Tuesday, March 31, 2020
WHY is John Furness and some others (HAS, Mar 20) afraid of looking at the scientific evidence against fluoridating water supplies that proves it to be unsafe, ineffective, costly and dangerous to our health?
Are they afraid that if they take their heads out of the sand, the truth might make them question their blind acceptance of fluoridation propaganda which is based upon wishful thinking and downright lies?
Answer: if they don’t look, they don’t have to find out!
Don’t let them fool you. Research it on Fluoride Action Network fluoridealert.org
A Hall, Darlington
Monday, March 30, 2020
Major studies clearly show the neurological damage of fluoride
In an effort to protect their unsubstantiated claims, proponents of water fluoridation consistently and irresponsibly refuse to acknowledge the clear and now indisputable fact: fluoridation chemicals damage the developing brain of our young. This article provides a summary of numerous major recent studies clearly showing the neurological damage caused by fluoride.
“The hypothesis that fluoride is a neurodevelopmental toxicant must now be given serious consideration…Exposure to fluoride has increased substantially in recent decades…If the effect sizes reported by Green et al and others are valid, the total cognitive loss at the population level that might be associated with children’s prenatal exposure to fluoride could be substantial.”
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Impetus from on high for community water fluoridation
NHS England is signalling strongly that community water fluoridation is the optimum intervention to improve the oral health of children and tackle health inequality among disadvantaged communities.
The new impetus is fully supported by the Community Water Fluoridation (CWF) network, which is pressing for targeted water fluoridation in areas of high need. Dr Simon Hearnshaw, speaking for the CWF network, says that the latest unprecedented support from government inspires optimism that the first new scheme in a generation could get the go-ahead.
Health minister Jo Churchill referenced water fluoridation in the House of Commons, responding to a written question about plans for improving children's oral health. Meanwhile, Sir Paul Beresford, Conservative MP for the Mole Valley, and a dentist, gave a powerful speech in favour of community water fluoridation in Westminster.
New content1 has been added to the NHS England website and a whole page2 is dedicated to Dental Care and Fluoridation. According to NHS England, if 5-year-olds with the most tooth decay drank fluoridated water they would have 28% less tooth decay and be 45-68% less likely to need teeth removed in hospital.
Dr Hearnshaw, Chair of the Local Professional Network (LPN) in Hull which instigated the CWF Network, said: 'NHS England is making the same case that is being made by us and by Public Health England.3 The whole philosophical thrust is towards the prevention of disease and in relation to dental decay, the most effective and cost-effective measure is water fluoridation.'
He welcomed the recognition on the new NHS England web page that support for CWF schemes at a local level by NHS representatives is important. Dr Hearnshaw believes this is a reference to the co-commissioning of feasibility studies by local authorities working with the NHS to provide a strong strategic and collaborative lead.
The CWF network would like NHS England to go one step further - it would like the recurring costs of water fluoridation to be funded by the NHS because it would benefit from the associated reduction in child hospital admissions for tooth extractions, estimated to be as much as £50 million annually in the UK.
Dr Hearnshaw continued: 'We have some way to go. Last month the USA celebrated 75 years of CWF. They have around 70% coverage, compared to only around 10% in the UK. All around the world new water fluoridation schemes are being adopted. We have not seen a new scheme in the UK since 1985.'
Of course NHS England support fluoridation they are the same people who manned the defunct SHA's who tried so hard to implement it before unsuccessfully in Southampton.
Friday, March 27, 2020
Review of the Draft NTP Monograph: Systematic Review of Fluoride Exposure and Neurodevelopmental and Cognitive Health Effects.
................Rationale for Not Performing a Meta-Analysis
The committee strongly recommends that NTP reconsider its decision not to perform a meta-analysis and, if it still decides not to do a meta-analysis, that it provide a more thorough and convincing justification for its decision. In the monograph, NTP states that a meta-analysis was not performed because of “heterogeneity in dose among the available human evidence, and because a hazard conclusion could be reached without conducting a meta-analysis” (NTP 2019, p. 13). A properly conducted meta-analysis can account for heterogeneity in exposure measurements and other aspects of study design, so it is not clear why heterogeneity was listed as a reason for not performing one. It would be difficult to perform one meta-analysis that includes both relative risk estimates and mean differences (or standardized mean differences), but these could be separated out into two meta-analyses. Potentially, meta-analyses of studies deemed sufficiently similar in their exposure and outcome metrics could also be performed and could address NTP's concern about heterogeneity. However, because NTP did not present the studies in a way that would suggest such groupings, the committee is unclear how feasible such analyses would be. The committee also recommends that NTP explain why it did not update the Choi et al. (2012) meta-analysis. NTP uses the funnel plot in Choi et al. (2012) as evidence of minimal publication bias in its systematic review. However, Choi et al. (2012) considered only a subset of the studies included in the systematic review, so NTP's claim of minimal publication bias would be strengthened by adding recent papers to the meta-analysis and constructing a new funnel plot.
Communication Regarding Lower Exposures
The discussion section of the monograph provides an informal assessment of the evidence with regard to exposure range and declares that the positive results are based largely on exposures greater than those used for fluoridation. The basis of that inference is not apparent, and it seems to contradict the earlier assertion that nearly all the studies are positive, including ones that assessed lower exposures. More important, as discussed in Chapter 2, this discussion gives a false impression that NTP conducted a formal dose–response assessment. NTP should make it clear that the monograph cannot be used to assess what concentrations of fluoride are safe.
The monograph “concludes that fluoride is presumed to be a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard to humans. This conclusion is based on a consistent pattern of findings in human studies across several different populations showing that higher fluoride exposure is associated with decreased IQ or other cognitive impairments in children” (NTP 2019, p. 59). The committee was tasked with assessing whether NTP satisfactorily supports its conclusion. In light of the issues raised by the committee regarding the analysis of various aspects of some studies and the analysis, summary, and presentation of the data in the monograph, the committee finds that NTP has not adequately supported its conclusion. The committee's finding does not mean that the conclusion is incorrect; rather, further analysis or reanalysis as suggested in the present report is needed to support the conclusion in the monograph.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
From Ann Wills
Researchers at Plymouth University have found a commonly used type of mouthwash could make saliva significantly more acidic. The study, the first of its kind, examined the effect of chlorhexidine mouthwash on the oral microbiome. The study concluded that using chlorhexidine mouthwash significantly increases the lactate-producing bacteria that lowers the pH of saliva. Researchers analysed mouth bacteria & their saliva buffering capacity (the ability to neutralise harmful acids in the mouth which cause tooth decay.) They found chlorhexidine led to more species within the Firmicutes & Proteobacteria bacteria families & fewer beneficial Bacteroidetes, TM7 & Fusobacteria. This is associated with a rise in acidity in the mouth & a reduction of beneficial microbial diversity in the mouth. Study led by Dr Raul Bescos who said “We believe this is the first study to look at the impact of 7-day use (of chlorhexidine) on the whole oral microbiome in human subjects.” Published in “Scientific Reports.”
UK -Anger as survey finds 1 in 3 five-year-olds have rotting teeth
Nearly one in three children in Kirklees already has tooth decay by the age of five - far worse than the national average, new figures reveal.
Youngsters had on average 4 rotten teeth and most had been left untreated thanks to a shortage in NHS dentists, a survey found.
The horrific levels of decay, highlighted by a Public Health England (PHE) survey, have been blamed on over consumption of sugary food such as juices, yoghurts, sweets and biscuits and a lack of teeth brushing.
Dental health campaigners have slammed the latest results as "unacceptable" after they showed no improvement on figures in 2017.
They have called for parents to do more about their children's diets and dental hygiene.
Extraction of teeth in young children often involves admission to hospital and surgery under general anaesthetic.
Nationally, the data shows that a third of children from more deprived areas (34.3%) had decay, more than double the rate for children from less deprived areas (13.7%).
The figures make grim reading for Kirklees health chiefs where 31.2% of five-year-olds had evidence of tooth decay in 2019, compared with a national average of 23.4%.
The figures make grim reading for Kirklees health chiefs where 31.2% of five-year-olds had evidence of tooth decay in 2019, compared with a national average of 23.4%.
REVEALED: Where candidates stand on fluoride debate
Observer-14 hours ago
My view on fluoridation will not change, I voted to remove fluoride from the water so that individuals can administer their own dosage of fluoride. Phil Fleming is ...
F.A.N. Newsletter
Federal trial against EPA on fluoridation
postponed due to coronavirus
A legal case challenging the safety of water fluoridation which was set for a two-week trial in April in federal district court in San Francisco has been postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak. The case against the EPA was brought by several environmental groups led by Food & Water Watch and Fluoride Action Network (FAN) under provisions in the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA). Plaintiffs argue the neurotoxic harm to children presents an unreasonable risk and far outweighs any possible benefit to teeth, reports Fluoride Action Network (FAN).
Paul Connett, PhD, director of FAN, says of the scientific evidence:
"As of 2020 there have been 72 fluoride-IQ studies, of which 64 found a lower IQ among children with higher fluoride exposure. Many of the earlier studies were in places with elevated natural fluoride levels. There is now very strong evidence that fluoride damages both the fetal and infant brain at the levels used in artificially fluoridated areas."
"You only have to read four studies to realize that deliberately adding fluoride to drinking water unnecessarily endangers children's brains. Three* of these four studies were funded by the National Institutes of Health."
The first* came in Sept 2017 with a groundbreaking study fromMexico City. This study found a strong association between the amount of fluoride women were exposed to during pregnancy and lowered IQ in their offspring.
The second* came in 2019 when a study published in JAMA Pediatrics essentially replicated the Mexico City finding in Canadian communities.
The third came in 2019 and found a staggering 284% increase in the prevalence of ADHD among children in fluoridated communities inCanada compared to non-fluoridated ones.
The fourth* came in 2020, when it was reported that children who were bottle-fed in fluoridated communities in Canada lost up to 9 IQ points compared to those in non-fluoridated communities.
"The level of evidence that fluoride is neurotoxic now far exceeds the evidence that was in place when lead was banned from gasoline."
"While we wait to prove our case in court, I urge everyone, including scientists, doctors, journalists and public health officials to read these four papers and not simply take the word of fluoridation promoters on the evidence. The risk to our children's developing brains is so great it is unconscionable to delay warnings to pregnant women and parents."
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
21 hours ago - Uploaded by New York University
Study Reveals How Too Much Fluoride Causes Defects in Tooth Enamel. Exposing teeth to excessive fluoride ...#176: HOW FLUORIDE COULD BE AFFECTING YOUR SKIN, HORMONES, AND BRAIN HEALTH WITH MELISSA GALLICO
Or, listen on your favorite app: iTunes (Apple Podcasts) | Stitcher | Spotify | Google Play | Pocketcasts
- Learn when and how fluoride air and water pollution was accepted as ‘non-toxic’
- How to find the hidden sources of fluoride in your diet and clear up your acne
- Which water filters and types of toothpaste you can consume without fluoride exposure
- The importance of being mindful and finding fluoride-free wine production
- What a typical fluoride flareup can look like and fluoride recommendations for all
Fluoride has been widely accepted as a ‘healthy’ additive to our water and oral care products since 1945, but did you know that it can have dangerous side effects when building up over time? Melissa Gallico went from being an FBI analyst to a podcast host and author focusing on the detrimental effects of fluoride through her own personal experience with acne breakouts when consuming fluoride. She is here to share her knowledge with you today.
Excessive exposure to fluoride can have a negative impact on everything from your reproductive issues to your cognitive development and decreased thyroid function, and sadly it is up to us to take control of our fluoride exposure. Everything from your water to your wine could have fluoride in it, which is why Melissa is here to explain the science behind fluoride and how you can protect yourself and your family from its damaging effects.
What are the most common sources of fluoride? What is the connection between fluoride and severe acne? How to you set up your family for success by decreasing your fluoride intake? Join us today as we share the answers!
There is a physical answer to the changes your body experiences when you travel, and if you have experienced the clearing of your skin, mind or just all-around better bodily functioning when you are abroad, this could be a sign that fluoride is one of your root-cause issues. Melissa wants to set you up for success by providing you with simple things that you can do right now to start to get to the bottom of your fluoride exposure.
Are you ready to take back control over your contact with fluoride? Share what you learned from Melissa’s story with us in the comments below.
F.A.N. Newsletter
First and foremost, I hope this bulletin finds all of you safe and as healthy as possible during these difficult times. Together, we’ve battled fluoridation for many years, becoming a fairly tight-knit group across the globe, and those we’ve communicated with, met, and campaigned alongside are in our thoughts. We’ve overcome many obstacles as a community during this fight, and will do it again--this time with the Coronavirus--and continue our work campaigning for safe drinking water and protection for those vulnerable to fluoride’s toxicity.
With this in mind, we want to assure you that the FAN staff and leadership will continue to work from home throughout the pandemic, bringing you the latest updates using our website, social media (via our Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram pages), bulletins, and email. If you’re feeling isolated, don’t hesitate to interact with fellow supporters and campaigners on our social media sites or reach out to me for campaign advice or resources.
TSCA Trial Postponed
We've learned that our federal trial against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to end fluoridation has been postponed due to the pandemic. It was set to commence on April 20th in San Francisco, but instead there will be a pre-trial teleconference with the lawyers from both parties on April 3rd to discuss the scheduling of a new date. We will update all of you as soon as the trial is rescheduled.
In the meantime we invite you to watch and share a recent 30-minute video interview featuring FAN’s Director, Paul Connett, PhD, discussing this historic trial and the evidence of neurotoxicity that ought to end fluoridation once and for all.
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network
Monday, March 23, 2020

A fetus has no thyroid gland and relies on the Mother's thyroid production.
Thyroid dysfunction https://fluoridefreeaustralia.org/fluoride-thyroid/
“Iodine is the key that turns on the thyroid’s energy engine, but fluoride intake causes thyroid cells to pick up fluoride instead, causing the thyroid to become more sluggish. Studies show that ingesting only 2.2 mg fluoride daily, as from drinking 2 liters of fluoridated water daily (3 liters at .7 ppm), can slow thyroid function.”
Jacob Teitelbaum
MD, board certified internist, Director of the the Practitioners Alliance Network (PAN) and author of numerous books on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome .
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Friday, March 20, 2020
Australia - Community poll welcomed
Community poll welcomed: Anti-fluoridation campaigner John Lusk holds a brochure and a tube of toothpaste without fluoride.
The community's position on water fluoridation in the.............

Prominent Harvard Researcher Certain Fluoride is Unsafe for Children's Developing Brains, NYSCOF
NEW YORK: There is little doubt that developmental neurotoxicity is a serious risk associated with elevated fluoride exposure, whether due to community water fluoridation, natural fluoride release from soil minerals, or tea consumption, especially when the exposure occurs during early [brain] development, writes Harvard Professor and researcher Phillipe Grandjean, MD, in a review of recent fluoride neurotoxicology research (Environmental Health Dec 2019); reports the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF).
Fluoridation began without brain-safety evidence seven decades ago. Today, 400+ studies link fluoride to neurological effects - providing evidence that fluoride can be perilous to babies' brains, especially.
Grandjean, who studies how environmental chemicals affect children's brain development, says fluoridation benefits appear minimal. But, the evidence base for fluoride's brain damage greatly expanded and is likely underestimated, he explains.
The time has come for health agencies in the US and elsewhere to revisit the fluoride regulations and make it a priority to protect the brains of the next generation, he writes. Elevations in human exposures [from multiple sources] may well exceed the [fluoride] levels that human metabolism can successfully accommodate.
Fluoridation produced a fluoridated food supply and lucrative marketing of hundreds of fluoridated dental products. The result fluoride overdose (dental fluorosis) grew in severity and prevalence.
That dental fluorosis is merely of cosmetic concern is unconvincing. Fluorosis can be a useful biomarker for fluoride's brain exposure, Grandjean suggests.
Several studies, specifically, associate dental fluorosis with children's intellectual deficits (e.g. Yu, et al.).
The view that fluoride is primarily a developmental neurotoxicant means that fluoride - an element like lead, mercury, and arsenic - can adversely affect children's brain development at exposures much below that of adults, he cautions.
When environmental chemicals affect developing brains, children risk cognitive deficits, learning disabilities, ADHD, autism, and other disorders that remain for a lifetime, explains Grandjean in his recent book. He laments that vested interests often manipulate credible chemical brain-drain research to manufacture unfounded uncertainties to wrongly discredit respected scientists' conclusions and credibility.
This is a common tactic of fluoridationists, says attorney Paul Beeber, NYSCOF President. Few lobbied legislators understand fluoridation science. Lawmakers should err on the side of caution - not ignorance or from political pressure.
Studies already link fluoride to ADHD, lower IQ, Autism, poor memory, dementia, and Alzheimer's Disease.
Fluoridation began without brain-safety evidence seven decades ago. Today, 400+ studies link fluoride to neurological effects - providing evidence that fluoride can be perilous to babies' brains, especially.
Grandjean, who studies how environmental chemicals affect children's brain development, says fluoridation benefits appear minimal. But, the evidence base for fluoride's brain damage greatly expanded and is likely underestimated, he explains.
The time has come for health agencies in the US and elsewhere to revisit the fluoride regulations and make it a priority to protect the brains of the next generation, he writes. Elevations in human exposures [from multiple sources] may well exceed the [fluoride] levels that human metabolism can successfully accommodate.
Fluoridation produced a fluoridated food supply and lucrative marketing of hundreds of fluoridated dental products. The result fluoride overdose (dental fluorosis) grew in severity and prevalence.
That dental fluorosis is merely of cosmetic concern is unconvincing. Fluorosis can be a useful biomarker for fluoride's brain exposure, Grandjean suggests.
Several studies, specifically, associate dental fluorosis with children's intellectual deficits (e.g. Yu, et al.).
The view that fluoride is primarily a developmental neurotoxicant means that fluoride - an element like lead, mercury, and arsenic - can adversely affect children's brain development at exposures much below that of adults, he cautions.
When environmental chemicals affect developing brains, children risk cognitive deficits, learning disabilities, ADHD, autism, and other disorders that remain for a lifetime, explains Grandjean in his recent book. He laments that vested interests often manipulate credible chemical brain-drain research to manufacture unfounded uncertainties to wrongly discredit respected scientists' conclusions and credibility.
This is a common tactic of fluoridationists, says attorney Paul Beeber, NYSCOF President. Few lobbied legislators understand fluoridation science. Lawmakers should err on the side of caution - not ignorance or from political pressure.
Studies already link fluoride to ADHD, lower IQ, Autism, poor memory, dementia, and Alzheimer's Disease.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Australia - Fluoride poll passes Port Macquarie-Hastings Council, despite no authority to act on 'yes' vote
Key points:
- Voters in the Port Macquarie-Hastings local council elections in September will be asked if they want council to stop adding fluoride to the public water supply
- In 1991, 71 per cent of voters said they did not want fluoride added to the water, and the Mayor now wants to know if people feel the same way
- The council has been adding fluoride to the water since 2012, in accordance with the Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Act
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Is There Still a Good Case for Water Fluoridation?
Is There Still a Good Case for Water Fluoridation?
The Atlantic-17 Mar 2020
The main reason for this, Barbara explained, was fluoridation—the practice of putti
UK - Oral health
What we are doing in County Durham
In County Durham, we have worked with a range of relevant organisations to develop our strategy to ensure it will have the best possible impact on the oral health of our communities. The strategy includes a range of actions which target groups most affected.
A key action in the strategy is to explore the feasibility of a water fluoridation scheme. Our October 2019 cabinet report outlines the next steps for this and an update on the progress of the strategy.
You can give your views on the web page - click title
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Major studies clearly show the neurological damage of fluoride
As of December 2019, 64 studies have associated exposure to fluoridation chemicals with IQ loss in humans, while more than 60 studies have found that fluoride exposure impairs the learning and/or memory capacity of animals. Of the human studies, 62 were based on IQ assessments of 23,773 children, and two studies involved the IQ assessments of 245 adults. These studies provide compelling if not overwhelming evidence that fluoride exposure during the early years of life can damage a child’s developing brain.
Among this steady stream of science over 20 years, there have been five Mother-Offspring studies showing the relationship between maternal fluoride ingestion and subsequent lowered IQ in their children. However, the Green study (2019) is the first to compare fluoridated vs non-fluoridated cities in Canada, where fluoride-water levels are lower than in Australia. Other studies listed show the link between fluoride and ADHD, thyroid disorders, lowered IQ in formula-fed babies, and sleep disorders...................
Among this steady stream of science over 20 years, there have been five Mother-Offspring studies showing the relationship between maternal fluoride ingestion and subsequent lowered IQ in their children. However, the Green study (2019) is the first to compare fluoridated vs non-fluoridated cities in Canada, where fluoride-water levels are lower than in Australia. Other studies listed show the link between fluoride and ADHD, thyroid disorders, lowered IQ in formula-fed babies, and sleep disorders...................
“The hypothesis that fluoride is a neurodevelopmental toxicant must now be given serious consideration…Exposure to fluoride has increased substantially in recent decades…If the effect sizes reported by Green et al and others are valid, the total cognitive loss at the population level that might be associated with children’s prenatal exposure to fluoride could be substantial.”
Monday, March 16, 2020
Doctors fight push to remove fluoride
The Australian Medical Association will pressure anti-fluoride councils ahead of Queensland and NSW local government elections, and have warned a mid-NSW council against a proposed move to remove fluoride from the water supply.
Port Macquarie Hastings Council will consider on Wednesday whether to proceed with a vote at the next council election in September to remove fluoride from its water supply.
Mayor Peta Pinson last month told council her research and meetings with anti-fluoride campaigners over the years had convinced her that fluoride is a "poison". Her deputy mayor Lisa Intemann is a long-time campaigner to have fluoride removed.
NSW AMA president Dr Kean-Seng Lim said he would be "very disturbed to see the health of the population being used as a political playing card".......................
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Letters: '400 studies worldwide showing fluoride reduces human and animal intelligence'
ON February 26 I attended a talk chaired by Darlington Green Party Councillor Matthew Snedker, and addressed by Doctor John Furness, who was there to promote water fluoridation for Darlington.
In the journal Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, he suggest adding fluoride to the water of deprived areas of Manchester, most of South Yorkshire, Hull and North Yorkshire, County Durham and Teesside, on the assumption fluoride will lower admissions to hospital for tooth extraction in young children.
However, poverty is not always linked to poor oral health, so how are you going to ensure those not needing this toxic drug do not get it?
Sunderland (currently targeted for fluoridation), suffers from deprivation. Public Health England tells us (in 2018):- “Sunderland is one of the 20 per cent most deprived districts/unitary authorities in England and about 23 per cent (11,100) children live in low income families”.
Over a three-year period, average hospital extractions due to tooth decay in non-fluoridated Sunderland in the age range 0 - 9 expressed as a percentage of the cohort in that age grouping, were two-thirds less than in fluoridated North Tyneside, an area with the lowest level of childhood poverty in the North-East.
Perhaps Doctor Furness could comment? ‘Dark Waters’ – the poisoning (via tap water) of 70,000 people with Perfluoro-octanoic Acid (PFOA) is in cinemas now.
I chatted with the audience in one venue as they exited, and saw their expressions when I told them about plans to fluoridate the North-East.
The mutagen PFOA has 15 fluorine atoms per molecule, and water fluoridation chemicals have six fluorine atoms per molecule. We are playing with fire.
Our national organisation – the UK Freedom From Fluoride Alliance – has been attempting to debate with local authorities in the North-ast, but our entreaties have been consistently disregarded.
With over 400 studies worldwide showing fluoride reduces human and animal intelligence our councillors can no longer ignore the truth.
Act now – do the right thing.
Tony Watson, School Aycliffe