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UK Against Fluoridation

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Case Against Community Water Fluoridation

Published on 30 Oct 2012 by healthhunter1

Does fluoride reduce tooth decay?
Is it a harmful addition to our water supply?
What are the risks to your family when drinking fluoridated water?

These are all questions that have been in the thoughts of many Wichitans recently as the date approaches when citizens can cast their vote and decide whether or not to fluoridate the water supply. This is not only a subject for Wichita, but effects many other communities across the country.

The world's leading expert on fluoride toxicity, Dr. Connett has spent the past 16 years researching the effects of fluoride on human health and the environment. He is the Executive Director of Fluoride Action Network (FAN)... a non-profit coalition of citizens and scientists working to broaden awareness about the toxicity of fluoride compounds and the harmful consequences of Community Water Fluoridation.

Dr. Connett is the co-author of "The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There" (2010). He holds a B.A. in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University, England, and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Dartmouth College. Dr. Connett is retired from his full professorship at St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY, where he taught environmental chemistry and toxicology for 23 years.

UK - Upcoming surveys to measure prevalence and severity of dental decay

Upcoming surveys to measure prevalence and severity of dental decay in three year olds
30 October, 2012

Upcoming epidemiology surveys are set to measure the dental health of 3-year-olds in England. These surveys will improve knowledge about decay progression in pre-school years and inform planners about the timing and impact of interventions to meet the targets linked to the oral health of 5-year-olds, which are listed in the public health outcomes framework.

The surveys will measure the prevalence and severity of dental decay in 3-year-old children attending child care institutions in each local authority to provide a baseline for comparison in subsequent years and, for some areas, establish a cohort for follow up.

Chief Dental Officer Barry Cockcroft has written to directors of public health and dental public health and directors of children’s services to highlight the surveys. He is asking them to seek the support of relevant colleagues within their departments as well as of leads in all pre-school child care sites.

Chemists weigh in on fluoridation Video

Chemists weigh in on fluoridation Video

y Michael Schwanke

KWCH 12 Eyewitness News

2:16 p.m. CDT, October 30, 2012
(WICHITA, Kan.)— Several compounds can be added to water to fluoridate it. We spoke with Wichita State University chemist David Eichhorn. He says, despite what these compounds start out as, once they are mixed with water - you end up with fluoride.
He says groups like the CDC have determined safe levels, but, like anything, you don't want too much.

"Any chemical is going to be toxic at a high enough concentration," Eichhorn told us, "A good example is sodium we think we need to stay away from sodium is in fact important to have in our body just not at too high of concentration."

We also talked with chemist and former KU professor Albert Burgstahler. While many health organizations endorse fluoride, Burghstahler says he drank five to six quarts of fluoridated water daily...and got sick.

"I know for a fact, it was verified within me," Burgstahler said. "I had a low thyroid function that was reversed from getting away from fluoridated water."

The CDC says the most common side effect from higher-than-recommended fluoride intake in the US is Dental Fluorosis. It causes spots, streaks - or in the worst cases - pits in tooth enamel.

Extensive video

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

CT State Rep Larry Butler on Fluoride

We Are Change Connecticut confronts State Rep Larry Butler of the 72nd District on Fluoride.

A dental hygienist is well positioned to assess a person's risk of tooth decay

A dental hygienist is well positioned to assess a person's risk of tooth decay, says letter writer Michelle Black.
Photograph by: Jean Levac, Ottawa Citizen , Ottawa Citizen
Re: City dismisses fears over fluoride in water, Oct. 20.

As a practising dental hygienist, I have taken a keen interest in fluoride throughout my career, more so recently as I've become concerned about what affect chemicals in personal products, including toothpaste might have on my body.

So when the City of Ottawa says it's safe to drink our municipal tap water, which includes fluoride, I wondered if that was true.

We're told it's deemed safe for everyone to consume. Doesn't matter how much we ingest, how old we are, where we live or if we have health problems.

I questioned this because, in my 18 years as a dental hygienist, I've seen evidence of excessive fluoride ingestion on people's teeth and I know how brown patches on a teen's teeth can affect their mental health. I know if people use formula to feed their baby I'm to advise against use of tap water. It can contain 250 times more than nature passes on through breast milk.

I know there are places like China and India where the naturally occurring fluoride in water is crippling bones and has destroyed teeth. Only eight countries in the world actually fluoridate tap water. The citizens of these countries also have the distinction of having the highest rates of arthritis and thyroid disease, both side effects of excessive ingestion of fluoride.

Dr. Hardy Limebeck, past president of the Canadian Association of Dental Research, has publicly spoken out about their scientific findings, revealing that it's not necessary to be ingested, that its purpose is better served when applied directly to the tooth.

Dr. Paul Connett, professor emeritus in Chemistry at St. Lawrence College in Caton, N.Y. is another scientist who has spoken out publicly against the need to put fluoride in municipal water.

So my natural inclination is to encourage people to improve their oral health by daily care, including brushing two to three times per day, with a soft toothbrush and floss at least once.

Watching what and when you eat is important as well.

A dental professional is well-positioned to assess the risk of decay and whether there is a need for fluoride. But I'm still on the fence about the "safety" of ingesting it.

Michelle Black, RDH, Confident Smiles Independent Dental Hygiene, Ottawa

Monday, October 29, 2012

Dr. Burgstahler with Gene Countryman

Dr. Albert W. Burgstahler, PhD on the Gene Countryman Show
Dr. Albert Burgstahler, Professor Emeritus at the University of Kansas appears on the Gene Countryman Show.

To fluoride, or not to fluoride. That contentious question is being asked of Wichita voters on the November ballot. Some say putting more fluoride in the Wichita water supply is nothing less than adding a poison. Others say it’s a way to promote better dental health, especially among children. Dr. Burgstahler is firmly in the NO camp.

A representative of Wichitans For Healthy Teeth, the YES side, have been invited to participate in the broadcast.

To listen to radio click here

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Statement by Ireland Against Fluoridation

Statement by Ireland Against Fluoridation on Irish Constitutional Referendum on 10th Nov 2012 to
'protect' children.
Best interests of 240,000 children denied by cynical Irish state.
Dublin, October 26th 2012
Since 2001 when the Irish government retracted warnings to parents not to make up infant formula with fluoridated tap water because of the fluoride overdosing risks to babies, the state has put some 240,000 bottle-fed babies in Ireland (5% of the population) at totally unnecessary risk. “The supreme irony is that 50 years ago parents were deemed incapable of protecting their children’s teeth so the state imposed national tap water fluoridation. Today fluoride overdosing is such that every third child here has mottled teeth but the state cynically conceals the medical facts from parents simply to protect state policy” said Robert Pocock, campaigner for IrelandAgainstFluoridation.

Of the 400,000 babies born to parents living in fluoridated areas of Ireland since 2001, some 240,000 will have been mainly or exclusively bottle-fed. Yet the warning to parents not to use tap water for baby bottles was withdrawn in October 2001 by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) in a most irresponsible manner. The FSAI’s scientific committee changed its advice after improper intervention by the Irish fluoridation lobby. The explanation by the FSAI’s Dr Wayne Anderson was singled out for criticism by the Oireachtas Joint Health Committee in 2006 (1) who described this process mess as irregular and unsatisfactory. The committee’s final report in 2007 questioning the safety of fluoridation was blocked by Fianna Fail and PD members purely to protect policy.

Said Pocock “If ever there was a case for rejecting any more state intervention claiming to protect children this is it. The best interests and welfare of at least a quarter of a million children have not been protected by the state but water fluoridation and its career promoters have. Health ministers Martin, Harney and Reilly are all equally culpable”

Meanwhile the 2002 North South Survey (2) confirmed the fluoridation risks by revealing that fluorosis (tooth mottling) in the fluoridated Republic had increased alarmingly since 1984 to now affect every third 15 yr old. The then health minister Martin did what Irish health ministers do – he buried the evidence, this time in the whitewash report of the Fluoridation Forum. Contrast this typical Irish cover-up with the Swiss city of Basel which, within a few years of the similar evidence emerging – unacceptably large increase in mottled teeth in Swiss children -- ended fluoridation in April 2003 after 42 years.

International advice against exposing vulnerable bottle-fed babies to fluoridated water continues to mount and in May 2011 the EU Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks warned that babies fed formula with the Irish tap water fluoride concentration ‘ingest one hundred and thirty seven times more fluoride than if solely breast-fed’ (3). Yet still our over-wrought health minister Dr Reilly exposes our children to medicinally unlicensed industrial fluoride products despite evidence linking them to neurological damage on children’s IQ, as demonstrated by recent Harvard research(4).
“If fluoridation by the Irish state is a guide, the best interests of children were not paramount. Therefore in the referendum on 10th November 2012 voters should not trust the Irish state with any more power over their children’s welfare” added Pocock.
ENDS (Info 086 811 3071)

(1) www.fluoridereport.com page 5 Conclusion 10 & 11.
(2) http://www.dohc.ie/publications/oral_health.html page 61
(3) http://ec.europa.eu/health/scientific_committees/environmental_risks/docs/scher_o_139.pdf page 28
(4) http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/07/24/idUS127920+24-Jul-2012+PRN20120724

Blow to Fluoride Campaigners Hopes

Friday, October 26, 2012, 07:55p.m. - • News
Posted by Administrator

The Health Body that is trying to add fluoride to thousands of homes in Southampton and surrounding areas has survived a complaint that would have scuppered the plans.

The South Central Strategic Health Authority, (SHA), is due to be abolished in April next year. However, it has confirmed its' intention to press ahead with plans to add fluoride to tap water, in the face of public opposition. In responding to a consultation, 73% of the public told the SHA that they did not want the chemical added to tap water.

Hampshire County Councillor, David Harrison, and New Forest East MP, Dr Julian Lewis submitted a joint complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, complaining that the consultation was flawed and inadequate and that the SHA was wasting large sums of public money trying to impose something that would almost certainly be reversed once local authorities are given the powers to decide such issues.

In a further blow to campaigners hopes, the Ombudsman, who took months considering the issue that he has decribed as “complex”, has decided not to uphold the complaint. It is considered that the High Court had already considered the conduct of the SHA and that there was no merit in re-examining the issue. Also it is for the High Court to consider matters if areas outside the consultation are to receive fluoride in water.

Councillor Harrison says “ I am naturally disappointed that the Ombudsman has decided not to uphold the complaint. It would have stopped the SHA in its' tracks. I think most people will think it amazing that a public body can waste thousands of pounds forcing through an unwanted scheme that they know will be reversed within months of their abolition. However, that apparently doesn't amount to maladministration. Government departments can throw money away, as long as they do it legally – amazing!”

The Dangers of Public Water Fluoridation

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fluoride Portland issue mentioned about 2/3rds through.

Healthy smiles for Cleveland kids

Cleveland is fluoridated NYSCOF

A bad tooth can kill you and they see kids where they're beyond pain, the tooth is actually rotted down to the quick, the roots are gone in the tooth and we're talking second grade.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Disturbing History of Water Fluoridation

Published on 25 Oct 2012 by iHealthTube

Professor Paul Connett describes how and why water fluoridation started in this country. He points out flaws in some of the reasoning and some of the many concerns of continued fluoridation.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Canada - Effects of fluoride

Effects of fluoride
Re: Anti-fluoride claims don't hold water, Oct. 19.
If fluoride strengthens bones, as claimed by Brian Dunning in his opinion piece, then why are there some studies linking fluoride with increased rates of fractures?

Fluoridation is outdated. Decades ago it was believed that fluoride had to be swallowed to be effective; now it's generally accepted that any benefits can be gained by applying it topically to the teeth, as in toothpaste. You don't have to dose the whole body.

Fluoride has been linked to lowered intelligence and kidney damage. When an authority declares it "safe," they don't mean it has no negative effects, but only that in their judgment a certain percentage of the population suffering mottled teeth or other effects is acceptable. But who gets to decide?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"The Great Culling: Our Water" Official Movie (FIRST 33 MIN)

Studies show fluoride isn't safe

Studies show fluoride isn't safe
By James Winter, The Windsor Star October 24, 2012 12:00 AM
As a university professor who taught statistics and methods to graduate students, I am shocked and appalled by the cheap tricks employed by Dr. Mark Drkulec, president of the Essex County Dental Society. (Re: No need for fluoridation, Oct. 17).

In his letter critiquing a column by Dr. W. Gifford-Jones, Drkulec invented and cherry-picked quotations to distort an excellent study quoted by Gifford-Jones.

The cited study, led by a Harvard scholar, concluded as follows:

"Children who lived in areas with high fluoride exposure had lower IQ scores .... In conclusion, our results support the possibility of adverse effects of fluoride exposures on children's neurodevelopment."

The article was a review of 27 studies, including ones from rural China, which previously have not been accessible to western researchers.

Drkulec writes, "the authors ... have stated that their findings are not particularly applicable in North America."

The authors made no such statement. To the contrary, they said that although some of the studies included had higher fluoride concentrations than allowed by the U.S. EPA, recent studies indicate that even very low levels of fluoride are harmful.

It is unclear to me why a dentist would endorse compulsory mass medication. Adding fluorosilicic acid, a toxic waste byproduct, to our water supply without the permission of consumers, and without an alternative water supply, is unethical.

People who want to medicate their teeth can buy toothpaste containing fluoride.

Drkulec writes that, "...water fluoridation, in the optimal amount, is safe and effective ..." Many studies have challenged the safety and effectiveness of fluoridation.

In 2006, the U.S. National Research Council documented numerous negative effects of fluoride on many organ systems including increased potential risk for bone fractures (the well-documented disease of skeletal fluorosis), possibly increased risk of osteosarco-ma, reduced IQ, thyroid dysfunction, endocrine dysfunction and more.

Tell the parents of three-year-old William Kennerly about the safety of fluoride. According to the New York Times report in 1979, William died when he swallowed his fluoride treatment at a Brooklyn city dental clinic, rather than rinsing it out. His parents were awarded $750,000 by the State Supreme Court.

If there is a remote chance that fluoride will lower our children's intelligence - much less kill us - then take it out of the drinking water!

DR. JAMES WINTER, professor, University of Windsor

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Dr Stephan Speaks About Fluoride

Poor sound track but different slant on fluoridation.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Obesity is rising in the last 30 years

Obesity is rising in the last 30 years
by S. C.

Obesity is rising in the last 30 years and is getting worse, equal to the use of genetic engineering and the use of pesticides. Obesity has doubled in the last 20 years globally and in the USA, over 60% of us are obese. Something is seriously wrong. Cancer rates are skyrocketing as are a host of other diseases.

Remember the saying, “You are what you eat”? Well, we are GMO’s. We are roundup, artificial sweeteners, poison, hormones, food dye, MSG and many other Acronyms that we don’t understand. And they are dangerous (just look at the health of Americans). It doesn't matter how much we wash an ear of corn. We're eating pesticides, chemicals, and new 'foods'. Some people truly believe, that the food source of today is the safest it has ever been. They embrace Genetically Modified fooda wholeheartedly. And they accept irradiation of food, and blindly stuff themselves with the latest food experiment....That is, the human food experiment. We eat High Fructose Corn Syrup as it is in just about everything that we eat. Processed foods have almost no nutrition in them anymore.

Daily, Americans are exposed to at least 10 to 13 different pesticides from our food and drinking water. Nine of the 10 most common pesticides are endocrine-disrupting, which have been linked to weight gain! And this is legal? Fluoride is also in our water, which is a known toxic substance.......

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Rob Dew's Special Fluoride Report

Tooth decay most prevalent child disease

ISLAMABAD, Oct 20: Dental cavities (tooth decay) are the most prevalent chronic childhood disease in the country.

It is five times more common than asthma, and almost 50 per cent of children aged between 12 and 15 have two teeth involved in the disease process.

This was stated by participants of the ‘restorative dentistry symposium’ organised by the Islamabad Medical and Dental College on Saturday......

I thought they had too much fluoride in their water?

Groundwater Quality: Pakistan
. Excessive fluoride is an additional common problem.

Questions and answers before Wichita’s fluoridation vote

Questions and answers before Wichita’s fluoridation vote
By Dion Lefler, Annie Calovich and Bill Wilson
The Wichita Eagle
Published Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012, at 11:08 p.m.

Q. Are there any negative effects to consuming fluoridated water?

A. Dental fluorosis is the most common effect. It is mainly characterized by white spots or a pitting of the enamel on teeth. A Centers for Disease Control study from 1999 to 2004 showed that 33 percent of children ages 6 to 11 had it, 41 percent of ages 12 to 15 had it, and 36 percent of ages 16 to 19 had it.

Supporters of fluoridated water say that mild cases are barely noticeable and that the side effect is small compared with tooth decay.

Most other health effects caused by fluoride occur from industrial exposure or in areas where high levels of fluoride occur naturally in the soil and water.

“Small amounts of fluoride are added to toothpaste or drinking water to help prevent dental decay,” according to the Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “However, exposure to higher levels of fluoride may harm your health. Skeletal fluorosis can be caused by eating, drinking, or breathing very large amounts of fluorides. This disease only occurs after long-term exposures and can cause denser bones, joint pain, and a limited range of joint movement...Skeletal fluorosis is extremely rare in the United States; it has occurred in some people consuming greater than 30 times the amount of fluoride typically found in fluoridated water. It is more common in places where people do not get proper nutrition. At fluoride levels 5 times greater than levels typically found in fluoridated water, fluoride can result in denser bones. However, these bones are often more brittle or fragile than normal bone and there is an increased risk of older men and women breaking a bone. Some studies have also found a higher risk of bone fractures in older men and women at fluoride levels typically found in fluoridated water. However, other studies have not found an effect at this fluoride dose.”

Robert Hinshaw, a physician at the Riordan Clinic in Wichita and an opponent of fluoridation, says that skeletal fluorosis is probably an unrecognized cause of arthritis. He says that fluorosis in the teeth is an indicator of fluorosis in the skeleton.

USA - What the research says about fluoride

What the research says about fluoride
By Guest Columnist
on October 20, 2012 at 5:00 AM, updated October 20, 2012
By Jay Harris Levy
As a practicing dentist for 30 years, a former faculty member and researcher at OHSU's School of Dentistry, and someone who has worked in public health dental clinics, I would like to address the recent opinion piece on fluoridating Portland's water by Effie Greathouse ("Debating Portland's water: When I check the research, fluoride makes sense," Oct. 13). The author claims that the findings of the meta analysis of 27 studies, mostly in China, show that fluoride levels were higher than those experienced in the United States and that IQ differences were not significant. Greathouse placed more credence in the reassurance of her family doctor and family dentist than in the reports of specialist epidemiologists at the Harvard School of Public Health, who did find these results to be significant.
Whereas some of the studies included in the analysis examined IQ in regions with higher concentrations of fluoride than most children may be exposed to in the U.S., most of the individual studies found cognitive impairments associated with fluoride levels that many individuals in the U.S. are exposed to. The Harvard epidemiologists clearly stated that: "Children who lived in areas with high fluoride exposure had lower IQ scores than those who lived in low exposure or control areas." Greathouse dismisses the cognitive impairment the study found as being exaggerated. I would suggest that any impairment in IQ is an unacceptable trade-off for the unproven possibility of "fewer" cavities.

While Greathouse correctly points out that the state of Oregon as a whole has a high rate of tooth decay, it is important to note that the city of Portland does not. According to the 2007 Oregon Smile Survey, the percentage of children with untreated tooth decay in the Portland metropolitan area was only 21 percent, well below the national average of 29 percent, which includes fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas. There is, however, a whopping 44 percent of untreated tooth decay in the rest of Oregon, which is far above the national average.

I have seen terrible cases of rampant tooth decay in children and adults in Oregon Health & Science University clinics that I have practiced and taught in, and I am the first to want to prevent it, but these statistics highlight the problems in rural areas across our state with poverty, nutrition and limited access to dental and medical care.

The money spent for fluoridating Portland's water supply would not help the children who need it most and would be much better spent on preventive programs in underserved areas.

Jay Harris Levy lives and practices in Portland.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

USA - Sedgwick County Commission Meeting on Fluoride • October 17th, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fluoride sold as pesticide; China exports to U.S. cities

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Great Culling" Official Reality Zone Trailer

<iframe width="450" height="253" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/rC5_Ms1-bkk?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Lead in Tap Water Is a Health Risk

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Less Fluoride Coming to Grand Forks Water

Few people think about it but most municipal water systems have added the chemical fluoride to tap water for years. Now, the US Department of Health is proposing a change to the recommended levels designed to prevent tooth decay.

Those recommendations will likely result in a reduction of the fluoride Grand Forks puts into the drinking water. The current government recommendations on fluoride in drinking water are from 50 years ago and a lot has changed since then. There is more exposure to fluoride. People get more of it everyday in toothpaste, mouthwash, even some types of dental floss. Currently Grand Forks adds 1.2 milligrams of fluoride per liter of water. The change will reduce that to 0.7 milligrams. The new drinking water guidelines will not go into effect until next year.

Where fluoridation started in the USA
Here in Southampton they intend to put in 1ppm

How 'Scientific Poisoners' Threaten the Future of Life on Planet Earth

How 'Scientific Poisoners' Threaten the Future of Life on Planet Earth
By Natural News | October 16, 2012 1:23 PM EST
There is a battle being waged for your mind. To the victor comes influence over your beliefs, you purchase decisions, and even your values. On one side of the battlefield are the so-called 'scientific' poisoners, who are really just proxy scientists and propagandists promoting corporate interests. These 'scientists' want to convince you that there's no such thing as a dangerous pesticide. That GMOs are harmless, in fact healthful. That autism isn't caused by any possibly related to chemical exposure, and that vaccines are a scientific gift to humanity, without which we would have all died from infectious disease.
There is no chemical the scientific poisoners do not think is safe to put on your skin or ingest into your body. Hydrofluosilicic acid -- also mistakenly called "fluoride" -- is perfectly safe to drink, they say. Chemotherapy is good for you and doesn't make your hair fall out or damage your kidneys. Psychiatric drugs are more important than vitamins. Pharmaceuticals should be your nutrition! And your immune system is incomplete without vaccine intervention at the tip of a needle.

This "cult of scientism" believes that nature is a failure. Your body is a failure. That nothing good happens without chemical intervention. Crops won't grow unless they're GMO. The world will starve without bt insecticides being engineered into the kernels of corn. Humans would be extinct if not for vaccines and pharmaceuticals. There is no God. Instead, we should worship Monsanto, Dupont, Dow Chemical, Merck, Pfizer, and all the other corporate giants that produce the chemicals we're supposed to consume.......

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

NZ - Royal Society’s Chief Called to Resign over Fluoridation

Royal Society’s Chief Called to Resign over Fluoridation
Tuesday, 16 October 2012, 4:59 pm
Press Release: NZ Fluoridation Information Service
Royal Society’s Chief Called to Resign over Fluoridation Review Debacle
11 October 2012

Contrary to the claims that the Royal Society’s call for scientific information on fluoridation “did not elicit any new information indicating that a further review would be of value at present” the Society received almost 1000 pages of fully referenced scientific information showing fluoridation to be a significant health risk, as well as being ineffective at reducing tooth decay.

This information included many of the IQ studies recently reviewed under the umbrella of the Harvard School of Public Health, by world-leading scientists in the field of developmental neurotoxicology. The review was published in the leading journal Environmental Health Perspectives, and its findings directly contradict the recent statement by Professor Skegg.

Professor Skegg’s statement is simply a “complete fabrication”, according to Mark Atkin, CE of the NZ Fluoridation Information Service, who continues “It suggests the real reason the plug was pulled on the Royal Society’s review. The Society could not have maintained scientific integrity unless it recommended fluoridation be stopped, given the extensive scientific information we supplied. This would have directly conflicted with Professor Skegg’s blind support of public health’s entrenched fluoridation policy. Professor Skegg’s statement is simply propaganda - a betrayal of science and the statutory role of the Royal Society. Having put propaganda and personal beliefs above scientific integrity, he should resign immediately before he further damages the credibility of the Royal Society.”

The claim of “extensive research over many decades indicating fluoridation is [safe and effective]” has been fully discredited by the York Review 2000 and the US National Research Council Review 2006. “Any scientist with any knowledge of the fluoridation issue would know this. There is a saying: ‘when a scientist abuses his position in society of trust and authority to mislead the public, he does not become a dishonest scientist – he simply ceases to be a scientist. This blind repetition of propaganda shows that Professor Skegg has ceased to be a scientist”, concludes Mr Atkin.


The NZ Fluoridation Information Service was established in early 2011 to provide accurate and reliable information on fluoridation, in the face of the creation by the Ministry of Health of its lobby group the National Water Fluoridation Support and Co-ordination Service, misrepresenting itself as an objective information service, and the increasing levels of misinformation and propaganda issuing from the Ministry of Health, District Health boards, and the NZ Dental Association.

Monday, October 15, 2012

American v British teeth

Ricky Gervais is the first to admit that his teeth are neither white nor straight - and Americans mistakenly think he wears bad false teeth for comedic purposes. Why the dental divide?...........................

........British teeth are not like American teeth. Dentistry in the UK is a £5bn market, and Mr Fallowfield expects this to rise to £15bn within 10 years, largely fuelled by private cosmetic dentistry. While NHS dentists are in short supply in parts of the country, the number of dentists registered with the General Dental Council is up from 31,029 in 2000 to 35,419 in 2007. On average, cosmetic procedures account for a third of a dentist's income from non-NHS work, according to research by the British Dental Association...

All those anticipated people with white fluorosis spots from fluoridation will help to boost it further.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

USA - Health Effects of Water Fluoridation

Well done Portland.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Effects of Fluoridation on Minority Communities

Kids polish up on how to clean their teeth

Published on Friday 12 October 2012 15:53
CHILDREN across Portsmouth are getting their teeth strengthened – thanks to a fluoride varnish.
The scheme, which is being run by the University of Portsmouth’s Dental Academy, is aimed at schoolchildren aged four and five.
Primary care trust NHS Portsmouth has commissioned the academy to go into schools to improve oral hygiene in the city.
The banana-flavoured varnish is applied to the child’s teeth using a microbrush.
The sticky varnish, which is 0.25ml, is brushed into the teeth and left to soak in.
John Weld, clinical director at the academy, said: ‘We want to improve dental care and prevent dental decay in Portsmouth.
‘The reason why we are targeting four to five year olds is because between the ages of three and five, decay can hit teeth pretty badly.
‘Last year we started supervised brushing to take home the message that you need to brush your teeth.
‘The next step was to do a dental screen and look at the health of the mouth.
‘Now we are implementing the fluoride varnish that is absorbed by the enamel coating on teeth. This makes it resistant to decay.
‘It’s Department of Health policy that children should have at least two applications, and four for high risk.’
The programme is voluntary and up to parents if they would like to put children forward.
The academy said there was 90 per cent agreement to the supervised brushing, and around 80 per cent have agreed to the varnish.
Each week the academy goes into a different primary school in Portsmouth to apply the varnish.
Staff also talk about the importance of brushing teeth and having a healthy mouth.
One of the schools that took part was Meredith Infants School, in Portchester Road, North End.
Around 20 pupils had the varnish put on.
Oakley Lancett, five, said: ‘The lady put the stuff on my teeth and it was very sticky and tasted like banana.
‘I brush my teeth, but sometimes I forget. I need to look after my teeth so I can eat and have a nice smile.’
Deputy headteacher Lucy Carroll said: ‘We’re delighted to be part of the initiative with the university.
‘We all know the life-long affect on children, who have poor dental hygiene, so we are very positive about the impact it will have on children’s general health and wellbeing.
‘The children brush daily and we hope to continue strong links with the Dental Academy.’


It wasn't so bad when soft drinks were the occasional treat.
But now sugary drinks are the number one source of calories in the American diet.

With one third of America overweight and another third obese, it's a wonder
anyone is still swallowing what the soda companies are selling.

Australia - Council continues fight against fluoride

BUNDABERG Regional Council will have another go at getting the State Government to reverse its decision on the forced fluoridation of water.
The council thought it had gained an exemption after talks with Premier Campbell Newman and Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney.
But last month Health Minister Lawrence Springborg confirmed the Bundaberg council would have to go ahead with fluoridating its water supply.

Council water and wastewater spokesman Alan Bush said yesterday council representatives had made an appointment to see Mr Springborg and Local Government Minister David Crisafulli.
They would meet during the Local Government Association of Queensland annual conference, which starts on October 22.
"We'll have a talk and tell them about the costs of it all," Cr Bush said.
"I believe commonsense has to prevail.
"They want to cut costs and save money and here's a perfect example."
Cr Bush said up until the beginning of this week the council had had no official notification they had to go ahead with fluoridation.....

Friday, October 12, 2012

An Inconvenient Tooth - Fluoride Documentary

Portland vs. Fluoride

Published on 11 Oct 2012 by corbettreport

Joining us tonight are Dr. Paul Connett of the Fluoride Action Network and Kimberly Kaminski of Oregon Citizens for Safe Drinking Water to talk about the current drive to add fluoride to the drinking water in Portland. We discuss the political background of this initiative, the adverse health effects of water fluoridation, and what people can do to get involved in the issue.

Canada - Further research needed for fluoride effects on brain development

Re: No need for fluoridation, Doctor Game column, by Dr. W. Gifford-Jones, Oct. 4.

Dr. Gifford-Jones’ article brings attention to the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) study regarding fluoridated water’s negative effect on our children’s brains.

Fluoridation lobbyists will assert that the studies linking fluoride water to brain damage are not relevant to us because the level of F in our water is lower. But this would do a disservice to those who must rely upon the municipal water supply.

Health authorities have admitted that no one is monitoring our total fluoride exposure from our air, food and water.

No one argues that fluoride is toxic, only what level you can be exposed to before harm occurs and, of course, this is different for each person relying on WUC’s drinking water.

In a Harvard press release from Sept. 11, 2012, the researchers stated, “These results do not allow us to make judgment regarding possible levels of risk at levels of exposure typical for water fluoridation … neither can it be concluded that no risk is present. We therefore recommend further research to clarify what role fluoride exposure levels may play in possible adverse effects on brain development.”

Is this research being done in Canada? Why wasn’t it conducted before fluoridation experiments began?

Earlier, in a HSPH feature story published on their website in July 2012, senior author, Professor Philippe Grandjean, states, “Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain. The effect of each toxicant may seem small but the combined damage on a population scale can be serious, especially because the brain power of the next generation is crucial to all of us.”

Will council rely on the interpretation of these studies by people paid to promote the practice? Or, will they seek out the expertise of the scientists conducting research and exercise precaution?


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Study: Kissing Dogs May Lead to Tooth Decay, Gum Disease

A new dental study suggests dog owners shouldn’t go overboard with the puppy love.

The report in Archives for Oral Biology found that kissing your dog may lead to tooth decay and gum disease in both humans and canines. Researchers in Japan came to this conclusion late last year through a dental plaque analysis of dogs and owners who were more and less affectionate.

They found harmful human bacteria in the mouths of dogs who kissed their owners and dog germs in humans.

Anti-fluoride group will submit more than 35,000 signatures

An anti-fluoride group said it's been so successful collecting signatures to block Portland's controversial fluoride plan that it will turn them in Thursday -- a day ahead of schedule and with thousands of signatures to spare.

If they succeeded in collecting 19,858 valid signatures from city voters, Portland's already-approved fluoride plan would come to a screeching halt. It wouldn't move forward unless voters approve, with the most likely election date not until May 2014.

Clean Water Portland collected more than 35,000 signatures by Wednesday afternoon, leader Kim Kaminski said, and the group plans to submit them Thursday afternoon, ahead of Friday's 5 p.m. deadline.

"I am confident that we will get this on the ballot," she said. "If I weren't confident, we wouldn't be turning them in a day early." ..........

Canada - Windsor should stop fluoridation like other cities

Re: No need for fluoridation, Doctor Game column, by Dr. W. Gifford-Jones, Oct. 4.

Dr. Gifford-Jones provides excellent insight into the dangers of consuming fluoride – everything from fluorosis and lowered IQ to the accidental fatal poisoning of a three-year-old during his first dental visit.
But against the backdrop of all these health concerns are pieces of legislation that should alarm Windsor’s decision-makers. They include:
• The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, which classifies the fluoridation product we use (H2SiF6) as a man-made, bio-accumulative and persistent toxin.
• Ontario’s Safe Drinking Water Act of 2002, which states, “Dilution is no defense for adding a contaminant to drinking water.”
• The federal Hazardous Waste Act, which prohibits disposal of H2SiF6 anywhere in the environment. Yet, every time we water our lawns, it happens.
• Canada’s Species At Risk Act, which sets raw water fluoride limits at 0.12 ppm. According to Windsor Utilities, the intake level of fluoride from the Detroit River is 0.15 ppm.
There also exists a state of non-compliance with National Sanitation Foundation regulatory statute “Standard 60,” to which Windsor Utilities is subject.

The statute requires a “toxicology review” to ensure fluoride-delivery agents are safe. The problem? No such review exists for H2SiF6.
So, in addition to growing evidence that artificial water fluoridation poses harm, the protocols designed to ensure public safety have been, and continue to be, completely ignored.

More than a dozen municipalities have recently stopped fluoridation in Ontario. It’s time for Windsor to follow suit.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Harmful effects of Fluoride on the body and the Irish media's silence

TOL Mayoral Conversation: Fluoridation

“Baby Teeth” Are They Important?

“Baby Teeth” Are They Important?
October 9, 2012
Primary teeth, more commonly referred to as “baby teeth” are all too often viewed as unimportant. After all, the child is going to lose them anyway, right? Yes, children will lose all their baby teeth but, these teeth are still VERY IMPORTANT. Baby teeth have very specific functions. They are needed to chew which allows for proper digestion of food, they hold space for the permanent teeth, contribute to proper speech development and most importantly when healthy; they help to build a child’s self-esteem.

Protecting your child’s baby teeth should be a part of your daily routine and can be accomplished by doing the following:

WIPE-before teeth appear wipe baby’s mouth after feeding with a soft, moist cloth

SMEAR-start brushing teeth with a smear of fluoride toothpaste AS SOON as they begin to appear

Don't worry about fluorosis or lower IQ.

UK - Government plans to modernise NHS dentistry

Government plans to modernise NHS dentistry as dental pilot project is extended
Date of article: 09-Oct-12

Article By: Rachel Baker, News Editor

Spitting after brushing your teeth instead of rinsing, can help teeth to absorb fluoride from the toothpaste and protect your mouth from disease, is the key message being given by dentists as the Government announces it will extend its dental pilot scheme.
The scheme involves dentists giving simple tips to help patients prevent dental problems before they appear. It is hoped this pilot scheme will modernise NHS dentistry and provide the evidence needed to develop the new dental contract.
Since last September, dentists from 70 practices have been trialling new ways of working and about 25 extra practices will now join the expanding pilot programme....

Bit risky swallowing all that fluoride?

Monday, October 08, 2012

On The Ben Fellows Radio Show today, Ben talks to Councillor Liz Vaughn on the position of councils, her work on Fluoride and the frustrations she's dealt with over getting councils to understand what fluoride actually is. Later in the show Doug Cross joins the conversation with the European legal stand point and we discuss how the United Kingdom is breaking European law in regards to medicating the population without consent. For more information visit ukcaf.org.

07 23 2011 Truth About Fluoride

Prof Connett interview.

Sunday, October 07, 2012

FLUORIDE The Aging Factor 19 20 NaturalNews tv

Sodium Fluoride Causes Cancer and AIDS

I go along with the first part of the story but AIDS?

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Raleigh City Council - Stop Water Fluoridation - 10 2 2012 - Marcus

Friday, October 05, 2012

Irish State Broadcaster ignore mass medication of Irish people - recorded phone call

Daily Echo - Adding fluoride is folly

Adding fluoride is folly
IN response to the letter from Carol Scarborough "Poisoning the public?" (September 24), I am extremely bewildered by the weakness of our Government to allow the Strategic Health Authority (SHA) to contaminate our drinking water.
The very fact that this Professor Newton apparently has refused to sign a written guarantee that this measure will not have an adverse health effect, rejecting it even as "inappropriate", giving in addition no valid reason, is proof enough of the folly of this situation.
Cannot this Government once and for all show its strength in permitting the citizens of this region to continue having their well-deserved clean drinking water, the envy of many countries of the world?
Is the SHA (how dare it associate itself with 'strategic health'?) going to be given such freedoms to poison our water? Can it not finally understand that we the citizens (whose rights should be respected) do NOT want this fluoride in our water?
Does it not understand democratic procedure? Then maybe this noble Government of ours should give it proper instruction.
Not long ago our Government invaded Iraq and now it cannot stop the SHA from ruining and endangering our perfectly good drinking water.
This debate has certainly gone on long enough and any intelligent being should be able to comprehend that the SHA's contribution to endangering our health is simply not desired.

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Fluoride billboard on US 19 in Palm Harbor paid for by dentist

The Water Cure

Non fluoridated of course and filter out the chlorine.

Raleigh City Council - Stop Water Fluoridation - 9/4/2012 - Katie

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Government Admits Fluoride Hurting Children!

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Australia - UQ project reduces toddler tooth decay

UQ project reduces toddler tooth decay
The answer to early childhood tooth decay could be just a phone call away, thanks to new research by the University of Queensland and Queensland Health.

In a study conducted in Brisbane's south, where 23 per cent of toddlers suffer from substantial dental decay, researchers have found preventative strategies could be the solution to the enormous cost of poor oral health on our public system.

Oral health education and support for mothers, including home visits and telephone calls, were found to reduce the rate of decay in children down to 2 per cent.

Kathryn Plonka, UQ School of Dentistry PhD candidate and Senior Oral Health Therapist at Logan-Beaudesert Public Oral Health Service, based her research on more than 1000 mothers and their children in the Logan-Beaudesert Area.

This area has some of the highest prevalence of tooth decay in Queensland. Through home visits, Ms Plonka's project helped reduced the rate of decay to just 2 per cent and down to 7 per cent via regular telephone calls.......

To find out more about Ms Plonka's Preventive Strategies for Early Childhood Caries (ECC) from Antenatal to Age 36 Months head to www.dentistry.uq.edu.au/paediatric-caries.


Monday, October 01, 2012

Fluoride Is Poison A Quick Demo: By Melissa Melton

Ignore the Nazi reference it is not proven that Hitler did use fluoride but video's worth looking at.

Fluoridation is Outdated and Harmful

Fluoridation is Outdated and Harmful: By Carol S. Kopf, Media Director, Fluoride Action Network 
Fluoridation is a 1940's concept begun with the mistaken belief that one milligram fluoride ingested daily from one liter of water reduced children's tooth decay while teeth formed. Now children consume up to six times that amount of fluoride from water, food, beverages, and dental products negating the need for water fluoridation and putting Americans at unnecessary risk of fluoride's adverse effects and overdoses. 

Further, swallowing fluoride doesn't stop cavities. Fluoride hardens outer tooth enamel topically, not systemically, according to the CDC. 

Fluoridation opponents and proponents agree that too much fluoride is a bad thing with dental fluorosis (discolored teeth) and skeletal fluorosis (bone and joint damage) the consequence. EPA sets safe water fluoride contaminant levels at 2 mg/l and 4mg/L to prevent dental and skeletal fluorosis, respectively. 

Early fluoridationists promised only 10% would develop mild dental fluorosis (white spots). But today 41% of 12-15 year-olds have dental fluorosis - 3% moderate/severe (yellow, brown and/or pitted teeth). Government's failure to examine these children for skeletal fluorosis nullifies any safety claims. 

CDC's Oral Health Division, comprised mostly of dentists, pronounced fluoridation a great achievement, but didn't conduct any original safety research and admits early fluoridationists wrongly assumed that fluoride ingestion prevented cavities. 

Legislators, organizations, foundations and associations that endorse fluoridation were and are lobbied with incomplete and incorrect knowledge; few if any do original research or poll its membership. 

Most literature reviews actually point out huge gaps in fluoride safety knowledge. For example, UKresearchers reported in 2003 "We were unable to discover any reliable good-quality evidence in the fluoridation literature world-wide." In 2006, the Chairman of the National Research Council (NRC) panel on fluoride toxicology, John Doull PhD, said many safety questions are still unsettled. 

NRC also revealed that fluoride, even at low doses added to water supplies, can damage the thyroid, kidney patients, babies and heavy water drinkers. Consequently, many dental, health and government agencies now advise that infant formula should not be mixed with fluoridated water. Also, the National Kidney Foundation withdrew its fluoridation endorsement. Even the American Dental Association admits fluoride can harm kidney patients. 

Fluoridationists dismiss non-US studies. Harvard researchers reviewed 27 foreign studies and concluded that they reliably indicate that water fluoride levels are linked to lower IQ - including studies of communities with water fluoride levels lower than US EPA safe levels. Where are the USstudies to confirm or deny this? 

Calcium fluoride found in nature is much less toxic than hydrofluosilicic acid, the tainted byproduct of phosphate fertilizer manufacturing, added to US fluoridating communities' water. In fact, calcium is the antidote for fluoride. There is no dispute that fluoride can be toxic. 

Fluoride is neither a nutrient, nor essential for good oral health. Fluoridation is an out-dated, ill-conceived public health blunder that needs to be abandoned world-wide. We should educate, not medicate. We cannot continue to allow our children to be unpaid guinea pigs, and without parental informed consent, and partake in this ongoing fluoridation experiment for the political viability of organized dentistry.

Curcumin, vitamin C fight fluoride-induced renal injury

Curcumin, vitamin C fight fluoride-induced renal injury
09/30/2012 19:13:00admin
By Jimmy Downs
Sunday Sept 30, 2012 (foodconsumer.org) -- Fluoride damages the brain and kidneys among other things. But you don't have to be a victim. A new study inBiological Trace Element Research suggests that taking vitamin C or curcumin supplements can help reduce kidney injury induced by fluoride, which is added in drinking water in the U.S.
The study led by Nabavi SF of National Elites Foundation of Iran in Tehran, Iran and colleagues showed that daily exposure to drinking water with 600 ppm sodium fluoride for as short as one week caused renal injury in rats.
The study also showed that intraperitoneal administration of curcumin at a dose of 10 and 20 mg/kg body weight one week prior to the fluoride treatment significantly reduced the oxidative stress and the toxicity of fluoride.
For the study, one week after the treatments with fluoride and curcumin, the researchers measured "lipid peroxidation level, activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and level of glutathione in kidney homogenate" and also creatinine, serum urea and blood urea nitrogen levels in blood samples.
Another group of rats received vitamin C at a dose of 10 mg/kg as standard antioxidant.
Both curcumin and vitamin C treatments prior to fluoride treatment normalized the levels of serum creatinine, serum urea, and blood urea nitrogen. And they also prevented the antioxidant enzymefrom decreasing and kept lipid peroxidation levels balanced.
The researchers concluded "curcumin treatment at the doses of 10 and 20 mg/kg (intraperitoneally) showed significant nephroprotective effects."
In another study released in Renal Failure, the researchers also found a similar profective effect from quercetin supplements at a dose of 20 mg/kg.
Still another study published in Pharmaceutical Biology showed that administration of lycopene at a dose of 10 mg/kg body weight per day provided similar benefits. This study was conducted by Heba H. Mansour of the National Centre for Radiation Research and Technology (NCRRT), Atomic Energy Authority in Cairo, Egypt and colleagues.
Both curcumin and vitamin C supplements are critically important for preventing damages from toxic chemicals like fluoride and radiation from nuclear disasters and medical diagnostics and treatment.
Food consumers who want fluoride out of their drinking water may use a reverse osmosis water filter. Ordinary water filters can't get rid of fluoride. Another type of water filter that can be used for the same purpose is based on aluminum nanomaterial, which is less desirable to some consumers because of the filtering material used.