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UK Against Fluoridation

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Concern over findings

Analysis Indicates the Findings in Most Modern Medical Studies are Probably False
Date Published: August 31, 2005
Source: Newsinferno.com News Staff

According to an analysis published in the medical journal PLoS Medicine (Public Library of Science), the concern is growing, that in modern research, findings made in many (or even the majority of) scientific studies may be false.

Researcher John Ioannidis of the University of Ioannina School of Medicine, Greece, and Tufts University School of Medicine, identified a number of reasons for these potentially erroneous, or misleading findings.

One reason is that many of the studies conducted are quite small and therefore less likely to be accurate. In addition, in many scientific fields, the "effect sizes" or the measure of how much an external factor (such as smoking) impacts the development or treatment of a disease are simply too small to amount to a significant difference.

Results are more reliable in scientific fields with large effects for example the implication of smoking on cancer. In fields where the effects are small, such as genetic risk factors for diseases which could be caused by many different genes, results are considerably less reliable.

Finally, biases including financial interests and other prejudices of the researchers can skew results. This, Ioannidis suggests, explains why popular fields of scientist in which there is a lot of research activity often begin produce disappointing results after a flurry of interest.

The editors of PLoS , an open access, freely available international medical journal which publishes original research on human health as well as an analysis of important global health issues, evaluated Ioannidis’ article.

Their editorial argued that many scientific findings are not intended to be conclusive but to stimulate further research. However, the editorialists did "encourage authors to discuss biases, study limitations, and potential confounding factors."

The article can be accessed at http://www.plosmedicine.org. For more information on The Public Library of Science a non-profit organization of scientists and physicians who want to make scientific information accessible to the public visit http://www.plos.org.

A related problem which the research staff at newsinferno.com has found to be quite prevalent is that of the regularity and ease with which scientific research is tampered with, falsified, and manipulated. Pharmaceutical companies have also engaged in highly questionable practices in order to influence the creation of and conclusions reached in reports and studies involving their own (or even competitor’s) products. This is by far one of the most disconcerting and frightening practices occurring in the medical profession.

Chester Douglass, a professor at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine was accused of covering up data that suggested a link between fluoridated tap water and osteosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer, in adolescent boys. He is currently being investigated for claiming that there is no correlation between fluoride and osteosarcoma when previous research and data suggests otherwise.
In fact, his own doctoral student came forward with data from Douglass’s study which concluded that: “Among males, exposure to fluoride at or above the target level was associated with an increased risk of developing osteosarcoma. The association was most apparent between ages 5-10 with a peak at six to eight years of age.”

Douglass’ attempt to falsify and cover-up his data is an incredible breach of the public trust. In addition, Douglass was editing a newsletter funded by Colgate-Palmolive Co. which creates a serious conflict of interest since Colgate-Palmolive manufactures toothpaste with fluoride.

In 1996, Dr. Andrew Friedman was caught faking data in some of his studies that had been published in medical journals. Investigators found that he had been making up information relating to hormonal treatment for gynecological conditions and this information had passed through peer reviews to become published data. He agreed to be excluded from working on federally funded research for three years.
This past year, Eric Poehlman, a professor at the University Of Vermont College Of Medicine, was charged with falsifying research data on issues like menopause, aging, and hormone supplements in order to receive millions of dollars in grant money from the federal government.
In November 2004, Dr. Ali Sultan was discovered to have plagiarized tests and data in his malaria study but substituting results from one type of malaria for another. When charged, he placed all the blame on a postdoctoral student. He later resigned and became a faculty member at the Cornell Medical College in Qatar.
Anne Butkovitz, a coordinator at a pediatric practice involved in an FDA approved clinical study, has been charged with falsifying data with respect to follow up contact information she was supposed to obtain directly from the parents of children vaccinated with an experimental rotavirus vaccine. Rotavirus causes severe diarrhea in infants. The purpose of the follow-ups was to determine if there had been any serious adverse experiences (SAEs).
It is alleged that Ms. Butkovitz did not make the required contacts and yet claimed that she had on report forms. In one case, she is accused of having actually falsified information with respect to the SAEs of a patient enrolled in the clinical study. As a result of Ms. Butkovitz’s actions, the pharmaceutical company involved removed the pediatric practice she was employed by from the study and disregarded the data it had generated.

A survey involving 3,247 scientists who were based in the United States and who had received funding from the National Institutes of Health revealed that about 33% of the participants stated that, within the previous three years, they had engaged in at least one practice that could get them into trouble.
The types of questionable conduct included circumventing minor aspect of rules for doing research on people (8%) and ignoring another researcher’s use of flawed data or questionable interpretation of data (about 13%). Less than 2% admitted falsifying data, plagiarism, or ignoring major aspects of rules governing studies with human subjects. Surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly), almost 16% admitted they had changed the designs, methods, or results of a study “in response to pressure from a funding source.”

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is conducting an internal review with respect to consulting payments from pharmaceutical companies to scientists employed by the agency. Of the sample, more than half (44 of 81) admitted to conduct which violated one or more NIH rules. Of those, 36 are still employed by the agency and were referred for possible disciplinary action. Nine of those 36 have also been referred to the HHS Office of Inspector general for further investigation. The 8 who left the agency are not subject to administrative action.
The House Energy and Commerce Committee requested the review after comparing NIH records to consulting agreements maintained by 20 pharmaceutical companies. The Committee found 81 cases between 1999 and 2004 where the agreements were not listed in the NIH records provided to the committee.

Excerpts from the findings of the investigation, provided by NIH Director Elias A. Zerhouni to three members of Congress included the following statement: "We discovered cases of employees who consulted with research entities without seeking required approval, consulted in areas that appeared to conflict with their official duties, or consulted in situations where the main benefit was the ability of the employer to invoke the name of NIH as an affiliation.” Although Zerhouni requested the release to Congress to be treated as confidential, Committee leaders released it as a matter of compelling public interest.

Clearly, if the results of the analysis done by John Ioannidis are accurate and the above examples of unethical, dangerous, and criminal conduct are also considered, there is reason for there to be concern on the part of the public, governmental agencies, and medical professionals when it comes to being able to trust information which should be scientifically accurate as well as above reproach.

Even spider plants don't like it.

A healthy spider plant has vigorous long, grassy leaves that are totally green or variegated. But all too often, the tips of these leaves are brown, which detracts from the overall beauty of the plant. The generally accepted theory about this browning is that it is caused by the presence of fluoride, sodium salts and/or chlorine in tap water. Most people don’t care — they just live with it.

Warning falls on deaf ears (USA)

Cities shrug off concerns over fluoride in water

By Alex Paul
Albany Democrat-Herald
Mid-valley cities have no plans to alter fluoridation programs in public water systems after 11 Environmental Protection Agency unions last week called for a moratorium on fluoridation across the country.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

CDC Pronouncements Mislead Americans on Oral Health Improvement and Fluoride Benefits

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) distributed misleading information to Americans via their 8/25/05 press release, which claims increased tooth retention among older adults, and less children’s cavities (A). Actually, more recent CDC statistics show adult tooth loss and preschoolers tooth decay rates worsening despite widespread fluoride use.

The CDC report, highlighted in the 8/25 press release, “New Report Finds Improvements in Oral Health of Americans,” is based on two old studies culled during years 1988-1994 and 1999-2002, which claims no cavity change in children's baby teeth (two – eleven-year-olds) and less tooth loss in the elderly.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Letter posted by NYS re USA Dentists

Dentists would like you to believe that adding fluoride chemicals into your drinking water is their way of caring for the poor. However, according to the Surgeon General's Oral Health Report, 80% of dentists refuse patient's on gov't subsidized insurance. It's not because it puts them out of business. Dentists make much more money than physicians while working fewer days and fewer hours.

This leaves you and me to foot the bill when a simple unfilled cavity grows, festers and spreads and now qualifies for hospital emergency room care, costing taxpayerst ten times more Some may say dentists have the right to refuse who they treat. However, taxpayers also subsidize their education via federal grants to dental schools. Dentists can't have it both ways. Take the grants - help the poor. Pay your entire Dental School tuition and treat who you want.

Weird and Daft

Max Hastings
Monday August 29, 2005
The Guardian
A tiny primary school in Perthshire has seven pupils. Staying nearby a few weeks ago, I found the local community talking of nothing but its water supply. After centuries in which almost everybody in the Highlands has drunk water from the hill, new regulations decree this is unacceptable for schoolchildren.
A pipeline is being laid, to connect the school to the nearest fluoride-enriched mains, about six miles away. The work would normally cost £800,000, but since the pipe must bypass an ancient listed bridge, additional excavations will add £200,000 to the bill.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

American Children Are Fluoride Overdosed - Formula Fed Infants Most At Risk

New York - The U.S. Centers for Disease Control reported on 8/25/05 that 1/3 of six - 19-year-olds are fluoride overdosed and display dental fluorosis - white spotted, yellow or brown and sometimes pitted or crumbly teeth. (A)

After Jail and More, Salesman Scores Big With Cure-All Book

Extracts from article

"Mr. Trudeau says those who would call him a fraud misunderstand him. In a telephone interview, he said that he was preaching a holistic gospel he firmly believed in. He said that he eats mostly organic and natural food, never takes drugs, travels with a shower filter to strip the chlorine and fluoride from water and recently completed a seven-day fast to purge toxins."

"Some, though, do not care about clinical trials or the judgment of the medical establishment. "I am so grateful I read this book," said Ms. Boruk, the allergy and headache sufferer. "It's changed my life."

Saturday, August 27, 2005

From the NPWA

As most all of you are aware, NPWA has been posting articles about the ongoing Osteosarcoma (bone cancer) scandal which has been unfolding in the US. 2004, Chester Douglass, Dean of the Harvard School of Dentistry said in written testimony to the National Research Council that he found no evidence that fluoridation increased risk of osteosarcoma, a rare bone cancer. However, in a 2001 study which he cited, and oversaw, it was found that boys who drink fluoridated water have a greater risk of developing osteosarcoma.

While the profluoridation camp is frenetically attempting to discredit the study that substantiated the osteosarcoma/fluoride link; however, the most important question investigative journalists are asking is: What was Douglass's motive in attempting to bury the bone cancer study thus risking his professional career and longstanding reputation on a gamble that no one would question his results? It appears that Douglass tossed the dice and came up with 'snake eyes' - he will never be able to regain his reputation and succeded in sending the profluoridation camp crashing into a damage control mode.

26 August 2005, the American Dental Association (ADA) sent out a "ADA Gram" to its members (Below) bracing them for an onslaught of questions from the public. Time Magazine is the most influential current affairs/political publications in the US. You will probably be able to pick the article up at http://www.msnbc.com either sometime in the coming week or the week following.

The ADA is more than likely, also bracing themselves for a class action lawsuit which will be the undoing of drinking water fluoridation and open the door for other legal actions against water companies and the ADA involving dental fluorosis, hypothyroidism, etc. This could be a 'Padora's Box' for fluoridation.

They are also attempting to educate their field operatives for a onslaught of questions form the media and public - It appears as if 26 August 2005 could go down as 'Black Friday' for the fluoridistas.
If this class action scenario occurs in the United States, it is likely that it will cross the pond into the UK. What does this mean for England's privatised water companies that fluoridate? Under the fluoridation contract with Strategic Health Authorities, the water companies have accepted all liability for damages and bill the Strategic Health Authority for court costs and damages if they lose. However, a class action can take years and millions of pounds to resolve. They might want to ask if the financially strapped Strategic Health Authorities can afford to cover the cost of such a legal action. The NPWA wager is that the water companies are going to get stuck with the bill and have to sue the, basically insolvent, Strategic
Health Authorities which will be like getting a blood transfusion out of a turnip.

ADA Egram August 26, 2005

A forum for breaking news and timely information from the ADA
Time Magazine Article To Examine "Controversies Over Water Fluoridation"

Time magazine will be publishing an article (it could be as early as next week) on the "controversies over fluoridation of public water supplies." The reporter was given extensive background information from the ADA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and interviewed representatives from both organizations as well as the Washington State Dental Association. In addition, the reporter attended an event in Washington state sponsored by the Fluoride Action Network and has
interviewed at least one representative from a group opposed to water fluoridation.

Because the article in Time may spark patient inquiries about water fluoridation, we wanted to provide you with the following ADA resources. Some of these materials are available only to ADA members:
General talking points on the benefits of community water fluoridation

ADA statement and talking points on the Harvard doctoral thesis-the Time article may revisit this recent news story in their article

Fluoridation Facts, the ADA's premier resource on water fluoridaion

Fluoridation Facts includes information on tactics used by groups opposed to water fluoridation and information on what constitutes good science

Electronic press kit on water fluoridation
An ADA patient brochure, "The Benefits of Fluoride" also is available for purchase by calling the ADA at 800-947-4746 or visiting www.adacatalog.org.

If you have additional questions after reviewing these materials, please contact Ms. Jane McGinley in the ADA's Division of Dental Practice at 800-621-8099, x2862 or mcginleyj@ada.org.

George Glasser
Water Quality Advisor
National Pure Water Association

Thursday, August 25, 2005

All very secretive - why not public? Bulletin title: CDO Update August 2005

Following changes to the Water Act in 2003 and parliament’s agreement of regulations on local consultation and indemnity with regard to water fluoridation, the Department of Health is issuing comprehensive guidance to SHAs during August. Additionally, a number of briefings on the guidance will be arranged for key stakeholders.

The guidance is aimed at Regional Directors of Public Health, SHA Chief Executives and Directors of Public Health at SHAs, plus PCT Chief Executives and Directors of Public Health. It covers the new legislative framework governing the consultations and assessment of public opinion that SHAs need to undertake where they propose to make arrangements with a water undertaker to increase the fluoride content of a water supply. The guidance also advises on the technical and legal issues SHAs need to address in conducting consultations and making arrangements with water undertakers

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

(USA) Council backs congressional fluoride probe

Sentinel staff writer
WATSONVILLE — The City Council on Tuesday night backed a request by EPA unions calling for a congressional investigation into the possible harmful effects of adding fluoride to the water supplies of cities.But the council stopped short of calling for a nationwide moratorium on the practice, a measure that has existed for more than 50 years to reduce tooth decay and has been considered safe by the U.S. Surgeon General’s Office. After about an hour of debate in which fluoride was compared with pesticides, the council voted 4-3 to gather more scientific information on whether drinking fluoridated water can cause bone cancer.The resolution comes at a time when the city is awaiting the outcome of a state appellate court decision on whether it can add fluoride to its own water supply.

The vote came at the urging of a coalition of unions of the Environmental Protection Agency, which has written letters to cities across the country urging them to reconsider their fluoridation practices if they’re in the midst of carrying them out.

"This heart and soul of the EPA has recognized that this is an issue, that fluoride is dangerous, and that there’s some kind of cover-up," said Watsonville resident Ilia Bulaich during the public hearing.

"The stuff we might be putting in our water supply is coming directly from a mining company in Florida," he added. "It’s toxic sludge from a big phosphate company. Can you believe that? When I first heard this, I couldn’t believe it."

Worth Reading

Fluoride opponents’ argument gains teeth
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Albert Burgstahler is convinced Lawrence residents have been forced to swallow a giant government mistake for more than 50 years.
“Anybody who drinks more than two or three quarts of water per day may be subject to problems,” said Burgstahler, a professor emeritus of chemistry at Kansas University.

That’s because Lawrence’s water, like that drunk by about 170 million people across the country, is treated with fluoride in an effort to improve dental health. But Burgstahler said he is convinced the additive is more a detriment than a benefit to well being.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Good Idea for us in the UK?

Wanted: Lawyer to fight fluoride

NORTH ATTLEBORO -- The board of health is looking for a lawyer willing to work for free in its effort to halt fluoridation of the town's water supply.

The board voted 2 to 1 Monday, with mem ber Donald Bates in opposition, to search for a lawyer who will help the board determine whether it has authority to end fluoridation.
The idea brought forward by Chairwoman Diane Battistello is dependent upon finding a lawyer to represent the board for free.

For complete story, see Tuesday's Sun Chronicle

He's got a point unbridled capitalism is unhealthy

Additionally, sodium fluoride (fluoride in toothpaste) is used in pesticides (insecticides) and fungicides (including wood preservation agents). Here are some of the brand names of products which contain sodium fluoride:

Another popular toothpaste contains triclosan, categorized as a pesticide, more specifically a bacteriostat. A bacteriostat is considered a type of antibiotic. (Note that the overexposure to antibiotics decreases the body's ability to produce its own immunity mechanisms.)

What is going on here?

Monday, August 22, 2005

Millions of Chinese unable to smile due to Fluorosis

Millions of Chinese unable to smile due to Fluorosis
Aug 22, 2005 08:02:00
Beijing, Aug 22 (PTI) In ancient China, it was considered impolite for well-bred ladies to show their teeth while smiling.
Today, some young people purse their lips while smiling - not because they are following any tradition but because they do not want to expose their discoloured molars.

Statistics from the Ministry of Health show that 40 million people's smiles are affected by fluorosis - one of the most serious regional diseases in China.

That is to say, one in every 30 Chinese people has the disease, 'China Daily' reported.

The ingestion of excess fluoride, most common in drinking water, can cause fluorosis, which affects the teeth and bones, World Health Organisation said.

By the end of 2003, 38.7 million Chinese people were suffering from dental fluorosis, and 2.84 million people were affected by skeletal fluorosis.
Dental fluorosis is characterised by the staining and pitting of the teeth, with some severe cases in which all the enamel may be damaged.In skeletal fluorosis, fluoride accumulates in the bone progressively over many years, with symptoms such as stiffness and pain in the joins.The bone structure may change and ligaments may calcify, resulting in the impairment of muscles, and pain.
In China, the disease is found to be most severe in Southwest China's Guizhou Province, where coal is the major fuel for cooking. PTI

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Water has MWRA bubbling with joy

Interesting article on how water is treated in a modern ozone treated waterworks - they spoil it though by putting in fluoride.

New process said to improve taste
By Michael Levenson, Globe Correspondent | August 20, 2005

It is flowing, 275 million gallons a day into our homes, and, boy, is it delicious, state officials say.

Tap water flowing to 2.3 million people in Greater Boston is now dramatically better tasting, officials say, thanks to a new treatment plant in Marlborough that uses ozone to remove contaminants with a decrease in chlorine.
''It's clean, and it's crisp, and it's refreshing, and it's a great product; we'd put the taste of our water up against any bottled water," said Frederick A. Laskey, executive director of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. ''Put our water in the refrigerator, and it's great. And our water is great out of the tap."

Friday, August 19, 2005

Fluoride, Whether Rat Poison Or Tooth Builder, Was Never FDA Approved

By Sally Stride
Aug. 18, 2005

For years, killing rodents was sodium fluoride's most popular use until dentists latched onto the idea that feeding just little bits of fluoride to little children might prevent cavities.

You probably assume that the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) or some other governing body tests, studies and assures the safety of all drugs, including the doctor-prescribed fluoride tablets caring parents feed their children. After all they wouldn't sell it if it wasn't safe?

But neither the FDA nor any other regulatory body ever tested the safety or effectiveness of fluoride tablets.

It was 1938 when the FDA required drug safety testing, Any "drug" on the market pre-1938 was exempt from regulation. Since sodium fluoride was already being sold - as a rat poison - it was not investigated for preventing cavities.

So where did dentists get this crazy idea to feed rat poison to little children?

Water fluoridation. Dentists claimed that if children drink about one quart of water containing 1 milligram fluoride every day, they would have less tooth decay. So children not drinking fluoridated water, therefore, should receive a 1 mg fluoride dose in pill or drop form once a day. No science showed getting all the fluoride at one time was safer or as "beneficial" as drinking 1 milligram spread over the entire day.

Fluoridation science is very shaky; it's promotion shady. The first fluoride human experiment started in 1945 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, whose residents were dosed with fluoride via their water supply. Muskegon was planned to be the non-fluoridated control city.

After 15 years, Grand Rapids had about 50% less tooth decay than Muskegon. No other fluoride sources were sold at that time. However, Muskegon fluoridated it's water supply six years into the experiment. So the dentists were actually comparing two fluoridated cities which proves that something other than fluoridation is responsible for Grand Rapids lower cavity rates.

That hasn't stopped the dentists from crowing about fluoridation and bragging about Grand Rapids. Heck, they even built a monument to fluoridation in Grand Rapids. This year they celebrated 60 years of this dubious practice, spending over $80,000, and four days in fluoridated Chicago, where children spend days or weeks in dental pain because no dentist will treat them.

So it's really no surprise that tooth decay rates are going up, instead of down, in most of our largest fluoridated U.S. cities. And it's no surprise that tooth loss rates have gone up since 2002 despite growing numbers of Americans drinking, eating and applying more fluoride than ever.

What is a surprise is that fluoridation is still practiced in the U.S.

E-mail correspondence between the author and the FDA indicating that fluoride was never safety tested http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/fluoridation/107324


About the author: Sally Stride Is The Fluoridation Editor At Suite 101: http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/fluoridation

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Second page

Letter from SHA, no allergy, no too much fluoride, most effective, blah blah

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

We all should have one

What if there was a miraculous item that helped the earth, the air and our water supply all at the same time? In the United States, 53 million households have one, yet may underestimate its environmental benefits. What is it? A lawn. You're probably thinking, "My lawn's too small to do any real good." But think again. How powerful is your lawn?


A well-maintained, average-sized lawn (about 10,000 square feet or just under a quarter of an acre) releases the oxygen requirements for 16 people per day, the same as four 100-foot trees.

One acre of grass absorbs hundreds of pounds a year of carbon dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, perosyacetyle nitrate and fossil fuel-created sulfur dioxide, lessening global warming and the greenhouse effect.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Worth reading?

"Fluoride in drinking water is a topic to raise the hackles of those doubting its dental benefits and resenting its addition to the public water supply. Meanwhile the water additive plot thickens as doctors in England debate whether drinking water might be used to administer cholesterol-lowering drugs to the public in an effort to reduce incidents of cardiovascular disease, the biggest cause of death in the United Kingdom."

If your fluoridated and chlorinated municipal water supply wasn’t toxic enough, you may just be a victim of theft in the coming future: the unwilling robbery of cholesterol from your cells, and an extra hit in the wallet to finance the addition of expensive drugs to your water. Thanks to private enterprise, bottled water will (hopefully) still be available.

It is telling that the doctor cited in this article as advocating water-treatment with statins was named "Dr. John Reckless."

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Honest Science Under Siege

An ill wind is gusting through the halls of science these days: faked research, suppression of unwelcome results, corruption of science advisory panels, university research falling under the influence of corporate sponsors, and many other conflicts of interest

See comment from NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Off subject but ............

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Vaccines and Autism: Looking for the Truth? Study the Amish Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Tue Aug 9, 3:09 AM ET
On Sunday morning's Meet the Press, Dr. Harvey Fineberg, president of the Institute of Medicine, debated New York Times reporter and author David Kirby about the strength of the science linking the current epidemic of neurological disorders among American children to the mercury-based vaccine preservative Thimerosal. The Institute of Medicine as well as the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration base their defense of Thimerosal on four flimsy studies ginned up by the pharmaceutical industry and federal regulators who green-lighted the use of Thimerosal in the first place. Those fraudulent studies deliberately targeted European populations which were exposed to a fraction of the Thimerosal given to American children.
If Dr. Fineberg genuinely wants to test his assertions about Thimerosal safety with epidemiological data, he should commission a study comparing American children who were exposed to vaccines to the Amish, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Scientists or others, who, for religious reasons, did not receive Thimerosal-laced vaccines.

A recent survey by United Press found that autism is virtually unknown among Pennsylvania's large Amish populations -- a strong indication that vaccines are indeed a principal culprit of the epidemic. Despite the repeated urgings of independent scientists and the families of autistic children, the federal agencies involved have refused to commission such a study and have closed federal vaccine files in order to derail the creation of those studies by outside scientists.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Echo letter somewhat edited but it gets the message across we are getting too much fluoride in diet alone.

But all are useful to human health?

Animal rights defenders allege that the utility of many animal experiments is ”zero”, because the substances don't have the same effect on all species. For example, aspirin causes congenital defects in dogs, penicillin kills guinea pigs, and fluoride is carcinogenic in rats -- but all are useful to human health.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Between the devil and the deep blue sea

GM rice 'could reduce reliance on phosphate fertiliser'
Phosphate fertilisers, which often contain the toxins fluoride and arsenic, are among the most environmentally damaging of all fertilisers. Their manufacture can cause atmospheric pollution, and the fertilisers themselves can pollute soil and rivers.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

US letter good advice for all

Be aware of what you eat
Aug 9, 12:09 AM EDT

Americans seem to be obsessed with health and living healthy. Yet despite today’s modern medical technology and promising miracle drugs, we remain one of the sickest nations in the world. We seem to treat symptoms and not the cause. We want a quick fix so we pop a pill. Through television, newspapers and concerned consumer advocates, I am learning that we are unaware of what we are eating and drinking.
We spend on low carb, low fat, diet colas and other foods unaware they are loaded with artificial sweeteners, high amounts of sugar and chemical additives. Chemical additives replace natural foods and leave us hungry. Genetic modification, fertilizers and pesticides with toxic chemicals are used to make food grow bigger.
Ever listen to the side effects of drugs advertised on television as a cure for our ailments? The drug can make us sicker! Animals are fed an unnatural diet of chemicals, other animals’ parts, given growth hormones and antibiotics. We eat this meat.
Tap water has toxic chemicals. Chlorine used to kill germs and purify water was used in World War I to kill people. Fluoride is also used in rat poisoning, cockroach powder, fungicides and pharmaceuticals.
Organic foods without toxic chemicals are now sold in certain stores in a section called Organics and purified, spring water and distilled water is available. We need to be more aware of chemicals and toxins in what we eat and drink.
Della Arnold

Sunday, August 07, 2005

USA EPA want zero fluoride

Bone Cancer-Fluoride Link

Hon. Stephen L. Johnson, Administrator
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
August 4, 2005
Dear Administrator Johnson:

We, the undersigned representatives of a majority (eleven) of EPA's employee unions, are requesting that you direct the Office of Water to issue an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking setting the maximum contaminant level goal for fluoride at zero, in accordance with Agency policy for all likely or known human carcinogens. Our request is based on the overall weight of the evidence supporting the classification of fluoride as a human carcinogen, including new information from Harvard on the link between fluoride in drinking water and osteosarcoma in boys that was conveyed to you in a meeting with union officials on May 4, 2005.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

My letter to the local papers

Fluoridation madness.

Isn't it common sense that before fluoridation children should have their total fluoride intake measured? Not according to Sir Ian Carrruthers OBE, Chief Executive of the Hampshire Strategic health Authority. He admits a World Health Organisation report contains the words "Dental public health administrators should be aware of the total fluoride exposure in the population before introducing any additional fluoride programme for caries prevention", but insists neither the World Health Organisation, nor the UK Chief Medical Officer, actually recommend that health-authorities undertake the studies!
He went on to say that there is a Total Diet Study (TDS) an Important part of the Food Standards Agency's surveillance programme for chemicals in food. But he neglected to mention that in their 2003 summary it reads.
51. We conclude that, based on the current information available and the dietary intakes estimated from the 1997 TDS, no adverse effects other than mild to moderate dental fluorosis would be expected to be associated with fluoride intake from food, either in adults or in children, at the intake levels in the UK.
(Mild/moderate fluorosis is not just cosmetic - York University web page.
http://www.york.ac.uk/inst/crd/fluoridnew.htm )
50. We note that more information is needed on total fluoride exposure, including intakes from toothpastes and mouthwashes.So you can get fluorosis on diet alone even without fluoride toothpaste and mouth washes yet they want to put more of it in our water supply, are they mad?

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Now claims 84% less dental decay with salt

Salt Fluoridation Key in Reducing Dental Caries
Washington, D.C., August 2, 2005 (PAHO)—Table salt fluoridation can reduce the prevalence of dental caries up to 84 percent, according to a new book published by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), "Promoting Oral Health: The Use of Salt Fluoridation to Prevent Dental Caries".

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

More Pressure for fluoridation

Preston has the worst rate for five-year-olds with untreated tooth decay in Britain, shock figures revealed today.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Total Diet Study

The study referenced in the SHA letter

Hants & IOW SHA reply in regard to total fluoride intake

Dear Dr Lewis

Water Fluoridation

Thank you for your letter dated 28 June addressed to Gareth Cruddace. May I begin by explaining that Gareth has taken up a long-term secondment at the Department of Health in London, and I am now the Chief Executive for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Strategic Health Authority, a role I am combining with that of Chief Executive for the Dorset and Somerset Strategic Health Authority.

On reviewing the points raised, it is not the case that the World Health Organisation (WHO) has "warned" dental and public health administrators to "be aware of the total fluoride exposure of the population before introducing additional fluoride programmes for caries prevention". The WHO recommends water fluoridation without any such reservation.

Although the words "Dental public health administrators should be aware of the total fluoride exposure in the population before introducing any additional fluoride programme for caries prevention" are indeed contained in the WHO 1994 report Fluorides and Oral Health, unfortunately they are frequently quoted out of context. Indeed, in 1998, as a result of the National Pure Water Association's persistent misinterpretation of its report the Chairman of the WHO Expert Committee on Oral Health Status and Fluoride Use, Professor Brian Burt, issued a statement. Professor Burt's statement makes clear that:

. exposure to appropriately fluoridated drinking water and routine tooth brushing with a fluoride
toothpaste is considered a basic level of protection against caries; and that
. the "additional programmes for caries prevention" referred to in their report are over and above the basic level of protection of fluoridated water and routine use of fluoridated toothpaste;
. such additional programmes might include fluoride mouth rinses or supplements, and "the
population" referred to would include some patient groups whose medical conditions are such that the risk of tooth decay or its treatment would be considered to outweigh the risk of dental fluorosis.
In the UK, the Food Standards Agency undertakes regular surveys to obtain information on the concentrations of metals and other elements in food. This information, together with food consumption data, is used to estimate dietary exposures and assess the safety of foods consumed in the UK. The Total Diet Study (TDS) is an Important part of - the Food Standards Agency's surveillance programme for chemicals in food. It has been carried out on a continuous annual basis since 1966 (by JFSSG and MAFF prior to the establishment of the Agency). Results from the TDS are used to estimate dietary exposures of the general UK population to chemicals in food, such as nutrients and contaminants, to identify trends in exposure and make assessments on the safety and nutritional quality of the food supply. The 1997 Total Diet Study, reported in 2000, provided information on dietary exposures to fluoride of the general UK population (http://www.food.gov. uklscience/surveillance/fsis-2000/5tds). Estimated exposures (population
average, 1.2 mg/day) were similar to those estimated for 1978-1980 (1.8 mg/day).
On 28 June 2004, in a Parliamentary Written Answer, Lord Warner, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health, reported that the Chief Medical Officer and Chief Dental Officer in their advice on the implications of the Medical Research Council. Report Water Fluoridation and Health (bttP:/ /www.mrc.ac. uklindex/public-interest/publ ic-news-4/public-news archive/public-news-
archive sep oct 02/public-fluoridation report-2.htm) had recommended (inter alia) continued monitoring of fluoride exposure using data already collected as part of the National Diet and Nutrition Survey.

In conclusion, neither the World Health Organisation, nor the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Dental Officer; recommend that health-authorities undertake studies of the total fluoride exposure in the population before introducing community water fluoridation.

I hope that this letter clarifies the points raised but if you or your constituent requires any further information, please let me know.

Yours sincerely


Monday, August 01, 2005

Australia Health service plays down fluoride concerns

Monday, 1 August 2005. 10:22 (AEDT)Monday, 1 August 2005. 07:22 (AWST)
The North Coast Area Health Service is rejecting concerns raised by a Port Macquarie-Hastings councillor about the health risks posed by fluoride in the drinking water.
Councillor Lisa Intemann says she has already made a submission to a parliamentary inquiry into regional dental services raising concerns about the regulation of fluoride.She says there is not enough reliable information about how much fluoride Australian consumers are ingesting. But the service's project manager for oral health, John Irving, says that is not the case.
"Ingestion levels of fluoride from the water supply or from other sources such as in the food that we eat, is well known to health authorities," he said.
"You can visit websites such as the American Dental Association, plus such as the European Food Standards Authority and so on, which clearly show what the recommended intake of fluoride is, compared with the level of fluoride that one will receive."