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UK Against Fluoridation

Friday, December 31, 2010

UK - Dental health teams to work with schools

Published Date:
31 December 2010
By Clive Whittingham
News reporter
Hundreds of children at 40 nurseries and schools are to benefit from a new scheme to improve dental health among children in the north of the county.
The Smile Squad will visit the schools and nurseries in the Kettering area to deliver fun presentations and education about caring for teeth over the next three years.
Are you happy for your child's teeth to be coated in fluoride varnish? Let us know your views by signing-in and posting your comments at the bottom of the page.
The £67,000 scheme funded by the Department of Health will see children receive a free check up at school and be offered a coating of fluoride varnish for their teeth.
If the scheme is a success it will be expanded to other areas.
A similar project has already been a success in Northampton.
Julie Barker, senior nursery nurse at Acorns Day Nursery in Burton Latimer, which is one of 40 nurseries and schools being invited to take part in the pilot, said: "Anything that makes dental care more exciting for children is worth a go.
"Brushing your teeth is something we have all got to do and by making
it fun for the children that will help them get into good habits which is fantastic.
"For many children at nursery whose parents are working and perhaps can't take them to the dentist without taking a day off themselves this will make it simpler and easier for them.
"Bringing things back into the nursery takes the pressure off parents, and it stops the children seeing the dentist as a big scary place."
The sessions will be provided by Northfields Dental Practice in Kettering which has won a three-year contract from the NHS.
Shalin Mehra, managing director of Rodericks Dental which owns the practice, said: "We will be visiting a number of nurseries and schools that have nursery classes, talking to them about dental care.
"We aim to improve the oral health of children in nurseries and are looking forward to working with parents, the nurseries and the PCT to ensure that we deliver a service that is needed, wanted and that everybody will be proud of.

"We will be contacting the identified nurseries and schools in the New Year to begin booking the sessions."

Children will be given a brief check-up during the visits and offered an appointment for treatment if they don't have a regular dentist.
spokesman for NHS Northamptonshire said: "Fluoride varnish can reduce the incidence of tooth decay by up to 30 per cent and NHS
Northamptonshire would encourage all parents and carers of children who are offered this service to participate."

The Harmful Effects Water Of Fluoridation 3-4

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Harmful Effects Water Fluoridation 1-4.wmv

Malaysia - Stop flouridation of M'sian, Sabah water supply

Stop flouridation of M'sian, Sabah water supply
SM Mohamed Idris
Dec 30, 10
4:03pmShare 4The Consumers' Association of Penang (CAP) is concerned that water fluoridation is to be re-introduced into Sabah's public water supply next year as reported in the Bernama dated Dec 28, 2010.

Water fluoridation was discontinued in 1989 by the then Sabah government which feared that inadequate supervision in the process of adding fluoride to the water could cause adverse effects. It is reported that the imminent water fluoridation project is under the 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP) with an allocation of RM2.5 million.

The Malaysian government approved fluoridation of water in 1972 in an attempt to reduce dental cavities. Reportedly, 75.5 percent of the country's population receives fluoridated water.

Fluoride is the only chemical added to drinking water for the purpose of medication, i.e. to prevent tooth decay. All other treatment chemicals are added to treat the water to improve the water's quality and safety - which fluoride does not do. Thus, fluoridation is mass medication and it violates the individual's right to informed consent.

Fluoride is a very toxic substance, which is why it is the active ingredient in a number of pesticides. Total fluoride exposure has increased substantially since the early days of fluoridation.

Besides fluoride in our water, people are exposed to fluoride from bottled drinks, toothpaste, fluoride drops and treatments, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and industrial discharges. As such there is a possibility of excessive intake of fluoride which would lead to health problems.

Depending on the level of exposure, a number of adverse health effects may be linked to fluoride ingestion. In humans, they include bone cancer, bone fracture, skeletal fluorosis, arthritis, impaired thyroid hormone status, impaired neurodevelopment in children, and calcification of the pineal gland. The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) data shows that dental fluorosis, caused by fluoride over-exposure, now impacts one third of American children.

The above findings and new scientific evidence show that fluoridation is ineffective and has serious health risks. However, the health agencies in Malaysia that advocate putting fluoride into our drinking water have failed to provide up-to-date, regular, comprehensive, and transparent re-evaluations of risks of fluoridating drinking water, based on the most current science and available alternatives.

Recent studies also strongly suggest that fluorides work primarily by topical means through direct action on the surface of the teeth via toothpaste, or gels used in dental treatments. Thus ingestion of fluoride through drinking fluoridated water is not essential or effective for caries reduction.

Hence there is absolutely no necessity to fluoridate our water. We hereby urge the Malaysian government to stop water fluoridation in this country and call on the Sabah government to not start fluoridating its water.

The writer is president of Consumers' Association of Penang.

USA - Councilman Peter Vallone defends our precious bodily fluids from evils of fluoridated water

Councilman Peter Vallone defends our precious bodily fluids from evils of fluoridated water
Wednesday, December 29th 2010, 4:00 AM
The latest government conspiracy is so nefarious, so underhanded, that it's being conducted right under your nose: They're trying to head off tooth decay by putting fluoride in your drinking water.
Yes, the same fluoride you spread over your toothbrush twice daily. On second thought, that doesn't sound very devious, does it?
Well, it does if you're city Councilman Peter Vallone of Queens, who is determined to save us from the men in black helicopters - we mean, workaday city bureaucrats - by preventing them from putting minuscule amounts of the chemical in our drinking water.
Never mind that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which knows about public health dangers, says of fluoridation: "The bottom line is that we don't have any concern."
That's why the city has been doing it since the 1960s - at a current yearly cost of about $7 million. Doing back-of-the-envelope math, all you have to do is prevent 70,000 cavities a year (at a cost of $100 each) for that investment to pay off.
The only problem, if there's any at all, could come when tap water is packed with fluoride over the 4 milligram-per-liter range allowed by the feds.
But the city's water supply contains just a quarter of that amount.
Vallone told the Daily News, "This amounts to forced medication by the government. What's next? They decide we're depressed and add Prozac to our drinking water?" We'd suggest fitting the councilman for a tinfoil hat, but he'd probably object on the grounds that tin is toxic.

Not very nice remarks.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Australia - Fraser Coast - Fluoride introduction postponed

Fluoride introduction postponed
Toni Mcrae | 28th December 2010
CONTROVERSIAL F-Day, scheduled for December 31, has been postponed.
Fluoride, ordered for most of our region by the State Government, will only start gushing through our taps at the end of February.
“The primary reason for the delay is that we are still waiting on some critical dosing equipment that unfortunately hasn’t arrived as agreed to by the supplier,” Wide Bay Water CEO Peter Scott said.
“On top of this the continuing wet weather has been a complicating factor which has certainly slowed our progress.
“At the end of the day, we are committed to ensuring that the provision of fluoride is carried out professionally and safely. That’s our priority.
“So we’ve had to bite the bullet and advise the State Government of the situation because there’s only one way we’re going to do this, and that’s properly.”
On the Fraser Coast, the type of fluoride used will be fluorosilicic acid, added at a rate to achieve the prescribed concentration of 0.8 milligrams a litre......

Monday, December 27, 2010

USA - Fluoridated water San Diego water

December 2010 fluoridated water San Diego water
"The form of fluoride (silicofluorides) they plan to put in our water is classified as a toxic waste. As a toxic waste, it is costly to dispose. But as a sellable product, that expense is eliminated.” – Jim Bell
A commentary by Jim Bell
December 26, 2010 (San Diego)--I’m 100 percent against the City of San Diego’s plan to fluoridate our common water supply.
Why? Because I don’t want to be medicated against my will no matter how good someone else claims it will be for me, or anyone else. As a free adult, it is my right to make such medical decisions for myself and my family, not some stranger who knows nothing about my health or my family’s health.
I’m convinced that adding fluoride to our common water supply will be harmful, especially to fetuses and young children.
Even if fluoride proves to have some dental benefit, which I now doubt, there are much more effective ways to get some form of fluoride into one’s teeth than drinking it, consuming it in our foods, using water to rinse off vegetables, and bathing in it.
What I now understand is that the form of fluoride (silicofluorides) they plan to put in our water is classified as a toxic waste. As a toxic waste, it is costly to dispose. But as a sellable product that expense is eliminated.
To quote Anita Shattuck, the author of The Fluoride Debate, Published by the Health Way House, February 2001, “Fluoridation is not about ‘children’s teeth’. Rather it is about industry ridding itself of crude hazardous waste products, silicofluorides, The book also reported was that silicofluorides are 85 times more toxic than naturally-occurring calcium fluoride.
San Diego is planning to begin fluoridating our water within the next month. If you agree that this toxin does not belong in our City’s water supply, please contact Mayor Jerry Sanders at:

Phone: (619) 236-6330
Fax: (619) 236-7228

Also contact members of the San Diego City Council. Their contacts are available at this link: http://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/.

Jim Bell is an ecological, designer, author and lecturer who is an internationally recognized expert on life-support-sustaining development and has more than 40 years experience in the design and construction indsutry. His projects include the design and construction of the San Diego Center for Appropriate Technology and Ecoparque, a prototype wastewater recycling plant in Tijuana, Mexico. He also worked as a consultant for the Otay Ranch Joint Planning Project and the East Lake Development Company. His lecture credits include the American Institute of Architects’ California State Conference, the Society for International Development's World Conference in Mexico City, and keynote addresses at the University of Oregon's first "Visions for a Sustainable Future" conference and the State of Oregon's Solar Energy Association Conference. He has been interviewed by major TV, radio and print media. Jim Bell has served on the Board of Directors of the San Diego Ecology Center, I Love a Clean San Diego, Environmental Health Coalition, and the California Association of Cooperatives. He also serves as Director of the Ecological Life Systems Institute and the San Diego Center for Appropriate Technology. In addition, he is a member of the San Diego Regional Apollo Alliance.

Australia - Anna Bligh - Queensland Fluoridation

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Professor Paul Connett: Your Toxic Tap Water

Dr. Carnie Receives Bad News

Australia - QUEENSLAND'S water bosses have breached health regulations again.

QUEENSLAND'S water bosses have breached health regulations again.
After two years of trying, they still can't get the fluoride dosage right in the State's water supplies.
After accurately dosing the water for the first time in the April-June quarter this year, water authorities bungled it again between July and September, underdosing one plant.
The Amity Point water treatment plant, which began delivering ongoing fluoride for the first time in September, received just 0.6 mg/L of fluoride.
Health regulations require the water to receive between 0.7mg/L and 0.9mg/L.
All other plants, including the the five major plants which supply 80 per cent of fluoridated drinking water to the region, delivered the right concentration.
Since fluoride was controversially first introduced into the grid in December 2008, the process has been plagued by one massive overdose and a series of underdoses.
The overdose led to residents receiving 13 times the acceptable limit of fluoride.
Authorities only have to comply on an average basis over the quarter to meet regulations, but the latest QH reports show the plants had days during the July quarter where as little as 0.01mg/L was recorded.
Water Grid spokesman Barry Dennien said he was happy all major plants had been dosed appropriately.
He said they were delivering the maximum health benefit to the community.
"It was also very encouraging to see the majority of smaller water treatment plants ... meet the required concentration levels," he said.
Opposition leader John-Paul Langbroek said it was unacceptable the water bosses still couldn't get the dosage right in the $35 million program.
"These results raise more questions about promises the roll-out would be safe and controlled," Mr Langbroek said.
"What we are seeing, time and time again, is water suppliers failing to meet the standards for fluoride delivery.

USA - We Need Better Oral Health

We Need Better Oral Health--in Florida, It Deserves an 'F'
Published: Sunday, December 26, 2010 at 12:01 a.m.
........Children in the United States miss more than 52 million school hours each year due to dental disease.

A bacterial infection in the mouth can result in babies being born prematurely, to an increased chance of having a heart attack and can make blood sugar more difficult to control for people with diabetes.

Tooth decay is now five times more common than asthma among children. Because oral disease is an infectious disease, if untreated, the problems get worse as children age. On the national level, by the time children reach age 17, four out of five will suffer the consequences of poor oral health.

Fluoride in all forms can help strengthen teeth and prevent tooth decay. Fluoride varnish can be applied by your dentist, hygienist and your child's pediatrician, so parents should regularly ask their physicians for varnish to prevent decay. It's pain free and very easy to do....
Founder and President
Florida Public Health Institute
Lake Worth

Less sweets better advice than more fluoride.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Toothpaste Can Be Bad for Teeth and Gums

Toothpaste Can Be Bad for Teeth and Gums
By Louise McCoy
Epoch Times StaffWe could retire most of the dentists and all have perfect teeth and gums, claims Gerald F. Judd, Ph.D., in his book “Good Teeth From Birth to Death.”
Let’s put aside for the moment the problem of unemployment of vast numbers of those in the dental industry and explore the reasons Dr. Judd has for making such outrageous assertions.

Judd is a retired research chemist, professor, and author who has made laboratory studies of fluoride. (See Gerald F. Judd, Ph.D. online.)

One of the biggest assailants of our teeth is acid, which dissolves the enamel. Sodas, fruit drinks, some fruits (especially citrus), tomatoes, vinegar, cider, and chewable vitamin C are the main culprits. Sugar gets off with a mild slap, as lactic acid comes from sugar but takes longer to act. The solution is to sip water when consuming acids and sugar.

Bacteria attack in gum pockets. Enamel, which is made from calcium phosphate, does not provide food for bacteria. From the remains of wild animals, we see that their tooth enamel is intact, not eaten by bacteria.

Probing with sharp instruments to remove plaque creates or enlarges gum pockets and damages the enamel.

Along comes “damage control”— toothpaste. Whether toothpaste can protect our teeth depends on what is in it. If it contains fluoride, it may actually cause gum pockets.

Sodium fluoride is one of the most toxic substances existing. If a child eats more toothpaste than what is on the toothbrush, poison control must be called. A full tube of toothpaste has enough fluoride to kill a child.

Fluoride also destroys enzymes, among them, adenosine diphosphatase, which delivers phosphate to calcium at the tooth surface.

There is no proof that fluoride prevents cavities. Acid will dissolve a shark tooth, which is full of fluoride.

Glycerin, an oily substance in toothpaste, is often made from natural sources such as coconut oil, but it sticks to the teeth and takes 20 rinses or more to remove. People who do not want wine stains on their teeth coat them with glycerin because of this attribute. But a coating of glycerin impedes the enamel repair that would naturally occur.

Sodium laurel sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), which are foaming agents in toothpaste, can alter the structure of mucus membranes. They disrupt the protein in cells, causing the membranes to absorb other toxins. In addition, SLS in the ground water from human use is toxic to fish and other organisms. (Livestrong.com/article/210934-what-are-the-dangers-of-sodium-lauryl-sulfate-in-toothpaste/)

Based on Judd’s recommendations, many people are using bar soap or commercial tooth soap in- stead of toothpaste. Both soaps kill bacteria and remove oils like glycerin, which prevent the formation of new enamel.

Swipe the wet toothbrush a couple of times over a soap bar to coat the bristles. If taste is important, commercial tooth soap tastes better and can be used in liquid form.

Judd recommends pressing the gums gently to the teeth to mend pockets. He also suggests taking supplements, such as vitamin C, which strengthens connective tissue, vitamin D, and calcium. People who try the above suggestions find their teeth and gums begin to heal.

ALLISON WATKINS: Don't overwater the indoor houseplants

ALLISON WATKINS: Don't overwater the indoor houseplants
By Allison Watkins
.............Many houseplants are particularly sensitive to chemicals in city water, especially fluoride. Using rainwater or distilled water may improve the health of some houseplants showing distress such as brown leaf tips.

And some humans too.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Views and News: Vaccines

Views and News: Vaccines
From staff reports
Updated: 12/23/2010 09:43:53 PM PST
By Al Duncan
I've heard more than 30 hours of testimonies and interviews and read more than 100 pages of documentation describing the horrifying effects of aspartame, fluoride and vaccines. And according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), "one out of every 110 children has an autism spectrum disorder." That equates to millions of lives shaped by this disorder.

"During the past 20 years incidences of childhood asthma, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases has doubled; Attention Deficit Disorder has tripled, Autism has increased 600 percent. What part have vaccines played?" asks Stanley Monteith, M.D.

The National Vaccine Information Center says vaccines are pharmaceutical products that carry risks. They trick the immune system and can permanently alter the molecular structure of genes: "Under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, over $2 billion has been awarded to children and adults for whom the risks of vaccine injury were 100 percent."

Monteith says Thimerosal is a mercury compound used as a preservative in some vaccines. The CDC ordered pediatricians to give hepatitis B shots to infants at birth. Hepatitis B shots contained mercury. An infant's full quota of vaccinations produces cumulative mercury exposure, while the U.N. Environmental Program's mercury home page says: "Scientists have found no safe mercury level in the human body."

Dec 7, 2005, Dan Olmsted of UPI, interviewed the medical director of Homefirst's, Dr. Mayer
Eisenstein, who founded the practice in 1973 in an Amish town in Lancaster County, Pa. Dr. Eisenstein said after delivering around 35,000 children without administering vaccines, they haven't found one case of autism..........

Britain's dental health improves, but concerns still remain

Britain's dental health improves, but concerns still remain
Improvements to the dental health of the British population are being undermined by a widespread failure for many people to visit a dentist on a regular basis.
Official figures published today show that the proportion of adults in England with visible decay has fallen by a fifth since 1998.
The figures, outlined in the 2009 Adult Dental Health Survey, also show the proportion of adults who had no natural teeth has also fallen in the last 30 years, by almost a quarter in England and by more than a third in Northern Ireland and Wales.
However, one third of the adult population fail to go to the dentist regularly, putting their dental health at risk.
Dr Nigel Carter, chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, said the latest figures confirm the progress which has been made in regards to the improving standards of oral health in the UK.
"We have suspected this to be true for a while now and it is certainly pleasing to finally see this indeed to be the case," he said. But he added that while there is greater awareness of the importance of regular dental health checks, people are failing to actually visit their dentist as much as they should.....

........Matthews said that there is a widespread failure to recognise that the two main dental diseases, tooth decay and gum disease, are "almost totally preventable".

He added: "We know enough - enough to prevent another child ever crying with toothache, enough to keep everyone's smile for a lifetime. It's a question of whether we want to know these things, when we spend nearly £5bn on sweets alone in the UK each year, but only a third of a billion on toothpaste."

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Growing pains

Growing pains
Aching bones are not just associated with the elderly
Published: 23/12/2010 at 12:00 AM
Newspaper section: Mylife
It sounds like a symptom of ageing that shouldn't happen to a child.
However, a number of parents are worried to find their children awake in the night with throbbing pains in their legs.
When that happens, some parents panic and get confused about how to help their kids.
"The symptoms can be what's medically known as growing pains, which usually occurs at any age between three and 12," said Dr Direk Israngkul, an orthopaedic specialist at Vichaiyut Hospital.
Growing pains are normally felt around the knees, the front of the thighs and the shinbones, as well as the ankles and feet. However, when you try to pinpoint the exact spot of pain, it just can't be located. This is because it's actually leg-pain symptoms, not the inflammation of muscles.
What are the causes and symptoms?
Dr Direk said there is no firm evidence on the causes of pain, but it seems to happen when children are experiencing the growth of bone.
The pain and discomfort normally occurs after jumping, running - generally everything that active children do during the day.
The severity of pain ranges from mild to medium, which can cause annoyance and frustration to children. The duration of the pain also varies, from 10-15 minutes to up to an hour.
Dr Direk Israngkul, an orthopaedic specialist at Vichaiyut Hospital.
When it comes to growing pains, there is no inflammation of the muscles, joints or tendons, and the child actually feels better when the painful area is massaged.
"An X-ray would find no abnormalities," said Dr Direk.
He added that some children could also experience chronic headaches, unstable emotions and depression. Some may even suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.
Observations on the connection of fluoride sensitivity and growing pains
Dr Direk believes growing pains are connected to fluoride sensitivity.
"Fluoride is actually useful as it helps prevent tooth decay by building enamel. At the same time, it also stimulates the build-up of periosteum in the bones, which some children are sensitive to," said Dr Direk.
In the past, after Dr Direk has ruled out all other causes of leg pains in a child, he has advised cutting out fluoride.
"In such cases, I would explain to the parents that their child does not have any serious disease, and that the symptoms can be relieved by massaging or temporarily stopping fluoride intake under supervision of a dentists," he said.
However, he noted there are few studies showing any relation between fluoride sensitivity and growing pains.................

USA - Against Fluoride in Sheridan city water

Good speaker.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

UK - House of Lords - Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley

Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley

To ask Her Majesty's Government further to the Written Answer by Earl Howe on 7 December (WA 34-5), whether the recommendations in Sections 12.4, 12.7.2 and 12.9.1 to 3 of the York report will form part of the programme of further research into water fluoridation to which they are committed. [HL5220]

Earl Howe: The department has publicised the fact that it wishes to strengthen the evidence base on fluoridation and will consider, within available resources, soundly based proposals for research projects, including ones which reflect the recommendations of both the York report and the review by the Medical Research Council, Water Fluoridation and Health, published in 2002. A research project is under way on the extent and aesthetic effects of dental fluorosis and I understand the chief dental officer indicated, at a meeting with the noble Earl, that the evaluation of a new fluoride scheme would offer an opportunity to assess the effects on dental decay whilst adjusting for confounding factors. Any such evaluation could also be used to assess the cost-effectiveness of fluoridation.

Fluoride in Water Linked to Lower IQ in Children

Fluoride in Water Linked to Lower IQ in Children
Is this the end of water fluoridation?
NEW YORK, Dec. 21, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Exposure to fluoride may lower children's intelligence says a study pre-published in Environmental Health Perspectives, a publication of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (online December 17, 2010).

Fluoride is added to 70% of U.S. public drinking water supplies.

According to Paul Connett, Ph.D., director of the Fluoride Action Network, "This is the 24th study that has found this association, but this study is stronger than the rest because the authors have controlled for key confounding variables and in addition to correlating lowered IQ with levels of fluoride in the water, the authors found a correlation between lowered IQ and fluoride levels in children's blood. This brings us closer to a cause and effect relationship between fluoride exposure and brain damage in children."

"What is also striking is that the levels of the fluoride in the community where the lowered IQs were recorded were lower than the EPA's so-called 'safe' drinking water standard for fluoride of 4 ppm and far too close for comfort to the levels used in artificial fluoridation programs (0.7 – 1.2 ppm)," says Connett.......

New fat-kids alert on soft drinks

New fat-kids alert on soft drinks
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Health authorities have renewed warnings against children consuming too many sugar-loaded soft drinks because they cause obesity and tooth decay.
The warning was issued after a Department of Health poll found that 51.1 percent of schoolchildren consume soft drinks at least once a day.
The findings were highlighted in the latest issue of Non-Communicable Diseases Watch, published by the Centre for Health Protection.
The poll of more than 9,000 Primary Four and Five students was carried out in 2008.
A household survey by the department in 2005-06 also found many children start to consume soft drinks at an early age, with the amount drunk increasing with age.
It found that more than four-fifths of two- to 14-year-olds consumed soft drinks in the seven days preceding the survey, while 26 percent had at least one glass each day..........

Scotland - Dental health: Smiles all round as child tooth decay targets met

Dental health: Smiles all round as child tooth decay targets met
Date: 22 December 2010
By Lyndsay Moss
A TARGET to reduce tooth decay in Scottish youngsters has been met, a report revealed yesterday.
Figures showed that 64 per cent of Primary 1 children now have no sign of dental decay.
Public health minister Shona Robison welcomed the report's findings as she announced the roll-out of the £15 million Childsmile nursery, school and practice
programmes to be delivered in every health board in Scotland in the new year.
The report, by the National Dental Inspection Programme, found that the Scottish Government target for 60 per cent of P1s to have no obvious signs of tooth decay had been reached.
Ms Robison said: "It is fantastic to be able to say that our primary school children now have the best oral health since our records began.
"We wanted 60 per cent of Primary 1 children to have no sign of tooth decay by 2010 -not only has this been met, it has been improved upon.
"Thanks to work to ensure that children know the importance of dental care at the earliest age, Scotland's children are now primed to have a lifetime of good oral health."
The minister said Childsmile was an ambitious programme, "and I am pleased to say that all elements will be now be delivered in every health board in the new year".
Childsmile sees specially trained dental nurses going into schools and providing clinical preventive care to children.
Projects also target children in the most deprived areas of the country

Reversal of fluoride: BexarMet retracts decision

Reversal of fluoride: BexarMet retracts decision
by KENS 5 Staff
Posted on December 21, 2010 at 7:09 PM
The Bexar Metropolitan Water District (BexarMet) has reversed a controversial decision it made only a few months ago.
BexarMet board members have voted to put fluoride back in the water.
In October, BexarMet ended its contract with its fluoride provider.
The move came under fire for going against a city ordinance requiring water providers to add fluoride into its systems.

USA - The city of Sheridan will resume fluoridating its water

SHERIDAN -- The city of Sheridan will resume fluoridating its water after a hiatus of more than half a century.
The City Council voted 4-2 Monday to go ahead with fluoridation. The vote means fluoride will be added to the water as necessary to bring the level up to 1 part per million.
That's the amount recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help prevent cavities in children.
Some Sheridan residents oppose fluoridation, saying they worry it could harm their health. Fluoridation is supported by the Wyoming Department of Health, the American Dental Association and others.
Sheridan fluoridated its water for five years before a popular vote in 1953 to quit adding fluoride to the water.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Have you a bone to pick!

Have you a bone to pick!
In the icy weather that we are currently having, the Accident and Emergency Departments in the hospitals are likely to be treating an increased number of people with broken bones. It is likely that there will be more elderly people with broken bones than young ones. Bones can become more fragile as we get older. We don’t bounce so well! Broken bones are also found in your laying hens especially when they get towards the end of their laying life. It is at this time that the risks of the bones becoming broken are increased, partially because we have to catch the hens. Clearly egg producers are well aware of the risks. However it could be useful to discuss whether it is possible to prevent or minimise breakages during the time when on the laying farm.....

We know that fluoride is added to our water supplies to increase the strength of teeth in children. I wonder if there is any evidence to show that the incidence of broken bones in hens is reduced in the areas where their water has had fluoride added?.....The implication of what I have been saying is that hens and female humans are remarkably similar. Certainly, there are some common factors in the digestive system of humans and hens and the quality of the bones. However, I fall short of saying that our female loved ones are just overgrown hens! I wonder which of the two go broody the most frequently? However, we males do not object to being ’clucked over’!

Or increased?

USA - Dental group backs universal fluoridation

Dental group backs universal fluoridation
Posted: Monday, December 20, 2010 7:00 am | (21) Comments
My first response to the anti-fluoride letter was, “Hey, let’s do take the fluoride out of our water supply, this will help create more business for me and my fellow dentist colleagues!” But on second thought, I owe it to my profession to set the record straight.
There is no study in the Journal of the American Dental Association which says fluoride is bad for teeth. In fact, it states on its website that “the ADA supports universal fluoridation.”
Toothpaste is not designed to be ingested which is why young children should be monitored when brushing. Warning labels on toothpaste boxes are put there for the same reason they slap all those warning labels on a ladder. Can you say “litigious society”?
“Studies” that fluoride causes a myriad of physical ailments are generally performed by groups with an “axe to grind” about fluoride use — read: anti-fluoridation. Groups that do these studies hope to find fault with water fluoridation by using the same “logic” as the following: A rooster crows in the morning, the sun rises in the morning, therefore, the rooster crowing causes the sun to rise.
The letter author trumpets an “individual’s prerogative to personal health and medical treatment.” Would he also want to stop chlorination of our community water supplies to lower our risk of typhoid fever, diphtheria, etc.? After all, everyone knows chlorine is poisonous gas, too.
Conspiracy theorists never bother with the scientific facts. The scientific method is alive and well. Learn to use it.
Dr. Richard A. Stephey, Bloomington


PaulConnettPhD said on: December 20, 2010, 11:34 am
Before Dr. Richard A. Stephey repeats his hackneyed phrases about people opposed to fluoridation being unscientific and "conspiracy theorists" he should read a book co-authored by myself and two other scientists that was published this October. The book is titled "The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep it There" (Chelsea Green publishers).

All three of us have had long scientific careers and are very familiar with the "scientific method." If Dr. Stephey is also familiar with the scientific method he will be shocked to find out just how poor the science is that purports to maintain that fluoridation is "safe" and "effective". Unfortunately, in my experience too many of the dentists and doctors who go before the public and assert, with enormous confidence, that fluoridation is "safe and effective" and further assert that fluoridation opponents are a bunch of nitwits, have not actually read the literature themselves but are simply parroting the information fed to them by their professional organizations. In my view this represents a massive betrayal of the public's trust.

Paul Connett, PhD

Monday, December 20, 2010

USA - Probable carcinogen hexavalent chromium found in drinking water

Probable carcinogen hexavalent chromium found in drinking water of 31 U.S. cities
By Lyndsey Layton
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, December 19, 2010; 12:02 AM

An environmental group that analyzed the drinking water in 35 cities across the United States, including Bethesda and Washington, found that most contained hexavalent chromium, a probable carcinogen that was made famous by the film "Erin Brockovich." .............

FEDERALJACK Brings Fluoride Truth To The Sunny Isles Beach, Fl City Commission

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Canada - "is it necessary to continue adding fluoride to our drinking water?"

Carman's Deputy Mayor has asked the question, "is it necessary to continue adding fluoride to our drinking water?"
Jane Swanton says she became curious after hearing other communities no longer do so. She adds they are looking into the issue further, finding out if this is just from habit or if the benefit is still needed in the community. Swanton notes the fluoride levels currently added to Carman's drinking water are not harmful to anyone, but are in addition to the fluoride we already find in our toothpastes and mouthwash products.

She tells us the Pembina Valley Water Co-op in Stephenfield also recently reviewed the practice and decided to continue adding fluoride. Swanton points out Carman Town Council will make a decision once more information is collected.

Statins go mainstream

Statins go mainstream
Meanwhile, the remarkably effective statins gradually go generic, lowering costs significantly.
Since their introduction in 1987, statin drugs such as Zocor, Lipitor and Crestor have helped reduce deaths from heart disease, which remains the nation's No.1 killer. Experts credit the drug class for contributing to a better than 36 percent decline in deaths from coronary heart disease between 1996 and 2006.
Basically, statins work by blocking an enzyme in the liver that manufactures cholesterol.
Statins' success has prompted some advocates to compare them to antibiotics in terms of impact — and half-jokingly suggest statins, like fluoride, should be added to the drinking water..............

Only half!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Citizen: something’s in the water?

Citizen: something’s in the water?
Written by By Meg Coker
Friday, 17 December 2010 17:57
A citizen asked for a more thorough look at the fluoride content of the town’s water at the Dec. 7 meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen.
Rob Sartori presented aldermen with a detailed report on the cons of fluoridation. He asked that the board consider several questions and provide him with the answers within 30 days. He also requested the board notify customers via their water bills of the use of fluoride.
The board took the matter under advisement.
According to the materials Sartori provided, fluoride poses health risks for infants. Babies, who are exposed to fluoridated water mixed with infant formula, may be at risk for thyroid problems, disruptions to the production of endocrine, and bone cancer, among other issues. Materials also report that fluoridation has been linked to health problems in adults such as kidney disease and types of cancer.

USA - End to fluoridation in Vt. city?

End to fluoridation in Vt. city?
Burlington city committee recommends halt
Updated: Friday, 17 Dec 2010, 4:55 PM EST
Published : Friday, 17 Dec 2010, 4:55 PM EST
BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) - A Burlington committee says the Vermont city should stop adding fluoride to the public drinking water system.
The vote by the subcommittee of the Public Works Commission comes despite a 2006 vote by city residents overwhelmingly in favor of fluoridation.
The subcommittee made its decision based on a 2006 study that raised health concerns about fluoride in drinking water.
Burlington began adding fluoride to the water system in 1952. Proponents say fluoridation has been proven to reduce tooth decay and is particularly important to the dental health of those who don't receive regular dental care.
The Burlington Free Press says it would be up to the city council to vote on whether to remove fluoride from drinking water.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Alex Jones - The City Tap Water is A Chemical Weapon!

Does fluoride really fight cavities?

Does fluoride really fight cavities?
ANI, Dec 16, 2010, 06.58pm IST
Read more: Does fluoride really fight cavities? - The Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health/Does-fluoride-really-fight-cavities/articleshow/7112513.cms#ixzz18MITEvsd
Scientists have found that the protective shield fluoride forms on teeth is up to 100times thinner than previously believed.
It raises questions about how this renowned cavity-fighter really works and could lead to better ways of protecting teeth from decay, the scientists suggest.
Frank Muller and colleagues point out that tooth decay is a major public health problem worldwide.
The fluoride in some toothpaste, mouthwash and municipal drinking water is one of the most effective ways to prevent decay.
Scientists long have known that fluoride makes enamel — the hard white substance covering the surface of teeth — more resistant to decay.
Some thought that fluoride simply changed the main mineral in enamel, hydroxyapatite, into a more-decay resistant material called fluorapatite.
The new research found that the fluorapatite layer formed in this way is only 6 nanometers thick. It would take almost 10,000 such layers to span the width of a human hair. That's at least 10 times thinner than previous studies indicated.

The scientists question whether a layer so thin, which is quickly worn away by ordinary chewing, really can shield teeth from decay, or whether fluoride has some other unrecognized effect on tooth enamel. They are launching a new study in search of an answer.

Muller's study appears in ACS' journal Langmuir .

USA - A new push to stop adding fluoride to Burlington's water supply

Burlington, Vermont - December 16, 2010
A new push to stop adding fluoride to Burlington's water supply.
Supporters of the 50-year-old practice say it helps prevent cavities. Voters chose to continue fluoridation in a city-wide referendum in 2006.
But critics point to a study that came out after that vote showing fluoride poses numerous health risks.
A subcommittee of the Public Works Commission studied the issue and is recommending to the city council that fluoridation be discontinued.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Re: FAN Bulletins

Re: FAN Bulletins

The only way we shall win the fluoride war is by co-operating with our fellows; we shall not do it by criticising other groups and splitting into smaller and smaller competing fractions. There is absolutely no doubt that Fluoride Action Network (FAN) leads the anti-fluoridation campaign internationally.
Dr Paul Connett, FAN's Director, at minimal cost to the groups he helps, cheerfully travels the world to speak against fluoride with professionalism, detailed knowledge of the subject, scientific rigour, authority and always a touch of humour. I was particularly grateful for his involvement in Consultation events in Southampton in 2008 and for his eloquence in putting anti-fluoride viewpoints to the meeting called by the EU's Scientific Committee for Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) in Brussels in September. Some Friends of the Earth members may know of Professor Connett from his tireless work around the world opposing incinerators.

The FAN website www.fluoridealert.org is an extremely valuable resource for all anti-fluoride campaigners. It is updated frequently and carries the Professionals' Statement as well as huge amounts of fully referenced information on the history of fluoridation, health effects of fluoride, campaigns past and present, and more. Money is needed to keep up the momentum of any campaigning organisation and FAN makes an annual appeal to its supporters in order to raise funds. It is easy for a UK citizen to donate in US dollars using a credit card. Barclaycard charges a modest commission of 2.5% for the currency conversion. Other means of payment may carry higher charges. Anyone who wishes to support FAN can do so via the website: -


The recent book* by Professors Paul Connett, James Beck and Spedding Micklem sets out very clearly the reasons why fluoridation should be opposed. I have read it cover-to-cover and can thoroughly recommend it. The book will do no good whatsoever if it sits in a warehouse. It needs wide distribution to be effective as a tool of persuasion. A copy signed by Professor Connett will be posted to anyone in the UK who donates $63 (approximately £40 sterling) to FAN.

* Connett P, Beck J, Micklem HS. 'The case against fluoride: how hazardous waste ended up in our drinking water and the bad science and powerful politics that keep it there.' Paperback; 348 pages; ISBN-13:9781603582872. Published by Chelsea Green Publishing, 85 North Main Street, Suite 120, White River Jct., Vermont 05001, USA. Available from Amazon from £11.18 plus p&p..

Elizabeth McDonagh (Chairman, National Pure Water Association)

Views and News: FluorideFrom staff reports

Views and News: FluorideFrom staff reports
Updated: 12/15/2010 10:58:17 PM PST
By Al Duncan
..............The River Journal reported in August 2009 that. "When Dr. Hardy Limeback, associate professor of preventative dentistry at the University of Toronto, realized fluoridation was harmful, he was told he would lose his job if he discussed the subject publicly." This illustrates the collusion between science, government and the media, and the degree of control over what we're allowed to know.

According to the 190 Research Report, Fluoride Vol. 29 No. 4 190-192, Effect of a high Fluoride water supply on children's intelligence, which correlates with Dr. Connett's studies: "Fluoride can penetrate the fetal blood-brain barrier and accumulate in cerebral tissue before birth, thereby affecting children's intelligence. In the present study, conducted in April 1993, this hypothesis was further investigated by comparing the performance on I.Q. tests administered to 320 randomly selected children, age 7 to 14. Those children exposed to higher water-borne fluoride in embryo, the average I.Q. was 97.69, and in the lower fluoride areas it was 105.21. In the high-fluoride areas the number of children with I.Q. of 69 or below was six times that in the healthier low-fluoride areas. No real differences were found for gender."

Before defending this hazardous waste as a means of protecting children's teeth, execute a brief fluoride search and you'll find testimonies of doctors, chemists and health specialists bearing witness before Congress, the EPA and the CDC revealing the destructive effects of fluoride to humans, animals and the environment. As in the case of aspartame, our government leaders have known about the harmful effects of fluoride since the 1950s, yet they intentionally and repeatedly subject us to these and other poisonous substances.

And so I ask, why would our government want to shorten our life span, promote cancer and mental disturbances, use us as a toxic waste dump, sterilize us, make us stupid, docile and subservient? You'll have to answer that question for yourself. Hopefully you'll do so while you're still able.

Al Duncan is a author, businessman and Record-Bee columnist. He can be contacted at alduncan@pacific.net.

Toxic Tap Water & Fluoride Part 3

Fluoride Awareness

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fluoride and Hypothyroidism

There are also abnormal high levels of people with underactive thyroid in the West Midlands too. The area also has fluoride added to the water, which has been linked to hypothyroidism... - Dee, Birmingham, 14/12/2010 14:33 Yeah and I bet they are all big boned too.
- Dave, Surrey, 14/12/2010 16:33
Why folk in Brum have the biggest tums: curry capital tops European obesity league

Taking the Bite Out of Tooth Decay

Taking the Bite Out of Tooth Decay
Written by Amara Rose
.................What's a health-aware consumer who'd like to save her teeth to do? Turn conventional wisdom on its ear: brush with soap, and clean your sink with toothpaste (it makes an excellent abrasive cleanser).

Of course, brushing with soap is a less-than-appealing concept to most people, which is what led health-conscious mom Karen Van Cleef to create Tooth Soap® in 2003. Van Cleef had never taken her two children to the dentist because she was strongly opposed to fluoride, and believed from all she'd learned as a longtime health and wellness researcher that any cavities they developed could heal on their own, given proper nutrition. Yet she also knew they needed to keep their teeth clean. When she learned of Dr. Judd's breakthrough work, she tried rubbing bar soap on her brush — but found it unpalatable, to say the least.

An entrepreneur by nature, she began experimenting with soap formulas while home-schooling her daughters. Then she met an artisan soap maker who was intrigued by the idea of making a good-tasting oral soap. After a few trials, Tooth Soap® was born, and today comes in an array of flavors from peppermint to Honey BBQ, made with nothing except organic saponified coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, and essential oil flavors, all of which help teeth remain strong and healthy.

The proof is in the pudding: Van Cleef finally took her children to the dentist when her elder daughter was fourteen, six years after she'd begun brushing daily with Tooth Soap®. She had no cavities. By comparison, the average 17-year-old has had at least eleven cavities.

So that's the new math to keep you from becoming down in the mouth: get on your soapbox (or soap bottle) for holistic dental care, and take a healthy bite out of tooth decay.

UK - City of Austin water policy concern grows

City of Austin water policy concern grows
By Niamh Marnell Wednesday, 15 December 2010

AUSTIN — Questions arose over City of Austin water quality Nov. 9 at Travis County Commissioners Court when Dr. Paul Connett, professor emeritus of chemistry at St. Lawrence University in New York, persuaded the court to take a serious look at Austin’s fluoridation policy. Attention to the issue has been growing since Austin’s Environmental Board requested an independent study from City Council in August 2009

Water fluoridation is a policy endorsed by numerous global health organizations, most notably the American Dental Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC promotes community water fluoridation and in some states contributes funding and operational support for the practice, according to its website.

Controversy surrounding the practice has grown in recent years, however, as an increasing number of scientists and health professionals argue that fluoride in drinking water causes many negative health effects when looked at beyond dental health to the impact on the whole body.

“Some very alarming data has been revealed today,” said Travis County Commissioner Ron Davis at the Nov. 9 meeting. “I feel that we should do something as a governmental body ... What I’m hearing here is that fluoride is another type of situation that may have been proven to pose a problem through drinking water.”

Davis said he would pass along a resolution drafted by Dr. Neil Carman, the Sierra Club Clean Air Program director who also spoke at the meeting, to Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services for assessment before deciding whether to send the resolution to the Austin City Council. The resolution urges the mayor and City Council to fully investigate and consider ceasing fluoridation of city water...........

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Toothpaste chemical 'that can leave unborn babies brain damaged'

Toothpaste chemical 'that can leave unborn babies brain damaged'
By Pat Hagan
A chemical in toothpastes and soaps has been linked with brain damage to babies in the womb.
Scientists fear pregnant women who are exposed to high levels of the chemical, called triclosan, may be putting their babies at risk.
Alarming new findings suggest triclosan may disrupt the flow of blood to the uterus, starving a baby’s brain of the oxygen it needs to develop properly.
Last night researchers involved in the study called for urgent investigations into the dangers to unborn babies.
Professor Margaret James of the University of Florida said: ‘We know it’s a problem. But we just don’t know how much of a problem.’
Triclosan is a powerful anti-bacterial that was developed nearly 50 years ago.
It is now commonly used in everything from toothpastes, deodorants and handwashes to washing-up liquid, anti-bacterial chopping boards and even some toys.
However, it has been dogged by concerns over its safety and earlier this year the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S. announced it was carrying out a major review on its safety.
In the latest study, tests on sheep showed it interferes with an enzyme that allows the hormone oestrogen to circulate in the womb.
Oestrogen helps to keep open the main artery carrying oxygen-rich blood to the foetus....

Toxic Tap Water & Fluoride Part 2

UK - One in five Reading children living in poverty

One in five Reading children living in poverty
By Linda Fort
December 14, 2010
More than one in five children and young people in Reading are being brought up in poverty.
The statistic was revealed to the community care, housing and health scrutiny panel last Tuesday night.
Reading has the fifth highest level of child poverty in the South East after Southampton, Portsmouth, Slough and Brighton and Hove.
Referring to the “horrific figure”, the newly elected chairman of the panel Councillor Mike Orton challenged council officers asking them what the authority should be doing about it.
He pointed to a picture of a child with the slogan “Promise me I won’t live in poverty” in the laptop presentation on poverty given by the officers and said: “I can’t make that promise unless you tell me what we are supposed to do about it. We can’t just leave it there.”
The definition of poverty is people living on less than 60 per cent of the average income in the borough which in Reading equates to £12,000 a year.
Kim Wilkins, public health lead for Reading, said poverty led to health problems like high levels of infant mortality and illness in the first year of life.
She listed a number of health indicators influenced by poverty in Reading saying breast feeding levels had improved and were better than the national average at 55.8 per cent compared with 42.6 per cent, tooth decay was only slightly worse than average and childhood obesity had improved and was now only slightly worse than average at 9.9 per cent compared with 9.6 per cent...........

Monday, December 13, 2010

Toxic Tap Water & Fluoride Part 1

Sunday, December 12, 2010

UK - Judicial Review of the Fluoride Consultation held in Southampton

Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th January 2011 10:30am at the Royal Courts of Justice, Strand WC2A 2LL, at the east end of Aldwych, nearest tube Temple. The court number in which it will be held is not yet announced, but will be on a list displayed inside the entrance to the court (and available from beginning January at www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk/cms/cause.htm)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Pass the bucks

Pass the bucks
Steve Boggan followed a $10 note around the US. The people who pocketed it – from the couple clearing repossessed houses to the merchant banker – tell the story of the country's faltering economic recovery
The Guardian, Saturday 11 December 2010
............Ray says he wants to buy his wife Patti a present, so we go into the Golden Leaves Bookstore, which stocks titles such as The Fluoride Deception, Deciphering The Signs Of God and a DVD called The Reptilian Agenda: Amazing Confirmation That A Reptilian Extraterrestrial Race Has Controlled The World For Thousands Of Years. Ray buys some vanilla-scented joss sticks and says: "I'm really sorry about leaving you here."

.....She is on holiday with her friend Lin, and they have found the only two sane books in the shop – on cookery.

Tarred with the same brush. Why the link between the titles? Is the Fluoride Deception insane?

The gap in our teeth

The gap in our teeth
It is shocking how much the state of someone's smile still reveals about their class
DD Guttenplan guardian.co.uk, Friday 10 December 2010 20.00 GMT
....Yet I'm not smiling – maybe because, like a lot of less wealthy Americans, I never went to a dentist as a child. I vaguely remember being examined by a visiting dentist at school. Many of my friends endured the torment of braces. My own overbite, my parents assured me, was charming. In our family a visit to the dentist was for emergencies, such as my father's root canal or my brother's impacted wisdom teeth. Our tap water was fluoridated (in Britain only 10% get fluoridated water) and we were encouraged to brush often, which may be why I still have all my teeth. But I recall the embarrassment when, as an undergraduate covered by the student health plan, I went to the university clinic and had to have 10 fillings in one go.....
...In the US, as in the UK, a person's class is etched in their teeth. In his 1991 classic, Savage Inequalities, author Jonathan Kozol wrote: "Bleeding gums, impacted teeth and rotting teeth are routine matters for the children I have interviewed in the south Bronx." A report by the US National Institute of Health says poor children today are far more likely to suffer from severe baby-tooth decay "caused by frequent or prolonged use of baby bottles that contain milk, sugared water, fruit juice or other sugary beverages". The US has more celebs with perfect teeth simply because it has more celebs (and maybe more rigid standards of celebrity appearance). But US government statistics still show deep racial differences in dental health, and just as steep a class divide as Britain. That, rather than the space between our incisors, is a gap we should all mind.

10 fillings and he had brushed his teeth with fluoridated water - not effective with the risk of at least fluorosis.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Dangers of Baby Formula * Indium, Fluoride & Alzheimer's Connection * Ormus Might Help

Australia - Council says no choice in fluoride decision

Council says no choice in fluoride decision
By Brad Ryan
The Cairns Regional Council says it has had no choice but to add fluoride to the water supply in Mossman and Port Douglas.
The Queensland Government ordered the council to fluoridate water in the region by December 31 but a residents' group is asking for more time while it considers legal action to stop it.
The State Government has not responded to the council's formal request to delay fluoridation and the council's Bruce Gardiner says it has had to press ahead with the rollout.
"As it stands at the moment, the legislation is in place, we don't have any ability to not meet the legislation, so what we're trying to do is just prepare the treatment plants as best we can and then we're in contact with the Premier's office to see if she can provide us a response urgently," he said.

UK - Lymington Times

UK - BDA Positive On Improvements In Adults' Dental Health, UK

BDA Positive On Improvements In Adults' Dental Health, UK
Commenting on the preliminary findings from the 2009 Adult Dental Health Survey (ADHS) published recently, the British Dental Association has given a positive reception to the continuing improvements seen in adults' oral health. The report shows that adults are retaining at least some of their natural teeth later into life. Additionally, the report found that 86 per cent of adults had 21 or more natural teeth. In 1978, this was the case for only 74 per cent of adults.

The BDA's Scientific Adviser, Professor Damien Walmsley, said:

"This survey confirms that the condition of people's teeth overall has got much better since this survey was first carried out. Fluoride toothpaste, greater awareness of the importance of a healthy diet and regular visits to the dentist have all undoubtedly contributed to the better dental health we see in adults today.

"While the growing number of patients retaining more of their teeth into later life is, of course, excellent news, this improvement brings its own challenges. The way that teeth are cared for will need to evolve to ensure that these challenges are met."

The report also confirms the relationship between low socio-economic status and poorer oral health. Professor Walmsley continued:

"Depressingly, this report also confirms what we know about the strong link between social deprivation and poor oral health. Addressing this must be a priority for the UK's governments."

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Fluoridation toxic to the brain

Fluoridation toxic to the brain
Thursday, December 9th, 2010
Issue 49, Volume 14.
Prior articles have mentioned the toxic effects of fluoride on multiple body organs. Let’s focus on fluoride damage to the brain.
There has been an explosion of attention deficit in children, i.e. autism and learning disabilities. There is an increase in Alzheimer’s that has crippled the aged. Why has there been an explosion in these?
Researches have documented the increase in these population subgroups having fluoridated water supplies vs. control groups with non-fluoridated, but this damning information has been actively suppressed by fluoridation proponents.
The young brain is very receptive to fluoride uptake as presented by Dr. Phyllis Millenix, a neurotoxicologist in the 1980s. There have been 223 studies from four different countries that demonstrate fluoride decreases IQ in children. Eighty animal studies show fluoride does accumulate in the brain and memory.
The National Research Council (NRC) acknowledges the possibility that fluoride acts detrimentally to increase the aspect of Alzheimer’s. Varner, et al, in 1998 showed fluoride to increase the uptake of aluminum in the brain as a precursor to formation of beta-amyloidal deposits, which are the pathological markers in Alzheimer’s.
Not a peep from pro-fluoridationists. All the NRC recommended was "future research needed." No proponent has rebuked these findings with research. Their silence is damning of their position to poison our water.
The burning question in view of this scientific information is: why do we tolerate adding a known toxic element to our water? Call your politician and local water authority for explanations, or go to www.fluoridealert.org/50reasons.

Dr. Donald L. Brust

UK - Britain's bad teeth on the mend figures show

Britain's bad teeth on the mend figures show
By Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor 5:30PM GMT 08 Dec 2010
In 1978 more than one in four adults had none of their natural teeth left but this had dropped to one in 16 by last year.
The British have a reputation abroad for having bad teeth but the figures show that dental health has improved dramatically in the last generation.
More people are now going to their dentist regularly than in the 1970s but still two in five admit they do not get their teeth checked regularly.
New dental regulation is waste of money: dentists 16 Nov 2010
The Government could save money by scrapping unnecessary new dental quango 16 Nov 2010
The survey also found that more than one in ten people suffer extreme anxiety before visiting the dentist with the problem more common among women than men.
Dental health was worse in Wales than in England or Northern Ireland. The survey was not conducted in Scotland.
The survey was conducted among a total of more than 11,000 people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, by the Office for National Statistics and is the biggest dental survey conducted for ten years.
Tim Straughan, chief executive of the NHS Information Centre, said: "This survey shows dental health has improved in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and the condition of people's teeth overall has got much better since this survey was first carried out in 1968.
"However it does show there is variation in dental health between England, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as in the percentage of our populations who see a dentist regularly.
"The survey also suggests that more than one in 10 of us are extremely anxious about being in the dentist's chair."
Ian O’Sullivan, from ONS, said: “Just over half (51 per cent) of adults who had ever been to the dentist were classified as having low or no dental anxiety, but over a third (36 per cent) were classified as having moderate dental anxiety, and 12 per cent of adults were shown to have ‘extreme anxiety’.

“The survey shows that, although Wales still has more serious dental problems than England, the overall picture of the state of the three nations’ teeth has greatly improved since the first Adult Dental Health Survey was conducted in 1968.

"The majority of adults, 71 per cent, had no decay on the crowns of their teeth. And three-fifths, 61 per cent, of adults in England with at least one natural tooth attended the dentist for regular check-ups, compared to 44 per cent in 1978.”

Professor Damien Walmsley British Dental Association scientific sdviser, said: “This survey confirms that the condition of people's teeth overall has got much better since this survey was first carried out. Fluoride toothpaste, greater awareness of the importance of a healthy diet and regular visits to the dentist have all undoubtedly contributed to the better dental health we see in adults today.

“While the growing number of patients retaining more of their teeth into later life is, of course, excellent news, this improvement brings its own challenges. The way that teeth are cared for will need to evolve to ensure that these challenges are met.”

A Department of Health spokesman said: "Even though there have been improvements in adults' oral health, there is more that can and should be done to tackle persistent inequalities.

"As set out in the NHS White Paper, we are committed to introducing a new dental contract to improve the quality of care and address the issue of access. We have set up a national steering group to drive this work forward, with the aim of publishing pilot proposals before the end of the year."

Wales is not fluoridated and only 10% have lost all their teeth. In the US, which is 70% fluoridation, 18% have lost all their teeth:NYSCOF

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

UK - Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley

Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley

To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Earl Howe on 15 November (WA 156), (a) in which sections of the York report, A Systematic Review of Water Fluoridation, can the conclusion that areas of past concern about water fluoridation no longer require investigation be found, and (b) why the National Fluoride Information Centre placed this claim within the Is it safe? section of their website if it intended to refer to past concern about fluoridation's health effectiveness. [HL4557]

7 Dec 2010 : Column WA35

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Earl Howe): The extract from the York report to which I referred in my earlier reply was from "Section 12. Conclusions". Although York found no clear association between fluoridation and cancer or bone fractures, we are not complacent. This is why the department is committed to a programme of further research to strengthen the evidence base on fluoridation. I agree that the layout of the website could be improved and officials will be exploring with the National Fluoride Information Centre how this can best be done.

To strengthen the evidence not to examine the evidence - that tells you something.

Poison for sale

USA - Lewiston may halt fluoride treatments

Lewiston may halt fluoride treatments

LEWISTON – Sixty-three years after first deciding to add fluoride to its drinking water, the city of Lewiston could stop. The city began adding fluoride to its water in 1947 to help prevent tooth decay in children. The city spends about $9,000 for the chemical, which isn’t mandated by state or federal agencies. David Six, head of the city’s water and sewer departments, said he has no problem with eliminating its use. The City Council agreed to ask for recommendations from the Idaho Dental Association and health department at its Jan. 10 work session before making a decision.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

UK - Children’s dental health a cause for concern in parts of Wales

Children’s dental health a cause for concern in parts of Wales

Children’s dental health has emerged as a cause for concern after a survey revealed that children in poorer areas of the country are experiencing oral health problems.

The Welsh Health Survey showed that there was a considerable difference between local authority areas, with children in some areas, such as Neath, experiencing much higher rates of tooth decay than children in more affluent areas of the country. Children in Neath Port Talbot have an average of 3 decayed, missing or filled teeth.

The survey showed that people living in the Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board area had poorer standards of general health, thanks to unhealthy lifestyle choices. People living in the area, which includes some of Wales’ poorest towns, are more likely to smoke and drink than people in other regions and only a third of people eat the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables per day. The survey showed that 1 in 4 people smoke and almost half the population drink more than the recommended limit.

Hospital admissions due to drugs and alcohol are also significantly higher than other parts of Wales and incidents are particularly common in Swansea. The results of the survey also show that few people get the recommended amount of exercise and this, combined with a poor diet, contributes to obesity.

High rates of tooth decay amongst children are often attributed to a poor diet, which is high in sugary and acidic foods and drinks and a poor oral hygiene routine; often, poorer children do not visit their dentist on a regular basis.

Thankfully no mention of fluoride. Seems more of a spiritual sickness.

Monday, December 06, 2010

Australia - Mount Gambier is expected to have fluoridated water by Christmas

Fluoride for Christmas
By Tim Gerritsen Mount Gambier is expected to have fluoridated water by Christmas, as the city's pumping station comes back on-line.

.........Legislative Council member Anne Bressington is continuing to call for the practice of "forced fluoridation" to end, after telling State Parliament this year that there's evidence that fluoridation can have a negative impact on some people's health.
Ms Bressington has sided with local residents who say fluoridation removes their choice of whether to consume fluoride or not.
It follows action by the protest group, Choice Mount Gambier, which collected 11 thousand signatures on petitions calling for Mount Gambier's residents to have a vote on whether to consume fluoride or not.
A member of Choice, Alex Young, also chained himself to the gates of the Blue Lake to halt construction of the fluoride plant.
Despite SA Water still carrying out the State Government's request to begin fluoridation, Ms Bressington's office has confirmed the issue still being pursued in the halls of State Parliament.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

UK - Earl Baldwin of Bewdley

Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether the statements on the website of the National Fluoride Information Centre that claim benefits to adult teeth from water fluoridation, and in the February 2008 letter about water fluoridation from the Chief Dental Officer to strategic health authorities and others (Gateway 9361), citing Griffin et al (2007) for claimed benefits to the oral health of adults, have taken account of the criticisms of the Griffin review by NHS Evidence Oral Health available at www.library.nhs.uk/oralhealth/viewResources.aspx?resID=269963.[HL4558]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Earl Howe): We understand that the Chief Dental Officer was aware of criticisms of the Griffin report when he published the letter, but when the outcome of the judicial review of the decision made by South Central Strategic Health Authority to fluoridate Southampton is known, he will be issuing revised guidance which will take account of any new evidence on the effects of fluoridation.

Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley

To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answers by Lord Darzi of Denham on 20 May 2009 (WA 323-4) and by Earl Howe on 23 June 2010 (WA 187-8), whether the statement on the website of the National Fluoride Information

3 Dec 2010 : Column WA495

Centre that there is "no evidence" of ill effects on general health from water fluoridation is an accurate summation.[HL4559]

Earl Howe: Yes, this observation remains accurate. There is no conclusive evidence of risks to systemic health from water fluoridated at the one part per million level used in fluoridation schemes in England.

What’s in my toothpaste

Posted by SarahK
What’s in my toothpaste
................So why is it that there has been a backlash against fluoride? There are several reasons, but the primary one is concern about fluoride’s toxicity. While children are the ones who are most at risk of dental fluorosis, which is caused by excessive fluoride intake and can appear as white streaks on teeth or even black, stained and cracked teeth, anyone can be poisoned if even small amounts of toothpaste are swallowed consistently. Also, because tap water is often treated with fluoride, many people are weary of the possibility of ingesting too much. Dentisse is just one example of a toothpaste that doesn’t contain fluoride; another popular brand is Tom’s of Maine.

There are other ingredients to be on the look out for, as well. Saccharin, which gives toothpaste its sweet taste, has been linked to cancer in rats by several studies. However, there is no clear evidence that it is linked to cancer in humans. An ingredient that I personally like to avoid is sodium lauryl sulfate; not only is it an irritant, but also it has been linked to canker sores (also known as aphthous ulcers, which I am unfortunately prone to) by several studies. Finally, triclosan, an ingredient used to kill bacteria and prevent gingivitis has been the subject of some scrutiny. While studies have found that it kills harmful germs in the mouth, it is important to note that some research has linked triclosan to hormonal alterations in animals. The FDA is currently reviewing various studies regarding the safety of the ingredient, and will make its findings public in spring 2011

The benefits of fluoridated water for infants outweigh the disadvantages, doctors say

Fluoride in water safe; The benefits of fluoridated water for infants outweigh the disadvantages, doctors say
Nicholas Yong
The Straits Times (Singapore)
December 5, 2010
Fluoridated water is good for dental health, no?
Not in the opinion of Ms Joy Warren, co-ordinator at British non-government organisation West MidlandsAgainst Fluoridation, who recently wrote to LifeStyle about the effects of taking fluoridated water.
West Midlands is a county in England.
Ms Warren said that fluoride in water drunk by expecting mothers is passed to the foetus via the placenta, and to the baby when baby formula is dissolved in fluoridated water.
She claimed that this results in a delay in the development of milk teeth by up to 14months.
Milk teeth usually emerge between the ages of six months and 33 months. These so-called temporary teeth are replaced by permanent ones that normally erupt around ages six to 12.
Dentists here tell LifeStyle that there is little evidence to support Ms Warren's assertions, adding that infants who are fed water without fluoride are put at a disadvantage.
As Dr Joyce Boudeville, a dental surgeon with Raffles Dental, says: 'Scientific research shows that water fluoridation is one of the 10 greatest public health achievements of the 20th century.'...................

Conspiracy Theory with Gov Jesse Ventura Worldwide Water Conspiracy pt2.mp4

Saturday, December 04, 2010

UK - Letter from Anne Milton MP Under Secretary of State for Public Health

Canada - 600 kids on Ottawa dental surgery wait list

..........."The problem can develop as young as under a year of age." McConnachie said.

"I have taken kids into the operating room at one year to two years of age where we've had to take out teeth … We see at the children's hospital about 15 cases a year where a [dental] infection becomes life-threatening.".......

Nothing to do with lack of fluoride just too much sugar or acid drinks.

Peaceful Parenting: Ten Fluoride Facts

Peaceful Parenting: Ten Fluoride Facts
1) 97% of western Europe has chosen fluoride-free water. This includes: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, and Switzerland. (While some European countries add fluoride to salt, the majority do not.) Thus, rather than mandating fluoride treatment for the whole population, western Europe allows individuals the right to choose, or refuse, fluoride.

2) Fluoride is the only chemical added to drinking water for the purpose of medication (to prevent tooth decay). All other treatment chemicals are added to treat the water (to improve the water’s quality and safety – which fluoride does not do). This is one of the reasons why most of Europe has rejected fluoridation. For instance:

In Germany, “The argumentation of the Federal Ministry of Health against a general permission of fluoridation of drinking water is the problematic nature of compulsion medication.”

In Belgium, it is “the fundamental position of the drinking water sector that it is not its task to deliver medicinal treatment to people. This is the sole responsibility of health services.”

In Luxembourg, “In our views, drinking water isn’t the suitable way for medicinal treatment and that people needing an addition of fluoride can decide by their own to use the most appropriate way.”

NZ - Protest plea to mayor

Protest plea to mayor
JOLENE WILLIAMS | 4th December 2010
Share11 About 50 anti-fluoride protesters gathered on the steps of Hastings District Council yesterday to return bottles of fluoridated tap water.
The protesters met Hastings Mayor Lawrence Yule and asked him to return the issue of fluoridated water to the council agenda.
The fluoride debate was an ongoing issue in Hastings, Flaxmere and Havelock North areas where tap water was fluoridated on the advice of the Ministry of Health, Hawke's Bay District Health Board and international studies.
The anti-fluoride campaign challenged the health benefits and argued the chemical was a toxin that should be removed from drinking water.
One of the protesters Jackie Blair from Hastings said to Mr Yule: "Just pure water please" as she placed a bottle of tap water at his feet. She later said the main issue at hand was the lack of choice.
"It's something I've become aware of more recently since I became a parent. There isn't a choice and that seems quite wrong."
Another raised the issue of consent, and said mass medication was "unethical".
In June, the council voted seven votes to six not to take the issue of fluoridating water to public referendum.
However, Mr Yule agreed with the protesters that the issue to fluoridate water should be a democratic decision and promised to raise the issue of public referendum with the newly-elected council.
"This year I asked the council whether they would have a referendum to reconsider and they said no.
My view is that people should be allowed to decide and I think we're being quite fair about it. I know you want [fluoride removed] quicker, but that's for the community to decide."
At the request of the protesters, Mr Yule also agreed to meet with the director of international anti-fluoride organisation Paul Connet when he visits New Zealand next year.
Hastings last voted to fluoridate its water supply 20 years ago

Canada - "Four strong winds that blow insanely"

Time to move to Alberta - "Four strong winds that blow insanely"
By Ken Serota on December 3, 2010 1:13 PM
Calgary residents want fluoridation stopped..........yee haw, or is that hee haw.......plan is to prevent tooth decay by brushing with tar sands.............in the immortal words of Pogo, "we have met the enemy and he is us..........." Did everyone elect Rob Ford clones to run their governments. I know where the 13K dentists registering to practice in Canada in the next 2 to 5 years should be heading.........

The controversial debate on fluoridation of Calgary's drinking water could have spilled onto council floor during budget deliberation, but it was immediately wiped out.
The issue is not totally dry and it could very well flow back to council before the year ends or early
2011 as a notice of motion.
Ald. Druh Farrell was inquiring about the potential cost of maintenance of the equipment that puts the chemical to the water but council told her to open up the matter at another time because it's not budget.
Farrell said the city is expecting a $6-million maintenance bill for fluoridation equipment soon but there's also a move to stop putting the chemical to the water.
"If we're contemplating removing fluoride, we're asking for the ability to remove, we need to determine that quickly before we make this capital investment of $6 million," she said.
"There's a new research coming out how fluoride can put some people's health in jeopardy."
Water fluoridation is the controlled addition of fluoride to a public water supply to reduce tooth decay.
The process costs the city $750,000 annually and is regulated by Alberta Environment, which means any change has to be approved provincially.
Ald. Andre Chabot was supportive of Farrell's move but also agreed to have it on the table at another time.
Like Farrell, Chabot also wants an end to putting fluoride in the city's water.
Chabot said administration had been supportive in the past to stop using the chemical.
Both Farrell and Chabot said they're going to try and revisit the idea and see if there's an appetite with the new council to exclude the chemical from city water.

Conspiracy Theory with Gov. Jesse Ventura "Worldwide Water Conspiracy pt1".avi

Dr. Russell Blaylock: Fluoride's Deadly Secret. A history of Water Fluoridation in America Part 3

Friday, December 03, 2010

Canada - Fluoridated water poses risk, professor tells SACPA.

Fluoridated water poses risk, professor tells SACPA.
Gerald Gauthier
ggauthier@lethbridgeherald.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
A staunch opponent of water fluoridation presented the science behind his case Thursday during a presentation to the Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs.
Numerous studies from around the world cast serious doubt on the effectiveness and safety of adding fluoride to public drinking water, said James Beck, a University of Calgary professor emeritus of medical biophysics.
But even aside from those concerns, he said, there's no ethical basis for adding what amounts to an unapproved, untested drug to water.
"It's given to us without our informed consent," he said. "They're treating us in a way a medical doctor can't even treat you without seeing you, without talking to you."
Beck cited a 1990 study in the United States and 1996 study in Australia which both found only a negligible difference in the incidence of tooth decay among people drinking fluoridated water compared to those who drank water without fluoride.
In addition, he said, a variety of possible health problems such as reduced bone strength, thyroid abnormalities and early arthritis may be linked to water fluoridation in concentrations ranging from 0.9-1.8 parts per million.
He noted fluoride occurs naturally in mothers' breast milk at a concentration of 0.04ppm.
Since 2003, the fluoride concentration for City of Lethbridge water has been 0.07 ppm, in keeping with provincial guidelines.
Beck, who recently co-authored the book "The Case Against Fluoride," acknowledged water fluoridation has long been a controversial and polarizing issue.
The best resolution to the debate, he said, would be for "both sides and everyone in the middle to open their minds" and give a more respectful hearing to both perspectives.
Controversy over fluoride is nothing new in southern Alberta, either. It was a contentious issue for two decades before being implemented in 1974 following a plebiscite in which 50.6 per cent of participants voted in favour. It was the city's fifth plebiscite on fluoridation in 17 years.

Russell-Blaylock: Fluoride's Deadly Secret Part 3

Thursday, December 02, 2010

FLUORIDE'S DEADLY SECRET- Dr. Russel Blaylock 2/7

USA - Inner-city health care center in Utica fills a void.

Inner-city health care center in Utica fills a void.
UTICA — The potential for deeply discounted health care already has made the Utica Community Health Center on Oneida Street a popular place, its executive director said.

It also has highlighted the dire medical needs of the inner-city community, Executive Director Janine Carzo said.
“So far, the medical patients have taken an extraordinary amount of time to take care of because they haven’t seen a doctor in many years,” she said.
Moreover, people are coming with dental problems that rate “crisis mode,” Carzo said.......

Utica, New York, receives fluoridated water from the Mohawk Valley Water Authority: NYSCOF

UK - Daily Echo - MP accuses health body over plans to introduce fluoride despite facing the axe.

Sheer Arrogance
MP accuses health body over plans to introduce fluoride despite facing the axe.
By Jon Reeve and Sam Lister
HEALTH bosses have been accused of "sheer arrogance" for insisting that they will press ahead with plans to fluoridate Hampshire's water supplies - despite powers being handed to local politicians.
The Government has confirmed that elected councils will decide on fluoridation once strategic health authorities are axed in 2012, in a move it hopes will make the process more democratically accountable.
But last night, South Central Strategic Health Authority said that it remains committed to moving ahead with the scheme affecting nearly 200,000 homes in and around Southampton.
A legal challenge to the plans for two-thirds of the city, as well as parts of Eastleigh, Totton, Netley and Rownhams, is due to be heard in the High Court next month, which the SHA has set aside Is. £400,000 to defend.
A victory for campaigners could instantly halt the scheme, which was approved unanimously by the SHA board members in February 2009 despite widespread public opposition.
More than 10,000 people took part in a public consultation, with 72 per cent of respondents from the affected area saying that they didn't want fluoride in their water.
But if the judge finds in favour of the health authority, it could be free to resume work on adding the chemical to water supplies. And despite it only having little over a year left before being scrapped, that is what , the SHA would do. A spokesman said: "As previously stated, further to an economic review of the business case the decision stands and the SHA intends to fluoridate the water in the area concerned, unless the court orders otherwise."
New Forest East MP Julian Lewis, left, told the Daily Echo that it would be "outrageously undemocratic" for the SHA to "impose fluoridation in its dying days". He said: "It's a pretty rum show that they're still going ahead spending a lot of public money on two days in court. If they lose then fluoridation would not happen, and if they win then it would be wholly inappropriate for them to impose it, knowing that their powers are about to be transferred to bodies who are likely to take a different course.
"It would be sheer arrogance if they are bent on an ideological mission to ride roughshod over public opinion in a desperate last-minute bid to leave this as their legacy, when they have no mandate to do so." Confirming the changes, Tory Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said that unlike SHAs, councils are accountable to voters, but they would still have to consult residents, although their views would not be binding.

Fluoride: Where are we now

THE future of fluoridation in Hampshire rests in the hands of a High Court judge, who will next month consider whether health bosses should have paid more attention to public opinion.
South Central SHA's board voted unanimously to approve fluoridating Southampton's water supplies, but the scheme has been on hold since the judicial review bid was lodged four months later.
The judge will look at whether the SHA examined all available evidence fully, as well as whether it should have listened to residents' views. I
All MPs in the area have either said that they do not agree with fluoridation, or called on the SHA to put its plans on hold because of public opposition.
Hampshire, Eastleigh, Fareham, New Forest and Test Valley councils all passed motions disagreeing with adding the chemical to tap water supplies.
Southampton City Council voted in favour of the plans, but councillors have since .called for a binding referendum to be held before fluoride could be added to the water.