Monday, October 31, 2011
Jon Mark Beilue: Dentists get busy at Civic Center
Sunday, October 30, 2011
“No words can express how grateful I am,” said Cagle, who has suffered two abscessed wisdom teeth for more than a year. “It would cost me $250 a tooth without antibiotics. I’ve got two kids. I couldn’t afford this.”
The north exhibit hall of the Civic Center was turned into a dental beehive this weekend, the country’s largest dental office. There were 44 portable chairs and units, with 99 dentists from across the state working in shifts to treat those with dental problems who can’t afford the care.
They came from not just Amarillo [naturally fluoridated from 1.20 mg/L to 2.10 mg/L], but from Dallas [fluoridated], Houston [fluoridated], Austin [fluoridated], Lubbock [naturally fluoridated], San Antonio [fluoridated] and Mount Pleasant, paying their own way as part of the Texas Dental Association’s Smiles Foundation.
Procedures performed included teeth cleaning, extractions, stainless steel crowns, some root canal therapy, and a limited number of partial dentures. For the first time in the event’s 10-year history, about eight to 10 patients were being fitted with dentures.
More than 1,000 people came through the Civic Center,
“Ever have a toothache? Some of the people we saw this weekend had 10 to 12 toothaches,” Smith said. “We saw people whose oral health is just horrendous.”
Decay is rampant in naturally and artificially fluoridated Texas Cities:NYSCOF
“No words can express how grateful I am,” said Cagle, who has suffered two abscessed wisdom teeth for more than a year. “It would cost me $250 a tooth without antibiotics. I’ve got two kids. I couldn’t afford this.”
The north exhibit hall of the Civic Center was turned into a dental beehive this weekend, the country’s largest dental office. There were 44 portable chairs and units, with 99 dentists from across the state working in shifts to treat those with dental problems who can’t afford the care.
They came from not just Amarillo [naturally fluoridated from 1.20 mg/L to 2.10 mg/L], but from Dallas [fluoridated], Houston [fluoridated], Austin [fluoridated], Lubbock [naturally fluoridated], San Antonio [fluoridated] and Mount Pleasant, paying their own way as part of the Texas Dental Association’s Smiles Foundation.
Procedures performed included teeth cleaning, extractions, stainless steel crowns, some root canal therapy, and a limited number of partial dentures. For the first time in the event’s 10-year history, about eight to 10 patients were being fitted with dentures.
More than 1,000 people came through the Civic Center,
“Ever have a toothache? Some of the people we saw this weekend had 10 to 12 toothaches,” Smith said. “We saw people whose oral health is just horrendous.”
Decay is rampant in naturally and artificially fluoridated Texas Cities:NYSCOF
Alaska - Palmer to stop adding fluoride to city's public water supply
6-1 VOTE: Supporters say topical treatments, toothpaste do the job.
Anchorage Daily News
By ROSEMARY SHINOHARA Anchorage Daily News
Last Modified: October 30th, 2011 09:30 PM
Palmer has decided to follow the lead of Fairbanks, and stop adding fluoride to its water system.........
Anchorage Daily News
By ROSEMARY SHINOHARA Anchorage Daily News
Last Modified: October 30th, 2011 09:30 PM
Palmer has decided to follow the lead of Fairbanks, and stop adding fluoride to its water system.........
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Alaska - Palmer to discontinue adding fluoride in water
Palmer to discontinue adding fluoride in water
By: The Associated Press | 10/28/11 8:20 PM
The town of Palmer will discontinue the practice of adding fluoride to city water.
The Palmer City Council voted 6-1 Tuesday to prohibit fluoridation in the public water supply, effective immediately. Fluoride in the town of 6,000 northeast of Anchorage has been added to the water since 1967.
Palmer City Clerk Janette Bower said Friday the council asked for an investigation in response to citizen concerns about the possible health effects of fluoridation.
Bower says Palmer has a small amount of naturally occurring fluoride in the water.
Palmer joins other Alaska cities discontinuing adding fluoride to water systems, including Fairbanks and Juneau.
By: The Associated Press | 10/28/11 8:20 PM
The town of Palmer will discontinue the practice of adding fluoride to city water.
The Palmer City Council voted 6-1 Tuesday to prohibit fluoridation in the public water supply, effective immediately. Fluoride in the town of 6,000 northeast of Anchorage has been added to the water since 1967.
Palmer City Clerk Janette Bower said Friday the council asked for an investigation in response to citizen concerns about the possible health effects of fluoridation.
Bower says Palmer has a small amount of naturally occurring fluoride in the water.
Palmer joins other Alaska cities discontinuing adding fluoride to water systems, including Fairbanks and Juneau.
Dentists Are Speaking Out Against Fluoridation
Dentists Are Speaking Out Against Fluoridation
Few topics cause as much division as water fluoridation... It's like marmite, you're either for it or against it. Whichever it is, you can't ignore fluoride because it has literally poisoned our tap water in numerous areas... I'm sure you can tell which camp I fall into when it comes to this contentious subject!
Recently, I told you about the Health and Social Care Bill, which will pass the power of water fluoridation to local authorities, such as county or district councils. Since local authorities have to answer directly to the people who voted for them, the Health and Social Care Bill seems like a good idea because (on paper) it will allow residents to play a part in the decision-making process regarding water fluoridation...
However, we all know in reality this probably won't be the case.
Monster in the closet
Luckily, someone is on our side. See, if local councils act on their power to fluoridate the public water supplies, they can now also face claims for damages... The UK Councils Against Fluoridation (UKCAF), which represents 74 local councils that oppose fluoridation, has sent out a letter of warning to every council in the UK, pointing out the legal implications of their new powers.
If they decide to fluoridate the water supply, councils leave themselves open to claims for damages from parents if their children develop dental fluorosis — a common disfiguring condition caused by fluoride, which damages the enamel on teeth and leads to unsightly discolouration. Councils could also face criminal charges for promoting an unlicensed medicinal product, which the UKCAF regards fluoride in public water as being.
Of course, UKCAF are not the only ones who know the truth about fluoride... and trust me when I tell you, it doesn't stop at just being an unlicensed medicinal product... If you ask me, fluoride is nothing short of a poison that needs to be banned outright.
Back in 2007, the American Dental Association (ADA) first warned that infants younger than a year old should not consume baby formula that has been mixed with fluoridated water, due to concerns about dental fluorosis.
Now, the Journal of the American Dental Association has published a study that found increased fluorosis risk among infants who were fed infant formula reconstituted with fluoride-containing water. The researchers said that mild dental fluorosis can be reduced by avoiding the consumption of large quantities of fluoride... and these are dentists speaking who in the past have always been fluorides biggest advocates!
The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) followed suit and warned that mixing powdered or liquid infant formula concentrate with fluoridated water on a regular basis may increase the chance of a child developing enamel fluorosis. Unfortunately, the CDC's warning is ambiguous because they also state that water fluoridation is safe — and dental fluorosis is only a "cosmetic" problem.
The last two statements are both untrue! (Of course, we can't expect the authorities to admit they were wrong and totally back-track on what they've been saying for decades!). The truth is, discolouration of the teeth can also be an indication that the rest of your body (including your bones and brain) has been exposed to too much of this poison.
For many years now, fluoride has been added to the drinking water in many parts of the UK, especially in Ireland, under the guise that it helps prevent dental decay.
There are still those who blindly believe it actually protects teeth. Yet, the results of the largest study ever conducted on fluoridation and oral health involving 39,000 school children in 84 areas around the US, showed no statistical difference in tooth decay rates between fluoridated and non-fluoridated cities.
Countless studies have shown that adding fluoride to drinking water has absolutely no health benefits at all and that this archaic practice does far more harm than good! The fact is that it's nothing short of being a chemical waste product!
The irony is that when you consume too much fluoride, your teeth can become discoloured and start crumbling. Tests have shown that fluoride enhances the brain's absorption of aluminium - the substance that's found in the brains of most Alzheimer's patients...
The list of fluoride's damaging effects just gets longer and longer, For example, it's been lionked too causing damage to the nervous system leading to limited joint mobility, ligament calcification, muscular degeneration, increased lead absorption, hyperactivity and/or lethargy, muscle disorders, brain damage and lowered IQ, arthritis, dementia, bone fractures, reduced thyroid function, bone cancer (osteosarcoma), disruption of the immune system, damaged sperm and increased infertility.
It saddens me that even though the ADA and the CDC have issued warnings about the use of fluoridated tap water to make infant formula, neither of them have openly informed the public about the risks and millions of parents will continue using tap water to make up formula, oblivious to its dangers!
The only real solution is to stop the archaic practice of water fluoridation! I highly recommend that you get a copy of Dr Connett's new book, The Case Against Fluoride, for more information on the bad science and political agendas that got this toxic chemical in our drinking water.
Few topics cause as much division as water fluoridation... It's like marmite, you're either for it or against it. Whichever it is, you can't ignore fluoride because it has literally poisoned our tap water in numerous areas... I'm sure you can tell which camp I fall into when it comes to this contentious subject!
Recently, I told you about the Health and Social Care Bill, which will pass the power of water fluoridation to local authorities, such as county or district councils. Since local authorities have to answer directly to the people who voted for them, the Health and Social Care Bill seems like a good idea because (on paper) it will allow residents to play a part in the decision-making process regarding water fluoridation...
However, we all know in reality this probably won't be the case.
Monster in the closet
Luckily, someone is on our side. See, if local councils act on their power to fluoridate the public water supplies, they can now also face claims for damages... The UK Councils Against Fluoridation (UKCAF), which represents 74 local councils that oppose fluoridation, has sent out a letter of warning to every council in the UK, pointing out the legal implications of their new powers.
If they decide to fluoridate the water supply, councils leave themselves open to claims for damages from parents if their children develop dental fluorosis — a common disfiguring condition caused by fluoride, which damages the enamel on teeth and leads to unsightly discolouration. Councils could also face criminal charges for promoting an unlicensed medicinal product, which the UKCAF regards fluoride in public water as being.
Of course, UKCAF are not the only ones who know the truth about fluoride... and trust me when I tell you, it doesn't stop at just being an unlicensed medicinal product... If you ask me, fluoride is nothing short of a poison that needs to be banned outright.
Back in 2007, the American Dental Association (ADA) first warned that infants younger than a year old should not consume baby formula that has been mixed with fluoridated water, due to concerns about dental fluorosis.
Now, the Journal of the American Dental Association has published a study that found increased fluorosis risk among infants who were fed infant formula reconstituted with fluoride-containing water. The researchers said that mild dental fluorosis can be reduced by avoiding the consumption of large quantities of fluoride... and these are dentists speaking who in the past have always been fluorides biggest advocates!
The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) followed suit and warned that mixing powdered or liquid infant formula concentrate with fluoridated water on a regular basis may increase the chance of a child developing enamel fluorosis. Unfortunately, the CDC's warning is ambiguous because they also state that water fluoridation is safe — and dental fluorosis is only a "cosmetic" problem.
The last two statements are both untrue! (Of course, we can't expect the authorities to admit they were wrong and totally back-track on what they've been saying for decades!). The truth is, discolouration of the teeth can also be an indication that the rest of your body (including your bones and brain) has been exposed to too much of this poison.
For many years now, fluoride has been added to the drinking water in many parts of the UK, especially in Ireland, under the guise that it helps prevent dental decay.
There are still those who blindly believe it actually protects teeth. Yet, the results of the largest study ever conducted on fluoridation and oral health involving 39,000 school children in 84 areas around the US, showed no statistical difference in tooth decay rates between fluoridated and non-fluoridated cities.
Countless studies have shown that adding fluoride to drinking water has absolutely no health benefits at all and that this archaic practice does far more harm than good! The fact is that it's nothing short of being a chemical waste product!
The irony is that when you consume too much fluoride, your teeth can become discoloured and start crumbling. Tests have shown that fluoride enhances the brain's absorption of aluminium - the substance that's found in the brains of most Alzheimer's patients...
The list of fluoride's damaging effects just gets longer and longer, For example, it's been lionked too causing damage to the nervous system leading to limited joint mobility, ligament calcification, muscular degeneration, increased lead absorption, hyperactivity and/or lethargy, muscle disorders, brain damage and lowered IQ, arthritis, dementia, bone fractures, reduced thyroid function, bone cancer (osteosarcoma), disruption of the immune system, damaged sperm and increased infertility.
It saddens me that even though the ADA and the CDC have issued warnings about the use of fluoridated tap water to make infant formula, neither of them have openly informed the public about the risks and millions of parents will continue using tap water to make up formula, oblivious to its dangers!
The only real solution is to stop the archaic practice of water fluoridation! I highly recommend that you get a copy of Dr Connett's new book, The Case Against Fluoride, for more information on the bad science and political agendas that got this toxic chemical in our drinking water.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Diabetes sufferers in Britain has risen by 50 per cent in just five years

'The number of diabetes sufferers in Britain has risen by 50 per cent in just five years, fuelled by soaring levels of obesity, campaigners warn.
Some three million adults and children now have the condition, after an increase of more than 117,000 in the past 12 months alone. The Diabetes UK charity warns that the NHS is now spending £9billion every year treating patients, which is almost a tenth of its budget.'
CDC Director Arrested for Child Molestation and Bestiality Posted By Dr. Mercola | October 28 2011
CDC Director Arrested for Child Molestation and Bestiality Posted By Dr. Mercola | October 28 2011
By Dr. Mercola
Dr. Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey, a top official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been arrested and charged with two counts of child molestation and one count of bestiality.....
The CDC's Stance on Water Fluoridation—Another Misleading Take water fluoridation for example.
Documents released under the Freedom of Information Act show that since the 1970's, the dental health professionals in the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have had sole control over the agency's stance supporting water fluoridation.
The CDC is part of a larger administrative structure that provides intra-agency support and resource sharing for health issues that require the input from more than one area of expertise. Other offices that share information and expertise with the CDC include the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office of Minority Health and Health Equity, and the Agency for Toxic Substances. The general assumption has been that the agency used a broad range of expert input to evaluate fluoride before reaching the decision to support water fluoridation.
After all, since fluoride is swallowed, it stands to reason it may have an impact on your whole body, not just your teeth.
Yet the documents show that no CDC toxicologists, minority health professionals, experts in diabetes, or others outside the Oral Health Division had any input into the agency's position.
This flies in the face of what the agency claims, and what water-, health- and political leaders have believed about the way the CDC operates. Without these additional experts from other fields, can we reasonably believe that the agency has properly assessed the research on whole-body harm from fluoridation? The documents have drawn attention once again to the CDC's and EPA's fluoride safety statements, which appear completely at odds with current scientific knowledge, and the fact that no outside experts from related fields were ever included may very well explain this discrepancy.
By Dr. Mercola
Dr. Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey, a top official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been arrested and charged with two counts of child molestation and one count of bestiality.....
The CDC's Stance on Water Fluoridation—Another Misleading Take water fluoridation for example.
Documents released under the Freedom of Information Act show that since the 1970's, the dental health professionals in the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have had sole control over the agency's stance supporting water fluoridation.
The CDC is part of a larger administrative structure that provides intra-agency support and resource sharing for health issues that require the input from more than one area of expertise. Other offices that share information and expertise with the CDC include the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office of Minority Health and Health Equity, and the Agency for Toxic Substances. The general assumption has been that the agency used a broad range of expert input to evaluate fluoride before reaching the decision to support water fluoridation.
After all, since fluoride is swallowed, it stands to reason it may have an impact on your whole body, not just your teeth.
Yet the documents show that no CDC toxicologists, minority health professionals, experts in diabetes, or others outside the Oral Health Division had any input into the agency's position.
This flies in the face of what the agency claims, and what water-, health- and political leaders have believed about the way the CDC operates. Without these additional experts from other fields, can we reasonably believe that the agency has properly assessed the research on whole-body harm from fluoridation? The documents have drawn attention once again to the CDC's and EPA's fluoride safety statements, which appear completely at odds with current scientific knowledge, and the fact that no outside experts from related fields were ever included may very well explain this discrepancy.
USA - Comment from NYSCOF
Comment from NYSCOF
Dentists often brag that water fluoridation will put themselves out of businss. However, after 66+ years of water fluoridation, 55+ years of fluoridated toothpaste, a multi-billion-dollar, multi-national dental products industry, the American Dental Association reports that, eight new dental schools opened from 1997-2011 and two more are slated to open in 2013.
Dentists often brag that water fluoridation will put themselves out of businss. However, after 66+ years of water fluoridation, 55+ years of fluoridated toothpaste, a multi-billion-dollar, multi-national dental products industry, the American Dental Association reports that, eight new dental schools opened from 1997-2011 and two more are slated to open in 2013.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
USA - FAN Newsletter
Has fluoridation met its Waterloo? Since the October 25, 2010 victory in Waterloo, Ontario approximately 1,180,500 people have been freed from fluoridation by a city council or referendum vote ending the practice. There have been victories in every month of 2011 so far, and since August victories have become a weekly event. Clearly, the momentum is building to a head, and we may have finally reached fluoridation's tipping point.
Over the last year these communities (with approximate populations) have stopped adding fluoride to their drinking water:
--Palmer, Alaska (8,428) --Lawrenceburg, Tennessee (11,000) --Churchill, Manitoba (1000) --Pinellas County, Florida (700,000)
--College Station, TX (100,000) --Slave Lake, Alberta (7,000)
--Hohenwald, TN (4,000) --Philomath, OR (4,500)
--Spring Hill, TN (30,000) --Pottstown, PA (15,500)
--Taber, Alberta (6,500) --Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan (5,000)
--Taumarunui, New Zealand (5,000) --Fairbanks, Alaska (30,500)
--Mount Clemons, Michigan (17,300) --Lago Vista, TX (6,500)
--Marcellus, MI (1,100) --Independence, Virginia (1000)
--Calgary, Alberta (103,000) --Yellow Springs, OH (3275)
--Vercheres, Quebec (5240) --Schuylkill Haven, PA (5,500)
--Sparta, North Carolina (2,000) --Tellico, TN (900)
--Naples, NY (2,400) --Spencer, Indiana (2,500)
--Waterloo, St. Jacobs, and Elmira, Ontario (103,000)
Over the last year these communities (with approximate populations) have stopped adding fluoride to their drinking water:
--Palmer, Alaska (8,428) --Lawrenceburg, Tennessee (11,000) --Churchill, Manitoba (1000) --Pinellas County, Florida (700,000)
--College Station, TX (100,000) --Slave Lake, Alberta (7,000)
--Hohenwald, TN (4,000) --Philomath, OR (4,500)
--Spring Hill, TN (30,000) --Pottstown, PA (15,500)
--Taber, Alberta (6,500) --Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan (5,000)
--Taumarunui, New Zealand (5,000) --Fairbanks, Alaska (30,500)
--Mount Clemons, Michigan (17,300) --Lago Vista, TX (6,500)
--Marcellus, MI (1,100) --Independence, Virginia (1000)
--Calgary, Alberta (103,000) --Yellow Springs, OH (3275)
--Vercheres, Quebec (5240) --Schuylkill Haven, PA (5,500)
--Sparta, North Carolina (2,000) --Tellico, TN (900)
--Naples, NY (2,400) --Spencer, Indiana (2,500)
--Waterloo, St. Jacobs, and Elmira, Ontario (103,000)
How many people are harmed by influenza vaccines?
Shock vaccine study reveals influenza vaccines only prevent the flu in 1.5 out of 100adults (not 60% as you've been told)
......How many people are harmed by influenza vaccines?
Much the same is true with vaccines. In this influenza vaccine study just published in The Lancet, it shows that you have to inject 100 adults to avoid influenza in just 1.5 adults. But what they don't tell you is the side effect rate in all 100 adults!
It's very likely that upon injecting 100 adults with vaccines containing chemical adjuvants (inflammatory chemicals used to make flu vaccines "work" better), you might get 7.5 cases of long-term neurological side effects such as dementia or Alzheimer's. This is an estimate, by the way, used here to illustrate the statistics involved.
So for every 100 adults you injected with this flu vaccine, you prevent the flu in 1.5 of them, but you cause a neurological disorder in 7.5 of them! This means you are 500% more likely to be harmed by the flu vaccine than helped by it. (A theoretical example only. This study did not contain statistics on the harm of vaccines.)
Much the same is true with mammograms, by the way, which harm 10 women for every 1 woman they actually help (
Chemotherapy is also a similar story. Sure, chemotherapy may "shrink tumors" in 80% of those who receive it, but shrinking tumors does not prevent death. And in reality, chemotherapy eventually kills most of those who receive it. Many of those people who describe themselves as "cancer survivors" are, for the most part, actually "chemo survivors.".....
......How many people are harmed by influenza vaccines?
Much the same is true with vaccines. In this influenza vaccine study just published in The Lancet, it shows that you have to inject 100 adults to avoid influenza in just 1.5 adults. But what they don't tell you is the side effect rate in all 100 adults!
It's very likely that upon injecting 100 adults with vaccines containing chemical adjuvants (inflammatory chemicals used to make flu vaccines "work" better), you might get 7.5 cases of long-term neurological side effects such as dementia or Alzheimer's. This is an estimate, by the way, used here to illustrate the statistics involved.
So for every 100 adults you injected with this flu vaccine, you prevent the flu in 1.5 of them, but you cause a neurological disorder in 7.5 of them! This means you are 500% more likely to be harmed by the flu vaccine than helped by it. (A theoretical example only. This study did not contain statistics on the harm of vaccines.)
Much the same is true with mammograms, by the way, which harm 10 women for every 1 woman they actually help (
Chemotherapy is also a similar story. Sure, chemotherapy may "shrink tumors" in 80% of those who receive it, but shrinking tumors does not prevent death. And in reality, chemotherapy eventually kills most of those who receive it. Many of those people who describe themselves as "cancer survivors" are, for the most part, actually "chemo survivors.".....
USA - Fluoride use begets problems
Fluoride use begets problems
By Darrington Clark staff writer
.....Pinellas County has roughly 650,000 people on the water supply that will lose the benefits of fluoride. Florida water already has a relatively high level of fluoride in their water naturally, also prompting the new ordinance.
"I think health-conscious people might be in favor of discontinuing fluoridation," Dr. Lin said, "but too much of anything is bad for us. A higher concentration of fluoride will cause spotting of the teeth, but as long as that level is at the correct amount, I believe it to be very beneficial."
On whether or not fluoride returns to the area, Latvala is optimistic.
"I'm hopeful that we can reinstate it. The Dentist's Association is working on it currently. I'm just not in favor of this." Latvala said........
Wed Oct 26 2011 10:50
You need to follow the money on this. The chemical for water fluoridation is a toxic waste product of Florida's phosphate mining industry dominated by Cargill and its publicly traded company - Mosaic Corporation. Just coincidental that a former Pinellas County Commissioner, Steven M. Seibert, was put on the board of directors of Mosaic Corporation soon after the decision to fluoridate Pinellas County was made - led by Susan Latvala and then Utilities Director Pick Talley - both of whom had close ties to Seibert who had chaired Pinellas County's Board of Commissioners.
Also, in the category of following the money is how much the dentists can make from covering up the dental fluorosis disfigurement by intalling veneers. This cosmetic treatment earns dentists big money, compared to providing fluoride containing sealants. The American Dental Association has been defending fluoridation as safe and effective - until it had to come out warning mothers not to mix baby formula with fluoridated water or risk overdosing infants with fluoride.
When there is controversy with public policy - it is always prudent to "follow the money" to see who benefits ultimately by that policy.
By Darrington Clark staff writer
.....Pinellas County has roughly 650,000 people on the water supply that will lose the benefits of fluoride. Florida water already has a relatively high level of fluoride in their water naturally, also prompting the new ordinance.
"I think health-conscious people might be in favor of discontinuing fluoridation," Dr. Lin said, "but too much of anything is bad for us. A higher concentration of fluoride will cause spotting of the teeth, but as long as that level is at the correct amount, I believe it to be very beneficial."
On whether or not fluoride returns to the area, Latvala is optimistic.
"I'm hopeful that we can reinstate it. The Dentist's Association is working on it currently. I'm just not in favor of this." Latvala said........
Wed Oct 26 2011 10:50
You need to follow the money on this. The chemical for water fluoridation is a toxic waste product of Florida's phosphate mining industry dominated by Cargill and its publicly traded company - Mosaic Corporation. Just coincidental that a former Pinellas County Commissioner, Steven M. Seibert, was put on the board of directors of Mosaic Corporation soon after the decision to fluoridate Pinellas County was made - led by Susan Latvala and then Utilities Director Pick Talley - both of whom had close ties to Seibert who had chaired Pinellas County's Board of Commissioners.
Also, in the category of following the money is how much the dentists can make from covering up the dental fluorosis disfigurement by intalling veneers. This cosmetic treatment earns dentists big money, compared to providing fluoride containing sealants. The American Dental Association has been defending fluoridation as safe and effective - until it had to come out warning mothers not to mix baby formula with fluoridated water or risk overdosing infants with fluoride.
When there is controversy with public policy - it is always prudent to "follow the money" to see who benefits ultimately by that policy.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Canada - Time to end fluoridation
Time to end fluoridation
Dear Editor:
It’s time to end the fluoridation of Halton’s water supply.
Joining with Great Lakes United, the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment and thousands of toxicologists, doctors and other medical professionals, Oakvillegreen, BulingtonGreen, Miltongreen and Protect Our Water and Environmental Resources in Halton Hills all came together last year to call for an end to the practice.
We believe the potential for harm to human health, especially to children, by adding this toxic substance to our drinking water is great.
We believe the potential harm to the environment is also great as fluoride is toxic to aquatic life.
Karen Brock, president, Oakvillegreen Conservation Association
Dear Editor:
It’s time to end the fluoridation of Halton’s water supply.
Joining with Great Lakes United, the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment and thousands of toxicologists, doctors and other medical professionals, Oakvillegreen, BulingtonGreen, Miltongreen and Protect Our Water and Environmental Resources in Halton Hills all came together last year to call for an end to the practice.
We believe the potential for harm to human health, especially to children, by adding this toxic substance to our drinking water is great.
We believe the potential harm to the environment is also great as fluoride is toxic to aquatic life.
Karen Brock, president, Oakvillegreen Conservation Association
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Swallowing chemicals from teeth whiteners is common and very dangerous
Swallowing chemicals from teeth whiteners is common and very dangerous
Monday, October 24, 2011 by: S. D. Wells
NaturalNews) The increasing popularity of coffee and tobacco products has lead to a teeth whitening craze, which includes regular use of whitening trays, toothpastes, mouth rinses, and strips applied to the teeth for extended periods of time. The use of teeth whitening products, including over the counter kits and dentist applied ones, has tripled since the year 2000, and oral cancer statistics have increased at an alarming rate for young people, including those who do not use tobacco products.
Many patients who sit in a dentist's chair for 3 to 4 hours soaking their teeth and gums in tooth whiteners end up ingesting a boatload of toxins. Coal tars, fluorides, aspartame, aluminum and benzene top the list of popular toxins that are being ingested by consumers using teeth whitening products.
Teeth whitening product warnings are nearly impossible to heed. Some read, "This product may irritate your gums," and "risk increases if the bleaching agent is incorrectly applied, as it should not come into contact with the gums." Many of the toxic chemicals leak from the trays containing the whitening gel onto surrounding areas inside the mouth. Some products and dentists often warn that bleaching may "heighten sensitivity to hot and cold foods and beverages," but what they're really saying is that bleaching agents affect the nerves within the teeth.
Some dentists even offer to repair pulp damaged teeth because when pulp is dead or injured, the tooth will darken. To correct this problem, after a root canal is completed, the dentist actually fills the pulp chamber with bleach solution and covers it with a temporary filling. The costs of sealing carcinogens inside your teeth can vary, and most dentists charge between $300 and $400 per tooth.
Many of the trays and mouth pieces that soak the teeth for hours on end are now in question, especially the trays kept in the mouth over night. How can any human being reasonably avoid swallowing these teeth whitening chemicals while sleeping?
Currently, there is no research on the long-term effects of tooth whiteners, and since they are considered "cosmetic" products, tooth whiteners don't fall under FDA regulation. What is also not being considered is the amount of bleach being ingested from so many other popular products. White bread, white pasta, white rice, white sugar, and white coffee filters all contribute to the cumulative effect of consuming carcinogens. Plus, consider into the toxic equation how often you drink fluoridated water and swim in chlorinated pools.
Also, although hydrogen peroxide is rapidly broken down in the mouth by saliva, studies show that in regards to teeth whitening procedures, at least 25 percent is swallowed, releasing free radicals into the body and stimulating the growth of cancer cells.
However, there are many safe uses for hydrogen peroxide. There are theories that hydrogen peroxide, when used properly, can kill cancer cells because they do not have the mechanism to break down the hydrogen peroxide inside of healthy cells. Do your own research and make informed decisions. Baking soda is all natural and does a great job for whitening teeth.
Monday, October 24, 2011 by: S. D. Wells
NaturalNews) The increasing popularity of coffee and tobacco products has lead to a teeth whitening craze, which includes regular use of whitening trays, toothpastes, mouth rinses, and strips applied to the teeth for extended periods of time. The use of teeth whitening products, including over the counter kits and dentist applied ones, has tripled since the year 2000, and oral cancer statistics have increased at an alarming rate for young people, including those who do not use tobacco products.
Many patients who sit in a dentist's chair for 3 to 4 hours soaking their teeth and gums in tooth whiteners end up ingesting a boatload of toxins. Coal tars, fluorides, aspartame, aluminum and benzene top the list of popular toxins that are being ingested by consumers using teeth whitening products.
Teeth whitening product warnings are nearly impossible to heed. Some read, "This product may irritate your gums," and "risk increases if the bleaching agent is incorrectly applied, as it should not come into contact with the gums." Many of the toxic chemicals leak from the trays containing the whitening gel onto surrounding areas inside the mouth. Some products and dentists often warn that bleaching may "heighten sensitivity to hot and cold foods and beverages," but what they're really saying is that bleaching agents affect the nerves within the teeth.
Some dentists even offer to repair pulp damaged teeth because when pulp is dead or injured, the tooth will darken. To correct this problem, after a root canal is completed, the dentist actually fills the pulp chamber with bleach solution and covers it with a temporary filling. The costs of sealing carcinogens inside your teeth can vary, and most dentists charge between $300 and $400 per tooth.
Many of the trays and mouth pieces that soak the teeth for hours on end are now in question, especially the trays kept in the mouth over night. How can any human being reasonably avoid swallowing these teeth whitening chemicals while sleeping?
Currently, there is no research on the long-term effects of tooth whiteners, and since they are considered "cosmetic" products, tooth whiteners don't fall under FDA regulation. What is also not being considered is the amount of bleach being ingested from so many other popular products. White bread, white pasta, white rice, white sugar, and white coffee filters all contribute to the cumulative effect of consuming carcinogens. Plus, consider into the toxic equation how often you drink fluoridated water and swim in chlorinated pools.
Also, although hydrogen peroxide is rapidly broken down in the mouth by saliva, studies show that in regards to teeth whitening procedures, at least 25 percent is swallowed, releasing free radicals into the body and stimulating the growth of cancer cells.
However, there are many safe uses for hydrogen peroxide. There are theories that hydrogen peroxide, when used properly, can kill cancer cells because they do not have the mechanism to break down the hydrogen peroxide inside of healthy cells. Do your own research and make informed decisions. Baking soda is all natural and does a great job for whitening teeth.
Scotland - Time to take more of the fizz out of the family diet
Published on 25 Oct 2011
IT is Scotland’s other drinking problem. In a public building, a child needs a boost. He slots a coin into a machine and waits for the comforting clunk of a can.
He rips it open and guzzles the contents, feeling the energy flooding through him. The fix will last a couple of hours before the process begins again.
Children in Scotland drink more fizzy drinks than in any other European country, even after the withdrawal of fizzy-drinks vending machines from schools. Worldwide it is reckoned that only Israeli youngsters down more.
IT is Scotland’s other drinking problem. In a public building, a child needs a boost. He slots a coin into a machine and waits for the comforting clunk of a can.
He rips it open and guzzles the contents, feeling the energy flooding through him. The fix will last a couple of hours before the process begins again.
Children in Scotland drink more fizzy drinks than in any other European country, even after the withdrawal of fizzy-drinks vending machines from schools. Worldwide it is reckoned that only Israeli youngsters down more.
USA - Gum disease now associated with pancreatic cancer
...This is not the only form of cancer that gum disease has been linked to. Studies have found a connection between the oral condition and a higher incidence of breast cancer. Research has also shown that nearly 90 percent of Americans over 40 have tooth decay, which can lead to gum disease if it goes untreated.....
Monday, October 24, 2011
USA - Dentists, patients feel economy's bite in Sacramento area
Dentists, patients feel economy's bite in Sacramento area
By Anne Gonzales
"I have more people unable to pay for treatment," Lott said. "The hardest hit are the younger kids, who … don't have a steady job, or insurance, or are in college. When you tell them they need a root canal or crown for $2,500, they have a look on their face like it's not real."
Sacramento, California, is fluoridated:NYSCOF
By Anne Gonzales
"I have more people unable to pay for treatment," Lott said. "The hardest hit are the younger kids, who … don't have a steady job, or insurance, or are in college. When you tell them they need a root canal or crown for $2,500, they have a look on their face like it's not real."
Sacramento, California, is fluoridated:NYSCOF
Australia - ALMOST 1000 Victorian children were found to have been seriously neglected
ALMOST 1000 Victorian children were found to have been seriously neglected by their parents in just one year.
•By Grant McArthur
•From: Herald Sun
•October 23, 2011
Shocking revelations of abuse included incidents of toddlers being left to starve among human waste, rat infestations and used syringes in their toy boxes.
Child protection workers received a staggering 5828 complaints of neglect in 2010-11. In the worst substantiated cases, overworked investigators found children left in conditions so bad they had to remove their rotted teeth and teach them how to sit at a table
90% of Victoria is fluoridated.
•By Grant McArthur
•From: Herald Sun
•October 23, 2011
Shocking revelations of abuse included incidents of toddlers being left to starve among human waste, rat infestations and used syringes in their toy boxes.
Child protection workers received a staggering 5828 complaints of neglect in 2010-11. In the worst substantiated cases, overworked investigators found children left in conditions so bad they had to remove their rotted teeth and teach them how to sit at a table
90% of Victoria is fluoridated.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Go Green With Your Baby
Go Green With Your Baby
Tips for raising a healthy, eco-friendly kid.
Everyone wants to give his or her baby the best possible start in life. To me, that means healthy, green living with minimal chemical exposure, fresh organic food and lots of love.
Babies use approximately 6,000 diapers before toilet training. That’s a lot of disposable diapers in the landfill where they take 200-500 years to decompose. Hence the debate over disposable vs. cloth, which takes water, energy and chemicals to wash. Cloth diapers (and now bamboo) have been shown to have a lower environmental impact. With today’s busy families, however, many prefer the convenience of disposables. If so, use chlorine free (from Seventh Generation or Earth’s Best) or hybrid diapers, which have removable inserts that can safely biodegrade when flushed. Using a combination of both cuts back a bit on the amount in the landfill.
Rightly so, there has been much concern lately over plastic baby bottles that leach dangerous levels of bisphenol-A (BPA). BPA is a synthetic chemical that that mimics natural hormones and is dangerous especially when heated. Glass or BPA-free baby bottles are a much safer alternative. (Avoid clear, hard plastic bottles marked with a 7 or “PC.”) For nipples, use clear silicone ones since latex rubber nipples can cause allergic reactions and might contain toxins linked to cancer. As far as plastic bottle liners go, don’t use them. The soft plastic liners may leach toxic chemicals into formula and breast milk, especially when heated.
The American Dental Association recommends using filtered tap water free of fluoride when reconstituting formula. Heating your bottles in a pan of hot water is safer than microwaving, which can heat unevenly and cause toxic chemicals to leach from plastic bottles into formula........
Tips for raising a healthy, eco-friendly kid.
Everyone wants to give his or her baby the best possible start in life. To me, that means healthy, green living with minimal chemical exposure, fresh organic food and lots of love.
Babies use approximately 6,000 diapers before toilet training. That’s a lot of disposable diapers in the landfill where they take 200-500 years to decompose. Hence the debate over disposable vs. cloth, which takes water, energy and chemicals to wash. Cloth diapers (and now bamboo) have been shown to have a lower environmental impact. With today’s busy families, however, many prefer the convenience of disposables. If so, use chlorine free (from Seventh Generation or Earth’s Best) or hybrid diapers, which have removable inserts that can safely biodegrade when flushed. Using a combination of both cuts back a bit on the amount in the landfill.
Rightly so, there has been much concern lately over plastic baby bottles that leach dangerous levels of bisphenol-A (BPA). BPA is a synthetic chemical that that mimics natural hormones and is dangerous especially when heated. Glass or BPA-free baby bottles are a much safer alternative. (Avoid clear, hard plastic bottles marked with a 7 or “PC.”) For nipples, use clear silicone ones since latex rubber nipples can cause allergic reactions and might contain toxins linked to cancer. As far as plastic bottle liners go, don’t use them. The soft plastic liners may leach toxic chemicals into formula and breast milk, especially when heated.
The American Dental Association recommends using filtered tap water free of fluoride when reconstituting formula. Heating your bottles in a pan of hot water is safer than microwaving, which can heat unevenly and cause toxic chemicals to leach from plastic bottles into formula........
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Compilation of several older videos. Worth seeing again (The Nazi connection is not backed by evidence)
Australia - Residents tell Minister they don't want fluoride
Residents tell Minister they don't want fluoride
Posted October 21, 2011 20:43:15
Carnarvon residents have bombarded the WA Health Minister Kim Hames with more than 800 letters rejecting a plan to fluoridate their water supply.
Last year the Health Department announced it was considering adding fluoride to the Gascoyne town's water.
Some residents argue the water already contains naturally high levels of the compound.
North West MP Vince Catania, who presented the letters to Dr Hames, says they raise a number of serious health concerns.
"Reading some of the letters addressed to the Minister, you learn that fluoride has been banned in 11 different countries around the world, and can cause birth defects and many other issues," Mr Catania said.
"The absolute majority of people in Carnarvon do not want to see fluoride added to the water supply."
Posted October 21, 2011 20:43:15
Carnarvon residents have bombarded the WA Health Minister Kim Hames with more than 800 letters rejecting a plan to fluoridate their water supply.
Last year the Health Department announced it was considering adding fluoride to the Gascoyne town's water.
Some residents argue the water already contains naturally high levels of the compound.
North West MP Vince Catania, who presented the letters to Dr Hames, says they raise a number of serious health concerns.
"Reading some of the letters addressed to the Minister, you learn that fluoride has been banned in 11 different countries around the world, and can cause birth defects and many other issues," Mr Catania said.
"The absolute majority of people in Carnarvon do not want to see fluoride added to the water supply."
Friday, October 21, 2011
Water NZ misleading the public
Friday, 21 October, 2011 - 04:47 Murray Gibb, of Water NZ, has "parroted the standard propaganda script provided by the Ministry of Health in relation to the ending of fluoridation in New Plymouth. Not one of his claims of safety or benefit is supported by sound scientific evidence", says Mark Atkin, founder of FluoridegateNZ Legal Action.
"Fluoridation policy is outside the scope of Water NZ's constitution, so these are just his personal views: Water NZ cannot have an official position on this", Mr Atkin points out.
But Mr Gibb's reference to Water NZ raises the important question "why is a private organization setting the purity standard for water fluoridation compounds, when other food additive standards are set by Government?" It is the same in the USA.
"How did Water NZ decide that contaminated industrial grade waste fluoride was an acceptable 'purity' standard for putting in the public water supply? No food additive is allowed this level of contamination", points out Mr Atkin.
One contaminant is Arsenic, which is listed as a known carcinogen. The Ministry of Health claims the extra Arsenic will cause less than one extra cancer death per year. "So the Ministry, and Water NZ, believe it is acceptable to kill someone from cancer every 2 or 3 years so we can use a cheap contaminated source of fluoride, rather than a food grade one. Is this attitude acceptable to the NZ public, who are drinking the stuff?" asks Mr Atkin. "I am sure they don't even know!"
"The reality is that if a food grade fluoride were required, it would be too expensive", says Mr Atkin. "That would mean industry would have no easy waste disposal avenue - the public water supply - for its toxic waste." Brent Manning of New Plymouth Council recently said that the water supply is the only viable way for it to dispose of the remaining fluoride stock. "That one statement speaks volumes", suggests Mr Atkin. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has also said that fluoridation is a good solution to industry's fluoride waste disposal problem.
Water NZ's membership includes corporates, who appear to have a dominance in voting rights. "This seedy-looking scenario warrants further investigation", proposes Mr Atkin.
"Fluoridation policy is outside the scope of Water NZ's constitution, so these are just his personal views: Water NZ cannot have an official position on this", Mr Atkin points out.
But Mr Gibb's reference to Water NZ raises the important question "why is a private organization setting the purity standard for water fluoridation compounds, when other food additive standards are set by Government?" It is the same in the USA.
"How did Water NZ decide that contaminated industrial grade waste fluoride was an acceptable 'purity' standard for putting in the public water supply? No food additive is allowed this level of contamination", points out Mr Atkin.
One contaminant is Arsenic, which is listed as a known carcinogen. The Ministry of Health claims the extra Arsenic will cause less than one extra cancer death per year. "So the Ministry, and Water NZ, believe it is acceptable to kill someone from cancer every 2 or 3 years so we can use a cheap contaminated source of fluoride, rather than a food grade one. Is this attitude acceptable to the NZ public, who are drinking the stuff?" asks Mr Atkin. "I am sure they don't even know!"
"The reality is that if a food grade fluoride were required, it would be too expensive", says Mr Atkin. "That would mean industry would have no easy waste disposal avenue - the public water supply - for its toxic waste." Brent Manning of New Plymouth Council recently said that the water supply is the only viable way for it to dispose of the remaining fluoride stock. "That one statement speaks volumes", suggests Mr Atkin. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has also said that fluoridation is a good solution to industry's fluoride waste disposal problem.
Water NZ's membership includes corporates, who appear to have a dominance in voting rights. "This seedy-looking scenario warrants further investigation", proposes Mr Atkin.
USA - Plant City stands by plan to fluoridate
Plant City stands by plan to fluoridate
St. Petersburg Times (Florida)
October 21, 2011
By Stephanie Wang
Times Staff Writer
PLANT CITY - For the last few months, politicians have stirred controversy as they considered halting water fluoridation in parts of Pinellas County.
But on this side of the bay, Plant City officials have quietly taken an opposite tack: By next fall, they say, fluoride will be added to drinking water for the first time.
"I felt that if we were going to do it, now would be the time to do it," said Plant City Mayor Dan Raulerson.
With a boost from a state grant that will cover start-up expenses, Plant City commissioners approved the project in June to install fluoridation systems in four city water plants. Not swayed by claims that fluoride is toxic or causes serious health conditions, Raulerson said this is a measure the city needs to strengthen residents' teeth and promote dental health.
Pumped-in chemicals will nearly double the fluoride levels that occur naturally in city water, from .4 milligrams per liter to closer to the state's optimal concentration of .8 milligrams per liter.............
St. Petersburg Times (Florida)
October 21, 2011
By Stephanie Wang
Times Staff Writer
PLANT CITY - For the last few months, politicians have stirred controversy as they considered halting water fluoridation in parts of Pinellas County.
But on this side of the bay, Plant City officials have quietly taken an opposite tack: By next fall, they say, fluoride will be added to drinking water for the first time.
"I felt that if we were going to do it, now would be the time to do it," said Plant City Mayor Dan Raulerson.
With a boost from a state grant that will cover start-up expenses, Plant City commissioners approved the project in June to install fluoridation systems in four city water plants. Not swayed by claims that fluoride is toxic or causes serious health conditions, Raulerson said this is a measure the city needs to strengthen residents' teeth and promote dental health.
Pumped-in chemicals will nearly double the fluoride levels that occur naturally in city water, from .4 milligrams per liter to closer to the state's optimal concentration of .8 milligrams per liter.............
Thursday, October 20, 2011
UK - House of Lords - Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answers by Earl Howe on 19 July (WA 266) and 14 September (WA 64), whether they now intend to commission an organisation without significant links to the dental profession to prepare and publish periodic systematic reviews updating the worldwide evidence on water fluoridation following the York review in 2000, rather than to monitor and evaluate specific effects of fluoridation or conduct government-commissioned research projects.[HL12348]
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Earl Howe): We are aware that the Australian Government's National Health and Medical Research Council published a further systematic review in 2007. The department constantly reviews what work it will commission. The department's National Institute for Health Research welcomes funding applications for research into any aspect of human health, including water fluoridation. These applications are subject to peer review and judged in open competition, with awards being made on the basis of the scientific quality of the proposals made.
Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
To ask Her Majesty's Government why vaccination, which confers a degree of immunity on adults other than those vaccinated, requires individual informed consent, whereas fluoridation, which confers no such benefit beyond the individual, does not. [HL12351]
19 Oct 2011 : Column WA76
Earl Howe: Vaccination is a medical treatment using a medicinal product, while drinking fluoridated water is not a medical treatment involving a medicinal product.
To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answers by Earl Howe on 19 July (WA 266) and 14 September (WA 64), whether they now intend to commission an organisation without significant links to the dental profession to prepare and publish periodic systematic reviews updating the worldwide evidence on water fluoridation following the York review in 2000, rather than to monitor and evaluate specific effects of fluoridation or conduct government-commissioned research projects.[HL12348]
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Earl Howe): We are aware that the Australian Government's National Health and Medical Research Council published a further systematic review in 2007. The department constantly reviews what work it will commission. The department's National Institute for Health Research welcomes funding applications for research into any aspect of human health, including water fluoridation. These applications are subject to peer review and judged in open competition, with awards being made on the basis of the scientific quality of the proposals made.
Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
To ask Her Majesty's Government why vaccination, which confers a degree of immunity on adults other than those vaccinated, requires individual informed consent, whereas fluoridation, which confers no such benefit beyond the individual, does not. [HL12351]
19 Oct 2011 : Column WA76
Earl Howe: Vaccination is a medical treatment using a medicinal product, while drinking fluoridated water is not a medical treatment involving a medicinal product.
USA - CDC Reveals Fluoridation Fails Alaskans
CDC Reveals Fluoridation Fails Alaskans but Touts Fluoridation Anyway, reports Fluoride Action Network
NEW YORK, Oct. 19, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 91% of rural Alaskan Native adolescents have cavities whether their water is fluoridated or not. (1) The CDC acknowledges that poor diets and lack of dental care are the probable culprits but, without evidence of need, CDC is recklessly recommending more fluoridation, reports the Fluoride Action Network (FAN).
Fluoride, once believed to reduce tooth decay through ingestion, is now shown to act predominantly on the surface of the teeth (CDC, 1999).
"This makes water fluoridation out-dated and ineffective as this CDC report proves," says Paul Connett, Ph.D., FAN's Executive Director. "Fluoridation exposes Americans unnecessarily to fluoride's adverse effects, including lowered IQ, thyroid dysfunction and bone cancer."
Tooth decay is rampant in this CDC-studied rural low-income fluoridated Alaskan Native (AN) population - 67% of 4-5 year-olds; 73% of 6-8 year-olds; 68% of 9-11 year-olds and 91% of 12-15 year-olds have cavities and much of it is untreated.
About 400 AN children under 6-years-old required full-mouth restorations including extractions and extensive tooth decay repair requiring general anesthesia, costing an average of $6,000 per case, in 2007.
Dr. Brad Whistler, Alaska state oral health director and a co-author of the study, said, "When they smile, you see a lot of silver teeth."
Some kids get no care at all. Up to 68% of children suffer with untreated tooth decay.
After careful study, both the city councils in Juneau and Fairbanks, Alaska have stopped fluoridating their water supplies.
"This report by the pro-fluoridation CDC Oral Health Branch is a somewhat desperate attempt to stop the inevitable crumbling of water fluoridation throughout Alaska," says Connett." Rather than admit fluoride's risks, the CDC continues to serve the economic interests of the dental lobby rather than the health of the American people," says Connett.
Fluoride is in virtually all processed foods and high in ocean fish. The CDC failed to measure these children's total fluoride intake from food and dental products but reports "fluoridating village water systems likely would decrease the prevalence and severity of dental caries."
"That's an unscientific conclusion as well as illogical," says Connett.
Additionally, 40% of the villages lack piped water systems suitable for fluoridation and additional piped water systems need to be built.
"It's clear that these children urgently need dental care, not more fluoride. Yet, the CDC offers no remedy except, with no evidence, to put more fluoride into malnourished bodies while adding a financial burden to an already very low-income region," says Connett.
In the 1920's, only 1% of the AN population had cavities. In the 1940's, air transportation brought in processed food, gradually changing the AN diet from fish and game to a diet high in cavity-causing carbohydrates. By 2005, 3/4 of AN kindergarteners state-wide had cavities.............
NEW YORK, Oct. 19, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 91% of rural Alaskan Native adolescents have cavities whether their water is fluoridated or not. (1) The CDC acknowledges that poor diets and lack of dental care are the probable culprits but, without evidence of need, CDC is recklessly recommending more fluoridation, reports the Fluoride Action Network (FAN).
Fluoride, once believed to reduce tooth decay through ingestion, is now shown to act predominantly on the surface of the teeth (CDC, 1999).
"This makes water fluoridation out-dated and ineffective as this CDC report proves," says Paul Connett, Ph.D., FAN's Executive Director. "Fluoridation exposes Americans unnecessarily to fluoride's adverse effects, including lowered IQ, thyroid dysfunction and bone cancer."
Tooth decay is rampant in this CDC-studied rural low-income fluoridated Alaskan Native (AN) population - 67% of 4-5 year-olds; 73% of 6-8 year-olds; 68% of 9-11 year-olds and 91% of 12-15 year-olds have cavities and much of it is untreated.
About 400 AN children under 6-years-old required full-mouth restorations including extractions and extensive tooth decay repair requiring general anesthesia, costing an average of $6,000 per case, in 2007.
Dr. Brad Whistler, Alaska state oral health director and a co-author of the study, said, "When they smile, you see a lot of silver teeth."
Some kids get no care at all. Up to 68% of children suffer with untreated tooth decay.
After careful study, both the city councils in Juneau and Fairbanks, Alaska have stopped fluoridating their water supplies.
"This report by the pro-fluoridation CDC Oral Health Branch is a somewhat desperate attempt to stop the inevitable crumbling of water fluoridation throughout Alaska," says Connett." Rather than admit fluoride's risks, the CDC continues to serve the economic interests of the dental lobby rather than the health of the American people," says Connett.
Fluoride is in virtually all processed foods and high in ocean fish. The CDC failed to measure these children's total fluoride intake from food and dental products but reports "fluoridating village water systems likely would decrease the prevalence and severity of dental caries."
"That's an unscientific conclusion as well as illogical," says Connett.
Additionally, 40% of the villages lack piped water systems suitable for fluoridation and additional piped water systems need to be built.
"It's clear that these children urgently need dental care, not more fluoride. Yet, the CDC offers no remedy except, with no evidence, to put more fluoride into malnourished bodies while adding a financial burden to an already very low-income region," says Connett.
In the 1920's, only 1% of the AN population had cavities. In the 1940's, air transportation brought in processed food, gradually changing the AN diet from fish and game to a diet high in cavity-causing carbohydrates. By 2005, 3/4 of AN kindergarteners state-wide had cavities.............
UK - Radio 4 discussion
Radio 4 discussion about the Scottish "Child Smile" programme and fluoride varnishes. It's at the following link: Child Smile
The item starts at 30 minutes and 40 seconds into the programme.
The item starts at 30 minutes and 40 seconds into the programme.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
UK - Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Earl Howe on 11 August (WA 405), whether the mean figure of 2.13 which they cited for decayed, missing and filled teeth among 12-year-olds within the unfluoridated Manchester Primary Care Trust area was derived from the correct table, or whether 1.12 is the correct figure from the website they cited.[HL12293]
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Earl Howe): I confirm the correct mean figure for decayed, missing and filled teeth among 12-year-olds within Manchester Primary Care Trust area was 1.12. I should like to apologise for the error.
To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Earl Howe on 11 August (WA 405), whether the mean figure of 2.13 which they cited for decayed, missing and filled teeth among 12-year-olds within the unfluoridated Manchester Primary Care Trust area was derived from the correct table, or whether 1.12 is the correct figure from the website they cited.[HL12293]
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Earl Howe): I confirm the correct mean figure for decayed, missing and filled teeth among 12-year-olds within Manchester Primary Care Trust area was 1.12. I should like to apologise for the error.
Change based on recent U.S. government scientific research
McMurray, Pa. (October 18, 2011) – Pennsylvania American Water announced today that it has reduced the level of fluoride in the drinking water supplied to its Allegheny and Washington County customers along with those serviced by its Uniontown, Fayette County, system. The change is based on recommendations issued January 7, 2011, by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
“After evaluating the latest research behind the agencies’ recommendations, we contacted the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to request permission to reduce the fluoride level, and DEP granted our request,” said Paul Zielinski, senior director of water quality and environmental compliance, Pennsylvania American Water.
Zielinski said the target level for these systems is now 0.7 milligrams of fluoride per liter (mg/L) of water, as recommended by HHS and EPA. Previously, the target level was set at 1.0 mg/L. Pennsylvania American Water serves more than 220,000 customers in the southwestern Pennsylvania communities now receiving reduced levels of fluoridation.......
McMurray, Pa. (October 18, 2011) – Pennsylvania American Water announced today that it has reduced the level of fluoride in the drinking water supplied to its Allegheny and Washington County customers along with those serviced by its Uniontown, Fayette County, system. The change is based on recommendations issued January 7, 2011, by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
“After evaluating the latest research behind the agencies’ recommendations, we contacted the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to request permission to reduce the fluoride level, and DEP granted our request,” said Paul Zielinski, senior director of water quality and environmental compliance, Pennsylvania American Water.
Zielinski said the target level for these systems is now 0.7 milligrams of fluoride per liter (mg/L) of water, as recommended by HHS and EPA. Previously, the target level was set at 1.0 mg/L. Pennsylvania American Water serves more than 220,000 customers in the southwestern Pennsylvania communities now receiving reduced levels of fluoridation.......
USA - Fluoride Leak Has Not Harmed Water
Martinsville, VA -- A fluoride leak that happened at the Martinsville Water Facility is nothing to worry about, according to officials.
On Sunday, the pump that transferred the fluoride into the water corroded and came apart. The broken pump leaked about 1,000 gallons of the liquid. But city officials say most of the fluoride leaked across the yard and not into the water system.
"The Water Plant operations are continuing on. Everything is going as normal. There have not been any shut down of the water treatment process," said Kenneth Draper, fire chief for city of Martinsville.
They are continuing to clean up the leak, but officials say that Martinsville residents should not worry about the condition of their water.
On Sunday, the pump that transferred the fluoride into the water corroded and came apart. The broken pump leaked about 1,000 gallons of the liquid. But city officials say most of the fluoride leaked across the yard and not into the water system.
"The Water Plant operations are continuing on. Everything is going as normal. There have not been any shut down of the water treatment process," said Kenneth Draper, fire chief for city of Martinsville.
They are continuing to clean up the leak, but officials say that Martinsville residents should not worry about the condition of their water.
Pea-sized problems; the dangerous dilemma of fluoride
Quick Tips for Wellness
Pat Ferguson guides you through simple to follow tips about daily nutrition, wellness and fitness that helped her lose over 57 lbs and 57".
Pea-sized problems; the dangerous dilemma of fluoride
Dr. Mercola’s recent interview with Dr. Bill Osmunsun, DDS, raised my eyebrows to an all new high when he spoke about the dangers of consuming fluoride……a dentist not recommending “fluoride” seems almost too cynical (see below reference to watch entire video of this interview). Think again. It seems that there are many, many concerns behind fluoride use (via toothpaste) and consumption (public water). Once you wade through all the information on fluoride you find one alarming concern; the negative effects on IQ (an 8 point drop) based upon consumption. Aside from toothpaste, two-thirds of our fluoride consumption is through our water supply. Post age six, fluoride doesn’t present the same benefit (our dental building block) to us that it previously did. Unless we can completely avoid swallowing our toothpaste, we risk the exposure to consumption. And then there’s our direct consumption of unfiltered public water (something almost impossible to avoid)...........
Long blog writeup.
Pat Ferguson guides you through simple to follow tips about daily nutrition, wellness and fitness that helped her lose over 57 lbs and 57".
Pea-sized problems; the dangerous dilemma of fluoride
Dr. Mercola’s recent interview with Dr. Bill Osmunsun, DDS, raised my eyebrows to an all new high when he spoke about the dangers of consuming fluoride……a dentist not recommending “fluoride” seems almost too cynical (see below reference to watch entire video of this interview). Think again. It seems that there are many, many concerns behind fluoride use (via toothpaste) and consumption (public water). Once you wade through all the information on fluoride you find one alarming concern; the negative effects on IQ (an 8 point drop) based upon consumption. Aside from toothpaste, two-thirds of our fluoride consumption is through our water supply. Post age six, fluoride doesn’t present the same benefit (our dental building block) to us that it previously did. Unless we can completely avoid swallowing our toothpaste, we risk the exposure to consumption. And then there’s our direct consumption of unfiltered public water (something almost impossible to avoid)...........
Long blog writeup.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
UK - What doctors don't tell you
Fluoride’s fall guys
Local councils in the UK are being given new powers that will allow them to fluoridate their local public water supply—but they could face claims for damages if they go ahead.
UK Councils Against Fluorida-tion (UKCAF;, which represents 74 local councils opposed to fluoridation, has sent out a letter of warning to every council, pointing out the legal implications of their new powers.
If they decide to fluoridate the water supply, councils leave themselves open to claims for damages from parents if their children develop dental fluorosis, a common disfiguring condition caused by fluoride that damages the enamel on teeth. The council could also face criminal charges for promoting an unlicensed medicinal product, as UKCAF believes fluoride in public water is.
These new powers are included in the wide-ranging Health and Social Care Bill, which seeks to change the power base of the National Health Service (NHS). The bill, which is passing through Parliament, also transfers responsibility for fluoridation from strategic health authorities to local councils. Local councils within a water-board area will need to consult and arrive at a consensus view before fluoride can be added to the public water, the bill states.
Window dressing
UKCAF’s director Liz Vaughan fears that the decision-making process is merely window dressing, and that local authorities will have no other option than to fall in line with the current government thinking, which seems to be roundly in favour of further fluoridation.
The Department of Health, in a document that accompanies the bill, states that “fluoridation can significantly reduce inequalities in oral health between affluent and less affluent areas”, but accepts that the subject remains contro-versial. Once the bill becomes law, the health secretary will have the power “to specify particular public health services that local author-ities must provide to ensure their national availability”. Ukcaf fears that water fluoridation will be among the compulsory public-health services that local councils will be forced to implement, possibly even without public consultation.
Even though local councils might be merely the implementers of national government bidding, they—and even individual councillors who vote for water fluoridation—will be in the direct firing line when lawsuits are issued.
The medicine that isn’t
The first will be claims for damages from parents whose children are suffering from dental fluorosis as a direct result of fluoridation. The condition, in which the enamel of the teeth becomes discoloured, affects up to half of children in fluoridated areas, while around one in eight has a more severe reaction wherein the teeth become badly discoloured and deformed. In these cases, dental remedial work is needed, and costs for aesthetic treatment—which may not be covered under the NHS—can run into thousands of pounds, says Ukcaf. In addition to costs, parents may also win damages to compensate for any mental harm their child may suffer.
The second charge—criminal prosecution for promoting an unlicensed medical product—highlights the confused thinking in government about fluoridation. In 1983, Lord Jauncey ruled in a Court of Session in Edinburgh that fluoride “in whatever form it is ultimately purchased” is a medicinal product as defined by the Medicines Act 1968. As Lord Jauncey pointed out, fluoride is supposed to have a beneficial medical effect—it is promoted as a preventative of dental caries (tooth decay)—and is therefore a medicine. Under the Medicines Act, no medicinal product can be supplied unless it has marketing authorization from the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)—and fluoride has never been granted that authorization.
This is because the MHRA—a government body—has refused to accept that water fluoridation is a medicine. This ambivalence is compounded by the government and its health advisors who, of course, believe it has medicinal benefit.
They maintain that fluoridated water helps to prevent tooth decay in poorer communities, where diet and lifestyle may lead to more dental caries—even though it increases the risk of fluorosis in
all communities.
Diluting the problems
Successive UK governments—whether Conservative or Labour—have made moves to get the nation’s public water fluoridated. Four years ago, the government of the time was accused of massaging research findings in order to make the issue of fluoridation more palatable to the public. Professor Trevor Sheldon, pro-vice-chancellor of York University, who prepared a government-commissioned report, accused ministers of “one-sided handling of the evidence”. The Department of Health used the evidence “selectively . . . to give an over-optimistic assessment of the evidence in favour of fluoridation”, he said (BMJ, 2007; 335: 699–702).
The UK government’s enthus-iasm for fluoridation is also out of step with other members of the EU. Only the Irish Republic has comprehensively introduced fluor-ide into its tap water—more than 70 per cent of public water there is fluoridated—and yet, it has one of the highest rates of tooth
decay in all of Europe. One study discovered that three out of four children in Ireland have tooth decay by the time they reach the age of 15, and 40 per cent have fluorosis (
The Irish phenomenon is not an anomaly. Health authorities in New Zealand during the 1980s were seeing similar results. The country’s then chief dental health officer said at the time: “When any unfluoridated area is compared with a fluoridated area of similar income level, the percentage of children who are free of dental decay is consistently higher in the unfluoridated area”.
His observations have been confirmed in studies from the US and Canada; one discovered no difference in levels of tooth decay in fluoridated and unfluoridated areas (Fluoride, 1990; 23: 55–67), while others have demonstrated that decay is less common in unfluoridated regions (J Can Dent Assoc, 1987; 53: 753–5).
Not only is fluoride ineffective, it is also hazardous to health, and it has been associated with diseases far more serious than just fluorosis.
Fluoride is a poison that is more toxic than lead. We are exposed to two forms of it every day: sodium fluoride is added to toothpaste, mouth rinses and gels, while hydrofluorosilicic acid is used in the public water. Even its pro-ponents accept that fluoride can be lethal at high quantities, but they argue that our exposure is minimal.
However, in assessing the levels of fluoride we absorb, scientists are not including all the sources to which we are daily exposed. In addition to brushing our teeth in it, it is also in pesticide-laden food, in the air we breathe, the tea we drink and the pharmaceuticals
we take—and is even found in preparations for babies.
Even so, say advocates, fluoride has a very short half-life of just
210 minutes—which means that the body is clear of it within that time—but evidence suggests that it accumulates in the blood, bones and soft tissues over a lengthy period, and can even reach toxic levels as a person ages. As a result, it has been suspected to be a cause of osteoporosis and hip fracture (JAMA, 1992; 268: 746–8), and can reach levels of low toxicity that nonetheless cause bone damage within 38 years.
Fluoride toxicity has also been linked to thyroid disease, manifesting as general fatigue, to heart irregularities and to low blood pressure (Publ Health Report, 1956; 71: 459–67), and to neurological problems such as vertigo, visual disturbances and mental acuity (Fluoride, 1975; 8: 61–85).
An ME connection
A large body of evidence is also linking fluoride to ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis). Researchers have seen similarities between the symptoms of ME and early-stage fluoride poisoning (Fluoride, 1998; 31: 13–20), possibly because it inter-feres with the movement of white blood cells, reducing the body’s natural infection-fighting capa-bility (InterAction, 1994; 14: 53–4).
Not surprisingly, the European Commission’s Scientific Com-mittee on Health and Environ-mental Risks (SCHER) has been reticent to recommend wide-spread water fluoridation. In its preliminary note, the committee states: “Fluoridation is a crude and rather ineffective form of systemic fluoride treatment to prevent dental caries without a detectable threshold for dental and bone damage.”
Despite the evidence and hesitancy within the EU, the UK government seems set to follow the British Dental Association’s agenda and push for mass water fluoridation throughout the country. And with the local authorities in the direct firing line, and likely to be seen as the ‘bad guys’ if public opinion is strongly opposed to fluoridation, why should they worry?
Bryan Hubbard
Factfile: Symptoms of fluoride poisoning
After studying 112 people with fluorosis, researchers have drawn up a list of symptoms of early-stage fluorosis poisoning (Fluoride, 1998; 31: 13–20) that usually manifest before bone damage.
•Musculoskeletal Arthritis (cervical and lumbar spine), muscle pain, pins and needles, inability to control extremities
•Gastrointestinal Gastric pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, acute abdominal episodes, mouth inflammation
•Neurological Migraine-type headache, blurred vision with moving spots (floaters), convulsions, muscle fibrillation (contractions, twitching)
•Respiratory Nasal problems, emphysema, asthma, nosebleeds
•Skin Dermatitis, inflammation around capillary blood vessels
•General Cough, excess mucus, breathing difficulties, mouth ulcers, bleeding gums, palpitations, vertigo, sleep problems, excessive thirst, excessive urination, joint pain, rash, memory loss, tinnitus (persistent ringing in the ears), fatigue.
WDDTY 22 no 7, October 2011
Local councils in the UK are being given new powers that will allow them to fluoridate their local public water supply—but they could face claims for damages if they go ahead.
UK Councils Against Fluorida-tion (UKCAF;, which represents 74 local councils opposed to fluoridation, has sent out a letter of warning to every council, pointing out the legal implications of their new powers.
If they decide to fluoridate the water supply, councils leave themselves open to claims for damages from parents if their children develop dental fluorosis, a common disfiguring condition caused by fluoride that damages the enamel on teeth. The council could also face criminal charges for promoting an unlicensed medicinal product, as UKCAF believes fluoride in public water is.
These new powers are included in the wide-ranging Health and Social Care Bill, which seeks to change the power base of the National Health Service (NHS). The bill, which is passing through Parliament, also transfers responsibility for fluoridation from strategic health authorities to local councils. Local councils within a water-board area will need to consult and arrive at a consensus view before fluoride can be added to the public water, the bill states.
Window dressing
UKCAF’s director Liz Vaughan fears that the decision-making process is merely window dressing, and that local authorities will have no other option than to fall in line with the current government thinking, which seems to be roundly in favour of further fluoridation.
The Department of Health, in a document that accompanies the bill, states that “fluoridation can significantly reduce inequalities in oral health between affluent and less affluent areas”, but accepts that the subject remains contro-versial. Once the bill becomes law, the health secretary will have the power “to specify particular public health services that local author-ities must provide to ensure their national availability”. Ukcaf fears that water fluoridation will be among the compulsory public-health services that local councils will be forced to implement, possibly even without public consultation.
Even though local councils might be merely the implementers of national government bidding, they—and even individual councillors who vote for water fluoridation—will be in the direct firing line when lawsuits are issued.
The medicine that isn’t
The first will be claims for damages from parents whose children are suffering from dental fluorosis as a direct result of fluoridation. The condition, in which the enamel of the teeth becomes discoloured, affects up to half of children in fluoridated areas, while around one in eight has a more severe reaction wherein the teeth become badly discoloured and deformed. In these cases, dental remedial work is needed, and costs for aesthetic treatment—which may not be covered under the NHS—can run into thousands of pounds, says Ukcaf. In addition to costs, parents may also win damages to compensate for any mental harm their child may suffer.
The second charge—criminal prosecution for promoting an unlicensed medical product—highlights the confused thinking in government about fluoridation. In 1983, Lord Jauncey ruled in a Court of Session in Edinburgh that fluoride “in whatever form it is ultimately purchased” is a medicinal product as defined by the Medicines Act 1968. As Lord Jauncey pointed out, fluoride is supposed to have a beneficial medical effect—it is promoted as a preventative of dental caries (tooth decay)—and is therefore a medicine. Under the Medicines Act, no medicinal product can be supplied unless it has marketing authorization from the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)—and fluoride has never been granted that authorization.
This is because the MHRA—a government body—has refused to accept that water fluoridation is a medicine. This ambivalence is compounded by the government and its health advisors who, of course, believe it has medicinal benefit.
They maintain that fluoridated water helps to prevent tooth decay in poorer communities, where diet and lifestyle may lead to more dental caries—even though it increases the risk of fluorosis in
all communities.
Diluting the problems
Successive UK governments—whether Conservative or Labour—have made moves to get the nation’s public water fluoridated. Four years ago, the government of the time was accused of massaging research findings in order to make the issue of fluoridation more palatable to the public. Professor Trevor Sheldon, pro-vice-chancellor of York University, who prepared a government-commissioned report, accused ministers of “one-sided handling of the evidence”. The Department of Health used the evidence “selectively . . . to give an over-optimistic assessment of the evidence in favour of fluoridation”, he said (BMJ, 2007; 335: 699–702).
The UK government’s enthus-iasm for fluoridation is also out of step with other members of the EU. Only the Irish Republic has comprehensively introduced fluor-ide into its tap water—more than 70 per cent of public water there is fluoridated—and yet, it has one of the highest rates of tooth
decay in all of Europe. One study discovered that three out of four children in Ireland have tooth decay by the time they reach the age of 15, and 40 per cent have fluorosis (
The Irish phenomenon is not an anomaly. Health authorities in New Zealand during the 1980s were seeing similar results. The country’s then chief dental health officer said at the time: “When any unfluoridated area is compared with a fluoridated area of similar income level, the percentage of children who are free of dental decay is consistently higher in the unfluoridated area”.
His observations have been confirmed in studies from the US and Canada; one discovered no difference in levels of tooth decay in fluoridated and unfluoridated areas (Fluoride, 1990; 23: 55–67), while others have demonstrated that decay is less common in unfluoridated regions (J Can Dent Assoc, 1987; 53: 753–5).
Not only is fluoride ineffective, it is also hazardous to health, and it has been associated with diseases far more serious than just fluorosis.
Fluoride is a poison that is more toxic than lead. We are exposed to two forms of it every day: sodium fluoride is added to toothpaste, mouth rinses and gels, while hydrofluorosilicic acid is used in the public water. Even its pro-ponents accept that fluoride can be lethal at high quantities, but they argue that our exposure is minimal.
However, in assessing the levels of fluoride we absorb, scientists are not including all the sources to which we are daily exposed. In addition to brushing our teeth in it, it is also in pesticide-laden food, in the air we breathe, the tea we drink and the pharmaceuticals
we take—and is even found in preparations for babies.
Even so, say advocates, fluoride has a very short half-life of just
210 minutes—which means that the body is clear of it within that time—but evidence suggests that it accumulates in the blood, bones and soft tissues over a lengthy period, and can even reach toxic levels as a person ages. As a result, it has been suspected to be a cause of osteoporosis and hip fracture (JAMA, 1992; 268: 746–8), and can reach levels of low toxicity that nonetheless cause bone damage within 38 years.
Fluoride toxicity has also been linked to thyroid disease, manifesting as general fatigue, to heart irregularities and to low blood pressure (Publ Health Report, 1956; 71: 459–67), and to neurological problems such as vertigo, visual disturbances and mental acuity (Fluoride, 1975; 8: 61–85).
An ME connection
A large body of evidence is also linking fluoride to ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis). Researchers have seen similarities between the symptoms of ME and early-stage fluoride poisoning (Fluoride, 1998; 31: 13–20), possibly because it inter-feres with the movement of white blood cells, reducing the body’s natural infection-fighting capa-bility (InterAction, 1994; 14: 53–4).
Not surprisingly, the European Commission’s Scientific Com-mittee on Health and Environ-mental Risks (SCHER) has been reticent to recommend wide-spread water fluoridation. In its preliminary note, the committee states: “Fluoridation is a crude and rather ineffective form of systemic fluoride treatment to prevent dental caries without a detectable threshold for dental and bone damage.”
Despite the evidence and hesitancy within the EU, the UK government seems set to follow the British Dental Association’s agenda and push for mass water fluoridation throughout the country. And with the local authorities in the direct firing line, and likely to be seen as the ‘bad guys’ if public opinion is strongly opposed to fluoridation, why should they worry?
Bryan Hubbard
Factfile: Symptoms of fluoride poisoning
After studying 112 people with fluorosis, researchers have drawn up a list of symptoms of early-stage fluorosis poisoning (Fluoride, 1998; 31: 13–20) that usually manifest before bone damage.
•Musculoskeletal Arthritis (cervical and lumbar spine), muscle pain, pins and needles, inability to control extremities
•Gastrointestinal Gastric pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, acute abdominal episodes, mouth inflammation
•Neurological Migraine-type headache, blurred vision with moving spots (floaters), convulsions, muscle fibrillation (contractions, twitching)
•Respiratory Nasal problems, emphysema, asthma, nosebleeds
•Skin Dermatitis, inflammation around capillary blood vessels
•General Cough, excess mucus, breathing difficulties, mouth ulcers, bleeding gums, palpitations, vertigo, sleep problems, excessive thirst, excessive urination, joint pain, rash, memory loss, tinnitus (persistent ringing in the ears), fatigue.
WDDTY 22 no 7, October 2011
UK - House of Lords
Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Earl Howe on 15 September (WA 87), whether other treatments, such as surgery, which are not classified as medicinal products, require individual informed consent from the recipient.[HL12350]
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Earl Howe): It is a general legal and ethical principle that valid consent must be obtained from an individual before starting a treatment or physical intervention such as surgery.
Why isn't fluoride treatment then?
Asked by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Earl Howe on 15 September (WA 87), whether other treatments, such as surgery, which are not classified as medicinal products, require individual informed consent from the recipient.[HL12350]
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Earl Howe): It is a general legal and ethical principle that valid consent must be obtained from an individual before starting a treatment or physical intervention such as surgery.
Why isn't fluoride treatment then?
Monday, October 17, 2011
USA - Fluoridation and other government conspiracy theories
Commentary: Fluoridation and other government conspiracy theories
Fred Grimm
The Miami Herald
For too long, we patriotic Americans have allowed winos and crystal meth addicts and backwoods yokels with no access to city water or modern dentistry to appropriate the prestige that comes with jagged, decayed teeth and the subsidiary whiff of rotten breath.
Finally, after a contentious three-hour public hearing last week, the Pinellas County Commission confronted the bright white shining truth behind healthy teeth and fluoridated smiles: Local governments have given into the world-wide conspiracy to drug us into submission.
“Fluoride is a toxic substance,” declared Tony Caso of Palm Harbor. The St. Petersburg Times reported that Caso, a fervid tea party activist, warned Pinellas commissioners: “This is all part of an agenda that’s being pushed forth by the so-called globalists in our government and the world government to keep the people stupid so they don’t realize what’s going on.”.........
More than 3,825 professionals (including 328 dentists) urge that fluoridation be
stopped citing scientific evidence that ingesting fluoride is ineffective at
reducing tooth decay and has serious health risks. See statement:
Eleven US EPA unions representing over 7000 environmental and public health
professionals are calling for a moratorium on fluoridation.
The CDC reports that 225 less communities adjusted for fluoride between 2006 and 2008. About 100 US and Canadian communities rejected fluoridation since 2008. In 2011 - Marcellus and Mt.Clemens, MI; Fairbanks, Alaska; Calgary, Alberta, Canada; Spring Hill & Hohenwald, TN; Philomath, OR; Pottstown, PA; College Station, TX and Spencer, Indiana; and Pinellas County, Florida have stopped fluoridation .
Seven New York City Council Members sponsor legislation to stop fluoridation in New York City
Fred Grimm
The Miami Herald
For too long, we patriotic Americans have allowed winos and crystal meth addicts and backwoods yokels with no access to city water or modern dentistry to appropriate the prestige that comes with jagged, decayed teeth and the subsidiary whiff of rotten breath.
Finally, after a contentious three-hour public hearing last week, the Pinellas County Commission confronted the bright white shining truth behind healthy teeth and fluoridated smiles: Local governments have given into the world-wide conspiracy to drug us into submission.
“Fluoride is a toxic substance,” declared Tony Caso of Palm Harbor. The St. Petersburg Times reported that Caso, a fervid tea party activist, warned Pinellas commissioners: “This is all part of an agenda that’s being pushed forth by the so-called globalists in our government and the world government to keep the people stupid so they don’t realize what’s going on.”.........
More than 3,825 professionals (including 328 dentists) urge that fluoridation be
stopped citing scientific evidence that ingesting fluoride is ineffective at
reducing tooth decay and has serious health risks. See statement:
Eleven US EPA unions representing over 7000 environmental and public health
professionals are calling for a moratorium on fluoridation.
The CDC reports that 225 less communities adjusted for fluoride between 2006 and 2008. About 100 US and Canadian communities rejected fluoridation since 2008. In 2011 - Marcellus and Mt.Clemens, MI; Fairbanks, Alaska; Calgary, Alberta, Canada; Spring Hill & Hohenwald, TN; Philomath, OR; Pottstown, PA; College Station, TX and Spencer, Indiana; and Pinellas County, Florida have stopped fluoridation .
Seven New York City Council Members sponsor legislation to stop fluoridation in New York City
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Story at-a-glance
Story at-a-glance
Fluoride is a toxic industrial waste product, which may also be contaminated with lead, arsenic, radionucleotides, aluminum and other industrial contaminants.
The fluoride added to municipal water supplies is not pharmaceutical grade. Twenty-three studies from four countries indicate that even moderate exposure to fluoride lowers IQ.
The daily dose of fluoride recommended by the American Dental Association results in the same level of fluoride in your blood shown to cause an 8-point drop in IQ.
Poison control should be called if you swallow a quarter milligram of fluoride from toothpaste. Meanwhile just ONE glass of water can contain this amount of fluoride.
To remain within "safe" limits, you'd have to use such a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste that one tube would last you several years.
Fluoride is a toxic industrial waste product, which may also be contaminated with lead, arsenic, radionucleotides, aluminum and other industrial contaminants.
The fluoride added to municipal water supplies is not pharmaceutical grade. Twenty-three studies from four countries indicate that even moderate exposure to fluoride lowers IQ.
The daily dose of fluoride recommended by the American Dental Association results in the same level of fluoride in your blood shown to cause an 8-point drop in IQ.
Poison control should be called if you swallow a quarter milligram of fluoride from toothpaste. Meanwhile just ONE glass of water can contain this amount of fluoride.
To remain within "safe" limits, you'd have to use such a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste that one tube would last you several years.
Microbes’ effect on health explored
Microbes’ effect on health explored
By Rob Stein
Washington Post / October 16, 2011
WASHINGTON - Consider this: The average person’s body contains about 100 trillion cells, but only maybe 1 in 10 is human.
This isn’t the latest Hollywood horror flick, or some secret genetic engineering experiment run amok. The human cells that form our skin, eyes, ears, brain and every other part of our bodies are far outnumbered by those from microbes, primarily bacteria but also viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms.
This, it turns out, is nature’s way. A growing body of evidence indicates that the microbial ecosystems that have long populated our mouths, noses, intestines, and every other nook and cranny play crucial roles in keeping us healthy.
Moreover, researchers are becoming more convinced that modern trends - diet, antibiotics, obsession with cleanliness, Caesarean delivery of babies - are disrupting this delicate balance, contributing to some of the most perplexing ailments, including asthma, allergies, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, cancer, and perhaps even autism.
“In terms of potential for human health, I would place it with stem cells as one of the two most promising areas of research at the moment,’’ said Rob Knight of the University of Colorado. “Everywhere we look, microbes seem to be involved.’’
Equipped with super-fast new DNA decoders, scientists are accelerating the exploration of this realm at a molecular level, yielding provocative insights into how these microbial stowaways may wield far greater powers than previously appreciated in, paradoxically, making us human.
A five-year, $175 million study, the US Human Microbiome Project, is assembling an outline of a “healthy’’ microbiotic profile for humans by sampling the mouth, airway, skin, intestinal, and urogenital tract of 300 healthy adults, as well as deciphering the genetic codes of 200 possibly key microbes.
“The field has exploded,’’ said Jeffrey Gordon of Washington University, who pioneered the exploration of humanity’s microbial inhabitants, known as the “microbiome’’ or “microbiota.’’ “People have this sense of wonderment about looking at themselves as a compilation of microbial and human parts.’’
Some equate these microbial inhabitants to a newly recognized organ. Acquired at birth, this mass of fellow travelers may help steer normal development, molding immune systems and calibrating fundamental metabolic functions such as energy storage and consumption. There are even tantalizing clues they may help shape brain development, influencing behavior.
“The ‘human supraorganism’ is one term coined to describe the human host and all the attendant microorganisms,’’ said Lita Proctor, who leads the Human Microbiome Project at the National Institutes of Health, which is mapping this world. “There’s been a real revolution in thinking about what that means.’’
Investigators are trying to identify which organisms may truly be beneficial “probiotics’’ that people could take to help their health. Others are finding substances that people might ingest to nurture the good bugs. Drugs may mimic the helpful compounds that these organisms produce.
Doctors have even begun microbiota “transplants’’ to treat a host of illnesses, including a sometimes-devastating gastrointestinal infection called C. difficile, digestive system ailments such as Crohn’s disease, colitis, and irritable bowel disorder, and even in a handful of cases obesity and other afflictions, such as multiple sclerosis.
Many advocates of the research urge caution, noting that most of the work so far has involved laboratory animals or small numbers of patients, many hypotheses remain far from proven and nothing has zero risk.
“We have to be very careful in how we state what we know at the present time versus what we think might be true at this point,’’ said David Relman of Stanford University. “But it’s probably fair to say that our indigenous communities are more diverse, more complex, and more intimately and intricately involved in our biology than we thought.’’
Scientists have long known that many organisms evolved with humans and perform vital functions, digesting food, extracting crucial nutrients, and fighting off disease-causing entities.
But as microbiologists have begun scrutinizing these colonies, it has become clearer that they create carefully calibrated enterprises, with unique combinations inhabiting individual crevices and identifiable nuances from person to person.
European scientists reported in April that people generally seem to have one of three basic combinations that may be as fundamentally important as, say, blood type.
Dozens of studies are underway, including some that are repeatedly swabbing kids and adults, including twins, to gain insights into why one person gets tooth decay, asthma, ulcerative colitis, or even cancer, and another doesn’t.
One intriguing finding is that babies born through Caesarean sections apparently miss out on acquiring mothers’ microbiota.
“The birth canal is very heavily colonized by bacteria,’’ said Maria Dominguez-Bello, a University of Puerto Rico biologist who has been studying microbiota around the world, including in isolated tribes in the Amazon. “We think that is not by chance.’’
By Rob Stein
Washington Post / October 16, 2011
WASHINGTON - Consider this: The average person’s body contains about 100 trillion cells, but only maybe 1 in 10 is human.
This isn’t the latest Hollywood horror flick, or some secret genetic engineering experiment run amok. The human cells that form our skin, eyes, ears, brain and every other part of our bodies are far outnumbered by those from microbes, primarily bacteria but also viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms.
This, it turns out, is nature’s way. A growing body of evidence indicates that the microbial ecosystems that have long populated our mouths, noses, intestines, and every other nook and cranny play crucial roles in keeping us healthy.
Moreover, researchers are becoming more convinced that modern trends - diet, antibiotics, obsession with cleanliness, Caesarean delivery of babies - are disrupting this delicate balance, contributing to some of the most perplexing ailments, including asthma, allergies, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, cancer, and perhaps even autism.
“In terms of potential for human health, I would place it with stem cells as one of the two most promising areas of research at the moment,’’ said Rob Knight of the University of Colorado. “Everywhere we look, microbes seem to be involved.’’
Equipped with super-fast new DNA decoders, scientists are accelerating the exploration of this realm at a molecular level, yielding provocative insights into how these microbial stowaways may wield far greater powers than previously appreciated in, paradoxically, making us human.
A five-year, $175 million study, the US Human Microbiome Project, is assembling an outline of a “healthy’’ microbiotic profile for humans by sampling the mouth, airway, skin, intestinal, and urogenital tract of 300 healthy adults, as well as deciphering the genetic codes of 200 possibly key microbes.
“The field has exploded,’’ said Jeffrey Gordon of Washington University, who pioneered the exploration of humanity’s microbial inhabitants, known as the “microbiome’’ or “microbiota.’’ “People have this sense of wonderment about looking at themselves as a compilation of microbial and human parts.’’
Some equate these microbial inhabitants to a newly recognized organ. Acquired at birth, this mass of fellow travelers may help steer normal development, molding immune systems and calibrating fundamental metabolic functions such as energy storage and consumption. There are even tantalizing clues they may help shape brain development, influencing behavior.
“The ‘human supraorganism’ is one term coined to describe the human host and all the attendant microorganisms,’’ said Lita Proctor, who leads the Human Microbiome Project at the National Institutes of Health, which is mapping this world. “There’s been a real revolution in thinking about what that means.’’
Investigators are trying to identify which organisms may truly be beneficial “probiotics’’ that people could take to help their health. Others are finding substances that people might ingest to nurture the good bugs. Drugs may mimic the helpful compounds that these organisms produce.
Doctors have even begun microbiota “transplants’’ to treat a host of illnesses, including a sometimes-devastating gastrointestinal infection called C. difficile, digestive system ailments such as Crohn’s disease, colitis, and irritable bowel disorder, and even in a handful of cases obesity and other afflictions, such as multiple sclerosis.
Many advocates of the research urge caution, noting that most of the work so far has involved laboratory animals or small numbers of patients, many hypotheses remain far from proven and nothing has zero risk.
“We have to be very careful in how we state what we know at the present time versus what we think might be true at this point,’’ said David Relman of Stanford University. “But it’s probably fair to say that our indigenous communities are more diverse, more complex, and more intimately and intricately involved in our biology than we thought.’’
Scientists have long known that many organisms evolved with humans and perform vital functions, digesting food, extracting crucial nutrients, and fighting off disease-causing entities.
But as microbiologists have begun scrutinizing these colonies, it has become clearer that they create carefully calibrated enterprises, with unique combinations inhabiting individual crevices and identifiable nuances from person to person.
European scientists reported in April that people generally seem to have one of three basic combinations that may be as fundamentally important as, say, blood type.
Dozens of studies are underway, including some that are repeatedly swabbing kids and adults, including twins, to gain insights into why one person gets tooth decay, asthma, ulcerative colitis, or even cancer, and another doesn’t.
One intriguing finding is that babies born through Caesarean sections apparently miss out on acquiring mothers’ microbiota.
“The birth canal is very heavily colonized by bacteria,’’ said Maria Dominguez-Bello, a University of Puerto Rico biologist who has been studying microbiota around the world, including in isolated tribes in the Amazon. “We think that is not by chance.’’
NZ - Fluoridation promotion 'waste of money'
Fluoridation promotion 'waste of money'
Updated at 10:53 am today
As more councils reconsider whether to flouridate water supplies, a campaign group says the Ministry of Health is wasting money promoting fluoridation to communities which clearly do not want it.
New Plymouth District Council on voted on 13 October to stop fluoridating water supplies in the city and several towns, while Hutt City Council will debate the issue in November.
Fluoride Action Network president Lawrie Brett says although unbiased information is readily available the ministry has spent $1.2 million setting up the National Fluoride Information Service, which he says ignores adverse effects.
"It should by now surely be apparent that (fluoridation) is an idea whose time has been and gone," he says.
Mr Brett, a dentist, says money used to promote fluoridation would be better spent on frontline services to care for children's teeth.
Updated at 10:53 am today
As more councils reconsider whether to flouridate water supplies, a campaign group says the Ministry of Health is wasting money promoting fluoridation to communities which clearly do not want it.
New Plymouth District Council on voted on 13 October to stop fluoridating water supplies in the city and several towns, while Hutt City Council will debate the issue in November.
Fluoride Action Network president Lawrie Brett says although unbiased information is readily available the ministry has spent $1.2 million setting up the National Fluoride Information Service, which he says ignores adverse effects.
"It should by now surely be apparent that (fluoridation) is an idea whose time has been and gone," he says.
Mr Brett, a dentist, says money used to promote fluoridation would be better spent on frontline services to care for children's teeth.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Alex Jones - Nighlty News - Dr. Laura Pressley: Speaking on Fluoride Freedom!
Video from USA worth listening to.
UK - Leicester children 'worst teeth in UK', an NHS survey finds
Leicester children 'worst teeth in UK', an NHS survey finds
Twelve-year-old children in Leicester have the highest rate of tooth decay in England, according to an NHS report.
The latest figures found 45.3% of 12-year-old children in the city have experienced tooth decay, compared to an England average of 17.5% in 2008/09.
NHS Leicester City Primary Care Trust (PCT) said it needed to try harder to get the basic dental hygiene message across to people.
In total, 140 PCTs of 152 took part in the national dental health survey.
There are many causes of poor dental health, which include diet, poor oral hygiene and not visiting a dentist, the British Dental Association (BDA) said.
Ivan Browne, a consultant in public health for NHS Leicester City, said there was also a responsibility with "people looking after their own teeth" if the city was to improve tooth decay in children.
"Yes we can increase provision, improve information and get the information out there, but the fundamental thing is making sure children are not having all those sugary snacks and brushing their teeth properly," he said.
Baby teeth
Jancy Pope, a specialist paediatric dentist at Leicester's Westcotes Clinic, said a few years ago removing all 20 baby teeth on a toddler was "not a unique occurrence at all".She added: "Scotland runs a programme were fluoride is applied to children's teeth at pre-school, nurseries and schools and the results show significant improvement in oral health".Ms Pope suggested "water fluoridation and better education" would reduce the number of children in Leicester with decaying teeth.
Christopher Allen, who chairs the Dental Public Health Working Group for the BDA, said: "Despite an overall improvement in recent years, unacceptable inequalities between those with the best and worst oral health persist.
"Vital to tackling these inequalities is the input of consultants in dental public health. Worryingly, around one-third of primary care trusts, including Leicester City, do not have access to such expertise. This must be rectified as the Government's NHS reorganisation continues."
The survey, called NHS Dental Epidemiology Programme (NHS DEP) for England, was undertaken by North West Public Health Observatory and The Dental Observatory.
Twelve-year-old children in Leicester have the highest rate of tooth decay in England, according to an NHS report.
The latest figures found 45.3% of 12-year-old children in the city have experienced tooth decay, compared to an England average of 17.5% in 2008/09.
NHS Leicester City Primary Care Trust (PCT) said it needed to try harder to get the basic dental hygiene message across to people.
In total, 140 PCTs of 152 took part in the national dental health survey.
There are many causes of poor dental health, which include diet, poor oral hygiene and not visiting a dentist, the British Dental Association (BDA) said.
Ivan Browne, a consultant in public health for NHS Leicester City, said there was also a responsibility with "people looking after their own teeth" if the city was to improve tooth decay in children.
"Yes we can increase provision, improve information and get the information out there, but the fundamental thing is making sure children are not having all those sugary snacks and brushing their teeth properly," he said.
Baby teeth
Jancy Pope, a specialist paediatric dentist at Leicester's Westcotes Clinic, said a few years ago removing all 20 baby teeth on a toddler was "not a unique occurrence at all".She added: "Scotland runs a programme were fluoride is applied to children's teeth at pre-school, nurseries and schools and the results show significant improvement in oral health".Ms Pope suggested "water fluoridation and better education" would reduce the number of children in Leicester with decaying teeth.
Christopher Allen, who chairs the Dental Public Health Working Group for the BDA, said: "Despite an overall improvement in recent years, unacceptable inequalities between those with the best and worst oral health persist.
"Vital to tackling these inequalities is the input of consultants in dental public health. Worryingly, around one-third of primary care trusts, including Leicester City, do not have access to such expertise. This must be rectified as the Government's NHS reorganisation continues."
The survey, called NHS Dental Epidemiology Programme (NHS DEP) for England, was undertaken by North West Public Health Observatory and The Dental Observatory.
Friday, October 14, 2011
NZ - Beginning of the end for fluoridation
Beginning of the end for fluoridation
A bombshell decision to end water fluoridation in New Plymouth is being heralded as the beginning of the end for the practice in New Zealand.
The New Plymouth District Council yesterday voted to stop fluoridation in the district after more than 40 years of adding the chemical to its water to reduce dental decay.
Mary Byrne of anti-fluoride group Fluoride Action Network New Zealand said the decision could lead to a domino effect of other councils rejecting the chemical.
"It has to because we have got New Plymouth and the Ruapehu District Council both deciding to turn it off.
"The other councils don't have a leg to stand on. What this does is legitimise it.
"It will give other councils the courage to make the right decision and it also makes a lot of them realise this is a serious mainstream issue," Ms Byrne said.
The decision was the biggest anti-fluoride victory so far, made more significant because councillors held a two-day tribunal to hear both sides of the argument before reaching their conclusion.
"I think what will happen is I think this New Plymouth decision will shake up the remaining councils.
"Because we now have 25 councils out of 69 that have fluoridation and they will start wondering if they are doing the right thing ... I definitely think this is the beginning of the end."
More than half of New Zealand's population supplied with fluoridated water – Christchurch is the only main centre with non-fluoridated water.......
A bombshell decision to end water fluoridation in New Plymouth is being heralded as the beginning of the end for the practice in New Zealand.
The New Plymouth District Council yesterday voted to stop fluoridation in the district after more than 40 years of adding the chemical to its water to reduce dental decay.
Mary Byrne of anti-fluoride group Fluoride Action Network New Zealand said the decision could lead to a domino effect of other councils rejecting the chemical.
"It has to because we have got New Plymouth and the Ruapehu District Council both deciding to turn it off.
"The other councils don't have a leg to stand on. What this does is legitimise it.
"It will give other councils the courage to make the right decision and it also makes a lot of them realise this is a serious mainstream issue," Ms Byrne said.
The decision was the biggest anti-fluoride victory so far, made more significant because councillors held a two-day tribunal to hear both sides of the argument before reaching their conclusion.
"I think what will happen is I think this New Plymouth decision will shake up the remaining councils.
"Because we now have 25 councils out of 69 that have fluoridation and they will start wondering if they are doing the right thing ... I definitely think this is the beginning of the end."
More than half of New Zealand's population supplied with fluoridated water – Christchurch is the only main centre with non-fluoridated water.......
Thursday, October 13, 2011
NZ - The New Plymouth District Council has voted to stop fluoridating water
The New Plymouth District Council has voted to stop fluoridating water supplies in the city and several towns.
Following a two-day hearing, councillors voted 8 to 5 at a meeting on Thursday morning to stop fluoride being added to the water.
The council expects the main reticulation system to run out of fluoride in a few weeks.
Fluoridation will also stop in Waitara, Urenui and Lepperton.
New Plymouth mayor Harry Duynhoven says the Ministry of Health made a submission supporting fluoride but there was a strong lobby against its health risks.
He says the $18,000 that had been spent annually on fluoridation will now go toward dental health education programmes in schools.
Following a two-day hearing, councillors voted 8 to 5 at a meeting on Thursday morning to stop fluoride being added to the water.
The council expects the main reticulation system to run out of fluoride in a few weeks.
Fluoridation will also stop in Waitara, Urenui and Lepperton.
New Plymouth mayor Harry Duynhoven says the Ministry of Health made a submission supporting fluoride but there was a strong lobby against its health risks.
He says the $18,000 that had been spent annually on fluoridation will now go toward dental health education programmes in schools.
Canada - Time to end fluoridation in Halton
Time to end fluoridation in Halton
NORTH OAKVILLE TODAY LETTER - It’s time to end the fluoridation of Halton’s water supply.
Joining with Great Lakes United, The Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment and thousands of toxicologists, doctors, and other medical professionals Oakvillegreen, BurlingtonGreen, Miltongreen and Protect Our Water and Environmental Resources in Halton Hills, all came together last year to call for an end to the practice.
All anyone has to see to demonstrate that fluoride is harmful are the warnings on your toothpaste box. They say “do not swallow”. Further they warn not to use fluoride toothpastes on young children. Some state they should only be used on children older than 12.
The potential for harm to human health, especially for children, by adding this toxic substance to our drinking water, is great. The potential harm to the environment is also great as fluoride is toxic to aquatic life and 99% of all fluoride-treated water is released into the environment.
Most Canadians don’t have fluoride added to their municipal water yet cavity rates between fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas are virtually the same.
Drinking fluoride is ineffective at preventing cavities and potentially harmful to human health and the health of the environment. It’s time to end fluoridation.
- Karen Brock, President
Oakvillegreen Conservation Association.
Around the world people are calling for an end to fluoridation while the SHA still ignore the tide of opinion and continue to plan to put it in our water.
NORTH OAKVILLE TODAY LETTER - It’s time to end the fluoridation of Halton’s water supply.
Joining with Great Lakes United, The Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment and thousands of toxicologists, doctors, and other medical professionals Oakvillegreen, BurlingtonGreen, Miltongreen and Protect Our Water and Environmental Resources in Halton Hills, all came together last year to call for an end to the practice.
All anyone has to see to demonstrate that fluoride is harmful are the warnings on your toothpaste box. They say “do not swallow”. Further they warn not to use fluoride toothpastes on young children. Some state they should only be used on children older than 12.
The potential for harm to human health, especially for children, by adding this toxic substance to our drinking water, is great. The potential harm to the environment is also great as fluoride is toxic to aquatic life and 99% of all fluoride-treated water is released into the environment.
Most Canadians don’t have fluoride added to their municipal water yet cavity rates between fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas are virtually the same.
Drinking fluoride is ineffective at preventing cavities and potentially harmful to human health and the health of the environment. It’s time to end fluoridation.
- Karen Brock, President
Oakvillegreen Conservation Association.
Around the world people are calling for an end to fluoridation while the SHA still ignore the tide of opinion and continue to plan to put it in our water.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
AQUASERVE fluoride removal
Advert for filtration shame we may all have to use something like this if they go ahead with fluoridation. Good for their business but how many could afford it here?
USA - Pinellas County Commission stands firm in decision to end fluoridation

From left, Pinellas commissioners Nancy Bostock, John Morroni and Susan Latvala listen to L.D. Sledge of Palm Harbor as he voices opposition to the fluoridation of drinking water
Tuesday.Pinellas County Commission stands firm in decision to end fluoridation
By David DeCamp, Times Staff Writer
In Print: Wednesday, October 12, 2011
CLEARWATER — Pinellas County Commissioner John Morroni thrust himself into a political storm as the swing vote against adding fluoride to drinking water.
He was lampooned as wrong-headed and conspiracy-addled. He was lauded as conservative and brave. A dozen people he knew urged him to reconsider.
But 95 critical e-mails vs. 119 supportive ones over a week failed to change Morroni's mind — leading the commission Tuesday to stick with last week's 4-3 vote to quit adding fluoride to county water by year's end.
"I decided the vote I'd taken was where I was at in my heart," Morroni said, citing unease with "overly intrusive" government and decrying complaints he fell to "conspiracy theories."
Dozens of supporters and opponents pressed the board in tense debate over last week's decision, which brought national attention to Pinellas and reversed a 6-1 vote in 2003. Morroni voted yes then.
By David DeCamp, Times Staff Writer
In Print: Wednesday, October 12, 2011
CLEARWATER — Pinellas County Commissioner John Morroni thrust himself into a political storm as the swing vote against adding fluoride to drinking water.
He was lampooned as wrong-headed and conspiracy-addled. He was lauded as conservative and brave. A dozen people he knew urged him to reconsider.
But 95 critical e-mails vs. 119 supportive ones over a week failed to change Morroni's mind — leading the commission Tuesday to stick with last week's 4-3 vote to quit adding fluoride to county water by year's end.
"I decided the vote I'd taken was where I was at in my heart," Morroni said, citing unease with "overly intrusive" government and decrying complaints he fell to "conspiracy theories."
Dozens of supporters and opponents pressed the board in tense debate over last week's decision, which brought national attention to Pinellas and reversed a 6-1 vote in 2003. Morroni voted yes then.
USA - Emergence of Fluoridegate
Emergence of Fluoridegate
Tuesday, October 11, 2011 - 4:38pm
Submitted by Ben Nelms
It was reported a few months ago in this column that something called Fluoridegate is on the horizon. The issue was and is the consumption of fluoride in drinking water and other sources and the deleterious health effects that result from it. The column also stated that the handwriting is on the wall for the days of water fluoridation. The dawning of that day has begun.
The emergence of Fluoridegate has been signaled by two federal lawsuits, one filed in California on Aug. 9 and another filed in Maryland on Aug. 30. Though more than half a century in the making, the floodgates are opening and you should expect that many, many others will follow.
The first lawsuit was filed Aug. 9 against the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) of Southern California in the U.S. District Court of Southern California on behalf of millions of its water system customers in Los Angeles, San Diego and Ventura counties.
This suit essentially uses the admission by the federal Food and Drug Administration that fluoride added to water is an unapproved drug (for more on that reference and others pertaining to the many issues with fluoride see the previous Fluoridegate columns available at The Citizen).
The second suit was filed Aug. 30 in the U.S. District Court in Maryland against Nestle, manufacturer of eight-ounce Deer Park and Poland Spring bottled water with added fluoride, and Gerber, manufacturer of baby food and baby formula containing fluoride. The specifics of this suit deals with dental fluorosis (the permanent staining and disfigurements of teeth that is currently present in a significant percentage of American children).
Also of note was the resolution adopted in September by the League of Latin American Citizens opposing water fluoridation. A number of black leaders, such as Andrew Young, are also beginning to sound off on the issue of fluorosis.
And just a week ago, the County Commission in Pinellas County, Fla., voted to remove fluoride from the drinking water consumed by its 700,000 citizens.
It is worth mentioning that manufacturers, too, are reacting to the approaching fluoride tsunami that involves the young. Gerber now offers fluoride-free bottled water for making baby formula and several major toothpaste companies recently began marketing fluoride-free toothpaste for toddlers that is safe to swallow.
Litigation involving fluoride poisoning with the aging and the infirm, such as dialysis patients and those with thyroid conditions, will follow.
On the local level, I have a friend in Peachtree City who was concerned about the link to the fluoride in her municipal drinking water and her significant problems with her thyroid, for which she was on medication. She installed a reverse osmosis system in her home and stopped taking her thyroid meds. Now more than a year later, her thyroid tests just fine without medication. The only thing she did was to stop drinking our fluoridated water. You figure it out.
Also locally, I’ve been happily surprised to come across so many of you, old and young, who were already aware of this toxic waste by-product of the phosphate fertilizer that is shipped here and added to the drinking water in Fayette and Coweta counties.
Among the many that are already educated on this issue are Fayette County Commissioner Allen McCarty and Coweta County Commissioner Bob Blackburn. Both these men, as do many of you, have increasing questions about our mandated use of fluoride in drinking water by the Georgia General Assembly.
As for the lawsuits that will cascade, it is unfortunate that citizens have to rely on attorneys to stand up for their protection, something that in this case, and many others, the federal and state governments (including Georgia) are woefully unwilling to do.
Fluoride compounds are in more drinks, food and medications than you would likely imagine. Parents and grandparents, if you are interested check the partial list of these at Parents of Fluoride-poisoned Children (
It is the ongoing work of people like public health professional Daniel Stockin at the Lillie Center in Ellijay and endless others that will not end until water fluoridation has ended and the healing has begun.
At its root Fluoridegate involves the complicity of the federal government and its agencies in promoting the use of fluoride so that specific industries might benefit at the cost of their employees and consumers. Fluoride’s real and suspected links to various types of cancers and kidney, thyroid, brain and skeletal problems has long been noted. Those portions of the Fluoridegate tale will unfold along the way. Fluoridegate is not conspiracy, it’s just business.
A portion of this unfolding can be seen in another way. The term Fluoridegate was introduced in this column in early 2011. At that time a Google search turned up one hit – the one in that column. Today, the same search shows well over 7,000.
There is something else related to, but not limited to, the dangers of some of the endless fluoride compounds we eat, drink, breathe and bathe in. It is us and the way we think about the toxins in our lives.
When it comes to organic toxins like viruses and bacteria, we see citizens, the media and the government come out with guns blazing, demanding and receiving action.
But when it comes to toxins that are inorganic, everybody is silent and nobody cares, except the affected citizens for whom there is no place to turn for help, unless they hire a lawyer. We are told not to care about inorganics and we dutifully follow our orders, believing exactly what we are told to believe, and without question.
That’s because inorganic toxins, with a few exceptions like mercury and lead (for which the “science” that said these inorganic chemicals were fine was eventually defeated) and radiation, are used heavily in some manufacturing processes and are, not surprisingly, overlooked.
We have to look no further than nature for many organic toxins but to look at inorganic toxins we have to look at ourselves, our employers, our investment portfolios and especially our federal government, whose conscience long ago was “seared as with a hot iron.”
As for fluoride, its days as an additive in drinking water are numbered. Remember where you heard it.
[Ben Nelms is a reporter for The Citizen.]
Tuesday, October 11, 2011 - 4:38pm
Submitted by Ben Nelms
It was reported a few months ago in this column that something called Fluoridegate is on the horizon. The issue was and is the consumption of fluoride in drinking water and other sources and the deleterious health effects that result from it. The column also stated that the handwriting is on the wall for the days of water fluoridation. The dawning of that day has begun.
The emergence of Fluoridegate has been signaled by two federal lawsuits, one filed in California on Aug. 9 and another filed in Maryland on Aug. 30. Though more than half a century in the making, the floodgates are opening and you should expect that many, many others will follow.
The first lawsuit was filed Aug. 9 against the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) of Southern California in the U.S. District Court of Southern California on behalf of millions of its water system customers in Los Angeles, San Diego and Ventura counties.
This suit essentially uses the admission by the federal Food and Drug Administration that fluoride added to water is an unapproved drug (for more on that reference and others pertaining to the many issues with fluoride see the previous Fluoridegate columns available at The Citizen).
The second suit was filed Aug. 30 in the U.S. District Court in Maryland against Nestle, manufacturer of eight-ounce Deer Park and Poland Spring bottled water with added fluoride, and Gerber, manufacturer of baby food and baby formula containing fluoride. The specifics of this suit deals with dental fluorosis (the permanent staining and disfigurements of teeth that is currently present in a significant percentage of American children).
Also of note was the resolution adopted in September by the League of Latin American Citizens opposing water fluoridation. A number of black leaders, such as Andrew Young, are also beginning to sound off on the issue of fluorosis.
And just a week ago, the County Commission in Pinellas County, Fla., voted to remove fluoride from the drinking water consumed by its 700,000 citizens.
It is worth mentioning that manufacturers, too, are reacting to the approaching fluoride tsunami that involves the young. Gerber now offers fluoride-free bottled water for making baby formula and several major toothpaste companies recently began marketing fluoride-free toothpaste for toddlers that is safe to swallow.
Litigation involving fluoride poisoning with the aging and the infirm, such as dialysis patients and those with thyroid conditions, will follow.
On the local level, I have a friend in Peachtree City who was concerned about the link to the fluoride in her municipal drinking water and her significant problems with her thyroid, for which she was on medication. She installed a reverse osmosis system in her home and stopped taking her thyroid meds. Now more than a year later, her thyroid tests just fine without medication. The only thing she did was to stop drinking our fluoridated water. You figure it out.
Also locally, I’ve been happily surprised to come across so many of you, old and young, who were already aware of this toxic waste by-product of the phosphate fertilizer that is shipped here and added to the drinking water in Fayette and Coweta counties.
Among the many that are already educated on this issue are Fayette County Commissioner Allen McCarty and Coweta County Commissioner Bob Blackburn. Both these men, as do many of you, have increasing questions about our mandated use of fluoride in drinking water by the Georgia General Assembly.
As for the lawsuits that will cascade, it is unfortunate that citizens have to rely on attorneys to stand up for their protection, something that in this case, and many others, the federal and state governments (including Georgia) are woefully unwilling to do.
Fluoride compounds are in more drinks, food and medications than you would likely imagine. Parents and grandparents, if you are interested check the partial list of these at Parents of Fluoride-poisoned Children (
It is the ongoing work of people like public health professional Daniel Stockin at the Lillie Center in Ellijay and endless others that will not end until water fluoridation has ended and the healing has begun.
At its root Fluoridegate involves the complicity of the federal government and its agencies in promoting the use of fluoride so that specific industries might benefit at the cost of their employees and consumers. Fluoride’s real and suspected links to various types of cancers and kidney, thyroid, brain and skeletal problems has long been noted. Those portions of the Fluoridegate tale will unfold along the way. Fluoridegate is not conspiracy, it’s just business.
A portion of this unfolding can be seen in another way. The term Fluoridegate was introduced in this column in early 2011. At that time a Google search turned up one hit – the one in that column. Today, the same search shows well over 7,000.
There is something else related to, but not limited to, the dangers of some of the endless fluoride compounds we eat, drink, breathe and bathe in. It is us and the way we think about the toxins in our lives.
When it comes to organic toxins like viruses and bacteria, we see citizens, the media and the government come out with guns blazing, demanding and receiving action.
But when it comes to toxins that are inorganic, everybody is silent and nobody cares, except the affected citizens for whom there is no place to turn for help, unless they hire a lawyer. We are told not to care about inorganics and we dutifully follow our orders, believing exactly what we are told to believe, and without question.
That’s because inorganic toxins, with a few exceptions like mercury and lead (for which the “science” that said these inorganic chemicals were fine was eventually defeated) and radiation, are used heavily in some manufacturing processes and are, not surprisingly, overlooked.
We have to look no further than nature for many organic toxins but to look at inorganic toxins we have to look at ourselves, our employers, our investment portfolios and especially our federal government, whose conscience long ago was “seared as with a hot iron.”
As for fluoride, its days as an additive in drinking water are numbered. Remember where you heard it.
[Ben Nelms is a reporter for The Citizen.]
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
USA - Debate continues over removal of fluoride in the water in Pinellas County
Dentists and parents are not happy
Janelle Martinez
CLEARWATER - Dr. Myles Levitt has been a pediatric dentist in Pinellas County for 37 years.
His response to county commissioners decision to stop adding fluoride to the drinking water isn't surprising. "I was shocked," he said. "The level of science is significant. Any scientific thinking person should want that for their children."
Aletha Barron's grandaughter is one of Dr. Levitt's patients. She credits fluoride in the water and good brushing for her 6-year-old granddaughter's healthy teeth. " All of a sudden I'm being told it's a done deal," she said. "We had no chance to vote and decide."
According to the FDA, 80% of Florida's population gets water that has additional fluoride.
But in Pinellas County it has always been a hot button issue. It just started adding fluoride 7 years ago.
Norm Roche is one of four county commissioners who voted to stop adding the cavity-fighting chemical to the county's public drinking water, but he still believes the issue is alive and worth a public debate. "It's not just about fluoridating the water, it's about the chemical used to fluoridate the water," he said.
Any scientific thinking person!
Janelle Martinez
CLEARWATER - Dr. Myles Levitt has been a pediatric dentist in Pinellas County for 37 years.
His response to county commissioners decision to stop adding fluoride to the drinking water isn't surprising. "I was shocked," he said. "The level of science is significant. Any scientific thinking person should want that for their children."
Aletha Barron's grandaughter is one of Dr. Levitt's patients. She credits fluoride in the water and good brushing for her 6-year-old granddaughter's healthy teeth. " All of a sudden I'm being told it's a done deal," she said. "We had no chance to vote and decide."
According to the FDA, 80% of Florida's population gets water that has additional fluoride.
But in Pinellas County it has always been a hot button issue. It just started adding fluoride 7 years ago.
Norm Roche is one of four county commissioners who voted to stop adding the cavity-fighting chemical to the county's public drinking water, but he still believes the issue is alive and worth a public debate. "It's not just about fluoridating the water, it's about the chemical used to fluoridate the water," he said.
Any scientific thinking person!
NZ - Hutt City Council committee is debating whether to review fluoridation
A Hutt City Council committee is on Tuesday debating whether to review fluoridation.
Fluoridation is still supported by the Ministry of Health as a way to prevent tooth decay, but opponents say it is a violation of rights and can cause ill health.
Councillor Max Shierlaw wants for a referendum to be held during the next local election because residents have never been asked their opinion since the introduction of fluoride in the 1960s.
But Councillor Ross Jamieson says a referendum would be a $150,000 expense for something which does not appear to be a big community issue.
The committee's decision will go to a full council meeting next month.
Fluoridation is still supported by the Ministry of Health as a way to prevent tooth decay, but opponents say it is a violation of rights and can cause ill health.
Councillor Max Shierlaw wants for a referendum to be held during the next local election because residents have never been asked their opinion since the introduction of fluoride in the 1960s.
But Councillor Ross Jamieson says a referendum would be a $150,000 expense for something which does not appear to be a big community issue.
The committee's decision will go to a full council meeting next month.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Australia - Schools not following healthy guidelines
Schools not following healthy guidelines
October 09, 2011 03:15 AM PDT
Research has shown that reducing consumption of sweet drinks could reduce obesity in Australia by up to one third.
Sugary drinks have been proven to be linked with weight gain, tooth decay, reduction in bone density and fatty liver disease, and children are among the worst affected.
Children who drink sweet drinks regularly have been found to be more likely to be overweight, have low self esteem and have trouble focusing, but many school canteens are not adhering to healthy canteen guidelines.
2SER’s Elizabeth Pratt spoke with Chris Tate from the Healthy Kids Association.
But at least they drink fluoridated water so no worries then.
October 09, 2011 03:15 AM PDT
Research has shown that reducing consumption of sweet drinks could reduce obesity in Australia by up to one third.
Sugary drinks have been proven to be linked with weight gain, tooth decay, reduction in bone density and fatty liver disease, and children are among the worst affected.
Children who drink sweet drinks regularly have been found to be more likely to be overweight, have low self esteem and have trouble focusing, but many school canteens are not adhering to healthy canteen guidelines.
2SER’s Elizabeth Pratt spoke with Chris Tate from the Healthy Kids Association.
But at least they drink fluoridated water so no worries then.
Wales - Wales' top doctor has said more needs to be done
Wales' top doctor has said more needs to be done to improve the state of children's teeth.
The Welsh government currently provides some nursery children with tooth brushes and fluoride varnishes.
In his annual report, Dr Tony Jewell said "alternative methods" were needed so teeth could benefit from fluoride.
On average, four children in a class of 30 five year olds will have experienced dental pain in the last 12 months.
The chief medical officer Dr Jewell said it was a sign of deprivation and a measure of inequality.
He added that the figure rose to six children in a class of 30 in Blaenau Gwent
The Welsh government's "Designed to Smile Programme" provides more than 60,000 children a toothbrush in school as well as fluoride varnish to three to five-year-old children.
Dr Jewell said: "In Wales we need to get more teeth in contact with fluoride via alternative methods.
More than 5,130 general anaesthetics were given to children to remove teeth last year in unfluoridated south east Wales”
Dr Tony JewellChief medical officer for Wales
"More than 5,130 general anaesthetics were given to children to remove teeth last year in unfluoridated south east Wales.
"This should be compared to fluoridated Birmingham (a similar size population) where just over 2,700 children received the same treatment."
Some areas of England already use fluoride in the water system.
Critics argue the long-term health risks of fluoridation are unknown. But advocates, including much of the medical profession, say it is a safe, proven way of improving dental health.....
The Welsh government currently provides some nursery children with tooth brushes and fluoride varnishes.
In his annual report, Dr Tony Jewell said "alternative methods" were needed so teeth could benefit from fluoride.
On average, four children in a class of 30 five year olds will have experienced dental pain in the last 12 months.
The chief medical officer Dr Jewell said it was a sign of deprivation and a measure of inequality.
He added that the figure rose to six children in a class of 30 in Blaenau Gwent
The Welsh government's "Designed to Smile Programme" provides more than 60,000 children a toothbrush in school as well as fluoride varnish to three to five-year-old children.
Dr Jewell said: "In Wales we need to get more teeth in contact with fluoride via alternative methods.
More than 5,130 general anaesthetics were given to children to remove teeth last year in unfluoridated south east Wales”
Dr Tony JewellChief medical officer for Wales
"More than 5,130 general anaesthetics were given to children to remove teeth last year in unfluoridated south east Wales.
"This should be compared to fluoridated Birmingham (a similar size population) where just over 2,700 children received the same treatment."
Some areas of England already use fluoride in the water system.
Critics argue the long-term health risks of fluoridation are unknown. But advocates, including much of the medical profession, say it is a safe, proven way of improving dental health.....
USA - Brushing up for decision on fluoride
To fluoridate or not to fluoridate? That will be the question Nov. 15 when the Hartland Township Board of Trustees hosts a public hearing to discuss its fluoridation program at 7 p.m. at Township Hall.
The board recently raised the fluoridation discussion, with Trustee Glenn Harper advocating public discussion on the matter after reviewing several research articles that he believes suggest fluoride use should be "up to an individual, not to the government."
"We're not mandated by law to fluoridate the water; it's only suggested that we do it," said Harper, who suggested evidence shows elevated levels of fluoride could cause weak bones and other health problems.
Harper said he had examined research provided by Dr. Joseph Mercola and chemist Paul Connett.
"Since it doesn't improve the actual quality of the water, all it is is actually medication, and I don't think we should be in the business of medicating the public here," Harper said. "Those are personal decisions an individual should make."......
The board recently raised the fluoridation discussion, with Trustee Glenn Harper advocating public discussion on the matter after reviewing several research articles that he believes suggest fluoride use should be "up to an individual, not to the government."
"We're not mandated by law to fluoridate the water; it's only suggested that we do it," said Harper, who suggested evidence shows elevated levels of fluoride could cause weak bones and other health problems.
Harper said he had examined research provided by Dr. Joseph Mercola and chemist Paul Connett.
"Since it doesn't improve the actual quality of the water, all it is is actually medication, and I don't think we should be in the business of medicating the public here," Harper said. "Those are personal decisions an individual should make."......
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Dr. Laura Pressley teaches Austin City Council about the dangers of Fluoride
Dr. Laura Pressley teaches Austin City Council about the dangers of Fluoride at Austin City Council on October 6, 2011
USA - Dental Care First to Get Cut in Down Economy
One in every five kids in Charlottesville could be going without dental care they need and it is all about cost. So, one Crozet dentist is on a mission to provide care at a reduced cost. Dr. Jennifer Rice says in these tight economic times, dental care is the first thing that seems to be cut.
For children this can lead to a number of problems down the road. Through her colleagues, she learned about a national reduced fee dental service program, and knew she had to bring it Charlottesville.
Charlottesville, Virginia, is fluoridated:NYSCOF
Friday, October 07, 2011
USA - Fluoridate Wall Street
Editorial - Fluoridate Wall Street
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Lovely County Citizen
..Then a strange thing happened -- nothing turned out the way we thought it would. On a national level, we bailed out bad money managers by sending them fresh money. On a local level, we voted (twice) to keep our public water source safe and pure rather than using it as a vehicle for toxins, but we were bitch-slapped by our own state that demanded we put fluoride, a bone diminisher that has a toxicity somewhere between lead and arsenic, in our water. That way we can destroy the immune systems of our kids and pets and selves all at once.
Austin, San Diego, Fairbanks and prominent cities all over America are fighting these snake oil salesmen who insist, without the benefit of science or common sense, that fluoride is a tooth decay deterrent. Nothing is mentioned about its leaching into the body on a regular basis, causing bone density loss and birth defects. Even China, which wants to sell us fluoride, has banned fluoride in its water.
Why is fluoride being pushed down our throats? The same reason we bail out poorly managed companies run by money stealers -- because someone with the money to get their picture taken with the president wants it that way, and contributions are actually policy makers. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. ..........
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Lovely County Citizen
..Then a strange thing happened -- nothing turned out the way we thought it would. On a national level, we bailed out bad money managers by sending them fresh money. On a local level, we voted (twice) to keep our public water source safe and pure rather than using it as a vehicle for toxins, but we were bitch-slapped by our own state that demanded we put fluoride, a bone diminisher that has a toxicity somewhere between lead and arsenic, in our water. That way we can destroy the immune systems of our kids and pets and selves all at once.
Austin, San Diego, Fairbanks and prominent cities all over America are fighting these snake oil salesmen who insist, without the benefit of science or common sense, that fluoride is a tooth decay deterrent. Nothing is mentioned about its leaching into the body on a regular basis, causing bone density loss and birth defects. Even China, which wants to sell us fluoride, has banned fluoride in its water.
Why is fluoride being pushed down our throats? The same reason we bail out poorly managed companies run by money stealers -- because someone with the money to get their picture taken with the president wants it that way, and contributions are actually policy makers. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. ..........
Thursday, October 06, 2011
USA - Fluoride Action Network newsletter
2011 is turning out to be a big year in the fight against fluoridation. It seems that just about every week, one or two more communities are rejecting this unethical and unsafe practice. Well, this week is no different. We have two more big fluoride-free victories to tell you about.
On September 30, the BPP Water Corporation in Spencer, Indiana stopped adding fluoride to the drinking water for approximately 10,500 people. BPP services the Indiana communities of Spencer, Stinesville, Patricksburg and Bowling Green. The water company cited the rising cost of fluoride as a major factor in their decision.
In Florida, approximately 700,000 people will be free from fluoridated water later this fall. The Commissioners of Pinellas County voted 4-3 to end the seven-year practice of adding fluoride to the drinking water after hearing its potential harm from dozens of concerned citizens. The decision to end fluoridation and save taxpayers approximately $200,000 per year was made even after substantial pressure from numerous dentists and the Florida Dental Association was put on commissioners. Pinellas County provides water to communities like Tarpon Springs, parts of Clearwater, parts of Oldsmar, Pinellas Park, Safety Harbor, and many of the incorporated areas along the beach communities. St. Petersburg will continue to fluoridate as it operates its own water system.
There are also a number of communities that will be holding upcoming votes and public hearings on fluoridation in the coming months, including:
Williams Lake, British Columbia: On November 19th, residents will be asked to vote on a fluoride ballot question: "The cost to add fluoride to the City's water system is increasing from $22,000 per year to approximately $94,000 per year. Are you in favour of the City continuing to add fluoride to its water supply."
Churchill, Manitoba: On October 18th, citizens will have the opportunity to vote on a fluoridation referendum.
Austin, Texas: On October 18th at 3pm, the City Council's Public Health and Human Services sub-committee will hold a public hearing on why the Austin Utility Department should place a fluoridation health warning on Austin's water bills. The warning will alert residents to the risks associated with consuming fluoride, and tell them how they can reduce these risks.
Aspen, Colorado: On October 11, the City Council will hold their next meeting. They are expected to continue the debate on whether or not to continue fluoridating the drinking water, and possibly make a decision.
Hot Springs, Florida: Councilors will be studying the fluoridation issue, and will be taking public comment at upcoming meetings.
Bethel, Alaska: On October 11, the City Council will be holding their second public hearing on a resolution banning fluoridation.
Damariscotta And Newcastle, Maine: On November 8, the residents of these two towns have the opportunity to vote on a fluoridation referendum on their local ballots.
Hartland, Michigan: On November 15, the Township Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing to consider whether it should stop adding fluoride to its drinking water amid health concerns.
...and this is just the start. Many more communities are debating the issue, and many more will be voting on it this fall and winter, including New York City, Moncton (New Brunswick), and Philomath, Oregon. If you know of any upcoming public hearings, meetings, or votes on fluoridation please make sure to notify FAN, so we can spread-the-word about these important opportunities to end fluoridation.
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Manager
Fluoride Action Network
On September 30, the BPP Water Corporation in Spencer, Indiana stopped adding fluoride to the drinking water for approximately 10,500 people. BPP services the Indiana communities of Spencer, Stinesville, Patricksburg and Bowling Green. The water company cited the rising cost of fluoride as a major factor in their decision.
In Florida, approximately 700,000 people will be free from fluoridated water later this fall. The Commissioners of Pinellas County voted 4-3 to end the seven-year practice of adding fluoride to the drinking water after hearing its potential harm from dozens of concerned citizens. The decision to end fluoridation and save taxpayers approximately $200,000 per year was made even after substantial pressure from numerous dentists and the Florida Dental Association was put on commissioners. Pinellas County provides water to communities like Tarpon Springs, parts of Clearwater, parts of Oldsmar, Pinellas Park, Safety Harbor, and many of the incorporated areas along the beach communities. St. Petersburg will continue to fluoridate as it operates its own water system.
There are also a number of communities that will be holding upcoming votes and public hearings on fluoridation in the coming months, including:
Williams Lake, British Columbia: On November 19th, residents will be asked to vote on a fluoride ballot question: "The cost to add fluoride to the City's water system is increasing from $22,000 per year to approximately $94,000 per year. Are you in favour of the City continuing to add fluoride to its water supply."
Churchill, Manitoba: On October 18th, citizens will have the opportunity to vote on a fluoridation referendum.
Austin, Texas: On October 18th at 3pm, the City Council's Public Health and Human Services sub-committee will hold a public hearing on why the Austin Utility Department should place a fluoridation health warning on Austin's water bills. The warning will alert residents to the risks associated with consuming fluoride, and tell them how they can reduce these risks.
Aspen, Colorado: On October 11, the City Council will hold their next meeting. They are expected to continue the debate on whether or not to continue fluoridating the drinking water, and possibly make a decision.
Hot Springs, Florida: Councilors will be studying the fluoridation issue, and will be taking public comment at upcoming meetings.
Bethel, Alaska: On October 11, the City Council will be holding their second public hearing on a resolution banning fluoridation.
Damariscotta And Newcastle, Maine: On November 8, the residents of these two towns have the opportunity to vote on a fluoridation referendum on their local ballots.
Hartland, Michigan: On November 15, the Township Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing to consider whether it should stop adding fluoride to its drinking water amid health concerns.
...and this is just the start. Many more communities are debating the issue, and many more will be voting on it this fall and winter, including New York City, Moncton (New Brunswick), and Philomath, Oregon. If you know of any upcoming public hearings, meetings, or votes on fluoridation please make sure to notify FAN, so we can spread-the-word about these important opportunities to end fluoridation.
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Manager
Fluoride Action Network
Prominent Dentists Say Drinking NYC's Fluoridated Water is Risky
Prominent Dentists Say Drinking NYC's Fluoridated Water is Risky
By NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation
Last modified: 2011-10-05T14:26:51Z
Published: Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2011 - 7:26 am
Copyright 2011 . All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
NEW YORK, Oct. 5, 2011 -- /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Breaking away from dental school dogma, more dentists are speaking out against fluoridation because fluoride chemicals, added to NYC's water supply intending to reduce tooth decay, are actually a money-wasting health risk, reports the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (NYSCOF).
Seven NYC Council Members sponsored legislation (1) and residents are petitioning Mayor Bloomberg to stop fluoridation, to preserve money and health. Join them:
Hydrofluosilicic acid, a lead- and arsenic-laced chemical (2) left-over from making phosphate fertilizer (3) is NYC's fluoride chemical of choice. Fluoridation cost NYC approximately $25 million in 2008.(4)
Dentist Caree Alexander, a former Navy practitioner, then a private practice dentist for 20 years, says fluoridation is "totally ineffective and actually damaging as well."(5)....................
By NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation
Last modified: 2011-10-05T14:26:51Z
Published: Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2011 - 7:26 am
Copyright 2011 . All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
NEW YORK, Oct. 5, 2011 -- /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Breaking away from dental school dogma, more dentists are speaking out against fluoridation because fluoride chemicals, added to NYC's water supply intending to reduce tooth decay, are actually a money-wasting health risk, reports the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (NYSCOF).
Seven NYC Council Members sponsored legislation (1) and residents are petitioning Mayor Bloomberg to stop fluoridation, to preserve money and health. Join them:
Hydrofluosilicic acid, a lead- and arsenic-laced chemical (2) left-over from making phosphate fertilizer (3) is NYC's fluoride chemical of choice. Fluoridation cost NYC approximately $25 million in 2008.(4)
Dentist Caree Alexander, a former Navy practitioner, then a private practice dentist for 20 years, says fluoridation is "totally ineffective and actually damaging as well."(5)....................
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
OU graduate student awarded EPA fellowship

OU graduate student awarded EPA fellowship
By Kathleen Evans, The Oklahoma Daily
Published: October 5, 2011
Laura Brunson, a doctoral student in the School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science, recently received a research fellowship from the Environmental Protection Agency for her work in water purification. (Astrud Reed/The Daily)
Research by an OU graduate student that helps reduce the fluoride levels in water, which causes bone deformations after prolonged drinking exposure, won a fellowship with the Environmental Protection Agency.
Environmental science graduate student Laura Brunson received the EPA Science to Achieve Results fellowship, which offers an approximate $120,000 stipend over three years for living and research, according to a press release.
“I didn’t really expect to win. You know, you set out to write a good application and try the best you can, but it’s really competitive and there are lots of people all around the country doing really awesome research,” Brunson said. “So, I was pretty excited. It’s good for me to know I can pay my rent, but it also helps my professor because these are expenses he would have had to cover.”
Brunson’s research looks at ways to remove fluoride from water in developing countries, primarily Ethiopia because of connections formed with professors there in the summer of 2009, Brunson said. She is currently working with them to locate a specific area with specific needs to test her filtration methods.....
Daily Echo - Health chiefs blast NHS reform plans
Health chiefs blast NHS reform plans
GOVERNMENT plans to i overhaul the NHS will make it harder to fight disease outbreaks and hit worse-off residents hardest, according to some of Hampshire's top public health chiefs.
They have signed a letter claiming the reforms will do "irreparable harm to the NHS, individual patients and to society as a whole".
As Health Secretary I Andrew Lansley prepared to give his keynote speech to the Conservative Party conference, the letter, from 400 public health experts, said his proposals would I put patient safety at risk, i waste money and damage j trust in the medical profession.
Among the signatories were Southampton's director of public health, Dr Andrew Mortimore, three academics from
Southampton University, and Dr Anna Morris, a speciality registrar in public health at NHS Hampshire.
They said the changes would widen so-called "health inequalities", and weaken the ability of health authorities to fight disease outbreaks.
But Mr Lansley dismissed the warning, branding the experts' tactics "curious", and saying they had no evidence for their claims.
He told the Daily Echo: . "I can find you hundreds of i GPs who were signing letters saying how they agreed with the Bill, I met hundreds of doctors who did.
"I look at this letter and it says 'we worry about health inequalities', well, they widened under Labour and the Bill is very clear about the duty on all of those concerned to reduce them.
"They say they want local government to be more involved in delivering improvements to public health - the Bill enables that to happen.
"It's very curious. They make assertions, but when you look at it, there's no evidence for what they are asserting."
Just like fluoridation and inequalities.
GOVERNMENT plans to i overhaul the NHS will make it harder to fight disease outbreaks and hit worse-off residents hardest, according to some of Hampshire's top public health chiefs.
They have signed a letter claiming the reforms will do "irreparable harm to the NHS, individual patients and to society as a whole".
As Health Secretary I Andrew Lansley prepared to give his keynote speech to the Conservative Party conference, the letter, from 400 public health experts, said his proposals would I put patient safety at risk, i waste money and damage j trust in the medical profession.
Among the signatories were Southampton's director of public health, Dr Andrew Mortimore, three academics from
Southampton University, and Dr Anna Morris, a speciality registrar in public health at NHS Hampshire.
They said the changes would widen so-called "health inequalities", and weaken the ability of health authorities to fight disease outbreaks.
But Mr Lansley dismissed the warning, branding the experts' tactics "curious", and saying they had no evidence for their claims.
He told the Daily Echo: . "I can find you hundreds of i GPs who were signing letters saying how they agreed with the Bill, I met hundreds of doctors who did.
"I look at this letter and it says 'we worry about health inequalities', well, they widened under Labour and the Bill is very clear about the duty on all of those concerned to reduce them.
"They say they want local government to be more involved in delivering improvements to public health - the Bill enables that to happen.
"It's very curious. They make assertions, but when you look at it, there's no evidence for what they are asserting."
Just like fluoridation and inequalities.
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Fluoride campaigners snubbed
The Echo are putting previous videos taken over the campaign on Youtube
Fluoride is not effective, ethical or for the common good. In fact, it's only harmful to health making fluoridation a huge waste of money. It's kept alive by special interest groups who profit from fluoride sales and tooth decay.
Modern science indicates that ingesting fluoride does not reduce tooth decay but does cause fluoride's adverse effects such as dental fluorosis (discolored teeth) which now afflicts over 41% of adolescents, according to CDC statistics.
Fluoride is neither a nutrient nor required for healthy teeth making it a drug. The water supply should never be a vehicle for drug delivery especially when little babies are being dosed with the same amount as obese men. It just doesn't make sense.
People need to sign the White House petition to President Obama urging him to stop the federal funding, endorsement and promotion of water fluoridation.
White House petition
Modern science indicates that ingesting fluoride does not reduce tooth decay but does cause fluoride's adverse effects such as dental fluorosis (discolored teeth) which now afflicts over 41% of adolescents, according to CDC statistics.
Fluoride is neither a nutrient nor required for healthy teeth making it a drug. The water supply should never be a vehicle for drug delivery especially when little babies are being dosed with the same amount as obese men. It just doesn't make sense.
People need to sign the White House petition to President Obama urging him to stop the federal funding, endorsement and promotion of water fluoridation.
White House petition
Monday, October 03, 2011
The Truth About Fluoride final cut with Dr Paul Connett MR NEWS
The full talk by Paul Connett in NZ during his visit in April.
USA - East Lyme may lower or eliminate fluoride in water
East Lyme may lower or eliminate fluoride in water
By Stephen Chupaska
Publication: The Day
Published 10/03/2011 12:00 AMUpdated 10/02/2011 11:57 PM0
East Lyme -The Water Department said last week it is considering lowering the amount of fluoride in the municipal water supply or discontinuing its use altogether after 37 years.
The town is responding to proposed changes in federal guidelines released in January regarding the level of recommended fluoride in public water supplies.
Before it makes a decision, the town is asking water customers to fill out a survey requesting public opinion on fluoridation and suggestions on how the town government should address changes to its policy. The survey, available on the town website, is due Oct. 31.
In January, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Environmental Protection Agency said they are weighing putting recommended fluoride levels at 0.7 milligrams per liter instead of the current recommended range of 0.7 milligrams to 1.2 milligrams per liter.
Both agencies have said the 0.7 milligram recommendation would still help prevent tooth decay but likely reduce the level of fluorosis, a condition caused by overexposure to fluoride.
By Stephen Chupaska
Publication: The Day
Published 10/03/2011 12:00 AMUpdated 10/02/2011 11:57 PM0
East Lyme -The Water Department said last week it is considering lowering the amount of fluoride in the municipal water supply or discontinuing its use altogether after 37 years.
The town is responding to proposed changes in federal guidelines released in January regarding the level of recommended fluoride in public water supplies.
Before it makes a decision, the town is asking water customers to fill out a survey requesting public opinion on fluoridation and suggestions on how the town government should address changes to its policy. The survey, available on the town website, is due Oct. 31.
In January, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Environmental Protection Agency said they are weighing putting recommended fluoride levels at 0.7 milligrams per liter instead of the current recommended range of 0.7 milligrams to 1.2 milligrams per liter.
Both agencies have said the 0.7 milligram recommendation would still help prevent tooth decay but likely reduce the level of fluorosis, a condition caused by overexposure to fluoride.
NZ - Antifluoridation presentations 'of the highest calibre'
Antifluoridation presentations 'of the highest calibre'
The New Plymouth District Council has heard two full days of presentations on fluoridation, supporting some 4000 pages of written submissions. Around 90% were against fluoridation.
Opponents came from all walks of life. Wide-ranging academic credentials included dentistry, medicine, psychiatry, physiology, biophysics, chemical engineering, law, and chemistry. Fluoride Action Networks National Co-ordinator, Mary Byrne, and Legal and Scientific Advisor, Mark Atkin, said "FANNZ committee members have extensive expertise on this issue, yet even we heard scientific information that was completely new to us. And we were presented with a number of new perspectives we had not considered before. These presentations were of the highest calibre 'absolutely outstanding!'"
Anti-fluoridation speakers travelled from as far as Wellington, Hawke?s Bay, Tauranga, Hamilton, Auckland, and Whangarei, all at their own expense.
By contrast, those advocating fluoridation were almost all in the dental profession, employed by the DHB or receiving government health funding, and spoke only about teeth.....
The New Plymouth District Council has heard two full days of presentations on fluoridation, supporting some 4000 pages of written submissions. Around 90% were against fluoridation.
Opponents came from all walks of life. Wide-ranging academic credentials included dentistry, medicine, psychiatry, physiology, biophysics, chemical engineering, law, and chemistry. Fluoride Action Networks National Co-ordinator, Mary Byrne, and Legal and Scientific Advisor, Mark Atkin, said "FANNZ committee members have extensive expertise on this issue, yet even we heard scientific information that was completely new to us. And we were presented with a number of new perspectives we had not considered before. These presentations were of the highest calibre 'absolutely outstanding!'"
Anti-fluoridation speakers travelled from as far as Wellington, Hawke?s Bay, Tauranga, Hamilton, Auckland, and Whangarei, all at their own expense.
By contrast, those advocating fluoridation were almost all in the dental profession, employed by the DHB or receiving government health funding, and spoke only about teeth.....