Funny video proves that the call for a referendum is dumb.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Could be true?
How many
folks do you know who say they don't want to drink anything before going to bed
because they'll have to get up during the night!!
Heart Attack and Water - I never knew all of this! Interesting.......
Something else I didn't know ... I asked my Doctor why do people need to urinate so much at night time. Answer from my Cardiac Doctor - Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are upright (legs swell). When you lie down and the lower body (legs and etc.) seeks level with the kidneys, it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier. This then ties in with the last statement!
Heart Attack and Water - I never knew all of this! Interesting.......
Something else I didn't know ... I asked my Doctor why do people need to urinate so much at night time. Answer from my Cardiac Doctor - Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are upright (legs swell). When you lie down and the lower body (legs and etc.) seeks level with the kidneys, it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier. This then ties in with the last statement!
I knew you
need your minimum water to help flush the toxins out of your body, but this was
news to me. Correct time to drink water... Very Important. From A Cardiac
Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body: 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs, 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion, 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure, 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body: 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs, 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion, 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure, 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
I can also
add to this... My Physician told me that water at bed time will also help
prevent night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they
cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.
This was sent to me, I'm not likely to drink all that water especially if it was fluoridated but helpfully informative advice.
No easy answers in West Salem cancer cases
Two weeks ago, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released the results of soil tests showing nothing that could explain a string of childhood bone cancer cases in West Salem.
..........Many, many readers pointed to fluoridation of the water supply. Some studies have linked fluoridation and osteosarcoma, the cancer in question.
“I believe Salem started fluoridating when these teenagers were born, so they have been drinking and bathing in it since they were babies,” Sandra Ganey, of Portland, wrote to the EPA.
Donna McGee asked, “Is it possible that large doses were accidentally put in and that it wasn’t reported because it wasn’t considered a health hazard?”
......................Tony Barber, head of EPA’s Oregon office, said he would be glad to talk to community members about the controversy over fluoridation of water supplies.
“For this particular project we’re not planning to look further at the possibility of fluoride being considered a contaminant there,” Barber said. “I know there’s a lot of controversy around water fluoridation. This isn’t the right venue to jump into that fray.”
“For this particular project we’re not planning to look further at the possibility of fluoride being considered a contaminant there,” Barber said. “I know there’s a lot of controversy around water fluoridation. This isn’t the right venue to jump into that fray.”
Salem has fluoridated its water since 1964, said Lacey Goeres-Priest, water quality and treatment supervisor for the city.
In 2001, it changed from sodium silicate fluoride to liquid fluorosilic acid.
In 2008, the city dropped its fluoridation target levels from 1.0 to 0.7 parts per million, following a national recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The city samples fluoride levels daily and never has had a reading at a level that would endanger health, Goeres-Priest said.
“All of the city of Salem receives the same water,” she said. “It’s not different water in West Salem.”
While EPA looked at ionizing radiation, it didn’t examine EMF pollution, Barber said
“It is a non-ionizing form of radiation that there’s quite a bit of controversy about,” he said.
Jae Douglas, of the Oregon Health Authority, said that, without evidence of a clear association between osteosarcoma and any environmental contaminant or exposure, there’s little the state can do.
“It’s hard to know even where to look,” Douglas said.
At least five West Salem children were diagnosed with osteosarcoma between 2008 and 2012. Three have died.
..........Many, many readers pointed to fluoridation of the water supply. Some studies have linked fluoridation and osteosarcoma, the cancer in question.
“I believe Salem started fluoridating when these teenagers were born, so they have been drinking and bathing in it since they were babies,” Sandra Ganey, of Portland, wrote to the EPA.
Donna McGee asked, “Is it possible that large doses were accidentally put in and that it wasn’t reported because it wasn’t considered a health hazard?”
......................Tony Barber, head of EPA’s Oregon office, said he would be glad to talk to community members about the controversy over fluoridation of water supplies.
“For this particular project we’re not planning to look further at the possibility of fluoride being considered a contaminant there,” Barber said. “I know there’s a lot of controversy around water fluoridation. This isn’t the right venue to jump into that fray.”
“For this particular project we’re not planning to look further at the possibility of fluoride being considered a contaminant there,” Barber said. “I know there’s a lot of controversy around water fluoridation. This isn’t the right venue to jump into that fray.”
Salem has fluoridated its water since 1964, said Lacey Goeres-Priest, water quality and treatment supervisor for the city.
In 2001, it changed from sodium silicate fluoride to liquid fluorosilic acid.
In 2008, the city dropped its fluoridation target levels from 1.0 to 0.7 parts per million, following a national recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The city samples fluoride levels daily and never has had a reading at a level that would endanger health, Goeres-Priest said.
“All of the city of Salem receives the same water,” she said. “It’s not different water in West Salem.”
While EPA looked at ionizing radiation, it didn’t examine EMF pollution, Barber said
“It is a non-ionizing form of radiation that there’s quite a bit of controversy about,” he said.
Jae Douglas, of the Oregon Health Authority, said that, without evidence of a clear association between osteosarcoma and any environmental contaminant or exposure, there’s little the state can do.
“It’s hard to know even where to look,” Douglas said.
At least five West Salem children were diagnosed with osteosarcoma between 2008 and 2012. Three have died.
Echo - Fluoride branded ‘brain danger’ to our children
Fluoride branded ‘brain danger’ to our children
4:00am Friday 28th February 2014 in News
By James Franklin, Political reporter
Fluoride branded ‘brain danger’ to our children

The report says that exposing youngsters to fluoride could lead to brain damage and reduced IQ, and calls for urgent tests to determine its effect.
It comes after a change in Euro-pean Union law came into effect, stating a key chemical needed to carry out fluoridation of tap water – known as hexafluorosilicic acid – is not on the list of materials which should be added to drinking water or food.
However, the ultimate power as to whether to introduce fluoridation still lies in the hands of public health authorities, in this case Public Health England (PHE).
PHE still insists it will put the chemical into the drinking water of 200,000 residents in Southampton, Totton, Eastleigh, Rownhams and Netley, despite staunch opposition from campaigners and local councils. It took over the responsibility of the scheme from the South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA), axed last year.
Southampton City Council and Hampshire County Council are locked in a legal struggle with PHE, saying that the fluoridation scheme does not exist due to a failure to hand over key documents between the SHA and PHE.
Leading paediatrician Philip J Landrigan and Philippe Grandjean, a professor of environmental health at the Harvard School of Public Health, who wrote the report in The Lancet publication, say recent research has led them to define fluoride as a developmental neurotoxin – a chemical that can have a negative impact on the human body – alongside chemicals such as lead and arsenic.
They say they have looked at 27 studies on children exposed to fluoride in drinking water in China, which on average resulted in a loss of seven IQ points.
And their report states that “developmental neurotoxicity causes brain damage that is too often untreatable and frequently permanent”, as well as a similar loss of brain power as that caused by a traumatic brain injury or brain tumours.
Saying the effects of a number of newly-identified neurotoxins, including fluoride, are not known fully, they have urged health authorities to carry out tests for the full extent of their impact.
Anti-fluoride campaigners in Hampshire have renewed calls for PHE to scrap fluoridation in the wake of the report.
John Spottiswood, chairman of Hampshire Against Fluoridation, said: “I think this is the final nail in the coffin for fluoride.
“One of the most worrying things is the potential damage to children. This shows that putting fluoride in our water is putting our children at risk – it’s irresponsible, dangerous and deeply immoral.”
And Carol Scarborough, from Shirley in Southampton, said: “The Lancet report is the latest in a long line of research findings that have identified fluoride as a developmental neurotoxin of danger to our children, with implications of serious health problems in later life.
“The evidence in this report should be the alarm bell to end the fluoridation policy immediately and settle the local debate once and for all.”
The Daily Echo asked PHE to comment, but the organisation had not done so by the time the Echo went to print.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
NSW Government votes against taking responsibility for fluoridation
The Opposition introduced the bill after a number of councils on the state's north coast had heated debates on the issue.
Late last year the Byron Shire Council voted against adding fluoride to its water supply.
Labor health spokesman, doctor Andrew McDonald, says the issue is too important to be left to local government.
"What this means is less fluoride in drinking supplies, and the dental health of the children affected will have changes for generations," he said.
"Every local councillor, everywhere in New South Wales, is now under attack from the anti-fluoride lobby.
"This is a very vocal and very aggressive lobby group who target local councillors.
"How many health bureaucrats or local councillors need to be threatened by the (anti) fluoridation lobby before the government sees sense?"
We have Andrew Mortimore and they have Andrew McDonald who knows best.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
USA - Fluoride rejected.
After debate cut short, Hernando commissioners refuse to consider fluoridation of water
BROOKSVILLE — The addition of fluoride to the Hernando County water supply was rejected by four of five county commissioners Tuesday after they listened to nearly an hour of anti-fluoride arguments by residents.
Commissioner Diane Rowden made a motion to fluoridate the water supply for approximately 62,000 Utilities Department customers, a project that utilities officials said could cost $800,000 to initiate. But none of her colleagues would second the motion, so it died................
Irish letter
I have to disagree with Dr Susan O’Reilly in reference to her letter regarding cancer risk associated with water fluoridation (IMT, February 14, 2014).
With regard to cancer incidence in fluoridated and non-fluoridated countries, the figures indicate significant differences. While being well aware that carcinogenesis is a complex multifactorial process, these differences must have an explanation when obvious confounding factors are excluded. The fact that fluoride has been shown in recent years to increase the production of free radicals, reactive oxygen species, G proteins and haptoglobins and to increase oxidative stress, all of which are carcinogens or co-carcinogens, suggests that fluoride has to be high on the list of suspects.
The US National Toxicology Program (NTP) as far back as 1990 found that there was “equivocal evidence” that fluoride was carcinogenic. It should also be noted that these bioreactive molecules and biochemical changes have been implicated in the aetiology of numerous chronic diseases which are common in Ireland and are creating a huge and unsustainable burden on our health services.
With regard to efficacy in terms of preventing dental decay, this is not generally accepted, despite the continuing mantra to the contrary of some public health specialists and dentists in the few remaining fluoridated countries/regions. Both the American Dental Association (ADA) and the US Centres of Disease Control (CDC) have stated that any benefit from fluoride is primarily from its topical effect. Why put a known toxin in our drinking water when it is readily available from other sources? Dental caries are not related to fluoride deficiency but to incorrect diet and poor dental hygiene. Scotland has recently ceased water fluoridation without any detectable adverse effects so far.
I believe the evidence indicates that water fluoridation should be stopped immediately, even if only based on the precautionary principle now enshrined in EU law.
Dr Philip Michael,
Hon Sec, Irish Doctors Environmental Association (IDEA),
VP (Europe) International Society of Doctors for the Environment (ISDE),
Co Cork.
Hon Sec, Irish Doctors Environmental Association (IDEA),
VP (Europe) International Society of Doctors for the Environment (ISDE),
Co Cork.
Good letter but: "Scotland has recently ceased water fluoridation without any detectable adverse effects so far." News to me! To my knowledge it has never been fluoridated.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
UK - Northern Echo
Fluoride expert is on her way to Brazil in bid to improve child health
4:00am Tuesday 25th February 2014 in News
By Barry Nelson, Health Editor
A NORTH-EAST expert on the use of fluoride to prevent dental decay is taking her research to Brazil.
Dr Vida Zohoori, a reader in oral public health and nutrition, says the gap between the recommended daily intake of fluoride in children to prevent tooth decay and the level which could cause tooth mottling is too narrow.
She is researching the intake and retention of fluoride in young children and babies to gain a better understanding of how to improve their oral health.
As part of her work, Dr Zohoori is leading a project looking at the retention of fluoride in babies living in fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas in the North -East.
Next month she will be helping to run a four day workshop in Brazil to address priority research questions in fluoride metabolism research.
The aim is to find out more about both the benefits and side effects of fluoride intake.
“The research I am undertaking here and the work I am carrying out abroad is driven by a desire to improve oral health, especially in young children,” explained Dr Zohoori.
“Tooth decay is still one of the most globally prevalent chronic diseases of childhood and can have a detrimental effect on quality of life by affecting normal social roles, self-esteem, nutrition, communication and general health, causing pain, discomfort and loss of function.
“It also imposes a large financial burden on health care.”
Because fluoride has been identified as a key protective factor in the prevention of decay, many countries have based their oral health improvement strategies on the use of fluoride, such as fluoridated water, fluoridated milk, fluoridated salt and fluoridated toothpastes.
“The findings of our recent studies suggested that swallowing fluoridated toothpaste by children during toothbrushing rather than living in a fluoridated area might put a child at risk of overexposure or developing tooth mottling.
"The problem with fluoridated toothpaste is the amount of toothpaste used.”
In collaboration with colleagues at Newcastle University, Dr Zohoori has developed a unique database that lists the fluoride content of more than 500 separate food and beverage items.
USA - No to Water Fluoridation
More Americans Are Saying “No” to Water Fluoridation While Toxic Fluorinated Pesticides Are Still Allowed
By Dr. Mercola
Study after study confirms that fluoride is a dangerous, toxic poison that bioaccumulates in your body while being ineffective at preventing dental decay… yet it continues to be added to many municipal water supplies in the US.Yet even as we continue on with this more than six decades-old debate, I have encouraging news from the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) to share.More Americans are wising up to the risks of water fluoridation, and they’re using their votes to keep this fertilizer-industry byproduct out of their drinking water (the fluoride added to municipal water supplies is a toxic byproduct from the fertilizer industry—a rarely discussed fact!)...................
Monday, February 24, 2014
Lancet Feb 15 2014
Neurobehavioural effects of developmental toxicity
Philippe Grandjean, Philip J Landrigan
Neurodevelopmental disabilities, including autism, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, and other cognitive impairments, affect millions of children worldwide, and some diagnoses seem to be increasing in frequency.
Industrial chemicals that injure the developing brain are among the known causes for this rise in prevalence. In 2006, we did a systematic review and identified five industrial chemicals as developmental neurotoxicants: lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, arsenic, and toluene. Since 2006, epidemiological studies have documented six additional developmental neurotoxicants—manganese, fluoride, chlorpyrifos, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, and the polybrominated diphenyl ethers. We postulate that even more neurotoxicants remain undiscovered. To control the pandemic of developmental neurotoxicity, we propose a global prevention strategy.
Untested chemicals should not be presumed to be safe to brain development, and chemicals in existing use and all new chemicals must therefore be tested for developmental neurotoxicity. To coordinate these efforts and to accelerate translation of science into prevention, we propose the urgent formation of a new international clearinghouse.
Philippe Grandjean, Philip J Landrigan
Neurodevelopmental disabilities, including autism, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, and other cognitive impairments, affect millions of children worldwide, and some diagnoses seem to be increasing in frequency.
Industrial chemicals that injure the developing brain are among the known causes for this rise in prevalence. In 2006, we did a systematic review and identified five industrial chemicals as developmental neurotoxicants: lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, arsenic, and toluene. Since 2006, epidemiological studies have documented six additional developmental neurotoxicants—manganese, fluoride, chlorpyrifos, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, and the polybrominated diphenyl ethers. We postulate that even more neurotoxicants remain undiscovered. To control the pandemic of developmental neurotoxicity, we propose a global prevention strategy.
Untested chemicals should not be presumed to be safe to brain development, and chemicals in existing use and all new chemicals must therefore be tested for developmental neurotoxicity. To coordinate these efforts and to accelerate translation of science into prevention, we propose the urgent formation of a new international clearinghouse.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Ireland - Argument for fluoridation doesn't hold water
'Don't go in the water!" warns the tagline for that toothy terror movie, Jaws. But a growing body of Irish people believe it's what we put in the water that is the real danger. For it's not fins but fluoride, in the chemical form of hydrofluorosilicic acid, that should frighten us.
Furthermore, this non-biodegradable and highly corrosive acid is contaminated with a number of heavy metals, including arsenic, aluminium, lead and mercury. It is known to be a risk factor in the development of many serious health problems, including cardiovascular and neurological disease, type 1 diabetes, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue and depression.
The latter is of particular significance, given Ireland's suicide epidemic. It was the catalyst for occupational therapist Aisling FitzGibbon (aka 'The Girl Against Fluoride') taking the Irish Government to court to ban fluoride from our drinking water. She attributes her own recovery from depression to drinking fluoride-free water.
"In the fluoridated Republic of Ireland, depression rates are 78 per cent higher compared to the non-fluoridated north of Ireland," she says.
It's a sobering thought. Speaking of which, people drank alcohol in medieval times to avoid dirty water. We have a similar habit of drowning our sorrows. Yet what part has the fact that our booze is brewed using fluoridated water played in poisoning our psyche?
Especially given that 98 per cent of Europe has rejected water fluoridation on health and ethical grounds. Ireland and Singapore remain the only nations with a mandatory policy of water fluoridation.
Many around here support FitzGibbon. One local engineer never drank fluoridated water growing up because her family had their own well.
"We never gave it much thought," she says. Until she bought her own home and smelt the chemicals on her skin when she showered.
"Fluoride makes people docile," she believes. "It's about control. Irish people have no fire in their belly."
But plenty of fluoride. And since our bodies consist mainly of water, perhaps we should make like Jaws and sink our teeth into this issue. Because this time it's personal.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Dangers of fluoride are significant
A proposal by Maggie Hart Stebbins, a county commissioner and member of the Bernalillo County Water Board, to resume fluoridation of our municipal drinking water is scheduled for a final vote at a Water Utility meeting Wednesday.
The reasoning behind the proposal is to safeguard the teeth of low-income children who have little or no access to dental care.
However, the overwhelming consensus by dental researchers today is that fluoride’s primary effect is topical, not systemic, and that there is no need to swallow fluoride, especially during infancy and early childhood.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, “fluoride prevents dental caries predominately after the eruption of the tooth into the mouth, and its actions primarily are topical for both adults and children.”
Today, over 95 percent of toothpastes are fluoridated in order to apply fluoride directly to the teeth with the consequence that most of our children receive fluoride from many sources besides tap water.
Dr. Stephen Levy, writing in the Journal of Public Health Dentistry, notes that “children could ingest more fluoride from toothpaste alone than is recommended as a total daily fluoride ingestion.” Bubble gum- and fruit-flavored toothpastes for children contain sufficient amounts of fluoride to kill a child, according to the 2002 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers Toxic Exposure Surveillance System.
Drinking fluoride-laced water will only add to the total fluoride intake of kids with no way to regulate that intake.
It is disturbing that, according to a 1999 national survey by the CDC, about 40 percent of American teenagers show visible signs of fluoride over-exposure or dental fluorosis. Fluorosis is a defect of the tooth enamel caused by fluoride’s interference with the tooth-forming cells in which cloudy spots and streaks or even brown stains and tooth erosion may occur.
Also alarming is the effect of fluoride on IQ in our children. Dr. Philippe Grandjean, senior scientist at the Harvard review, says that the “average IQ deficit in children exposed to increased levels of fluoride in drinking water was found to correspond to about 7 points [difference in IQ] – a sizeable difference.”
If that’s not enough to convince you that adding more fluoride to our water is not good for our low-income kids – or indeed any of our children – consider fluoride’s effect on infants. Babies should only consume a minuscule 10 micrograms of fluoride per day, or what they would get from breast milk.
Babies given fluoridated water in their formula develop significantly higher rates of dental fluorosis and dental researchers now recommend that parents use water that is low in fluoride when mixing formula to feed their baby.
A baby’s developing brain may be another target for fluoride toxicity, according to Environmental Health Perspectives.
Fluoridating all the drinking water in Bernalillo County in order to target a specific group of low-income kids will have unintended consequences for the entire population.
Dr. John Doull, an eminent toxicologist, chaired the National Academy of Science’s review on fluoride, which published a 500-page review in 2006 on fluoride’s toxicity. The report concluded that fluoride is an “endocrine disruptor” and can affect many areas of the body, including the bones, brain, thyroid and pineal gland, and even blood sugar levels.
Please attend the meeting at the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility at 3 p.m. Wednesday at 1 Civic Plaza in the Vincent E. Griego Chambers at basement level.
USA - Improving Kentucky’s health
Beshear lays out plan for improving Kentucky’s health
Lists specific goals and largely administrative strategiesBy Al Cross
Kentucky Health News
FRANKFORT, Ky. (Feb. 21. 2014) – Gov. Steve Beshear set seven specific, numerical goals Thursday for improving Kentucky’s “dismal” health status, which he said is hurting the state’s education, productivity, attractiveness to employers, state revenues “and our very quality of life.”
♦ Dental Decay: Reduce the percentage of children with untreated dental decay by 25 percent, and increase adult dental visits by 10 percent. The strategies include public-private partnerships to see that three-fourths of the state’s grade schoolers get fluoride varnish treatments. “the poor dental health of Kentuckians has not only subjected Kentucky to ridicule, but has detrimental impacts on children, the workforce and families,” Beshear said.
99.8% of Kentucky’s public water supplies are fluoridated.
Beat the sugar addiction
Arguably as addictive as cocaine and responsible for soaring levels of obesity, sugar is the most-wanted villain in our worsening national health crisis. Laura Tilt looks at why - and how - to free yourself from the clutches of the sweet stuff
Sugar. It’s everywhere. From the sweet syrup lacing your morning coffee to the soft cheese on your toast (often made from sugar-sweetened bread), the white stuff has slowly sneaked its way into our food chain and has become a habit we just can’t kick.
Which means we’re in trouble. A growing body of research has found links between high sugar intake and an increased risk of health problems including obesity, heart disease, cancer and even Alzheimer’s. But that’s not all.
New research demonstrating the addictive properties of sugar suggests we might be more hooked than we’d like to admit. The substance has become “the most addictive drug of our times”, according to Paul van der Velpen, head of Amsterdam’s health service.
Once an expensive luxury for the well-to-do, sugar is now a commodity for all, regardless of wealth. In fact, growth in consumption of sugar has been strongest in developing countries, corresponding to rising incomes and diet changes. According to a recent report from the Fairtrade Foundation, global consumption of sugar has grown by almost three per cent each year for the last 50 years............
Friday, February 21, 2014
NZ - Hospitals ban sugary drinks
In what is being hailed as a national first, a change in the Nelson Marlborough District Health Board's healthy eating policy means that all drinks sweetened with sugar will be taken off the shelves at cafes and shops on hospital grounds. Soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks and flavoured milk are all forbidden after March 31. Fruit juices with no added sugar will not be affected.
A NMDHB representative said the Nelson Hospital cafe already leaned towards healthy choices, stocking flavoured milks and smoothie products rather than soft drinks, but these would be removed as well under the policy.
Chief executive Chris Fleming said the DHB and hospitals had a responsibility to model healthy food policies and practices for the community. He wanted to provide an environment where making healthy choices was easy.
"This policy change sends a clear message regarding diet and health and our commitment to the health of people in Nelson Marlborough.
"Drinks with added sugar are the leading source of sugar for New Zealand children, and the leading risk factor for obesity, type 2 diabetes and tooth decay."
He acknowledged the policy could affect sales at the Nelson Hospital shop, which is operated by volunteers who return profits to the hospital through equipment purchases, but said that the district's health had to be the board's main priority.............
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Notice for all those firms engaged in food preparation from Doug Cross.
I am contacting you regarding an important development of which you are almost certainly unaware, but that may be of considerable relevance to any of your Members who are engaged in food preparation, manufacture and retailing in the UK. This concerns the final full implementation of a European Community Regulation (Reg. No. 1925.2006) governing the use of chemicals as source materials for minerals used in the preparation of foods. Only two weeks ago, the last loophole permitting the continued use of any unauthorised source material not included in the official register (Annex II of the Regulation, now amended without modification) was finally closed.
Since the 1960's 10% of the UK's drinking water supplies has been fluoridated. The British Government requires that fluorosilicic acid be used for this process, but this chemical is now a prohibited substance for adding fluoride to any human food product. The English law is therefore in conflict with the prohibition imposed on the use of such substances under EC food law.
However, additional EC legislation establishes that medicinal law should take precedence over food law in the regulation of products such as this, and this extends to a ban on the exportation of any food products prepared with such a medicinal ingredient to any other Member State. Whilst your Members export trade in food products to other EC States may be insignificant, this ban also applies to retailers importing prepared foods from countries such as Australia and New Zealand where public water supplies are also fluoridated. Supermarket chains operating in the UK could find this problematic.
The following notes provide a background to this issue, and some detailed information that will be of interest to your legal advisers. Please understand that this material emerges as the result of many years studying relevant legislation as a Compliance Analyst, but that I am not qualified to provide any legal opinion or advice. This document should be regarded solely as identifying an issue that may be relevant to the interests of Members of the Chambers of Commerce. Should they consider that this development might constitute a potential obstacle to their business interests, then they should seek immediate advice from a legally qualified professional.
Our latest information is from Ireland (under the same EU regulations as the UK), in the Cork area many restaurants and cafes are installing reverse osmosis to filter out fluoride in their food and drinks for their customers at a cost of £700 to themselves.
Please feel free to pass this on to interested parties, and to contact me for any further assistance if you wish.
Douglas Cross BSc, CSci. CBiol, FSB, Environmental Compliance Analyst
Croft End, Lowick Bridge, ULverston, Cumbria LA12 8EE
Tel 01229 885420
Canada - Ontario government should be making the decision to fluoridate public drinking water
HEALTH Board of health head discusses fluoride
Chatham-Kent's medical officer of health says the Ontario government should be making the decision to fluoridate public drinking water, rather than having that decision rest with local municipalities.
Speaking at Wednesday's meeting of the board of health, Dr. David Colby said fluoridation remains a “great triumph of public health” and that its use has helped improve the health of society's most vulnerable citizens, especially those who are young or living in poverty.
And yet the question of whether fluoridation ought to be used in public drinking supplies continues to rest with local councils, whose elected members are sometimes placed under political pressure to remove the chemical, despite its proven success, said Colby.
“There has been controversy over the use of fluoridated water, but only because there are people who disagree with the practice and who lobby local councils to have it removed,” said Colby.
“We need to have this issue addressed at the provincial level; it should not be an issue that's left to the municipalities.”...
Lots of comments below article page, most against.
Lots of comments below article page, most against.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Irish Water facing litigation, warns 'Girl Against Fluoride'
Irish Water facing litigation, warns 'Girl Against Fluoride'
AISLING Fitzgibbon, better known as ‘The Girl Against Fluoride’, has send an open letter to Irish Water warning them of litigation if they fail to stop artificially fluoridating Ireland’s public water supply.
The issue has come under the spotlight over the last year, with town councils in Macroom, Skibbereen and Clonakilty all backing a ban on the practice of mandatory water fluoridation. In 2012, however, the Irish Expert Body on Fluorides and Health rejected anti-fluoridation arguments as ‘unscientific’, saying it is a ‘crucial, beneficial healthcare policy’ backed by ‘overwhelming evidence’.
Ms Fitzgibbon, a nutritionist who is taking legal action against the Irish government to end the policy of mandatory water fluoridation of public water supplies, said future customers will refuse to contract with Irish Water. A nationwide campaign to withhold any payment for water that has been artificially fluoridated will follow, she said.
In the letter to Irish Water, she said fluoride has toxic effects when allowed to accumulate in the human body, and the company has a ‘legal duty’ to warn consumers of these effects. This legal duty is particularly marked in the case of those who are most vulnerable to fluoride’s effects, she said, ‘such as babies, diabetics and persons suffering from thyroid and kidney disease.’
Irish Water and its board members may be held accountable for all personal injury caused by the consumption of excess fluoride that occurs in the future, she said. ‘Already thousands of people have suffered dental fluorosis, which is a permanent white/brown staining on the teeth which requires dental treatment or the teeth may be lost’, said Ms Fitzgibbon, who said it is ‘sadly ironic’ that the adding of fluoride to water is now ‘demonstrably causing more damage to teeth than it is preventing.’
In the coming months, there is likely to be ‘considerable resistance’ to the payment of any water charges for artificially fluoridated water, she said, with court cases taken seeking compensation for the damage caused to teeth by the over-ingestion of fluoride.
Fluorisilicic acid (the acid put into drinking water to artificially fluoridate it), ‘melts through metal and concrete and burns and kills on exposure to humans’, she said, before warning of ‘an accident waiting to happen’ with the tankers used to transport this acid around the country. The tankers may not meet minimum safety requirements, she said, adding that they ought to have a security escort to ensure their safe passage through built-up areas.
‘Irish Water has now been informed of the imminent actions of an ever-increasing and already large number of people who are gravely concerned about the dangers to human health caused by the over-consumption of fluoride’, she warned, adding that they ‘are no longer prepared to tolerate being forced to consume it by a nanny state’.
The issue has come under the spotlight over the last year, with town councils in Macroom, Skibbereen and Clonakilty all backing a ban on the practice of mandatory water fluoridation. In 2012, however, the Irish Expert Body on Fluorides and Health rejected anti-fluoridation arguments as ‘unscientific’, saying it is a ‘crucial, beneficial healthcare policy’ backed by ‘overwhelming evidence’.
Ms Fitzgibbon, a nutritionist who is taking legal action against the Irish government to end the policy of mandatory water fluoridation of public water supplies, said future customers will refuse to contract with Irish Water. A nationwide campaign to withhold any payment for water that has been artificially fluoridated will follow, she said.
In the letter to Irish Water, she said fluoride has toxic effects when allowed to accumulate in the human body, and the company has a ‘legal duty’ to warn consumers of these effects. This legal duty is particularly marked in the case of those who are most vulnerable to fluoride’s effects, she said, ‘such as babies, diabetics and persons suffering from thyroid and kidney disease.’
Irish Water and its board members may be held accountable for all personal injury caused by the consumption of excess fluoride that occurs in the future, she said. ‘Already thousands of people have suffered dental fluorosis, which is a permanent white/brown staining on the teeth which requires dental treatment or the teeth may be lost’, said Ms Fitzgibbon, who said it is ‘sadly ironic’ that the adding of fluoride to water is now ‘demonstrably causing more damage to teeth than it is preventing.’
In the coming months, there is likely to be ‘considerable resistance’ to the payment of any water charges for artificially fluoridated water, she said, with court cases taken seeking compensation for the damage caused to teeth by the over-ingestion of fluoride.
Fluorisilicic acid (the acid put into drinking water to artificially fluoridate it), ‘melts through metal and concrete and burns and kills on exposure to humans’, she said, before warning of ‘an accident waiting to happen’ with the tankers used to transport this acid around the country. The tankers may not meet minimum safety requirements, she said, adding that they ought to have a security escort to ensure their safe passage through built-up areas.
‘Irish Water has now been informed of the imminent actions of an ever-increasing and already large number of people who are gravely concerned about the dangers to human health caused by the over-consumption of fluoride’, she warned, adding that they ‘are no longer prepared to tolerate being forced to consume it by a nanny state’.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Cutting back on sugar can have surprising positive effects
By Marsha Munsell
..Sugar has more far-reaching effects than the immediate energy burst, burn and drain. Here are a few things to think about. We know about tooth decay. But tooth decay can lead to gum disease and gum disease can lead to inflammation of the coronary arteries. Imbalanced blood glucose can lead to mood swings, fatigue and headaches. The December issue of Health and Nutrition newsletter from Tufts University features a study linking higher blood glucose levels with dementia. “We found that higher glucose levels were associated with an increased risk of dementia in populations with and without diabetes,” says Dr. Paul K. Crane, of the University of Washington, and colleagues.
Sugar is being linked to obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Consuming sweet, nutrient-deficient foods doesn’t leave us much room for nutrient-dense foods. And it seems the more sweets we eat, the more we crave them. Crazy cycle. Ever feel stressed and irritable after too many sweets? Sugar can affect our cognition or our mind’s ability to learn. It can affect how we look! When we eat too much sugar, a process called glycation can occur, where some of the sugar we consume sticks to the proteins in our body, causing our body tissues to lose their elasticity. It can affect our skin and our internal organs. The faster the body loses its elasticity, the faster aging occurs.
How much is too much? Some doctors say any amount is too much. The American Heart Association recommends that women consume no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugar every day. And men should consume less than 9 teaspoons per day. That’s about 100 and 150 calories for women and men, respectively.
Good luck curbing your sugar cravings, especially walking by all the after-holiday candy sale displays at the stores. Try to think of the health of your heart rather than those chocolate hearts.....
Ireland - Fluoride-free town calls for rethink on mandatory water fluoridation
Fluoride-free town calls for rethink on mandatory water fluoridation
A West Cork town has been designated Ireland’s first fluoride-free town, fuelling talk that the initiative could spread nationwide
Owen Boyden, the co-ordinator of the West Cork Fluoride Free Campaign, which is spearheading the Fluoride Free Towns movement, insisted the installation of the filtration systems is completely legal.
“The filters are perfectly legal and are being sold up and down the country. As far as I know, there is no legislation preventing it. People deserve a choice,” said Mr Boyden.
He hopes Bantry’s initiative will inspire other towns to follow suit.
Fluoride Free campaign teams are now working with other West Cork towns — including Clonakilty, Skibbereen, Macroom, Kinsale, Castletownbere, and Bandon — to help them achieve fluoride-free status.
The West Cork Fluoride Free campaign, which is working to reverse Ireland’s mandatory policy of water fluoridation, supported and advised six Bantry-based firms to go fluoride free.
Organico Café, Organico Shop, Trawl and Trend cafe and restaurant, The Fish Kitchen restaurant, The Mariner bar, and Wokabout, which makes ready-to-go Thai meals, each spent up to €700 on the installation of a reverse osmosis water filtration systems.
Hannah Dare of Organico shop and café said she is excited to be cooking and making drinks with fluoride-free water. “Of course we are unhappy that this costly step has been necessary, but Organico’s customers are delighted and the feedback is incredibly positive,” she said.
“There is huge public health concern over Ireland’s mandatory water fluoridation and hopefully more and more businesses will come onboard the fluoride-free campaign.”
Bantry councillor Diarmaid Murphy congratulated the businesses involved.
“With many businesses in West Cork planning to follow suit, this is only the beginning of a national campaign that without question will be a positive move towards improving public health,” he said.
Ireland in the only country in the EU and one of only two in the world which implements a national mandatory public water fluoridation policy.
The Food Safety Authority of Ireland and the expert body set up to monitor the policy insist that the fluoride concentrations in public drinking water poses no known medical problems to the general population.
However Mr Boyden said his fluoride-free campaign has received widespread cross-party political support.
If more towns follow Bantry’s example, he said, the Government could be forced to reconsider its “isolated mandatory water fluoridation policy” and end what he described as an “outdated and dangerous public health initiative”.
Mr Boyden cited reports which have linked fluoride to incidents of osteoporosis, arthritis, bone fracture, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, endocrine disruption, gastrointestinal effects, hypersensitivity, kidney disease, male infertility, pineal gland dysfunction, skeletal fluorosis, thyroid disease, and acute toxicity.
See for more.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Warning labels required on sugary drinks sold in California
Warning labels required on sugary drinks sold in California
Updated: Sunday, February 16 2014, 02:20 PM CST
Warning labels you typically see on cigarette packages, may soon be seen on sugary drinks sold in California. A state lawmaker is proposing legislation to require companies to place health warning labels on the front of all cans and bottles of soda and sugary fruit drinks. The proposed law would apply to drinks that have sugar added and have 75 or more calories per 12 ounces. The label would read: "State of California Safety Warning: Drinking beverages with added sugar contributes to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay." Medical experts are throwing their support behind the measure. But organizations representing beverage producers say the bill unfairly blames one product for obesity. If passed, the legislation would go into effect July 1st, 2015.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
How Graham sees his participation in stopping fluoridation in Northern Ireland. NPWA was very active then as well.
India - A Clean Solution for Pure Water
A population of 452 was merely a number for Reshma Dai. In December 2011, as the Sarpanch of Advi village in Madhya Pradesh, she knocked on every door to inform her fellow villagers of how the newly installed water purification plant could save their children from fatal health problems. It took her three days, but she made sure everybody was onboard.
This was made possible in villages of Chhattisgarh, Bihar and Maharashtra as well by Nagpur-based engineer Abhijeet Gan. An alumnus of BITS Pilani, Abhijeet started work on Rite Water Solutions in 2006 after he read an article on chemical contamination of water in Dongargaon near Nagpur. “The article mentioned severe ill effects on the health of the villagers. So, I visited the village with a few friends. We observed that 60 per cent of the children there suffered from dental problems and bone-related disorders due to presence of fluoride in water,” says Abhijeet. The adults were worst affected due to fluoride consumption over a long period. “Within a year we developed a product for fluoride removal and set up our first community water centre there,” he says....
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Agriculture / Food Supply
Emerging solutions: nutrition education, learning about the alkaline / pH balance of our bodies and natural cures for all diseases, making conscious choices and being fully responsible for your own health.
Pesticides And Fluoride Among New Risks
Are ADHD, Other Mental Disorders Products Of Chemical Exposure? Pesticides And Fluoride Among New Risks
The problem, as co-author and adjunct professor of environmental health at HSPH Philippe Grandjean sees it, is twofold: helping people avoid risky environments and encouraging corporations to perform regulatory checks of their products......
A pdf of the full review is available.
A pdf of the full review is available.
Hong Kong - Take fluoride out of our water
Take fluoride out of our water
I refer to the letter by David Wong, of the Water Supplies Department ("Fluoridation of drinking water protects teeth", February 8) in reply to the letter by G. Holloway, ("Orwellian practice must end in HK", January 27).
Fluoride is a toxic additive that harms brain functioning in adults and children. It can be lethal at only five grams. Like G. Holloway, I would like to know why Hong Kong's water supply, unlike many advanced countries, is still being treated with toxic fluoride.
Mr Wong took a defensive stance on fluoridation, citing outdated studies, while never showing concern for the other side.
He ambiguously never states what exactly is being added to our water (sodium fluoride or calcium fluoride), where it was sourced from, or how - as a by-product of aluminium manufacturing.
He says the Water Supplies and Health departments will keep monitoring fluoride content and "the latest scientific development". Well, those departments haven't been monitoring closely enough.
Numerous studies show harm from consuming fluoride. Many cities have chosen to abandon fluoridation and it is now Hong Kong's turn.
Researchers from Harvard University and China Medical University indicate that fluoride adversely affects cognitive development and IQ in children.
Fluoride, when combined with other heavy metals like lead, mercury and aluminium, is also being linked to Alzheimer's disease. Finally, overexposure to fluoride causes fluorosis, an enamel defect resulting in white or brown spots on teeth.
Hong Kong needs to stop adding chemicals to our water. If it's really about oral health, like Mr Wong says it is, let's encourage proper brushing and flossing instead, and let's also immediately eliminate soda and sugar-laden beverages from all schools.
Paramount to all of this, however, is the fact that ending Hong Kong's toxic water fluoridation will reduce the potential harm to our brains, and the young brains of future generations.
Dr William Hirzy, senior vice-president of the union representing scientists at the US Environmental Protection Agency, said, in 1999: "In summary, we hold that fluoridation is an unreasonable risk. That is, the toxicity of fluoride is so great and the purported benefits associated with it are so small - if there are any at all - that requiring every man, woman and child to ingest it borders on criminal behaviour on the part of governments." Is anyone else thirsty for change?
Nick Anderson, North Point
Friday, February 14, 2014
USA - End fluoridation now
The federal farm bill recently signed into law by President Barack Obama contains a provision that overrides a ruling by the EPA to phase out the toxic fumigant sulfuryl fluoride because it leaves unsafe levels of fluoride residue on food.
The aggregate dose that children receive from these residues along with the fluoride from other sources, including fluoridated water and dental products, exceeds the EPA’s safe reference dose for fluoride — especially in the case of infants and children — which is why the EPA started phasing out sulfuryl fluoride.
Lobbyists for Dow AgroSciences and the National Pest Management Association worked to get a provision into the farm bill to reverse the EPA’s recommendation to phase out sulfuryl fluoride. This undermines the credibility of the EPA’s pesticide division and delivers a critical blow to the Food Quality Protection Act, which was designed to provide stronger protections for infants and children from pesticides.
Of the developed nations, only the U.S. and Australia apply this fumigant directly to food. The rest of the world has shown that sulfuryl fluoride is not necessary for the safe storage and handling of our food supply, given the availability of other methods.
Our kids are already getting far too much fluoride as evidenced by the fact that 41 percent of American adolescents have some form of dental fluorosis, a telltale sign that they have experienced the early signs of fluoride poisoning.
A recent analysis by Harvard scientists found that 26 of 27 studies investigating the relationship between IQ and elevated fluoride in water have found a reduction of IQ, with an average drop of 7 IQ points.
The idea that we are taking these risks to satisfy Dow’s thirst for profit is both intolerable socially and highly shortsighted from an economic and public health perspective.
With the increased exposure to fluoride that this Dow-crafted congressional vote will bring, We must end water fluoridation wherever this outdated practice is still in force. Learn more at and watch the 10 facts on fluoridation.
Sandra Doney, Slidell
The aggregate dose that children receive from these residues along with the fluoride from other sources, including fluoridated water and dental products, exceeds the EPA’s safe reference dose for fluoride — especially in the case of infants and children — which is why the EPA started phasing out sulfuryl fluoride.
Lobbyists for Dow AgroSciences and the National Pest Management Association worked to get a provision into the farm bill to reverse the EPA’s recommendation to phase out sulfuryl fluoride. This undermines the credibility of the EPA’s pesticide division and delivers a critical blow to the Food Quality Protection Act, which was designed to provide stronger protections for infants and children from pesticides.
Of the developed nations, only the U.S. and Australia apply this fumigant directly to food. The rest of the world has shown that sulfuryl fluoride is not necessary for the safe storage and handling of our food supply, given the availability of other methods.
Our kids are already getting far too much fluoride as evidenced by the fact that 41 percent of American adolescents have some form of dental fluorosis, a telltale sign that they have experienced the early signs of fluoride poisoning.
A recent analysis by Harvard scientists found that 26 of 27 studies investigating the relationship between IQ and elevated fluoride in water have found a reduction of IQ, with an average drop of 7 IQ points.
The idea that we are taking these risks to satisfy Dow’s thirst for profit is both intolerable socially and highly shortsighted from an economic and public health perspective.
With the increased exposure to fluoride that this Dow-crafted congressional vote will bring, We must end water fluoridation wherever this outdated practice is still in force. Learn more at and watch the 10 facts on fluoridation.
Sandra Doney, Slidell
Thursday, February 13, 2014
UK - Mass medication has serious side-effects
Sir William Osler, the “father of modern medicine”, said that what distinguished humans from animals was the desire to take medicine. Osler died in 1919, but, like most of his brilliant aphorisms, it is still true, with the added development that now many of us take pills even if there’s nothing wrong with us. He also thought one of the first duties of the physician was to educate people not to take medicine. That idea, that medicines are potentially dangerous and should be avoided if possible, has gone out of the window – and that is a pity.
We’re now seeing a radical extension of the doctrine that “prevention is better than cure”, with damaging consequences. So, where prevention once meant living well, exercising, not smoking, having routine vaccinations etc, now it entails chucking strong medication at whole populations. This is population medicine as opposed to individualised medicine. Instead of the doctor looking at each patient who comes into the consulting room, taking a history and providing treatment tailored to that person, you medicate a population, or “epidemiological cohort”, in the jargon.
Lowering the population risk is thought to be worth doing, even though the awkward fact is that most of the patients do not need the pills, will never benefit from them, and may be harmed by them. This is a departure from established notions of preventative medicine. But it allows drug companies, who try to influence public health policy, to present their products as serving a protective function. And that does wonders for their bottom line.
Another example cropped up this week. Nice, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, the government body that guides prescribing habits in the NHS, proposed that the threshold be halved for offering statins to people, so they’re given to even more patients.
These cholesterol-lowering compounds are already one of the most prescribed drugs in the GP’s formulary, and one of the most frequently given to people who are well. I myself am on a low dose of atorvastatin, though I’m not in the highest–risk group.
Clearly, they do benefit people who have had a heart attack or stroke; whether those who just score highly for risk factors will benefit, on the other hand, is less certain. A meta-analyis in the Archives of Internal Medicine found no evidence for the benefit of statin therapy in patients who hadn’t had serious heart disease. And for every 136 people who take statins, one will get a case of liver injury. Other side-effects (admittedly, often rare) include acute renal failure, muscle aches and cataracts.
Population medicine means that individuals are taking the risk of harming their health, on behalf of the other members of the population who might benefit. And there’s the cost of treating the side-effects to consider. These are unquantifiable: in her excellent book The Patient Paradox, the Glasgow GP Margaret McCartney tells the story of an elderly patient who suffered such painful muscle aches as a result of her statin treatment that she had given up going to the tea dances which were keeping her fit.
Not that statins are the only mass medication. Another is the “polypill”, a mixture of three or four drugs designed to reduce population risk of heart disease. Every couple of years an enthusiast proposes that polypills should be dished out to everyone above a certain age. But obviously the more drugs you combine, the greater the risk.
The classic instance of a whole-population approach is fluoride in water. As Professor KK Cheng and others have pointed out in the British Medical Journal, there is precious little evidence that it does any good, whereas fluoride applied as toothpaste has been shown to prevent tooth decay.....