered to teach their children to brush their teeth, then it should be taught in school.
As a 16-year-old I joined the Army and was taught how to brush my teeth properly. I thought it was stupid but I did it. I believe children in primary schools would think it fun to clean their teeth in school, therefore improving their dental health without having chemicals in the water.

Condor Man, Southampton says-He's not a minister of state, why should he have any influence over the decision made? Both Denham and Whitehead backed the flouride bid for the same reason. They should have increased funding for NHS dentists instead.
da boss, upper bassett/known as chilworth says-Forty different poisons in our water and they charge us! His surname says it all.

Bassett-Mikey, Bassett says...
The question is now nothing to do with fluoride in the water -it is about the total lack of regard to democratic process. Folk said no - these people have no right to go against this. Their argument from day one was flawed anyway.
Lets remember who it is going against our wishes. Let's make serious efforts to strip them of their authority. Thats actually what elections are about The more vocal the opposition the better.

JP Muffin, Biackfield says...
Generally speaking, it is those that are better informed and/or better educated (those who have read current research on the matter too) who have been the ones to have most objected to fluoridation. Contrary to what Burnham says, the case is not proven, as these people well know.
Those who do not know what all the fuss is about are generally speaking ill informed and have not read the research.
It appears to follow that the better-educated are also within the slightly higher income bracket, with bottled waters being a regular item on their shopping list.
Those 'decision-makers' who have decided that fluoridation will take place regardless of opinion know only too well that, while many of those opposed to it will still be unable to control what comes out of their taps (because they lack the capital for the many extortionately priced alternatives) they will nonetheless commit even further to the buying of bottied-waters and all manner of filters that are coming onto the market, thus still stimulating the economy.
In short, the rich will pay for water from all manner of sources, while the poor will slug back whatever they're given.

Australia - Protestor calls for support

Protestor calls for support
Posted on August 9, 2010, 8:08am
Hunger striker Alex Young has called on the community to gather at the Blue Lake on what he has dubbed “Choice Support Day” on August 15 to show their support for his cause.

The Choice Mount Gambier community action group leader has been on a hunger strike since Thursday, July 29, in protest at the government ignoring a petition calling for a referendum on the addition of fluoride to the Blue Lake’s water supply.
Mr Young said he wanted the 6661 residents who signed the petition to gather at the Blue Lake at 1.30pm on Choice Support Day and challenge politicians on the addition of fluoride to drinking water.

“I am going to invite politicians Patrick Secker, Mitch Williams and Don Pegler to be there and answer questions,” he told The Border Watch.

“I want everyone who signed the petition to be there and ask why their petition was ignored — fluoridation is not legislated in South Australia, but one man, Health Minister John Hill, has made the decision to add fluoride to our drinking water, while 6661 people have said they want a choice.”.............

Canada - Put an end to water fluoridation

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Fluoride Action Network

Fluoride Action Network
FAN Bulletin 2028: Ending Fluoridation "One Town at a Time"
August 8, 2010

We are getting close to making a decision on an appointment of a Campaign Director for FAN. We have been a little delayed interviewing candidates because of the intensive activities we have had on two other fronts - last minute edits on the new book and the July 23-27 FAN Conference.

As always these conferences have a way of paying us back over and over again in the renewed energy and enthusiasm they generate. This conference was no exception. As one participant wrote to us:

I don't remember ever attending any conference or meeting where I found something significant, interesting, intelligent and worthwhile in just about every person I met. Somehow our issue brought together a very caring and diverse group of people that exuded an honest cohesion through whatever differences our backgrounds may have created. That does not happen very often.

You can see a photograph of the participants at the conference (taken by Jack Cook from Nashville TN) at http://fluoridealert.org/fan.conference.july.2010.jpeg

One of the positive outcomes of the conference has been the willingness of several attendees to volunteer to be the FAN point persons for their respective states, in the effort to end fluoridation in Canada and the US "one town at a time." (We will be expanding the list to other countries later). We will be passing these names along to FAN's new campaign director when he or she is appointed.

The ideal sequence we envisage will be:

• Individual point person to facilitate formation of local group.

• Local groups to get help and advice from state point person and/or FAN's campaign director.

• Eventually, we hope that these individual groups can be networked into a statewide coalition (e.g. NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, NYSCOF) along with the formation of alliances with other groups (e.g. ActionPa.org).

So if you live in one of the provinces or states listed below, and you want to see an end to fluoridation in your town or state, please contact the relevant person in this list and give them your contact details. If no one is listed as a point person for your state please contact us and we will forward your information to a state point person when we find one. If you have already contacted me or FAN wishing to be a point person for your town I will be forwarding your details to the relevant person on this list.

Please help us maintain the tremendous momentum generated by the Mercola appeal and consolidated by the FAN conference. Over 300,000 people have now watched the interview he had with me. See http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/07/03/paul-connett-interview.aspx . This is just one of the sites covering the hits on this video.

Paul Connett


Alberta - James Beck
Ontario - Diane Sprules
Quebec - Gilles Parent

United States

Arkansas - Crystal Harvey
Colorado - Cathy Justus
Florida (St. Petersburg area) - Kurt and Marcia
Florida (Miami area) - Heinz Dinter
Georgia -Dan Stockin
Louisiana - Vic Hummert
Massachusetts (Central & South) - Mike Dolan (Central and South Mass)
Massachusetts (Boston area) - Bill Patenaude
Minnesota - Jason Kreuger
New York - Carol Kopf
Pennsylvania - Mike Ewall
Tennessee - Jack Cook
Texas - Rae Nadler-Oelnick
Vermont - Karl Novak
Virginia - Ken Case

Alex Jones TV 2 Alan Watt- Ghost in The Machine - How You're Being "Medically Lobotomized"

Filtered Water At Waterloo's City Hall - CTV News 05-Aug-10.wmv

WaterlooWatchVideo | 07 August 2010
In 2007 when citizens raised concerns about hydrofluorosilicic acid fluoridation containing trace co-contaminants arsenic, lead, mercury and radioactive materials, certain Waterloo staff and some members of council merely dismissed these concerns. They said Waterloo's water was perfectly safe to drink and if people don't agree then they should go and purchase a home water filtration system. Since that time, a number of people at Waterloo City Hall have become sufficiently concerned about water quality and safety that a water filtration system was installed there, capable of removing the very impurities citizens were originally concerned about. Taxpayer's dollars have been spent to purify City Hall water, while citizens are left to drink supposedly safe water. Although WaterlooWatch is genuinely glad those working at Waterloo City Hall have access to purified water, deemed to be even more pure than the bottled water they were previously supplied, we are saddened and angry that the citizens have been ignored and marginalized despite obvious, legitimate concerns about municipal water. Instead of filtering everyone's water, why not simply stop adding toxins to our water by turning off hydrofluorosilicic acid fluoridation? It just seems so intelligent.

USA - Many ways to get fluoride

August 7, 2010 in Opinion
Many ways to get fluoride
I used to be a water fluoridation advocate. I saw fluoridation as a social justice issue and wanted those children who could benefit to get the treatment. Recently, an in-depth look at new information caused me to change my view.

The type of fluoridation chemical put into public drinking water, including Sandpoint’s until recently, is a toxic waste product from the phosphate fertilizer industry. According to NSF International, the entity that certifies the products, fluoridation chemicals contain contaminants including arsenic, lead, mercury and other heavy metals. They do not test each batch to determine if the contaminant levels are considered safe...............
Jennifer Ekstrom is executive director of Lake Pend Oreille Waterkeeper in Sandpoint.
nyscof on August 07 at 3:57 a.m.

Congratulations for a job well-done Jennifer. We now know why the newspaper industry is faltering. People cannot trust journalists to do a proper investigation of an issue. When we see how poorly reported fluoridation is, an issue we know very well, we know we can no longer trust what is written on other subjects.

The Fluoride Action Network is working with Dr. Mercola to stop fluoridation country-wide. Join us. While many journalists are now the PR arm of special interest groups, it's now more important than ever to take back our water supplies from those special interest groups.

Even if fluoride is not in your tap water, it's in the food supply made with fluoridated tap water. People need to tell their legislators to stop kowtowing to special interest groups such as organized dentistry and do what's in the best interest of their constituents and stop putting harmful, ineffective, fluoride chemicals into their body via fluoridation.

No human is or ever was fluoride deficient. Many are dentist deficient. Dentists need to be mandated to treat more low-income people rather than their water supply.

Sarah From Idaho on Alex Jones

USA - It's More Than Just Candy: Important Relationships Between Nutrition and Oral Health

Despite great advances in the last 50 years in oral health awareness, improved dental treatments, and fluoridation of municipal water supplies, dental problems continue to persist-especially in underserved populations.3-5

Today, dental caries (tooth decay) is still the most prevalent disease of children, affecting nearly 80% of children by age 17 years (see Table 1 for definitions of commonly used terms).2 The incidence of dental caries in children's primary teeth is also increasing6 as is the incidence in teenagers' permanent teeth.7,8 Twenty-six percent of American adults older than 20 years have had severe destructive periodontal disease.2 Nearly 68% of elder Americans between the ages of 80 and 90 years have some form of periodontal disease, a condition that often leads to tooth loss2 and may be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.9 In the elderly, tooth loss is still a major contributor to poor health and malnutrition.10,11 Yet despite the evidence, the importance of oral health to overall health is often underrecognized or underappreciated.......

Saturday, August 07, 2010

USA - Proper dental care Americans shouldn't brush off

"In a new study, researchers at the University at Buffalo in New York looked at 65 children, ages 2 to 5, who were treated for cavities in baby teeth. They found that nearly 28 percent of those children had a body-mass index indicating they were overweight or obese."............

Bufffalo, NY is fluoridated:NYSCOF