Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Dr Mercola
October 24, 2022, the FAA changed the EKG requirements necessary for pilots to fly — but not to make them safer
With no public announcement or explanation, the agency expanded the allowable range for PR, a measure of heart function
Widening this parameter means those with potential heart damage are now allowed to fly commercial aircraft, potentially putting passengers at risk, should they suffer a heart attack or other event while in the air
Evidence suggests that pilots’ worsening heart health is due to adverse effects of COVID-19 shots
An estimated 20% of pilots screened may have suffered heart damage due to COVID-19 shots, and the FAA may have been forced to widen the EKG parameters so pilots could continue to fly
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Daily Mail
Elon Musk claims he had 'major side effects' from the Covid booster shot that left him feeling like he 'was dying' and claims his cousin was hospitalized with inflammation of the heart

Elon Musk, 51, took to Twitter over the weekend to share his experience of the Covid-19 vaccine in response to a retweet of a poll that said 7 percent of adults claimed they experienced major side effects from the Covid vaccine. The Twitter and Tesla CEO said the second booster 'crushed me'. Musk also shared that his younger cousin, who he said was in 'peak health' had to be hospitalized after his jab.
Friday, January 27, 2023
Thursday, January 26, 2023
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Monday, January 23, 2023
Sunday, January 22, 2023
I sent the video of the way laid Pfizer CEO to a local councillor.
This was the reply
The video is complete and utter bunkum. I think I recognise the bloke presenting it. He was fined £millions last year for pursuing a conspiracy theory that claimed that school shooting events didn’t happen in the USA and that they grieving parents were all actors. These charlatans will never stop.
As far as vaccine not stopping transmission, just do some proper research.
Look up the website of the British Medical Journal. It was never claimed that vaccines stop transmission. They do have a role in reducing transmission and they mostly stop people becoming seriously ill or dying from the virus.
Please don’t send me any more of these ludicrous videos in which people are ambushed in the street
Alex did not say all shooting events
He apologised but said with so many staged events he had the right to query it
Remember the baby ventilators snatched from a hospital in Kuwait all lies
The weapons of mass destruction that was the reason for the Iraqi war - more lies
Alex was fined Billions - crazy
There are videos of assurances that that the vaccine will stop the virus transmission dead from Biden downwards
The independent journalists were shut out from the official bought media. Way laying was there only way to ask those attending
The councillor was not even curious about the questions that were asked.
He will continue to take the booster shots
Write your comments
Saturday, January 21, 2023
Dr Mercola
Medical Errors Responsible for Most COVID-19 Deaths
We also need to remember that a large portion of those who died from COVID-19 were in fact victims of medical errors. As I reported in "Nurse on the Frontlines of COVID-19 Shares Her Experience" and "Frontline Nurse Speaks Out About Lethal Protocols," Elmhurst Hospital Center in Queens, New York — which was "the epicenter of the epicenter" of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. — grossly mistreated COVID-19 patients, causing their death.8
According to Army trained nurse, Erin Olszewski, who worked at Elmhurst during the height of the pandemic, hospital administrators and doctors made a long list of errors, most egregious of which was to place all COVID-19 patients, including those merely suspected of having COVID-19, on mechanical ventilation rather than less invasive oxygen administration.
During her time there, most patients who entered the hospital wound up being treated for COVID-19, whether they tested positive or not, and only one patient survived. The hospital also failed to segregate COVID-positive and COVID-negative patients, thereby ensuring maximum spread of the disease among noninfected patients coming in with other health problems.
By ventilating COVID-19-negative patients, the hospital artificially inflated the case load and death rate. Disturbingly, financial incentives appear to have been at play. According to Olszewski, the hospital received $29,000 extra for a COVID-19 patient receiving ventilation, over and above other treatments. In August 2020, CDC director Robert Redfield admitted that hospital incentives likely elevated hospitalization rates and death toll statistics around the country.
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Monday, January 16, 2023
Sunday, January 15, 2023
Saturday, January 14, 2023
Friday, January 13, 2023
Thursday, January 12, 2023
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Daily Mail
Andrew Bridgen has been suspended as a Conservative MP for spreading misinformation about Covid vaccination.
It comes after the North West Leicestershire MP posted a tweet that compared vaccines to the Holocaust.
Tory chief whip Simon Hart said the comments had "crossed a line" and caused great offence.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak also condemned the remarks, calling the comparison "utterly unacceptable".
Mr Hart said Mr Bridgen would lose the party whip - meaning he will sit as an independent - while a formal investigation takes place.
"As a nation we should be very proud of what has been achieved through the vaccine programme," the chief whip added.
"The vaccine is the best defence against Covid that we have. Misinformation about the vaccine causes harm and costs lives."
The BBC has contacted Mr Bridgen for a comment.
Dr Mercola
Beware of Future mRNA Injections
I have no doubt this "Future Framework" will also, over time, be widened to include other vaccines and drugs that drug makers may want to tinker with. Already, there are mRNA shots in the pipeline against herpes, malaria, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), sickle cell disease, HIV, Epstein-Barr and cancer,27,28 and vaccine makers have received fast-track approval designation for at least some of these shots.29
Eventually, this fast-tracking trend may even lower standards for drug trials in general, which historically have required at least 10 years of multiphase testing.30 The dangers of this trend really cannot be overstated — especially when we're talking about gene-based products.
So, to circle back to where we started, hopefully you can now see how the AP and other media are misleading you in their "fact checks" by focusing on just one aspect of the FDA's gene therapy definition (the DNA-altering part), while ignoring the fact that COVID shots DO meet the complete definition, and ARE classified as gene therapy, as acknowledged by BioNTech and Moderna in their SEC filings.
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Monday, January 09, 2023
Sunday, January 08, 2023
Saturday, January 07, 2023
Dr Mercola
- Dr. Peter Hotez, dean for the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, is enamored with dangerous virus tinkering, censorship and state-directed cyberattacks on civilians. He decries the benefits of whole food and nutrition and is a leading advocate for biomedical tyranny and the murder of independent thinkers
- In a professionally produced PR video for the World Health Organization, Hotez refers to vaccine safety advocates as “anti-science aggressors” and claims “anti-vaccine activism” has become “a major killing force globally”
- Hotez ignores data showing the jab does more harm than good. For example, a recent Cleveland Clinic study concluded that the risk of COVID-19 infection “increased with the number of vaccine doses previously received”
- Cleveland Clinic also found the bivalent COVID-19 booster was only 30% effective in preventing infection “during the time when the virus strains dominant in the community were represented in the vaccine”
- In the fall of 2021, about 3 in 10 adults who died from COVID-19 were jabbed or boosted. By April 2022, 6 in 10 adults who died from COVID-19 were jabbed or boosted, and that remained true through August 2022, which is the latest data available
As Dr. Anthony Fauci steps down from his position as director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and top chief of the American bioweapons program, the scene is open for another word-wrangling science bungler to step into the limelight.
Seemingly vying for the position of lead propagandist for Big Pharma and the global Deep State is Dr. Peter Hotez, dean for the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston — a scientist enamored with dangerous virus tinkering, censorship and state-directed cyberattacks on civilians, who decries the benefits of whole food and nutrition and is a leading advocate for biomedical tyranny and the murder of independent thinkers.
Friday, January 06, 2023
Dr Mercola
- Mounting evidence shows the COVID shots are destroying people’s immune systems and are triggering turbo-charged cancers
- A survey by Steve Kirsch found sudden death is the No. 1 cause of death among those under the age of 65 who got the COVID jab
- Myocarditis as a cause of death is now registering across all age ranges but only for the vaccinated. Cardiac-related deaths are also significantly elevated among younger people (under 65) who got the jab compared to their unjabbed peers
- Recent research shows repeated jabs trigger a switch in the types of antibodies your body produces and lower your ability to clear viruses. By switching from spike-specific neutralizing IgG antibodies to IgG4 antibodies, your body switches from tumor suppression mode into tumor progression mode
- In addition to the potential for cancer cells to run amok, IgG4 dominance may also have severe autoimmune implications, as the COVID jab spike protein share similarities with human proteins
Thursday, January 05, 2023
Wednesday, January 04, 2023
its easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled
Dr Mercola - Shingles Activation Associated With COVID Jab
- According to a recent case study, persistent post-jab shingles was associated with the presence of COVID jab spike protein in the affected skin. The researchers speculate that the COVID jab may induce persistent shingles reactivation by perturbing the immune system
- Another study details the cases of six patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases who developed shingles shortly after their Pfizer jabs. None of the healthy controls developed shingles post-jab
- A systematic review also concluded that the COVID jab increases the risk of shingles reactivation if you’ve had it before or have known risk factors for it
- The COVID shots suppress your innate immune system by inhibiting the type-1 interferon pathway, which is the first-stage response to all viral infections. Type-1 interferon also keeps latent viruses in check, so if your interferon pathway is suppressed, latent viruses can start to emerge
- Type 1 interferon is suppressed by the jab because it responds to viral RNA, and viral RNA is not present in the COVID shot. The RNA is modified to look like human RNA, so the interferon pathway is not triggered
According to a recent case study1 published in the Journal of Cutaneous Immunology and Allergy, persistent post-jab shingles, aka herpes zoster, an infection caused by the varicella zoster virus, was associated with the presence of COVID jab spike protein in the affected skin. As explained by the authors:2
“Since the campaign of vaccination against COVID-19 was started, a wide variety of cutaneous adverse effects after vaccination has been documented worldwide. Varicella zoster virus (VZV) reactivation was reportedly the most frequent cutaneous reaction in men after administration of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, especially BNT162b2.
A patient, who had persistent skin lesions after BNT162b2 vaccination for ... over 3 months, was investigated for VZV virus and any involvement of vaccine-derived spike protein ... Strikingly, the vaccine-encoded spike protein of the COVID-19 virus was expressed in the vesicular keratinocytes and endothelial cells in the dermis.
Tuesday, January 03, 2023
Dr Mercola
- Esteemed U.K. cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, has called on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to halt the rollout of the COVID-19 mRNA shots in light of the "ongoing unnecessary harm that is devastating individuals and families"
- He spent nine months analyzing studies, and now he believes the program to inject people with a genetic experiment should be suspended immediately and has since joined a growing body of researchers, scientists and doctors who do not follow the mainstream COVID narrative
- Malhotra reviewed the data with the chair of the British Medical Association (BMA). At the end of the conversation, the BMA chair commented, "I don't think anybody has critically appraised the data as well as you have. Most of these people are getting their information on the vaccine from the BBC”
- Despite the high number of people who have taken the jab, the number of deaths has continued to rise; U.K. data show roughly 80% of all cases, hospitalizations and deaths were in the vaccinated
- Of the excess number of 2021 non-COVID deaths, many were from heart disease, which is a known effect of the mRNA genetic jab
Sunday, January 01, 2023