Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Australia - Tenders accepted for fluoridation plant
Tenders accepted for fluoridation plant
31 Mar, 2010 09:26 AM
Fluoridation of the region’s water supply is one step closer as Port Macquarie-Hastings Council last week accepted a tender for the construction of the Rosewood Road Fluoridation Plant.
The contract for the construction (civil/buildings works) of the $1.3 million plant at Wauchope will be awarded to local company Garry Bannister Constructions Pty Ltd.
Director of Infrastructure, Jeffery Sharp said, “Council will construct the Rosewood Road Fluoridation Plant following a direction by the NSW Department of Health to fluoridate the region’s reticulated water supply.
“Tenders were called for two separate contracts - civil/building works and fluoridation switch gear and control gear assembly in December. Installation of the process equipment and commissioning of the plant will be undertaken by the council on completion of these two contracts.
“The council will receive $1.77 million in funding from the Department of Health for the construction of the fluoridation facility.
“To ensure the standard of the facility is in line with similar council facilities in terms of operational health and safety and plant operation maintenance and reliability, the council has previously approved additional funding for duty/stand-by dosing pump arrangements and additional site and laboratory facilities,” Mr Sharp said.
31 Mar, 2010 09:26 AM
Fluoridation of the region’s water supply is one step closer as Port Macquarie-Hastings Council last week accepted a tender for the construction of the Rosewood Road Fluoridation Plant.
The contract for the construction (civil/buildings works) of the $1.3 million plant at Wauchope will be awarded to local company Garry Bannister Constructions Pty Ltd.
Director of Infrastructure, Jeffery Sharp said, “Council will construct the Rosewood Road Fluoridation Plant following a direction by the NSW Department of Health to fluoridate the region’s reticulated water supply.
“Tenders were called for two separate contracts - civil/building works and fluoridation switch gear and control gear assembly in December. Installation of the process equipment and commissioning of the plant will be undertaken by the council on completion of these two contracts.
“The council will receive $1.77 million in funding from the Department of Health for the construction of the fluoridation facility.
“To ensure the standard of the facility is in line with similar council facilities in terms of operational health and safety and plant operation maintenance and reliability, the council has previously approved additional funding for duty/stand-by dosing pump arrangements and additional site and laboratory facilities,” Mr Sharp said.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Columbia Falls' Loren Kreck, longtime advocate for the Montana outdoors, dies
By MICHAEL JAMISON of the Missoulian
......................The Krecks moved to Columbia Falls in 1951 to escape the Los Angeles smog. Once in the Flathead, however, he found more poisonous smog - fluoride gas emissions from the Anaconda-owned Columbia Falls Aluminum Co.
Trees were dying, and deer and other wildlife were showing malformed bones and teeth. Even nearby Glacier National Park was affected.
"Suddenly you realize there's no running away," Kreck told the New York Times in 1971. "Sometimes you have to stand up and fight."
The fight against the powerful company cost Kreck many of his dental patients, Downey said, and the lawyers Kreck hired were forced to board up their windows against bricks.
Ironically, Kreck's battles might have actually saved the plant.
CFAC finally reduced its fluoride emissions from 10,000 pounds a day to 861, spending millions on new environmental controls. That investment later kept the plant viable, when owners sold during marginal economic times.
"It's very conceivable that the CFAC plant wouldn't have been worth the risk if the fluoride problem wasn't fixed," former state legislator and company spokesman Bob Brown said in 1999. "Although it was pretty controversial at the time, cleaning up the emissions might be the reason" that CFAC remained open for several decades more.
......................The Krecks moved to Columbia Falls in 1951 to escape the Los Angeles smog. Once in the Flathead, however, he found more poisonous smog - fluoride gas emissions from the Anaconda-owned Columbia Falls Aluminum Co.
Trees were dying, and deer and other wildlife were showing malformed bones and teeth. Even nearby Glacier National Park was affected.
"Suddenly you realize there's no running away," Kreck told the New York Times in 1971. "Sometimes you have to stand up and fight."
The fight against the powerful company cost Kreck many of his dental patients, Downey said, and the lawyers Kreck hired were forced to board up their windows against bricks.
Ironically, Kreck's battles might have actually saved the plant.
CFAC finally reduced its fluoride emissions from 10,000 pounds a day to 861, spending millions on new environmental controls. That investment later kept the plant viable, when owners sold during marginal economic times.
"It's very conceivable that the CFAC plant wouldn't have been worth the risk if the fluoride problem wasn't fixed," former state legislator and company spokesman Bob Brown said in 1999. "Although it was pretty controversial at the time, cleaning up the emissions might be the reason" that CFAC remained open for several decades more.
Info available to make right food choices
Info available to make right food choices
By Paul Hanley,
The StarPhoenixMarch 30, 2010 2:0
EWG has a good section, for example, on baby bottles, formulas and health impacts. Here are their pointers for parents:
- Breastfeeding is usually the best. If you bottle feed, use glass bottles. Plastic bottles can leach a toxic chemical called bisphenol A (BPA) into formula and breast milk. Avoid clear, hard plastic bottles marked with a "7" or "PC."
- Use a clear silicone nipple. Latex rubber nipples can cause allergic reactions and can contain impurities linked to cancer.
- Don't use plastic bottle liners, which may leach chemicals into formula and breast milk, especially when heated.
- Use filtered tap water. If your water is fluoridated, use a reverse osmosis filter to remove fluoride, which the American Dental Association recommends avoiding when reconstituting formula. If your water is not fluoridated, use a carbon filter. If you choose bottled water, make sure it's fluoride-free.
- Choose powdered formula. Bisphenol A (BPA) can leach into liquid formula sold in metal cans. Canadian tests show no BPA leaching into powdered formula.
- Heating: Warm bottles in a pan of hot water. Microwaving can heat unevenly and cause chemicals to leach from plastic bottles into formula.
By Paul Hanley,
The StarPhoenixMarch 30, 2010 2:0
EWG has a good section, for example, on baby bottles, formulas and health impacts. Here are their pointers for parents:
- Breastfeeding is usually the best. If you bottle feed, use glass bottles. Plastic bottles can leach a toxic chemical called bisphenol A (BPA) into formula and breast milk. Avoid clear, hard plastic bottles marked with a "7" or "PC."
- Use a clear silicone nipple. Latex rubber nipples can cause allergic reactions and can contain impurities linked to cancer.
- Don't use plastic bottle liners, which may leach chemicals into formula and breast milk, especially when heated.
- Use filtered tap water. If your water is fluoridated, use a reverse osmosis filter to remove fluoride, which the American Dental Association recommends avoiding when reconstituting formula. If your water is not fluoridated, use a carbon filter. If you choose bottled water, make sure it's fluoride-free.
- Choose powdered formula. Bisphenol A (BPA) can leach into liquid formula sold in metal cans. Canadian tests show no BPA leaching into powdered formula.
- Heating: Warm bottles in a pan of hot water. Microwaving can heat unevenly and cause chemicals to leach from plastic bottles into formula.
Monday, March 29, 2010
USA - Letter: Get fluoride out of our city water supply
Letter: Get fluoride out of our city water supply
I notice that the issue of getting the fluoride out of our city water supply was recently discussed at a Dubuque City Council meeting. Water fluoridation is an expensive and dangerous practice that ought to be ended.
The only naturally occurring form of fluoride is calcium fluoride. What is added to municipal water supplies are silicofluorides, which are hazardous industrial waste products. While this form of fluoride is toxic in and of itself, it is frequently also contaminated with cadmium, lead, uranium and arsenic, all of which then end up in the water. Fluoridation is not truly driven by notions of dental health -- it is about industry getting rid of its hazardous waste at a profit, instead of having to pay a fortune to dispose of it.
I notice that the issue of getting the fluoride out of our city water supply was recently discussed at a Dubuque City Council meeting. Water fluoridation is an expensive and dangerous practice that ought to be ended.
The only naturally occurring form of fluoride is calcium fluoride. What is added to municipal water supplies are silicofluorides, which are hazardous industrial waste products. While this form of fluoride is toxic in and of itself, it is frequently also contaminated with cadmium, lead, uranium and arsenic, all of which then end up in the water. Fluoridation is not truly driven by notions of dental health -- it is about industry getting rid of its hazardous waste at a profit, instead of having to pay a fortune to dispose of it.
Australia - Fluoridation plant gets green light
Fluoridation plant gets green light
Posted 6 hours 29 minutes ago
After more than 10 years of planning and negotiations, water fluoridation is going ahead in Port Macquarie.
A tender for the construction of the Rosewood Road Fluoridation Plant has been announced and is expected to be completed by December.
New South Wales Health will provide $1.77 million for the plant, while the Port Macquarie Hastings Council will be responsible for ongoing costs.
The council's Fiona Conlon says fluoride is expected to be added next year.
"We need to construct a building and we need to connect into the existing pipe work so that we can inject the fluoride," she said.
"The contract period is 26 weeks and then we'll be doing more electrical work.
"We're expecting within the year that we'll be able to fluoridate the water supply."
Posted 6 hours 29 minutes ago
After more than 10 years of planning and negotiations, water fluoridation is going ahead in Port Macquarie.
A tender for the construction of the Rosewood Road Fluoridation Plant has been announced and is expected to be completed by December.
New South Wales Health will provide $1.77 million for the plant, while the Port Macquarie Hastings Council will be responsible for ongoing costs.
The council's Fiona Conlon says fluoride is expected to be added next year.
"We need to construct a building and we need to connect into the existing pipe work so that we can inject the fluoride," she said.
"The contract period is 26 weeks and then we'll be doing more electrical work.
"We're expecting within the year that we'll be able to fluoridate the water supply."
UK - Daily Echo - Consider fluoride when you're voting
Consider fluoride when you're voting
THREE years ago the Rt Hon John Denham MP, Southampton's elected Parliamentary representative was, in his puppet ministerial position to Gordon Brown, fully in agreement and instigator of adding fluoride into Southampton's water supply. A governmental excuse for the extreme lack of proper NHS dental facilities.
Sodium fluoride is a highly toxic non-biodegradable industrial waste product, the main ingredient of rat poison which is forbidden by law to be deposited in landfill sites or the sea.
Medical research in countries throughout the world has shown that fluoride in the drinking water has resulted in an increase of diseases. Amongst them such developmental disturbances in bones as osteosclerosis, spndylosis and osteoporosis.
In 1984 Japanese research (Dr Taketi Tsutsui) found that fluoride added to water at a ratio of one part fluoride per million parts water caused cancer in cells. In 1989 the US National Toxicology Program found a significant increase of osteosarcoma - bone cancer. Alarmingly the same ratio is recommended by John Denham MP
Despite his recent pandering to the people of Southampton he is still in full agreement of adding fluoride into the drinking water supply. I doubt that because the Government has in place a quango of unelected members namely the Strategic Health Authority which is empowered to over-rule any vote or decision taken, democratic or otherwise.
I sincerely hope that the good citizens of Southampton consider very long and carefully whom they decide to be their future Parliamentary representative in the coming General Election.
JOHN HAYWARD, Southampton.
THREE years ago the Rt Hon John Denham MP, Southampton's elected Parliamentary representative was, in his puppet ministerial position to Gordon Brown, fully in agreement and instigator of adding fluoride into Southampton's water supply. A governmental excuse for the extreme lack of proper NHS dental facilities.
Sodium fluoride is a highly toxic non-biodegradable industrial waste product, the main ingredient of rat poison which is forbidden by law to be deposited in landfill sites or the sea.
Medical research in countries throughout the world has shown that fluoride in the drinking water has resulted in an increase of diseases. Amongst them such developmental disturbances in bones as osteosclerosis, spndylosis and osteoporosis.
In 1984 Japanese research (Dr Taketi Tsutsui) found that fluoride added to water at a ratio of one part fluoride per million parts water caused cancer in cells. In 1989 the US National Toxicology Program found a significant increase of osteosarcoma - bone cancer. Alarmingly the same ratio is recommended by John Denham MP
Despite his recent pandering to the people of Southampton he is still in full agreement of adding fluoride into the drinking water supply. I doubt that because the Government has in place a quango of unelected members namely the Strategic Health Authority which is empowered to over-rule any vote or decision taken, democratic or otherwise.
I sincerely hope that the good citizens of Southampton consider very long and carefully whom they decide to be their future Parliamentary representative in the coming General Election.
JOHN HAYWARD, Southampton.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The American Circular Firing Line
For OpEdNews: Matt Kjeldsen - Writer
Recently, Icelanders voted overwhelmingly, not to pay the foreign bankers their blood money. Foreign bankers (European and American), through the use of derivatives and other fraudulent paper schemes, racked up a huge bill for the people of Iceland to owe. Iceland went from first world status to high levels of unemployment, increasing homelessness and huge personal debt through taxation to a government, who owed its power to the bankers that they serviced. In a referendum the people almost unanimously said, no.
Now, I'm not sure whether the people of Iceland are simply smarter than the fluoride drinking, fast food pounding, TV programmed people of the US or whether the fact that their numbers are so much smaller makes them able to see their enemy with open eyes, but clearly, we the people of the US are still fighting with ourselves, rather than standing up to the enemy..................
Recently, Icelanders voted overwhelmingly, not to pay the foreign bankers their blood money. Foreign bankers (European and American), through the use of derivatives and other fraudulent paper schemes, racked up a huge bill for the people of Iceland to owe. Iceland went from first world status to high levels of unemployment, increasing homelessness and huge personal debt through taxation to a government, who owed its power to the bankers that they serviced. In a referendum the people almost unanimously said, no.
Now, I'm not sure whether the people of Iceland are simply smarter than the fluoride drinking, fast food pounding, TV programmed people of the US or whether the fact that their numbers are so much smaller makes them able to see their enemy with open eyes, but clearly, we the people of the US are still fighting with ourselves, rather than standing up to the enemy..................
Fluoride- Pepsi ok, Heinz not; Cap and trade scam, Immigration reform, noncompliance
A lot of mother f...... language best switch off after the info about the fluoride news.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Gardening tip
How do I care for my new plant?
Q: I was given a bamboo plant (Dracaena sanderiana) in a small ceramic container. It says on the card that it is a long-lasting, easy-care plant that isn't fussy about light, but no direct sun. It is native to the tropical rain forests of Southeast Asia and Africa. It's about 15 inches tall and looks healthy. Can you give me some information?
-- Dorothy Lapsansky, Slatington
A: Dorothy's plant is the very popular Lucky Bamboo. Although often grown in water, it can also be potted in soil. Growing recommendations are:
No direct sun. Filtered light to light shade is best as this is an understory plant in its native habitat. Burning or browning tips may indicate too much sunlight.
Keep moist. Fresh or filtered water is best. Treated water (municipal water) can contain fluoride, chlorine or salts that may damage the plant.
Use a potting mix that holds water well. A general mix may need a bit of peat or other organic material to improve water retention.
Keep warm. This is a tropical plant and is accustomed to high humidity and warmth. Avoid temperatures below 60 degrees for best results.
Q: I was given a bamboo plant (Dracaena sanderiana) in a small ceramic container. It says on the card that it is a long-lasting, easy-care plant that isn't fussy about light, but no direct sun. It is native to the tropical rain forests of Southeast Asia and Africa. It's about 15 inches tall and looks healthy. Can you give me some information?
-- Dorothy Lapsansky, Slatington
A: Dorothy's plant is the very popular Lucky Bamboo. Although often grown in water, it can also be potted in soil. Growing recommendations are:
No direct sun. Filtered light to light shade is best as this is an understory plant in its native habitat. Burning or browning tips may indicate too much sunlight.
Keep moist. Fresh or filtered water is best. Treated water (municipal water) can contain fluoride, chlorine or salts that may damage the plant.
Use a potting mix that holds water well. A general mix may need a bit of peat or other organic material to improve water retention.
Keep warm. This is a tropical plant and is accustomed to high humidity and warmth. Avoid temperatures below 60 degrees for best results.
Friday, March 26, 2010
UK - Lymington Advertiser - City council votes for fluoride referendum
City council votes for fluoride referendum
COUNCILLORS have voted to demand a referendum to settle an NHS fluoride scheme affecting 8,000 Totton residents.
Southampton City Council agreed to call on the South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) to put the issue to a public ballot, after it approved the plans last year.
Fluoridation will affect 190,000 people in total and includes Totton because of the layout of the pipes. It was proposed by Southampton City Primary Care Trust but is being fought in the courts and opposed by New Forest MP Julian Lewis and New Forest and Hampshire councils.
But the chairman of campaign group Hampshire Against Fluoridation, Stephen Peckham, said although he welcomed the city council's vote as a strong message against fluoride, he opposed a referendum.He said: "The SHA has already carried out a consultation and the majority of respondents rejected the proposal. "Therefore, a referendum would be unnecessary, impossible to administer, and a waste of even more NHS money. "The SHA is now in a rather isolated position as none of the local councils or MPs support the decision so the only course of action would be to scrap this unpopular scheme."
A SHA spokesperson told the 'A&T': "There is no mechanism by which South Central Strategic Health Authority is able to hold a referendum." Fluoridation was agreed in February last year by the SHA to tackle child tooth decay and at the time Southampton City Council was the only local authority to support the decision.
During consultation 72% of responses were against fluoride, but a Mori poll showed a different picture with only 38% opposed against 32% in support. The SHA is also facing a pending judicial review and complaints to the health service ombudsman.
COUNCILLORS have voted to demand a referendum to settle an NHS fluoride scheme affecting 8,000 Totton residents.
Southampton City Council agreed to call on the South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) to put the issue to a public ballot, after it approved the plans last year.
Fluoridation will affect 190,000 people in total and includes Totton because of the layout of the pipes. It was proposed by Southampton City Primary Care Trust but is being fought in the courts and opposed by New Forest MP Julian Lewis and New Forest and Hampshire councils.
But the chairman of campaign group Hampshire Against Fluoridation, Stephen Peckham, said although he welcomed the city council's vote as a strong message against fluoride, he opposed a referendum.He said: "The SHA has already carried out a consultation and the majority of respondents rejected the proposal. "Therefore, a referendum would be unnecessary, impossible to administer, and a waste of even more NHS money. "The SHA is now in a rather isolated position as none of the local councils or MPs support the decision so the only course of action would be to scrap this unpopular scheme."
A SHA spokesperson told the 'A&T': "There is no mechanism by which South Central Strategic Health Authority is able to hold a referendum." Fluoridation was agreed in February last year by the SHA to tackle child tooth decay and at the time Southampton City Council was the only local authority to support the decision.
During consultation 72% of responses were against fluoride, but a Mori poll showed a different picture with only 38% opposed against 32% in support. The SHA is also facing a pending judicial review and complaints to the health service ombudsman.
UK - Daily Echo - Now they want a referendum
Now they want a referendum
SOUTHAMPTON Liberal Democrats have declared they now "welcome" a referendum on adding fluoride to water supplies in the city - despite city councillors refusing to back the Conservative proposal.
Southampton City Council had previously narrowly voted in favour of the fluoridation, but ruling Tories last week called for local people to be given the final say after criticism of a consultation by health chiefs. While Lib Dems have
opposed adding fluoride to water supplies, group leader Councillor Jill Baston insisted during the council debate: "We don't think a referendum would work". Tory councillor Royston Smith called the U-turn "staggering
SOUTHAMPTON Liberal Democrats have declared they now "welcome" a referendum on adding fluoride to water supplies in the city - despite city councillors refusing to back the Conservative proposal.
Southampton City Council had previously narrowly voted in favour of the fluoridation, but ruling Tories last week called for local people to be given the final say after criticism of a consultation by health chiefs. While Lib Dems have
opposed adding fluoride to water supplies, group leader Councillor Jill Baston insisted during the council debate: "We don't think a referendum would work". Tory councillor Royston Smith called the U-turn "staggering
Thursday, March 25, 2010
USA - American Dental Education Association
American Dental Education Association Applauds Passage of Health Care Reform Legislation
......The American Dental Education Association is pleased with the outcome of the lengthy congressional debate and applauds the efforts of the House of Representatives and the Obama Administration in passing this historic legislation. The U.S. Senate should quickly pass the reconciliation bill, H.R. 4872, to conclude the health care reform legislative process.
Containing significant provisions for which ADEA has been advocating, the health care reform legislation approved by the House of Representatives will:
- Require insurance plans to include pediatric oral health services for children up to 21 years of age.
- Require an essential health benefits package to include ambulatory patient services, emergency services, hospitalization, maternity and newborn care, mental health and substance use disorders, prescription drugs, rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices, laboratory services, prevention and wellness services and chronic disease management, and pediatric services, including oral and vision care.
- Expand Medicaid eligibility for adults and children.
- Increase federal support to states to pay for expanded Medicaid coverage.
- Extend the Children's Health Insurance Program for five years.
- Establish an oral health prevention program and fund states to develop oral health leadership.
- Enhance oral health data systems.
- Improve the delivery of oral health.
- Implement dental sealants, water fluoridation, and preventive programs.
......The American Dental Education Association is pleased with the outcome of the lengthy congressional debate and applauds the efforts of the House of Representatives and the Obama Administration in passing this historic legislation. The U.S. Senate should quickly pass the reconciliation bill, H.R. 4872, to conclude the health care reform legislative process.
Containing significant provisions for which ADEA has been advocating, the health care reform legislation approved by the House of Representatives will:
- Require insurance plans to include pediatric oral health services for children up to 21 years of age.
- Require an essential health benefits package to include ambulatory patient services, emergency services, hospitalization, maternity and newborn care, mental health and substance use disorders, prescription drugs, rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices, laboratory services, prevention and wellness services and chronic disease management, and pediatric services, including oral and vision care.
- Expand Medicaid eligibility for adults and children.
- Increase federal support to states to pay for expanded Medicaid coverage.
- Extend the Children's Health Insurance Program for five years.
- Establish an oral health prevention program and fund states to develop oral health leadership.
- Enhance oral health data systems.
- Improve the delivery of oral health.
- Implement dental sealants, water fluoridation, and preventive programs.
UK - Daily Echo - lib Dem claims 'incredulous'
lib Dem claims 'incredulous'
I FOUND the claims on the Southampton Lib Dem website that they have "always opposed the introduction of fluoride into our drinking water" utterly incredulous given the fact that several members of the Liberal Democrat group, including its leader Jill Baston, spoke out against a fluoride referendum at the last full council meeting.
Not only did the Liberal Democrats make it quite clear that are they are opposed to giving people a democratic choice on this
issue, but to then have the audacity to take credit for this decision on their website is utterly disgraceful.
The people of Southampton have a choice in the upcoming election, a Conservative Government which will grant them a referendum on fluoridation or five more years of Gordon Brown who has ignored the responses of public consultations.
Conservative candidate for Millbrook Ward.
I FOUND the claims on the Southampton Lib Dem website that they have "always opposed the introduction of fluoride into our drinking water" utterly incredulous given the fact that several members of the Liberal Democrat group, including its leader Jill Baston, spoke out against a fluoride referendum at the last full council meeting.
Not only did the Liberal Democrats make it quite clear that are they are opposed to giving people a democratic choice on this
issue, but to then have the audacity to take credit for this decision on their website is utterly disgraceful.
The people of Southampton have a choice in the upcoming election, a Conservative Government which will grant them a referendum on fluoridation or five more years of Gordon Brown who has ignored the responses of public consultations.
Conservative candidate for Millbrook Ward.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
USA - Kentucky’s Dental Access Program
Kentucky’s Dental Access Program
Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear announced a three-year $1.6 million (federal grants to be matched with state resources) initiative last month to improve pediatric dental health in Eastern Kentucky. The goal is to train more dentists to work with children, create community coalitions to focus solutions in affected counties and provide two sets of portable equipment to address transportation issues. Findings
Why Kentucky? In 2004, Kentucky was the nation’s leader of people 65 or older who are missing teeth.
Twenty-seven percent of all Kentuckians had lost six or more teeth to decay and gum disease,compared to 18 percent nationally. A 2001 study found that nearly 40 percent of Kentucky children had never seen a dentist and that half the state’s children had decay in their primary teeth. The governor also pointed out that only 28 of the state’s 120 counties have pediatric dentists.
In 1977, fluoridation was mandated in Kentucky:NYSCOF
Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear announced a three-year $1.6 million (federal grants to be matched with state resources) initiative last month to improve pediatric dental health in Eastern Kentucky. The goal is to train more dentists to work with children, create community coalitions to focus solutions in affected counties and provide two sets of portable equipment to address transportation issues. Findings
Why Kentucky? In 2004, Kentucky was the nation’s leader of people 65 or older who are missing teeth.
Twenty-seven percent of all Kentuckians had lost six or more teeth to decay and gum disease,compared to 18 percent nationally. A 2001 study found that nearly 40 percent of Kentucky children had never seen a dentist and that half the state’s children had decay in their primary teeth. The governor also pointed out that only 28 of the state’s 120 counties have pediatric dentists.
In 1977, fluoridation was mandated in Kentucky:NYSCOF
UK Daily Echo letters
We'll have to bill health authority for bottled water
I AM becoming increasingly incensed at the sheer arrogance and intransigence of the South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA), in riding roughshod over public opinion, by refusing to accept that the majority oppose its plans to mass medicate the local populace.
Like thousands of fellow citizens, I certainly do not want this poison added to my water supply just because irresponsible parents choose to ply their children with chocolate, sweets and sugar-laden soft drinks.
If, despite the best efforts of the anti-fluoridation movement, the decision is made to pollute our supply with this chemical and we are forced to buy bottled water, for drinking or cooking use, to avoid ingesting it, I would like to make the following suggestion in respect of the increased cost of doing this.
Since the SHA would compel Southern Water to add it, it would be wrong to withhold payments to the supplier, who is not at fault. Instead, why don't all opponents simply obtain receipts for each purchase of bottled water and then attach them to an annual expense claim, which would be submitted to the SHA for reimbursement? We pay enough already to receive our presently untainted water and I fail to see why we should be obliged to spend hundreds more on the bottled variety
Finally, in order to "reassure" us, the SHA has said that there will be no risk of accidental over dosage when the equipment is installed at the treatment works, as suitable safe guards will be in place. Poppycock! Nothing technical can be made 100 per cent safe. I work in the field of industrial measurement and control, as an instrument technician and have first-hand experience of an incident where, despite many fail-safe systems being in place, catastrophic failure of plant occurred. Several months ago, one of our sites was hit by a bolt of lightning, which completely destroyed all the instrumentation and protective circuits. require monitoring and control, there is no way that anyone can guarantee that a similar occurrence would not lead to a massive overdose ending up in the supply After all, and assuming that each treatment plant is permanently manned, if the alarms/computers were totally wrecked, how would the shift operator know what was actually going on? RALPH FROST, Woolston,Southampton.
THE vote by Southampton City Council in favour of a referendum on fluoridation will surely be the last nail in the coffin for the members of the Strategic Health Authority.
How on earth can they justify ignoring the wishes of democratically elected councillors and MPs who represent nearly 200,000 people? It almost defies belief that the SHA can continue to operate in splendid isolation, trotting out the same old cold press statement.
It largely ignores a campaign that has gone on for months and months. It has not responded to the excellent scrutiny work undertaken by Hampshire County Council. It arrogantly dismiss the views of parish, town, district and city councils. It thinks its will should prevail over local MPs and even the Prime Minister who said: "It is for local people to decide". For goodness sake, resign your unelected posts, stop spending our money on legal costs trying to force through something that is not wanted. The people will not accept this.
COUNCILLOR DAVID HARRISON, leader, New Forest District Liberal Democrats.
I AM becoming increasingly incensed at the sheer arrogance and intransigence of the South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA), in riding roughshod over public opinion, by refusing to accept that the majority oppose its plans to mass medicate the local populace.
Like thousands of fellow citizens, I certainly do not want this poison added to my water supply just because irresponsible parents choose to ply their children with chocolate, sweets and sugar-laden soft drinks.
If, despite the best efforts of the anti-fluoridation movement, the decision is made to pollute our supply with this chemical and we are forced to buy bottled water, for drinking or cooking use, to avoid ingesting it, I would like to make the following suggestion in respect of the increased cost of doing this.
Since the SHA would compel Southern Water to add it, it would be wrong to withhold payments to the supplier, who is not at fault. Instead, why don't all opponents simply obtain receipts for each purchase of bottled water and then attach them to an annual expense claim, which would be submitted to the SHA for reimbursement? We pay enough already to receive our presently untainted water and I fail to see why we should be obliged to spend hundreds more on the bottled variety
Finally, in order to "reassure" us, the SHA has said that there will be no risk of accidental over dosage when the equipment is installed at the treatment works, as suitable safe guards will be in place. Poppycock! Nothing technical can be made 100 per cent safe. I work in the field of industrial measurement and control, as an instrument technician and have first-hand experience of an incident where, despite many fail-safe systems being in place, catastrophic failure of plant occurred. Several months ago, one of our sites was hit by a bolt of lightning, which completely destroyed all the instrumentation and protective circuits. require monitoring and control, there is no way that anyone can guarantee that a similar occurrence would not lead to a massive overdose ending up in the supply After all, and assuming that each treatment plant is permanently manned, if the alarms/computers were totally wrecked, how would the shift operator know what was actually going on? RALPH FROST, Woolston,Southampton.
THE vote by Southampton City Council in favour of a referendum on fluoridation will surely be the last nail in the coffin for the members of the Strategic Health Authority.
How on earth can they justify ignoring the wishes of democratically elected councillors and MPs who represent nearly 200,000 people? It almost defies belief that the SHA can continue to operate in splendid isolation, trotting out the same old cold press statement.
It largely ignores a campaign that has gone on for months and months. It has not responded to the excellent scrutiny work undertaken by Hampshire County Council. It arrogantly dismiss the views of parish, town, district and city councils. It thinks its will should prevail over local MPs and even the Prime Minister who said: "It is for local people to decide". For goodness sake, resign your unelected posts, stop spending our money on legal costs trying to force through something that is not wanted. The people will not accept this.
COUNCILLOR DAVID HARRISON, leader, New Forest District Liberal Democrats.
Monday, March 22, 2010
UK - HAMPSHIRE: Greens say referendum would be unethical
HAMPSHIRE: Greens say referendum would be unethical
Fluoride ballot 'a waste of time'
By Ion Reeve
A REFERENDUM on plans to fluoridate Hampshire's tap water would be "unethical".
That is the claim from the county's Green Party, which is arguing that a public vote on the controversial scheme would be littered with practical problems and an expensive waste of time.
The party, which has consistently opposed the plans - which would affect almost 200,000 people in and around Southampton - believes the people have already spoken on fluoridation, and delivered a resounding "no".
Parliamentary candidate for Southampton Itchen, John Spottiswoode, wants the city council to urge South Central Strategic Health Authority to scrap its £400,000 defence of a judicial review of its decision to give the scheme the go-ahead.
Last week, the local authority voted to call on the SHA to hold a referendum on the plans, and ensure the public have the final say by abiding by the outcome, whichever way it went.
The move has been seen as a major boost for the campaign, spearheaded by the Daily Echo, for the controversial decision to be placed in the hands of the people, rather than health chiefs.
Southampton City Council was the only authority during the S H A' s public consultation, in which 72 per cent of respondents from the affected area saying they did not want fluoridation.
Mr Spottiswoode, the former chairman of Hampshire Against fluoridation, said the opposition to fluoride is beyond doubt.
He said: "Southampton City councillors need to oppose water fluoridation as it is wrong in principle, not fudge the issue by hiding behind a call for a referendum.
"We urge Southampton City Councillors to urge the SHA to stop squandering nearly half a million pounds of NHS funds on fighting the Judicial Review.
"This effectively is using the public's money to try to force us to take a chemical we have repeatedly said we do not want. "It is a shocking and criminal waste of our money. This should be spent on treatment and front line services."
Mr Spottiswoode said a referendum would be unethical because it "deprives the individual of the legal right to refuse medication". "What right do the majority have to overrule a minority's right not to have their water supply medicated?" he said.
"The policy is a violation of medical ethics and human rights."
After last week's vote, the- SHA said there is no mechanism that allows it to hold a referendum, and insisted the decision to fluoridate water supplies had been made in the best interest of residents.
Fluoride ballot 'a waste of time'
By Ion Reeve
A REFERENDUM on plans to fluoridate Hampshire's tap water would be "unethical".
That is the claim from the county's Green Party, which is arguing that a public vote on the controversial scheme would be littered with practical problems and an expensive waste of time.
The party, which has consistently opposed the plans - which would affect almost 200,000 people in and around Southampton - believes the people have already spoken on fluoridation, and delivered a resounding "no".
Parliamentary candidate for Southampton Itchen, John Spottiswoode, wants the city council to urge South Central Strategic Health Authority to scrap its £400,000 defence of a judicial review of its decision to give the scheme the go-ahead.
Last week, the local authority voted to call on the SHA to hold a referendum on the plans, and ensure the public have the final say by abiding by the outcome, whichever way it went.
The move has been seen as a major boost for the campaign, spearheaded by the Daily Echo, for the controversial decision to be placed in the hands of the people, rather than health chiefs.
Southampton City Council was the only authority during the S H A' s public consultation, in which 72 per cent of respondents from the affected area saying they did not want fluoridation.
Mr Spottiswoode, the former chairman of Hampshire Against fluoridation, said the opposition to fluoride is beyond doubt.
He said: "Southampton City councillors need to oppose water fluoridation as it is wrong in principle, not fudge the issue by hiding behind a call for a referendum.
"We urge Southampton City Councillors to urge the SHA to stop squandering nearly half a million pounds of NHS funds on fighting the Judicial Review.
"This effectively is using the public's money to try to force us to take a chemical we have repeatedly said we do not want. "It is a shocking and criminal waste of our money. This should be spent on treatment and front line services."
Mr Spottiswoode said a referendum would be unethical because it "deprives the individual of the legal right to refuse medication". "What right do the majority have to overrule a minority's right not to have their water supply medicated?" he said.
"The policy is a violation of medical ethics and human rights."
After last week's vote, the- SHA said there is no mechanism that allows it to hold a referendum, and insisted the decision to fluoridate water supplies had been made in the best interest of residents.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Legislation Puts Your Health at Risk, Part II (Opinion)
Legislation Puts Your Health at Risk, Part II (Opinion)
Sunday, March 21, 2010 by: Hesh Goldstein, citizen journalist
See all articles by this author
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(NaturalNews) In Part 1, dealing with the European Union`s corruption in protecting Big Pharma by curtailing the people`s access to nutritional supplements, we left off before getting into the consequences of such actions - actions which severely put people`s health at risk.
In a smooth double-talk that is almost frightening, the EU Directive states: "In order to ensure a high level of protection for consumers and facilitate their choice, the products that will be put on the market must be safe and bear adequate and appropriate labeling". "Protection"? To "facilitate their choice"? Are you kidding?
In what is believed to be the largest global online petition ever, a staggering 604 million people have added their names, demanding continued free access to natural remedies. All to no avail! For those of you who would believe that this is a European issue and that it couldn`t happen here, consider this: the United States and the European Union are each other`s largest trade and investment partners.
In 2000, two-way trade in goods and services between the EU and the US totaled more than $557 billion. With economic ties this deep, any European law that gives the global pharmaceutical industry such sweeping power over the health choices of millions will have global effects. Now that Europe has been "conquered", how long do you think it will be before they set their sights on the US marketplace, especially since Canada has now restricted supplement sales?
The bottom line is this: if you continue to eat a diet centered around flesh foods, dairy products, trans fats, processed foods and refined carbohydrates, instead of a vegetarian diet of no flesh foods, minimal or no dairy products, whole grains and unrefined products, you are destined to a life of ties with the pharmaceutical/medical alliance and degenerative disease.
If you eliminate saturated fat from your diet, which comes from anything that walks, runs, crawls, flies or swims, you will have an excellent chance of never experiencing heart disease, cancer, diabetes, constipation, arthritis or obesity, to name a few, in your lifetime. Your quality of life, your energy level, your overall well being, and your libido will immensely improve.
Adding organic sulfur crystals to your daily regimen, which oxygenates the cells of the body, brings with it a myriad of benefits. You will be resistant to the flu; it will increase blood circulation, reduce muscle inflammation, and eliminate "free radicals". In addition, it deters cancer, reverses joint pain, reduces "wrinkles" and alleviates chronic headaches and hangovers. You can reduce hypoglycemia, alleviate PMS, promote better kidney function, and make your skin shine. Your health will improve in leaps and bounds.
The alternative is a life full of prescription drugs, endless visits to the doctor and above all, the loss of your right of choice. This is already happening with water fluoridation. Since 2007, the fluoride put into our water supply has come from China replete with high levels of arsenic and lead.
Fortunately, there are many people, with intelligence and determination, that fight against this and other attempted overthrows of our "freedoms".
You must take control of your destiny or all OF your food will be genetically modified. Your water will be mandatorily fluoridated; your produce and grains will be chemically laden to resist pests; and your lives will be dramatically shortened.
Complacency will be your downfall.
Sunday, March 21, 2010 by: Hesh Goldstein, citizen journalist
See all articles by this author
Email this author
(NaturalNews) In Part 1, dealing with the European Union`s corruption in protecting Big Pharma by curtailing the people`s access to nutritional supplements, we left off before getting into the consequences of such actions - actions which severely put people`s health at risk.
In a smooth double-talk that is almost frightening, the EU Directive states: "In order to ensure a high level of protection for consumers and facilitate their choice, the products that will be put on the market must be safe and bear adequate and appropriate labeling". "Protection"? To "facilitate their choice"? Are you kidding?
In what is believed to be the largest global online petition ever, a staggering 604 million people have added their names, demanding continued free access to natural remedies. All to no avail! For those of you who would believe that this is a European issue and that it couldn`t happen here, consider this: the United States and the European Union are each other`s largest trade and investment partners.
In 2000, two-way trade in goods and services between the EU and the US totaled more than $557 billion. With economic ties this deep, any European law that gives the global pharmaceutical industry such sweeping power over the health choices of millions will have global effects. Now that Europe has been "conquered", how long do you think it will be before they set their sights on the US marketplace, especially since Canada has now restricted supplement sales?
The bottom line is this: if you continue to eat a diet centered around flesh foods, dairy products, trans fats, processed foods and refined carbohydrates, instead of a vegetarian diet of no flesh foods, minimal or no dairy products, whole grains and unrefined products, you are destined to a life of ties with the pharmaceutical/medical alliance and degenerative disease.
If you eliminate saturated fat from your diet, which comes from anything that walks, runs, crawls, flies or swims, you will have an excellent chance of never experiencing heart disease, cancer, diabetes, constipation, arthritis or obesity, to name a few, in your lifetime. Your quality of life, your energy level, your overall well being, and your libido will immensely improve.
Adding organic sulfur crystals to your daily regimen, which oxygenates the cells of the body, brings with it a myriad of benefits. You will be resistant to the flu; it will increase blood circulation, reduce muscle inflammation, and eliminate "free radicals". In addition, it deters cancer, reverses joint pain, reduces "wrinkles" and alleviates chronic headaches and hangovers. You can reduce hypoglycemia, alleviate PMS, promote better kidney function, and make your skin shine. Your health will improve in leaps and bounds.
The alternative is a life full of prescription drugs, endless visits to the doctor and above all, the loss of your right of choice. This is already happening with water fluoridation. Since 2007, the fluoride put into our water supply has come from China replete with high levels of arsenic and lead.
Fortunately, there are many people, with intelligence and determination, that fight against this and other attempted overthrows of our "freedoms".
You must take control of your destiny or all OF your food will be genetically modified. Your water will be mandatorily fluoridated; your produce and grains will be chemically laden to resist pests; and your lives will be dramatically shortened.
Complacency will be your downfall.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
UK - Daily Echo - Southampton
Strong fluoride objection
We protest most strongly to the fluoridation of the water being supplied in our homes and businesses and the decision of the Strategic Health Authority (SHA), to put that chemical into our water supply despite the very clear vote by the pubic who attended a meeting upon the subject, and by letters, articles and comments in the media that the majority of the public did NOT want fluoride added to the water supply
It would be so satisfying for democracy to come to the surface on this matter and for the SHA to wash their hands of it! In unfluoridated water of course.
MR & MRS ANDREW, Chandler's Ford.
Diet is the answer
I am NOT in favour of adding it to any water supply. It should be public vote to have the choice of something we all need to live. I feel there is already enough chemicals added to supply and fluoride will not cover up or take the place of bad diet. Good wholesome diet, plenty of fruit and veg and we hope good water is the answer. Leave chemicals alone. There are enough around already for our body to contend with in this modern age. C REED, Southampton.
Democracy's an illusion
YOUR campaign for a referendum on fluoridation, while admirable, has one flaw.
The Echo still believes we are a democracy!
As you report the health authority does not have to take notice of opinions when it undertakes consultation.
This is the same when objections are made at planning meetings. It is the same when the Government sets up inquiries and quangos to "advise government".
Our MPs do not take any considered decisions they just rubber stamp "independent reports" from many unelected professors and organisations.
Best of luck with your campaign but expect little result. If you do get one the SHA will be back and be looking to enforce its will at a later date.
KEITH WEBB, Chandler's Ford..
We protest most strongly to the fluoridation of the water being supplied in our homes and businesses and the decision of the Strategic Health Authority (SHA), to put that chemical into our water supply despite the very clear vote by the pubic who attended a meeting upon the subject, and by letters, articles and comments in the media that the majority of the public did NOT want fluoride added to the water supply
It would be so satisfying for democracy to come to the surface on this matter and for the SHA to wash their hands of it! In unfluoridated water of course.
MR & MRS ANDREW, Chandler's Ford.
Diet is the answer
I am NOT in favour of adding it to any water supply. It should be public vote to have the choice of something we all need to live. I feel there is already enough chemicals added to supply and fluoride will not cover up or take the place of bad diet. Good wholesome diet, plenty of fruit and veg and we hope good water is the answer. Leave chemicals alone. There are enough around already for our body to contend with in this modern age. C REED, Southampton.
Democracy's an illusion
YOUR campaign for a referendum on fluoridation, while admirable, has one flaw.
The Echo still believes we are a democracy!
As you report the health authority does not have to take notice of opinions when it undertakes consultation.
This is the same when objections are made at planning meetings. It is the same when the Government sets up inquiries and quangos to "advise government".
Our MPs do not take any considered decisions they just rubber stamp "independent reports" from many unelected professors and organisations.
Best of luck with your campaign but expect little result. If you do get one the SHA will be back and be looking to enforce its will at a later date.
KEITH WEBB, Chandler's Ford..
◦In Illinois, 55 percent of third graders have experienced cavities, 30 percent have untreated cavities, and four percent have urgent treatment needs. In Cook County, 64 percent of third graders have experienced cavities and 38 percent have untreated cavities.
◦For patients who need specialty care the drive could be more than five hours to find a dentist who specializes in their condition.
Illinois, where fluoridation is state-mandated: NYSCOF
◦For patients who need specialty care the drive could be more than five hours to find a dentist who specializes in their condition.
Illinois, where fluoridation is state-mandated: NYSCOF
Friday, March 19, 2010
USA - LETTER: Holmen needs new government approach
LETTER: Holmen needs new government approach
A lot has changed in a year. America is up in arms about rampant government intrusion into businesses and livid that this intrusion is about to extend into the health care of private citizens. More than ever, people believe that they should decide for themselves what kind of health care they need. The government should not intrude.
Now you know how I feel about putting fluoride into Holmen’s water supply. This is exactly the same kind of intrusion, but instead of being perpetrated by unaccountable politicians in D.C., it is being done right here in our own community.
I am running for Holmen trustee and I believe that it is never too late to right a wrong. That is why I am also circulating another referendum forcing the village to take another look at the fluoridation issue. You can read the referendum and contact me if you want to sign it by going to my Web site:
I will be at the Blue Cup Coffee House in Holmen on March 27 from 10 a.m. to noon to discuss this and other issues Holmen residents may be concerned about. You can also sign the referendum at that time.
Holmen is a growing town and growth always creates new difficulties. It is my belief that individual citizens and businesses are better able to resolve those difficulties than the government. The village board should create a level playing field and then get out of the way.
As trustee, I won’t micromanage but stick to the big issues. Taxes should be kept low and returned to the people if unspent. In short, I will be the kind of public official that most of us wish were in Washington, D.C.
I ask for your vote on April 6.
A lot has changed in a year. America is up in arms about rampant government intrusion into businesses and livid that this intrusion is about to extend into the health care of private citizens. More than ever, people believe that they should decide for themselves what kind of health care they need. The government should not intrude.
Now you know how I feel about putting fluoride into Holmen’s water supply. This is exactly the same kind of intrusion, but instead of being perpetrated by unaccountable politicians in D.C., it is being done right here in our own community.
I am running for Holmen trustee and I believe that it is never too late to right a wrong. That is why I am also circulating another referendum forcing the village to take another look at the fluoridation issue. You can read the referendum and contact me if you want to sign it by going to my Web site:
I will be at the Blue Cup Coffee House in Holmen on March 27 from 10 a.m. to noon to discuss this and other issues Holmen residents may be concerned about. You can also sign the referendum at that time.
Holmen is a growing town and growth always creates new difficulties. It is my belief that individual citizens and businesses are better able to resolve those difficulties than the government. The village board should create a level playing field and then get out of the way.
As trustee, I won’t micromanage but stick to the big issues. Taxes should be kept low and returned to the people if unspent. In short, I will be the kind of public official that most of us wish were in Washington, D.C.
I ask for your vote on April 6.
USA - Several Water Departments Honored With Fluoridation Awards
Several Water Departments Honored With Fluoridation Awards
3/18/10 @ 6:34:24 pm
Several local communities have received fluoridation awards from the Illinois Department of Public Healthfor maintaining state-mandated fluoride levels for every month in 2009.
In Marion County, the Salem, Centralia and Kinmundy Water Department were all recognized for meeting state standards. Salem has maintained mandated levels for 15 years, while Centralia has met monthly requirements for the past 25 years.
The IDPH recognized over 460 communities across Illinois this year for fluoride levels. The department says fluoride plays a vital, cost effective role in keeping teeth healthy and strong. Illinois communities have practiced water fluoridation for over 60 years and it continues to be beneficial in the battle against tooth decay. Authorities say drinking fluoridated water from birth can reduce tooth decay by 40 to 65 percent.
It's like awarding motorists for sticking to the speed limits.
3/18/10 @ 6:34:24 pm
Several local communities have received fluoridation awards from the Illinois Department of Public Healthfor maintaining state-mandated fluoride levels for every month in 2009.
In Marion County, the Salem, Centralia and Kinmundy Water Department were all recognized for meeting state standards. Salem has maintained mandated levels for 15 years, while Centralia has met monthly requirements for the past 25 years.
The IDPH recognized over 460 communities across Illinois this year for fluoride levels. The department says fluoride plays a vital, cost effective role in keeping teeth healthy and strong. Illinois communities have practiced water fluoridation for over 60 years and it continues to be beneficial in the battle against tooth decay. Authorities say drinking fluoridated water from birth can reduce tooth decay by 40 to 65 percent.
It's like awarding motorists for sticking to the speed limits.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Australia - Rous Water councillors challenge.

Despite expensive independent legal advice from Blake Dawson to the contrary they have passed a motion yesterday to extend the time and seek independent assessment from an environmental toxicologist.
Needless to say this is a very bold move on their behalf, it would be wonderful if you could send some e-mails of congratulatory encouragement to the councillors.
They don't have to be very long but encouragement from all would mean alot to them as they are really trying very hard to examine the ethics and regualtion.
In appreciation,
Warm regards,
UK - Southampton City Council calls for fluoride referendum

Southampton City Council calls for fluoride referendum
Southampton City councillors have voted to call on the South Central Strategic Health Authority to hold a referendum on its move to add fluoride in water.
Health bosses agreed the plans for the city's water in February last year despite 72%of 10,000 respondents in a public consultation opposing the move.
The move is the subject of a judicial review after a resident launched a private legal challenge last June.
But the health authority said it "has no mechanism to hold a referendum".
It said mass fluoridation was a "safe way" of tackling tooth decay.
A spokesman said it was confident the decision was "in the best interests of the health of local people".
As a result of the authority's move, activists from Hampshire Against Fluoridation and other supporters delivered a petition with 14,000 signatures to Downing Street on 9 June last year.
Resident Geraldine Milner is behind the legal challenge against the decision by the SCSHA.
The judicial review will be based on government policy, which states most residents need to be in favour of the move.
UK - Southampton civic bosses call for fluoride referendum
Southampton civic bosses call for fluoride referendum
4:21pm Wednesday 17th March 2010
By Jon Reeve »
SOUTHAMPTON civic chiefs have called for people to be given their say on controversial plans to fluoridate Hampshire's tap water.
Councillors this afternoon backed a motion demanding South Central Strategic Health Authority holds a referendum on fluoridation before the scheme is introduced.
The move is seen as a major boost for the campaign, backed by the Daily Echo, to put the final decision in the hands of affected residents.
Before the council meeting, anti-fluoridation campaigners gathered outside Southampton Civic Centre to show the strength of opposition to the plans.
Health chiefs unanimously backed the scheme last year, despite public opposition.
More than 10,000 people had their say in the SHA's public consultation, with 72 per cent of respondents who live in the affected area - covering two thirds of Southampton and parts of Eastleigh, Totton, Netley and Rownhams - expressing their opposition.
Southampton City Council previously backed fluoridation during the consultation - the only local authority to do so - but now wants to see the decision placed in the hands of those who will have the chemical added to their water.
The motion passed today calls on the SHA to hold a referendum before fluoride is introduced to the water supply, and for the authority to honour the result of that vote.
Fluoridation is currently on hold while the courts consider a legal challenge lodged by a Southampton resident who argues the SHA should have paid more attention to public opinion.
The SHA insists it met or exceeded all the requirements in law and Government guidelines.
4:21pm Wednesday 17th March 2010
By Jon Reeve »
SOUTHAMPTON civic chiefs have called for people to be given their say on controversial plans to fluoridate Hampshire's tap water.
Councillors this afternoon backed a motion demanding South Central Strategic Health Authority holds a referendum on fluoridation before the scheme is introduced.
The move is seen as a major boost for the campaign, backed by the Daily Echo, to put the final decision in the hands of affected residents.
Before the council meeting, anti-fluoridation campaigners gathered outside Southampton Civic Centre to show the strength of opposition to the plans.
Health chiefs unanimously backed the scheme last year, despite public opposition.
More than 10,000 people had their say in the SHA's public consultation, with 72 per cent of respondents who live in the affected area - covering two thirds of Southampton and parts of Eastleigh, Totton, Netley and Rownhams - expressing their opposition.
Southampton City Council previously backed fluoridation during the consultation - the only local authority to do so - but now wants to see the decision placed in the hands of those who will have the chemical added to their water.
The motion passed today calls on the SHA to hold a referendum before fluoride is introduced to the water supply, and for the authority to honour the result of that vote.
Fluoridation is currently on hold while the courts consider a legal challenge lodged by a Southampton resident who argues the SHA should have paid more attention to public opinion.
The SHA insists it met or exceeded all the requirements in law and Government guidelines.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
UK - Cumbria host NHS dental pilot
Cumbria host NHS dental pilot
New improvements to NHS dentistry will be piloted in Cumbria.
Dental teams in the county will be increasing their preventative dental care provision in a bid to improve the oral health of local people.
Some of these pilots will work to ensure that whole communities will receive advice on preventative oral health.
As part of this scheme fluoride varnish will be applied to local people’s teeth, diet and nutritional advice will be provided and those who want to quit smoking will be given support.
The county was selected for these pilot schemes because of the extensive preventative work it has already carried out.
Consultant in dental public health for NHS Cumbria Eric Rooney said that the region was delighted that it had been selected to pilot the scheme.
Last year more than 37,000 new NHS dental places were made available in Cumbria. A further 22,500 are expected to be created by the end of 2010.
New improvements to NHS dentistry will be piloted in Cumbria.
Dental teams in the county will be increasing their preventative dental care provision in a bid to improve the oral health of local people.
Some of these pilots will work to ensure that whole communities will receive advice on preventative oral health.
As part of this scheme fluoride varnish will be applied to local people’s teeth, diet and nutritional advice will be provided and those who want to quit smoking will be given support.
The county was selected for these pilot schemes because of the extensive preventative work it has already carried out.
Consultant in dental public health for NHS Cumbria Eric Rooney said that the region was delighted that it had been selected to pilot the scheme.
Last year more than 37,000 new NHS dental places were made available in Cumbria. A further 22,500 are expected to be created by the end of 2010.
Australia - Fluoride rally fails to gain support
Fluoride rally fails to gain support
Posted on March 17, 2010, 9:09am
A LONE campaigner was the only person to walk Commercial Street on Saturday in the rally he organised to allow those in favour of the public health measure to demonstrate their support.
“The purpose of the rally was to gauge how many of those in the community want fluoridation,” Choice Mount Gambier’s Alex Young said.
However, Mr Young said it was not clear whether the poor turn-out for the pro-fluoridation rally after more than 120 people participated in an anti-fluoride protest on July 16 meant the majority of the community was against the process.
“I think people feel the government will go ahead with it anyway, so why bother coming out to support the rally,” he said.
“I can’t speak on behalf of anybody else, but it brings into question whether there is the consensus that could only be gained through a referendum or poll.”
Police left the scene prior to Mr Young leaving the Vansittart Park assembly area and marching on Commercial Street after an officer at the scene said there were not sufficient numbers in the rally to warrant traffic control.
Meanwhile, Choice Mount Gambier will step up its campaign this weekend with volunteers stationed at State Election polling booths on Saturday to ask people to sign a petition.
The petition calls on the government to stop development of the Mount Gambier fluoridation plant until the “will of the Mount Gambier community can be ascertained by way of a community referendum or poll”.
Posted on March 17, 2010, 9:09am
A LONE campaigner was the only person to walk Commercial Street on Saturday in the rally he organised to allow those in favour of the public health measure to demonstrate their support.
“The purpose of the rally was to gauge how many of those in the community want fluoridation,” Choice Mount Gambier’s Alex Young said.
However, Mr Young said it was not clear whether the poor turn-out for the pro-fluoridation rally after more than 120 people participated in an anti-fluoride protest on July 16 meant the majority of the community was against the process.
“I think people feel the government will go ahead with it anyway, so why bother coming out to support the rally,” he said.
“I can’t speak on behalf of anybody else, but it brings into question whether there is the consensus that could only be gained through a referendum or poll.”
Police left the scene prior to Mr Young leaving the Vansittart Park assembly area and marching on Commercial Street after an officer at the scene said there were not sufficient numbers in the rally to warrant traffic control.
Meanwhile, Choice Mount Gambier will step up its campaign this weekend with volunteers stationed at State Election polling booths on Saturday to ask people to sign a petition.
The petition calls on the government to stop development of the Mount Gambier fluoridation plant until the “will of the Mount Gambier community can be ascertained by way of a community referendum or poll”.
Alaska - Panel hears water fluoridation testimony
Panel hears water fluoridation testimony
by Joshua Armstrong
FAIRBANKS — Whether it’s a cavity-fighting boon or a politicized health risk, fluoridation was once again the subject of debate in Fairbanks.
The city of Fairbanks’ Fluoride Task Force heard arguments for and against the chemical, which has been added to city water for a half-century.
Representatives for the Alaska Dental Society and Fluoride-Free Fairbanks had 30 minutes to make presentations to the panel — a collection of six scientists, medical professionals and academics who volunteered to make a recommendation to the city about fluoridating the local water supply.
Fairbanks dentists Jim Cerney, John Woller and Heather Willis promoted fluoride as an effective and safe way to get the enamel-hardening substance to the community, especially those who lack proper dental services.
They cited a Colorado study that stated fluoridated communities collectively saved $150 million dollars in dental costs by treating the water.
“Alaska is underserved in dental providers, and removing a benefit where you’re making 40 to 1 on your dollar would seriously put a strain on that system,” Woller said.
Fluoride-Free Fairbanks leader Douglas Yates and Fairbanks dentist Craig O’Donoghue countered by saying there is no proof that fluoridation has improved dental health. They also cautioned the panel of its health risks.
They pointed to studies that show the percentage of population served by fluoridated water had no apparent connection with dental health.
As dental health has improved almost worldwide, there’s no indicator that nations that use more fluoridated water are reaping any extra benefits, O’Donoghue said.
“If we can’t say absolutely for certain that fluoridated water is the thing that is making this happen then we need to take it out, and then we’ll let people choose,” said O’Donoghue, who noted that he was a proponent of fluoridation when he began his general practice 11 years ago.
The target range for fluoridated water is 0.7-1.2 ppm, said Woller, who was representing the American Dental Association. The Environmental Protection Agency’s maximum contamination level for the substance is 4 ppm.
At the target concentration, the worst side effect Woller identified was mild dental fluorosis, which he called a cosmetic condition with no serious health effects.
“You’re going to hear claims of toxicity. You’re going to hear claims of harm,” he said, “but the true scientific evidence will show these accusations are false.”
Cerney said that while fluoridated vitamins and toothpaste are dangerous when ingested in high amounts, fluoridated water is safe in basically any sense.
“Fluoride is a safe substance, but it’s dose-related, just like aspirin,” Cerney said.
But giving an entire city the same dose is a “shotgun approach” that doesn’t make much sense to O’Donoghue.
“We’re getting fluoride from every source out there,” he said, referring to foods, toothpaste and other topical treatments. “We’re getting it from everywhere, and it’s not being controlled as a doctor should control an application.”
O’Donoghue also disagreed with Woller’s assessment of fluorosis, saying that the disease can harm dentin, one of the four main components of teeth.
Rainer Newberry, Joan Braddock, Brice Taylor and Paul Reichardt were the four task force members in attendance.
by Joshua Armstrong
FAIRBANKS — Whether it’s a cavity-fighting boon or a politicized health risk, fluoridation was once again the subject of debate in Fairbanks.
The city of Fairbanks’ Fluoride Task Force heard arguments for and against the chemical, which has been added to city water for a half-century.
Representatives for the Alaska Dental Society and Fluoride-Free Fairbanks had 30 minutes to make presentations to the panel — a collection of six scientists, medical professionals and academics who volunteered to make a recommendation to the city about fluoridating the local water supply.
Fairbanks dentists Jim Cerney, John Woller and Heather Willis promoted fluoride as an effective and safe way to get the enamel-hardening substance to the community, especially those who lack proper dental services.
They cited a Colorado study that stated fluoridated communities collectively saved $150 million dollars in dental costs by treating the water.
“Alaska is underserved in dental providers, and removing a benefit where you’re making 40 to 1 on your dollar would seriously put a strain on that system,” Woller said.
Fluoride-Free Fairbanks leader Douglas Yates and Fairbanks dentist Craig O’Donoghue countered by saying there is no proof that fluoridation has improved dental health. They also cautioned the panel of its health risks.
They pointed to studies that show the percentage of population served by fluoridated water had no apparent connection with dental health.
As dental health has improved almost worldwide, there’s no indicator that nations that use more fluoridated water are reaping any extra benefits, O’Donoghue said.
“If we can’t say absolutely for certain that fluoridated water is the thing that is making this happen then we need to take it out, and then we’ll let people choose,” said O’Donoghue, who noted that he was a proponent of fluoridation when he began his general practice 11 years ago.
The target range for fluoridated water is 0.7-1.2 ppm, said Woller, who was representing the American Dental Association. The Environmental Protection Agency’s maximum contamination level for the substance is 4 ppm.
At the target concentration, the worst side effect Woller identified was mild dental fluorosis, which he called a cosmetic condition with no serious health effects.
“You’re going to hear claims of toxicity. You’re going to hear claims of harm,” he said, “but the true scientific evidence will show these accusations are false.”
Cerney said that while fluoridated vitamins and toothpaste are dangerous when ingested in high amounts, fluoridated water is safe in basically any sense.
“Fluoride is a safe substance, but it’s dose-related, just like aspirin,” Cerney said.
But giving an entire city the same dose is a “shotgun approach” that doesn’t make much sense to O’Donoghue.
“We’re getting fluoride from every source out there,” he said, referring to foods, toothpaste and other topical treatments. “We’re getting it from everywhere, and it’s not being controlled as a doctor should control an application.”
O’Donoghue also disagreed with Woller’s assessment of fluorosis, saying that the disease can harm dentin, one of the four main components of teeth.
Rainer Newberry, Joan Braddock, Brice Taylor and Paul Reichardt were the four task force members in attendance.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
USA - Limit Fluoride to Prevent Lead Poisoning, Study Says
Limit Fluoride to Prevent Lead Poisoning, Study Says
NEW YORK, March 15 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Fluoride chemicals added to public water supplies, boosts lead absorption in lab animals' bones, teeth and blood, report Sawan, et al. (Toxicology 2/2010). Earlier studies already show children's blood-lead-levels are higher in fluoridated communities, reports Sawan's research team.
"…exposure to increased amounts of lead and fluoride occurs at about the same age (1-3 years)… Therefore, this is a critical time when systemic exposure to fluoride should be minimized since fluoride may increase lead accumulation," the researchers caution.
Low-level lead exposure is associated with lower IQ, ADHD and many health and behavior ailments.
Fluosilicic acid (fluoride) is added to water supplies ostensibly to reduce tooth decay.
Sawan's team put fluosilicic acid, with and without lead, into lab animals' drinking water. They found more lead in tooth enamel, surface bone, whole bone, and tooth dentine in rats co-exposed to fluoride and lead.
Possibly anticipating criticism that rats were fed higher fluoride-concentrated water than people drink, the authors write, "This concentration was chosen because it produces plasma fluoride levels that are comparable with those commonly found in humans…"
Increased prevalence and severity of fluoride-discolored teeth (fluorosis) proves U.S. children are already fluoride-overexposed, "which may cause their blood-lead levels to increase and produce more lead toxicity," they write.
"These findings suggest that a biological effect, not recognized so far, may underlie the epidemiological association between increased blood-lead levels in children and water fluoridation," concludes Sawan's research team.
"[O]ur findings may have serious implications for populations exposed to increased amounts of both lead and fluoride, particularly young children," the research team writes.
Fluoridation chemicals often contain lead (NSF International).
Attorney Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (NYSCOF), says, "People need to lobby and petition their legislators to stop fluoridation in their towns, cities and states. Legislators are ignoring the science proving fluoridation is endangering our health, our water supplies and wasting tax dollars while denying freedom of choice." (see:
Masters and Coplan's landmark studies show higher blood-lead-levels in children living in silico-fluoridated communities (Neurotoxicology 2000, 2007). Macek's research shows children's higher blood-lead-levels are associated with water fluoridation when lead is already in the environment (Environmental Health Perspectives, 2006).
Some fluoridation chemicals originate in China, Mexico and Japan, reports the CDC.
Contact: Paul Beeber, J.D. 516-433-8882
NEW YORK, March 15 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Fluoride chemicals added to public water supplies, boosts lead absorption in lab animals' bones, teeth and blood, report Sawan, et al. (Toxicology 2/2010). Earlier studies already show children's blood-lead-levels are higher in fluoridated communities, reports Sawan's research team.
"…exposure to increased amounts of lead and fluoride occurs at about the same age (1-3 years)… Therefore, this is a critical time when systemic exposure to fluoride should be minimized since fluoride may increase lead accumulation," the researchers caution.
Low-level lead exposure is associated with lower IQ, ADHD and many health and behavior ailments.
Fluosilicic acid (fluoride) is added to water supplies ostensibly to reduce tooth decay.
Sawan's team put fluosilicic acid, with and without lead, into lab animals' drinking water. They found more lead in tooth enamel, surface bone, whole bone, and tooth dentine in rats co-exposed to fluoride and lead.
Possibly anticipating criticism that rats were fed higher fluoride-concentrated water than people drink, the authors write, "This concentration was chosen because it produces plasma fluoride levels that are comparable with those commonly found in humans…"
Increased prevalence and severity of fluoride-discolored teeth (fluorosis) proves U.S. children are already fluoride-overexposed, "which may cause their blood-lead levels to increase and produce more lead toxicity," they write.
"These findings suggest that a biological effect, not recognized so far, may underlie the epidemiological association between increased blood-lead levels in children and water fluoridation," concludes Sawan's research team.
"[O]ur findings may have serious implications for populations exposed to increased amounts of both lead and fluoride, particularly young children," the research team writes.
Fluoridation chemicals often contain lead (NSF International).
Attorney Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (NYSCOF), says, "People need to lobby and petition their legislators to stop fluoridation in their towns, cities and states. Legislators are ignoring the science proving fluoridation is endangering our health, our water supplies and wasting tax dollars while denying freedom of choice." (see:
Masters and Coplan's landmark studies show higher blood-lead-levels in children living in silico-fluoridated communities (Neurotoxicology 2000, 2007). Macek's research shows children's higher blood-lead-levels are associated with water fluoridation when lead is already in the environment (Environmental Health Perspectives, 2006).
Some fluoridation chemicals originate in China, Mexico and Japan, reports the CDC.
Contact: Paul Beeber, J.D. 516-433-8882
Monday, March 15, 2010
UK - Southampton Daily Echo
SHA arrogance is stunning
IT was disgusting that only one person was allowed into the Southern Health Authority's Newbury Headquarters to deliver an open letter signed by 170 concerned people including doctors and dentists against this senseless scheme of putting fluoride in our water supply
It just proves how arrogant the SHA really is. Do we really want this fluoride to go in passed by such arrogant people?
When are they going to listen to the people? We pay our water rates for water that is clean for human consumption, but to put something in to treat teeth or anything else is another matter. That in my book is forced medication.
Let's stop this madness now before it's too late. If the SHA gets away with putting a toxic waste fluoride into our water supply they will not stop there, they will think that they have the right to do whatever they want.
You, the people, pay for your water. It is your right to keep it as pure as possible for yourself and the people you love that have to drink it. We have rights. Keep together and carry on the good fight. NAME & ADDRESS SUPPLIED.
IT was disgusting that only one person was allowed into the Southern Health Authority's Newbury Headquarters to deliver an open letter signed by 170 concerned people including doctors and dentists against this senseless scheme of putting fluoride in our water supply
It just proves how arrogant the SHA really is. Do we really want this fluoride to go in passed by such arrogant people?
When are they going to listen to the people? We pay our water rates for water that is clean for human consumption, but to put something in to treat teeth or anything else is another matter. That in my book is forced medication.
Let's stop this madness now before it's too late. If the SHA gets away with putting a toxic waste fluoride into our water supply they will not stop there, they will think that they have the right to do whatever they want.
You, the people, pay for your water. It is your right to keep it as pure as possible for yourself and the people you love that have to drink it. We have rights. Keep together and carry on the good fight. NAME & ADDRESS SUPPLIED.
Drugs in our drinking water
Drugs in our drinking water
Contributed by Anonymous (Editor)
14 March 2010 19:36:33
No, not just fluoride, which is bad enough - much of our drinking water, in the U.S., Canada and U.K. at least, is contaminated with Prozac and a "vast array" of other drugs.
And you wonder why everyone around is sleepwalking and/or sick?
Study Finds Traces of Drugs in Drinking Water in 24 Major U.S. Regions
A vast array of pharmaceuticals — including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones — have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans, an Associated Press investigation shows.
To be sure, the concentrations of these pharmaceuticals are tiny, measured in quantities of parts per billion or trillion, far below the levels of a medical dose. Also, utilities insist their water is safe.
But the presence of so many prescription drugs — and over-the-counter medicines like acetaminophen and ibuprofen — in so much of our drinking water is heightening worries among scientists of long-term consequences to human health....
Prozac in Tap Water
Nine different drugs were found in water samples near 20 different water treatment plants across Ontario, Canada. The drugs were "acidic pharmaceuticals", which include ibuprofin and neproxin (painkillers), gemfibrozil (cholesterol-lowering medicine), and prozac (anti-depressant). The area with the highest levels of contamination were from locations near sewage treatment plants, suggesting that the chemicals are getting into our water supply from our own bodily wastes! Areas that tested the lowest were plants whose sourcing water was from groundwater or lakes...
Contributed by Anonymous (Editor)
14 March 2010 19:36:33
No, not just fluoride, which is bad enough - much of our drinking water, in the U.S., Canada and U.K. at least, is contaminated with Prozac and a "vast array" of other drugs.
And you wonder why everyone around is sleepwalking and/or sick?
Study Finds Traces of Drugs in Drinking Water in 24 Major U.S. Regions
A vast array of pharmaceuticals — including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones — have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans, an Associated Press investigation shows.
To be sure, the concentrations of these pharmaceuticals are tiny, measured in quantities of parts per billion or trillion, far below the levels of a medical dose. Also, utilities insist their water is safe.
But the presence of so many prescription drugs — and over-the-counter medicines like acetaminophen and ibuprofen — in so much of our drinking water is heightening worries among scientists of long-term consequences to human health....
Prozac in Tap Water
Nine different drugs were found in water samples near 20 different water treatment plants across Ontario, Canada. The drugs were "acidic pharmaceuticals", which include ibuprofin and neproxin (painkillers), gemfibrozil (cholesterol-lowering medicine), and prozac (anti-depressant). The area with the highest levels of contamination were from locations near sewage treatment plants, suggesting that the chemicals are getting into our water supply from our own bodily wastes! Areas that tested the lowest were plants whose sourcing water was from groundwater or lakes...
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Team 5 Investigates Fluoride Fears
Amesbury residents concerned about fluoride imported from China
Unable to embed worth looking at to see what they use here to fluoridate - from China noted for its product purity?
Unable to embed worth looking at to see what they use here to fluoridate - from China noted for its product purity?
Too much fluoride may cause spots
Berks County, PA - Dear Dr Reitz: From the time my front teeth appeared in my mouth they have looked ugly because of two large brown spots in the center of each tooth. I have tried the over-the-counter whitening strips and whitening toothpaste, but nothing is making a difference. I am 18 years old and will be leaving for college next year. Is there anything that can be done to remove the brown spots? - Colleen
Dear Colleen: It's impossible to diagnosis the cause of the brown spots without seeing your teeth, but from what you are describing it sounds like brown enamel dysmineralization indicative of mild fluorosis. Fluorosis is the improper formation of the enamel because of excess fluoride available when the teeth are forming. It's believed that both brown and white spots on the surface of the teeth are the result of fluorosis.
The brown spot actually occurred when the tooth was forming under your gums. The most likely source of the excess fluoride intake is from toothpaste. Children often like the taste of toothpaste and swallow after brushing, instead of spitting. When this becomes a habit between the ages of 2 and 5 there is a possibility of enamel hypomineralization, which appears as white or brown spots on the teeth.
The risk of getting too much fluoride also increased if you were receiving fluoride vitamin supplements during the same time of tooth development. There is some controversy now as to whether fluoride supplements should be given to children because of this side effect
Dear Colleen: It's impossible to diagnosis the cause of the brown spots without seeing your teeth, but from what you are describing it sounds like brown enamel dysmineralization indicative of mild fluorosis. Fluorosis is the improper formation of the enamel because of excess fluoride available when the teeth are forming. It's believed that both brown and white spots on the surface of the teeth are the result of fluorosis.
The brown spot actually occurred when the tooth was forming under your gums. The most likely source of the excess fluoride intake is from toothpaste. Children often like the taste of toothpaste and swallow after brushing, instead of spitting. When this becomes a habit between the ages of 2 and 5 there is a possibility of enamel hypomineralization, which appears as white or brown spots on the teeth.
The risk of getting too much fluoride also increased if you were receiving fluoride vitamin supplements during the same time of tooth development. There is some controversy now as to whether fluoride supplements should be given to children because of this side effect
USA - Dental Clinic Organizers Expect Crowds on Saturday
Dental Clinic Organizers Expect Crowds on Saturday
By LeAnne Gendreau, Jeff Stoecker and Doug Greene
updated 12:46 a.m. ET March 13, 2010
So many people showed up for a free dental clinic in Middletown on Friday morning that dentists starting seeing patients before the doors were even scheduled to open.
The clinic continues on Saturday and organizers expect there to be just as much interest and for people to begin lining up on the road leading to Aetna's campus on Friday night.
This is the only clinic of its kind for hundreds of miles and lines for Friday's event started forming at 7 p.m. on Thursday night, even though doors were not supposed to open until 8 a.m. Because of the overwhelming crowds, the doors opened around 7 a.m., the clinic had already reached capacity.
This is in Connecticut where fluoridation has been state-mandated for decades:NYSCOF
By LeAnne Gendreau, Jeff Stoecker and Doug Greene
updated 12:46 a.m. ET March 13, 2010
So many people showed up for a free dental clinic in Middletown on Friday morning that dentists starting seeing patients before the doors were even scheduled to open.
The clinic continues on Saturday and organizers expect there to be just as much interest and for people to begin lining up on the road leading to Aetna's campus on Friday night.
This is the only clinic of its kind for hundreds of miles and lines for Friday's event started forming at 7 p.m. on Thursday night, even though doors were not supposed to open until 8 a.m. Because of the overwhelming crowds, the doors opened around 7 a.m., the clinic had already reached capacity.
This is in Connecticut where fluoridation has been state-mandated for decades:NYSCOF
Friday, March 12, 2010
USA - Chinese Fluoride In Mass. Water Raises Concern
Chinese Fluoride In Mass. Water Raises Concern
Team 5 Investigates After Amesbury Pulls Sodium Fluoride From Water Supply
POSTED: 6:12 pm EST March 11, 2010
Fluoride is added to the water most of us drink because the government believes it's a safe and inexpensive way to prevent tooth decay.
However, Team 5 Investigates found the Amesbury Water Department pulled fluoride from its system amid concerns about its supply from China.
Department of Public Works Director Rob Desmarais said after he mixes the white powder with water, 40 percent of it will not dissolve.
"I don't know what it is," Desmarais said. "It's not soluble, and it doesn't appear to be sodium fluoride. So we are not quite sure what it is."................
Team 5 Investigates After Amesbury Pulls Sodium Fluoride From Water Supply
POSTED: 6:12 pm EST March 11, 2010
Fluoride is added to the water most of us drink because the government believes it's a safe and inexpensive way to prevent tooth decay.
However, Team 5 Investigates found the Amesbury Water Department pulled fluoride from its system amid concerns about its supply from China.
Department of Public Works Director Rob Desmarais said after he mixes the white powder with water, 40 percent of it will not dissolve.
"I don't know what it is," Desmarais said. "It's not soluble, and it doesn't appear to be sodium fluoride. So we are not quite sure what it is."................
UK - Southampton - Daily Echo
Councillors prepare to vote on whether health authority should ask residents if they want fluoride in their water
A REFERENDUM on controversial plans to fluoridate Hampshire water supplies could be a step closer.
By Jon Reeve
Councillors in Southampton will next week vote over whether to call on South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) to ask affected residents if they want fluoride added to their water supplies.
The move is a major boost for the Daily Echo-backed campaign for a public vote on fluoridation to let the people have the final say on the highly-contentious plans.
Anti-fluoridation campaigners have hailed the move as a hugely significant in the fight against the scheme because Southampton City Council was previously the only local authority to support fluoride. But the health authority insists it will make no difference to the decision, which was made unanimously by its 12 board members last February
The move follows complaints that public opinion was ignored when the SHA approved the scheme, which will affect nearly 200,000 homes in parts of Southampton, Eastleigh, Totton, Netiey and Rownhams.
The plans are currently on hold while the High Court considers a judicial review of the decision, because 72 per cent of people from the affected area who responded to a consultation told the health authority they are against fluoridation.
The SHA argues it followed Government guidelines, which say it only had to consider public opinion through a consultation, but not be tied to it.
Deputy council leader Royston Smith, who is behind Wednesday's vote, believes it is essential the people have a definitive say on such an emotive issue, with health chiefs bound by the outcome of any vote.
If it is successful, Southampton City Council would add its voice to those, including the Daily Echo, who have argued a referendum is the only sensible way to provide a mandate for or against fluoridation.
During the consultation, the authority backed the plans to add the chemical to tap water in a bid to reduce tooth decay in children. But Cllr Smith, who voted against giving that support, says holding a referendum has nothing to do with whether the move is right or wrong.
He said: "I think it's well documented that people agree, quite rightly, that they haven't had their say and they don't think their views have been taken into consideration. "Having a referendum once and for all on what is put in the water is the right thing to do."
Hampshire Against Fluoridation chairman John Spottiswoode said: "Southampton's was the key decision during the consultation, that meant the SHA felt they could proceed.
"This would say they no longer support fluoridation. The SHA is gradually losing every shred of support or evidence they ever had for doing it."But an SHA spokesman said a successful council vote would have no impact on the decision He said: "There is no mechanism which South Central Strategic Health Authority is able to hold a referendum"
Fluoride information event
Find out more about the campaign to stop fluoride being added to the tap water delivered to almost 200,000 Hampshire homes at a special information event this weekend.
Hampshire Against Fluoridation, the group which has led the fight to oppose the scheme adopted by health chiefs as a way of improving dental health of kids in Southampton, holds its AGM tomorrow.
Members of the public are invited to meet those behind the organisation, to discuss why they don't want fluoridation and how they are trying to stop it becoming a reality.
Campaigners argue fluoridation is an unethical form of mass-medication and raises fears over side effects including mottled teeth, brittle bones and cancers.
Saturday's free event, which is open to all, runs from 2pm to 4pm at St James Methodist Church Hall, St James Road, Shirley, Southampton. As well as the group's AGM, it will include a talk by Stephen Peckham, a reader in health policy at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical medicine along with music, poetry and refreshments.
Councillors prepare to vote on whether health authority should ask residents if they want fluoride in their water
A REFERENDUM on controversial plans to fluoridate Hampshire water supplies could be a step closer.
By Jon Reeve
Councillors in Southampton will next week vote over whether to call on South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) to ask affected residents if they want fluoride added to their water supplies.
The move is a major boost for the Daily Echo-backed campaign for a public vote on fluoridation to let the people have the final say on the highly-contentious plans.
Anti-fluoridation campaigners have hailed the move as a hugely significant in the fight against the scheme because Southampton City Council was previously the only local authority to support fluoride. But the health authority insists it will make no difference to the decision, which was made unanimously by its 12 board members last February
The move follows complaints that public opinion was ignored when the SHA approved the scheme, which will affect nearly 200,000 homes in parts of Southampton, Eastleigh, Totton, Netiey and Rownhams.
The plans are currently on hold while the High Court considers a judicial review of the decision, because 72 per cent of people from the affected area who responded to a consultation told the health authority they are against fluoridation.
The SHA argues it followed Government guidelines, which say it only had to consider public opinion through a consultation, but not be tied to it.
Deputy council leader Royston Smith, who is behind Wednesday's vote, believes it is essential the people have a definitive say on such an emotive issue, with health chiefs bound by the outcome of any vote.
If it is successful, Southampton City Council would add its voice to those, including the Daily Echo, who have argued a referendum is the only sensible way to provide a mandate for or against fluoridation.
During the consultation, the authority backed the plans to add the chemical to tap water in a bid to reduce tooth decay in children. But Cllr Smith, who voted against giving that support, says holding a referendum has nothing to do with whether the move is right or wrong.
He said: "I think it's well documented that people agree, quite rightly, that they haven't had their say and they don't think their views have been taken into consideration. "Having a referendum once and for all on what is put in the water is the right thing to do."
Hampshire Against Fluoridation chairman John Spottiswoode said: "Southampton's was the key decision during the consultation, that meant the SHA felt they could proceed.
"This would say they no longer support fluoridation. The SHA is gradually losing every shred of support or evidence they ever had for doing it."But an SHA spokesman said a successful council vote would have no impact on the decision He said: "There is no mechanism which South Central Strategic Health Authority is able to hold a referendum"
Fluoride information event
Find out more about the campaign to stop fluoride being added to the tap water delivered to almost 200,000 Hampshire homes at a special information event this weekend.
Hampshire Against Fluoridation, the group which has led the fight to oppose the scheme adopted by health chiefs as a way of improving dental health of kids in Southampton, holds its AGM tomorrow.
Members of the public are invited to meet those behind the organisation, to discuss why they don't want fluoridation and how they are trying to stop it becoming a reality.
Campaigners argue fluoridation is an unethical form of mass-medication and raises fears over side effects including mottled teeth, brittle bones and cancers.
Saturday's free event, which is open to all, runs from 2pm to 4pm at St James Methodist Church Hall, St James Road, Shirley, Southampton. As well as the group's AGM, it will include a talk by Stephen Peckham, a reader in health policy at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical medicine along with music, poetry and refreshments.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Kidney Stones: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Kidney stones consist of crystals formed from minerals and acid salts in the urine. They are often a result of not drinking enough fluids, allowing waste products to become too concentrated.
The kidneys' pH level becomes too acidic making this an environment ripe for stones. These crystals can lodge in the kidney and get bigger. A stone stuck in a ureter will block urine flow, causing the kidney to swell and pain to escalate.
People with Crohns' Disease, Dent's Disease, high blood pressure, inflammatory bowel disease, and infections of the urinary tract are more prone to kidney stones.
Other conditions increasing susceptibility are hyperparathyroidism, obesity, medullary sponge kidney, and renal tubular acidosis. It is speculated that fluoridation of drinking water may also contribute............
The kidneys' pH level becomes too acidic making this an environment ripe for stones. These crystals can lodge in the kidney and get bigger. A stone stuck in a ureter will block urine flow, causing the kidney to swell and pain to escalate.
People with Crohns' Disease, Dent's Disease, high blood pressure, inflammatory bowel disease, and infections of the urinary tract are more prone to kidney stones.
Other conditions increasing susceptibility are hyperparathyroidism, obesity, medullary sponge kidney, and renal tubular acidosis. It is speculated that fluoridation of drinking water may also contribute............
We shouldn't need 40 years to learn lesson
We shouldn't need 40 years to learn lesson
Vic Hummert • • March 10, 2010
Kathleen Hughes was a Maryknoll nun and dietician working in Hong Kong. It was in 1970 that Kathleen told me of Dr. Ignatz Semmelweis (1818-65), a Hungarian doctor serving in Vienna.Semmelweis discovered mothers who were attended to in childbirth by doctors were dying more frequently than those who gave birth with a midwife present. Semmelweis was certain that practicing doctors did not wash their hands after caring for sick patients and therefore carried diseases to healthy mothers giving birth.
When Semmelweis began insisting upon continual cleansing of hands, the other doctors reacted in anger and rejected his unproven theory.
On Feb. 23 we watched a Louisiana PBS program on the history of surgery. PBS brought home the treachery of "intelligent" doctors who schemed with the wife of Semmelweis to plan a return trip to Vienna where other physicians "captured" the crusading doctor and placed him in a padded cell.
It took 40 years before other doctors finally accepted the teaching of Ignatz Semmelweis.
How many years did we need before concluding cigarettes are killing us? How many years did we need before removing lead from gasoline?
Paul Connett has been telling us for decades fluoride is a toxic waste coming from major industries and phosphate fertilizer companies. The known neurotoxin is too dangerous for ocean or river dumping, but is acceptable for our drinking water. Warnings on toothpaste tubes urge consulting a Poison Control Center if too much is swallowed accidentally. There are no warnings on water bills.
With the scientific support of Dr. Connett, the Lafayette City-Parish Council voted 8-1 in April 2009 to reject a law requiring every city of more than 5,000 residents to add fluoride to Louisiana drinking water. The struggle is over "truth decay," not tooth decay.
Will it take 40 years for our state and the entire country to prohibit adding more poison to our water? Please check out for more information.
Vic Hummert is a Lafayette resident with a longtime interest in the environment.
Vic Hummert • • March 10, 2010
Kathleen Hughes was a Maryknoll nun and dietician working in Hong Kong. It was in 1970 that Kathleen told me of Dr. Ignatz Semmelweis (1818-65), a Hungarian doctor serving in Vienna.Semmelweis discovered mothers who were attended to in childbirth by doctors were dying more frequently than those who gave birth with a midwife present. Semmelweis was certain that practicing doctors did not wash their hands after caring for sick patients and therefore carried diseases to healthy mothers giving birth.
When Semmelweis began insisting upon continual cleansing of hands, the other doctors reacted in anger and rejected his unproven theory.
On Feb. 23 we watched a Louisiana PBS program on the history of surgery. PBS brought home the treachery of "intelligent" doctors who schemed with the wife of Semmelweis to plan a return trip to Vienna where other physicians "captured" the crusading doctor and placed him in a padded cell.
It took 40 years before other doctors finally accepted the teaching of Ignatz Semmelweis.
How many years did we need before concluding cigarettes are killing us? How many years did we need before removing lead from gasoline?
Paul Connett has been telling us for decades fluoride is a toxic waste coming from major industries and phosphate fertilizer companies. The known neurotoxin is too dangerous for ocean or river dumping, but is acceptable for our drinking water. Warnings on toothpaste tubes urge consulting a Poison Control Center if too much is swallowed accidentally. There are no warnings on water bills.
With the scientific support of Dr. Connett, the Lafayette City-Parish Council voted 8-1 in April 2009 to reject a law requiring every city of more than 5,000 residents to add fluoride to Louisiana drinking water. The struggle is over "truth decay," not tooth decay.
Will it take 40 years for our state and the entire country to prohibit adding more poison to our water? Please check out for more information.
Vic Hummert is a Lafayette resident with a longtime interest in the environment.
USA - Report shows 1 in 3 South Dakota children has untreated tooth decay
Health & Medical News
Report shows 1 in 3 South Dakota children has untreated tooth decay
Local dentist encourages proper oral hygiene to prevent dental problems
By Tarah Jahnig, Robert Sharp & Associates
According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control, 1 in 3 South Dakota third graders have untreated tooth decay. The National Oral Health Surveillance System ranks South Dakota as the eighth highest in the nation for children with untreated decay.
The report isn’t surprising to Dr. Anh Harper of Ray Dental Group. The Rapid City dentist has seen an increase in the number of young children with dental problems, particularly in the last few years.
According to Dr. Harper, improper oral hygiene and too many sugary snacks are large contributing factors to childhood tooth decay.
“It’s no secret that harmful sugary or acidic foods are everywhere,” said Dr. Harper. “When kids eat too many of these and don’t brush correctly or floss, it can lead to serious oral health problems.”................
South Dakota is 95% fluoridated:NYSCOF
Report shows 1 in 3 South Dakota children has untreated tooth decay
Local dentist encourages proper oral hygiene to prevent dental problems
By Tarah Jahnig, Robert Sharp & Associates
According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control, 1 in 3 South Dakota third graders have untreated tooth decay. The National Oral Health Surveillance System ranks South Dakota as the eighth highest in the nation for children with untreated decay.
The report isn’t surprising to Dr. Anh Harper of Ray Dental Group. The Rapid City dentist has seen an increase in the number of young children with dental problems, particularly in the last few years.
According to Dr. Harper, improper oral hygiene and too many sugary snacks are large contributing factors to childhood tooth decay.
“It’s no secret that harmful sugary or acidic foods are everywhere,” said Dr. Harper. “When kids eat too many of these and don’t brush correctly or floss, it can lead to serious oral health problems.”................
South Dakota is 95% fluoridated:NYSCOF
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
UK - Opposition Parties Challenged By Southampton’s Green Euro-MP On Water Fluoridation Plan
Opposition Parties Challenged By Southampton’s Green Euro-MP On Water Fluoridation Plan
05 March 2010 - Caroline Lucas MEP has written to the health spokespeople of the two Opposition parties demanding to know whether or not they would scrap the plan to fluoridate Southampton’s drinking water when most of the people affected oppose it.
In her letter to Tory Shadow Health Secretary Andrew Lansley, the Green Euro-MP for Hampshire and the South East said:
“During a recent visit to Hampshire, your leader, David Cameron, was reported as saying that ‘I have always taken the view that [fluoridation] is something that should be decided locally and I don’t believe in compulsory fluoridation of water…In the last vote we had, I think I voted against that idea. But if there is a local process in place and a local decision can be made, I think that seems a fair way of doing it’.
“Given that 72% of the people who responded to the public consultation on the Southampton scheme opposed it, I would like to know whether or not your Party would allow this scheme to go ahead regardless of the controversy.”
Sandra Gidley, Shadow Health Minister for the Liberal Democrats, is also put on the spot about the issue.
Caroline Lucas and the Green Party have led opposition to drinking water fluoridation, warning that it amounts to mass medication without consent. Lucas says:
“The science is simply not good enough yet to feel confident about putting this chemical into drinking water supplies, leaving a whole population exposed to it – including babies and the unborn. The Strategic Health Authority (SHA) itself acknowledges that the scheme could lead to an increase in dental fluorosis in children. Further health effects are also a major concern.”
05 March 2010 - Caroline Lucas MEP has written to the health spokespeople of the two Opposition parties demanding to know whether or not they would scrap the plan to fluoridate Southampton’s drinking water when most of the people affected oppose it.
In her letter to Tory Shadow Health Secretary Andrew Lansley, the Green Euro-MP for Hampshire and the South East said:
“During a recent visit to Hampshire, your leader, David Cameron, was reported as saying that ‘I have always taken the view that [fluoridation] is something that should be decided locally and I don’t believe in compulsory fluoridation of water…In the last vote we had, I think I voted against that idea. But if there is a local process in place and a local decision can be made, I think that seems a fair way of doing it’.
“Given that 72% of the people who responded to the public consultation on the Southampton scheme opposed it, I would like to know whether or not your Party would allow this scheme to go ahead regardless of the controversy.”
Sandra Gidley, Shadow Health Minister for the Liberal Democrats, is also put on the spot about the issue.
Caroline Lucas and the Green Party have led opposition to drinking water fluoridation, warning that it amounts to mass medication without consent. Lucas says:
“The science is simply not good enough yet to feel confident about putting this chemical into drinking water supplies, leaving a whole population exposed to it – including babies and the unborn. The Strategic Health Authority (SHA) itself acknowledges that the scheme could lead to an increase in dental fluorosis in children. Further health effects are also a major concern.”
Toddler dental care
Toddler dental care
Monika Rued
................."Mainly, what you're doing when you're brushing your toddler's teeth is the mechanical removal of plaque with the toothbrush bristles," Kitchens explains. "So, if they swallow that fluoride free gel, just keep brushing their teeth."
Kitchens says kids should brush at least twice a day, once in the morning and most importantly before bed. Once they've brushed, no food or drink before bedtime, unless it's water. Kitchens says allowing kids to have juice and milk is a recipe for cavities...................
I wonder how many parents realize children swallowing fluoride toothpaste are at risk of fluorosis.
Monika Rued
................."Mainly, what you're doing when you're brushing your toddler's teeth is the mechanical removal of plaque with the toothbrush bristles," Kitchens explains. "So, if they swallow that fluoride free gel, just keep brushing their teeth."
Kitchens says kids should brush at least twice a day, once in the morning and most importantly before bed. Once they've brushed, no food or drink before bedtime, unless it's water. Kitchens says allowing kids to have juice and milk is a recipe for cavities...................
I wonder how many parents realize children swallowing fluoride toothpaste are at risk of fluorosis.
Australia - Ratepayers to pay fluoride bill
Ratepayers to pay fluoride bill
10 Mar, 2010 01:46 PM
TENTERFIELD ratepayers will cover all the costs of fluoridating the town’s water supply, despite a long and vocal history in objection to the chemical’s addition to local water.
A perturbed councillor Phil Yates asked the Tenterfield Shire Council at its last ordinary meeting to approach the State Government to pay the costs associated with fluoridating town water in light of the public opinion.
But it is quite clear that Councillor Yates is among the minority on council worried about matching public opinion on this matter.
Council voted against his request to approach the NSW Government, which is pushing for the addition of fluoride to water supplies through the Department of Public Health, to cover costs.
“Why, when 80 per cent of the Tenterfield community don’t want fluoride, are we paying for it?” he said.
“Can we approach them (the State Government) and ask them to pay?” he asked council.
The answer was no. ....................
10 Mar, 2010 01:46 PM
TENTERFIELD ratepayers will cover all the costs of fluoridating the town’s water supply, despite a long and vocal history in objection to the chemical’s addition to local water.
A perturbed councillor Phil Yates asked the Tenterfield Shire Council at its last ordinary meeting to approach the State Government to pay the costs associated with fluoridating town water in light of the public opinion.
But it is quite clear that Councillor Yates is among the minority on council worried about matching public opinion on this matter.
Council voted against his request to approach the NSW Government, which is pushing for the addition of fluoride to water supplies through the Department of Public Health, to cover costs.
“Why, when 80 per cent of the Tenterfield community don’t want fluoride, are we paying for it?” he said.
“Can we approach them (the State Government) and ask them to pay?” he asked council.
The answer was no. ....................
Australia - Tooth Decay Increases in Children
Tooth Decay Increases in Children
08 Mar, 2010 @ 09:29 pm AEST
A recent study done by the Child Health Survey released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has found that nearly 50 percent of all children aged six experienced tooth decay.
Dentists in Sutherland Shire and St George advice parents to start the child's dental hygiene early after finding out cases of tooth decay in young toddlers of 12 months in age.
The study found that decay in the permanent teeth of children of 12 to 15 years of age was seen in 40 and 57 percent of the children. There was tooth decay in five or six permanent teeth of 10 percent of teenagers.
In children aged six, almost half of them had tooth decay with an average of 2 baby teeth affected. In children of four to six years old, the decay was found in more than 9 of their baby teeth.
The report stated that the increase of tooth decay is to be blamed on fruit juice and soft drinks that are loaded with sugar and acid.
Dentist Katina Routsios from Hurstville said that she had seen tooth decay in babies as young as 12 months. She also said that there have been cases of three-year-olds with a total of eight decayed teeth.
Tooth decay that is detected early is treated non-evasively, while severe cases may require filling or removal. She added, "I have had kids, aged three and four years, who need to have four back molars extracted in hospital."
Untreated decayed tooth can affect the adult tooth which is undesirable and early treatment is needed to control it.
Recommended for children dental check-up should start at six to 12 months, followed with six-monthly visits after that. Dentist Jeffrey Agius of Miranda said he had treated toddlers as young as 18 months who suffered from tooth decay.
Children should snack on vegetables and eat not more often than every two hours, according to Dr Routsiou. Tap water that contains fluoride is the only thing that children should be allowed to drink regularly.
So fluoridation doesn't work so why keep pushing it? Use the money in other ways to combat dental decay.
08 Mar, 2010 @ 09:29 pm AEST
A recent study done by the Child Health Survey released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has found that nearly 50 percent of all children aged six experienced tooth decay.
Dentists in Sutherland Shire and St George advice parents to start the child's dental hygiene early after finding out cases of tooth decay in young toddlers of 12 months in age.
The study found that decay in the permanent teeth of children of 12 to 15 years of age was seen in 40 and 57 percent of the children. There was tooth decay in five or six permanent teeth of 10 percent of teenagers.
In children aged six, almost half of them had tooth decay with an average of 2 baby teeth affected. In children of four to six years old, the decay was found in more than 9 of their baby teeth.
The report stated that the increase of tooth decay is to be blamed on fruit juice and soft drinks that are loaded with sugar and acid.
Dentist Katina Routsios from Hurstville said that she had seen tooth decay in babies as young as 12 months. She also said that there have been cases of three-year-olds with a total of eight decayed teeth.
Tooth decay that is detected early is treated non-evasively, while severe cases may require filling or removal. She added, "I have had kids, aged three and four years, who need to have four back molars extracted in hospital."
Untreated decayed tooth can affect the adult tooth which is undesirable and early treatment is needed to control it.
Recommended for children dental check-up should start at six to 12 months, followed with six-monthly visits after that. Dentist Jeffrey Agius of Miranda said he had treated toddlers as young as 18 months who suffered from tooth decay.
Children should snack on vegetables and eat not more often than every two hours, according to Dr Routsiou. Tap water that contains fluoride is the only thing that children should be allowed to drink regularly.
So fluoridation doesn't work so why keep pushing it? Use the money in other ways to combat dental decay.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
FAN Bulletin 2013: Stockin strikes at the heart of the beast
March 9, 2010
Please drop everything you are doing and watch the TV news story, "Dangerous Fluoride," from the CBS affiliate in Atlanta, Georgia at
Remember Atlanta is the home of the CDC: the biggest promoter of fluoridation in the US and the world. Dan Stockin has struck at the heart of the beast of fluoridation in its home town. Neither the ADA nor the CDC could provide answers to the CBS news team. Surprise, surprise.
We need to get the link to this videoclip (transcript below) on as many websites and other outlets as possible. Please put it on your facebook, your twitter or whatever internet system you use. Please send it to any media contacts you have and ask them to follow up on this story.
Meanwhile, Dan Stockin, and the Lillie Center for which he works, are in desperate need of funds to keep this project going. FAN is sending $5000 but this is only a fraction of what he needs. Please use the donate button on his website: He also needs more photos of those with dental fluorosis to send in pictures of their teeth to this same website.
Not only is the CDC the heart of the beast, but we know that dental fluorosis is its Achilles heel. They cannot deny that fluoridation increases the risk of dental fluorosis. They cannot deny that it is a huge problem in the US. Their own figures show that at least 32% of American children suffer from this condition. Moreover, even though they have advised that fluoridated tap water should not be used to make up baby formula, they have not taken aggressive steps to get this message out to parents. Nor are they warning vulnerable sub-groups of the population that they are more vulnerable to fluorosis than others.
Even more serious is that the US Public Health Service, the CDC's parent body, has nurtured a huge gamble since 1950. They have assumed - and hoped - that while fluoride is damaging the growing tooth cells that it wasn't harming any other tissue in the infant's body. This was a reckless gamble in 1950. They didn't have the evidence to support that gamble in 1950, and they haven't shown much inclination to collect any evidence since: the absence of study does not mean the absence of harm. The CDC is not exercising due diligence on the dangers of fluoridation and it is failing to protect the public health. Now the mainstream media in its home town knows about it. Thanks Dan.
Paul Connett
March 8, 2010, CBS-TV in Atlanta
Fluoride: Friend Or Foe?
Fluoride Opponent Says Chemical Is Harmful To Our Health
By Stephany Fisher, CBS Atlanta Anchor
Excerpt: "... The American Dental Association and the Centers for Disease Control have endorsed water fluoridation since 1950 and while they admit that fluoride can be toxic in excessive quantities, the ADA maintains that at optimal levels, water fluoridation is a safe and effective way to prevent dental decay.
But, when we tried to ask the tough questions, the CDC and State Dental Director Elizabeth Lense, denied our requests for interviews..."
Read full article at
FAN Bulletin 2013: Stockin strikes at the heart of the beast
March 9, 2010
Please drop everything you are doing and watch the TV news story, "Dangerous Fluoride," from the CBS affiliate in Atlanta, Georgia at
Remember Atlanta is the home of the CDC: the biggest promoter of fluoridation in the US and the world. Dan Stockin has struck at the heart of the beast of fluoridation in its home town. Neither the ADA nor the CDC could provide answers to the CBS news team. Surprise, surprise.
We need to get the link to this videoclip (transcript below) on as many websites and other outlets as possible. Please put it on your facebook, your twitter or whatever internet system you use. Please send it to any media contacts you have and ask them to follow up on this story.
Meanwhile, Dan Stockin, and the Lillie Center for which he works, are in desperate need of funds to keep this project going. FAN is sending $5000 but this is only a fraction of what he needs. Please use the donate button on his website: He also needs more photos of those with dental fluorosis to send in pictures of their teeth to this same website.
Not only is the CDC the heart of the beast, but we know that dental fluorosis is its Achilles heel. They cannot deny that fluoridation increases the risk of dental fluorosis. They cannot deny that it is a huge problem in the US. Their own figures show that at least 32% of American children suffer from this condition. Moreover, even though they have advised that fluoridated tap water should not be used to make up baby formula, they have not taken aggressive steps to get this message out to parents. Nor are they warning vulnerable sub-groups of the population that they are more vulnerable to fluorosis than others.
Even more serious is that the US Public Health Service, the CDC's parent body, has nurtured a huge gamble since 1950. They have assumed - and hoped - that while fluoride is damaging the growing tooth cells that it wasn't harming any other tissue in the infant's body. This was a reckless gamble in 1950. They didn't have the evidence to support that gamble in 1950, and they haven't shown much inclination to collect any evidence since: the absence of study does not mean the absence of harm. The CDC is not exercising due diligence on the dangers of fluoridation and it is failing to protect the public health. Now the mainstream media in its home town knows about it. Thanks Dan.
Paul Connett
March 8, 2010, CBS-TV in Atlanta
Fluoride: Friend Or Foe?
Fluoride Opponent Says Chemical Is Harmful To Our Health
By Stephany Fisher, CBS Atlanta Anchor
Excerpt: "... The American Dental Association and the Centers for Disease Control have endorsed water fluoridation since 1950 and while they admit that fluoride can be toxic in excessive quantities, the ADA maintains that at optimal levels, water fluoridation is a safe and effective way to prevent dental decay.
But, when we tried to ask the tough questions, the CDC and State Dental Director Elizabeth Lense, denied our requests for interviews..."
Read full article at
Do your research over fluoride in water
Do your research over fluoride in water
Last updated at 12:27, Monday, 08 March 2010
In his letter (News & Star, February 19) Mr Benson has exposed the global warming movement for what it is, a global tax-raising endeavour on behalf of a group of people intent on a global economic and monetary agenda.
The other myth that now needs exposed is the statement that adding fluoride to water gives some health benefits.
Fluoride is a member of a halogen family, as is iodine and as such has the ability to replace iodine in the body when ingested.
This is possible because fluoride has a lower atomic weight in the halogen table than iodine and will naturally react to replace it.
As iodine is the main active agent in the thyroid gland and its role is to maintain the immune system by killing germs in the blood which passes through the thyroid every 17 minutes.
Chlorine, another additive to our water supply, is also a halogen with a lower atomic weight than iodine and will also act in the same way.
Fluoride gathers in the pineal gland in the brain. This gland has very important functions and is often referred to as the third eye or the gateway between the body and the soul. It is known that the accumulation of fluoride will impair its function.
All this information is available on the internet and I would encourage people to research for themselves and reach their own conclusions.
Vulcans Lane
Chlorine causes a small % of colon cancers but is necessary and is easily filtered out.
Last updated at 12:27, Monday, 08 March 2010
In his letter (News & Star, February 19) Mr Benson has exposed the global warming movement for what it is, a global tax-raising endeavour on behalf of a group of people intent on a global economic and monetary agenda.
The other myth that now needs exposed is the statement that adding fluoride to water gives some health benefits.
Fluoride is a member of a halogen family, as is iodine and as such has the ability to replace iodine in the body when ingested.
This is possible because fluoride has a lower atomic weight in the halogen table than iodine and will naturally react to replace it.
As iodine is the main active agent in the thyroid gland and its role is to maintain the immune system by killing germs in the blood which passes through the thyroid every 17 minutes.
Chlorine, another additive to our water supply, is also a halogen with a lower atomic weight than iodine and will also act in the same way.
Fluoride gathers in the pineal gland in the brain. This gland has very important functions and is often referred to as the third eye or the gateway between the body and the soul. It is known that the accumulation of fluoride will impair its function.
All this information is available on the internet and I would encourage people to research for themselves and reach their own conclusions.
Vulcans Lane
Chlorine causes a small % of colon cancers but is necessary and is easily filtered out.
UK - New government faces major challenges on dentistry, says BDA manifesto
New government faces major challenges on dentistry, says BDA manifesto
8th Mar 2010
.............The BDA's manifesto and advice on local lobbying are available at: manifesto identifies priorities in six key areas of dental policy: the completion of the reform process arising from the Steele Review, the need to properly support PCTs, increased access for patients, the eradication or oral health inequalities, harnessing fluoride as a preventive measure, and safeguarding the future of the hospital and salaried services and dental academia.
8th Mar 2010
.............The BDA's manifesto and advice on local lobbying are available at: manifesto identifies priorities in six key areas of dental policy: the completion of the reform process arising from the Steele Review, the need to properly support PCTs, increased access for patients, the eradication or oral health inequalities, harnessing fluoride as a preventive measure, and safeguarding the future of the hospital and salaried services and dental academia.
Teething blues
Teething blues
Take the bite out of this painful phase for both baby and parents
by Anna Tham
...You can also use infant toothpaste that does not contain fluoride, making it safe for babies in the event they swallow it. Toothpaste with fluoride should only be used for older children who know how to spit. Use only a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. ...................
Take the bite out of this painful phase for both baby and parents
by Anna Tham
...You can also use infant toothpaste that does not contain fluoride, making it safe for babies in the event they swallow it. Toothpaste with fluoride should only be used for older children who know how to spit. Use only a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. ...................
Monday, March 08, 2010
UK - Daily Echo - I say no to fluoride too
I say no to fluoride too
FURTHER to the letters about adding fluoride to the public water supply. I would like to add my vote against this unethical medication to the public.
I had suffered for sometime last year from mouth ulcers and sores and it was only after reading a letter from a lady who was advised not to take oral fluoride. I changed to a non-fluoride toothpaste and decided to drink only bottled water.
The ulcers and sores have gone and have not reoccurred so I say to the SHA, I do not want fluoride added to the water supply as we cannot filter this toxic substance out and choice is then taken away I still have to use the water supply to cook with, fluoride in the water, NO.
FURTHER to the letters about adding fluoride to the public water supply. I would like to add my vote against this unethical medication to the public.
I had suffered for sometime last year from mouth ulcers and sores and it was only after reading a letter from a lady who was advised not to take oral fluoride. I changed to a non-fluoride toothpaste and decided to drink only bottled water.
The ulcers and sores have gone and have not reoccurred so I say to the SHA, I do not want fluoride added to the water supply as we cannot filter this toxic substance out and choice is then taken away I still have to use the water supply to cook with, fluoride in the water, NO.
USA - David L. Biles: When it comes to fluoride, education is better than medication
David L. Biles: When it comes to fluoride, education is better than medication
Posted: 03/07/2010 01:30:31 AM PST
David L. Biles
One might ask the question: what does it take to motivate a local dentist to publicly challenge the ongoing effort to fluoridate the Watsonville community? Easy answer: the truth, an element still missing from the public forum. "The truth is incontrovertible," Winston Churchill once claimed, "malice may attack it, ignorance deride it, but in the end, there it is." Such is the case here.
Contrary to the Sentinel's assertions of safety, water fluoridation has been found to be associated with increased incidence of hip fracture, bone cancer and reduced IQ in children. Other neurological impairments have been noted, including ADD and ADHD.
Recognizing fluoride's powerful impact on human biochemistry, even the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics agree that babies less than 6 months old should not receive any fluoride, yet formulas and baths will soon be fluoride-laden if the state has its way. How will busy parents of newborns find the time, energy, money and education necessary to protect the health of their children? What will happen to all of us at the other end of the age spectrum when every city in the USA is fluoridated?
Why do we proceed down this dangerous path, knowing that adding fluoride to the community water supply will not halt dental decay? Collectively analyzed, studies comparing decay rates in fluoridated vs. non-fluoridated communities have routinely shown conflicting results. Numerous un-fluoridated cities have demonstrated lower decay rates than comparable fluoridated communities so something else must be responsible. What might that be? Poverty and ignorance.
Poverty and ignorance are the culprits responsible for rampant dental decay, not the lack of fluoride in the water. That's where our efforts should be directed, not toward mass medicating the entire population in order to serve a few. Education, education, and more education on oral hygiene, diet, and habits, along with easier access to preventive care, are the ultimate solutions.
Looking at the bigger picture here from a completely different perspective, the California Dental Association Foundation is bullying an unwilling community with a state law they created. Moreover, the dental community has been denied access to the education necessary to evaluate the claims that fluoride in general, and community water fluoridation is harmful. A 2½ day course I attended in 1998 regarding these issues had the continuing education units rescinded and denied by the UCSD School of Medicine and the California Board of Dental Examiners, respectively, reducing attendance from hundreds to less than 20.
Shortly afterwards, as a long time board member of the Monterey Bay Dental Society, I proposed inviting David Kennedy, D.D.S. to give our local dentists a lecture on water fluoridation. The Board president informed me at the subsequent meeting that we, the Monterey Bay Dental Society, could not entertain an opposing view to water fluoridation because we were members of the American Dental Association and California Dental Association, who were staunch proponents of water fluoridation.
Dentists have been denied the education necessary to make a truly informed opinion regarding fluoride and community water fluoridation. They simply do not know the truth. Altruistic in aim, misguided in direction, led by many of our nations finest servants, the dental profession has been ambling down the wrong path. It is time to correct our direction from mass medication to mass education.
David Biles has practiced dentistry in Santa Cruz for 25 years and held positions as the Legislative chair, newsletter editor, and CalDPac representative for the Monterey Bay Dental Society from the early 1990s until 2003.
Posted: 03/07/2010 01:30:31 AM PST
David L. Biles
One might ask the question: what does it take to motivate a local dentist to publicly challenge the ongoing effort to fluoridate the Watsonville community? Easy answer: the truth, an element still missing from the public forum. "The truth is incontrovertible," Winston Churchill once claimed, "malice may attack it, ignorance deride it, but in the end, there it is." Such is the case here.
Contrary to the Sentinel's assertions of safety, water fluoridation has been found to be associated with increased incidence of hip fracture, bone cancer and reduced IQ in children. Other neurological impairments have been noted, including ADD and ADHD.
Recognizing fluoride's powerful impact on human biochemistry, even the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics agree that babies less than 6 months old should not receive any fluoride, yet formulas and baths will soon be fluoride-laden if the state has its way. How will busy parents of newborns find the time, energy, money and education necessary to protect the health of their children? What will happen to all of us at the other end of the age spectrum when every city in the USA is fluoridated?
Why do we proceed down this dangerous path, knowing that adding fluoride to the community water supply will not halt dental decay? Collectively analyzed, studies comparing decay rates in fluoridated vs. non-fluoridated communities have routinely shown conflicting results. Numerous un-fluoridated cities have demonstrated lower decay rates than comparable fluoridated communities so something else must be responsible. What might that be? Poverty and ignorance.
Poverty and ignorance are the culprits responsible for rampant dental decay, not the lack of fluoride in the water. That's where our efforts should be directed, not toward mass medicating the entire population in order to serve a few. Education, education, and more education on oral hygiene, diet, and habits, along with easier access to preventive care, are the ultimate solutions.
Looking at the bigger picture here from a completely different perspective, the California Dental Association Foundation is bullying an unwilling community with a state law they created. Moreover, the dental community has been denied access to the education necessary to evaluate the claims that fluoride in general, and community water fluoridation is harmful. A 2½ day course I attended in 1998 regarding these issues had the continuing education units rescinded and denied by the UCSD School of Medicine and the California Board of Dental Examiners, respectively, reducing attendance from hundreds to less than 20.
Shortly afterwards, as a long time board member of the Monterey Bay Dental Society, I proposed inviting David Kennedy, D.D.S. to give our local dentists a lecture on water fluoridation. The Board president informed me at the subsequent meeting that we, the Monterey Bay Dental Society, could not entertain an opposing view to water fluoridation because we were members of the American Dental Association and California Dental Association, who were staunch proponents of water fluoridation.
Dentists have been denied the education necessary to make a truly informed opinion regarding fluoride and community water fluoridation. They simply do not know the truth. Altruistic in aim, misguided in direction, led by many of our nations finest servants, the dental profession has been ambling down the wrong path. It is time to correct our direction from mass medication to mass education.
David Biles has practiced dentistry in Santa Cruz for 25 years and held positions as the Legislative chair, newsletter editor, and CalDPac representative for the Monterey Bay Dental Society from the early 1990s until 2003.
Sunday, March 07, 2010
FAN Bulletin 2012: New fluoride-lead study should end fluoridation
FAN Bulletin 2012: New fluoride-lead study should end fluoridation
This very important new study has just been published, ahead of print, by the journal Toxicology, in February 2010:
Fluoride increases lead concentrations in whole blood and in calcified tissues from lead-exposed rats
By Sawana RMM (a), Leite GAS (a), Saraiva MCP (a), Barbosa Jr. F (b), Tanus-Santos JE (c), Gerlach RF (a)
(a) School of Dentistry of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo
(b) School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo
(c) Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo
The authors note that, "Higher blood lead levels have been reported in children living in communities that receive fluoride-treated water." They cite the two papers on Masters and Coplan (1999, 2000).
The authors designed an animal experiment to see whether fluoride co-administered with lead increases lead concentrations in blood and calcified tissues. It is important to note that the fluoride compound that they used was hexafluorosilicic acid, one of the silicon fluorides used as fluoridating agents in over 90% of the water supplies fluoridated in the US. Hitherto, nearly all animal experiments have used sodium fluoride.................................
FAN Bulletin 2012: New fluoride-lead study should end fluoridation
This very important new study has just been published, ahead of print, by the journal Toxicology, in February 2010:
Fluoride increases lead concentrations in whole blood and in calcified tissues from lead-exposed rats
By Sawana RMM (a), Leite GAS (a), Saraiva MCP (a), Barbosa Jr. F (b), Tanus-Santos JE (c), Gerlach RF (a)
(a) School of Dentistry of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo
(b) School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo
(c) Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo
The authors note that, "Higher blood lead levels have been reported in children living in communities that receive fluoride-treated water." They cite the two papers on Masters and Coplan (1999, 2000).
The authors designed an animal experiment to see whether fluoride co-administered with lead increases lead concentrations in blood and calcified tissues. It is important to note that the fluoride compound that they used was hexafluorosilicic acid, one of the silicon fluorides used as fluoridating agents in over 90% of the water supplies fluoridated in the US. Hitherto, nearly all animal experiments have used sodium fluoride.................................
Sugary soft drinks lead to diabetes, research finds
Drinking sugar-sweetened soft drinks has been linked to an increase in new cases of diabetes and heart disease.
By Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent
Published: 8:00AM GMT 06 Mar 2010
More people now drink soft, sport and fruit drinks daily, and the increase has led to thousands more diabetes and heart disease cases over the past decade, according to research presented to the American Heart Association's annual conference.
The study estimates the increased consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks between 1990 and 2000 contributed to 130,000 new cases of diabetes, 14,000 new cases of coronary heart disease (CHD), and 50,000 additional life-years burdened by coronary heart disease in the US over the past decade............
By Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent
Published: 8:00AM GMT 06 Mar 2010
More people now drink soft, sport and fruit drinks daily, and the increase has led to thousands more diabetes and heart disease cases over the past decade, according to research presented to the American Heart Association's annual conference.
The study estimates the increased consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks between 1990 and 2000 contributed to 130,000 new cases of diabetes, 14,000 new cases of coronary heart disease (CHD), and 50,000 additional life-years burdened by coronary heart disease in the US over the past decade............
Saturday, March 06, 2010
USA - As You See It: March 4, 2010
Fluoridation makes no sense in Watsonville
Mr. Mauthe "Fluoride support appreciated," Feb. 26 provides us with quite a segue when he concludes, "an industry is not necessarily good for its city just because the industry itself is successful."
While I imagine the contributions of the Martinelli Co. to the community of Watsonville could be easily quantified and proven to be life-sustaining, a chemical additive such as fluoride is not necessarily good for the body just because it is successful in treating one of its exposures.
To me, municipal water fluoridation is like washing a car with anti-freeze. Just because it's useful when applied to one auto part under extreme conditions, in a climate as temperate as Watsonville's, fluoridation is the wrong medicine applied to the wrong vehicle using the wrong methods for the wrong reasons. Utterly nonsensical.
Anna Vaage, Capitola
segue - a new word to me - To move smoothly and unhesitatingly from one state, condition, situation, or element to another
Mr. Mauthe "Fluoride support appreciated," Feb. 26 provides us with quite a segue when he concludes, "an industry is not necessarily good for its city just because the industry itself is successful."
While I imagine the contributions of the Martinelli Co. to the community of Watsonville could be easily quantified and proven to be life-sustaining, a chemical additive such as fluoride is not necessarily good for the body just because it is successful in treating one of its exposures.
To me, municipal water fluoridation is like washing a car with anti-freeze. Just because it's useful when applied to one auto part under extreme conditions, in a climate as temperate as Watsonville's, fluoridation is the wrong medicine applied to the wrong vehicle using the wrong methods for the wrong reasons. Utterly nonsensical.
Anna Vaage, Capitola
segue - a new word to me - To move smoothly and unhesitatingly from one state, condition, situation, or element to another
Friday, March 05, 2010
Fluoride Poisons Children in Jharkhand, India
Fluoride Poisons Children in Jharkhand, India
2010-03-04 09:14419 E-MAIL THIS
Fluoride poisoning from groundwater in India's eastern state of Jharkhand is causing serious health problems for villagers.
In Chukru village the people are suffering from acute dental and skeletal disorders, and it's been that way for a long time.
Yellowed teeth and bone deformities develop as soon as children reach the age of five.
Ten-year-old Babulal Ram has severe limb deformities.
[Babulal Ram, Child Poisoned by Fluoride]:
"Due to the contaminated water here we are suffering a lot … We want that clean drinking water should be provided to us so that we stay healthy."
Most villagers have discolored teeth and suffer acute joint pain, particularly in the knees.
There's a growing number of physically deformed children being born in the village.
[Sushil Kumar Singh, Villager]:
"For a long time we have been suffering because of fluorosis … This problem is just increasing day by day. We want something done about it but nothing is happening."
Fluorosis is also causing cataracts, premature ageing, calcified spinal ligaments, softened bones, and other degenerative conditions, such as spinal stenosis.
The Chukru village district administration says they've put in a pipeline to the Koel River to supply clearner drinking water.
[Amlendu Kumar, Executive Engineer]:
"The whole village has been affected by fluoride. That is why in Chukru village a pipeline is connected to the river. The river has less amount of fluoride. The pipeline works almost all the time as long as there is electricity."
The fluoride concentration of water samples from Palamu district ranges up to 6 times higher than normal levels.
2010-03-04 09:14419 E-MAIL THIS
Fluoride poisoning from groundwater in India's eastern state of Jharkhand is causing serious health problems for villagers.
In Chukru village the people are suffering from acute dental and skeletal disorders, and it's been that way for a long time.
Yellowed teeth and bone deformities develop as soon as children reach the age of five.
Ten-year-old Babulal Ram has severe limb deformities.
[Babulal Ram, Child Poisoned by Fluoride]:
"Due to the contaminated water here we are suffering a lot … We want that clean drinking water should be provided to us so that we stay healthy."
Most villagers have discolored teeth and suffer acute joint pain, particularly in the knees.
There's a growing number of physically deformed children being born in the village.
[Sushil Kumar Singh, Villager]:
"For a long time we have been suffering because of fluorosis … This problem is just increasing day by day. We want something done about it but nothing is happening."
Fluorosis is also causing cataracts, premature ageing, calcified spinal ligaments, softened bones, and other degenerative conditions, such as spinal stenosis.
The Chukru village district administration says they've put in a pipeline to the Koel River to supply clearner drinking water.
[Amlendu Kumar, Executive Engineer]:
"The whole village has been affected by fluoride. That is why in Chukru village a pipeline is connected to the river. The river has less amount of fluoride. The pipeline works almost all the time as long as there is electricity."
The fluoride concentration of water samples from Palamu district ranges up to 6 times higher than normal levels.
USA - Outrage in San Francisco
Outrage in San Francisco: City Gives Residents 'Organic' Compost Containing Toxic Sewage Sludge
By Jill Richardson
The city's actions are a wake-up call that the entire nation regularly consumes foods grown on fields fertilized with sludge. A recent EPA study of 84 sludge samples from around the country found 27 metals, three pharmaceuticals (Ciprofloxacin, Diphenhydramine and Triclocarban), four anions (nitrates/nitrites, fluoride and water-extractable phosphorus), three steroids (Campesterol, Cholestanol and Coprostanol), and a number of toxic flame-retardants in nearly every single sample tested........
Many of the other contaminants tested for showed up in a high percentage of samples as well. While the study did not take into account whether these sludge samples were intended for spreading on agricultural land, nearly every one of the samples legally qualified as Class A or Class B biosolids and could have been spread on farm fields. (The study noted that the few samples with molybdenum, nickel or zinc exceeding federal limits for land application sent their sludge to landfills or incinerated it.)...................................
By Jill Richardson
The city's actions are a wake-up call that the entire nation regularly consumes foods grown on fields fertilized with sludge. A recent EPA study of 84 sludge samples from around the country found 27 metals, three pharmaceuticals (Ciprofloxacin, Diphenhydramine and Triclocarban), four anions (nitrates/nitrites, fluoride and water-extractable phosphorus), three steroids (Campesterol, Cholestanol and Coprostanol), and a number of toxic flame-retardants in nearly every single sample tested........
Many of the other contaminants tested for showed up in a high percentage of samples as well. While the study did not take into account whether these sludge samples were intended for spreading on agricultural land, nearly every one of the samples legally qualified as Class A or Class B biosolids and could have been spread on farm fields. (The study noted that the few samples with molybdenum, nickel or zinc exceeding federal limits for land application sent their sludge to landfills or incinerated it.)...................................
UK - NHS chiefs in no-show for anti-fluoridation protest letter
Lymington Times
NHS chiefs in no-show for anti-fluoridation protest letter
CAMPAIGNERS against fluoride being added to Totton's water supply have criticised NHS senior executives for not accepting a hand-delivered protest letter.
The open message was brought to the Newbury HQ of South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) to mark a year since it approved adding the controversial chemical to water in Southampton and surrounding areas.
Hampshire Against Fluoride (HAF) member Anna Peckham told the 'A&T' she had written to the chair of the 12-strong board in advance of the delivery but was told he was unavailable to receive the document.
It was left with a receptionist
instead, and Mrs Peckham said: "Given that my letter was also sent to the chief executive, I had thought that someone from the SHA board would be prepared to receive it.
"Many feel the SHA has behaved without regard to the local community in imposing water fluoridation [so] this refusal to receive the letter reinforced the feeling that the SHA are simply not listening."
About 190,000 people could be affected by Southampton Primary Care Trust's plan for Southampton and surrounding areas, including 8,000 Totton residents because of the layout of the pipes.
Around 25 HAF members travelled to Newbury on Friday in last week to hand over the letter they said had
been signed by over 100 people including scientists, professors and MPs.
Fluoridation was agreed in February last year by the SHA to combat child tooth decay hi the city and among the anti-fluoride campaigners are New Forest East MP Julian Lewis and town councillor David Harrison.
The SHA is also facing attempts to block fluoridation through a pending judicial review and complaints to ombudsmen.
Sean Humber of Leigh Day Solicitors told the 'A&T' he could not speculate on when the review would take place as he was waiting for a court date to be set.
NHS chiefs in no-show for anti-fluoridation protest letter
CAMPAIGNERS against fluoride being added to Totton's water supply have criticised NHS senior executives for not accepting a hand-delivered protest letter.
The open message was brought to the Newbury HQ of South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) to mark a year since it approved adding the controversial chemical to water in Southampton and surrounding areas.
Hampshire Against Fluoride (HAF) member Anna Peckham told the 'A&T' she had written to the chair of the 12-strong board in advance of the delivery but was told he was unavailable to receive the document.
It was left with a receptionist
instead, and Mrs Peckham said: "Given that my letter was also sent to the chief executive, I had thought that someone from the SHA board would be prepared to receive it.
"Many feel the SHA has behaved without regard to the local community in imposing water fluoridation [so] this refusal to receive the letter reinforced the feeling that the SHA are simply not listening."
About 190,000 people could be affected by Southampton Primary Care Trust's plan for Southampton and surrounding areas, including 8,000 Totton residents because of the layout of the pipes.
Around 25 HAF members travelled to Newbury on Friday in last week to hand over the letter they said had
been signed by over 100 people including scientists, professors and MPs.
Fluoridation was agreed in February last year by the SHA to combat child tooth decay hi the city and among the anti-fluoride campaigners are New Forest East MP Julian Lewis and town councillor David Harrison.
The SHA is also facing attempts to block fluoridation through a pending judicial review and complaints to ombudsmen.
Sean Humber of Leigh Day Solicitors told the 'A&T' he could not speculate on when the review would take place as he was waiting for a court date to be set.
Thursday, March 04, 2010
USA - Iowa - coalition of citizens
Our Water is precious! It shouldn’t be tainted!
We are a coalition of citizens dedicated to bringing information and advice to the people of Iowa about the controversial practice of water fluoridation. I.E.W.F. will be an organization for dissent, debate, and intellectual discussion on the safety and ethics of water fluoridation. Our objectives are to communicate to the Iowa leadership its role of accountability in this practice and to help bring about its end. We will also work to organize and inform the citizens of Iowa about their rights and potential legal options in this important topic.
We are a coalition of citizens dedicated to bringing information and advice to the people of Iowa about the controversial practice of water fluoridation. I.E.W.F. will be an organization for dissent, debate, and intellectual discussion on the safety and ethics of water fluoridation. Our objectives are to communicate to the Iowa leadership its role of accountability in this practice and to help bring about its end. We will also work to organize and inform the citizens of Iowa about their rights and potential legal options in this important topic.
USA - Welches dentist makes dental health elementary
Welches dentist makes dental health elementary
Programs provide school children with tools and skills to keep teeth healthy
By Garth Guibord
Welches dentist Brad McKenzie spent a number of years in his childhood living in Africa. While there, he learned of one tribe that had no naturally occurring fluoride in the water and had trouble with cavities, while another tribe had the fluoride and was known for its beautiful teeth.
“It’s interesting to see the difference that makes,” said McKenzie, who later returned to Welches and graduated from Sandy High School.
Now McKenzie, who operates McKenzie Dental in Welches, is trying to make a difference in his community by educating elementary school children and increasing good dental practices.
In February – designated as “Children’s National Dental Health Month” – McKenzie donated about 1,950 prevention packets, containing a toothbrush, floss, toothpaste, dental health tips and plaque finding dye tablets, to all students in the six elementary schools of the Oregon Trail School District.
“Prevention is such a huge part of things, there’s not a strong universal message right now,” McKenzie said. “It is possible to live your whole life and never have a cavity.”
McKenzie also leads a free program in the area to provide fluoride tablets to local families because there’s no natural fluoride in public water systems or well water within the district..................
Could it be that one area was short of calcium as calcium fluoride is the fluoride that occurs naturally? If it was so obvious why are there not studies that prove fluoridation works. There are none that are, at least according to the best review in the UK, the York review.
And the fluoride they put in the water is not calcium fluoride but a contaminated waste product.
Programs provide school children with tools and skills to keep teeth healthy
By Garth Guibord
Welches dentist Brad McKenzie spent a number of years in his childhood living in Africa. While there, he learned of one tribe that had no naturally occurring fluoride in the water and had trouble with cavities, while another tribe had the fluoride and was known for its beautiful teeth.
“It’s interesting to see the difference that makes,” said McKenzie, who later returned to Welches and graduated from Sandy High School.
Now McKenzie, who operates McKenzie Dental in Welches, is trying to make a difference in his community by educating elementary school children and increasing good dental practices.
In February – designated as “Children’s National Dental Health Month” – McKenzie donated about 1,950 prevention packets, containing a toothbrush, floss, toothpaste, dental health tips and plaque finding dye tablets, to all students in the six elementary schools of the Oregon Trail School District.
“Prevention is such a huge part of things, there’s not a strong universal message right now,” McKenzie said. “It is possible to live your whole life and never have a cavity.”
McKenzie also leads a free program in the area to provide fluoride tablets to local families because there’s no natural fluoride in public water systems or well water within the district..................
Could it be that one area was short of calcium as calcium fluoride is the fluoride that occurs naturally? If it was so obvious why are there not studies that prove fluoridation works. There are none that are, at least according to the best review in the UK, the York review.
And the fluoride they put in the water is not calcium fluoride but a contaminated waste product.