Friday, October 31, 2014
Australia - Fluoride Fear
Oct. 31, 2014, 12:30 a.m.
From Pathobiology of Human Disease, A Dynamic Encyclopedia of Disease Mechanisms 2014: "Dental fluorosis is a developmental disturbance of the dental enamel, caused by successive exposures to high concentrations of fluoride during tooth development, leading to enamel with lower mineral content and increased porosity."
A large percentage of children in Australia have dental fluorosis. Why is it that nobody refers to the fact that fluoride reduces mineral content and increases porosity? Surely increased porosity cannot be seen as a beneficial effect?
Echo editor's comment
Click on image to enlarge.
I too can not understand why parents are not prosecuted for allowing their children to suffer but why do not the paid authorities do more? They've wasted well over a million pounds over the last two decades to impose their will on us the public at large in Southampton rather than helping the small number of under privileged children who needed help. Why didn't they reverse the situation and blitz the small number with educational regimes like tooth brushing.
They say it has been done and doesn't work well they should get people in who will make it work.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Dear fellow F fighters!
Congratulations!! Moms and families are fighting hard to end the
fluoridation in the USA! Please pass on our information to any of your
supporters who may be able to "like" our Facebook page and help us
to do just what you have done!
Great work!
CiCi and the Moms' Team
CiCi Reed
Executive Director
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Echo - Appalling tooth decay' in city to be tackled
“APPALLING” tooth decay problems among youngsters in Southampton could be tackled by a series of new initiatives which could be rolled out in the city.
Civic chiefs say they are looking at a number of ways to tackle poor dental health among city youngsters, after plans to fluoridate much of the city's water were dropped.
As reported in the Daily Echo, Public Health England (PHE) has scrapped plans to add fluoride to the tap water of 200,000 households in Southampton and Hampshire.
The decision came more than two decades after the proposals first surfaced, and six years after the South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) approved the plans.
A recent report issued by PHE showed that 10.5 per cent of three-year-olds in Southampton have tooth decay and city council chiefs are keen to grab as much of the estimated £200,000 annual funding that would have been available forfluoridation to fund other initiatives to battle oral health issues among children.
Council health chief Dave Shields said some people in the city suffered “appalling dental health problems”, and that he was already considering a number of ways the decay rates could be brought down.
He said: “We can deal with symptoms through targeted tooth-brushing programmes in certain areas.
“This would be linked to anti-poverty programmes promoting oral health and better diets to families experiencing difficulties through centres, such as Sure Start Centres.”
Council leader Simon Letts said: “What we don't want to happen is that PHE, having got hold of funding for fluoridation, take their ball home and refuse to have any more input into improving dental health.”
He hopes the council can learn from the Childsmile initiative in Glasgow, but says PHE stumping up funding is key due to the stretched nature of council finances.
A number of different initiatives run through Childsmile, such as running tooth brushing and fluoride varnish sessions at nurseries and primary schools, and dedicated support workers who contact families to offer dental health advice and help them find a dentist.
Every child is provided with a dental pack containing a toothbrush, tube of toothpaste and an information leaflet on at least six occasions by the age of five.
Cllr Letts hopes to meet with PHE soon to discuss funding, with PHE chief executive Duncan Selbie already confirming the organisation intended to work with the city council on other initiatives.
The British Dental Association's Clive Marks, who works at Bedford Place Dental Centre in Southampton, said the solution to the city's dental woes consists of working with parents and their youngsters from a young age to work on tooth brushing and cutting down on sugar intake.
He said: “It's about early engagement and support - that's all that's needed.
“Get everything right with the first set of teeth and then by the time the other ones come through at about the age of six they will be in good habits.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
BREAKING NEWS Fluoride plans for Southampton scrapped by Public Health England
Fluoride plans scrapped completely
First published 12:09 Tuesday 28 October 2014 in News
CONTROVERSIAL plans to add fluoride to the drinking water of Southampton residents have been scrapped.
In a statement released today, Public Health England, said: "Public Health England (PHE) will take no further action to implement a proposed water fluoridationscheme that would have served around 160,000 Southampton residents and a further 35,000 people in neighbouring parts of south west Hampshire.
CONTROVERSIAL plans to add fluoride to the drinking water of Southampton residents have been scrapped.
In a statement released today, Public Health England, said: "Public Health England (PHE) will take no further action to implement a proposed water fluoridationscheme that would have served around 160,000 Southampton residents and a further 35,000 people in neighbouring parts of south west Hampshire.
"PHE endorses the efficacy and safety of water fluoridation in reducing children’s tooth decay but does not wish to proceed without the backing of Southampton City Council, the local authority where most of those who would benefit from fluoridation live. Both Hampshire County Council and Southampton City Council oppose the scheme."
The revelation came after pressure from the Southern Daily Echo, when we specifically asked PHE if the fluoride scheme for the city had been ditched.
PHE chief executive Duncan Selbie said: “Water fluoridation would make a big difference to the dental health of Southampton children, particularly those in the most socially deprived areas. We regret having to drop the scheme, but we believe it is the right decision in the circumstances.
“We want to work with Southampton City Council to tackle Southampton’s high rates of tooth decay. We have offered support to the Council in coming up with plans to reduce tooth decay among local children.”
Cllr Royston Smith said: “That’s absolutely excellent news. They didn’t do a thorough and proper consultation with the public and this hopedully is a sign that they have listened to the concerns of residents and they have decided not to put floride in the water.
"If in future they decide to, they should carry out a full and thorough consultation.”
IN DEPTH - The fluoride debate
Fluoride plans scrapped completely
Fluoride in water 'improves children's dental health'
Fluoride 'safe and effective' insist health chiefs
Fluoride branded ‘brain danger’ to our children
Fluoride answers demanded by MP
Controversial plan to put fluoride in 200,000 Hampshire homes could be sunk
Talks to try to bring fluoride saga to an end
Demonstration to put pressure on council over fluoridating water
Professor Stephen Peckham, from campaign group Hampshire Against Fluoridation, said: “This is wonderful news.
“I don’t think there was a groundswell of support for fluoridation at all.
“I think this is absolutely right decision. I don’t think they would have had a legal leg to stand on anyway and I think it’s the only decision that was possible given the circumstances.
“What I hope now is that the councils take more interest in dealing with children’s oral health, and develop schemes that look at daily tooth brushing.”
John Denham, MP for Southampton Itchen, said: “I welcome this decision. While I always recognised the health arguments in favour of fluoridation I consistently said that it could not go ahead without the clear consent of local people.
"The NHS has failed to persuade people and it is right that the scheme is dropped.”
City council cabinet member for health Dave Shields told the Daily Echo: “Clearly Public Health England had money available for the scheme to help us address dental health inequality in Southampton.
“If they have decided they don’t want to spend it on fluoride we want that money to be given to us to address our appalling dental health problems in other ways.
“We would welcome an opportunity to work with them.
“This has been hanging over Southampton for the last 20 years, so it’s time to put this behind us and move on.
“The health of our children is the important thing and getting hung up on this debate has been a bit of a distraction from the main thing at hand.”
New Forest county councillor David Harrison, who has campaigned against fluoridation, said: “This is tremendous news.
“I think it’s good news for two reasons. Firstly it’s good for the people of Southampton and the surrounding area that would have received this medication via their tap water.
“But it’s also good news because I think it sends out a message nationally that public health bodies cannot impose their wishes open people without their consent.
“I think after all of this time we can say there has been a break-out of common sense and I hope that no other public health bodies will try to do something like this again.”
First published 12:09 Tuesday 28 October 2014 in News
CONTROVERSIAL plans to add fluoride to the drinking water of Southampton residents have been scrapped.
In a statement released today, Public Health England, said: "Public Health England (PHE) will take no further action to implement a proposed water fluoridationscheme that would have served around 160,000 Southampton residents and a further 35,000 people in neighbouring parts of south west Hampshire.
CONTROVERSIAL plans to add fluoride to the drinking water of Southampton residents have been scrapped.
In a statement released today, Public Health England, said: "Public Health England (PHE) will take no further action to implement a proposed water fluoridationscheme that would have served around 160,000 Southampton residents and a further 35,000 people in neighbouring parts of south west Hampshire.
"PHE endorses the efficacy and safety of water fluoridation in reducing children’s tooth decay but does not wish to proceed without the backing of Southampton City Council, the local authority where most of those who would benefit from fluoridation live. Both Hampshire County Council and Southampton City Council oppose the scheme."
The revelation came after pressure from the Southern Daily Echo, when we specifically asked PHE if the fluoride scheme for the city had been ditched.
PHE chief executive Duncan Selbie said: “Water fluoridation would make a big difference to the dental health of Southampton children, particularly those in the most socially deprived areas. We regret having to drop the scheme, but we believe it is the right decision in the circumstances.
“We want to work with Southampton City Council to tackle Southampton’s high rates of tooth decay. We have offered support to the Council in coming up with plans to reduce tooth decay among local children.”
Cllr Royston Smith said: “That’s absolutely excellent news. They didn’t do a thorough and proper consultation with the public and this hopedully is a sign that they have listened to the concerns of residents and they have decided not to put floride in the water.
"If in future they decide to, they should carry out a full and thorough consultation.”
IN DEPTH - The fluoride debate
Fluoride plans scrapped completely
Fluoride in water 'improves children's dental health'
Fluoride 'safe and effective' insist health chiefs
Fluoride branded ‘brain danger’ to our children
Fluoride answers demanded by MP
Controversial plan to put fluoride in 200,000 Hampshire homes could be sunk
Talks to try to bring fluoride saga to an end
Demonstration to put pressure on council over fluoridating water
Professor Stephen Peckham, from campaign group Hampshire Against Fluoridation, said: “This is wonderful news.
“I don’t think there was a groundswell of support for fluoridation at all.
“I think this is absolutely right decision. I don’t think they would have had a legal leg to stand on anyway and I think it’s the only decision that was possible given the circumstances.
“What I hope now is that the councils take more interest in dealing with children’s oral health, and develop schemes that look at daily tooth brushing.”
John Denham, MP for Southampton Itchen, said: “I welcome this decision. While I always recognised the health arguments in favour of fluoridation I consistently said that it could not go ahead without the clear consent of local people.
"The NHS has failed to persuade people and it is right that the scheme is dropped.”
City council cabinet member for health Dave Shields told the Daily Echo: “Clearly Public Health England had money available for the scheme to help us address dental health inequality in Southampton.
“If they have decided they don’t want to spend it on fluoride we want that money to be given to us to address our appalling dental health problems in other ways.
“We would welcome an opportunity to work with them.
“This has been hanging over Southampton for the last 20 years, so it’s time to put this behind us and move on.
“The health of our children is the important thing and getting hung up on this debate has been a bit of a distraction from the main thing at hand.”
New Forest county councillor David Harrison, who has campaigned against fluoridation, said: “This is tremendous news.
“I think it’s good news for two reasons. Firstly it’s good for the people of Southampton and the surrounding area that would have received this medication via their tap water.
“But it’s also good news because I think it sends out a message nationally that public health bodies cannot impose their wishes open people without their consent.
“I think after all of this time we can say there has been a break-out of common sense and I hope that no other public health bodies will try to do something like this again.”
Monday, October 27, 2014
Echo letter

To see video of the debate go to Sunday, October 05, 2014 October meeting, in the archive. See who you would rather believe is genuine. Who has an open mind, who listens to the people and believes there is room for concern and not just mindlessly quote medical authorities that fluoridation is safe and effective.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Interview of James Fairbairn, President of Fluoride Free WA, on WTV's "One On One Shadow Boxing" program - 14th October 2014 (Part 1 of 2)
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Scientists: Our gums are less healthy than Roman Britons'
DESPITE the benefits of fluoride toothpaste, electric toothbrush and floss, modern Britons have worse gums than their ancestors living in the Roman times, scientists claim.
Severe chronic gum disease, or periodontitis, results from an inflammatory response to the build-up of plaque and can cause tooth loss.
To make their findings, scientists examined 303 skulls from a Romano-British burial ground in Poundbury, Dorset and found that only 5 per cent showed signs of moderate to severe gum disease.
But in modern Britain, a chronic gum disease rate of 15 per cent to 30 per cent is common.
Lead researcher Professor Francis Hughes, from King's College London's Dental Institute, said: "We were very struck by the finding that severe gum disease appeared to be much less common in the Roman British population than in modern humans, despite the fact that they did not use toothbrushes or visit dentists as we do today."
Ireland - Fluoridation of water
Sir, – Donald Clarke’s article on fluoride (“Pouring cold water on anti-fluoridation arguments”, Opinion & Analysis, October 11th) misses an essential point – dental decay is not caused by a lack of fluoride. Dental decay is caused by a poor diet and a lack of dental hygiene.
Instead of the fluoridation of drinking water, we need a public education campaign on the importance of brushing teeth and avoiding sugary foods.
In addition to drinking water, the Irish population is exposed to fluoride from a variety of sources, including toothpaste, mouthwashes, dental floss, as well as from fluoride-containing foods such as sardines and tea.
Fluoride, therefore, does not need to be in the drinking water supply, which gives the population a chemical whose dose is dependent simply on how thirsty they are. It is simply wrong to address a problem with a non-chemical cause by adding more chemicals to our already polluted world. – Yours, etc,
Ireland - When's compulsory medication going to end?
Ireland stands alone as the only nation in Europe compulsorily medicating its population with a controversial chemical, which is fluoride.
I recently wrote an article in which I stated uncomfortable facts about fluoride and fluoridation.
Columnist Sarah Carey subsequently wrote about the issue, and said she believed that the addition of fluoride into public water supplies was "one of the greatest health initiatives in the western world".
In response to this, I would urge Sarah Carey to listen openly to both sides of the debate. Our health and environment are too precious to not ask questions about this failed Government policy.
The issues that I have raised, highlight my many concerns about the controversial practice of mass medication by toxic fluoride acid in our water.
There are many facts, which can be checked and verified fully, about the issue of fluoride and fluoridation which people may be interested to know.
For instance, there is enough fluoride in a tube of toothpaste to kill a 12-year-old.
In the US, all fluoride toothpaste carries a poison warning. It warns that if you accidently swallow more than a tiny pea-sized amount of paste you should contact a poison control centre immediately.
The amount of fluoride in the pea size that requires a warning, is the same amount of fluoride in a glass of Irish tap water with no warning.
Meanwhile, 98pc of Europe has rejected fluoridation, and many countries based their decision on health concerns.
These countries have chosen not to override the human rights of the majority, for the supposed benefit to a few.
In Northern Ireland also, 25 out of 26 councils decided against force-feeding this chemical to people via its water supply.
This practice amounts to drugging by thirst. The thirstier you are, the more fluoride you receive. What doctor would prescribe drugs by thirst?
It is worth noting that babies drink three to four times more liquids than adults, relative to their size. So they'll get three to four times fluoride's toxic effects. And as they can't excrete fluoride, 90pc of it stays in their body.
Meanwhile, 99.9pc of this toxic fluoridated acid is flushed straight down the drain, after underground leaks, industry usage, and household waste water.
A 500-page report from the National Research Council, which was the work of 12 scientists over three years, outlined the adverse effects which are possible from low levels of fluoride ingestion.
These included thyroid Impairment, impaired glucose tolerance, moderate dental fluorosis, bone fractures, moderate skeletal fluorosis lowering of IQ and brain damage - the latter especially in the presence of aluminium.
Shockingly, all of these adverse effects, with possibly the exception of bone fractures and lower IQ, can occur at 1 mg/L - the level used for water fluoridation.
As an senator, I remain concerned about the quality of our drinking water, and the addition of fluoride acid, which is being forced on us all, whether we want it or not.
Friday, October 24, 2014
This debate was held on October 18, 2014 to inform the residents about water fluoridation. A referendum question regarding water fluoridation will be included on the 2014 Prince George Municipal Election ballot.
Dr. Paul Connett is a graduate of Cambridge University and holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from Dartmouth College. He is a noted Toxicologist specializing in environmental chemistry and toxicology. Paul co-founded the Fluoride Action Network and is the co-author of The Case Against Fluoride.
Dr. Todd Whitcombe, Associate Professor, UNBC is Chair of Chemistry, Environmental Science and Environmental Engineering. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Victoria. His research interests are in the area of “Bio-Inorganic” chemistry and, specifically, in reaction kinetics of model systems for biologically interesting or relevant molecules.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Irish Times

Deranged? That's a new one.
Echo letters
Click to enlarge
He meant BMA who do support fluoridation but they in turn get support from PHE who we all trust completely don't we?
Reassurances that water fluoridation causes no harm, and that it is linked to less tooth decay, have been welcomed by the BMA.
There was no difference in several measures of general health between areas with and without water fluoridation schemes, according to a report by PHE (Public Health England).
According to PHE everything health wise was better in fluoridated areas
He meant BMA who do support fluoridation but they in turn get support from PHE who we all trust completely don't we?
Reassurances that water fluoridation causes no harm, and that it is linked to less tooth decay, have been welcomed by the BMA.
There was no difference in several measures of general health between areas with and without water fluoridation schemes, according to a report by PHE (Public Health England).
According to PHE everything health wise was better in fluoridated areas
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
UK - Schools should check kids brush teeth, says NICE
More than one in 10 three-year-olds in England have rotten teeth.
In some parts of the country, as many as half of five-year-olds have decayed, missing or filled teeth.
NICE's new guidelines for England say nurseries and schools should consider introducing supervised tooth-brushing and fluoride varnishing programmes.
Prof Mike Kelly, director of the Centre for Public Health at NICE, said: "Children, as young as three, are being condemned to a life with rotten teeth, gum disease and poor health going into adulthood.............
............The British Dental Association said that there were "still unacceptable inequalities which need to be tackled" in people's dental health.
Dr Christopher Allen, chairman of the BDA's dental public health committee, welcomed the NICE guidelines.
However, he added: "It's important that local authorities have access to specialist dental health advice to ensure that the interventions chosen are the most appropriate for the needs of the population."
Dr Allen added that water fluoridation programmes would be a more efficient means of strengthening people's teeth.
Only around six million people in the UK have access to fluoridated water, the BDA said.
They never give up pushing fluoridation, still I suppose they have to as it is part of their job description.
Fluoridated water calcifies your arteries: study
(NaturalNews) A major promoter of heart disease in the U.S. today could be a chemical that the government has been intentionally dumping into the water supply for decades on the premise that it prevents tooth decay. Fluoride, according to a new study published in the journal Toxicology, shows demonstrated cardiotoxic effects, which include the calcification and hardening of arteries.
Researchers from the University of Zaragoza in Spain looked at the effects of water fluoridation on the progression of vascular calcification in renal (kidney) disease. The team used real-world concentrations of fluoride as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for optimal oral health -- 1.5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) -- administering this amount to rats via water in the same way humans would receive it.
It was observed that, for five days, the rats, all of whom had experimental chronic kidney disease (CKD), experienced calcification of their aortic smooth muscle cells. The rats also experienced further declines in renal function as a result of exposure to fluoride, demonstrating the nephrotoxicity of this common water additive.
"[F]luoridation of drinking water... dramatically increased the incipient aortic calcification observed in rats with experimental chronic kidney disease," wrote the authors. "[T]he WHO's recommended concentrations in drinking water become nephrotoxic to CKD rats, thereby aggravating renal disease and making media vascular calcification significant."
Researchers from the University of Zaragoza in Spain looked at the effects of water fluoridation on the progression of vascular calcification in renal (kidney) disease. The team used real-world concentrations of fluoride as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for optimal oral health -- 1.5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) -- administering this amount to rats via water in the same way humans would receive it.
It was observed that, for five days, the rats, all of whom had experimental chronic kidney disease (CKD), experienced calcification of their aortic smooth muscle cells. The rats also experienced further declines in renal function as a result of exposure to fluoride, demonstrating the nephrotoxicity of this common water additive.
"[F]luoridation of drinking water... dramatically increased the incipient aortic calcification observed in rats with experimental chronic kidney disease," wrote the authors. "[T]he WHO's recommended concentrations in drinking water become nephrotoxic to CKD rats, thereby aggravating renal disease and making media vascular calcification significant."
90 percent of digested fluoride is taken up by intestines and distributed throughout body
Previous research, as noted in the new study, has confirmed that 90 percent or more of digested fluoride is absorbed through the intestines and distributed throughout the body to soft tissues, calcified structures and blood plasma. At WHO-recommended doses, fluoride can still get lodged throughout the body and remain there for many years.........NZ - Anti-fluoride group told campaign broke rules
Dr. David Ward of Fluoridation Free Owen Sound said the group learned from city hall Oct. 7 — while a member was inquiring about advertising during an election — that the Municipal Elections Act requires all individuals, corporations and trade unions wishing to spend money to encourage electors to vote yes or no to a question on a ballot to register with the city clerk by Sept. 12. Failure to do so could result in a $25,000 fine.
Ward said the group was unaware of the rule and, once it was brought to their attention and upon receiving their own legal advice, they immediately stopped handing out their anti-fluoride literature and buttons and took down signs they had posted in several downtown storefronts.
“People are frightened. If you hear a $25,000 fine, people can’t afford that. So it gave an immediate cessation to those efforts,” he said Tuesday in an interview.
While the fluoridation opponents are still talking with voters, canvassing the community and writing letters to local media to get their message out, Ward said a big part of their campaign was killed just three weeks before election day.
The Grey Bruce Health Unit, meanwhile, which has launched a campaign in support of water fluoridation, is not subject to the same rules. The agency was told last spring, after sending an inquiry to city hall, that boards of health do not have to register as a campaigning party under the Municipal Elections Act......
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Monday, October 20, 2014
World Osteoporosis Day: Having too much fluoride could increases your risk of fractures
October 20 is World Osteoporosis Day.
‘Its use would actually produce dramatic effects in changing the radiographic appearance of bones making them appear much denser, quicker than any of the other agents. The actual bone mass seemed to increase but it did not promote any mineralisation (depositing of calcium) resulting in poor bone quality and hence chances of fractures are high,’ he said. Osteoporosis is a disease of the bone due to loss in peak bone mass and calcium, leading to hip, knee and shoulder fractures.
According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, the number of patients in India in 2003 was approximately 26 million, with the numbers projected to increase to 36 million by 2013. Another expert, Vivek Logani, said: ‘It is widely recognised that fluoride therapy for osteoporosis adds mass to bones but produces inferior bones. In short, the bio-mechanical competence of the skeleton may be compromised because the tensile (elasticity) strength of bone is sacrificed.’...............
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Pediatric Blood & Cancer
Elevated fluoride levels and periostitis in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients receiving long-term voriconazole
Voriconazole is a fungicidal drug which contains fluoride. It is often maintained that the fluoride in such drugs is not bio-available. In this case, however, it is present in blood plasma and seems to have incorporated with bone material and caused skeletal fluorosis. Yet another glorious achievement for Big Pharma. shows the molecular structure as containing 3 fluoride atoms. C16H14F3N5O
The report is useful in that it demonstrates that fluoride causes skeletal fluorosis - in this case in a child.
Fluoride intake increasing bone fractures
New Delhi, Oct 19 (IANS) Fluoride was till a few years ago being used as a chemical for treating osteoporosis as it was known to increase bone mass. Several studies have however revealed a deadly side-effect: it increases the chances of bone fractures, especially of the hips.
"Fluoride has been used in the past on many an occasion and is possibly one of the oldest drugs available for managing osteoporosis," Gurinder Bedi, senior consultant, department of orthopedics, spine surgery and joint replacement, Fortis Hospital, Vasant Kunj, told IANS.
"Its use would actually produce dramatic effects in changing the radiographic appearance of bones making them appear much denser, quicker than any of the other agents. The actual bone mass seemed to increase but it did not promote any mineralisation (depositing of calcium) resulting in poor bone quality and hence chances of fractures are high," he said.
Osteoporosis is a disease of the bone due to loss in peak bone mass and calcium, leading to hip, knee and shoulder fractures.
According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, the number of patients in India in 2003 was approximately 26 million, with the numbers projected to increase to 36 million by 2013.
Another expert, Vivek Logani, said: "It is widely recognised that fluoride therapy for osteoporosis adds mass to bones but produces inferior bones. In short, the bio-mechanical competence of the skeleton may be compromised because the tensile (elasticity) strength of bone is sacrificed."
"Numerous studies show that fluoride may cause not only increased skeletal fragility (more non-vertebral fractures such as hips) but also osteomalacia (deficiency of bone mineralization)," Logani, chief of joint replacement surgery at Gurgaon's Paras Hospital, told IANS.
It is largely infants, the elderly, those with deficiencies of calcium, magnesium and vitamin C and those with cardiovascular and kidney problems who are susceptible to the toxic effects of fluoride and its compounds.
"Due to this unclear mechanism of action and well- proven counterproductive action of fluoride on the strength and elasticity of the bone, the (US) Food and Drug Administration has rejected the use of fluoride for treatment of osteoporosis," Logani added.
According to experts, lower body pain, prolonged pain, non-response to ordinary medication, body stiffness and inability to walk are symptoms of bones being affected by high fluoride concentration.
Logani said in India, fluoride concentration is also found in water derived from deep bore wells. People consuming between 2 to 8 mg of fluoride/day (2 to 8 litres of fluoridated water) can develop certain symptoms of bone diseases, not particularly osteoporosis.
"Apart from the treatment, water in some areas has fluoride content. People who are consuming it are not at high risk but should be careful while consuming such water. The presence of fluoride content is high largely in Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Maharashtra and Rajasthan," Bedi said.
Experts stress on drinking filtered water, limiting consumption of soda, reconstituted fruit juice, beer wine, tinned fish, deboned chicken in any form, including chicken nuggets and canned chicken, and baby food.
They also advise eating fresh food, reducing the consumption of black and green tea and not using non-stick pans.
"With toothpastes almost universally containing fluoride as an additive, consider using unfluoridated toothpaste. If you use a fluoridated toothpaste, rinse your mouth well with water after brushing your teeth. Make sure kids don't swallow the rinse," Harshvardhan Hegde, medical director, Nova Orthopedic and Spine Hospital, told IANS.
(Shradha Chettri can be contacted
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Friday, October 17, 2014
Think Adding Fluoride is Bad? Wait Until You Find Out What Else is in that Fluoride
As if adding harmful sodium fluoride to municipal water supplies wasn’t bad enough, many tested samples of fluoride contained toxic heavy metals such as aluminum, lead, and tungsten. A well-known online lab has revealed that uranium and strontium were also found in large quantities in some samples. This can’t help but raise additional questions about the purity of the industrial fluoride that is being used to fluoridate water supplies. Read also if fluoride in water is causing brain drain.
The online source that conducted the testing obtained samples of the supposedly “pure” sodium fluoride from six chemical manufacturers in China who export fluoride for use in American water supplies and other types of industrial applications, such as pesticides.
Approximately 500 grams of this white powder was obtained from each one of the six Chinese companies, and from those original samples, about 0.5 grams from each sample was weighed in vials, then, using “trace grade”, extremely pure, acids suitable for ICP-MS analysis, these samples were then consumed.
After the samples were consumed, they were then normalized using laboratory grade water and then dilution factors were set in the control software.
Strict quality control was used and the results were astonishing. The heavy metals that were found included the following:
This lab has produced undeniably scientific proof that the fluoride used in US water supplies is contaminated with heavy metals, toxic elements, and other dangerous elements which have radioactive properties......
The online source that conducted the testing obtained samples of the supposedly “pure” sodium fluoride from six chemical manufacturers in China who export fluoride for use in American water supplies and other types of industrial applications, such as pesticides.
Approximately 500 grams of this white powder was obtained from each one of the six Chinese companies, and from those original samples, about 0.5 grams from each sample was weighed in vials, then, using “trace grade”, extremely pure, acids suitable for ICP-MS analysis, these samples were then consumed.
After the samples were consumed, they were then normalized using laboratory grade water and then dilution factors were set in the control software.
Strict quality control was used and the results were astonishing. The heavy metals that were found included the following:
This lab has produced undeniably scientific proof that the fluoride used in US water supplies is contaminated with heavy metals, toxic elements, and other dangerous elements which have radioactive properties......
Water fluoridation is known to harm racial minorities most

It has been discovered that Government health authorities in the USA knew over 50 years ago that black Americans and Hispanics suffered greater harm from fluoridation, yet failed to warn the community about their disproportionate risk, according to documents obtained by the international Fluoride Action Network (FAN).
In 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan, experimentally added fluoride chemicals into the water supply to see if children’s tooth decay would decline without causing fluoride’s unwanted toxic effects – dental fluorosis (white spotted, yellow, brown and/or pitted teeth). Prior to Grand Rapids, government fluorosis studies focused exclusively on white children. But little publicized results from Grand Rapids showed that black children were more susceptible to fluorosis than whites. A January 10, 1962 internal memorandum, from a U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) official, F.J. Maier, revealed that “negroes in Grand Rapids had twice as much fluorosis than others.”
Government officials have taken no steps to educate the ethnic minority communities about their heightened fluoridation risk.
A FAN team led by attorney Michael Connett uncovered the 1962 memorandum and a trove of other soon-to-be released documents that shed light on how political pressures have stymied open discussion from government and industrial authorities on the hazards of fluoride.
In 2005, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) acknowledged for the first time that the black community has higher rates of dental fluorosis. It took a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, however, to learn the full extent of this disparity. According to recently released FOIA documents, 58% of black children were diagnosed with dental fluorosis in CDC’s 1999-2004 national survey, versus 36% of white children.
“The epidemic of fluorosis now seen in ethnic minority groups in the USA and the UK in fluoridated areas,” says John Spottiswoode, Chairman of Hampshire Against Fluoridation, “is the visible legacy of both these governments’ failure to act on what they knew.”
When the authorities first endorsed fluoridation in the early 1950s, they estimated that the “safe level” of fluoride is exceeded when “more than 10 to 15 percent of children” have “the mildest” type of fluorosis. In fluoridated areas of the UK this figure is 48 percent of children according to the government’s own York Review figures, with 12.5% of children needing expensive treatment due to excessive fluoride in their teeth, and therefore also in their bodies.
Not only are fluorosis and cavity rates higher in the ethnic minority communities, but so too are various health conditions, such as diabetes and kidney disease, that greatly increase susceptibility to fluoride’s extremely serious harmful effects.
Because of this, a number of top civil rights advocates have begun calling for an end to fluoridation, including former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young, the Reverend Dr. Gerald Durley, the Reverend Bernice King (daughter of Dr. Martin Luther King), and LULAC (the largest Hispanic civil rights organization in the USA).
“Dental fluorosis is only the most obvious effect of fluoride, because you can see in your teeth that you have fluoride poisoning,” says Spottiswoode.
Fluoride is also an “endocrine disrupter” that can affect thyroid function according to a 2006 report from the National Research Council, and a neurotoxin that can damage a child’s developing brain, according to a 2014 paper in The Lancet.
John Spottiswoode continued: “This American information has major implications for the Southampton water fluoridation proposal. There are a lot of ethnic minority people in Southampton and we now know that these groups can be expected to suffer more damage from fluoride, disadvantaging minority groups further. Skeletons keep on falling out of the water fluoridation science cupboard clearly showing again and again that fluoridation is unsafe, ineffective as well as unethical. The authorities really must say now that the water fluoridation proposal is dead in the water.”
For more information please contact:
John Spottiswoode, Hampshire Against Fluoridation
14 Evelyn Crescent, Southampton, SO15 5JE
or by telephone 02380 789230, mobile: 07794 382673
1. The York Review can be seen at and
2. More about Racial Disparities in Dental Fluorosis
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Water fluoride said to harden blood vessels
Two recent reports on water fluoridation have not been reported by the media.
This year, the journal, Toxicology, published a study showing that fluoride, at WHO recommended concentrations, dramatically increased medial vascular calcification. Fluoride impairs renal function and exacerbates renal damage. Given the prevalence of chronic kidney disease worldwide, and the epidemic of diabetes mellitus, the authors cautioned that the use of fluoride to improve dental health should be reconsidered and replaced by a fluoridation policy based on individual health.
This view is supported by another publication, ‘Water Fluoridation: A Critical Review of the Physiological Effects of Ingested Fluoride as a Public Health Intervention’, by Professor Stephan Peckham and Professor Niyi Awofeso. The authors reported “that available evidence suggests that fluoride has a potential to cause major adverse human health problems, while having only a modest dental caries prevention effect”, and concluded that its introduction into water supplies should be prohibited.
Declan Waugh
DirectorEnviro Management Services11 RiverviewO Doherty’s RdBandon
Co Cork
Co Cork
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Ciara said: I would like to talk about another drug that is being put into to our tap water, without our consent and that is fluoride. It is banned in every other single country in Europe...Why? Because it is not safe.
It is used in rat poison to kill rats. It is a by-product of industrial waste and it causes cancer, thyroid disease, autism.
Ciara had a thyroid problem. She was under a doctor in America who told her to stop drinking the Irish tap water. She stopped drinking the Irish tap water which has the drug fluoride being added to it and after 12 weeks she no longer has a thyroid problem.
Ciara Sherlock quoted FG pre-election promise environmental statement which said that: FG believes that there is sufficient grounds to point to serious health risks from fluoride in our tap water and once they get into power they were going to remove it! Well...They are still adding it.
She goes on to say: We need to get this out of our tap water urgently...or they need to get out.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Echo - Health bosses 'stalling for time' on fluoride plans, claims leader of Southampton City Council, Simon Letts
SOUTHAMPTON’S civic leader says the organisation behind plans to put fluorideinto Hampshire’s tap water is stalling until after next year’s General Election.
City council boss Simon Letts says he believes Public Health England (PHE) will see if a new Health Secretary is in place before deciding whether to continue with the plans.
As previously reported, the proposals to put the chemical into the water of 200,000 households in Southampton, Rownhams, Eastleigh, Totton and Netley are currently in limbo.
The plans were first put forward by the Strategic Health Authority (SHA) for south central England in 2008, before the body was scrapped last year and legislation changed to give councils final responsibility over whether to introduce the chemical.
PHE took over the plans last April and stated its intention to carry on with them in the face of fierce opposition from campaigners.
But the SHA failed to complete paperwork with Southern Water before the handover, with both Councillor Letts and county council leader Roy Perry saying they believe there is no scheme as a result.
And if it falls to them to make a decision, Councillor Perry says the council would not look to introduce fluoride after a previous vote against it, while Cllr Letts says he believes a referendum would give residents in Southampton the final say.
Since then PHE has not made a final decision on whether to press on with the plans, with county lawyers preparing a legal challenge if they decide to go ahead.
Labour city boss Cllr Letts said: “My suspicion is that nothing will happen until after the General Election next year, so they can ask whoever the Health Secretary is to introduce it.
“I don’t think it’s acceptable, I think they should have come to a final decision by now whether to introduce it or not.
“Our position is that we will only introduce it if we have a referendum and that’s what people want. I think PHE should bite the bullet and fund the referendum on that basis. The current situation is unfair on residents, we need to get a result one way or another.”
New Forest East MP Julian Lewis expressed the same view at a public meeting in Southampton on October 4, saying: “They are playing for time. They are hoping that with a General Election there might be another change, and I am sure that if there is a change of Government they will be arguing that the powers taken away from the SHA should be given to undemocratic quangos like themselves.”
A spokesman for PHE said: “This ‘belief’ is incorrect. We hope to clarify next steps regarding this matter shortly.”
Monday, October 13, 2014
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Ireland May Be Next Country to End Fluoridation
By nickbrannigan October 10, 2014 Fluoride
For years now the momentum has been building for the worldwide fluoride-free movement, with more and more communities and a country (Israel) recently ending the practice. As the dominos continue to fall we get closer to confining this medical malpractice to the history books. The next domino in line appears to be Ireland, the last remaining country in the world that mandates fluoridation nationwide.
On Monday, October 6, Dublin’s City Council passed a motion by a vote of 22-20 calling for the immediate cessation of water fluoridation in Ireland. Dublin is the capital and largest city in Ireland, and home to more than 500,000 residents. The vote is likely to be the tipping point in the national effort that is gaining significant momentum due to campaigners like the West Cork Fluoride Free Campaign, scientist Declan Waugh, The Girl Against Fluoride, and the hard-working fluoridation fighters Robert Pocock and Gladys Ryan who preceded them.
The timing of the Dublin vote couldn’t be better as the issue is currently being debated in the House of the Oireachtas (Irish Legislature). Senator Mary Ann O’Brien made a motion to end fluoridation because of the “fundamental human right of every Irish citizen to choose whether or not they have their water medicated with fluoride given that they are now paying for it.” Senator O’Brien wrote a powerful op-ed for the Irish Independent on October 1st explaining in detail why she was bringing the motion
For years now the momentum has been building for the worldwide fluoride-free movement, with more and more communities and a country (Israel) recently ending the practice. As the dominos continue to fall we get closer to confining this medical malpractice to the history books. The next domino in line appears to be Ireland, the last remaining country in the world that mandates fluoridation nationwide.
On Monday, October 6, Dublin’s City Council passed a motion by a vote of 22-20 calling for the immediate cessation of water fluoridation in Ireland. Dublin is the capital and largest city in Ireland, and home to more than 500,000 residents. The vote is likely to be the tipping point in the national effort that is gaining significant momentum due to campaigners like the West Cork Fluoride Free Campaign, scientist Declan Waugh, The Girl Against Fluoride, and the hard-working fluoridation fighters Robert Pocock and Gladys Ryan who preceded them.
The timing of the Dublin vote couldn’t be better as the issue is currently being debated in the House of the Oireachtas (Irish Legislature). Senator Mary Ann O’Brien made a motion to end fluoridation because of the “fundamental human right of every Irish citizen to choose whether or not they have their water medicated with fluoride given that they are now paying for it.” Senator O’Brien wrote a powerful op-ed for the Irish Independent on October 1st explaining in detail why she was bringing the motion
Friday, October 10, 2014
USA - Fluoride opponents to host forum Saturday
According to a release from the group, Connett, who lives in Birmingham, N.Y., is the director for the Fluoride Action Network, has a doctorate in chemistry and is a retired professor of environmental chemistry and toxicology at St. Lawrence University in New York and has co-authored a book opposing fluoridating drinking water.
In its release, the anti-fluoride group challenges proponents of fluoridation to "present any expert on water fluoridation they choose to debate the pro-fluoridation position."
However, Carl VanDomelen, one of the founders of Citizens United for Dental Health, said that organization will not be participating in the debate.
Citizen's United for Dental Health is the group which organized a petition drive that resulted in the question of whether or not the city's water supply being placed on the Tuesday, Nov. 4 General Election ballot.
The city's water supply, which had been fluoridated since a similar ballot question approved the practice in 1973 until May when the commission voted 3-2 to discontinue the practice citing concerns about health effects.
The commission made the decision against the strong recommendation of a host of medical and dental professionals, who said the fluoridation is safe and important for helping prevent dental cavities — especially in children.
In a release responding to the anti-flouridation group's challenge, VanDomelen explained why his group would not participate in the debate:
"Mr. Connett’s claims about fluoridated water have been repeatedly disproven as wildly wrong and entirely false by medical doctors and literally hundreds of peer reviewed medical studies and research papers published by some of the world’s leading medical journals for decades," VanDomelen wrote.
"He has a right to his opinion, but his opinion has been consistently proven wrong by 60 years of published medical studies and research. That fluoridated water systems are entirely safe and provide significant public health benefits to children and adults is now a scientific fact that is beyond any level of debate."
"We choose not to appear with Mr. Connett in any public or media setting because to do so would give him and his discredited and disproven message a level of respect and credibility he does not deserve."
"We urge the citizens and voters of Boyne City to ignore this charlatan, and we urge the news media to bury or, better yet, totally ignore him.