Saturday, June 30, 2012
Canada - Fluoridation savings set to flow into kids’ anti-cavity programs
Fluoridation savings set to flow into kids’ anti-cavity programs
$750,000 a year targeted for two Calgary charities
By Sherri Zickefoose, Calgary HeraldJune 29, 2012
“We haven’t had a lot of pushback on it, but what we have had are various other municipalities contacting us saying, ‘How did you do it?’ ” Ald. John Mar says of city council's decision in May 2011 to repeal a bylaw that had added fluoride to the water for two decades. “A lot of people were watching what Calgary was going to do.”
Money saved from shutting off fluoride-treated taps will soon be flowing into alternative anti-cavity programs for low-income children.
When the city stopped adding the disputed substance to drinking water last year, it vowed to investigate ways to inject the $750,000 in yearly savings into dental programs for kids living in poverty.
Now, two local charities are being recommended for the job.
The Alex Community Health Centre and Calgary Urban Project Society already have dental programs in place.
“Over 12,000 children will receive a wide range of dental services,” reads a report to the city’s community and protective services committee, which meets Wednesday to debate the recommendations.
CUPS says it can provide services to 3,000 children in need.......
$750,000 a year targeted for two Calgary charities
By Sherri Zickefoose, Calgary HeraldJune 29, 2012
“We haven’t had a lot of pushback on it, but what we have had are various other municipalities contacting us saying, ‘How did you do it?’ ” Ald. John Mar says of city council's decision in May 2011 to repeal a bylaw that had added fluoride to the water for two decades. “A lot of people were watching what Calgary was going to do.”
Money saved from shutting off fluoride-treated taps will soon be flowing into alternative anti-cavity programs for low-income children.
When the city stopped adding the disputed substance to drinking water last year, it vowed to investigate ways to inject the $750,000 in yearly savings into dental programs for kids living in poverty.
Now, two local charities are being recommended for the job.
The Alex Community Health Centre and Calgary Urban Project Society already have dental programs in place.
“Over 12,000 children will receive a wide range of dental services,” reads a report to the city’s community and protective services committee, which meets Wednesday to debate the recommendations.
CUPS says it can provide services to 3,000 children in need.......
Friday, June 29, 2012
USA - Failed valve allowed excessive fluoride
Failed valve allowed excessive fluoride into Kalamazoo's water system supplying Texas Township
Published: Thursday, June 28KALAMAZOO, MI -- Due to a failed safeguard, too much fluoride entered the city of Kalamazoo's water system that supplies parts of Texas Township in January, according to a news release from the city.
The higher concentration of fluoride entered the city's system within a three-hour time frame Jan. 15, and city staff corrected the problem Jan. 16, said Sue Foune, the city's deputy public service director. A check valve had failed in the chemical feed system........
Published: Thursday, June 28KALAMAZOO, MI -- Due to a failed safeguard, too much fluoride entered the city of Kalamazoo's water system that supplies parts of Texas Township in January, according to a news release from the city.
The higher concentration of fluoride entered the city's system within a three-hour time frame Jan. 15, and city staff corrected the problem Jan. 16, said Sue Foune, the city's deputy public service director. A check valve had failed in the chemical feed system........
UK - Lymington Times - Ombudsman considers complaint

AN official complaint to the health ombudsman over claims the consultation into plans to fluoridate drinking water was biased has moved a step further.
New Forest East MP Julian Lewis and county councillor for Totton, Coun. David Harrison, jointly wrote to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman following the controversial decision made by the South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) in 2009.
The SHA plans to add fluoride to Southampton's water supply next
year in a bid to tackle child tooth decay. It will affect 190,000 people around the city, including 8,000 Totton residents because of the layout of pipes.
Dr Lewis and Coun. Harrison submitted the joint complaint on the grounds the consultation was "hopelessly biased" in favour of fluoridation.
This week the letter was acknowledged by one of the ombudsman's assessors who wrote to Dr Lewis explaining the complaint had been assigned to a member of staff for
consideration, in conjunction with senior managers, to decide whether further action should be taken.
The joint complaint also raises the issue that the consultation was flawed. It said: "We believe that this consultation process was an exercise in simply going through the statutory motions.
"It is quite clear from the way it was set out, and the reaction of the statutory health authority to the results, that there was no conceivable response which anyone could have made to the consultation that would
have led the SHA to alter or abandon its predetermined position in favour of imposing fluoridation against the wishes of the community it was purporting to consult.
"Therefore we believe the SHA fell short of the standards which the public are entitled to expect in a manner of this sort."
The letter added that as a result, householders would have to drink artificially medicated water because only a minority of residents neglected their teeth.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Inside America’s Dental Care Crisis
Inside America’s Dental Care Crisis
June 26, 2012, 9:44 pm ET by Nathan Tobey
More than 100 million Americans can’t afford a visit to the dentist, resulting in preventable diseases, bankruptcy and sometimes even death.
Poor children are especially at risk — many dentists won’t see children on Medicaid because there’s no profit margin. One in four children have untreated tooth decay, now the most common chronic illness among school-aged children.
Mainly fluoridated USA.
June 26, 2012, 9:44 pm ET by Nathan Tobey
More than 100 million Americans can’t afford a visit to the dentist, resulting in preventable diseases, bankruptcy and sometimes even death.
Poor children are especially at risk — many dentists won’t see children on Medicaid because there’s no profit margin. One in four children have untreated tooth decay, now the most common chronic illness among school-aged children.
Mainly fluoridated USA.
USA - Adding fluoride to city water supply delayed, debated
Fluoridation of the city's water will be delayed for a couple of months so notifications can be put into customers' new water bills in September. At least two aldermen say they have concerns about health effects.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
NZ Dentist Blows Whistle on Fluoridation
Dentist John Jukes from Waipukurau talks about fluoridation in NZ and why it should be stopped.
Australia - Hope flows in anti-fluoride campaign

Nikki Taylor
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
PUBLIC outrage against the State Government's compulsory fluoridation roll out has spilled over on the Tableland.
A Facebook group established by Kuranda resident Hannah Wattel has already attracted 363 members.
"It is a large number for the area and I think it sends a clear message…most of us don’t want fluoride," Ms Wattle said.
Mayor Rosa Lee Long is encouraging every resident to stand up and be counted.
"We know a lot of people don’t want fluoride…I would encourage everyone to attend rallies, sign petitions and protest loudly," she said.
It comes following a promise from Queensland Premier Campbell Newman he would "look at" the situation after a question from Dalrymple MP Shane Knuth where he called for a moratorium on fluoridation of all town water.
"The idea of forcing certain communities right now to put it (fluoride) in and incur the cost is something I am more than happy to look at," Mr Newman told parliament.
"It is very expensive infrastructure and there are ongoing operating costs, and particularly if the communities were against it, I am happy to talk to the member if he has a concern about a particular location in his electorate."
Mr Knuth said the growing body of peer-reviewed credible research revealed "ineffectiveness" of fluoridation on dental health and the adverse health effects of fluoridation.
Cr Lee Long described Mr Newman’s comments as "very encouraging".
"It is great news… I am seeking advice as to whether Council could defer the start-up of fluoridation until we know the outcome of the LNP convention and the ultimate stance the new State Government might take," Mayor Lee Long said.
Anti-fluoride rallies will be held at Kuranda and Malanda on July 1 at Centenary and Memorial Parks.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Bad teeth? Stop eating ready meals and chew like a caveman
Bad teeth? Stop eating ready meals and chew like a caveman
By Charlotte Dovey
In our ancestors’ time, dental cavities were a problem of old age.
Indeed, in fossils of ancient humans ‘you can count the cases of dental cavities on one hand,’ says Professor Hillson.
But tooth decay is now one of the most widespread health problems in the UK — with 55per cent of adults having one or more decayed teeth.
Many under-15s already have some decay in their adult teeth.
The increase is being put down to the emergence of farming.
Cultivating crops means people started to consume more grains and carbohydrates, rather than nuts, meat and vegetables.
‘Food high in carbohydrates leads to the bacteria in your mouth producing acid, which dissolves the tooth,’ explains Philip Marsh, professor of oral microbiology at Leeds Dental Institute.
But the greatest change occurred when we started eating pure sugar.
‘Prior to the 18th century sugar was a luxury, but post-1800s — when Britain took control of the West Indies and started to import considerably more sugar than previously — it became more widely available,’ says Dr Carter.
‘As a result, so did terrible teeth full of cavities.’
‘Some U.S. experts believe orthodontic work, to correct these problems, could be started earlier,’ says Professor Steele — as early as four years old.
Eating tougher meat and coarse grain to build bigger jaws has also been suggested. But that would take centuries to have an effect.
‘It’s better to eat a wide variety of foods and cut down on sugar,’ says Dr Carter.
‘And if you crave fizzy drinks, drinking them ice-cold can help.
'Acids produced by bacteria in the mouth in reaction to cold drinks damage teeth less.
'And use a straw to ensure teeth have less contact with the sugar.’
By Charlotte Dovey
In our ancestors’ time, dental cavities were a problem of old age.
Indeed, in fossils of ancient humans ‘you can count the cases of dental cavities on one hand,’ says Professor Hillson.
But tooth decay is now one of the most widespread health problems in the UK — with 55per cent of adults having one or more decayed teeth.
Many under-15s already have some decay in their adult teeth.
The increase is being put down to the emergence of farming.
Cultivating crops means people started to consume more grains and carbohydrates, rather than nuts, meat and vegetables.
‘Food high in carbohydrates leads to the bacteria in your mouth producing acid, which dissolves the tooth,’ explains Philip Marsh, professor of oral microbiology at Leeds Dental Institute.
But the greatest change occurred when we started eating pure sugar.
‘Prior to the 18th century sugar was a luxury, but post-1800s — when Britain took control of the West Indies and started to import considerably more sugar than previously — it became more widely available,’ says Dr Carter.
‘As a result, so did terrible teeth full of cavities.’
‘Some U.S. experts believe orthodontic work, to correct these problems, could be started earlier,’ says Professor Steele — as early as four years old.
Eating tougher meat and coarse grain to build bigger jaws has also been suggested. But that would take centuries to have an effect.
‘It’s better to eat a wide variety of foods and cut down on sugar,’ says Dr Carter.
‘And if you crave fizzy drinks, drinking them ice-cold can help.
'Acids produced by bacteria in the mouth in reaction to cold drinks damage teeth less.
'And use a straw to ensure teeth have less contact with the sugar.’
USA - Major Progress at Eliminating Fluoride in Water Supplies by Fluoride Action Network
Major Progress at Eliminating Fluoride in Water Supplies by Fluoride Action Network
Story at-a-glance
So far at least 53 communities with 3.5 million residents have been freed from fluoridation. Since 1990, more than 300 communities have "beat fluoridation" with a city council or referendum vote to end the practice. This number doesn't include the hundreds, if not thousands of communities, who have rejected the start of fluoridation programs in their city.
Many victories were the result of regular citizens who opposed fluoridation, organizing local campaigns to educate their neighbors and local decision-makers about the serious health risks associated with the practice. But prominent legislators and city councilors representing large cities have also begun introducing fluoride prohibition legislation and resolutions. This is a sign that the issue is becoming less controversial in the eyes of decision-makers, and is losing its status as an undebateable issue.
Over the past decade, we have seen the dental-lobby spending more effort and money trying to influence state-legislators to pass bills mandating statewide fluoridation.
Story at-a-glance
So far at least 53 communities with 3.5 million residents have been freed from fluoridation. Since 1990, more than 300 communities have "beat fluoridation" with a city council or referendum vote to end the practice. This number doesn't include the hundreds, if not thousands of communities, who have rejected the start of fluoridation programs in their city.
Many victories were the result of regular citizens who opposed fluoridation, organizing local campaigns to educate their neighbors and local decision-makers about the serious health risks associated with the practice. But prominent legislators and city councilors representing large cities have also begun introducing fluoride prohibition legislation and resolutions. This is a sign that the issue is becoming less controversial in the eyes of decision-makers, and is losing its status as an undebateable issue.
Over the past decade, we have seen the dental-lobby spending more effort and money trying to influence state-legislators to pass bills mandating statewide fluoridation.
Monday, June 25, 2012
The Fluoride Deception by Mike Adams • June 2012
The making of The Fluoride Deception
The video was created and narrated by consumer health advocate Mike Adams, the executive director of the CWC. Adams is best known for creating the "Blueberry Deception" documentary which revealed many name-brand breakfast cereals that claim to be made with blueberries are actually made with petrochemicals and artificial colors (and contain no blueberries at all). That video is also available at the CWC website.
Italian Court Reignites MMR Vaccine Debate
Italian Court Reignites MMR Vaccine Debate After Award Over Child with Autism
June 25 2012
Story at-a-glance
The Italian Health Ministry recently conceded that the MMR vaccine caused autism in a now nine-year-old boy. The Bocca family has subsequently been awarded a 15-year annuity totaling 174,000 Euros (just under $220,000), plus reimbursement for court costs. The judge ruled the boy “has been damaged by irreversible complications due to vaccination (prophylaxis trivalent MMR”
A documented serious side effect of vaccination, including smallpox, rabies, pertussis and MMR vaccine, is encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), which can lead to permanent brain damage and also result in regressive behavior
Dozens of studies have confirmed the hotly contested findings of Dr. Wakefield, whose 1998 study suggested a link between the MMR vaccine, chronic bowel inflammation, and symptoms of regressive autism. This is in contrast to the many vaccine industry-sponsored studies that refuted this association, which were widely picked up by the media...
June 25 2012
Story at-a-glance
The Italian Health Ministry recently conceded that the MMR vaccine caused autism in a now nine-year-old boy. The Bocca family has subsequently been awarded a 15-year annuity totaling 174,000 Euros (just under $220,000), plus reimbursement for court costs. The judge ruled the boy “has been damaged by irreversible complications due to vaccination (prophylaxis trivalent MMR”
A documented serious side effect of vaccination, including smallpox, rabies, pertussis and MMR vaccine, is encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), which can lead to permanent brain damage and also result in regressive behavior
Dozens of studies have confirmed the hotly contested findings of Dr. Wakefield, whose 1998 study suggested a link between the MMR vaccine, chronic bowel inflammation, and symptoms of regressive autism. This is in contrast to the many vaccine industry-sponsored studies that refuted this association, which were widely picked up by the media...
Sunday, June 24, 2012
THE GREAT CULLING RADIO: blog talk radio
Michael Nunnally interviews Chris Maple about "The Great Culling"
Poison is Treatment: The Campaign to Fluoridate America
Poison is Treatment: The Campaign to Fluoridate America
by Prof. James F. Tracy
In a world made increasingly uncertain by government and corporate engineers of reality and consent, the bureaucratic and scientific class' responsiveness to the public welfare is illusory. The case of water fluoridation provides a compelling example of a plan to deceive and propagandize the masses. A full decade before President Eisenhower's warning of "a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions," the fluoridation of America's water supplies was already in full play with the hidden foreknowledge among those in high places that such a campaign would almost certainly lead to the endangerment of public health for many generations to come.
Water fluoridation is banned in many Scandinavian and European nations.[24] Yet it persists in the US, Canada, Australia, and numerous other countries throughout the world. The practice is sustained to a significant degree by the widely held myth Bernays designed and brought forth, by affirmative medical and regulatory authorities, and perhaps above all by a routinely unskeptical and compliant press. Not unlike the contradictory premises upon which psycho-social existence was predicated in Orwell's 1984--ignorance is strength, war is peace, freedom is slavery--in the case of the West's 60-plus year experiment with fluoridation, poison is treatment.
by Prof. James F. Tracy
In a world made increasingly uncertain by government and corporate engineers of reality and consent, the bureaucratic and scientific class' responsiveness to the public welfare is illusory. The case of water fluoridation provides a compelling example of a plan to deceive and propagandize the masses. A full decade before President Eisenhower's warning of "a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions," the fluoridation of America's water supplies was already in full play with the hidden foreknowledge among those in high places that such a campaign would almost certainly lead to the endangerment of public health for many generations to come.
Water fluoridation is banned in many Scandinavian and European nations.[24] Yet it persists in the US, Canada, Australia, and numerous other countries throughout the world. The practice is sustained to a significant degree by the widely held myth Bernays designed and brought forth, by affirmative medical and regulatory authorities, and perhaps above all by a routinely unskeptical and compliant press. Not unlike the contradictory premises upon which psycho-social existence was predicated in Orwell's 1984--ignorance is strength, war is peace, freedom is slavery--in the case of the West's 60-plus year experiment with fluoridation, poison is treatment.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
The Water Brothers' Full Interview with Paul Connett (Part 2 of 5)
The Water Brothers interview Dr. Paul Connett, Executive Director of Fluoride Action Network.
Part 2 of 5
Friday, June 22, 2012
USA - Eureka Springs Says No to Fluoridation
Eureka Springs Says No to Fluoridation
By: Kristen Dornburg
Posted: Thursday, June 21, 2012
Arkansas legislature says towns over 5000 must fluoridate their water. The Eureka Springs City Council passed Resolution 600, which opposes the Fluoridation Mandate.
The Carroll Boone Water District provides water service from Beaver Lake to Harrison.
Water is for Eureka Springs is purchased through CBWD, who is working to comply with the law for fluoridation.
The resolution is being sent to legislatures in hopes of having the fluoridation law repealed. The cost involved to comply with the mandate or not within the city’s’ means, and voters have twice voted against fluoride in their drinking water.
The Eureka Springs city council meets again June 25th.
By: Kristen Dornburg
Posted: Thursday, June 21, 2012
Arkansas legislature says towns over 5000 must fluoridate their water. The Eureka Springs City Council passed Resolution 600, which opposes the Fluoridation Mandate.
The Carroll Boone Water District provides water service from Beaver Lake to Harrison.
Water is for Eureka Springs is purchased through CBWD, who is working to comply with the law for fluoridation.
The resolution is being sent to legislatures in hopes of having the fluoridation law repealed. The cost involved to comply with the mandate or not within the city’s’ means, and voters have twice voted against fluoride in their drinking water.
The Eureka Springs city council meets again June 25th.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
The Irish parliament
The Irish parliament -- safe haven for tax embezzling and medical malpractice.
Dublin, 21st June 2012
In the same week that the Irish Parliament failed to discipline one of its deputies for embezzling millions of Euro in VAT, consumers were also failed by the deputy responsible for protecting them against irresponsible medical prescribing – the Minister for Health. So it was just another week in our ‘we don’t do regulation Irish parliament’.
In the three months since consumers were first afforded a means of formally registering their right to refuse consent to be medically prescribed fluoride via their tap water (, over a hundred have now accused the GP Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly of medical malpractice. With so many individuals charging the same doctor with inappropriate and non-consensual treatment in so short a time, there must now be a ‘Fitness to Practice’ enquiry. Has any medical doctor against whom a hundred complaints have been made at over one a day, ever before been allowed to continue in any medical capacity in Ireland?
Read on
Dublin, 21st June 2012
In the same week that the Irish Parliament failed to discipline one of its deputies for embezzling millions of Euro in VAT, consumers were also failed by the deputy responsible for protecting them against irresponsible medical prescribing – the Minister for Health. So it was just another week in our ‘we don’t do regulation Irish parliament’.
In the three months since consumers were first afforded a means of formally registering their right to refuse consent to be medically prescribed fluoride via their tap water (, over a hundred have now accused the GP Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly of medical malpractice. With so many individuals charging the same doctor with inappropriate and non-consensual treatment in so short a time, there must now be a ‘Fitness to Practice’ enquiry. Has any medical doctor against whom a hundred complaints have been made at over one a day, ever before been allowed to continue in any medical capacity in Ireland?
Read on
Australia - MP urges fluoride water supply moratorium
MP urges fluoride water supply moratorium
Posted June 21, 2012 12:45:52
A far north Queensland MP is calling on the Premier to place a moratorium on adding fluoride to public water supplies.
A Katter's Australian Party MP has told State Parliament that some residents are worried about the cost of the process and whether it is working.
There are also concerns from some western communities, including Cunnamulla, about the cost of the fluoridation, when some artesian supplies already have a level of fluoride in them.
Shane Knuth told the House, there are two key reasons the Government should act.
"The first is the growing body of peer reviewed, credible research, revealing ... the ineffectiveness of fluoridation on dental health and the adverse health effects of fluoridation, which call in question the cost benefits analysis used to justify fluoridation of public water supplies," he said.
"The second is the ongoing cost to ratepayers."
Posted June 21, 2012 12:45:52
A far north Queensland MP is calling on the Premier to place a moratorium on adding fluoride to public water supplies.
A Katter's Australian Party MP has told State Parliament that some residents are worried about the cost of the process and whether it is working.
There are also concerns from some western communities, including Cunnamulla, about the cost of the fluoridation, when some artesian supplies already have a level of fluoride in them.
Shane Knuth told the House, there are two key reasons the Government should act.
"The first is the growing body of peer reviewed, credible research, revealing ... the ineffectiveness of fluoridation on dental health and the adverse health effects of fluoridation, which call in question the cost benefits analysis used to justify fluoridation of public water supplies," he said.
"The second is the ongoing cost to ratepayers."
Fluoride in water and heavy tea drinking raise cancer fears
Fluoride in water and heavy tea drinking raise cancer fears
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Your article highlighting research demonstrating that excessive tea drinking may pose a cancer risk was interesting in that the main contaminant found in tea is fluoride.
Black tea contains perhaps the highest sources of dietary fluoride for consumers, which in Ireland becomes a problem when you only have artificially fluoridated drinking water to prepare beverages with, resulting in further increasing the total dietary fluoride intake for consumers. It should be noted, however, that tea extracts have antioxidative, antitumor, antimutagenic, and anticarcinogenic activities.
It is interesting to note that the World Health Organisation has repeatedly recommended that, prior to commencing any water fluoridation programme, the individual dietary fluoride intake must be determined.
Unfortunately no such study has ever been conducted in Ireland.
Remarkably, Irish people are the world’s largest consumers of tea, followed by the UK and we are also, unfortunately, the world’s most fluoridated society.
Most tea drinkers in Ireland would exceed the daily recommended fluoride intake from drinking tea due to using boiled fluoridated water to prepare the beverage. Boiling fluoridated water increases the fluoride concentration, thereby increasing the risks to health for the consumer.
One of the most significant health effects of consuming silicofluorides in drinking water is that they cause the formation of hydrofluoric acid in the stomach that may be a contributory factor to the risk of gastric or prostate cancer.
Declan Waugh
Co Cork
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Your article highlighting research demonstrating that excessive tea drinking may pose a cancer risk was interesting in that the main contaminant found in tea is fluoride.
Black tea contains perhaps the highest sources of dietary fluoride for consumers, which in Ireland becomes a problem when you only have artificially fluoridated drinking water to prepare beverages with, resulting in further increasing the total dietary fluoride intake for consumers. It should be noted, however, that tea extracts have antioxidative, antitumor, antimutagenic, and anticarcinogenic activities.
It is interesting to note that the World Health Organisation has repeatedly recommended that, prior to commencing any water fluoridation programme, the individual dietary fluoride intake must be determined.
Unfortunately no such study has ever been conducted in Ireland.
Remarkably, Irish people are the world’s largest consumers of tea, followed by the UK and we are also, unfortunately, the world’s most fluoridated society.
Most tea drinkers in Ireland would exceed the daily recommended fluoride intake from drinking tea due to using boiled fluoridated water to prepare the beverage. Boiling fluoridated water increases the fluoride concentration, thereby increasing the risks to health for the consumer.
One of the most significant health effects of consuming silicofluorides in drinking water is that they cause the formation of hydrofluoric acid in the stomach that may be a contributory factor to the risk of gastric or prostate cancer.
Declan Waugh
Co Cork
USA - New Hampshire Passes First State-Wide Fluoride Warning Law
June 20, 2012, 8:56 a.m. EDT
New Hampshire Passes First State-Wide Fluoride Warning Law
NEW YORK, June 20, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Beginning August 4, 2012, New Hampshire will require notification that 6-month-olds should not be routinely fed infant formula mixed with fluoridated water to avoid discoloring babies' unerupted teeth (fluorosis), reports the Fluoride Action Network (FAN).
Passed by the House, 253-23, unanimously by the Senate, and signed by the Governor, HB-1416 reads: "If a public water supply is fluoridated, the following notice shall be posted in the water system's consumer confidence report: 'Your public water supply is fluoridated. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if your child under the age of 6 months is exclusively consuming infant formula reconstituted with fluoridated water, there may be an increased chance of dental fluorosis. Consult your child's health care provider for more information.'" The bill was introduced by Rep. Anne Cartwright (R-Alstead), and had four co-sponsors.
"Neither a nutrient nor required for healthy teeth, fluoride chemicals are added to public water supplies in a failed attempt to reduce tooth decay," says Paul Connett, Ph.D., FAN's Executive Director. "Current science shows that fluoride hardens teeth topically. Swallowing fluoride delivers risks without benefits," says Connett.
Fluoridated water contains 100-200 times more fluoride than breast milk. And all infant formula already contains some fluoride.
The Centers for Disease Control reports that 41% of 12-15 year-olds are affected with fluoride overdose symptoms - dental fluorosis, white spotted, yellow, brown and/or pitted teeth - from over-ingesting fluoride while their teeth were forming.
Connett says, "We are proud of New Hampshire legislators for taking this bold step. Fluoridation is a political issue and most legislators shy away from notifying constituents of any scientifically-verified negative effects from fluoride for fear of offending the dental lobby."
The scientific literature has been reporting for over a decade that mixing infant formula with fluoridated water is linked to dental fluorosis. And many government, health and dental agencies now advise against mixing fluoridated water and infant formula. But New Hampshire is the first state to require warnings on annual water reports.
Connett says, "We hope this gives legislators the courage to stop fluoridation entirely because several studies from China show even modest exposure to fluoride is associated with lower IQ. Fluoride promoters can provide no evidence that efforts are being made to either refute or repeat these studies in the U.S."
SOURCE Fluoride Action Network
New Hampshire Passes First State-Wide Fluoride Warning Law
NEW YORK, June 20, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Beginning August 4, 2012, New Hampshire will require notification that 6-month-olds should not be routinely fed infant formula mixed with fluoridated water to avoid discoloring babies' unerupted teeth (fluorosis), reports the Fluoride Action Network (FAN).
Passed by the House, 253-23, unanimously by the Senate, and signed by the Governor, HB-1416 reads: "If a public water supply is fluoridated, the following notice shall be posted in the water system's consumer confidence report: 'Your public water supply is fluoridated. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if your child under the age of 6 months is exclusively consuming infant formula reconstituted with fluoridated water, there may be an increased chance of dental fluorosis. Consult your child's health care provider for more information.'" The bill was introduced by Rep. Anne Cartwright (R-Alstead), and had four co-sponsors.
"Neither a nutrient nor required for healthy teeth, fluoride chemicals are added to public water supplies in a failed attempt to reduce tooth decay," says Paul Connett, Ph.D., FAN's Executive Director. "Current science shows that fluoride hardens teeth topically. Swallowing fluoride delivers risks without benefits," says Connett.
Fluoridated water contains 100-200 times more fluoride than breast milk. And all infant formula already contains some fluoride.
The Centers for Disease Control reports that 41% of 12-15 year-olds are affected with fluoride overdose symptoms - dental fluorosis, white spotted, yellow, brown and/or pitted teeth - from over-ingesting fluoride while their teeth were forming.
Connett says, "We are proud of New Hampshire legislators for taking this bold step. Fluoridation is a political issue and most legislators shy away from notifying constituents of any scientifically-verified negative effects from fluoride for fear of offending the dental lobby."
The scientific literature has been reporting for over a decade that mixing infant formula with fluoridated water is linked to dental fluorosis. And many government, health and dental agencies now advise against mixing fluoridated water and infant formula. But New Hampshire is the first state to require warnings on annual water reports.
Connett says, "We hope this gives legislators the courage to stop fluoridation entirely because several studies from China show even modest exposure to fluoride is associated with lower IQ. Fluoride promoters can provide no evidence that efforts are being made to either refute or repeat these studies in the U.S."
SOURCE Fluoride Action Network
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Ireland - Problems with fluoride
The Irish Times - Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Problems with fluoride
..It is interesting to note that Ireland has one of the highest incidence of cardiovascular illness in the world and coincidentally we are the most fluoridated society on the planet with almost 80 per cent of the entire population now forced to drink fluoridated water or cook food in fluoridated water.
As far back as 1961, Dr Feltmann published the findings of 14 years of research into the effects of fluoride on humans in the Journal of Dental Medicine and found that exposure to fluoride caused increased incidence of gastrointestinal problems, neurological illness and skin disorders as well as causing hypothyroidism amongst consumers. All conditions that are now widely prevalent among the Irish population at large.
It is deeply disturbing therefore to read HSE statistics which now show that over 770,000 people in Ireland suffer from neurological illness, the highest incidence of the disease recorded anywhere in the world.
It’s about time we all learnt the facts about fluoride and followed our partners in Europe in providing fluoride-free water to consumers. – Yours, etc,
Partnership for Change,
O’Dohertys Road,
Bandon, Co Cork.
Problems with fluoride
..It is interesting to note that Ireland has one of the highest incidence of cardiovascular illness in the world and coincidentally we are the most fluoridated society on the planet with almost 80 per cent of the entire population now forced to drink fluoridated water or cook food in fluoridated water.
As far back as 1961, Dr Feltmann published the findings of 14 years of research into the effects of fluoride on humans in the Journal of Dental Medicine and found that exposure to fluoride caused increased incidence of gastrointestinal problems, neurological illness and skin disorders as well as causing hypothyroidism amongst consumers. All conditions that are now widely prevalent among the Irish population at large.
It is deeply disturbing therefore to read HSE statistics which now show that over 770,000 people in Ireland suffer from neurological illness, the highest incidence of the disease recorded anywhere in the world.
It’s about time we all learnt the facts about fluoride and followed our partners in Europe in providing fluoride-free water to consumers. – Yours, etc,
Partnership for Change,
O’Dohertys Road,
Bandon, Co Cork.
Dental Crisis in America
Comment from NYSCOF:
Dental Crisis in America - YouTube
After 67 years of water fluoridation foisted upon us by the American Dental Association and its constituents groups, a Dental Crisis exists in America. Senator Sanders introduced legislation to remedy this situation which is endorsed by 37 groups but not the ADA because it includes funding for Dental Therapists which would infringe upon dentists lucrative monopoly. The ADA prefers fluoridation because it doesn't stop tooth decay and doesn't hurt their bottom line. In fact, dentists are making lots of money covering up fluoride-stained teeth with expensive veneers because American children are now over-fluoridated with up to 60% affected with dental fluorosis - white spotted, yellow, brown and/or pitted teeth. Veneers cost about $1,000.00 a tooth
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Australia - Whole tooth and nothing but the tooth
Whole tooth and nothing but the tooth
Elisa Black Health Reporter
June 16, 201210:00PM
THERE has been a 13 per cent rise in children under three years old being referred to dentists by health professionals in the last year.
SA Dental Service's Lift the Lip Program, which encourages health professionals to work together in order to detect dental problems as early as possible, has clocked up more than 6000 referrals to dentists since it began in 2007.
Last year, almost 2000 children aged under eight ended up being admitted to hospital for treatment for tooth decay.
As part of the program, health professionals, including child and family health nurses, GPs and Aboriginal health workers have been trained to incorporate a simple Lift the Lip oral health screen into general health checks.
This is especially important as decay in baby teeth is a predictor of decay in the permanent teeth.
SA Dental Service's director of health promotion Christine Morris said that in the worst cases seen by the service three and four-year-olds were requiring multiple tooth extractions, with one child needing 16 of their 20 baby teeth removed under general anaesthetic because the decay was so severe........
Adelaide's drinking water has been fluoridated since 1971
Elisa Black Health Reporter
June 16, 201210:00PM
THERE has been a 13 per cent rise in children under three years old being referred to dentists by health professionals in the last year.
SA Dental Service's Lift the Lip Program, which encourages health professionals to work together in order to detect dental problems as early as possible, has clocked up more than 6000 referrals to dentists since it began in 2007.
Last year, almost 2000 children aged under eight ended up being admitted to hospital for treatment for tooth decay.
As part of the program, health professionals, including child and family health nurses, GPs and Aboriginal health workers have been trained to incorporate a simple Lift the Lip oral health screen into general health checks.
This is especially important as decay in baby teeth is a predictor of decay in the permanent teeth.
SA Dental Service's director of health promotion Christine Morris said that in the worst cases seen by the service three and four-year-olds were requiring multiple tooth extractions, with one child needing 16 of their 20 baby teeth removed under general anaesthetic because the decay was so severe........
Adelaide's drinking water has been fluoridated since 1971
Monday, June 18, 2012
Australia - Health Minister awaits fluoride advice
Health Minister awaits fluoride advice
Posted June 18, 2012 13:02:47
A committee assessing whether fluoride should be introduced into Carnarvon's water supply will submit its advice to the Health Minister in the coming days.
In 2010, the Health Department announced a plan to add fluoride to Carnarvon's water.
Residents have been able to provide feedback on the proposal and those against the plan handed the Minister more than 800 letters opposing it.
The Carnarvon council also voted to support the position of the local Anti-Fluoride Action Group.
In a statement, a Health Department spokesman said the Fluoridation of the Public Water Supplies Advisory Committee would prepare its recommendations to the Minister and submit it for consideration.
The spokesman said the committee must provide the information to the Minister before making any public comment.
Posted June 18, 2012 13:02:47
A committee assessing whether fluoride should be introduced into Carnarvon's water supply will submit its advice to the Health Minister in the coming days.
In 2010, the Health Department announced a plan to add fluoride to Carnarvon's water.
Residents have been able to provide feedback on the proposal and those against the plan handed the Minister more than 800 letters opposing it.
The Carnarvon council also voted to support the position of the local Anti-Fluoride Action Group.
In a statement, a Health Department spokesman said the Fluoridation of the Public Water Supplies Advisory Committee would prepare its recommendations to the Minister and submit it for consideration.
The spokesman said the committee must provide the information to the Minister before making any public comment.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Your Health: Early childhood tooth decay epidemic
There's an epidemic across America right now. In today's "Your Health"... early childhood tooth decay. 13abc's Susan Ross Wells talked to a Toledo-area pediatric dentist who says it isn't simply a condition... it's a "disease," and he says parents and other caregivers are part of the problem.
The pictures Dr. Stephen Branam showed us in his Oregon dental office are disturbing. Young children with baby teeth rotted out to the gum line. For decades the Oregon dentist has been battling childhood tooth decay. He says its getting worse not better.
"Want a tooth brush? Aw, look at this buddy! All I'm gonna do is just brush your teeth, I'm just gonna check 'em OK?"
That's the sound of Dr. Branam examining a toddler in his office. He says two things cause tooth decay: the acidity of your saliva, which is inherited and the bacteria in your mouth. He says children get that bacteria from mom, dad and other caregivers.
"Whoever takes care of that child shares food with them," says Dr. Branam. "Like here.. I try it, you try it. You know, they take pacifiers and they lick them off and they give them back to the child, well they take their bacteria in their mouth, and give it to the child."
He says sugar is another evil. Think about all the sugar in juices and pop and what happens when your kids don't brush at bedtime.
"That child is laying in bed, whether he as a bottle or not, with a mouth full of bacteria and his mouth full of sugar and its just incubating," says the dentist. "It's just getting more and more and more."
He says it used to be called baby bottle tooth decay. "So they said get your child on a sippy cup right away, get 'em off the bottle get 'em on a sippy cup. The sippy cup is the same thing. Same shape, same everything. "
He says pacifiers are also a problem, keeping sugars in the front of the child's mouth near their teeth. Dr. Branam says a much better child's cup is simply a plastic cup with a lid and straw. The straw gets those sugars past the teeth. The standard pacifier also keeps sugars near the teeth.
Dr. Branam says his most critical message for parents is that your child needs to see a pediatric dentist when they're 1-year-old, not 3-years-old, as most dentists suggest. He says fluoride isn't recommended for children under 4 for fear they'll swallow it, but there are training toothpastes out there that are good, and other products made with something called Xylitol that he says has been used in Europe for decades. Dr. Branam has even launched a series of products to battle tooth decay in children including gums, toothpastes and snacks. He also has helpful information for parents on his website:
Saturday, June 16, 2012
WARNING Protect Your Babies From Fluoride
Fluoride Effects on IQ
Discover how high fluoridation adversely affects your IQ
Fluoride & Teeth
Does water fluoridation really benefit your dental health? Check out these resources and discover the alarming truth behind this misconception.
Fluoride & Health
Be forewarned against water fluoridation accidents/poisonings that are a real threat to you and your family.
Learn More At:
CDC says fluoride has no evidence of benefit for infants

Friday, June 15, 2012 by: Doug Cragoe
(NaturalNews) In a letter to California senator Barbara Boxer the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) director Thomas Frieden responded to questions about fluoride and infants. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 1997 set the adequate amount of fluoride for infants 0 to 6 months of age at .01 milligrams per day, which is the amount of fluoride found in breast milk. The CDC was asked if more fluoride than the adequate amount was beneficial. CDC director Frieden wrote "We are unaware of data that directly answers your questions about the additional protection from tooth decay that could result from greater daily fluoride intake by infants, 0-6 months of age." In other words, there is no scientific evidence that dosing babies with lots of fluoride has any benefit at all.
When powdered infant formula is prepared with fluoridated tap water infants get a very large dose of fluoride, and it can exceed the "tolerable upper intake level" of .7 milligrams per day set by the IOM in 1997. When asked what adverse health effects could occur when infants exceed the "tolerable upper intake level" director Frieden responded that the level was set to minimize the risk of moderate and severe dental fluorosis - a developmental disturbance in children. Fluorosis means discolored malformed teeth, which can be stained brown or black. Other adverse health effects of inadvertently dosing babies with heavy doses of fluoride are not considered important by government agencies.
What should be recommended but isn't because fluoridation might look bad
Health care providers should recommend the use of non-fluoridated water to prepare powdered infant formula. But that recommendation is seldom made in the U.S. In 2006 the CDC and American Dental Association (ADA) finally admitted what dental research studies had been saying for many years - that infant formula prepared with fluoridated water increased the risk of fluorosis. But they were reluctant to actually inform parents about this risk to infants because it cast doubt on water fluoridation. They were afraid that people would stop drinking fluoridated water and oppose effort to start fluoridation in their communities. So in 2006 the only thing the CDC and ADA did was publish web pages about the risk and since then the ADA has opposed further efforts to inform parents.........
Friday, June 15, 2012
Northern Ireland gets decay prevention scheme
Northern Ireland gets decay prevention scheme
14th Jun 2012
A major research project is under way in Northern Ireland to try to curb the problem of dental decay among young children.
About 1,200 children, aged between two and four will take part in the trial, which involves painting a fluoride-rich varnish on the teeth to prevent the onset of decay.
The project, which will last four years, follows research that indicates NI has the worst teeth in the UK and is said to be the first of its kind in western Europe.
Michael Donaldson, head of dental studies at the health board, said dental decay in Northern Ireland was a problem, particularly among young children due to a combination of poor diet and lack of teeth brushing.
‘This project is really trying to prevent disease among young children,' he said. ‘We don't want to blame parents, we want to support them.'
14th Jun 2012
A major research project is under way in Northern Ireland to try to curb the problem of dental decay among young children.
About 1,200 children, aged between two and four will take part in the trial, which involves painting a fluoride-rich varnish on the teeth to prevent the onset of decay.
The project, which will last four years, follows research that indicates NI has the worst teeth in the UK and is said to be the first of its kind in western Europe.
Michael Donaldson, head of dental studies at the health board, said dental decay in Northern Ireland was a problem, particularly among young children due to a combination of poor diet and lack of teeth brushing.
‘This project is really trying to prevent disease among young children,' he said. ‘We don't want to blame parents, we want to support them.'
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Fluoride And Truth Decay_Part_02
Fluoride is toxic - This documentary includes statements from a Nobel prizewiner for medecine, a professor of anatomy, a professor of chemistry, two surgeons other scientists and some BBC journalists. Connett, Bryson, Susheela Carlsson Marcus
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Fluoride And Truth Decay_Part_01
Fluoride is toxic - This documentary includes statements from a Nobel prizewiner for medecine, a professor of anatomy, a professor of chemistry, two surgeons other scientists and some BBC journalists. Connett, Bryson, Susheela Carlsson Marcus
Question & Answer in Parliament
Fluoride: Drinking Water
Zac Goldsmith: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what his policy is on the use of industrial grade hexafluorosilicic acid in UK water fluoridation schemes. [109986]
Anne Milton: We understand that the hexafluorosilicic acid used in water fluoridation schemes in the United Kingdom is manufactured to exacting quality standards to meet European standards and approval by the Drinking Water Inspectorate.
Zac Goldsmith: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what his policy is on the use of industrial grade hexafluorosilicic acid in UK water fluoridation schemes. [109986]
Anne Milton: We understand that the hexafluorosilicic acid used in water fluoridation schemes in the United Kingdom is manufactured to exacting quality standards to meet European standards and approval by the Drinking Water Inspectorate.
N.I. - Anti-fluoride meeting to be held in Ballymena
Anti-fluoride meeting to be held in Ballymena
Published on Tuesday 12 June 2012 11:33
A public meeting to highlight concerns about the issue of fluoridation in Northern Ireland will be held in Cafe Couture, Ballymena, on Wednesday, June 20.
The meeting will be adressed by leading anti-fluoridation campaigner, Walter Graham, who has been a long standing opponent of the introduction of the chemical into the public water supply.
Graham argues that fluoride is responsible for mottled, stained or pitted teeth and claims that proposals by Health Minister Edwin Poots to introduce the substance to the water supply in Northern Ireland are ‘madness’.
“We need to say no to this, if we do not let our feelings be known we will all be drinking fluoridated water and there will be no turning back,” he says.
The meeting, which will be held under the auspices of the ‘Northern Ireland Fluoride Free’ group is open to all members of the public and commences at 7pm.
The group wishes to thank the proprietor of Cafe Couture for hosting the evening.
Published on Tuesday 12 June 2012 11:33
A public meeting to highlight concerns about the issue of fluoridation in Northern Ireland will be held in Cafe Couture, Ballymena, on Wednesday, June 20.
The meeting will be adressed by leading anti-fluoridation campaigner, Walter Graham, who has been a long standing opponent of the introduction of the chemical into the public water supply.
Graham argues that fluoride is responsible for mottled, stained or pitted teeth and claims that proposals by Health Minister Edwin Poots to introduce the substance to the water supply in Northern Ireland are ‘madness’.
“We need to say no to this, if we do not let our feelings be known we will all be drinking fluoridated water and there will be no turning back,” he says.
The meeting, which will be held under the auspices of the ‘Northern Ireland Fluoride Free’ group is open to all members of the public and commences at 7pm.
The group wishes to thank the proprietor of Cafe Couture for hosting the evening.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
USA - Should Phoenix be adding fluoride to water?
Should Phoenix be adding fluoride to water?
Last Updated: 3 hours and 25 minutes ago
• By: Tim Vetscher
PHOENIX, AZ - Most everyone agrees that water does a body good especially during the summers here in Arizona.
But where people disagree is over what should be in our water, specifically fluoride, and whether cities should be adding it to the drinking water.
The Phoenix City Council has even decided to tackle this issue.
The City of Phoenix first started adding fluoride to drinking water back in 1989.
Councilman Tom Simplot tells ABC15 the city hasn't discussed the topic since then.
He wants to change that....
Monday, June 11, 2012
USA - Phoenix set to reassess fluoridation
Phoenix set to reassess fluoridation
by Lynh Bui - Jun. 10, 2012 10:55 PM
Reversing course
In the last 20 years, more than 300 communities in the United States and Canada stopped adding fluoride to public water supplies or rejected the practice completely, according to the Fluoride Action Network.
In 2001, Flagstaff voters rejected for the third time attempts by the city to fluoridate water, with 58 percent voting no.
The issue was so heated, turnout was 12 percentage points above what it was in the City Council election the year before, according to the Arizona Daily Sun.
Nationally, smaller cities and towns such as Pottstown, Pa., or Lawrenceburg, Tenn., have stopped fluoridation.
Now, larger municipalities are thinking twice. Last year, Pinellas County, Fla., stopped fluoridating water for nearly 1 million residents by a 4-3 vote of county commissioners. And in New York City, Councilman Peter Vallone has pushed for legislation since 2010 to get rid of fluoride in water serving 8.2 million residents.
Gary O. Jones, a Mesa family dentist and Arizona Dental Association president, said the EPA's latest change shows there is regular scientific review of water fluoridation standards to ensure that it's safe.
The major public-health benefit of fluoridating water comes for lower-income families who can't afford dental care, Jones said. Preventing cavities before they form is the key.
"The concerns are comparable to me as people looking at not immunizing children anymore," said Jones, who was part of the movement to fluoridate water in Mesa in the 1990s. "We have 65 years of research that backs up the fact that it doesn't cause any health problems."
California dentist Bill Osmunson, one of the most vocal anti-fluoridation activists in the country, said someday the practice will be considered "one of the 20th century's greatest public-health blunders."
Osmunson, a spokesman for the Fluoride Action Network and a dentist for 35 years, said he promoted fluoridation for the first 25 years of his career but changed his tune after patients begged him to research the issue. What he found was like a "knee in the gut."
He said people drink different amounts of water daily, which means some people drinking tap water are consuming far more fluoride than others. "How can you give a drug to everybody in a dosage that's not regulated?" Osmunson asked.
by Lynh Bui - Jun. 10, 2012 10:55 PM
Reversing course
In the last 20 years, more than 300 communities in the United States and Canada stopped adding fluoride to public water supplies or rejected the practice completely, according to the Fluoride Action Network.
In 2001, Flagstaff voters rejected for the third time attempts by the city to fluoridate water, with 58 percent voting no.
The issue was so heated, turnout was 12 percentage points above what it was in the City Council election the year before, according to the Arizona Daily Sun.
Nationally, smaller cities and towns such as Pottstown, Pa., or Lawrenceburg, Tenn., have stopped fluoridation.
Now, larger municipalities are thinking twice. Last year, Pinellas County, Fla., stopped fluoridating water for nearly 1 million residents by a 4-3 vote of county commissioners. And in New York City, Councilman Peter Vallone has pushed for legislation since 2010 to get rid of fluoride in water serving 8.2 million residents.
Gary O. Jones, a Mesa family dentist and Arizona Dental Association president, said the EPA's latest change shows there is regular scientific review of water fluoridation standards to ensure that it's safe.
The major public-health benefit of fluoridating water comes for lower-income families who can't afford dental care, Jones said. Preventing cavities before they form is the key.
"The concerns are comparable to me as people looking at not immunizing children anymore," said Jones, who was part of the movement to fluoridate water in Mesa in the 1990s. "We have 65 years of research that backs up the fact that it doesn't cause any health problems."
California dentist Bill Osmunson, one of the most vocal anti-fluoridation activists in the country, said someday the practice will be considered "one of the 20th century's greatest public-health blunders."
Osmunson, a spokesman for the Fluoride Action Network and a dentist for 35 years, said he promoted fluoridation for the first 25 years of his career but changed his tune after patients begged him to research the issue. What he found was like a "knee in the gut."
He said people drink different amounts of water daily, which means some people drinking tap water are consuming far more fluoride than others. "How can you give a drug to everybody in a dosage that's not regulated?" Osmunson asked.
USA - The Fluoride Industrial Complex: Racist Fluoridation EXPOSED!!
An article by Minority Report exposing how detrimental fluoride is to black people.
Applies here as well
Saturday, June 09, 2012
"Is Your Water Loaded with Drugs?"
.........Imagine if the water you drank contained an invisible drug…
Is your water really safe to drink?
A drug so harmful that it's been proven to cause serious health issues, including damage to your bones and teeth, as well as your kidneys, thyroid, pineal gland, and even your brain.
A drug so pervasive that 41% of all American children between the ages of 12 to 15 show visible signs of having been needlessly overexposed it. With recent international studies indicating that even small dosages can lower IQ in our kids.
A drug so unregulated that the FDA's official classification is "Unapproved New Drug." And yet, it's still pumped into the water supply of over 180 million Americans, including infants and the elderly, with no way to control who gets it, how much they get, or what effect this mass dosing has on any given individual.
Regretfully, you do NOT have to use your imagination.
For over 50 years, Americans have been forced to drink a drug that causes serious health problems. This is nothing you have to make up. It's very, very real.
The drug is fluoride............
If the SHA carry out their threat it will soon be in Southampton's water.
Is your water really safe to drink?
A drug so harmful that it's been proven to cause serious health issues, including damage to your bones and teeth, as well as your kidneys, thyroid, pineal gland, and even your brain.
A drug so pervasive that 41% of all American children between the ages of 12 to 15 show visible signs of having been needlessly overexposed it. With recent international studies indicating that even small dosages can lower IQ in our kids.
A drug so unregulated that the FDA's official classification is "Unapproved New Drug." And yet, it's still pumped into the water supply of over 180 million Americans, including infants and the elderly, with no way to control who gets it, how much they get, or what effect this mass dosing has on any given individual.
Regretfully, you do NOT have to use your imagination.
For over 50 years, Americans have been forced to drink a drug that causes serious health problems. This is nothing you have to make up. It's very, very real.
The drug is fluoride............
If the SHA carry out their threat it will soon be in Southampton's water.
Friday, June 08, 2012
Improve oral health
Improve oral health
Thursday, June 07, 2012
Herald Express
DESPITE major improvements in recent decades, millions of people in the UK are still affected by poor oral health. It is estimated that a third of all children starting school have tooth decay; three in every ten adults suffer from regular dental pain, and over four-fifths of the population have at least one filling.
More also needs to be done to improve the nation's oral health habits. It is estimated that a quarter of adults don't brush their teeth twice a day and that around a quarter of all adults say they have not visited a dentist in the past two years.
National Smile Month, which began on May 20 and runs until June 20, is organised by UK charity The British Dental Health Foundation, and encourages everyone to follow three basic rules for great oral health throughout life:
Brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste
Cut down on how often you have sugary foods and drinks
Visit your dentist regularly, as often as is recommended.
This year the campaign is also promoting a water-saving message in partnership with Save Water Save Money and 19 water companies.
The symbol of this year's campaign, which is sponsored by, among others, Oral-B, Wrigley's Extra and Listerine, is the "Smiley".
Find out more at the website
Thursday, June 07, 2012
Herald Express
DESPITE major improvements in recent decades, millions of people in the UK are still affected by poor oral health. It is estimated that a third of all children starting school have tooth decay; three in every ten adults suffer from regular dental pain, and over four-fifths of the population have at least one filling.
More also needs to be done to improve the nation's oral health habits. It is estimated that a quarter of adults don't brush their teeth twice a day and that around a quarter of all adults say they have not visited a dentist in the past two years.
National Smile Month, which began on May 20 and runs until June 20, is organised by UK charity The British Dental Health Foundation, and encourages everyone to follow three basic rules for great oral health throughout life:
Brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste
Cut down on how often you have sugary foods and drinks
Visit your dentist regularly, as often as is recommended.
This year the campaign is also promoting a water-saving message in partnership with Save Water Save Money and 19 water companies.
The symbol of this year's campaign, which is sponsored by, among others, Oral-B, Wrigley's Extra and Listerine, is the "Smiley".
Find out more at the website
Thursday, June 07, 2012
The dangers of chlorine and fluoride
The dangers of chlorine and fluoride
In the last several months there has been much written about the high acid levels in the municipalities’ water in Lowville and several of the other small towns in the local area.
What they don’t tell you is that the high levels of acid cause cardiovascular damage, dangerous constriction of the blood cells and oxygen starvation throughout your body, blood sugar problems and bladder and kidney conditions, including kidney stones (Journal of Clinical Investigation) i.e., acid destroys your muscles, including your heart.
High acidity is a hidden cause of bone loss and joint pain (Journal of Clinical Nutrition).
Acidic ph levels cause serious blood sugar imbalances (Journal of Diabetes care).
Acid in your lungs triggers bronchial attacks (American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine).
Acid, alkaline imbalances, “cook” your cells and promote abnormal cell growth.
In the book “Hidden Truth of Cancer,” Keiichi Morishita, M.D., shows why cells in an acidic body are the ideal breeding grounds for abnormal growth. According to Dr. Morishita, when one of your cells is bombarded with acid, it either 1) survives, but suffers damage of DNA inside it, which can cause it to begin multiplying wildly or, 2) deteriorates and dies, creating more acid in your body — which poisons even more cells and raises your risk even higher.
It is clear. Restore or perfect ph balance in your body, lower your acid levels and raise alkaline levels, and the deadly cycle can be broken.
It is also clear that the acid problems that we see in the municipal waters, which have been ongoing for several years, may be and probably are a big reason for the cancer problem in our communities.
As were are aware, that tap water has chlorine in it, and most tap water has fluoride in it.
Fluoride is one of the most toxic chemicals in the world. It is a product that comes from the manufacture of superphosphic fertilizer and is so toxic it can’t be dumped anywhere.
Fluoride adversity affects virtually every organ in the body, primarily your thyroid gland.Chlorinated water causes scarring of the arteries (heart attacks).
Chlorine is the major factor in the large amounts of acidic water.
Glenn A. Foote
By Richard Henry Wed., Jun. 06 at 7:41 am
As a former water treatment plant operator Fluoride dosage(s) always bothered me. Generally the State wants to see around 1 part per million in the treated water. Their (Health Dept.) own range would allow them to drop the dosage at least 25% with no ill effects. Remember that your toothpaste and mouthwash usually have fluoride also. Environmentally, I noticed over 20 years that while very small, the amount of fluoride in the waters off of Oswego (our source) doubled.
Excess fluoride passes through our bodies, goes down the drain when we flush the toilet, wash the dishes, the clothes, the car etc. etc..
Chlorine is the most economical way to disinfect our treated water. The cost, diseases/parasites, far outweighs the negatives right now. Reduced dosages are possible here too, but oversight (State or local) MUST be effective.
The hidden, or expediently ignored, threat to all of us and the environment/ecology around us is the "tonnage" of pharmaceuticals that are flushed down our drains, through sewage treatment plants, and out into our waterways and the Lake. They are NOT beneficial to wildlife.
At least chlorine is easy to filter out.
In the last several months there has been much written about the high acid levels in the municipalities’ water in Lowville and several of the other small towns in the local area.
What they don’t tell you is that the high levels of acid cause cardiovascular damage, dangerous constriction of the blood cells and oxygen starvation throughout your body, blood sugar problems and bladder and kidney conditions, including kidney stones (Journal of Clinical Investigation) i.e., acid destroys your muscles, including your heart.
High acidity is a hidden cause of bone loss and joint pain (Journal of Clinical Nutrition).
Acidic ph levels cause serious blood sugar imbalances (Journal of Diabetes care).
Acid in your lungs triggers bronchial attacks (American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine).
Acid, alkaline imbalances, “cook” your cells and promote abnormal cell growth.
In the book “Hidden Truth of Cancer,” Keiichi Morishita, M.D., shows why cells in an acidic body are the ideal breeding grounds for abnormal growth. According to Dr. Morishita, when one of your cells is bombarded with acid, it either 1) survives, but suffers damage of DNA inside it, which can cause it to begin multiplying wildly or, 2) deteriorates and dies, creating more acid in your body — which poisons even more cells and raises your risk even higher.
It is clear. Restore or perfect ph balance in your body, lower your acid levels and raise alkaline levels, and the deadly cycle can be broken.
It is also clear that the acid problems that we see in the municipal waters, which have been ongoing for several years, may be and probably are a big reason for the cancer problem in our communities.
As were are aware, that tap water has chlorine in it, and most tap water has fluoride in it.
Fluoride is one of the most toxic chemicals in the world. It is a product that comes from the manufacture of superphosphic fertilizer and is so toxic it can’t be dumped anywhere.
Fluoride adversity affects virtually every organ in the body, primarily your thyroid gland.Chlorinated water causes scarring of the arteries (heart attacks).
Chlorine is the major factor in the large amounts of acidic water.
Glenn A. Foote
By Richard Henry Wed., Jun. 06 at 7:41 am
As a former water treatment plant operator Fluoride dosage(s) always bothered me. Generally the State wants to see around 1 part per million in the treated water. Their (Health Dept.) own range would allow them to drop the dosage at least 25% with no ill effects. Remember that your toothpaste and mouthwash usually have fluoride also. Environmentally, I noticed over 20 years that while very small, the amount of fluoride in the waters off of Oswego (our source) doubled.
Excess fluoride passes through our bodies, goes down the drain when we flush the toilet, wash the dishes, the clothes, the car etc. etc..
Chlorine is the most economical way to disinfect our treated water. The cost, diseases/parasites, far outweighs the negatives right now. Reduced dosages are possible here too, but oversight (State or local) MUST be effective.
The hidden, or expediently ignored, threat to all of us and the environment/ecology around us is the "tonnage" of pharmaceuticals that are flushed down our drains, through sewage treatment plants, and out into our waterways and the Lake. They are NOT beneficial to wildlife.
At least chlorine is easy to filter out.
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
Mass fluoride over-dosing in Irish Republic demands urgent action.
Mass fluoride over-dosing in Irish Republic demands urgent action.
5th June 2012
The Irish Medical Times reveals that 70% of adults in the fluoridated Republic are above the medically-safe daily fluoride intake and this is directly due to drinking water being fluoridated. In the UK which is largely un-fluoridated, a sizeable proportion of adults are also above safe levels.
Only in February 2012 the European Commission again warned that the very youngest are at greatest risk with bottle-fed babies receiving 140 times more fluoride than from mother’s milk. Some 30,000 babies this year in the Republic will probably be fed formula made up with fluoridated tap water and still parents here have not been warned of the risks.
Meanwhile in N. Ireland its Health Minister's proposal to increase general exposure to fluoride (Poot’s Potty Plan to Fluoridate N.I on now looks even more misguided and irrational than when announced last month. Whereas Poot’s potty plan is surely now dead-in-the-water, every day in the South eighty newborn babies are at fluoride risk while Dublin’s negligent health authorities stand idly by.
5th June 2012
The Irish Medical Times reveals that 70% of adults in the fluoridated Republic are above the medically-safe daily fluoride intake and this is directly due to drinking water being fluoridated. In the UK which is largely un-fluoridated, a sizeable proportion of adults are also above safe levels.
Only in February 2012 the European Commission again warned that the very youngest are at greatest risk with bottle-fed babies receiving 140 times more fluoride than from mother’s milk. Some 30,000 babies this year in the Republic will probably be fed formula made up with fluoridated tap water and still parents here have not been warned of the risks.
Meanwhile in N. Ireland its Health Minister's proposal to increase general exposure to fluoride (Poot’s Potty Plan to Fluoridate N.I on now looks even more misguided and irrational than when announced last month. Whereas Poot’s potty plan is surely now dead-in-the-water, every day in the South eighty newborn babies are at fluoride risk while Dublin’s negligent health authorities stand idly by.
Fluoride an unsafe additive to water
Fluoride an unsafe additive to water
Fluorine was discovered in 1771 by Scheele. It was not produced in gaseous elemental purity until 1886 by Moissan. The inhalation of the pure
fluoride gas is invariably lethal. (Thus, masks are worn while adding it to the
public water system.)Carnot, a French scientist who studied the fluorine
content of bones, was the first to suggest a method for removing fluorine from
drinking water in 1893, by treating it with pulverized bone or bone ash. By this
means, the fluorine was taken up by the calcium of bones outside the body before
it could gain access to the bones within the body. Dr. Douw G. Steyn,
professor in the department of pharmacology of the Institute for Pathology in
Pretoria, South Africa, states, “Fluorine is probably the most dangerous of all
poisons as far as chronic poisoning is concerned, as it has a very marked
tendency to accumulate in the body. “There is hardly any time for
detoxification in the system or excretion, and symptoms may appear for up to 30
to 40 years after the inception of ingestion of minute qualities of this
element. It is common knowledge that the most prominent symptoms of chronic
fluorine poisoning are disease and destruction of the teeth and
bones.”Fluoridation is linked to immune system alteration,
musculoskeletal harm, genetic damage, thyroid dysfunction and cancer.No
one knows how much water any individual is going to drink. When sodium fluoride
is put in the drinking water, no child gets the right dose of fluoride (whatever
that may be) except the child who happens to drink the right amount of water. It
is not the smallness of itself which is the prime factor in the consideration
and evaluation of a substance, but what properties it hides within its interior.
Fluorides are added for the express purpose of acting on the bodies of
consumers, altering their structure and function. This is a drug given
indiscriminately to everyone in the community. Sharon R. Davis-Bell
Fluorine was discovered in 1771 by Scheele. It was not produced in gaseous elemental purity until 1886 by Moissan. The inhalation of the pure
fluoride gas is invariably lethal. (Thus, masks are worn while adding it to the
public water system.)Carnot, a French scientist who studied the fluorine
content of bones, was the first to suggest a method for removing fluorine from
drinking water in 1893, by treating it with pulverized bone or bone ash. By this
means, the fluorine was taken up by the calcium of bones outside the body before
it could gain access to the bones within the body. Dr. Douw G. Steyn,
professor in the department of pharmacology of the Institute for Pathology in
Pretoria, South Africa, states, “Fluorine is probably the most dangerous of all
poisons as far as chronic poisoning is concerned, as it has a very marked
tendency to accumulate in the body. “There is hardly any time for
detoxification in the system or excretion, and symptoms may appear for up to 30
to 40 years after the inception of ingestion of minute qualities of this
element. It is common knowledge that the most prominent symptoms of chronic
fluorine poisoning are disease and destruction of the teeth and
bones.”Fluoridation is linked to immune system alteration,
musculoskeletal harm, genetic damage, thyroid dysfunction and cancer.No
one knows how much water any individual is going to drink. When sodium fluoride
is put in the drinking water, no child gets the right dose of fluoride (whatever
that may be) except the child who happens to drink the right amount of water. It
is not the smallness of itself which is the prime factor in the consideration
and evaluation of a substance, but what properties it hides within its interior.
Fluorides are added for the express purpose of acting on the bodies of
consumers, altering their structure and function. This is a drug given
indiscriminately to everyone in the community. Sharon R. Davis-Bell
Sunday, June 03, 2012
Saturday, June 02, 2012
Friday, June 01, 2012
USA - Most health care professionals don't buy the argument that fluoridation is ineffective and dangerous
Most health care professionals don't buy the argument that fluoridation is ineffective and dangerous. Neither should Milwaukee aldermen.
.....Bohl and Paul Connett, executive director of the Fluoride Action Network and a chemist by trade, told us Wednesday that fluoridation has been associated with cancer and that studies in China and elsewhere have proved how dangerous it is. They also said the health care establishment has a vested interest in maintaining that fluoridation serves a public health purpose.
But their arguments, no doubt sincere, aren't based on much more than anecdote, conjecture and studies that aren't particular relevant to the U.S. practice of community water fluoridation.
Hundreds of studies carried out in many different countries in the past 50 years have proved the effectiveness of fluoridation, according to the DHS statement. In addition, the World Health Organization, the U.S. Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Public Health Association, the American Medical Association, and the American Dental Association all endorse community water fluoridation.
In Wisconsin, a few of the many organizations that support fluoridation include the State Medical Society of Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Public Health Association, the Wisconsin Dental Association, the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians.
That may be the so-called health care establishment, but it's a more impressive and convincing array than Bohl's witnesses and his binder. Until he and the rest of the anti-fluoride crowd make a dent in that establishment, we'll stick with the experts.
Should Milwaukee end the practice of adding flouride to its water? To be considered for publication as a letter to the editor, e-mail your opinion to the Journal Sentinel editorial department
.....Bohl and Paul Connett, executive director of the Fluoride Action Network and a chemist by trade, told us Wednesday that fluoridation has been associated with cancer and that studies in China and elsewhere have proved how dangerous it is. They also said the health care establishment has a vested interest in maintaining that fluoridation serves a public health purpose.
But their arguments, no doubt sincere, aren't based on much more than anecdote, conjecture and studies that aren't particular relevant to the U.S. practice of community water fluoridation.
Hundreds of studies carried out in many different countries in the past 50 years have proved the effectiveness of fluoridation, according to the DHS statement. In addition, the World Health Organization, the U.S. Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Public Health Association, the American Medical Association, and the American Dental Association all endorse community water fluoridation.
In Wisconsin, a few of the many organizations that support fluoridation include the State Medical Society of Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Public Health Association, the Wisconsin Dental Association, the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians.
That may be the so-called health care establishment, but it's a more impressive and convincing array than Bohl's witnesses and his binder. Until he and the rest of the anti-fluoride crowd make a dent in that establishment, we'll stick with the experts.
Should Milwaukee end the practice of adding flouride to its water? To be considered for publication as a letter to the editor, e-mail your opinion to the Journal Sentinel editorial department
America’s Teeth Are Rotting, Probably Because Dental Care Is For Rich White People
America’s Teeth Are Rotting, Probably Because Dental Care Is For Rich White People
by Hanna Brooks Olsen
Something is rotten in the United States–our teeth. According to a report released today by the CDC, 20% of Americans have untreated cavities. And if you’re a minority or you’re living in poverty, that rate can be twice as even higher. But it’s not because Americans are lazy, or even because our diets are rich in sugar (though that doesn’t help)–it’s because dental care is really, really expensive. In fact, about a third of Americans have trouble accessing oral health care.
Here are some figures from the study, via WedMD
•34% of non-Hispanic blacks and 31% of Mexican-Americans had untreated cavities compared to 18% of whites.
•Adults between 20 and 64 were more than twice as likely to have untreated cavities if they were living in poverty (42% vs. 17%).
•25% of children and teens living in poverty had untreated cavities.
Basically, nice teeth are for wealthy white people. But it’s not because they can afford nicer toothbrushes–it’s because they’re way more likely to have health insurance that includes dental care.
Sure, brushing and flossing are important components of preventative oral health care–but there’s only so much people can do, particularly if they’re living in poverty. For those with enamel defects (because of a poor diet, or because they’re very young or very old, over-brushing, or a litany of other reasons), basic daily care isn’t enough to curb decay and prevent cavities. And once a cavity has developed, professional treatment is required to stop the pain, save the tooth, and prevent further problems. But that’s where it gets sticky–many people who are insured through an employer or otherwise, in an attempt to shore up their personal finances, opt to cut dental care first…if they even had access to it at all. Which many don’t.
Additionally, as the American Dental Association points out, only 2% of money from Medicaid goes to oral health care, and Medicare doesn’t really offer it at all. As a result, the people who need it most–low-income individuals, families living below the poverty line, and the elderly–are all left mostly on their own to pay for fillings and other forms of decay treatment. And really, if it’s the difference between paying the mortgage and getting that sore tooth filled in, most cash-strapped Americans are going to opt for the former....
Fluoridated USA
by Hanna Brooks Olsen
Something is rotten in the United States–our teeth. According to a report released today by the CDC, 20% of Americans have untreated cavities. And if you’re a minority or you’re living in poverty, that rate can be twice as even higher. But it’s not because Americans are lazy, or even because our diets are rich in sugar (though that doesn’t help)–it’s because dental care is really, really expensive. In fact, about a third of Americans have trouble accessing oral health care.
Here are some figures from the study, via WedMD
•34% of non-Hispanic blacks and 31% of Mexican-Americans had untreated cavities compared to 18% of whites.
•Adults between 20 and 64 were more than twice as likely to have untreated cavities if they were living in poverty (42% vs. 17%).
•25% of children and teens living in poverty had untreated cavities.
Basically, nice teeth are for wealthy white people. But it’s not because they can afford nicer toothbrushes–it’s because they’re way more likely to have health insurance that includes dental care.
Sure, brushing and flossing are important components of preventative oral health care–but there’s only so much people can do, particularly if they’re living in poverty. For those with enamel defects (because of a poor diet, or because they’re very young or very old, over-brushing, or a litany of other reasons), basic daily care isn’t enough to curb decay and prevent cavities. And once a cavity has developed, professional treatment is required to stop the pain, save the tooth, and prevent further problems. But that’s where it gets sticky–many people who are insured through an employer or otherwise, in an attempt to shore up their personal finances, opt to cut dental care first…if they even had access to it at all. Which many don’t.
Additionally, as the American Dental Association points out, only 2% of money from Medicaid goes to oral health care, and Medicare doesn’t really offer it at all. As a result, the people who need it most–low-income individuals, families living below the poverty line, and the elderly–are all left mostly on their own to pay for fillings and other forms of decay treatment. And really, if it’s the difference between paying the mortgage and getting that sore tooth filled in, most cash-strapped Americans are going to opt for the former....
Fluoridated USA