Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Australia - Indigo Shire Mayor seeks talks with North East Water about wider fluoridation rollout
Councillor Gaffney brought the notice of motion before the council at its meeting last night.
He said Chiltern, Barnawartha, Kiewa and Tangambalanga already received fluoride in their water supply but Beechworth, Yackandandah, Rutherglen and Wahgunyah did not.
Cr Gaffney wants to start a conversation with North East Water to change that.
He said research showed fluoride had strong benefits in preventing tooth decay and that there was not enough evidence to suggest it was harmful to human health.
Cr Gaffney conceded fluoridation was an emotive issue and that wide community consultation would need to take place before any decision was made.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Why are we fat? A question that gurus around the world line up for, hands extended to sell you the answer. Yet despite having more Doctors, scientists, trainers, books, coaches and gurus than ever before in history we are fatter than ever.
I no longer buy into any of the mumbo jumbo they told me. My metabolic syndrome, my diabetes, my thyroid, my genetics and family history. All nice excuses that all turned into dead ends after decades of obesity and suffering.
You know what the cure for obesity is? For most sickness? For Depression? Eating foods like our ancestors, fresh air, movement and exercise.
No NO CLICK AWAY THIS IS NONSENSE!! Give me a pill, or magical diet that will fix my woes.
My lord I thought it was impossible. I could barely walk up stairs without huffing. I was 48 years old - not a candidate for pursuing optimal health!! But IT WORKS! Your body is the most amazingly resilient mechanism. Give it what it needs and it can bounce back at any age.
Nothing to do with fluoride just refreshing advice.
Have We Been Lied To About Fluoride?
Posted on September 28, 2015 ·
There’s nothing like a glass of cool, clear water to quench your thirst. But the next time you turn on the tap, you might want to question whether that water is in fact, too toxic to drink. If your water is fluoridated, the answer is likely “YES.” Despite the fact that health “authorities” declare that it’s “safe” and “natural,” nothing could be further from the truth.
For decades, we have been told a lie, a lie that has led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans and the weakening of the immune systems of tens of millions more. This lie is called fluoridation. A process we were led to believe was a safe and effective method of protecting teeth from decay is in fact a fraud. In the words of Dr. Robert Carton, former scientist for the EPA, “Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century, if not of all time.”................................
Fluoride Free New Zealand Statement
Industry Waste Exec Demands Increase of Toxic Fluoride Disposal, Via Nationwide Fluoride in Drinking Water
John Pfahlert, Water New Zealand's CEO, has made repeated calls to roll out nationwide mandatory fluoridation, over-riding communities that have already rejected the outdated practice, or have remained happily free from fluoridation. Water New Zealand is an industry lobby group, formed from the now dissolved New Zealand Sewage and Industrial Wastes Association, so it comes as no surprise that this group would lobby for an increase in the disposal of Industrial Grade fluoride chemicals into the public water supply.
The Industrial Grade Fluoride most widely used in fluoridation is Hydrofluorosilicic Acid. HFA is the liquid by-product from the collection of two toxic gases, Hydrogen Fluoride and Silicon Tetra-Fluoride. It contains contaminants of heavy metals such as arsenic, lead and sometimes, uranium.
The president of Water New Zealand is also the Group Manager for Engineering Services at South Taranaki District Council. This Council has been embroiled in a legal battle costing hundreds of thousands of dollars since they were taken to court after trying to force fluoridation on Patea and Waverley residents who had said they did not want it.
Fluoride itself is now categorised as a neurotoxin, as published in The Lancet, last year. Kent University’s Thyroid Study this year, showed water fluoridation increased hypothyroidism in women by 60% in fluoridated communities.
This waste management, spin doctor, and industry front man is now making the mistake of publicly outing one of the real reasons behind water fluoridation: industry waste disposal
Monday, September 28, 2015
This is why it is important to filter water, chlorine is the cause of a number of colon cancer cases each year something my brother died from. OK it is essential, not like fluoride which is difficult as well as expensive to filter out.
USA - Ponies, natural toothpaste
Even if you have zero interest in the environment, veganism and sustainable businesses, being able to brush and pet two little ponies with colored manes would be worth the trip to the Los Angeles Convention Center this weekend. That's where the sixth edition of the Green Festivaltook place, attracting roughly 20,000 people and 300 exhibitors, sponsors, and partners.
Among them was the Have a Heart Ranch, in Malibu, which owns these cute little ponies. It was founded by a young girl with autism as a non-profit animal rescue eco-sanctuary and organic farm. This pretty much sums the kind of brands and businesses exhibiting this year: small, familiar, green companies trying to make a difference and provide an alternative to consumers fed up with big corporations, factory-farming and harsh chemicals.
That's what inspired Eric David Buss to create a new brand of natural toothpaste, 'Davis', which took him 4 years to develop, perfect and release in the market this past May. "We're using the finest ingredients from the US, premium natural ingredients," he tells me on his booth at the Green Fest. "There's no secret ingredient, but there's a combination of high quality, recognized ingredients within the health community, like stevia and xylitol, which helps remineralize the enamel on your teeth." This is a sulfate-free, fluoride-free toothpaste. Why? "People are ditching fluoride because they're concerned about the effects that it has on the rest of your body." Instead of hardening the enamel with fluoride, they use natural abrasives to remove the plaque, preventing cavities.
USA - Pitkin County health officials support fluoride in water
Pitkin County public health officials are coming out in support of drinking water fluoridation as the deadline for Snowmass Villagers to weigh in on their district’s practice looms.
The Snowmass Water and Sanitation District board voted in July to stop adding fluoride to its drinking water, but many of its customers came out against the decision and the lack of public input behind it. The independent tax district decided to conduct a mail-in survey of its customers to gauge how the community stands on the issue, and the deadline for residents to send in their responses is Thursday.
Pitkin County Director of Public Health Liz Stark said she is concerned about the long-term effects of Snowmass children’s oral health as well as the overall health of residents of all ages in light of the policy change. Dr. Kimberly Levin, an emergency-room physician at Aspen Valley Hospital and an adviser to the county Public Health Department, said studies on the oral and overall health benefits of fluoride at the proper dosage are overwhelming, while those cited by anti-fluoride websites and activists are generally not designed well, not peer-reviewed and unreliable.
“There are a lot of myths, a lot of fears, and there’s a lot of websites now that have bad information,” Levin said.
Levin encouraged residents to look closely at the type of research and the model used when studying the issue, including to make sure the study is referring to levels of fluoride considered optimal, which is now 0.7 parts per million, according to new recommendations the Environmental Protection Agency published this spring.
That was lowered from a previously accepted range of 0.7 to 1.2 parts per million because as more products are providing fluoride, some children in certain communities in the U.S. were experiencing dental fluorosis, a staining of the teeth that Levin called a “cosmetic issue.” Communities with the lower amount of fluoride in their public water, as Snowmass Village already had, still have 25 percent fewer dental caries than those that don’t fluoridate, Levin said. And oral health affects overall health, as poor oral hygiene can lead to or exacerbate other infections, she said.
“We do have a population of people who are low-income,” Stark said. “And oral health is a problem for that population.”
Dental care is expensive, and while the county has a growing number of residents who are eligible for Medicaid, they have to travel to Rifle or Glenwood Springs to find dentists who will accept those plans, Stark said.
Because that population has fewer options within their means for taking care of their children’s oral health, Levin advocates for residents who have greater means and don’t want fluoride in their drinking water to purchase a reverse-osmosis or other removal system for their homes.
“They have a choice,” she said. “There are devices to take fluoride out of your water. … Don’t take it away from people who don’t have the means to make that choice.”
Levin and Stark said neither of them have had any contact with the board of the Snowmass Water District but that they do plan to attend its next meeting when members will review the responses to the survey and revisit their decision this summer.
Responses to a mail-in survey must be postmarked no later than Thursday. While a survey will remain open on the district’s website after that, only responses to the mail-in survey will be tabulated. Those data will be presented to the board at its Oct. 21 regular meeting.
Links to resources, including a video of a panel of experts debating the topic in Denver — Denver Water later decided to continue fluoridating its drinking water — also are available on the district’s website at
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Statins: Heart disease drug speeds up ageing process, warns new research
STATINS make regular users become older faster, leaving them open to long-term mental and physical decline, according to disturbing new research.
Scientists have found the heart disease drug badly affects our stem cells, the internal medical system which repairs damage to our bodies and protects us from muscle and joint pain as well as memory loss. Last night experts warned patients to “think very carefully” before taking statins as a preventative medicine.
A GP expert in the field said: “They just make many patients feel years older. Side effects mimic the ageing process.”
The new research by scientists at Tulane University in New Orleans has reignited the debate about statin side effects which many doctors say have been played down.
They include memory loss, muscle pain, diabetes, cataracts, liver dysfunction, diabetes, fatigue and memory loss. Professor Reza Izadpanah, a stem cell biologist and lead author of the research published in the American Journal of Physiology, said: “Our study shows statins may speed up the ageing process. “People who use statins as a preventative medicine for heath should think again as our research shows they may have general unwanted effects on the body which could include muscle pain, nerve problems and joint problems.”............
11 years to find out they do more harm than good.
A GP expert in the field said: “They just make many patients feel years older. Side effects mimic the ageing process.”
The new research by scientists at Tulane University in New Orleans has reignited the debate about statin side effects which many doctors say have been played down.
They include memory loss, muscle pain, diabetes, cataracts, liver dysfunction, diabetes, fatigue and memory loss. Professor Reza Izadpanah, a stem cell biologist and lead author of the research published in the American Journal of Physiology, said: “Our study shows statins may speed up the ageing process. “People who use statins as a preventative medicine for heath should think again as our research shows they may have general unwanted effects on the body which could include muscle pain, nerve problems and joint problems.”............
BBC NEWS | Health | Statin-fortified drinking water?
1 Aug 2004 - Has cardiovascular disease become so common that statins may as well be added to the water supply?11 years to find out they do more harm than good.
USA - City council committee defies Austinites once again by failing to support motion to end water fluoridation
The August 19 meeting was a continuation of the June 17 gathering in which the City of Austin failed miserably to present evidence showing why water fluoridation is necessary. Anti-fluoridationists, however, presented more than 50 pages worth of scientific reviews and studies detailing the adverse health impacts of water fluoridation.
Instead of voting in favor of the anti-fluoride activists who more fairly represent the public and had taken the time to prepare and show up, the city was given another chance to present their case.
You can video of the meeting here.
City of Austin employees turn to Nazi style tactics to push fluoride
Hitler's Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels famously said, "If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes truth."
Clearly a supporter of this ideology, Austin's Medical Director and Health Authority Dr. Philip Huang opened his pro-fluoride argument insisting that the chemical is natural, natural, natural. However, those who are informed would likely agree that's there nothing natural about hydrofluorosilicic acid, a byproduct of the phosphate fertilizer industry.
"One parts per million is the same as one inch in relation to 16 miles," said Huang, attempting to make the argument that such low levels of fluoride couldn't possibly be harmful.
The argument is completely idiotic for two reasons: One being that many poisons are extremely toxic even in very low concentrations and the second is that if one ppm is too low to have any effects, then why do we need it in our water?..................
Saturday, September 26, 2015
City Hall presentation hints at the dangers of hydrofluosilicic acid lead pipe leaching effects during the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee - Meeting 7 - September 22, 2015
USA - Letter: Stop forced fluoridation
As a local holistic physician, I appreciate Dr. Phil Davis DDS alerting us to the risks of mass fluoridation. I will add that pregnant women are advised to avoid fluoridated drinking water, and infant formula should be mixed with non-fluoridated water. Unless we are willing to buy bottled water for low-income residents, we are forcing fluoride upon those tiny vulnerable brains, which has been shown to lower IQs. I call that economic and therefore racial discrimination. Please help Asheville stop forced fluoridation.
Dr. James Biddle, Asheville
Dr. James Biddle, Asheville
There seems to be no good reason to systemically increase fluoride levels in the body
by adding it to the public water supply.
Scientific reviews provide strong evidence that excess fluoride in water is dangerous to human health and may not even prevent cavities. So why do two out of every three Americans drink fluoridated tap water or use it in cooking, and for brushing their teeth?
We’ve based fluoridation on outdated research originating from the 1940s. Old research models are sometimes classics: once true always right. Older models are often wrong, however, or at best partially right.
The latest research results challenge the safety of fluoride treated water. A Cochrane systematic review published online in June 2015 found that since 1975, only three out of 107 studies support the premise that fluoride reduces cavities.
Fluoride is not an essential nutrient. No nutritional deficiency is associated with lack of fluoride. It has been used as a drug to improve public health, but I suspect that’s not only a flawed policy, but may also lead to disease.
Seven Conditions Associated With Too Much Fluoride
Impaired learning
Memory deficit
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Impairment of brain development in children
Impaired thyroid function
Dental fluorosis
Skeletal fluorosis................................
Friday, September 25, 2015
Canada - Council could finally make a decision on water fluoridation next month
City administrators are expected to file a report at city hall Oct. 13 that will outline the ramifications of re-introducing the fluoridation process to our water - or keeping additive out.
Two years ago the fluoridation of our water was discontinued after technical problems at the treatment plant occurred, followed by health and safety concerns.
While medical professionals have long suggested the benefits of water fluoridation, especially in terms of dental care, the decision for councillors could boil down to money.
It is expected to cost as much as $300,000 to upgrade the water treatment plant, as well as an extra $50,000 a year in operational expenses.
"To put it back there would be some substantial costs," said city infrastructure manager John St. Marseille Thursday. "There is still an outstanding report to bring back to allow for some public discourse on how to proceed."
Critics have argued the risks of using chemicals to treat the water present too many worries for workers, while also creating a danger for those who consume it.
So-called "hydrofluorosilicic acid" is used to create fluoride in the water, and municipal officials, in past city reports, consider it dangerous.
"There are significant health and safety risks associated with handling this product," said environmental services manager Morris McCormick in a report to council. "Hydrofluorosilicic acid vapours react with moisture in the air to produce a very corrosive environment that can cause severe skin and eye burns. Contact with liquid hydrofluorosilicic acid can also cause severe burns.
"Of particular concern is the effects of contact with this product may be delayed. Damage can occur without initial onset of pain. Treatment may be too late to prevent damage."
In September, 2013 a "dosage feed pump" failed at the water treatment plant. The pump adds the necessary chemicals to create fluoride for our drinking water.
There were also leaks of the chemicals when the pump failed.
The city retained some experts who made a slew of health and safety recommendations concerning the storage area where the chemicals are kept, including improved breathing apparatuses, ventilation and practices should a spill occur.
USA - Community meeting will discuss fluoridation
Posted: Thursday, Sep 24th, 2015
A group called Clean Water Newport is hosting a community meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 30, to talk about the fluoridation issue currently facing the Newport City Council — the council is scheduled to vote at its Oct. 19 meeting whether or not to add fluoride to the city’s drinking water.
The community meeting begins at 7 p.m. at Central Lincoln PUD, 2129 N Coast Highway,
USA - Letter writer: Evidence makes case to stop adding fluoride to Asheville’s drinking water
Posted on September 24, 2015 by Letters
Graphic by Lori Deaton

In reference to [“Protection or Poison? Food Policy Council Urges Asheville to Stop Fluoridating Water,” Sept. 9, Xpress], this article gives a good case for the U.S. to stop putting fluoride in drinking water.
Mayor [Esther] Manheimer said that because the fluoride was put in by a referendum, a referendum is needed to take it out, but a referendum will not work because the same big dirty money that put it in will come in in droves to prevent it from discontinuing.
Since it can be shown that fluoride is ineffective and harmful to our health, a case can be made to discontinue putting it in. There is considerable evidence that it is not only harmful to our health, but ineffectual.
— Edward Daigle
Thursday, September 24, 2015
6 Healthy Eating Tips That Aren't True
6 Healthy Eating Tips That Aren't True
Healthy Eats (blog)-20 hours ago
Further, bottled water does have a larger carbon footprint than tap water, and doesn't contain the nutrients found in tap water (such as fluoride). This may be a ...
That is wrong as well fluoride is not a nutrient.
Let's talk about sugar
September 24, 2015 -- Several scholars from the International and American Association for Dental Research (IADR/AADR) are calling for a re-emphasis on free sugars as the main cause for caries. The authors of two recent papers criticize both the thought that caries is a "multifactorial condition" and the lack of sugar-related policies.
The first article, "Diet and Dental Caries: The Pivotal Role of Free Sugars Reemphasized," reviews various clinical studies and argues that free sugars are the primary factor in the development of caries. The second, "The Confluence of Sugar, Dental Caries, and Health Policy," examines how current health policies do not reflect the latest scientific research and questions what can be done to change that. Both papers were first published online in the Journal of Dental Research on August 10, 2015, and will appear in the October 2015 print issue.
"The importance of sugars as a cause of caries is underemphasized and not prominent in preventive strategies," wrote the authors of the "Diet and Dental Caries" article. "This is despite overwhelming evidence of its unique role in causing a worldwide caries epidemic."
Not multifactorial
Aubrey Sheiham, BDS, PhD, lead author of "Diet and Dental Caries: The Pivotal Role of Free Sugars Reemphasized."
Water NZ calls for governmentto make fluoridation Compulsory
Water NZ calls for government to make fluoridation of public water compulsory - again
Water New Zealand is again calling on the government to make fluoridation of public water compulsory. The call comes with the release of a new Australian study, confirming the benefits of fluoride in drinking water.
The Scientific Research Report published in the International Dental Journal in June reported on a four year study of five to seven year olds in three study locations in New South Wales. The study concluded that the proportions of children free from dental decay were significantly higher in areas receiving fluoridated water than in the un-fluoridated area.
“This report is another example of the benefits of fluoride. The science is settled. It is time for central Government to step up and take a stand on the issue. It is a matter of public health, not something to be decided case-by-case by local councils,” says John Pfahlert, CEO of Water New Zealand.
"Rate payers should not be funding an emotional debate fuelled by conspiracy theorists. Instead, central government needs to show leadership and take onboard the advice of Ministry of Health officials and qualified scientists," Mr Pfahlert says.
Water New Zealand, along with many other organistions including Local Government New Zealand and the NZ Dental Association, advocate that central Government implement legislation insisting on nationwide fluoridation of public water supplies.
“The Government has already endorsed the use of fluoride. In 2014 the office of the Prime Ministers Chief Science Advisor issued a report which conclusively demonstrated the health benefits from fluoridation at the correct dosage, and that the risks were virtually non-existent.”
This support is based on sound science that fluoride application rates between 0.7 – 1.0ppm are safe for human health.
Scientific research report - A four year assessment of a new water-uoridation scheme in New South Wales, Australia:
"emotional debate fuelled by conspiracy theorists"
My 24 hour google search today brought an Echo article up.It’s a whole page with pictures of our battle against the implementation of fluoridation in Southampton
Below is another reminder of the arguments against the now defunct Strategic Health Authority claims. Shame he brought in about the Nazi connection.
I wonder what Steven Slott and Ken Perrott would make of it?
Do you drink tap water? Ever wonder what’s in it? I have, so over the summer I went to the St Paul Water Utility and received an education in how water is taken from the Mississippi River and processed into St Paul’s tap water. St Paul spends $120,000 a year adding fluorosilicic acid (fluoride) to the water supply. They do this to comply with what has been public policy in the U.S. since 1962.
In June of this year, the Cochrane Collaboration published a report stating their findings by reviewing all available studies on water fluoridation. As reported by Newsweek on 29 June 2015, they found very little reliable evidence to support water fluoridation. In fact, the researchers suggested that if water fluoridation were suggested as public policy today, it would most certainly fail.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Published on 22 Sep 2015
Just curious. If there were a magic substance that we could paint on your teeth in less than a minute, you could eat and drink right away, it could literally make the molecular structure of your teeth impregnable to bacteria, it could decrease sensitivity, it could seal microscopic pores and cracks on your teeth, it could seal and protect the gaps around fillings and crowns, it could protect the exposed roots of your teeth from the effects of dry mouth, it could actually kill bacteria in the mouth and it stayed active for about 4 months wouldn’t you want it? Yeah me too – it’s called Fluoride Varnish.
Unlike in the past when you bit into a tray with this horrible tasting gel or foam and drooled for 4 minutes, we can paint this little liquid on your teeth that “sets” as soon as saliva touches it. The fluoride then stays on your teeth for hours (until the next time you brush), which allows it to penetrate the enamel and perform all of the aforementioned miracles.
There has been a lot of disinformation and overall weirdness on the internet about fluoride. I am not here to argue one way or another. I can tell you what I believe. Point blank – at just $35 bucks per application, Fluoride is the best bargain in dentistry today (whether your insurance covers it or not). Period. End of sentence. Can I get an AMEN sistahs!!
In the script.he left out the reference to us who do not agree with his recommendation that we are crazies.
Unlike in the past when you bit into a tray with this horrible tasting gel or foam and drooled for 4 minutes, we can paint this little liquid on your teeth that “sets” as soon as saliva touches it. The fluoride then stays on your teeth for hours (until the next time you brush), which allows it to penetrate the enamel and perform all of the aforementioned miracles.
There has been a lot of disinformation and overall weirdness on the internet about fluoride. I am not here to argue one way or another. I can tell you what I believe. Point blank – at just $35 bucks per application, Fluoride is the best bargain in dentistry today (whether your insurance covers it or not). Period. End of sentence. Can I get an AMEN sistahs!!
In the script.he left out the reference to us who do not agree with his recommendation that we are crazies.
Canada - Fluoride debate packs council chambers
By: Stephannie Johnson, Parry Sound North Star, Parry Sound, Ontario 18-Sep-2015 – Dentists, community group face off with pleas for, against fluoride
Tuesday evening Parry Sound residents and some from surrounding municipalities filled town council chambers to capacity – and then some – to debate water fluoridation.
On June 2, council defeated a recommendation put forward by staff for the removal of fluoride from the town’s drinking water. The recommendation came due to the hazards associated with its distribution.
“This chemical is highly dangerous to work with,” wrote Peter Brown, town director of public works in his June 2 report. “Staff have to wear personal protective equipment each time the chemical is decanted. It has been shown to etch glass and degrade paint on walls in the plant. It is not a safe chemical. I believe the town may be placing the staff at risk when they are exposed to it.”
At that meeting there was only one deputation regarding Brown’s report and it came from North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit medical officer Dr. Jim Chirico who insisted the town keep the chemical in its water.
Brown said if the town chose to keep its water fluoridated, it needed to consider upgrading its storage and dispensing procedures for the health and safety of staff.
At its June 2 meeting, council defeated Brown’s recommendation, thereby keeping its water fluoridated.
At its September 1 meeting, Brown brought another report to council; this one outlining the necessary $250,000 upgrades to the Tony Agnello Water Treatment Plant. The upgrades would ensure staff is safe while dispensing the fluoride into the water system.
“The decision to continue fluoridation safely will be costly,” Brown wrote in his September 1 report to council. “The engineer has estimated the capital work to be in the range of $150,000. Engineering cost is estimated to be in the range of $50,000. Considering the amount of work required and time frames, I would estimate the cost of the entire work to be closer to $250,000. And to be quite frank, the Town of Parry Sound has no choice but to proceed with this plan.”
Council agreed and plans to spend the $250,000 for the upgrade.
Tuesday night, resident Andrea McIntyre, representing the group Parry Sounders for Progressive Water Management, spoke and asked those in attendance to stand if they were in support of the removal of fluoride; nearly all present, about 70 people, stood or raised their hands.........
USA - Q & A: Everything You Wanted To Know About Fluoridation
26 Sept
Q & A: Everything You Wanted To Know About Fluoridation
Event in Berkeley
2200 Oxford St,Berkeley
Saturday 26 September 2015, 14:00 till Saturday 26 September 2015, 16:00
Organized by : Clean Water California
Stand with us in opposing the dangerous and ineffective policy of adding industrial grade fluoridation chemicals into our tap water.
Activities Berkeley / Description
So you’ve been hearing a lot about fluoride lately and you’re just not sure what to make of it.
Join us for a special Q&A Session on Water Fluoridation in the Bay Area
Michael Connett (toxic tort attorney and Special Projects Director at Fluoride Action Network) joins Dr. Angela Hind M.D. and environmental attorney Doug Ruley in a candid discussion on the efficacy, safety, and politics of water fluoridation. Prepare to be challenged with inconvenient truths that reveal long-hidden health hazards, fraudulent findings, collusion, and corruption.
This is a free event and lunch is on us. Yes, we said that - Free Food!
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Department of Health written question – answered on 21st September 2015.
Earl Baldwin of Bewdley Crossbench
To ask Her Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of the statement in the 2015 systematic Cochrane review Water fluoridation for the prevention of dental caries that the authors’ confidence in evaluating fluoridation’s effectiveness was limited by there being "very little contemporary evidence, meeting the review’s inclusion criteria", and by "the high risk of bias within the studies and, importantly, the applicability of the evidence to current lifestyles".
Hansard source
(Citation: HL Deb, 21 September 2015, cW)
Lord Prior of Brampton Conservative
The results of the 2015 ‘Cochrane Review’ Water fluoridation for the prevention of dental caries’, Iheozor-Ejiofor et al, Feb 2015 are broadly consistent with those from other systematic reviews conducted over the past 15 years in concluding that this public health measure is, as the Cochrane authors state, “effective at reducing levels of tooth decay in both children’s baby and permanent teeth.”
The Cochrane review used specific and relatively narrow criteria requiring that studies include baseline measures of dental caries in two communities, one of which then introduced fluoridation within three years. This approach had the consequence of excluding numerous studies conducted over the past 25 years which compared dental caries levels in fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities. The Cochrane reviewers acknowledge in their report that there may be concerns regarding the exclusion of these studies from their review.
The Cochrane review analysed studies conducted in different ways at different times in different places, finding consistent reductions in levels of dental caries following the introduction of fluoridation. The term ‘bias’ used in the Cochrane review has a specific scientific meaning relating to controlling for other factors such as dietary habits that might have affected the levels of dental caries in the populations studied. The reviewers recognise that this bias “may occur in either direction”.
Relatively recent studies which did not meet the reviewer’s specific inclusion criteria have continued to find substantial dental benefits of water fluoridation. Public Health England’s (PHE) recent Monitoring Report (2014) looked at fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities in England and found that communities served by water fluoridation schemes continue to show lower levels of tooth decay.
A copy of PHE’s report is attached.
PHE Water Fluoridation Monitoring Report (PDF Document, 100.05 KB)
To ask Her Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of the statement in the 2015 systematic Cochrane review Water fluoridation for the prevention of dental caries that the authors’ confidence in evaluating fluoridation’s effectiveness was limited by there being "very little contemporary evidence, meeting the review’s inclusion criteria", and by "the high risk of bias within the studies and, importantly, the applicability of the evidence to current lifestyles".
Hansard source
(Citation: HL Deb, 21 September 2015, cW)
Lord Prior of Brampton Conservative
The results of the 2015 ‘Cochrane Review’ Water fluoridation for the prevention of dental caries’, Iheozor-Ejiofor et al, Feb 2015 are broadly consistent with those from other systematic reviews conducted over the past 15 years in concluding that this public health measure is, as the Cochrane authors state, “effective at reducing levels of tooth decay in both children’s baby and permanent teeth.”
The Cochrane review used specific and relatively narrow criteria requiring that studies include baseline measures of dental caries in two communities, one of which then introduced fluoridation within three years. This approach had the consequence of excluding numerous studies conducted over the past 25 years which compared dental caries levels in fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities. The Cochrane reviewers acknowledge in their report that there may be concerns regarding the exclusion of these studies from their review.
The Cochrane review analysed studies conducted in different ways at different times in different places, finding consistent reductions in levels of dental caries following the introduction of fluoridation. The term ‘bias’ used in the Cochrane review has a specific scientific meaning relating to controlling for other factors such as dietary habits that might have affected the levels of dental caries in the populations studied. The reviewers recognise that this bias “may occur in either direction”.
Relatively recent studies which did not meet the reviewer’s specific inclusion criteria have continued to find substantial dental benefits of water fluoridation. Public Health England’s (PHE) recent Monitoring Report (2014) looked at fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities in England and found that communities served by water fluoridation schemes continue to show lower levels of tooth decay.
A copy of PHE’s report is attached.
PHE Water Fluoridation Monitoring Report (PDF Document, 100.05 KB)
Researchers discover structure of fluoride-specific ion channel
Researchers discover structure of fluoride-specific ion channel
Creation of 'atomic blueprint' is a biological novelty
Fluoride protects our teeth against cavity-causing bacteria by making our teeth stronger. But what if we could find a way to trap fluoride ions (the negatively charged form of the chemical element fluorine) inside bacteria? At the right concentration, fluoride ions are highly toxic to bacteria, wreaking havoc on their proteins and disrupting critical cellular functions. Bacteria, however, can fight back, exporting the toxic fluoride ions out using specialized proteins called fluoride-specific ion channels................................And we are supposed to drink it to to treat our teeth! Our gut is teeming with helpful bacteria.
ADA Hosts Celebration of 70 Years of Water Fluoridation
Dr Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), sent greetings via a video in which he noted that fluoridation is everything a public health intervention should be — cost effective, equitable, safe and highly impactful.
Dr Raymond Gist, 2010-11 ADA president, provided his perspective on the history of fluoridation and was followed by Evanston, Illinois, Mayor Elizabeth Tisdahl who discussed the role Evanston played in early fluoridation trials in the 1940s. Dr Chase Klinesteker provided the Grand Rapids story and discussed his experience as a child participant in the Grand Rapids fluoridation trial.
The remainder of the day-and-a-half event was dedicated to discussing the current science surrounding fluoridation, sharing legislative and legal strategies, and focusing efforts on securing water fluoridation for U.S. communities with expert panelists and presenters. Additional information can be found here.
The American Dental Association donated the use of its facilities and
additional in-kind services for the success of the symposium. and it got $35,000 donation from other sources to make it a success
Wish we had rich sponsors like that.
Monday, September 21, 2015
Australia -
Clunes fluoride dosing plant closed
Fluoride dosing has stopped at Clunes but only temporarily.
(Picture Robert Hearne)
Households within Lismore LGA receiving water via the Clunes fluoride dosing plant have been granted a short reprieve after the plant was taken offline on Friday.
Rous said that all water supplied to Clunes village had been within acceptable fluoride limits since the plant was commissioned.
But Rous GM, Kyme Lavelle said that ‘whilst the dosing plant is working fine, varying low flows are making the plant cut in and out on a frequent basis and it is therefore difficult to maintain a consistent flow of fluoridated water...................
Fluoride – Arkansas’ Protected Poison
Tami Greever’s highly acclaimed documentary about the dangers of the mandated fluoridation of drinking water in Arkansas is linked below.
“Fluoride – Arkansas’ Protected Poison”
Published on Sept. 14, 2015
USA - Let those who want fluoride add it themselves
Is Snowmass Village a part of America? Is this not America a land of freedom of choices, especially the choices concerning our body and our health? Why does this pro-fluoride group insist on imposing their limited knowledge (does anyone dare to say they know it all with 100 percent certainty?) of the health effects of fluoride onto the general population, adding it to our drinking water without consent? Why could they not leave the water free of fluoride and add/use fluoridated products readily available at their own will instead of dragging the rest of us with them? They do not need us, the non-believers, to hold their hands to go down that path, or do they? If they insist upon adding this toxin to my drinking water, I will lose my freedom and right to enjoy the tap water I pay for.
So, leave the water free of any additives except the naturally occurring elements and leave the choices of additives to the people. One could even predict, according to the theory that fluoride is good for your teeth, lets medicate everybody, that we’ll have Prozac added to our drinking water down the road because it is good for somebody’s mental health.
No on fluoride! Let’s have our drinking water without any additives and let freedom of choices ring!
C C Jacobson
Snowmass Village
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Not convinced about chem trails but there are too many contrails as there are too many planes making too many journeys, cars as well come to that.
Torrance ExxonMobil Refinery: What parents need to know
Torrance ExxonMobil Refinery after February 18th Explosion
Photo taken by Sara J. Romero
February 18th Explosion
According to an August 13, 2015 press release issued by the State Department of Industrial Relations, Cal/OSHA issued 19 citations to ExxonMobil Refining & Supply Company as a result of the February 18th explosion; all but one were classified as serious. Citations are classified as "serious" when refinery employees are in direct danger of serious injury or death. Of the 18 serious citations 6 were classified as "willful;" meaning ExxonMobil intentionally failed to comply with state safety standards. (Exxon is currently contesting all of these citations.)
According to an August 13, 2015 press release issued by the State Department of Industrial Relations, Cal/OSHA issued 19 citations to ExxonMobil Refining & Supply Company as a result of the February 18th explosion; all but one were classified as serious. Citations are classified as "serious" when refinery employees are in direct danger of serious injury or death. Of the 18 serious citations 6 were classified as "willful;" meaning ExxonMobil intentionally failed to comply with state safety standards. (Exxon is currently contesting all of these citations.)
Up until the February explosion, the Torrance ExxonMobil Refinery processed an average of 155,000 barrels of crude oil per day and produced 1.8 billion gallons of gasoline per year according to their corporate website. It sprawls across 750 acres, employs approximately 650 employees and 550 contractors. The benefits this refinery provides to the local, state and national economies are self-evident, however, the 86-year old refinery is one of a handful in the U.S. that still use a modified version hydrofluoric acid (HF) as a catalyst in petroleum refining, despite safer alternatives..........................
Modified Hydrofluoric Acid: Why it's dangerous
In 1986, the Amoco and Allied Signal Corporations sponsored 'Goldfish' tests in the Nevada Desert. During these tests, 1,000 gallons of HF were released within two minutes, under temperature and pressure conditions similar to a refinery alkylation unit. According to a July 9, 2015 report from Sally Hayati, a member of the Torrance Refinery Action Alliance, researchers were "shocked to discover that 100% of the released HF became airborne and formed a dense rolling cloud of toxic gas that moved with the wind. Within two minutes sensors showed lethal HF concentrations 5 miles away from the release point."
In 1986, the Amoco and Allied Signal Corporations sponsored 'Goldfish' tests in the Nevada Desert. During these tests, 1,000 gallons of HF were released within two minutes, under temperature and pressure conditions similar to a refinery alkylation unit. According to a July 9, 2015 report from Sally Hayati, a member of the Torrance Refinery Action Alliance, researchers were "shocked to discover that 100% of the released HF became airborne and formed a dense rolling cloud of toxic gas that moved with the wind. Within two minutes sensors showed lethal HF concentrations 5 miles away from the release point."
The University of North Carolina department of Environment, Health and Safety issued a chemical safety information document in December 2014 for HF. It states that HF differs from other acids because the fluoride ion penetrates the skin. Deep tissue layers are destroyed down to, and including, the bone. Pain and symptoms associated with HF exposure may be delayed up to 24 hours. If HF is not rapidly neutralized, tissue destruction may continue for days and result in limb loss or death.
Maureen Mauk, a Torrance resident and mother of two said, "There are over 250,000 people, including hundreds of families with small children, within a 5-mile radius of the Torrance Refinery. We shouldn't have to live in fear when a safer solution exists."
USA - “Trust us, We’re Experts!” More on the fluoride saga
By Marolee Smith, candidate for Port Angeles City Council
“Trust us, We’re Experts!” More on the fluoride saga
September 1, 2015 marolee
I don’t know if you’ve been to a city council meeting, but the audience is much larger, with more people for-and-against fluoride. We’ve had some ringers from out-of-town (like Dr. Bill Osmundson, DDS, MPH, a speaker who tours on behalf of the Fluoride Action Network. Likable guy, only I didn’t like that he misrepresented himself as being from Neah Bay, or Forks, or whatever). We have the local dentists show up en mass and parrot the stance of the American Dental Association.
First, it is bothersome that the dentists have swallowed this hook-line-and-sinker, and are using tactics right out of the playbook on how to oppose the anti-fluoride lobby. These tactics: call it pseudo-science, repeat the interest in health, talk about children (because puppies and kittens aren’t relevant in this argument), push “saving the children” as an emotional issue, and lastly, promote that “experts” are those that know best......
“Trust us, We’re Experts!” More on the fluoride saga
September 1, 2015 marolee
I don’t know if you’ve been to a city council meeting, but the audience is much larger, with more people for-and-against fluoride. We’ve had some ringers from out-of-town (like Dr. Bill Osmundson, DDS, MPH, a speaker who tours on behalf of the Fluoride Action Network. Likable guy, only I didn’t like that he misrepresented himself as being from Neah Bay, or Forks, or whatever). We have the local dentists show up en mass and parrot the stance of the American Dental Association.
First, it is bothersome that the dentists have swallowed this hook-line-and-sinker, and are using tactics right out of the playbook on how to oppose the anti-fluoride lobby. These tactics: call it pseudo-science, repeat the interest in health, talk about children (because puppies and kittens aren’t relevant in this argument), push “saving the children” as an emotional issue, and lastly, promote that “experts” are those that know best......
.............The questions residents of Port Angeles should be asking: Why the hard push to keep fluoride in OUR water? How is the city benefiting?
I find it curious that when Detroit, Michigan filed for bankruptcy, and they cut every service possible, except adding fluoride to the water supply. (Source: This was when the city was shutting OFF water to up to 3000 homes every week, because they couldn’t afford to provide services.
“In Detroit, after becoming the largest American city to file for bankruptcy, there is a move to quickly begin water shut-off to “protect the city’s budget.” Yet there is still money to be found by the city to purchase hydrofluorosilicic acid (fluoride) from private companies to add to the water supply. In fact, it is mandated, by Detroit city ordinance:...................................
Extract from long article.
Extract from long article.
Bedford - Letters: Fluoride question
SO glad the fluoride issue was mentioned in your paper t(Council Notebook, BoS, 13.9.15).
However, maybe your reporter was still recovering emotionally from the previous speakers for she heard my question incorrectly.
My question was, after replying to a letter sent to me by Cllr Mingay, was: 'Did Councillors see the documentary programme on Ch 4 in July showing how Finland REDUCED TOOTH DECAY in children?"
For your reporter's information Finland does not fluoridate its water supply. This documentary was about having no highly toxic poisons in the mouths of children or adults for that matter. 97 per cent of Western Europe does not fluoridate water.
HEALTH problems are the worst in fluoridated areas, just compare the Republic of Ireland with Northern Ireland and the rest of Western Europe. (ref: Declan Waugh 2012 report and that other buried report, which surfaced finally in 2013).
Just look at America!
Maybe your reporter could do an article on the Ch 4 Documentary?
Cynthia Bagchi