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UK Against Fluoridation

Friday, November 30, 2012

Recommended Fluoride Dose For Babies? ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Published on 29 Nov 2012 by framingtheworldprod
Fluoride is not helpful to anyone, but is also a dangerous poison,
especially to children. Advocates for fluoride are lying.

BUY "The Great Culling: Our Water" DVD
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UK - Echo letter

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Published on 28 Nov 2012 by 2012Truthers
Published on Nov 27, 2012 by framingtheworldprod
The CDC is not protecting the public from the harmful effects of Fluoride Toxicity but protects the "Water Fluoridation Program" instead.

BUY "The Great Culling: Our Water" DVD
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Australia - Council wins fluoride struggle

AFTER years of ups and downs Bundaberg Regional Council was finally claiming a win in its battle against the forced fluoridation of its water.
In legislation before the State Parliament last night, the decision on whether to fluoridate or not was handed back to local governments.
Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett said he was "absolutely ecstatic" at the move.
"As an MP I've fought for this before the election and for the past eight months," he said.
"I feel glad that we're delivering for the Bundaberg and Burnett electorates."
Mr Bennett said the State Government had taken on board the views of the community and the amendments to the Water Fluoridation Act 2008 would promote local level decision making.

Hopefully local councils here will gain control in April and they will use it by saying no to fluoridation.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"Change Your Water, Change Your Life!"

 If you are interested in properties of water this is interesting.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Webisode 103: The Truth About Fluoride

Published on 26 Nov 2012 by drlinagarcia

Welcome to Dr. Lina Garcia's new web series. This series will provide helpful information to patients seeking an alternative approach to their dental health care, along with tips to living a more holistic lifestyle.

In this episode, learn the truth about fluoride, and its effects on your health and well-being.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Dental Fluorosis is Good For Business!

According to the latest national survey by the Centers for Disease Control, 41% of American adolescents now have some form of fluorosis — an increase of over 400% from the rates found 60 years ago. (CDC 2010)

BUY \"The Great Culling: Our Water\" DVD http://thegreatculling.bigcartel.com/product/the-great-culling-sticker

BUY \"The Great Culling: Our Water\" BLU-RAY http://thegreatculling.bigcartel.com/product/the-great-culling-blu-ray

Sunday, November 25, 2012

How the Environment Impacts Thyroid Health

Julie Harden, N.D. of the Institute for Progressive Medicine talks about how the environment can have an impact on thyroid hormone balance. For more information visit http://www.iprogressivemed.com.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

UK - Echo

Full article will appear later on their own Echo web page. They don't like me to be first with the news.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Ireland - Let’s not dilute the issue of our water fluoridation

Let’s not dilute the issue of our water fluoridation
November 23, 2012

An abridged version of an open letter and further correspondence to Dr Harry Comber, Director, National Cancer Registry Ireland.
Cc: An Taoiseach Enda Kenny; Dr James Reilly, Minister for Health; Simon Coveney, Minister For Agriculture, Food and Fisheries; Phil Hogan, Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government; Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer, HSE; Dr Ivan Perry, Professor of Public Health Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College Cork; and Laura Burke, Director General, Environmental Protection Agency.
Dear Sirs and Madam,
I am writing regarding the information provided in the National Cancer Registry Ireland (NCRI) cancer statistics maps, reported in ‘Water fluoridation-cancer link is ‘improbable’’ (IMT, November 2, http://bit.ly/XxrgYa), in particular the comments by the NCRI and Northern Ireland Cancer Registry (NICR), as quoted “that the maps did not show a clear difference between Northern Ireland (NI) and Ireland”.
This is quite remarkable, as you are contradicting the stated findings as noted in the Cancer Atlas report, which clearly states the following regarding the results of the mapping exercise: “The risk of developing many of the cancers presented was higher in RoI than in NI. The risk of non-melanoma skin cancer, melanoma, leukaemia, bladder, pancreas and brain/central nervous system cancers was significantly higher for both sexes in RoI. For men, the risk of prostate cancer was higher in RoI and, for women, cancer of the oesophagus and cervix.” Furthermore, the report concluded that “there was a marked geographical variation in the risk of some common cancers… the most consistent geographical distribution of cancer risk was seen for three cancers (pancreas, brain/central nervous system and leukaemia), which showed an increasing gradient of risk from North-East to South-West”.
The All Ireland Cancer Atlas report documents that the risk for bladder cancer was up to 14 per cent higher in the Republic of Ireland (RoI), leukaemia up to 23 per cent, pancreatic cancer up to 22 per cent, skin cancer up to 18 per cent, prostate cancer 29 per cent, oesophageal cancer up to 8 per cent, brain cancer up to 20 per cent and cancer of the cervix and uterotis up to 11 per cent higher compared to NI.
Coincidentally, this also follows the variation in osteosarcoma, an often fatal childhood cancer for which the incidence is also known to be higher in the RoI compared to the North. The peer-reviewed journal Cancer Causes and Control published a study by Harvard University in 2006 in which it was stated that fluoride in drinking water significantly increased the risk of developing this disease in teenage boys.
More recently, in 2012, the Russian Academy of Sciences documented that toxic fluoride effects include an induction of inflammatory reactions, cell contractile responses, inhibition of protein synthesis and cell cycle progression, oxidative stress and DNA damage.
The Academy reported that fluoride has been found to alter critical physiological and pathological processes for the body’s defence and repair mechanisms, reducing the body’s antioxidative defence mechanism and impairing the ability of the body to eliminate free radicals and fight disease — all of which are clearly relevant to cancer disease.
Contrary to your claims that most of the geographic areas on the maps are not fluoridated, there are 270 water fluoridation plants located across the Republic, ensuring that the vast majority of the population are exposed to fluoride compounds in drinking water.
Furthermore, as I have previously highlighted to your offices and other State Departments, when it comes to fluoride, the single biggest factor that influences its toxicity is water chemistry — or water hardness, to be precise — followed by the chemical nature of the fluoride compound, i.e. naturally-occurring calcium fluoride or synthetic liquid-based silicofluorides, which are known to be far more toxic.
Regarding water chemistry, it has been known for decades that the softer the water, the greater the toxicity of fluoride on biological systems.
Some of the cancer maps illustrate this quite alarmingly, with the geographic regions with the softest water having the highest risk factor for many of the cancer diseases.
Interestingly, the maps also illustrate that for some of the few non-fluoridated communities in the Republic, the risk factor of developing disease is similar to that of NI, which overall is identified as predominantly the lowest risk area for developing cancer diseases throughout the 32 counties of Ireland, and is also the only geographic region where water is not fluoridated.
From the position of identifying potential risk factors that may contribute to this notable phenomenon, it is noteworthy in its absence that the influence of exposure of a population to a highly toxic chemical (hexafluorosilicic acid) and its various derivative compounds through drinking water was not included as a factor that may contribute to disease burdens. This is particularly remarkable, as the only known difference in population exposures to known environmental toxins between NI and Ireland is that the NI drinking water supply is not fluoridated.
Water chemistry plays an enormous role in disease prevalence; fluoride strongly inhibits calcium and magnesium metabolism in biological systems, and the softer the water, the greater the bioavailability of fluoride compounds in humans and animals, yet — as noted in the Waugh report on water fluoridation — this has never been examined in Ireland.
In fact, not one epidemiological study to investigate the potential human health impacts that may be associated with fluoride toxicity has ever been conducted in Ireland since fluoridation began in the 1960s. Returning to the topic of cancer incidence and fluoride, as I have highlighted to your offices in 2006, the scientific committee of the National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academy of Sciences in the US unanimously concluded that “fluoride appears to have the potential to initiate and promote cancers”. It is extremely worrying therefore to note that while the NRC listed over 50 additional epidemiology, toxicology, clinical medicine and environmental exposure assessments required to be undertaken on fluoride, not one of these studies has ever been undertaken in Ireland — the only EU country to support mandatory fluoridation.
It is also noteworthy that three US courts have found water fluoridation to be injurious to human health, specifically that it may cause or contribute to the cause of cancer and genetic damage, while the US National Toxicology Programme in 1990 found “equivocal evidence” in animal experiments that fluoride was carcinogenic.
In addition, epidemiological studies both undertaken and resurfaced by Dr Dean Burk, former head of the Cytochemistry Section at the US National Cancer Institute, determined that fluoridation increased the incidence of cancer deaths immediately in as little as a year.
Given the lack of appropriate human health risk assessments and the complete lack of toxicological information on silicofluoride chemicals used for water fluoridation, and considering the remarkable increase in disease burden amongst the population of Ireland in recent years, it is not inconceivable that fluoride may play a significant role in the development of many diseases.
In such circumstances, it is clearly incumbent on the Government to uphold its moral and legal obligation, to comply with the ‘precautionary principle’ and to call for an immediate cessation of this policy in line with other EU Member States, thereby providing the entire population of the island of Ireland with non-fluoridated drinking water, a basic legal right provided to the remaining 98 per cent of the population of Europe.
*References available on request

Declan Waugh,
EnviroManagement Services,
Risk Management, Environmental Auditor and Environmental Consultant,
Bandon, Co Cork.


A video for fluoridation, notice when at the end it describes our objections as being put forward aggressively. The way they conduct their endless push to force it on us, isn't?

Thursday, November 22, 2012

UK - Daily Echo letter

Click on image to make larger.

submission 1

This is a five minute submission to South Taranaki District council opposing the proposed fluoridation of Patea and Waverley water supplies.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

UK - Dentists bring a smile to Manchester's kids’ faces with free toothbrushes

Dentists are giving away free toothbrushes and toothpaste to cut the number of young children with rotten teeth.
Surgeries across Greater Manchester are taking part in the project to improve children’s oral hygiene.
Participating dental practices will offer free toothbrushes and toothpaste to every child under the age of six who has not been to the dentist before. Health bosses hope the pilot – named ‘Baby Teeth DO Matter’ – will encourage parents to get their tot’s teeth regularly checked.
Around one in five three-year-olds in the region have dental decay and the figure doubles by the age of five.
Colette Bridgman, chair of the Greater Manchester Local Dental Network, said: "Oral health in children under the age of five is an area we can improve on.
"This is an opportunity to identify people who do not understand the importance of good dental hygiene from a young age.
"Children who do not look after their teeth will often experience difficulties and dental problems later in life."
Dentists will also be teaching parents how to introduce a tooth-friendly bedtime routine.
They are advising mums and dads not to give their children anything to eat or drink during the last hour before bedtime, expect milk or water.
They should then get their children to brush their teeth with a pea-sized blob of toothpaste, or a smear for the under-threes.
It is the latest project to be introduced in the region in the war on tooth decay.
Last month we revealed that teachers at three schools in Rochdale are ordering pupils to brush their teeth during lesson break times.
It is believed to be the first project of its kind in English schools.
Bosses hope it will have the same success as a scheme in Glasgow which saw a huge drop in the number of children with tooth decay.
The initiative is called the ‘Smile Time’ programme.
It is being run at St Peter’s CE Primary, Rochdale, Belfield Community Primary, Rochdale, and Bowlee Primary, Langley.
If the pilot proves successful, it could be extended across the borough.
Rochdale was chosen for the scheme because it has high levels of deprivation.
This has contributed to one of the worst rates of tooth decay among children in Britain.

NZ - Diet at the root of tooth problems - dentists

Changing diets are causing an "epidemic" of tooth enamel erosion, which is irreversible and costly to treat, an Auckland dentist says.
The most common cause of dental erosion was the consumption of acidic food and drinks, such as soft drinks, energy drinks and RTDs, Dr Andrea Shepperson said.
"I'm seeing new cases of dental erosion every day - particularly among university students and young professionals who are consuming large quantities of flavoured drinks."
The prevalence of dental erosion had dramatically increased in the past 20 years, Shepperson said. "It's an epidemic."
She has just finished a lecture series, helping dentists recognise the clinical signs and provide treatment strategies for managing erosion.
"The anecdotal feedback from my colleagues is that we are seeing dental erosion at levels we have not seen in previous decades," she said.
Food acids were just as bad for teeth as sugar.
Soft drinks and energy drinks were specially bad because they had a combination of sugar and food acids. Zero-rated drinks, promoted as "sugar-free" or "diet", were just as damaging with a potent combination of acid and caffeine.
"Caffeine strips away your mouth's natural defence against acidity - saliva. Without saliva to protect you, a dry mouth ensues and the erosion will be much worse."
The high acidity of drinks widely considered healthy - such as herbal teas, sports drinks and fruit juice - could be just as damaging.

In the past, soft drinks and fruit juices used to be an occasional treat, but now many people, especially university students and young professionals, had them every day, Shepperson said.........

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Echo - Call to make pupils clean teeth at school instead of adding fluoride to tapwater

Call to make pupils clean teeth at school instead of adding fluoride to tapwater
4:20pm Monday 19th November 2012 in News By Jon Reeve, Education Reporter

John Spottiswoode of Hampshire Against Fluoridation.
PUPILS should be made to brush their teeth at school every morning to improve their dental health.
That is the call from campaigners fighting controversial plans to put fluoride in Hampshire tap water. Instead they want health chiefs to introduce the radical classroom scheme, which is proving successful elsewhere in the UK.
An initiative to make pupils brush their teeth at school is already being trialled in Greater Manchester after a similar successful project in Glasgow.
A teachers’ representative last night joined anti-fluoride campaigners in backing the idea for Southampton as a targeted way of cutting tooth decay in children, which is particularly bad in more deprived areas.
But health bosses have rejected the scheme, insisting it would have nowhere near the impact of fluoridating water supplies.
Teachers in Rochdale, which has some of the highest levels of tooth decay in children, have been overseeing five- to seven- year-olds brushing their teeth as part of the morning routine in schools.
If the project proves successful it will be extended throughout Manchester.
It comes after a similar scheme in Glasgow saw a huge drop in the number of rotten teeth children were suffering.
Hampshire Against Fluoridation chairman John Spottiswoode said he believes a targeted initiative would be much better than fluoridation, which he argues will not work, does not cover all the areas where dental health levels are bad and violates individuals’ right to choice.
He said the campaign group is working to get those behind Glasgow’s Child Smile scheme to come to Southampton to discuss its benefits.
Mr Spottiswoode said “It’s more cost effective than fluoridation, because it is actually effective.
“It’s targeting children who are the key people to get into good habits. Once they get into those habits they get into them for life.

“If you target the right people that delivers results, as has been shown in Glasgow.”
Southampton’s National Union of Teachers representative Pete Sopowski said he believed teachers would back a scheme to improve children’s dental health.
He said: “With parents’ consent it’s a good idea. Young children need to be taught routines like hand washing before meals.
“The reality is most kids get up, have their breakfast and shove off.
“It could be a requirement of coming to the breakfast club.
“Most teachers would be in favour.”

But Southampton’s director of public health, Dr Andrew Mortimore, said targeted schemes have not been successful enough, which is why moves have been made towards fluoridating water supplies in parts of Southampton, Eastleigh, Totton, Netley and Rownhams.

He said: “Supervised toothbrushing, along with other targeted interventions, have been carried out in Southampton for many years now.
“These have achieved small local improvements, but have not brought about population-level improvements in dental health.”
“A local water fluoridation scheme will benefit everyone who has access to it.
“Our targeted oral health promotion initiatives will continue within the groups with the highest needs.
“Other areas across the country which have implemented fluoridation schemes, primarily in the West Midlands, have achieved some of the best dental health in the country with this combination of methods.
“We want to achieve those same benefits here in Southampton, particularly for children.”

Australia - Councillor Alan Bush is angry with the state government over water fluoridation.

Council carries on fluoride fight
Comments (8) » 20th Nov 2012 6:00 AM

WATER QUALITY: Councillor Alan Bush is angry with the state government over water fluoridation.
Mike Knott
BUNDABERG Regional Council was the only local authority to address an important parliamentary committee last week in its fight against the compulsory fluoridation of its drinking water.
Council water and wastewater spokesman Alan Bush and CEO Peter Byrne flew to Brisbane on Friday to meet the parliament's finance advisory committee.
Cr Bush said he believed the worst case scenario out of the meeting was that the cost of building the fluoridation infrastructure would be fully funded by the State Government.
"That's the way the meeting went," he said.
"I would be very disappointed if that didn't happen."
Cr Bush has been a strong campaigner against the State Government's legislation to force councils to fluoridate their water.
He has argued the council could not afford the $1.3 million it would have to pay as its share to set up the $7.8 million infrastructure, as well as the estimated $800,000 a year it would cost to run the scheme.
Cr Bush said the Bundaberg delegation was the only Queensland local government to address the committee at its meeting.
"There were six or seven state politicians on the committee," he said.
"You go into the committee and tell your story, and they ask questions about where you're at."
Cr Bush said among the questions the committee asked was whether the council would be happy if the State Government paid the full costs of the infrastructure.
"I said no because the costs of running it after they put the infrastructure in would be about the same as in Brisbane," he said.
But Cr Bush said he had not given up hope Bundaberg would be exempt from having to fluoridate its drinking water.
"I told them if we had to put $1.3 million into the infrastructure we would have to compromise of some of our other works," he said.
Cr Bush said there was no big push from people in the Bundaberg region to have their water fluoridated.
"I believe if we had a referendum nine out of 10 people would say they didn't want it," he said.
"If people knew all the facts about the cost of it that's the result we would get."
Under the latest amendments to the Local Government Act, announced last week, councils have been given the right to hold a referendum

Monday, November 19, 2012

Echo article and letter

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Mulberry as a foliage crop is grown extensively in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu, India, for feeding silkworms. The mulberry gardens in these regions occasionally get contaminated with many kinds of pollutants, and problems have cropped up in sericulture due to intoxication of silkworms feeding on contaminated mulberry leaves. Among various environmental polluting factors, fluoride exerts a very profound influence on the growth of the silkworms, especially where the fluoride concentrations range between 2 and 25 ppm in ground waters in drought-prone areas of India. Fluoride is generally regarded as
highly toxic to all organisms. Fluoride ingestion by silkworms has been found to result in a significant loss of silkworm body weight and a decrease in faecal output, which apparently is due to decreased consumption of food. The changes in the nutritional parameters appear to be dose and time dependent in both sublethal
(5.5 mg F/kg bw) and sub-sublethal (2.75 mg F/kg bw) dosages of fluoride consumed by silkworms. However, the changes in the sub-sublethal level of fluoride ingested by silkworms on the 4th  day were less compared to sublethal dose-treated silkworms, indicating that the silkworms on prolonged exposure can
recover from the toxic effect of fluoride at a lower dose.
Author: Rao Arava Vijaya Bhaskara.
Correspondence: Pondicherry University, Kalapet, Pondicherry 605014, India.

How safe is Fluoride in our water?

Published on 17 Nov 2012 by Absophuckinglutely
I asked my dentist ... is there fluoride in the drinking water? And he said, yeah ... it's good for your teeth. So then I began to wonder, if it's so good for your teeth, why am I, at 25 years old, having all these issues with my teeth?" Sturmer said.

Sturmer was a college athlete. He eats healthy food and exercises. He started doing research and found evidence that convinced him fluoride might not be as safe as he was led to believe. He came across an I-Team story ABC11 did five years ago in which a Durham dentist told us he believed we're getting too much Fluoride.

"Fluoride in the water is essentially a drug. It's an uncontrolled use of a drug," offered dentist Michael Fleming.

Malwa's water woes: Tests show high nitrate levels; hundreds affected

Malwa's water woes: Tests show high nitrate levels; hundreds affected

Story By: Anjali Singh Deswal
Saturday, November, 17 2012 - 18:48
SHEHNA (BARNALA): In a shocking revelation confirming the worst fears of the residents of the Malwa region, tests have revealed the presence of nitrate in the groundwater of several villages of what is also infamously called the cancer belt of the state.
The consequence of a high level of nitrous in the groundwater is a rise in uric acid and more than 500 people are currently affected with this.
Malwa region in the state has been known as the hotbed of high levels of toxicity in the groundwater which has reportedly manifested in an increased number of patients suffering from cancer and other diseases, even though no authentic proof for the same exists.
A local doctor stated that the problem of increased levels of uric acid does not have a permanent treatment and one has to live with it. The only treatment is taking precautions. People here are taking medicine to combat the rising level but despite this the levels are increasing. Problems like having pain in the joints and knees happen when uric acid rises in the body.

Making things worse for the Malwa region, due to an increased level of fluoride in water, people are getting black jaundice, knee problems and toothaches. These are some of the common consequences of consuming water with increased levels of fluoride.
People in Ramgadh village, Shehna and Malliya village are suffering from joint pain. Some people are also suffering from skin diseases and cancer. Tooth problems are being faced by about 80 per cent people and the reason is contaminated water of the Malwa belt.......

Saturday, November 17, 2012

News letter from Fluoride Action Network

On Thursday night a Durham, North Carolina ABC news affiliate, WTVD-11, aired a powerful and honest investigative news story on water fluoridation that correctly questioned the safety of the unnecessary chemical additive. Reporter Steve Daniels covered the story of local resident Corey Sturmer who has dental fluorosis and is now leading a campaign to remove fluoride from the Durham water supply. The report features interviews with Sturmer, local dentists, and Dr. Kathleen Thiessen (a member of the committee on Fluoride in Drinking Water for the National Research Council).
Watch “How Safe is Fluoride in Your Water?
Mr. Sturmer has already taken his fluoride education campaign to the streets, placing flyers around town and creating an informative website for his group, Durham Against Fluoride. He has also testified before the Durham County Board of Healthwhich has stated that they will now look into his concerns regarding fluoridation.
Please take a few minutes to watch and share this important news story. Share it with friends, family, colleagues, and especially local decision-makers (city councilors and state legislators). Also, if you live near Durham, NC please contact Durham Against Fluoride and join the campaign to end fluoridation while the momentum and media attention is building.
Please also take a moment to visit reporter Steve Daniels’ Facebook page to thank him for his  great reporting, as he requested viewers to do at the end of the report. If he see’s that there is a large amount of interest in his story, the likelihood of follow-up stories will be greater.
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Manager
Fluoride Action Network

Friday, November 16, 2012

USA - How safe is Fluoride in our water?

Video worth looking at but unable to embed (broken link) go to article to view.
Corey Sturmer didn't know much about fluoride in his drinking water until a year ago, when his dentist told him he has fluorisis, a condition that causes white spotting, yellowing and browning of the teeth, and erosion of the enamel.
"I asked my dentist ... is there fluoride in the drinking water? And he said, yeah ... it's good for your teeth. So then I began to wonder, if it's so good for your teeth, why am I, at 25 years old, having all these issues with my teeth?" Sturmer said.
Sturmer was a college athlete. He eats healthy food and exercises.  He started doing research and found evidence that convinced him fluoride might not be as safe as he was led to believe. He came across an I-Team story ABC11 did five years ago in which a Durham dentist told us he believed we're getting too much Fluoride.
"Fluoride in the water is essentially a drug. It's an uncontrolled use of a drug," offered dentist Michael Fleming.
Sturmer said what he learned made him take action.
"That motivated me to reach to you and to continue spreading the word and building up the website and talking to people," said Sturmer.
Sturmer developed a www.durhamagainstfluoride.com website and took his cause to the Durham County Health Department. He's also raising awareness by putting information on cars in downtown Durham.
Sturmer said he's so concerned about the issue that he filters his tap water. His crusade may be limited to Durham, but he's not alone in his fight. A movement to ban fluoride in drinking water is heating up across the country.......................

Talking Toxins: Little Changes Can Make a Difference

At least once a day I have a client, friend or patient ask my thoughts on “toxins.” In general, people are aware that we live in an environment of chemicals in our food, air and water. However, many don’t know how to begin to decrease the exposure and are simply too busy to research.

Although some readers may roll their eyes, there are many people who are searching for ways to decrease exposure for themselves, their families and friends. Why?

A total of 1,638,910 new cancer cases affecting 9 million people and 577,190 deaths from cancer are projected to occur in the United States in 2012 according to the National Cancer Institute, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries and mortality data from the National Center for Health Statistics.

Up to 23.5 million Americans suffer from autoimmune disease and this statistic is rising, according to the National Institute for Health.

There is belief in the medical community that the rise in these statistics is connected to what we eat, stress and environmental exposures. "Our gene sequences aren't changing fast enough to account for the increase, yet our environment is. We've got 80,000 chemicals approved for use, but we know very little about their immune effects. Our lifestyles are also different than they were a few decades ago, and we're eating more processed food,” said Dr. Fred Miller, director of the Environmental Autoimmunity Group at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

Start decreasing exposures by taking small consistent steps:


Can’t afford all organic? Start with buying organic for only those foods that are highest in pesticides. Environmental Working Group publishes a new guide yearly. Buy antibiotic and steroid-free meats and dairy stated clearly on packaging. (Careful of the word “natural;” this means nothing.)
Minimize eating large fish (swordfish, tuna, etc.), which are higher in mercury.
Decrease canned foods as much as possible. Biphenol A (BPA's) leach into the food from the can lining. Rinse canned food to decrease the amount of BPA your family ingests or buy Eden brand canned foods.

Skin & Hair Products

Purchase the most natural cleaning and other household products you can find.
For hair and other personal hygiene products (including shampoo and colors) look for products without alcohol, sodium lauryl sulfate, triclosan, paraben, phthalates, or other petrochemicals (mineral oils).

Antiperspirants and Deodorant

Since virtually all antiperspirants contain aluminum, minimize or discontinue use. Try a natural deodorant.


Filter tap water with a multi-stage carbon filter or reverse osmosis filter. You can do this at sinks or in the entire house. I purchased an entire house filtration system when the TTHM level in my house was in the 100's. (Check out the photo of one of my four filters in the system after only 11 months of use)
Don’t drink water from plastic water bottles that have been in a hot car or frozen.
Filter shower water to limit your exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbons (such as TTHMs).


Plastics can disrupt hormones in your body. Avoid plastic bottles and containers with the numbers 3, 6 and 7 on the bottom, which are most likely to leach plastics into the food, juice or water that they contain (especially if it is acidic like pasta sauce).
Do not microwave in plastic containers. Use glass instead.

Dental Care

Avoid mercury amalgam fillings.
Avoid toothpastes and dental treatments containing fluoride.


Don’t use pots and pans with Teflon or related non-stick surfaces. Also avoid all aluminum cookware.
Avoid using pesticides in your house and garden, especially if you have children and/or pets.
Avoid using plastic shower curtains to limit inhaling Volatile Organic Compounds or VOCs.
Minimize the amount of regular carpet in your home, or use natural carpets (e.g. wood without coatings).
Use an air filter such as a Hepa filter with a charcoal filter to clean the debris in the air.

As I said; this post is not for everyone, but I know there are many readers out there who are interested and for you; I'm hoping this quick guide helps.

About this column: Through this column, nurse practitioner and wellness consultant Lisa Vasile hopes to inspire and empower readers to build a healthier community.Related Topics: BPA's, Cancer, Chemicals, VOCs, autoimmune, and water filtration

Thursday, November 15, 2012

USA - Pulaski votes to stop adding fluoride to its water

Pulaski votes to stop adding fluoride to its water
By Debra J. Groom, The Post-Standard
The village of Pulaski has decided to stop adding fluoride to its water, a move that lead a local retired dentist serving on the water board to resign.

The village board Tuesday declined to overturn an Oct. 9 vote by the village water board to cease fluoridating the water.

The water board officials said they decided to stop fluoridation because they believe it may corrode the pipes and because the village can’t control how much fluoride a person ingests............

USA - Obesity and dental cavities increase and become epidemic as homeless children age

Obesity and dental cavities increase and become epidemic as homeless children age
Published on November 14, 2012 at 5:07 AM ·
Obesity and dental cavities increase and become epidemic as children living below the poverty level age, according to nurse researchers from the Case Western Reserve University and the University of Akron.

"It's the leading cause of chronic infections in children," said Marguerite DiMarco, associate professor at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University.

Researchers Sheau-Huey Chiu, assistant professor, and graduate assistant Jessica L. Prokp, from the University of Akron's College of Nursing, contributed to the study.

Researchers found that as body mass index (BMI) increased with age, so do the number of cavities. These findings were published in the online Journal of Pediatric Health Care article, "Childhood obesity and dental caries in homeless children."

The study examined the physicals of 157 children, from 2 to 17 years old, at an urban homeless shelter. Most were from single-parent families headed by women with one or two children.

Obesity was calculated based on height and weight or BMI. Cavity counts included missing, filled or injured teeth. The data was originally collected for DiMarco's doctoral dissertation at Case Western Reserve nursing school......

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Hard core truth on Water Fluoridation across the Country

Toward True Health: Make changes to fight cancer

Toward True Health: Make changes to fight cancer
Posted: November 13, 2012 - 12:04am

Q. Dear Carolyn, I’ve heard you speak many times and have often read your work over the years. I received your book as a gift when my husband was diagnosed with cancer. At the time I was in such a state of confusion I didn’t read one page. After several courses of chemotherapy and remission, we are now told that the cancer has returned and spreading with a vengeance. Now I’m reading the book and wish I’d read it initially, before the surgery, chemotherapy and the horrible side effects.

Along with changing the diet and making the lifestyle adjustments, what else should we be doing?

And, is there a way to prevent cancer?

A. (Note: This question was so intense for me, please know that the full answer, which stretched over many emails and many phone calls over many days, could not be fully covered here. This writing is only a synopsis.) Yes, cancer can be prevented, in 95 percent of persons. Cancer is an aberration in the workings of an overtaxed, undernourished body, living in a toxic environment. However the body is ever growing, renewing and changing. The body is always seeking to live and to survive. The body is very complicated and very smart, cancer is not. Cancer only grows as we feed it, and stops growing and dies when we cut off its nutrient supply.

Ninety-five percent of cancers we know for sure are related to diet and lifestyle. To prevent cancer we must eat in a way to maintain our health and to strengthen the body, which is to feed the immune system, and to protect the blood/brain barrier. We must exercise the body, give it the proper rest at the proper time, and a lot of clean water to flush out the toxins, many of which the body makes on its own. Then we must protect the body from outside environmental toxins, which in this age is difficult to do but still is possible with thought and discipline.

Now that the cancer has returned you will need to perfect the diet. Make absolutely certain not to eat anything that can feed the cancer. The most important rule of the cancer diet is to abandon all sugar.

It is imperative that we take ownership of our lives and likewise our health. Better to seek information and products that answer the problems we face, rather than simply purchasing whatever is available, hoping it will pacify some want. Sometimes we just buy stuff, as with eating, really to satisfy some other need. We still want to have what others have, and to feel that we belong because we go, do or have, whatever the shiny new thing is.

One of the most important things to do, after you change your diet and adjust the lifestyle, is to inventory your thinking and your home. Compare your home keeping to that of your grandmother’s home. Think of how you came to clean your home with toxins, and to use air fresheners in your home, synthetic car fragrances and so many other modern products for convenience. Why does the car need to smell like an orange grove?

Next thing to do is to make an evaluation on your personal environment so that you can detoxify your home.

Remove and replace chemical cleaning products, and seek out mold. Look at the lawn care chemicals you walk into your home. Stop using antibacterial and antimicrobial chemical agents, which only weaken the immune system.

Do you know that some flame retardants are toxic as are gases from many manufactured products, including some synthetic fragrances and fabrics? Many cosmetics contain phthalates, formaldehyde and other harmful chemicals. Many lead-based products including paints are still in homes.

Reconsider pesticides, foam products, Teflon lined cookware, air fresheners, vinyl flooring and vinyl shower curtains, insulation materials, carpets made from manufactured fibers, aerosol propellants, artificial flavoring and colorings, drain cleaners, fluoride and sodium fluoride in water and in many toothpastes, oven cleaners and car polishes. There are thousands of other products that may be poisoning you in your home. The workplace is a whole other issue.

Cleaning up your diet, detoxifying your body and your home is hard, maybe, but so worth the effort you put into it. It can save your life and the lives of so many others.

Seek peace in your life, wisdom and right understanding. Set your spirit free to seek kindness, forgiveness, knowledge and joy, knowing that you are part of creation and the greater universe. Learning that happiness comes from within, not from outside ourselves. Seek total harmony and restore your life.

Carolyn Guilford is a nutrition consultant, health and wellness advocate, author and workshop organizer. Please join us for the final screening of the HBO documentary, “The Weight of the Nation” part 4 Challenges Thursday at 5:30 p.m. Southwest Chatham Library. It is free and open to all.

Do you have a question you’d like answered in Toward True Health? Please send it to carolyn@healthrestoration101.com. Call to reserve your spot in upcoming diabetes class. Health Restoration Consulting, P.O. Box 2814, Savannah, GA 31402. 912-236-8987.

If you are like me interested in staying healthy you may find this worth reading.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dr. Paul Connett at Murdock Theatre • October 30th, 2012

USA - Wichita advocates to take anti-fluoride movement across state

Wichita advocates to take anti-fluoride movement across state, nation
WICHITA — Advocates who led the successful fight against adding fluoride to Wichita’s water say they will work to get their message out across the state and the nation.

Wichita voters on Tuesday rejected a proposal to add fluoride to the city’s water by a 60 percent to 40 percent margin. Although three-fourths of the country fluoridates its water, the anti-fluoride movement is gaining traction across the nation, Jonathan Hall, of Wichitans Against Fluoridation, said after the vote.

“We’re part of the upcoming wave of change,” he said.

Wichita pediatrician Larry Hund, one of the leading proponents of fluoridation, told The Wichita Eagle that he thought the vote would be closer. But he said the claim that fluoride is toxic played to people’s emotions rather than scientific reasoning.

“It’s easier to scare people than to teach them about the science involved,” he said.

Both Mark Gietzen, president of the Kansas Republican Assembly, and Hall said that the anti-fluoride forces plan to continue their efforts.

“We’re definitely going to take this statewide; we’re not going to quit,” Gietzen said.

The effort might include working for a state recommendation against fluoridation while still allowing communities to decide the issue locally.

“Since I am connected to the National Federation of Republican Assemblies. I’m going to try to make fluoride one of our core issues,” said Gietzen, who likened fluoride to lead and asbestos. “Things that we thought were right back then maybe were not such a good idea after all. That’s where we are with fluoride.”....

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Irish Nationwide Fluoride Free Campaign Info Day Nov 10th 2012 part 1.

Published on 10 Nov 2012 by tbirdlauderdale
Today the Fluoride Response Team hit the streets of Waterford for another information blitz, where there was a march of 12,000 + people who are not lying down to the service downgrade of Waterford Regional Hospital. Link to Irish Indepenant article http://www.independent.ie/health/health-news/experts-reject-antifluoride-clai...

A bit noisy to listen to but good for them in fighting this in the streets to get people involved.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

FFA Confronts City Council with Portland's Fluoridation Victory Despite Pew Trust Meddling

Published on 9 Nov 2012 by FluorideFreeAustin
Linda Greene describes Pew Trust interference in Austin through Libby Doggett, wife off Congressman Lloyd. Olenicks play clip of recent Portland OR victory. Council members giggle, fidget, leave the room, and/or stare raptly (off camera).

USA - Victories against fluoride becoming more frequent

Victories against fluoride becoming more frequent as citizens get informed, empowered
Jonathan Benson, staff writer
(NaturalNews) Roughly 85,000 fewer people living in North America will be forced to drink and bathe in fluoridated water, thanks to four recent community victories preventing or overturning water fluoridation mandates. The towns of O'Fallon, Missouri; Rosetown, Saskatchewan; Lake View, Iowa; and Cassadaga, New York are all now officially fluoride-free, proving that individuals really do have the power to step up and protect themselves against one of the most ridiculous folklores of the past century to be thrust on the people in the name of public health.

As reported by the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), which has tabulated more than 70 community victories against fluoride across North America since 2010, a single citizen activist concerned about the safety of fluoride was able to persuade the City Administrator of O'Fallon, MO, population 80,000, to discontinue the town's water fluoridation program. The town's 2012 budget report states that the change will save the town $18,000 annually, and reduce the hazard for water operators who will no longer "have to handle the dangerous chemical on a regular basis."

In Rosetown, SK, the failure of a fluoride feed pump was enough to scrap the outdated practice of water fluoridation, while water fluoridation's high cost with lack of economic and societal benefit convinced the city council of Lake View, IA, to discontinue the pointless practice. And in Cassadaga, NY, local citizens rejected a proposal to fluoridate by an 87 percent margin, even after the town had already built a special shed to begin housing and pumping fluoride chemicals into the water supply.....

UK - Echo letter

Friday, November 09, 2012

UK - Shock figures show up to half of us don't brush teeth twice a day

The ugly tooth: Shock figures show up to half of us don't brush teeth twice a day

9 Nov 2012 00:00
Research found 50% of West Midlanders only brush once a day – with 9% admitting to not cleaning their gnashers at all in 24 hours.....

NZ - Fluoridation 'increases tooth decay' in the Wairarapa

Fluoridation 'increases tooth decay' in the Wairarapa
Fuseworks Media
Friday, 9 November, 2012 - 17:44
The New push for fluoride in water by the District Health Board (Wairarapa Times-Age 6 November) is as predictable as it is absurd, says Mary Byrne, National Co-ordinator of the health activist group Fluoride Action Network, and newly resident in South Wairarapa.

This is a classic case of statements being disproved by the very statistics they claim to rely on., she adds.

Wairarapa Oral Health Services clinical team leader Lynette Field said of 33 children who were referred to the mobile surgical bus [for major tooth extractions] since the beginning of the year, 45 per cent lived in areas without fluoridated water.

So this means 55% lived in a fluoridated area.

According to school dental statistics published by the Ministry of Health, 53% of 5 year olds drank unfluoridated water and 47% drank fluoridated water. So if only 45% of tooth extractions were for unfluoridated children (53% of the age group population) and 55% were for fluoridated children (only 47% of the age group population), the fluoridated children were 38% more likely to need an extraction for bad teeth.

Equally, the published average tooth decay figures for the Wairarapa confirm the higher risk for fluoridated children. The average decayed missing and filled teeth was 1.88 for fluoridated children but only 1.52 for unfluoridated children. So the fluoridated children were 24% worse off on that measure.

This directly contradicts the statement by Oral Health Clinical Director Neil Stephen, who said ?Fluoride is not going to stop [the extractions] but reduce the number of times we have to do it. As we see, fluoridation actually increases the need for extractions, points out Ms Byrne.

It was shown 13 years ago that only high strength fluoride applications like toothpaste or lacquers put fluoride into tooth enamel. Water fluoridation has repeatedly been shown to be ineffective at reducing tooth decay, says Ms Byrne.

Last year New Plymouth District Council conducted one of the most comprehensive, and certainly the most up-to-date, review of fluoridation in NZ history. It ended fluoridation as a result.

Fluoridation has also recently been stopped in Taumaranui (2011) and Waipukurau (last month). After fluoridation ceased in Timaru in 1985, tooth decay continued to decline.

Fluoridation is a dead horse. People like Neil Stephen and Lynette Field need to stop wasting taxpayer money by flogging it, concludes Ms Byrne.

UK - Echo letter

Introducing Monster Chemo Agent Orange Diet Fluoride Soda! (PARODY)

Published on 31 Oct 2012 by TheHealthRanger
The latest parody satire video from the satirical mind of Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, this video is a commercial for a fictitious beverage known as Monster Chemo Agent Orange Diet Fluoride Soda.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

USA - Wichita voters reject fluoridated water

Wichita voters reject fluoridated water
By Dion Lefler and Ann
Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/2012/11/07/2559291/wichita-voters-reject-fluoridated.html#storylink=cpy
Voters in the city of Wichita rejected fluoridated water on Tuesday, as they did in 1964 and 1978.

Election returns posted early Wednesday morning showed a fluoride initiative sponsored by local dentists and doctors failed with 59 percent voting no.

Jonathan Hall of Wichitans Opposed to Fluoridation said the results were confirming what he sensed during the campaign.

"We felt pretty confident the whole way through," Hall said.

"First off, historically, more than half the time when it comes to a public vote, fluoride is voted down. Then talking to people as we’ve been campaigning, people have been expressing: ‘We never knew this about fluoride.’ People want to learn, and they’ve been happy to learn about it.”...

UK - If your supplier is Southern Water write in.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012


The proportion of people dying from dementia has more than doubled in 10 years, with predictions that by 2021 it could account for 1 in 8 deaths. Every 10th woman in England & Wales now dies of dementia – up from 4.3% in 2001, according to mortality figures from 2011 from Office for National Statistics.


Chinese Suppliers Admit Fluoride Is Poison

NZ - Fluoride: And why you should never have anything to do with it.

Do you know what's in your tap water? Chances are it's a chemical cocktail of chlorine, silicofluoride, and a host of other heavy metals which will wreak havoc on your body. The process of adding fluoride to the water has been used as a kind of forced medication to 'fight tooth decay', but this can be hard to believe when there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that water fluoridation has any positive effect on our dental health.
Water fluoridation has been said to be the greatest case of scientific fraud of the 20th century (Robert Carton PhD - Former EPA scientist) with the chemical used (sodium and/or silicofluoride) being a hazardous waste product of the phosphate and nuclear industry.
This toxic chemical has been proven to accompany a range of neurological and bodily side effects in humans including a lowered IQ, an increased risk of cancer, and the calcification of the pineal gland. In many parts of the world the chemical has been recognized as a hazard and governments have discontinued it's use, so why has New Zealand not woken up?
Learn more and register your non-consent here http://www.fannz.org.nz/non-consent.php
and subscribe to our channel and facebook page to keep up to date with the fluoride facts.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Echo letters

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Irish food contaminated with toxic fluoride

Turn up volume to hear answer but it is summed up at the end.


Alan Watt on Water Fluoridation

3 Reasons Why You Should Start Your Day with Warm Water and Lemon Read more: http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/health/2012/11/03/3-reasons-why-should-start-your-day-with-warm-water-and-lemon/#ixzz2BF3OglsK

How you start your day is extremely important. We all have our own ritual we do when we get up. Some of us need coffee first thing in the morning, some of us need breakfast first, and some cannot fathom putting anything into our systems. Whatever your ritual is, it is vital for setting the tone and mood to your day. We all know the saying “Waking up on the wrong side of bed”; these words hold truth for those of us that wake up feeling not so great in the morning after a particularly rough night.
In Eastern traditions like Ayurveda, they explain how the choices you make regarding your daily routine either helps in decreasing disease or helps enable it. They believe that drinking warm water with lemon is a great way to help kick start your metabolism. After a few days of trying it, I began to notice a big difference in my mood and in my food choices. Here are a few benefits you can begin to get from adding a simple cup of warm water with lemon to your daily ritual.
A Weight loss Aid: Pectin Fiber in lemons helps to fight hunger cravings. Some studies have shown that people who have an alkaline balanced diet lose weight quicker. I notice a huge difference in my appetite when I forget to drink my warm water. I feel that it keeps me feeling more energetic and satisfied with my food choices.
Helps with Digestion: Stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis is activated by warm water. Lemons and limes are very laden in vitamins and minerals so it helps move toxins out. Basically, it helps things move around quicker.
Helps Balance PH in Your Body: All metabolic processes, including immunity, depend on a delicately balanced pH, which harmonizes electromagnetic energies. The body constantly fights to maintain a blood pH at around 7.35 -7.45 much like our internal thermostat that tries to maintain a 98.6-degree body temperature. Alkaline in the Body is very important for your health. Lemons are acidic but upon entered the body they become “alkaline” that means that the citric acid does not create acidity in the body once metabolized.
Lemon Water on the “Go”: If you are on the go, make your warm water with lemon the night before and put it in a thermos.
Preparation: Warm purified fluoride free water or spring water should be used. Use a whole lemon or lime squeezed into a half glass of the warm water. Try not to add any sweetener to get the maximum results. This should be done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, some recommend waiting about an hour to eat breakfast.
It is never wise to skip breakfast, always begin your day with something soothing to your system. Beginning your day with a nice warm cup of water with lemon will begin to regulate your system and perhaps be just the medicine you need to add to your morning ritual.
Rosie Acosta is a sunny California native of Mexican heritage, she writes about her passion for Yoga and Mexican Food. She transforms her grandmother's hearty recipes into organic healthy alternatives for a healthier lifestyle. Follow her on Twitter: @RosieAcosta FB: facebook.com/organicmexicangirl and visit her website organicmexicangirl.com

Friday, November 02, 2012

Corporate science whores exposed: GMOs, vaccines, fluoride and other quack science lies

This mini-documentary by Mike Adams exposes the corporate science "whores" who sell out to corporate interests and generate quack science to promote GMOs, fluoride, vaccines, chemotherapy, psychiatric drugs and other poisons.

Written and narrated by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, editor of NaturalNews.com and founder of the Natural News Store at:

Lymington Times

UK - Echo - Campaigners lose last challenge to fluoride plan

Campaigners lose last challenge to fluoride plan
8:17am Friday 2nd November 2012 in News
Fluoride gets green light after final challenge is thrown out
THE last formal attempt to stop health chiefs putting fluoride in Hampshire tap water has been rejected.
The decision by a Parliamentary watchdog to reject a complaint about the controversial scheme gives the green light for South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) to plough on with its plans for Southampton and the surrounding area.

But the organisation now faces a race against time if it is to get the chemical into the water supply before it is axed next spring by the Government, as part of NHS reforms.
The last-ditch bid to halt the controversial scheme had been made by New Forest East MP Julian Lewis and Hampshire County Councillor David Harrison.
But the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman has ruled against their complaints.
The pair wanted the SHA brought to book over its “sham” consultation, the waste of public money in pushing the scheme through, and fears the fluoridated area may have to be larger than initially thought.
If they had been successful it could have halted the project, which will affect 200,000 people in parts of Southampton, Eastleigh, Totton, Netley and Rownhams.
But the ombudsman turned down the complaint, saying the issues raised were either out of its remit or had already been examined by the High Court during a judicial review which the SHA successfully defended.
Cllr Harrison said he was “disappointed”
with the decision, which he said gives the green light for public organisations to fritter away taxpayers’ cash.

He told the Daily Echo: “The SHA are to be abolished in April and both Dr Lewis and myself felt it was a real folly and a massive waste of public money for them to continue in the knowledge that all the local councils were against it and have stated their intention to reverse the decision.

“The ombudsman has essentially said as long as it’s legal it can waste as much money as it likes, which seems quite breathtaking.

“The NHS isn’t over-endowed with funding and already a great deal of public money has been wasted.

“Everybody who pays taxes should be outraged by this.”

After winning the judicial review last year the SHA restarted work with Southern Water on plans to introduce fluoridation and believes it is on track to get the scheme in place before next spring, arguing it still believes it will benefit public health.......

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Media statement: Waterloo, Ontario

Media statement: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 26-Oct-2012
"In the interest of having just one Waterloo fluoridation referendum, charges against the Ontario Dental Association were sworn out early during the campaign period, and I am pleased the ODA plead guilty to the charges as laid.
Local municipal democratic process was successfully protected.
For the last two years the ODA has been unsuccessful in proving the charges were unfounded, meritless, intimidation, and abuse of process.
Just as the evidence and merits of the case were about to be heard, the ODA suddenly plead guilty.
While justice was served, I suspect the ODA leaders remain as arrogant and evasive today as they were two years ago."

Robert J. Fleming (as President)

Canadians Opposed to Fluoridation~ Canadiens Opposés à la Fluoration

3 - 48 Bridgeport Road East
Waterloo, Ontario , Canada N2J 2J6
519-884-6100 tel 519-884-8300 fax



KPTS Panel Discussion on water fluoridation from Impact

The Panel Discussion on Fluoridation of Water in Wichita aired on KPTS Thursday, October 18th, 2012 on KPTS at 8:00 pm on Impact, a local community interest program, hosted by Michele Gors, President and CEO and Pat Moyer, Director of Content. This segment was posted with permission of KPTS and Pat Moyer.

UK - Rotting teeth of Rochdale children targeted

Rotting teeth of Rochdale children targeted by 'brushing at school' scheme
Posted Wednesday, October 31, 2012 - 09:07
By Jeremy Culley

Child tooth decay is being tackled by a new scheme being launched by Rochdale health chiefs to battle their current poor record – 50% above the national average.

NHS Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale (NHS HMR) and the Pennine Care NHS Trust are proposing that children aged five to seven should brush their teeth once during the school day with fluoride toothpaste.....

USA - Anti-fluoride expert appears before Sedgwick County commission

Anti-fluoride expert appears before Sedgwick County commission
By Dion Lefler
The Wichita Eagle
Published Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2012, at 12:28 p.m.

A chemistry professor who is against fluoridated water got a much warmer welcome at the Sedgwick County Commission than a pro-fluoride expert who spoke there two weeks ago.

Commissioners Jim Skelton and Richard Ranzau aggressively questioned and argued with Bill Maas, a former public health director with the Centers for Disease Control, who was brought to Wichita to help present the case for fluoride in mid-October.

Wednesday, Skelton expressed agreement with Paul Connett, a chemistry professor, author of an anti-fluoride book and leader of the Fluoride Action Network. He also invited Connett to give his opinions on genetically manipulated food, which Connett opposes.
"You will not see a mouse mate with a strawberry," Connett said. "And there are very good reasons for that."
Skelton said he wished he could show clips from the movie "Dr. Strangelove." In the cold-war era Peter Sellers comedy, a US Air Force general orders his nuclear-armed bombers to attack the Soviet Union after becoming convinced that fluoridated water is a communist plot to sap America’s "precious bodily fluids."

Connett told the board that the CDC is wrong about fluoride being either safe or effective. And he said the national laboratory’s recommendations have unduly influenced local health officials to favor fluoride.
Connett said the CDC recommendations on fluoride come from only a small unit within the mammoth complex of laboratories in Atlanta.
But he said it takes a brave soul for a health official to challenge the CDC’s recommendations on fluoride.
Among fluoride supporters, "protecting this policy has now become more important than protecting the health of the people," he said.
Wichita voters will decide whether to fluoridate their water in Tuesday’s election.