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UK Against Fluoridation

Friday, April 30, 2010

Court holds member states temporarily responsible

Court holds member states temporarily responsible
By Sophie Petitjean | Thursday 29 April 2010

As long as the European Commission has not laid down the maximum amounts of vitamins and minerals that may be used in the manufacture of food supplements, the member states have competence for adopting regulations to this effect. Thus ruled the Court of Justice of the European Union, on 29 April, in response to a request for a preliminary ruling by the French Council of State.

Food supplement manufacturers, among them Solgar Vitamins France and the Syndicat de la diététique et des compléments alimentaire initiated a number of actions in 2006 challenging a decree of 9 May 2006, which sets maximum daily doses of the vitamins and minerals that may be used in the manufacture of food supplements. In principle, it is for the European Commission, assisted by the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health, to determine these amounts, according to Directive 2002/46. However, since the Commission has not yet adopted the necessary measure, the court leaves it to member states to lay down the maximum amounts. If the intake of a mineral from other food sources poses a risk of exceeding the upper safe limit established for that mineral, the member state may also set the maximum amount at zero without having to resort to the safety procedure.

In the instant case, France is indeed authorised to set the maximum amount of fluoride at 0 mg, since it considers that this chemical element belongs to a category of minerals that present a risk to certain segments of the population. The member states are nevertheless obliged to use elements of the directive as guidance, particularly the requirements of an evaluation of risks founded on generally acceptable scientific data, when setting maximum amounts.

USA - Information about your drinking water

Public Notice: Information about your drinking water
Posted 4/29/2010 Updated 4/29/2010 ...........What happened?
Early on the morning of 28 April 2010, the fluoride injection pump malfunctioned in the Fort Richardson water treatment plant. When discovered, the pump was immediately taken out of service, but high levels of fluoride had already entered the water lines. To address this issue, Fort Richardson and Elmendorf Air Force Base issued a "Do Not Drink The Water" notice and began systematically flushing the water lines by opening fire hydrants across the installations. Concurrently, samples were collected throughout the installation at individual residences, eating establishments, Child Development Centers, schools, and work centers. Each area was flushed and sampled until results showed fluoride levels below 2 ppm. Once Elmendorf Air Force Base demonstrated that fluoride levels throughout the installation were below 2 ppm, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation allowed Elmendorf Air Force Base to rescind its "Do Not Drink the Water" notice at 1715 on 29 April 2010.

What should I do?

At this time, fluoride levels meet Environmental Protection Agency requirements on Elmendorf Air Force Base. If you consumed any installation drinking water during this event, you may want to consult your dentist about whether to avoid dental products containing fluoride or if an alternate source of water that is completely free of fluoride should be used.

What does this mean?

Fluoride in small amounts helps prevent tooth decay. However, some people who drink water containing fluoride in excess of the MCL over many years could get bone disease, including pain and tenderness of the bones. Fluoride in drinking water at half the MCL or greater may cause mottling of children's teeth, usually in children less than nine years old. Mottling, also known as dental fluorosis, may include brown staining and/or pitting of the permanent teeth. This problem occurs only in developing teeth, before they erupt from the gums. Although it takes many years of exposure to fluoride for bone disease to develop, mottling can occur after a relatively short period of exposure.

UK - Daily Echo - 'Stress' caused by fluoride

I AGREE with Jennifer Godschall Johnson (Letters, April 5) that those responsible for wanting fluoride to be added to our water supply should be
brought before a court of law for the reasons stated in her letter. Also, for the prolonged anguish, stress, worry and ill health caused to many people, because of this ridiculous proposal.
Pure, uncontaminated water is what we pay for and it is the water board's responsibility to make sure that is what their customers get in return for their payments.
There is no reason in the world that gives ANYONE the right to play around with our water supply. Leave it alone!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Alaska Journal of Commerce - News

Alaska Journal of Commerce - News
Fluorination malfunction causes unsafe drinking water at Fort Richardson
By Andrew JensenAlaska
Journal of Commerce
A mechanical malfunction with the fluoride distribution system at the Fort Richardson water treatment plant rendered the water supply unsafe for drinking Wednesday morning.

Alarms at the plant alerted workers that fluoride levels were higher than normal. Messages were sent to people living and working at Fort Richardson to not drink the water, according to public affairs officer Bob Hall.

The water is safe for bathing and washing clothes, Hall said, and bottled water has been distributed to the two schools on the base, its daycare center, dining facilities and other points.

The fluorination system has been shut off and the water is being flushed through water mains and fire hydrants around the base, which hosts anywhere from 5,000 to 7,000 people.

Hall said officials will meet again Wednesday afternoon to monitor the repair progress and current estimates are for the problem to be fixed within 24 hours

USA - LA clinic begins giving free care to thousands

LA clinic begins giving free care to thousands
They began arriving before dawn on a cold, misty morning, people of all ages lining up by the hundreds, some in wheelchairs, others hobbling on crutches, many of them missing teeth, all of them seeking the same thing: free medical care.

It was a scene that could have been playing out in a Third World country or perhaps some place like post-hurricane New Orleans, except that it wasn't. It was unfolding in downtown Los Angeles on Tuesday, and the hundreds who showed up weren't refugees of a disaster or a civil war, just mainly working people without health insurance.

One of them, Kenny Gillett hadn't seen a doctor in two years, not since the 47-year-old welder lost his job and insurance when his employer went broke.

Adriana Valenzuela, a self-employed and uninsured cosmetologist, brought an 8-year-old son with a mouthful of cavities.

Los Angeles is fluoridated: NYSCOF

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dr Deagle Show 100423 1/4 - GREG EVENSON ANNE MORRISON

Short-term risks for food and feed safety in the EU following Iceland volcano eruption

Short-term risks for food and feed safety in the EU following Iceland volcano eruption
by S. C.
Following a request from the European Commission, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has issued scientific advice on the possible short-term risks from fluoride in ash for food and feed safety, including drinking water, in the wake of the eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland on 14th April 2010. EFSA may deliver advice on the long term and indirect risks in coming weeks as further data become available on the level and composition of any ash deposits in the EU.

EFSA concludes that based on available information, the potential risk posed by the fluoride in volcanic ash through contamination of drinking water, fruit, vegetables, fish, milk, meat and feed in the European Union is negligible. Therefore, the risk for human and animal health through food and feed is not considered to be of concern in the EU.

Due to a lack of data on the composition of ash-fall in the EU, EFSA is focusing on fluoride because it has been identified in most scientific publications on past volcanic eruptions around the world as the main component that could pose a short-term risk to food and feed safety.

Dietary exposure to fluoride in volcanic ash for humans and fish is usually through contaminated drinking water and for animals, such as cattle and sheep, through eating ash deposited on grass and soil....

It won't stop the push to fluoridate our water by the SHA in Southampton UK.

Alaska - Fairbanks fluoridation debate remains uncertain

Fairbanks fluoridation debate remains uncertain
by Josh Armstrong
The only certainty in the fluoridation debate is that nothing’s really certain.
As the six members of the city’s Fluoridation Task Force discussed studies on the health risks associated with fluoride, they routinely raised questions about how the studies could be applied to the question of whether Fairbanks should fuoridate its water.
The panel was created to make a report — and possibly a recommendation — on the city’s decades-old practice of adding fluoride sulfate to its drinking water.
But while an overwhelming amount of information exists in support of either side, there are a dearth of peer-reviewed studies that supply a definitive conclusion, said Paul Reichardt, a former University of Alaska Fairbanks dean and chairman of the task force.
“The studies are really tough to do, so if you’re looking for a bulletproof study, you’re not going to find it,” he said.
Task force member and UAF geochemistry professor Rainer Newberry pointed out that the fact-finding process is further muddled by unpredictable variables — such as how much water an individual drinks and how much fluoride is naturally occurring in water supplies.

“Let’s face it, if we can do it all over again, we wouldn’t,” Newberry said of fluoridating the water supply a half-century ago. “It’s nutty. It’s absolutely nutty ... just the whole notion that we know what the mean water consumption is going to be.”

The task force’s final report does not need to include recommendations on how the city should act, Reichardt said.
Beth Medford, a pediatrician in her first meeting as part of the task force, relayed concerns about fluoridation’s effects on infants and children because they drink more water and their smaller bodies make them more susceptible to illness.
“It bothers me that we’re using a concentration and don’t know how much or how little you’re getting,” she said.
The passion stirred by the debate was apparent yet again during public comments at the beginning of the meeting.
Seven people spoke against fluoridation in public testimony. Some used strong accusatory language, such as Charles Edwardson, who called fluoridation “unconsented, slow genocide” and said the city of Fairbanks was an accessory to a crime if it chose to continue fluoridation.
Gloria Desrochers, a staple of the task force’s testimony period, called the practice a predatory invasion of rights.
“I just wanted to give you that word: predatory,” she said. “I hope you take it home with you. I hope it circles around in your brain and makes you sick, so to speak.”

The task force’s next meeting will be at 7 p.m. May 4 in the City Council chambers.

Australia - Fluoride push sparks fears for marine life

Fluoride push sparks fears for marine life
Posted April 28, 2010 11:09:00
An anti-fluoride group is calling for Rous Water to do an in-depth environmental study on the impact fluoride would have on marine life.
The Lismore, Ballina and Richmond Valley councils had voted to have Rous Water add fluoride to public water supplies.
Illka Slayer from Ballina's Fluoridation Free Network says there have been no environmental studies and the public has not been consulted.
She says research shows fluoride can affect fish species.
"It can actually affect the bio-films around the sewage, it can affect the fishes, the plants ... studies done to say that it can actually affect oysters, rainbow trout and salmon," she said.

UK - Daily Echo - Strong opposition to use of fluoride

Strong opposition to use of fluoride
OPEN letter on the British Dental Association manifesto.
I received the British Dental Association letter to candidates for the general election, forwarded from Green Party headquarters. I need to make it clear to you that I cannot support your manifesto, particularly point five on the promotion of fluoride. In fact I very strongly oppose the use of fluoride as it is:
• Ineffective (the supposed benefits are more than outweighed by the disbenefits, even if the flawed and biased data for five-year-olds is to be accepted).
• Unethical (it is wrong to force everyone to take 'medication' via their tap water).
• Unsafe (there is a mass of peer-reviewed and published scientific data giving grave concerns over the health effects of fluoride).
• Uneconomic (the supposed savings from fewer fillings is more than outweighed by the costs of delivery and the 'externality' costs of dental fluorosis. Even assuming no more serious side effects for which there is a mass of evidence).
The addition of fluoride to the water supply has been a massive local issue in Southampton and after a thoroughly disgraceful and biased public consultation the population were not fooled and have voted repeatedly against adding fluoride. Every serious candidate in the parliamentary elections in Southampton now opposes the introduction of fluoride against the wishes of the population.
The BDA needs to look at the science with a properly open mind and realise that fluoride affects much more than the teeth. Introducing it to the water supply leads to systemic fluoride poisoning. The data on benefits to five-year-old children's teeth is biased, as in fact that result comes from the systemic poisoning of our children, as those in fluoridated areas have their teeth erupt around a year later (more than 50 studies have shown
this). With teeth erupting later it means that the teeth have been exposed for less time, meaning fewer cavities. If you look at the difference later in life there is no statistically significant difference in cavities (if you want to quote to me the recent meta-study please read it properly before misinterpreting the findings).
So I call on the BDA to do some proper scientific homework and stop promoting fluoride. I will certainly oppose water fluoridation at this election and wherever I can.
Green Party candidate for Southampton lichen.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

USA - HHS Launches Oral Health Initiative

HHS Launches Oral Health Initiative
Monday, 26 April 2010 14:15 Press Release Health and Fitness
Washington, D.C.--(ENEWSPF)--April 26, 2010. Dr. Howard Koh, assistant secretary for health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, today announced an initiative to expand oral health services, education and research in America. Through the initiative, the department is increasing support for and expanding its emphasis on access to oral health care and the effective delivery of services to underserved populations.

Speaking at the National Oral Health Conference in St. Louis, Dr. Koh told oral health professionals that eight HHS agencies had collaborated to launch initiatives and spread public awareness under the message Oral Health Is Integral to Overall Health. “In the U.S., 53 million children and adults have untreated tooth decay in their permanent teeth,” said Dr. Koh. “There is a silent epidemic of dental and oral health diseases that burden millions of children and adults across the states. With this initiative, we plan to improve oral health by removing barriers to care.’’

After 65 years of water fluoridation:NYSCOF

Australia - Council wants Wilcannia water fluoridated

Council wants Wilcannia water fluoridated
The Central Darling Shire Council is calling for fluoride to be added to Wilcannia's water supply.
The Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Advisory Committee has urged the council to install a fluoridation system.
But the council's general manager, Tim Hazell, says the council needs the approval of the New South Wales Department of Health before it can proceed.
"It's been another one of those ongoing processes that's been looked at for a number of years," he said.
"We've finally received advice that the water supply should be fluoridated so we're going to seek approval for the funding of putting that particular process in place and have it happen."

UK - Brown washes hands of calls for fluoride vote

LABOUR sought to give its campaign for re-election in Southampton a boost with a visit from PM Gordon Brown.
But on one of the key local dividing lines in the election the Prime Minister again washed his hands of calls for a vote on adding fluoride to the tap water of 200,000 residents in and around the city.
As he arrived at Solent University's Sir James Matthews Building, he was cheered by supporters, although a few boos could also be heard.
Mr Brown was greeted by Labour candidates for Southampton Test and Itchen, Alan Whitehead and John Denham, and Portsmouth North candidate Sarah McCarthy-Fry
For an hour he fielded a wide range of unscripted questions from voters in one of his toughest question and answer sessions so far on the campaign.
He told the Daily Echo that he put job security and the future of public services as the top priorities for Southampton and said that they both depended on rebuilding a strong economy.
But when asked why residents did not deserve a referendum on the controversial decision by health chiefs to add fluoride to parts of the city's water, Mr Brown again distanced himself from the issue.
He said: "That's a decision for the local health authority. Of course we want people to be able to make local decisions and national decisions and that's why I've proposed a referendum on the constitution but it's not for me to dictate how people in Southampton make their local decisions.

UK - Daily Echo - Fluoride fears

Fluoride fears
I've been following the Southampton debate on the issue of water fluoridation. I'm writing from the West Midlands which has been wrongly heralded by health authorities as being particularly successful in preventing dental decay due to water fluoridation.
It is anything but successful. Not only do 34 per cent of fluoridated children in some parts of the West Midlands have dental fluorosis but there is concern about the effect of fluoridated water on infants, especially premature babies. These little ones should not drink and absorb fluoride because it infiltrates the brain in the first six weeks of life (more if premature). Because of an accident in the summer of 2008 at Dimmingsdale Water Treatment Works, two new-borns in Wolverhampton and Bridgnorth were, for eight weeks, getting 400 times more fluoride in their baby formula than is found in breast milk. Babies in fluoridated areas would normally get 200 times more fluoride than is found in breast milk. Fluoride's effect on the brain is to reduce intelligence as has been demonstrated by numerous studies conducted in other countries.
The American Dental Association has warned American parents of newborns not to give their infants fluoridated water, while the American National Kidney Foundation withdrew its support for water fluoridation in June 2008.
It's highly unlikely that anyone is monitoring the progress of the Wolverhampton and Bridgnorth babies. Is this because health authorities are fearful of discovering that water fluoridation damages children's intelligence?
JOY WARREN, BSc (Hons) Environmental Science
Co-prdinator, West Midlands Against Fluoridation, wmaf.org.uk.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Wales - Keeping your children’s teeth healthy

Keeping your children’s teeth healthy
Apr 26 2010 by Our Correspondent, Western Mail

..You can have too much of a good thing – swallowing large amounts of toothpaste while the permanent teeth are developing can cause fluorosis (mottling of the teeth).

The water here in Wales isn’t fluoridated, so using a small amount of toothpaste is perfectly safe............

Fluoride Good For Government

Sunday, April 25, 2010

NZ - Board stands by fluoride adverts

Board stands by fluoride adverts
Peter de Graaf | 25th April 2010
Anti-fluoride campaigners have lodged a complaint with the Advertising Standards Authority about a series of health board ads backing fluoridation.
With a Far North District Council survey of households hooked up to town water supplies in Kaitaia and Kaikohe due to close on Friday, both sides in the debate have been stepping up their efforts to influence the public.
The Northland District Health Board has been taking out ads in the Kaitaia-based Northland Age, and the Fluoride Action Network has retaliated with a full-page ad of its own.
Now campaigners have lodged an official complaint with the Advertising Standards Authority about five of the health board's ads.
Cliff Royal, of Kerikeri, said the health board had spent thousands of taxpayer dollars on ads which were "false and misleading in the most blatant ways".
Mr Royal said he had sent the authority 18 pages of documentation showing that fluoridation was a significant health threat, not safe as claimed by the health board.
However, the Northland District Health Board is standing by the information in its ads.
Spokeswoman Fleur King said the health board was confident its ads met the rules set down by the Advertising Standards Authority.
The health board had made sure it understood the authority's requirements before starting the campaign, and the ads had been approved by the Ministry of Health.
"But we're always happy to hear from people, and they're entitled to make a complaint," she said.
The council ran a two-year fluoridation trial in Kaitaia and Kaikohe from 2007 to 2009, paid for by the Health Ministry, amid concerns about the dire state of children's teeth in the Far North.
The survey aims to find out if townsfolk want fluoridation re-started.
If the council stopped adding fluoride without conducting a survey to find out that was what people wanted, it would have to repay the Ministry the roughly $300,000 cost of the trial.

Dr. Russell Blaylock Details The Continued Sterilization of America on Alex Jones Tv 1/4

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Life-Cycle Studies: Toothpaste

..........The cause for controversy is the well-intentioned public health officials who, since 1944, have mixed fluoride into drinking water. Opponents say the 210 million people worldwide with access to fluoridated water are overexposed because toothpaste already provides them with enough. The risks include severe tooth stains and increased chance of bone fractures, according to the U.S. National Academies of Science. In Western Europe, 17 of 21 countries have either refused or discontinued fluoridation...........


By Daily Express Reporter Have your say(0)
SAFETY experts are investigating to see if a toxic substance in volcanic ash has contaminated any foods, posing a health risk.
The chemical fluorine, a corrosive yellow gas, could damage livestock if it gets into the water supply or feed.
Now the European Food Safety Authority is examining the risks of fluorine entering the food chain via the fallout from the Icelandic volcano............

Friday, April 23, 2010

UK - Is there anywhere fluoride isn’t going to be found?

Is there anywhere fluoride isn’t going to be found?
3:53pm Thursday 22nd April 2010
THE government’s proposed addition of folic acid to all bread has been abandoned because there would be no way to check the total daily intake.
So what about the fluorides, now coming at us from all directions, from womb to tomb?
The government’s recommended Medical Research Report on fluoridation says ‘Fluoride crosses the placenta and is incorporated into the developing concepts . . . could plausibly be teratogenic’ (ie can cause malformation).
That would be only a part of the chemical load children are now inheriting through the 300 quarts of blood pumped through them every day in their last month in the womb.
A recent US Environmental Working Group study found an average of 200 industrial chemicals and pollutants in umbilical cord blood from babies born in 2004.
The industrial chemicals, pollutants and pesticides included eight perfluorochemicals, used as stain and oil repellents, in fast food packaging, clothes, textiles, carpets etc, including the Teflon and Scotchguard chemical, PFOA, recently categorised as a likely human carcinogen, by the EPA’s advisory board.
Professor David Meltzer, and epidemiological and public health researcher said, “There have long be suspicions that PFOA concentrations may be linked to changes in thyroid hormone levels.”
Samples taken from almost 4,000 adults between 1999 and 2006, reports the journal ‘Environmental Health Perspectives’, found those with the highest 25 per cent of PFOS were more than twice as likely to have thyroid disease than individuals with the lowest 50 per cent. (Samples from the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, for study by Exeter University and the Peninsula Medical School).
Professor Galloway, of Exeter University said, “Our results highlight a real need for further research into the health effect of low-level exposure to environmental chemicals like PFOA that are the ubiquitous in the environment and in peoples’ homes.”
The home is rich in fluorides in dental products, as we all know.
There are now 17 pages of fluoride pesticides on the PSD lists. Fluoride is now a corn fumigant. And the government wants to add it to our drinking and bath water. Just how ubiquitous can it get?
Margaret Reichlin, MacCallum Road, Upper Enham.

No More Fluoridation in Our Drinking Water!

USA - Herald Citizen - County approves dental plan for residents

Herald Citizen - County approves dental plan for residents
"'I can't tell you how often I see people come into the (Upper Cumberland Career) Center, looking for jobs who have no teeth or who have a problem with dental hygiene. Those people are not employable,' said District 5 County Commissioner Johnnie Wheeler. Wheeler also serves on the NACo board of directors. 'It's hard for them to get a job. One of the reasons is because their self esteem is so low. They won't smile because of their teeth and they can't afford to go out and buy dental coverage on their own. And a lot of our older citizens do not have dental coverage.'"

Putnam County, Tennessee is mostly fluoridated:NYSCOF

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pensacola ECUA Fluoride Board Meeting 4-21-10 FL DOH

Speaking to Dr. Malcolm Lock about water fluoridation part 1.wmv

Poor sound in the beginning but stick with it. This doctor is badly informed


Southampton PCT has recently been instructed by the Advertising Standards Authority to remove all references from its published material to one of the claims made during the water fluoridation consultation. This follows official complaints made by three members of Hampshire Against Fluoridation and UK Councils Against Fluoridation about misleading claims in advertisements by the PCT to promote water fluoridation.
During the consultation, the PCT claimed in their advertisements that “By topping it up to one part of fluoride per one million parts of water, it would be possible to make a major difference to the teeth of adults and children locally, and for future generations” The ASA’s scientific experts ruled that there was no good quality evidence to support this statement. Consequently, the PCT have agreed not to repeat these claims and have also agreed to consult with the CAP Copy Advice team on future claims relating to fluoride.
HAF Chairman Stephen Peckham said “We have always argued that the PCT and SHA made exaggerated claims about water fluoridation that were not based on good evidence. The fact that the PCT have now had to promise the ASA not to repeat these statements about making a major difference to adults removes one of the key arguments made by the PCT and SHA for imposing the scheme.”
During the consultation PCT staff repeatedly said that water fluoridation would help “everyone” and the SHA in its consultation document also stated that water fluoridation benefits adults - despite the lack of evidence to support such statements.
Stephen Peckham added “It is likely that many people were influenced by these claims during the consultation and may have given support to the scheme thinking it would benefit them. The truth is that there are no such benefits. The fact that the PCT willingly withdrew this claim must also raise serious questions about other statements they made to promote water fluoridation to local people.”
Following the PCT’s assurance not to repeat this claim, the ASA have dropped this particular clause from their final ruling which is published today ( 21 April 2010).

UK - Kim Rose withdraws from Southampton Itchen election battle

Kim Rose withdraws from Southampton Itchen election battle
2:12pm Wednesday 21st April 2010
General Election, Kim Rose, Southampton Itchen
By Matt Smith »
SOUTHAMPTON independent candidate Kim Rose, above, has abandoned his campaign after a little over a week and endorsed his Tory rival.
He is urging his followers in the Itchen constituency to vote for fellow Eurosceptic and “local man” Royston Smith.
Mr Rose, a former socialist and latterly UK Independence party candidate who attracted 1,623 votes in 2005, said he was won over by Conservative plans to give “more power to the people”.
He launched his campaign by attacking Gordon Brown for costing the country an estimated £7 billion by selling off the nation’s gold reserves at rock bottom prices a decade ago.
He has run a series of newspaper adverts urging voters to pick a candidate who will “serve the people rather than his own bank account” and “health warnings” over plans to add fluoride to water supplies in the city.
Mr Rose, a jeweller, claimed Labour Cabinet minister John Denham, Itchen MP since 1992, had become remote from local issues. “Labour has had a long time to change things and not a lot has been,” he said.
Mr Smith said: “He’s a well known local chap. I’m grateful for his endorsement.”
Mr Denham declined to comment on the switch.
Lib Dem candidate David Goodall said: “I don’t think it’s of any significance really”.

Under the Volcano

Under the Volcano
Eyjafjallajökull’s eruption is more than an inconvenience
By Jessica A. Sequeira
Published: Thursday, April 22, 2010 .......This volcano, so mystical, has a history of confusion. When it erupted in 1821, it did so for months, resulting in flooding from glacier runs and heavy ashfall; a full year later, puzzled farmers looked on in wonder as hundreds of cattle died from what would later be known as delayed fluoride poisoning from the ash......

NZ - DHB Fluoride Ad Complaint Laid With Advertising Watchdog

Local campaigners wanting to keep fluoride out of Far North water supplies have lodged complaints about five of the Northland DHB's fluoridation advertisements.

"The DHB has spent thousands of taxpayer dollars to tell us we should have toxic waste in our water" says complainant Cliff Royal. "These ads are false and misleading in the most blatant ways" he says.

"Not only did the DHB's sham trial show no benefit from fluoridation, the Ministry of Health's national figures show the same" he points out, adding with concern "But what's worse is the mountain of evidence fluoridation is a significant health threat; not at all safe as the DHB ads claim. That mountain contributes to the 18 pages of documentation in my complaint."

The Far North District Council refused to moderate the discussion, and provided no "for and against" sheet with voting papers (with information compiled by the opposing factions) as other Councils have done. They said it was up to the two sides to slog it out.

"Then they issued the voting papers without warning!" exclaims Mr Royal incredulously. "And then the DHB runs these ads filled with utter nonsense. This is a real 'David and Goliath' battle. We are lucky to have Fluoride Action Network helping get the real facts out there" he concludes.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

UK - Local MP - Dr Julian Lewis

Iceland Volcano - Latest News on the eruption

Iceland Volcano - Latest News on the eruption
By Ian Brockwell

...............Most people are probably now aware of the potential health risks of volcanic ash, but may not know that in the last eruption of the volcano (currently in the news), the ash contained a large percentage of fluoride, which in high doses may harm the bone structure of cattle, horses, sheep and humans.

We have been brought up to believe that fluoride is good for us, but in reality it is a poison. There are many organisations trying to get this substance banned from the many products we use. It can be found in toothpaste, mouthwash and in our drinking water (among other places).

It may be a coincidence, but I have noticed a very unpleasant taste in the drinking water in my region, since the ash cloud appeared over the UK. This could be the result of many other factors, but it may be as a result of volcanic ash contaminating the water supplies. Unfortunately, fluoride is not an easy substance to filter out. Needless to say, I have stopped using water from the tap!

USA - Why Pediatric Dental Care Matters - NCOHF

Why Pediatric Dental Care Matters - NCOHF: "The #1 Childhood Disease in America: Pediatric Dental Disease – A National Health Crisis

"Millions of children in America suffer in pain from untreated dental problems, affecting their ability to eat, sleep and learn."

"One out of four children in America is born into poverty, and children living below the poverty line (annual income of $20,000 for a family of four) have more severe and untreated decay. These poor, non-poor differences continue into adolescence."

After 65 years of U.S. water fluoridation, 55 years of fluoridated toothpaste, and a huge amount of fluoridated dental products applied to and ingested by virtually every American:NYSCOF

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Canada - More Cavities in Young Kids

More Cavities in Young Kids
Submitted by Prakash Sharma on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 13:32
Dr. Sarah Hulland, a Pediatric Dentistry Specialist in Calgary stated that the occurrence of dental cavities in older school kids has plunged noticeably in the past two decades, however up to 40% of kids under five years old have cavities, and that number is growing at a rapid speed.

Five years back, research came out to declare that the rate of cavities had plunged by 33 to 50% as contrasted to what it was 20 years back.

Although, in dentists' offices in the past five to 10 years, a progressive increase has been seen in cases of kids aged up to five with uncontrolled tooth decompose.

It is well known at this age that there is a huge risk development of future cavities if it had been a former problem.

Hulland opines that with childhood obesity, diet is the center of the problem. Countless things add to the trouble but diet and the way we are managing food is not fine.

Life has become busy. People are unable to provide their kids with good meals, especially for fussy eaters. It is far easier to obtain processed food, which definitely is not good for health because there is high amount of sugar and salt content that is added in order to create addictive flavor.


19 Apr, 2010 17:08 CET
Whale Tankers of Solihull has supplied an ADR approved 2600 litre rigid tanker unit for long-standing utility customer, Anglian Water – geographically the largest waste and wastewater company in England & Wales covering an area of some 27,500 sq kilometres.

Mounted on a Mercedes Atego 816 4 x 2 7.5 tonne chassis, the new tanker has been designed and built to carry Fluorosilicic acid. Introduced into Anglian Water’s fleet as a replacement unit, the fluoride tanker is being used to transfer Fluorosilicic acid from bulk to local tanks for the dosing of fluoride to water in specific areas of the Anglian region.

The ADR tanker – constructed from carbon steel – has been supplied with TC1 and TC2 accredited approval certification. Complete with an automated closed loading and discharge system – enabling pre-determined levels of fluoride to be delivered to dose water – the latest Whale tanker to join Anglian Water has been supplied with the company’s industry acclaimed WhaleCARE field-based preventative maintenance programme

Shattering of the health myths: The expert advice turning received wisdom on its head

By Matthew Barbour
Last updated at 12:32 AM on 20th April 2010DON'T RINSE AFTER BRUSHING
Dr Philip Stemmer, consultant surgeon at the British Dental Association, says: ‘Leave the sink the moment you’ve finished brushing your teeth — rinsing your mouth out with water washes away the protective fluoride coating left by the toothpaste, which adds hours of protection. Also avoid drinking any fluids for at least half an hour afterwards
— it’s a strange sensation at first, but you quickly get used to it. I even dry my toothbrush before applying toothpaste, as there’s plenty of moisture in your mouth without using extra water.’

No advice about very young children not having any fluoride and is it good to have fluoride all that time being absorbed into your body - it is a poison? Still it is from the BDA and they say in Southampton the SHA got a lot of support for fluoridation when 72% said NO

USA - VNA: Children's dental care substandard

By Mike Lawrence
Originally published April 18, 2010 at midnight
Steamboat Springs — Local health officials said last week that the struggles of many Northwest Colorado families to provide oral care for their children are being compounded in the economic recession, potentially worsening an already alarming amount of dental disease in local youths.
“People don’t think about (oral health), especially when, financially, things are really tough,” said Janet Pearcey, executive director of Northwest Dental Coalition in Craig. “That’s kind of last on the list.”

Northwest Dental Coalition is one of few practices in the region that accept Medicaid for dental care. Bear River Dental Associates in Hayden is another. They might be the only two. Pearcey said Northwest Dental is “the only provider within five counties that offers discounted services” such as a sliding fee scale. In 2009, Pearcey said, Northwest Dental served about 1,200 patients. About 60 percent of them were younger than 18, she said, and about 360 were from Routt County.

“We have more kids from Routt County than we do adults,” Pearcey said.

Sue Birch, CEO of the North­west Colorado Visiting Nurse Association, spoke about local children’s dental health in a presentation this month to the Steamboat Springs City Coun­cil. Citing figures from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Birch said an estimated 66 percent of Routt County third-graders in the 2006-07 school year had a history of cavities, compared with about 57 percent statewide. Nearly 32 percent of those third-graders had untreated tooth decay, Birch said, compared with less than 25 percent statewide.

“Thirty to 50 percent of our kids have serious dental disease,” she told the City Council. “This is 2010, and we’re seeing Third World conditions right here.”

She added that Routt County fails to meet any standard oral health measure.

“It’s pretty scary,” Birch said............

Steamboat Springs, most of Routt County and 74% of Colorado is fluoridated:NYSCOF

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Iceland's livestock under threat

Iceland's livestock under threat
April 17, 2010 3:02 AM The fallout of volcanic ash over Iceland could jeopardize the safety of drinking water, health authorities warned yesterday, adding the greatest risk was to livestock. Guthjon Gunnarsson of the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority said drinking water was mostly protected because it came from under ground. The agency's Halldor Runolfsson said the blast can pose a health risk to livestock because the ash contains high levels of fluoride, "known to cause problems in bones and teeth."

Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/health/Iceland+livestock+under+threat/2917676/story.html#ixzz0lLKkLTfo

USA - Don’t Drink the Water

Don’t Drink the Water
April 16, 2010 - 6:00 AM | by: Douglas Kennedy
“Don’t drink the water,” that’s what Oliver Outerbridge is telling his neighbors.
It’s ironic because Outerbridge is a restaurant owner in Portland, Maine-a state which has some of the best tasting drinking water in the country.
“We are literally consuming a toxic substance,” Outbridge said, “we are medicating everyone.”
His issue is obviously not the taste, but what Portland adds to its municipal water -fluoride.
“[Fluoride] causes multiple diseases,” he said. “It's been shown study after study to cause cancer as well as many other debilitating diseases.”
Outerbridge’s claims are echoed by anti-fluoride activists across the country, but are vehemently denied by most dentists and government scientists.
“There is absolutely no science to this,” said Edmond Hewlett, a spokesperson for the American Dental Association. “There is a preponderance of evidence on this,” Hewlett added. “Not only is [fluoride] safe, but it’s extremely effective in preventing tooth decay.”
What Hewlett can’t explain is why the anti-fluoride movement has recently gained such traction. In the last two years, dozens of communities in 10 states (Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Kansas, Vermont, Washington, Maine, New York, Massachusetts, and California,) have rejected water-fluoridation.
Outerbridge points to the warning on the back of any fluoridated tooth-paste. “It says right there if you swallow more than a pee-size, contact poison control. This stuff is poison.”
Hewlett, on the other hand, compares fluoride to other substances like Vitamin A and Vitamin D. “All of these things in high concentration can be toxic, “ he said. “But when they are controlled and monitored, not only are they not toxic, but they are safe, and can actually make us healthier.”
Fluoride has been added to drinking water (about one-part per-million) for over 65 years. Currently 70 percent of Americans drink fluoridated-water.
Hewlett points out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently honored fluoridated-water as one of the great public health achievements of the 20th century.
Outerbridge remains unimpressed, calling fluoride “mass-medication.” “Fundamentally,” he said. “I have a problem adding any form of medication to a water supply. I feel medical decisions should remain between individuals and their doctors. What’s good for one person is not good for another.”

But apparently not all of Outerbridge’s neighbors agree. Last year he tried and failed to get a similar initiative on Maine’s state ballot. He also failed in a bid for a seat on Portland’s Water District Board on the issue of halting water-fluoridation.

However, Outerbridge believes the tide is turning in his favor, pointing to a spate of national stories on the anti-fluoride movement, “The more public press we get on this issue, the more likely it's to become an issue for the average person.”

UK - Daily Echo - letters

Advert in the front page of today's newspaper


How can you believe anything they say?

PEOPLE may still not know who is telling the truth about fluoridation despite or maybe because of the strength of the views expressed by both sides, those for fluoridation and those against.
Professors take completely opposed sides dismissing each other and their views with disdain. For all those who still trust those in favour of fluoridation to tell you the truth, consider the following statement in the British Dental Association's (BDA) 2010 manifesto. Quote "In 2008 South Central Strategic Health Authority (SCSHA) carried out consultations on proposals to introduce fluoride to water supplies in Southampton and South West Hampshire. Despite gaining much local support, progress on the proposal stalled, pending a judicial review of the decision.
"Despite gaining much local support?" - do you agree with that? Any Echo reader would know this is not the case. If the BDA can twist facts like that what credence their assurances that fluoridation is safe and effective? Who would now believe anything they said?

• I have read the letter 'Strong Fluoride Objection' from Mr and Mrs Andrew, Chandler's Ford. Very well put, it is so true and makes me smile ... just a little bit.
I, too, am still waiting and hoping for the Strategic Health Authority to finally understand the meaning of the word 'Democracy', preferably before they waste any more public money, that could be so much better spent!
Yes, exactly, why don't they just 'wash their hands of it' once and for all.... in unfluoridated water, of course!
A Bassett Resident who cleans her teeth (name & address supplied).

Friday, April 16, 2010

Canada - Ontario fluoride may make minor difference

From Friday's Globe and Mail
Published on Thursday, Apr. 15, 2010 4:12PM EDT
The province's widespread fluoridation appeared to offer little advantage over treatment-wary Quebec

When it comes to fluoridating drinking water, Ontario and Quebec couldn't be further apart. Ontario has the country's highest rate of adding the tooth-enamel-strengthening chemical into municipal supplies, while Quebec has one of the lowest, with practically no one drinking fluoridated water.

But surprisingly, the two provinces have very little difference in tooth-decay rates, a finding that is likely to intensify the ongoing controversy over the practice of adding fluoride to water as a public health measure.

Quebeckers have more cavities than people in Ontario, but the difference is slight. Among children 6 to 19, considered the most decay-prone part of the population, the rate in Ontario was lower by less than half a cavity per child.

In the 6-11 age group, Ontario kids have 3.5 per cent fewer cavities than those in Quebec: 1.7 cavities compared to 1.76 in Quebec.

In the 12-19 age group, Ontario youths have 15.8 per cent fewer cavities than those in Quebec: 2.35 cavities compared to 2.79.


Details of the cavity rates in the two provinces have been compiled by Statistics Canada in a study it conducted recently into the health status of Canadians. Experts peered into the mouths of more than 5,000 Canadians from 2007 to 2009, tallying the number of cavities and teeth with filings, to try to get an idea of the state of oral health of the nation.

After a request from The Globe and Mail for a breakdown of the cavity rates by province, Statistics Canada tabulated the figures for Ontario and Quebec, where it said it had a sufficient number of people to be a representative sample.

Statscan said it couldn't compile meaningful data for British Columbia and Alberta, which are in a similar situation. British Columbia has practically no one drinking fluoridated water, while nearly three-quarters of Albertans rely on municipal supplies where the chemical is added.

The paper sought the information to see what light it would shed on the effectiveness of fluoridation, which has been touted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as one of the top 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century, and is endorsed by all dental associations in the country and by Health Canada.

But the results showed that if fluoridation is the only major difference between the two provinces, the chemical is preventing fewer than half a cavity per child in Ontario.

Health Canada down played the significance of the findings.

“While accurate,” the data on the children are “an incomplete picture of the tooth decay situation.... [and] cannot be used to form conclusions regarding the efficacy of fluoride use in water,” Health Canada said.

The federal department said firm conclusions can't be drawn from the Statscan survey because it didn't collect assessments on individual intakes of the chemical. To make a proper assessment, Health Canada said it would need detailed information on whether people in the two provinces differ in their intake fluoride supplements, drink tap water or bottled water, and use fluoridated toothpaste.

But fluoridation is one major and obvious difference between the provinces. More than three-quarters of Ontario residents live in areas where municipal water supplies contain the chemical. In Quebec, 94 per cent have water free of the additive, according to figures published by Health Canada in 2007.

Since then, Quebec City has voted to stop fluoridating, indicating that the difference between the two provinces is currently even more pronounced.

Some critics of fluoridation say the survey does raise questions about the practice.

“Fluoridation is no longer effective,” contends Hardy Limeback, head of the preventive dentistry program at the University of Toronto, who says adding the chemical to water is “more harmful than beneficial.”

Although fluoridation is touted as an unalloyed benefit by public health agencies, which estimate it cuts cavity rates by 20 per cent to 40 per cent, many community groups have sprung up across Canada lobbying to stop the practice, which is subject to repeal by local referendums. Some health professionals are worried fluoridation may have under-appreciated risks.

While fluoride toughens the outside of teeth to make them more resistant to bacteria-causing decay, a number of medical journal studies have linked exposure to altered thyroid function, and to reduced IQ levels in children, although the intellectual impairments were found at levels of the chemical in water well above those used for municipal supplies.

The most worrisome study, by Harvard researchers, appeared in 2006 in the journal Cancer Causes and Control and found that boys aged 7 exposed to high levels of fluoridated water were about four times more likely to develop childhood osteosarcoma. It's a rare bone cancer that felled Canadian icon Terry Fox and almost always leads to amputations.

There has also been a worldwide reduction in cavity rates, regardless of whether countries use the chemical, suggesting factors other than adding it to water supplies are at work.

One theory is that most people are already getting adequate exposure to fluoride through toothpastes, so the amounts in water aren't making much difference in tooth decay rates.

“The parallel reduction in caries [cavities] incidents in countries with a lot of fluoridation and countries with not much fluoridation is quite dramatic,” says Warren Bell, former head of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, a group that questions the practice.

Dr. Limeback said factors that might be preventing caries include increased exposure to vitamin D, better oral hygiene, less sugar consumption, and even antibiotics.

When fluoridation started 60 years ago, doctors thought swallowing the chemical was beneficial by strengthening teeth from the inside out. Dr. Limeback said more recent research shows that if there is a benefit, it is from the topical application of fluoride to the surface of teeth, which suggests that brushing with a toothpaste is more effective than drinking water containing the chemical.

Volcano in Iceland? Planes not Flying? Count Your Lucky Stars

Volcano in Iceland? Planes not Flying? Count Your Lucky Stars

...........In 1783, the world saw what Iceland's volcanoes are capable of. On June 8, the Laki fissures began erupting in the southern part of the island.

The effects were catastrophic on Iceland: 9,000 people were killed, between 20 and 25 percent of the population at the time. Livestock herds were decimated, animals' succumbed to grisly deaths as their teeth and bones dissolved in millions of tons of hydrogen fluoride gas that poured forth from Laki.......

Canada - Fluoride question settled

Fluoride question settled
570 News Apr 15, 2010 03:44:04 AM
Regional council has officially settled on the wording of a fluoride question that will appear on the ballot during the next municipal election.
Councillors voted 14-2 in favour of the question, should the region of Waterloo fluoridate your municipal water?
Councillor Jean Haalboom voted against it, saying it is misleading to leave out the word continue.
Delegate Stan Rektor says it should have contained the term hydrofluorosilic acid.
Without it, Rektor says voters will not know what he says is a damaging substance in fluoride.
Dentist Dr. Kerr Banduk says people don't know what that word means.
And he says once the acid hits the water, it turns into fluoride immediately.
Voters will be asked if they want to keep it in their water on October 25th.

Alternative Views - Fluoridation(1992)

UK - Daily Echo - Fluoride: the implications

Fluoride: the implications
HAVING written before re the fluoridation debate, I would ask that you reprint an excerpt from my letter of six years ago:
If fluoride is added to all water then presumably all plants and vegetables will be watered by and grown by this same water.
It will be necessary to wash all these foods as usual - but in fluoridated water - before they can be used.
All birds and animals, cattle, etc will have to drink this water. All lawns, flowers and garden needs will use this water. All our meals will be cooked in this water.
Every part of our bodies - from newborn babies and healthy youngsters to elderly folk - will have to use fluoridated water when showering or bathing.
Our pets will have to be washed in and daily drink this water. Think of poor goldfish!
All our clothing will have to be washed in this water. Drinks such as squashes, beers, etc will have to be manufactured using this water.
The list could go on and on as we think of the things we use water for all the time.
Oh yes! We could wash/brush our teeth a couple of times a day using fluoride toothpaste - the fluoride getting to teeth which is all that is necessary anyway! NAME AND ADDRESS SUPPLIED

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The evidence that fluoride is harmful is overwhelming

GUEST VIEW: The evidence that fluoride is harmful is overwhelming
Hardy Limeback Dr. Limeback was one of the 12 scientists who served on the National Academy of Sciences panel that issued the 2006 report, "Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of the EPA's Standards." Dr. Limeback is an associate professor of dentistry and head of the preventive dentistry program at the University of Toronto.

The argument against fluoridation is strong when all the points listed below are taken together.
1. Fluoridation is no longer effective.
Fluoride in water has the effect of delaying tooth eruption and, therefore, simply delays dental decay (Komarek et al, 2005, Biostatistics 6:145-55). The studies that water fluoridation work are over 25 years old and were carried out before the widespread use of fluoridated toothpaste. There are numerous modern studies to show that there no longer is a difference in dental decay rates between fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas, the most recent one in Australia (Armfield & Spencer, 2004 Community Dental Oral Epidemiology. 32:283-96). Recent water fluoridation cessation studies show that dental fluorosis (a mottling of the enamel caused by fluoride) declines but there is no corresponding increase in dental decay (e.g. Maupome et al 2001, Community Dental Oral Epidemiology 29: 37-47).
Public health services will claim there is a dental decay crisis. With the national average in the U.S. of only two decayed teeth per child (World Health Organization data), down from more than 15 decayed teeth in the 1940s and 1950s before fluoridated toothpaste, as much as half of all children grow up not having a single filling. This remarkable success has been achieved in other developed countries without fluoridation. The "crisis" of dental decay in the U.S. often mentioned is the result, to a major extent, of sugar abuse, especially soda pop. A 2005 report by Jacobsen of the Center for Science in the Public Interest said that U.S. children consume 40 to 44 percent of their daily refined sugar in the form of soft drinks. Since most soft drinks are themselves fluoridated, the small amount of fluoride is obviously not helping.
The families of these children with rampant dental decay need professional assistance. Are they getting it? Children who grow up in low-income families make poor dietary choices, and cannot afford dental care. Untreated dental decay and lack of professional intervention result in more dental decay. The York review was unable to show that fluoridation benefited poor people.
Similarly, early dental decay in nursing infants (baby bottle syndrome) cannot be prevented with water fluoridation. The majority of dentists in the U.S. do not accept Medicaid patients because they lose money treating these patients. Dentists support fluoridation programs because it absolves them of their responsibility to provide assistance to those who cannot afford dental treatment. Even cities where water fluoridation has been in effect for years are reporting similar dental "crises."
Public health officials responsible for community programs are misleading the public by stating that ingesting fluoride "makes the teeth stronger." Fluoride is not an essential nutrient. It does not make developing teeth better prepared to resist dental decay before they erupt into the oral environment. The small benefit that fluoridated water might still have on teeth (in the absence of fluoridated toothpaste use) is the result of "topical" exposure while the teeth are rebuilding from acid challenges brought on by daily sugar and starch exposure (Limeback 1999, Community Dental Oral Epidemiology 27: 62-71), and this has now been recognized by the Centers for Disease Control.
2. Fluoridation is the main cause of dental fluorosis.
Fluoride doses by the end user can't be controlled when only one concentration of fluoride (1 parts per million) is available in the drinking water. Babies and toddlers get too much fluoride when tap water is used to make formula (Brothwell & Limeback, 2003 Journal of Human Lactation 19: 386-90). Since the majority of daily fluoride comes from the drinking water in fluoridated areas, the risk for dental fluorosis greatly increases (National Academy of Sciences: Toxicological Risk of Fluoride in Drinking Water, 2006).
We have tripled our exposure to fluoride since fluoridation was conceived in the 1940s. This has lead to every third child with dental fluorosis (CDC, 2005). Fluorosis is not just a cosmetic effect. The more severe forms are associated with an increase in dental decay (NAS: Toxicological Risk of Fluoride in Drinking Water, 2006) and the psychological impact on children is a negative one. Most children with moderate and severe dental fluorosis seek extensive restorative work costing thousands of dollars. Dental fluorosis can be reduced by turning off the fluoridation taps without affecting dental decay rates (Burt et al 2000 Journal of Dental Research 79(2):761-9).
3. Chemicals that are used in fluoridation have not been tested for safety.
All the animal cancer studies were done on pharmaceutical-grade sodium fluoride. There is more than enough evidence to show that even this fluoride has the potential to promote cancer. Some communities use sodium fluoride in their drinking water, but even that chemical is not the same fluoride added to toothpaste. Most cities instead use hydrofluorosilicic acid (or its salt). H2SiF6 is concentrated directly from the smokestack scrubbers during the production of phosphate fertilizer, shipped to water treatment plants and trickled directly into the drinking water. It is industrial grade fluoride contaminated with trace amounts of heavy metals such as lead, arsenic and radium, which are harmful to humans at the levels that are being added to fluoridate the drinking water. In addition, using hydrofluorosilicic acid instead of industrial grade sodium fluoride has an added risk of increasing lead accumulation in children (Masters et al 2000, Neurotoxicology. 21(6): 1091- 1099), probably from the lead found in the pipes of old houses. This could not be ruled out by the CDC in their recent study (Macek et al 2006, Environmental Health Perspectives 114:130-134).
4. There are serious health risks from water fluoridation.
Cancer: Osteosarcoma (bone cancer) has recently been identified as a risk in young boys in a recently published Harvard study (Bassin, Cancer Causes and Control, 2006). The author of this study, Dr. Elise Bassin, acknowledges that perhaps it is the use of these untested and contaminated fluorosilicates mentioned above that caused the seven-fold increase risk of bone cancer.
Bone fracture: Drinking on average 1 liter/day of naturally fluoridated water at 4 parts per million increases your risk for bone pain and bone fractures (National Academy of Sciences: Toxicological Risk of Fluoride in Drinking Water, 2006). Since fluoride accumulates in bone, the same risk occurs in people who drink 4 liters/day of artificially fluoridated water at 1 part per million, or in people with renal disease. Fluoridation studies have never properly shown that fluoride is safe in individuals who cannot control their dose, or in patients who retain too much fluoride.
Adverse thyroid function: The recent National Academy of Sciences report (NAS: Toxicological Risk of Fluoride in Drinking Water, 2006) outlines in great detail the detrimental effect that fluoride has on the endocrine system, especially the thyroid. Fluoridation should be halted on the basis that endocrine function in the U.S. has never been studied in relation to total fluoride intake.
Adverse neurological effects: In addition to the added accumulation of lead (a known neurotoxin) in children living in fluoridated cities, fluoride itself is a known neurotoxin. We are only now starting to understand how fluoride affects the brain. While some recent Chinese studies suggest that fluoride in drinking water lowers IQ (NAS, 2006), we need to study this more in depth in North America.
In my opinion, the evidence that fluoridation is more harmful than beneficial is now overwhelming and policy makers who avoid thoroughly reviewing recent data before introducing new fluoridation schemes do so at risk of future litigation.

EWG Action Fund's Healthy Home Checklist


•Do you use air fresheners? Don't! Most contain a number of toxic chemicals that contaminate the air you breathe.
•Is there fragrance in your personal care products? We don't know what's in "fragrance," so it's safer to choose all fragrance-free personal care products. Always check ingredient lists to be sure. Learn more.
•What kind of toothpaste do you use? Choose fluoride-free for kids younger than 2 and teach older kids to rinse and spit; fluoride is toxic if swallowed. Also, pick a paste without triclosan -- you'll see it on the ingredient list. Learn more about fluoride and triclosan.
•Do you use liquid hand soap? If so, avoid anti-bacterials -- the American Medical Association recommends against using them at home. Learn more.
•What material is your shower curtain? Avoid vinyl shower curtains. If you get a new curtain (whatever the material), leave it outside for several days before using.
•Do you have extra products? Less is more. Skipping cosmetics like hair spray and detangler, body sprays and powder is less toxic -- and cheaper!

Drinking tap water is a cost-effective way to fight tooth decay?

Drinking tap water is a cost-effective way to fight tooth decay
Tooth decay affects children in the United States more than any other chronic infectious disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC states that tooth decay, if left untreated, can cause pain and infections that hinder eating, speaking, playing and learning. The controlled addition of a fluoride compound to public water supplies is considered to be the most cost-effective way to prevent cavities and fight tooth decay, according to a study published in the January/February 2010 issue of General Dentistry, the Academy of General Dentistry's (AGD) peer-reviewed clinical journal.

"Fluoride makes the entire tooth structure more resistant to decay and promotes remineralization, which aids in repairing early decay before damage is even visible," said C.H. Chu, BDS, PhD, MAGD, ABGD, lead author of the study. "Studies have confirmed the most effective source of fluoride to be water fluoridation."
More than 144 million United States residents in more than 10,000 communities drink fluoridated tap water, providing an automatic defense against the harmful ingredients that cause such a preventable oral health disease.

"Instead of drilling holes to fix cavities, dentists would rather educate the public on how to avoid developing tooth decay in the first place," said Cynthia Sherwood, DDS, FAGD, spokesperson for the AGD. "Drinking tap water to receive fluoride is safe, and it's easier on your wallet than going to the dentist for a filling."

The second-most effective source of fluoride is varnish. Varnish, applied quickly and easily by a dentist, is one of the most concentrated products available commercially. Varnishes that contain sodium fluoride adhere to tooth surfaces when saliva is present, providing an excellent fluoride treatment.

Keeping fluoride in the mouth enhances its ability to arrest demineralization and promote remineralization, and varnishes are better for this purpose than fluoridated drinking water or toothpaste. Fluoride varnishes are typically used for patients who don't receive enough fluoride from other sources.

"The bland flavor and simplicity of the varnish method also makes it well-tolerated by young children and special needs patients," Dr. Chu said.

Dr. Chu looked at the effectiveness of fluoride in specialty milk and salt products, toothpaste, mouthrinse and gum, but found that only the water fluoridation and varnish methods had the ability to reduce cavities by more than 30 percent.

With BDS, PhD, MAGD, ABGD behind his name he must be right or is he? No mention of the lead and arsenic and other heavy metals in the fluoride

Fluoride & You


FAN Bulletin 2014: Important developments
April 14, 2010
We apologize that you have received so few bulletins from us over the past few weeks, but we have been working very hard this end on two very exciting projects, the details of which we cannot reveal at the moment , but we will as soon as we can.

Meanwhile, there have been four important developments to which we would like to draw your attention:

1) TIME MAGAZINE in its April 12th issue has an article discussing common household toxics to which we and our kids are exposed. TIME lists fluoride in its "Top 10 Common Household Toxins." They describe fluoride as "neurotoxic and possibly tumorogenic if swallowed."

2) LOUISIANA: Legislation is advancing in the Senate to forbid the purchase of water fluoridation chemicals from China. The Advocate, April 14.

3) SOUTHAMPTON UK: Lib Dem, Tory and Green candidates for the parliamentary seats in Southampton have said they opposed plans to add fluoride to the city's tap water. BBC News, April 10.

4) WATERLOO, ONTARIO, CANADA: Carol Clinch of People for Safe Drinking Water is challenging the legality of using hydrofluorosilic acid to fluoridate Waterloo's drinking water by filing a complaint with Health Canada. Waterloo Chronicle, April 14.

Slowly the wheels seem to be turning in our direction.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fluoride Poisons Children in Jharkhand, India

Watch this video.

USA - Bolivar MO may stop adding fluoride to drinking water after 11 years

Bolivar MO may stop adding fluoride to drinking water after 11 years
by Sara Forhetz, KY3 News
Story Published: Apr 13, 2010 at 5:58 PM CDT
(Story Updated: Apr 13, 2010 at 6:33 PM CDT )
BOLIVAR, Mo. -- The city says it's about to get a lot more expensive to keep fluoride in its drinking water. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources will require the city to test the chemical levels every single day, even holidays. The estimated cost will be about $25,000 a year, which the city says it doesn't have.
There will be a public hearing on May 4 at Bolivar City Hall at 6:30. Citizens will be able to let council members know what they want before a decision is made.
Rebecca Still, who owns Design 4 Healing, wants fluoride out, and so do many of her customers. She says it's for good reason.
"It's a neurotoxin. The cost to the citizens is they're having to pay for the water and then pay to have it removed from the water," said Still.
Many dentists disagree. They say fluoride is the single most effective way to prevent tooth decay, and also helps strengthen bones.
"We are very much for leaving it in. In proper levels, it is very very safe," said dentist Dr. Don Jump.
The city council voted fluoride into the water in Bolivar in 1999.

USA - Fluoridation warning advances

Fluoridation warning advances
A state Senate committee on Tuesday advanced legislation that would require water companies to inform their customers of plans to fluoridate their water supplies and to forbid the purchase of the chemical additive from China.

State Sen. Dan Claitor said his Senate Bill 638 is about notification, not stopping fluoridation. The Baton Rouge Republican said each consumer should be able to make an informed choice about whether to drink the fluoridated water or just to use it for washing.

Adding the chemical fluoride to public water supplies reduces dental decay in the community, according to advocates of the practice, which includes the American Dental Association.

Opponents question whether the benefits of fluoride outweigh its toxic effects, which they say include risks to the brain, thyroid gland, bones and to infants.

The Senate Environmental Quality Committee recommended SB 638 to the full Senate without objection.

Baton Rouge lobbyist Randy Hayden represents Healthy Smiles Louisiana, which is a coalition of dentists, physicians and business leaders.

He said tying fluoridation to the health risks of Chinese drywall is designed to hinder future efforts to fluoridate water supplies in Louisiana.

“This will make it more difficult,” said Hayden, adding that Baton Rouge is one of the largest cities in the country that does not add fluoride to its public water supply.

Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals Secretary Alan Levine agreed.

“It might create some real bureaucracies for the department that I don’t think is necessary or intended,” said Levine in a phone interview after the hearing.

If the legislation becomes law, Levine’s DHH would have to track the source of the fluoride from its source to ensure the chemical did not come from the People’s Republic of China, he said. Because the federal government doesn’t track the origins of fluoride, the state would have to create its own system, Levine said. The result likely would mean the state could not approve fluoridation projects, he said.

Levine said fluoride is heavy and expensive to transport, making the chemical processed in China too expensive for American water companies. Those public water systems in Louisiana that add fluoride use a chemical that was processed in the United States, he said.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fluoride in our Drinking Water

Monday, April 12, 2010

UK - Daily Echo - Fluoridation issue: The SHA's silence is deafening

Fluoridation issue: The SHA's silence is deafening
CONGRATULATIONS to JG Johnson for articulating what I have long suspected regarding the real reason for fluoridation i.e. industrial waste disposal under the guise of being a beneficial aid to healthier teeth. It was only recently that I learned that the industrial waste Hexafluosilic Acid cannot be legally disposed of in rivers or the sea and everything has now clicked into place.
In my home town as long ago as the 50s, fluoridation was proposed and thanks to vigorous opposition rejected and still the same cynical battle is being fought -1 now realise why
The case against fluoridation is well known and clearly stated but the SHA's silence is deafening. How on earth do they justify their stance but then again undue influences are perhaps being asserted? I live in hope that the public will make it clear to the SHA what it can do with its fluoridation in no uncertain terms.
M DARNELL, Southampton.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

As well as fluoride.

Forced Medication - Adding Fluoride To Our Water Should Be Our Choice

Southampton candidates oppose fluoride plans

Lib Dem, Tory and Green candidates for the parliamentary seats in Southampton have said they opposed plans to add fluoride to the city's tap water.
The South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) agreed the plans in February 2009
The decision was made despite 72% of 10,000 respondents in a public consultation opposing the move.
The plan is the subject of a judicial review after a private legal challenge. Labour has not commented.
Resident Geraldine Milner has mounted the legal challenge against the decision by the SHA.
The judicial review will be based on government policy, which states most residents need to be in favour of the move.
Campaign group Hampshire Against Fluoridation and other supporters delivered a petition with 14,000 signatures to Downing Street on 9 June last year.
Councillors have also called on the SHA to hold a referendum, but the authority said it "has no mechanism" to do so.
The health authority argued that mass fluoridation was a "safe way" of tackling tooth decay and said it was confident the decision was "in the best interests of the health of local people".
'Deeply unethical'
John Spottiswoode said he was standing as Green Party candidate for Southampton Itchen in an attempt "to remove MPs and councillors who support water fluoridation".
He said: "Seventy-two per cent rejected water fluoridation in the public consultation.
"It is also deeply unethical to force people to drink a known toxin via their water supply, especially if it is being used to medicate people against their will."
Chris Bluemel, also from the Green Party, said: "A judicial review into the policy is currently pending in the High Court, and I await the outcome of this with interest. Regardless of the outcome, I will remain opposed, and will continue to call on the Strategic Health Authority to reconsider its position."
Sandra Gidley, Liberal Democrat MP for Romsey and prospective parliamentary candidate for Romsey and Southampton North - created by boundary changes - said: "The issue is not whether fluoridation is a good or bad thing.
The consultation process was a sham
Caroline Nokes, Conservatives
"It is more about the sham consultation by the SHA and the expressed wish of the public being ignored."
David Goodall, Lib Dem candidate for Southampton Itchen, has actively campaigned against the decision.
He said: "If elected I will use my position to lobby the health minister to change the plan."

Royston Smith, Conservative candidate for the Southampton Itchen constituency, said: "I wouldn't argue with the science but I don't believe people should have a medical product put into their water supply unless and until they have been fully consulted and have had their chance - through a referendum if necessary - to endorse or otherwise the decision."
And Caroline Nokes, Conservative candidate for Romsey and Southampton North, said: "The fact that the SHA decided to ignore the vast majority of views expressed in the consultation, did not even bother to consult some of those residents who will be affected, and is certainly not accountable to any elected body speaks volumes.
"The consultation process was a sham.
"I fully support the judicial review process, believe there should be a referendum on this matter and the results of that should be binding."
The candidates standing for election so far in the Southampton Test constituency are: Alan Whitehead, Labour; Jeremy Moulton, Conservatives; David Callaghan, Lib Dems and Chris Bluemel, Green Party.
The candidates standing for election so far in the Southampton Itchen constituency are: John Denham, Labour; Royston Smith, Conservatives; David Goodall, Lib Dems; John Spottiswoode, Green Party and Tim Cutter, Trade Unionist & Socialist.
The candidates standing for election so far in Romsey and Southampton North are: Sandra Gidley, Lib Dems; Aktar Beg, Labour and Caroline Nokes, Conservatives.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Why Medical Authorities Went to Such Extremes to Silence Dr. Andrew Wakefield

A very long video but well worth watching.

Financial "reform" legislation, more power to FED?; Fluoride in beer

Bit of a rant but they deserve it.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Waterloo Region Closed Debate On Fluoride Hydrofluorosilicic Acid Ballot Question CTV News 07 Apr 10

Fluoride is NEUROTOXIC and TUMORIGENIC if swallowed!

Malaysians enjoy better oral health now

Malaysians enjoy better oral health now
KLANG: Although Malaysians currently enjoy far better oral health than their parents did, many also suffer from unnecessary oral diseases which can be prevented.

"The socially-disadvantaged segments of the Malaysian population do not have the knowledge and resources to attain good oral health and experience a disproportionate level of oral health problems," Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said.

"These disparities present a major health challenge that demands the best efforts of the public and private sectors, as well as individuals," he said in his speech at the launch of Oral Health Month 2010 at Bukit Tinggi here Thursday.

"Our young children also need more concerted efforts, as less than a third (32.2%) of six-year-olds were free from tooth decay last year," he said, adding however that most middle-aged and young Malaysians were expected to retain their natural teeth during their lifetime.

Last year, 62.3% of 12-year-olds and 53% of 16-year-olds in the country had zero cavities and zero restorations on their teeth, he said.

The minister also said that in the interest of public oral health and safety, the dental profession strongly supported fluoridation of public water supplies at the optimum level of 0.5 parts per million (ppm) as the first-line strategy for the prevention and control of dental decay.

While 75% of the population enjoyed the benefits of water fluoridation, the ministry was working towards extending fluoridated water to the remaining 25%, he added. - Bernama

Canada - Focus on better public health

Focus on better public health
The Times
Published: Friday, April 09, 2010
The Times ventures a cheap, irresponsible attack on parents who would rather have the conscience to put their children before pious medical officials and bureaucrats who use fear to influence the opinions and actions of others (Times March 6, Our View).

How strange, the admission that we do not know what causes autism but that is no reason for us not to say "it shows a disregard for the child and community when parents choose not to vaccinate." Whose confidence are you trying to win? So, create a strong immune system-- it is really not that difficult, what with the availability of thimerosal, aluminum, formaldehyde, ethylene glycol (by the way, also known as antifreeze), and many others you were never told existed.

Would you care to explain how you would feel if it just so happened that your endorsement of a mandatory vaccination program killed your child? Would such a horrific event change your mind as to the need to use these on everyone? People have a choice do they not?

Would you not hesitate to give your child what studies have for decades shown to be a contributing factor in the rise of autism--mercury (hence thimerosal), found in dental amalgams, deep-sea fish, childhood vaccines, and air emission activities such as gasoline combustion, coal burning, etc.

People should not have to be scared when they open the paper and find that they have not devoted enough of their efforts to institutionalized malpractice. If all of this seems unbelievable consider this: fluoride, the waste product from nuclear, aluminum, steel, or phosphate industries, is more cheaply distributed for use in public water supplies by tanker trucks sent out to municipalities then for the company to pay so that it may use a toxic waste dump, and yet its undisguised origins have not disqualified it from public consumption.

Focus should therefore shift to improving public health by understanding the social conditions which breed disease, rather than on eradicating diseases. After all, the decline in infectious diseases reflects improved hygiene, sanitation, nutrition, and living standards.

Damian Fajenski,


IK - Lymington Times - Health committee adds call to stop fluoridation

Health committee adds call to stop fluoridation
A COMMITTEE of Hampshire county councillors has added its voice to those fighting an NHS fluoridation scheme which could affect 8,000 Totton residents.
The county's health overview and scrutiny committee agreed to call on South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) to drop the plans it controversially approved last year.
Fluoridation was proposed by Southampton City Primary Care Trust and will affect 190,000 people in total and includes Totton because of the layout of the pipes. The committee's decision comes days after the city council voted to demand a referendum.
Committee member Coun. David Harrison said: "The latest development is that Southampton City Council has changed policy and are now of the view that fluoride should not be added to tap water without clear evidence of public consent, through a referendum.
"This effectively removes the last fig leaf of democratic accountability that the SHA could hold onto. All local authorities in the area, all MPs and even the prime minister are saying that the plans should be dropped until there is public consent."
The committee chairman agreed to write to the SHA calling on them to shelve the plans.
Although fluoridation is aimed at tackling child tooth decay, it has sparked health fears and protests about "forced medication" and is being fought in the courts.
During consultation 72% of responses were against fluoridation, but a Mori poll showed a different picture with only 38% opposed against 32% in support. The SHA is also facing a pending judicial review and complaints to the health service ombudsman.

Echo letter - Fluoridated water should not be used for baby milk

Fluoridated water should not be used for baby milk
I AGREE with Ralph Frost (Letters, March 23), saying that people who don't want fluoride added to their tap water should bill the Strategic Health Authority for the cost of buying bottled water.
This is essential for another group. The American Dental Association states that fluoridated water should NOT be used to make up babies' bottle feeds. They advise parents to buy bottled water with a no/low fluoride content for feeds. In February 2007 the British Fluoridation Society (who promote fluoridation) issued similar advice. Children can receive too much fluoride which can interfere with the formation of enamel on teeth - dental fluorosis. This causes unsightly permanent tooth mottling, which has led to some children needing unpleasant dental work on front teeth, such as veneers. The advice is now that no fluoride should be given to infants under a year old. Jug filters won't remove fluoride - this needs a costly plumbed-in reverse osmosis unit or distillation machine. Many parents could not afford bottled water to make up baby feeds, so the SHA should pay for bottled water if they press ahead with this ill-considered idea.
This is only the start of the problems that will arise for other people, such as those with allergies, other medical conditions and those who just don't want fluoride. But I doubt the authorities will give in on this.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

USA - Children in Utah under the age of 6 also seem to like to eat fluoride

Charges under consideration / High phosphorus levels, lung damage in sisters
By Loretta Park (Standard-Examiner Davis Bureau)
..............Children in Utah under the age of 6 also seem to like to eat fluoride toothpaste, Malheiro said. "It tastes really good, and the manufacturers package it with fruits and bubble gum on the label."..........

Fluoride: The Toxic Poison

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

UK - Parliament

Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley

To ask Her Majesty's Government further to the Written Answer by Baroness Thornton on 23 February (WA 282-3), (a) why South Central Strategic Health Authority in its 2008 public consultation document on water fluoridation stated that the 2006 osteosarcoma study by Elise Bassin "was part of a larger study [13]", and did not state in the text (4.6) or references section (6.0) that their reference 13 was to a letter and not to a larger study; (b) whether that statement took account of good scientific practice; and (c) why the strategic health authority stated in 4.6 that the West Midlands Cancer Intelligence Unit had completed detailed analyses of bladder cancer and osteosarcoma, when the referenced study [14] had not addressed osteosarcoma. [HL2920]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Baroness Thornton): I do not consider that the strategic health authority (SHA) has been misleading. The letter cited in the consultation document refers to a larger study in which two sets of cases have been collected over the period 1993-2000. The SHA was seeking to summarise research findings in a format accessible to the public. The reference to the bladder cancer study would have informed readers of the role of the West Midlands Cancer Intelligence Unit from where they could gave obtained the unit's osteosarcoma study to which I referred in my earlier reply.

Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley

To ask Her Majesty's Government further to the Written Answers by Baroness Thornton on 23 February (WA 282-3), what further steps will be taken to assess the risks of osteosarcoma in young males who have resided in fluoridated areas, given that the 2006 study by Elise Bassin has not been refuted, and given the difficulty of analyses such as that by the West Midlands Cancer Intelligence Unit in detecting harms among populations; and whether the proposed study by the Bone Cancer Research Trust will address that question. [HL2921]

Baroness Thornton: I can confirm that the Bone Cancer Research Trust will address the question of whether there is an association between the fluoridation of drinking water and osteosarcoma. We will be examining the results of the study closely to see if there is any correlation with Dr Bassin's findings.

To ask Her Majesty's Government further to the Written Answer by Lord Darzi of Denham on 20 July 2009 (WA 280), what advice if any they

6 Apr 2010 : Column WA399

have received about the analysis by Dr Peter Mansfield of unpublished data from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey 2000-2001 suggesting an overconsumption of fluoride among populations receiving fluoridated water. [HL3072]

Baroness Thornton: I have been advised that only a small proportion of the adult population sampled in the National Diet and Nutrition Survey would have exceeded upper limits on fluoride consumption recommended by the European Food Safety Authority and the American Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine. Birmingham has been fluoridated since the 1960s and there are areas of the United States of America that have been fluoridated since the late 1940s, but no long-term effects on health have been identified. Some ingested fluoride is taken up in the bones, but the systematic review of water fluoridation conducted by the National Health Service Centre for Reviews and Dissemination of the University of York found no association between water fluoridation and bone fracture.

What the York published
An association with water fluoride and other adverse effects such as cancer, bone fracture and Down's syndrome was not found. However, we felt that not enough was known because the quality of the evidence was poor.

USA - Arkansas - State Dental Care Now Top Priority

State Dental Care Now Top Priority
updated 7:47 p.m. ET April 5, 2010
Arkansas may not have a sterling reputation when it comes to dental hygiene, but some dentists, like Jordan Cooper in Jacksonville, say that can be just a mind-set.
"A lot of people say my mom and dad had dentures by the time they were 30... so I know I'm gonna have dentures when I'm 30, says Cooper, but with fluoridated water... and taking care of your teeth you can have them for life."
According to the Department of Health, about a third of Arkansans have lost 6 or more teeth due to decay or gum disease......

In 83% fluoridated Arkansas:NYSCOF

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Alex Covers False Flag at School, Dyncorp News & Takes Fluoride Call on The Alex Jones Show

USA - Council set to discuss fluoride in water

Council set to discuss fluoride in water
BY ARIANA WITT | APRIL 05, 2010 7:30 AM
The Iowa City City Council will discuss water fluoridation in Iowa City’s tap water at tonight’s work session.
After being named one of the most important public-health achievements by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some local residents still feel their drinking water should be left alone.
“It makes me feel a little uncomfortable knowing that things are being added to my water that I have no control over,” said University of Iowa sophomore Iva Zdilar.
UI officials have joined in the debate over fluoride in local drinking water, which is added to prevent tooth decay.
The university’s Utilities and Energy Management Water Plant monitors the levels of fluoridation in campus drinking water regularly, said David McClain, a UI water-utilities engineer.
“There is no reason to remove fluoride at this point,” he said. “Things that are added are there to protect the water and the people.”
The university’s drinking water comes from the Iowa River and takes eight to 12 hours of processing before reaching water fountains and faucets across campus, McClain said. In that time, fluoride is added at a rate of 1.1 to 1.2 milligrams per liter — below the 4 milligrams per liter maximum considered safe by the CDC. The water plant also adds chlorine, which acts as a disinfectant.
UI Associate Professor Teresa Marshall, an oral-health specialist in the College of Dentistry, said she votes to keep fluoride in tap water because those who ingest it regularly are not threatened.
“You would die of water intoxication before reaching the dangerous level of fluoridation in the body,” she said. “We’re talking someone consuming gallons of water daily.”
Steven Levy, a UI professor of preventive and community dentistry, said the fluoride saves people money on dentistry costs.
The approximately 2.5 million Iowans who are exposed to fluoridated water are getting one of the most effective dental treatments, he said.
According to the CDC, Iowans could save around $200 million in dental care over 15 years with fluoride use.

"There are a lot more ways to get fluoride nowadays that didn’t exist decades ago, such as certain toothpastes,” Levy said. “But the fact remains that some people can’t afford dentists nor do they clean their teeth the way they should.”
Marshall admits there are cosmetic problems associated with fluoride intake — such as yellowing of the teeth — but said most are minor in relation to the benefits seen.
“Slight discoloration is nothing compared to having rotten teeth,” she said.
The City Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. today to discuss the issue.