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UK Against Fluoridation

Monday, May 31, 2010

Australia - Premier Bligh put on the spot

...............Cr Glenda Mather was the first to raise her hand with a series of questions on fluoridation, in particular a document Ms Bligh signed in October 2008 giving a personal guarantee to provide financial compensation to anyone suffering ill health as a result of the controversial policy.

“Do you accept you signed that pledge?” said Cr Mather, who stressed she was attending the meeting in a private capacity.

The Premier agreed that she had and said the scientific evidence was strong that fluoride improved teeth quality, especially in children.

If anyone had an established proven case that they had been harmed they should put it to a lawyer and make a claim, the Premier said.

UK - Daily Echo - Don't allow SHA to dictate

WHERE is the democracy in this country?
The overwhelming majority are against the proposed fluoridation of our water and yet SHA dictators still are hell-bent on going ahead with it.
This is totally out of order and must not be allowed.
MIKE AND TRISH, address supplied.

UK - Letter re breast cancer

Perhaps it went undiagnosed or maybe unreported, but it seems that in modern times these cancers have increased enormously.

My old mother cannot ever recall anyone being worried about it when she was a nipper.
Charlie, Swansea, 31/5/2010 05:53
They believe that in 1800s it was roughly 1 in ever 200 people developed cancer later in life. By the 1960s, 1 in every 5 people were developing cancer. Now it's 1 in every 2 people statistically. Stomach and organ cancers first started appeaing after the Polio Vaccine, they then put something in the vaccine to combat these cancers only to find they exacerbated them even more. Processed foods are the leading causes of cancer today in adults today and there's strong ervidence to suggest that childhood cancers arise from too much exposure to fluoride (fluorisis).There's a doctor in Canada killing tumours by injecting baking soda into them (how they used to do it) He's being struck off soon. That tells you all you need to know about cancer.
- craig, ayrshire, 31/5/2010 6:50

Saturday, May 29, 2010

CSI - You are a Terrorist if you're Concerned about Fluoride in Your Water?

Australia - Councillor to put Bligh on notice

Councillor to put Bligh on notice
Adrian Taylor | 29th May 2010
PREMIER Anna Bligh will face some tricky questions tomorrow. And campaigning councillor Glenda Mather is determined to make her squirm.
If she gets the chance during the public question and answer session, Cr Mather plans to put the Premier on the spot over a pledge she allegedly made to provide financial compensation to anyone who suffers ill health as a result of adding compulsory fluoride to the water supply.
“I want to ask her if she accepts she signed such a pledge and if she will honour the agreement,” said Cr Mather yesterday.
The Rockhampton Regional Council member fought in vain to resist compulsory fluoridation, but she refuses to accept that the fight is over.
“There are people within this community who are suffering medical conditions which are either caused, or compounded by fluoride in the town supply,” she said.
“They are either forced to purchase bottled water for drinking and cooking purposes, or install domestic water filtration systems which require on-going maintenance.
“Many of these are pensioners who can ill-afford this unnecessary and expensive means to avoid pain caused by damage to their health.
“These ratepayers pay for their Council-supplied water, with additional costs for on-going fluoride dousing, plus their bottled water, plus their water filtration systems and future maintenance.
“I want a commitment from the Premier that she will honour her promise to “accept full liability and provide financial compensation” to those affected persons.”
Cr Mather said she will ask Ms Bligh to admit fluoridation was an error of judgement and to have the whole program suspended.
“There is an overwhelming resentment in this region, but pleas have so far fallen on deaf ears.
“Fluoride is causing people to suffer and is costing so much money.”
She said state-wide compulsory implementation of the scheme had cost more than $30 million so far.

USA - Fluoridation and obfuscation

Fluoridation and obfuscation
Posted: Saturday, May 29th, 2010
If City Council members Luis Alejo and Manuel Bersamin believe that they can forcibly turn a falsehood into reality, they are mistaken.

Tuesday’s City Council meeting was another romp through Never Never Land for the two as they vehemently denied the public’s accusations that they are trying to fluoridate Watsonville’s water against the wishes of the voters.

Sure, Bersamin can read a letter from the state that calls on the city to fluoridate and Alejo can say the issue predates his term on the council, but they can’t deny the reality that they have tried to push this issue through, and even in a reckless manner.

I am disposed to let the issue lie where it is, but the two council members’ actions and words on Tuesday deserve a response. Reality, the truth, should not be so easily rubbed out.

After local residents, during public comment, made another plea with the council to not follow the state’s mandate to fluoridate, the two castigated the speakers for spreading misinformation. Both council members forcefully argued that they were only acting in compliance with state law, and to act any differently would subject the city to unnecessary costs and fines.

But their actions in the open, combined with huge political donations from fluoridation advocates, rightly lead people to wonder what they are doing outside the public’s view.

The reality is that both wanted to approve a proposed contract from the California Dental Association Foundation, granting the city up to $200,000 to construct a fluoridation system, but would have left the city with serious liability issues. It was a contract that City Attorney Al Smith said he wouldn’t recommend, but both Alejo and Bersamin voted for it anyway. Luckily, they couldn’t get the four votes needed and Alejo’s motion to approve the proposed contract failed.....

Canada - Increasing number of youngest children exhibiting “rampant” tooth decay

Increasing number of youngest children exhibiting “rampant” tooth decay
Help children avoid the trap of gingivitis by ingraining oral care & technique early on
By Julie Beun, For Canwest News Service
While the incidence of dental caries in schoolchildren has dropped dramatically in the past two decades, up to 40 per cent of very young children have cavities, and that figure is “increasing definitively,” says Dr. Sarah Hulland, a pediatric dentistry specialist in Calgary.

Calgary is fluoridated:NYSCOF

Friday, May 28, 2010

UK - Daily Echo

Fluoridation scaremonger
By John Beal MBE
Vice Chairman British Fluoridation Society
DESPITE the scaremongering from your In My View correspondent Joy Warren, the best available scientific evidence worldwide tells us that water fluoridation reduces tooth decay effectively and safely.
The York report found that, on average, children in fluoridated areas have 2.25 fewer teeth decayed, missing and filled than those in non-fluoridated areas. This represents about a 40 per cent reduction in the amount of tooth decay experienced per child.
The same report found that, on average, in fluoridated areas there are about 15 per cent more children with no tooth decay at all than there are in non-fluoridated areas. It has been calculated that if five year old children in non-fluoridated Manchester were to enjoy the same level of dental health as those in fluoridated Birmingham and The Black Country, around 40,000 teeth a year could be saved from decay and 6,000 more children would be completely free from decay.
I acknowledged in my previous response that in fluoridated areas there is generally a slight increase in the number of children with noticeable dental fluorosis. The Medical Research Council and the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council have both estimated that in developed countries such as the UK and Ireland, about 3-4 per cent of children in fluoridated areas are likely to be affected, compared with 1 per cent in non-fluoridated
The 12 per cent figure cited by Mrs Warren from the York report is based on calculations in that include studies from countries in Africa and Asia with hot climates and much higher concentrations of naturally occurring fluoride in the local water supply than the fluoride level for UK fluoridation schemes.
I note that Mrs Warren has now brought the Icelandic volcano eruption into the equation. Here, she is at odds with the European Food Safety Authority, which states that the potential risk from fluoride in volcanic ash to drinking water and food in the European Union is 'negligible'.
Interestingly, she appears to rely on data from the early 1940s to prove that fluoride is harmful, virtually all substances are potentially harmful at the wrong concentration, including oxygen and nitrogen, which are the main constituents of the air we breathe and on which our lives depend.
Both the British Medical Association and the American Medical Association have expressed their support for water fluoridation, and as recently as 2008 the American Public Health Association reiterated its strong endorsement and recommendation for the fluoridation of all community water systems as a safe and effective public health measure for the prevention of tooth decay.

This needs an answer from somebody qualified to counter his claims email Daily Echo "In My View" david.brine@dailyecho.co.uk

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Don't Swallow Your Toothpaste_chunk_3

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

NZ - Fluoride poll is out

PUBLIC water supplies in Kaitaia and Kaikohe will remain unfluoridated if Far North district councillors keep their promise to be guided by a household fluoridation poll.

The majority of households in the towns have said no to water fluoridation in a postal survey of 5000 households, although only 816 (16 percent) of households returned survey forms.

In Kaitaia, 298 households (56 percent) that returned forms said they didn't want the council to add fluoride to the town's water supply, while 231 households (44 percent) supported fluoridation.

In Kaikohe, 191 households (67 percent) that returned forms were against fluoridation in the town, while 96 (33 percent) supported this...........

Canada - Group argues against fluoridation of Lake Cowichan’s drinking water

Group argues against fluoridation of Lake Cowichan’s drinking water
By Tyler Clarke - Lake Cowichan Gazette
Published: May 24, 2010 9:00 PM
Updated: May 25, 2010 10:32 AM
Lake Cowichan’s drinking water may not be as healthy as the public thinks, Burnaby-based Health Action Network Society president Jane Shaak argues. The fluoridation of the water, she said, must end.

“I’m sure a lot of people in Lake Cowichan don’t know they’re the only community on the island that has (fluoridated water),” she said. ...............

Don't Swallow Your Toothpaste_chunk_2

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dr. Richard Johnson Presesnts the Hazards of Sugar (part 1 of 3)

Real cause of dental decay

India - A deadly affliction that has almost immobilised them

Debilitating:Ramegowda C. Patil's painful limbs prevent him from working, forcing his daughter to leave school and earn the dailybread.
A deadly affliction that has almost immobilised them
Divya Gandhi
In Sogival village, the groundwater has a dangerous 4.84 ppm of fluoride
Two-thirds of the people suffer from skeletal deformity
Residents are unhappy that no help is forthcoming
A deadly affliction that has almost immobilised them
Divya Gandhi
In Sogival village, the groundwater has a dangerous 4.84 ppm of fluoride
Two-thirds of the people suffer from skeletal deformity
Residents are unhappy that no help is forthcoming

Sogival village (Gadag district): His gaunt frame propped by walking sticks, Ramegowda C. Patil looks far older than his 45 years. His painful limbs prevent him from working, and his six-acre farm has turned into a wasteland. His two older daughters have left school to work as agricultural labourers to earn for the family.
Skeletal fluorosis, a deadly affliction which has debilitated several adults, has also cast its shadow on the children of Sogival village, 60 km from Gadag town.
This irreversible condition is caused by excessive fluoride in drinking water. As the mineral collects in the skeleton over the years, it bends and stiffens the bones and immobilises the joints.
In Sogival, the groundwater, which is the only source of drinking water in the village, has a dangerous 4.84 ppm of fluoride (the acceptable limit is 1.5 ppm) due to a natural process of weathering of gneissic granite rocks, according to a recent analysis by Jagadish T. Gudagur, associate professor, Karnatak Science College, Dharwad.

UK - Don't Swallow Your Toothpaste_chunk_1

Worth seeing again.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Alex Jones Sodium Fluoride and the Forced Drugging of America 1\4

UK - daily Echo letters

Experimenting with the truth in fluoride debate

I'M indifferent to whether we add fluoride to our water, and I have no axe to grind - but I am strongly against the misuse and selective quoting of scientific research by those debating the idea.
We get enough lies from our politicians so do we really need to fill the Daily Echo's letters pages with them?
In John Hayward's article (In my view, May 14), no mention is made of the Knox Report published by the Department of Health in 1985, or the 2002 report from the Medical Research Council. These studied all the previous scientific research that had been made of water fluoridation, and pointed out the gross flaws in those claiming a link with cancer - usually misuse of statistics. Dr Dean Burk, quoted in the last paragraph of the article, came in for some heavy criticism from the Knox report. The conclusions of his studies depended on an "unacceptable selection of data which
most favoured his hypothesis and on his failure to make comparisons with other areas". Yes, that really sums it up for me as well, John. Scientific papers are not always correct - it is through the review of their methods and conclusions that the "community comes to accept them. Studies can be repeated by different people and the results compared. It is clear that through this process over the past few decades, the vast majority of health experts have concluded that fluoride is not only safe, but a cost-effective way of preventing tooth decay in those sections of the population with poor dental health.
I also find the claims about fluoride being a "toxin" misleading -at the levels used in water fluoridation (one part per million), there are no adverse effects other than perhaps mild fluorosis. Indeed, this level is found naturally in other parts of the country. The irony is that both sides of the debate claim their opponents are selectively quoting. Personally, I simply do not believe the NHS would propose an action which would cause people to fall ill. I'm particularly dismayed when environmentalists jump on the anti-fluoride bandwagon with bad science. The case for taking action on climate change relies on the scientific method - you can't have it both ways.
TIM RETOUT, Address supplied.

The evidence that fluoridation affects the brain adversely is overwhelming. The advocates of its introduction, such as Dr John Beal (Letters, May 11) must be imbibing it as all seem completely incapable of grasping one simple fact Whatever the merits, or demerits of its introduction, the people of this area - by a majority of 72 per cent - do not want it. Would they please, just for once, stop their blathering, and blandishments, and listen to what we are saying?
D R SMITH, Southampton.

The Irish Dental Association recently revealed that by the age of fifteen, 75% of Irish children have experienced tooth decay. Research indicates that it is children from more deprived backgrounds who have a higher risk of decay.
Sounds familiar? I'm sure if the local Strategic Health Authority (SHA) were responsible for Southern Ireland they would soon call for a consultation on fluoridation - except that Ireland is fluoridated already. They have been for many decades.
In 2006 the Oral Health Services Research Centre in Cork reported a 700% rise in dental fluorosis among 15-year-olds since 1984 and according to the Irish Osteoporosis Society Ireland has a prevalence of osteoporosis causing increasing numbers of hip fractures. There is a predicted doubling in the annual number of hip fractures in less than 20 years.
In the light of this evidence the SHA should reconsider their decision to fluoridate our water.

Bill Edmunds

Sunday, May 23, 2010

USA - State Lags in Dental Health Care for Children

Published: May 21, 2010
Early in the morning on April 2, Dominique Allen’s family rushed her to the emergency room at Petaluma Valley Hospital because of jaw pain and inflammation.

An infection from four rotting or decayed molars had spread into the jaw and neck of Dominique, 16, causing so much swelling that she could hardly open her mouth or breathe. Her condition was “life-threatening,” according to a case history from Community Action Partnership of Sonoma. After spending Easter weekend in the hospital, Dominique was operated on, free of charge, by Dr. Robert Allen (no relation) of Petaluma.

Although Dominique’s case was extreme, it is not unusual in California for children to suffer crippling pain and disability from untreated tooth decay. By the age of 5, 28 percent of the state’s children have untreated dental decay, according to the most recent statewide figures.

In 2007, the last year that data for many reports was available, more than 500,000 California children between the ages of 5 and 17 missed at least one day of school in a year because of dental problems, costing school districts $29.7 million dollars in lost revenue.

California children’s dental health was ranked third from the bottom in the National Survey of Children’s Health, above only Arizona and Texas. In the Bay Area, children and teenagers up to the age of 17 made nearly 1,980 visits to emergency rooms for preventable dental conditions in 2007. The cost of these visits averaged $172, but if a problem required hospitalization it cost an average of $5,000.

Today, experts interviewed said the dental care crisis had reached an even more alarming level. “We can only go up from here,” said Dr. Jared I. Fine, the dental health administrator at Alameda County Public Health Department. “We have an epidemic of dental disease in children that’s absurdly pervasive.”

Dr. Fine said that the medical and dental community has known for decades that dental disease needs to be tackled in early childhood, but programs to do so are “in their infancy,” and poorly financed. Six to eight young children a day — typically from disadvantaged families — are put under general anesthesia or sedation at the Pediatric Dentistry Residency Program at University of California at San Francisco for surgeries, including multiple extractions, and root canals on baby teeth. ..........

Texas the worst? With all that fluoride in their water?

Australia - Face facts - we can't handle the tooth

May 23, 2010
"ALMOST half a million Australians in urgent need of dental treatment are on public waiting lists up to two years long."

"The oral health status of Australia's adults ranks second-worst in the OECD group of wealth nations, says the report Australia's National Oral Health Plan 2004-2013. Research done for that plan showed a 21 per cent increase in decay in five-year-olds. The report found that oral health declined sharply in adolescence with a fourfold increase in early signs of decay between the ages of 12 and 21."

"While people on lower incomes are worst affected when it comes to oral health, even middle-income families are finding it hard to afford treatment with many taking out loans or having it done overseas where it is almost two-thirds cheaper.

In extreme cases, people suffering pain from rotting teeth have been forced to perform dental surgery on themselves."

Over 75% of Australia is fluoridated:NYSCOF

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fluoride: Cause for concern

Fluoride: Cause for concern

We’ve all heard the news and some of us may even have been affected by the eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland. Yet, most people probably remain unaware that fluoride, from the volcanic ash, has been identified as posing a big risk to human and animal health...

This threat comes from the fluoride, in volcanic ash, contaminating our drinking water and as a result of animals, such as cattle and sheep, consuming ash deposited on grass and soil. With the volcano erupting a second time in a month there are fears that this risk may be bigger than first thought.

Yet, the EFSA believes the risk of fluoride contamination from the volcano is negligible and should not be a concern for humans and animals in the European Union...


Robert Pocock from the Voice of Irish Concern for the Environment strongly disagrees: “EFSA’s previous risk assessment of fluoride on which its views of the hazards of fluoride from the Icelandic volcano are based, are deeply flawed. If accepted, it would put thousands more children in Ireland at risk of permanent damage to their teeth through ‘moderate’ dental fluorosis.”

And Mr. Pocock is right. Ireland is the only country in Europe with a mandatory fluoridation policy - fluoride has been added to their water since 1963. At present approximately 73 per cent of Irish people are drinking water treated with industrial grade fluoride. One of the major side effects of fluoridation is fluorosis - an overexposure to fluoride which affects the enamel on our teeth.

According to the Oral Health Services Research Centre in Cork, Ireland, by the age of 15 years, approx 1 per cent (or 400) children in Ireland have developed 'moderate' dental fluorosis and 1 per cent of children have developed 'severe' dental fluorosis, with only 63 per cent of children in the Republic of Ireland having ‘normal enamel’.

The EFSA makes the totally irresponsible claim that for a 60Kg adult a lifetime daily intake of 7.2mg fluoride is safe. This ‘safe limit’ totally disregards established evidence that as little as 2 to 3mg of clinically- administered fluoride per day reduces normal thyroid functioning in adults.

Not only that, but it also contravenes the daily upper limit recommended by The World Health Organisation (WHO) which is set at 4mg per day (in fact it’s almost twice as much!). Anything higher than 4mg, consumed regularly, could cause bone abnormalities, joint pain and disability.

Whilst it’s still difficult to determine what the impact of the new volcanic fluoride risks may be, the fact remains that thousands of children in Ireland as well as a few fluoridated areas of England, are already at risk from over- exposure to fluoride from their drinking water..................

Austin, TX: America’s Largest Water Fluoridation Fight

Austin, TX: America’s Largest Water Fluoridation Fight
Friday, 21 May 2010
Written by Niamh Marnell
Water fluoridation is an institution in America. The American Dental Association (ADA) and World Health Organization (WHO) say it is a safe and cost-effective way to prevent cavities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) hails it as one of the ten great public health achievements of the 20th Century. On the other side, some experts, scientists, and concerned citizens argue that fluoride has many negative side effects and is hazardous to public health. In Austin, Texas, they are fighting about whether or not to have it removed from the public water supply.

In an interview about his 2004 book, The Fluoride Deception, Chris Bryson, award-winning investigative journalist and former BBC producer, concludes that “fluoride science is corporate science. Fluoride science is DDT science. Fluoride science is asbestos science. It’s tobacco science. It’s a racket.” The book, based on 10 years of research, is a scathing review of the history of water fluoridation, which claims that the safety standards for water fluoridation in this country are based on fraudulent science.

Ted Norris, an MD with a PhD in neuro endocrinology agrees, saying that fluoridated water is a scam worse than big tobacco. “All our thyroids are screwed up. It causes chronic obesity. It causes fatigue. It causes depression. It causes lack of energy, and that’s not even to get into the osteosarcomas and the hip replacements.” He continues, “It’s devastating. I think it’s worse than lead. It’s a shame.”

Norris is just one of the many experts in Austin, Texas, pushing the hyper-political question of whether or not to continue fluoridating the city’s water. Austin is poised to be the first city with a significant population in the United States to possibly reverse their practice of fluoridating the public water supply, which could cause large cities all across America to reevaluate the effects of fluoride on the health of their populations..............................

Sodium Fluoride *Reloaded*

Friday, May 21, 2010

Natural In 90 #20: Bin your fluoride toothpaste

Your Fluoride Protection Plan...

Oral Health
Your Fluoride Protection Plan...
Date: 20/05/10
The fluoride debate has been raging for quite some time. There are those, like the Australian Dental Association (ADA), that believe there is no convincing or credible scientific evidence that fluoride, when supplied at the optimum level (one part per million) in drinking water, causes any adverse health effects.

However, other health experts believe that dental fluorosis is the first visible sign of fluoride poisoning. Scientists from the American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), after studying all the evidence, concluded that the public water supply should not be used "as a vehicle for disseminating this toxic and prophylactically useless ... substance."
Regular readers of our Daily Health alerts will know that we’ve written about the dangers of fluoride in drinking water and other daily household products in the past.

Fortunately, it appears that the message is finally getting across to the medical authorities in some parts of the world, at least.

Fluoride: Thailand setting the example

Thailand’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA), recently revealed that water with more than 1.5mg of fluoride per litre doubled the risk of discoloured teeth among young children, compared to 0.7mg.

As a result, health officials in Thailand are pushing forward to cap the maximum amount of fluoride in bottled water to 0.7mg per litre. Currently, the accepted amount of fluoride per litre of bottled drinking water is 1.5mg.

Thailand’s Public Health Minister, Jurin Laksanawisit, said that a 2007 report from the National Statistical Office showed that 29 per cent of household drinking water in the country comes from bottled water, and that only 2.24 per cent or 100 companies in the country produced bottled water with less than 0.7mg of fluoride.

These efforts, from a small country like Thailand, are not only commendable but also put them far ahead of developing countries like the US and the UK, who stubbornly refuse to accept the proven health risks associated with fluoride. All of this in spite of warnings from The World Health Organisation (WHO) that drinking water with more than 4mg of fluoride per litre (consumed regularly) can cause bone abnormalities, joint pain and disability. ...............................

UK Following Nick Clegg's speech today in the House of Commons

Following Nick Clegg's speech today in the House of Commons (19th May), there is light on the horizon! The first thing that has to be done is for all anti-fluoridationists to write to the Deputy Prime Minister asking his team to consider the repealing of Section 58 of the Water Act 2003 along with two other dependent pieces of legislation. The reason for this request will be apparent to all anti-fluoridationists but in order to make it easy for those less clued up on the legislative aspects, a suggested letter is attached as a link.

The political scene has now changed, hopefully for the better. Although the new Secretary of State, Andrew Lansley (Conservative), has uncertain views about fluoridation, one of his Ministers of Health is a Lib Dem and the Lib Dems are more likely to consider water fluoridation as being a breach of our civil liberties.

Moreover, in these financially straightened times, how could any government countenance the use of public money to buttress further fluoridation schemes and to maintain current ones? Water fluoridation is not an essential service, no-one will die if fluoridation ceases or if the dosing plants break down. Fluoridation does not prevent tooth decay even though it seems to do so in fluoridated children aged 1 to 6 years old. The 'seeming' nature of decay prevention is dealt with elsewhere on this site. As a non-vital service, the waste of tax-payers' money on fluoridation schemes is nothing short of scandalous.
JW 19/10/10


Thursday, May 20, 2010

UK - Bolton pushes for better oral health for children

Bolton pushes for better oral health for children
Health executives and professionals are pushing to improve the standard of oral health amongst children in Bolton.
The drive comes in the light of worrying figures that confirmed poor standards of oral health amongst children in the borough; the statistics shows that the average five year old in Bolton has 2.5 missing, filled or decayed teeth, way above the national average of 1.5. Despite the shocking figures, NHS Bolton said there had been an improvement since 2006, when the figure was 3.2.
Since the alarming figures were released in 2006, the NHS has ploughed money into the area; the money has been used to create new dental practices, improve existing services and increase provision. It is estimated that an additional two million pounds have been spent in the area over the course of the last three years.

The additional investment has undoubtedly had a positive effect on dental health in the area but health executives admit there is still a long way to go, as confirmed by the latest figures which show children in the area suffer from poor oral health compared to the national average. As a result, campaigns are being launched to raise awareness of the importance of good oral health and encourage parents and children to adopt healthy oral hygiene and lifestyle habits.

Over the course of the next month, the borough will be littered with information stands; it is hoped that people will take note of the educational material and start to use the information to look after their own oral health, as well as their children’s.

Dentists believe that a large proportion of the problems are caused by poor diet; children now are surrounded by sweets, chocolate, fizzy drinks, cakes and biscuits, which are filled with sugar. Sugary foods cause the amount of harmful bacteria in the mouth and this can cause plaque to develop and cling to the surfaces of the teeth; plaque weakens the enamel and makes the teeth vulnerable to decay. Dentists have reported an increase in the number of young children needing fillings and extractions, with children as young as two years old needing treatment.

In order to boost oral health in the area, experts are encouraging parents to teach their children about oral hygiene and control the amount of sugary foods they eat; oral health contributes to good general health so looking after children’s teeth and gums is more important than ever before.

No mention of fluoridation - amazing - real cause: sugar

Avenue Edmonton and BTV discussion panel on fluoride

USA - Letters: Brush away the habit of fluoride in water

The American Dental Association has recommend that fluoridated drinking water not be used to mix infant formula. The label on a popular mouthwash advises that children under age 6 consult their doctor or dentist before using. Most, if not all, European countries have now banned the use of fluoride in public drinking water. And recently the Environmental Protection Agency has quietly issued a statement calling for a moratorium on the use of fluoride in the nation’s drinking water.
Yet, most governments still call for the use of this substance in the drinking water, ignoring the increasing evidence that this substance does not prevent decay in teeth but is also a potential health hazard to the public.
What does it take to wake up our water treatment operations and government regulators to stop poisoning the public?
Harvey L. Hill

USA - Budget May Force Sac To Remove Fluoride From Water

May 19, 2010 7:11 pm
Budget May Force Sac To Remove Fluoride From Water
Some dentists say the benefits of fluoridation outweigh the costs, but others say the practice is just outright unhealthy.
City leaders are considering a new proposal that would cut costs by halting the fluoridation of city water, an idea that has drawn sharply divided responses from local residents and dentists.
A consultant's report concluded that adding fluoride to the local water supply costs the city about $1 million each year. With a $43 million budget gap estimated for the next fiscal year, all options are on the table, but some dentists warn the move could end up costing residents more in the long run.
Sacramento District Dental Association president Dr. Terry Jones said fluoridation is essential for healthy teeth, arguing that cancelling the program would mean "more visits to the emergency room, more families in pain, more money spent on dental treatments that could have been prevented."
Fluoridation "hardens the tooth, makes it more resistant to cavities," he added.
Opponents of fluoridation are hoping the budget woes act as the catalyst for finally pulling the plug on the controversial program.
Dr. Jeanette Okazaki points out the toxic nature of fluoride -- "It is a poison," she said – and argues the health of children will improve if the practice stops.
"They did a toxicological study that shows children have double the amount of lead that's acceptable," Okazaki said.
The report to Sacramento city leaders also pointed out that fluoride has to be bought from China, raising questions of quality and safety. A final decision is expected to be made before the start of the new fiscal year in July.

UK - Daily Echo - Health Chief demands a rethink on fluoride

By Rachel Masker
A HAMPSHIRE health watchdog is demanding a rethink of the controversial decision to add fluoride to tap water in Southampton and other parts of the county.
Now the boss of a top county health committee has written to those behind the scheme calling for it to be scrapped.
Councillor Anna McNair Scott, chairman of the health overview and scrutiny committee, said it was "inappropriate in the extreme" for South Central Strategic Health Authority to proceed.
The Tory county councillor said strong public opposition remained to the scheme to fluoridate the drinking water supplied to almost 200,000 homes.
She said the latest figures on children's dental health in Southampton showed the need for fluoridation as a way to reduce tooth decay had been "overstated" when it was requested by city health chiefs.
As revealed by the Daily Echo last October, research showed the proportion of five-year-olds in the city suffering tooth decay had fallen dramatically, and is now virtual the same as averages.
The figures also showed a decline in the number of teeth affected by disease, giving Southampton better results than Birmingham - where fluoride has been added to the water since the 1960s. The councillor said the results
backed up reservations published in the York Review - the most comprehensive study of fluoridation, published a decade ago - about the benefits of the practice.
Mrs McNair Scott also believes the £400,000 cost of fighting a judicial review of the decision to proceed with fluoridation is a significant expenditure when "primary care trusts are already struggling to maintain frontline services.
A high court judge is to examine claims lodged by Southampton resident Gerealdine Milner that health chiefs ignored public opinion. The case could be heard at the Royal Courts of of Justice before the end of the year.
In her letter to the authorities Mrs McNair Scott said: My purpose in writing to you is to formally request that the strategic health authority board reconsiders its decision to proceed with these plans taking account of the new evidence that has emerged and its stewardship responsibilities in relation to the use of public funding.
"To proceed with this proposal against the wishes of the population affected would seem to be inappropriate in the extreme at a time when real pressures ai-e beginning to emerge in public sector finances."
In a letter of reply, Andrea Young, chief executive of South Central Strategic Authority, said it would be inappropriate to comment on public support for fluoridation as the case was now subject to judicial review. But she said the authority was pleased children in the region generally have better dental health than many other parts of the country.
The health boss added: "However the regional data does hide significant pockets of poor dental health in some of the big towns and cities in our region."
She also warned against using the latest dental figures for comparisons with previous statistics because of a change in the way the survey was carried out.
Ms Young continued: "The strategic health authority takes its responsibility for the use of public funds extremely seriously.
"Having followed the relevant legislation and Department of Health guidance, it reached the conclusion that health arguments in favour of fluoridating the water supply in Southampton and south west Hampshire outweigh the arguments against fluoridation. It remains of that view."
10,000 opinions
More than 10,000 people submitted their opinions during a public consultation with 72 per cent of those living in the targeted area - covering parts of Southampton, Eastleigh, Tottpn, Netley and Rownhams - saying they were against fluoridation.
Totton South and Marchwood county councillor David Harrison said: "The strategic health authority is now spending large sums of taxpayers' money trying to defend the indefensible which is about imposing something that the public doesn't want.
"They have ignored the results of their own consultation which again involved the investment of large sums of taxpayers' money."

Letter from Anna McNair Scott, chairman of the health overview and scrutiny committee, at Hampshire County Council, to Andrea Young, chief executive of South Central Strategic Authority
Dear Andrea
It is now over a year since the SHA Board took the decision to approve the request of Southampton City PCT to add fluoride to the drinking water in parts of Southampton and South West Hampshire.
You will be aware of the strong opposition to this proposal that Hampshire County Council expressed: I would wish to reaffirm that our objections, on the grounds of both evidence base and ethics, given the strength of local opposition, remain. There have been a number of developments since the decision taken by the Board that have prevented the implementation of the proposal, and in our view further weakened the grounds on which the SHA felt it was acceptable to proceed. Firstly, a judicial review case is pending and the initial support expressed by a minority of elected representatives, including MPs and Local Authorities, has evaporated in the face of the continued opposition that has been expressed by the population affected.
Because of the support of the Southampton City Council, the SHA Board felt able to disregard the assurances of Ministers, and indeed the Prime Minister, that fluoride should not be added to drinking water unless this was supported by the public. This support no longer exists. Secondly, the recently published figures of children's dental health in Southampton are evidence that the case of need put forward by the Southampton City PCT and dental health professionals was overstated.
The reservations, clearly expressed in the York supply in addressing health inequalities are reinforced by this evidence. Thirdly, I have previously questioned the infrastructure and maintenance costs of the proposals and have not received clear answers. The consultation process has incurred significant expenditure and, regardless of the outcome, the judicial review will add a further £400,000 to this total.
The uncertainty about the added value the scheme will bring for the target population coupled with the added costs of physical implementation would suggest that it would be wrong for the board not to revisit its original decision. My purpose in writing to you is to formally request that the SHA Board reconsiders its decision to proceed with these plans taking account of the new evidence that has emerged and its stewardship responsibilities in relation to the use of public funding. To proceed with this proposal against the wishes of the population affected would seem to be inappropriate in the extreme at a time when real pressures are beginning to emerge in public sector finances. PCTs are already struggling to maintain front line services and this is likely to escalate. I look forward to receiving confirmation of the action you are taking in response to this letter by 17 May 2010.
Anna McNair

SHA response from chief executive Andrea Young
Dear Cllr McNair Scott
Plans to add fluoride drinking water in Southampton and South West Hampshire
Thank you for your letter dated 12 April 2010, formally requesting the South Central Strategic Health Authority's (SHA) Board to reconsider its decision to proceed with plans to fluoridate water in Southampton and parts of South West Hampshire.
I note your comment on the view of Hampshire County Council. As you mention in your letter, the SKA'S decision to instruct Southern Water to fluoridate the local water supply is now subject to judicial review proceedings. In light of this, it would be inappropriate to discuss your comments regarding support for the proposal at the current time.
With regard to the issue of data on the dental health of children in Southampton, the SHA is pleased that children in the NHS South Central region have, on average, better dental health than many other places in England. However, the regional data does hide significant pockets of poor dental health in some of the big towns and cities in our region. With regards to the dental figures published recently, you will note some important caveats contained in the full report. One of the main points to note is that for the first time, positive consent for examinations was required for this survey. In previous years, parents were advised the examinations were taking place, and, unless a parent objected, the examination went ahead.
The report authors stated: "This is the first survey of this type where parents of children were required to give consent and therefore bias resulting from non-response cannot be ruled out. As a result, direct comparisons with previous surveys should not be made. Non-respondents were more likely to be from deprived areas, where there is a tendency for children to have higher levels of dental decay. Data was weighted to take this into account, but it may be that non-respondents had different levels of dental decay over and above that which may be explained by deprivation alone."
It is therefore not prudent to base decisions solely on this information, especially when there had been no corresponding fall in tooth extractions under general anaesthetic for children under five years old during the same time period.
The SHA takes its responsibility for the use of public funds extremely seriously. Having followed the relevant legislation and Department of Health guidance, it reached a conclusion that the health arguments in favour of fluoridating the water supply in Southampton and South West Hampshire outweigh the arguments against fluoridation. It remains of that view.
Andrea Young Chief executive

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The State of Public Health in Norway 2010 – new report published

Dental health among children and adolescents is on the whole good. In 2008, close to 80 per cent of all 5-year-olds and almost 50 per cent of 12-year-olds did not have any history of dental decay. The numbers have been increasing steadily over the past 25 years. ..........................

Compare that to fluoridated Ireland.

NZ - Common wisdom prevails against fluoridation

Common wisdom prevails against fluoridation
Wednesday, 19 May 2010, 10:18 am
Press Release: Fluoride Action Network
Common wisdom prevails against fluoridation fallacy

“The good people of Kaitaia and Kaikohe have demonstrated how common wisdom can prevail over fanatical obsession, by decisively rejecting the addition of toxic fluoride waste to their drinking water” say health campaigners from the local area and Fluoride Action Network NZ (FANNZ).

After a two year trial, regarded by FANNZ as an illegal medical experiment under the Bill of Rights Act, official information indicating collusion between certain councillors and staff and the DHB, the DHB’s report on the trial referred to as “scientific garbage and academic dishonesty” by FANNZ, and a survey seen as biased toward fluoridation, accompanied by an extensive taxpayer-funded campaign by the DHB, the people of Kaitaia and Kaikohe have said “No!”.................

Is Water Fluoridation Needed and Safe?

Tap water is rat poison - LIQUID FLUORIDE !!!!

Your city water is poisoned

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

USA - Dentists fight toothaches in Bexar County schools

Dentists fight toothaches in Bexar County schools
Reported by: Janet Kwak
Email: JanetKwak@woaitv.com
Last Update: 5/17 3:52 pm
SAN ANTONIO -- Dentists are coming into Bexar County schools, and best of all - their services are free.
"The sealant program is a cost effective way to bring dental care into the schools," explains Metro Health Dr. Jennifer Bankler. "We found there are 30 percent of children in our inner city schools that have untreated tooth decay."Called "Smile San Antonio," the Metropolitan Health District targets schools with the highest percentage of disadvantaged students to offer free cleanings, sealants, and check-ups. Permission slips are handed to parents of second graders going to these schools. Portable dental clinics are set up during school time.
The program is aimed to lessen the burden for working parents who may not have insurance, and keeps students focused on teachers, not toothaches.
"It doesn't only affect the absenteeism, but performance in standardized tests. They're all going to have a negative impact due to oral disease," adds Bankler.

Fluoridated in 2002

Water Fluoridation and Its Enemies

Dispatch: Water Fluoridation and Its Enemies

Dr. Whelan took to the airwaves last night to discuss fluoride on the international Manchester Radio Online.

“Manchester Radio Online is aired all over the world,” says Dr. Whelan, “so the show has a lot of exposure. I offered a sound defense of water fluoridation to prevent tooth decay, and also to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Water fluoridation is not only safe, it is probably one of the top three public health measures of the last century. Still, you should have seen some of the hateful emails that came in response to this discussion.”

“We thought the issue of water fluoridation was settled, with no more controversy,” says ACSH’s Jeff Stier. “But you have to remember that the people who still speak out against it are not representative of mainstream views. They are much more radical, so they’re more likely to write angry emails.”

I sense a bigot!

NZ - Fluoride a poison in our water

OPINION: The practice of adding a chemical - sodiumsilicofluoride or hydrofluorosilicic acid - to everybody's drinking water is nothing short of fanatical.

What rational person takes a substance captured in a factory smoke-stack because it's too toxic to be discharged into the air, and then cannot be got rid of in the sea or a river because it's not allowed by international marine law, and decides to put into every man, woman and child's drinking water?

And that's regardless of whether the person is sick or how they react to it and even though they may have said they don't want it.

In Wellington, sodiumsilicofluoride is added to the drinking water. We import this substance from Belgium where not only do they not have water fluoridation, they have banned the tablets. In fact, no country in continental Europe has water fluoridation any longer. Some did have it but stopped many years ago. When fluoridation was being promoted in these European countries they too were told that their water was deficient in fluoride. Just like the Americans, the Australians, the Irish, we in New Zealand are being spun the same line.

Some countries, such as India and China, do have some water that naturally contains higher amounts of fluoride. But there is usually more calcium in the water that makes it not as toxic as the chemicals that are added to our water.

However, the fluoride is still toxic and India and China lead the world in removing fluoride from water supplies as people develop all sorts of illnesses from drinking water high in fluoride - the most notable being the disease skeletal fluorosis, from which sufferers become bent over and crippled.

The first stage of this disease is identical to osteoarthritis and, considering fluoride accumulates in our bones, it is likely that many people in New Zealand are being misdiagnosed with osteoarthritis when in fact they have the first stages of skeletal fluorosis.

The last two studies in New Zealand on dental health (Auckland 2009 and Southland 2005) show that there is no difference in decay rates between children in fluoridated areas and children in non- fluoridated areas. The only difference is that 30 per cent of the children in the fluoridated areas have some form of dental fluorosis whereas only 15 per cent of children in the non-fluoridated areas do.

Dental fluorosis is the first outward sign that a child has had too much fluoride (i.e. has been poisoned). In Wellington, the Health Ministry dental statistics show that there is no difference between the non-fluoridated areas of Wellington (Petone, Korokoro and Paekakariki) compared with the rest of fluoridated Wellington.
Wanting to add a toxic chemical to the drinking water of an entire population just because you happen to think it is good for teeth reflects an attitude of complete disrespect for the rights of others. Fluoridation can only be described as fanatical.

Mary Byrne is spokeswoman for Fluoride Action Network New Zealand.

NZ - Far North towns say no to fluoride

Far North towns say no to fluoride
18/05/2010 15:24:01
Two towns in the Far North have voted against continuing fluoridation of their water supply.
The district council completed a two-year trial of fluoridating the water in Kaitaia and Kaikohe last March.
Of 816 responses, 489 opposed fluoridation, while 327 supported it.
The issue has been controversial locally, with a Northland District Health Board report last November reporting beneficial impacts in the health of children's teeth during the trial.
Critics however, say there are better and safer ways of improving Northland's poor child dental health record, than by fluoridating the water.

UK - Daily Echo letter

Teeth are improving without use of fluoride
PROF Walmsley's recent letter is misleading. He says that fluoridation is supported by Southampton University academics.
My husband, a biologist, disagrees strongly - as do many others.
Here lies the problem -Many top academics and dentists disagree on this issue and so little good research has been done- particularly on the amount of fluoride we ingest from the environment.
Our basic food stuffs contain much higher levels of fluoride than they did 20 years ago - absorbed by pollution and the increased use of fertilizers. If there is any doubt - do not tamper with our water.
The American Dental Association warns parents not to give infants fluoridated water - so who is going to pay for the bottled water necessary in hospitals and the home or is this "professional" opinion going to be ignored?
The appalling dental diseases suffered by children shown on the recent Panorama programme were all due to excessive sugar intake - in one instance almost constant lollipop sucking.
Does Prof Walmsley seriously suggest that fluoride in the water would have prevented this - the programme certainly did not call for fluoridation but for parental education as the solution.
How many ordinary people manage to fight the might and wealth of big corporations especially as scientific research which could back up claims is so lacking?
The state of children's teeth is steadily improving without fluoride - let's not waste money and risk our health for this out-dated, controversial pollution of our water.
MRS M WILLIAMS, Lordswood, Southampton.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Vitamin D supplies teeth with minerals

Vitamin D supplies teeth with minerals
Berks County, PA -
Dr. John Reitz
Dear Dr. Reitz: I have been taking daily supplements of vitamin D since being diagnosed deficient by my physician. I am 45 years old and healthy overall. Is there a connection between vitamin D deficiency, tooth decay and the bone loss from gum disease that I have experienced over the years? - Susan

Dear Susan: Before I discuss the dental benefits of vitamin D, I want to be clear that gum disease and tooth decay are caused by a combination of bacteria, dietary habits and your body's genetic makeup.

Vitamin D functions both by helping your body absorb calcium from food and by maintaining adequate blood calcium and phosphate concentrations to enable normal bone formation. Having sufficient calcium provided by vitamin D helps maintain the bone that supports the teeth.

You body has two sources of vitamin D, from food and sunlight. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in dairy products, fish and fortified cereals. Sunlight is your most important source of vitamin D, because most food cannot provide your daily requirement. It's known as the sunshine vitamin because it's believed that as little as 15 minutes in the sun allows the skin to produce enough to prevent deficiencies............

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ireland - 75% of kids have tooth decay by 15

75% of kids have tooth decay by 15
[Posted: Fri 14/05/2010 by Deborah Condon]
Three in four Irish children have experienced tooth decay by the time they reach the age of 15, dentists have warned.
They are calling on the Minister for Health, Mary Harney, to introduce public health warning labels for fizzy drinks in an attempt to combat this problem.
They say that the warning could be similar to the health warning which is currently carried on tobacco products. This would increase public awareness of the negative impact these products have on oral and general health.
According to Dr Billy Davis, the incoming president of the Irish Dental Association, Ireland currently has one of the highest per capita soft drink consumption rates in the western world, at over 100 litres per capita per annum. This is equivalent to the consumption of at least one 330ml can per day.
This consumption has risen every year since the 1980s.
"The health warning system has really worked well for tobacco and alcohol products and it is time for similar warnings to be placed on food and drink products so that consumers can make a fully informed choice. We really need to move urgently on this issue," Dr Davis insisted.

The call for pubic heath warnings was made in a motion at the IDA annual conference, which is taking place in Galway this weekend. Dentists are also calling on Minister Harney to introduce legislation which would ensure that the sugar content of food and drinks is highlighted.

The IDA pointed out that by the age of 15, 75% of Irish children have experienced tooth decay. This makes it the most chronic condition young people experience in this country. Research indicates that it is children from more deprived backgrounds who have a higher risk of decay.

"Unfortunately it is the people who are most vulnerable to tooth decay who are being deprived dental health check-ups and treatments by the HSE's demolition of the medical card scheme. Clearly funding is in short supply so a pro-active and cost efficient way of encouraging better dental health - such as a warning and labelling system - makes perfect sense and the government should introduce it without delay," Dr Davis explained.

The IDA conference is also set to discuss several motions condemning the cutbacks to the PRSI and medical card dental schemes.

Ireland is the only country that mandates fluoridation country-wide: NYSCOF

Uk - Daily Echo - Fluoride: truth hasn't altered since 1943

In my view by Joy Warren
BSc Environmental Science co-ordinator, West Midlands Against Fluoridation
Fluoride: truth hasn't altered since 1943
I AM replying to 'Fluoridation: best for kids' (In my View, May 11) by John F Beal, vice chairman of the British Fluoridation Society.
References accompanying my letter were removed by editorial staff due to lack of column space.
All my claims were well researched and not exaggerated. For example, the level of dental fluorosis in Birmingham was measured in 1995 by Professor Peter Rock and AM Sabieha of I Birmingham University Dental School and published in a British Dent Journal article in 1997.
They concluded that 112 children (34 per cent) in a group of 325 children aged eight to nine in five Birmingham Primary Schools in 1995 had dental fluorosis which they considered was caused by the children swallowing fluoridated toothpaste.
But the children also drank fluoridated water, ate fluoridated food, and absorbed fluoride when visiting the swimming pool and bathing in hot fluoridated water.
Therefore, the prevalence and degree of dental fluorosis in their permanent teeth would not have been so great had they not been fluoridated. Furthermore, the Government's York Review (2000) concluded that 12 per cent of fluoridated children had dental j fluorosis of aesthetic concern. This equates to one in eight children in the West Midlands with disfiguring dental fluorosis.
No research on the prevalence of dental fluorosis in British children has taken place since 1995.
The Rock and Sabieha report is not in the public domain so it's not surprising that John Beal feels confident enough to deny existence of proof.
I could continue in this vein but would strain the patience of both the Daily Echo's editor and readers. I will conclude with a quote from the Journal of the American Medical Association, September 18,1943.: "Fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons, with the capacity to modify cell metabolism, changing the permeability of the cell membrane by inhibiting certain enzymes. Sources of fluoride intoxication include drinking water containing 1ppm or more of fluorine."
The fluoride ion (anion) is an element which has not changed its chemical composition since 1943. The human body has not changed its composition since 1943. The truth recognised in 1943 still holds true today.
But is this continuing a dialogue with the deaf? Is John Beal likely, anytime soon, to change his mind about the injurious nature of fluoride?
Well, if the second Icelandic volcano blows a fuse and spews greater volumes of toxic, fluoride-laden ash over the UK, he may have a Damascus-road conversion.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Australia - Water 'toxic' claims community

Water 'toxic' claims community
Residents of a remote Kimberley community say the government has known for months that their water supply is making children sick.

The residents of Mulan in the East Kimberley say their water supply contains dangerously high levels of sodium and fluoride, which is destroying children's teeth and giving them high blood pressure.
Community chief executive Margaret Jacobson says residents put their concerns to the Health Minister Kim Hames when he visited Mulan two months ago but nothing has been done.
She says it is completely unacceptable that children's health is being put at risk.
"That's my biggest concern, that they sit there accepting the fact that this is the quality of their drinking water, and unless someone does something about it, it's just going to be considered an aesthetic problem.
"There's no way anyone else travelling out here would drink the water."
The Minister's office has been contacted for comment.

Fluoride and the depopulation agenda 1 New World Order

Ignore the cartoon face bits of good info in this video.

Fluoride in Everything - Now What?

She asks for our advice.

UK - Daily Echo - Fluoride facts that everyone must face

Fluoride facts that everyone must face
FLUORINE is an extremely reactive electronegative element that is never found alone in nature. Thus there are many kinds of fluoride compounds, such as calcium fluoride, found in water.
However, those fluorides added to water supplies are toxic non-biodegradable waste by-products from aluminium smelting process and phosphate fertiliser production.
It is recommended by Professor Damien Walmsley (Letters, May 5) and certain Government ministers that these fluorides should be added at one part per million to our water supply. A ratio found through world scientific and medical research to produce cancer in cells (Dr Takeki Tsutsui, Japan, 1984, and The American Medical Association, 1993).
It is interesting to note that the ; original fluoridation as a remedy for tooth decay was funded by the aluminium industry. Andrew Mellon, chairman of the Aluminium < Corporation of America, was Secretary of the Treasury at the time.
We are led to believe the wonders of fluoride added to the water supplies in American cities.
However, research shows:
1) A trial studying 50,000 inhabitants
across 68 US cities in 1986-7 showed that fluoride increased tooth decay.
2) After 20 years of water fluoridation in Seattle, authorities reported an unprecedented dental crisis in the city.
3)22,000 children were studied in Tucson, Arizona. Fluoride was found to increase tooth decay
4) 21,000 Japanese children were studied in 1972. Fluoridation was found to increase tooth decay.
5) In 1992 fluoride feed machinery on one of two community wells failed in the township of Hooper Bay, Alaska, resulting in the death of one man and the poisoning of 296 other citizens.
In countries worldwide, water fluoridation is banned including all of the European countries.
World research has found that fluoridated drinking water has resulted also in an increase of diseases. Among them disturbances in bones such as osteosclerosis, spondylosis and osteoporosis.
Whilst working in Kenya on a UN aid programme I witnessed these and other diseases in certain tribes -people poisoned by fluorides that had leeched from sub strata rock into the water supply. The tribes people were not only recognisable by their sickly features but also from their fluorinated teeth that were just small brown points. Despite the large amounts of money and great efforts of the aid agencies filtration of the fluoride proved impossible.
Not a wonderful pictured. One quote really summed it up.
Dr Dean Burk of the National Cancer Institute said:
"Fluoride causes more human cancer deaths, and causes it faster than any other chemical."
John Howard Southampton

Thursday, May 13, 2010

UK - Chance to put end to fluoride

Chance to put end to fluoride
Published Date: 12 May 2010
WE recently consulted five of the larger political parties regarding what they intend to do about the issue of fluoridation and human rights should they get into Downing Street.
Out of those who bothered to reply only the Lib Dems's reply was at all heart-warming. They believe, like we do, that mass fluoridation of water supplies would leave people with no choice and they believe it should not be imposed by Whitehall diktat.
What a wonderful opportunity the Lib Dems now have to negotiate the removal of all existing fluoridation plants and to stop all future plans to fluoridate working with David Cameron. What better chance to show they really care for our rights!

Frank Plunkett, Sheffield Against Fluoridation

China - .Sichuan Province Poisoned by Fluoride

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Alex Covers "Soft Kill" Chemical Poisoning of Water & Food Supply

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

One of the Biggest Health Frauds EVER

One of the Biggest Health Frauds EVER Perpetrated on the American People...
Posted by Dr. Mercola | May 11 2010 | 49,446 views
Animals in southern Iceland are at risk of fluoride poisoning if they inhale or ingest the ash from the recent volcanic eruption. Fluoride poisoning can lead to internal bleeding, long-term bone damage and tooth loss.

According to BBC News:

“The fluoride in the ash creates acid in the animals' stomachs, corroding the intestines and causing hemorrhages. It also binds with calcium in the bloodstream and after heavy exposure over a period of days makes bones frail, even causing teeth to crumble.”

Dr Mercola's comment:
Many may see this story and never connect the dots between the tragic poisoning of these animals due to a natural event, and the intentional poisoning of human beings through excessive fluoride exposure each and every day.

This story is another clue that just because something exists in nature doesn't necessarily mean it is good for you. And this is certainly true for the seriously misguided use of fluoride to prevent dental cavities.

The practice of adding fluoride to your tap water began in 1945. With more than 60 percent of U.S. water supplies currently fluoridated, chances are you’re one of the 170 million Americans who drink fluoride on a daily basis.

Most likely, your dentist – along with countless government and public health officials -- has praised and promoted the use of fluoride, both in toothpaste and drinking water, as one of your must-do regimens to promote strong and healthy teeth.

Unfortunately, they’ve all bought the public deception, and have unwittingly participated in and perpetuated perhaps one of the grandest public health frauds and toxic cover-ups in U.S. history..................................

Fluoride Dangers

UK - Daily Echo -Letter

In my View
By Dr John F Beal Vice Chairman British Fluoridation Society
Fluoridation: best for kids
CONTRARY to the exaggerated claims that have been made in your newspaper recently by letter writer Joy Warren, an anti-fluoride campaigner from the West Midlands, the addition of fluoride to that region's water supplies over the past 45 years has given its children some of the healthiest teeth in the country.
Survey after survey has shown that children in fluoridated areas of the West Midlands tend, on average, to have fewer teeth decayed than in comparable non-fluoridated communities. Indeed, children from some of the region's most socially deprived communities that are supplied fluoridated water enjoy better dental health than those from much more affluent, but non-fluoridated, areas.
There is no evidence to support her exaggerated claims about the prevalence of dental fluorosis in the West Midlands.
Using the best available studies, the Medical Research Council estimates that about three to four per cent of children in fluoridated areas may have fluorosis of aesthetic concern, compared with about 1 per cent in non-fluoridated areas such as Southampton. Severely decayed teeth are themselves unsightly. Ms Warren omitted to inform readers that the American Dental Association (ADA) strongly supports water fluoridation as the "single most effective public health measure to reduce tooth decay," which it also describes as "a powerful strategy to reduce disparities in tooth decay among different populations".
The ADA has not warned parents of newborns against giving them fluoridated water. Rather, in a country that has well over one million people drinking naturally occurring fluoride concentrations in water between two to four times higher than the target level for fluoridation schemes in the UK, the ADA has advised those parents who may be anxious about the risk of fluorosis to consider using ready-made infant formula feed made up with low-fluoride or fluoride-free water.
There is absolutely no evidence, as claimed by Ms Warren, that fluoridation reduces intelligence. Anti-fluoride campaigners like to cite some poor quality studies conducted in rural areas of China with high natural fluoride levels in water. Not only were the studies poorly designed but they have no relevance to advanced Western communities operating controlled fluoridation schemes.
For the record, an analysis of GCSE examination results in several major UK cities in 2007 found that fluoridated Newcastle upon Tyne and Birmingham had the highest pupil scores. But that, of course, was purely coincidental. It cannot be claimed that fluoridation enhances intelligence, any more than the converse can be argued.

As the Vice Chairman of the BFS he has to defend fluoridation. He never mentions the obesity found in the West Midlands; the crap they put in the water to "top up" the calcium fluoride.
There is almost no fluoride in mothers' milk and nature does know best. If even 1% get fluorosis in non fluoridated areas surely that is an indication we are getting too much now through toothpaste, mouth washes and medicines.

UK - Yorkshire

Children 'at risk' from
Date: 11 May 2010
I REFER to 'Benefits of fluoride are compelling' (YEP, May 3) and would comment as follows: The York Review 2000 was unable to support the claimed improvement in dental health in fluoridated areas.
They could only find 15 per cent. They did find 48 per cent of children in those areas had some degree of dental fluorosis and in 12.5 per cent the condition was severe enough to be "of concern".
Dental fluorosis is the outward sign of inward poisoning that occurs in children's teeth when they have received an overdose of fluoride.
It is unlikely that they will find the medical side-effects of flurodiation because, according to the information I have received, NHS hospitals are not equipped to look for them.
"No evidence of harm does not mean no risk of harm" (Democractic Health Network).
Miss P Johnson, Leeds

Once more the question of fluoride in our water raises its ugly head. I read a while ago that in some American states, it was agains the law to give children flouride toothpaste to clean their teeth and that toothpaste containing flouride must be labelled "poison".
It went on to say that states with fluoride in their tap water have a higher number of cancer patients.
Why then do we want to contaminate our tap water? We'd finish up having to buy bottled water just to make a cup of tea.
Teri B Halton, by email

UK - Daily Echo letters

SOAPBOX: Fluoride in the water supply
Such one-sided misinformation
JOHN Spottiswoode is right to raise concern about the British Dental Association's manifesto promoting water fluoridation issued to all parliamentary candidates (Letters, April 28).
The reply from Professor Walmsley of the BDA fails to mention that the York Review found water fluoridation had little impact on social inequalities, leads to an increase in fluorosis and that there is not enough good quality evidence with which to inform policy
His claim that "fluoridation helps to promote oral health equality for everyone, including adults" is not supported by the best evidence.
Indeed, recently Southampton PCT have been instructed by the Advertising Standards Authority not to repeat these claims as the evidence relating to fluoride and adult dental health is not robust and is not supported by the leading scientific experts called on by the ASA. The Republic of Ireland, to which Professor Walmsley alludes, has reduced the level of fluoride in water due to concern about fluorosis.
There are many academics who do not support water fluoridation and are concerned at the lack of good quality evidence with which to back up claims such as those in the BDA's literature.
The other issue brought up by John Spottiswoode is the ethics involved in putting a substance into drinking water for medicinal purposes (despite hexafluo-rosilicic acid having no medicinal licence) and given to the whole community who have little choice in the matter.
It is right that politicians speak up against this one-sided misinformation.
ANNA PECKHAM, Highfield, Southampton.

Lives in La La land methinks
WE know "Fluoridation has professionals' support" (Daily Echo, May 5).
They never give up in trying to force us to drink and bathe in fluoride. Professor Walmsley uses the , same old rhetoric as the Strategic Health Authority, no mention of fluorosis - no mention of the difference between the calcium fluoride and the polluted waste product they "top up" with. No mention of what the York Review really found - fluoridation is not proven safe nor effective.
I would like to remind the professor of his previous statement in October 2007 "The British Dental Association was one of a number of organisations that campaigned for the change to the 2003 Water Bill that has given communities the right to decide for themselves whether they wish their water supplies to be fluoridated."
We've heard all the arguments from professors from both sides and we've decided as a majority to say no but the BDA does not take no for an answer.
No doubt the professor lives in La La
land with Peter Ward, chief executive of the BDA, and Barry Cockcroft, chief dental officer. BILL EDMUNDS, Cadnam.

The people say
I HOPE Prof Damien Walmsley is paid well for his efforts of disinformation on fluoridation.
There is so much evidence against everything he says in his letter it is quite overwhelming. And he really should know that many many people are waking up to the fact that the World Health Organisation are rapidly gaining a reputation for being anything but a 'reputable organisation' along with many others along the same lines who are funded by governments or others with a vested interest in the 'guidance' they put out, no doubt including the British Dental Association.
We all know that research can be done to prove or disprove whatever one wishes according to their own agenda. We the people say NO and that should be enough. We don't need to hear anything more on this subject. Forget it, we don't want it, it's over! At least it should be!

Monday, May 10, 2010

From The Anti-Fluoridation Association of Victoria

Bull Conference 1951

Above is the FULL set of minutes from the now notorious Fourth Annual Conference of State Dental Directors from June 1951, a meeting sponspored by the US Public Health Service, which was held in the Federal Security Building, Washington DC.

This meeting developed the Strategy and Tactics for the "Promotion and Application of Water Fluoridation", with Dr. F. A. Bull being the Conference's best known participant.

Those seeking access to these minutes were told they were destroyed - we now have to pleasant task of informing you that they were not - and they can now be found on our website.

This original version has an introduction and notes (on yellow background) provided by
the late Dr. Robert J. H. Mick.


Please circulate link to your lists. Regards, Catharine.

Rant Chemicals in your Environment

Eugene, OR
In a recent post about Alzheimer's I mentioned speculation about Aluminum being causative. Siempre Solo made an excellent response about the findings that aluminum was being found in the brains of Alzheimer's patients and pointed out that the aluminum is not just in cooking utensils it is in baking soda and many other things that we consume.

There has also been a great increase in the number of cancers which might be due to environmental factors and from chemicals in things we eat and drink.

In the past 34 years, EPA has only been able to regulate five chemicals and require testing for roughly 200 of the estimated 80,000 chemicals in commerce. In this free market Economy all chemicals are considered safe until proven otherwise.

In my opinion all chemicals should be suspect until proven safe, and that proof should come from an independent agency not from the chemical companies producing the product.

The President's Cancer Panel Report said that "the true burden of environmentally induced cancer has been grossly underestimated. With nearly 80,000 chemicals on the market in the United States — many of which are used by millions of Americans in their daily lives and are un-studied or understudied and largely unregulated — exposure to potential environmental carcinogens is widespread," the report said. "Efforts to inform the public of such harmful exposures and how to prevent them must be increased."


This report has of course been attacked as partisan by the Republicans and by the Chemical industry, but the panel members were appointed by Bush.

This article indicates that Obama has a lot of work to do to help make Americans safe again, and lists 6 priorities.


This is an interesting site to help you figure out what things are in our food.



Sunday, May 09, 2010

USA - Bolivar, Missouri - Aldermen hear public opinion on fluoridation

Aldermen hear public opinion on fluoridation
By Sarah West
Friday, May 7, 2010 9:55 AM CDT
At the public hearing about putting fluoride into the city of Bolivar’s water system May 4, the Bolivar Board of Aldermen heard voices of the community speak against fluoridation and for fluoridation and also heard suggestions to consider the issue carefully.
About 20 people responded to the Board of Alderman’s request to share their opinions May 4 about possible discontinuation of fluoridation of the city’s public water system due to rising costs.
Herman Englram gave boxes of toothpaste to each of the alderman, encouraging them to read the fluoride poison warning on the boxes.
“We have all kinds of scientific evidence that fluoride is not good for the human body,” Englram said. “You have a grave responsibility here for all of us and yourself. You don’t have to be a scientist to figure that you have a grave responsibility. We have prayed about each and every one of you people. Scripture says that to whom much is given, much is required. I’ve always said vote your conscience.”
Dana Hacker read a letter from her husband, David Hacker, who was a dentist in Bolivar for about 30 years. In the letter, Hacker said he believed those against fluoridation were honorable people, sincere in their concerns, but that they had chosen to disregard or had not been exposed to current scientific data.
Removing fluoride from the water would be a step backward, Hacker’s letter said, and only acceptable if the alderman found it would not be financially feasible.
“That is an understandable, though unfortunate, decision,” Hacker wrote. “No one outside this group is qualified to make this decision.”
Gayla Prewitt said that the fluoride being added to the city’s water is not naturally occurring. Arsenic on lumber had caused her children to become sick and .
“This wouldn’t be the first time we would have been told something was safe, only to find out later that wasn’t the case,” Prewitt said.
Janet Arnold said fluoride is a medicine and it should be up to the individual to decide whether or not to ingest it.
“I go to great lengths to be in control of my own health,” Arnold said. “I don’t like the idea of somebody telling me to take a medicine if I don’t want it.”
Jerry Martin had no opinion one way or the other when he began researching fluoridation, he said.
“I started researching this issue several weeks ago,” Martin said. “I wanted to give it a fair shake. It seems I had to come down on no fluoride. We all have enough toxic chemicals in our life, between the pesticides and the various chemicals we have to use. We could certainly reduce the use of these toxic chemicals.”
Martin also gave the aldermen each a photograph of the warning label on a bag of sodium fluoride.
Dr. Daniel Goodman, DDS, said though children under the age of 2 are extremely sensitive to fluoride in the water, fluoride is beneficial for those ages 2-6, while teeth are forming.
“Fluoride can become part of the structure, which makes it more likely to prevent decay in the future,” Goodman said.
If the aldermen choose to discontinue fluoridation, it will cost the community eventually, Goodman said — dental services funded by taxpayers for low-income families will increase.
Moderation of the chemical is the key element, he said.
“It’s such a low concentration, it’s not harmful,” Goodman said. “The cost if we don’t do it is much more. Eventually, we’re going to pay for decay. Every citizen in Bolivar is going to pay for it one way or another.”
Dr. Don Jump, DDS, asked the aldermen if they trusted the Centers for Disease Control, the Polk County Health Department, local physicans and dentists and the American Dental Association — all of which recommend fluoridation of water, he said.
“I hope you would trust us,” Jump said. “If we have lost that trust, we are truly disappointed.”
Rebecca Still echoed Arnold’s statement that fluoride is a medicine and the individual cannot control the dosage he receives.
“I feel like if a person wants fluoride, it might cost less to provide fluoride rinses to the children,” Still said.
High school environmental science teacher Susan Carter said the community should have a choice about fluoridation.
“There’s lots of pseudoscience out there, but we’re talking about something that’s been a doubt for years,” Carter said. “We’re not talking about the naturally occurring fluoride.”
Dentists in attendance had said one child with considerable dental problems could be overwhelming. Chiropractor Carl Blomenkamp said if fluoridation was useful, he was surprised to find dentists overwhelmed.
“It just seems to me that if Bolivar has had fluoride in the water for 10 years, [dentists] should have more time to go fishing,” he said.
Discontinuing fluoridation could save the city about $40,000 this year and $17,000 in subsequent years, according to City Administrator Ron Mersch.
A Report of Sanitary Survey from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources sent to the city March 1 includes a mandatory recommendation to monitor chlorine residual and fluoride at the point of entry into the distribution system daily for each of the city’s five wells.
The city’s practice has been to check fluoride levels twice a month. Daily monitoring will require the city to pay someone to take samples manually every day, even on weekends and holidays, or to purchase an upgrade to the city’s SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system.

The Board of Aldermen will meet again at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, May 13, for its regular monthly meeting.

Water: Forced Medication, Poisoning, or Both?

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Behind the Barn with Farmer John

Dear Farmer John, Looking for the Green Tomato Bread recipe you printed a few years ago, we really liked it but I lost my copy. I would appreciate a copy of this recipe if you still have it. Thank you. Also the fertilizer recipe you printed is known to me as Aunt Kate’s Fertilizer. It has been in our family for four generations, for saltpeter, potassium nitrate, you can substitute muirate of potash that I purchase at Green Valley Co-op in Cambridge, 342 Steubenville Ave.; or call 439-1338. I buy the four pound bag.

Gunpowder uses saltpeter as one of its components, therefore, it is a controlled substance. It took me several years to find the muirate of potash, as a substitute, I use many gallons each year of the fertilizer. Also additives chlorine and fluoride are the reason you can’t use tap water to start or root plants in water.

Chlorine evaporates in 10 to 12 hours if left uncovered but fluoride stays forever and causes vegetation to rot. Rain water works well.

Thank you RS of Byesville

Dear RS, Thank you so much for all the information and the reader’s explanation of fluoride and chlorine explains more reasons not to use tap water when trying to grow plants from sweet potatoes and why not to use tap water with these whenever you want to root plants. The substitute is great for readers unable to find saltpeter.

Friday, May 07, 2010

USA - To Win the War on Cancer - we need to get serious about chemical regulation

To Win the War on Cancer - we need to get serious about chemical regulation
Sarah Janssen
Staff Scientist, San Francisco
Today the President's Cancer Panel issued a ground-breaking report to President Obama focusing on the role of the environment in cancer. The Panel, appointed by the President, is charged to give an annual update on the status of the National Cancer Program, also known as the "War on Cancer"..............

Nyscof — May 6 2010 05:31 PM
11 Environmental Protection Agency employee unions representing over 7000 environmental and public health professionals called for a moratorium on the addition of fluoride chemicals into public water supplies across the country, and have asked EPA management to recognize fluoride as posing a serious risk of causing cancer in people.

People need to stop groaning when they hear the word fluoride. People Opposed to Fluoridation were probably the first environmentalists who were, are still are, put-down, denigrated and marginalized by people who should know better.

Fluoride is not a nutrient nor essential for healthy teeth. Modern science shows that ingesting this chemical does not reduce tooth decay. Fluoride as a drug hardens tooth enamel from topical application, alone.

The fluoride chemicals that are added into water supplies are by-products of the phosphate fertilizer industry which are oddly regulated by a private company called NSF International which also represents the industries that produce these chemicals.

The EPA out-sourced this responsibility in the 1980's

In. February 2008, NSF international reported that they only tested 245 fluoridation chemicals (there are 50,000 public water suppliers) sampled from 2000 to 2006 and found 2% had detectable levels of lead and 43% had detectable levels of arsenic. Since the EPA set the maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) of fluoride and arsenic at zero, I don't understand why these tainted fluoridation chemicals are allowed into public water supplies. No one entity seems to be in charge. I've questioned EPA, CDC and NSF International. No one has the answer.

Other toxins allowed in the fluoridation chemicals are antimony, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, selenium, and thallium. See:

People might be surprised to learn that fluoridation chemicals (silicofluorides) have never been safety tested in humans or animals.

Over 2,750 professionals (including over 260 dentists) urge the US Congress to stop water fluoridation until Congressional hearings are conducted, citing scientific evidence that fluoridation, long promoted to fight tooth decay, is ineffective and has serious health risks. See statement: http://www.fluorideaction.org/statement.august.2007.html

Australia - Petition urges fluoridation plant referendum

Petition urges fluoridation plant referendum
More than 5,000 people have asked the South Australian Government to halt development of the Mount Gambier Fluoridation Plant until a referendum on the issue has been conducted.
A petition has been going around the south-east and organiser Sharon Stafford says it has had positive responses.
"Quite honestly I think the community is split down the middle on the issue. There's still a lot of people who are not sure about it, so that's why we thought if the community has a choice in the issue, it will be sorted once and for all," she said.
A spokesman for Health Minister John Hill says community consultation about the fluoridation process has already closed and marked only one protest letter from a resident in Mount Gambier.
The spokesman says plans will not be halted.