Persuasive Speech
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Irish Water confirms fluoride spill at water treatment plant
Utility indicates that spill occurred in Bennettsbridge but was quickly contained
Irish Water has confirmed that a chemical spill of fluoride occurred at a water treatment plant in Bennettsbridge, Co Kilkenny on Monday afternoon.
A spokeswoman said it was a small spill and there was no risk to public health. She said Kilkenny Fire Service was notified in accordance with proper procedures. They set up a chemical spill area to manage and contain the spill.
“The spill did not discharge directly to the nearby river Nore,” she said. “A full clean-up is under way and relevant agencies will be notified.”
Monday, March 30, 2015
USA - Letter: Fluoride debate
March 30, 2015
To the editor:
Approximately two-thirds of the U.S. adds the toxic industrial waste product known as fluoride to the tap water to supposedly prevent tooth decay. Most developed countries do not fluoridate their water. According to the World Health Organization, there is no discernible difference in tooth decay between developed countries that fluoridate their water and those that do not.
Fluoride is only effective as a topical. Ingesting fluoride has no benefit. In fact, consuming fluoride is linked to the following health issues: arthritis, dementia, bone fractures, bone cancer, muscle disorders, lower IQ, lower thyroid function, immune system disruption, lethargy, heavy metal increase, and on and on. Fluoride is a known endocrine disruptor and accumulates in the pineal gland.
According to the Washington Post (“The untold story of how the sugar industry shaped key government research about your teeth,” March 11, 2015), the sugar industry swayed government funded research to focus on the wider use of fluoride and sealants in dental hygiene rather than recommending less sugar consumption.
The Lawrence city commissioners decide whether or not fluoride is added to our water supply. Interestingly, Wichita is more progressive than Lawrence in that is does not add fluoride to the water.
It is time for our city commissioners to quit playing doctor by medicating the population with fluoride in our tap water. Instead, our public servants should recommend the citizenry take personal responsibility for their own health and perhaps reduce their sugar intake. Those that believe fluoride is still good for the body can always choose use fluoride toothpaste. I just hope they read the warning label first.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
In this week’s edition of Wellness Wednesday, Dr. Kevin discussed fluoride in public water supplies. He believes that modern research proves that the possible benefit does not outweigh the risk.
Dr. Kevin can be reached at The Bryant Wellness Institutes at 337-837-7174 or on Facebook.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Dr William Marcus EPA Whistle blower TOXIC FLUORIDE PESTICIDES Breast Cancer.
Bit dated but worth seeing.
UK - Will your children be too ashamed to smile because of rotting teeth?
Tooth decay is the most common disease affecting children today and here in North East Lincolnshire, the strategy for tackling the issue is in the process of being updated. Chief Reporter Sarah Howson found out more.
TOOTH decay and oral health in under fives in North East Lincolnshire is significantly higher than the national average.
The news came as the latest Children's Dental Health (CDH) survey revealed more than a third of 12-year-olds are too embarrassed by the state of their teeth to smile.
The Health and Social Care Information Centre released the findings of the latest ten-year survey, conducted in 2013, which showed more than a third (35 per cent) of 12-year-olds and 28 per cent of 15-year-olds made the shock admission.
In an officer's report presented to North East Lincolnshire Council's Health and Well Being board this week, it was revealed the latest figures gathered locally show 15 per cent of three-year-olds in the borough suffer tooth decay, compared to 11.7 per cent nationally.
And in five-year-olds the figure was even higher, with 31.4 per cent experiencing tooth decay, compared to 27.9 per cent nationally.
By the age of 12, children in North East Lincolnshire had significantly higher levels of oral disease (1.15 per cent) compared with England (0.74 per cent).
However, only 20.4 per cent had been given fillings, compared to an England average of 47 per cent.
The report also revealed that regionally, Yorkshire and the Humber was amongst the four worst regions in England for oral health in three-year-olds.
It said: "Tooth decay is now the most common disease affecting children and yet it is largely preventable.
"Between the ages of five and nine years it is also the most frequent reason for childhood admissions to hospital – it causes pain and infection and can impact on nutrition, growth, sleep and play.
"Failing to secure care when it is readily available can lead to neglect and safeguarding concerns. Good oral health can contribute to school readiness and reduce school absenteeism."
It added that the standard of oral health among local children varied depending on where they lived.
The report said: "Poor oral health is strongly associated with material deprivation.
"Those children living in the most deprived areas in North East Lincolnshire are more than twice as likely to have tooth decay by the age of five, compared with those living in the more affluent areas.
"Dental attendance within the previous 24 months up to April 2014 also indicate lower levels of attendance, especially in young children, compared with the rest of North Yorkshire and Humber and England."
A new action plan is also being formulated based on the latest data and there are already strategies in place to help tackle the issue, commissioned from Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLAG), including:
Brushing For Life programme – a health visitor-led programme which encourages twice-daily toothbrushing with a fluoride toothpaste as soon as the first teeth appear.
Training in oral health – regular training for health and social care staff to ensure the latest messages are passed on to parents and carers.
Resources for schools – primary schools are given teaching materials.
Encouragement – clinical are tasked with using each contact with parents and carers to encourage them to make healthier choices.
Awareness events – National Smile Month, National No Smoking Day, Mouth Cancer Action Month are all used to help promote good oral health.
Parents are also being encouraged to sign up to the Change4Life campaign, which aims to cut down the amount of sugar children consume by making one or more simple swaps in their daily diet.
The scheme highlights four areas for parents to think about:
- The Breakfast Swap: sugary cereal for plain cereal such as a wholewheat biscuit cereal.
- The Drink Swap: sugary drinks to sugar-free or no-added-sugar drinks.
- The After School Swap: from muffins to fruited teacake.
- The Pudding Swap: from ice cream to low-fat lower-sugar yoghurt.
Councillor Peter Wheatley, portfolio holder for health and chair of the health and wellbeing board, said: "Reducing sugar intake is important for the health of our children now and in the future. We are all eating too much sugar and the impact this has on our health is evident.
"Past national campaigns have shown that making simple swaps works and makes a real difference and this year's is focusing on sugar alone. Simple swaps could lead to big changes if sustained over time and we'd urge parents across the borough to try one more simple swap in January and beyond.
"We know that mums want to provide a healthy diet for their children but balancing a number of competing priorities, including healthy eating, can be tricky. Although sugar consumption is a worry for parents, we understand that taking steps to reduce sugar can be really difficult.
"We hope that these simple Sugar Swaps from Change4Life will make it easier for parents to reduce their family's sugar intake."
Tooth Decay Researcher Who Uncovered Sugar Industry Cover-Ups Speaking Out On Modern Health Policy
What if you were told that a private company worked in secret, for years, to fight against people’s best interests? I’m guessing your head didn’t explode from shock. Would the equation change if the company was advocating against policies that could have curtailed “the most prevalent chronic disease in our children”? That would be tooth
decay, and it’s just one of the negative
health outcomes exacerbated by corporate manipulation............
decay, and it’s just one of the negative
health outcomes exacerbated by corporate manipulation............
Friday, March 27, 2015
Welcome to the campaign to have Western Australia's drinking water Fluoride Free
Imagine a place where the state mass medicates the population with a scientifically proven toxin that itself is a freely acknowledged waste product of heavy industry. This mass medication takes place irrespective of citizens health needs, is arbitrary in its administration, and is enforced without any democratic consensus or independent scrutiny. In addition this mass medication costs taxpayers tens of millions of dollars a year, and yet 99.9% of its output never hits its intended target.
Welcome to Western Australia in 2015. After 49 years of unquestioning acquiescence to to this illogical dogma it is time for WA's citizens to take back ownership of our most precious resource - our water supply.
Safety Data Sheet
Chronic effects: Chronic fluorine poisoning is possible. Intake of more than 1.5 mg/L of fluoride can cause dental
fluorosis with amounts of greater than 4 mg/L possibly causing skeletal fluorosis. Symptoms include weight loss,
brittle bones, anaemia, weakness, and stiffness of joints. Chronic exposure may result in adverse effects on the heart,
central nervous system, circulatory system , kidneys , and skeleton.
13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Issued: 25/03/2015 Substance No: 000031020001 Disposal methods: Refer to Waste Management Authority. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations.
Such as getting people to drink it?
13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Issued: 25/03/2015 Substance No: 000031020001 Disposal methods: Refer to Waste Management Authority. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations.
Such as getting people to drink it?
Bad prospects if tooth decay is not tackled early
Victorian view: 'A First Visit to the Dentist’ by the English painter Edward Hughes, 1866 ( )
SIR – The latest Children’s Dental Health Survey showed some improvements, but the continued presence of early childhood caries (ECC) is very worrying.
This condition, whereby baby teeth are seriously damaged by tooth decay, is the result of a lack of dental knowledge by young parents. Early diagnosis and preventive care, with effective tooth-cleaning using a fluoride toothpaste and reduced consumption of sugary drinks, can minimise or even prevent ECC. Infants of school age without dental caries are likely to remain free of decay until adulthood.
We need a national campaign, led by ante-natal groups, new-baby classes and community nurses, to encourage all young parents to take their baby to a dentist before their first birthday.
Martin Curzon
Emeritus Professor of Child Dental Health
Northallerton, North Yorkshire
Emeritus Professor of Child Dental Health
Northallerton, North Yorkshire
UK - Success for scheme to combat tooth decay in Keighley district primary school children
UPTAKE on a scheme to varnish thousands of primary school and nursery pupils’ teeth with fluoride has been positive, says the district care trust behind the decay-busting initiative.
All primary schools across Bradford and Airedale have been invited to sign up for the sessions carried out by NHS dental nurses and so far about 300, including other childcare settings, have enrolled.
Dr Shirley Brierley
Bradford and Airedale has the poorest oral health in the region, with over 46 per cent of five-year-olds having tooth decay, compared with 33.6 per cent across Yorkshire and the Humber.
“Research shows that fluoride varnish is highly effective at reducing dental disease if applied twice a year directly onto the tooth surface, in addition to regular brushing," said Swarngit Shahid, clinical director at Bradford District Care Trust, which provides the service.
The varnishing project, commissioned by Public Health Bradford, is in its fourth year and is just one programme which is part of a package of oral health improvements called Building Brighter Smiles.
There is evidence that fluoride varnish can reduce tooth decay in first teeth by 33 per cent and all children between the ages of two and four are eligible to have it done.
Last year, it was revealed that three Bradford-district under-fives have teeth pulled out in hospital every week, because of infections caused by eating sugary food and failing to brush teeth properly.
Official statistics showed 462 children in the district were admitted to hospital with dental issues over a three-year period.
Dr Shirley Brierley, consultant in public health for Bradford Council, said: “The fluoride varnish programme is aimed at providing effective intervention in all children aged between two and four.”
South Staffordshire Water Company the first water firm in the UK to provide fully fluoridated water - some honour!
Water fluoridation plant was another first for the area
The plant made South Staffordshire Water Company the first water firm in the UK to provide fully fluoridated water throughout its supply area.
The big switch-on – held on January 22, 1990 – was performed by Sir James Ackers, chairman of West Midlands Regional Health Authority which footed the £2.5m bill for the project.
Sir James said: "Water authorities have always been in health promotion since they first provided good water in Victorian times.
"The great thing about fluoridation is that the evidence about the benefit to teeth is incontrovertible. It is good for the population as a whole."
Margaret Stanhope, chairman of South East Staffordshire Health Authority, said at the time: "I am absolutely delighted. The original agreement with health authorities was signed in 1981 and I began to wonder if we should ever get fluoridation.
"Now it has arrived the benefits are going to be an enormous improvement in dental care."
At the opening, Tony Woodward, a water quality manager, told how the company developed a fluoride monitor to check safety.
He explained how a tanker containing 15-tonnes of acid would arrive at the plant and would go into a special area to prevent danger to public or the environment if there was spillage.
The acid would be diluted to a controllable level and the transfer into the water supply would happen only once in 24 hours so that the dose did not exceed the need.
South Staffordshire Water Company was working on fluoridation long time before the 1985 Act of Parliament gave it the go-ahead and its first plant opened only a month later.
Incontrovertible - really?
Useful bit of PR for South Staffs Water. But it doesn't alter the fact that they are dumping a class 2 toxic waste poison into our water. Toxic waste the manufacturers would find prohibitively expensive to otherwise dispose of - yet this way they turn it into a nice little earner! It's "commercial" grade - that means 2% arsenic, mercury, lead, heavy metals and other toxins. Copious research from all over the world shows the health hazards (tooth fluorosis, skeletal fluorosis, thyroid troubles, are just a very few of the better known affects) of dripping this waste sludge into our water. Has South Staffs teeth improved at all? Of course not! There are as many if not more dentists than ever. The only explanations possible for people doing this to our water are Criminal Greed, Insanity, total ignorance or Environmental Terrorism. Take your pick! Most other countries in the world don't do it. Israel has now banned it after stopping doing it. America - where it all started, with their vast industrial fluoride production whilst making the atomic bomb - now say it must be lowered to 0.7 parts per million (we suffer 1.0 ppm), that it is dangerous for bottle fed babies, and toothpaste with fluoride has a "poisons warning" on it by law. What on earth's the matter with this country? Turn off those fluoride taps - NOW!
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Fluoridation Conference Sydney 21 Feb 2015
Dr Jane Beck - Does fluoridation serve the greater good?
Published on 25 Mar 2015
Is it safe to administer a medicine, such as fluoride, to the whole population via public water supplies? Jane examines whether fluoride in our drinking water is reducing health inequalities in children, or whether there are better ways to help those vulnerable to tooth decay.
Shame it was poorly attended.

Would you put fertilizer waste byproduct in your child's water and ask them to drink up?
Phosphate fertilizer production supplies all the commercial grade hexafluorosilicic acid in the world. That's what is in the drinking water.
Phosphate fertilizer production supplies all the commercial grade hexafluorosilicic acid in the world. That's what is in the drinking water.
Phosphate fertilizer production supplies all the commercial grade hexafluorosilicic acid in the world. That's what is in the drinking water.
Fluoride and Heart Disease
In 2013, a study in Ireland was prompted over concern with that fluorosis might be linked with cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death in Ireland.
The study found that the concern was indeed justified: “Dental Fluorosis is a biomarker for coronary heart disease (CHD). Professor Takamori’s research team observed that children with dental fluorosis have a higher incidence of heart damage and an increase in abnormal heart rhythm than those without fluorosis.”
In lieu of the evidence, will the government of Ireland stop their policy of mandatory fluoridation of the population of Ireland?
And regarding the US?
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Reader Poll: Fluoride in Water Linked to Hypothyroidism
A new UK study published online February 24 in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health has found that fluoridation of drinking water may be linked to an increased risk for hypothyroidism.
The study compared one completely fluoridated community to a nonfluoridated community and found that hypothyroidism was twice as likely to occur in residents drinking completely fluoridated water. The study authors and a commenter believe these results raise concerns about the safety of this public health measure that aims to reduce rates of tooth decay.
But the British Dental Association (BDA) expressed doubts about the new study. "No definitive conclusions can be drawn about cause and effect from the data," said an advisor to the BDA, adding, "We mustn't forget that fluoridation has a proven benefit in reducing high rates of tooth decay, particularly among those living in the most deprived communities."
Reopening the debate about fluoride
Robert H. Lustig, MD, and a team of UCSF researchers argue that sugar should be controlled like alcohol and tobacco to protect public health. In a new report, they maintain that sugar is fueling a global obesity pandemic, contributing to 35 million deaths annually worldwide from non-communicable diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
Dr Mercola
Story at-a-glance
The sugar industry dramatically altered and shaped the research agenda of the National Caries Program, launched in 1971 to identify interventions that would eradicate tooth decay
Unable to deny the role of sugar in dental caries, the sugar industry adopted a strategy to deflect attention to interventions that would reduce the harms of sugar consumption rather than restricting intake
Research into fluoride has not only failed to support its purported benefits; it actually shows that the health dangers of fluoride far outweigh the marginal dental benefits it might offer
Recent research has found a strong correlation between water fluoridation and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
The truth about Sodium Fluoride and how it is actually toxic waste.
The Nazi connection is not proven but most of the video is right.
Daily Express - Fluoride linked to thyroid issues
The DANGERS of drinking water: Fluoride linked to thyroid issues
HIGHER levels of water fluoridation are linked to increased rates of underactive thyroid glands, a study has found.
GP surgeries in the West Midlands, which has the UK's biggest water fluoridation scheme, are nearly twice as likely to report high hypothyroidism as Manchester, where it is not added to the drinking water.
The condition can cause weight gain and depression.
Fluoridation reduces tooth decay. But the report from the Centre for Health Services Studies at the University of Kent said hypothyroidism was at least 30 per cent likelier in areas with fluoride levels of more than 0.3 parts per million.
The report online in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health said: "The findings raise concerns about the validity of fluoridation."
Monday, March 23, 2015
Fluoride Free NZ
Read the entire transcript.
His comments are completely out of line with a recent WHO publication, Guideline: Sugars intake for adults and children. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015 which, happens to be peer reviewed by the Otago Dental School’s very ownMurray Thomson.
In their publication they state,
“Although exposure to fluoride reduces dental caries at a given age, and delays the onset of the cavitation process, it does not completely prevent dental caries, and dental caries still progresses in populations exposed to fluoride”
Wellington Dentist Dr Stan Litras identified the small amount of difference that fluoridation makes to reducing tooth decay in his press release: WHO: Sugar causes tooth decay, fluoridation no use
Clearly Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne is denying the fact that sugar is having a huge impact on the level of tooth decay in New Zealand. This comes on the back of the Minister of Health exempting fluoride chemicals from the medicines act on 27 January 2015.
Peter Thomas · Top Commenter · Wellington, New Zealand
Even the CDC backed down about 2000 and admitted that any perceived benefit from fluoride was TOPICAL, as in toothpaste – not from swallowing it..
There are several negatives associated with drinking it that are also pretty universally agreed to:
- Fluoride is an enzyme poison and endocrine disruptor.
- Fluoride is a “potent adjuvant”... causes or worsens allergies.
- Fluoride is a “proliferative agent”... causes or worsens inflammations.
- Fluoride builds up in bones.... causing or worsening arthritis and brittleness.
- Fluoride impacts thyroid functioning.
- Fluoride is a “burden” to kidneys... causing increased retention and possible damage in those with renal inefficiencies or chronic kidney disease.
Brush your teeth with it if you want, but those of us with allergies or Celiac disease; arthritis or brittle bones; and/or kidney or thyroid disease would rather not subject our entire bodies to it.
Segments of the population are unusually susceptible to the toxic effects of fluoride. They include “postmenopausal women and elderly men, pregnant woman and their luoride, people with deficiencies of calcium, magnesium and/or vitamin C, and people with cardiovascular and kidney problems….Post menopausal women and elderly men in fluoridated communities may also be at risk of fractures.” – USPHS Report (ATSDR TP-91/17, pg. 112, Sec.2.7, April 1993).
and The NKF advises it may be “prudent” to monitor the fluoride intake of “patients with chronic renal impairment, children, those with excessive fluoride intake, and those with prolonged disease.” – National Kidney Foundation, Fluoride Intake in Chronic Kidney Disease, April 15, 2008.
There are several negatives associated with drinking it that are also pretty universally agreed to:
- Fluoride is an enzyme poison and endocrine disruptor.
- Fluoride is a “potent adjuvant”... causes or worsens allergies.
- Fluoride is a “proliferative agent”... causes or worsens inflammations.
- Fluoride builds up in bones.... causing or worsening arthritis and brittleness.
- Fluoride impacts thyroid functioning.
- Fluoride is a “burden” to kidneys... causing increased retention and possible damage in those with renal inefficiencies or chronic kidney disease.
Brush your teeth with it if you want, but those of us with allergies or Celiac disease; arthritis or brittle bones; and/or kidney or thyroid disease would rather not subject our entire bodies to it.
Segments of the population are unusually susceptible to the toxic effects of fluoride. They include “postmenopausal women and elderly men, pregnant woman and their luoride, people with deficiencies of calcium, magnesium and/or vitamin C, and people with cardiovascular and kidney problems….Post menopausal women and elderly men in fluoridated communities may also be at risk of fractures.” – USPHS Report (ATSDR TP-91/17, pg. 112, Sec.2.7, April 1993).
and The NKF advises it may be “prudent” to monitor the fluoride intake of “patients with chronic renal impairment, children, those with excessive fluoride intake, and those with prolonged disease.” – National Kidney Foundation, Fluoride Intake in Chronic Kidney Disease, April 15, 2008.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
WHO: Sugar Causes Tooth Decay, Fluoridation No Use
WHO: Sugar Causes Tooth Decay, Fluoridation No Use
Newly published guidelines from the World Health Organization recommend a reduction of sugar intake to below 10 percent of daily energy intake, in order to reduce tooth decay, and other diseases, particularly in children.
The report confirms that high sugar is related to increased decay in both fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas, and that while water fluoridation appears to delay tooth decay, it does not completely prevent it.
In their publication, Guideline: Sugars intake for adults and children. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015
They state:
"Although exposure to fluoride reduces dental caries at a given age, and delays the onset of the cavitation process, it does not completely prevent dental caries, and dental caries still progresses in populations exposed to fluoride"
FIND has made consistent calls for the Health Department to fight tooth decay by focussing on reducing sugars in the diet and improving toothbrushing compliance in children. Such an approach has proved very effective overseas, but health authorities in New Zealand prefer to promote mass community fluoridation instead.
Robust reviews of the science suggest that in modern societies, water fluoridation is of negligible benefit, and there is no plausible evidence that it benefits adults, nor that it helps address social inequalities in oral health. On the other hand, recent research raises strong concern over damage to health, particularly in poorer communities.
The WHO report should be of interest to the Associate Minister of Health, Peter Dunne, who recently denied that sugar is the underlying cause of tooth decay, and who seems to believe water fluoridation is a magic bullet which will protect at risk people from tooth decay regardless how much sugar they consume in the way of fizzy drinks and fast food.
Stan Litras BDS BSc
Fluoride Information Network for Dentists
Fluoride Information Network for Dentists
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Staffordshire County Council
Raised the issue of fluoridation in County Council during a health debate –
seeing as the county is paying nearly quarter of a million pounds each year
(plus I suspect other capital and repair expenses!) for this poison concoction
containing fluoride to be drip-dumped into our water! Had some Tories in a hissy
fit jumping up and down with their points of order, etc., trying to put a gag on
me. Why won’t they debate this?? (Scroll down
timeline to 2:03:00)
Although fair play to the Chairman, who dismissed all the "Points of Order"
and barracking (the mike misses most of it). Quite disturbing that first into
the disruption was the Cabinet portfolio holder Alan White. That does not bode
well for the "unbiased" review he was supposed to be conducting about South
Staffs Water's fluoridation legal status!
But Leader of the Council Phil Atkins was quite supportive of my comments
in his summing up (here):- (scroll down timeline to 02.15.30)
There were also some in the Labour group calling that I should be allowed
to speak – I think more because they knew it made the Tories feel uncomfortable
rather than from any noble instinct to preserve free speech.
Only lasts a few minutes on the County Council’s webcast playback.
If anyone wants to
write to Hull Daily Mail about their article “HULL DENTISTS HIT OUT AT
Hull Mail’s email address is:
Ann Wills
Streamed live on 6 Jul 2014
Sara & Alana are the daughters of documentary movie maker of Fat Head, Tom Naughton, from episode 17, . Sara, age 10, enjoys books and TV shows about science. As part of a local 4-H project, she's currently raising two goats and 25 chickens on the Naughton farm. Alana, age 9, loves working with all kinds of art projects -- painting, clay sculptures, paper craft, and crocheting. Together they form the dynamic duo that host the Fat Head Kids Club, to help kids around the world eat healthily.
Hull dentists hit out at "scare-mongering" over fluoride in water plans
DENTISTS are appealing to people in Hull to ignore "scaremongering" from campaigners fighting water fluoridation plans.
However, a campaign against the plans has been mounted and a public meeting was held earlier this week, with protesters claiming it was "mass medication without consent".
Now, dentists have challenged what they describe as "outrageous and ill-
APPEAL: Chris Groombridge, secretary of the
Hull and East Riding Local Dental Committee.
Picture: Jerome Ellerby
founded claims" made at the meeting. Chris Groombridge, secretary of the Hull and East Riding Local Dental Committee (LDC), said: "To listen to the anti-brigade, you would think that virtually every illness in the world could be attributed to drinking one part of fluoride per million parts of water, which is the tiny concentration you find in fluoridated water.
"Well-conducted studies have found no credible evidence of harm to people's health. It should also be remembered that many places have the same level of fluoride in their water thanks to Mother Nature, including Hartlepool.
"We appeal to people not to let the scaremongers stop the city council from consulting them on whether or not we should follow in the footsteps of all these cities by adding a tiny amount of fluoride to water that already contains fluoride."
The LDC said three independent reviews on water fluoridation over the past 15 years had shown it can reduce tooth decay in children by up to 50 per cent.
Just over 500 people have signed a petition fighting the plans.
Campaigner Paddy Holdsworth said the £100,000 a year being earmarked in the ring-fenced public health budget for fluoridation could be spent on more "imaginative" ways of tackling tooth decay.
He also pointed out Southampton had recently rejected plans for water fluoridation because of opposition.
Mr Holdsworth said: "They are always trying to minimise the health impact of fluoridation and increase the supposed benefits.
"But when you look at how this substance is supposed to get to the target groups, you realise it is a ridiculous, ineffectual means of spending council taxpayers' money.
Fluoride vs. Thyroid
March 20, 2015
Fluoride isn’t Hurting Anyone, Right?
It can’t be a huge deal if tons of people are ingesting it and they don’t have hypothyroidism, right? Well, actually most developed countries don’t even use water fluoridation. About 97% of Western Europe drinks non-fluoridated water. While it flaunts the idea that it is good for your teeth and helps prevent tooth decay, according to the World Health Organization there is no discernible difference in tooth decay in countries with fluoride and countries without. It also points out that while there has been a decline in tooth decay in the United States (commonly attributed to fluoride in the water), the same decline is happening in other countries, as well.
On the other hand, what is being shown by the authors of Quality Outcome Framework is that there is a 50% increase of hypothyroidism in areas with high fluoridation. True, there are risk factors that need to be taken into consideration, but even after controlling the other risk factors the risk for hypothyroidism was doubled in an area that had high fluoridation compared to a region with low fluoridation.
What Can be Done?
There is constant research being done on this topic by both sides; those that oppose fluoride and those that are pro-fluoride. So make sure you keep informed. Remember it’s always important to do your research. But don’t think that you have to continue putting this stuff in your body. There are alternatives. A good alternative to fluoridated toothpaste is “Tom’s of Maine”fluoride-free toothpaste. Also, if you want to cut back on the fluoride intake in your water, you can find low-fluoride water bottles. Let us know what you think about this fluoride debate in NAH
Published on 20 Mar 2015
resident expresses her concern on the fluoride issue to westland city council members and city administration. contact your local leaders and ask them to support the Michigan Against Fluoride campaign
Friday, March 20, 2015
Nearly half British children and teenagers have tooth decay
The figures are an improvement, but there is still a large gap between the dental health of the poorest children and the richest. Around a third of five-year-olds and a similar proportion of 12-year-olds have tooth decay, according to the survey, which dates from 2013 and was published today by the Health and Social Care Information Centre.It also shows more children are brushing their teeth than 10 years ago but slightly fewer are having regular check-ups with the dentist.
Consumption of sugary drinks remains high, with 16 per cent of 12-year-olds and 14 per cent of 15-year-olds drinking them four times a day or more.
However, levels of tooth decay have fallen since 2003, from 43 per cent among 12-year-olds and 56 per cent among 15-year-olds.
Scotland, although not included in the survey, has also seen falling rates of tooth decay.
Government health advisors from Public Health England (PHE) welcomed the decline but said it was of concern that children from poorer families were twice as likely to have tooth decay
Dr Sandra White, PHE’s director of dental public health, said there was an “urgent” need to cut the amount of sugary snacks and drinks in children’s diets. She added that fluoride, which is now found in most toothpastes, had “indisputable” benefits. Some parts of the country, including Birmingham, Tyneside and most of Warwickshire have introduced fluoride into the water supply to improve dental health. About 5.5m in the UK receive artificially fluoridated water and another 500,000 have naturally fluoridated water supplies.
Dr Nigel Carter, chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation said there was a “clear need” for more people, particularly in deprived areas, to get fluoridated water.
Among five-year-olds from the most deprived families, 41 per cent had tooth decay compared to 29 per cent among five-year-olds from less deprived families.
The British Dental Association said it was a “scandal that a child’s postcode or their parents’ income still determine whether they will grow up with healthy smiles or rotten teeth”.
Professor Damien Walmsley, scientific adviser to the BDA said: “These inequalities are persistent, but avoidable, and both parents and government must accept their share of responsibility.”
They never give up promoting fluoridation but neither will we stop opposing it.