USA - Limit Fluoride to Prevent Lead Poisoning, Study Says
Limit Fluoride to Prevent Lead Poisoning, Study Says
NEW YORK, March 15 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Fluoride chemicals added to public water supplies, boosts lead absorption in lab animals' bones, teeth and blood, report Sawan, et al. (Toxicology 2/2010). Earlier studies already show children's blood-lead-levels are higher in fluoridated communities, reports Sawan's research team.
"…exposure to increased amounts of lead and fluoride occurs at about the same age (1-3 years)… Therefore, this is a critical time when systemic exposure to fluoride should be minimized since fluoride may increase lead accumulation," the researchers caution.
Low-level lead exposure is associated with lower IQ, ADHD and many health and behavior ailments.
Fluosilicic acid (fluoride) is added to water supplies ostensibly to reduce tooth decay.
Sawan's team put fluosilicic acid, with and without lead, into lab animals' drinking water. They found more lead in tooth enamel, surface bone, whole bone, and tooth dentine in rats co-exposed to fluoride and lead.
Possibly anticipating criticism that rats were fed higher fluoride-concentrated water than people drink, the authors write, "This concentration was chosen because it produces plasma fluoride levels that are comparable with those commonly found in humans…"
Increased prevalence and severity of fluoride-discolored teeth (fluorosis) proves U.S. children are already fluoride-overexposed, "which may cause their blood-lead levels to increase and produce more lead toxicity," they write.
"These findings suggest that a biological effect, not recognized so far, may underlie the epidemiological association between increased blood-lead levels in children and water fluoridation," concludes Sawan's research team.
"[O]ur findings may have serious implications for populations exposed to increased amounts of both lead and fluoride, particularly young children," the research team writes.
Fluoridation chemicals often contain lead (NSF International).
Attorney Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (NYSCOF), says, "People need to lobby and petition their legislators to stop fluoridation in their towns, cities and states. Legislators are ignoring the science proving fluoridation is endangering our health, our water supplies and wasting tax dollars while denying freedom of choice." (see:
Masters and Coplan's landmark studies show higher blood-lead-levels in children living in silico-fluoridated communities (Neurotoxicology 2000, 2007). Macek's research shows children's higher blood-lead-levels are associated with water fluoridation when lead is already in the environment (Environmental Health Perspectives, 2006).
Some fluoridation chemicals originate in China, Mexico and Japan, reports the CDC.
Contact: Paul Beeber, J.D. 516-433-8882
NEW YORK, March 15 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Fluoride chemicals added to public water supplies, boosts lead absorption in lab animals' bones, teeth and blood, report Sawan, et al. (Toxicology 2/2010). Earlier studies already show children's blood-lead-levels are higher in fluoridated communities, reports Sawan's research team.
"…exposure to increased amounts of lead and fluoride occurs at about the same age (1-3 years)… Therefore, this is a critical time when systemic exposure to fluoride should be minimized since fluoride may increase lead accumulation," the researchers caution.
Low-level lead exposure is associated with lower IQ, ADHD and many health and behavior ailments.
Fluosilicic acid (fluoride) is added to water supplies ostensibly to reduce tooth decay.
Sawan's team put fluosilicic acid, with and without lead, into lab animals' drinking water. They found more lead in tooth enamel, surface bone, whole bone, and tooth dentine in rats co-exposed to fluoride and lead.
Possibly anticipating criticism that rats were fed higher fluoride-concentrated water than people drink, the authors write, "This concentration was chosen because it produces plasma fluoride levels that are comparable with those commonly found in humans…"
Increased prevalence and severity of fluoride-discolored teeth (fluorosis) proves U.S. children are already fluoride-overexposed, "which may cause their blood-lead levels to increase and produce more lead toxicity," they write.
"These findings suggest that a biological effect, not recognized so far, may underlie the epidemiological association between increased blood-lead levels in children and water fluoridation," concludes Sawan's research team.
"[O]ur findings may have serious implications for populations exposed to increased amounts of both lead and fluoride, particularly young children," the research team writes.
Fluoridation chemicals often contain lead (NSF International).
Attorney Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (NYSCOF), says, "People need to lobby and petition their legislators to stop fluoridation in their towns, cities and states. Legislators are ignoring the science proving fluoridation is endangering our health, our water supplies and wasting tax dollars while denying freedom of choice." (see:
Masters and Coplan's landmark studies show higher blood-lead-levels in children living in silico-fluoridated communities (Neurotoxicology 2000, 2007). Macek's research shows children's higher blood-lead-levels are associated with water fluoridation when lead is already in the environment (Environmental Health Perspectives, 2006).
Some fluoridation chemicals originate in China, Mexico and Japan, reports the CDC.
Contact: Paul Beeber, J.D. 516-433-8882
The National Academy of Sciences did a thorough review on fluoride in 2006. They documented numerous deleterious effects of fluoride on many organ systems including increased potential risk for bone fractures (the well characterized disease of skeletal fluorosis) possibly increased risk of osteosarcoma, reduced IQ, thyroid dysfunction, endocrine dysfunction and others all 300 pages is online if anyone cares to confirm it. Of course don’t forget fluoride induced dental fluorsosis (i.e. teeth mottling and a sign of toxic exposure to fluoride) They ended with recommending that the EPA should more strictly regulate fluoride. Their findings mirror those in the peer-reviewed medical literature, while Harvard trained toxicologist Phyllis Mullenix also extensively documented behavioral changes in mice upon exposure to blood levels of fluoride not far greater than those experienced through water fluoridation and other sources of exposure. Former, well credentialed EPA scientists have been fired for bucking the political line on this issue. Meanwhile 90% of the fluoride placed into our water supply is not industrial grade sodium fluoride, it is silicofluorides, quite simply, scraped from the sides of Florida phosphate plant smokestacks. If it weren’t thrown into the water supply it would have to be disposed of as hazardous waste. You can read more on this starting here if you suspect I am just making this all up.
Anonymous, at 16 March, 2010
The National Academy of Sciences did a thorough review on fluoride in 2006. They documented numerous deleterious effects of fluoride on many organ systems including increased potential risk for bone fractures (the well characterized disease of skeletal fluorosis) possibly increased risk of osteosarcoma, reduced IQ, thyroid dysfunction, endocrine dysfunction and others all 300 pages is online if anyone cares to confirm it. Of course don’t forget fluoride induced dental fluorsosis (i.e. teeth mottling and a sign of toxic exposure to fluoride) They ended with recommending that the EPA should more strictly regulate fluoride. Their findings mirror those in the peer-reviewed medical literature, while Harvard trained toxicologist Phyllis Mullenix also extensively documented behavioral changes in mice upon exposure to blood levels of fluoride not far greater than those experienced through water fluoridation and other sources of exposure. Former, well credentialed EPA scientists have been fired for bucking the political line on this issue. Meanwhile 90% of the fluoride placed into our water supply is not industrial grade sodium fluoride, it is silicofluorides, quite simply, scraped from the sides of Florida phosphate plant smokestacks. If it weren’t thrown into the water supply it would have to be disposed of as hazardous waste. You can read more on this starting here if you suspect I am just making this all up.
PDM, at 16 March, 2010
High PDM I have a letter from the DWI in London giving the chemicals used in flouridation ,not happy with that i asked for the heavy metals within the Toxic fluorides. If you want a copy of the letter to back you up email
Anonymous, at 16 April, 2010
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