Sunday, May 31, 2020
Saturday, May 30, 2020
One in Every 16 Irish Boys has Autism: Crisis Worse than COVID-19 and Nobody Cares
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense
According to National Health data released last week, autism incidence among Irish children is now at 4.3%, an 82% rise in five years. One in 16 boys is affected. US rates trail Ireland’s slightly only because CDC lies to minimize the crisis.
In 2016, Judith Pinborough-Zimmerman, CDC’s Utah Principal Investigator for the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network (ADDM) filed a federal whistleblower lawsuit after reporting research fraud and intentional data manipulation by the CDC. The CDC routinely uses multiple strategies to hide the Autism Pandemic. “The autism explosion is an acute embarrassment to the CDC as they have totally failed to address environmental factors involved in causality.”
The autism crisis dwarfs COVID-19. Bill Gates’ Institute for Health Metrics predicts 81,766 deaths from COVID. The average age of death is 75. In contrast, autism attacks infants presaging a lifetime of nightmarish agony. Half will never go on a date, write a poem, hit a baseball, join the military, pay taxes, cast a vote, run for office, speak, or use a toilet. Their cost of care is over 1/4 trillion U.S. dollars annually and rising.
… children receiving the Hep B vaccine in their first 30 days had an 1135% increased risk for an autism diagnosis.
EPA scientists say the epidemic began in 1989, the year the CDC dramatically expanded the childhood vaccine schedule, multiplying infant exposures to neurotoxins like mercury and aluminum. CDC’s massive 1999 study of the VSD—America’s largest medical database—showed that children receiving the Hep B vaccine in their first 30 days had an 1135% increased risk for an autism diagnosis. CDC and Pharma knew at that moment that vaccines were causing the epidemic.
They hid the VSD study, closed the database to independent scientists and commissioned a sketchy cabal of tobacco scientists, grifters, felons and Pharma biostitutes to gin up dozens of fraudulent vaccine studies purporting to “prove that vaccines don’t cause autism.” They blocked studies of all vaccines given to children under six months. Tony Fauci played a key role in the cover up. Fauci distributes $5 billion annually in research grants and assured that studies of autism’s environmental causes never get funded. When in 2008 NIH’s Autism Coordinating Committee voted $16 million to study the links between autism and vaccines, Tom Insel killed those studies. Fauci and Insel have committed some of the most consequential criminal conspiracies in history. Children’s Health Defense will bring these criminals to justice.
Friday, May 29, 2020
F.A.N. Free Webinar UK 9pm
Get ready for the upcoming federal trial on fluoride's neurotoxicity!
Free Webinar TOMORROW - Friday, May 29:
The scientific evidence of fluoride’s
harmful effects on the developing brain
The scientific evidence of fluoride’s
harmful effects on the developing brain
Tomorrow afternoon -- Friday, May 29 -- at 4pm Eastern Time / 1pm Pacific, FAN hosts an online webinar by FAN’s Research Director, Chris Neurath, describing the evidence that fluoride is a developmental neurotoxin. This will be an excellent introduction to the main argument FAN will be using in the upcoming federal trial against EPA. The trial, under the EPA Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) will also be held online and be accessible remotely to the public.
The webinar will describe the rapidly accumulating evidence that fluoride lowers the IQ of children and increases their risk of neurobehavioral problems like ADHD. Neurath says: “So many high quality studies have been published in recent years and even the last several months that it requires a ‘score card’ to keep track of them. I’ll be explaining these studies and putting them into perspective. Incredibly, the evidence points to water fluoridation in the USA now causing greater population-wide IQ loss in children than lead poisoning.”
The live webinar will last about 45 minutes and will include a question & answer period for online attendees.
Instructions for viewing the webinar are below, and anyone can attend with no pre-registration required. The webinar will be a Zoom webinar that can be viewed through any device with an Internet connection. All viewers will be muted and their video turned off, but there will be a chance to ask questions at the end via text or audio.
Topic: Webinar on Fluoride Neurotoxicity by Chris Neurath
Time: Friday, May 29, 2020 4:00pm Eastern Time / 1:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking this link: j/86721459353
Meeting ID: 867 2145 9353
If you don't already have Zoom on your phone, computer, or tablet device, you can quickly download the program using the App store on your phone and tablet or this website.
More information on the presentation Neurath will make, including the Powerpoint slides, is available here.
Thank you,
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network
Thank you,
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Effect of fluoride on the learning and memory ability of larvae of Zaprionus indianus
Many pesticides contain fluoride that enters the food chain and affect the non-target organisms. Fluoride is a known neurotoxin and may cause neurobehavioral defects. A study was conducted to see the effect of fluoride on the learning and memory ability of larvae of Zaprionus indianus. The learning and memory ability of 2nd instar larvae of normal (control) and sodium fluoride (NaF)-treated Zaprionus indianus was compared.
Sublethal concentration of NaF for Z. indianus was found to be 0.8 ppm. Olfactory assay results showed that the larvae of normal (control) Z. indianus had better learning and memory ability in comparison to NaF-treated larvae.
This study indicates that the insects exposed to pesticides containing fluoride may have difficulty in locating food sources and carrying out pollination.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Earn 0.3 CEUs. This Fluoride Safety Training will help water operators anticipate, recognize, evaluate, prevent, and control the factors in the workplace that might cause harm to themselves and/or others from fluoride chemicals. This will serve as the 3-Hour Refresher Course and Part 1 of the 6-Hour Safety Training.
![]() | 6/3/2020 |
When: | Wednesday June 3 9:00am-12:00pm |
Where: | Webinar |
Contact: | Nicole Baser 80171219619 |
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
TSCA Fluoride Lawsuit Update

FOR THE FIRST TIME in the 43-year history of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), citizens succeed in bringing a suit to trial under TSCA Section 21. The Court delivered its ruling on 12/30/2019. What a promising start to the New Year!................................
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Australia - Gunnedah Shire Council finalising plans for fluoride infrastructure for town's water supply
PLANS to fluoridate the Gunnedah shire's water supply are nearly complete and construction of water infrastructure is slated to start next year.
A new water treatment plant for the fluoridation process is set to be built on Kelvin Road, although an exact location has yet to be finalised.
A Gunnedah Shire Council spokesperson said the site would act as a distribution hub.......
Controversy: The Evolving Science of Fluoride: When New Evidence Doesn't Conform With Existing Beliefs
Over the past 75 years, health authorities have declared that community water fluoridation-a practice that reaches over 400 million worldwide-is safe. Yet, studies conducted in North America examining the safety of fluoride exposure in pregnancy were nonexistent. When a Canadian study reported that higher fluoride exposure in pregnant women was associated with lower IQ scores in young children, critics attacked the methodology of the study and discounted the significance of the results. Health authorities continued to conclude that fluoride is unequivocally safe, despite four well-conducted studies over the last 3 years consistently linking fluoride exposure in pregnancy with adverse neurodevelopmental effects in offspring. We describe the challenges of conducting fluoride research and the overt cognitive biases we have witnessed in the polarized fluoride debate. The tendency to ignore new evidence that does not conform to widespread beliefs impedes the response to early warnings about fluoride as a potential developmental neurotoxin. Evolving evidence should inspire scientists and health authorities to re-evaluate claims about the safety of fluoride, especially for the fetus and infant for whom there is no benefit.
Over the past 75 years, health authorities have declared that community water fluoridation-a practice that reaches over 400 million worldwide-is safe. Yet, studies conducted in North America examining the safety of fluoride exposure in pregnancy were nonexistent. When a Canadian study reported that higher fluoride exposure in pregnant women was associated with lower IQ scores in young children, critics attacked the methodology of the study and discounted the significance of the results. Health authorities continued to conclude that fluoride is unequivocally safe, despite four well-conducted studies over the last 3 years consistently linking fluoride exposure in pregnancy with adverse neurodevelopmental effects in offspring. We describe the challenges of conducting fluoride research and the overt cognitive biases we have witnessed in the polarized fluoride debate. The tendency to ignore new evidence that does not conform to widespread beliefs impedes the response to early warnings about fluoride as a potential developmental neurotoxin. Evolving evidence should inspire scientists and health authorities to re-evaluate claims about the safety of fluoride, especially for the fetus and infant for whom there is no benefit.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
Fluoride impairs ovary development by affecting oogenesis and inducing oxidative stress and apoptosis in female zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Previous studies have shown that waterborne fluoride exposure has adverse effects on the reproductive system of zebrafish. However, the underlying toxic mechanisms were still not clear. In the present study, female zebrafish were exposed to different concentrations of 0.787 (Control), 18.599, 36.832 mg/L of fluoride for 30 d and 60 d, and the effects of different doses of fluoride on ovary development, reproductive hormones, oogenesis, ROS content, antioxidant levels, and the expression of apoptosis-related genes and proteins in the ovaries of female zebrafish were analyzed. The results showed that ovarian weight and GSI were significantly decreased, FSH, LH and VTG levels were significantly reduced, the transcriptional profiles of oogenesis-related genes (tgfβ1, bmp15, gdf9, mprα, mprβ, ptg2β) were remarkably altered, ROS levels was notably increased, the SOD, CAT, GPx activities and GSH content as well as their mRNA expressions were significantly decreased, MDA content was remarkably increased, the expressions of apoptosis-related genes and proteins (caspase3, caspase8, caspase9, Fas-L, Cytochrome C, Bax and Bcl-2) were significantly changed, the ratio of Bax/Bcl-2 protein levels were notably increased. Taken together, this study demonstrated that fluoride exposure significantly affected ovarian development, decreased the reproductive hormones, affected oogenesis, induced oxidative stress, caused apoptosis through both extrinsic and intrinsic pathways in ovary of zebrafish. Indicating that oogenesis, oxidative stress, and apoptosis were responsible for the impairment of ovarian development.
I have no idea what that implies but you might.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Friday, May 15, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
F.A.N. Newsletter
The Fluoride Action Network has published the following press release. Please share it by forwarding this email or sending the link to our online version to the news editors of the media outlets in your community, large and small (newspaper, radio, TV, online).
Please also help FAN build our media contact list by emailing ( with the names and contact information of any local journalists or media outlets you would like us to send this and future press releases.
Neurotoxicity Experts Cleared to Testify
At Fluoridation Chemicals Trial June 8 in Federal Court
At Fluoridation Chemicals Trial June 8 in Federal Court
The judge in a June 8 federal court trial in San Francisco has cleared the way for three international experts in neurotoxicity to testify on the risks of fluoride in public water supplies, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) reports.
In addition, the court ruled that the purported benefits of community water fluoridation cannot be part of the trial, restricting testimony to the toxic risks under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
Paul Connett, Ph.D., executive director of lead plaintiff FAN in the case, hailed the decisions as helping to keep the focus of the trial where it belongs, on recent scientific studies pointing to IQ loss in the offspring of pregnant women exposed to higher levels of fluoride. The plaintiffs seek to ban the addition of fluoridation chemicals to public water supplies "to protect the public and susceptible subpopulations from the neurotoxic effects of fluoride." (See backgrounder, "Fluoridation's Neurotoxicity".)
The rulings came May 8 in a hearing that laid the groundwork for a video trial set to begin June 8and to run for two weeks. Due to the COVID-19 virus, the trial has been compressed.
Despite the time constraints, Connett expressed confidence that FAN's case for showing fluoride's neurotoxicity will be demonstrated. That will be crucial to the case against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
Three experts the EPA sought to exclude from the trial but who will now take part include: Dr.Philippe Grandjean of Harvard and the University of Southern Denmark, Dr. Howard Hu of theUniversity of Washington, and Dr. Bruce Lanphear of Simon Fraser University in British Columbia.
Relying on the citizen petition provisions of TSCA, the lawsuit challenges a practice endorsed by the U.S. Public Health Service 70 years ago and affecting 200 million Americans on public water systems.
As plaintiff, FAN is joined by Moms Against Fluoridation and the consumer advocacy group Food and Water Watch. Several individuals representing themselves and/or their children complete the list of plaintiffs.
A Fact Sheet providing further information on the case is at: tsca-fact-sheet/
In addition, the court ruled that the purported benefits of community water fluoridation cannot be part of the trial, restricting testimony to the toxic risks under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
Paul Connett, Ph.D., executive director of lead plaintiff FAN in the case, hailed the decisions as helping to keep the focus of the trial where it belongs, on recent scientific studies pointing to IQ loss in the offspring of pregnant women exposed to higher levels of fluoride. The plaintiffs seek to ban the addition of fluoridation chemicals to public water supplies "to protect the public and susceptible subpopulations from the neurotoxic effects of fluoride." (See backgrounder, "Fluoridation's Neurotoxicity".)
The rulings came May 8 in a hearing that laid the groundwork for a video trial set to begin June 8and to run for two weeks. Due to the COVID-19 virus, the trial has been compressed.
Despite the time constraints, Connett expressed confidence that FAN's case for showing fluoride's neurotoxicity will be demonstrated. That will be crucial to the case against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
Three experts the EPA sought to exclude from the trial but who will now take part include: Dr.Philippe Grandjean of Harvard and the University of Southern Denmark, Dr. Howard Hu of theUniversity of Washington, and Dr. Bruce Lanphear of Simon Fraser University in British Columbia.
Relying on the citizen petition provisions of TSCA, the lawsuit challenges a practice endorsed by the U.S. Public Health Service 70 years ago and affecting 200 million Americans on public water systems.
As plaintiff, FAN is joined by Moms Against Fluoridation and the consumer advocacy group Food and Water Watch. Several individuals representing themselves and/or their children complete the list of plaintiffs.
A Fact Sheet providing further information on the case is at:
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Chemicals in tap water are causing thousands of cancer deaths across Europe – but the EU probably won’t do anything about it
Peter Andrews is an Irish science journalist and writer, based in London. He has a background in the life sciences, and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in GeneticsEach year, more than 6,500 cases of bladder cancer, roughly five percent of all cases in Europe, are found to be attributable to exposure to trihalomethanes (THMs) in drinking water – and it’s all perfectly legal.
For a study of countries’ water quality, the EU28 became the EU26, as adequate data for Bulgaria and Romania could not be obtained. Nevertheless, the project covered 75% of the total EU population, and a reading of its findings is ominous.
For a study of countries’ water quality, the EU28 became the EU26, as adequate data for Bulgaria and Romania could not be obtained. Nevertheless, the project covered 75% of the total EU population, and a reading of its findings is ominous.
What the hell are THMs?
THMs are a class of molecule that appear as a by-product of the disinfectants used to clean drinking water. When chlorine, the main chemical used to clean drinking water, comes into contact with organic matter, it breaks down into THMs. And despite being legal up to certain levels, long-term exposure to them has been consistently associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer. The EU has set that legal limit at 100 lg=L, but anything over 50 lg=L causes a 51 percent increase in the probability of bladder cancer, in men at least. This study was undertaken at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, in a city which has THM levels above the present regulatory maximum limit of 100 lg=L. Astonishingly, there is no provision for the lowering of this maximum in the latest European Council directive.
How common is bladder cancer?
Bladder cancer is only the tenth most common form of cancer in the UK; 135,000 people in the EU were diagnosed with it in 2016. It is usually quite treatable with a simple surgical procedure as long as it is caught before spreading to other body parts. Some evidence suggests it affects men more than women (although this could be down to lifestyle differences, such as higher rates of smoking).
The countries with the highest percentages of bladder cancer cases attributable to THM exposure were Cyprus (23 percent), Malta (18 percent) and Ireland (17 percent). In other words, 23 out of 100 Cypriot people who are diagnosed with cancer in a given year are likely to have contracted it from their drinking water. Meanwhile, the greatest number of attributable cases actually occurred in Spain (1,482 attributable cases) and the United Kingdom (1,356) although this is a function of population as well as THM contamination.
So, who is to blame?
It is impossible to attribute any given individual’s condition to drinking water, as the extent to which various factors contribute to a complicated disease are, for now, unquantifiable. But the statistical methods used by the researchers to estimate attributable cases at least puts a rough figure on the lives affected by this pollutant–and they should be enough to grab the attention of those who control public water systems.
The authors point out that if the thirteen worst-offending countries could reduce their THM levels to the current EU average, then 2,868 cases of drinking-water-induced bladder cancer per year could potentially be avoided (a 44 percent reduction). For now, this seems unlikely. Until the precise biological pathways between THMs and bladder cancer are revealed, the European Council Drinking Water Directive will not feel under pressure to rethink. The EU could, at the very least, lower its limits, though.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Sunday, May 10, 2020
F.A.N. Newsletter
You're going to want to save this email!
The evidence of neurotoxic harm from water fluoridation has been mounting at an unprecedented rate in recent years, and has quickly become the most urgent reason to end the practice as soon as possible. A cavity can easily be filled, but damage to a child's brain is permanent. While FAN is taking the lead at the federal and state level, and helping campaigners at the local level to educate decision-makers and public health officials, we need your help to spread this educational campaign to every community, including yours. To make the task easier, we have created a number of new educational materials.
Review of Fluoride and Neurotoxicity
FAN's Managing Director, Ellen Connett, has created a comprehensive
Updated Handouts
We have also updated our handout on neurotoxicity, providing both a
Thanks to volunteer Rick North, we also have a handout that can be used anytime proponents of fluoridation attack FAN's scientific credibility or our data at hearings, on social media, or in online news article comment sections. It's a side-by-side breakdown of the neurotoxicity studies that are cited on FAN's website versus those of the Centers for Disease Control And Prevention, American Dental Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, and American Fluoridation Society. While they may claim FAN and our supporters cherry-pick studies, this proves that they are the ones hiding research from their supporters and selectively choosing what to share while we thoroughly review all of the science.
Neurotoxicity Powerpoint Presentation
FAN's Research Director, Chris Neurath, has released This powerpoint is also available with notes that will be helpful to the presenter.
Many studies have reported that fluoride exposure is associated with reduced IQ and there are now two strong studies (Bashash 2018 and Riddell 2019) finding an association between water fluoridation and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). This powerpoint presentation gives an overview of the evidence and highlights eleven of the strongest studies, including several of the Mother-Offspring studies. The 2019 draft National Toxicology Program Systematic Review of Fluoride Exposure and Neurodevelopmental and Cognitive Health Effects is also explained.
Now you have a tool to aid you in providing presentations or testimony on fluoride's neurotoxicity.
Video Series: Game Changing Studies
During Paul Connett, PhD's recent speaking and campaign tour in Australia just prior to the coronavirus outbreak, our friends at Fluoride Free Australia filmed one of his presentations on the four game-changing studies showing fluoridation's neurotoxicity. While you can watch the full presentation using the link below, our Education and Outreach Director, Jay Sanders, has created four short videos highlighting each of the 4 key studies. This shorter format should aid in making the content easier to share on social media and easier for local authorities to digest incrementally.
- Game-Changing Study #1: Bashash 2017
- Game-Changing Study #2: Green 2019
- Game-Changing Study #3: Riddell 2019
- Game-Changing Study #4: Till 2020
You can also watch and share Paul's full 48-minute presentation by clicking here.
Latest Fluoride News
-New Queensland Mayors Pressed On Fluoridation (Australia)
-Fluoride Poll Passes Port Macquarie-Hastings Council (Australia)
-Surprisingly High Fluoride Content In Some Exotic Superfoods (International)
-Rangely Votes to Continue Fluoridation (Colorado)
-“I don’t know how the town can choose to medicate us” (Pennsylvania)
-Tackling Tooth Decay On The Cheap (Hawaii)
For more fluoride related media, please visit FAN’s News Archive.
Thank you,
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network
Friday, May 08, 2020
Chef Pete Evans parts ways with Channel 7 after $26000 fine ...
New Zealand Herald-5 hours ago
"Fluoride is a known neurotoxin," Evans told the Herald Sun. ... to what he knew and added: "There's no evidence to link water fluoridation with health concerns.
Pete Evans: Celebrity chef and former My Kitchen Rules star's ... minutes ago minutes ago
Thursday, May 07, 2020
Green Reverse Osmosis 5 Stage

By Terry Leamon, My Maricopa Plumber
How safe is your tap water? Water contamination within cities can occur at almost any point in the delivery, including lead leaching from corroded pipe solder, bacteria entering the system from water main breaks or gardening chemicals backsiphoned from a neighbor.
Unfortunately, most local and state governments do not have the financial resources to address this. Most cities will add chemicals like chlorine and fluoride to their water. The tap water quality in the United States will most likely decline.
The best way to protect your family from the wide range of contaminants found in today’s tap water, is by installing a reverse osmosis drinking water system in your home. An RO is the most convenient and effective method of water filtration. RO filters water by squeezing water through a semi-permeable membrane, which is rated at 0.0001 micron (equals to 0.00000004 inch).
This is the technology used to make bottled water. It is also the only technology capable of desalinating sea water, making it into drinking water.
Non-RO water filters typically use a single activated carbon cartridge to treat water. They are much less effective, and the pore size on these filter media are much bigger, generally 0.5-10 micron. They can filter out coarse particles, sediments and elements only up to their micron rating. Anything finer, and most dissolved substances cannot be filtered out. This is actually the biggest myth in the water industry.
To understand clearly, first we need to examine “what minerals” are in our tap water. If we were to send a sample of water to a laboratory, we would get back a report that includes calcium, magnesium, and sodium along with a list of other minerals and contaminants. While some of these minerals are safe and benign, there are also many toxic ones on this list, including fluoride, arsenic, chromium and radium just to name a few.
Basic carbon filter systems will leave in all the minerals, including the highly toxic and radioactive ones. On the other hand, RO systems will remove 90-99% of these undesirable contaminants. With our RO system, we use the same technology as major bottling plants use to filter water. RO water has a refreshing taste with a touch of minerals. RO systems purify water daily in your home, which is more naturally fresh and healthy compared to stagnant water that has been sitting in plastic bottles for months.
The five-stage system delivers the most stable and complete RO process for home water purification, and it allows you to manage the unit’s performance and ensure the purity of your water. This eco-friendly solution also protects the environment from plastic waste.
Five Health Benefits Of Using A Miswak
People generally avoid using toothpastes during Ramazan thanks to the fear that they might ingest it by mistake, breaking their fast, and let’s face it, it’s not the best practice! Who wants to come out of Ramazan with tooth sensitivity, oral decay and bad breath? The answer is, no one!
Luckily, there’s one thing that has saved people’s oral health and hygiene for thousands of years prior to toothbrushes and toothpastes – we’re talking about chew sticks or miswak!
Miswak is most generally associated with the Salvadora persica tree, commonly known as ‘arak’ in Arabic, and holds special importance in Islam – the Prophet (PBUH) himself used ‘twigs made from the Arak tree’, and their use is often mentioned in hadis concerning the Prophet’s life.
As compiled from StyleCraze, here are five health benefits of incorporating a miswak in your daily oral healthcare routine!
1) Fights tooth decay and cavities
While most commercial toothpastes use fluoride as a means to beat decay, another effective solution to this is your own saliva – it prevents buildup of acid and gives teeth time to repair themselves. Miswak has been known to increase the formation of saliva in the mouth without the need for any commercial enhancers or additives, thus naturally fighting tooth decay.
2) Protects against tartar and plaque
The easiest way to prevent the buildup of tartar and plaque, and thereby prevent gum disease and tooth loss, is to brush regularly and in the right manner. Miswak being the ‘toothbrush twig’ helps here thanks to its antibacterial property that prevents the bacteria from accumulating on the teeth and gums.
3) Fights harmful bacteria and germs
In numerous studies conducted by the World Health Organisation, miswak has been shown to contain a number of active antibacterial compounds that fight bacterial growth in the mouth. Also, people using miswak on a regular basis were seen to suffer from lesser instances of oral hygiene issues.
4) Protects And Strengthens The Gums
By helping to prevent the formation of plaque, and the subsequent tartar accumulation, miswak comes in handy here as well. It reduces the chances of gingivitis and periodontitis keeping your gums healthy.
5) Refreshing aftertaste
Miswak boasts a refreshing aftertaste and fragrance. Packed with a whole load of naturally occurring aromatic compounds, using miswak induces a feeling of cleanliness and promotes a fresher, more pleasant breath.
Wednesday, May 06, 2020
Tuesday, May 05, 2020
Saturday, May 02, 2020
Monday's 27 th April's Banned Youtube video on
Monday's 27 th April's Banned Youtube video on