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UK Against Fluoridation

Monday, September 30, 2013

Health Alert: Don't Swallow Your Toothpaste

Worth seeing again it alone should have stopped fluoridation.

Joint Irish Houses of Parliament Draft report on Water Fluoridation

Fluoridation Should End Immediately Says Government Report

Fluoridation Should End Immediately Says Government Report
Wellington, 30 September 2013.
“The practice of water fluoridation should end immediately. All of the available evidence suggests that not only will this lead to a marked reduction in fluorosis but that there would not be a significant rise in dental caries.”
This is the central recommendation of the Joint Irish Houses of Parliament Draft report on Water Fluoridation in Ireland, prepared for the Department for Health and Children.
The Report also states strongly “[E]ven if the fluoride levels in the water were slightly reduced, we could not recommend that this water be used to bottle feed babies.”
The Report was written in 2007. It has been suppressed ever since by a powerful minority of fluoridation believers – until it was published on the internet this month.
The Report states “The Department of Health's assessment of the overwhelming benefits of water fluoridation is not justified… We believe on the basis of the international studies there would be no long-term increase in dental decay if fluoride were not added to Irish drinking water” and “We note that dental health has improved to the same degree in countries where there is no water fluoridation.”
This is exactly the evidence heard at the New Plymouth and Hamilton fluoridation Tribunal hearings, and negates the propaganda being spread by District Health Boards in Hamilton, Hastings, and Whakatane where referenda are being held.
The Report continues, disturbingly, “While positive aspects of fluoridation have been over-stated, the growing negative impact has not been properly recognised… The Committee is disappointed and alarmed that no general health studies … have ever been carried out, particularly considering that four in ten 15 year olds are now affected by fluorosis.”
Does this sound like it exposes the NZ Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor’s claim of 60 years of research showing fluoridation to be safe as a lie? It should. He refuses under the Official Information Act to name a single study showing safety.
“It is the view of the committee that the Department of Health has failed to offer a coherent scientific justification for continuing the policy of water fluoridation.” Again, this is what we saw at New Plymouth and Hamilton, says Mark Atkin, FANNZ’ Science Advisor.
Finally, the Report confirms “There is no evidence to suggest that Irish people are fluoride deficient, in fact, the evidence at hand suggests that we have too much fluoride in our systems.” So the spin by the NZ Ministry of Health that we are “just topping up natural fluoride levels” is seen to be just that – spin, not science.
This Report, and the fact that it was suppressed for almost six years by fluoridation believers, shows us that our Ministry of Health, and all those appearing in support of fluoridation since the Hamilton decision, are more interested in protecting fluoridation policy and their reputations than they are in protecting the public health.
If this report highlights one thing, it is that it is high time fluoridation were discussed in a transparent public scientific forum, in line with the recent recommendation of the NZ Medical Association. It also highlights that the outcome of such a forum will be the opposite of that which the NZMA expects.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Protesters target water fluoridation in Port Huron
The group claims there is no evidence of the benefits of water fluoridation and is trying to spread their message throughout the city.

New Zealand poster

Who's right and wrong in Hamilton's fluoride debate?

anti-fluoride billboard

DIVIDING OPINION: This billboard on Ulster Street and another 
one like it in Mill Street are wrong and potentially defamatory, 
the New Zealand Dental Association says.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fluoride informational meeting and reaction of the public.

UK - Fluoride in tap water cuts fillings - but does it raise dementia risk?

Fluoride in tap water cuts fillings - but does it raise dementia risk? Councils hail health findings as campaigners call for more research into long-term effects

  • Many of the areas with the lowest rates of fillings have added the powerful enamel-protecting chemical to their tap water
  • Campaigners claim the data should persuade more areas to sign up to mass fluoridisation scheme
  • Critics insist that there is evidence it could be putting youngsters at risk of dementia in later life

Adding fluoride to tap water leaves fewer children needing fillings, according to NHS figures
Adding fluoride to tap water leaves fewer children needing fillings, according to NHS figures out yesterday
Adding fluoride to tap water leaves fewer children needing fillings, according to NHS figures out yesterday.
The statistics revealed that England’s ten million children required 3.5million fillings last year.
And many of the areas with the lowest rates of fillings are the ones that have added the powerful enamel-protecting chemical to their tap water.
Nevertheless, critics of the mass fluoridisation scheme insist that there is evidence it could be putting youngsters at risk of dementia in later life.
Youngsters in Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire – where supplies have been treated since 1968 – had fewer cavities than children in any other region.
And the three medicated areas of Newcastle, Gateshead and North Tyneside had 32 per cent fewer fillings than neighbouring South Tyneside, which has chosen not to add fluoride to its water supplies.
Last night campaigners claimed the data should persuade more areas to sign up to the scheme. 
However some experts are worried about the measure, concerned that it will have unforeseen consequences for the nation’s health.
Opponents claim the substance often leaves teeth mottled and could even accelerate the onset of dementia.
Last night Philippe Grandjean, professor of environmental health at Harvard University, said: ‘The possible effects on degenerative brain diseases are uncertain.
‘We recommend further research to clarify what role fluoride exposure levels may play in possible adverse effects on brain development so that future risk assessments can properly take into regard this possible hazard.’
Around six million people currently have fluoridated water in England – the only part of the UK that allows councils to add the chemical to tap water if they opt in to the scheme.
Around six million people currently have fluoridated water in England
Many of the areas with the lowest rates of fillings 
are the ones that have added the powerful 
enamel-protecting chemical to their tap water. 
But critics insist that there is evidence it could be 
putting youngsters at risk of dementia in later life
The NHS records the number of fillings or cavity resealings carried out on children under 16 and breaks them down by the 151 primary care trust areas (PCTs) which existed before this year’s Health Service reforms.
The figures show a total of 27 PCTs have at least some treated water supplies. 
The 14 PCTs which have  carried out wholesale fluoridisation had 7 per cent fewer fillings compared with the rest of the country.
And three of the best rates were in fluoridated areas. North Lincolnshire – the PCT that covers Scunthorpe – came top of the table, with Walsall and Warwickshire making the top five. 
All three of the areas have treated their water supplies with fluoride.
Susan Hodgkiss, from the British Fluoridation Society, said: ‘Systematic reviews of the scientific evidence have been undertaken – all have identified dental health benefits resulting from consumption of fluoridated water.
'Socially deprived children  suffering the highest levels of decay may be among those who stand to benefit most.’
She added: ‘The debate is about whether individuals who have a personal preference not to drink water containing one part per million of fluoride should be able to prevent  society from acting to ensure everyone enjoys protection against tooth decay.’
Scunthorpe Town Centre High Street
Youngsters in Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire (pictured), where supplies 
have been treated since 1968, had fewer cavities than children 
in any other region
However last night Doug Cross, from UK Councils Against Fluoridation, claimed that the statistics do not tell the whole story.
He said: ‘This issue goes beyond fillings rates because there are hidden costs, as one in eight children who are exposed to too much fluoride will end up with mottled teeth due to fluorosis.
‘Fluoride also promotes the movement of aluminium from the stomach to the brain which is a major cause of dementia.
‘It is predicted that soon a third of our over-65s will die with Alzheimer’s, so adding any additional risk is just crazy.’
He added: ‘Fluoridated water is a medicine and so anyone who receives it through their water supply must give their informed consent. If it’s not legal to mass medicate then it should not be happening.’

Friday, September 27, 2013

Dr. Jim Beck MD PhD Interview with We Deserve Safe Water (Ed

'No new water fluoridation scheme in Canada since 1999'

'No new water fluoridation scheme in Canada since 1999'
Posted September 26, 2013
Thank you New Tecumseth Council for moving forward on the cessation of fluoridation issue.

As a water quality teaching master for the past 35 years, I've spent the last 10 righting the wrongs about the water fluoridation myth that I had condoned for the previous 25.
Since my active involvement, I, along with others have had a direct hand in reducing the water fluoridation rates in Canada to its current low of 32.5 per cent. The latest municipality to cease was Windsor in 2013 along with the four other major communities of Essex County in 2012. No new water fluoridation scheme has started in Canada since 1999. The sun setting trend for this outdated public health practice is clear.

New Tecumseth Council had it right several years ago but were bullied into reversing its decision.

What's egregious is that Ontario's local MOH's are ordered by the Chief MOH for the province to defend water fluoridation 'policy' with all possible zeal. Surely, if a public health policy is sound one must ask, why the need to defend it so vehemently?

The height of hypocrisy is that Simcoe County's own Dr Dick Ito, gained an academic credential for his master's thesis based on a finding of no effect by water fluoridation on decay rates in children of Brampton and Caledon after controlling for variables in the data. Yet this same individual stumps around the Province promoting water fluoridation for which academically he found "no effect." See ito-caledon-and-brampton-study-peel-region. One must question the veracity of his "professional" endorsement and certainly his motive.

Regardless, it's heartening to know that there are councils with 'Stone's' enough protecting drinking water quality first. Congratulations.

Peter Van Caulart, Dip.AEd.,CES,CEI
Director, Environmental Training Institute
Ridgeville (Niagara) ON

Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Few Reason To Dump That Carton Of Orange Juice Down The Drain

.....When you purchase a product from the grocery store you consider it to be fresh and of the utmost quality. Well big name orange juice is far from it. According to expert and author of the book Squeezed, Aliissa Hamilton reveals that orange juice is stripped of oxygen, flavor and stored for up to a year in tanks (an industry process called deaeration) then re-flavored before it is packaged and sold to consumers, Hamilton also states that if one were to taste the juice coming out of these tanks, it would taste like pure sugar water, not orange juice. I don’t know about you but this practice sounds absolutely disgusting. I understand big business and supply chain but there has to be a better way than this. Millions of gallons of slop being stored for up to a year and then add on the 30-60 day sell by date and essentially the product could be 14 months old before you ingest it...............

USA - How the USDA Organic Standard Allowed Fluoride to Contaminate the Organic Label

..........Bone Meal

Another concern with organic gardening and farming is the use of bone meal, which is allowed for use in the National Organic Standards under EPA’s List 4 Inerts. This meal is prepared mainly from the bones of farm animals. Fluoride concentrates in the bones of all mammals and we can expect concentrations to be in the 1000 ppm plus range. There is also the concern about transmission of Mad Cow disease through contact with bone meal.

Exposure to fluoride through food, air and water has been increasing for 50 years from many uncontrolled industrial sources and conventional agricultural practices as well as the use of some dental products and medicines. It is imperative that organic foods be kept free of any additional fluoride.

The one source we should not have to contend with fluoride is that introduced by organic farmers. When we pay extra money to avoid pesticides, we don’t expect to get doses of an extremely toxic pesticide! The fact that thee National Organic Standards permit organic farmers to use bone meal and sodium fluoride is another embarassment to the organic label.

UK - Echo letter

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday 25th September 2013 at 08:10 By DAVID ICKE

Unfluoridate Me Toronto Rally

Ashley and I would like to thank everyone who joined us at Saturday’s peaceful assembly at Toronto City Hall. Despite 18 hours of straight rain starting Friday night, the weather could not dampen our spirits.

Having so many people come out and stand in the pouring rain is a testament to how passionate so many of us are about getting hydrofluorosilicic acid out of our water supply. Commonly referred to as fluoride, this acid is highly toxic and has been shown by the National Sanitation Foundation to be contaminated with arsenic, mercury and radionuclides.

We started this campaign just a few months ago and have already made a significant impact. We are close to having almost 2,000 signatures on the petition to end fluoridation in Toronto. We are not alone. The public is quickly waking up to the reality of forced water fluoridation.
In case you missed it, here is a short video clip of the day’s event:

Fluoride 101 With Activist Ashley Jessica

Massive Amounts of Fluoride in Non Organic Food

Canada - Councillors agree to eliminate fluoride

Councillors agree to eliminate fluoride, ratification vote next Monday

Posted September 24, 2013

New Tecumseth councillors voted 6-4 in committee last night to end a 40 year practice of adding fluoride to Tottenham's drinking water supply following a spirited debate that lasted nearly two hours and involved pleas from the County's medical officer of health, and the local dentist who championed the cause back in 1973....

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Northern Ireland - Poots’ Department didn’t specifically respond to WHO report on fluoride

Poots’ Department didn’t specifically respond to WHO report on fluoride

THE Department of Health didn’t specifically respond to research warning excess fluoride in tap water can mottle teeth and cause crippling skeletal fluorosis despite Edwin Poots’ consideration of fluoridating our drinking water.
A spokesperson for the Department told the Sentinel it hasn’t responded specifically to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) 2006 ‘Fluoride in Drinking Water’ report.
The Sentinel last week incorrectly dated the report to 1996, whilst quoting from the 2006 report.
After Northern Ireland’s Chief Medical Officer Simon Reid pointed this out today (September 24), the paper amended the date..
The paper’s query via a Freedom of Information request referred to the 2006 report and in this article and the original article also quote (see below) from the 2006 report.
Mr Poots’ Department’s non-response to the WHO report is in spite of Mr Poots’ favourable viewof fluoridation and the possibility he will press for its introduction here.
WHO recommends a maximum fluoride limit in drinking water of 1.5 milligrams per litre and warns that whilst the chemical can prevent tooth decay it can also have significant negative effects.
It states: “Fluoride has beneficial effects on teeth at low concentrations in drinking water, but excessive exposure to fluoride in drinking-water, or in combination with exposure to fluoride from other sources, can give rise to a number of adverse effects.
“These range from mild dental fluorosis to crippling skeletal fluorosis as the level and period of exposure increases. Crippling skeletal fluorosis is a significant cause of morbidity in a number of regions of the world.”
Recommendation 3.5 of the 2007 Oral Health Strategy for Northern Ireland suggests the Department of Health work with other stakeholders to examine the feasibility of fluoridating Northern Ireland’s public water supplies. Recommendation 3.6, however, notes the introduction of fluoridation may take some time and that other strategies to address tooth decay should also be pursued.
Mr Poots has been engaging with Executive colleagues about the prospect but no research on fluoridation has been commissioned and no provisional policy drafted.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Charlotte Gerson On Fluoride

Depressed patients at risk of xerostomia

Patients taking antidepressant medication may be at increased risk of suffering dental problems, say US researchers.
The authors of the study looked at patients undergoing dental treatment and found that, of 1,800 records, 21% of patients were being treated with antidepressant medication. Over half of the subjects taking antidepressants were in danger of developing condition known as xerostomia, or dryness of the mouth, which can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, halitosis and other oral health problems.

‘It is important for dentists to be knowledgeable about medications that increase the risk of xerostomia and the need for an intensive preventive dentistry programme,’ say the study’s authors......

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Canada - Sudbury group seeks to end fluoride

Sudbury group seeks to end fluoride in drinking water
By Jonathan Migneault, The Sudbury Star
The longstanding debate over the treatment of Sudbury's water with fluoride will be revived with a planned day of awareness on Saturday.

A local group called Safe Sudbury Drinking Water, affiliated with Canadians Opposed to Fluoridation, has planned to stage a day of awareness about community fluoridation at Victory Park. The event will begin at 11:30 a.m. and will feature a number of speakers and workshops about fluoridation.

Organizers will also hand out a petition asking the city to end the practice of adding fluoride to municipal water.

"It is unproven, unethical and unnecessary," said Kristen Lavallee, the event's lead organizer. "I believe it's unethical because it's a form of mass medication to an entire population."

Lavallee added fluoridating the city's water is a waste of taxpayer dollars. She said only around 5% of the city's fluoridated water is ingested by people. The rest is poured into drains, used in showers, garden hoses, backyard pools, washing machines and other daily uses.

In 2011, Sudbury Mayor Marianne Matichuk asked for and received a detailed report that detailed the costs of treating the city's water with fluoride.

Staff determined the city spends $95,000 to $115,000 a year to add fluoride to the 83% of residents connected to the city's water supply.

Because fluoride is corrosive, and is hard on pipelines and electrical components, the city estimated future ventilation upgrades at its facilities could cost up to $2.2 million......

Canada - powerful lobby extravagantly funded

Pro-fluoride letter writer a registered lobbyist
By Letter to the Editor on September 22, 2013.

Dr. Gerry Uswak speaks for a powerful lobby extravagantly funded by our tax dollars to promote toxic fluoride in our tap water.

Rather than address directly the most recent scientific literature detailing the assaults on public health from fluoridated tap water, Dr. Uswak simply rhymes off a list of authorities caught in a time warp. These assaults include the lowering of children’s IQs, heightened risk of cancer, calcification of the pineal gland and the rendering of bones to be more brittle and subject to arthritis over time. Moreover, toxic fluoridation also shows up in disfiguring brown spots on some victims’ teeth.

Most of the agencies cited by Dr. Uswak in his form letter are so burdened by possible lawsuits that they have a large vested interest in maintaining the status quo. They seek to evade liability for their roles in the genesis of a scandal of betrayed public health together with gross violations of the individual’s right and responsibility to give informed consent to medical interventions aimed at altering human health.

Dr. Uswak’s scholarly objectivity is compromised by the fact he is listed as a registered lobbyist on the website of the Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying in Canada. This legal status speaks to Dr. Uswak’s function as a key point person in the Fluoride Lobby’s elaborate system of patronage, cronyism and, mutual back scratching. (https://ocl-cal.gc.ca/app/secure/orl/lrrs/do/clntSmmry;jsessionid=0001hF0OAFNzPavB3NnwFi2ojtf:PEIVNFDHN?clientNumber=5262&sMdKy=1378917633083).

I notice Dr. Uswak has also put himself on the wrong side of history by seeking to justify the continued use by dentists of mercury-bearing amalgams as tooth fillings. Who is registered lobbyist Dr. Uswak endeavouring to serve by downplaying the public health risks of an activity already outlawed by Norway, Sweden, and Denmark? (http://sandrafinley.ca/?p=4872).

The governments of these three Scandinavian countries are all widely recognized as leaders in the field of public health. Like all the governments of western Europe, those of Norway, Sweden and Denmark have eschewed the addition of toxic fluoride to tap water. A growing number of Canadians, including many forward-looking citizens of Lethbridge, understand that western Europe is far more advanced than the United States on vital issues of public health including the fluoride question. It is time to take our eyes off the rear view mirror and to look ahead to the enlightened removal of toxic fluoride from our tap water.

Tony Hall


Friday, September 20, 2013

UK - Tooth decay hits quarter of five-year-olds, survey suggests

Health Minister Lord Howe, said: "We know more work is needed to make sure good oral health is more consistent right across the country.
"However, we have some of the lowest decay rates in the world."...
Even against fluoridated Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and the USA.

UK - fluoride to school milk.

Summit pleas over fluoride in milk plans

Blackpool Council’s opposition leader has called for a public meeting to help parents make up their own minds over plans to add fluoride to school milk.
Coun Tony Williams says parents need to hear both sides of the argument before a decision is made on the issue.
It comes after the council’s Health and Wellbeing Board agreed last month to consult with schools with a view to introducing dental milk, which includes fluoride, for primary school age children.
Coun Williams said: “I believe that just adding Fluoride to school milk falls far short of the need to tackle the problem.
“Better school dental programs should also be introduced with an increase in school visits from NHS dentists and oral hygiene specialists.
“Most school children in Blackpool are now eating two breakfasts a day with the school serving including starch and syrup. Children should be allowed and encouraged to brush their teeth in school after every meal.”
Responding to Coun Williams at Wednesday’s full council meeting, coun Ivan Taylor, cabinet member for health, said: “The council has not yet decided whether this is a scheme it wants to introduce.
“The board discussed this and recommended it by an overwhelming majority.
“We will be testing the opinion of schools and anyone else that’s interested.”

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sugar is addictive

Sugar is 'addictive and the most dangerous drug of the times'

Soft drinks should carry tobacco-style warnings that sugar is highly addictive and dangerous, a senior Dutch health official has warned.

Paul van der Velpen, the head of Amsterdam's health service, wants soft drinks to carry tobacco-style warnings about sugar Photo: ALAMY
Bruno Waterfield
Paul van der Velpen, the head of Amsterdam's health service, the Dutch capital city where the sale of cannabis is legalised, wants to see sugar tightly regulated.
"Just like alcohol and tobacco, sugar is actually a drug. There is an important role for government. The use of sugar should be discouraged. And users should be made aware of the dangers," he wrote on an official public health website.
"This may seem exaggerated and far-fetched, but sugar is the most dangerous drug of the times and can still be easily acquired everywhere."
Mr Van der Velpen cites research claiming that sugar, unlike fat or other foods, interferes with the body's appetite creating an insatiable desire to carry on eating, an effect he accuses the food industry of using to increase consumption of their products.......

NZ - Fluoride bullies force meeting no show

Fluoride bullies force meeting no show

Name-callinOf course the health professionals don't have fixed opinions based on misinformation do they?g, harassing phone calls and emails, rude remarks on Facebook and comparisons to Nazi Germany and the Syrian government.
Waikato District Health Board staff are being subjected to personal attacks by anti-fluoride bullies - and they have had enough.
The lobbying by the anti-fluoridationists has prompted health board chief executive Craig Climo to call on his staff to keep away from a Hamilton City Council-organised public meeting about community water fluoridation next Monday.
The reason, he said, was simple: ''My team are the subject of ongoing personal attacks from the anti-fluoridationists and I won't expose them further.''
Although he was reluctant to divulge details, some of the more offensive remarks played on the names of staff members ''in a way that implies they are incompetent.''
Mr Climo said he was not sure if the name-callers were members of Fluoride Free Hamilton, although that group also had a record of ''saying silly things''.
Rude remarks had also recently been posted on the health board's Facebook page, however these were usually quickly removed by communications director Mary Anne Gill before many people had a chance to see them.
Some had likened the health board to the Nazis and the Syrian regime, she said.
Medical officer of health Felicity Dumble said city councillors asked their staff to organise the meeting after they decided to hold a referendum on returning fluoride to the public water supply.
The meeting's purpose would be to provide an opportunity for the health board and Fluoride Free Hamilton to present their positions on the referendum question.
''Past experience tells us that these meetings are disrupted by those opposed and it is an unpleasant experience for the health professionals who attend trying to get the science across to an audience who have fixed opinions based on misinformation,'' Dr Dumble said.......

Of course health professionals don't have fixed opinions based on misinformation do they?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

UK - Letter from Dr Julian Lewis MP for New Forest east to PHE

Interview with Rob Love of Fluoride Free Austin

Australia - NSW offers defiant councils $7.5m

  • theguardian.com
Glass of water
Councils can currently choose whether or not to add fluoride, a dental health booster, to their water supplies. Photograph: Cate Gillon/Getty
The New South Wales government is offering a $7.5m incentive that it hopes will persuade recalcitrant councils to fluoridate their drinking water.
But the state health minister, Jillian Skinner, said the government would not support a Labor bill that would give state authorities power to force local councils to put the tooth-strengthening chemical in their drinking water.
The government wanted to support councils in making their own decisions, rather than take a "big stick" approach.
"It is for this reason we are boosting our infrastructure support for councils who have avoided fluoridation to encourage them to deliver this vital service to the community," Skinner said.
The minister says the funds are aimed at encouraging those councils to reverse their decisions....

The big stick or the carrot - you will have fluoride!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dr Don Mackie - Ministry of Health Chief Medical Officer on fluoridatio

Do you believe him? No mention of fluorosis, no mention that babies should not get fluoride.

Lilias' Story- No fluoride for me

The End Is Near...For Fluoride In Toronto!

NI - Minister doesn’t have WHO paper on fluoride dangers

Minister doesn't have WHO paper on fluoride dangers

A RESEARCH paper warning excess fluoride in tap water can mottle teeth and cause crippling skeletal fluorosis is not held by the Department of Health despite Edwin Poots’ consideration of fluoridating our drinking water.
A spokesperson for the Department told the Sentinel it hasn’t responded to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) 1996 ‘Fluoride in Drinking Water’ report.
This is in spite of Mr Poots’ favourable view of water fluoridation and the possibility he will press for its introduction here in future.
The report recommends a maximum fluoride limit in drinking water of 1.5 milligrams per litre and warns that whilst the chemical can prevent tooth decay it can also have significant negative effects.
It states: “Fluoride has beneficial effects on teeth at low concentrations in drinking water, but excessive exposure to fluoride in drinking-water, or in combination with exposure to fluoride from other sources, can give rise to a number of adverse effects. These range from mild dental fluorosis to crippling skeletal fluorosis as the level and period of exposure increases. Crippling skeletal fluorosis is a significant cause of morbidity in a number of regions of the world.”
Mr Poots is considering pumping fluoride into kitchens around Northern Ireland to ensure it’s delivered to poorer people and dental disease is more often prevent.
Recommendation 3.5 of the 2007 Oral Health Strategy for Northern Ireland suggests the Department of Health work with other stakeholders to examine the feasibility of fluoridating Northern Ireland’s public water supplies.
Recommendation 3.6 of the same strategy, however, notes that the introduction of water fluoridation may take some time and that other strategies to address dental caries should also be pursued.
A spokesman told the Sentinel that since Mr Poots first mooted the prospect in April 2012 the Department has received considerable correspondence.
“These have been largely protesting against fluoridation of the water supplies in Northern Ireland, with the remainder asking what the Department’s position is,” the spokesperson stated.
Mr Poots has been engaging with Executive colleagues about the prospect but no research on fluoridation has been commissioned and no provisional policy drafted.
Notwithstanding this the high level of dental caries in Northern Ireland is motivating the Minister.
“Children in Northern Ireland have the worst oral health in the United Kingdom and the majority of our young children have experienced dental decay.
“The last national survey of children’s dental health revealed that 61 per cent of our five year old children and 76 per cent of our eight year old children have obvious dental decay experience compared to the UK average of 43 per cent for five year olds and 57 per cent for eight year olds.
“In 2011, almost 5,400 children attended hospital for a general anaesthetic to have over 24,600 teeth extracted.
“It is clear that something needs to be done to address this problem and reduce the gaps with the rest of the United Kingdom and, indeed, Europe so this is why the Minister is giving consideration to the fluoridation of the water supplies in Northern Ireland,” the spokesperson explained.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Flouride-Gate; An American Tragedy

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Blackpool Council to put fluoride into children's milk.



Suggests evidence shows involvement by jihadists of Syrian opposition

....At the same time, however, Dr. Yossef Bodansky, former director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, conceded that only a detailed chemical analysis by the United Nations of the agents used in the poison gas attack can provide the “guidelines” as to the “guilty party.”
He conceded that the paucity of facts to date highlights how little is known of the actual attack.
For example, he said, there remain unverified claims as to just the number of fatalities, ranging from a U.S. assertion of 1,429 fatalities, while the French say that there were only 281. The Syrian opposition and Doctors Without Borders says the number is up to 355.
“Either way, this is too huge a gap not to be explained and substantiated,” Bodansky said.
“It is still not clear what type of agent killed the victims,” although there are separate reports that the agent used ranged from the deadly nerve agent Sarin to a high concentration of fluoride, which is used to clear impurities out of drinking water.....
I don't think so, they use aluminium for that and chlorine to kill bugs. Fluoride supposedly for teeth - strange comment from a doctor or was it the reporter?

USA - minerally-deficient soil, synergistic effects of fluorides

OP-ED: The new abnormal
September 14, 2013, 05:00 AM By Barbara LaRaia
Our bodies have changed significantly over the last century. Puberty levels are five years earlier than before, and two-thirds of Americans are overweight. Astonishingly, our own government may be the culprit.
Recommended Daily Allowances of vitamins and minerals were established after World War II, but the U.S. RDAs have no optimal levels for physical and mental well-being. For example, the RDA for iodine was based on the amount needed to prevent goiter, mental retardation, hypothyroidism and death. Iodine is an essential trace mineral needed to make thyroid hormones which regulate our metabolism; it is critical for every cell function in the body. Iodine was used universally by most doctors 100 years ago. A 1911 French medical journal article even discusses asthma cured by iodine. Even mild iodine deficiency is a factor in CNS disorders; attention hyperactivity disorders; thyroid dysfunction and cardiac disease. Interestingly, Amiodarone, a major heart drug for arrhythmia, is full of iodine. And thyroid cancer is now the fastest growing cancer among women, having soared 240 percent over the past 20 years.
In the United States, iodine was considered so important that until 20 years ago it was routinely added to bread dough conditioner.
Then it was replaced by bromide, an “iodine antagonist.” The National Institute of Health states that urinary iodine levels have decreased by 50 percent, much of this caused by iodinated bread being replaced by bromine, which actually blocks the absorption of iodine in the body.
To make matters worse, our bodies’ iodine levels have been assaulted by government-mandated endocrine disrupters (which mimic estrogen in the body) and iodine disrupters such as fluoridation of our water supply. Sixty-six percent of the U.S. population receives artificially-fluoridated water, which many view as mass medication without informed consent. And there have been no safety studies of the synergistic effects of fluorides with water “purification” chemicals such as chlorine and chloramine, also mandated by our elected officials.
Interestingly, most European countries do not fluoridate water supplies, yet they have seen substantial declines (75 percent) in tooth decay due to the introduction of fluoridated toothpaste in the 1970s.
Another assault on our metabolism is government farming mandates. Soil formulas and farming methods, legislated and enforced by the state Departments of Agriculture, contain heavy metals and deplete soils of minerals, which can lead to degenerative metabolic diseases. North America has the highest soil mineral depletion, and the average U.S. soil depletion is 85 percent compared to 100 years ago — the highest in the world. In 1936, scientists warned Congress about this issue (Senate Document No. 264). Veterinarians have long known about our depleted soils, which is why 45 trace minerals are added to dog and livestock food.
So what can we do to assure optimal collective metabolisms? Ideally, government should stop messing with our hormones, especially without our consent. Most countries worldwide, and even a few U.S. water districts purify their water without the use of endocrine and iodine disrupting chemicals such as chloramine and chlorine. And most countries and some U.S. water agencies do not fluoridate their water to try to reduce dental cavities. We can get our fluoride from toothpaste, mouthwash and gels if we so desire.
Regarding our minerally-deficient soil, agriculture departments may do well to research and reassess large-scale farming methods and teach proper stewardship of our land. Soil nutrients can be thrown out of balance with high concentrations of the fertilizers currently used.
RDAs must be changed to ODRs — Optimal Daily Recommendations. Japanese consume 100 times our RDA of iodine, have the lowest cancer rates worldwide and are some of the healthiest people on Earth. RDAs are merely the “bare bones” of preventing death or major disease states. Also, government does not require food labeling of iodine content, and this should change as soon as possible....

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Ed Asner Fluoride Should Be a Choice, Not a Mandate

Against Water Fluoridation in Toronto

September 13, 2013 15:20 ET

Hundreds to Rally at City Hall Against Water Fluoridation in Toronto

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Sept. 13, 2013) - Hundreds of Torontonians plan to peacefully assemble at City Hall on September 21st, 2013 from 1-5pm to end water fluoridation in Toronto.
So far, more than 300 people have confirmed their attendance on the Facebook page and more than 900 have signed the online petition.
The chemical used to fluoridate Toronto's tap water is hydrofluorosilicic acid, a toxic waste byproduct of phosphate fertilizer production. This chemical is polluted with other harmful toxins such as lead, mercury, arsenic and radionuclides.....

Friday, September 13, 2013

UK - Southampton fluoridation up date

"Public Health England is still giving a very full and careful consideration to the totality of all the relevant factors relating to the proposed fluoridation scheme for parts of Southampton and south west Hampshire."

They won't admit that as no contracts were signed it no longer rests with them. It is now the councils who can stop or start schemes not the PHE

Australia - NSW Labor moves to end the anti-fluoride 'circus

NSW Labor moves to end the anti-fluoride 'circus'

Party's health spokesman tables legislation which would force local authoritites to add fluoride to all water supplies
Labor health spokesman Andrew McDonald believes fluoride is one of the most cost-effective health interventions. Photograph: Alamy
The New South Wales opposition has tabled legislation it says would end the "anti-fluoridation circus" by forcing local authorities to add fluoride to water supplies.
NSW Labor's bill, which would take away local authorities' veto over fluoride, follows a series of decisions to ban the substance.
This week, Lismore council voted to reverse a ban on fluoride after a heated public meeting at which an anti-fluoride protester threatened NSW's chief medical officer Dr Kerry Chant, saying: "I have friends in Syria, do you know of sarin gas?"
Opposition health spokesman Andrew McDonald said fluoride, which is widely backed by scientists as a safe way to protect teeth, was "one of the most cost-effective health interventions ever used".
However, there are about 300,000 people in NSW who do not have access to fluoridated water.
"Every day without fluoride puts a child at risk of preventable dental decay," McDonald told the NSW parliament. "It's time for the NSW government to step in and take control. For many of these children the damage has already been done. It's time for this anti-fluoridation circus to end."
The NSW government said it would consider the bill and stressed it was committed to improving dental health in the state.
The NSW health minister, Jillian Skinner, told Guardian Australia in a statement: "I remain in talks with NSW Health regarding options to increase fluoridation of water in NSW.
"I will raise the issue in cabinet on Monday, when the opposition bill will also be discussed."


Thursday, September 12, 2013


The former Minister for the Environment, John Gormley, has spoken out for the first time about the fluoride report, which he produced – and which he believes was suppressed by the Dáil committee that commissioned it.
The Hot Press Newsdesk, 11 Sep 2013
Report Published in Full on hotpress.com
In an exclusive interview, published in the new issue of Hot Press, the ex-leader of the Green Party describes the extraordinary circumstances in which the report – written in 2007, while the Green Party were still in opposition – was buried by the Joint Committee on Health and Children, which had commissioned it.
Had its recommendations been acted on, it would have brought an end to the now 50-year-long practice of dosing the (26-county) Irish population with hydrofluorosilicic acid through the public water supplies.
The Report on Water Fluoridation in Ireland is a 90-page document, which analyses the available evidence on fluoride at the time it was written. It is published in full, for the first time, here on hotpress.com, from Thursday September 12th, 2013.
The Oireachtas (Joint Irish Houses of Parliament) Draft report on Water Fluoridation in Ireland by John Gormley
"It provides an exceptionally well-researched, comprehensive and well-written overview of water fluoridation in Ireland," says Hot Press writer Adrienne Murphy, who has been investigating the practice of mandatory fluoridation of the water supply. "As such, it is a critical document in the current fluoridation controversy. So why was it in effect buried?"
"When you actually do a comparative study on dental health before, and then after fluoridation has ceased, you find that there is no increase in dental decay," John Gormley tells Hot Press. "I go into that evidence in detail in my report."
The report argues that mandatory fluoridation is a breach of the human rights of Irish citizens as it is in contravention of the Council of Europe’s ‘Convention on Human Rights and Bio-medicine’ (1997). And it concludes that, in light of all the evidence, and in particular considering the fluoride overexposure risk to bottle-fed babies, water fluoridation in Ireland should cease immediately.

Food From The Matrix

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Canada - Serving the City on Fluoride issue

Monday, September 09, 2013

Woodland to stop fluoridating water

Canada - Todd speaks with CTV about Fluoride.

Sunday, September 08, 2013

PEW Webinar on Fluoride Messaging (1 of 3)

In this video we observe Matt Jacob from the PEW Center on the States indoctrinating and conditioning parties interested in promoting water fluoridation. PEW is one of the main engines driving the push for fluoridation in the US. If you are opposed to water fluoridation, consider this video your enemy's operations manual, and study it accordingly.

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7iYbx...
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CVS-j...
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9M474y...

Saturday, September 07, 2013

USA -Too many risks with fluoridation

Holy Moly!

Now, I am no activist, but I’m about to dig out my favorite Erin Brockovich push-up bra over this fluoride issue.

Something is going on. After we’ve already fought to remove it once and cities all over our country are voting down installing fluoride and even removing it from existing systems, why is Sheridan considering putting this mysterious chemical back into our pipes? And why do only a few people get to decide whether we have it in our pipes and in our bodies?

We won’t argue that fluoride isn’t found to be beneficial when applied directly to the teeth, but once it goes down the throat, we begin to see some big red flags. The warning on our toothpaste tube tells us we should get help if more than a bit is swallowed. Even Center for Disease Control recommendations on how much should go into city water systems have been substantially lowered. So they are telling us that overdose is alarmingly possible.

And what does happen when we get too much? That’s when it gets to be intriguing to me. In this world of increasingly disturbing diseases, we need to investigate their causes and diligently practice prevention. It seems we’ve become a “fix me” generation, instead of learning to take control of our health.

I’ve started reading the volumes of information about fluoride, its history and the mounting evidence of its dangers. It’s pretty spooky stuff. Read for yourself and have dialogues with the people around you. “The Case Against Fluoride” is an excellent book to begin with and is available at the library. (I’m told a copy of this book was gifted to the mayor and each of the city council members.)

The CDC informs us that too much fluoride can cause Fluorosis and that indeed 41 percent of our children ages 12-15 have this discoloration and pitting of the teeth. I phoned several pediatric dentists and asked how they treat Fluorosis and was told they bleach and/or veneer and bond teeth to cover it. I didn’t ask how much that would cost.

I was curious when I heard that Sheridan had fluoride in the water system from 1949-1954, but there was quite a fight to get it removed. I recognized our old family doctor’s name…Dr. Pratt, who we remember was so wonderful to all the coal miner families. He and U.S. District attorney John Raper were instrumental in exposing that fluoride was corroding water pipes and causing harsh digestive illnesses. I see in a recent Sheridan Press article “What’s in your water?” that we now have sodium hexametaphosphate as a corrosion inhibitor that protects the distribution system and pipes. So we may not have the same problems today — in the pipes, but what about our bodies? Plus, we also have soda ash to prevent pipes from corroding and aluminum sulfate to coagulate the dirt in the water so it will settle out of the water stream; chlorine and carbon, too.

I read that aluminum has been connected with Alzheimer’s disease. And did I read that this fluoride that they put in water systems is a by-product of aluminum manufacture? It It seems the Alcoa Aluminum Co. first sold it to us to rid itself of this sludge and profit from it. But that’s getting pretty far out there for now, and maybe it can’t even be proven let alone comprehended how we could be so darn fooled by corporations.

My dog that drinks water all day long. Then there’s my Boston fern and my beloved vegetable garden. How will fluoride affect them? The baby’s formula and her

daily bath? It’s surely absorbed into the skin. I hear that it crystallizes the thyroid and pineal glands, which can’t be good in any amount. The questions just keep coming at me.

I didn’t want to get sucked into this, I love my dentist and hygienist; they take wonderful care of my teeth. But I study holistic health and it urges me to understand how all systems of the body must work together. And I believe we have the right to ask questions and not be dismissed for doing so. I would think that as long as there are these red flags, our city officials would want to at least delay making such an important decision for our health. Remember when we came together to remove secondhand smoke from our public establishments? Could we ever have imagined the Mint and the Rainbow becoming nonsmoking bars? Well, that same progressive energy will circulate until we are assured of having clean air and clean water in our community.

Then maybe we will make the commitment to fight the real enemy — sugar!

Rosie DaBell