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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Fluoridealert.org Newsletter

Two more major councils have called on the Irish Government to end the national fluoridation mandate. Councilors in both the city of Galway and in Cavan County have joined seven other Irish councils representing approximately 2 million residents that have voted in opposition to fluoridation over the past year. 
On January 26th councilors in Galway passed a motion calling for members to register their opposition to fluoridation “based on documented research that shows a decrease dental caries in all western countries irrespective of whether the water is fluoridated or not, as well as research which shows the effect of fluoride to be topical not systemic (ie works at the location not through the body)”. The motion also called on the Government to organise a national referendum on water fluoridation in the next 18 months, which will “educate the public thoroughly on both sides of the debate and allow their voice to be heard”.
Galway is the sixth most populous city in the country with over 75,000 residents. The vote comes only several months after Cork and Dublin, the two largest cities in the country passed similar motions.
A similar vote by the Cavan County Council (which represents 72,000 residents), comes only two weeks after both the Leitrim and the Wexford County Councils—representing approximately 180,000 residents--passed motions calling for a ban of fluoridation.
According to one Cavan councilor, Cllr McDonald, “This over exposure to fluoride has serious side effects, including dental fluorosis, a developmental disturbance of dental enamel caused by excessive exposure to high concentrations of fluoride during tooth development. The evidence against fluoridation is overwhelming. It is time to stop this mass medication.”
For more information on the victory in Leitrim, please visit the Fluoride Free Towns campaign and “like” their Facebook page.

Fluoridation Conference in Sydney, Australia
If you live in Austraila, especially if you live in the Sydney area, you are invited to attend one of the most important conferences on fluoridation in recent memory.  On Saturday, February 21st some of the leading world experts on fluoridation will be speaking at a day-long public seminar to explore the science for and against the practice. The theme of the conference is “Water Fluoridation: Exploring the Science,” and will feature 20-30 minutes presentations, along with plenty of time for Q&A, from speakers including:
    Prof. Paul Connett PhD  - Chemistry/toxicology
    Dr Bill Hirzy PhD - former risk assessment scientist with the US Environmental Protection Agency
    Prof Ray Kearney PhD - infectious diseases and immunology
    Dr. Stan Litras BDS- dentist NZ
    Dr Andrew Harms BDS - dentist & former president of ADA (SA Branch)
    Dr. Geoff Pain PhD - chemistry
    Dr. Jane Beck BSc. MBBS - medical practitioner NZ
    ADA/NSW Health/Syd Uni - supporting water fluoridation

NOTE: Organizers have invited the Australian Dental Association (ADA) and Sydney University Dental Faculty to present and are still awaiting confirmation of a speaker/s
The event will be moderated by Dr. Ron Ehrlich, BDS, FACNEM (Dent), and will be held from 9:30AM to 4:30PM in the University Hall at the University of Technology, Sydney (15 Broadway, Ultimo, NSW).

Click here for more information 

Fluoride 101 With Activist Ashley Jessica.

The Nazi connection is not proven.

Ireland - Fluoride ban still in doubt despite motion

By Fintan Lambe

JUST because County Councillors passed a motion calling for an end to fluoridation of the public water supply, it doesn't mean it will happen, the January meeting of Gorey Municipal District heard.
Cllr Mary Farrell opened up the discussion asking for details of when fluoride would stop being used in the public supply. Water Services engineer Mark Collins replied that he hasn't been told to do anything different, as it's a national scheme, paid for by the HSE.
'But it was agreed,' insisted Cllr Farrell.
'That doesn't mean it will happen,' responded Cllr Anthony Donohoe.
'We should follow it up,' said Cllr Farrell.
Cllr Fionntán Ó Súilleabháin, who originally proposed the motion at the full Council meeting the previous week, said there are powers there for the Council to take the lead. He pointed out that it costs €4 million a year to put fluoride in the water supply.
Cllr Robert Ireton then told the meeting that he got an email totally counter-balancing what was said at the Council meeting.
'I don't know what to believe,' he stated, adding that he would go with whatever the Council engineers recommend.
'All I want is clarification of the truth,' he said.
Senior Engineer Neville Shaw said there are pros and cons to putting fluoride in water, explaining that the practice stems back to the days when eating habits were different.
He added that people are well aware of the need to brush teeth, possibly eliminating the need for fluoride in water.
'The HSE pays for fluoride and we're waiting for direction,' he said. 'Personally, I'd be happy not putting it in. People with their own wells don't put fluoride in.'
'Every other country in Europe has stopped it,' added Cllr Ó Súilleabháin.
'We're regulated to do it, and until that changes, we will continue to add it,' Neville Shaw told him.
Gorey Guardian

UK - Hull fluoridation bid backed

fluoridationThe British Dental Association (BDA) has thrown its weight behind discussions that could lead to the fluoridation of public water supplies in Hull.
The measures would see Hull residents join the 5.5 million people in the UK who benefit from drinking fluoridated water – whether naturally occurring or artificially­ topped up – at the optimal level for good teeth.
Research indicates that 43.4% of five-year-olds in the city have tooth decay compared with about 28% nationally.

Birmingham, which introduced water fluoridation half a century ago, saw child tooth decay fall by almost half in the first six years. The BDA’s scientific adviser, Professor Damien Walmsley, said: ‘The BDA supports targeted fluoridation in those areas of the country most in need, and this initiative would represent a lasting investment in the future health of Hull.

‘It’s imperative that the city has a serious debate which it is hoped will lead to a successful outcome in favour of fluoridation. ‘It’s also an opportunity to heed the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry’s health warning that limiting access to water fluoridation means we are failing children who live in communities with high levels of tooth decay.

‘The facts are that fluoridation is safe, and is by far the most cost-effective means of reducing the significant inequalities that exist between communities with the best and worst dental health. ‘And, frankly, when over 40% of Hull’s children are experiencing tooth decay, it’s right and proper that it’s on the table.

‘Fluoridation helped Birmingham turn child tooth decay around in six years, and Hull can do the same.’ A study published in the British Dental Journal (BDJ) (Elmer, Langford and Morris, 2014)last year also showed that young people living in fluoridated West Midlands are far less likely to be admitted to hospital to remove decayed teeth than those living in the north west, which is not fluoridated.

Former health secretary and local MP, Alan Johnson, and health and wellbeing board chairman, Colin Inglis, are reported as supporting the scheme (www.hulldailymail.co.uk, 2015), which if implemented would cost around 40p per head on an annual basis. This compares very favourably with the high cost of treating tooth decay, as well as sparing many young people needless pain and suffering, days lost from school or work, and the health risk of a general anaesthetic if they have to be admitted to hospital to have decayed teeth removed.

The authors of the BDJ report estimate that the savings could be even greater if water fluoridation were implemented on a regional basis. If the north west were fluoridated, they say, the NHS would save at least £4 million annually on the reduced need for hospital admissions.

They would say anything to promote fluoridation I hope somebody is awake in Hull to fight this.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Dallas Pays $1 Million To Poison Its Citizens

Bad teeth — but is fluoride the answer?

AGAIN the poor state of children's teeth in Bolton has made the headlines and again the solution is simple ie. good dental hygiene and a low sugar diet and both can be implemented long before a child is able to demand sweets or sugary drinks.
Parents are the ones who wean a child from milk and decide which soft foods to introduce to their child, so it is important even at this early stage to try to make healthy choices for them. Once a baby's teeth appear they can be wiped gently after meals and at a later stage cleaned with a small, soft tooth brush and a small amount of toothpaste. Once a cleaning routine has been established it hopefully will become a healthy, life-time habit.
There are many toothpastes on the market, many of which contain fluoride, but I expect the subject of adding it to drinking water will soon again be raising its ugly head. I know that this solution to bad teeth is championed by many dentists and that some areas of the country already mass medicate their population in this way, but my main concern is not that many children in these areas have developed mottled teeth, but that mass medication is wrong and may be dangerous.
Can the medical profession guarantee that fluoride is safe for people on medication, under treatments for serious illnesses or have organ problems? I don't think so. In fact how do we know the affects on anyone long term?
With these questions in mind may I finish with one more?
When most of the children who are having these problems with their teeth drink mainly fizzy drinks and sweetened fruit juices etc. how can adding fluoride to water improve the situation? They rarely drink it !
Finally, on the subject of dentists, when I went to school, the dentist came to us at school twice a year and examined our teeth. Those who needed treatment took a card home for parents to sign and give permission for the clinic dentist to do the treatment. These dentist visits to schools, like many others made by other health care professionals, no longer take place and we are now seeing the result.
K. Brown

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Fluoride Toothpastes & Fluorosis

fluoride-toothpastes-headerWhile there is no doubt that when used by young children, toothpastes with 1000 to 1350 ppm F carry a very high risk for FLUOROSIS, limited data is available for risks associated with toothpaste containing 500 ppm F; one study conducted in the UK showed FLUOROSIS in children using a toothpaste with 550 ppm F. A disturbing feature of ‘recommended usage’ displayed on tubes of some ADULT toothpastes with ‘maximum fluoride’ sold in Australia is the inference that the adult toothpaste can be used in children if a ‘pea sized’ amount is used. This is bad advice and POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS because ‘pea-sized’ amounts containing 1500 ppm F will be swallowed by young children and cause severe FLUOROSIS of developing permanent teeth.

If half of what he says was true it would be frightening.

USA Dallas

ACTIVISTS UPDATE: Posted Wednesday, January 28, 2015


The British Dental Association say they support proposals

The British Dental Association say they support proposals that would see the drinking water in Hull fluoridated.
They say that according to their own research, children living in the West Midlands, where the water has been fluoridated for over 50 years, are far less likely to need hospital treatment for tooth decay compared to those living in the North West, which is socially and economically similar, but doesn't have fluoride in the water supply.
BDA officials are backing fluoridation in Hull as a cost-effective way to reduce the area's very poor dental health. Over 43% of five year-olds in the city suffer from tooth decay, compared to around 28% nationally.
They also suggest fluoridation would only cost the equivalent of 40p per person per year to introduce.
The BDA's Scientific Adviser, Professor Damien Walmsley, says flouridation poses no health risks, and wouldn't affect the taste of the water either:
"It's a very small amount - one part per million. And in fact, some parts of the country have natural fluoride in, and the people there don't notice the difference in the taste of the water."
"There's fluoride in tea, and everyone who's drinking tea is getting fluoride as well. I've not noticed anyone having problems after drinking tea - there's no taste difference."
"We found that, in Birmingham, the number of admissions is low compared to, say, Liverpool or Manchester, where there's a 27 times greater chance of having to have teeth extracted. That just shows the benefits straight away."

I'd be amazed if they didn't support their own agenda. No health risks no such thing as fluorosis for a start. I forgot, according to them only dentists can see the white spots and it enhances the appearance.

Bolton's tooth decay crisis: A third of children do not have a dentist

6:04am Thursday 29th January 2015
By Neil Robertson
ONE in three children in Bolton do not have a dentist — and tooth decay rates for five-year-olds in the town are among the worst in the country. The number of decayed, missing and filled teeth that people have in Bolton is also twice the national average, new figures have revealed.
One top dentist told The Bolton News he has had to remove teeth from children as young as three and health bosses have repeated calls for children's exposure to fluoride to be increased.
Dr Michael Cahill, owner of Cahill Dental Care Centre, said: "I feel so sorry for the young children I have seen who have had to have their teeth removed, because dental decay is not their responsibility.
"However, it would be unfair to point the finger at parents because dental decay is not something any parent inflicts intentionally and sometimes it's difficult to say no to children.

"As a profession, we need to educate more parents and get the message across about the important of good oral hygiene." Nicki Lomax, consultant in public health at NHS Bolton, told councillors that the town had the seventh highest rates of dental decay in five-year-olds in the UK.

Speaking to the health overview and adult social care scrutiny committee at Bolton Town Hall on Tuesday night, when the figures were revealed, she said: “Dental decay causes not just pain to a child — it affects their self-esteem and quality of life.
“While 70 per cent of children in Bolton can access dental services, which is one per cent above the national average, there are still 30 per cent who can’t, which is a very high number.
“Families need to establish the key oral hygiene principles early and children need greater dental access.
“We are going in the right direction, but comparatively we have a long way to go.”
The most recent plans to add fluoride to Bolton’s water supply were shelved in 2011.
NHS North West, the regional health body at the time, drew up proposals for a £200 million fluoridation scheme in 2008 and 2009.
The aim of putting fluoride in the water supply is to strengthen people’s teeth and tackle the area’s poor dental health. It would have cost £200 million over six years and the annual running costs of the scheme would have been a further £5.78 million.

The debate as to whether to add extra fluoride to Bolton’s water supply has raged for more than 50 years. Bolton held a referendum on fluoridation in the 1960s and the public voted overwhelmingly against the idea.
Bolton North East MP David Crausby, who has long campaigned against fluoridation in Bolton, said: "These figures are appalling and completely unacceptable.

"This all comes down to a lack of investments in local dental services. A series of governments have let down the British people on the NHS dental services. "Parents need to be educated more about dental care — people must have the right information so they know what steps to make.

"We also need to look at the way that unhealthy sweets and drinks are marketed by some companies. The government needs to examine that." Ben Squires, head of primary care operations at NHS England, told councillors at the meeting it was "difficult to say" whether Bolton had enough dentists for every child in the town.
He said: "We would need to look at the number of children who are currently using dentistry and the number who are not. “We are looking to identify a number of practices in Bolton which could offer improved access to dental care, which should create that additional capacity.”

Dr Cahill added: "Dental decay is very much a lifestyle problem. "We know that the issue of dental decay is a hard issue and it's not a quick fix, but there are several steps we can take to tackle the problem.
"After children brush their teeth, they must spit it out, but they should not rinse their mouths with water, as this takes some of the fluoride from their teeth.
"Children should also regularly brush their teeth twice a day, for two minutes — once after breakfast and once before bed."

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Ireland Poll: Are you in favour of water fluoridation?

COUNCILLORS IN GALWAY have become the latest to call for an end to water fluoridation.
Representatives in Dublin and Cork have also made similar calls with campaigners saying councils for some two million people now want the policy scrapped.
Those in favour of the policy, like dentists at the Royal College of Surgeons, say that fluoridation protects against tooth decay.
But what do you think?

Today’s poll, Are you in favour of water fluoridation?

Fluoride Linked to Coronary Heart Disease

By Dr. Michelle Kmiec
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World
Dental fluorosis is a condition caused by too much fluoride, and it’s on the rise in the United States, despite the US government knowing about it for some time now. Though it can happen to anyone, the condition (which ruins teeth) affects more children than adults, primarily because children’s teeth are still developing and more susceptible to fluorosis.

But did you know that dental fluorosis is also a biomarker for coronary heart disease?

When Will the Fluoride Poisoning Stop?
Per the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in 2010: “Prevalence of dental fluorosis was higher among younger persons and ranged from 41% among adolescents aged 12-15 to 9% among adults aged 40-49.” That rate of 41% in adolescents aged 12-15 increased from 22.6% back in 1986-87 (almost double).

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services planned in 2010 to lower the amount of fluoride allowed in water, though so far there has been no change to the amounts of fluoride added.

Today, the CDC still promotes fluoridation to water as well fluoride dental products.
Dental Fluorosis in the United States

Monday, January 26, 2015

Did you know that Fluorine is the most electronegative element on the Periodic Table? One of the worst elements is added to drinking water to "prevent" tooth decay. This video looks at the issues concerning Fluoride and health so you can make up your mind regarding on this topic.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Girl Against Fluoride

We love pure healthy water with no added fluoride chemicals thanks 

We love pure healthy water with no added fluoride chemicals thanks

Antibiotic Use Can Threaten Your Health

Antibiotic Threats

Our biggest threat comes from the agricultural industry that uses antibiotics indiscriminately and is filling our food supply with these chemicals. The only way to avoid them is to purchase meat from animals that have been raised without them. 
There is a relatively new group of antibiotics that are even more harmful than the older ones. They are called Fluoroquinolones because they contain fluoride. The fluoride helps the antibiotic get deeper into the cells, but fluoride is a neurotoxin. It kills brain cells. Unfortunately they are the most widely prescribed antibiotics. The side effects of these drugs are not for the faint of heart and do not always go away when you stop taking them. They can cause permanent damage to the human body. They are found under the names;
  • Ciproflaxacin (Cipro)
  • Levofloxacin (Levaquin)
  • Gemifloxacin (Factive)
  • Moxifloxacin (Avelox)
  • Norfloxacin (Noroxin)
  • Ofloxacin (Floxin)

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Lovely if true but a bit slick - I'm sure they really care about us.

NEW YORK, Oct. 1, 2014

Emails released by freedom-of-informati

On requests reveal a too-close relationship among members of the Centers for Disease Control's Oral Health Division (CDC), the American Dental Association (ADA) and the Pew Foundation. IT APPEARS THEY PROTECT FLUORIDATION WHILE DISMISSING, INSULTING AND MARGINALIZING THOSE WHO RAISE VALID HEALTH CONCERNS...

Quote email... (DODGY) Pew's William Maas, (former CDC Oral Health Division Director) ADMITS "THERE IS A LOT OF UNCERTAINTY," REGARDING FLUORIDE'S EFFECTS TO KIDNEY PATIENTS in a May 2011 email to ADA Director of Congressional Affairs, Judith Sherman.

Quote email reply... Acting Director of CDC's Oral Health Division responds.... "End stage renal disease may be another issue. Since the body excretes fluoride through the kidneys, it is reasonable to assume that people with end stage disease may experience a buildup of fluoride."

"When FluorideGate hearings begin, individuals, not organizations, will be placed under oath and the truth will come out. The public should be outraged that the CDC is collaborating with the politically-powerful
, industry-funded ADA."


Further, in 2004 the DODGY Pew Foundation brought the British salmon farming to its knees with flawed science

European scientists and media, who subjected the ( DODGY ) Pew Charitable Trusts to withering criticism a year ago after ( DODGY ) Pew released a study claiming farm-raised salmon presents greater health risks than wild salmon, launched a new round of criticism of ( DODGY ) Pew in the fall, after further scrutiny uncovered more problems with the study.

"The salmon scare which threatened last weekend to bring British salmon farming to its knees," noted the January 15, 2004 London Times, "is a sorry saga of flawed science, selective research and hidden commercial bias. That it was allowed into the pages of the apparently respectable journal Science is inexplicable. ITS WORLDWIDE PROMOTION BY AN ORGANIZATION WITH A VESTED INTEREST IN UNDERMINING FARMED ATLANTIC SALMON IN FAVOR OF THE WILD ALASKAN VARIETY IS A SCANDAL."


Pew Trusts 
In addition to our Philadelphia headquarters we have offices in Washington, D.C., Brussels, London, and Sydney, as well as staff in other regions of the United States and the world. 

A number of areas in Italy have water supplies with natural fluoride levels that already reach the optimal level that prevents decay. This is a major reason why Italy does not have a national program for water fluoridation.

 2000 Summer;60(3):159-66.

Rampant early childhood dental decay: an example from Italy.

Councillors call for end to fluoridation

Leitrim County Councillors have voted to support a call to end the fluoridation of public water supplies.

editorial imageCouncillors Brendan Barry and Sean McDermott both put forward motions at the January meeting seeking the cessation of fluoridation.
Cllr Barry pointed out that the European Court of Justice has defined fluoridation as a medication noting “therefore the public water fluoridation equated to involuntary and indiscriminate medication of the Irish people”.
He said the EU has issued directives that babies and toddlers should not be exposed to fluoridated water and said children between one and four are most at risk of developing fluorosis which damages teeth enamel.
“Studies have linked fluoridation to a wide range of medical diseases including kidney malfunctions, arthritis and bone cancers,” added the Sinn Féin councillor. He said fluoridation is banned in 98% of European countries and criticised the Irish government for “continuing to impose fluoride on the Irish people and on top of that it is now forcing us to pay for it through water charges”.

Cllr Sean McDermott put forward a similar motion at the meeting. The Fine Gael councillor insisted that people were getting enough fluoride from other sources such as toothpaste and said the widespread opposition to the practice of water fluoridation should add weight to the argument to cease this practice immediately.

However Leitrim County Council CEO, Frank Curran pointed out that Leitrim County Council had no authority to ban fluoridation. “This is the remit of the HSE, the relevant Government Minister and Irish Water,” he noted. “Leitrim County Council has no power to ban fluoridation of the public water supply. Under legislation the HSE is obligated to fluoridate the water and Irish Water are obligated to carry that out,” he said, adding that there had been no studies showing any known health implications arising from fluoridation.

It was agreed that the Council will send the motion calling for the end of fluoridation of public water supplies to the Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government.

Leitrim County Council is the seventh Council to pass such a motion in the past year.


USA - Letters: Link between fluoride and cancer

Link between fluoride and cancer

I spent four years at Bennington College, and remained another five years teaching dance in Hoosick Falls and at the Hoosac School. There are times when I miss the rolling hills of Vermont.

A friend recently sent me letters to the editor concerning fluoridation. The one titled "No study showing fluoridation increases cancer risk" (Jan. 12) inspired me to respond.

A 2001 epidemiology study by Elise Bassin, PhD, showed that boys drinking fluoridated water between the ages of 6 and 8 have a three to seven times greater incidence of osteosarcoma during their teenage years. Although there was an attempt to refute this study, it was culled from a much smaller sampling and failed to account for age-specific parameters. The man trying to refute the study was affiliated with Colgate, a fluoride producer and polluter.

In 1995, Dr. William Marcus, former senior toxicologist at the EPA, analyzed data produced by the National Toxicology Program, and concluded: "I've been trying to produce osteosarcoma [bone cancer] in animals for almost 20 years, and the only luck I ever had was with dogs and monkeys ... [It] took nearly the lifetime of the animals, and we were using radium, which specifically produces that in bones ... And here we have a compound, sodium fluoride, commonly available, that did it in rats in two years or less." Equally frightening was the high incidence of liver cancer in these same rats.

Dr. Dean Burke, former chief of Cytochemistry at the National Cancer Institute, has this to say on the subject: "In point of fact, fluoride causes more cancer death, and causes it faster, than any other chemical."

The Material Safety Data Sheet for sodium fluoride chemicals used for fluoridation has this warning: "Danger! Chronic inhalation and ingestion may cause chronic fluoride poisoning (fluorosis) characterized by weakness, anemia, brittle bones, and stiff joints. Effects may be delayed. Chronic exposure to fluoride may cause systemic toxicity. Skeletal effects may include bone brittleness, joint stiffness, teeth discoloration, tendon calcification, and osteosclerosis. Animal studies have reported the development of tumors."
Fluoride, no matter how small the concentration, will accumulate over time in the body, wreaking havoc, disrupting the endocrine system, destroying the enzymes necessary for every process of life.

Bags of fluoride used in our area come with a skull and crossbones. Fluoridation chemicals are not pharmaceutical grade, but scrubbed out of pollution control devices attached to smokestacks of the aluminum and phosphate fertilizer industries.

U.S. taxpayers spent $3.6 million on a 1987 National Institute for Dental Research study of over 39,000 children to discover if there was any difference between fluoridated and unfluoridated areas in terms of dental decay for children. There was no difference.

I hope that Bennington will resist the "magic bullet" solution to dental decay. That bullet is full of poison, and won't do any child's teeth any good either.

Barbara Goll, Rockport, Mass.

Friday, January 23, 2015

The film advertising the safety of cigarettes at the end is a lesson that the professional slick assurances from those we look up to are not always honest.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Prior to the Tudors good dental health then with abundant access to sugar came rotten teeth. It isn't lack of fluoride, only those defending the sugar industry claim that.

Dr. Dan Jones DDS is 1 of 5 pro-fluoridation doctors to come forward to speak to the Dallas City Council. He, like the others, did not offer science, but rather anecdotal stories about how he had cavities and his children did not. Fluoridated poverty areas still have severe dental problems because it is a hygiene, diet and poverty issue.

You Got Fluoride in My Salt!

Submitted by Editor on January 20, 2015 - 8:00am

The fluoride debate is back, if it ever left, and this time it comes in the form of salt. Lebanon is the latest area to block mandated fluoridation laws, exposing more of the divide in the health and political community over the benefits and risks associated with mandated fluoridation.
In Lebanon, a law was passed by Parliament in 2011 which decreed that all table salt in the country would have fluoride added. Through an online petition and meetings with Lebanon's Health Minister, Wael Abou Faour, special interest groups argued that fluoridation of the country's table salt would put the public at risk of illnesses associated with excessive fluoride exposure..........


NY State to Expand Fluoridation Ignoring Own Evidence of Harm & Ineffectiveness

NEW YORK, Jan. 20, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Despite their own evidence of harm and ineffectiveness, New York State unelected bureaucrats encourage water fluoridation expansion throughout the state, wasting money and endangering health, (12/15/2014 NYS Department of Health letter), reports the NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (NYSCOF).

Unnecessary toxin-laced fluoride chemicals added to water supplies attempt to prevent cavities in tap-water drinkers. Plans to increase NYS's fluoridation rate "by 10%, from 71.4% to 78.5%" is revealed in a 12/15/2014 letter from Dentist J. Kumar, Director, Bureau of Dental health and R. Sokol, PhD, Director, Bureau of Water Supply Protection addressed to "County Health Commissioner or Public Health Director."

Attorney Paul Beeber, NYSCOF President says, "2004 NYS DofH statistics first exposed evidence that fluoridation didn't level out decay between poor and non-poor and that non-fluoridated counties had less tooth decay than many highly fluoridated counties." New statistics confirm fluoridation's failure. Kumar compared 2004 to 2012 cavity rates and reported "disparities between high and low income children widened." (page 62, National Oral Health Conference).

Cavity rates actually went up in low-income NYS children. And cavity prevalence declined in all non-fluoridated counties.Despite being 100% fluoridated for decades costing approximately $24 million annually. (FOIA Page 1 and page 2), tooth loss is more prevalent in NYC than the rest of NYS which is only 40% fluoridated. Kumar's research proved (page 61) that cavity prevalence in NYS is significantly associated with sugary-beverage consumption."Fluoridation hasn't fixed that problem," says Beeber. "No evidence links cavities to fluoride-deficiency."
"Also, an ignored 1990 NYS Department of Health report alerted bureaucrats about fluoride's potential harm to kidney patients, diabetics and the fluoride hypersensitive even at optimal levels," says Beeber.
This NYS study associates fluoridation with pre-term births. A 2012 Kumar study reveals that emergency treatment for NYS toddlers' severe tooth decay has grown substantially in numbers and costs. Many required general anesthesia. This despite decades of fluoridation reaching record numbers of New Yorkers.

Kumar's 2009 research (Journal of the American Dental Association) reveals national data indicating similar cavity rates regardless of water fluoride levels. (Table 1)

Email Governor Cuomo, to stop the expansion of fluoridation and to pass legislation to ban fluoridation in NYS here.

Adverse Health Effects of Fluoride

Contact: Paul Beeber, JD, 516-433-8882 nyscof@aol.com

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Many kids in England need hospital care for early childhood caries

By Donna Domino, Features Editor

January 20, 2015 -- Almost a third of 5-year-old children in England have caries, which is also the most common reason why 5- to 9-year-olds are hospitalized, according to a new report by the Royal College of Surgeons' Faculty of Dental Surgery.
While oral health in England has improved significantly since the 1970s, at least partly because of the widespread availability of fluoride, nearly 30% of 5-year-olds in England have caries, according to the 12-page report. The authors also noted that, for these children, at least three of their teeth are affected
About 46,500 children and young people younger than age 19 were admitted to hospitals because of oral health problems in 2013-2014. Almost 26,000 were children between 5 and 9, representing a 14% rise since 2010.
"It is lamentable that tens of thousands of children need to be admitted to hospital when poor oral health is largely preventable," the authors wrote, stating that it cost nearly 30 million pounds ($46 million) for hospital-based tooth extractions for English children in 2012-2013. Also, more than 30% of children in England did not see a National Health Service dentist between 2012 and 2014, the report noted.
The authors recommended that the government mount a public campaign to stress the importance of children seeing a dentist, starting when their first teeth appear.
"Education is the key to improving oral health, particularly in areas of social deprivation where rates of tooth decay are highest," the report concluded.
Benefits of fluoridation
The authors also suggested the greater adoption of fluoridation, noting reports show that children living where drinking water is fluoridated have fewer caries. A 2014 public health report that found 45% fewer children age 1 to 4 were hospitalized for caries in areas that had fluoridated water.
The British Society of Paediatric Dentistry recently issued a statement supporting water fluoridation in the U.K., noting that the World Health Organization has consistently found water fluoridation to be safe and effective. Water fluoridation is used in 25 countries, with 100% of the population covered in Hong Kong and Singapore, 80% covered in Australia, and 70% in the U.S. and Ireland, according to the report.
But in England, only 10% of the population benefit from fluoridated water, the authors noted.

"We would like to see the government encourage all local authorities to introduce water fluoridation schemes to reduce the significant inequalities in children's oral health across the country," they wrote.
The report authors also urged the government to raise awareness of the impact of sugar consumption on caries and explore ways to reduce it.

The report acknowledged that there is a severe shortage of pediatric dentists in England, especially in the southwest of the country, which has few or no pediatric specialists.
In addition to fluoridation, they urged the government to invest in a national oral health program, similar to Childsmile in Scotland. The Scottish project, which includes supervised toothbrushing for children in primary and nursery schools in deprived areas, has saved more than $9 million (6 million pounds) in dental costs between 2001 and 2010, according to the report.
The authors advised parents to have their children's teeth checked at least once a year, have them brush with fluoride toothpaste, ensure healthy diets and limit sugar consumption, stop bottle feeding after 12 months, have their children drink only water at night after one year, and use sugar-free medications.

No mention of the failure to reduce caries in fluoridated West Midlands.

India - NHRC red flags excess fluoride in drinking water in 19 states

NEW DELHI: The National Human Rights Commission has asked the government to make a presentation before it on the gravity of problem in 14,132 habitations in 19 states, where drinking water has shown traces of fluorides above permissible levels. The ministry of health and family welfare reportedly believes a huge population was at risk of a very serious health condition such as skeletal fluorosis. Fluoride contamination also affects the teeth and bones and long-term excessive exposure causes abdominal pain, excessive saliva, nausea, vomiting, seizures and muscle spasms. The health ministry has urged the ministry of drinking water and sanitation to ensure the supply of safe drinking water in these habitats. 


Monday, January 19, 2015


....One important point to be constantly stressed is that water fluoridation is now a mainstream issue in Austin. Even the staunchest local supporters of fluoride—after years of labelling us fringe, weird, tin foil hat and the like, have been slowly forced to acknowledge the fact and adapt their tactics accordingly. Key to the sea change was likely a survey conducted by KEYE-TV in mid-2012 in which roughly half (49%) of those polled called fluoridation as a waste of money. That bell can't be unrung, and the results, captured in the screen shot above, right, have been recently publicized. Since it's now impossible to insult fluoride opponents without insulting about half of Austin's population, the politically-motivated pushers of fluoridation have backed off a bit and directed their scientifically-bankrupt ire elsewhere. This is not to denigrate those who sincerely believe that ingested fluoride is good for teeth – somebodys teeth somewhere – despite all manner of visual evidence to the contrary. Seven decades of government and corporate-sponsored propaganda have done their work. Speaking of which, this year officially marks the 70th anniversary of community water fluoridation. The practice began on January 25, 1945 with the addition of sodium fluoride to the drinking water of Grand Rapids, MI (which today marked by high levels of both childhood tooth decay and disfiguring dental fluorosis). So we can expect the major pushers of fluoridation, from the Federal government to the Pew Trusts and everything in between to be rolling out celebratory activities and massive propaganda all year long. Get ready for it! ..............


Hull City Council considering adding fluoride to drinking water

Fluoride is already in drinking water, but adding extra could help the city's poor dental health.
Hull City Council say they're considering the possibility of putting fluoride into Hull's drinking water to improve our dental health.
The city is one of the worst places in the country for tooth decay, especially amongst children.
Helen Sisson, a public health lecturer at Hull University, says under normal circumstances fluoride doesn't cause side effects:
"Provided the level of fluoride that's added to water is safe, you know within the recommended levels, no there aren't. And Public Health England monitorsthis every four years in areas where fluoridisation occurs." 
She says the move could spark opposition, because people can't choose to opt out of fluoridation once it's happened:
"The argument against tend to be ethical. You can't have a choice about whether or not the water in your area is fluoridated or not. Once it's happened, you will actually get fluoridated water coming out of your tap." 
But Helen says it's a cost-effective option that could reduce the strain on the health service:
"When you look at the amount that it costs for a child to be admitted under general anaesthetic to have dental work done, because of decay, that's a significant offset for the initial costs." 
In a statement, Julia Weldon, Director of Public Health, says:
"We are working alongside Public Health England, our local dentists, schools and our community dental health providers, to ensure that we make a difference to this important area of public health.
"An oral health plan will be presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board in March and this will consider fluoridation, alongside a number of other approaches including promoting good dental hygiene and the importance of a healthy diet low in sugar." 

Sunday, January 18, 2015


kushagra bhardwaj January 17, 2015 Health, INDIA 30

4606099994_2dae8567dbFluorosis is one of the worst disease caused by the deposition of fluorides in the body. One of the main reason for this serious health problem is the excess deposition of fluorides in the body. The two main types of fluorosis are are Dental fluorosis and Skeletal fluorosis. UNICEF estimates that “fluorosis is endemic in at least 25 countries across the globe with India and China the most vulnerable countries. Endemic fluorosis resulting from high fluoride concentration in groundwater is a public health problem in India and India is the worst fluorosis affected country with an estimated 10 lakh people suffering from it. One of the main reasons sited for this disease, having such a high impact in India is the fact that a large number of Indians rely on groundwater for drinking purposes and water at many places is rich in fluoride.World Health Organization (WHO) has set the upper limit of fluoride concentration in drinking water at 1.5 mg/l and The Bureau of Indian Standards has set this limit as s 1.0 mg/l. Intake of Fluoride higher than this level is the main reason for Dental and Skeletal Fluorosis.
Dental fluorosis – Excessive exposure to the people living in high concentrations of fluoride can cause dental discoloration,  initially making the teeth dull and yellow which gradually turns brown and black and in later stages teeth may be pitted or perforated and may even get chipped off.
Skeletal Fluorosis – In advanced cases, skeletal fluorosis causes pain and damage to bones and joints.The symptoms include severe pain and stiffness in the backbone,joints and/or rigidity in hip bones and in severe cases, pressure on nerves even leads to paralysis.
But sadly, no heed is paid to this serious issue from the side of the government and even the the NGOs. Its time to stand up and fight together to combat this disease, the way we eradicated polio from our country.

'Shocking' increase in tooth decay in children in West Midlands

300 per cent rise in youngsters in the region admitted to hospital for multiple teeth extractions

Tooth decay in children is rising rapidly in the West Midlands

There has been a 300 per cent rise in children in the West Midlands being admitted to hospital for multiple teeth extractions in what a senior dentist described as a “massive parenting failure”.
Some youngsters are undergoing hospital operations to remove all 20 baby teeth, according to Dr Nigel Carter, the chief executive of the Rugby-based British Dental 
Heath Foundation, who practises in the region.
Dr Carter said it “beggared belief” that a parent would not notice their child had a “mouthful of teeth rotten down to the gums”.
Figures revealed by the Health and Social Care Information Centre showed that in the West Midlands in 2010-11 there were 456 children under the age of 10 admitted to hospital with tooth decay.
In 2013-14 a “shocking” 1,444 were admitted.
Experts blame the trend on a culture of parents rewarding children with sweets while failing to clean their teeth properly as infants.
Dr Carter said: “The rise is absolutely incredible and is indicative of a massive failure in parenting. “Partly it’s down to background and people from lower socio-economic groups have higher levels of tooth decay. “It has to be about parenting and looking after children.
“In many cases the first time the child has ever seen a dentist is when they’re taken there in great pain.“Basically if it gets as far as needing to go to hospital for general anaesthetic then you’re talking about multiple extractions.
“It’s not unusual for a child to have 12 to 14 teeth taken out and in some cases we’ve heard of all 20 baby teeth being removed.”
In 2010-11 120 under-fours were admitted to hospital for surgery in the West Midlands. This had rocketed 353 last year. One theory for the rise in childhood tooth decay in the last three years is rising immigration of people from Eastern Europe, who are moving over with their families and receiving treatment on the NHS. Three years ago the total number of people under the age of 19 needing to go to hospital for surgery was 996. Last year it was 2,074.
In 2010-11 there were 6,000 hospital admissions for tooth decay in the West Midlands of all ages. In 2013-14 that had risen to 7,883.
The move away three square meals a day can also be blamed for the growing problem, said Dr Carter. Dr Carter said: “Children are now having seven to 10 ‘grazing’ meals, many of which are full of sugar.
“Studies have shown that if you put a spread of food in front of children they would chose to eat a balanced diets. “But we have the problem where sweets are given as a reward and so they are identified as such by the children.”

Fluoridated West Midlands!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Jasper still has crowds rocking with laughter

Jasper Carrott warms up the crowd at Birmingham Symphony Hall
After the success of last year’s Made in Brum tour, Jasper Carrott is back on the road again with his musical mates: ELO’s Bev Bevan, Trevor Burton from The Move, Geoff Turton of Rockin Berries and Joy Strachan-Brain (Quill), to Stand Up And Rock!
“We did get standing ovations at each show and we would have had 100 per cent standing ovations if everyone could stand,” joked the comedian and folk singer whose career spans an incredible five decades.
During that time he’s seen a lot of changes on the comedy circuit.
“One of the big changes is the use of expletives. I remember in 1977 I did a series and I had a big battle to try and get the word b******* into the routine.
“Eventually I got it, I think for the first time on TV, but I had to leave out ‘foaming jar of urine’. It’s just the morals of the day.
“I really do dislike expletives in comedy routines. The vast amount of time it’s used to shore up very weak material. I think come on, you’re better than this.
“I used to allow myself one ‘s***’ a night because it was so effective when I used it, in context. “That was my indulgence.”
But the Solihull stand-up, who still lives just 12 miles from where he was born in Acocks Green, said comedians’ material hasn’t really changed since he first started out in the 1970s.
“I’ve spent the last two weeks just watching stand-up on YouTube.
“I’m thinking ‘I did that in 1976’ but the comics who are doing it don’t know that, they’re naive, they don’t know it’s all been done before.
“When I broke through, stand-up was blokes in bow ties telling jokes about mother-in-laws and Irish people.
“So when I came through, I had the whole of stand-up to myself, apart from (Billy) Connolly and a couple of others, but I could talk about anything because it was original. If I started now, I don’t know if I’d do it.”
Known for his anecdotal story-telling, Carrott said at the age of 69, he was debating a radical shake-up of his stand-up style.
“I’d love to go back to social commentating really because there’s so much wrong with the world; fluoride in the water, mercury in your teeth, mobile phone masts, GM food, global warming, chemicals and preservatives in food.
“But it’s very difficult to do, to harangue people and be funny. And whether the public would accept it I don’t know.”
Jasper’s Stand Up And Rock! tour will be at Solihull Arts Complex on September 23, 24 and 26.

NZ - A royal blunder

A royal blunder
The Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor and the Royal Society of New Zealand admitted yesterday, Thursday 15th January, that a serious blunder had been made in their report “Health effects of water fluoridation: a Review of the scientific evidence”.
A new version[1] is available on the Royal Society’s website where an error message now states that fluoride exposure studies found an IQ reduction of one statistical ‘standard deviation’, not one ‘IQ point’ as previously asserted.
One standard deviation equates to a drop of about seven IQ points but, unbelievably, the conclusion of the first version of the report that “this is likely to be a measurement or statistical artefact of no functional significance” has remained in the revision. Why?
“This is far from insignificant” says Kane Titchener, Auckland representative of Fluoride Free New Zealand. “Any loss of IQ is a concern for both parents and society at large. Most parents have no idea that their children are receiving unmeasurably high doses of fluoride through fluoridation and other sources. For example bottle fed babies receive at least 150 times more fluoride than their breast fed counterparts.”
Last year, an article[2] by world renowned neurodevelopmental toxicologists Philippe Grandjean and Philip Landrigan published in the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, classified fluoride as a neurotoxin like other known neurotoxins such as lead and mercury.
An international critique[3] of the PMCSA/RSNZ report was released on the 1st of December 2014 which pointed out its many errors. This no doubt led to the correction of the report’s most obvious mistake.
Such a fundamental error highlights the fact that the Report was hurriedly drafted and little more than a piece of health establishment PR rather than an independent review of research on fluoride’s adverse health effects.

Friday, January 16, 2015

BBC Radio Humberside Listen from 01.14

Presently, people are suffering from more and more serious fluoride …

Presently, people are suffering from more and more serious fluoride pollution because large numbers of fluorine compounds have been consumed and produced, particularly in high-tech industries such as semiconductors and integrated circuits production. Consequently, treatment of fluoride ion from aqueous solution has become a worldwide important subject..................

If you have the technical knowledge to understand the above it may be worth reading (I don't)

USA - In Fluoride Debate, Steve Blow Lays Bare His Less Than Beautiful Mind

Today Blow brings us another noteworthy column. This time he’s writing about the fluoridation of our drinking water. The City Council will soon vote on whether it should continue. Blow thinks it should. His argument goes like this: the dentist who was instrumental in getting fluoride added to our water, Jim Williams, once paid for a D-Day veteran to attend a commemoration of the war in France. That dentist says the highlight of his career was getting fluoride added to our water. Therefore, we should take his word for it when he says we should keep putting fluoride in our water. The guy arguing against fluoride is Howard Garrett, an organic gardener who bills himself as the Dirt Doctor. But he’s not an actual doctor! So what the heck does he know? We should ignore him.

Jim Schutze had foreknowledge of the column and did a pretty good job of tearing it apart yesterday. The science on fluoride is by no means certain. Read this for background. A respected journal recently classified fluoride as a neurotoxin. As Shutze points out, dentists can tell you that fluoride is good for teeth; that doesn’t mean that it’s not dangerous to our brains. I would simply like to point out that Williams’ kind deed for a WWII vet has nothingto do with fluoride. Just as Garrett’s clever marketing shouldn’t preclude him from participating in this discussion. (The Dirt Doctor called Blow’s column “inane” and said he didn’t read the research that Garrett sent him.)
It’s one thing when Blow is merely bad. Corn-pone prose about how everyone uses smartphones won’t hurt anyone. It’s quite another thing when he ventures into the fields of transportation, urban planning, and neuroscience. He has his picture in the newspaper. There’s still a surprisingly large segment of the population that thinks he’s therefore someone to be trusted. And here’s where Steve Blow goes from be an embarrassment to being a danger.
Mike Wilson, please stop this.