Mad but why not, the pushers of fluoride are.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Sunday, March 30, 2014
New study links endocrine-disrupting chemicals to autistic behaviour
‘The modern-day boy and girl are raised in a chemical society, a culture drenched in pesticides, plastics, petroleum derivatives and synthetic food, medicine, and vitamins. Chemical formulas are manufactured into every corner, all the way down to electronic coatings and flame-retardant-infused couches.
Synthetics are routinely swallowed directly as “medicines,” consumed daily as pesticides in foods, inhaled unknowingly through dust and absorbed readily through the skin. These synthetics are often taken for granted, since they are nearly impossible to see and detect, but they are pervasive now, their effect — lasting. Next to heavy metal pollution, many of the chemicals manufactured today are the silent disrupters of life, generating imbalances in the human endocrine system, disrupting hormones, gland functions and, consequently, brain development.’..................
Worth watching poor video quality but good content.
Truth decay.
Touch your shoulder with your chin, if you can't turn your neck, the ligaments are stiff which could be an indication of too much fluoride.
Hidden levels of sugar in alcohol revealed
By Edward Malnick
The "hidden" levels of sugar in popular alcoholic drinks can be revealed today.
A study carried out by experts for The Telegraph found that many alcohols contain significant amounts of sugar in a single serving.
A single pint of cider contained almost as much sugar as the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends should be an average person’s daily limit. A tin of gin and tonic contains about half that.
This month, the WHO said a person’s daily intake of added sugar should be halved to six teaspoons to help avoid growing health problems including obesity and tooth decay.
Publishing her annual report as Britain’s chief medical officer last week, Dame Sally Davies, warned manufacturers to “ramp up” attempts to reduce the amount of added sugar in food and drink — saying a “sugar tax” may be needed............
Saturday, March 29, 2014
There is no proof that the Nazi connection is true so should not be quoted in arguments against those who promote fluoridation.
Friday, March 28, 2014
There is still
time to vote in the Guardian poll: Should fluoride be added to the drinking
I should have
said that, there IS an opportunity to comment – just click on the blue heading
above the red and grey circle – then click ‘jump to comments’. There are
already373 comments, mostly supporting ‘no’ – you might recognise ‘aktivulo’
with today’s date.
At 6.35 pm the
vote was 53% No, 47 yes
By this morning
it was 54%No, 46 yes.
UK - No plans to add fluoride to Bristol's water
No plans to add fluoride to Bristol's water - despite report claiming it reduces tooth decay
Posted: March 28, 2014
| But Bristol, which does not currently receive fluoridated water, is unlikely to see its introduction any time soon.
Supplier Bristol Water said fluoride was a health issue and the decision on adding it should be made by health professionals.
Bristol City Council – which has the power to compel the supplier to fluoridate the water supply – is currently considering the report and its implications for the city. However, any proposal for the city's water to be fluoridated would need to go out to public consultation before it could be implemented.
The Government's public health advisory body, Public Health England, has urged councils to act after reviewing the impact of water fluoridation on children in areas where it has been introduced.
Around six million people – 10 per cent of the population – currently live in areas with fluoridated water supplies and PHE said it was a "safe and effective" public health measure.
Its review found that in fluoridated areas, there were 45 per cent fewer children aged one to four admitted to hospital for treatment for tooth decay. Levels of general tooth decay were 15 per cent lower for five-year-olds and 11 per cent lower for 12-year-olds.
In the past it has been suggested water fluoridation can increase the risk of some cancers, hip fractures and Down's syndrome but PHE looked for these signs of harm, and found none.
In England, 14 out of 152 local authorities have water fluoridation schemes in place. In these areas the level of fluoride in the water is adjusted to one part per million.
Birmingham was the first place to fluoridate water in the 1960s and since then, other areas across the Midlands and in the north have taken the step.
In Bristol there is a naturally-occurring level of fluoride, of between 0.1 and 0.3 parts per million.
A Bristol Water spokesman said: "We do not add – and currently have no plans to add – fluoride to the water we supply.
"The water we supply naturally contains between 0.1 and 0.3 mg/l (parts per million) of fluoride, which is not removed during treatment. The maximum concentration of fluoride allowed in the water is 1.5 mg/l. There is no minimum limit.
"In the past, local health authorities could ask water companies to artificially fluoridate the water supply, but the companies could refuse. Legislation in 2008 gave the authorities the power to compel companies to fluoridate the water supply, after public consultation.
"Fluoride is a health issue. We believe that health professionals should make decisions about health measures, not water companies."
A city council spokeswoman said: "We will look at the recommendations in Public Health England's report in depth and consider the implications for Bristol."
UK - Bedford group say fluoride report is "one sided"
Bedford group say fluoride report is "one sided"
Last updated Thu 27 Mar 2014
Last updated Thu 27 Mar 2014
A new report claiming that adding flouride to water supplies across the country would cut tooth decay significantly has been called one sided by a campaign group in Bedford who oppose the measure.
At the moment very few areas have the chemical routinely added to tap water but Public Health England says it would have huge benefits, particularly in deprived areas where dental health is often a problem.
Isle Of Man Oral health Standards On The Up
Isle Of Man Oral health Standards On The Up
Research shows that there is a marginal difference between the Isle of Man in England, as 29 per cent of 5 year olds show signs of decay on the island, compared to 28 per cent in England. More than 200 children on the island were examined in order to ascertain standards of oral health among the Isle of Man’s children.
The survey also revealed that five year old children have an average of 1.1 decayed teeth, which compared favourably to statistics relating to children in the North West of England. Research showed that 35 per cent of 5 year olds in the North West had signs of decay, with an average of 1.29 decayed teeth per child.
Figures from the Department of Health show major improvements across the nation since 2007. The proportion of children suffering from decay has fallen significantly from more than 50 per cent in the Isle of Man and 38 per cent in England. However, health bosses have stated that it is not advisable to compare the two surveys as the methodology was different. They have stated, however, that future studies are likely to reflect improvements in children’s oral health.
Clinical director of the salaried dental service, Carolyn Lewis, said that parents, teachers, dentists and health authorities are working together to improve standards of dental health and encourage healthy lifestyle habits.
Howard Quayle, Minister for Health, said that the latest figures demonstrate that the island is moving in the right direction. The aim in 2011 was to keep in line with the North West of England and the statistics show that rates of decay on the island are significantly lower.
IoM have only recently beaten off an attempt to fluoridate their water.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
NZ- Anti-fluoride group to appeal court decision
Anti-fluoride campaigners have appealed a High Court decision that gave councils the green light to keep using the chemical.
Yesterday, New Health New Zealand Inc filed its challenge with the Court of Appeal.
In what was seen as a landmark case, the group had called on the High Court to quash the South Taranaki District Council's decision to fluoridate water supplies in Patea and Waverley through a judicial review.
Last month, Justice Rodney Hansen rejected their application on all grounds.
Health authorities welcomed the ruling, but New Health NZ director David Sloan said the High Court was wrong to ignore fundamental human rights, and its ruling must not be the final word on the issue.
"The judgment, as it stands, has very worrying implications for all New Zealanders," he said. "Our decision to pursue this case reflects the importance of ensuring we all have the basic human right of choosing what goes into our bodies."...................
Anti-fluoride campaigners have appealed a High Court decision that gave councils the green light to keep using the chemical.
Yesterday, New Health New Zealand Inc filed its challenge with the Court of Appeal.
In what was seen as a landmark case, the group had called on the High Court to quash the South Taranaki District Council's decision to fluoridate water supplies in Patea and Waverley through a judicial review.
Last month, Justice Rodney Hansen rejected their application on all grounds.
Health authorities welcomed the ruling, but New Health NZ director David Sloan said the High Court was wrong to ignore fundamental human rights, and its ruling must not be the final word on the issue.
"The judgment, as it stands, has very worrying implications for all New Zealanders," he said. "Our decision to pursue this case reflects the importance of ensuring we all have the basic human right of choosing what goes into our bodies."...................
USA - Fluoride in water supply sparks debate by council
MONMOUTH — Since 1971, the city of Monmouth has added fluoride to its water supply. Now, Councilman Steve Milligan is trying to have it removed.
Mark Landay, Monmouth public works foreman, shows what levels fluoride solution must be maintained at at the Monmouth-Independence water treatment plant.
March 25, 2014
MONMOUTH — Since 1971, the city of Monmouth has added fluoride to its water supply. Now, Councilman Steve Milligan is trying to have it removed.
“I’m pro-choice,” Milligan said at the March 18 council meeting. “I think (the citizens of Monmouth) should have a choice to ingest fluoride or not.”
Monmouth’s water supply contains 0.86 parts per million of fluoride, according to the 2013 water quality test results. The maximum contaminant level is 4, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
Milligan said there is no recommended daily dosage of fluoride, only maximum recommendations.
“The total amount of fluoride you get every day includes what you get from foods, beverages and supplements,” Milligan said. “How do we quantify how much we consume in a day?”
He said the city spends $4,200 a year on adding fluoride to the water. Out of an estimated 445 million gallons of water used per year by Monmouth citizens, only about 2 to 5 percent is consumed, he said.
“How much of the $4,200 we spend each year is actually used for its intended use: getting fluoride in the mouths of people?” Milligan asked.
Monmouth City Council
He estimated only about $54 worth of fluoride is consumed in the water, while the rest is used for cleaning dishes and clothes, taking showers, flushing toilets and watering lawns.
“We’re throwing away a huge amount of fluoride in ways that it’s not intended for,” he said.
Milligan said fluoride is classified as a poison by the Material Safety Data Sheets, and that it is a hazardous product for human health and the aquatic environment.
Councilwoman Cec Koontz said other things added to Monmouth’s water supply can also be classified as toxic, such as chlorine, which was detected at 0.75 parts per million in the 2013 water quality report. But chlorine is necessary to prevent microbial contamination, she said.
Councilman Jon Carey said he read a number of articles on fluoride and its purported health benefits and risks prior to the council meeting.
“Clearly if you have a heavy dose of darn near anything, you have a problem,” Carey said. “I believe there’s a risk of nearly everything, but you have to look at risk versus reward. The risk is so low, and the benefit is perceived to be in excess of that.”
Position papers published by the Centers for Disease Control were clear that exhaustive studies see the health benefits far outweighing the potential negative benefits, Carey said.
Mayor John Oberst said studies have shown fluoride helps grow stronger teeth, and is particularly useful to those with lower incomes.
He said anything at a high enough dose can be toxic, even oxygen.
“How small of a toxin do you want me to take,” Milligan asked. “I don’t want to take a toxin.”
Oberst suggested the council could discuss the matter further at its goal setting session Saturday at 8:45 a.m. at the University House, 386 Stadium Drive S., in Monmouth.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
UK - Fluoride: Just when you thought it was safe to drink the water...
A public health body is once again campaigning for councils to add fluoride to our drinking water. But the science in favour is not as clear-cut as it seems
Local councillors are being encouraged by government health officials to put fluoride in the water supply. Before doing so, they might remind themselves of the fate of Gordon Simpson. He was the mayor of Andover in the late Fifties when the Hampshire town tried to do just that. At the subsequent municipal elections, Mr Simpson and the rest of the council were swept from power by anti-fluoridation campaigners, led by the former mayor Olive Harvey. She was so appalled by the addition of fluoride to her water that she sank a borehole in the garden of her home in order to bypass the mains supply. Feelings were such that at the election count in the Guildhall there was a punch-up between candidates. Andover has been fluoride-free ever since.
Public health officials continue to produce reassuring data about the efficacy of fluoridation, but it remains just about the most politically poisonous issue there is.
Hampshire was again the testing ground for fluoridation under the last Labour government, when the now-defunct Strategic Health Authority tried to introduce a scheme in the Southampton area, in the face of fierce local objections. This time, the councils were opposed to the project and legal wrangling continues.
In the early Nineties, there was also a major battle over fluoridation in the North East, when health authorities, backed by 70 per cent of the local population, proposed a scheme that would have covered one million people. It was rejected by Northumbria Water – which feared being sued – and the courts.
And so, contrary to popular belief, there are relatively few places in England where fluoride is added to the water. It happens principally around Birmingham and in eastern England, and covers about six million people. *Another 500,000 people live in areas where fluoride occurs naturally in the water supply.....
*Calcium fluoride
Local councillors are being encouraged by government health officials to put fluoride in the water supply. Before doing so, they might remind themselves of the fate of Gordon Simpson. He was the mayor of Andover in the late Fifties when the Hampshire town tried to do just that. At the subsequent municipal elections, Mr Simpson and the rest of the council were swept from power by anti-fluoridation campaigners, led by the former mayor Olive Harvey. She was so appalled by the addition of fluoride to her water that she sank a borehole in the garden of her home in order to bypass the mains supply. Feelings were such that at the election count in the Guildhall there was a punch-up between candidates. Andover has been fluoride-free ever since.
Public health officials continue to produce reassuring data about the efficacy of fluoridation, but it remains just about the most politically poisonous issue there is.
Hampshire was again the testing ground for fluoridation under the last Labour government, when the now-defunct Strategic Health Authority tried to introduce a scheme in the Southampton area, in the face of fierce local objections. This time, the councils were opposed to the project and legal wrangling continues.
In the early Nineties, there was also a major battle over fluoridation in the North East, when health authorities, backed by 70 per cent of the local population, proposed a scheme that would have covered one million people. It was rejected by Northumbria Water – which feared being sued – and the courts.
And so, contrary to popular belief, there are relatively few places in England where fluoride is added to the water. It happens principally around Birmingham and in eastern England, and covers about six million people. *Another 500,000 people live in areas where fluoride occurs naturally in the water supply.....
*Calcium fluoride
UK - Daily Echo
Two page spread in today's Echo, at the time of writing not yet on their web page.
It is now Daily Echo
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
UK - Hampshire County Council
Hampshire County Council and Public Health England are on course to
battle one another in the High Court over the issue of water
fluoridation in tap water.
At the Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee of Hampshire County Council
today, Councillor David Harrison, Opposition Spokesman for Health,
asked whether private discussions at officer level between the two
organisations had yielded any result. The answer is "No". Officers now
believe that the matter will now very likely be determined by the High
Court at a future date.
Hampshire County Council have obtained legal advice which supports the
view that Public Health England are not permitted to proceed with a
scheme earlier followed by the Strategic Health Authority (now
Public Health England however, seem set on progressing it, despite the
result of a consultation showing that over 70% of the public expressing
a view are "against".
Councillor Harrison says "This is a monumental waste of public money.
Lawyers must be rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of an
expensive High Court hearing, funded on both sides by the public purse.
Public Health England are acting disgracefully. They have no mandate to
medicate the population by compulsion. The fact that they are using
taxpayers money in an effort to impose this makes it worse still".
David Harrison
battle one another in the High Court over the issue of water
fluoridation in tap water.
At the Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee of Hampshire County Council
today, Councillor David Harrison, Opposition Spokesman for Health,
asked whether private discussions at officer level between the two
organisations had yielded any result. The answer is "No". Officers now
believe that the matter will now very likely be determined by the High
Court at a future date.
Hampshire County Council have obtained legal advice which supports the
view that Public Health England are not permitted to proceed with a
scheme earlier followed by the Strategic Health Authority (now
Public Health England however, seem set on progressing it, despite the
result of a consultation showing that over 70% of the public expressing
a view are "against".
Councillor Harrison says "This is a monumental waste of public money.
Lawyers must be rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of an
expensive High Court hearing, funded on both sides by the public purse.
Public Health England are acting disgracefully. They have no mandate to
medicate the population by compulsion. The fact that they are using
taxpayers money in an effort to impose this makes it worse still".
David Harrison
Public Health England statement
Consider mass fluoridation of water, says health body
Public Health England urged councils to act after reviewing the impact of water fluoridation on children in areas where it has been introduced.
About 6m people - 10% of the country - currently live in areas with fluoridated water supplies.
PHE said it was a "safe and effective" measure.
It found good evidence it had reduced tooth decay and hospital admissions for dental problems.
The review found there were 45% fewer children aged one to four admitted to hospital for tooth decay in fluoridated areas.
Levels of general tooth decay were 15% lower for five-year-olds and 11% lower for 12-year-olds.
In deprived areas the impact for general tooth decay was even greater.
PHE also looked for signs of harms but found none. It has been suggested water fluoridation can increase the risk of some cancers, hip fractures and Downs syndrome. Fluoride's main benefit is in helping reduce the risk of tooth decay.
But critics argue that the long-term health risks are unknown and different studies have produced contrasting results. Sue Gregory, PHE's director of dental public health, said: "These findings highlight the important contribution that water fluoridation makes."
She said councils would need to consult their local populations on the issue and conceded there were some technical hurdles to overcome. Water zones tend to span several local authority areas and so fluoridation could require agreement across regions.
Fluoride content of infant foods.
Gen Dent. 2014 Mar-Apr;62(2):72-4.
Fluoride content of infant foods.
Steele JL, Martinez-Mier EA, Sanders BJ, Jones JE, Jackson RD, Soto-Rojas AE, Tomlin AM, Eckert GJ.
Excessive fluoride consumption during the first 2 years of life is associated with an increased risk of dental fluorosis. Estimates of fluoride intake from various sources may aid in determining a child's risk for developing fluorosis. This study sought to assess the fluoride content of commercially available foods for infants, and to guide dentists who are advising parents of young children about fluoride intake. Three samples each of 20 different foods (including fruits and vegetables, as well as chicken, turkey, beef/ham, and vegetarian dinners) from 3 manufacturers were analyzed (in duplicate) for their fluoride content. Among the 360 samples tested, fluoride concentration ranged from 0.007-4.13 μg fluoride/g food. All foods tested had detectable amounts of fluoride. Chicken products had the highest mean levels of fluoride, followed by turkey products. Consuming >1 serving per day of the high fluoride concentration products in this study would place children over the recommended daily fluoride intake. Fluoride from infant foods should be taken into account when determining total daily fluoride intake.
PMID: 24598501 [PubMed - in process]
Fluoride content of infant foods.
Steele JL, Martinez-Mier EA, Sanders BJ, Jones JE, Jackson RD, Soto-Rojas AE, Tomlin AM, Eckert GJ.
Excessive fluoride consumption during the first 2 years of life is associated with an increased risk of dental fluorosis. Estimates of fluoride intake from various sources may aid in determining a child's risk for developing fluorosis. This study sought to assess the fluoride content of commercially available foods for infants, and to guide dentists who are advising parents of young children about fluoride intake. Three samples each of 20 different foods (including fruits and vegetables, as well as chicken, turkey, beef/ham, and vegetarian dinners) from 3 manufacturers were analyzed (in duplicate) for their fluoride content. Among the 360 samples tested, fluoride concentration ranged from 0.007-4.13 μg fluoride/g food. All foods tested had detectable amounts of fluoride. Chicken products had the highest mean levels of fluoride, followed by turkey products. Consuming >1 serving per day of the high fluoride concentration products in this study would place children over the recommended daily fluoride intake. Fluoride from infant foods should be taken into account when determining total daily fluoride intake.
PMID: 24598501 [PubMed - in process]
Monday, March 24, 2014
Tomorrow at 10.30am PHE are releasing an evidence review report on water
fluoridation. The BBC breakfast programme is doing a piece on WF and I have been
asked to appear alongside either someone from the British Dental Association or
an ex NW SHA employee who was on their fluoridation evaluation group. It will be
on around 7.40am tomorrow (Tuesday).
are no advance copies of the PHE report and they have not done a press release
nor did they want to appear on the programme.
Prof Stephen Peckham
Irish Sunday Mirror Investigates
Public pressure to end fluoridation is mounting as water charges are due to kick in this summer.
Irish Sunday Mirror Investigates: Activist takes on state over chemical in our water
Mar 23, 2014 09:00 By Adelina
Health problems link to high level of substance
Last month, Bantry in west Cork was the first town to be granted the title after six businesses installed filtration systems so their customers could enjoy fluoride-free food and drinks.
This week, Cork County Council passed a motion against the element.
And Aisling FitzGibbon, dubbed the “Girl Against Fluoride”, is planning to launch a legal action in the High Court in the hope it will force the Government to end a 50-year-old policy which is costing taxpayers up to €4million a year.
The 27-year-old told the Irish Sunday Mirror: “We have sent off letters to all the different agencies involved in the case but we are going to be taking a court case very shortly against the Irish Medicines Board.
“We hope the case will go through this year and that we will be able to bring in experts from abroad.”
Aisling, who is originally from Tralee, Co Kerry, became involved in the campaign after she discovered first-hand some of the negative effects of fluoride.
When it is ingested in doses above the recommended daily allowance, it has been linked to dental problems, the weakening of bones, kidney injury and thyroid problems.
Aisling believes fluoridated water led to a reduction of her thyroid function, which causes hormonal imbalance and depression.
Aisling FitzGibbon with Christy Moore
She explained: “I started looking into this issue four years ago and went to a nutritionist in the UK because I had been suffering from depression from the age of 19 to 23.
“I had been treated by medical doctors here and I was getting worse and I didn’t know what was going on with my system.
“So this nutritionist was the first person who mentioned to me the impact of fluoride on the thyroid gland.
“She explained it was important for me to install a filter to remove it from my water and to only drink non-fluoridated water and only cook with that as well. I followed her advice and after a few months I had completely recovered.
“I was delighted and decided to do a bit more research into it and that’s when I found out 98% of Europe don’t add it to their water and some countries banned it because they consider it to be toxic.
“When you think about it like that, it sounds far-fetched. Why would our Government add anything to the water that might not be good for us?
“It just doesn’t seem fitting in this day and age so I want people to understand this anti-fluoride campaign is not just some sort of hippy issue, it’s serious and affects everyone.
“And with the water charges coming in, we have the right to ask what’s in our water? What are we paying for?”
The Government introduced fluoridated drinking water in 1964 after studies in the US showed it might help improve dental health.
But European countries have achieved that through education and by providing affordable toothpaste to tackle plaque.
A spokeswoman for the Department of Health insisted the Government is constantly reviewing its policy on the issue to ensure it is not dangerous for the public.
She said an investigation by the Evidence Centre team within the Health Research Board will begin a review on the effects of the scheme next month.
The representative added: “The Forum On Fluoridation, which reported in 2002, advised the fluoridation of piped public water supplies should continue as a public health measure.
“The balance of scientific evidence worldwide confirms water fluoridation,
at the optimal level, does not cause any ill-effects and continues to be safe and effective in protecting the oral health of all age groups.
“The National Survey of Children’s Oral Health in 1984 found lifetime residents of fluoridated communities had substantially lower levels of dental decay than lifetime residents of non-fluoridated areas.
She claimed the North/South investigation into Children’s Oral Health in 2002 found similar results.
The spokeswoman said: “While an estimate of savings is not readily available, these studies show the benefits of water fluoridation in Ireland since its
“The Department of Health keeps the policy of water fluoridation under constant review. As part of this ongoing work, and as outlined in recent parliamentary replies, a review of evidence on the impact of water fluoridation at its current level on the health of the population and environment is being conducted by the Health Research Board.”
The probe is due to start next month and be completed by December.
Group holds rally
Meanwhile, the fight against fluoride is being backed by musicians Christy Moore, Mundy and Damien Dempsey, celebrity chef Rachel Allen, Newstalk host Ivan Yates and Senator David Norris.
Members of Dublin County Council also hope to address the issue.
Only wholefood and vegetarian restaurant Cornucopia in the capital has installed a special filter system – which can cost up to €700 – so its chefs can cook and wash food with
non-fluoridated water.
Aisling is concerned the new review will only reinforce the Government’s position.
She is concerned the people carrying out the study may not be completely independent of State agencies.
Aisling added: “They [the Government] tend to pick people who are pro-fluoridation so their research is bound to be biased.”
Aisling Fitzgibbon, founding member of the Worldwide Alliance to End Fluoridation
The Government has always insisted water fluoridation does not pose a risk to health.
But a study by the Food Safety Authority Of Ireland more than a decade ago warned babies should not be exposed to the chemical compound.
The Irish Dentists Opposing Fluoridation organisation obtained the report through the Freedom of Information Act.
In the document, which was produced in 2000 as part of a review, the FSAI claimed tots could suffer from fluorosis – mild to severe staining of the teeth – if they ingest too much of the element.
It stated: “The FSAI considers infants below the age of four months are likely to be exposed to doses of fluoride that exceed the recognised safety limit that is based on an adverse effect defined as moderate dental fluorosis.
“The level of fluoride exposure is unlikely to have any acute toxic effect.”
“Whilst the majority of scientific evidence favours a positive association between fluoride
and caries [tooth decay]
prevention, this benefit does not apply to infants under four months of age.
“Therefore, there is no benefit that can be derived from exposing this sub-population to fluoride.
“To avoid babies being overexposed to fluoride, the FSAI is of the opinion that infant formula should not be reconstituted with fluoridated tap water.”
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Published on 22 Mar 2014
Terry and Frankie from the Canadian Awareness Network was interviewed by a college student live on air at Mohawk College in Hamilton Ontario on the topic of fluoride and was cut off air for allegedly being in violation of CRTC regulations
NZ - Fluoridation endorsed
Fluoridation endorsed by Hutt health board
Two former Lower Hutt mayors have been accused of holding a health board to ransom during a tetchy debate on fluoridation.
Hutt Valley District Health Board endorsed fluoridation yesterday as an effective way of fighting tooth decay. Local drinking water supplies already fluoridated should remain so, a position statement said. "Where local supplies are not fluoridated, local authorities are encouraged to implement water fluoridation programmes as soon as possible."
During the debate, board member Ken Laban said the "articulate, informed and intelligent" anti-fluoridation lobby was being taken too lightly. "They're turning up for a gunfight and we're turning up with water pistols."
Health board member David Ogden, a former Lower Hutt mayor, said he was ambivalent about fluoridation. "But the Ministry of Health has been weak and our presentations have been weak."
Another former mayor, John Terris, said the report played down the anti-fluoridation lobby and lacked balance. "This is not a group of lunatic fringe people.".....................
I'm pleased to hear that we are not lunatics.
Two former Lower Hutt mayors have been accused of holding a health board to ransom during a tetchy debate on fluoridation.
Hutt Valley District Health Board endorsed fluoridation yesterday as an effective way of fighting tooth decay. Local drinking water supplies already fluoridated should remain so, a position statement said. "Where local supplies are not fluoridated, local authorities are encouraged to implement water fluoridation programmes as soon as possible."
During the debate, board member Ken Laban said the "articulate, informed and intelligent" anti-fluoridation lobby was being taken too lightly. "They're turning up for a gunfight and we're turning up with water pistols."
Health board member David Ogden, a former Lower Hutt mayor, said he was ambivalent about fluoridation. "But the Ministry of Health has been weak and our presentations have been weak."
Another former mayor, John Terris, said the report played down the anti-fluoridation lobby and lacked balance. "This is not a group of lunatic fringe people.".....................
I'm pleased to hear that we are not lunatics.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Doug Cross - Camelford incident
The Age of Aluminum from Specialty Studios on Vimeo.
In the summer of 2012 I helped an Austrian film producer put together a film on aluminium as an environmental toxin. This featured Prof Chris Exley, one of the world's leading experts on aluminium toxicology, and me talking about the Camelford incident involving the aluminium sulphate poisoning of the public water supply in Cornwall, back in 1988. Included is an examination of my wife's post mortem discoveries that clearly relate exposure to aluminium in water to early-onset, rapidly fatal dementia.
We have now found two more Camelford victims with similar unique characteristics, as well as another whose exposure was through breathing aluminium sulphate dust at work. Given the concern in this research sector over the ability of fluoride to promote aluminium absorption and transfer to the brain, with catastrophic results, the repeated warnings over deliberately adding fluoride to drinking water take on a new urgency.
The film (an English language shortened version, at just under an hour) can now be viewed freely at, so would you please post this link for others to watch as well? The full version (in German) was shown in cinemas throughout Germany and France, and deals with other equally alarming problems caused by the indisciminate use of aluminium chemicals in foods, cosmetics and vaccines, and inevitably it caused very considerable public interest.
Doug Cross
I found this really amusing she will make a good future comedian. Not a good experience for her though.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Ireland - Fit-again Aisling takes her case to court
Fit-again Aisling takes her case to court in bid to change decades-old legislation
Aisling Fitzgibbon has become know as The Girl Against Fluoride, and in a few weeks' time she plans to take a case through the courts against mandatory fluoridation of the water supply.
The 27-year-old occupational therapist from Tralee, Co Kerry, has practical experience of the effects of the chemical on her own health.
She told the Herald she had suffered from low moods and exhaustion for about four years.
"I was under the care of a medical doctor and had tried all kinds of detox and cleansing diets. I was at my wits' end. I thought there must be something really wrong," she said.
Aisling went to a nutritional therapist.
"She told me I could be sensitive to fluoride. She said not to use the water for drinking or cooking and to take magnesium and iodine supplements to help my thyroid," she said.
"That was the first time I'd ever heard about fluoride in the water. By the end of the first month my energy and my mood started coming up. It took seven months to recover fully."
A lawyer has agreed to help Aisling on a pro bono basis, and they plan to file the first part of the process within the next two months.
Aisling pointed out that although several councils have passed motions against fluoridation, they are powerless to take it out of the water system unless the law dating from 1960 is changed.
She is trying to "create massive public awareness" before the court case and has set up a website,
She said she is not confident that the latest panel being set up by the Health Minister to review fluoridation will make a difference.
Aisling said every authority "passes the buck. Nobody wants the responsibility".
In her own case, Aisling has installed a "reverse osmosis" filter in her house to clear the fluoride from the water, but this is expensive and not an option for everyone.
"I can't drink tea or coffee away from home," she said.
Aisling's sensitivity to fluoride has also started her on a new career. She travels regularly to the UK where she is doing a course in nutrition therapy and specialising in the impacts of food nutrition on autism.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Don’t trust ‘science’ of fluoridation
I speak from painful personal experience. As Lethbridge considers its stand on water fluoridation, please be advised you should have no confidence in the integrity of the system that produced the “science” of water fluoridation.
I am a biochemist involved with an experiment since 2005 on lead service lines supplying drinking water to homes in Washington, D.C. My dissenting opinion has been that industry research and compliance with U.S. Lead and Copper Rule (LCR)1991 systematically underestimates lead contamination of drinking water. I have been recognized as a whistleblower. The EPA has continued for years ignoring my input.
Recent studies in 2013 confirm my concerns. I also suffer painful, serious health effects and consequences of 60 years exposure to fluoridation chemicals made apparent to me only in the last 18 months, perhaps exasperated by fluorine gas I was exposed to at the water treatment plant in Washington, DC.
I insisted on getting a fluoride analysis of the deformed head of my femur bone sawed off during hip replacement. It measured 1,500 ppm fluoride of ashed bone weight, pointing to the diagnosis of the initial stage of skeletal fluorosis. My medical bills in the last 18 months are almost $150,000.
Fluoride is a lifelong accumulative toxin and slowly harms which, if exposure is excessive, eventually destroys every human organ system. It really is absolute foolishness to add more fluoride to drinking water. I did not give my consent to be an experimental toxic waste dump for the last 60 years! Now eight months after avoiding fluoride, I am slowly getting better.
The U.S. EPA, CDC, municipalities and water utilities continue to this day, as they have for decades, to mislead the public about their true exposure to lead in drinking water leaching from lead service lines. This is the same system that produced the “science” of water fluoridation replete with decades of willful blindness, bias, grants for preconceived research results, repression of true scientists, propaganda slogans, down playing of negative health effects, professional bullying, junk science techniques, cherry picking data, fraud, powerful corrupt politics, and industrial interests.
To unduly threaten the health of your community with water fluoridation based on schemes that masquerade as true science is foolishness indeed.
See information links at
Susan Kanen
Biochemist, Anchorage, Alaska
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Monday, March 17, 2014
Canada - The fight against sugar
The fight against sugar is ours to win
By Grant LaFleche, The Standard
Through a combination of efforts by food manufacturers, our hectic lifestyles and, frankly, a staggering degree of laziness, we’ve become a culture of sugar addicts.
We’re not talking about the kind of sugar in fruit or vegetables. We mean refined sugars. The stuff added to everything from soup to cookies to pasta sauce.
And it is really, really bad for us.
It contributes to the very real and serious problem of obesity, which costs our health-care system millions of dollars every year. High levels of sugar consumption is responsible for rising rates of tooth decay, even though we have widely used fluoride toothpaste and fluoridated drinking water.
By Grant LaFleche, The Standard
We’re not talking about the kind of sugar in fruit or vegetables. We mean refined sugars. The stuff added to everything from soup to cookies to pasta sauce.
And it is really, really bad for us.
It contributes to the very real and serious problem of obesity, which costs our health-care system millions of dollars every year. High levels of sugar consumption is responsible for rising rates of tooth decay, even though we have widely used fluoride toothpaste and fluoridated drinking water.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
UK - Swansea AM praises pupils for brushing their teeth in school time
By South Wales Evening Post
A SWANSEA AM has praised pupils at Danygraig primary after the school achieved an award under the Designed to Smile programme.
The Welsh Government's scheme encourages pupils to brush their teeth daily to reduce tooth decay.
Mike Hedges, Swansea East AM, said: "I'd like to congratulate all pupils at Danygraig Primary for their efforts in achieving a gold standard award."
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Mainly Fluoridated NZ - 6000 New Zealand children under 12 had to have general anaesthetics
Pulling the sweet tooth
The WHO's move is just the latest high-level swipe at sugar. A damning discussion at a symposium on the ills of sugary drinks at the University of Auckland Medical School last month sent a now-familiar message: a spoonful of sugar might help the medicine go down, the gist of the symposium went, but it also has the potential to rot your teeth, make you fat and even trigger type 2 diabetes.
If sugar ever had a sweet reputation it's been dealt yet another blow by the World Health Organisation. The WHO is calling for the daily intake in our diets to be cut to 25g – that's about half the amount of the sweet stuff found in just one small can of soft drink.
And of course, New Zealanders don't stop at a spoonful of sugar a day – or even at the six 4.2 gram-teaspoons of sugar a day the WHO now considers quite enough. We on average consume 37 teaspoons of sugar a person each day, or more than 50 kilograms a person per year. We consume more sugar than just about any other country in the Western world.
Is that really so bad?
Dr Rob Beaglehole, principal dental officer with the Nelson Marlborough District Health Board, thinks it probably is. He was a speaker at the symposium, which pushed the idea of a sugary-drink-free Pacific by 2030 and favoured a tax on syrupy drinks. Beaglehole is responsible for the health board he works for being the first and – at the time of the symposium – only one to ban sugary drinks being sold in the hospital cafe and shop. He hopes others will be shamed or inspired into following his lead.
"The Whanganui DHB may try it. It's a start and about showing leadership. Hospitals shouldn't be selling sickness."
So kids hoping to have a fluorescent fizzy fix from a cabinet in Beaglehole's domain – Nelson and Wairau hospitals – will be out of luck. But they can still bring their favourite sweet drinks with them. Indeed, to Beaglehole's dismay, even the thought of seeing the dentist doesn't stop them bringing sugary drinks into his dental surgery.
"A lot of my patients turn up with a can of Coke or V, to have a tooth out. I say that's the problem. They say, 'I'm addicted to it.' "
It horrifies Beaglehole that about 6000 New Zealand children under 12 had to have general anaesthetics last year to have teeth out because of dental decay and that in 2012, 34,000 children under 14 had one or more teeth taken out.
"Sugary drinks and sugar per se, but mainly sugary drinks, are the culprit. Sugary drinks are particularly destructive for teeth."................................
Friday, March 14, 2014
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Doctors deserve to know the research behind the risks - Irish Medical Times
Dear Editor,
Given the gravity of the current situation regarding increasing cancer incidence and the prevalence of chronic disease in the Republic, I wish to respond in some detail to the letter of Dr Susan O’Reilly in IMT (February 14, 2014), in response to Dr Philip Michael’s letter dated January 24, 2014.
Dr O’Reilly states that Dr Michael’s attempt to correlate fluoridation with cancer is fundamentally flawed. I believe the evidence clearly and unequivocally demonstrates otherwise. What is deeply disturbing in this debate is the steadfast determination of public health bodies in this country, and in other fluoridated countries, to continue to support mass fluoridation of the entire population, despite what I see as overwhelming evidence of harm.
In the context of this debate, my response will only address the direct causal association of fluoride with cancer. It should be noted, however, that fluoride is also a significant contributor to a wide range of chronic inflammatory diseases, metabolic disorders and neurological diseases.
The health authorities are either unaware or refuse to acknowledge that Takahashi et al of the University of Tokyo published findings in the Journal of Epidemiology (2001), which reported a significant association between water fluoridation and cancer. Takahashi and research associates undertook regression analysis of cancer incidence rates and water fluoridation in the US, comparing fluoridated and non-fluoridated states.
Of the 36 cancer sites in males and females examined, 23 (69 per cent) were significantly associated with water fluoridation. Among them were cancer of the colon, prostate, brain, pancreas, liver, kidney, gallbladder, urinary bladder, ovarian, bone, Hodgkin’s diseases and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple myeloma and monocytic leukaemia.
The reason given for the higher cancer incidence rates in fluoridated communities was the extended presence of fluoride in plasma and urine and the infusion of fluoride into the brain and other organs.
Recent published cancer data from the island of Ireland examining cancer incidence in non-fluoridated Northern Ireland and fluoridated Republic of Ireland provides remarkable correlation to these findings. According to the All-Ireland Cancer Registry (2011), the risk of developing many of the cancers was higher in the Republic of Ireland than in Northern Ireland.
The risk of non-melanoma skin cancer, melanoma, leukaemia, bladder, pancreas and brain/central nervous system cancers was significantly higher for both sexes in the Republic of Ireland. For men, the risk of prostate cancer was higher in Republic of Ireland and, for women, cancer of the oesophagus and cervix. The highest risk areas for ovarian cancer were also reported in the Republic of Ireland.
The established scientific facts clearly demonstrate that cancer incidence in the Republic of Ireland is far greater than either non-fluoridated northern Ireland or mainland Europe.
For example, according to the World Health Organization, the cancer incidence in the Republic of Ireland is 780 per 100,000 compared to the mean cancer incidence for the entire European region of 380 per 100,000.
To put this information in context, in the past 10 years alone, this would correlate to an additional 180,000 people in the Republic of Ireland who have been diagnosed with cancer above the mean EU regional cancer incident rate for the same period. These are startling and alarming differences.
Furthermore, data from Globocan 2008 provide a comparison of cancer incident rates (top 25 cancers) between Ireland and other fluoridated countries internationally and other geographic regions of the world. For the most fluoridated countries internationally, including the RoI, Australia, New Zealand, United States, Canada and Israel, the incidence of cancers, excluding non-melanoma skin cancers, are significantly above the European and world-wide global averages.
Those who argue against the risk of fluoridation often portray a lack of comprehension of the biological mechanisms of toxicity of fluoride on the human body, which directly and indirectly increase the risk of cancer and other diseases. Among these is the direct established role of fluoride in increasing production of G proteins, free radicals, reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress. There is now a vast amount of published scientific data demonstrating that fluoride causes an increase in G proteins, free radical production, reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress.
The role of free radicals in cancer development was identified as far back as 1996 in the European Journal of Cancer. Verschoor ML et al (2013) reported in the journal Cancer and Metabolism that increased production of reactive oxygen species increases cancer cell proliferation, the growth of new capillary blood vessels that tumours need to grow, contributing to enhanced tumour progression and the spread of cancer within the human body.
According to this study, the increased production of free radicals will result in more aggressive cancer proliferation particularly in prostate, ovarian, breast and intestinal cancers.
Similarly, Kensler and Trush (1984) reported that the molecular mechanisms of action of free radicals promote tumour growth, while Copeland (1986) reported that free radicals play a key role in chemical carcinogenesis. Dreher and Junod (1996) similarly concluded that a large body of evidence suggests important roles of oxygen-free radicals in the expansion of tumour clones and the acquisition of malignant properties. In view of these facts, they concluded that oxygen-free radicals may be considered as an important class of carcinogens.
ROS and oxidative stress have also been implicated in a large range of diseases, including cancer, diabetes, male infertility, autoimmune diseases, atherosclerosis, hypertension and cardiovascular disorders, neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease), rheumatoid arthritis, and ageing.
In addition, G proteins have been implicated in the pathophysiology of several diseases including, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, neuropsychiatric disorders such as alcoholism and schizophrenia, inflammation, asthma, diabetes and endocrine disorders. Over-reactive G proteins are characteristic of some tumours. Activation of G proteins has been identified in adrenal and ovarian tumours and in epidermoid carcinoma.
Equally important is the established role of fluoride as a protoplasmic and enzymatic poison. For example, fluoride stimulates calcitonin production in humans and elevated calcitonin plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of many types of cancer, including leukaemia. Apart from the established cancer risk from calcitonin, it is also important to note that research has demonstrated that the fluoride ion inhibits the enzyme arginase. The arginase enzyme metabolizes L-arginine, and L-arginine deficiency has been reported to cause immunosuppression and increase the proliferation of lymphoma cells.
Fluoride is established as an inhibitor or folate metabolism. Studies have demonstrated that folate deficiency has been observed to cause disruption of DNA integrity, DNA strand breaks, chromosomal gaps and breakage, increased uracil misincorporation into DNA, impaired DNA repair and increased mutations, thereby supporting a role for folate deficiencies in carcinogenesis.
Fluoride stimulates the production of haptoglobin and free haptoglobin has been reported to promote, indirectly, carcinogenesis through depression of the immune systems. Haptoglobin expression is characteristic of many types of malignant diseases including breast, cervical and ovarian carcinoma, acute and chronic myeloid leukaemia, and acute lymphoid leukaemia.
Fluoride has also been documented to increase the bioavailability of insulin-like growth factors (IGF-1), thereby contributing to increased cancer risk. Sandhu et al (2002) reported that an increase in IGF-I bioavailability increases the risk of carcinogenesis. Yu and Rohan (2000) reported that IGFs are strong mitogens for a wide variety of cancer cell lines, including sarcoma, leukaemia, and cancers of the prostate, breast, lung, colon, stomach, oesophagus, liver, pancreas, kidney, thyroid, brain, ovary and uterus.
In addition, a number of studies have shown consistently that high circulating levels of IGF-I are associated with increased risk for several common cancers including prostate, breast, lung, colorectal and leukaemia. Yu and Rohan (2000) reported that the level of IGF-binding protein (IGFBP-3) suppresses the mitogenic action of IGF-I, and is inversely associated with the risk of these cancers.
Furthermore, fluoride inhibits leptin secretion, causing overexpression of ghrelin in plasma. Ghrelin is an amino acid peptide hormone that stimulates growth hormone release and has been documented to promote cell growth in breast cancer, prostate cancer and pancreatic adenocarcinoma cancer. Ghrelin expression has also been documented in many endocrine tumour types and hormone-dependent cancers, including testicular tumours.
Overall, I believe it can be concluded that the implications for public health in the Republic from the Department of Health and Irish State initially pursuing such a policy of mass fluoridation in the absence of robust risk assessment, and in continuing to support and implement this policy, have been catastrophic for the general health of this nation.
At the very minimal, the medical community in compliance with the precautionary principle must urgently reassess this policy and seek an immediate cessation to artificial fluoridation in order to protect the health and welfare of future generations. It is my view that continuing such a policy, in light of the overwhelming evidence of harm, is wrong.
Declan Waugh,
Environmental Scientist and Fluoride Researcher.
UK - Campaign - slashes decay by half
NHS campaign to tackle dire state of children’s teeth in Runcorn and Widnes slashes decay by half
The amount of tooth decay among Halton's five-year-olds halved over six years. PIC: John Giles/PA Wire
Public health chiefs will hear next Wednesday that in 2006 the average five-year-old in the borough had 2.1 rotten or missing teeth but this figure fell to 1.09 by 2012.
A report to members said the pace of improvement in the borough was faster than the national average.
Dramatic falls were seen in Beechwood, Runcorn, where the rate of decay dropped by nearly two thirds from its 2006 figure, and in Birchfield, Widnes, where the number of crumbling teeth more than halved.
However, decay rose in Ditton, Widnes, over the same period.
The state intervened over the dire state of the borough’s children’s gnashers in 2006 after years of trailing behind the North West and national average standards.
Under the scheme, led by the now-defunct NHS Halton And St Helens PCT, fluoride toothpaste and a brush were given to every child in Halton aged three-11 years twice every 12 months until 2010.
A report published for Halton Council’s health board said: “In 2006, child dental health in the borough was poor.
“In England at that time, 38% of children aged five years had experienced tooth decay, the figure in Halton was 51%, with each five-year-old having, on average 2.01 decayed, missing or filled teeth.
“There were only four Halton electoral wards in which the proportion of five-year-olds with active tooth decay was lower than the national average inBirchwood, Birchfield, Daresbury, Farnworth.
“The position was similar among the 12-year-old population.
”It added: “By 2012, decay levels had fallen by 46% to 1.09, with 33.6% of children affected.
“During the same period there have been improvements nationally in levels of child dental health but these improvements are not as great as those found in Halton.”
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Canada - St John stops fluoridation
Saint John council votes to stop putting fluoride in water
Saint John will no longer add fluoride to the city's water.
Despite the urging of dentists and doctors at Monday's meeting of city council, the majority of councillors decided the treatment was not a worthwhile expense and voted to stop the practice.........................
Ireland - An international group of consultants is to be appointed by the Governmen
An international group of consultants is to be appointed by the Government to examine the use of fluoride in the public water supply.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
By Sean O’Riordan
Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney informed a meeting of Fine Gael councillors of the review yesterday ahead of a Cork County Council vote calling on the Government to ban it.
Cork County Council is the largest local authority to condemn the use of fluoride in the public water supply and councillors voted by a huge majority yesterday to stop its use. The council will write to Health Minister James Reilly urging him to stop fluoridation.
Members of the Fluoride Free Towns, who attended the council meeting, welcomed the council’s decision to seek a ban.
FFT spokesman Owen Boyden said: “I also welcome news that a review is to be carried [out] by outside experts. I guess the Government is doing this because it’s feeling the pressure from the public. But there is already enough scientific evidence out there which tells us we need to stop it now.”
Bantry has been designated Ireland’s first fluoride- free town, following Mr Boyden’s campaign. Fluoride Free campaign teams are now working with other West Cork towns — including Clonakilty, Skibbereen, Macroom, Kinsale, Castletownbere, and Bandon — to achieve fluoride-free status.
Ireland is the only EU country and one of only two in the world with a national mandatory public water fluoridation policy.
The Food Safety Authority of Ireland and the expert body set up to monitor the policy insist that the fluoride concentrations in public drinking water pose no known medical problems to the general population.
During a lengthy debate on the issue, Mayor of County Cork, Fine Gael councillor Noel O’Connor, said he welcomed the news given to his party members by Mr Coveney and said it was right that an independent expert group examine it.
Fianna Fáil councillor Christopher O’Sullivan proposed the motion seeking “the immediate cessation of fluoridation of the public water supply” describing it as “a wrong mass medication”. “It contravenes the EU Convention on Human Rights. Nearly all countries in the EU have stopped it. The US Department of Health says there is zero benefit by ingestion of fluoride.”
Fine Gael councillor Adrian Healy said: “Some of the countries we are exporting food to are now calling into question the use of fluoride in our food products and this would be very detrimental to the food industry.”
Fianna Fáil councillor Pat Murphy said when he was growing up he got water from a well and his teeth are fine. “Anyway there’s enough fluoride in toothpaste. It’s time we stopped this,” said Mr Murphy.
Labour councillor Noel Costello said councillors should await the outcome of the Fluoride and Caring for Children’s Teeth study at primary schools in Cork, Kerry, and Dublin primary schools being undertaken by the HSE.
However, the Fine Gael leader on the council, Kevin Murphy, Fine Gael councillor John O’Sullivan, and Fianna Fáil councillor Alan Coleman all supported banning fluoridation.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
India - Iron pills — 35 UP schoolgirls ill after consuming pills
Why is the foundation against the Iron and Folic Acid supplementation programme?
Dr Susheela: We are not against iron supplementation in general and it is very much required for pregnant women but the fact is that similar programs have been tried for over 40 years and haven’t produced desired results. Women continue to be anaemic and there’s no sign of maternal and infant mortality reducing and even those taking tablets continued to be anaemic. The doctors (technical advisers) to the health ministry claimed that the women weren’t taking tablets but this was just a face-saving strategy and they’re doing more harm than good. One of the major reasons for continued anaemia is the continued consumption of fluoride through water and food. The chemical fluoride not only decreases production of red blood cells by the bone marrow but also destroys microvilli – the microscopic protrusions lining the intestine – resulting in poor absorption of nutrients critical for the biosynthesis of haemoglobin. Read more about this ill-conceived program
Cork County Council calls for an immediate end to water fluoridation
The largest county council in the country passed a motion calling on the Government to legislate for change
CORK COUNTY COUNCIL unanimously passed a motion calling on the Government to stop treating the public water supply with fluoride.
The motion put forward by Fianna Fáil’s Christopher O’Sullivan had cross-party support from all members of the council.
Largest county council
Speaking to, O’Sullivan said that it was great that the largest county council in the country managed to get cross-party support on the matter, stating that he hoped the passing of this motion will create a “domino effect” with other county councils.
“The passing of this motion sends a clear message to Government. We are calling on the immediate cessation of water fluoridation in the public water supply,” he said.
O’Sullivan added that people are looking for choice, adding that six of Cork town councils had all passed similar motions.
“The county council is hoping that enough pressure will be put on Government that they have to act, as it is a legislative change that is needed,” he said.
He added the it was “ludicrous” that nearly every other EU country stopped the fluoridation of the public water supply years ago, stating that Ireland needs to stop the treatment immediately.
Speaking about talks that the Government are to have an external body investigate the matter, O’Sullivan said it was putting the matter “on the long finger” adding that the onus should be on the people who want fluoride in the water supply to prove without a doubt that it does not cause harm.
CORK COUNTY COUNCIL unanimously passed a motion calling on the Government to stop treating the public water supply with fluoride.
The motion put forward by Fianna Fáil’s Christopher O’Sullivan had cross-party support from all members of the council.
Largest county council
Speaking to, O’Sullivan said that it was great that the largest county council in the country managed to get cross-party support on the matter, stating that he hoped the passing of this motion will create a “domino effect” with other county councils.
“The passing of this motion sends a clear message to Government. We are calling on the immediate cessation of water fluoridation in the public water supply,” he said.
O’Sullivan added that people are looking for choice, adding that six of Cork town councils had all passed similar motions.
“The county council is hoping that enough pressure will be put on Government that they have to act, as it is a legislative change that is needed,” he said.
He added the it was “ludicrous” that nearly every other EU country stopped the fluoridation of the public water supply years ago, stating that Ireland needs to stop the treatment immediately.
Speaking about talks that the Government are to have an external body investigate the matter, O’Sullivan said it was putting the matter “on the long finger” adding that the onus should be on the people who want fluoride in the water supply to prove without a doubt that it does not cause harm.