- US water fluoridation campaigns began in 1945 at the same time as food industry came under criticism for inadequate nutrition and too much sugar
- Overexposure to fluoride in children can lead to fluorosis, a cosmetic condition affecting the teeth
- Fluoride interferes with proper formation of collagen and inhibits enzymes essential to health and metabolism
- Fluoride found in water is not the same as fluoride found in toothpaste
- Fluoride use in drinking water has not been FDA approved for systemic use
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Effect of high-dose fluoride on antioxidant enzyme activities of amniotic Fluid in rats
Objective: To investigate the effect of high-dose fluoride on antioxidant enzyme activities of amniotic fluid and fluoride of serum in rats.
....................Excessive intake of fluoride for a prolonged period can produce injurious effects on the teeth, skeleton and soft tissues such as the brain, thyroid, liver, kidney and reproductive organs. In recent years, various authors have investingated the relationship between fluoride toxicities and fluoride-induced OS in people15 and animals.4,5,16-21A study22 compared foetal growth of rats that were given 40ppm fluoride with potable water on the 20th day of pregnancy with a control group and it was seen that there was a significant decrease in body weight and length. In our study, the decreased body weight of foetuses observed in the experimental group compared to the controls also indicated loss of weight due to excessive breakdown of tissue proteins.
In the current study, the serum fluoride level was found to have increased significantly in the study group compared to the control group. These results also show compatibility with an earlier study19 that showed that high levels of fluoride caused increases in serum amniotic fluid fluoride levels.
Reduced glutathione (GSH) is known to protect the cellular system against the toxic effects of lipid peroxidation as a co-substrate for glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity.19 The depletion in the activity of GPx may result in the involvement of deleterious oxidative changes due to the accumulation of oxidative toxic products. SOD is an important defence enzyme, which converts superoxideradicals to hydrogenperoxide.20 CAT decomposes hydrogen peroxide and protects the tissues from highly reactive hydroxyl radicals.21 The reduction in the activity of these enzymes may be due to OS exerted by fluoride in toxication.
Many studies also indicate that fluoride toxicity can induce free radical toxicity in humans and animals.22-24 Fluoride has been demonstrated in vivo and in vitro to cause increased lipid peroxidation in erythrocytes of humans and in blood and tissues of experimental animals.25
In 2004, a study in which experimental rats were orally treated with 25ppm of fluoride/rat/day for 8 and 16 weeks, respectively, revealed an increase in the level of lipid peroxides along with a concomitant decrease in the activities of SOD, CAT, GSH-Px, and reduced glutathione content was observed in high-dose fluorinated groups of rats.3
In our study, a marked increase in the levels of TBARS was observed in amniotic fluid of high-dose fluorinated rats. Increased lipid peroxidation in the amniotic fluid can be due to increased OS in the cells as a result of depletion of the antioxidants cavenger system.
A recent study17 determined that in rats that were given 50ppm fluoride with potable water for a week, SOD and GSH-Px, which are from plasma antioxidant enzyme system, activity levels decreased and TBARS levels increased significantly.
In our study, the amniotic fluid of rats were used instead of 10 mg/kg/b.w./day. NaF exposed the serum of rats. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first experimental study on the effects of high-dose NaF on antioxidant enzyme activities and TBARS levels in amniotic fluid of rats. Since high-dose NaF has passed to the placenta, excess amounts of superoxide radical (O2*-) formed in the environment, SOD, GSH-Px and CAT antioxidant enzymes that catalysed superoxide radicals (O2*-) in amniotic fluid were inhibited, and TBARS levels, which show lipid peroxidation increase, rose.
Our study has a limitation. Fluoride crosses the placenta of humans and animals and is absorbed by the foetus.26 Thus, maternal supplementation during pregnancy results in increased fluoride concentrations not only in maternal blood, but also in cord blood and offspring tissues, especially bones and teeth.27 We didn't investigate fluoride levels in amniotic fluid and infant blood because of inadequate equipment.
Oxidative stress induced by fluoride played an important role in the pathogenesis of fluorosis that may result in tissue damage and other secondary complications.
347 Community Water Fluoridation with Ken Perrott : Dentistry Uncensored with Howard Farran
Ken graduated with PHD in chemistry in 1970. He has worked as a research scientist ever since, mainly on soils and agricultural issues.
Watch on Dentaltown at http://bit.ly/DentistryUncensored347
His early research investigated the reaction of phosphate and fluoride with minerals and soils. Later work involved investigation of soil life and nutrient transfers. He also has done research on apatites and fluorosilicic acid, which are relevant to the controversy around community water fluoridation (CWF).
In 2013 he became active on online debates about CWF. His local city council had become influenced by anti-fluoridation campaigners and stopped fluoridation, despite public support from it as evidence by a previous referendum and council polling. After protests the council held another referendum, fluoridation received 70% voter support and CWF was restarted.
He writes a blog, Open Parachute, where he discusses scientific and related issues - particularly science denialism. Since 2013 many of his blog posts have been devoted to explaining the science behind CWF and debunking claims made by anti-fluoride campaigners.
Ken accuses Prof Paul Connett of taking money from Dr Mercola I suppose he thinks we funded Paul when he came over here to UK. We certainly didn't apart from an amount to cover some of the cost. He accuses Dr Mercola of being a snake oil salesman.He'll accuse me next of making money from this blog.
Paul is well into his seventies and to live out of a suitcase touring the world he is a hero to continue.
Ken argues that the fluoride adds little in the way of impurities I argue it should not be allowed to put any in considering 2% from tonnes of the stuff they put in each year.
The UK's Water (Fluoridation) Act 1985, since incorporated into the 1991 Water Industry Act, allows hexafluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6) and disodium hexafluorosilicate (Na2SiF6) to be used to increase the fluoride content of water. The published Code of Practice on Technical Aspects of Fluoridation of Water Supplies (Department of the Environment, 1987) gives specifications for these substances and states that 'the product. ..must not contain any mineral or organic substances capable of impairing the health of those drinking water correctly treated with the product'. For H2SiF6, limits are given for a number of possible impurities, including for iron, heavy metals, sulphate, phosphate, and chloride. The specification for Na2SiF6 powder requires a minimum of 98% m/m of the pure chemical, and gives maximum limits for impurities, including heavy metals (as lead) and iron. No other substances are allowed to be used in the fluoridation process, other than an anti-caking agent (the identity of which must be disclosed) in the case of Na2SiF6. Synthetic detergents are not permitted.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
What’s Wrong With America’s Water?
Samples of Flint Michigan water pipes showing various forms of corrosion.
Many in attendance agreed that repairing and replacing old infrastructure would solve many problems.
“Just fix the plumbing. You’ll save a lot of water,” said Victor Griego, a board member of Los Angeles-based Water Education for Latino Leaders.
In Flint, Mich. where high lead levels were found in the water after it was switched from the Detroit water source to the Flint River, replacing aging pipes is one of their top solutions that started March 4.
“The city has started replacing pipes but will only do 30 in 30 days,” community activist Audrey Muhammad told The Final Call. “There are 8,000 lead service lines and 33,000 homes and businesses affected. After 30 days, they will see what’s next. How is that going to help us?” she asked.
“We need someone to come here and help us pull this all together. Engineers want to come and help us. The entire infrastructure needs to be replaced. We need help.”
Public Health England has launched the Eatwell Guide to
By Seb Evans
Public Health England has launched the Eatwell Guide to highlight the dangerous effects hidden sugars can have on our oral health.
The guide is a visual way of showing how to keep a balanced diet, whilst highlighting the negative effects fruit juices and smoothies can have on our oral health. ‘There is a real problem in getting everyone to recognise when there are hidden sugars in food or drink, which people perceive to be “healthy”; especially in things like smoothies and fruit juices, which are currently very fashionable,’ Dr Ben Atkins, trustee of the British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF), said.
‘Many of us are just not aware of the very high levels of sugar in some of these and that is a huge problem when it comes to our oral health. ‘People are often surprised when they continue to have problems even when they follow recommendations to brush for two minutes twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, but this is due to the hidden sugars in their diet, such as in apparently “healthy” drinks and snacks.
‘All health professionals need to provide consistent and accurate information to consumers about the dangers of hidden sugars for many areas of our health, including those that address obesity and diabetes. ‘PHE has taken a valuable step in highlighting parts of the diet that we may have been unaware of as contributing to poor oral health.
‘I am calling on all of us to make sure we read the labels of our foods and drinks carefully to see exactly how much sugar we are consuming.’
Hidden dangers
The BDHF is calling for more awareness of the causes hidden sugars can have on our oral health.
The Eatwell Guide shows the government’s revised recommended proportions of food groups following the new sugar recommendations outlined by the PHE, calling for reduced sugar intake to no more than 5% of our daily energy intake.
‘We have recently seen the government introduce a sugar tax on soft drinks but there is a failure of this to cover pure fruit juices, some of which have higher levels of sugar than soft drinks,’ president of the British Society on Dental Hygiene and Therapy (BSDHT), Michaela ONeill, said.
‘PHE has recognised the dangers these hidden sugars pose to our oral health and we hope its advice is heeded by the public.
‘In the last year alone more than 33,000 children were admitted to hospital for tooth extractions under general anaesthetic, this is absolutely appalling and we hope that by understanding more about what we are consuming we can start to reverse this terrible statistic.’
One comment worth showing.
Public Health England has launched the Eatwell Guide to highlight the dangerous effects hidden sugars can have on our oral health.
The guide is a visual way of showing how to keep a balanced diet, whilst highlighting the negative effects fruit juices and smoothies can have on our oral health. ‘There is a real problem in getting everyone to recognise when there are hidden sugars in food or drink, which people perceive to be “healthy”; especially in things like smoothies and fruit juices, which are currently very fashionable,’ Dr Ben Atkins, trustee of the British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF), said.
‘Many of us are just not aware of the very high levels of sugar in some of these and that is a huge problem when it comes to our oral health. ‘People are often surprised when they continue to have problems even when they follow recommendations to brush for two minutes twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, but this is due to the hidden sugars in their diet, such as in apparently “healthy” drinks and snacks.
‘All health professionals need to provide consistent and accurate information to consumers about the dangers of hidden sugars for many areas of our health, including those that address obesity and diabetes. ‘PHE has taken a valuable step in highlighting parts of the diet that we may have been unaware of as contributing to poor oral health.
‘I am calling on all of us to make sure we read the labels of our foods and drinks carefully to see exactly how much sugar we are consuming.’
Hidden dangers
The BDHF is calling for more awareness of the causes hidden sugars can have on our oral health.
The Eatwell Guide shows the government’s revised recommended proportions of food groups following the new sugar recommendations outlined by the PHE, calling for reduced sugar intake to no more than 5% of our daily energy intake.
‘We have recently seen the government introduce a sugar tax on soft drinks but there is a failure of this to cover pure fruit juices, some of which have higher levels of sugar than soft drinks,’ president of the British Society on Dental Hygiene and Therapy (BSDHT), Michaela ONeill, said.
‘PHE has recognised the dangers these hidden sugars pose to our oral health and we hope its advice is heeded by the public.
‘In the last year alone more than 33,000 children were admitted to hospital for tooth extractions under general anaesthetic, this is absolutely appalling and we hope that by understanding more about what we are consuming we can start to reverse this terrible statistic.’
One comment worth showing.
Good – now when are we going to get the National TV and other media adverts from PHE, NHS England, HMG etc???
Then millions of people can be informed quickly and effectively in this and other dental health prevention issues, instead if it staying a relative secret nationally and only maybe 100,000 reading it in a year+ perhaps ???
We've got to use the national Media like never before, so everyone can give the right advice to everyone else, from a few key points!
Road safety and the Fire Service have done this effectively, it’s time for Dental Oublic Health information to come out of the ‘dark ages’ communicatively now!
Yours also preventively,
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
This is the full UNCUT interview that ABC World News conducted with Del Bigtree of the "VAXXED" documentary now censored by Robert De Niro and the Tribeca Film Festival.
Shocking truth.
Canada - Fluoride debate looms in Norfolk
By Monte Sonnenberg, Simcoe Reformer
The council crystal ball indicates there are fluoridation debates in Norfolk’s future.
Nothing has been firmed up. However, as improvements are made to the county’s water infrastructure, there will be opportunities to introduce fluoride where it presently isn’t offered.
“When working on other systems, it will be brought forward to council for consideration at that time,” Lee Robinson, Norfolk’s general manager of public works, told Norfolk council recently.
Norfolk County does not have a consistent policy on fluoridation.
This stems from the fact that the county – as a municipal entity — is only 15 years old. Norfolk continues to live with fluoridation decisions made by the lower-tier municipalities of the former Haldimand-Norfolk Region.
As it stands, water in Simcoe and Delhi (and Courtland) is fluoridated while water supplies in Waterford, Port Dover, and Port Rowan (and St. Williams) are not.
Fluoride has been added to municipal water for decades as a means of preventing tooth decay in children and adults. The mineral fortifies a tooth’s ability to resist decay.
The county has several options. It could put fluoridation on the municipal ballot during an election in some wards or across the county. Or Norfolk council could make these decisions itself. Mayor Charlie Luke says this is a two-way street: Council could decide to add or remove fluoride depending on council’s wishes and those of the community.
A letter endorsing fluoridation from Dr. Malcolm Lock, Haldimand and Norfolk’s Acting Medical Officer of Health, was the point of departure for this week’s discussion. In his letter, Lock cited a letter from Dr. Eric Hoskins of Simcoe, Ontario’s Minister of Health, and Dr. David Williams, Ontario’s Acting Medical Officer of Health, endorsing the health benefits of fluoridated water.
In their letter, Hoskins and Williams cite a Centres for Disease Control report saying that every dollar spent on fluoridation saves $38 in dental bills. “Removing fluoride from drinking water will place those least able to afford or access dental treatment at a much higher risk for oral health problems,” the doctors say. “The health benefits of drinking fluoridated water extend to all residents in a community – regardless of age, socio-economic status, education or employment.
“Municipal leaders should consider carefully the range of factors and implications of removing fluoridation from municipal drinking water systems. We urge all of you to support fluoridation of drinking water in your communities so that everyone can enjoy the long-term health benefits.”
Lock says there is abundant evidence to back up the claim that fluoride provides positive health benefits. “The global weight of scientific evidence favours fluoridation as a cost-effective contribution to dental and general health,” he says. “(Fluoridation) most benefits those who do not have access to adequate dental care or alternative supplemental fluoride sources.”
Although fluoridation is a long-standing practice, it remains controversial in some quarters. At bottom, opponents argue that governments have no business “medicating” the water citizens drink.
The council crystal ball indicates there are fluoridation debates in Norfolk’s future.
“When working on other systems, it will be brought forward to council for consideration at that time,” Lee Robinson, Norfolk’s general manager of public works, told Norfolk council recently.
Norfolk County does not have a consistent policy on fluoridation.
This stems from the fact that the county – as a municipal entity — is only 15 years old. Norfolk continues to live with fluoridation decisions made by the lower-tier municipalities of the former Haldimand-Norfolk Region.
As it stands, water in Simcoe and Delhi (and Courtland) is fluoridated while water supplies in Waterford, Port Dover, and Port Rowan (and St. Williams) are not.
Fluoride has been added to municipal water for decades as a means of preventing tooth decay in children and adults. The mineral fortifies a tooth’s ability to resist decay.
The county has several options. It could put fluoridation on the municipal ballot during an election in some wards or across the county. Or Norfolk council could make these decisions itself. Mayor Charlie Luke says this is a two-way street: Council could decide to add or remove fluoride depending on council’s wishes and those of the community.
A letter endorsing fluoridation from Dr. Malcolm Lock, Haldimand and Norfolk’s Acting Medical Officer of Health, was the point of departure for this week’s discussion. In his letter, Lock cited a letter from Dr. Eric Hoskins of Simcoe, Ontario’s Minister of Health, and Dr. David Williams, Ontario’s Acting Medical Officer of Health, endorsing the health benefits of fluoridated water.
In their letter, Hoskins and Williams cite a Centres for Disease Control report saying that every dollar spent on fluoridation saves $38 in dental bills. “Removing fluoride from drinking water will place those least able to afford or access dental treatment at a much higher risk for oral health problems,” the doctors say. “The health benefits of drinking fluoridated water extend to all residents in a community – regardless of age, socio-economic status, education or employment.
“Municipal leaders should consider carefully the range of factors and implications of removing fluoridation from municipal drinking water systems. We urge all of you to support fluoridation of drinking water in your communities so that everyone can enjoy the long-term health benefits.”
Lock says there is abundant evidence to back up the claim that fluoride provides positive health benefits. “The global weight of scientific evidence favours fluoridation as a cost-effective contribution to dental and general health,” he says. “(Fluoridation) most benefits those who do not have access to adequate dental care or alternative supplemental fluoride sources.”
Although fluoridation is a long-standing practice, it remains controversial in some quarters. At bottom, opponents argue that governments have no business “medicating” the water citizens drink.
Monday, March 28, 2016
‘Inadmissable and Cruel’: Fear and Risk in Britain’s Post-War Fluoride Debate
‘Inadmissable and Cruel’: Fear and Risk in Britain’s Post-War Fluoride Debate
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Nicolson Street
Wednesday at 4:30 PM (BST)
Speaker: Prof Glen O’Hara (Oxford Brookes University)
After WWII, British doctors and politicians thought that they could import the perfect solution for dental illness: drinking water fluoridation. But the campaigns they faced brought together the libertarian Right, the socialist Left, advocates of ‘real foods’ and the nascent Green movement. Anti-fluoridisers campaigned for ‘freedom’ against an interfering government, amid medical scandals such as the Thalidomide tragedy. This paper will use the controversy to explore the historical relationship between the body, civil rights, consumerism, the citizenry and the medical profession.
Refreshments at 4pm, seminar starts at 4.30pm.
Please note this EHMG talk will be held in the Symposium Hall at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. The Symposium Hall can be accessed via the main college entrance, or for those with mobility issues, via Hill Square.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
USA - Fluoride is a blessing but not for reasons you think
Fluoride was a blessing–but not for reasons you think
The forced dosing of the entire population with a neurotoxin is the perfect backdrop to show the disconnect between the would be “leadership” and the masses who pay the bills for the elites to enjoy the privileges they do.
Despite there being no scientific evidence of its effectiveness the 1% have decided the 99% must be dosed with a recognized neurotoxin whether they like it or not. They must also dose their infants and children–like it or not.
There is no doubt the masses don’t like it–they have voted against it 3 times in the past 3 decades and the elite “leadership” treating them like foolish children has continued to dose them anyway by fouling the public water supply with arsenic, lead and fluoride.
What many don’t realize is the 1% get their marching orders from one of the largest foundations in the state, the Delta Dental Foundation. DDF has made the maximum contributions to two of our state representatives, Tharinger and Van de Wege. Obedient to their money-masters, these two, who are supposed to represent the people, instead penned a “Viewpoint” article for the daily paper and parroted their master’s dictim–dose’em whether they like it or not. Dose’em whether it does any good or not. Dose’em even if it is shown to be a neurotoxin and dangerous for developing brains in children and robs children of up to ten points off their IQ scores. Dose’em even if there is no scientific evidence showing its effectiveness and even though there is scientific evidence to the contrary.
Perhaps the elite 1% want each generation to be dumber than the last–only in this way can the elite remain large and in charge.
Many of you think fluoridation is a “city problem.” Some may not know the Clallam County Board of Health recently passed a resolution promoting the fluoridation of every drop of drinking water in the county–private wells, public water supplies–all of them shall get dosed if the 1% have their way.
And why would the elites want to “dumb-down” the population? So they can continue to skitter away with the public treasury. Take for instance a series of slick projects that funneled money to the elite. The Harbor Works sent a million taxpayer dollars into the purse of the elite. The GateWay project funneled up to $9 million into the purse of the elite. The Business Incubator Project funneled $ 8 million into the elites’ purse. The city’s purchase of a known toxic waste site funneled $ 1 million into the elite’s purse. The gifting of nearly $5 million to the Chamber of Commerce in the futile effort to bring tourists to town. The city and county continuing to dump millions into the Economic Development Council whose stated purpose is, according to Jim McEntire, to keep wages as low as possible lest a new company come to town and pay more than the prevailing poverty wages. The fear is your employees will “job-hop” to a better paying job.
The EDC, in operation for over 35 years has had zero effect on increasing wages or jobs in the community yet the city and county leadership continue to plow more and more tax money into their coffers. The EDC has become a taxpayer funded public relations firm for their members–mostly corporate members–who directly benefit from continued low wages and scant competition. The EDC is antithetical to progressive wages in this area.
Of course workers will “job-hop” for better wages and that is why the business elite support these charlatans so they can keep minimum wage as the starting point for local jobs. Trouble is the “starting point” sometimes lasts a lifetime without some real economic intervention. None of which is on the horizon. New opportunities and competitive businesses are shut out when they come to the city, county or the EDC looking for an opportunity to come in and hire workers for businesses ready to compete in the larger economy. If these governments and agencies can “roll out the red carpet” for desired businesses–low wage businesses, they can also “roll up” that carpet if a company wants to come in and compete with the “elite” businesses.
All these dollars going into the pockets of the elite is coming from the hard earned pay of local taxpayers. No wonder they want to keep you ignorant and distracted. A fully informed electorate would never let these scams occur–yet they do occur over and over and with seeming impunity and obvious complicity of the daily paper.
Of course many think we have a sterling class of leadership. Let’s have a look. At least 3 city council members and the city attorney are now up on ethics charges. Even so they allow the city attorney to “advise” the Ethics Committee hearing the charges against city council members. No conflict of interest here according to Bill Bloor, Port Angeles city attorney.
Bloor makes $160,000 per year and still “farms out” over $750,000 annually in legal expenses to a cadre of out of town legal firms who do most of the representation of city interests.
A voting bloc of 4 city council members ride roughshod over the 3 moderates on city council. The city council has become as dysfunctional as Congress, now enjoying 85% disdain by the average American.
What is the solution? There are efforts within the community to change the form of city governance to reflect the will of the people. If 67% say “no” to putting harmful chemicals in the city water then the elected officials should pay heed to residents instead taking their marching orders from elite dentist and doctors under the influence of the Delta Dental Foundation.
They should obey the electorate instead of treating the taxpayers like truculent children who don’t know what is best for their own families.
Other efforts include withholding payment of unfit water. Utility customers are provided with a form to alert the city utility division they will no longer pay for tainted water. This is an effort to starve the beast that is poisoning the utility customers’ families by dosing the city’s water supply.
The most visible aspect of civil disobedience is the sudden appearance of yellow and black signs urging four city council members to “step down for the good of the city.” This one must really hurt since the signs, placed on private property on the lawns of dissatisfied residents, keep getting stolen knocked down and defaced by those who would keep you ignorant of the movement.
How does the city council react to the fury they caused? Under new rules promulgated in private, the city council thought it a good idea to limit public input into city affairs to 15 minutes–allowing but 3 minutes per person. From out of nowhere city council suddenly banned signs from city council chambers. Perhaps it makes council members uncomfortable to see taxpayers sitting on the front row with signs asking them to “step down for the good of the city.”
P. S.
Last week during jury selection in a civil matter where the former Financial Director for the City of Port Angeles is suing the city for unlawful termination, a question was asked of the 70 prospective jurors. The question: How many of you have had dealings with the city which left you with an unfavorable opinion of the City of Port Angeles? At least 85% raised their hands.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
NZ - One in three Canterbury preschoolers have rotten teeth
More than one in three Canterbury children have decayed teeth by the time they start school.
Dentists say a high sugar diet and children not brushing their teeth with fluoride toothpaste are to blame.
Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB) data shows 35 per cent of 5-year-olds have been treated for decayed, extracted or filled teeth.
Where teeth needed removing under general anaesthetic, 4.5 teeth were removed from each child on average.
Yet dentists report they remove up to 14 teeth from children aged 3 to 8 years old.
CDHB community dental service clinical director Dr Martin Lee said the problems were getting more severe and starting earlier.
Last year, a 4-year-old boy had eight teeth pulled out and six filled in one operation, he said.
Another preschool boy had 18 out of 20 baby teeth removed, the data said.
The number of three-year-olds referred for treatment under sedation or general anaesthetic increased from 8 per cent in 2009 to 13 per cent in 2014.
Tooth decay in young children not only caused pain and discomfort, but was linked to longer term oral health problems, New Zealand Dental Association spokesman Dr Rob Beaglehole said.
If baby teeth were extracted, adult teeth often grew in the wrong places, causing crowding and orthodontic problems.
Causes of high tooth decay rates included a lack of oral hygiene, sugary foods and Canterbury's unfluoridated water supply, Lee said.
"Children need to have their teeth brushed in the morning and at night with fluoride toothpaste and that's not happening enough."
Beaglehole said the biggest culprit is sugar.
"There's only one cause of tooth decay and that is a diet high in sugar – particularly sugary drinks."
The cost of dental treatment under a general anaesthetic was about $4000 per procedure, he said.
While tooth decay was worst among Maori, Pacific Island and deprived communities, it was getting worse among NZ-European and Asian ethnic groups.
Between 2009 and 2015, the average number of decayed, extracted and filled teeth in those children increased from 3.6 to 4.2.
Beaglehole said the problem affected the poor disproportionately.
Of the 5-year-olds at decile 10 schools, 23 per cent had tooth decay, compared to 65 per cent of school starters at decile one schools, the figures show.
"You can clearly map out tooth decay rates with not only ethnicity, but also with postcode, it's a disease of poverty."
Lee said post-earthquake anxiety could play a role, putting families and routines under pressure.
"To make those routines work the parents need to be taking charge, and implementing these things – or do you just give up because it's all a bit too hard."
The Ministry of Health said it would release national figures for 2014 in about a fortnight.
Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB) data shows 35 per cent of 5-year-olds have been treated for decayed, extracted or filled teeth.
Where teeth needed removing under general anaesthetic, 4.5 teeth were removed from each child on average.
Yet dentists report they remove up to 14 teeth from children aged 3 to 8 years old.
CDHB community dental service clinical director Dr Martin Lee said the problems were getting more severe and starting earlier.
Last year, a 4-year-old boy had eight teeth pulled out and six filled in one operation, he said.
Another preschool boy had 18 out of 20 baby teeth removed, the data said.
The number of three-year-olds referred for treatment under sedation or general anaesthetic increased from 8 per cent in 2009 to 13 per cent in 2014.
Tooth decay in young children not only caused pain and discomfort, but was linked to longer term oral health problems, New Zealand Dental Association spokesman Dr Rob Beaglehole said.
If baby teeth were extracted, adult teeth often grew in the wrong places, causing crowding and orthodontic problems.
Causes of high tooth decay rates included a lack of oral hygiene, sugary foods and Canterbury's unfluoridated water supply, Lee said.
"Children need to have their teeth brushed in the morning and at night with fluoride toothpaste and that's not happening enough."
Beaglehole said the biggest culprit is sugar.
"There's only one cause of tooth decay and that is a diet high in sugar – particularly sugary drinks."
The cost of dental treatment under a general anaesthetic was about $4000 per procedure, he said.
While tooth decay was worst among Maori, Pacific Island and deprived communities, it was getting worse among NZ-European and Asian ethnic groups.
Between 2009 and 2015, the average number of decayed, extracted and filled teeth in those children increased from 3.6 to 4.2.
Beaglehole said the problem affected the poor disproportionately.
Of the 5-year-olds at decile 10 schools, 23 per cent had tooth decay, compared to 65 per cent of school starters at decile one schools, the figures show.
"You can clearly map out tooth decay rates with not only ethnicity, but also with postcode, it's a disease of poverty."
Lee said post-earthquake anxiety could play a role, putting families and routines under pressure.
"To make those routines work the parents need to be taking charge, and implementing these things – or do you just give up because it's all a bit too hard."
The Ministry of Health said it would release national figures for 2014 in about a fortnight.
Why Your Southlake Dentist Maintains Fluoride-Free Practice
March 25, 2016
Fluoride has been present in drinking water across the US since the middle of the last century. Here are some fast facts regarding fluoride and its potential impact on your health.
Individuals and families should be aware of the risk of fluoride exposure, especially those who are frequently exposed to tap or unfiltered water. Remember that children whose teeth are still forming beneath the gums are at the greatest risk for overexposure to fluoride....
Fluoride Alert News letter
Latest Fluoride Free
We also have two other similar pages on the FAN site that are worth reading and sharing, especially when you are asked, “who opposes fluoridation,” or are falsely told by proponents of fluoridation that no credible public health organizations or professionals oppose the practice.
How to Lobby Your State Legislature
If you missed March’s International Fluoride Free Teleconference, you can now download the audio. The call was dedicated to campaigners, new and experienced, and I was the featured speaker. I discussed how campaign leaders and local fluoride-free campaigns can come together to collaborate effectively at the state-level, where resources can be pooled and influence can be more impactful. Learn how to build a coalition, introduce legislation, lobby the legislature, and take your fluoride-free campaign to your state capitol:
The next teleconference will be held on Saturday, April 9th at 5PM (Eastern time). The call will be dedicated to worldwide campaigners sharing information and experiences to improve everyone's local, state, and national campaigns.
- Attica, Indiana – Members of the City Common Council voted to end fluoridation for the town of 3,100 after the fluoride chemicals ate through a thick, steel-lined, concrete pipe for the third time in only four years. According to the Streets Superintendent, the corrosion was occurring at a “T” pipe where the fluoride is injected into the water supply. Meanwhile, another Indiana town, Culver, is also considering an end to the practice.
- Gilford, Pennsylvania – The Water Authority will stop adding fluoride to the water supply in April. The decision effecting 26,000 residents in both Gilford and Greene townships was made because they felt there were “conflicting opinions about the benefits of water fluoridation.” They also sent out a statement saying, “we believe we should not put anything into the water that is not required by regulation to maintain the potability and pH balance of your water.”
- Parry Sound, Ontario -- While the initial vote to end fluoridation in the towns of Parry Sound and McDougal took place at the end of January, neither town could officially stop adding the chemical until a public comment period had occurred and two by-laws were successfully passed. On March 15th, the final bylaw was approved, and on March 18th the water treatment employees “flicked the switch off” on the fluoride injection equipment. It will still take a while for the remaining water towers filled with fluoridated water to be used up, but no more fluoride will be added to the supply, and the injection equipment will be removed over the summer.
- Israel Update -- Fluoridation has returned to Israel by a vote taken in the Knesset. It was the ultra-orthodox Rabbi Yaakov Litzman, the current Health Minister, that pushed to reverse the ban on fluoridation imposed by Yael German, the former Health Minister. This was a battle between enlightened health policy from the former Health Minister and the baseless beliefs from fluoridation promoters.
- Marin Ballot Initiative – The campaign Clean Water Sonoma-Marin is continuing to collect petition signatures--in hopes of collecting 14,000 by the end of April--so they can get a question on the ballot initiating a moratorium on fluoridation if additive safety standards are not met. A similar campaign was successful in Crescent City, California years ago, and success in Marin could ultimately set an example on how to circumvent statewide fluoridation mandates for campaigners throughout the country. They are currently requesting volunteer help collecting signatures, and financial assistance so they can hire professional petitioners to reach their goal on time. Click here to learn more.
- Bedford, U.K. – The group Fluoride Free Bedford has called for a public consultation on water fluoridation, and is demanding the borough end the practice immediately for the safety of it’s residents. Read their full press release and watch the video as they present a 100-page petition with over 1,600 signatures to the borough council. For more information visit their website, and please also consider signing their online petition if you live in the U.K.
- Letter to American Thyroid Association -- Three doctors, a dentist, a scientist, and a lawyer have sent a letter to the American Thyroid Association urging the association to publish a position statement opposing fluoridation, and to do more to educate the public about the dangers posed by practice to people with thyroid issues. Read the letter and share with your physicians. Then share with your city, state and national politicians. Also see Newsweek’s report on the latest link between fluoridation and hypothyroidism, as well as FAN’s page on thyroid disease.
In their Own
As Campaign Director, supporters and
fluoride-free campaigners often ask me what arguments against fluoridation
resonate the most with elected officials. To help answer this, I’ve created a
new webpage for the FAN site with quotes from a variety of political leaders of
various nationalities and at different levels of government. I plan to
continue to add quotes to this page as more officials speak out in opposition to
the practice.We also have two other similar pages on the FAN site that are worth reading and sharing, especially when you are asked, “who opposes fluoridation,” or are falsely told by proponents of fluoridation that no credible public health organizations or professionals oppose the practice.
How to Lobby Your State Legislature
If you missed March’s International Fluoride Free Teleconference, you can now download the audio. The call was dedicated to campaigners, new and experienced, and I was the featured speaker. I discussed how campaign leaders and local fluoride-free campaigns can come together to collaborate effectively at the state-level, where resources can be pooled and influence can be more impactful. Learn how to build a coalition, introduce legislation, lobby the legislature, and take your fluoride-free campaign to your state capitol:
The next teleconference will be held on Saturday, April 9th at 5PM (Eastern time). The call will be dedicated to worldwide campaigners sharing information and experiences to improve everyone's local, state, and national campaigns.
Friday, March 25, 2016
How Fluoride in Water Actually Destroys Teeth & Bones - Dr. Daniel Nuzum
NMD stands for Naturopathic Medical Doctor and DO stands for Doctor of Osteopathy
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Canada - Water fluoridation a hot button topic
By Svjetlana Mlinarevic, Daily Herald-Tribune
The issue of whether or not to fluoridate the city's drinking water is a boiling hot topic right now and has caused a division among the community living committee (CLC) members.
Coun. Chris Thiessen is against fluoridating the city's drinking water as he views it as "forced medication of the population" and he's worried about the environmental impact of fluoridation citing it a "moral and ethical" question.
"We shouldn't be making a decision to medicate the population, especially since (fluoride) is not an essential vitamin or mineral for the human body to survive," he said.
Thiessen asked the committee to open a plebiscite and Mayor Bill Given motioned the issue go to a council committee of the whole meeting as it was something that should be discussed among all elected officials. Couns. Dwight Logan and Rory Tarant voted against the motion taking administration's report (which supported fluoridation) as information.
"Fluoridation has benefited the community and especially the kids," said Logan, claiming European countries use fluoride and it improved the health of their teeth.
In fact, only about 2% of the European population receives fluoridated water: Those in the U.K. (5,797,000), Republic of Ireland (3,250,000), Spain (4,250,000), and Serbia (300,000), according to a 2012 study by the British Fluoridation Society.
Thiessen also raised the question of how artificial fluoridation impacts the environment.
Fluoride naturally occurs at 0.1 parts per million. Aquatera fluoridates its water to 0.7 ppm and as it flows through the city's water system and back into the environment, the total amount of fluoride left in the water is 0.5 ppm.
No known scientific body has studied the impact of municipal fluoridation on nature, according to the city's environmental stewardship department.
Since Aquatera's shareholders are the city, the County of Grande Prairie, and the Town of Sexsmith, should one of the three shareholders decide to remove fluoridation from its water, all would have to agree to the change because the distribution system is connected.
The fluoridation issue was first brought to council in May 2015 by a delegation. In October 2015, the CLC directed administration to request input from a number of academic and government groups on the benefits and detriments of water fluoridation.
Thiessen has a final shot at addressing the fluoridation issue with council at their next meeting on April 4 when the minutes of the CLC are approved.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
From Doug Cross
The Blackpool MIlk saga is trundling along nicely, with the Food crimes Unit
referring my complaint of criminal misrepresentation of a food as having a
medicinal property being referred around the merry-go-round to wait for it -
Public Health England, no less! Yep - that's the same gang that's committing the
offence in the first place.
This raises some pretty fundamental questions about who exactly has power to control Regulators when they are themelves the formally appoined guardians of the law but decline to carry out their statutory duties.
I've put it all on my website at www.ukcaf org , with some more incisive examinaton of the wider context in the Blog at http://www.ukcaf.org/who_watches_the_watchmen.html with the heading Out of control: Why are government agencies allowed to ignore the laws that we have to obey?
This raises some pretty fundamental questions about who exactly has power to control Regulators when they are themelves the formally appoined guardians of the law but decline to carry out their statutory duties.
I've put it all on my website at www.ukcaf org , with some more incisive examinaton of the wider context in the Blog at http://www.ukcaf.org/who_watches_the_watchmen.html with the heading Out of control: Why are government agencies allowed to ignore the laws that we have to obey?
UK - Public Health England - Improving oral health: a community water fluoridation toolkit for local authorities
Click on title to see full "toolkit"
Community water fluoridation toolkit for local authorities
Community water fluoridation schemes were first introduced in the US in 1945. Following successful trials in the UK in the 1950s, pioneer local authorities in England adopted fluoridation to tackle the problem of tooth decay in children. Birmingham led the way in 1964 and was quickly followed in the same decade by a number of other local authorities, some urban, some rural.
Today, fluoridation schemes in England cover some six million people. Fifty years later, despite improvements in dental health aided mostly by the introduction of toothpaste containing fluoride, tooth decay remains widespread, affecting children and adults. In many parts of the country too many children still need to go to hospital to have teeth removed under a general anaesthetic, and too many older adults suffer the devastating effects of loss of teeth, with accompanying inability to eat and enjoy life. Importantly, tooth decay and its consequences are largely preventable, and agencies with responsibility for public health can have a substantial impact on the disease. All water contains some fluoride; having the right level helps create a healthy environment, which helps people enjoy a healthier life. During my time working at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US, I saw first-hand the widespread adoption of fluoridation so that some 70% of Americans with a public water supply (around 200 million people) now enjoy the benefit of fluoridated water. CDC has named water fluoridation as one of the ten great public health achievements of the 20th century. The return of responsibility for water fluoridation to local authorities now offers them the opportunity to take decisive action to improve the situation. An authority considering fluoridation will be met with claims that it doesn’t work, and that it causes harm. Both statements are untrue: PHE is satisfied that fluoridation is an effective community-wide public health intervention. Decisions on fluoridation are the responsibility of local authorities. PHE stands ready to support them and their public health teams with advice and information. This toolkit does just that and I hope you find it useful. Further support is always available from your PHE centre.
Professor Kevin Fenton
National Director of Health and Wellbeing
Public Health England
Southampton's rejection of fluoridation is not mentioned but I suppose all of us who helped to stop fluoridation come under this reference..
Experience over many decades of fluoridation in the UK and internationally has shown that there are people who make a range of untrue assertions and claims about fluoridation which can have a disproportionate impact on public opinion if unchallenged. Experience has also shown that in those parts of the country where fluoridation schemes have operated for many years it is not an ongoing issue of controversy for the general population. PHE therefore strongly advises any local authority minded to consider the possibility of water fluoridation that:
If unchallenged? They tried hard enough to dismiss us but majority of people with open minds believed us and not the arrogant PHE "We know best" litany.
Community water fluoridation toolkit for local authorities
Community water fluoridation schemes were first introduced in the US in 1945. Following successful trials in the UK in the 1950s, pioneer local authorities in England adopted fluoridation to tackle the problem of tooth decay in children. Birmingham led the way in 1964 and was quickly followed in the same decade by a number of other local authorities, some urban, some rural.
Today, fluoridation schemes in England cover some six million people. Fifty years later, despite improvements in dental health aided mostly by the introduction of toothpaste containing fluoride, tooth decay remains widespread, affecting children and adults. In many parts of the country too many children still need to go to hospital to have teeth removed under a general anaesthetic, and too many older adults suffer the devastating effects of loss of teeth, with accompanying inability to eat and enjoy life. Importantly, tooth decay and its consequences are largely preventable, and agencies with responsibility for public health can have a substantial impact on the disease. All water contains some fluoride; having the right level helps create a healthy environment, which helps people enjoy a healthier life. During my time working at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US, I saw first-hand the widespread adoption of fluoridation so that some 70% of Americans with a public water supply (around 200 million people) now enjoy the benefit of fluoridated water. CDC has named water fluoridation as one of the ten great public health achievements of the 20th century. The return of responsibility for water fluoridation to local authorities now offers them the opportunity to take decisive action to improve the situation. An authority considering fluoridation will be met with claims that it doesn’t work, and that it causes harm. Both statements are untrue: PHE is satisfied that fluoridation is an effective community-wide public health intervention. Decisions on fluoridation are the responsibility of local authorities. PHE stands ready to support them and their public health teams with advice and information. This toolkit does just that and I hope you find it useful. Further support is always available from your PHE centre.
Professor Kevin Fenton
National Director of Health and Wellbeing
Public Health England
Southampton's rejection of fluoridation is not mentioned but I suppose all of us who helped to stop fluoridation come under this reference..
Experience over many decades of fluoridation in the UK and internationally has shown that there are people who make a range of untrue assertions and claims about fluoridation which can have a disproportionate impact on public opinion if unchallenged. Experience has also shown that in those parts of the country where fluoridation schemes have operated for many years it is not an ongoing issue of controversy for the general population. PHE therefore strongly advises any local authority minded to consider the possibility of water fluoridation that:
If unchallenged? They tried hard enough to dismiss us but majority of people with open minds believed us and not the arrogant PHE "We know best" litany.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Monday, March 21, 2016
USA - Fluoride notification bill fails in House subcommittee
NASHVILLE — In its final meeting, the House Agriculture Subcommittee killed bills to put new restrictions on fluoride in drinking water and to require labeling of food from genetically modified plans.
The fluoride bill would impose new requirements on water systems for reporting the amount of fluoride they add to water to officials — or that naturally occurs — and providing notice to consumers. The bill specifies that the notice include a warning that "the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that children aged birth through eight (8) years are at risk of developing dental fluorosis by consuming fluoride during the time when teeth are forming under their gums."
Rep. Susan Lynn, R-Old Hickory, sponsor of HB949, said it would simply mean "informed consent" for consumers and "all we're asking for is disclosure."
The fluoride bill would impose new requirements on water systems for reporting the amount of fluoride they add to water to officials — or that naturally occurs — and providing notice to consumers. The bill specifies that the notice include a warning that "the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that children aged birth through eight (8) years are at risk of developing dental fluorosis by consuming fluoride during the time when teeth are forming under their gums."
Rep. Susan Lynn, R-Old Hickory, sponsor of HB949, said it would simply mean "informed consent" for consumers and "all we're asking for is disclosure."
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Alberta reducing harmful drugs to dementia patients
Sat, Mar 19: Alberta is leading the rest of the country in reducing potentially harmful drugs for patients with dementia. The national initiative to reduce antipsychotic medication use in long-term care facilities began in 2014. At that time, about 30% of long-term care residents in Canada were on the drugs, with an average of 27% in Alberta. Su-ling Goh reports.
Why aren't the people who made the policy of drugging all these patients brought to account instead of that they celebrate the discovery of the abuse.
Best advice is to keep out of hospitals, care homes, avoid all medicines if possible and stay healthy with a good diet.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
He told MailOnline: 'The diabetes can attack the bones holding the teeth to the jaw.
'If I was her dentist, I’d order X-rays to find out if her bones are weak.'
People with diabetes are also more prone to gum infections, which can further weaken the bones and the teeth, he added.
He said poor oral hygiene is to blame for the holes in her teeth.
He said: 'If you don’t eat any sugar, you wouldn't get holes in your teeth.
'She says she doesn't eat any sugar, so the questions is does she know she's eating sugar?
'There are hidden sugars in everything - ther are 60 - 70 words for sugar which is confusing for consumers.'
In terms of treatment, Dr Atkins said he would first try to manage Miss Grant's pain, by extracting her rotten teeth.
He said: 'I can see a big hole in one picture, and that hole is letting bacteria getting into her body.
'It’s no wonder she's feeling ill and in pain.
'If she has that tooth out she’ll start feeling better.'
Then, he would try to help her improve her oral hygiene, which would stop the damage getting worse and help prevent infection.
'If you improve your hygiene things will improve.
'I'd start talking to her about cleaning her teeth twice a day, spitting out the fluoride toothpaste rather than rinsing it out with water, and making changes to her diet to reduce sugar levels.'
USA - Get The Lead Out– Fluoride and Lead
by truthfarmer
Below is an excellent article from my friend, Marie Lasater. She is not only a medical professional, but an excellent researcher and talented communicator. Please share the article with others and for Missourians, pay particular attention to the last paragraph:
Get The Lead Out
By: Marie Lasater
There is a lead crisis looming in our country, and it is being fueled by the increase in water
fluoridation. I was born in Flint, Michigan and lived there until age 6. My father was from the
Appalachian Mountains of east Tennessee, and was kind of dropped off there when he got out
of the Navy. He met my mom in the boarding house grandma ran after grandfather’s death. The
problem with being born in Flint is the fact that in 1945 Grand Rapids was the first US city to add
fluoride, followed by Flint, just in time to fully fluoridate a young kid like me, and I have the
tooth fractures to prove it.
Fluoride is not naturally found in the body, and whenever you introduce an unknown quantity to
any living system, there are going to be problems. Fluoride, like lead, is a calcium imitator,
therein lays the problem. Both substances replace healthy calcium, and in the case of teeth,
fluoride causes a frequently occurring problem caused dental fluorosis. Simply put, dental
fluorosis is the replacement of calcium in your teeth by fluoride, causing cosmetic mottling, but
more importantly fluoride fracture lines. When fluoride replaces calcium, it can cause teeth to
break off, often at the gum line, and almost always on the inner aspect of the tooth that comes
in contact with fluoridated beverages.
But fluoride is much more hazardous than broken teeth. The relation of fluoride and lead is
coming to the forefront. Both fluoride and lead can cross the blood-brain barrier and produce
toxic effects on the central neural system, resulting in low learning and memory abilities,
especially in children because of their rapidly developing nervous systems. In 2012, the Harvard
School of Public Health issued a statement on “The impact of fluoridation on neurological
development in children.” Researchers found an average loss of 7 IQ points in children exposed
to fluoride from drinking water.
Water fluoridation has always been unpopular. From the very start water fluoridation has been
an unwanted intervention, and the overwhelming majority of the communities actually able to
vote against fluoridation have rejected it. Fluoridation was not established through public
referenda, but rather through executive actions by government bodies, including city councils.
And city councils have the ability to stop fluoridating your water overnight, but that is about to
Fluoride is classified as a pharmaceutical because it is has no nutritive qualities, and is added to
the water to treat a disease (cavities). Over 97% of Western Europe has rejected fluoride as it is
considered unethical to mass medicate an entire population without the required informed
consent. While topical applications of fluoride to the teeth through toothpaste and mouthwash
have been shown to prevent tooth decay, keep in mind that these products contain
pharmaceutical grade fluoride, as opposed to industrial grade fluoride, fluorosilicic acid, that is
added to our water. Fluorosilic acid has been proven to be contaminated with arsenic, lead, and
other toxins. There is no need to ever swallow fluoride in any form, and even your tube of
toothpaste cautions you to immediately contact Poison Control if you do so. An aanalysis of
phone calls Regarding Fluoride Exposure made to New Jersey Poison Control Center from 2010
to 2012 documented 2,476 reports of excessive fluoride exposure, with the majority of phone
calls made by mothers whose children had swallowed a fluoridated dental product. Initial
toxicity was treated by the administration of calcium as an antidote, but the long-term effects
are still not known.
The relationship between fluoride and lead has been recognized for decades. A study published
in Neurotoxicology in Dec. 2000 found that for every age and race group there was a
consistently significant elevation of fluoride-treated community water and elevated blood lead.
As far back as 1964, a pediatrics textbook noted that the incidence of lead poisoning was rising
in certain fluoridated metropolitan areas in the eastern United States. Blame was placed on
children eating lead paint, but children had been eating paint chips long before the crisis arose
in 1964. In the interim, a new source of lead was provided to children – lead contaminated
fluoridated water, also capable of leaching lead from pipes. There is also lead in brass fittings on
water supply lines, added to increase flexibility. Data collected by the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC) show that children drinking water treated with FSA and other fluorosilicate
chemicals are 20 percent more likely to have dangerous levels of lead in their blood. The CDC
has yet to warn the public about the fluoridation/lead risk, but continues to promote water
Several recent studies are examining the relation of fluoridated water and lead levels. A 2010
study in the journal Toxicology examined the fact that higher blood levels of lead have been
reported in children living in communities with fluoride-treated water. Researchers found that
fluoride consistently increases lead levels in both blood and calcified tissues, showing an
association between increased blood levels in children living in water-fluoridated areas.
In a manuscript entitles “how does fluorosilicic acid leach lead?” by Dr. Sauerhaber, he describes
the process as follows; ‘When diluted in water, fluorosilicic acid breaks down in drinking water
into fluoride ion, hydrogen fluoride, and orthosilicic acid, H4SiO4. Orthosilicic acid is classed as a
weak acid and is often dismissed as relatively harmless. Unfortunately for our health, it is able to
dissolve – slowly but surely – lead salts out of lead based pipes and fittings, especially brass.”
Call to Action
There is a very important bill currently in Senate Committee, HB1717 that requires the public
water system to notify the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Health and
Senior Services 90 days prior to any vote to cease fluoridation. You can consider this a fluoride
protection bill, as there is no requirement to notify these entities prior to ADDING fluoride to
the drinking water, which on the face of it would be of greater concern to the DNR as
fluorosilicic acid is considered a pollutant, and companies are fined if they dump it in rivers or
streams. Somehow it is okay to add it to our drinking water, which eventually ends up in the
rivers and streams. This bill will make it almost impossible for your city council to remove
fluoride from your drinking water. I have experienced firsthand the huge resources put forth by
the government to keep fluoride in place. In order to kill this bill in the Senate Committee,
contact your State Senator, or send them a copy of this article.
Below is an excellent article from my friend, Marie Lasater. She is not only a medical professional, but an excellent researcher and talented communicator. Please share the article with others and for Missourians, pay particular attention to the last paragraph:
Get The Lead Out
By: Marie Lasater
There is a lead crisis looming in our country, and it is being fueled by the increase in water
fluoridation. I was born in Flint, Michigan and lived there until age 6. My father was from the
Appalachian Mountains of east Tennessee, and was kind of dropped off there when he got out
of the Navy. He met my mom in the boarding house grandma ran after grandfather’s death. The
problem with being born in Flint is the fact that in 1945 Grand Rapids was the first US city to add
fluoride, followed by Flint, just in time to fully fluoridate a young kid like me, and I have the
tooth fractures to prove it.
Fluoride is not naturally found in the body, and whenever you introduce an unknown quantity to
any living system, there are going to be problems. Fluoride, like lead, is a calcium imitator,
therein lays the problem. Both substances replace healthy calcium, and in the case of teeth,
fluoride causes a frequently occurring problem caused dental fluorosis. Simply put, dental
fluorosis is the replacement of calcium in your teeth by fluoride, causing cosmetic mottling, but
more importantly fluoride fracture lines. When fluoride replaces calcium, it can cause teeth to
break off, often at the gum line, and almost always on the inner aspect of the tooth that comes
in contact with fluoridated beverages.
But fluoride is much more hazardous than broken teeth. The relation of fluoride and lead is
coming to the forefront. Both fluoride and lead can cross the blood-brain barrier and produce
toxic effects on the central neural system, resulting in low learning and memory abilities,
especially in children because of their rapidly developing nervous systems. In 2012, the Harvard
School of Public Health issued a statement on “The impact of fluoridation on neurological
development in children.” Researchers found an average loss of 7 IQ points in children exposed
to fluoride from drinking water.
Water fluoridation has always been unpopular. From the very start water fluoridation has been
an unwanted intervention, and the overwhelming majority of the communities actually able to
vote against fluoridation have rejected it. Fluoridation was not established through public
referenda, but rather through executive actions by government bodies, including city councils.
And city councils have the ability to stop fluoridating your water overnight, but that is about to
Fluoride is classified as a pharmaceutical because it is has no nutritive qualities, and is added to
the water to treat a disease (cavities). Over 97% of Western Europe has rejected fluoride as it is
considered unethical to mass medicate an entire population without the required informed
consent. While topical applications of fluoride to the teeth through toothpaste and mouthwash
have been shown to prevent tooth decay, keep in mind that these products contain
pharmaceutical grade fluoride, as opposed to industrial grade fluoride, fluorosilicic acid, that is
added to our water. Fluorosilic acid has been proven to be contaminated with arsenic, lead, and
other toxins. There is no need to ever swallow fluoride in any form, and even your tube of
toothpaste cautions you to immediately contact Poison Control if you do so. An aanalysis of
phone calls Regarding Fluoride Exposure made to New Jersey Poison Control Center from 2010
to 2012 documented 2,476 reports of excessive fluoride exposure, with the majority of phone
calls made by mothers whose children had swallowed a fluoridated dental product. Initial
toxicity was treated by the administration of calcium as an antidote, but the long-term effects
are still not known.
The relationship between fluoride and lead has been recognized for decades. A study published
in Neurotoxicology in Dec. 2000 found that for every age and race group there was a
consistently significant elevation of fluoride-treated community water and elevated blood lead.
As far back as 1964, a pediatrics textbook noted that the incidence of lead poisoning was rising
in certain fluoridated metropolitan areas in the eastern United States. Blame was placed on
children eating lead paint, but children had been eating paint chips long before the crisis arose
in 1964. In the interim, a new source of lead was provided to children – lead contaminated
fluoridated water, also capable of leaching lead from pipes. There is also lead in brass fittings on
water supply lines, added to increase flexibility. Data collected by the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC) show that children drinking water treated with FSA and other fluorosilicate
chemicals are 20 percent more likely to have dangerous levels of lead in their blood. The CDC
has yet to warn the public about the fluoridation/lead risk, but continues to promote water
Several recent studies are examining the relation of fluoridated water and lead levels. A 2010
study in the journal Toxicology examined the fact that higher blood levels of lead have been
reported in children living in communities with fluoride-treated water. Researchers found that
fluoride consistently increases lead levels in both blood and calcified tissues, showing an
association between increased blood levels in children living in water-fluoridated areas.
In a manuscript entitles “how does fluorosilicic acid leach lead?” by Dr. Sauerhaber, he describes
the process as follows; ‘When diluted in water, fluorosilicic acid breaks down in drinking water
into fluoride ion, hydrogen fluoride, and orthosilicic acid, H4SiO4. Orthosilicic acid is classed as a
weak acid and is often dismissed as relatively harmless. Unfortunately for our health, it is able to
dissolve – slowly but surely – lead salts out of lead based pipes and fittings, especially brass.”
Call to Action
There is a very important bill currently in Senate Committee, HB1717 that requires the public
water system to notify the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Health and
Senior Services 90 days prior to any vote to cease fluoridation. You can consider this a fluoride
protection bill, as there is no requirement to notify these entities prior to ADDING fluoride to
the drinking water, which on the face of it would be of greater concern to the DNR as
fluorosilicic acid is considered a pollutant, and companies are fined if they dump it in rivers or
streams. Somehow it is okay to add it to our drinking water, which eventually ends up in the
rivers and streams. This bill will make it almost impossible for your city council to remove
fluoride from your drinking water. I have experienced firsthand the huge resources put forth by
the government to keep fluoride in place. In order to kill this bill in the Senate Committee,
contact your State Senator, or send them a copy of this article.
Adding fluoride to drinking water is a very controversial topic here in the Waterloo Region. Spoke TV's Shruthi Rajagopalan talked to local experts to find out the pros and cons on the issue.
Friday, March 18, 2016
Guinness and fluoridated irish tap water
Canadians, Austrians and French tourists in Dublin for St Patrick's day find out that Guinness is made using Irish tap water and when the ingredients are explained to them they say they want Guinness to get government to stop adding this chemical to Irish tap water or else they will stop drinking Guinness!
Rotting milk teeth? Blame sugar
Rotting milk teeth? Blame sugar
Johannesburg - Many children are losing their milk teeth at an early age due to tooth decay brought on by too much sugar in their diet.
Some have rotten milk teeth and back molars that have holes and need filling, while others have their rotten teeth extracted long before it’s time for permanent teeth to grow.
Bonolo’s front milk teeth were extracted when she was five years old. Her mother, Dineo, said she realised when her daughter was a year and five months old that her teeth were changing colour but assumed this was from dirt on her bottle from when her daughter dropped it and picked it up again.
But over time, the milk teeth became darker, smaller and thinner while the molars had holes in them. Dineo decided to have those rotten milk teeth extracted as her daughter’s confidence had taken a knock.
“She would come back from creche and say the other children were teasing her, saying her teeth were rotten.”
Dr Joel Chernick, a dentist who has been practising for 35 years, said cases of children with rotten milk teeth have been steadily increasing over the years. These days, they are 15 to 20 percent of his cases.
Chernick said the biggest problem was that whatever children are fed in their bottles has a lot of sugar, and parents let them go to sleep with the bottles in their mouths. Milk teeth have thinner enamel than permanent ones, so the acid easily erodes them.
“Saliva is a natural buffer against acids. However, when people are sleeping they don’t have the natural saliva flow, so the sugars don’t get dissolved away or neutralised. To prevent tooth decay, parents must make sure that children only have a minimum amount of sugar in their food or bottle and also buy fluoride tablets or drops which they can give to them from the age of two,” said Chernick.
“The fluoride will get incorporated into the blood system, and as teeth get formed, they are resistant to acid.” Chernick said it was up to the parents to decide whether to extract their children’s rotten teeth, but it would be best to leave the back molars to stay in the mouth because they ensure the space for new teeth to grow.
Matshwene Monyamane, a dietitian who specialises in infant nutrition, said the biggest problem was giving children juice and tea at an early age. She also pointed even foods like yoghurt should not be given until a child is two years old.
Whatever sugar a child will get should be from eating fruit. She said parents must always clean their children’s mouth and teeth with cottonwool and water after formula feeding. “The truth is that if children do not have an underlying illness that causes their teeth to rot, it is because the parents are feeding them the wrong food,” she said.
Another dentist, Dr Papi Diale, said the problem could be affected by socio-economic factors, saying a certain economic status would enable parents to hire child minders, who would let the child become dependent on the bottle.
“However, active participation of parents in cleaning of their children’s teeth and feeding them the right food is important,” he said.
Johannesburg - Many children are losing their milk teeth at an early age due to tooth decay brought on by too much sugar in their diet.
Some have rotten milk teeth and back molars that have holes and need filling, while others have their rotten teeth extracted long before it’s time for permanent teeth to grow.
Bonolo’s front milk teeth were extracted when she was five years old. Her mother, Dineo, said she realised when her daughter was a year and five months old that her teeth were changing colour but assumed this was from dirt on her bottle from when her daughter dropped it and picked it up again.
But over time, the milk teeth became darker, smaller and thinner while the molars had holes in them. Dineo decided to have those rotten milk teeth extracted as her daughter’s confidence had taken a knock.
“She would come back from creche and say the other children were teasing her, saying her teeth were rotten.”
Dr Joel Chernick, a dentist who has been practising for 35 years, said cases of children with rotten milk teeth have been steadily increasing over the years. These days, they are 15 to 20 percent of his cases.
Chernick said the biggest problem was that whatever children are fed in their bottles has a lot of sugar, and parents let them go to sleep with the bottles in their mouths. Milk teeth have thinner enamel than permanent ones, so the acid easily erodes them.
“Saliva is a natural buffer against acids. However, when people are sleeping they don’t have the natural saliva flow, so the sugars don’t get dissolved away or neutralised. To prevent tooth decay, parents must make sure that children only have a minimum amount of sugar in their food or bottle and also buy fluoride tablets or drops which they can give to them from the age of two,” said Chernick.
“The fluoride will get incorporated into the blood system, and as teeth get formed, they are resistant to acid.” Chernick said it was up to the parents to decide whether to extract their children’s rotten teeth, but it would be best to leave the back molars to stay in the mouth because they ensure the space for new teeth to grow.
Matshwene Monyamane, a dietitian who specialises in infant nutrition, said the biggest problem was giving children juice and tea at an early age. She also pointed even foods like yoghurt should not be given until a child is two years old.
Whatever sugar a child will get should be from eating fruit. She said parents must always clean their children’s mouth and teeth with cottonwool and water after formula feeding. “The truth is that if children do not have an underlying illness that causes their teeth to rot, it is because the parents are feeding them the wrong food,” she said.
Another dentist, Dr Papi Diale, said the problem could be affected by socio-economic factors, saying a certain economic status would enable parents to hire child minders, who would let the child become dependent on the bottle.
“However, active participation of parents in cleaning of their children’s teeth and feeding them the right food is important,” he said.
Sugar tax welcomed by Cheltenham dentist as way to tackle tooth decay and obesit
The Chancellor's announcement in yesterday's Budget of a tax on the makers of sugary drinks reiterates what a Cheltenham-based dental dentist has been saying for years – sugar really is not good for you!
Here, Cheltenham dentist Tim Rumney, owner and clinical director of Illume, gives his view on the tax:
This is something dentists and other health professionals have been calling for because sugar is the number one cause of tooth decay as well as leading to obesity and other associated medical problems.
"Recent figures from NHS England show there has been an alarming rise in tooth decay, especially in children, and sugary drinks play a major part. A typical can contains about 9 teaspoons of sugar which is enough to take someone over their recommended daily intake in one hit."
In 2014-15, the figures show there was a 3% increase in the number of children, aged 10 or under, needing the removal of one of more teeth - amounting to an alarming 33,781 cases. Removal of multiple decayed teeth is the main reason for children of primary school age being admitted to hospital.
The tax on the makers of sugary drinks won't be introduced until two years' time, so these companies will have time to adapt their products to reduce their sugar content which would be welcome.
Hopefully, this will lead to drinks being made that contain less sugar and result in a decrease in the number of children losing their teeth.
But you don't have to wait for two years to gain the benefits from reducing your family's sugar intake, instead you can start now by swopping these sugary drinks for healthier alternatives as well as brushing up on your oral hygiene regime.
Tim said: "Sugar is a problem because plaque on your teeth feed on the sugar and produce acids which dissolve the enamel of the tooth to create cavities. These acids are produced very quickly and can begin to damage the tooth within minutes. It takes 30 to 45 minutes for the mouth to return to normal so frequent consumption creates more acid attacks. The key message is therefore that reducing the frequency and amount of sugar will reduce decay.
"Regular brushing with a fluoride toothpaste will remove harmful plaque and strengthen enamel surfaces. And swapping sugary drinks for water, lower fat milks or sugarfree, diet and no added sugar drinks will help because enamel simply isn't designed to withstand constant attack from sugar," he added.
Too much sugar in children's diets can also lead to obesity and other major health problems such as diabetes so the news the money raised from this new tax will be spent on doubling the funding of primary school sports is welcome.
Top tips on how to reduce sugar intake can be found by visiting the Jamie Oliver website, whilst Action on Sugar at www.actiononsugar.org offers advice on how to eat less sugar.
Here, Cheltenham dentist Tim Rumney, owner and clinical director of Illume, gives his view on the tax:
This is something dentists and other health professionals have been calling for because sugar is the number one cause of tooth decay as well as leading to obesity and other associated medical problems.
"Recent figures from NHS England show there has been an alarming rise in tooth decay, especially in children, and sugary drinks play a major part. A typical can contains about 9 teaspoons of sugar which is enough to take someone over their recommended daily intake in one hit."
In 2014-15, the figures show there was a 3% increase in the number of children, aged 10 or under, needing the removal of one of more teeth - amounting to an alarming 33,781 cases. Removal of multiple decayed teeth is the main reason for children of primary school age being admitted to hospital.
The tax on the makers of sugary drinks won't be introduced until two years' time, so these companies will have time to adapt their products to reduce their sugar content which would be welcome.
Hopefully, this will lead to drinks being made that contain less sugar and result in a decrease in the number of children losing their teeth.
But you don't have to wait for two years to gain the benefits from reducing your family's sugar intake, instead you can start now by swopping these sugary drinks for healthier alternatives as well as brushing up on your oral hygiene regime.
Tim said: "Sugar is a problem because plaque on your teeth feed on the sugar and produce acids which dissolve the enamel of the tooth to create cavities. These acids are produced very quickly and can begin to damage the tooth within minutes. It takes 30 to 45 minutes for the mouth to return to normal so frequent consumption creates more acid attacks. The key message is therefore that reducing the frequency and amount of sugar will reduce decay.
"Regular brushing with a fluoride toothpaste will remove harmful plaque and strengthen enamel surfaces. And swapping sugary drinks for water, lower fat milks or sugarfree, diet and no added sugar drinks will help because enamel simply isn't designed to withstand constant attack from sugar," he added.
Too much sugar in children's diets can also lead to obesity and other major health problems such as diabetes so the news the money raised from this new tax will be spent on doubling the funding of primary school sports is welcome.
Top tips on how to reduce sugar intake can be found by visiting the Jamie Oliver website, whilst Action on Sugar at www.actiononsugar.org offers advice on how to eat less sugar.
Australia - Dental expert questions costings for fluoridating Cairns’ water supply
Australian Dental Association fluoridation expert Dr Michael Foley has questioned Cairns Regional Council’s costings.
The council says it spent approximately $2.8 million – including $1.9 million in funding from the State Government – to add the tooth-strengthening chemical to Cairns’ water.
This included the installation of fluoridation equipment across the city’s four water treatment plants in 2009 and 2010. According to CEO Peter Tabulo, ongoing operational costs were about $300,000 a year.
Fluoride remained in Cairns’ water supply for about two years, before the council decided to remove it.
This was based on advice from the Local Government Association of Queensland, that suggested “involuntary medication” must not be introduced without community consent.
The council, at the time, bypassed a public vote, choosing instead to dismantle the fluoridation equipment.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
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Councillor Brad Horne had a message for town and Municipality of McDougall residents.
By stopping the addition of fluoride and not having a snap referendum, the town will save around $250,000. McDougall will discuss a similar by-law at their council meeting tomorrow night and if it’s passed there, fluoride will stop being added to the drinking water on Friday at noon.
Knesset Approves Mandatory Fluoridation of Drinking Water
The debate that was held yesterday morning was attended by former Health Minister Yael German, who suspended water fluoridation. In response to the committee’s decision, she said that “as a state we can’t compel everyone to receive fluoride through drinking water, just as we can’t force everyone to get immunized. Restoring fluoridation by coercion is a forcible move that is contrary to human freedom and dignity. Except for Ireland there is no other country that mandates the introduction of fluoride into its drinking water.” German was one of the MKs who appealed the decision. The new debate is expected to take place next week.
The debate was also attended by MK Zouheir Bahloul (Zionist Camp), who supported restoring fluoridation. After the debate he said that “there’s no doubt that this is a complex and confusing topic with many conflicting opinions. However, knowing that we’ll succeed even partially in assisting weaker sectors of society, I believe that restoring fluoridation and reducing dental plaque should be supported.”
The fierce opposition of the Water Authority to this move was expressed in a legal brief written and submitted to the Health Ministry a few months ago by the authority’s legal counsel, attorney Hannah Frankel. According to this document, which was obtained by Haaretz, fluoridation of drinking water constitutes coercion of individual citizens, whereas the health benefits are still in dispute. This treatment, says the document, will detract from the public’s confidence in the water it receives.
According to the Health Ministry, based on research conducted by Harold Sgan-Cohen, a professor of community dentistry from Hadassah Hospital, it turns out that adding fluoride reduces plaque by 29 percent in 12-year-old children. Fluoridation also reduces gaps in dental health between different socioeconomic groups, as observed in cities that employed fluoridation in contrast to those that didn’t. These data led the ministry to believe that restoring mandatory fluoridation was justified.
Jonathan Lis
Haaretz Correspondent
Discover how fluoride in your drinking water can impair your health and damage the environment through our infographic "Water Fluoridation: 6 Facts You Need to Know." Use the embed code to share it on your website or visit our infographic page for the high-res version.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
USA - Guilford Water Authority ends fluoride treatment
CHAMBERSBURG - Guilford Water Authority will stop adding fluoride to its water supply in a month.

Fluoride is known to prevent tooth decay, but in recent years people have questioned the safety and ethics of placing the naturally occurring chemical in a public water supply.
The authority decided to stop its practice after a public hearing a year ago. The authority, with approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, sent out notices to water customers on March 8. The public water system serving 26,000 customers in Guilford and Greene townships will stop adding fluoride on April 18..................
Fluoride is known to prevent tooth decay, but in recent years people have questioned the safety and ethics of placing the naturally occurring chemical in a public water supply.
The authority decided to stop its practice after a public hearing a year ago. The authority, with approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, sent out notices to water customers on March 8. The public water system serving 26,000 customers in Guilford and Greene townships will stop adding fluoride on April 18..................
USA - Wilmington council water committee discusses fluoride
WILMINGTON — Members of Wilmington council’s water committee began talks Tuesday of whether to fluoridate the city’s water.
Water committee chair Kelsey Swindler said two residents brought up the fact that Wilmington is one of few Ohio cities to not fluoridate the water.
One of those residents, Leslie Whitford, spoke at the meeting, saying she never had a cavity until she moved to Wilmington, where she has had three in the past five years.
Swindler said an Ohio Department of Health grant could pay for the startup cost and first year of chemicals to fluoridate the water.
She also presented documents from the Centers for Disease Control, which recommends community water fluoridation as a cost-effective method of reducing tooth decay.
Swindler said she believes council should place the issue on a ballot rather than enact fluoridation as an action of council without citizens’ votes. The committee itself could recommend action, such as placing it on a ballot, to council, which could then debate and vote on the item.
Initial talks result in fact-finding mission
Former Wilmington Council member David Hockaday said a handful of citizens argued against fluoridating water in the past, saying they had allergic reactions to the chemical used in public water systems to add fluoride. Rowlands said over the years he has received a few phone calls from people voicing similar concerns.
Wilmington’s water currently and naturally has a fluoride level of less than 0.2 milligrams per level in 2012, according to an Ohio Department of Health document Swindler provided.
While water systems add fluoride by chemical, fluoride also occurs in rocks and naturally occurs in water. Sabina water, for instance, had a natural fluoride level of 1.32 milligrams per liter in 2012, according to a document provided by the ODH.
Wilmington’s water currently and naturally has a fluoride level of less than 0.2 milligrams per level in 2012, according to an Ohio Department of Health document Swindler provided.
Hockaday also said many countries, particularly in Europe, are opposed to the addition of fluoride to water “because of the health risks and no provable benefits of having fluoride in the water.”
The CDC, which encourages water fluoridation, also refers to a secondary study showing an increase in neurotoxicity to children related to high levels of exposure to fluoride, according to Hockaday.
The News Journal found a study done in 2006 by the National Research Council. That study compared two groups of children living in two Chinese villages. One group of children, exposed to a fluoride level of 4.12 milligrams per liter, had lower intelligence quotient scores. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency takes action when a fluoride level hits 4.0 milligrams per liter and requires the system to notify those served when it hits 2.0. The CDC currently recommends a concentration of 0.7 milligrams per liter when adding fluoride.
“With those kinds of risks … if you get above 1.4 or closer to 2, you start to have significant health problems,” Hockaday said. “I understand the benefits to the children, I understand the benefits to adults, but you also have many other opportunities to have your fluoride elevated,” such as through the use of dental products.
Swindler said she’d research the CDC report Hockaday alluded to and reach out to the Autism Speaks organization to see if there are health risks there.
Historically, in 1969, ODH mandated that all public water systems serving more than 5,000 people fluoridate their water, giving them one chance to exempt themselves by a ballot issue. Wilmington Safety and Service Director Brian Shidaker said the voters turned out 701-429 against the issue in a special election.
Shidaker said he has spoken with the mayor and the city’s administration isn’t going to take a position on it but would provide information as requested.