Monday, July 31, 2017
Sunday, July 30, 2017 - 8:33 am
POTSDAM -- The village may consider discontinuing fluoridation of the water supply, in part depending on the results of a study they hope to conduct.
The village equipment used to add the fluoride – a popular tooth decay prevention measure in the U.S. for decades – is old and might need repair or replacement soon, according to Village Administrator Greg Thompson.
“We need to start thinking about that,” Thompson said.
Before a decision to fix the 35-year-old equipment is made, the village wants to conduct a study of its condition. They are applying to the state Department of Health for a grant to pay engineers to “rate the equipment’s condition,” Thompson said.
Also in question is the desire of the community to continue the sometimes-controversial practice of adding fluoride to municipal water.
“Some municipalities have discontinued it, some have continued,” the administrator said.
Over the years, a movement has formed nationwide to stop the practice with varying numbers of adherents and degrees of success. They claim that adding the chemical is not worth the possible negative health effects.
Perhaps the most prominent proponent of the local anti-fluoride effort is Dr. Paul Connett, whose authority is bolstered by his experience teaching chemistry and toxicology at St. Lawrence University for 23 years.
Since leaving SLU, he has been executive director of the Fluoride Action Network and has written extensively on the topic, including as author of “50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation.” That work has been called an unreliable source, perhaps most notably by Terence W. Cuttress, an Australian academic who has challenged Connett's "50 Reasons" on grounds that it is not a thorough review of research, as Connett claims, but a carefully selected compendium of criticism of fluoridation.
Fluoridation continues to be endorsed by many leading health organizations, including the American Dental Association and the World Health Organization.
Thompson, while mindful of the controversy, does not intend to participate in the debate at this time, if ever, but wants to see the report on the Potsdam unit first.
Crazy advice for women from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists:
The ACOG says it is a "High-Risk Factor" if a woman lives in an area with "Inadequate Water Fluoridation." Therefore, ACOG advises women to take fluoride supplements.
The CDC Disagrees:
Based on the highest quality of criteria, there is "good evidence to reject the use of fluoride supplements for pregnant women," because there is "no benefit for their children." Furthermore, "No published studies confirm the effectiveness of fluoride supplements in controlling dental caries among persons aged >16 years." – CDC
Even the Australian Dental Association said:
"Fluoride supplements should not be taken during a pregnancy."
Worse: Fluoride supplements are prescription drugs that have never been proven safe or effective.
Research shows that the use of fluoride supplements (1.5 mg/day)
during pregnancy doubles fetal blood concentrations of fluoride.
The Preeclampsia Foundation recognizes the problem:
"For far too long, women have had a deficit of information about how the medications they need for other underlying health conditions can affect preeclampsia and their pregnancies... We need to take the next step forward in ensuring safe prescription drug use in pregnancy." – Executive Director
The Preeclampsia Foundation, however,
is ignoring placental fluorosis as a risk factor for preeclampsia.
The CDC Disagrees:
Based on the highest quality of criteria, there is "good evidence to reject the use of fluoride supplements for pregnant women," because there is "no benefit for their children." Furthermore, "No published studies confirm the effectiveness of fluoride supplements in controlling dental caries among persons aged >16 years." – CDC
Even the Australian Dental Association said:
"Fluoride supplements should not be taken during a pregnancy."
Worse: Fluoride supplements are prescription drugs that have never been proven safe or effective.
Research shows that the use of fluoride supplements (1.5 mg/day)
during pregnancy doubles fetal blood concentrations of fluoride.
The Preeclampsia Foundation recognizes the problem:
"For far too long, women have had a deficit of information about how the medications they need for other underlying health conditions can affect preeclampsia and their pregnancies... We need to take the next step forward in ensuring safe prescription drug use in pregnancy." – Executive Director
The Preeclampsia Foundation, however,
is ignoring placental fluorosis as a risk factor for preeclampsia.
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Curaçao, a Dutch Caribbean island - Starting Tuesday, No More Fluoride In Drinking Water
Starting Tuesday, No More Fluoride In Drinking Water
It will take a while before the water is really fluoride free.
More information to follow.
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Join me for a mind shifting conversation with author and artist Thomas Sheridan where we catch up on the stage of consciousness we are at currently and the journey that lead us to here.
To find out more please join me at my facebook group:
The girl against fluoride is no more.
We stopped fluoridation in Southampton if we hadn't fought it they would have gone ahead and poisoned our water. It wasn't black or white magic. We had no parasites in our group working with us perhaps that's why we won.
California water wells saturated with extremely toxic cancer-causing chemical
(Natural News) The water supply of a million Central California residents is contaminated with what is considered one of the most powerful carcinogens on the planet, and now the state is making a move to try to get the problem under control as the lawsuits against the companies responsible for the contamination continue to pile up. [RELATED: Dehydrated – CA residents’ drinking water reservoir nearly empty.]
According to NBC News, some people believe that the substance known as 1,2,3-trichloropropane, or TCP, in the water is behind the health problems plaguing those who live in the Arvin area.
Oregon Health and Science University’s Professor Paul Tratnyek, who studied the substance for the U.S. Department of Defense, said its toxicity is nearly unmatched by other chemicals. He noted that even tiny amounts of TCP in the water could cause health effects. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, it is “likely to be carcinogenic to humans.”
The California State Water Resources Control Board has now voted to set the limit of this substance in drinking water at 5 parts per trillion, and all wells in the state will be tested for it monthly starting this January. This will give water companies six months to fix any of the wells that are affected. The board’s vice chair, Steven Moore, applauded the move, saying that “it is disquieting how serious and insidious this chemical is.”
Exposure comes from drinking water that is contaminated with TCP or from cooking with it, showering in it, or otherwise inhaling its steam – for example, while washing dishes.
Tests from a state-certified lab revealed that the water in Arvin had more than six times the acceptable amount of this substance, which is a degreasing agent that is used to produce plastic products.
Problem traced back to pesticides
Lawyer Todd Robbins says the problem stems from two local industrial giants that were recycling TCP by pairing it with agricultural pesticides. He is now representing 30 communities that are suing the firms to cover the cost of the multi-million dollar filtration that must be instituted to clean the water supply.
He said, “TCP got into drinking water in the Central Valley because Dow Chemical Company and Shell Oil Company saw an opportunity decades ago to take a hazardous waste stream at their chemical plants, put it in barrels and sell it to farmers, who would then inject it into the ground.”
Many areas dealing with TCP water contamination
A similar lawsuit in Clovis, California, which sits just two hours to the north of Arvin, saw an award of $22 million for treating contaminated water and removing TCP from the wells there. The filters that can help fix the problem cost between $1 and $2 million per well.
In Bakersfield, city water rates are poised to climb 41 percent over the next two years to cover the $55 million cost of ridding its waters of TCP. The city is currently in the middle of a lawsuit against Dow and Shell in hopes of recouping some of the costs and mitigating the rate increase.
Arvin is a low-income area, and not everyone can easily pay for bottled water or water filters like the Big Berkey to clean their drinking water. On top of that, they still have to pay their water bills even though the water they are getting is toxic. Residents say the water has a bad smell and a chemical taste, and they are outraged that they are being forced to pay for a product that could kill them.
Unfortunately, this problem is not merely confined to California. After collecting data from water utilities around the country, the Environmental Working Group found that TCP is present in the water supplies of at least 17 states. A partial list is available on their website.
USA - Do We Still Need Fluoride in Our Drinking Water?
With mounting evidence that ingesting fluoride is harmful to human health, a case before the California court aims to end water fluoridation across the US.
If you want to limit the amount of fluoride you consume, the logical place to start is your tap. Most water filters don’t remove fluoride, so if you live in a municipality with naturally-occurring fluoride or one that fluoridates drinking water, choosing a filter designed to remove fluoride is your best defense. Note that fluoride exposure also comes from foods and drinks processed with fluoride, and until labeling laws require disclosure of fluoride, it’s best to assume that your soup, beverages, and other foods prepared with water will have a high probability of containing fluoride. Black and green tea also contain significant amounts of naturally-occurring fluoride, especially when they’re grown in regions with high fluoride levels.
You’ve no doubt been told by your dentist the importance of fluoride for preventing tooth decay. In addition to fluoride toothpaste, most dentists advise drinking fluoridated water to prevent cavities. Some pediatricians even recommend that kids whose water isn’t fluoridated take fluoride supplements. However, recent studies have challenged the conventional wisdom that fluoridated water prevents tooth decay.
Even more concerning is the mounting evidence that ingesting fluoride, even in amounts below the threshold set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), may be linked to a number of serious health effects, including lowered IQ, arthritis symptoms, weakened bones, and thyroid problems.
Anti-fluoride activists have been campaigning for years to have fluoridation guidelines re-evaluated. A case currently before a U.S. District Court in California aims to end the practice of fluoridating two-thirds of American water supplies.
Fluoridated Water May Not Significantly Reduce Cavities
It’s now widely accepted that fluoride’s protective benefits come from topical application, not ingestion. Numerous studies have shown the ineffectiveness of ingesting fluoride for preventing tooth decay, the only reason it’s added to our water supplies. Non-fluoridating countries in western Europe have seen the same decline in dental decay since the mid twentieth century as the United States, suggesting another explanation for reduced incidence of cavities, such as better dental care and widespread use of fluoride toothpaste.
Some experts estimate that fluoridated water may prevent at most one cavity per child. In a comparison of cavity rates in Canada’s province of Quebec, which largely doesn’t fluoridate, and Ontario, where three-quarters of the water is fluoridated, researchers found that Ontario kids had less than half a cavity fewer than their Quebec counterparts.
A comprehensive review conducted by the Cochrane Group found that the studies the CDC relies on for demonstrating the effectiveness of fluoride in preventing tooth decay mostly predate 1975 (and thus the common use of fluoride toothpaste) and have some design flaws that call their findings into question. Study authors conclude, “Though indeed in the decades before ubiquitous fluoride toothpaste, fluoridating water appears to have cut caries incidence, since fluoride is now understood to work better topically, water fluoridation seems unnecessary.”
A longitudinal study funded by the National Institutes of Health known as the Iowa Fluoride/Bone Development Study has followed 570 children from infancy to young adulthood to evaluate the effects of fluoridated water on dental decay and fluorosis as well as bone health. The study generally has found a 10-15% lower rate of cavity formation in children living in fluoridated areas versus non-fluoridated areas. Steven Levy, who directs the study, explains that because of the demographics of the cohort, the decrease in caries rates would likely be much higher in a population with higher risk factors. The study participants who have persisted tend to brush regularly with fluoride toothpaste and have consistent dental care. In populations without these advantages, Levy says, fluoridated water would likely have a far greater protective effect.
Questioning the Continued Use of Fluoride
One of the reasons fluoride has been presumed safe is the possibly flawed assumptions on which the EPA has based its guidelines. Crippling skeletal fluorosis, a condition causing pain and tenderness in the joints, is less likely at levels below 4 mg/l, so the EPA has used that level as its maximum allowed. The EPA set a second, non-enforceable limit of 2mg/l of fluoride to protect against dental fluorosis, a condition that weakens tooth enamel. While water utilities are not required to comply with the secondary standard, they are required to notify their customers when their drinking water exceeds this level.
Today more than half of all adolescents in the United States exhibit some signs of dental fluorosis. Research indicates that endocrine effects may occur at much lower levels than previously believed, and some experts think it prudent to assume that other health effects may also result from low-level exposure to fluoride. Canada and countries in the European Union set a permitted level at 1.5mg/l, which many feel is still too high.
In 2006 the National Research Council conducted a review of the EPA standard, and called for it to be lowered. Importantly, members of the review committee noted the need for further research on a number of fluoride’s possible health effects. As a 2014 review of extent research published in the Scientific World Journal concluded:
“…available evidence suggests that fluoride has a potential to cause major adverse human health problems, while having only a modest dental caries prevention effect. As part of efforts to reduce hazardous fluoride ingestion, the practice of artificial water fluoridation should be reconsidered globally.”
Late in 2016 a coalition of groups including Food and Water Watch, The American Academy of Environmental Medicine, Fluoride Action Network, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Moms against Fluoridation, and several private citizens filed a petition with the EPA calling for a ban on the addition of fluoridation chemicals to drinking water supplies. The EPA turned down the petition, claiming it did “not set forth a scientifically defensible basis to conclude that any persons have suffered neurotoxic harm as a result of exposure to fluoride in the U.S. through the purposeful addition of fluoridation chemicals to drinking water or otherwise from fluoride exposure in the U.S.”
The coalition has brought the complaint to the U.S District Court in Northern California for an independent de novo review. The court will be asked to assess whether fluoridation of water indeed presents an “unreasonable risk” and can compel the EPA to ban the addition of fluoride to public drinking water. Michael Connett, legal counsel for the plaintiffs, explains that “if the EPA applies its own risk assessment procedures to fluoride, it would recognize the potential for harm from fluoridated water.” Moreover, Connett points to “recent epidemiological data showing little or no difference [in caries incidence] in fluoridated vs. unfluoridated communities.” Though there have been some conflicting studies showing declines in rates of dental decay, Connett points out that “the magnitude of benefit” is small and needs to be weighed against the potential harm.
“…widely dispersing a neurotoxin throughout the environment can have devastating unintended consequences and warrants protective action sooner rather than later.”
-Michael Connett
Connett likens the situation to leaded gasoline, which government entities also believed safe until they discovered otherwise. Connett warns that as we learned in the case of lead, “widely dispersing a neurotoxin throughout the environment can have devastating unintended consequences and warrants protective action sooner rather than later.” He expects the EPA to respond to the complaint in early fall and the court to hear arguments a few months later.
The complaint cites over 300 studies showing fluoride’s neurotoxic effects, some at doses not much higher than what many of us ingest in drinking water and prepared foods on a daily basis. As with lead, mercury, and arsenic, mounting science suggests that levels of ingested fluoride thought safe are not, and the precautionary principle dictates avoidance of a substance until it’s definitely proven safe.
One of the many issues in water fluoridation is the problem of uncontrolled dosage. People’s intake of water and foods prepared with fluoridated water varies widely, and with the prevalence of fluoridated water used in prepared foods, it’s possible to exceed the maximum daily intake. Further, people respond differently to drugs, and offering the same dose to everyone regardless of age, health status, or other factors is hardly standard medical practice. It’s important to note that fluoride is not a nutrient, but a substance added to our water to prevent disease, which makes it a drug. We have rights under the law to refuse medical treatment, but avoiding fluoride is extremely difficult. Even if we remove it from our drinking water—at our own expense—we can’t easily avoid it in purchased food.
Reducing Your Fluoride Exposure
As our understanding of fluoride’s health effects continues to grow, more of us are adopting the precautionary principle in our approach to ingesting it. Will the courts weigh the evidence and rule that community water fluoridation is no longer a public good but a public health risk? Only time will tell
Fluoride in food and soft drinks which is derived from fluoridated water in production.
Recent information and past information indicates that fluoride in the water
can damage the thyroid gland. As some areas in the uk have fluoride added to water
where there are factories producing soft drinks and foods, it is likely some foods will have
fluoride which is not listed. Nutrition resource uk org shows that fluoride can be in foods such as tea especially tea and fruit teas in health shops. As fluoride cannot be removed
from the filtering process in water supplies, is there any new research investigating hidden
fluoride in foods in the UK?
Friday, July 28, 2017
There are many lessons for children to learn about oral health, many which their parents failed to master
Sweet tooth dental health
Doctors are calling for health warnings on confectionary packets to reduce the huge toll of children – 34,000 in the last two years – undergoing tooth extraction under general anaesthesia.
The proposal, at the British Medical Association’s annual representative meeting in Bournemouth, highlights increasing concern about reports that half of eight year olds have visible signs of dental decay, a third of children begin school with visible signs of decay and tooth extractions in the under-fours are up by 24 per cent in the last decade to more than 9,000 a year. Rotten teeth are the single biggest reason for children needing general anaesthesia.
The food and drink industry? Government? Parents? Changing eating patterns? Schools? The answer is all these and more besides, according to dentist Dr Nigel Carter, chief executive of the Oral Health Foundation.
He says: “Putting health warnings on confectionary packets wouldn’t have a significant impact. It would be just wallpaper. How many smokers are alarmed by or react to health warnings on cigarette packs? We need to look at the real problem areas.”
Tooth decay occurs when sugar reacts with bacteria in plaque. This forms the acid that attacks the teeth and destroys the enamel. The National Diet and Nutrition Survey reported last year that children aged four to ten were consuming twice as much sugar as recommended and teenagers three times as much.
Dr Carter says: “Astonishingly, five year olds eat their weight of sugar in a year. And yet the government continues to ignore the crisis and put the wellbeing of millions at risk by bowing to pressure from the food and drink industry.”
We have been brought up to eat three square meals a day, but a BBC Good Food poll found that nine out of ten people had abandoned that advice and resorted to snacking.
Snacking up to seven times a day is not unusual. Dr Carter says: “Snacking is not good for teeth because it takes between 40 and 60 minutes for saliva to restore the acid balance in our mouths after we have eaten sugary foods and drinks – and most meals contain sugar. So the mouths of seven-times-a-day snackers take a real battering.” Child snacks often come with sugary drinks such as fruit juice and cans of Coke, which Dr Carter warns may contain 12 spoonfuls of sugar.
Parenting and eating habits
The Oral Health Foundation is calling upon England to follow the example of Scotland where the Childsmile programme offers young children free toothbrushes, toothpaste, two fluoride varnish applications a year and free daily, supervised toothbrushing within nurseries and schools. Childsmile is reported to be saving almost £5 million a year in treatment costs such as extractions, fillings and general anaesthesia.
Dr Carter says: “The cost of Childsmile in Scotland was recouped within five years. Wales is now rolling out a similar scheme. There are a few isolated examples of good practice in cities like Hull, Leicester and Manchester, but English health authorities have shown reluctance to invest in Childsmile despite clear evidence about the overwhelming benefits. It’s very disappointing and shocking.”
Cutbacks have left English local authorities hard pushed to implement National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) oral health guidelines. Many local authority oral health promotion teams have been disbanded.
A survey by the Oral Health Foundation in 2016 estimated that almost four million under-14s in the UK are at risk from serious dental problems because of inadequate toothbrushing supervision.
More than one in three of the parents (37 per cent) said they stopped supervising their children’s brushing before the age of seven. NHS guidelines advise parental supervision up until at least the age of seven. One eminent expert recently went a step further. Nigel Hunt, of the Royal College of Surgeons, advised parents to brush children’s teeth, or at least supervise cleaning, until their permanent teeth are in place, at about the ages of 11 or 12.
This presupposes that parents know how to clean their own teeth properly, but many fail this test. Dr Carter says: “It’s the case of the blind leading the blind. Most people spend about 45 seconds cleaning their teeth.” Recommended cleaning time is two minutes, twice a day, including last thing at night.
Stopping children from becoming overweight by restricting sugar consumption could have a major knock-on effect on dental health, but Dr Carter described the government’s Childhood Obesity Strategy (COS) as “an absolute disaster which will lead to another generation of children with unnecessary oral health problems”.
He is not alone. The British Medical Association accused the government of “rowing back on promises”, while TV chef Jamie Oliver complained that proposals for food companies to reduce sugar levels in products were voluntary not mandatory.
The COS report says: “The food and drinks industry will be challenged to reduce overall sugar across a range of products that contribute to children’s sugar intakes by at least 20 per cent by 2020.”
Campaigners have welcomed clampdowns restricting junk food advertising on children’s TV programmes and in media where children make up 25 per cent of the audience, but children are still exposed to junk food adverts in family TV programmes. Doctors argue that since obesity kills as decisively as lung cancer, junk food advertising should be banned just like cigarette advertising.
But Dr Carter says that an advertising ban would not prevent retailers from positioning unhealthy food at child-high level. Does this point to a future where it may assume a kind of “top-shelf” status, like for soft-porn magazines, beyond the reach of tiny hands?

The proposal, at the British Medical Association’s annual representative meeting in Bournemouth, highlights increasing concern about reports that half of eight year olds have visible signs of dental decay, a third of children begin school with visible signs of decay and tooth extractions in the under-fours are up by 24 per cent in the last decade to more than 9,000 a year. Rotten teeth are the single biggest reason for children needing general anaesthesia.
The food and drink industry? Government? Parents? Changing eating patterns? Schools? The answer is all these and more besides, according to dentist Dr Nigel Carter, chief executive of the Oral Health Foundation.
He says: “Putting health warnings on confectionary packets wouldn’t have a significant impact. It would be just wallpaper. How many smokers are alarmed by or react to health warnings on cigarette packs? We need to look at the real problem areas.”
Tooth decay occurs when sugar reacts with bacteria in plaque. This forms the acid that attacks the teeth and destroys the enamel. The National Diet and Nutrition Survey reported last year that children aged four to ten were consuming twice as much sugar as recommended and teenagers three times as much.
Dr Carter says: “Astonishingly, five year olds eat their weight of sugar in a year. And yet the government continues to ignore the crisis and put the wellbeing of millions at risk by bowing to pressure from the food and drink industry.”
We have been brought up to eat three square meals a day, but a BBC Good Food poll found that nine out of ten people had abandoned that advice and resorted to snacking.
Snacking up to seven times a day is not unusual. Dr Carter says: “Snacking is not good for teeth because it takes between 40 and 60 minutes for saliva to restore the acid balance in our mouths after we have eaten sugary foods and drinks – and most meals contain sugar. So the mouths of seven-times-a-day snackers take a real battering.” Child snacks often come with sugary drinks such as fruit juice and cans of Coke, which Dr Carter warns may contain 12 spoonfuls of sugar.
Parenting and eating habits
The Oral Health Foundation is calling upon England to follow the example of Scotland where the Childsmile programme offers young children free toothbrushes, toothpaste, two fluoride varnish applications a year and free daily, supervised toothbrushing within nurseries and schools. Childsmile is reported to be saving almost £5 million a year in treatment costs such as extractions, fillings and general anaesthesia.
Dr Carter says: “The cost of Childsmile in Scotland was recouped within five years. Wales is now rolling out a similar scheme. There are a few isolated examples of good practice in cities like Hull, Leicester and Manchester, but English health authorities have shown reluctance to invest in Childsmile despite clear evidence about the overwhelming benefits. It’s very disappointing and shocking.”
Cutbacks have left English local authorities hard pushed to implement National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) oral health guidelines. Many local authority oral health promotion teams have been disbanded.
A survey by the Oral Health Foundation in 2016 estimated that almost four million under-14s in the UK are at risk from serious dental problems because of inadequate toothbrushing supervision.
More than one in three of the parents (37 per cent) said they stopped supervising their children’s brushing before the age of seven. NHS guidelines advise parental supervision up until at least the age of seven. One eminent expert recently went a step further. Nigel Hunt, of the Royal College of Surgeons, advised parents to brush children’s teeth, or at least supervise cleaning, until their permanent teeth are in place, at about the ages of 11 or 12.
This presupposes that parents know how to clean their own teeth properly, but many fail this test. Dr Carter says: “It’s the case of the blind leading the blind. Most people spend about 45 seconds cleaning their teeth.” Recommended cleaning time is two minutes, twice a day, including last thing at night.
Stopping children from becoming overweight by restricting sugar consumption could have a major knock-on effect on dental health, but Dr Carter described the government’s Childhood Obesity Strategy (COS) as “an absolute disaster which will lead to another generation of children with unnecessary oral health problems”.
He is not alone. The British Medical Association accused the government of “rowing back on promises”, while TV chef Jamie Oliver complained that proposals for food companies to reduce sugar levels in products were voluntary not mandatory.
The COS report says: “The food and drinks industry will be challenged to reduce overall sugar across a range of products that contribute to children’s sugar intakes by at least 20 per cent by 2020.”
Campaigners have welcomed clampdowns restricting junk food advertising on children’s TV programmes and in media where children make up 25 per cent of the audience, but children are still exposed to junk food adverts in family TV programmes. Doctors argue that since obesity kills as decisively as lung cancer, junk food advertising should be banned just like cigarette advertising.
But Dr Carter says that an advertising ban would not prevent retailers from positioning unhealthy food at child-high level. Does this point to a future where it may assume a kind of “top-shelf” status, like for soft-porn magazines, beyond the reach of tiny hands?
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Australia - Eden Magnet letters to the editor, July 27
Fluoride in perspective
The proponents of fluoridated water are trying to invalidate the opposition to fluoridation.
It's time to put the debate in perspective. Perhaps it makes sense that dentists are concerned with teeth rather than with overall health. Perhaps it suits legislators to slip fluoride into tap-water to set a precedent for introducing widespread medication of their electors.
So we have fluoride on one side, and a valuable raft of events on the other - toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, better trained dentists with far more sophisticated equipment and choices other than amalgam, extraction and laughing gas.
The critical event may just have been the widespread teaching of dental care in preschools and schools. Dental hygiene and awareness have improved greatly in the last 85 years,
Fluoride in drinking water causes discoloration of teeth for some people, and if there is a slight crack in a tooth fluoride can enter and gradually eat away the tooth's pulp.
While dosing at the water plant may be low, there is an accumulation throughout the day - it's in many toothpastes; in the water we use in soups and stew and we wash our vegetables in; it will be added to the soil whenever we water our plants; it is in commercial vegetables that use town water; and any food animals will have it in their bodies. So the dosage is way higher for those who live with fluoride in their water.
The fluoride that is added to water supplies comes from mining waste. It is a neurotoxin. The chemical compound being used has other neurotoxins in it as well.
So hooray for Dr Maria Claudianos. I wonder if most dentists are too busy making money or attending pharmaceutical company funded in-service training to do up-to-date research?
The growing amount of people's first-hand experience cannot be ignored, either.
There are serious questions to be answered:
Why is council even contemplating fluoridating the rest of the shire's water supply? Are they offering to cover our ensuing health costs personally?
Who is putting pressure on the state and federal governments to put a toxic substance into our water? Why are they going along with outdated and biased research to make their decision on?
If half the world is taking it out of their water, why on earth are they wanting to put it in? If in doubt, don't do it!
The question the BVS councillors should be considering is how quickly they can remove fluoride from the large part of the shire whose health it is damaging.
Maggie Camfield, Bermagui
Working towards best outcomes
Doug Reckord rightly observes that “community is very much about teamwork” (Letters, 14/7), however, like a team, the success of our community is also dependent on the ability of its members to work together to achieve the best outcomes for everyone.
Of course, where those entrusted with governing are not seen to be working to advance the best interests of the entire community, then it is inevitable that there will be disagreement and disharmony.
Doug contends that the health of our community will be enhanced by minimising criticism. However, putting to one side the fact that this thesis conveniently works to benefit those in power, I would contend that the health of the community is made stronger where it is capable of debating its differences in open, honest and respectful discourse, rather than closing its eyes and pretending they don’t exist.
As long as there are those in government, the bureaucracy, business or the media who are prepared to act contrary to the collective interests of our community, it is inevitable that there will be discord, and pretending that it will go away if we ignore it will resolve nothing.
John Richardson, Wallagoot
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
New report shows shocking inequality in children's dental health in Sheffield
Sheffield has a higher amount of tooth decay in this category than Rotherham, Barnsley and Doncaster and is six per cent above the national average. One Sheffield dentists called the figure 'shocking' and said the education message needed to be stronger to stop early onset dental problems in children. A report compiled by Sheffield Council, NHS England, Public Health England, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals and University of Sheffield School of Dentistry said the oral health of people in Sheffield is 'improving' but 'inequalities in oral health remain and there is still work to be done'.
The report seen by councillors said children living in the most deprived areas of the city had average tooth decay levels that were four times higher than those living in the least deprived areas. Totley dentist Dr Nigel Rosenbaum said the figures were 'shocking' Figures show in the Burngreave and City wards, between 50 and 60 per cent of children aged five have suffered from tooth decay. West Ecclesfield, Shiregreen & Brightside and Southey scored between 40 and 50 per cent in the same category. Dore & Totley, Crookes & Crosspool and Fulwood scored the lowest. Between zero and 10 per cent of children aged five living in these wards suffered from tooth decay.
The report also said around 1,000 children admitted annually to Sheffield Children’s hospital children for general anesthetics for the management of dental disease. Thousands of tooth brush packs have been distributed to children in Sheffield schools. Picture: Pixabay. Dr Nigel Rosenbaum at One80Dental on Baslow Road, Totley, said: "Through general experience and what I hear from colleagues, I'm not shocked it's that high but the inequality and gulf is a shocking figure, no doubt about it.
"There is a huge biological and financial cost to the city and the country. It's a crying shame that we have got so many kids going under general anesthetic to have teeth removed. "Schools could be doing a lot more in early years to get the message across - this shouldn't be about if people live in a more affluent area or not. "Parents may also think that if there child has baby teeth removed then it's okay because an adult teeth grows back in its place - this should be the mindset. Coun Jackie Drayton is the council cabinet member for children, young people and families "Giving babies water in bottles instead of syrup-type drinks and cutting sugary drinks before bedtime could go a long way in helping this problem." The report said: "Since 2008, the prevalence and severity of tooth decay in five-year-old school children has decreased.
However there is still work to be done to maintain these improvements and reduce the inequalities in children living in the most deprived areas of the city. "Although Sheffield has seen an overall improvement in oral health, many people still experience unacceptable levels of disease. Poor oral health will only be addressed if it is approached in the context of good oral health being vital for general health and wellbeing."
Sheffield Council has said it is tackling the problem with its Oral Health Improvement Strategy 2014-2017. The strategy was developed by the Council, Public Health England, the local NHS, dentists and Healthwatch. It focuses on improving exposure to fluoride, reducing exposure to sugars and tobacco. The report said there have been 'improvements in children’s oral health in Sheffield' during the period of this strategy. Progress was measured by the average number of decayed, missing and filled teeth in five-year-old children. All targets were said to be met and the he average number of decayed, missing and filled teeth in five-year-old children reduced to 1.1, the proportion of children with tooth decay reduced to 31 per cent - down from 36 per cent.
Over 6,200 tooth brushing packs are given out annually to school pupils and there are plans to maintain and expand numbers. The council is said to be looking into water fluoridation. A review is set to be carried out on further detailed examination of tooth decay trends and feasibility. The costs of a water fluoridation scheme in Sheffield has been estimated to be in the region of £1m for capital costs and up to £220,000 in revenue costs per year. Coun Jackie Drayton, cabinet member for children, young people and families said “These figures show the high levels of tooth decay in children in certain parts of the city, which is something preventable through good oral health and reducing the intake of sugary food and drink. It is something we take very seriously. “There is no doubt that getting all children into a good tooth brushing routine can prevent decay and improve oral health. We’re working to improve this in Sheffield by providing information and help for all parents and carers.
We’ve recently extended our tooth brushing clubs to 40 more schools and nurseries across the city, introducing more clubs in the areas with the highest levels of dental decay. “We know that high rates of tooth decay in certain areas are mirrored by the high rates of child poverty in those areas as well. “The most important thing I’d ask parents to do is brush their children’s teeth twice a day, limit sugary food and drinks and take their children to the dentist regularly from an early age. These things really make a difference.
“We will continue to call on the Government to get food manufacturers to cut the use of sugar in their products. We know that sugar is put into all sorts of food including savoury stuff and so I’d encourage everyone to look at the labels and see how much sugar is in products even the ones you think might be healthy such as yoghurts and juices.”
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
USA - Sellersburg residents frustrated with public works director after dirty water report
WDRB 41 Louisville News Video
SELLERSBURG, Ind. (WDRB) -- Some Sellersburg residents are worried the town will become the next Flint, Michigan, following the results of a 2016 water test.
Monday night’s town council meeting got heated at times as concerns were raised over a 2016 yearly confidence report involving Sellersburg water and monitoring violations. The test revealed chemicals in the water that included arsenic, cyanide and fluoride.
Residents say tests were never done in 2016, and therefore the state noticed monitoring violations and notified the city.
Municipal Works Director Ken Alexander said the water was tested but was reported late because of a personnel change.
“We are scared for our kids in the community,” said Brittney Ferree, who spoke at Monday’s meeting and has lived in Sellersburg her whole life. “It’s very scary. Especially after finding out that our water tank was painted in lead-based paint.”
A 2013 report showed paint on the city’s water tower tested positive for levels of lead above the recordable limit. Residents believe some of that lead flaked off is part of what caused the higher chemicals in the water.
“I assure you the Sellersburg Water Utility is run professionally and safely, meeting and exceeding all state and federal standards,” Council President Paul Rhodes read in a statement Monday night.
Alexander told WDRB News the city has been in compliance with the state’s water requirements, and so far in 2017 there have been no reports of violations, adding that the water is “totally fine.”
Councilman Bill Conlin is calling for Alexander’s removal of his position because he believes residents have lost faith in Alexander to manage water, drainage and sewer at a responsible level.
“I used to say Sellersburg was the best-kept secret in Kentuckiana," Conlin said. "I can’t say that anymore."
The next Sellersburg council meeting is Monday, Aug. 28 at 6 p.m.
Africa - Tanzania: Experts Begin Research On How to Counter Effects of Fluoride
By By Zulfa Musa
An intensive research on ways to counter the health effects of flouride on human health is underway here. Scientific researchers from Tanzania, Ethiopia, Kenya and the European Union (EU) are involved.
The lead researcher, Prof Giorgio Ghiglier from the Cagliari University in Italy said flouride affects humans when consumed through water.
The animals, including livestock, are also affected, although he noted that there was no conclusive research findings on its impact compared to humans.
"We are going to find out how the impact of flouride can be tackled from the water source," he said last week as the experts assembled at the Nelson Mandela University to take stock on the gravity of the situation.
The research will cover the semi-arid areas around Arusha and the Great Rift Valley that are known for having large quantities of flouride in water drawn from boreholes, lakes and rivers.
Speaking during the meeting, the Arusha regional water engineer, Joseph Makaidi said Tanzania was yet to find an effective technology to remove flouride from water for domestic use.
Recently, it was reported that a mini deflouridation plant would be installed at Oldonyo Sambu area in Arumeru district in an effort to counter the problem.
Flouride from water has for many years adversely impacted on the health of the residents of the area, weakening of their bones, including teeth, often leading to physical disability.
The plant, purchased at the cost of Sh4 million, was handed over to the villagers by the Arusha district executive director, D. Wilson Mahera over the weekend.
In Oldonyo Sambu water for domestic use has a high content of flouride, a naturally occurring inorganic chemical whose consumption through water is dangerous to health.
In the 1990s, the government set up a research centre for deflouridization of water at Ngurdoto outside Arusha in collaboration with the University of Dar es Salaam.
However, for many years the centre remained idle and it was reported only recently that it was about to operationalize a deflouridization plant that was to be installed there.
The brackish water consumed by hundreds of people in Arumeru district is reported to have caused physical deformities, including weakened bones which affected mainly legs and teeth.
The head of the research station, Godfrey Mgongo, said various options for removal of flouride from water have been tested in order to make the liquid free of the harmful chemicals.
One of the local solutions to remove flouride is to use the powder from the cattle bones on water.
Mgongo said the powder would remove flouride and make water safe for drinking and for other domestic use.
Fluoride water in marriguda
Why doesn't the authorities stop it happening? Are the people untouchables to be left to suffer?
Monday, July 24, 2017
F.A.N. newsletter
Latest Fluoride-Free
- Battlefield, Missouri (June 21)– The water district board voted unanimously to end fluoridation for the town of 6,000 due to corrosion caused by the chemical, and because of the availability of safer and more effective alternatives to reduce decay. The dental lobby and regional health officials who have received grants to promote the practice have vowed to fight the vote, despite the significant health risks to residents, the water infrastructure, and water employees.
- Nipawin, Saskatchewan (July 13)-- After months of consideration and a presentation by public health administrators, the Mayor and Council in Nipawin, Saskatchewan (pop. 4,401) voted 4-1 to reject a proposal by the Saskatchewan medical health officer to fluoridate the drinking water. As one councilor said, “It’s not our job to supply medication.” The Mayor also voted against the proposal because she felt the decision should be made by residents via a ballot referendum, not by councilors.
- Johnstown, Pennsylvania (July 21)– The Greater Johnstown Water Authority voted unanimously (11-0) to end the addition of fluoridation chemicals to the drinking water. The vote was influenced by significant opposition to the practice by water consumers, which was highlighted by the results of a customer survey on the issue in which 70% of respondents opposed fluoridation.
The Greater Johnstown Water Authority
serves an estimated population of 52,657. In Cambria County: the City of
Johnstown (19,712), Brownstown Borough (700), Dale Borough (1,160), Ferndale
Borough (1,600), Lorain Borough (714), Westmont Borough (4,876), East Conemaugh
Borough (1,145), Franklin Borough (300), Southmont Borough (2,150), Conemaugh
Township (2,000), Middle Taylor Township (800), Stonycreek Township (2,000),
Lower Yoder Township (2,500), Upper Yoder Township (5,000) and West Taylor
(6,000). Also included is Conemaugh Township in Somerset County
FAN Senior Advisor and chemist, Paul Connett, PhD, was recently in Pennsylvania for a public debate against retired Florida dentist and fluoridation propagandist Johnny Johnson, DDS. Click here to watch the 90-minute debate.
Residents and campaigners in Pennsylvania
have supplied steady wins for our movement, and have made it one of the most
active states for fluoridation votes and decisions. Here are the additional
Pennsylvania victories since 2011:
In 2016, Guilford
& Greene Township, with a combined population of
In 2015, Bellefonte with a
population of 6,224
In 2015, Brackenridge
Borough with a population of
In 2015, Schuylkill Haven with a
population of 5,340
In 2014, Ford
City with a population of
In 2014, Bucks
County with a population of
In 2013, Tyrone with a
population of 5,500
In 2012, West
Manheim with a population of
In 2012, Myerstown with a
population of 3,500
In 2011, Pottstown with a
population of 15,500
In 2011, Schuylkill Haven with a
population of 5,500
New Fluorosis Video
Do your
teeth, or your child’s teeth have white spots, white streaks, cloudy splotches,
brown stains, or pitting? If so, you or your child may be among the millions of
Americans who now have a condition called dental fluorosis.
is a defect of tooth enamel caused by too much fluoride intake during the first
8 years of life, and in the U.S. fluorosis rates have increased by 600% in just
the last 60 years.
this new short video to learn more, and please share
our Facebook and Twitterposts on
the video to help warn others via social media. You can also visit our webpage
on dental
fluorosis to learn more.
2017 Chilean review: fluoridation is ineffective & harmful
A team of experts from Chile--including doctors, biologists, a lawyer, a civil engineer, a toxicologist, an environmental expert, and a chemist--have published a damning review of water fluoridation in the Medical Journal of Chile, February 2017. The review was financed by the Medical College of Chile.
Chile is considered a pioneer in the
fluoridation of drinking water, starting in 1953 when Curico was fluoridated.
By 1958, nearly 60% of the country was fluoridated, and constant expansion has
led to a current rate of 82.5%.
Despite the long history of national
support for the practice, the article entitled, "Consequences of Fluoridation of
Drinking Water on Human Health," concludes that artificial fluoridation of
drinking water and milk has not only been ineffective at reducing dental decay
in children, but is likely harmful to health. According to the
The effects of fluoride intake pose risks of various diseases in the
asthmatic-skeletal, neurological, endocrine and skin systems. Dental and
skeletal fluorosis are signs of chronic and excessive ingestion of
Infants, children and adolescents are at high risk of diseases due to
over-intake of fluorides, through drinking water and / or fluoridated milk, as
the deterioration of health is proportional to the dose and the time of exposure
C) The fluoridation of drinking water does not significantly impact on caries prevention. For their effectiveness is rather a topical and non-systemic effect, as demonstrated by countries that do not fluoride drinking water, and do not use milk or fluoride salts, decreasing dental deterioration at the same rate as those that fluoride drinking water."
research team based their analysis on a review of all available studies that
included control of confounding variables. They
discuss fluoride's ability to cause bone, thyroid, neurological, and skin
damage. There is also in indepth analysis of WHO data that shows,
of drinking water and salts have no incidence at all in reducing dental
There was also a brief discussion on the
legal aspects of water fluoridation, which found the following:
"The fluoridation of drinking water in
Chile forces citizens to involuntarly consume a chemical they do not require.
For decade the majority of the Chilean population has been overexposed to this
potentially unhealthy element, transgressing constitional guarantees."
In response to their findings the
research team made the following recommendations:
" 1. To amend Decree No. 735 of November 7, 1969, updating it with Supreme Decree No. 131 of 2006, and the Regulations for Services for Human Consumption of 2007, to avoid fluoridation of drinking water and avoid fluoridation Of milk, in all regions of the country.
2. Prioritize the use of dental hygiene products containing the necessary, but minimal, amounts of fluoride to maintain dental health, strengthen education for better dental care and better nutrition.
3. Educate health and education professionals about the adverse consequences of fluoride intake.
4. To carry out epidemiological studies in Chile, to evaluate the adverse effects on health, through ingestion and use of fluorides, for decades."
FAN's Fluoride Conference in September
If you missed July’s International Fluoride Free Teleconference, the audio is now available to download or stream. During the call, Paul and Ellen Connett made some exciting announcements about the upcoming 6th Citizen’s Conference on Fluoride in Washington, D.C. from September 16th through 18th.
The three-day Conference will focus on Science (Saturday, Sept 16), Strategy(Sunday, Sept 17), and Action (Monday, Sept 18), with two days of speakers followed by a day of lobbying and sightseeing on Capital Hill.
To listen to July’s teleconference audio
and register for next month’s call, CLICK
Latest Fluoride News:
Businesses and Individuals Plan to Remove Fluoride (Pennsylvania)
-In Some
Areas, Fluoride Debate Rages (Indiana)
Angeles City Council Candidates Debate Fluoridation (Washington)
as a Ballot Measure in Sheridan (Wyoming)
Calamity Caused by Fluoride in Water (Vietnam)
Claire Fluoridation Debate (Wisconsin)
Still Mulling Fluoride Options (Wyoming)
For more fluoride related media, please
visit FAN’s News
See all FAN bulletins online
Change Yourself And You Change The World
“We are always looking for gratification and this can lead to all sorts of problems. For instance, we don’t like to scrub and scrape our cooking pots so we invented Teflon and nonstick pans. But now toxic perchlor fluoride from Teflon manufacturing can be found in the umbilical cord blood of 98% of newborns. Everything exists in relationship,” says author Marc Ian Barasch.
I've just bought a cast iron skillet doesn't seem to stick or burn only it is very heavy you need a strong wrist. It does need oiling before putting away to prevent rusting.
I've just bought a cast iron skillet doesn't seem to stick or burn only it is very heavy you need a strong wrist. It does need oiling before putting away to prevent rusting.
Fix Those Fluoride Stains Today!
Fix Those Fluoride Stains Today!
Have you noticed white or brown splotches or streaks on your child’s teeth? If you’re alarmed and beginning to think it is a form of tooth decay, you’ll be pleased to learn it’s more likely a case of mild to moderate dental fluorosis. Fluorosis occurs when tooth enamel is exposed to too much fluoride early in its development, which may cause the staining you’re noticing. The question is, though, what can you do about it?.....................
The question is have you enough money to pay for it?