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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Australia - petition

Fluoride fight continues
Byron Shire Council confirmed its opposition to fluoridation last week, and it appears the fight against fluoride in Lismore isn’t over either.
Lismore councillor Vanessa Ekins is circulating a new petition calling on Council to reverse its support of fluoridation. She will be gathering signatures this Saturday, September 2, on the corner of Magellan and Carrington streets in Lismore from 9.30am-11.30am.
If you can’t make it, you can find the petition in Fundamental Foods and at the Winsome Hotel.

World wide the fight goes on against fluoridation.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Canadian mayoral candidate David Chevrier

NL: What else is on your platform?
DC: I ‘d like to see fluoride taken out of our water supply.
NL: Why?
DC: Fluoride is a major health risk. I’d also like to see chlorine taken out of pools. I ‘d like to see other methods used to protect our water supply. As far as the fluoride, we should be testing the fluoride content in deceased people’s bones to see what affect fluoride has had.

I'd vote for him

Birmingham UK dentists are seeing children with rotten teeth

Q Is it true they put fluoride in our drinking water? Is our baby safe?

A Fluoride was first added to tap water back in the 1970s, when it was noticed that children in certain areas had brown patches in their teeth but suffered from hardly any dental decay. The cause for both was found to be high levels of natural fluoride in the drinking water. This binds with the growing teeth and makes them more resistant to acid, which builds up in the mouth especially if a lot of sugar is eaten and the teeth are not brushed properly. Since then, rates of dental decay (caries) have dropped significantly. There are a few who object to the compulsory addition to tap water, but the protection is indisputable. The levels used are far lower than it would take to cause direct harm and claims that it hikes the cancer rate have never been backed with evidence.
But poor dental hygiene will overwhelm any protection. Increasingly, dentists are seeing children with rotten teeth because of sugary foods and poor tooth brushing. Your child will need protecting from these risks, even with fluoride.
Send your child health questions to Ask Alan, Features Desk, universities are now offering Birmingham Mail, PO Box 78, Weaman Street, Birmingham, B4 6AY
Alan Taman is Press & Communications Officer at Birmingham Children's Hospital. The hospital is always grateful for support. Contact their fundraising department on 0121 333 8502 to find out more.

"but the protection is indisputable" He's never read the York Report.

Fluoride in fertilizer

Image of this plant not deserved
By Anne Moore
They look like palm trees, corn plants and grass. They are striped, solid and variegated. It's hard to believe that they are closely related, in fact members of the same botanical family, the agavaceae. They're dracaenas, wonderful houseplants that have their origins in the tropics of Africa, Madagascar and the Canary Islands, and have adapted well to life indoors in north temperate zones.

They do not like fluoride, so do not use a fertilizer that contains superphosphate or a potting medium with a lot of perlite.

Another reason not to fluoridate water? Can't be the only plant that hates the stuff

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Scottish report on obesity

Wendy Alexander
FORGET fluoride. We must be mainlining sugar into our water supply. How else do you explain that, by the age of five, one in three Scottish kids are overweight? And if things are bad here, try America.
On one hand, Burger King are launching a burger with three times the fat of a Big Mac.

The times I've heard mums say to their children stop that or I won't buy you sweeties.

Monday, August 28, 2006

ECTD is a 100 per cent preventable disease?

Healthy smile, healthy child
By Rick Scherger
Friday August 25, 2006

Stonewall Argus and Teulon Times — Over 2,000 Manitoba children undergo unnecessary dental surgery every year to treat early childhood tooth decay (ECTD). ECTD is a 100 per cent preventable disease.
Healthy smile, happy child is a prevention initiative that was established six years ago to address the problem. It began as a pilot program in four Manitoba communities but now has been expanded.
Winnipeg and Interlake community facilitator Christine Crockatt is encouraging community programs and services to become involved in the province-wide initiative.
“We received a grant from the Manitoba government and now are able to take this throughout the province,” she said.
Crockatt is able to provide interested parties with workshops, educational opportunities, presentations to families or professionals, as well as a number of resources for anyone interested at home or business.
The program is intended for children between the ages of zero and six. ECTD is a bacterial infection that shows up in children in this age group. It can affect an infant’s first tooth. The disease begins in the front teeth and can spread rapidly.
Crockatt says it can lead to dental surgery, including tooth extraction.
Happy smile, happy child can be found on the Internet at: www.wrha.mb.ca/healthinfo/preventill/oral_child.php. On the site there is downloadable material filled with valuable information on how to care for young children’s teeth and what the program offers.
Crockatt can be contacted in Winnipeg at 204-789-3500 or can be reached by e-mail at ccrockatt@mich.ca.
Manitoba, Canada is 73% fluoridated: NYSCOF

Never heard of ECTD before

USA - no cavities?

Fluoride in the water means we can still chew the fat way into our later years. My kids never even had a cavity. Dentists are now concentrating on cosmetics, gums and implants rather than cavities.

Obviously she does not come from the low socio-economic class. Weird isn't it, paper after paper report world wide that children's teeth are rottten even in fluoridated areas and then you read this

Sunday, August 27, 2006

USA - Even more misinfo

Anti-fluoride misinfo
Mr. Tobin (Eye, Aug. 8) is dead wrong on every issue he brings up. The anti-fluoride camp continually uses half-truths, “red herrings,” bad science and outright deception to push their cause. I’ll address his “points” one by one.

Of course they don't use half-truths, “red herrings,” bad science and outright deception. - Long letter trumpeting the benefits of fluoridation.

The Fluoride Conspiracy

The Fluoride Conspiracy

"Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it."
- Adolf Hitler

"Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century."
- Robert Carlton, Ph.D, former EPA scientist, 1992

The history of forcing fluoride on humans through the fluoridation of drinking water is wrought with lies, greed and deception. Governments that add fluoride to drinking water supplies insist that it is safe, beneficial and necessary, however, scientific evidence shows that fluoride is not safe to ingest and areas that fluoridate their drinking water supplies have higher rates of cavities, cancer, dental fluorosis, osteoporosis and other health problems. Because of the push from the aluminum industry, pharmaceutical companies and weapons manufacturers, fluoride continues to be added to water supplies all over North America and due to recent legal actions against water companies that fluoridate drinking water supplies, precedent has been set that will make it impossible for suits to be filed against water suppliers that fluoridate. There is a growing resistance against adding toxic fluoride to our water supplies, but unfortunately, because fluoride has become "the lifeblood of the modern industrial economy"(Bryson 2004), there is too much money at stake for those who endorse water fluoridation . The lies of the benefits of water fluoridation will continue to be fed to the public, not to encourage health benefits to a large number of people, but to profit the military-industrial complex.

Small extract from article Has URL for video on Freud and mind manipulation of the masses.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Fort Worth, Texas, is fluoridated: NYSCOF

Between them, Jesus and Emeli Padilla got eight crowns along with sealants to protect their teeth from further decay. The children, who attend Sam Rosen Elementary School in Fort Worth, were both experiencing a lot of pain before they were treated, said their mother, Maria Padilla. Now they're happy, she added.
Multiple cavities and abscesses are the most common serious dental problems that dentists treat through Save a Smile, said dentist Tonya Fuqua, program manager.
'We have treated 4-year-olds because they have 10 teeth -- half of all the teeth in their mouth -- that are decayed,' she said.

USA - Facts? I dont think so

Get the facts on fluoride
I am writing in response to the front page article "Old fluoride debate renewed" (Aug. 18). As a family dentist practicing for 10 years, it never ceases to amaze me how few facts are included when discussing this hot button topic.

It would help to know that fluoride is a mineral salt of the naturally-occurring element fluorine. As with other naturally-occurring minerals and nutrients, fluoride is safe and effective when used and consumed properly.

The recommended water fluoridation concentration is 0.7 to 1.2 parts per million (ppm). This was established by the U.S. Public Health Service to maximize the decay-preventive benefits of fluoride and, at the same time, minimize any potential toxicity risks. At 1 ppm, one part of fluoride is diluted in a million parts of water. Think of it this way: 1 ppm can be represented as 1 inch in 16 miles or one minute in two years or 1 cent in $10,000.

The American Dental Association, a professional association of dentists committed to the public's oral health, is a strong supporter of community water fluoridation. The Centers for Disease Control cited water fluoridation as one of the 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century because it is a safe, beneficial and cost-effective way to prevent tooth decay in children and adults. For most cities, every $1 invested in water fluoridation saves $38 in dental treatment costs.

The benefits and risks of community water fluoridation have been studied and discussed extensively in the past 60 years by numerous organizations and health agencies. They all consistently indicated that fluoridation of community water supplies is safe and effective in preventing dental decay in both children and adults. It is the most efficient way to prevent one of the most common childhood infectious diseases, tooth decay (five times as common as asthma and seven times as common as hay fever in 5to 17-year-olds).

To learn the facts, please go to the ADA's official website, www.ADA.org, where most of the these studies, discussions, as well as the ADA's offical statement on community water fluoridation can be found. Josie Dovidio, DDS Simi Valley

As a family dentist he knows it all - but he never read anything except the official line fluoride is good for you.

New Zealand - call to fluoridate.

Fluoride urged as infants' teeth rot
26 August 2006
The horrifying case of a four-year-old girl who needed 16 rotten teeth removed has prompted a call for a public campaign to get drinking water fluoridated. Dr Martin Lee, clinical director of Canterbury's school and community dental service, has urged the public to lobby their councils over water fluoridation.
On a single day, Lee received six letters regarding children needing dental treatment at Christchurch Hospital. Five were children under six and two were just three years old. "Between them these five had 40 teeth extracted and 18 filled. One of the four-year-olds was left with just four of her 20 teeth."

Despite receiving such letters nearly daily, Lee said the cases still horrified him, not only because of the extensive treatment the children needed and the problems they faced having so many teeth removed at such a young age.
"It also upsets me that those children have suffered for months with pain and discomfort from their rotten teeth." In an open letter published in the Canterbury District Health Board's latest Health First community newsletter, Lee said the community had a duty to look after the next generation.
"I don't think we are doing enough to stop our children having to suffer ... I'm asking all of you to help – if you think water fluoridation is a good idea, please write to your council."
Lee said the epidemic of tooth decay among children was partly due to diets high in sugar and a failure to brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
However, fluoridated water was the most important thing a community could do to improve the situation. The Ashburton District Council has reopened the debate over fluoride after it realised decay levels in the town had leapt 25 per cent since fluoride was removed from drinking water in 2002.
Lee said Christchurch was the only major city not to fluoridate its water.
Christchurch Mayor Garry Moore said fluoride was "a really good thing".

"But this city does not agree with tampering with its water. I think we should be looking at public health staff working through the schools to get fluoride tablets available to kids or through toothpaste."
In Canterbury, half of all children have at least one cavity by their fifth year. Twenty per cent, or 1000 five-year-olds, have more than five holes.
Children from low socio-economic backgrounds are most at risk, with nearly 70% experiencing decay by the age of five.
Christchurch Hospital special needs dentist Ian Esson said it was rare for children to have all their teeth removed and only a small percentage would have as many as 16 taken out.
However, such children "cope remarkably well" with few or no teeth, Esson said. "They're often quite relieved because the pain is gone."
Adult teeth usually arrived between the ages of five and 12.

low socio-economic backgrounds = poor and uneducated - why not educate and inject self esteem rather than wholesale medication.

Australia - Fight against continues.

WANGARATTA’S Anti-fluoride Group has ramped up its attack on fluoridation plans for the city early next year.
Group chairman Noel Ryan said it had launched a public campaign calling on people to stop buying fluoride toothpaste and for an investigation of chemicals in North East rivers.
“We’re doing freedom of information requests on the details of all tests on water quality of the Murray, King and Ovens rivers for the past five years,” Mr Ryan said.
“I think we’ll be surprised by what chemicals are already in there. “We’ve already got fluoride in our food, in toothpaste and it occurs naturally in water anyway — how much fluoride do we need?”
Part of the nation-wide body Quality Water, the Anti-fluoride Group this week reaffirmed its commitment to stop construction of the city’s fluoridation plant due to begin at the end of next month.Tenders for the Wangaratta and Wodonga plants closed on Tuesday.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Portsmouth PCT vote no to fluoridation

Knife-edge vote halts fluoride-in-water bid
Plans to put fluoride into the local drinking water supply have been put on ice indefinitely after a knife-edge vote against the move by health bosses.
NHS chiefs in Portsmouth yesterday decided against asking regional health bosses to carry out a study into whether fluoride could be added into the Portsmouth water supply – serving homes in the city, Fareham and much of East Hampshire and parts of West Sussex – meaning the whole plan to improve dental health is scuppered.
Instead NHS bosses vowed to work with schools in the most deprived areas of our communities to tackle the problem that way.
The controversial move came at a packed Portsmouth Primary Care Trust meeting (PCT).
After a five-five tied committee vote, the decision on whether to press ahead with a £25,000 feasibility study into adding fluoride was decided by chairwoman Zenna Atkins's casting vote against the move.
She said: 'I think there's a groundswell of public opposition against it.
'I'm passionate about Portsmouth people and I would like to do a lot of work with the deprived communities. I'd like to work in schools which have the highest rate of tooth decay and then do public consultation.'
Before the meeting protestors handed out leaflets protesting against the plan before piling into the hall at St James' Hospital where the meeting took place.

25 August 2006
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Health Alert: Fluoride Dangers USA

Video link worth looking at on web page.
Stephanie Stahl

(CBS 3) PHILADELPHIA In health, how much fluoride is too much? There are some concerns it can be dangerous if kids get too much.

For more than 50 years, fluoride has been America's chief cavity-fighter. Some communities in our area have fluoride in the water, some don't.

But now, because of health concerns, several countries in Europe are cutting back on fluoride.

"Too much fluoride may cause problems with the developing teeth in the apsect of discoloration and spottiness on the teeth still developing," said Dr. Denis Trupkin.

That can happen around age eight on the new, permanent teeth coming in and has people wondering how much fluoride is needed to prevent tooth decay?

After the age of one year old, if the parent feels confident they can apply a very small amount of fluoridated toothpaste to the teeth, it would be a good time to start,' said Dr. Trupkin.

In 1991 the American Dental Association put warnings on toothpaste recommending a pea- size amount for children under six.
Ongoing research into the effects of fluoride has led eight European countries to take it out of their drinking water, concerned because high levels have been linked to health problems like bone damage and a rare cancer.
"There's a higher risk in populations where there's fluoride in the water," said Dr. Bruce Eisenberg. "The studies are not definitive; they're not complete.//edit// However, there is a fair amount of data to suggest a link particularly, in the overuse of fluoride in children," said Dr. Philip Floyd.

It's important that parents pay careful attention and realize that fluoride isn't just found in drinking water and toothpaste. It can also be in baby formula and vitamins.Any concerns about the amount of fluoride a child is getting should be added by physician.

New York - Examing the effects of soda on kids

Regardless of fluoride in the water and tooth coating in the dentist's office, tooth decay is the biggest childhood illness, surpassing asthma and hay fever. Parents should focus more on water, real fruit juices without added sugar and vegetable juices.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

One day they may dispel the common belief that fluoride is good for us.

Tea 'healthier' drink than water
The researchers recommend people consume three to four cups a day
Drinking three or more cups of tea a day is as good for you as drinking plenty of water and may even have extra health benefits, say researchers. The work in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition dispels the common belief that tea dehydrates.
Tea not only rehydrates as well as water does, but it can also protect against heart disease and some cancers, UK nutritionists found.

Experts believe flavonoids are the key ingredient in tea that promote health.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

USA - Experts don't screw patients - do they?

That's one tooth. They were quoted $2,000 by some dentist. I charge them $125 and make money. And I did a hell of a lot of free dentistry." The trade hasn't changed as much you might think, John said. Drills are faster. Fluoride has slowed decay in children. But teeth are teeth. And many younger dentists are too eager to ring their cash registers by pulling teeth, John said. "A lot of what I see in dentistry is a team effort to screw the patient," he said. "I was always very conservative. Don't do treatments that aren't needed. And don't charge too much."

USA - Bigoted experts make me unglued.

“People are unbelievably opposed to fluoridation - some come unglued,” Ellis said. “But the problem is proper education on the matter. No one asks the experts, and I see the effects every day.”

USA - Local group starts petition to end fluoridation

August 22nd, 2006 - 10:46am

(Port Angeles) -- A local political action committee has kicked off an initiative drive for a Port Angeles "Medical Independence Act" -- prompted by the recent fluoridation of the city's water supply. Organizers of "Our Waters -- Our Choice!" say the act will prohibit the addition of all substances intended to treat or medicate people through the public water supply -- including any continued addition of fluoride. The city council approved an ordinance to add fluoride to the water in 2003 and the substance was added to the water supply earlier this year after the construction of a fluoridation facility. Committee members say the action has forced the entire community either to submit to the medication for tooth decay, remove it as best they can, or not use the water. Organizers declare in the proposed ordinance that the right of all adult and mentally competent citizens to control their own medical care and the right to informed consent for medical treatment are essential to their pursuit of life and liberty. The proposal states the citizens of Port Angeles now declare that public water supplies should not be used to medicate citizens. The committee says the proposed ordinance does not apply to substances which are added to treat water for disinfection or corrosion control of pipes. Organizers say the initiative will be offered to the City Council after the signatures of 16-hundred-23 registered city voters are gathered. If approved by citizens in an election, the ordinance would take effect 30 days after certification -- ceasing the addition of fluoride

New Research: Fluoride Damages Children's Liver and Kidneys (NYSCOF)

NEW YORK, Aug. 22 /PRNewswire/ -- Fluoride in drinking water damages
children's liver and kidney functions, according to a new study in
"Environmental Research"(1), reports the New York State Coalition Opposed
to Fluoridation (NYSCOF).
Xiong and colleagues write, "Our results suggest that drinking water
fluoride levels over 2.0 mg/L can cause damage to liver and kidney
functions in children." Further, dental fluorosis (fluoride-discolored
teeth) can be an indicator of kidney function harm, they report.

Extract from press release

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

USA - Indiana is 95% fluoridated: NYSCOF

On Tuesday, Pham, who was in Fort Wayne to ensure the new clinic was running smoothly, explained to one woman why her grandchild’s baby teeth, which had multiple cavities, needed to be fixed.

“If we don’t fix them now, we run into much bigger problems down the road,” he said. “Any fake teeth, any fillings are never as good as the original teeth.” Losing front teeth before age 3 can affect speech. Decay and infection hamper a child’s ability to eat, to concentrate and to learn, he said.

Nationally, only 20 percent to 30 percent of children covered by Medicaid see a dentist yearly. According to an American Dental Association report, only 33 percent of Hoosier children enrolled in Medicaid saw a dentist in 2004, partly because of the lack of Medicaid providers but also because parents and grandparents do not prioritize dental care.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Kentucky is 99.6% fluoridated: nyscof

Tooth decay is the most common infectious disease among children. Lower-income children suffer the most, Goddard said, because their families are less likely to have dental insurance or the money to pay for dental care. The dental van, with the capacity to treat more than 5,000 children a year, will travel to schools with high enrollment of low-income children.

Pavements are bad enough already.

Scientists have developed a chewing gum containing friendly bacteria which they say can help prevent tooth decay.
The good bugs in the gum prevent other harmful mouth bacteria from sticking to and attacking the teeth.
Toothpastes and mouthwashes containing Lactobacillus anti-caries are also in the pipeline, German chemical company BASF told Chemistry and Industry.
Friendly bacteria, normally found in live yoghurt, are already purported to be good for treating bowel conditions.

Australia - 7 - 1 against but you are still having it.

Tenterfield will get fluoridated water in a yearMonday, 21 August 2006. 10:26 (AEDT)Monday, 21 August 2006. 09:26 (ACST)Monday, 21 August 2006. 09:26 (AEST)Monday, 21 August 2006. 10:26 (ACDT)Monday, 21 August 2006. 07:26 (AWST)
The Tenterfield Shire Council has lost an appeal to block State Government plans to fluoridate the water supply.
The council says there is no further means of appeal and within a year fluoride will be a standard fixture in local water.
Mayor Toby Smith says the Government's decision is a slap in the face of Tenterfield residents.
"We did have a poll in November last year, the people that actually voted in that voted 7-1 against fluoridisation, and that's why we went to the Minister and said we want the decision reviewed," he said.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

USA - but it is fluoridated.

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA. smlukes@siu.edu

OBJECTIVES: To obtain baseline data for caries prevalence, use of dental sealants, and dental treatment needs for children of migrant and seasonal farmworkers (MSFWs) enrolled in the Illinois Summer Migrant Education Program, 2004. METHODS: This study adapted the methodology of Healthy Smiles Healthy Growth 2003-2004, by Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), Division of Oral Health. Oral screenings were conducted for children of migrant and seasonal farmworkers at participating schools. RESULTS: Of the 840 eligible children 58% participated in the assessment. Overall caries experience was 64%. Untreated decay was observed in 42%, 8% urgently needed treatment, and sealant prevalence was 51%. Among those 6-9 years old (n = 254), 47% had cavitated lesions, 12% urgently needed treatment, and 45% had dental sealants. For children 10-15 years old (n = 198), 34% had cavitated lesions, 4% urgently needed treatment, and 65% had dental sealants.

Illinois is a fluoridation mandated state: nyscof

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Cork doctor unhappy with fluoride impasse

A Cork-based doctor has protested to Health Minister Mary Harney, and Environment Minister, Dick Roche over the delay in implementing the guidelines issued in an expert report on fluoridation four years ago, even though he is opposed to fluoridation in principle.
In a letter to both the Tánaiste and Minister Roche, Bandon GP Dr Philip Michael, who is Chairman of the Irish Doctors Environmental Association, claims the Government is now breaching its own guidelines.
"The Irish Doctors’ Environmental Association, along with many other groups and individuals is opposed to the fluoridation of drinking water on health grounds. The concentration of fluoride has traditionally been set at one part per million,” said Dr Michael.
“The EPA has indicated in the past that this amount has frequently been exceeded. The Fluoridation Forum reported in September 2002, and indicated that for health and safety reasons that this level should be reduced to 0.7ppm. "However recent data suggests that this has not in fact happened, four years later. This means that not alone has the Government insisted on the mass medication of the majority of the Irish population, but they have persisted with the mass medication of an overdose, according to the criteria laid down by their own review board," he said.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Response to Dr Fox's letter inthe Echo

USA - Surely caution is wiser - don't do it. Improve dental care.

Get Corning's input
Fluoridation face-off, conflicting information mean residents should help make a choice. August 18, 2006

In deciding whether to add fluoride to the city's water supply, the Corning City Council faces one of its most difficult decisions in recent years.
What makes it more difficult than a budget vote or a decision on parking regulations is the science involved. It is complicated, and it is used by fluoridation proponents and opponents to come to starkly different conclusions.On one side are many of the city's dentists and physicians, who say the proper concentration of fluoride will reduce tooth decay without having any serious negative effects.On the other side are fluoridation opponents -- some local, some not -- who claim the substance has no effect on tooth decay and in fact is sometimes responsible for serious health problems, including cancer.Council members are all intelligent and dedicated public servants. But few if any of them have the background to decipher the highly technical reports they have been bombarded with.Dueling experts who addressed the council last week didn't add much clarity to the discussion. Dr. Jay Kumar, a state public health dentist, said fluoridation has been successful for decades in the United States and other countries, such as China and Vietnam.Peter Connett, a fluoridation opponent who teaches chemistry at St. Lawrence University, countered that there is no evidence for fluoridation's dental health benefits and that it can cause serious health problems.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Australia - Children's dental disease 'widespread'

It found Australia was ranked fifth on a list of 42 countries investigated for their children's dental health, behind Belize, Hong Kong, the Netherlands and England/Wales.

Behind the UK - and they are mainly fluoridated.

"This excuse is so tortured, you can see why it took a bunch of Harvard professors a year to concoct it,"

Harvard professor cleared in research investigationBy Jon Brodkin/ Daily News StaffThursday, August 17, 2006

A Harvard University investigation found that a professor accused of distorting research on fluoridated water and bone cancer "did not intentionally omit, misrepresent or suppress research findings," the university said in a written statement this week.
Chester Douglass, a professor of oral health policy and epidemiology at Harvard Dental School, was being investigated by Harvard after the nonprofit Environmental Working Group filed an ethics complaint against him in June 2005.

The nonprofit said Douglass distorted the results of a doctoral student's research when he reported finding no link between fluoridated water and bone cancer in a report to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
The student, Elise Bassin, found that boys who drink fluoridated water are five times more likely to develop bone cancer than boys who drink water without the chemical. Her research was published in a Harvard University cancer journal in April this year.
The Environmental Working Group also accused Douglass of having a conflict of interest because he is a paid consultant for the toothpaste industry.
Harvard University did not release any documents related to its investigation, except for a four-paragraph statement. The university said U.S. health officials reviewed the record of Harvard's inquiry and found that no further investigation is needed.
The Environmental Working Group accused Harvard of sidestepping the question of whether Douglass distorted Bassin's research linking bone cancer to fluoride.
"This excuse is so tortured, you can see why it took a bunch of Harvard professors a year to concoct it," Richard Wiles, senior vice president of the Environmental Working Group, said in a press release.
A Harvard University spokesman declined to say whether Douglass unintentionally committed wrongdoing. Misconduct reviews only look at whether professors "intentionally" distort research, according to spokesman John Lacey.

But but surely not - with fluoridation?

And despite recent improvements in dental care in the United States, tooth decay is still one of the most common childhood diseases, according to the American Dental Association. It is five times as common as asthma in 5-17 year-olds, according to the association. And, it affects more than one fifth of American children aged 2-4, half of those aged 6-8 and nearly 60 percent of those aged 15, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.

A Bibliography of Scientific Literature on Fluoride

A lot of referenced fluoride information on one page.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

NZ - Another report on Ashburton meeting

Health authorities say tooth decay in Ashburton six-year olds has increased 25% since fluoride was removed from the region's reticulated water supply four years ago.
A public meeting in the Canterbury town on Tuesday night was aimed at educating locals about water fluoridation, in the hope of having it reinstated.
One opponent, Don Church, says an American study shows fluoride has negative health effects for some people. But the clinical director of Canterbury's school and community dental service, Dr Martin Lee said those claims have no substance and the advantages of fluoridation are compelling.
The district council plans to conduct a survey on the issue next month.
Meanwhile, a petition has been started in the Far North asking the District Council to think again about putting fluoride in public water supplies.
The council is about to start what the Ministry of Health calls a fluoridation trial in Kaitaia and Kaikohe, after a phone poll of 600 people found about half in favour.
Jackie Pou, from Rawene, says the council promised people a public meeting on the issue, but it never happened. She says many people are uneasy about fluoridation and unhappy at the way the decision was made.
Pou says Maori are especially vulnerable to fluoride, because so many suffer from kidney disease and cannot excrete the chemical as well as healthy people.

New Zealand - poor public turnout.

Editorial comment August 16
By Grant ShimminLast night may have been an opportunity lost for some who are unsure about the merits or otherwise of fluoridation of our community water supplies.A range of public and dental health experts were on the stage, available for questioning, after making a combined presentation on the subject, but the number of people who were there to question them, or took the opportunity to do so, was disappointingly low.

Bit like the Paul Connett meeting I went to in Southampton, a wasted opportunity.

Australia - Call to maintain protest

BY DEAN LAWSON Tuesday, 15 August 2006
A COUNTRY Alliance party candidate for the Victorian Upper House seat of Western Region has told Horsham anti-fluoride campaigners to maintain their vigil.
Miles Hodge of Geelong said at a meeting at Horsham RSL Club that recent history involving fluoridation of Victorian water supplies suggested the group should keep arguing its case for a referendum.
He said public opinion had swayed state Health Minister Bronwyn Pike into stopping the fluoridation of Geelong's water supply.
He said after the meeting: "All hope is not lost. For the minister to change direction for one major city and not for a smaller city is simply bullying tactics and undemocratic."
Mr Hodge said he was far from an anti-fluoride crusader but debating the issue was among his policies.
"I don't like the stuff. This is stuff considered so unsafe you're not allowed to bury it in the ground or dump it at sea. And you can't let cattle eat it because they develop joint problems," he said.
"This substance, firstly, shouldn't be introduced to water because there is signification public opposition. There is a petition of 4000 signatures or 25 per cent of the urban population of Horsham which is huge. It's not forced on others in Victoria so it shouldn't be forced on people here.
"There are no scientific or medical reasons for it to be introduced into water

More on Grand Ledge

In Grand Ledge the water issue is fluoride.
Voters will decide in November whether or not they want this added to their water system. Most municipal water systems in Michigan provide fluoridated water.
But the fluoridation issue still simmers, with the same passions that made it a national issue decades ago. Detractors warn that fluoride weakens bones, promotes tooth decay and even causes cancer. They support these beliefs with studies and reports.
Still, the evidence that fluoride helps prevent cavities seems far more compelling and the treatment is endorsed by the American Dental Association, the American Medical Association, the World Health Organization and other such groups.

The Governement funded York Review didn't endorse fluoridation.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

NZ - Call to leave it to the experts - don't think so.

While he acknowledged there was an anti-fluoride lobby in the district, Dr Williams suggested that for people to be well informed about the issue, they should listen to the facts as they were presented by experts in the health field.Claims that fluoride was a toxin were sometimes made by people outside the medical profession, people who were not in possession of the clinical and statistical data that medical and dental professionals had access to. Health professionals had a wealth of data provided by research over several decades, as well as comparative data gained in areas such as Ashburton where fluoride had been withdrawn from the community water supply, he said


Monday, August 14, 2006 - FreeMarketNews.com LINKED NEWS ANALYSIS

There is growing evidence that Americans would have better health and a lower incidence of cancer and fibrocystic disease of the breast if they consumed more iodine. A decrease in iodine intake coupled with an increased consumption of competing halogens, fluoride and bromide, has created an epidemic of iodine deficiency in America.-lewrockwell

More iodine? Less fluoride is a better idea.

USA Grand Ledge may add fluoride to water

One opinion
"It is science-based, and it has been proven over and over again that it is safe and effective for everyone."

Second opinion.
Chris Lucas, water operator for Potterville, said he doesn't add fluoride because of research he's seen that points to negative effects. Some studies say fluoride isn't effective and even suggest it can lead to increased risk for bone fractures, joint pain and cancer.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Then why put it in?

Cavities are still a problem, despite the addition of fluoride to most water systems, Harvey said. More people are also using bottled water, which does not have fluoride.

They dump tonnes of toxic acid into our environment for the sake of inner city kids who don't drink it. Mad.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

USA - but they have fluoride in their water don't they?

Dental researchers are combining the ease of digital photography with the Internet to develop a new and inexpensive way to screen for a common childhood oral disease that predominantly plagues America's inner city toddlers - early childhood dental caries (ECC), or as it is commonly called, "baby bottle tooth decay." The cavities are caused by prolonged exposure to sweetened juices, often from sleeping with a bottle, and tend to be overlooked by parents until the pain becomes so severe, and the teeth so decayed, that the only option for these toddlers - often under the age of four - is sedation and extraction.

USA - letter

Letters to the Editor – Aug. 8, 2006
Fearsome fluorideI am writing in response to your Letter to the Editor, “The Fluoride Conspiracy” and the alternative view, “Conspiracy Claptrap” (Eye, July 25).

Long letter worth reading rebukes conspiracy label.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Argus letter

Letter: Fluoride is bad
Thursday 10th Aug 2006.
Mr Cornwall claims "fluoride does not have any effect on the health of the body other than reducing decay in teeth" (Letters, July 3).
Clearly, anything ingested which affects teeth must also affect the bones. Excess fluoride attacks the bone structure, causing crippling skeletal fluorosis. At low levels, damage is evidenced by dental fluorosis - mottling and discolouration of teeth. Some less obvious skeletal effects are indistinguishable from arthritis.
Readers who would like to understand how fluoridation was instigated in the US and how professional organisations were persuaded to endorse it should read the results of a ten-year study by investigative journalist Christopher Bryson (The Fluoride Deception 2004) just reprinted as a paperback.
See evidence the practice is neither effective nor safe at www.fluorideaction.net/health The cancer link was proved as long ago as 1975, when studies by Burke and Yiamouyiannis showing approximately 10,000 excess cancer deaths could be attributed to fluoridation in the United States, were legally tested in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
Presiding Judge Flaherty was "compellingly convinced" by their evidence; his judgement (quoted in Yiamouyiannis's Fluoride, the Ageing Factor, 1983) called for a halt to fluoridation as a public health hazard.
-Ivor Hueting, Hampden Park

Arkansas - good for them

No flouride in CWS water
Published: Friday, August 11, 2006 1:56 PM
In January of 2006, Community Water System discontinued the addition of fluoride (in the form of fluorosilicic acid) to its finished water. Several factors entered into this decision most of which concerned health issues, conflicting research concerning the merits of fluoride in drinking water as well as employee safety, according to Tim Shaw at CWS. The discussion and decision to discontinue fluoride injection was a part of CWS' 2006 budget process."As a water utility, our foremost responsibility is to supply our customers with the highest quality water which contains the least amount of additives. Fluoride is known to be a hazardous chemical which requires special handling and storage systems. It is a highly corrosive chemical capable of damaging pumps and virtually everything else it comes in contact with. At present, the CWS treatment facility would require a number of modifications before fluoride could be handled safely and properly. The issue of injecting fluoride will again be considered during the development of CWS' 5 year budget plan for system improvements. However, with the continually rising costs and the constant need for system upgrades, our focus will be on infrastructure and the required Safe Drinking Water Act programs before we can justify unmandated and unfunded social programs. "

Friday, August 11, 2006

Dr Fox's very good letter printed in the Echo and
the Lymington Times.

Australia - No health assessment

Fluoride’s ‘on target’
NORTH East Water says plans remain on track for the fluoridation of the Wodonga and Wangaratta water supplies early next year.
A spokesman for the authority said yesterday tenders for the construction of suitable plants in both cities would close on August 22, with building due to begin at the end of next month.
He said both plants were expected to come on line in February.
Last month Wodonga council wrote a second time to Victorian Health Minister Bronwyn Pike over the city’s concerns about fluoridation in relation to a lack of consultation with the community.
The council had first written to Ms Pike in December, requesting the State Government undertake a health impact assessment prior to fluoridating but the appeal was denied.

Old fluoride debate renewed

"The average daily shower causes the skin to absorb as much chlorine and fluoride as if three to five gallons were consumed by drinking," Flanagan said.

NZ - Anti-fluoride petitions

Anti-fluoride petitions start in Kaikohe and Kaitaia
Posted at 6:18pm on 11 Aug 2006
Far North district councillor, Denis Bowman, says petitions against fluoridation have begun circulating in Kaikohe and Kaitaia, and he is advising people to sign them.
Mr Bowman tried unsuccessfully on Thursday to have the full council debate fluoridation after it has been narrowly approved by its water and drainage committee.
He says that overseas, medical and scientific opinion is now divided on the safety of fluoride, and the decision to put it into the water supply should not be left to a small group.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

NZ - Push for fluoride in Ashburton

First fluoride meetings held soonBy Sue NewmanThe first in what is likely to be a series of meetings on the possible fluoridation of water supplies across the Ashburton District, will be held on Tuesday night.The Canterbury District Health Board is holding a public information evening on fluoride and tooth decay in Ashburton, with presenters Dr Daniel Williams, medical officer of health and Dr Martin Lee, school and community dental service.



Each side’s official arguments – Aug. 8, 2006

Several letters for and against fluoridation

NZ - Resistance to fluoridation

Councillor Raises Concerns Over Fluoride Decision
7:37 AM, 10 Aug 2006
A veteran Far North district council member is challenging the way his council decided to fluoridate public water supplies. The Council's water committee decided by a casting vote to go ahead with fluoridation in Kaitaia and Kaikohe, after an opinion poll of 600 people found majority support for it. Denis Bowman says he believes the issue is too significant to be decided by a handful of people and a hung committee. He says he has been inundated with calls from Kaitaia people saying they want a referendum and he supports them. Mr Bowman says he intends to raise the concerns at a Far North council meeting today.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Oregonians cool to water-fluoridation idea

Local dentists such as Anne Dennehy hope eventually to collect enough signatures to put a fluoridation measure on the ballot in Medford. Dennehy, a pediatric dentist, says fluoride has no health risks at the recommended dosage for fighting tooth decay — about 1 milligram per milliliter (equivalent to about 1 ounce in 7.5 gallons of water).

That means tonnes of toxic contaminated acid dumped everywhere.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Bad advice?

Extract - I give my baby (now 4-months-old) the fluoride drops as per instruction by his paediatrician. My baby refuses to take the drops.

What paediatrician would advise that when breast milk has almost no fluoride?

No wonder the poor in the USA suffer. Or is it as dear here now?

Q I went to my dentist this am and was told that I have 2 very small cavities. They recommended laser restoration and filling (tooth colored) , but the cost of $800 per tooth is too much for me. Is there a cheaper treatment that will save my teeth? Thank you.
A Yes. You could go to a dentist that practices traditional dentistry with drills. The cost in your area should be around $200 per tooth.
Dr. Robert Rutner 3/15/06

USA - Fluoride Is Poison, Says Dartmouth Doctor

Fluoride Is Poison, Says Dartmouth Doctor

New evidence seems to confirm that by fluoridating our water, we are poisoning our children.

By Tom Valentine

More than two years ago, the court-killed Spotlight wrote about George Glasser, a citizen researcher who blew the whistle on the use of highly-toxic fluorosilicic acid from rock fertilizer processing as the primary source of community water fluoridation.
Now, a massive study of young children who have been subjected to fluorosilicic acid fluoridation in their New York communities shows that the water additive does not improve kids’ teeth and could even be poisoning them.
Until that time, most people were under the impression that water fluoridation used sodium fluoride, rat poison, a by-product of aluminum manufacturing.
Glasser, however, pointed out that more than 75 percent of the U.S. water fluoridation communities have been using the even more toxic fluorosilicic acid since the late 1970s.
Glasser was the first to stress the excessive toxicity inherent in using the hydrofluorosilicic acid residue that is removed from the industrial pollution control “scrubbers” in the manufacture of phosphate fertilizers.
Click title to read the full article.

Monday, August 07, 2006

San Luis Obispo, California, is fluoridated

Disease of the poor
Tooth decay is the most prevalent disease among American children. It affects nearly 80 percent of youth before they reach age 18 and is the most common reason children miss school, according to the U.S. Surgeon General’s Office.
Dental decay is more than a minor nuisance, said Kathy Phipps, a dental epidemiologist who lives in Morro Bay. It is an infectious disease that has serious consequences if left untreated, she said.
In October 2005, Phipps led a screening of 841 children in Paso Robles elementary schools and found that more than half of kindergartners and third-graders had a history of dental decay. The decay in about one in five of those children was untreated.
"Having 20 percent of kids sitting in a classroom with tooth decay really isn’t acceptable in a society such as ours," Phipps said.
The oral health of children in Paso Robles is better than the state average, but that’s not a good comparison because California’s oral health status is second to worst in the nation, Phipps said.


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Australia - Keep chemicals out of our food.

THE lunatics are definitely running the asylum. Politicians are ignoring hard scientific facts and want to poison your water with fluoride. That's bad enough but now they've now moved on to the other staple item in the diet – they want to put folic acid in bread to ensure that pregnant women in the first three months get protection from neural tube defects.
Surely there has to be a more targeted way of doing this without imposing another drug on the whole community. Health experts everywhere are united in their emphasis on eating and drinking as organically and as non-chemically as possible, yet we have leaders who love the concept of controlling the masses by adding medication to food and water.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Australia - fluoridated and kids teeth still rot.

Dentists shocked at rise in tooth decay in childrenDanielle CroninSaturday, 5 August 2006 THE YOUNGEST patients of the ACT's principal dentist, Chris Bill, have been 18-month-old babies with tooth decay.
Babies put to bed with a bottle and given a dummy covered in sweet stuff are at risk of dental problems.
Bill says tooth decay is not common among toddlers, "but it is quite tragic, really, when you see young children of that age with significant amounts of decay because often it's very difficult [or] obviously impossible to treat them in the dental chair," Bill says. "They need to go to hospital to have a general anaesthetic and in severe cases, they need to have teeth extracted at a very young age, which is obviously undesirable."
Bill has been a dentist for 26 years and has seen a significant improvement in Australian children's oral health, particularly a six-fold drop in dental disease.
But these advances are under threat because there has been a slight, noticeable increase in dental problems in the past few years.
To coincide with Dental Health Week, the Australian Dental Association is warning that the increasing consumption of soft drink and sports drinks are contributing to a marked decline in the dental health of teenagers.
The association's oral health committee chairman, Derek Lewis, says the popularity of acidic, sugary drinks is taking a toll on consumers' teeth.
A new study suggests that one in five teens living in Victoria drinks more than a litre of soft drink a day

Friday, August 04, 2006

Southern California - thought they were already fluoridated.

The great fluoride debate Tastes great, less fillings, advocates say By Stephanie Bertholdo bertholdo@theacorn.com
Ed Flanagan was shocked to learn that fluoride, a common toothpaste additive that is believed to protect teeth from decay, will soon be added to tap water throughout Southern California.
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and its board of directors voted in favor of fluoridating tap water by 2007.
Flanagan is among those who share the longstanding belief that fluoride is toxic.
"Over 17 million Los Angeles residents, including those in Malibu, Calabasas, West Hills, Agoura Hills, Westlake and adjoining areas, are about to be poisoned by the imminent introduction of highly toxic aluminum fluoride to their drinking and bathing water," Flanagan said.
Flanagan, a 22-year holistic health professional who lives in Calabasas, said that once fluoride is added to the water, residents won't be able to avoid consuming it even if they drink bottled water.
"The average daily shower causes the skin to absorb as much chlorine and fluoride as if three to five gallons were consumed by drinking," Flanagan said.
According to an article by University of Calgary professor David R. Hill on the website www. f l u o r i d a t i o n . c o m / calgaryh.htm, fluoride might cause hip fractures, cancer and intellectual impairment.
"One of the most compelling reasons to me is that the dental journals and public health journals warn against reconstituting infant formula with fluoridated water," said Billie Barewald, a registered nurse and chair of Mountainview Citizens for Safe Drinking Water. Since so many people use tap water to mix infant formula, the danger is clear, she said.
"This is an admission that it is not good to drink," Barewald said.
But others believe small amounts of fluoride pose little if any danger. In fact, most dentists follow the American Dental Association's recommendation of fluoride treatments.
Dr. Steve Chen, a Thousand Oaks dentist, said fluoride "helps kids' teeth in the long run."
Chen said many pediatricians prescribe fluoride drops for children. The drops are typically given to kids between the ages of 18 months and 12 yearsChen said, adding that he gave fluoride drops to his children.
"I put it in their milk," Chen said.
"Fluoride is a safe and effective public health measure," said Arlene Post, a Las Virgenes Municipal Water District spokesperson.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency sets the standards for how much fluoride can be added to water, and the limit is 4 milligrams per
liter. Only 0.07 milligrams of fluoride will be added to local tap water, according to the water district. Post said the surgeon general has indicated that adding fluoride is the single most effective way to improve oral health.
But Flanagan believes the widespread use of fluoride comes as the result of 50 years of misinformation.
He said the Food and Drug Administration classifies fluoride as a medication which, if placed in water, would violate a citizen's right to "informed consent to medicate."
Post said the fluoridation is mandatory. "We receive our water from (the Metropolitan Water District). Without MWD we would have no water," she said.
Flanagan urged residents to oppose the fluoride plan by contacting the water district and local government representatives.
To learn more about the arguments against fluoridation in tap water, visit the website www.fluoridealert.org, or www.nofluoride.com.
For views favoring fluoridation, visit the American Dental Association's website at, www.ada.org/public/topics/ fluoride/ or the Santa Barbara/ Ventura County Dental Association at www.sbvcds.org.

USA - Must be right then.

Adding fluoride has been shown to help combat dental problems and has no ill side effects, he said. Fluoridation of public drinking water costs about 50 cents per person each year, so there is no reason anyone getting water from a source besides their own well shouldn’t have it added.
“ This is a no-brainer, ” he said.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Utah - We know it does - kids don't drink water.

Soft drinks can harm your teethby Capt. Alison Cadaret75th Dental Squadron
“The continuous exposure to the citric acid found in soda is very harmful to oral health.”— Staff Sgt. Garret Earley
The choices for soda are endless. Whether for the taste or a caffeine buzz, children and adults are downing carbonated beverages in record quantities.According to the National Soft Drink Association, soft drinks account for 27 percent of America’s beverage consumption. Drinking sodas, diet or regular, has a detrimental effect on teeth. The base dental clinic often sees the erosive effects of habitual soda drinking.

Australia - Victory 1000 signatures and 409 letters

Ballina to remain fluoride free
By Eve Sinton

Plans to fluoridate Ballina’s water supply went down the gurgler last week when Ballina Council reversed an earlier decision to support it.
Before the fiery debate began in front of a packed gallery, Ilga Sleja of the Ballina Fluoride Free Network presented Council with a petition of more than 1000 signatures and 409 letters against fluoridation.
The decision to reject fluoride was supported by all but three councillors – Phillip Silver, Peter Moore and Sharon Cadwallader – who said socially disadvantaged children would be the ones suffering if they didn’t vote for fluoride. Cr Alan Brown subsequently questioned why the government had failed to target oral health for disadvantaged 0-6 year olds.
“Instead they ask us – all of us unqualified – to decide,” he said. “I don’t believe I’m qualified to make a decision for people to be forced to take some material that’s going to affect their health. I cannot support the introduction of fluoride despite evidence it does some good.”
Rous Water now faces the logistical problem of fluoridating Lismore and Richmond Valley water supplies while keeping Ballina and Byron fluoride-free.
Rous general manager, Paul Muldoon, said it was now up to NSW Health to review the situation and address the issue of cost. He was also unsure about when fluoridation would begin.
“It’s more expensive to dose just two areas with fluoride than it would be to do the whole lot,” Mr Muldoon said. “However, it can technically be done. We will continue through the process with NSW Health. There are a number of issues to be addressed, so I don’t expect it will happen soon.”

UK MPs vist Caymen Islands

They also went on a tour of the hospital's dental facilities, meeting with dentists and specialists who spoke to them about levels of tooth decay in the Cayman Islands and the benefits of fluoride either in the water, or in tablet form, or in toothpaste.
On Tuesday, the MPs were also scheduled to meet with the Director of the Water Authority, Dr Gelia Van Genderen, at the Water and Wastewater Management Facilities, and also with Chief Environmental Health Officer, Roydell Carter

USA - fast turnaround by dentist

Mayor scores health victories Board calls for new search for health director, reverses decision to fluoridate water By BRIAN FRAGA, Standard-Times correspondent

Less than an hour after being appointed to the Board of Health, James Schweidenback wasted no time making the mayor's wishes felt on the issues of fluoride and city Health Director Robert F. Davis. Dr. Schweidenback, a New Bedford dentist, immediately called for a nationwide search for a new health director and the rescinding of a previous health board vote to fluoridate the city's water on Aug. 16.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Too much

The fluoride factor: Advocates say water additive actually can harm many bodies By Connie Cartmell, ccartmell@mariettatimes.com
When summer temperatures soar, people drink more water. Any health professional would likely say it’s the smart thing to do. But for people struggling with a myriad of autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or even Type 1 diabetes that cool glass of tap water may be harmful, even dangerous, to their health.“It’s a huge issue — very critical,” Heidi Whitaker, an herbalist, said. “Fluoride can make you sick and it can make you fat. That alone should encourage a lot of women to stay away from it.”

India recognises danger of too much fluoride.

Experts warn of fluorosis danger in rock salt, black tea
Ravleen Kaur
New Delhi, August 1: DOCTORS in the Capital point out that rock salt, commonly known as kala namak, and black tea are two of the major causes of fluorosis in metros rather than ill-treated ground water.
They say that studies have shown that rock salt, a must ingredient in all Indian snacks like namkeens, chaat, readymade masala powders and even drinks like jaljeera, leads to non-skeletal fluorosis.
Dr.A.K. Sushila, executive director of the Fluorosis Research and Rural Development Foundation (FRRDF), 40 per cent cases of fluorosis are due to poor ground water while another 40 per cent are caused by food contamination.
Nausea, stomach pain, constipation followed by diarrhoea, excessive thirst, muscle weakness, fatigue and loss of appetite are the non-skeletal forms of fluorosis.
Five to seven per cent cases are caused by fluoride tooth pastes and drugs while the rest are by industrial emissions, she says.
“Recently, an Income Tax commissioner and his wife visited us with their son who was suffering from excessive thirst and urination. We had them tested for fluorosis. Simple dietary counselling helped them come out of it in 10 days,” said Dr.Sushila.
“Fluoride is used to preserve tea leaves from bacteria that’s why black tea is a cause of worry. But it’s different with milk
tea as calcium in milk reacts with fluoride, which is not absorbed by the body, and excreted without any damage,” said Dr.Sushila.
“Fluoride damages the mechanism of white blood cells, leading to non-absorption of nutrients by body organs and subsequent soft tissue destruction and low formation of haemoglobin leading to anaemia and other problems. Skeletal fluorosis or bone disorder is a very advanced stage of fluorosis wherein the victim cannot even bend or has crippled limbs,” added Dr. Sushila.
Not just that, many drugs like anti-depressant and anti-cholesterol drugs besides toothpastes containing fluoride lead to dental problems. Doctors suggest the use of ayurvedic toothpastes to counter this.
AIIMS is the only centre apart from FRRDF to test fluorosis in India. So the foundation is training school teachers and doctors on diagnosing fluorosis and tackle the problem with good dietary counselling.
“Since fluorosis does not attack suddenly like cancer, it is not considered a major problem in India. Also, not many doctors are able to diagnose it properly, and go on treating a patient with medicines for other ailments,” added Dr. Sushila.

Portsmouth Primary Care Trust to decide

Health chiefs to vote on fluoride
NHS bosses are set for a crunch vote to decide whether to spend £25,000 checking if fluoride can be put into the drinking water supply.
If they opt to go ahead, experts will test to see how easy it is to add the substance to the water in such a way that it is only piped into homes in districts where people have approved the move.The decision will be taken by Portsmouth health chiefs at an extra meeting toward the end of the month although opinion among bosses is divided.Before going ahead with the feasibility study the board of Portsmouth Primary Care Trust must decide whether putting fluoride in the water supply is the best single measure to boost dental health, particularly among children.The chemical, which is in most toothpaste and naturally occurs in water in many parts of the country,strengthens tooth enamel.If they decide it is, and the study finds it can be done, there would then have to be a major public consultation before fluoridation could go ahead.
01 August 2006

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Australia - Tooth decay on the increase in teens

Tooth decay on the increase in teens
Soft drinks, sports drinks and juice are being blamed for a dramatic rise in tooth decay among teenagers.
Figures released by the Australian Centre for Oral Health (ACOH) show decay increased by 71 per cent in 14 and 15-year-olds over a six-year period.
President of the Dental Association, Dr Bruce Noble, says high sugar content in many drinks is the major problem but he says bottled water is also contributing to decay.
"Bottled water doesn't have fluoride against tap water that does and it's that tiny bit of fluoride that inhibits decay amongst all population groups, but particularly amongst teenage people," he said.

Perhaps it is a conspiracy

DOW: Public Enemy No. 1 by POWA
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The evil DOW Chemical company has gone beyond the pale in its assault on US citizens and citizens of Planet Earth.)Dow has been lobbying the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to allow it to spray a new fluoride-based pesticide (sulfuryl fluoride) on hundreds of foods prepared in the US.If DOW gets its way, sulfuryl fluoride will become a major new source of fluoride, making it even more difficult for consumers to avoid fluoride in their daily lives.What's worse, the levels of fluoride allowed to be sprayed on food will be shockingly high: 70 ppm for processed foods, 130 ppm for wheat products, and 900 ppm for dried eggs!To voice your concerns about the use of sulfuryl fluoride on food, please take a few seconds to sign the personalizable ONLINE LETTER to EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson, produced by Fluoride Action Network (FAN) at: