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UK Against Fluoridation

Monday, August 07, 2006

San Luis Obispo, California, is fluoridated

Disease of the poor
Tooth decay is the most prevalent disease among American children. It affects nearly 80 percent of youth before they reach age 18 and is the most common reason children miss school, according to the U.S. Surgeon General’s Office.
Dental decay is more than a minor nuisance, said Kathy Phipps, a dental epidemiologist who lives in Morro Bay. It is an infectious disease that has serious consequences if left untreated, she said.
In October 2005, Phipps led a screening of 841 children in Paso Robles elementary schools and found that more than half of kindergartners and third-graders had a history of dental decay. The decay in about one in five of those children was untreated.
"Having 20 percent of kids sitting in a classroom with tooth decay really isn’t acceptable in a society such as ours," Phipps said.
The oral health of children in Paso Robles is better than the state average, but that’s not a good comparison because California’s oral health status is second to worst in the nation, Phipps said.



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