Thursday, October 31, 2013
When will the government appoint
Ministers who actually understand basic science?
Dr. Thomas
Stephen Peckham is quite correct;
the response of Earl Howe to Parliamentary Questions put by Earl
Baldwin entirely fails to address the real issues raised by the Noble
Earl. Once again the government's spokesman seems to be speaking with
blissful ignorance and aplomb on a subject of which he appears to
know nothing - no, not fluoridation, but science itself!
you read (God forbid!) the entire paper on which he relies (McGrady
et al - on 'social deprivation,dental caries, and fluorosis
in the UK') you'll find it liberally endowed with numerous
disclaimers about the reliability of the study. The authors are
clearly well aware of the limited reliability of their findings. They
provide numerous disclaimers, carefully expressed in impeccably
reasonable language, about certain points on which the study might be
viewed as not quite meeting the high standards that one would expect
in any experimental medication of large numbers of the general
study presents challenging examples of complicated-looking
statistical techniques, giving the impression (at least to the lay
reader) that here at last is a really robust study, one that settles
all this annoying confusion once and for all. Yet don't be fooled -
all such epidemiological studies are inevitably subject to
uncertainty and even (Oh no!) bias, and this one is no exception.
as in some other studies referred to in the introduction, we see once
again this irritating habit of 'cherry picking' the data.
These studies rarely if ever deal with ALL of the data on ALL
relevant communities. Instead they compare selected towns - but
annoyingly they never reveal all of actual data. When perfectly
simple (but curiously unreported) 'Confidence Intervals' are
calculated, which describe how much error exists in a study's data,
all too often it it turns out that the level of uncertainty in the
effects on the selected town populations is so great that the
comparison is statistically meaningless!
the problem with research on the effects of experimenting on the
public - you don't really know nearly enough about your unwary
subjects to be certain of what the supposed 'results' of follow-up
studies mean in the real world. The effects of fluoridation on the
governmental's unsuspecting guinea pigs really are a matter of some
considerable confusion.
even so, these Ministerial statements appear designed to give the
impression to potentially critical listeners and readers that
they can ignore the suspicion that there might just be some serious
flaws that could lead to the impression that (Heaven forbid!) a
slight pinch of salt might be a sensible accompaniment to this latest
waffling. (You might think that, I couldn't possibly comment, honest
Guv, trust me, I'm a politician!)
the way that an experiment is carried out is subject to severe bias
(as is this one) then it is entirely irrelevant how fancy
the statistical analysis of its basic data may be - it's still wrong!
The more complex the study, the greater the confounding effects of
the flaws. Just because a study happens to get 'results' that appear
to be 'consistent' with other studies in the same field - and often
even those performed by the same people - this
doesn't mean that its conclusions are any more reliable than any of
the other studies. It
may simply means that all such studies suffer from the same defects -
they may all be equally and consistently wrong!
Howe's reliance on this paper, in an apparent effort to disarm Earl
Baldwin's questions, is the latest in a long chain of Parliamentary
Answers that serve merely attempt to conceal the chaotic state into
which the government's fatuous promotion of fluoridation has
descended. The recently leaked study of dental fluorosis in Ireland,
by John Gormley TD, reveals that fluorosis in Irish kids increased
by a factor of seven after fluoridation was introduced,
yet it remained extremely rare in unfluoridated Northern Ireland.
mentioned this several times over the past years, as it's already
well known, and even in the public domain over there - yet
still our Parliamentarians trundle our the same old gossip for our
edification. Shouldn't spokesmen for the government be aware of ALL
recent evidence, rather than 'cherry pick' what's been lying around
for years because it happens to fit their official policy briefings?
Come on, Earl Howe - tell us about the latest 'Gormley Repor't, then!
water may not be the only
of fluoride overload and dental fluorosis, but it sure as Hell is the
most dangerous and pervasive environmental source of
bioavailable fluoride, even including that damned fluoridated
toothpaste!. It's the most active cause of the rampant spread of
dental fluorosis (and not just of 'severe fluorosis', Earl Howe) in
Irish kids throughout that unfortunate country.
the equivalent data on how much fluorosis our own kids have is a
closely guarded official secret here in the UK.The
info has been deliberately suppressed for decades - just check out
the BASCD instructions to collectors of dmft/DMFT to ignore fluorosis
in the biennual compilation of these statistics. The claim that it's
not causing 'general ill health' is unsupported by any real evidence,
so just why have the US and Irish governments both been forced to
reduce the recommended level of fluoride added to drinking water to
well below the magic 1ppm, with special warning to mothers with
Earl Howe somehow seems to have forgotten to answer Earl Baldwin's
awkward question about our old sparring partner, the BFS.
Perhaps he prefers not to admit to the government's continuing close
association with an organisation that has for years been recklessly
making some rather naughty medicinal claims about the supposed
prophylactic property of unlicensed medical products? (Yep, they're
even pushing fluoridated school milk, up here in the benighted North
West too!)
paper referred to by Earl Howe does not contribute anything new to
the scientific understanding of this epidemic - it's worthless,
so forget it.
Celebrate the launch of the 2014 Naked Calendar
The aim of the 2014 Naked Calendar is to create awareness about the water fluoridation issue in Ireland. It will combine beauty, entertainment and information that is sure to get the nation talking about fluoride. The proceeds of the sale of the calendar will go towards paying for expert witnesses who will be needed to testify in the up and coming High Court case.
Join me for a free wine reception during what promises to be a night of information and fun. Meander through the exhibition of our calendar and best campaign photographs. Meet with the brave participants and models which graciously and unreservedly created the Naked Calendar. Starring in the exhibition is the talented and stunning Hot Press journalist Adrienne Murphy who will be present on the night to discuss her fluoride investigation with guests. The exhibition will be opened by the much loved and esteemed Senator David Norris. Music will be provided on the night by DJ Dave Sullivan. I very much look forward to seeing you on there.
Drinking three litres of water a day took TEN YEARS off my face
You might think I'd have little in common with a camel, but we do share one useful skill: both of us can go for a very long time without water. Usually I start my day with a cup of tea, then I might have a glass of water with my lunch and one with dinner - that's about a litre of liquid in 24 hours. It feels like plenty, but apparently it's not nearly enough, writes SARAH SMITH.
Not advisable in fluoridated West Midlands.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
San Diego County Fluoridation Map: Who’s Poisoning Our Water?
Have you ever wondered if your city fluoridates your water? This information is not openly advertised, and we thought this map would help citizens of San Diego county figure out.
The majority of cities do add fluoride to their water, especially when you consider population. If the public were to become aware of the situation, it is likely many would like the option to drink water not tampered with.
While natural fluoride may occur in low levels in all districts, some small water districts do not actively add the substance. It may be required to add fluoride by law, but it is only demanded when “funding is available”.
Be sure to read our recent article on areas around the world that are actively banning the addition of fluoride to their water.
If you would like to find out more on fluoride and it’s dangers, please read our in depth blog on the subject: Is Fluoride Good or Bad?
Fluoride Action Network
San Diego County Water Authority
Harmful Ingredients Found in Pet Food during National Pet Awareness Month
Fluoride. The use of fluoride in water and pet toothpastes is a controversial topic. Most veterinarians discourage the use of toothpaste containing fluoride or water with high fluoride content because excess amounts can lead to vomiting and kidney damage.....
USA - ADA recommendations
ADA Scientific Panel issues evidence-based clinical recommendations: Patients at elevated risk for developing cavities benefit from applying topical fluoride.
Patients at elevated risk for developing cavities benefit from applying prescription fluoride directly to their teeth at home or having their dentist apply it in the office, according to new clinical recommendations from a multi-disciplinary expert panel convened by the American Dental Association (ADA) Council on Scientific Affairs. Topical fluoride, used in conjunction with drinking optimally fluoridated water and using toothpaste with fluoride, is helpful to prevent tooth decay in these particular patients. ADA introduces new website for members..
No advice on cutting back on acid drinks or sugar intake - better off losing your teeth than swallowing all that poison..
Patients at elevated risk for developing cavities benefit from applying prescription fluoride directly to their teeth at home or having their dentist apply it in the office, according to new clinical recommendations from a multi-disciplinary expert panel convened by the American Dental Association (ADA) Council on Scientific Affairs. Topical fluoride, used in conjunction with drinking optimally fluoridated water and using toothpaste with fluoride, is helpful to prevent tooth decay in these particular patients. ADA introduces new website for members..
No advice on cutting back on acid drinks or sugar intake - better off losing your teeth than swallowing all that poison..
The study referred to by Earl Howe is open to criticism.
The study referred to by Earl Howe is open to criticism.
authors themselves note: "it
is accepted that a cross sectional study is not the most robust design for
assessing the impact of water fluoridation. However, the cost implications for a
study design that would include prospective monitoring of birth cohorts, serial
cross sectional surveys that include analysis of diet and total fluoride intake
with anthropometric measurements would be cost prohibitive and beyond the scope
of this project. Nevertheless, the aforementioned are important considerations
to be taken during study design."
also note that children in Manchester were more likely to not rinse after
brushing their teeth and therefore more likely to swallow their toothpaste -
hence the higher fluorosis levels. Full paper available at:
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
UK House of Lords
Asked by
Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
Regarding dental fluorosis, we are advised by PHE of a recent research by McGrady and co-workers, published in BMC Public Health 2012, comparing levels of dental fluorosis in fluoridated Newcastle and unfluoridated Manchester which showed that 0.1% of children in Newcastle had severe fluorosis compared with 0.2% in Manchester; the prevalence of moderate fluorosis was 1% in Newcastle compared to 0% in Manchester, these being far lower levels than those suggested by the York review.
Fluoride May Be Your Next Contraceptive?
Fluoride May Be Your Next Contraceptive?
October 29, 201
By Dr. Mercola
In the US, where about two-thirds of drinking water supplies are fluoridated, men may be putting their fertility at risk with every sip of water from the tap.Research has long linked fluoride in drinking water with sperm damage and other threats to reproductive health, although many Americans remain completely in the dark about the association.Yet, most of the studies on fluoride use sodium fluoride, which while extremely toxic is pharmaceutical-grade fluoride -- NOT the kind added to water supplies. So researchers set out to determine the toxicity of the fluoride compounds that are actually in most water supplies. Here’s what they found…
Fluoride in Drinking Water May Be Toxic to Sperm
First a bit of background… sodium fluoride was the first of the fluoride waste materials to be used for fluoridation, but now is rarely used. It's the most well known, as this is ‘pharmaceutical grade’ compound used in toxicology studies and other research into the potential health dangers of fluoride.The other two types of fluoride, sodium silicofluoride and hydrofluorosilicic acid, are the compounds actually used for water fluoridation. Sodium silicofluoride and hydrofluorosilicic acid are the waste products from the fertilizer industry and are actually classified as hazardous wastes.The new study compared the toxicity of three fluoride compounds – sodium fluoride and two silicofluorides used for water fluoridation – to determine their effect on the growth, feeding and reproduction of roundworms. They found:1“Exposure to these compounds produced classic concentration-response toxicity profiles… This suggests that silicofluorides have similar toxicity to NaF [sodium fluoride].”Since sodium fluoride appears to be equally toxic as the fluoride chemicals added to drinking water, it raises serious concern about another recent study, which found sodium fluoride may damage sperm chemotaxis, the process by which sperm are attracted toward an egg, which plays a critical role in allowing fertilization to occur.2 Though this study involved mice, if the findings apply to humans it could put men at risk of becoming infertile…
Fluoride May Be Dangerous to Male Fertility
Past research, too, has shown that fluoride has potentially disastrous effects on the male reproductive system. The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) reported:3
- Exposing ram semen to 0.38 parts per million (20 umol/L) of fluoride for five hours caused a “statistically significant decrease in the motility of spermatozoa” along with other changes that would “undoubtedly affect the physiological function of the sperm.”
- Infusing testes with modest amounts of fluoride (4.75 parts per million) inhibited the synthesis of testosterone
- Sixty animal studies have found that fluoride adversely impacts the male reproductive system, including...........................
Monday, October 28, 2013
Saturday, October 26, 2013
It may be wise to cut down on exposure to fluoride
It may be wise to cut down on exposure to fluoride
2013-10-25 08:23
Fluoride has been touted for a long time as being an optimal substance to use to cut down on cavities. Although concerns have arisen about the potential for toxic effects from overexposure to fluoride, it is generally added to drinking water supplies and to tooth pastes and mouth rinses. However, recent studies indicate being exposed to high levels of fluoride may be associated with adverse health effects. writes that fluoride is an extremely toxic substance. For example, consider there is now a poison warning that the FDA now requires on all fluoride toothpastes which are sold in the U.S. And there have been reports of tens of millions of people throughout China and India who are suffering from serious crippling bone diseases due to drinking water with elevated levels of fluoride.
A consideration of acute toxicity, or the dose which can cause immediate toxic consequences, finds that fluoride is more toxic than lead, but slightly less toxic than arsenic. In fact this explains why fluoride has long been used in rodenticides and pesticides to kill pests such as rats and insects. Furthermore, accidents which involve over-ingestion of fluoridated dental products, which includes fluoride gels, fluoride supplements, and fluoridated water, can cause serious poisoning incidents, including death.
There are also serious concerns about the possible chronic toxicity of fluoride, or the dose of fluoride that if regularly consumed over an extended period of time can cause adverse effects.Fluoride advocates claim that the safety of fluoride in dentistry is well documented and “beyond debate.” However, the Chairman of the National Research Council’s (NRC) comprehensive fluoride review, Dr. John Doull, has stated that, ”when we looked at the studies that have been done, we found that many of these questions are unsettled and we have much less information than we should, considering how long this fluoridation has been going on. I think that’s why fluoridation is still being challenged so many years after it began.”
Fluoride exposure has been implicated as a cause or a contributor to various chronic health ailments. The union of scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency’s Headquarters Office in Washington D.C. stated in 2001, “We hold that water fluoridation is an unreasonable risk.” A growing number of health professionals are beginning to share these concerns about the potential for adverse health effects from fluoride exposure.
The Technical University of Denmark has reported, "Extensive use of fluorinated substances with potentially harmful effects." There have been a significant number of scientific studies which have indicated that perfluorinated substances are carcinogenic or otherwise hazardous to health. In the Nordic countries, new per- and polyfluorinated substances are now being used to replace the ones which are known to be harmful. However, there remains a need for new detection methods and greater knowledge on their exposure and toxicity.
Many ordinary consumer goods contain fluorinated substances in various forms. It is believed that some fluorinated substances, such as the so-called perfluorinated substances, may be problematic to the environment and health. These substances are not found naturally in nature, and they are extremely persistent and accumulate in humans and animals.
A study which has been performed by a number of Nordic research institutions including the National Food Institute, shows the few toxicological data which are available indicates specific toxic effects on humans and on the environment. This study also shows that there are considerable knowledge gaps in regard to most fluorinated substances as to exact chemical composition which is used in commercial products, quantities which are produced and the extent of use in the Nordic market. A possible explanation may be protection of trade secrets of companies which are in the Nordic market.
Xenia Trier,Ph.D., a research chemist at the National Food Institute, has commented, “Currently we lack the methods to detect most of the commercially used fluorinated substances which can end up in food and the environment. Therefore, there is a need to develop such methods and to better understand the biological mechanisms behind the potentially harmful effects of various fluorinated substances." Generally, when a fluorinated substance is considered toxic, it will be substituted with
other fluorinated substances which have similar technical properties. It is necessary to test and understand the mechanisms which make fluorinated compounds toxic, so the mistake of substitution with another similar harmful chemical is not made.
There is some good news to consider in regard to concerns about toxicity of fluorinated substances. Because these substances are created by humans it is possible to decrease their use and thereby exposure to people. Stefan Posner, senior researcher at Swerea IVF AB and lead author of the Nordic study, has said, “There is a need for further regulating the use of fluorinated substances in consumer products both nationally and globally." In the meantime a heightened awareness of the potential for sometimes serious adverse health effects from overexposure to fluorinated substances should alert everyone to be cautious about too much exposure to these substances.
2013-10-25 08:23
Fluoride has been touted for a long time as being an optimal substance to use to cut down on cavities. Although concerns have arisen about the potential for toxic effects from overexposure to fluoride, it is generally added to drinking water supplies and to tooth pastes and mouth rinses. However, recent studies indicate being exposed to high levels of fluoride may be associated with adverse health effects. writes that fluoride is an extremely toxic substance. For example, consider there is now a poison warning that the FDA now requires on all fluoride toothpastes which are sold in the U.S. And there have been reports of tens of millions of people throughout China and India who are suffering from serious crippling bone diseases due to drinking water with elevated levels of fluoride.
A consideration of acute toxicity, or the dose which can cause immediate toxic consequences, finds that fluoride is more toxic than lead, but slightly less toxic than arsenic. In fact this explains why fluoride has long been used in rodenticides and pesticides to kill pests such as rats and insects. Furthermore, accidents which involve over-ingestion of fluoridated dental products, which includes fluoride gels, fluoride supplements, and fluoridated water, can cause serious poisoning incidents, including death.
There are also serious concerns about the possible chronic toxicity of fluoride, or the dose of fluoride that if regularly consumed over an extended period of time can cause adverse effects.Fluoride advocates claim that the safety of fluoride in dentistry is well documented and “beyond debate.” However, the Chairman of the National Research Council’s (NRC) comprehensive fluoride review, Dr. John Doull, has stated that, ”when we looked at the studies that have been done, we found that many of these questions are unsettled and we have much less information than we should, considering how long this fluoridation has been going on. I think that’s why fluoridation is still being challenged so many years after it began.”
Fluoride exposure has been implicated as a cause or a contributor to various chronic health ailments. The union of scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency’s Headquarters Office in Washington D.C. stated in 2001, “We hold that water fluoridation is an unreasonable risk.” A growing number of health professionals are beginning to share these concerns about the potential for adverse health effects from fluoride exposure.
The Technical University of Denmark has reported, "Extensive use of fluorinated substances with potentially harmful effects." There have been a significant number of scientific studies which have indicated that perfluorinated substances are carcinogenic or otherwise hazardous to health. In the Nordic countries, new per- and polyfluorinated substances are now being used to replace the ones which are known to be harmful. However, there remains a need for new detection methods and greater knowledge on their exposure and toxicity.
Many ordinary consumer goods contain fluorinated substances in various forms. It is believed that some fluorinated substances, such as the so-called perfluorinated substances, may be problematic to the environment and health. These substances are not found naturally in nature, and they are extremely persistent and accumulate in humans and animals.
A study which has been performed by a number of Nordic research institutions including the National Food Institute, shows the few toxicological data which are available indicates specific toxic effects on humans and on the environment. This study also shows that there are considerable knowledge gaps in regard to most fluorinated substances as to exact chemical composition which is used in commercial products, quantities which are produced and the extent of use in the Nordic market. A possible explanation may be protection of trade secrets of companies which are in the Nordic market.
Xenia Trier,Ph.D., a research chemist at the National Food Institute, has commented, “Currently we lack the methods to detect most of the commercially used fluorinated substances which can end up in food and the environment. Therefore, there is a need to develop such methods and to better understand the biological mechanisms behind the potentially harmful effects of various fluorinated substances." Generally, when a fluorinated substance is considered toxic, it will be substituted with
other fluorinated substances which have similar technical properties. It is necessary to test and understand the mechanisms which make fluorinated compounds toxic, so the mistake of substitution with another similar harmful chemical is not made.
There is some good news to consider in regard to concerns about toxicity of fluorinated substances. Because these substances are created by humans it is possible to decrease their use and thereby exposure to people. Stefan Posner, senior researcher at Swerea IVF AB and lead author of the Nordic study, has said, “There is a need for further regulating the use of fluorinated substances in consumer products both nationally and globally." In the meantime a heightened awareness of the potential for sometimes serious adverse health effects from overexposure to fluorinated substances should alert everyone to be cautious about too much exposure to these substances.
Friday, October 25, 2013
UK - Bristol news
Bristol Against Fluoridation held a meeting that Prof Stephen Peckham attended. Reported on the local news the local South Gloucestershire Director of Public Health also gave his views.
For those that are interested the local BBC station covered the story:
Two items - the first at 1.09.15 into the programme and the second starts at 2.09.25.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
USA - Forsyth removes fluoride from city water
Forsyth removes fluoride from city water
Posted: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 2:35 pm
FORSYTH — The Forsyth Board of Aldermen unanimously voted Monday night to cease adding fluoride to the city’s drinking water.
“We have been injecting fluoride for approximately 10 years ... and there’s an old saying that too much of a good thing is bad, and too much of a bad thing is really bad,” said City Supervisor Chris Robertson. “I personally think it’s an expense and hardship to the city and dangerous to employees, and I’ve had hate mail sent to me for us putting it in there.”....
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
UK - Fluoride answers demanded by New Forest MP Julian Lewis
Fluoride answers demanded by New Forest MP Julian Lewis
By James Franklin, Political reporter
Fluoride answers demanded by MP
AN MP has demanded answers on the future of fluoridation in Hampshire.
Council chiefs in Hampshire believe controversial plans to introduce fluoridation could be dead in the water.
The leaders of both Southampton City Council and Hampshire County Council wrote to the Government earlier this year asking for clarification on whether the scheme still exists.
But the organisation which would be charged with adding the chemical to drinking water has still not reached a decision on whether to fight for its introduction or not.
Now New Forest East MP Julian Lewis has urged Public Health England (PHE) to hurry up with its deliberations and let the 200,000 affected people know whether it intends to fight to introduce it or not.
The fluoridation saga has rumbled on since 2009, when the South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) revealed its scheme to putfluoride into water in parts of Southampton, Eastleigh, Totton, Netley andRownhams.
The plans proved hugely controversial but were given the green light in 2009.
But, as revealed in the Daily Echo in July, council chiefs now believe the scheme does not exist and have asked the Government and PHE to confirm or deny their suspicions.
They say paper work was not completed during the handover between the SHA, which was scrapped earlier this year, and PHE, which took on responsibility for fluoridation, earlier this year and that therefore the scheme does not exist.
Since then PHE spokesmen have repeatedly stated that the organisation is reviewing its position on the future of the scheme, but Mr Lewis is now upping the pressure on them to produce a definitive statement on its future.
Although the final decision is set to be made by Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, PHE bosses are reviewing whether they will put forward a case arguing for the introduction of fluoridation to Mr Hunt.
Conservative Mr Lewis, whose constituency contains Totton, wrote to PHE’s chief executive Duncan Selbie requesting a statement from PHE that would “put an end to the confusion and speculation surrounding this whole sorry saga.”
But in his reply Mr Selbie said the organisation was still taking advice on its position and that no response is immediately forthcoming.
Mr Lewis said: “It is obvious from the contortions of its chief executive that PHE is still trying to poke its nose into an area where its interference is not welcome.
“The proponents of fluoridation failed to get the contract signed in time but continue arrogantly to try to impose it.”
A Public Health England spokesman said: “Public Health England continues to give full and careful consideration to all the relevant factors relating to water fluoridation in Southampton and south west Hampshire.”
Monday, October 21, 2013
Scotland - Concerns as kids miss out
Concerns as kids miss out on vital dental care
CHILDREN in the west of Scotland are missing out on a preventative dental treatment that cuts hospital admissions....
The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow has called for fluoride to be added to water supplies to improve oral health....
They never give up, hopefully nor will we.
CHILDREN in the west of Scotland are missing out on a preventative dental treatment that cuts hospital admissions....
The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow has called for fluoride to be added to water supplies to improve oral health....
They never give up, hopefully nor will we.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
7 daily habits that damage your teeth
7 daily habits that damage your teeth
By Dr. Harold Katz
Drinking soda
Gulping down soft drinks is one of the biggest causes of tooth decay in the U.S. The acids in these sugary beverages soften tooth enamel and lead to dental caries, or cavities. More than four in five school-age children consume at least one soft drink per day. Yet this isn't just a problem for oral health in kids; many adults pop open a can of soda regularly. To cut back and avoid needing to visit the dentist for cavity treatments, substitute soft beverages for milk or water. Stock your fridge with healthier options and rinse your mouth out with water after consuming pop........
By Dr. Harold Katz
Drinking soda
Gulping down soft drinks is one of the biggest causes of tooth decay in the U.S. The acids in these sugary beverages soften tooth enamel and lead to dental caries, or cavities. More than four in five school-age children consume at least one soft drink per day. Yet this isn't just a problem for oral health in kids; many adults pop open a can of soda regularly. To cut back and avoid needing to visit the dentist for cavity treatments, substitute soft beverages for milk or water. Stock your fridge with healthier options and rinse your mouth out with water after consuming pop........
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Why New Zealanders are getting fatter
Fluoride Action Network NZ
Why New Zealanders are getting fatter – NZ Dietitians embarrassingly ignorant
Hypothyroidism (under active thyroid) is one of the most common causes of weight gain and depression in New Zealand. Prescriptions for thyroid medication have sky-rocketed over the past 40 years, with thyroxine now being the 19th most commonly prescribed medication.
The NZ Dietitians Society have made the outrageous suggestion that fluoride chemicals should be forcibly added to all water supplies in New Zealand whether people like it or not. This is an embarrassing display of ignorance from a group purporting to know about health and how our diet affects us.
Fluoride is well known to affect the thyroid. In fact, doctors in Germany, France and Argentina[1] successfully used pharmaceutical grade fluoride to treat hyperthyroidism (over active thyroid) for many years up until the 1950s when safer medications became available. Doctors prescribed 2 – 5 mg per day of fluoride to patients to lower their thyroid, the same level that many New Zealanders are exposed to as a result of water fluoridation.
In 2006 the US National Research Council found that when iodine is inadequate, as little as 0.6mg fluoride per day may adversely affect the thyroid, this is less than what is contained in one litre of fluoridated water. Unfortunately, New Zealanders are known to have very low iodine levels and are therefore hugely susceptible to the thyroid lowering effects of fluoride.
The Dietitians obviously have no idea about how fluoride is now known to benefit teeth (from surface contact only, not from swallowing) nor any of the negative health effects, especially the effect on the thyroid. The fluoride chemicals added to the water are not “natural” and are definitely not “beneficial nutrients”.
Many people who visit a dietitian for help with their weight problems have an under active thyroid, which in could actually be caused or exacerbated by fluoride chemicals added to their drinking water.
It is therefore, no wonder, New Zealanders are getting fatter when the very people charged with helping them with their diets, appear to be parroting the Ministry of Health spin on fluoridation and seem not to have done one iota of research into the subject.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Byron Bay holds fluoride debate
Broadcast: 16/10/2013
The alternative mecca of Byron Bay in northern New South Wales is in the grip of a passionate debate over whether or not to put fluoride to the town's drinking water. Health experts say the rate of tooth decay in children in the Byron Shire is twice that of the rest of the state.
EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: The alternative mecca of Byron Bay in northern NSW is in the grip of a passionate debate over whether or not to put fluoride in the town's drinking water.Health experts say the number of small children in the Byron Shire requiring dental surgery is three times that of the rest of the state and that the problem could be solved by fluoride. But those opposed to the chemical compound being added to water believe it's poisonous.
Tonight both sides argued their case at a community meeting.
ROBERT GAMMAL, ANTI-FLOURIDE CAMPAIGNER: We have intolerances, we have kidney disease, we have cancer ... we have cancer. There is a strong association in fluoridated areas compared to non-fluoridated areas of the rates of cancer.
ALISON JONES, DEAN OF MEDICINE, UNI. OF WOLLONGONG: We've got very clear evidence of Australian drinking water standards that shows that this mythology of adding in buckets of arsenic and other heavy metals is simply not true and it's being promoted inappropriately.
EMMA ALBERICI: Byron Council formally debates the issue next week. Currently around 96 per cent of the state's drinking water is fluoridated.
And we'll bring you a full report on the fluoridation battle in Byron Bay tomorrow night.
Unless they use sodium fluoride they will be pumping in large amounts of arsenic and heavy metals.
Irish Invite
The Girl Against Fluoride invites you to celebrate the launch of the 2014 Naked Calendar at Filmbase, Templebar, Dublin 2
on Thursday 7th November. Doors open at 6.30 pm.
The aim of the 2014 Naked Calendar is to create awareness about the water fluoridation issue in Ireland. It will combine beauty, entertainment and information that is sure to get the nation talking about fluoride.
The proceeds of the sale of the calendar will go towards paying for expert witnesses who will be needed to testify in the up and coming High Court case.
Join me for a free wine reception during what promises to be a night of information and fun. Meander through the exhibition of our calendar and best campaign photographs. Meet with the brave participants and models which graciously and unreservedly created the Naked Calendar. The exhibition will be opened by the much loved and esteemed Senator David Norris.
I very much look forward to seeing you on the night.
Best wishes,
Aisling & The Team
Dr. Richard E. Corley and his dental team reveal the reasons behind tough stains.
DESTIN, FL, October 16, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Dr. Richard Corley, dentist in Destin, FL, explains why over the counter whitening strips won't rid some patients of a darkened tooth.
"If a tooth won't respond to store bought whitening products, the problem might not be the outside of the tooth. Some teeth have intrinsic discoloration, which means the inside of the tooth is discolored. And different dental problems cause internal stains," said Dr. Corley, Destin cosmetic dentist.
Pre- and post-eruptive staining causes intrinsic discoloration, and pre-eruptive staining occurs when teeth are still in the developmental stage. Two common causes are excessive intake of fluoride (a condition called fluorosis) and exposure to tetracycline (antibiotic) at a young age. Patients will see tiny streaks or spots in the enamel. The severity of the stains depends upon a patients' oral health and the duration of exposure to fluoride or tetracycline.......
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Fluoride Varnish Application
Rather than put poison in the child's mouth wouldn't it be better to cut out the sugary food and acidic drinks?
USA - Fluoride Toxicity Awareness Program
Midtown Dentistry Starts a Fluoride Toxicity Awareness Program
Fluoride toxicity damage to teeth is a growing concern. Midtown Dentistry -leaders in fluoride dental damage repair - joined the debate by educating its patients about the topic..................
Dentists can see changes in teeth that indicate slow chronic toxicity. That is why they are usually the first to identify the problem. Dental fluorosis is such a finding. While the damage to teeth is usually limited to cosmetic concerns or increased decay, fluoride toxicity can result in far more serious symptoms if large amounts of fluoridated products are ingested over a short space of time. Signs of acute fluoride toxicity can include suffering from nausea, stomach pains, diarrhea and vomiting. Medical help should be sought if you discover someone in your family has ingested large amounts of fluoridated products and it is worth keeping dental products out of the reach of young children and encouraging them to spit out the excess paste rather than swallow it.
Midtown Dentistry now includes fluoride diagnosis and counseling in the patient questionnaire and have sections in the website to counsel patients on the facts.
"It is a growing concern and our patients need to be involved in their own fluoride consumption," says Dr. Jonathan Penchas, founder of Midtown Dentistry. "Fluoride treatment is still provided to certain patients on a selective basis. In general, Midtown Dentistry recommends to its patients to reduce fluoride intake. Drinking water should be fluoride free."..............
Fluoride toxicity damage to teeth is a growing concern. Midtown Dentistry -leaders in fluoride dental damage repair - joined the debate by educating its patients about the topic..................
Dentists can see changes in teeth that indicate slow chronic toxicity. That is why they are usually the first to identify the problem. Dental fluorosis is such a finding. While the damage to teeth is usually limited to cosmetic concerns or increased decay, fluoride toxicity can result in far more serious symptoms if large amounts of fluoridated products are ingested over a short space of time. Signs of acute fluoride toxicity can include suffering from nausea, stomach pains, diarrhea and vomiting. Medical help should be sought if you discover someone in your family has ingested large amounts of fluoridated products and it is worth keeping dental products out of the reach of young children and encouraging them to spit out the excess paste rather than swallow it.
Midtown Dentistry now includes fluoride diagnosis and counseling in the patient questionnaire and have sections in the website to counsel patients on the facts.
"It is a growing concern and our patients need to be involved in their own fluoride consumption," says Dr. Jonathan Penchas, founder of Midtown Dentistry. "Fluoride treatment is still provided to certain patients on a selective basis. In general, Midtown Dentistry recommends to its patients to reduce fluoride intake. Drinking water should be fluoride free."..............
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
UK - Adding fluoride to water means fewer fillings for children
Adding fluoride to water means fewer fillings for children Children need fewer fillings when fluoride is added to tap water, an NHS report suggests.

Girl at the dentist, NHS, dental
An NHS report found children had fewer fillings in areas where fluoride was added
to the water supply Photo: ALAMY
By Claire Carter12:20AM BST 28 Sep 2013
Around six million people currently have fluoridated water in England, in areas where councils have opted into the scheme.A report found that where fluoride has been added to water, such as Scunthorpe in Lincolnshire where supplies have been treated for decades, fewer children needed fillings.
Britain’s ten million children had around 3.5 million fillings last year, and experts believe youngsters in socially deprived areas may benefit most from mass fluoridation.
But critics of adding fluoride to the water supply suggest it could be putting children at risk of developing dementia when they get older.
Philippe Grandjean, professor of environmental health at Harvard University, told the Daily Mail: "The possible effects on degenerative brain diseases are uncertain.
"We recommend further research to clarify what role fluoride exposure levels may play in possible adverse effects on brain development so that future risk assessments can properly take into regard this possible hazard.”
It is thought adding fluoride could create mottled teeth as well as cause aluminium to move around the body from the stomach to the brain, increasing the risk of dementia. In England councils are allowed to choose to opt into the scheme to add fluoride to the water supply, but campaigners are calling for a measure where people have to give explicit consent for their water supply to be added to.
The NHS report records the number of fillings carried out on children per Primary Care Trust area, before they were abolished under the health reforms.
Of the areas in the top five for fewest number of fillings, three of these – North Lincolnshire, Walsall and Warwickshire – were areas where supplies had been treated with the enamel protecting chemical.
Areas where wholesale fluoridisation carried out had seven per cent less fillings compared with the rest of the country.
Susan Hodgkiss, from the British Fluoridation Society, said reviews of fluoridation had found dental health benefits. She added: “Socially deprived children suffering the highest levels of decay may be among those who stand to benefit most."
Girl at the dentist, NHS, dental
An NHS report found children had fewer fillings in areas where fluoride was added
to the water supply Photo: ALAMY
By Claire Carter12:20AM BST 28 Sep 2013
Around six million people currently have fluoridated water in England, in areas where councils have opted into the scheme.A report found that where fluoride has been added to water, such as Scunthorpe in Lincolnshire where supplies have been treated for decades, fewer children needed fillings.
Britain’s ten million children had around 3.5 million fillings last year, and experts believe youngsters in socially deprived areas may benefit most from mass fluoridation.
But critics of adding fluoride to the water supply suggest it could be putting children at risk of developing dementia when they get older.
Philippe Grandjean, professor of environmental health at Harvard University, told the Daily Mail: "The possible effects on degenerative brain diseases are uncertain.
"We recommend further research to clarify what role fluoride exposure levels may play in possible adverse effects on brain development so that future risk assessments can properly take into regard this possible hazard.”
It is thought adding fluoride could create mottled teeth as well as cause aluminium to move around the body from the stomach to the brain, increasing the risk of dementia. In England councils are allowed to choose to opt into the scheme to add fluoride to the water supply, but campaigners are calling for a measure where people have to give explicit consent for their water supply to be added to.
The NHS report records the number of fillings carried out on children per Primary Care Trust area, before they were abolished under the health reforms.
Of the areas in the top five for fewest number of fillings, three of these – North Lincolnshire, Walsall and Warwickshire – were areas where supplies had been treated with the enamel protecting chemical.
Areas where wholesale fluoridisation carried out had seven per cent less fillings compared with the rest of the country.
Susan Hodgkiss, from the British Fluoridation Society, said reviews of fluoridation had found dental health benefits. She added: “Socially deprived children suffering the highest levels of decay may be among those who stand to benefit most."
Monday, October 14, 2013
USA - letter
As I read many of the testimonies of the courageous women who have battled breast cancer, I have to ask: Why is there so much of this? The Amish, Mormons and Seventh-day Adventists don’t have this kind of problem proportionally speaking. What’s the reason?
Many of those groups grow and can and process their own food. They don’t use colorings, chemicals, artificial sweeteners, preservatives and the like, and if they can’t grow it, they buy certified organic. They avoid all soft drinks, diet and regular. Cancer feeds on sugar. Artificial sweeteners are responsible for a host of other problems. The wondrous human body has 20 trillion cells in the immune system. In order for them to do what they were designed to do, they must be maintained with good, healthy food and clean fresh water (no fluoride).
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Labour tells new health spokeswoman to drop her support for homeopathy
Labour has forced its new public health spokeswoman, Luciana Berger, to renounce her views on homeopathy.
Ms Berger replaced Diane Abbott as shadow Health minister in Ed Miliband's reshuffle last week. She has previously signed parliamentary motions submitted for debate that supported the funding of homeopathic remedies on the NHS after the British Medical Association had opposed it. A Labour Party spokesman yesterday said: "Luciana fully supports the scientific evidence on the use of homeopathy. These old petitions will have no impact on her work as a shadow Health minister."
Ms Berger replaced Diane Abbott as shadow Health minister in Ed Miliband's reshuffle last week. She has previously signed parliamentary motions submitted for debate that supported the funding of homeopathic remedies on the NHS after the British Medical Association had opposed it. A Labour Party spokesman yesterday said: "Luciana fully supports the scientific evidence on the use of homeopathy. These old petitions will have no impact on her work as a shadow Health minister."
Fluoride Alert newsletter
Columbia, Tennessee – On September
25th the Columbia Power and Water Systems Board of Public Utilities
voted 3-2 to discontinue
fluoridation of the
drinking water for the city’s approximately 35,000 residents. The vote came
after months of deliberation and review of over 200 pages of documents, studies,
and reports submitted by the public. According to one water board member who
also sits on the city council, “his research of fluoridation showed the chemical
is hazardous for consumers who ingest it, as well as being dangerous for
employees who handle it.”
Tecumseth, Ontario – On September
30th, councilors in New Tecumseth voted 7-3 to end 40 years of
fluoridation for the
town of Tottenham’s 5,000 residents. Prior to this vote, councilors approved a
plebiscite during the October 2014 election, which will ask voters in Alliston,
Beeton, and Tottenham if they want fluoridation. In the meantime, the fluoride
will be flushed from the water supply.
Davis City, California – On
October 1st, the Davis city council soundly rejected fluoridation by a vote
of 4-1. The proposal
would have cost $2 million to implement, plus an additional $300,000 annually in
chemical costs for the city with 66,000 residents. Councilors stated that
opposition to fluoridation was ten times greater then support for the practice
amongst the public.
New Zealand -- The New Zealand
Advertising Standards Authority recently ruled that a pro-fluoridation
advertisement from a local dentist made exaggerated claims about
fluoridation that could
not be proved and therefore must be removed. Harley Dentistry claimed in their
ad, "water fluoridation reduces decay by 20 per cent in our most vulnerable
people, our children and those on lower incomes." Harley Dentistry was unable to
provide evidence proving the claim, putting them in violation of New Zealand’s
advertising code of ethics. You can read the full Advertising Standards Authority decision
The Bad News:
Unfortunately, this week there were two
significant loses for the fluoride-free community. The first occurred on October
8th, when city councilors in Brooksville, Florida voted 4-1 to return fluoride to the drinking
water, two years after they had voted to end the practice. This week’s vote was
not the result of a science-based campaign, but the result of a misleading
pro-fluoride intimidation campaign led by the Florida Department of Health, a
handful of regional dentists, and the Tampa Bay Times. The councilors and Mayor
who opposed fluoridation were regularly attacked and ridiculed by the Tampa Bay
Times, their affiliated newspapers, and Palm Harbor dentist Johnny Johnson. When
the council invited Paul Connett to debate Johnny Johnson, not only did Johnson
withdrawal from the debate, but Dr. Connett was unfairly criticized and attacked
by the local media for his presentation, and was repeatedly denied an
opportunity to have a response published. In the end, the council's decision
was less about science and more about keeping the Tampa Bay Times from bullying
them from office. (There will be more coverage of the Brooksville story in
an upcoming bulletin)The second setback was in the Whakatane Region of New Zealand, where a majority of citizens in three communities voted in favor of fluoridation in a non-binding referendum. Earlier this year, Hamilton Councilors held a tribunal to study fluoridation. After hearing expert testimony on both sides of the issue, and reviewing hundreds of pages of research on fluoride, the tribunal voted 7-1 to oppose fluoridation. In response, the pro-fluoride lobby--including the taxpayer funded district health board--gathered enough petition signatures to force a referendum on the issue. They then spent tens of thousands of dollars on a propaganda campaign that included banners, billboards, and ads in all media formats, which also helped them secure the support of most of the local editiroal boards and newspaper staff. This resulted in a very one-sided and unscientific "debate" of fluoridation prior to the low turnout vote.
The referendum vote is non-binding, so
the fight is far from over in Whakatane. We will be providing in-depth coverage
of the Whakatane campaign in an upcoming bulletin.
More than
9,700 people have signed this petition to Stop Water Fluoridation, and the number continues to rise. Which
one of you will be number 10,000? Please sign and share this important
“The practice of water fluoridation should end immediately. All of the available evidence suggests that not only will this lead to a marked reduction in fluorosis but that there would not be a significant rise in dental caries.”
This was the recommendation to the Joint committee on Health and Children in the Irish parliament in 2007 when the committee was holding special hearings on water fluoridation. The 90-page report authored by the former Irish Minister for the Environment, John Gormley, contained analysis of all available research on fluoride at the time, and based it’s final recommendations on expert testimony presented during the hearings.
The report states: “The Department of Health's assessment of
the overwhelming benefits of water fluoridation is not justified…we believe on
the basis of the international studies there would be no long-term increase in
dental decay if fluoride were not added to Irish drinking water…we note that
dental health has improved to the same degree in countries where there is no
water fluoridation. While positive aspects of fluoridation have been
over-stated, the growing negative impact has not been properly recognized…the
Committee is disappointed and alarmed that no general health studies have ever
been carried out, particularly considering that four in ten 15 year olds are now
affected by fluorosis.”
However, instead of acting on the report
and ending fluoridation, the committee rejected the report and suppressed it’s
contents for six years until a copy was made public only weeks ago. Clearly,
this is one of the most egregious examples of the truth about fluoridation being
hidden by a powerful minority that supports the practice. It is obvious that the
pro-fluoride lobby is more interested in protecting fluoridation policy and
their reputations then they are in protecting the public’s
health.-Read the full report
-Read the groundbreaking interview with the Report’s Author, John Gormley
Paul Connett Town Hall
FAN’s Director and co-author of
“The Case Against Fluoride”, Paul Connett, PhD will be featured in
a town hall style event on this month’s International Fluoride Free
Teleconference. The call will start with a brief presentation on fluoridation by
Dr. Connett, followed by an extensive question and answer period where callers
can ask their fluoride questions. The teleconference will take place this
Sunday, October 13 at 5:00pm ET / 2:00pm PT, and will last up to two
hours to give as many people as possible the opportunity to ask Dr. Connett a
question. Don’t miss this unprecedented event; get your questions
answered. To participate in the free teleconference, you must REGISTER TODAY!
- What: Paul Connett Town Hall Teleconference & Online Presentation
- When: Sunday, October 13, 2013 2:00pm PT / 5:00pm ET – 2 hours
Stuart Cooper
FAN, Campaign
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Fluoride Gets Primetime Coverage On Irish Mainstream T.V. Oct 7
Earlier this year RTE was forced to cover some of the damning facts about the dangers of water fluoridation thanks to the ongoing efforts of campaigners nationwide. After 50 years of suppressing the truth from the people of Ireland it was the first time that the national broadcaster allowed both sides of the debate to see the light of day on mainstream television. Now six months later and with public awareness growing by the day RTE have ran yet another report on the addition of this industrial waste into the Irish water supply. However they decided at the last minute to scrap their original plans to bring Declan Waugh onto the show to share his expert knowledge on the toxicity effects of fluoride on human and animal health. Declan is an environmental scientist from Bandon Co.Cork who last year wrote out an extensive 343 page scientific report on the health impacts of water fluoridation. Since then his report has been used in multiple lawsuits to successfully remove fluoride from public water supplies in cities and countries worldwide. He has also been featured in 10 issues of Irelands Hot Press magazine where he goes into great depth on this violation of human rights which effects every man, woman and child in the country.
Canada - Public water shouldn’t have unnecessary additives
Public water shouldn’t have unnecessary additives
By Letter to the Editor on October 12, 2013.
The hydrofluorosilicic acid debate in Lethbridge too often flows away from the most pressing concern regarding its addition to public water. Instead, the debate tends to pool around a ping-pong game of study versus study, and personal experience examples, such as the recent extreme example of the kid in Cochrane that had almost $5,000 of dental work, ostensibly due to being denied drinking water containing hydrofluorosilicic acid.
(For the record, here is my personal-story example. I have not used fluoridated toothpaste for about 10 years; I drink bottled water that has no fluoride rather than drink Lethbridge water, and the only added fluoride I may ingest might come from the odd alcoholic beverage. I do not accept any fluoride treatments from my dentist, and over the last decade I have had one little cavity. Should anyone really care about my personal experience, other than me? I think not. The same should be said for the Cochrane example).
Listening to those who argue that fluoride must be added to public water, it is hard to not get teary-eyed. What on God’s earth is the world coming to when one cannot get the hydrofluorosilic acid one is entitled to, as should be entrenched in our Charter of Rights. Indeed, listening to numerous health authorities, one gets the idea that the health and security of a nation is dependent on the free flow of fluoride.
Listen: hydrofluorosilicic acid could be the cure for cancer; a youth elixir; the key to world peace; or whatever other panacea one might want to imagine. That still would not warrant it being added to public drinking water. It only makes sense that those who want the stuff add it to their diet in consultation with their physician. It is not some rare substance – though highly toxic, it is an abundant by-product of phosphate mining. Adding it to public water saves the mining companies huge dollars dumping it as toxic waste, and instead they get to sell it off to communities that feel public water should deliver additives beyond those that make it potable. This issue is not worthy of plebiscite because a majority has no right to impose unnecessary additives and medications upon others. Public water is not the way to deliver anything – besides clean drinking water.
Karl-W Miller
By Letter to the Editor on October 12, 2013.
The hydrofluorosilicic acid debate in Lethbridge too often flows away from the most pressing concern regarding its addition to public water. Instead, the debate tends to pool around a ping-pong game of study versus study, and personal experience examples, such as the recent extreme example of the kid in Cochrane that had almost $5,000 of dental work, ostensibly due to being denied drinking water containing hydrofluorosilicic acid.
(For the record, here is my personal-story example. I have not used fluoridated toothpaste for about 10 years; I drink bottled water that has no fluoride rather than drink Lethbridge water, and the only added fluoride I may ingest might come from the odd alcoholic beverage. I do not accept any fluoride treatments from my dentist, and over the last decade I have had one little cavity. Should anyone really care about my personal experience, other than me? I think not. The same should be said for the Cochrane example).
Listening to those who argue that fluoride must be added to public water, it is hard to not get teary-eyed. What on God’s earth is the world coming to when one cannot get the hydrofluorosilic acid one is entitled to, as should be entrenched in our Charter of Rights. Indeed, listening to numerous health authorities, one gets the idea that the health and security of a nation is dependent on the free flow of fluoride.
Listen: hydrofluorosilicic acid could be the cure for cancer; a youth elixir; the key to world peace; or whatever other panacea one might want to imagine. That still would not warrant it being added to public drinking water. It only makes sense that those who want the stuff add it to their diet in consultation with their physician. It is not some rare substance – though highly toxic, it is an abundant by-product of phosphate mining. Adding it to public water saves the mining companies huge dollars dumping it as toxic waste, and instead they get to sell it off to communities that feel public water should deliver additives beyond those that make it potable. This issue is not worthy of plebiscite because a majority has no right to impose unnecessary additives and medications upon others. Public water is not the way to deliver anything – besides clean drinking water.
Karl-W Miller